Revanche (2008)

That tickles.
That tickles too.
How much are you in debt?
Thirty thousand.
Thirty thousand what?
A friend of mine has a bar on lbiza.
Actually, he doesn't have it yet,
he needs a partner.
I could buy in.
I just need eighty thousand.
Of course.
But you don't have.
I'd like to meet your crowd some time.
I'm almost out.
You can get me more?
- Sure.
Give him a blow job
or have him take a Mr. Blue.
That's what we've got them for.
Then he'll be fine.
He paid 120 euros.
Hey, Angel, what's wrong?
Don't we say good evening anymore?
Good evening.
He's a regular,
if he stops coming, you earn nothing,
and what's more important, I earn nothing.
Did she leave?
Give me the card!
I didn't see her...
- It doesn't matter. The card!
Baby, what is it this time?
I no work today.
We'll see about that.
Today no, please.
I not work today.
Show pussy!
Go on, lie down.
Show pussy!
You really have a nice pussy.
You rub a little!
Well, Angel.
Everything OK?
A short break...
I want to talk to you about something.
not here.
I'll come by your place tomorrow afternoon?
- Yes.
Don't say anything to the other girls.
Hello, Sweetheart.
How much?
Come inside and tell me what you want.
I wanna fuck.
What is?
What you doing here?
Secret entrance.
You must leave. Boss coming.
What does he want?
He say talk.
About what?
I don't know. Talk.
I don't know what he want.
He say talk.
Are you coming over afterwards?
- Yes.
Are you coming over afterwards?
It's me, Angel.
I coming.
Angel, what's going on?
Weren't you dressed?
That wouldn't have bothered me.
I've been observing you.
You're a smart girl.
Not as stupid as the others.
You have goals,
plans in life, am I right?
I like that.
And I've been thinking about how to help you.
C'mon, sit down.
I own a few flats. Nice ones.
Living room, bedroom, kitchen,
everything, tip top.
You follow what I'm saying?
And one of these flats...
has your name on it.
You can leave this hotel room behind.
How does that sound?
How much?
We'll see, not more than this place.
I have friends, you see.
Politicians, big industry people, etc.
Sometimes they want to relax...
with a pretty girl.
They don't like brothels,
on account of their image.
They like it private.
You'd earn more too.
And I no more work in Cinderella?
We'll see.
You will at first.
We'll see how things go.
You're too special for a brothel.
Do you have a boyfriend?
All by yourself?
Nobody to look after you, protect you?
I don't need, I can do myself.
Alright then,
do we go with the flat?
I must think.
You do that.
How about a blow job?
It would make me very happy.
My loss, your gain.
What are you thinking?
Would I really do that with you?
C'mon, get up.
To me you're not a whore.
I was just kidding.
You think about it,
and I'll look after you.
You can trust me.
You can make something of yourself.
Nice. Great.
These four were great.
Too fast on this one.
Take your time.
Easy with the trigger finger.
Thank you.
Next please.
Stop concentrating so hard.
Commence firing.
You've got night duty today?
What are you going to do?
Stay home.
Look, old Hausner is still driving.
We should alert the authorities.
He has to, he's all alone.
What if something happens?
You're not on duty.
Unfortunately not.
Hey there.
Well, look who came to visit.
Mom called.
She wants to put me in a home.
She said to see if you need some help.
I do fine on my own.
She said to cut your firewood.
I'm surprised you still know me.
You didn't want anything to do with me.
You missed the funeral.
I couldn't make it.
Even missed the funeral.
I was in jail, they don't let you go to funerals.
Then you shouldn't have stolen.
I don't have much time today.
I have to get back to work.
You have a job?
- Yes.
Alright, come in then.
It sure was special.
The whole cemetery full of people.
And the priest...
spoke such beautiful words.
I should get going.
She was real popular.
I'm kind of in a hurry today.
Real popular.
I'll come by next week or the week after.
Do what you want.
I reckon there will be something to eat.
- That's OK.
That's Alex, my grandson.
You have a grandson? I didn't know that.
Yes. He lives in the city.
