Return Of The Ghostbusters (2007)

We begin the story
on a dark and cold night...
In the middle of no where...
out in the woods...
...woods... those woods, an old man was experimenting
in the dark arts...
...dark arts...
dark arts?
yeah, witchcraft and stuff
wait... I though a witch was a chick
the old man would spend years by himself experimenting
on corpses that he dug up at the local graveyard
some say...!
that he would begin to build an army of the
undead to take over and rule the world...
...the world...
but something went terribly wrong...
the corpses overwhelmed him
and consumed his flesh
dude... stop ruining the story
after killing their master
they would wait for years for their next victim
knock it off
after having nowhere to go
the corpses would return to the earth in which they came
they would bury themselves in the ground
in these very woods
can you hear them?
can you hear them underneath us right now?
dude, stop with the lame moan!
that wasn't me
whatcha reading Ed?
ahh it is 58.27 on the ecto wave length
what is that a class five?
no, barely a class four
Let's book this ghost da-no!
It's let's book 'em, Danno!
you stupid commie
where are you from, Fakestain?
Right there fella.
For you, the war is over.
Alright kids this is the part where
you shield your eyes
I'm closing the trap in three... two... one...
How did you guys get here so fast?
We were on the neighborhood
when we picked up on this phantasm signal.
What's this?
Give me that.
You ain't 21 are ya?
um, ahehem... yeah dude
Yeah right.
looks like you're driving
shouldn't you kids be at home studying?
dude, it is Saturday
you know, you really shouldn't drink alcohol
Studies have shown that alcohol leads to a decrease
in brain function.
drugs are bad too
and... drunk driving and... abortion is...
... well I don't really have an opinion on that
who are you guys?
We're the Ghostbusters.
If there's something strange
in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call?
If there's something weird
and it don't look good
Who ya gonna call?
I ain't afraid of no ghosts
Who are you going to call indeed?
the Denver Ghostbusters
those paranormal eliminators
who protect the safety of Joe Public'
Ed Spengler,
nephew of ghostbusting great Egon Spengler
team leader, scientist and television star
Pavel Karnov
trained by the best after the fall of the iron curtain
I like what I do
Neil Anderson
ladies man, and self proclaimed bad ass
excuse me, are you guys worried that you're
gonna put yourselves out of a job?
out of a job?
are you crazy man?
as long as people keep dying
there will always be ghosts
what about the activists
that are rallying around the rights of ghosts?
I am a real busy guy
would you like an autograph or something?
the Ghostbusters arrived in Denver three
years ago, and defeated Freddy Krueger...
How come channel 4 gets all the sensations?
these guys are a joke man
they're better than anything you two
have turned in in the past week
our story last night was great
I mean
the firemen prevailed, the kitten was rescued
shut up
it was a story of hope
April, I thought you
were better than this
channel 4 is getting all the news
I just hope the advertisers
don't find out about it and pull out
you know...
we need something good
like these Ghostbusters
are a hot item right now
oh... ok... so... I'm better than
stories about kittens trapped in trees
but I'm not quiet good
enough for real news
April, I know you're bitter
about the anchor position
but I need you in the field
this is embarrassing chief
I need a real story
there are these Egyptian
artifacts coming into town
Frederic's team is on this
they've got an interview set up with
Dr. Konstantin
he's the chief archaeologist
Frederic's pieces are so flat
come on
put me on this one chief
give us a chance
I tell you what... if you can get
an appointment with the Ghostbusters
Then I'll give you a follow up
interview with Dr. Konstantin
Just like you let me have that
anchor position right chief
Let's just take it
if we get a hold of the
Ghostbusters by tomorrow then
we could have the production in post
by tomorrow afternoon
mmm... in time for
the evening news...
now that would be good
competition for channel 4
Mr. Jenks, I really don't think
that this is a good story
I don't wanna take it
you should be thanking
me for what I give you
Now just take it,
go and do your job
Uh Oh!
good morning sunshine
you know how Ed always compares
a human brain to a sponge
yeah yeah
with the soaking up
information and stuff
it feels like somebody used
my brain to clean a toilet
and then tried to ring it out
big night
last night?
I hit it pretty hard with a friend
Jack Daniels
where are the guys anyway?
Ed's TV show they are
taping this afternoon
No, those punks don't get a day off
if they get a day off I get a day off
hold down my calls, cuz once
my ass hits that couch
I'm not getting up until dinner time
Quantum Leap reruns all day
Good Morning
Denver Ghostbusters
I am sorry
none of them are available
no ma'am
I... OK... hold on
Neil she wants to talk to you
give me the phone
hi ma'am
how you doing?
yeah great
look, we are pretty
booked up over here
swimming in specters and such
let me see if we've got any openings
you're gonna regret it
it's looking like the last Wednesday of
the month is the earliest
so I think I'm gonna pass
you back off to my secretary here
You go ahead and give her your number
we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
thanks a bunch for calling
I'm sorry about that ma'am.
