Revenge Porn (2016)

Rachel, I'm home.
That's my mom.
Male: Would you relax!
It's too dark in here.
I'm opening the shades.
Um, No. No.
I don't want to give my mom or the
rest of the neighborhood a show.
Let's give them a thrill, huh?
Just-, please.
Anything for you, baby.
You are so hot.
I can't believe I never saw you
at my games in high school.
Oh, I was there. I was just- I
was in the bleachers.
With the rest of
the band geeks.
In your tight little uniform.
Watching me.
Where is that uniform?
You should put it
on for me.
We are not in
high school anymore.
And one of us isn't
even in college.
Come here.
It's okay.
How do you do that?
Do what?
Just kiss me and make
everything better.
Who are you texting?
It's nobody.
It's my mom.
You stop making out with your
girlfriend to text your mom?
Oh, like you haven't
done it before?
That - That's different.
My mom's-
Loud. Pushy.
Pain in the-
Tell your mom I said hi.
- What? No!
- Babe.
I want something to make my
friends jealous. Come on.
No way! Get out.
I'm just kidding.
You know I won't do that.
Look, I want something to take
back with me in the fall.
You know me, I'm ride
or die for you.
But these college girls,
they come at me hard.
I need something to remind me
of what I got. Hmm?
Hmm, hmm, hmm.
Give me a smile.
Come on, just a little one.
Maybe a little more skin.

You won't show this
to anybody.
It's me.
Come on.
Come on.
Yeah, that's it.
Ooh yeah.

That's it.
Alright, look sexy.
Ooh yeah.

Drop there. Right there.
Doing it.
Yeah. Come on.
You know what?
Just take it off.
- Just take it off.
Now we're talking.
That's good.
That's good.
Troy! Troy! What are you
doing? Stop! Stop!
Troy: What? I know
you're ticklish.
Troy: Fine, I gotta take
a leak anyway.
What you doing?
What is this text?
God, you have no chill.
What happened to
trusting me?
And how am I supposed
to trust you?
Okay. Had so much fun with you. Can't wait
until the next time I feel your rock hard-
I - I can't even read the rest
of this.
What are you doing Troy?!
Why did you do this to us?
We're not really exclusive.
Right? Come here.
Are you serious?
Okay, then who else?
Can I please have
my phone back?
Rachel give me
my phone back.
Rachel, open the door.
Troy: Rachel!
Troy: Give me
my phone back.
Troy: Rachel!
Troy: Rachel!
Troy: Can I have my phone,
Troy: Rachel!
Look, I'm trash. I know! Would you please
come out of the bathroom and talk, baby?
You said you erased them?
Yeah, I was gonna take them to
college with me, remember?
As a reminder of my girl?
- No but I changed my mind and you said you erased them.
What else are
you lying to me about?
Look, if you want them
gone, they're gone.
Now I want you gone too.
Come on.
Are you okay?
Look, I love you!
That's the truth.
No you don't, Troy.
You just want to check
me off your list.
- And you did.
So, get out.
What?! Well we never-
- Mother: Okay, you know what?
I want you the hell out of
my house.
Troy: Hey! Get off
of me! Hey!
Oh! big mistake, bitch!
- Don't take another step or I will call the cops, okay?
Don't push me.
You're going to regret
this, Rachel.
You got too fat anyway.
- Oh, you know what?
Why don't you go shave your
chest some more. You loser.
Rach, you okay?
- Yeah.
I just, did not see that coming.
Oh, honey.
This is a good thing.
I know that it hurts
right now.
But I promise you, time heals
It's going to be okay.
Come here.
It sucks.
I know.
We never liked him anyway.
It's going to be okay, babe.
I love you.
- I love you too.
You're better off without him.
I know.
Guys like that get aggressive.
And then they get abusive.
You don't need that
in your life.
Next year you'll have enough
money to go to conservatory,
and there will be
other boys there.
I just thought that, you know,
by now I'd be running from class
to class on campus.
And fight over practice rooms.
Not here. Getting cheated on.
And wiping coffee stains
off my bra.
Mom: The job is part
of the plan.
You wanted to go to the best
And sometimes the
best takes more.
Yeah, I'm living the dream.
Hey, Sherry.
What do you call birds that
stick together?
I don't know.
You get it? Vel-crow?
Ryan, the jokes are tired.
They creep everyone out.
Especially me.
I meant "creep" as a compliment.
Hey guys, sorry I'm late.
- Rachel, hey.
It happens, you know?
Are you okay?
Is something wrong?
What's wrong is that Sherry's
aways opening up on her own.
Even with a full staff because Princess
Rachel is so freaking delicate.
Castles Deli.
We cater.
Yeah, so he almost blurted it
out right in front of my mom.
As if it's not embarrassing
Blurt out what?
You know, that thing that boyfriend
and girlfriends fight about.
Or not sex.
You guys never had sex?