In the city you end up arrogant or a scoundrel.
He ended up a scoundrel.
I was thinking I could pick you up...
and we could drive to church together.
You think I'm too old to drive?
It's silly...
to drive from the same village in two cars.
How long do you want to invest it?
Maybe six or seven years...
...if there's any advantage.
There is, but it's not much.
The difference is 4%,
But you might be interested in this...
Feeding time.
It's about time.
Well, Angel.
Have you thought about it?
Good, then I'll show you the flat tomorrow.
I prefer to work here.
Not in flat.
But you'll earn more.
I prefer to stay with other girls. Better.
Nonsense. Keep thinking.
Tomorrow we'll go see the flat.
You know what your problem is?
No. Do I have one?
You're too soft.
You want to be tough, but you're not.
People can tell immediately.
You don't really belong. That's your problem.
Too soft.
Well, what's the flat like?
Better than hotel.
You taking it?
Did you tell him?
What did he say?
He say to keep thinking.
Did he want to fuck?
Tell the truth.
What is this?
It's not loaded.
What is this? Put away!
It's not loaded.
You were scared, right?
You were scared.
Why you do that?
- I'm just messing around.
I'm doing a bank.
What means "I doing bank?"
I go in, show them the gun,
they shit bricks, I take the money, and walk out.
Then we pay your debts and go to Spain.
They find you and you go back in jail.
That will happen.
They won't catch me because I have a plan.
I know the bank, I have an escape route.
Out in the country...
- You don't do! Is bullshit.
We have to do something,
we can't go on like this.
What not go on like this?
Is all perfectly normal.
- We found a beetle!
Then he opened the door
and ran into the woods...
with us on his heels.
We caught him fast.
It was OK, he was scared shitless.
He kept screaming: Please don't shoot!
And cussing like a sailor.
Picko, picko!
But you never know.
I thought: What if he has a gun?
Man was I scared!
For once we get some action,
and I'm off duty.
You wouldn't have caught him anyway.
Too slow.
Who's slow?
Thanks for inviting us.
When is it due?
Any day now.
Hubert told me you miscarried.
In my third month.
Must be horrible.
I was so scared that would happen to me.
We're so stupid,
we already finished the nursery.
Maybe we should adopt after all.
Susi, no. It'll work out.
We just have to be patient.
We've been patient so long.
Maybe it worked this time.
How do you know?
A woman feels that kind of thing.
Look, adoption just causes problems later.
The kid isn't ours,
it's from just anybody.
There's no way of predicting his character.
You just can't know.
You're right.
What you doing?
C'mon, get out of there!
- No.
Please not!
- Why are you yelling?
Stop yelling and obey!
I said: Obey!
And you, fuck off!
Are we getting nervous?
- Are you crazy?
Are you crazy?
Calm down, pal!
Stay cool.
You tell me to soften her up...
The man is new around here,
he doesn't know how things work yet.
You gotta excuse him.
No actually I owe you an apology.
My loss, your gain.
Good thing Harry's an old friend.
A gentleman.
I'm sure he's willing to forget everything.
We'll talk about that later.
Now, you apologize!
I hear that.
- Sorry.
C'mon, do it properly.
Shake hands.
Sorry, I didn't mean it.
Now take our angel to the hotel,
she can call it a day.
And no more mistakes from you!
Shut up!
Tamara, he paid him to break you.
I was there.
They talked like best friends.
He bawled me out.
Made me apologize.
Why he do it?
Yeah, why?
Why do you think?
Come here.
Hello. I take walk.
How can someone go in and out,
and no one notices a thing?
She had nothing on her.
Said she was taking a walk.
Then why is her room cleared out?
I don't know. She went for a walk.
You don't know?
What do I pay you idiots for
if you don't know anything?
I never left the front desk.
She was just taking a walk.
But now she's gone.
Along with her luggage, right?
Did you say anything to her?
- No.
I'm not stupid.
She still owes me this month's rent, 500.
Who's going to pay that now?
Want me to tell you?
I'm deducting it from your wages,
half each.
You got that?
C'mon, let's go!
Why you back so soon?