I'll have 'em call you back.
yeah, and your number was...
ok... and your name was...
channel 8 news April Hunter?
the hot chick?
You said you weren't interested.
the hot chick...
what she want? she want an interview?
she want me?
She wanted to meet the Ghostbusters.
I told her you'll call her back.
did you get her number?
Yes, off course I got her number.
It's right here.
alright! alright! call her back, tell
her I can meet her this afternoon ok?
but Ed and Pavel are
taping this afternoon
Who cares, they've
got their own lime light.
It's time for me
to get a piece, alright.
Besides, don't you think I'm professional
enough to handle one little interview?
It's Ed Spengler.
He's the science nerd.
greetings and welcome to the show
I'm Ed Spengler, the science nerd,
and this is my esteemed colleague:
Pavel Karnov.
Now today we'll be putting the finishing
touches on the neutron accelerator.
For those of you joined us at home,
don't forget proper protection.
good point Pavel
That's why I recommend a level 4
radiation suit, complete with 2, not 1,
but 2 layers of lead paneling,
a heart monitor, and a gamma ray tuned
built in Geiger counter.
But since we don't have any of that
we'll use safety goggles,
and rubber gloves, which can be
purchased at your local hardware store.
This is good opportunity to support
local business, not corporate whores.
now... Pavel we need to speak
kindly about our sponsors
Once this miniature reactor is finished
we'll be able to generate
an energy field by converting
hydrogen into helium.
woo, it sounds very dangerous
it is
that's why we have
the sub-atomic housing set
to counter the intense
gravitational field and heat
that'll be generated by the process
for those of you following along at home
don't forget your sub-atomic house?
ok, you see here, we got
the standard proton pack
ok, we got... little knobs here to adjust
stream length
and stream intensity
I don't know what that does
uhm... yes, that's very interesting but could we
perhaps get some footage of you firing it for the story?
in here?
why not?
you're professional aren't you?
damn straight I am a professional
we can do that, sure why not
alright Gallagher get this
I'm on it
you guys are gonna
wanna step back a little
there we go
a little further
yeah... ok.
are you guys ready?
oh yeah
alright let's go ahead
and switch this thing on
I'll give you guys a little show
here we go!
ok.. uhm...
ah... yeah...
see I am a professional
you see that
the ceiling is now on fire
and I'm not worried
maybe you should
hold this
that about does it for the
fundamental particle chamber
we should now be able to
positively and negatively charge
electrons at a rate similar to
that found in small stars
like Gary Coleman or would he
be considered a small has-been?
What you talkin' 'bout Pavel?
this here is the protection grid
for the ecto containment unit
it's been upgraded from the old system
and it is now all digital
So you keep people's souls
in a computer.
well.. yeah...
I gue... yeah
that's right
actually... uhm...
let me just show you
if you...
go right here...
just... just a second
it's ok uhm...
well... well it's... uhm
it's fine it does this all the time
we should step back
coming back in 30 seconds
quick you've gotta get back here man
the containment unit is trying to
p... p.. perjurate
what did you do?
I don't know I was just
clicking on somethin...
is that an alarm
I hear in the background?
alright, I'll be there in
six and a half minutes
Pavel you're gonna
have to take over
what should I do?
it'll be easy, just
talk to the camera
there is only a few minutes
left to the show anyway
Do not touch anything!
hey where the hell are you going?
I got to stop the containment unit
from purging
can't you just wait
there is ten minutes left to the show
in ten minutes half the city
will be vaporized
besides I've got Pavel
covering for me
so we've been at this for a few years now
so that's pretty good
the boys back in Manhattan
they get sued all the time
we've been lucky
we've avoided that issue
so I had this dream last night right
more like a nightmare
I was trapped in these movies
and I couldn't get out
does that ever happen?
you're 30 seconds late man
I got held out coming
out of the studio
Neil, I've told you a million times do not mess
around with the containment unit
especially the protection grid
will you relax man?
it's for a news story
I figured we could use the publicity
Hi, I'm April Hunter
from channel 8 news.
Ed Spengler, paranormal
elimination and investigation
I suppose you're curious as
how the containment unit works
actually yes I am curious
well, it's pretty basic really
we are all made up of atoms
which are basically electrical particles
vibrating and bouncing around
now the law of conservation states
that energy cannot be created or destroyed
so when a person dies, their
life energy disperses throughout the galaxy
to heaven or hell or whatever
it is you believe in
but sometimes for whatever reasons
some of that energy sticks around and
uhm, that's what keeps us in business
harvesting souls
electrical anomalies
Miss Hunter
psychokinetic energy
and with the encoder I built
we can convert those ghosts into a signal
and from there it's a snap
to store 'em in the computer
provided Pavel hasn't crammed
the memory full of porn
like I said
it's simply erratic residual energy
left over when a person dies
we're not talkin' Dante's
inferno here
and who are you to decide
the fate of humanity's souls?
