Revenge Of The Creature (1955)

[Steam Whistle]
Obi, we anchor here.
We stay here
tonight, Nardo.
We go to the
Black Lagoon in the morning.
I fix you some supper now.
What are we having tonight?
Oh, big surprise. What we
didn't finish last night.
What I'd give for
a tall, cold beer.
Or a short,
warm blonde.
The Gill Man;
prehistoric monster.
Maybe there's no such thing.
You find him, mister.
I'll catch him.
It doesn't look good for
a conservative institution
like Ocean Harbor...
to circus a yarn and
then not to deliver.
If you're smart,
you won't worry about it.
If there is a Gill Man,
we'll catch him.
If it's a phony,
well, the boss
is out his dough.
Hey, Lucas.
Yes, Mr. Johnson?
Ah, it's a crocodile.
Huh, you think
maybe that is it?
Oh no, the thing you are looking
for can break that in two.
You know, sometimes I think
all North Americanos are crazy.
If he is dead,
you waste your money.
If he's alive, maybe you
be sorry you find him.
Yeah? There isn't a
fish alive I can't handle.
Who says
he's a fish?
What a character.
This sweatbox.
Doesn't it ever cool off here?
Never. You want to go back?
At your service.
Not till we get the...
the whatever it is.
Then we'll go back.
He won't rest easy till
he's got it in the tank
back at Ocean Harbor.
What for do you
want to do this?
So people can come and
stare at the man-fish?
To please some
crazy scientists?
For this you're going
to risk your lives?
Who said anything
about risking lives?
It's a job.
A technical job.
Maybe then you
got a book...
that going to tell you
how to do this thing?
Now look, we're not
paying you to make jokes.
No joke.
Tomorrow we gonna
be in the lagoon.
You will go down
in the water.
Then is no longer
time for talking,
so maybe is better
we talk now, huh?
Okay, go ahead.
Last year I came to this place
with a party of scientists.
Also brave and highly
technical people.
In the end,
five persons were dead.
The Gill Man,
still there.
Were they equipped
for the capture?
Well, we are.
So, I like to
ask you something.
I'm not very
educated person.
This Gill Man,
this thing I have
seen with my eyes,
it... it doesn't
belong in our world.
It should've died out
long before man was born.
Still, it exists. Why?
Well, I'll try to
explain it to you.
Sometimes a species
gets isolated in time.
If the conditions are right,
it reproduces itself
without change,
skipping a chapter
of evolution.
Way back, there must
have been some major link...
between marine and
terrestrial life.
It's just possible
that this is it.
Well, that's all
there is to it.
Now I tell you
what I believe.
This beast exists because
it is stronger than...
than the thing that
you call evolution.
In it is some force
of life. A demon...
driving it through
millions of centuries.
It does not
surrender so easily...
to weaklings
like you and me.
This is the thing
that you hunt for.
Think on it.
Good night,
And that, kiddies, is our
fairy story for tonight.
Joe, maybe he's right.
Back in Florida...
You don't suppose
that they expect us...
to lose our lives
over this thing?
Maybe we got no business
to be here at all.
Want to play
some cards?
No, I think I'll
try to get some sleep.
You better do the same.
Oh, I'll sleep fine.
No imagination.
[Lucas] Drop anchor.
Yes, Captain.
Nardo, bring the net.
Bring the net down.
Good. The Americano
does the rest.
You get that
net secure, Joe,
and we got the
entrance sealed off.
Well, let's go.
In a suit like that,
he'll be helpless as a baby.
This baby was
born in that suit.
He's taken pretty good
care of himself up to now.
Now is different, my friend.
How are things?
[Radio] Lucas isn't
getting you scared, is he?
Take me up, George.!
Take me up.!
Bring him in! Bring him in!
He's in trouble.
The lines are fouled up.
Joe! Joe, are you
all right? Joe!
Is he gone?
Joe, can
you hear me?
Hey, look.
He's coming up.
Keep bringing
him in.
Bring him in!
Hurry up.!
He's got the air hose.
[Lucas] Get the rifle.
Quick, shoot him.
Shoot him.