Pack your things! We gotta go.
- I'll explain later.
Where we going?
To a hotel, I have no idea.
Does he suspect?
- Yes. That's the problem.
Please hurry up.
They're coming.
Who's coming?
Who do you think?
Hurry up please!
The taxi is waiting.
What we do now?
C'mon, let's grab some breakfast.
I'm scared.
Nothing can go wrong.
I have bad feeling.
Better to not do it.
Only idiots without a plan get caught.
I know a guy who...
Anything else?
Nothing can go wrong.
Don't be scared!
I don't want to wait here.
It won't take long, just a few hours.
I come with you.
Tamara, that's silly, you can't help me.
I wait outside.
Tamara, why?
It's silly.
Nothing can go wrong.
I go in, they give me the money,
and we split.
But you must not shoot.
I can't shoot, it's not loaded.
How many times do I have to say it?
- Promise!
It's not loaded.
Not loaded.
Now what?
We do it.
Nothing can go wrong.
I'll be right back.
On floor!
On floor!
On floor!
There too.
Now, on floor!
Morning. This is a no standing zone.
You'll have to leave.
But if you go to the main square,
there's plenty of parking there.
My boyfriend be right back.
Where is your boyfriend?
Had to make shopping.
Do you have some ID, maybe a passport?
My boyfriend also has.
Where are you from?
And your boyfriend?
I don't know.
What, you don't know?
Are you crazy?
On floor!
- I won't hurt you.
He fired.
Calling all units,
bank robbery at the Volksbank.
One suspect, armed...
Gfhl twenty here, come in please.
Gfhl twenty, come in please.
He just opened fire.
Shattered our rear window.
Don't be scared. They won't catch us.
Tamara, what's wrong?
What is it?
Did he hit you?
Say something!
Isn't anyone here?
Ah, it's you.
Sleeping in broad daylight?
No, I felt a little dizzy, so I lay down.
Here to chop wood already?
I wanted to,
but my motorcycle broke down.
What do you mean broke down?
The engine died.
So I came through the woods on foot.
You want some schnapps?
Can you lend me your car?
My car?
I have to go to Vienna, straighten things out.
My car?
I don't know.
Take care of things.
I won't be long, a few hours.
I'll be back tonight.
What's wrong with the engine?
What's wrong?
What could be wrong?
How should I know?
Nothing, everything's fine.
Dinner's almost ready.
C'mon, Robert, tell me.
- Something's wrong, I can tell.
C'mon, out with it.
It's nothing special, rough day, that's all.
Bank robbery.
What, in our village?
They got away with almost 50,000 euros.
My goodness!
I ran into them by chance and...
tried to detain them, but...
they jumped in the car and were gone.
You ran into them?
By chance.
Were they armed?
Oh my gosh.
It's not that bad.
We'll catch them eventually.
You ran into armed suspects,
and you didn't tell me until now?
Nothing happened.
Were there a lot of them?
A man and a woman.
OK, you ran into them,
and did they threaten you?
Let's drop it.
I'm glad to be off-duty now.
And like I said, nothing happened.
I'll get it.
Kargl, hello?
Yes, he's here.
Robert, it's for you.
Yes, I'll be right there. In about 25 minutes.
Yes, alright.
What happened?
I have to go to the state police office.
Now? Why?
They found the getaway car.
You have to go to the city for that?
I'll explain it to you later.
Yes, that was her.
No doubt in your mind?
And who is she?
No ID on her.
I doubt she was even registered.
Maybe they argued about money,
and the bank robber shot her.
From behind? Through the rear window?
With a Glock? No.
I aimed at the tires.
Yeah, shit happens.
You have a visitor today?
Yes, Alex.
He's chopping wood.
We met once.
- Really?
Yes, briefly at the farm, in the doorway.
You must be glad.
- Yep.
Hear about the robbery yesterday?
What robbery?
They robbed the bank.
Our bank?
Robert ran into them, just imagine!
He tried to detain them.
They were armed.
I hate to think about it.
- Robert?
Was he hurt?
- No, thank God.
There was a casualty,
I'll tell you tomorrow when I pick you up.
