Return, The (2006)

I wish I was a mole
in the ground
A hairy one?
I wish I was a mole
in the ground
Why what?
Why would you want to be
a mole in the ground?
I wish I was a mole
in the ground
Come on, Anna, come on.
You remember this place?
We come here when you were
a little-bitty girl.
Oh, let me get your shoelace.
How'd that get untied?
What ride do you want to go on?
You want to go on the Zinger?
What do they call it,
the Whiplash? Come on.
You hungry?
A cherry fizz for the
young lady, please. You bet.
I wanna go.
I wanna go home.
We just got here, baby.
What's the matter?
Maybe a little kettle corn
would cheer her up?
Here you go. A couple of
hotdogs to go with that?
You bet.
What you want on them hotdogs?
The works.
Is she all right?
Well, we got in a bit of a car
accident a couple of months ago.
Don't go too far, honey.
A little shake here.
It's all right,
don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid, it's okay.
I just want to talk to you.
Okay, what're you doing,
What're you doing?
Eh, sunshine?
What's the matter?
There was a man, Daddy.
What's the matter, honey?
A man, Daddy.
What man?
What happened?
There was a man.
What man?
What are you doing?
What happened, honey?
What man?
Tonight, expect rain with lows
in the lower 30s.
Light wind in the evening'll
be coming southwest,
10-15 miles per hour
after midnight.
Chance of rain about 60%.
Tomorrow it should warm up a
bit with partly-cloudy skies
and highs in the low 50s.
For the rest of the week expect
clearing skies and a slight warming trend
as a high pressure system
pushes in from the south.
For the latest in news, weather
and sports stay tuned right here.
This is WSTL,
Saint Louis News Radio.
I'll find you.
Yeah, tell them to
put it out on Bay 6.
Look, we've already
had this discussion.
Just give me another minute, all
right. Now, I know Marlin. Okay?
Most of the grain providers he deals
with are guys I've sold contracts to.
They're my clients.
That mean you're the one to blame for
three of them walking away
in the last six months?
They were poached, Ambrose,
you know that.
Look, all I'm saying is,
I'm a known guy down there.
Okay, I'm an entity.
If anyone's gonna try to
sell Marlin, it should be me.
And he wanted to fire those guys,
by the way. I don't know if you know.
I thought you were in Gaithersburg.
I sold them yesterday
afternoon. I didn't have to stay.
Here's all your signed paperwork.
Well, this is outstanding.
Where do you want me next?
You tell me.
Where are your leads?
I'd like the chance
to go after Marlin.
A friend of mine worked
in one of his refineries.
She can get me five
minutes with him tomorrow.
This is a joke.
Is this a joke?
Marlin's out of her league.
No, this looks good.
But what about Texas
being off-limits for you?
I just want to sell.
Nothing's off-limits.
Joanna, have a safe trip.
Thank you.
Kurt, what are you doing?
Marlin was my lead.
Let me go!
Rough. I like it.
From what I remember, you like that.
Go get a beer with you?
Yeah, sure. Just tell me when.
You've reached Ed Mills.
No one's home to take your
call. So please leave a message.
Hey, Dad, it's Joanna. I'm gonna
be down in Luling for business.
I thought maybe I'll try to stop in,
but you know, I'm only in for a day.
Anyway, I hope
you're doing all right. Bye.
Hey, Michelle. I'm gonna need those
five minutes with Marlin tomorrow.
How did I know?
Coming home to make a sale, not to
see your oldest and dearest friend.
Come on, that's not fair.
I just want you to know
the last couple of reps
got tossed out on their ass
in a matter of seconds.
He's not an easy man.
I know, I'll be prepared.
Okay. You got to do
something for me though.
What's that?
Hang around long enough
so we can go out.
I haven't seen you
in a while. I miss you.
I miss you, too.
Drive safe.
See you in the morning.
And Bingo was his name-o
Hey, there she is.
The hardest working woman
in the road show business.
Hey, pretty.
Never thought I'd see you
in Texas again.
Is he here?
He's on the twelfth floor.
Thank you.
Miss Mills,
I'm unbelievably busy.
And you shouldn't even
be in here right now.
We're all busy, Mr. Marlin.
Especially your current carrier.
Word around the campfire is the
Lincoln Brothers have secretly signed
two other ethanol
manufacturers besides yours.
They simply don't have enough
trucks to handle all those loads.
The money you stand to lose
from a shipping delay
could scare away financiers you're currently
courting to expand into the Southwest.
Not to mention your proposed
buyout of Decker & Co.
Look, come over to Haug-Miller
and I'll cut my commission by 3%.