Bring him
to the ladder.
[George] Help him up.
Get him on deck.
Oh, he's hurt.
Look at that suit.
It's all slashed.
Watch his feet, Obi.
Get him over there
and sit him down.
Quick as you can.
Look, he's
bleeding badly.
I'll get this
helmet-plate off.
Did you get him?
I don't know, but I'm
glad he didn't get you.
Pull the pin, Lucas.
Si, I do it.
I hope you ain't going to
blow up my boat, Mr. Johnson.
Like my wife, she's not much,
but she's all I have.
Don't worry. There's just
enough dynamite in these cans...
to stun anything
below the surface.
If that thing's alive,
this oughta do the trick.
Go on back to the Rita.
All right.
Uh, you do
it easy, huh?
You ready?
Here goes nothin'.
Well, no sign of him.
Maybe this time we are
lucky and he is dead, huh?
There he is!
What's this?
By golly, you're right.
There he is.
Come on, Lucas,
let's go get him.
Always I have
the bad luck.
Be sure you
tie him up good.
This is the first telephoto
of the fantastic find received
from Rio deJaneiro.
The creature
is in a coma.
Has been ever since its capture
in an isolated Amazon lagoon.
Right now it's being
flown to Florida's famed
Ocean Harbor Oceanarium...
where the experts hope to
restore it to consciousness.
Movement of the creature
has required some
split-second timing.
It can exist out of water for
only a few minutes at a stretch.
The capture of the Gill Man
has created the greatest
scientific stir...
since the explosion
of the atomic bomb.
Further information
is anxiously awaited...
in colleges and universities
throughout the world.
Why, Neal,
that's wonderful.
You have such a vibrant color
sense for a four-year-old.
You know, I think this
one is even good enough
to show to your friends.
All right,
lesson's over.
Now, turn around, Neal.
Turn around.
Turn around. Sit down.
All right now.
Open your mouth.
Oh, that's a boy.
All right now.
Cover your eyes.
Cover your eyes.
That's a good boy.
Now stand up.
Stand up.
Now put your arms over
your head and stretch.
Oh, what a good boy.
Good morning,
Miss Abbott.
Good morning, Dr. Ferguson.
Good morning, Neal.
Come over here and see me.
How's he doing?
Just fine.
Neal, what do you
think of your work?
Flattery will
get you nowhere.
It's just amazing.
He's really as
bright as a child.
Well, as bright as a two
or three-year-old anyway.
Well, that's fine,
but remember,
we're supposed to find out what
the difference is between...
the intelligence of
an ape and a human being.
And at the rate he's going,
sometimes I wonder if
there is any difference.
Doc, would you
come here a minute?
I'll take
you now, my boy.
Doc, didn't you say that
among the lower animals...
there were no natural enemies
as long as they're well fed?
Yeah, something
like that.
Well, maybe so, Doc,
but there were four rats in
there when I changed my lights.
Now there's only three.
It's my considered opinion
that rat number four is
sitting inside that cat.
Are you sure you fed
them all this morning?
Sure, I always
feed them. L...
How'd he get in here?
Clete. Clete, here's the
most important news that...
The greatest scientific
find since the Peking man.
What you got, Mac, someone
unearth a natural blonde?
They've captured
that Devonian relic
Dr. Reed reported last year.
You're kidding.
Know what I think?
I think you should be
thinking about going
down to Ocean Harbor.
You wouldn't have any trouble.
They know your work down there.
Clete. Clete, you can be the
first man to scientifically...
study a creature that,
by all the laws of nature,
should've died a quarter
of a million years ago.
Where are you going?
To ask the dean for
a leave of absence.
What else?
Joe, Johnson.
How are you,
Lou, Mr. Foster?
Never better, Joe.
The whole country is talking
about that catch of yours.
That right?
Well, it oughta be
worth a raise then.
It is.
What's this I hear
about you gettin' mauled?
Ah, just a few scratches.
Hey, we'll bring him right up.
Well, let's go
down there, boys.
Now keep him straight.
Guide him in there easily.
Watch his head that it
doesn't hit on that bulkhead.