Sorry, Troy just- he didn't seem
like the waiting type.
I told him I wasn't ready and
he didn't force it.
He's not like, an animal.
So what do you call birds that
stick together?
I don't know.
Get it? Vel-crows.
Can I get my donuts now?
Yeah - yeah. Sorry.
I'm sorry. Yeah.
This is it.
Bro, it's not real.
I bet you twenty bucks it's not real.
- Bet.
She can count.
- Wow.
Hey, we want Rachel's table.
She'll be delighted.
- I bet she would be.
Thank you.
Those three charmers asked
especially for you.
I told you.
I told you.
Oh boy.
Hey guys, how are you?
Things are actually looking up.
Okay, do you guys know what you want? Or can
I start you off with a couple of drinks?
You can finish me off.
Happy ending all around.
Alright, Listen. I don't know
what the three of you want
but if you don't stop,
you're going to have to get the hell out.
Confirmed sighting, Bro.
Okay, you guys are gone.
You're done.
You're disturbing everyone. I'm
kicking you out. Go!
Check this out.
Get off me. Just go!
You guys are gone! Go!
I just want you to know who you
got working for you, alright?
You know those guys?
No, I don't know them.
They knew you.
It's nice to see Ryan grow some
balls for once.
Hey Ryan, thank you so much for
handling that.
I really don't know who they are
or what they wanted.
Um, hello.
Why are you showing me porn?
Those guys saw your
picture on this site,
they came here to find you.
What? What is this?
Some revenge porn website.
Look what it says at the bottom.
What the hell is this?
Rachel, I know you didn't write that, you
know. But I think we know who did it, okay?
Rachel, are you okay?
Is there anything
I can do for you?
Um, thank you so much, Ryan, for telling me.
But I gotta get out of here.
Table six wants to know where
their check is?
Hello? I'm talking to you?
What's her problem?
What happened?
Sweetie, what's going on?
Um, there's this website,
where guys post pictures of
their ex-girlfriends.
Naked pictures.
And sometimes videos.
What does this have to
do with you?
I have to show you something.
Okay, you have got to be
kidding me, Rachel!
What? Oh my God!
Mom: The comments.
This is your work address.
I know. That's why I'm here.
That's why I came home early,
because a bunch of them showed up.
They came to your work?
Are you okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
Nothing really happened.
They just came and said stuff.
And then Ryan kicked them out.
And then they told told Ryan
and Ryan told me.
It's just really sick.
I don't understand how this
could happen.
Is this Troy?
- God.
What is this crap?
It's some kind of stalker
That's the guy that runs it.
He runs the website.
A lot of bitches out there
have it coming.
This isn't just a spank bank
though you'll like that part
Remember our motto: Squirt'em
then hurt'em.
Because real men stick together.
Oh my God! Rachel!
Who are these people?
Guys that think they can
get away with it.
Guys like Troy, I guess.
Why did you let Troy take these
Because I was stupid Mom!
I don't know! Okay?
- What?
I already feel so stupid.
I don't need you slut shaming me!
It's just-
Those comments. I'm worried.
I'm worried too.
They drove all the way out
here to find me.
We'll get the pictures
taken down, okay?
I promise.
I write to this Ashton Banks jerk, and I'll
tell him to take down the pictures immediately.
And if he doesn't, my lawyer friend
Carol who will be all over his ass.
How can he say no to that?
Game over.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Um, Mom.
Please don't tell Dad.
He already hates me.
- Your father doesn't hate you.
Just, please.
I guess he doesn't need to know.
This will all be over tomorrow.
I promise.
Come here.
It's okay.
Dear Mr. Banks,
I was disgusted finding my
daughter Rachel's
pictures on your website
this afternoon.
They were posted without her
knowledge and against her will.
This is a violation of her right and as
well as a threat of her personal safety.
As several of your so called
gentlemen have already
tracked her down and publicly
humiliated her.
Hey what's up? it's Troy.
I'm not here right now.
Leave me a message and I'll get back to you.
I knew you were a liar.
But this is low. Even for you.
You disgust me, Troy.
Mom: I'm writing to let you know if you won't
take Rachel's pictures down immediately,
my lawyer will issue you an
official cease and desist.
Regards, Barbara Light.
I don't know how you people
sleep at night.
Hey Rach?
Let's get out of here.
Two tickets for Social
Nightmare, please.
Okay, so what do you feel like?
Action hero with cute butt,
saves everyone from terrorist bomb?
Oh! or a comedian with a cute
butt, has a talking dog.
What about the one where moms don't
talk about butts and we get to go home?
Rachel, stop.
Everything's going to be fine.
Okay, I'm gonna pick the
movie this time.
- Hi.
Two for Social Nightmare,
Oh, I'm gonna get the popcorn. You get the seats?
- Great.
Oh, hey guys!
Female: How desperate.
Hi Rachel.
How are you?
Hi. Okay.
How are you?