first off, we bust
bad ghosts'
and frankly, goblins' have killed
in the past making it quiet serious
my colleague is right
our clients call us when
they have a problem
if our work wasn't satisfactory
then we wouldn't get paid
so what it really comes
down to IS your money
look, don't make me
your straw man
we're scientists here
I'm a scientist
I'm sorry, I'm just trying to be
the objective reporter here
get the facts straight
well then get this straight
around here people
consider us heroes
we help people in this town
and we do damn fine work
believe we have
everything we need
that's it
wait a second
wait up
I cannot wait to see the
footage on this guys
I think this is gonna
make a great story
I think it went really
well in there
well, you're in luck
hopefully it'll air tonight
very very cool
very cool
you know what, you never
thanked me to saving your life in there
he saved my life
you know if I recall correctly
it was uhm... Mr. Spengler
that turned off the containment
system before it went critical
if anything you almost
ended my life
come on
hey wait a minute
wait wait wait wait
how about I make it up
to you over dinner?
- Shut up!
- Shut up!
I gotta a 12 pack with
your name on it
I'd love to, I really would but I uhm..
I gotta another interview to do
yeah but, is he a celebrity?
I mean... come on
yeah he is
I'm sure you've heard of him
Klaus Konstantin
he's been in the news quite a lot
yeah, rings a bell
so what?
you date all your assignments?
no, just the ones
that aren't jerks
come on
we're here on location near
the ancient Egyptian city
of Cinpolis where
Dr. Klaus Konstantin
and his team have made a
remarkable discover
tell us about it professor
well sir, it would appear that
what we have discovered
is in fact the amulet of
and what is...
what is that?
the amulet of Anubis is
an ancient talisman
fabled to carry the powers
of Anubis
the most ancient guardian of
the under world
according to ancient
Egyptian beliefs
sounds very... old
Ed, how many times are we
gonna watch this tape?
I'm very worried
about this story Neil
all right let's hear it
well, I've been researching this amulet
that Konstantin has recovered
Anubis is an incredibly ancient god, the god of
the underworld according to ancient Egyptian myth
He was responsible of escorting souls
through the after life to their final judgment.
He was also responsible for
feeding souls of sinners to Ammit...
the eater of the dead.
so, what?
no heaven?
no anything
being fed to Ammit meant the soul would vanish
into an oblivion with no further hope of existence
so Konstantin can eat souls
with this amulet thingy
well... sort of
if he figured out how to decipher it he can
open up a gateway to an alternate dimension
the after life or Hall of Two Truths according
to ancient Egyptian mythology
Pavel, you're just in time, Ed is
making another apocalypse prediction
and we're going to be studying the find
in my lab in Denver later this week
Professor Konstantin!
you know him?
I'll tell you what, you stay here and
day dream about Konstantin all you want.
I'm hit'n the bar
you down?
you buying?
you driving?
it's a deal comrade
let's drink
let's do it
if this talisman actually carries
the powers of Anubis
I'll be interested in
finding ways to harness 'em
perhaps as a weapon
for the good of
mankind of course
what are you up to professor?
here's the crate you
asked for professor
thank you
the amulet of Anubis
something I've been searching
for my entire professional life
where are the the rest of the
crates from the expedition?
they're on their way
to the museum
well I'll need some time
with this one
I'll bring it back tomorrow
whatever you say sir
I don't know if this is something
you'd be interested or not
but a couple of us are gonna go
down to Chuck E. Cheese
a little later on try to pick up some MILFS
some what?
yeah, you know there's lots of them that
hang out there for some reason
mechanical puppets or something
I don't know
but I didn't really wanna tell you,
they just asked me to ask you so...
you wanna do it or not?
some other time perhaps
I have a later engagement
with a woman?
%$^&@! of course with a woman
a nice beautiful reporter woman
is it so hard to believe
that a man...
that a man like me
can find love
I mean yeah but
it's not because your crippled
alright it's because
you're not very good looking
don't take that the wrong way
you know you're not very good looking
just look in the mirror, goddamn it
I'll see you tomorrow
alright, stay and fondle your
little amulet or whatever
have a good time without me
so Pavel, tell me what you know
about professor bubble boy
I just don't think he is a
nice fellow, that's all
hey look, we're on
television 8
ahh... for Christ's sakes
can somebody change the channel in here?
I don't wanna see her
hey, I know what's up
you're sweet on this reporter girl aren't you?
no way man! argh
no... no...
sort of
why don't you just ask her out?
what the hell do you know
about women anyway?
women just like
confidence, watch this
hello lady
I know someone who
wants to beat your ass
oh yeah?! who?
my balls
you're cute
you gotta be shitting me man
it's the worst line I've ever heard
ah geez! Are these crack pots at it again.
what was that chief?
these Ghostbuster freaks,
they're crack pots
idiots like them give the
country a bad name
you know what I think,
I think your mouth makes
this country look bad
makes it smell bad too
what do we get here?
is this your beverage of choice
at this fine establishment?
you smart mouth
hey! you're better watch
what you say to me
Stupid face!
