Revenge (1990)

Sir, we've been skirting
Mexican airspace for the last 10 minutes.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Hey.
- Yeah?
Ever show you my cabin?
From about 10 feet away
every time we're down here.
Two-four-three degrees,
one minute, 900 miles-
Never mind, never mind. I see it.
Spare me. I had a machaco burrito
for breakfast.
Relax. Relax.
It's my last flight, man, relax.
Yours, not mine.
I'd prefer a little altitude, sir.
- Altitude?
- Altitude.
You want some altitude?
- Altitude!
- Doug, what do you want me to say?
- Nothing. Not a goddamn thing.
I was just making it a time
to remember.
I'll remember my last flight
with you. Day I threw up.
You're really sick, you know that?
Let's see the presents.
All right, all right, all right.
All right, all right, guys.
This is from the girls
at the Afterburner.
And they promised me-
Well, there's a picture
of what they promised.
Look at that.
This is from Tiburon Mendez.
He supplied the champagne, assholes.
They are tennis buddies... if an offer for a friendly game
comes up, hide your wallets.
And this-
This is from all of us.
Because we knew you'd be
too cheap to buy one for yourself.
That's right.
Who would've thought.
I haven't counted
the days up to this moment.
I've liked what I was doing.
But I've been doing the same thing
all these years, over and over.
And now I have
the chance to relax...
...and do some other things
in my life for the first time...
- ...and I'm taking it.
- Yeah!
Well, shit.
Now I guess I'm supposed to-
What? Tell everybody
what I think about them?
You're the best.
It's been an honor to serve with you.
And to my surprise... my deep surprise,
it's harder to say goodbye...
...than I thought.
Pricks, one and all.
Here, I got something here for you.
Hey, this is- This is from me.
- Hey, it's pretty big.
- Well....
It's fragile, so be carefuI.
It's what every bachelor
should have.
There's a tag. Read the tag.
- What, a piece of ass?
- A piece of ass.
- A piece of ass?
- A piece of ass.
I'm a fucking civilian.
I can't get a piece of ass!
Try to remember to turn this off
every time you leave.
- I don't know, man.
Know what?
You flew him to Alaska
on a hunting trip.
Now he'll con you
into flying for him in Mexico.
I can't see you being a lapdog
for some Mexican kingpin.
What kind of crack is that?
I'm going on a vacation, man.
I don't work for anybody.
I'm not gonna work for anybody.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Jesus Christ. You act like
I'm gonna go to work for TWA.
I made a tough decision.
I'm trying to live with it...
- cut me some slack.
- Okay. Can't anybody make a comment?
We sound like
an old married couple.
What old married couple?
What's gotten into you today?
So any idea
of when you're coming back?
Hey, nothing's forever, man.
No, I don't guess it is.
Except maybe friendship.
- Watch your step down there.
- Yeah, try not to wreck my place.
Hey, you know me.
Try not to wreck my place.
I'll be thinking of you.
I'm a little lost.
I was wondering if....
Is everything all right?
Yes, he just threw a shoe.
Well, maybe you can help me.
I'm trying to find the Mendez place.
- Mr. Cochran?
- Yes.
- Mrs...?
- Mendez. Yes.
I must be warm.
You are.
It's the first gate on the left.
Thank you.
Small, yeah? But nice.
Come here, Rock. Come here.
Stay, Rock.
Good afternoon, Mr. Cochran.
You were expected two days ago.
- I'm on vacation. I took my time.
- Hm.
- Your bags?
- They're in the jeep.
No, no, no.
I'm taking a place at the beach,
thank you.
We have prepared
a room for you here.
I like it at the beach.
Who are you?
Roberto, gracias.
I am Cesar.
Mr. Cochran.
Senor Mendez requires punctuality.
Then you'd better be on time
or he'll fire your ass.
But me, I'm a guest.
Is Mr. Mendez at home?
He's on the tennis court.
Perhaps you can show me
where I can dress...
...and we'll both be
out of hot water.
Kind of a dog-shit shot.
Who are we gonna beat
playing like that?