Now that you're here.
I clicked on the link
you sent me.
You're a naughty girl.
I never sent you anything.
- Don't be embarrassed.
You're a beautiful woman.
Hey Rach-
Is something wrong?
Mom we have to go, now.
- Wait. What's going on?
Mr. White just creeped
on me hard.
Wait. Are you serious?
- Yeah. He saw Life Ruiners. I told you. Let's go.
Troy sent a link to
Mr. White. He had to.
Maybe. But I saw all those girls
that I knew laughing at me in there.
And whispering.
Maybe they saw the website and
decided to mess with me.
Or it could have been any of those
three guys in the restaurant.
Or anyone who's seen the pictures,
which is everyone else in town.
You shouldn't have let Troy take
those pictures.
You should have made sure that
he deleted them.
And now you've damaged your
Possibly your music career.
And you have put yourself and me
in actual physical danger!
Mom, there is no way that I could have possibly
know all of this was going to happen, okay?
Troy promised me he wouldn't show anybody
and he deleted them right in front of me.
Oh, get a clue, Rachel!
He downloaded them to his
computer first.
Even I know that.
I cannot believe you let
him take naked pictures of you.
In this day and age. I can't believe
you would do something so stupid.
Well I did, okay? I did. Just like
every other girl out there since 1996.
Like no guy has a Polaroid picture of you
with big hair, tan lines, and no shirt.
Where are we going?
Where we should have gone in
the first place.
To the police.
Oh my God.
- Yeah.
So you willingly took
the pictures.
He didn't threaten you, or trick you,
or take them without your knowledge?
It's okay. You can tell her.
Well, we took them together.
You're an adult over eighteen?
She's nineteen.
So what do you want me to do?
Can't we press charges?
You just told me that you, an
adult woman,
willingly took the pictures and
he took them on his own phone.
That means that those pictures
are technically his property and
he can do with them
what he wishes.
Now that may be very well be that he's
a bad person for putting them online.
But the last time I checked,
just being a jerk is not against the law.
So, what do you want me to do?
Okay, but these men
have my address.
They came to my work to find me.
Did they touch you?
Did they make threats?
No but they-
I'll put it in the record and we
will keep it on file.
If they do something, then we
can do something.
But until then-
Okay so we're just supposed to
wait until she gets hurt?
Maybe she'll get raped or kidnapped?
And then you're going to do something?
There is no actual evidence that an actual
person has committed an actual crime.
We're not gonna waste our man
power until there is.
Because while your daughter is
out there sexting,
and taking her shirt off,
we are putting our lives on the line
tracking down thieves and murderers.
I'm just trying to keep my
daughter safe.
Your daughter is an adult.
Adults take responsibility
for their actions.
If there's nothing further,
here's my card.
Mom, let's just go.
This is what I pay taxes for?
Mom, come on.
You just forget.
A waste of time.
Can you believe that?
What a nightmare.
You agreed with her.
You said it earlier.
Yes. No.
It doesn't matter.
I just want the cops
to do their job.
Okay, well where are
we going now?
Well they said that Troy owned the picture.
So he can take it down.
He won't talk to me.
- Well he's going to have to.
Because that's where
we're going.
And then we'll-
Then we're gonna talk to Carol and
see if we can file a civil suit.
What are you looking at?
Mom, what are you doing?
There's a van following
us. Hang on!
Are you sure?
Mom! What was that?
Mom, what are we doing?
He doesn't have a license plate.
I'm calling 9-1-1.
Screw that!
- Mom!
Mom, what are you doing?
Stay in the car!
Okay, psycho, I know you're
following us.
- Stay in the car!
Get in the car!
I'm not scared of you!
- Mom! What are you doing?
Leave my daughter alone!
Are you serious?!
You yell at me for not being responsible?
You just almost got yourself ran over.
Rachel, I know what I'm doing.
- Can you see anything in the picture?
No! You can't see anyone's face.
But I'm emailing it to Officer Sampson.
Okay, fine. But we're
basically on our own.
We're going to Troy's.
Okay, you have to be nice.
I do too. We both do.
If we want him on our side.
Alright. I can do that.
I think.
- Try hard.
Hey Dineen, it's Rachel.
I'm sorry, I know it's
really late.
Do you think you can buzz me in?
I have to talk to Troy.
Does she even know
you guys are broken up?
I don't know.
- Sorry, Rachel, but Troy's not here.
You'll have
to try his phone.
I did. He's not answering me.
Sorry, we kind of got into a
fight and I have to apologize.
Can I just come in and
wait for him?
I'm sorry Rachel but Troy's left
for school for the semester.
But I really have to
talk to him.
Uh, I don't know what
to tell you.
What is that all about?
Thirsty bitch.
Alright. We'll come back tomorrow, 'cause
there is no way that he left for school yet.
It's okay. We're safe.
We're home.
Wha- -
What the hell have you two been doing?