I say whatever I want
sausage tits
no you won't
sausage face
why don't you uh, stop...
repeating my insults and adding
the word face to 'em, you moron?
hey, relax comrades, OK?
hey, blow it out your ass
your communist pig
what's up?
Bring it on you butt hole!
what's that thing
you're working on?
well... by using miniature
micro fusion reactions
it creates quantum leaps in atoms
forming super charged electron particles
this in turn causes the protons to be held together
at 10,000 times the force in a standard proton pack
sounds complicated
elementary really
it's a prototype of a
new pack I'm working on
I call it the neutrino pack
hi Annie, it's Neil
hey Ed
can you come
pick me and Pavel up?
what? you guys
can't walk home?
not without posting bail
alright, I guess I'll have to
TiVO American Idol
that interview...
that was a lot of fun
that was a lot of presence
thank you very much
I had a wonderful time
tonight April
that's great
well... uhm...
this is my place
April it's lovely
you've been addressing
me as mister all night
Please call me Klaus
Mr. Konstantin
What is it?
I like you a lot
I enjoy your company greatly
I just had to do an interview
and that's all that I really...
Just one moment please
good evening Mr. Konstantin
can this not wait until morning?
the rest of the board wanted
me to call as soon as possible
what information does
the Congrie have to send?
they're pulling funding
for you project Klaus
What! You can't do this
I've only begun deciphering the...
the board feels the company has already
lost enough money on this project
they're not seeing the
results you promised
I said the damned amulet
would take time to decipher
you're not being fair
we have a dead line to meet
we're going to go with another project
you back stabbers!
we had a deal
Lab Rat Enterprises produces weapons
for military use, Mr. Konstantin
you're talking about some sort of god stone'
that consumes the souls of the living
and what greater weapon is there!?
an offer is on the table
that we can't refuse
sons of bitches
you said the amulet was for
educational purposes
you said that it was for
the good of mankind
it shows what
the hell you know
There isn't enough money in education to pay
for a Greyhound ticket to Wichita.
you're two face jerk
listen here you little tootsie roll
I'm a scientist,
we don't work for free
live with it
you are just trying to
make a quick buck
and it's disgusting,
you are disgusting
and what do you know? hum?
what do you know?
you're just a media whore probably
sleeping you're way to the top
and the only reason you've got this job
is because you're so young and pretty
how dare you strike me,
I'm a powerful scholar!
I'll have you, I'm a powerf... arhh
sweet harvesty!
you look like hell
late night
so... did the ratings come in?
that's what I wanna
talk to you about
did we get the new time slot?
look Ed, don't get me wrong,
I like you, we all like you
we think you do a good show,
but it's just...
you don't really connect with
our younger audience
this is a science show
kids aren't gonna be interested in this unless it has
some overrated actor playing pranks on other celebrities
or pimping someone's ride
this is an educational show, doesn't the
government pay for part of this?
we also lost three advertisers last week
so you're canceling the show
no no no no no
definitely not
so what's the problem then
do you want me to be funnier?
we're replacing you
we need someone who can connect
with the kids, someone cooler
someone street smart
like who?
I'm not interrupting anything,
am I Robert?
Levar, come on in
I like you to meet Ed Spengler
oh... alright, nice to meet you,
I heard so much about you
you're a Ghostbuster,
how are things?
uhm... couldn't be better
sorry I have to meet you like this
but... hey... I'm sure you'll get by
you're soul harvesting
business is doing good
what is it with that term?
what else are you
supposed to call it?
the same thing we've always called it,
busting ghosts
now look Rob, I've been hosting
this show for six months
I've got two PhDs,
he's not qualified
actually I have a PhD and I'm
working on my second
come on he's like fifteen
actually he's the youngest ever to
receive a PhD from Cornell
he's like the black Doogie Howser
thank you, and I've written a
New York Times best seller
give me a break, anybody who's
been published is on that list
Dr. Phil is on that list
for a diet book.
a diet book!
well... let's just say he's
not exactly in shape himself
I know this is tough to grasp
look Ed, Like I said, we like you
we'll keep you in mind
for other shows
hey, and why don't you use your talents' to
benefit mankind instead of enslaving its afterlife?
maybe I'll save a soul for you
seems like you could use one
ser setam shamzoozoo nerhuntai
nah furie shahm shahvin
Ammit sudin je Klaus Konstantin
miri hi ni pertet
I request the power and accept the burden
Anubis, god of the two halls
I request the power and accept the burden
damn it
what's wrong here?
I did everything
I deciphered the language
of course
I need to power the amulet
and the only way to do that
is with a celestial sacrifice
of course
a human soul
not something I can pick
up at the super market
or Seven Eleven
and how long can I contain
it for as long as I need it
...trap the ghosts then we can store 'em in this
containment facility as long as necessary
actually, indefinitely if need be
there, now that's news
April your ratings are up
hardly, I mean that story was nothing
all we had to do was point the camera and
that idiot blabbermouth did the rest
they were cool though
yeah... so what's next chief?
something a little bit more exciting?
next? this is a gold mine,
people can't get enough of this stuff
I want you to go back to these folks
hell yes
this is a gold mine
I wanna week long expos
I want to show the city what is like
to be a Ghostbuster for a week
no! no no no no
you sent Frederic to Egypt you made Adam anchor
what do they have that I don't?