All right.
Move him through slowly.
Lower itjust a little.
All right.
All right, take it away.
Watch this
railing here.
Hold steady there.
That's it.
Okay, swing it in.
Keep it comin', boys.
Keep him comin'.
Right in here.
All set, George.
Keep it comin'.
Raise it up a little.
Up a little higher.
All right, hold it.
Now down.
All right, hold it.
Hold it.
That's good.
Afraid I've got some bad
news for you, Mr. Foster.
The Gill Man?
Yeah. Been in a coma ever
since we captured him.
But he's
still alive.
Yeah, just about.
Look, Joe, you
can't do this to me.
I've got every man, woman and child
in the civilized world
waiting to meet the Gill Man.
The hotels are booked
for 50 miles around here.
I've got the radio,
the TV...
Louie, speeches aren't
gonna do any good now.
We'll put him in the receiving
tank and we'll see what happens.
Come on, let's
get rolling, Mac.
Okay, Joe.
Hold him level now.
[P.A. System]
I suppose we might describe
this, ladies and gentlemen,
as the creature's official
entry into the 20th century.
Here at Ocean Harbor it
will live, if it lives at all,
and become the object
of scientific study.
The question now is whether
Joe Hayes, the man who
captured the creature,
will be able to bring it out
of its comatose condition.
He's waiting for it now.
Alone in the tank.
Apparently showing no sign
of fear as his arms reach out.
Easy now.
Let it down easy.
I've got it. All right,
down just a little.
All right, hold it.
Can you get him out, Joe?
Yeah, I can make it.
Okay, take it away.
Take up the rig.
Hey, boys, look up here.
Man, look
at that thing.
Will he come out of it?
Too early to tell.
Pardon me, sir.
Miss Dobson, may I
have a word with you?
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have here
Miss Helen Dobson.
One of the prettiest young
ladies it's ever been my
pleasure to interview.
Miss Dobson was a science
major at Belmont University
in Texas and now...
Well, perhaps I'd better
get her to explain it to you.
What brings you to the
oceanarium, Miss Dobson?
I'm here to gather material
for my masters thesis.
I'm studying ichthyology.
That's a ten-dollar word.
How about explaining it to us?
Well, ichthyology
is the study of fish.
I see.
I noticed that
Joe Hayes out here...
has the Gill Man
down in the water...
and he's walking
him around.
That seems to be a strange
thing to do. Is there any
particular reason for it?
Well, that's the way they revive
sharks and other large fish.
And since this creature
has gills, they're using
the same method.
You see, walking forces
water into the mouth...
from which it flows
over the gills.
Uh, as the water
traverses past the gills,
fine blood vessels,
on the surface of the gills,
release the carbon dioxide...
and pick up a dissolved
oxygen from the water...
which exits from the fish
through the gill-slit.
I see.
Well, do you think it will
work in this particular case?
Well, I'm no prophet.
Well, thank you very much
for talking to us, Miss Dobson.
How does it look, Joe?
Can't tell yet, Lou.
How long has he been
walkin' this thing?
About two hours.
What a way to
make a living.
His arm. I saw it.
It did move.
Watch it up there.
He's starting to move.
Why doesn't he get out?
Get those ropes ready.
I want to get out of here as
soon as I get a line on him.
We're ready, Joe.
Get that camera
here, quick!
He'll get out
of the tank.!
Keep that net handy.
I may need it.
We'll have it when you do.
All right, stand by with
those boat-hooks, boys.
That thing will
kill somebody.
Look out.!
Joe, look,
he's climbing out.
Look out, Joe.
Give me that.
Be careful.!
Get him out of there.!
Get the net ready.!
Throw the net.!
Throw the net.!
Bring him over here, Joe.
Okay, I've
got his wrist.
Get those cuts
fixed up right away.
All right, all right.
Let's get out ofhere before
that thing breaks loose again.
[P.A. System]
Ladies and gentlemen,
our Ocean Harbor technicians...
are about to move the Gill Man
from the receiving tank into
the larger permanent tank.
Mr. Joe Hayes is in
charge of the operation.