That's a generous offer.
We'd really like to
do business with you.
I'll bet all your customers love you.
Gotta beat them off
with a stick at times.
There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name-o
Can you see the moon from back
there? Huh, can you see it?
I wish I was a mole
in the ground
I wish I was a mole
in the ground
Why what?
Why would you want to
be a mole in the ground?
I wish I was a lizard
in the spring
But they're so scaly.
Yeah, scaly lizard.
I heard it went well.
It did. I owe you.
Well, you can repay me
by buying me the first
two rounds. Hey, sunshine.
I'll meet you...
I can barely hear you.
Is it my phone? I just
want to talk to you.
I'll meet you at Illusions,
later on. Is that cool?
How you doing?
Are you okay?
You know,
the one on Sixth Street...
Are you all right?
It's all right, sweetie,
I just want to talk to you.
Michelle? I just want to
talk to you, that's it.
It's all right.
Don't be afraid.
Don't be afraid, it's okay. I
just want to talk to you. Okay?
Joanna, you there?
Did you hear that?
Hear what?
The voice that cut in.
Girl, have you started
without me?
Pace yourself,
I will be there soon.
Get ready for
a night out. Okay?
Yeah, I'll meet you there.
Hey, can I get a tequila?
You okay?
I've had this awful headache all day.
I don't feel well.
How you doing there, sunshine?
Sunshine, how you doing?
I just want to talk to you.
Jo, are you in here?
Jo! Can you hear me?
Honey, are you okay?
Jesus Christ!
Twenty-five years old.
You live out of hotels.
You work at a job you're good at,
not because you like it,
but because you're so restless
you can't sit still for more
than two seconds straight.
Tonight you bottomed out.
And I'm glad that I was there.
But what happens
next time if I'm not?
Jo, these things you saw tonight.
What were they?
There was a bar.
It didn't have a name.
It was just red.
Some place we've been?
You must know it from somewhere.
La Salle.
Can I help you?
Hi, Dad.
Well, come on inside, honey.
I can't stay too long.
No, it's good to see you.
Here, come on in
and sit down. Have a seat.
You still with Haug-Miller?
Heard you were doing
pretty good over there.
Just got a promotion actually.
Did you?
Based out of Wichita?
Saint Louis.
But I'm usually on the road.
Are you all right, Joanna?
You sure?
Honestly, I'm a little tired.
I had a long drive.
Well, you're welcome to
spend the night if you want.
You know that your bedroom's
just the same as it was.
There was a man.
Well, it sure is good
to see you again, honey.
Here you go.
Nothing's changed, huh?
Did you ever even try
to meet someone else?
I'm an old man, lots of bad habits.
Who's going to tolerate me anymore?
Besides, when you lose someone
that's special,
it's like a piece of you is
gone. You can't replace that.
But we'll find each other again.
What happened in La Salle, Dad?
La Salle?
Why would you ask me that?
I just...
Because I need to know.
Yeah, when you were 11 years old...
You don't remember?
You became violent.
You started seeing things.
You started to hurt yourself.
Doctor said we were lucky
you didn't hit an artery.
He said it was some kind of breakdown.
You were a whole different
girl after that, Joanna.
I couldn't control you, honey.
Control me?
Dad, it is not normal for an
I was trying to tell you
I needed help. I still...
I don't know... Wait a
minute, Joanna. Joanna, wait.
Joanna, just stay here with me
for a few days. Joanna!
$25 a night.
That's fine.
The bar down the street, do
you know what time it opens?
The one with the silos?
Red Bar? About 6:00.
Room Number 5. Upstairs.
Name's Bella.
Let me know if you need anything.
Michelle, I found it.
Found what?
The bar. It's real. It was
in one of my old catalogs.
Where are you?
La Salle.
Okay, so that's how
you know it.
Hell, we probably drank there
when we were in high school.
It's not far from home, Jo.
I haven't been to La Salle
since I was little.
Then you probably remember the picture
and for some reason it stuck in your head.
I knew what the inside looked like.
There's something else,
Michelle. Something happened here.
Whoa, hey!
You ready for that beer now?
How's it going?
You're pathetic.
Where you going?
Let go of me.
You owe me for Marlin.
Don't touch me! Come back
to the bar and have a drink.
Let go!
What? What?
Stop it!
Come here. Come here.
Come here.
Come here.
What's up, dick?
You stay away from her.
You've got a lot of nerve
coming back here.
They should have locked
you away a long time ago.
What did you say?
Quite a scuffle last night.
Yeah, sorry about that.
It's been a while since we've seen
anything like that around here.
That guy who helped me last
night. Do you know who he was?