April, you'll get your chance yet
now just do your job,
go out there, dig up some dirt
so this is all about
making them look bad?
no, it's about business
this isn't right
- It's not about right or wrong it's...
- I just don't like the idea of making them look bad
April, I'm trying to do you a favor, this is good stuff,
I want you to be out there I want you to...
ok April, if you do this for me, I'll make
you anchor by the end of the month
anchor... wow...
I just...
now go, go do your job ok?
and show some enthusiasm, will you?
oh, I'm enthused
oh... hello!
may I help you?
yes, I'm here to see the Ghostbusters
ok... well they're on a case right now
would you like to make an appointment?
yes, what'd you have at the earliest?
well... ah... let's see here,
they're pretty busy
it looks like
the first available would be next Thursday
it's beautiful
he hey! buddy!
do you have any change buddy?
yeah! you know nickels, dimes, quarters...
you know, anything like that would be great
oh god! you're repulsive
I'm not picky so...
why you ask a man in crippled,
a cripple man for change!?
why don't we see what this thing is?
I have seen one of those,
is there money in there?
you should be the first to find out
disgusting man
I have your pathetic soul
my first one
with this offering, I accept the gift and the
burden of some of your great power
Ha Hahahaha!...
hoh, oh Hahahahaha!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha...
wo, wo, wo, whoa
let me try the new pack this time
I don't think so I still to test a bit
come on man, why do
you getta have all the fun?
look, I'm taking a big enough risk by bringing it
here already with all the press coverage we've been getting
that's such a BS
you know what?
just let me try the new pack,
I mean what's the worst that could happen?
look, this is not a piece of equipment to toy with
if it goes critical it could detonate a 60 gigaton explosion
or worse
collapse on to its self creating matter so
dense that it becomes a black hole
why is it that every time we get a new piece
of equipment, you dive into the science talk?
all I wanna do is try out the new pack
and I don't see what the big deal is
come on Ed, just let him try it
even Pavel!, come on man
alright, alright
I just want you to take it seriously
I take everything seriously, you know that
serious is my middle name
thank god you guys are here
how many are there?
uhm, more than one for sure... uhm
this isn't too much trouble, is it?
only for your bank account pal
I'm sorry, there is a no smoking in here
my P.K.E. integrated cellphone
seems to be malfunctioning
what's the matter?
you ran out of minutes there, jack ass?
It definitely is a strong signal
use your ecto motion tracker
I've got something here
multiple signals, front and behind
what? where man?
I don't see anything
look sharp people
they're closing
good evening
please forgive me for my intrusion
I promise to be brief
damn it, you go that way, I'll go this way
you could just told me, gee
Neil, you wait here
hello, channel 8?
you might wanna send someone down
to the Mayan Theater
the Ghostbusters are
attacking the staff
noooo, the Ghostbusters
no the Ghostbusters,
they're attacking t...
they're taking their
god damned souls
Ed, we might have something here
what is it?
a whole bunch of ectoplasm
yeah, I've got some in here as well
yeah, there's a lot here
on the ceiling
well, what's a lot?
we've seen loads of this stuff before
it's... bubbling?
is that a question or an observation?
goddamn I'm good
quick turn down the electron flow
what happened?
You just completely destroyed a SOUL!
- destroyed?- I told you to turn it DOWN!
I don't know how to work
this goddamned thing
Can you comprehend the implications
of what you just did?
You just completely obliterated a soul!
well, it was bad right?
Ed come on!
an unknown source has claimed that the Ghostbusters are
responsible for putting the employees of this theater into comas
one of our packs malfunctioned
and destroyed a ghost
so the Ghostbusters are
now murdering spirits
wait a second, that was an accident
April, what the hell are you doing?
I'm doing my job, just like you
Do you know anything about these comas?
look, I don't know what the hell went on out here.
That was the scene downtown tonight
when the Ghostbusters started attacking innocent people.
Uh, the new pack wasn't thoroughly tested, and it
somehow malfunctioned, and a soul was destroyed.
It was my fault really. I just
should have tested it more thoroughly.
Ed Spengler, leader of the Denver Ghostbusters,
also built the machine that destroyed the ghost.
Ed and team have been under scrutiny,
questioning the ethics behind what they do.
And tonight's instant has caught the
attention of the federal government,
Who will reportedly seek to pass legislation on
ghostbusting, as well as dealings with the afterlife.
Get that camera out of my face!
A cease and desist has already been
ordered on the Denver Ghostbusters.
As more coma victims continue
to pile up across the city.
What's the deal wh.. Why are
you trying to make us look bad.
It's nothing personnel Neil, it's just the news.
Yeah, it's just bad news.
Yeah well, bad news is the only type of news that sells OK.
People don't like hearing about happy stories
They like hearing about stories that make their
miserable little lives seem a little bit better.