Open up the gate.
Everything all right?
Wait till they're
all out of the tank.
I'm not taking any chances.
I hope that chain holds.
Don't worry
about that chain.
[P.A. System]
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen,
to Ocean Harbor,
on this, the first day
of public exhibit of the
world-famous Gill Man.
We suggest that you enjoy
all of the sights the
oceanarium has to offer.
Once you've seen the
Gill Man, please move on.
Give the other
folks a chance.
Our attendants will be pleased
to answer your questions...
as you tour the
wonders of the deep.
Very shortly now
the Gill Man will be fed.
Scientists are still
investigating his diet.
They found the creature
reluctant to eat...
these fish that are swimming
about him in the tank.
It was a real break
finding you here.
Look, I'm not one
of those specialists...
who fails to appreciate
the other fella's field.
Although, personally,
I think we're overspecialized.
Why, it's getting so
we have experts...
who concentrate only
on the lower section of
a specimen's left ear.
Well, I must tell you, I know
something about your work.
And I was quite impressed
when I heard you were coming.
You're not at all
like I expected.
I'm glad I disappointed you.
He's not much on
table manners, is he?
Come on, let's get out of here
before the crowd runs over us.
All right.
What are you doing
for dinner tonight?
You don't waste
any time, do you?
I've only got two weeks.
But you came
here to work.
Any time a man can combine
business with pleasure,
he's batting 500
in my league.
And now, I'll start
all over again.
Miss Dobson, what are you
doing for dinner tonight?
Well, I hadn't
thought about it, sir.
Then that's settled.
Now where are you staying?
At the Star Motel.
Great. So am I.
Hey, Professor.!
Wait for me!
Uh-oh, I've been
afraid of this.
ThatJoe Hayes is
an A-number-one wolf.
Avoid him.
It'll be difficult,
but it can be done.
Well, aren't you
gonna wait for him?
What? And let Mr. America
cut into my cake?
What's the matter,
old-timer, pooped out?
You shouldn't walk these
brain-boys so fast.
They can't take it.
You know, strong upstairs,
but no stamina.
It's good to see you, Clete.
I heard you were in town.
You too.
I understand you're gonna
be here for a couple of weeks.
Yeah, that's right.
Ah, that's tough.
You won't have the chance to
enjoy the good things in life.
And what are you doing
for dinner tonight?
Well, I uh...
Uh, sorry, Joe, she just made
a date with me, didn't you?
Well, l...
Well, yes.
Oh, but you can join us,
Joe, if you want to.
No, thanks. I'll give
the professor his chance.
I don't like to take
advantage of amateurs.
See you later.
[P.A. System]
Ladies and gentlemen,
introducing Flippy,
the educated porpoise.
Flippy has been taught to
retrieve objects on command.
And now, for a finale,
Flippy will raise the flag.
Well, where have
you been, boy?
I guess I better introduce you.
Professor, this is Chris.
My one true love and
favorite boyfriend.
Pleased to
meet you, sir.
Well, it's all right, boy.
He won't bite you.
Ah, come on, boy.
Say, you're
a good old dog.
Does he always
travel with you?
No, no.
He picked me up a
couple of weeks ago.
I was here watching
the porpoises...
and he made a pass at me,
didn't you, boy?
If Flippy gets any smarter,
he'll start talking.
He talks, all right.
We're just not smart
enough to understand him.
Think Chris is smarter
than Flippy, Professor?
I doubt it.
The porpoise has a very large
and well-developed brain.
In fact, his intelligence
lies somewhere between
a chimpanzee and a dog.
How smart is
the Gill Man?
Well, that's what
I'm here to find out.
What his reflexes are like.
His behavior patterns.
His capacity to learn.
His response to stimuli.
Oh, it sounds exciting.
I hope I'll be able to help.
I'm sure you will.
[P.A. System]
Here we go.
Okay, once more.
Back again.
All right, Flippy, you may
now return to your private
quarters, and thank you.
One, two, three, four.
[Helen's Voice]
Testing. One, two,
three, four.
[Clete's Voice]
Testing. One, two,
three, four.
