Revelation Road: The Beginning of the End (2013)

Some people fear the
as a time of destruction.
While others see it as
a step towards grace.
For centuries they try us
to warn his arrival.
They said that we are aware
and had been looking forward to. us
By the time this revelation
rejected, misinterpreted
and ignored by almost everyone.
And the voices of righteous people
were drowned
smothered in a wave of evil.
Years went by.
From war to war,
of greed to greed.
And people laughed, assured
their dominion over the earth.
Even when the first signs appeared:
major floods, fire.
hunger, plagues, they laughed.
Very inappropriate when the end came.
It came as it was predicted.
Like a thief in the night.
Revelation Road 2013
That was for the set.
So you're that worthless monstrosity that
they sent to capture me?
What has become of this world?
I remember that criminals were the FBI. Afraid
There are no real men anymore?
Get out.
Take the hammer out.
That's what we want.
Hello, darling.
- Hello darling, how are you?
- I miss you.
When are you coming home?
I miss you too.
- Nathalie wants to say hello.
Hi, Daddy.
- Hi, Dad.
Hey baby, I love you.
Honey, are you there?
- Yes.
When are you coming home?
I'm home tomorrow, I promise.
Okay, good. It appears
if you are weeks away this time.
I know, but I must now continue
if I want that promotion, okay?
Yes, I know.
This is the only way to stop
with travel, every sale counts.
I'm here ...
I just wish that you were home
just feel something is not right.
- So you sound like you're pregnant.
No, do not panic but.
I just have these bad dreams and
which concerns me far
from you and am
I know I'll never
will see and it drives me crazy.
I'll be home,
it's all good.
I know it's not your thing
but do you pray with me?
Yeah, you know, it's not my thing.
- Yes.
Josh? Josh, what is, is everything okay?
Honey, are you there yet?
Honey, Josh?
Josh, what happened?
What happens?
Josh, are you there?
Honey, wait a minute.
Josh, what was that?
Honey? Josh, what happens,
is everything okay?
Wait a minute, honey.
Josh, what happened?
Wait a minute.
- What, are you crazy?
Look what you've done with my pickup.
- Josh, are you okay?
I may be wrong but I know
pretty sure you were following me.
What is that?
- Josh?
I did not hear well, I think.
I think he called me a liar.
He told you to your face.
Let you just do it?
Josh, are you there?
- Listen guys, I do not want trouble
why we do not exchange information
and call the police?
You're one call.
- Josh?
Come on.
That was not necessary.
Look, I'm sorry about your pickup.
- Sorry, no repairs.
How much money have you got?
How much?
What is this, a road race?
Since I do like.
Do not go. Well
Well, you should look at this
ultra high molecular weight polyester
Top class, anabolic shield,
level 3A protection.
The best standard equipment
most police agencies.
And if that does not protect enough?
Look, boom.
Space for steel plates.
Strong enough for a large caliber
stop. sniper ammunition
Perfect for when you hunting buddy
thinks you're a deer, right?
I have the discount
for large purchases already mentioned?
Thirty percent less
in the quiet season when you ...
Stop friend, stop.
Sir, you are a good seller
I can not deny
but this is what we do:
I suggest you three questions
and if I like the answers
I'll buy the vest.
- Well, the first question:
Are you a family man?
- Yes.
Yes, I have a family.
- That's not what I asked.
Are you a family man?
- Yes of course I'm a family man.
Well, the second question:
do you believe in God?
It has been a while since I was in church
but yes, I believe in God.
Okay, the last question.
- Okay.
Why do not you stop your
in protecting your family?
This vest or God.
No answers yet.
I have to go to the pot.
Just think for a moment.
Here, have some jerky.
I made myself.
It's nice.
Hi, there.
- Where did you come from?
You have three questions grandfather had not?
I almost see the smoke coming out of your ears.
Can not you give me a hint?
Of course, what's in it for me?
- Is this a zwendeltje?
What do you think?
Okay, ms Corleone, what does the sheriff
sure there is a minor work here?
Grandpa and the sheriff are the best friends,
you have nothing.
Twenty dollars for a hint?
- And 20 for your wallet.
Where are your parents?
- In L.A.
I'm just here this summer. I hung
around with the wrong people, so
it was here or at the bible camp.