Cochran. You see what I'm
reduced to? Come on, hey.
Imagine what this has done
to my timing.
Don't. Just don't.
- What?
- Don't sandbag me. All right?
Now me, I'm playing
with a new racket.
All right? So I'll play you even.
- I want the first point each game.
- No.
Come on, I'm old enough
to be your father.
I ain't giving you shit. I said
I'd play you even, I play you even.
Damn it, it's good to see you.
I wait around
like a stupid schooI boy.
- Where've you been?
- I stopped off at the cabin.
I wanted to work Rocky a little bit.
Make sure the locals hadn't
carted the place away.
I missed you. I worried about you.
You should humor me.
I do.
What does that mean?
It means I haven't forgotten
whose court I'm on.
And don't forget it.
All right,
we're gonna warm up, huh?
No, no warm up.
- Let's just play.
- How many games you spotting me?
As many as you want.
Goddamn it.
I'll never be a player.
- Oh, shit, man, you're a player.
- Oh, how can you say that?
- Because you never concede a point.
- Oh, you've said a lot, my friend.
That's all anyone
needs to know about me.
I never concede a point.
I learned this from my wife.
The caviar. Not the manners.
I brought you something.
- For me?
- For you.
Oh, it's beautifuI.
I love it.
I want my wife to see it.
Oh, she has been told
already, senor.
Does she know we're eating?
Tell her we're waiting.
She's a wonderfuI girI.
Sometimes I think
I should have married the mother.
Much more sensible.
I suppose I owe you, huh?
No, no, no.
Now we're even.
- What do you mean?
- The guns. We're even.
- You liked the guns?
- Very much.
This is a good start for us.
Sometime this year
we'll take those guns to Italy...
...and have them fitted properly.
Oh, shit. All right.
- Son of a bitch.
- Jesus Christ, Tibey.
It's just a jacket.
I know.
You Americans are so forgiving.
But an animaI without discipline....
You know, maybe it's better
you're not staying here.
This damned election
has everything upside down.
- You sure?
- Yeah, but we'll find time for fun.
You know, I was thinking about
a hunting trip in the morning.
- What?
- What do you think?
Shit, man.
That's why I came down here.
You know, having you here
is like a breath of fresh air.
Yeah, well, it's good for me too.
Goddamn it.
Oh, I love this dog.
Wait untiI you see mine tomorrow.
Well, then, tomorrow.
Why didn't you join us
for lunch today?
I was on the phone,
with my sister.
It was very rude.
I was embarrassed.
I thought that you wanted
to be alone.
Miryea, this is not business.
Cochran is a friend of mine.
He says no to me and I-
I respect that.
...he saved my life once
on a hunting trip.
I owe him.
I'm sorry if I was rude.
What's the matter?
You know what's the matter.
We've been through this
so many times.
I don't want another child.
I fathered...
...a dozen children
before you were born.
You have a beautifuI body.
Too beautifuI for bearing children.
Let's keep it like that.
Tomorrow morning,
we're going hunting with the dogs.
I expect you to be there.
No excuses.
- Good afternoon. What happened?
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
- I got lost.
- Well, didn't you get a map?
I got what you gave me but I can't
follow the instructions. You make this?
Rocky can't read them, so-
- I'm kidding.
- Oh, he's only kidding.
Hey, it's a bitch of a morning.
You want some hot coffee, huh?
Senor Mendez?
- Telephone.
- Who is it?
- Senor Quinones.
- Oh, fuck him.
Tell him I'll call back later.
Oh, son of a bitch.
I have a politician
who's unable to make a decision.
- You're going to catch cold.
No, I'm fine.
Only whores smoke in public.
Oh, Jay, this is Miryea, my wife.
This is Jay Cochran.
My friend.
Tibey's told me a lot about you.
You probably should hear
my side of the story.
Wait. Cesar, will you go up and see if
you can do something about the dogs?
What the hell's so funny?
Twenty thousand dollars American.
So much for pedigrees, huh?
Well, still, this isn't bad.
You grow up on the streets
of Culiacan, you appreciate this.