What the hell are you
doing in my house?
This is my house.
I pay for it.
And I wanna know what
this filth is.
And why it was sent to
my work email.
Oh, Dad, no.
At my work, this is the sort of
thing that gets men fired.
I just- I-
I don't understand.
- You always know what to say to make things worse.
Can I talk to you
outside, please?
Close the door.
I blame you for this.
- Of course you do.
Because I'm such an awful person.
It's my fault that you were never around.
And that I had to do everything myself. Oh,
and I also invented the internet and sexting.
I'm like the Al Gore
of bad moms.
This isn't about jokes, Barbara.
This is about your failure to
raise our daughter.
Your the expert at not
raising her.
She's naked on the internet.
So maybe if you were around,
she won't be prancing around with Troy.
You blame me for this?
Your never here. You
were never around.
Same old story.
- That's why our marriage ended.
Rachel, Stop!
It's going to be okay.
Everybody knows.
This is exactly what Troy wanted
when he posted the pictures online.
For you to feel
ashamed and paranoid.
And the perverts with the comments
and that stalker in the van.
They want you to be
scared, Rachel.
Don't let them win.
- Okay.
She's looking at
me really funny.
Mrs. Zoe?
- Yeah.
She went senile a
long time ago. Come on.
Can we sit here?
Female: You may all be seated.
Female: Good morning!
Excuse me.
- Excuse me, that's my purse.
Well we need
to sit down.
Hey Rachel!
Excuse me, this is my space.
- You know what? We need to sit down.
Mom, Ryan's over there.
As well as any guests that may
be here today.
Now for some brief announcements.
Adult play rehearsal,
they have been moved from
Tuesdays to Wednesdays at 7pm.
We always have a need for all voice parts.
So please come join us.
No auditions necessary.
And without further ado,
Father Renly.
Thank you, Paula.
I'd like to take a survey.
Just raise your hands and
try to be honest.
Remember, you cannot lie to him.
Now, how many of you have ever
lost your temper?
Or over eaten?
Or felt really jealous because
your neighbor got that new
iWatch phone you've
been looking at?
See, that wasn't so bad.
It's not that hard for us to
admit to sins like,
anger, gluttony and envy.
But I wonder,
How many of you would admit to
lust? It's a tricky subject.
Something we don't really want
to discuss.
But we must.
Because lust is among us.
It's on the media we consume.
The clothes we wear.
And it can very well be here,
among us today.
We are afraid to talk
about the sin of lust.
Female#1: Suzie, oh my God, why
did she come?
Female#2: It's called being
desperate. Church and chill.
Female#1: Oh my god. the world.
Father: The lust of the flesh.
The lust of the eyes and the pride of life.
Come not from our father but
from the world.
The only way to be rid of lust,
is to cut it off completely.
It is better for you to lose
one part of your body,
then for your whole body to be
thrown into Hell.
Well, that was interesting.
- Yeah, I'll say.
I'm going to get
some donuts.
I'm gonna go with him.
Little Rachel Light.
Not so little anymore.
Oh, Mrs. Zoe.
Good morning.
Let me give you some advice,
Church is not the place for
Your buttons. They're
coming undone.
Oh don't mean to meddle.
But modesty, it is a virtue.
What did you say to my daughter?
Just that I thought Father Renly
made quite a few pertinent points.
Really? 'Cause I thought he
sounded like a sanctimonious wind bag.
This is a house of
worship and love.
Please behave like it.
You need to humble yourself,
Barbara Light.
You and your daughter.
You need to get right with God.
- Okay.
Rachel. Wait.
I told you everyone knows.
- I think you're wrong.
Of course you do.
Okay, so what did Troy tell you about
putting you on the revenge porn site?
Nothing. He won't answer me.
He's not even in town anymore.
Yes he is.
Yeah, he came to the restaurant
last night with some girl.
He did?
- Yeah. It's probably just to make you jealous.
I have to go talk to him!
- It doesn't matter.
I have an appointment with Carol later today.
She specializes in intellectual property.
She has to know something about
revenge porn.
He deserves to be told
off, at least.
I don't think it's a good idea.
What if he's the one that was following us?
Trust me. He's not.
Don't worry Mrs. Light. I'll go with her.
I'll make sure she's safe, okay?
Two years ago, no one knew
what revenge porn was.
Now it's everywhere.
They're finally passing laws but
it is a slow process.
There is no law against
it in our state.
Not yet.
Take a while to challenge the
first amendment.
But I don't get it.
I mean, it's just topless
It hasn't been shocking since
we were Rachel's age.
It's not like it's a sex tape.
Why are these guys so
worked up about it?
It's not about the pictures.
This is something new.
This is angry people that want
to do bad things to women.
And they're using the pretense of making
women pay for daring to hurt their bros.
So what do I do?
I gotta tell you, it is almost
impossible to get pictures
completely off the internet
once they go up.
I mean, but there are
some things you can do.