What really happened in there Neil?
I don't know. We came down here. It was a routine bust.
come outside, and this
Everybody thinks we're...
I don't think that you're that bad.
Then why do the story?
I don't... I don't kn... my boss, he just
thinks that this will help my career and I jus...
Alright... alright.
Why don't we just...
Why don't we talk about it over...
What do we want?...
When do we want it?...
What do we want?...
When do we want it?...
You awake?
Oh... uh, I must've dosed off.
You better go home and get some sleep.
Hey!... where are you going?
Ahh.. Can it MacGyver! I don't
need anymore of your crap.
I'm taking April to dinner.
Oh, oh, hurts dunn't!
What, no Jaguar?
It's in the shop.
Oh, OK, thanks.
Sparks in the air tonight.
Dropping off or picking up?
Um, neither...
Uh, good evening ma'am, this is uh, Agent J.
I'm Agent K. We'd like to ask you a few questions.
We found this man behind your establishment.
Did anybody see or hear anything this evening?
No, I was playing video games all night, and earlier
I was watching Batman and Robin', and then before...
I'm not looking for an alibi tonight ma'am.
I'm just look'n to ask ya a few questions.
Wait, Batman and Robin'? The television
show or the crappy George Clooney movie?
I didn't think it was that bad!
Oh please... all the cool, icy, chill, freeze, analogies.
My god, the bat suit had nipples on it!
Ok... First of all, we need to get this man to a hospital.
Any movie with Uma Thurman
in it is ok in my book man.
We're gonna need an ambulance at 7345
South Seventeenth Street. I got a 10-20...
I got a 10-Fif...
What's the code for comatose?
I got a coma guy!
This is very strange.
I'm getting a zero-point-zero reading on the P.K.E. Meter
What does that mean?
The P.K.E. Meter detects even the
slightest amount of psycho kinetic energy.
Every living soul on the planet
emits at least some signal.
This man...
He has no soul.
What is he, a politician?
No, it appears that someone or
some... thing has stolen this man's soul.
I'd like to get him inside, I could do a few tests.
No can do doc, we got the
ambulance on the way right now.
This guy appears to be in the same condition
that the other were at the Mayan Theatre.
Are they alright? I haven't heard anything.
They're all down at St. Mary's
- They're still alive but...
- Sleep'n it off like this guy.
I'm afraid this doesn't look to good for your company sir.
I swear, I had nothing to do with this.
If I can get him inside, I could run a
few tests and I can figure all of this out
Mess'n with ghosts isn't good enough,
now you have to mess with the living.
Wait right here.
So, should we take the body inside?
Hey well, I had a great time tonight.
I did too. We should get together and do it again sometime.
Definitely, only I pick the place next time. Ok?
- What, no fish tacos?
- No, no fish tacos!
Those were good!
Yeah, I'm thinking something a little
bit more authentic. Italian maybe... candles?
Yeah, we can do that.
But hey, I'm tired, I'm gonna get to bed.
Yeah I...
I got stuff to do too, so.
- night
- good night
Oh, hey, drive careful
Hey, it's me!
Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
Hey I saw that you pussy.
Too lame to go in for the kiss?
I.. I'm not lame!
Yeah, whatever. Bet you haven't been laid in years.
kiss my sack!
You don't wait long to get back on the wagon, do you?
How the hell did you get in here?
The window was open.
I'm calling the cops.
I've decided to give you one last chance...
To join me!
Your legs...
Lying about secret weapon contracts is one thing...
Pretending to be in a wheelchair is just desp...
I am offering you one last chance to be my QUEEN!
Forget it! Get out of here, you freak!
But first there's something I'd like to show you.
How the hell did you get that!
I'm calling the police.
They cannot help you.
No!... No!... NO!... NO!
Hey, what's going on in here?
Miss Hunter, you ok?
I'm fine! He was just leaving!
Good day
Sorry for interrupting, it sounded
like something was going on in here.
No, everything's fine now thank you.
Can you please make sure that that gentleman
finds his way out of the building completely.
Will do.
Hey! You!
Sir, I'm gonna hafta ask you to leave the building.
I don't know what the problem is!?
I was just trying to show her something.
I don't think she'll wanna see anything you've gotta show her.
Well then perhaps, you'd like to see.
Hey, good morning boys.
April! What are doing here?
Good morning lady. I'm making blintza
Yeah, you wanna stay for breakfast?
And this morning my superintendent
was unconscious in the hallway.
It's strange, Konstantin is walking now too.
So, your saying that Konstantin has one of our traps?
That's what it looked like, yes.
If Konstantin has one of our traps he
may be able to figure out how to use...
Wait wait wait. Ya know, I heard that if you look into
that thing while it's closing it can make you impotent.
What, like you can't go when you need to?
That's incontinence.
I think you get that too.
- Is that true?
- Ask Ed.
Ed, are you impotent?
Dr. Stantz's theory is that the
eyes are a window into the soul.
Therefore if a living person were to
look into the trap, as it was closing,...