Oh, he ain't anybody you
want to get mixed up with.
Well, look what he did to your friend.
He deserved it.
His name's Terry Stahl.
And do you know
where I might find him?
FM 13-16.
Thank you.
Anybody home?
What are you doing? What
are you doing in my house?
I was looking for you.
I just... I came by to say
thank you for last night.
I'm sorry, let me start
this again. I'm Joanna.
There are better ways of thanking
someone than by breaking into their house.
I didn't break in, your door was...
I've had to deal
with intruders before.
You're lucky you didn't get hurt.
I'm sorry.
You know, if...
If that guys bothers you again,
let me know.
I appreciate it.
I work over at the cattle auctions.
Or you can always find me here.
Is something wrong?
There used to be...
I could have sworn that I heard...
I have to go.
I looked all over.
There's nobody up there.
Buy you lunch?
So you like the road?
Very much.
It's not really my nature to stay
in one place for any stretch of time.
Sometimes I think if I keep moving
forward, nothing bad can catch me.
Am I making any sense?
You don't do it anymore, though.
I mean, you said
you used to drive a truck.
Can I ask you something?
Saint Louis is a long way
from La Salle.
Why are you staying there anyway?
Seemed like as nice a place as any.
We talking about the same
place here? La Salle, Texas?
What's up?
You wouldn't believe me
if I told you.
How do you know that?
Why? What brought you to La Salle?
I used to haul, mostly dairy.
Was through here all the time.
What made you stay?
A girl.
Are you guys still...
Let's get out of here.
I guess I should
head back to Saint Louis.
Am I going to see you again?
I didn't know you wanted to.
I'm over there.
And I'm over there.
Where you at, girl?
What're you doing, sunshine?
It's all right, sweetie,
I just want to talk to you.
There was a man.
There was a man.
There was a man.
There was a man.
What happened?
Come on.
Who did this to you?
I did.
I did it to myself.
I don't know.
Terry, this farmhouse,
you, the town,
they're all connected to me somehow.
What are you talking about?
The mural, in the barn,
I painted the exact same
picture when I was a child.
The seahorse...
Until this week, I've never
spent any time in this town.
What happened to her?
She was murdered.
By who?
That depends on who you ask.
I don't understand.
I found her lying in the barn,
just like I found you.
Someone had left her there to die.
And all eyes fell on me.
It belonged to Annie.
It wasn't hers.
What are you talking about?
It's not... I mean...
Why are you doing this?
I don't... Why are you
digging all of this up?
Who are you?
I don't know!
Get out.
Get out of here! Go on!
Can I help you, ma'am?
No, thank you.
Hey, you want some gas?
No, I'm good.
Want an oil change?
No oil change?
Just snacks and goodies?
What's going on?
The guy in that picture?
Which guy?
Handsome buck, isn't he?
That's nice,
that was taken a while back.
Hello? $4. 75.
What's wrong, sunshine?
Whoa, hey, hey!
You got some change.
Hey, you forgot your change. Hey,
pops, you wanna come take a look?
Shut up! Shut up.
How many times have I told you
not to interrupt me while I'm
talking to customers, nimnuts?
Where'd you get your DNA from, boy?
It's okay.
It's gonna be okay...
What are you doing?
I said what are you doing, girl?
I thought there might be
some parts I could use.
How you doing there, sunshine?
I'm sorry, do I know you?
No, no, I just want to...
I think you have the wrong person.
I just want to talk to you.
I'll see you later.
God damn.
God damn!
You're quick there, girly.
Come on, darling. Be nice.
Where you at, girl?
Where you hiding, huh?
You a fast little bunny, aren't you?
I swear on Gideon's Bible,
I will not touch you.
Give me that knife back.
Just throw it out and
I'm gone. All right?
You just throw it out
right here and I'll walk.
Come on. Griffi. Griffi.
Griffi, getting a whiffy.
Griffi, getting a whiffy.
Where the fuck you at?
Come here!
Come on!
Piece of shit!
What you gonna do now, huh?
Not a big man now, are you?
It's okay, honey, we're gonna make it.
We're nearly there.
Come on, sweetheart, stay
with me. You're gonna make it.
Come on. Come on, Annie!
Are we there yet?
All right, sleepyhead.
Why don't you put your head...
Are we there yet?
There you go. Are you cold?
Come on, Annie, hold on.
Stay awake.
I love you, sweetheart.
Bundle up.
Keep your teddy bear warm.
I'll find you again.
Joanna! Joanna!
Joanna. Oh, my God.
Joanna! Joanna!
Honey. Joanna! Are you okay?