[Helen's Voice]
Testing. One, two,
three, four.
[Helen's Voice]
Testing. One, two,
three, four.
[Clete's Voice]
The speaker must be working.
He's reacting to it down there.
[Clete's Voice]
Be sure your
throat mike is tight.
Be sure and keep
that volume up.
Yes, sir.
Now the important thing is
not to become so interested
you get careless.
Oh, you don't have
to worry about that.
If anything goes wrong,
you head straight for
the surface, you understand?
All right, let's go.
I sure hate
to use this,
but I guess we
haven't much choice.
All right now, let's
go over it once more.
You're to wait for
the right moment...
and then push the food
cage within his reach.
As he reaches for it,
you're to say "Stop"
in your throat microphone.
He won't know
what it means...
so I'll condition him
by shocking him with
the bull-prod. Right?
Bob, hand me this when I
get in the water, will you?
Here he comes.
Be careful, Clete.
[Shocking Noises]
That was lesson
number one.
He knows the prod
can hurt him.
Put the cage down and
stay close to the wall.
He's a little gun-shy.
You better attract
his attention.
Jiggle the cover, Helen.
Get back, Helen.!
Here he comes.
He's learning fast.
Shall we try it again?
No, that's enough for now.
Let's take the cage up.
From now on, we're the
only ones who'll feed him.
That was fine. Now you
better get out of that rig.
Remember, we have a
date for dinner tonight.
I don't care what
the joke writers say.
It takes longer
for a man to dress.
He's got more to put on.
How's he doin'?
Come on, let's
get out of here.
All right.
Here's the Mickey Finn,
Takes about five minutes
for this stuff to work.
Then he'll be
gentle as a baby.
I suppose.
Fine scientist you are, getting
squeamish about doping a fish.
He's got it.
Let's go.
Hey, what
goes on here?
Oh, well...
every second, millions
of electric impulses...
leap from one cell of
the brain to another...
making our minds and
moods what they are.
You see, those wires
on the Gill Man...
pick up these impulses and
register them here on the chart.
Naturally, we'd learn a lot
more about the creature...
if we could test him
while he was awake.
Well, my dear girl,
everybody knows that when you're
asleep the brain stops working.
No more so than
the heart does.
The brain waves
become irregular,
like those of the insane.
You mean, I'm crazy
when I'm asleep?
No more so than
when you're awake.
Red corpuscle content only 10
percent less than human blood.
Un-nucleated structure.
No correlation with
the fish sample.
It's amazing.
Every test, every reaction
just misses being human.
Back again, boy?
Say, you're like a
proverbial kid brother
trying to mooch a nickel.
Well, what's the matter,
boy, you worn out?
Wouldn't you
be by now?
Here, boy.
Fetch it, boy.
Fetch it.
He's a character.
It's nice to get away,
lie in the sun,
be like other people.
Strange talk coming from
a dedicated scientist.
Have you forgotten
your mission in life?
I'll be leaving soon.
I'm gonna miss you.
You know, sometimes I wonder how
I ever got started in all this.
fish, ichthyology.
Where will it all lead me,
as a person, I mean?
Most of the kids I went to
undergraduate school with...
are already married
and have children.
Is that what you want?
I don't know.
L... I just don't know.
But surely...
But what do
you want?
Well, it's
different with me.
I'm a man, I don't
have to make a choice.
But I do?
It's tough on you gals.
I'm not saying it's
right or wrong.
Just a fact.
It doesn't
seem right.
But you haven't
told me what you want.
What you want most, I mean.
I'd like to know
before I leave.
You've become
important to me.
Oh dog, you're
a point-killer.
Hey, take it easy.
You startled me.
I'm sorry.
You know, I pity
him sometimes.
He's so alone. The only
one of his kind in the world.
Well, he's like
an orphan of time.
Yeah, I've been
thinking about it.
Your going into the tank...
it's risky, too risky.
I'd sleep better if you'd
leave him toJoe and me.
Well, haven't
I been a help?
That's not what I'm
talking about. It's...
Well, it's just that
he's so unpredictable.
- If anything were to happen...