It could steal their life
essence, rendering that person...
What! A flesh craving zombie Ed?
In a comatose state.
Do you think that Konstantin would ever
intentionally steal a person's soul?
Wait a minute, why the hell would he know?
I think he would do anything to unlock his amulet.
I knew it!
I knew you knew more than than
you wanted me to know you knew.
What do you know?
Pavel is a former student of Konstantin's
What the hell is going on here Pavel?
Are you working for him?
So what, Ed gets to know about your past,
and you keep it a secret from me?
I didn't think it was big deal.
Big deal!? This guy's stealing
souls, for Christ's sake.
And as far as I'm concerned, you're an accomplice.
And you! You son of a bitch,
you coulda clued me in on this.
- Please, calm down.
- No! This is bullshit!
I take enough of Ed's crap,
i don't need it from you too.
Neil, there are more important things
going on here than you and your ego.
you think I have an ego.
Why don't we ask her,
do I have an ego?
Well... a... it's... just
Oh that's just great! I guess I'll
take me and my ego and get outa here.
You can help them stop Konstantin.
Great... I've ruined everything. Ed, I'm sorry.
No it's not you fault.
Along with the city revoking our business,
now, I've driven Neil away.
Did the bureaucrats take all of your equipment?
Well, we still have the neutrino pack and a couple of traps...
And I'm very thankful that for now they
haven't touched the containment unit.
Face it Ed, Ghostbusters are finished.
Oh my...
What's happening? He must've opened a portal.
Oh! You're big! You're big! Yeah, alright!
Destroy me! Yeah, yeah, destroy me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, give it!
So let me get this straight.
Some madman, with the powers of
the underworld has summoned...
Some thing!
That's gonna devour every soul on the planet.
Ammit, the eater of the dead, your honor.
The powers of Anubis.
Forget it! I don't care!
But this... this is not gonna happen in Denver.
This doesn't really happen anywhere, mayor.
And soon it could be everywhere.
Like Starbucks.
Can you stop it?
First we need to evacuate this area of the city.
The psycho kinetic readings for these coordinates are
off the charts. If we could isolate the threat here...
Done, what else do you need.
Well if it's not too much trouble we'd like our uh...
equipment back.
Why are you sitting there like that?
Look kid, if it's all the same to you, I'd really
just prefer not to be bothered right now. Ok?
Allison come on, we're leaving!
Sounds like your mom's calling you anyway, you don't wanna get in trouble.
What's wrong?
I had a fight with some friends, is all.
My father says that fighting builds character.
My parents have a lot of character.
Maybe they should quit.
Well, I havta go. We're leaving the city.
Leaving the city? Why?
Havn't you been paying attention?
Aren't you a Ghostbuster?
Are you going to save us?
You know we're going too, right?
It's much too dangerous.
Well, if you fail the world's going to end anyway.
She's got a point.
Alright, let's rock this kasbah
Uh, sir.
Camera 17 is sending us a feed.
It's April
What's she got?
Broadcast that! Interrupt all feeds.
Get New York and L.A. On the lines.
Some sort of ghost tornado, erupting from
downtown Denver, a soul-nado if you will.
Denver at this point has been evacuated,
the mayor has sent out another warning...
Denver could be facing Armageddon first hand.
It would seem that the Denver Ghostbusters are the
world's only hope at this point as the soul-nado...
Nafu shem seti Ammit
Aiki rockto nayga
Ammit shahmsay
Nafu shem seti Ammit
I thought you guys were out of business.
We're here by order of the mayor.
The system is so screwed up these days.
Isn't sort of of clich that every time that
there's a disaster you get to meet the mayor?
Klause, you must stop this! This is
madness! You don't know what you're doing!
I am a god! And I know exactly what I'm doing.
Ask Pavel.
- Cleansing the earth of evil huh?
- Precisely!
You were a better man before, this power has corrupted you.
A better man?
I was never a better man! No!
Being a man is nothing compared to being a god.
And I plan to release this planet from the wickedness of man.
Not everyone is WICKED!
Well, you can't make an omelet without
breaking a few eggs now can you.
These aren't eggs we're talking about.
These are people's souls!
I'll do what it takes to stop you.
Show me your best Ghostbuster.
Is that all you've got?
Here, let me try.
Ammit nechfnissy city Ammit
Meri ey!
Nufair shadam cham sity..
Meri ey!
ha ha ha ha ha ha
They are still in the building and there...
There's a... giant... ghost... dragon thing
flying over Denver!
Holy SHIT!
...giant monster that looks like the ghost of...
FALKOR is terrorizing downtown Den...
Ed, You take care of that,
I'll stay here.
Ed, I could've taken care of this a long time ago.
This time, he's not gonna get away.
Be careful!
You too.
What are you doing here?
I'm here to put a stop to all this nonsense.
Oh good, we could really use your help right now.
n... I'm here to stop you.
What you do is wrong.
I'm placing you under citizens arrest.
Levar, we're trying to save the world here,
can't we set aside our differences?