- No matter where you come from.
It's not the same.
If I had a dog then,
I would have eaten it.
- Oh, Tibey.
- Yeah, damn right I would.
That's what I should do
with these.
Oh, they're fine.
They're just- They're just young.
Yeah, $20,000 worth.
Everything okay with Quinones?
- Is anything ever all right in politics?
I'm sorry, Jay, I- I have to go.
We're not having dinner tonight?
Oh, of course we are.
Jay, you're gonna join us?
- I don't have to.
- Oh, come on, I want you there.
Please, Mr. Cochran.
Tibey's politicaI friends are boring.
She's right.
But the dinner will be short.
And if you don't like anyone,
you just give me the sign and...out.
All right, darling.
See you back at the house.
Bye, Jay.
CanceI everyone for dinner tonight.
Except Ibarra and Diaz.
No, no. K.C., Kansas City, Missouri.
There's also Kansas City, Kansas.
We're from Missouri originally.
But we were working Las Vegas and
that's where we met Porfirio and Cisco.
And you know what?
They offered us a job.
You know CozumeI?
I have a place there, me and Diaz.
The marlin,
a fucking boatload of marlin.
Excuse me. Understand we come
from the same streets as your husband.
Or hunting. You prefer hunting?
- I have a place in-
- In Merida.
Merida. Anything you want.
Hundred ducks, hundred quaiI.
Anything. Both of you.
I won't shoot a hundred anything.
Oh, that's funny.
Because I thought that you
were from Vietnam.
What happened?
You see no action?
Mr. Cochran is a pilot.
He's known all over the world.
Jets, huh?
Yeah. Something like that.
You know, the biggest thing
that I ever killed...
...was a jaguar.
He stood 9 feet tall,
including the taiI.
You know what I used?
Your car.
That's pretty damn smart.
That's right.
He was sitting in the roadway.
- Will you please excuse us?
- Yes.
We're going to discuss
some business.
Well, Roxy, Rochelle-
No, no, no.
I'm Roxanne and she's Rochelle.
It was Kansas City, right?
- Right.
- Excuse me.
- Maybe.
Mr. Cochran.
I'm sure Tibey
would want you to stay.
Do you like swimming?
- Yeah, sure.
- Good.
Maria will show you to the cabana.
- There will be some suits there.
- We're not much into suits.
Do whatever you like.
You found one of my favorite books.
It's Lorca's poetry.
I must have it in English.
Over the plain
Through the wind
Black horse, red moon
Death stares at me
From the towers of Cordoba.
Tell me I just blew your mind.
I was stationed in Madrid
for three years.
I wasn't gonna stay anywhere
for three years...
...and not know what people
were saying about me.
Patron, it has not been easy.
I have worked very hard
with these people.
We are very close.
But there is a problem.
What is that?
Well, things are not
what they used to be.
For instance, 200 million pesos
is not what it used to be.
And these people in the union
are smarter than what they used to be.
And there's more of them.
And these people... not respect the name
of Tiburon Mendez.
For them,
it's only a matter of money.
So they took your offer
as an insult.
One more thing.
The American,
though he is your friend...
...he insulted us twice.
That is a separate matter.
Well, how did you meet Tibey?
How did that happen?
Well, I've known Tibey
for as long as I can remember.
He and my father
were in business together.
Tibey rescued him from bankruptcy
and they became close friends.
That's how marriages are arranged
down here.
Did I just blow your mind?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- It's not polite to mimic people.
- Oh, I know.
Well, that's not how it was.
I married Tibey
because I was in love with him.
All my sisters
were in love with him.
Well, it's getting late.
Would you tell Tibey
that I was tired?
- Thank you for dinner.
- You're welcome.
You are stupid.
But you are more stupid.
While you try to steaI my money...
...the union accepts an offer
from Mendoza.
...there will be an announcement.
It will be an announcement
of support for Mendoza.
You make a long speech...
...about how things have changed.
You think to lecture me... my own house.
You insult my guest.
Maybe you think you're me.
Let's ask stupid.
Do you think he's me?