I like these best.
Is her husband a policeman?
We need butter too.
Are you coming with us tomorrow?
- Where?
It's Sunday.
No, I'll keep working.
It sure wouldn't hurt you.
I'm going for a walk.
It'll be dark soon.
- Doesn't matter.
He thinks it's normal
to go for a walk in the dark.
Now they are investigating
the use of firearms,
checking whether it was justified...
Of course it was!
And they filed a complaint.
Against you?
Who did?
District police office.
For what?
The nerve of them!
You risk your life
and they file a complaint!
Your own people.
That's the system.
A fine system!
Do they know who they were?
Still no leads.
Foreigners. Russians or Poles.
Maybe illegal aliens.
She might have been a prostitute.
Good riddance!
He doesn't show it, but it's a huge strain.
No wonder, she's dead.
It's awful.
He thinks about it constantly.
I'll be right back.
Don't let him get to you,
He has no idea.
Your dad doesn't see how hard this is.
Yeah, you know how he is.
I'm just cooling some beer.
We're almost out of mineral water too.
Besides, it's not that bad.
So she's dead.
What was I supposed to do?
It was just bad luck.
There's nothing you can do.
You know him. Just let him talk.
I'll get dessert.
- Fine.
You know who I ran into?
Sylvia Staudacher.
She has twins. Girls.
They are so cute.
Yes, they're adorable.
What about you?
What could be better
for the two of you right now!
It wasn't meant to be.
- House is done.
You're over 30, the perfect age.
Yes, Mama, we're trying,
but you can't force it.
It would get Robert's mind off...
Yes, I know. We want kids.
It's highly unlikely,
if you want to know the truth.
Why? You were just pregnant.
Incredible luck, apparently.
A fluke.
I can't believe that.
Did you get tested?
And what's the problem?
It's not me.
Then what, Robert?
Now that I really can't believe!
He's so athletic.
That's quite a pile!
You'll need a month for that I reckon.
A week.
- Really, just a week.
I get tired just looking at that pile.
Where is Hausner?
Isn't he inside?
I didn't check.
Bet he's glad someone's helping him.
I feel sorry for him alone on the farm.
Here he is.
You're here already.
Then let's go.
He's not coming,
born and bred a heathen.
Be glad he's doing your work for you.
I don't know if I can still play.
No fair, you have to play now.
You promised.
It's been so long.
Some things you never forget.
Hausner is going to play for us.
He really played up a storm.
Hasn't been that happy for ages,
he's like a new man.
I think he enjoys having someone on the farm.
Are you staying a while?
No, just long enough to finish the firewood.
I guess I'll be going.
Have fun. Fun...
Good luck.
Your husband doesn't go to church?
He doesn't hold much stock in it,
he'd rather run his route.
His route?
To the pond and back.
Every day.
I'm playing again.
Do you miss her?
The work alone!
It's depressing alright.
But I'll see her again.
It won't be long now.
You'll see her again?
She's waiting.
Why didn't you call?
Call? Why should I?
It's past 1 a.m.,
I didn't know where you were.
Well, nothing happened.
I still get worried.
I was with the other officers.
We were talking. I lost track of time.
About what?
- I'm sorry.
Talking about what?
What did you talk about?
Nothing special.
About work and what happened.
You talk to the other men, why not to me?
You don't understand anyway.
Maybe if you talked to me I would.
Besides, the men know it was an accident.
Bad luck.
And I don't know that?
Then why do you look at me that way?
What? How do I look at you?
You think I can't tell what you're thinking?
You think I can't tell?
What am I thinking?
That I shot her.
I can tell you think it's my fault.
You want to talk?
Want me to justify myself?
Even though you don't believe me.
You weren't really serious in there, were you?
You're right, forget it.
You don't really believe that's what I think.
You're right.
Are you coming to bed?
I'm just going to finish my beer.
The apples are just about ripe too.
taste this.
Well? Like it?
Yeah, not bad.
The best winter apples far and wide.
Who are you playing for?
When Hausner gets started,
there's no stopping him.
She brought us a cake.