First, contact all the
major search engines and ask
them to remove the links of the
pictures from their searches.
It's not going to take the pictures
from the revenge porn site,
But it will make it a lot harder
for them to find.
And then you need to do your
Find out what company
hosts this site.
Report what the site's
been doing.
I bet you those companies would
start advocating on your behalf.
Yeah but even if I do all that,
it's not guaranteed to work.
So you're also going to come to
my office on Monday,
So we can talk about a
strategy together.
- Because Barbara,
this Ashton Banks clown will
never stop.
The more drama, the better for
his business.
So you don't stop.
You threaten him with lawsuits,
you harass him via his own media,
and you scare the crap
out of him.
Use his own tactics against him.
Because these guys, they think
they're rock stars.
But in the end, they're just sad
little boys.
Cheers to that.
You know...
Castle's never been the same
without you.
I mean, Sherry only pretends to
laugh at my jokes.
I mean, Ryan, everyone kinda
pretends to laugh at your jokes.
Okay, I know that's a lie
because the ladies at
the nursing home think I'm very funny.
- I'm just kidding.
I knew it.
I knew you'd be back for more.
So much for being at school.
What's your problem, man?
You put her pictures on the
internet for everyone to see.
It's ruining her life.
So a girl breaks up with you. So you
can't take it, so you shame her online?
You're a piece of crap, man!
Are you done?
- Yeah.
Because I didn't do it.
That's BS.
I put the pictures on the computer,
but I didn't share them with anybody.
Yeah, I don't believe you.
I'm sorry, who are you again?
- Why don't you just man up and admit what you did.
Troy let him go! Let him go!
Come on! Haven't you done
Are you okay?
- I'm fine.
So what are you going to do,
Troy, huh?
What are you going to do
about the pictures?
It's not my girl.
It's not my problem.
I'm not gonna let him hurt you
anymore. Not him. Not anyone.
Are you still here?
There's one song that I always
fall asleep to if I can't fall asleep.
It has no words but it's really really
pretty and it's all like, piano.
So it's fake. Classical.
I have to show you this, hold on.
it has-
It's in here somewhere,
hold on.
It's one of those songs, like, that
they take one song and then another song.
They take the two songs and make it one. But
then it's like only the lyrics from one song
and then the actual music
from the other one.
But it just so happens that they
go really well together.
If you look at this on your phone,
I promise I'm not making this up.
Hang on.
What was it?
Oh, nothing.
The picture frame fell.
My lady.
- Thank you.
You like me, right?
I mean, you know I do.
No but I mean you like me.
Not like the victim that needs a
big strong hero.
But I'm serious. You're not
going to leave when I'm strong
enough to have like, a
personality again, right?
You have a personality?
Ouch! Ouch! Geez!
I contacted several women from
the sites,
none of those women I spoke to
voluntarily submitted these photos.
One of them had their photo
stolen from the doctor's office.
- Yeah, they were taken during her treatment for breast cancer.
Oh my god!
- And get this. They all told me they were interviewed by the FBI.
So what does that mean?
It means, I think they already have a
file on this guy who's running the site.
Carol: They're just waiting for
the right evidence to nab him.
But I thought he wasn't breaking
any laws?
Not any state laws.
But if he's hacking into private
hard drives to get this material,
that's a federal offense.
Carol: I guarantee you they are waiting
for proof to pounce on this dirt bag.
Speaking of, you know what,
Carol, I need to go.
But thank you so much for all
your help.
Are you kidding? Of course.
Plus I would love to see this
guy get what he deserves.
Yeah, me too.
See you later.
Stop it. Stop it. Stop.
- You two were up there for a while.
We were just talking.
Yeah. Rachel has very interesting,
um, musical influences.
And thank you for
writing those emails.
One to Google, one to the hosting site,
and one to Life Ruiners.
Do you think it'll do any good?
Well, I already got a response
from Ashton Banks.
The guy that runs the
revenge porn site?
- What did he say?
Oh! Oh my God! Looks like a turtle!
- What is it?
It's a dick pic.
You can see the level of idiocy
we're dealing with.
This guy.
Thinks he can do what ever he
He thinks he can publish whatever and
tries to scare us with his minions.
He thinks he's above the law and
no one can touch him!
Pretty much.
- Wait! What about this?
They're advertising charging people
for taking their pictures down.
So what if we just pay the fee?
No. Carol says that's a scam.
It's probably Ashton himself.
I don't know.
You know...
Rachel's going through a lot.
I know.
I should have taken care of this
with Troy
sooner before he
took the pictures.
Next time, I won't be so nice.
Male#1: Pic Busters. You
need help?
Please let us know the website, your name,
and have a valid credit card ready.
Is this Ashton?
- Male#1: We just need your name.
I need to speak to Ashton Banks.
Male#1: Pic Busters. You
need help?
Please let us know the website, your name,
and have a valid credit card ready.