Patron, if I have offended you-
No, no. Both of you.
But your mistake means nothing.
I can always buy support.
But you have no manners.
It is to you and you...
...that my name means nothing.
You are very smart...
...but not ready to be me.
You want to work for me?
Put up the sound.
What do you think of Quinones?
He's loyaI, but not very smart.
- Where are you going?
- To bed.
No, come here. Come here, please.
Please, sit down.
What's the matter?
I want to ask you something
and I want you to tell me the truth.
Why didn't Cisco
leave the house tonight?
I don't know.
I was on the balcony,
only Porfirio left.
I have no answer.
Maybe he left early.
Tell me the truth, Tibey.
Nothing happened here tonight.
Come on. Come on.
- Hi.
- Hello.
I brought the book. It's for you.
Well, thank you. This will-
This will come in handy.
I don't have anything to read.
I was gonna take Rocky
for a walk on the beach.
Do you want to come?
- Yes.
- Yeah?
Watch this.
- I hate this part.
- What part?
The "not knowing
if he'll do it" part.
Rock, go!
- You like that one?
- Yeah, it's great.
Come on, Rock.
Tibey said that you were married.
I was, once. I'm divorced now.
What happened?
- I'm sorry. You don't have to answer.
- No, I was-
I guess I was married to jets
as much as I was to her.
It wasn't a good way to be living.
Well, you're not
married to jets now.
- Maybe there's a chance for you.
- No.
What are you doing here?
- Sorry?
- In Mexico.
- What are you doing?
- Oh.
The truth?
Well, the truth is I was bored.
Don't get me wrong, Tibey and I
talked about me coming down.
I just- I didn't think
that it would be so soon.
I'm not sure I know
what you mean.
It means my buddies warned me
that this would happen.
I've never been famous
for taking advice, so....
- Me neither.
- You neither?
Twelve years in the service...'d think I'd know how to get
from Monday to Friday.
I know the feeling.
Sometimes you can
want out of a situation so badly.
Sounds like me.
You seem different.
You mean, not a cold bitch
like I usually am.
I didn't- I didn't say that.
But it's true.
I don't like being that way,
you know...
...but the people who come
to our house....
Well, you know, you've seen them.
Things are different here.
Tibey says I don't understand
and I don't.
You don't have to
explain to me. I don't....
I think I've forgotten
how to talk to people.
You want to teach me the trick
with Rocky?
- A very dangerous trick. Are you sure?
- Yes.
Next victim.
Rock? Are you sure?
What did you say?
I didn't say anything but Rocky thinks
you ought to have a blindfold.
Oh, Rocky's wrong.
Put it right here.
...three. Go, Rock!
Rocky. Oh, you're so clever.
Good boy.
- You got lipstick on my dog.
- No.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I think I have miscalculated you.
I thought you were another one of
Tibey's old friends.
They play. There's always the girls.
Well, shame on you.
Well, I was going to go up
and have a drink. You want to go up?
For a little while.
I was gonna make some lemonade.
You want some?
Yes, I would.
- Do you need any help?
- No, I know how to make lemonade.
It's kind of strange here.
Are you comfortable?
Yeah, it's nice.
Is something wrong?
No. Everything's fine.
- Are you sure you don't need help?
- No.
I think my dog's escaping.
Are you looking for someone,
Mr. Cochran?
No. Is someone looking for me?
- No, senor.
- Let's get it straight.
I don't like you.
You don't like me. Right?
If I'm looking for someone, it's none
of your business. You understand?
I was glad that you came.
I wasn't sure if you would.
I wasn't sure either.
Are you angry with me?
I'm a little put out
with myself, actually.
About what?
Letting this get even remotely
out of hand.
What do you mean?
Letting what get out of hand?
Maybe it's me.
I know it's why I came down here.
Nice parties, hanging with
your friends. Stay out of trouble.
Well, enjoy yourself.
Out. I'm sorry, I saw it out.
All right, it's match point.
Just out.
- Well, wait.
- No, Jay.
- How far in does it have to be?
- It was out.
This prick's been cheating
the whole game.