That is more or less the same.
Yes, we are really a burden, I know.
- Too late.
Give the man his property back, young lady.
Should not steal, you know that.
Weapons and sell it?
- Do you see what I have to ask her?
- Have an answer for me?
Do not move old or I'll kill you.
Hands up, hurry up.
Come on.
Fill this bag with automatic weapons
and cash, now.
Okay, all you want,
but do not hurt her.
I give the orders, old man.
Do it, come on.
I know you from somewhere.
- Zeb, this is a beautiful.
Can I take her?
- Get your hands off her.
Shut up, come on
- Okay.
We are within boss,
up to three minutes.
How many are there?
- Please.
Is that all?
- Yes.
Is there anyone else here?
- Just go, you ...
Is there anyone else here?
- No, you got what you want.
No, only those three, no others.
No witnesses.
Wild parker, you
heard what the boss said.
Adios, amigo.
You're dead.
You are so terribly dead.
Something is wrong.
- You three, there.
You're too important.
I go.
All others back to camp.
You go where I tell you to go.
No, go back.
Where are the others?
They're all dead.
- Kill them, the Ice.
Forget it, let's go.
- Get him out of here.
Are you okay sweetheart,?
How did you ...
Who are you?
Who did this? Who
the brethren slain, that old man?
No, the other guy.
We do not have the money.
And I've tried.
- You did good.
But I've tried.
- You've done very well.
We will guide you home.
There they will pay.
Okay, one more time.
You have the three armed
guys shot.
In less than 20 seconds?
- I think so.
Yes, you did so.
Agent, you should see these tapes is.
- Yes, where are you trained, man?
I've never seen anything like it.
Look, these guys wanted to murder us,
I had to do something.
I was just lucky actually.
- Happiness?
Do you think we believe that?
- How you did it.
It is a miracle that we are still alive.
Good bless you.
Yes, happiness. We go to the office,
we have to do. lot of paperwork
Can I come?
- No young lady, you need to rest.
You go home and Josh, you come
lunch at my house
so I can thank you. appropriate
What's going on?
The world is falling apart.
Yeah, I do not know.
- Thanks Frank, I appreciate it
but I must go home to my family.
- That's not gonna happen.
Listen, you have a few days stay here
until all dissolved.
That's settled then.
Under the afternoon, we eat together.
And say thanks.
Was it worth it?
Bring him back, burned him.
Make it happen properly.
Allow the pickup disappear.
Boss, what do we do now?
We'll find him, the other guy.
And the shop owner and his family as well.
Let me go.
- Why?
So you can restore your fault
- I can handle this.
Go with her.
- Well, Boss.
I do not need him.
- Control information and come back.
I got this.
- I said I did not need him.
What are you stuttering?
I want this done properly.
No more mistakes.
- Let me go.
Pdf all.
Are you worthy?
I'm sorry about all this,
but you have to stay in the city
for the next four or five days, approximately.
That is the procedure.
That my wife will not like it.
Not at all.
Think of it as a vacation, you can get
wish no better destination.
You can visit our striptease tent
or the junkyard.
, A petting zoo,
which have a new cow.
An independent zoo.
I'll go to the nearest motel.
- That's the Pearblossom Motel.
Straight, about 15 kilometers.
- Thank you.
Are you sure everything is okay?
I feel fine, why?
One of the Deputies had
last shoot someone.
He has not been back since.
He is quite confused.
It's quite a bit to take a life.
I still vibrating from which I drew my weapon
and it has been twenty years ago.
I have experience.
Is that so?
Do you have combat experience?
Since I can not talk about it.
- I want to believe
when I look in your history.
Nothing to five years ago.
He did not even exist.
- Is that so?
Are you the G-man of the CIA?
- Yeah, you can not talk about it.
The greatest pleasure is on our side
I will tell you.
Come on now.
What was in the shop, was a good thing.
They're good people.
- Thank you.
Do you think you can tackle those guys
The Bararians are a violent group
somewhere in the north.
We need to make a call,
but do not worry, we'll get 'em.
You've really hurt today.
They are firmly off
with their tails between their legs.
- That I dare to bet.
Hi honey, I'm sorry that I
did not call back.
I am involved
in a bad situation here.