I know you work for
Ashton Banks.
And I need you to take my
pictures down immediately.
And I need you to tell his
followers to leave me alone.
Male#1: You can have any picture
taken down immediately for $2,000.
No! You need to take my picture
down now for free!
Or my mom and I will ruin Ashton's life! How about that?
- Rachel!
What are you doing?!
Male#1: Which one are you?
My name is Rachel Light.
Male#1: You'll see the results
What did you do?
Give me my phone.
I really thought it would help.
I just trying to scare them.
Male#2: You need to learn to
keep your mouth shut.
Male#2: I've got something
you can shut it on.
What? What did he say?
It doesn't matter.
Don't worry about it.
You didn't know.
I have to use the restroom.
Something's wrong.
Mom! Help!
Who are you?!
What are you doing in my house?!
Someone took the red
pill of truth.
A true gentlemen perceives bitches
like you for what you really are.
Officer: You have the right to
remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used
against you in the court of law.
You have the right to an
If you cannot afford one, one
will be provided for you.
I'm here.
- Mom, I'm scared.
I know, honey. It's okay.
We're on our way to
the hospital. I'm here.
Mom, it hurts.
I know, honey.
Can't you give her something
for the pain?
Just hang in there. We're
almost there.
I can't believe this happened.
I can't see anything.
Hang in.
It's okay, baby.
We're going to have a
guard here 24/7.
So I need the nurses alerted that
nobody is to visit without the parents.
Okay. I can handle that..
Where's my daughter?
My daughter, Rachel Light?
Wait a minute, you need
to show some ID.
Excuse me?
That's her father.
It's okay.
Oh my god! Rachel.
My little girl.
It's okay. It's not as bad as it looks.
- No, no, no.
It's okay. It's okay.
The bandages are just there to
keep it from getting infected.
Thank god.
Rachel, I know I haven't
been around enough.
- No, it's okay. It's okay.
I love you, Dad.
I love you, baby.
I don't want you to get hurt.
Good night.
Are you okay?
I'm feeling a lot better.
I think you should go to work.
What? No. I'm not
going to work.
I'm serious. I'm just going to
be laying here all day.
There's a guard right there.
Plus, Ryan is coming later to
keep me company.
I know,
You think that I'm vulnerable.
And Ryan is taking advantage.
But, he's the only real friend
that's had my back.
Are you sure you're okay?
I'm positive.
I'll feel better that you're not
sitting here all day.
My phone will be on all day.
If you need anything, call me.
I'll come right back.
Give me a hug.
I love you.
- I love you.
Get some rest.
Okay guys, it's time for quiet
reading time. Take out your books.
What does this word mean?
It means to get back at someone.
Oh. Okay.
I need to talk to you.
Guys, finish up with your reading lesson.
I'll be right back.
What's up?
We've been getting a lot of
phone calls and frankly a lot of
irate emails from
school board members.
It's all about some porn
Yes, I know all about it.
I'm sorry. I should
have told you.
You know?
- Yes.
Well then Barbara,
you may realize the some of the conservative
school board room members
might take issue with it.
We're working on
getting it down.
Good. I mean I'm glad.
I mean, obviously it's fake and
obviously it's some sort of prank.
And I think that the reaction to
it it's extreme.
But the superintendent is
About what?
We're placing you on administrative leave,
effective immediately.
What? But this website situation
has nothing to do with my teaching.
I know. I think this whole thing
is ridiculous.
And I made my opinion very loudly known.
But Barbara, my hands are tied.
There's nothing that I can do.
I'm so sorry but Barbara,
you got to go.
After this period I'll get my
stuff and-
No. I'll take over your class.
You can go ahead and go now.
Hey, what are you doing here?
I've been trying to call you.
I got another email.
That's not me. That isn't me.
I know. I know. It's
just your face.
Oh my- That's from a family picture!
That's a family trip we took.
Don't you remember?
That explains why they put me on
the leave of absence.
They must have sent it to all
the board members.
A leave of absence?
Good god, Barbara.
I'm so sorry.
Where would they have gotten
this photo?
Yes, I guess.
Rachel probably put it up on one
of those sites.
My god! I am trying to be
But this is too much.
I can't deal with this.
I need you to show me where
this punk Troy lives.
Okay, let's go in the morning.
Look at this turn of events.
You! You did this!
What are you talking about? Troy
did this to Rachel!
You ruined his life! He
is a good boy!
Your son did this to himself.
He never touched any little
boys. He wouldn't do that!
He won't do that!
- What?
He didn't do anything wrong!
He's not a child pornographer!
You okay?
- Yeah.
Little boys.
How is that possible?
Hey Nadine, it's Carol. Did you get that
paperwork over to the courthouse for the trial?
- Do me a favor, Nadine. - Okay.
Reschedule my appointment with
Barbara Light.
- She just let me know that she's not coming in.
And get me that info for on internet log.
- Do you have lunch?