OK, setting aside all of our differences...
I've never seen a ghost that big before.
But you can stop it though, can't you?
I... thought you didn't want us
meddling in the affairs of the afterlife.
I.. t-take it back.
I'm glad you've come to your senses Pavel.
I could use you.
As we destroy the world, I'll need an assistant.
I don't think so.
You'll be worshiped as a god.
money, power, it will all be yours!
What good is money and power when
you have no one to share it with.
Well I don't plan to destroy every human.
But, those that except me as their god,
will be spared.
Join me Pavel.
The proton cannon seems to have no effect on the beast.
Can you go any faster?
Hell yeah!
This is a big ass dragon.
What it is that thing?
I have an idea.
No I heard you.
What's your idea?
Well we'll... We'll herd it.
Like... like cattle.
What will it be Pavel?
You already know my answer.
Your death shall be swift.
ahnas san seda...
WHOOOAA! pursuit.
Ye Haw!
Well that does it for stupid snake...
You came, You saw,...
You kicked it's Aaasssss!
YES! Nice going guys!
I failed!
I couldn't stop him.
Let's try this.
Alright, closing trap.
No, this can't be!?
NO! Those souls are MINE!
Ha! It's too late!
The portal cannot be stopped!
Now Lavar!
Here goes nothing.
Go full stream
It's hopeless!
Bad dog!
No Biscuit
Don't let him get into the portal!
There's enough energy in that
alternate dimension to fuel his amulet.
If he gains enough power,
he'll be able to keep it open permanently.
eh no. This never ends, so what do we do?
Let me think a second!
Ed, there's something wrong with this thing!
Oh No! The pack's gone critical, it's overloading!
What the hell does that mean?
The sub-atomic housing is overheated. The matter
is beginning to collapse into the antimatter.
That's BAD, right?!
For THIS dimension.
Unlimited Power!
Unlimited Power!
Ghostbusters! Ghostbusters!
oh... Oh, this better be on YouTube tomorrow!
It looks like the world will keep it's souls after all.
atta girl!
Oh she's goood!
I knew you'd be back Neil.
I guess I couldn't let you steal my limelight, could I!
Oh! God! yeah
Hug, precisely what I was thinking.
Hell no!
Good work Lavar!
Thanks, Ed. You know, I was wrong about you.
Pavel, I'm really glad you're one of the good guys.
Hey man! What do you think happened to Konstantin?
He's Toast!
There is still no sign of the Ghostbusters
who hours ago entered the strange building.
and we have still not...
Here they come now.
What was it like in there?
Well I gotta tell ya...
that... was a close one!
uh, The threat has been eliminated. all we havta
do is return these souls to their rightful owners.
I'm gonna do a special on my show of
how Lavar Gorden almost died... twice.
I think I will go to Disneyland.
Hi Mother.
Were there any human casualties?
uh, the cripple.
Nobody cares about him.
Ya know, What's important is that we get
these souls back to their rightful owners.
and Ed here, is gonna describe the
device that's gonna do, just that.
oh um...
yeah I created a device that uh captures psycho
kinetic energy and polarizes it so that uh...
you can use the electromagnetic
aura that is a residual, um, result tu...
I'm just bullshitting...
can you edit this out later?
Ed, we're live.
uh um, as I was saying psycho kinet...
What are your feelings now that you've come out OK?
You know what, that's... that's...
that's enough OK.
There's no feelings...
and there's no more pictures.
We're going home, we're tired.
Guys we're outa here.
I will call you...
Thought we were getting to be their friends.
And the day is once again
saved by the Ghostbusters.
I'm April Hunter from Channel 8 News, reminding you...
Don't be afraid of no ghosts!
Clean up crews will be working around the clock,
cleaning up the rubble from last night's epic battle.
Turns out that the Ghostbusters
were ALWAYS on our side...
as I pointed out months ago...
or weeks...
Depending on what type of calendar you use.
Welcome back to Science of the Universe.
I'm Ed Spengler.
And I'm Lavar Gordon.
Now today is our Ghostbusters Special.
That's right! we're going to be taking a
look at the technology that saved the world.
If there's something strange...
in your neighborhood...
Who ya gonna call?
If there's something weird...
and it don't look good...
Who ya gonna call?
I ain't fraid a no ghost!
I ain't fraid a no ghost!
If you're seeing things...
running through your head...
Who can ya call?
An invisible man...
sleeping in your bed...
Who ya gonna call?
I ain't fraid a no ghost!
I ain't fraid a no ghost!
Who ya gonna call?
If you're all alone...
pick up the phone...
and call...
I ain't fraid a no ghost!
I hear it likes the girls.
I ain't fraid a no ghost!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
Who ya gonna call?
Mm... if you've had a dose...
Of a freaky ghost baby...
You better call...
let me tell ya something...
Bustin' makes me feel good!
I ain't fraid a no ghost!
I ain't fraid a no ghost!
Don't get caught alone oh no...
When it comes through your door...
Unless you just want some more...
I think you better call...