I have to stay a few days.
Sorry, I do not always
was for you, sweetheart.
I have ...
I had a hard time.
There are some things with me that I ...
have not told you.
Things I ...
thought to control.
- Sir Ellis.
I'm sorry, I thought you ...
It's been a rough day, week, month.
It was a rough couple of years.
The orders are in, it seems
that you can use now. called a friend
I think it is now
not the right time for it.
Josh, I know how you feel.
I've been there.
You really do not want to be alone.
Thank you, Sheriff.
You will be good for us, God bless.
He lets deputies on the shop fit
in case they come back.
That's great.
Josh, I can do anything for you?
No, it's good, thank you.
I more than just wondering.
- I'll do it, grandma.
This is the first time.
You have made an impression.
She has a new hero and they
it is not the only one.
No, I'm not a hero, please believe me.
- We are not that kind of nonsense.
Shut up about
and accept the gratitude.
Josh, you're our hero.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
thank you for my husband
and for my granddaughter.
Lord, protect us.
You better not watch my words.
Brother, you're cold-blooded.
You have today three slain
and you do not even shake hands.
You're standing on my lawn, at ease, the
raspberry lemonade my wife's drinking.
What unit did you serve, man?
What have they done to you?
I do not know what you're talking about.
Okay, I know that sometimes
things which a man
just does not want to talk about.
I know what's going on,
I have also experienced.
Yes, I've been there.
The blood, bullets, the bodies
with the face down in the mud.
Praying that you have the following
may survive for three seconds.
Then you come home here and everyone
pretend it never happened.
People walk past you and live their lives,
think of their mortgages
digging septic tanks.
They talk about what time dinner is and
you can not be there in it.
after all you've seen.
Nothing looks more like reality.
that coming home is the only
where they do not work.
You then need help.
You need a bridge.
- With bridge, you mean God?
I have questions about trust
the only son of God, Jesus Christ.
He said, come to me, everyone
that labor and are printed.
And I will give you rest.
and that's the truth, Josh.
Jesus is a bridge,
a bridge home.
Frank, I'm sorry to disappoint you
but I choose the vest.
What do you mean?
- Your three questions.
I rely on
to protect my family.
My wife and my daughter
keep me on the right path.
They are the ones
have saved me, not God.
So God? Maybe.
But I still think your flight
You try to escape
the things you've done.
I think you your family
also keeps at a distance, right?
You do, I know.
But it does not, you know.
It does not matter
what you've done in your past
You can erase all that
and start a new life.
Frank, I respect you and I
appreciate what you're trying to do for me.
And I'm glad that God works for you.
But I do not think it will work for me.
Good man, think about it, okay?
Because it's all there for you,
freedom peace, your family.
It's all there, there on the other side.
You're trying to get there.
And it does not work.
Jesus is the bridge.
Jesus, can you bring home.
The newspaper costs two dollars.
If you give me a room
I stay here a few days.
Can you believe this?
They are free and they do not even know.
Where are they fighting for?
Is that normal?
Nothing on this day is normal.
I'll be glad when it's over.
A good day.
- You too.
Who's next?
Anything else?
- Let your hair ever go?
Would not anyone?
Are there any challengers?
I'll take it against them.
That's enough.
You bring me enough in embarrassment.
Do not tempt me.
I am your flesh and blood, what should I do
to make you feel something?
I love you to her here.
Be happy with what you have.
What you are.
- You wanted me.
A mistake.
Still, my champion.
Listen, my brothers.
There are three of our died, today.
Those who have done so are still there.
But now I know who they are.
I know where they are.
Tonight, we get our revenge.
Blood for blood.
You go first, I want you to lead them.
That old man and his family first.
They are not dead until I get there.
Where are you going?
- Wait for my call.
Barbarians, we go.
It's not my business.
Who's there?
Miss, I'm Josh, I'm right.
Are we with you?
Do you need help?
Mind your own business.
Maybe it's better that you
're not here when he comes back.
You want me to call the sheriff?
- Go away, please.
I just do not ...
- What?
Want the "knight in shining armor 'are
and save me?
My boyfriend comes right back
and he is a pro fighter
so if I were you I would quickly disappear
and you do not show here.
Look, maybe you would not
be when he comes back here.