Yeah, just a sandwich.
You want something?
Nadine: Hello? Carol! Carol!

But it's over, Rach.
They got Troy.
They just brought him in for questioning.
He's probably home by now.
No you guys. Something just
doesn't make sense.
I have never seen anything that would make me
think Troy would be in that kind of stuff.
They posted something of Troy.
On Life Ruiners.
- What?
It doesn't make any sense.
You can't see much but you can
see it's him.
Okay that's not a good idea. You can get
arrested for looking at that sort of thing.
Let me see this again.
No. I took this picture of Troy.
Upstairs in my bedroom.
But we were alone.
This is photoshopped.
I knew it! Troy's innocent.
Are you sure, Rachel?
- Yes!
If Troy downloaded those
pictures to his computer,
They would have been in the
exact same folder as mine.
Okay, maybe he was hacked.
People do that. They hack your computer
and then they sell its contents online.
There you go. He's innocent.
We have to tell the police.
Hacking is a federal crime.
We're not going to the police.
We'll go to the FBI.
If we can prove that Ashton Banks
has been using hacked materials,
we can get the website
shut down.
Okay, let's go!
- No. No. Absolutely not.
Dad, but he's innocent!
You're not being smart.
Could we please go?
We need to finish filling out
the paperwork.
Okay, so we'll finish filling out
the paperwork and then we'll go.
I'm right. Aren't I?
Operator: We're sorry. You've
reached a number that
has been disconnected or
no longer in service.
He blocked me.
Listen, we'll go to the police.
They'll sort out everything. I
mean, maybe you're wrong.
You're treating me like a
child now too?
Whatever you want to do.
We need to go.
Hi Nadine. This is Barbara
Light, can I speak to Carol?
Carol was hit by a car.
Wait, what?
Nadine, slow down. What happened
to Carol?
Follow me, right
through here.
You're walking kinda funny.
Do you have a hole
in your shoe?
Then how'd you get
your foot in it?
Ryan, now?
- It's always, always, a good time for a joke.
Did you hear about the two guys
that stole a calendar?
They both got six months.
Where are we? This
isn't the right way.
Yes it is.
Okay. Why did the rapper carry
an umbrella?
Ryan, this is not the right way.
Fo' drizzle!
Yes it is!
Alright. I'm going to go back to the main road.
- Okay.
What are you doing?
- No.
I was trying to lead you to the police
station. You don't need to go to Troy's.
You too?
Okay, why do you need
to go there?
Because he thinks
everyone hates him, Ryan!
He's all alone.
You still love Troy.
Ryan, I really need your help.
You're my best friend.
I'm gonna go around.
Do you know Troy?
Are you friends with him?
What do you think about the
Yes, Troy, he's my friend.
He's an okay guy.
Yeah he goes on the computer a
lot, but who doesn't, right?
He spends a lot of time on certain websites.
But not bad ones.
Right. What do you think about
him losing his scholarship?
What are you doing up there?
You get down or I am
calling the police.
Oh my god! He's overdosing!
Troy! Troy!
Troy, can you hear me?
Troy, please!
Can you hear me?
Oh god. Yeah, he used my
sleeping pills.
I don't know how many.
At least 15. Maybe 20.
Troy! Troy! Please! Please!
- No. No.
I can't tell.
I don't know.
I don't.
Is that an ambulance?
Reporter: 102.
Rachel, thank you.
If you hadn't found him-
He's gonna be okay.
I don't know.
He has to be.
Troy, I know you're innocent.
Everyone's going to know the
truth, okay? I promise.
Nadine, when can I visit Carol?
Nadine: She's in the ICU, so nobody but
family until the doctors say it's okay.
Barbara, Carol had me working on
your daughter's case.
Do you want me to call the FBI?
No, that's okay. My husband, my
ex-husband already did that.
Um, I don't understand. Like, what?
Did the car just hit her and take off?
Nadine: Yeah, there were witnesses.
They said it was a van.
A van?
- Yeah.
Oh god.
Nadine: Barbara? Barbara, are
you still there?
Yeah, I'm here.
Nadine: Yeah the only witness
was this old guy,
and he said this dark dirty van with
no license plate came out of nowhere,
hit her and took off.
Good work, gentlemen.
That would be worth a few
thousand clicks.
Go away. I'm busy.
Male: Ashton Banks,
open the door.
I'm busy!
- FBI.
Who's this?
- Are you Ashton Banks?
Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.
- Sir, just put your hands behind your back, and come with us.
Agent: We're gonna take a little
walk to the car here.
And ask you a few questions.
And you're sure it's the
same picture you took.
Yes, I'll testify to it.
There's special agents examining
Troy's Hard drive.
But I'll give them heads up
right away. Thank you.
How are you doing?
The hardest part is over,
I guess.
And that van that was following
you. Have you seen it again?
So you haven't found it?
The guy that attacked you,
we found his vehicle, but that's not it.