- Can't you humor him? I need a favor.
- We'll humor him tonight.
What's the difference?
I mean, can't they win?
Not like this. I mean, fuck him.
These guys may be important...
...but they don't mean shit to me.
Besides I can't-
I can't afford to lose 500 bucks.
Okay, I'm with you.
All right. Match point.
I got it. I got it.
Oh, no, no.
You all right, Nano?
It was an accident, hombre.
Come on.
Good game, good game. Carlos.
Very fine today, huh?
Tell me.
Why do you want to kill
all my friends?
Maybe I'm feeling
out of my element down here.
Maybe you need some hamburger
and some french fries.
Maybe I do.
- Goddamn it.
- What's the matter?
The cold war continues.
Every time we fight,
she plays that Ranchero music...
...which she knows I hate.
It's the music I grew up with.
Let me ask you something.
Do you think my wife is beautifuI?
- What?
- Yeah.
What do you want me to say?
Of course.
Because a woman like that...'d do almost anything
to keep her.
What are you doing?
Jesus Christ, Miryea, this is cr-
Get out of the car.
This is crazy.
What did you say?
- I didn't say anything.
- You're angry.
- I'm not angry.
- I don't know what to do.
- You don't know what to do.
- You're mumbling again.
Whatever, this is what we don't do.
We don't forget who we are
and where we are.
- Hello.
This is Jay.
Shit, man,
where the hell are you?
I'm down here in Mexico.
Well, what's wrong?
I think I'm fucked.
What's the matter with you?
What happened?
I think I fell in love.
You think you fell in love?
You don't do that.
I know.
With who?
- Tibey's wife.
- Tibey's wife?
How could that happen?
- I don't know.
- Man, it's only been five days.
I think it was the first day.
Holy shit. Does he know?
Yes, sure.
I mean, he told me I should call you.
Now, you listen to me. You get
your ass out of there right now.
You put your shit in the truck,
point towards the border and drive.
Are you listening to me?
Here, if you fuck somebody's old lady,
you work it out in group therapy.
There, that's serious
and they'll shoot you.
Don't you know Tiburon means shark?
You don't mess with Tibey Mendez.
Jay? Jay?
I have to go.
I know.
It's just that they'll say goodbye at 4
and he'll be home at 5.
Say goodbye to who?
His mistress.
Lover, girlfriend,
whatever they're called.
Their way of life here.
These are the facts of life.
Would it surprise you to know...
...that Tibey's the only man
I've ever been with?
You're leaving, aren't you?
Yes, I am.
You know, for a long time,
I didn't let myself want anything.
I thought I wouldn't know
what I was missing.
That's not true anymore.
Do you feeI the way I feeI?
I don't know that I have the right
to feeI anything...
...where you're concerned.
You think that you're taking
another man's wife.
That's a pretty good way
of looking at it.
Forget about right or wrong.
If you had the time,
would you spend it with me?
- Jay, if you had time, would you-?
- Yes.
Yes, I would.
Then don't go away.
Don't go away.
Isabella, I'm going to ask you
an enormous favor.
Well, you might have to lie.
Well, I've told Tibey I'm going to
visit you in Miami for a few days.
No, no, no, no, no.
I'm not really coming.
I'm just asking you to pretend
in case he calls.
not sure. Maybe that I've gone out...
...or that I was spending the night
with Marta in Palm Beach.
I know, I know, it's crazy. I...
I know.
I've met someone I like very much.
I'm in love, Isabella.
Jay, may I come in?
I'm by myself.
I'm on my way to a meeting.
- I hope you don't mind.
- No, no.
- May I have a drink of water?
- Absolutely.
Please, sit.
Thank you.
You going somewhere?
To my cabin.
I've got a better idea.
I'm going down to Barranquilla,
then Caracas for a few days.
I would like you to fly me down.
Oh, Christ, Tibey. I've only been
off a plane less than a month.
You don't want to fly again?
We had some wonderfuI times.
I wish I could say yes,
but you know...
...I got it in my head
about going to the cabin.
As a favor?
A favor to me?
I can't, Tibey.