- Nothing's going to happen.
Don't you think you're
making a lot out of nothing?
He's chained and you
have the bull-prod.
Will you listen?
You're only going to
be here a short time...
and using Joe
might hold you up.
Move the ball around.
You gave him a bad jolt
last time. He's leery.
That's all right.
Try it again.
Careful, Helen.
That's amazing.
It took me three weeks
to teach that to a chimp.
Let's try it again.
Okay, Professor.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Be careful, Helen.
Not too close.
Come on.
Get back, Helen.!
Clete! Clete!
[Shocking Noise]
Get out, Helen!
Get out!
Helen, stand back.
What happened, Clete?
You all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
Lou, come here quick
and give Helen a hand.
You all right,
He's plenty mad.
Let's get outta here.
Hey look,
he broke the chain!
[Joe] Stand clear.
Get back, all of you.
Get back. Stand clear.
[P.A. System]
This is an emergency.
The Gill Man has escaped.
Please.! Please clear
the oceanarium.
Get out, everybody.
[P.A. System]
The Gill Man has
broken out ofhis tank.
Clear the area.
Return to your cars.
Don't approach the
beach side of the ocean.
He'll probably be
heading toward the water.
It is four days since
the Gill Man escaped.
Conflicting reports place
the fearsome creature as far
north as Norfolk, Virginia...
and as far
south as Panama.
But most experts believe
the monster is either dead or on
its way back to the Amazon.
Come on, kids.
Break it up.
We weren't
doing anything.
Well, that's good.
It's time to go home.
Come on, beat it.
Okay, Officer.
Anything you say.
[Dog Yelps]
Are you all right?
Helen, you all right?
Who is it?
It's Clete.
Where's Chris?
Well, I left him
in the bedroom.
Isn't he there?
No. I heard him howl.
Well, I'll be
right with you.
I'll look for him outside.
Chris? Here, boy.
Here, Chris!
Here, boy!
Here, Chris.
Any sign of him?
Well, I wonder
where he could be.
Ah, don't worry about him.
He's probably chasing a rabbit.
He'll show up in
the morning. Come on.
I'm glad you're coming
with me tomorrow.
We can take a leisurely
cruise up the river and
have dinner in Jacksonville.
My plane doesn't
leave until midnight...
so maybe we can go stepping for
a couple of hours, if you like.
Oh, it sounds wonderful.
Will you miss me?
It'll be the
longest three months.
Good-bye, Helen.
Good-bye, Clete.
See you, George.
Thanks a lot.
Have a nice trip.
Sorry about everything
that happened.
Bye, fellas.
Now stop worrying
about Chris.
It's not like him
to take off like that.
Look, he'll probably be
waiting for you on your
doorstep when you get home.
I hope so.
For a scientist, I sure
am a sentimental fool.
Stay that way.
Come on now.
Let's enjoy the trip.
[Ballroom Music]
Sure there's nothing
I can do to help?
Everything checks,
but nothing works.
Well, yell if
you need me.
Let's go.
Hey, cut it out.
So you want to play,
huh? That does it.
Try to pull my leg,
will you?
For a professor, you certainly
have the manners of a freshman.
Hey, Professor,
come on back.
It's all fixed.
Fun's over.
Did you have fun?
Oh yes,
it was wonderful.
We better get going.
Whew, it's hot.
Let's go outside.
All right.
Well, Prince Charming
vanishes at midnight...
and I won't see him
for three long months.
Maybe I can
stretch a weekend.
Might as well be broke,
it's the way I am.
You know,
scientists are funny.
We probe and
measure and dissect.
Invent lights
without heat,
weigh a
caterpillar's eyebrow.
But when it comes to
really important things,
we're as stupid as the caveman.
Like love.
Makes the world go round,
but what do we know about it?
Is it a fact?
Is it chemistry, electricity?
Once when I had a crush
on the captain of the
high school football team,
I looked it up
in the dictionary.
And love,
according to Mr. Webster,
is "a feeling of strong
personal attachment induced
by sympathetic understanding."
Have you ever
heard such nonsense?
I don't know.
Some things should
remain unknown.