What, you have this all thought out.
I just want to help.
You understand nothing at all.
So do yourself a favor and go
somewhere else with your charity.
I'm next door if you need help.
Thank you Lord, for your mercy.
You have saved me again today.
You have saved my life so many times.
Thank you Beth and Josh.
May I pray that you open their hearts.
- Grandpa?
Grandma said that you know all about sin.
I pray that they may know your love.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.
We make peace?
Sorry about earlier, I
Maybe you can help me?
You want me to call the sheriff?
- No.
I could use some money,
maybe you can help me?
That kind of help do not need you.
Listen, I can not just give you money.
- I understand al
I understand al
I am the dirt earth.
A real junkie for you.
I did not say that.
- Of course, you said it.
So righteous, that is in your faith.
And like me, deceiving everyone.
Everyone wants a great life
and you're no different.
I'm not saying I'm better
than anyone else.
I was once another person.
I did terrible things weird.
But I've changed.
I have changed everything.
It is possible.
And you have certainly found Jesus?
I found Rachel, my wife.
You keep yourself really fooling,
people do not change.
People pretend to change
and then the hypocrites.
I tell you that there is no force on earth
you can change from within.
Are you still there?
If you have no money then go away.
What's this?
What are you doing in my room?
We just talk.
- Yes?
What you're talking about?
Simply, I'm going now.
- Helping, who help you?
Will you help yourself with my girlfriend?
- Ritchie, do not.
Do not.
- What not to do?
A tough guy, right?
- Ritchie, you're on parole.
Shut up.
Want to get out of here without broken arms?
I want to see money.
I'm going to give you any money.
Ritchie, do not.
Stop it, Ritchie.
Ritchie, do not.
Ritchie, no.
Stop it, let him go.
You kill him, you're bad.
Do not passable.
Mommy, stop doing my mom pain.
I'm sorry.
Dylan, go back to the car.
I'm sorry, I did not know.
Now you know.
She has not eaten in two days.
You hit her father together,
Now we need your help.
Come here.
- Mom, why did you fight?
Help here.
- We do not need your charity.
It is not charity, okay?
A payment, because you taught me something.
I thought I had changed,
but I have not changed.
You said that no power on earth
a person can change.
I'm beginning to believe it's true.
Mama, I'm hungry.
- Let's go, honey.
I want to go home.
Come on.
It seems we always
are looking for more.
Go ahead.
- Are you sure?
That's what good neighbors,
they take care of each other.
Thank you.
It seems that you have more days like that.
I have no idea.
Yes, it is difficult everywhere.
It feels like the whole world
falls apart if you ask me.
Where have all the heroes gone?
What happened to the Titans?
They had the power
in order to change the world.
When I look around me,
I only see children.
Screaming to their mommies.
They are still there, the precursors.
I knew good men and fought with them.
So you're a warrior?
You do not look out.
It makes me sick when I orders warriors
see hiring measly males.
Soon there will be a reckoning.
If the Titans stand and the world back
Taking the lawyers and politicians.
What do you think?
What you call a titan, I call a tyrant.
Men without feeling.
Men who kill and steal
and call it their own.
God willing there will always be men and
I have to tyrants to indicate their place.
Thanks, for small money.
Beautiful, that I could see you. Area code
Finally, someone worthy to fight.
Shall I leave the room?
Frank, what's that?
- Quiet.
Go there at Beth.
Marion, take this.
Soon there is a settlement.
- What have they done to you?
People do not change.
- Are you a G-man of the CIA?
They even did not exist.
There is no force on earth
you can change from within.
He said come with me, everyone
that labor and are printed on
and I will give you rest.
Jesus is a bridge.
Freedom, peace, your family.
You try to reach
but you can not.
Jesus is the bridge.
Jesus, can you help home.
We go with me?
Hello, I'm Rachel.
Yes, I do.
I want that.
Josh come here, baby kicks.
Josh, this is your baby, Nathalie.
Josh, I love you.
Hello, Josh?
- Thank God.
I've made so worried,
there is something wrong.
Strange lightning, aardbeveingen
and the power turns on and off.
Yes, weird stuff will happen here too.
Listen, I need to talk to you about something.
Something happened today.
And my world is upside down.
- Josh, what is that?
What happened?