I understand.
Even simple pleasures
can become like a drug sometimes.
When do you go
to your cabin, then?
- In the morning.
- We all go in the morning.
I go to Caracas... wife to Miami...
...and you, my dear friend,
to Agua Prieta...
...where even a Mexican
feels lonely.
As I promised.
Go to Italy to fit the guns.
I'm only going for the weekend.
Second thoughts?
- So?
- So it's great, right?
- It's beautifuI.
I can't believe
that nobody's touched this place.
I got cleaned out
the first couple of years I was here.
Then I made a present
to the locaI honcho...
...and the place
hasn't been touched since.
You know, when this gets right...
...I'm going to cook you
the best steak you ever had.
I want to sleep right there.
Wait, we're going to eat.
We're going to eat here.
We're going to do everything here.
Get out, Rock.
Why did you shoot an elephant?
It was a mistake.
We had orders to shoot them because
they were hauling supplies for the V.C.
But I wouldn't do it. I mean,
any asshole can shoot an elephant.
Then one day, I did, by mistake.
It was kind of like a kid, you know,
who throws a rock at a bird.
You don't think you're gonna hit it,
but then you do.
God, I felt so goddamn bad.
I painted this tiny elephant
on my fuselage.
The commander got pissed off,
but I said:
"No, sir, I shot the elephant...
...and I got to remember
what this war was all about. "
And what was it all about?
For me?
I don't know.
Just killing things
you didn't mean to.
And you hadn't thought it out.
Do you love me?
Miryea, I never wanted to love you.
That's not an answer. Say it.
Say you love me.
I'll say it for you.
"Miryea, I love you. "
- I don't talk like that.
- You do. Say it, Cochran, right now.
Miryea, I love you.
Now I have nowhere to go.
That's not true.
You don't have to go anywhere.
I want you to stay with me.
Faithless whore!
Get him up.
I want you to see
what happens to whores.
You want to fuck?
You will be fucked 50 times a day...
- ... before you die.
Don't you think
we should start getting back?
Just a little further.
But, compadre... don't become a mountain lion
in just a few days.
You know, compadre?
I think it's good
that you are leaving.
You're not a secret anymore.
Does that make trouble for you?
Oh, not for me, but now
there are men going around...
...asking questions of an American
who may or may not be dead.
The border is not that far from here.
I think you'd better go there.
Otherwise...'ll never get out of Mexico alive.
Thank you,
but there's someone I have to find.
Tiburon Mendez is in Durango.
She might be there.
I want you to have this.
No, compadre, no.
It's not necessary.
Don't worry.
I'm keeping what I need.
I'm gratefuI for what you've done.
You know something?
I don't know your first name.
- Jay.
- Jay.
Salud, compadre Jay.
- Jay, Jay.
- Jay.
- Jay.
- Jay.
When does it leave?
In about an hour.
We would like to wait for you,
but we gotta go.
She's beautifuI.
You should have seen her mother.
Jay, I got something for you.
I made it myself.
Perfect for cutting the balls
off your enemy.
You all right?
Yeah, I'm all right.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
- Here, let me help you.
- Thanks, friend.
I'm just not up to my usuaI self.
Mainly because I had to wrestle that
son of a bitch all the way from Texas.
Probably gonna have to dope
the peckerhead before I deliver him.
They're no doubt expecting
a calm and reliable stud...
...which he ain't, you know.
He ain't such a bad horse.
He just don't like long rides.
Get up in there.
Well, when I was a kid,
we had a Belgian stud.
Wouldn't trailer
unless our dog went along.
No kidding?
Them clothes and all,
I took you for a peon.
There's a cantina there.
What you say we get a little drink...
- ...and some grits, maybe?
- All right.
All right.
- You sure you're all right?
- Yeah, yeah. I'm fine.
Tell you what. I'm plumb fucking tired
of the horse business.
Thirty cents a hauled mile
plus 10 percent on the deaI.
Montana to Mexico City,
hauling shit for assholes.
What's so funny?
I haven't heard
the sound of home in a while.
- Where you headed?