So whoever this is,
is still out there.
Do you have a ride home?
Oh my god! Ryan!
I totally forgot. Can you
give me a ride?
- Hold on. Rachel, your mom's on the phone.
- Rachel?
How's Troy?
It was really scary but he's
going to be fine.
Rachel I have some news.
The website is shut down.
It's finally over.
Are you there?
- Yeah.
Yeah, um, that's great!
I know, right? Can
you believe it?
He's finally finished.
That's great. Thank you.
Love you.
- Okay. I love you. Bye.
Are you ready?
- Yeah.
Yeah, thank you.
Thank you so much again, Officer Sampson.
I seriously appreciate it. Thank you.
Hey Ryan, it's me.
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to leave you. Troy
got sent to the hospital and I just got back.
Please call me.
Rachel's home.
Why didn't you tell Rachel?
She could have checked on Carol.
Because this is supposed to be a
happy occasion.
And Nadine said she would call if
there was any news. So it's fine.
I never got a chance to
say I'm sorry.
For being so,
at the movie theater.
I feel totally embarrassed.
It's all good, Mr. White.
Thank you.
Castle Deli. We cater.
Hey it's Rachel. Have you seen
Ryan? I can't get a hold of him.
Uh, he quit.
Ryan quit?
He didn't tell me that.
Yeah. Well nobody told me you
were quitting either.
You just stopped showing up.
And guess who had to scramble to
cover your shifts just like Ryan.
Hang on one sec.
Male#3: I saw you on Life Ruiners.
That's a nice little bedroom you have.
Male#3: Is that where you sleep?
And people keep calling and
showing up for you.
And they're not very nice. And I
have to handle it all alone.
Male#3: I like your flute. I
can't wait to rape you with it.
Listen to me you little coward,
You ever call this number again I will track
you down and ruin your pathetic little life.
Now, if you'll excuse me, one of
us is still working.
Ryan! Hey!
Ryan! Oh my god!
Oh my god!
What's going on?
Call the police! Somebody took
Oh my god!
Hold on Rachel.
Oh my god.
Come on. Where are you?
There you are!
Hold on, Rachel.
You're not taking my daughter.
Come on. Come on.
Office Sampson?
It's Barbara Light.
- What's wrong?
Someone abducted Rachael!
Did you see
who took her?
A green van.
- The same as before?
Yes! The same green van!
No license plates.
Did you see
which way it went?
I'm following them right now.
I'm on San Canyon Road.
Headed towards Irwindale.
All right Mrs. Light,
I need you to remain calm.
Don't do anything.
Hold on. Wait, wait, wait.
He's turning off on a side
street. Wait. Hold on.
You're breaking
Officer Sampson, hello?
Office Sampson: Mrs. Light, Mrs.
Light you're breaking up.
Where are you going?
Where are you?
I don't know. I can't
see where I am. It's too dark.
Come get me.
Keep talking.
Mom! Mom please help me!
Rachel, I'm here.
Rachel, don't stop talking, I'll find you.
Mom! Mom! It's so dark, I can't see
anything! My hands are tied, I can't move!
I'm scared!
I'm so scared.
Keep talking. I can't see you.
It's so dark, I don't
know where I am.
I'm right here.
Mom, I'm right here!
I got you. I got you.
I got you.
I got you. Don't worry.
Mom! Mom! No! Don't!
Mom! Please!
Ryan! Stop!
I can't believe this is
finally happening.
Are you nervous? I'm
nervous. Oh, you smell so good.
Ryan, stop! You're hurting me.
Oh, wouldn't want to do that.
Wouldn't want to hurt precious Rachel.
Just let us go.
If you let us go now, we
won't tell anyone.
I promise, please Ryan,
this isn't you, this isn't the Ryan I know.
Ryan you know, is just a friend.
A nice guy.
Ryan, you are my friend.
Don't lie to me.
I remember, the first time I saw
you in church.
You were the prettiest girl I
had ever seen.
But the problem is,
you think you're better than everyone else.
So someone had to,
expose you.
You remember us sitting in your
room together?
You thought you were so safe.
You could have been in there with a dog.
A neutered little puppy.
Do I feel neutered now?
I know you're awake.
And if you hadn't gotten
your bitch friend had just kept
her mouth shut,
I wouldn't have to run her down.
Go to hell, you pig!
No! Ryan! Please stop!
You bitch!
Ryan, leave her alone! Ryan!
Come on!
Ryan! Stop! Please
leave her alone!
I got you. I got you. It's okay.
It's okay. It's okay.
He's out.
It's okay.
It's okay.
God. Baby!
You okay?
Some thing's seriously
wrong with you.
You could have gotten killed.
I'm sorry.
I missed you guys so much!
Aww, you guys miss me?
- Yeah!
How's your arm doing?
Pretty good, considering.
Sorry about that.
It's okay.
Rachel is really good.
Yes she is.