There was a robbery.
Please, with the house Frank Allister,
men who attack us.
There are men who want to shoot us.
Tear gas, out of the window
the back bedroom, now.
Frank, do not.
- I'll cover you.
In motion.
Drop the weapon now.
You, get out.
- Do as she says, girl.
Go, now.
Grandma, I can not.
- Go, go now.
I've shot.
I have slain them all.
And you know what?
It was easy for me.
I'm good at it.
It's the only thing I
ever been really good at.
I do not know what to say.
And you know what's worse?
I do not feel bad about.
I have no regrets.
I feel nothing.
Frank, you're bleeding.
- Yes.
Where's Beth?
Beth will be fine.
- They got away.
Did you do that for us?
Thank you.
Thank you, God bless you.
- Now go, both.
Go now, before they get your address.
This way.
Now we have you.
Stand up.
- Keep trying.
Josh, they wanted to murder you, okay?
You did the right thing.
You're not a bad person.
- You do not know me, Rachel.
You do not know me.
I never told anyone this before.
I thought you said there were three.
Cat has found these two
we have not seen another.
Josh, I do not care who you were.
I love the man you are now.
God will comfort you.
- God can not help me, Rachel.
Josh, listen to me.
I know you do not believe.
But Jesus does love you and he
can forgive you if you let it.
God can not help me, Rachel.
It's never too late.
See this?
I have made
destroy my enemies.
I call him Vengeance.
I pray you Lord, forgive them.
Forgive them.
Do you really think your God
you hear prayers, old man?
I wanted to tell you for so long,
but I never found the right moment.
It was like I was carrying a burden to me.
That took me down
for everything that I did.
And then you came my way.
You helped me back up.
And that made sure
we were partners.
And the light keeps coming back.
I can not run away.
And now I can stop. Even
I was so busy
to run and fly, I ...
I just want to come home.
For good this time.
This feels great.
Rachel, are you still there?
What are they?
- The northern lights?
I do not think so.
He is, that must be it.
- Jesus.
Josh McManus, come with me.
What happens?
Come with me, Catharine.
Go find them.
- Boss, you did not see what happened?
I want you to find them all, now.
Elisabeth, come with me.
We are betrayed, spreads you.
Go find them.
The phone is dead.
Where is the nearest phone?
Somewhere in the city, but ...
You have not paid into, come back.
You owe me money, come back.
What are you doing?
You owe me money.
There is no way
without paying the bill.
If you have cash you me
pay now and then you can go.
No cash?
Then back to your room.
Then we wait until we have power again.
Do not tempt me.
- That's not necessary.
Those people are scared.
- That goes for you.
Do you have cash?
Then back to your room.
Everybody back to the room.
Nobody goes out.
Do not tempt me.
Nobody goes out.
Please help me.
I need your help.
What is going on?
Motorcycle gang who are disturbed, they willl
murder me and my grandparents.
But I do not have time to explain it.
We have to leave here.
You are safe here.
- What, are you crazy?
Forget it.
Elisabeth, come.
Stand behind me, I'll protect you.
We must flee.
- Have faith, Elisabeth.
Sometimes it is difficult for those who
lost to see the light.
Boss, why stop here?
We will not find anything here.
I think you have a mistake ...
You want out?
I let the death of our brothers
not unavenged.
And that light in heaven?
People disappear.
people do not just disappear.
They're here somewhere.
I can feel them.
I will find you.
And do not you dare ever
another to doubt me.
That's impossible.
Say, you know the way back to the city?
- Yes, of course.
Well, go there and stay off the road.
And I promise you nothing happens.
Are you ...
I mean ...
Are you him?
While declining ms Beth
then think about
what you saw today.
I do not know what I saw.
My grandparents, they ...
What happened to them?
- What do you think happened?
The light came down and took them.
And what is the light?
- I do not know God?
Why he has not taken me?
- Have you ever asked him to do that?
Why you telling me all this?
- I'm not special?
That's where you're wrong, Elisabeth.
Every person has his role in God's plan.
Billions flow drops
by the river of time.
However, there are certain people
choose which God himself.
In order to lead. The current in a different direction
You Elisabeth
you have a very important role
in the plan of God.
I just never asked.
Continued in ...
Revelation Road 2