Did you scare me!
Hausner wouldn't let me go.
It's great he's playing again.
It's what he loves most.
What do you want from us?
What do you mean? Nothing.
Why do you come here?
What do you want?
I figure it makes him happy.
I feel sorry for him on the farm all alone...
He's not alone anymore.
You act like we know each other.
Do we know each other?
We don't know each other.
And it's better that way.
Well aren't you uncouth!
You're turning things upside down.
I want you to leave us alone.
Cake, music, dance, tralala, I don't want it.
I don't want you coming back.
Do you think that's possible?
Then come to my house.
I'll be alone tonight.
If you want.
Wait till it's dark,
come around the back so no one sees you.
If you want.
You didn't chicken out.
Come in.
I wouldn't be surprised
if you were surprised at me.
I'm surprised at myself.
Glass of wine?
White or red? I've got both.
I prefer white, red makes you sleepy.
White perks you up.
White's OK.
Be right back. New bottle.
It wasn't full, though.
Not that you think...
Sit. Make yourself comfortable.
I'll be right back.
Well, I hope you like it.
I think it's quite good.
It's our house wine.
Well then, cheers!
Have a seat.
Nice house.
Thanks. It turned out nice.
Do cops earn this much?
No, I've got the store, double income.
We did a lot ourselves,
Robert and his friends, that is.
And we got money from our parents
and the bank.
It owns half the house, the upstairs floor.
But that's OK.
It's just for a few years.
Everything neat. Clean.
Tip top.
Yeah, you know, you want it to be cozy.
Have a seat.
Nice house.
Good husband.
Everything perfect.
Exactly as it should be.
You must be happy.
Yes, I guess.
Sure, I can't complain.
So why do you want to fuck me?
I guess it was a stupid idea.
I didn't really think that far, sorry.
- For what?
Can I take a shower?
- Upstairs on the right.
Another glass of wine?
How cozy!
Why are you doing this?
Are you bored with your cop already?
No, he's my husband.
I just wanted to.
What does your God have to say?
He understands.
A very understanding God.
What is it?
Can't you just be friendly?
Will you lose face
acting like a normal person?
What happened to you?
Do you have kids?
But you have a nursery upstairs.
But we don't have any.
I'll be going.
Why are you this way?
What did anyone do to you?
Be glad you don't know everything.
Will you come again?
You sure can work.
Got to give you credit for that.
You should get married.
A man needs a woman or he gets potty.
You'll find one easily the way you work.
You think chopping wood impresses women?
They notice a man who can work.
Won't be any different nowadays.
- Hi.
What's wrong?
Just dizzy.
Does this happen often?
Yeah, sometimes.
Can you hand me the bag balm?
It works wonders for headaches.
You have headaches too?
All the time.
You should go in for a checkup.
Doctors don't know anything either.
But it can't hurt.
I don't need a doctor for a little headache.
You're a stubborn old fool.
You're a stubborn fool yourself.
Who will look after the cows and the farm?
I'm not leaving.
They can carry me out in the end.
It won't be my problem anymore.
But until then, I'm not budging.
Till the end.
Till the end.
Alone today?
How's Hausner?
He's OK.
Tell him I said hi.
I'll be alone again tonight.
Hey Robert, c'mon!
Let's drink to my son.
Give him a glass, would you?
- Thanks!
Here, have a drink.
- I'm on duty.
Stop taking everything so seriously.
Pass me my glass! Thanks.
He came at 3 yesterday. Took forever.
You were there the whole time?
- Of course.
You're always scaring me.
Come in, what if someone sees you?
I was sure you weren't coming.
Good thing I didn't bet anything.
Have you always been a lone wolf,
coming and going...
Sorry, but that's my impression of you.
No. Not always.
Will you go back to Vienna when you're done?
You have a girlfriend?
I know nothing about you.
I had one until recently.
It's over?
What happened?
She was murdered.
She was murdered.
Oh my goodness.
- And the man who did it...
lives on.
Just like always.
He couldn't care less.
That can't be true.
- But it is.
He goes on living his life.
And she is dead.