I think a
poet once said,
"But love is such a mystery,
I cannot find it out.
For when I think
I'm best resolved,
I then am most in doubt."
[Helen Screaming]
What was that?
I don't know.
[Helen Screaming]
The Gill Man has kidnapped a
woman from the Lobster House...
at the foot
of Pier Nine.
Pier Nine. Units one,
seven alerted to Pier Nine.
That's us.
Man in the water
by the buoy.
Over here!
Clear the streets of traffic.
Order citizens indoors.
Police cars on detail nine-one
will report to waterfront.
The Gill Man is
loose in Jacksonville...
after kidnapping Miss Helen Dobson,
a science student.
It is believed the monster
may be on the prowl,
ready to attack others.
The police have requested
us to advise all citizens...
to remain indoors
until further notice.
It is suggested that
you keep all lights on...
as the creature seems not to
be able to stand bright light.
So I say to the old man,
"Why should I stay in school?
You never finished
and you're doing okay."
You can't get a job
without a college degree.
It's like my pop says it.
"A college degree is like a high
school diploma used to be."
He says... Hey.
What's that?
Looks like a body's
been washed ashore.
Think we'd better...
Is she all right?
She's alive.
[Gill Man Roars]
No! No!
[Man On Radio]
Car two-four, the report
from area 78 is incorrect.
Got it?
It is incorrect.
The Gill Man has not
been sighted in that area.
He could be headed
for Brazil by now.
The bodies of two men have
been found on the banks of
the SaintJohn's River.
Car one-nine investigate
bodies found near car
below Point Diego.
Could be him.
Let's go.
Get a load of that.
There's another
one over there.
All emergency equipment is being
mobilized at Point Diego...
where the bodies of
two students, victims of
the Gill Man, were found.
So far there has been no
trace of Miss Helen Dobson,
the pretty, young scientist
kidnapped by the monster.
Her fiance,
Professor Clete Ferguson,
is aiding in the search.
The police department asked
me to repeat this message.
Civil defense trucks
and floodlight equipment
will report to Point Diego.
[Police Captain]
All right men, settle down
and give me your attention.
I want you to comb this beach
and surrounding area carefully,
but under no circumstances
are any of you to investigate...
shrubbery, hulks
or other possible
places of concealment...
unless you are accompanied
by an armed guard.
Now the trucks will
disperse in both directions...
and unload about a
thousand yards apart.
Now you men all
have flashlights.
I want you to check them
right now to see whether
they're in order or not.
All right, come on.
Turn 'em on.
Now if any of you
spot the Gill Man,
report to your group leader.
He'll fire his Very pistol
and the professor and I will
get there as soon as possible.
May I say something
to the men, Captain?
Professor Ferguson would
like to say something to you.
I want to impress upon you
once again something the
captain said before.
Don't take any chances.
This is a thinking
creature we're hunting.
Wily, cruel, dangerous.
As strong as any ten of you.
Two men have already lost
their lives tonight.
A girl is missing.
I want to find that
girl alive more than
anything else in the world,
but I don't want a single
one of you men to risk
your life needlessly.
Remember that this creature
can't stay out of the water
for more than a few minutes.
That limits our search to a
narrow strip along the river.
So, please, obey the captain's
instructions to the letter.
The moment you spot
the Gill Man, report it
to your group leader...
and he'll fire
his Very pistol.
That's it, men.
Get at it.
Hold it!
Joe, turn that light back.
I think I saw something.
Anything to make
you happy, Mac.
Hold it.
I knew I saw something.
I can't make it out,
but that's no Gill Man, bub.
It's not driftwood
either, buster.
I'm gonna take a look-see.
Any of you guys
want to go with me?
Joe, keep this lamp
right where it is.
If you find anything,
make with the high-sign.
Holy cow!
A flea couldn't get
through there, Professor.
Hey, they found him.
Let's move, boys.
Remember your
The professor is in
command for now on.
You take orders
from him.
There he goes.
Watch out for the girl.
Hold your fire.
Come toward
me slowly.
Don't make any
sudden moves.
Hold your fire.
That's it.