And all I ever think about
is that I have to change that.
He can't simply go on living.
You wanted to know what's wrong,
now you know.
You can't do that.
You mustn't even think it.
Killing someone out of vengeance.
I know you don't believe, but it's a sin.
You mustn't do it.
Now I understand you.
That's why you're so cold.
So brutal.
You mustn't do it.
Promise me.
Now I understand you.
You have to go, Robert came home.
Find your way out.
Don't let him see you.
Maybe he'd like to meet me.
Please don't. Please go.
Don't ruin everything.
Please go.
Why are you home already?
What's wrong?
Robert, what happened?
They gave me a leave of absence.
Leave of absence?
I'm unfit for duty.
The counselor said it's perfectly normal.
It's a normal reaction to the events.
Sure it is.
And he said I might need psychological help.
I'm not sick, it's normal.
It's how anyone would react.
That's absolutely right.
I aimed at the tires.
- Everyone knows you did.
I normally hit my mark,
I don't know how this could happen.
It was just bad luck.
Bad luck.
Why am I plagued with bad luck?
Why can't I do anything right?
I think a psychologist is a good idea.
And I can't stop looking at the damn photo.
I don't understand, it couldn't have been me.
What photo?
Of the woman.
You have a photo of her?
Where did you get this?
I aimed at the tires.
You shouldn't have this.
Shouldn't be looking at it.
I'm going to throw it away now. OK?
I'm throwing the photo away.
What's wrong?
I'm OK now.
You belong in bed.
Yeah, maybe.
I'll be fine tomorrow.
You need a checkup.
At a hospital.
Things will fall apart if I'm not here.
Everything will go to ruin.
Nothing will go to ruin.
I'll stay here.
I'll keep an eye on everything.
You'll stay here?
I'm not going to any hospital.
They never let you out again,
and then they put you in a home.
I'm staying on the farm.
They can carry me out.
You're not dying yet.
Rest a little.
We'll go in a bit.
I'll feed the cows in the meantime.
You're Hausner's grandson, right?
- Yeah.
How do you like it here?
Not too exciting, is it?
Pretty dead compared to the city.
No, it's fine.
Nice spot here.
Aren't you the cop who shot that woman?
How do you know that?
People talk.
And it was in the paper too.
That's me.
Must be a heavy experience.
Wouldn't want to go through it again.
You aimed at him, the bank robber,
I guess. Am I right?
I aimed at the tires.
Wanted to.
Yeah, but I don't understand.
They're much lower.
You must have aimed higher for that to happen.
It all went so fast.
I don't understand it myself.
Aren't you scared of him?
- Scared?
You killed his girl.
What if he tracked you down
and wanted to shoot you?
Out of vengeance.
Let him.
Let him.
But there's one thing I'd ask him.
Why he took her along in the first place.
She wasn't driving, wasn't helping him escape.
He went into the bank alone.
It doesn't make sense.
Why did he take her as if it were an outing?
The whole mess happened because
she was there for no reason.
That's what I'd ask him.
Dinner is ready.
What's all this? Are we celebrating something?
Yes, maybe.
I have to tell you something.
It's still too early, and I'm not positive,
but I have the feeling...
I think it finally worked.
What, you really think so?
That you're pregnant?
Anyone here?
Ah, someone's here after all.
Where is Hausner? It's Sunday.
What's wrong with him?
We don't know. Tests.
Poor man.
You're staying till they know?
Someone has to.
I wanted to talk to you.
- Yeah?
Come in.
Let's hear it.
You ran into Robert at the pond.
Please never tell him what we did.
Why should I?
- Promise me.
Swear it.
I swear.
We shouldn't see each other anymore.
It was great and electrifying,
but we shouldn't do it anymore.
I mean if we meet by chance -
perfectly normal.
But I think it's better this way.
Who's that?
The girl I told you about.
Were you there when...
When she died?
That was you?
You robbed the bank?
What will you do now?
Stay here if they don't catch me.
As long as he's still around.
I have to go now.
Please don't tell him what happened.
Don't worry.
I have to go now.
Translation: Kimi Lum