- Durango.
Oh, shit, man.
Durango, huh?
Why didn't you say so?
You can ride with me in comfort.
Maybe drive some.
You don't wanna ride no bus
down in this country.
You ain't no drug addict, are you?
Just had a little trouble
with the IRS.
I gotcha.
I'm cash and carry myself.
Bastards don't even know I exist.
What's the matter? You look like
you've seen a ghost or something.
- You ready to go?
- Yeah. Sure.
Why don't you go start the car?
Fuck you, amigo.
You all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- It looks like I picked me a winner.
This thing go any faster?
Well, sure.
Sure you don't want to come, man?
I've got this town wired.
You've been driving a while.
A little poontang
might ease your mind a bit.
I killed a man I hated today.
I gotcha.
You don't want to mix your pleasures.
Sure you don't want to come?
No, I think I'll walk the horse.
Wish me luck.
- Shut the door, Romeo.
- All right.
Help me.
I don't want it.
Hey, what are you
sleeping out here for?
Jesus Christ.
I did it.
The fat bitch
damn near killed me.
- But I did it.
- Hey.
She had more moves
than a rubber man from India.
You gotta get to a doctor.
- Hear me?
- I don't need no goddamn doctor.
- You gotta get a doctor.
- I had enough of that shit.
I'd rather drop dead right here.
All right. I'll go get your stuff.
How do I look, man?
Like a survivor, baby.
No shit?
No shit.
What's the deaI here?
I told him
to bring the money out here.
I usually go in...
...but I'm not feeling well.
Tell you the truth, pard,
I think I'm shit-canned.
I can't feeI my legs.
A great horse.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well.
I suppose we'll be able to get
out of here without being banditoed.
I sympathize with your concern.
Look, you just-
Just repeat this name to anybody
who might bother you.
They'll shit down their pants
and run like rabbits.
...I called the baron back.
And he's absolutely certain, senor.
It is Cochran.
Perhaps he killed Elefante, too.
Hard to blame him, really.
Shall I have him killed?
You don't know where he is.
How you gonna kill him?
Besides, etiquette demands
that I kill him.
Etiquette. I don't even know
what the word means.
Hi, I'd like a room.
We have a rock and roll band staying.
All the singles are taken.
Look, I'd really like a room.
Well, I remember I got one.
But it is re-decorated. It's a double.
- Okay, I'll take it.
- Sign, please, and welcome.
I want my goddamn cat, pronto.
Ten times today...
...I told the maid, "Close the door
so the cat can't get out. "
She opens the door. The cat got out.
If I had a gun, I would shoot her.
You understand?
Will the rest of you please help me?
Oh, we've been looking all over
for you. Oh, I'm so happy.
- Thank you, senor.
- Thank you, senor.
Oh, precious.
We should thank the nice cowboy.
Mr. Cochran?
It was foolish
to keep the horse trailer.
- What do you want?
- For myself, nothing.
Then knock on another door.
My name is Amador, Mr. Cochran.
Mauro's a friend of mine.
- I don't give a shit who you are.
- He said he gave you a knife, huh?
Did you hope to go unnoticed here?
Don't play games with me.
I asked you a question.
Well, Mauro says you're looking
for the wife of Tiburon Mendez.
- That's a very brave but foolish gesture.
- Thanks. What do you know?
- Rumors.
- Yeah, like what?
Mexican gossip. I'll have
better information for you soon.
But she's alive?
Goddamn it, I asked you a question.
Is she alive?
Yes, she's alive.
Look, I know about you.
I know your story.
- You know my story?
- Yeah.
While you're drinking my beer,
why don't you tell me yours?
Mauro was married to my sister.
She got caught up... some business
involving Tiburon Mendez.
And she was killed.
It happened a long time ago.
You can't kill a man like Mendez
and get out of here alive.
I didn't say I came to kill anybody,
all right?
I just want the girI.
There's a chance we can get her.
But you gotta listen to me.
I'II listen,
but I can't guarantee how long.
There's a good chance
some people already know I'm here.
Wait for me.
I'll be back later tonight.
Go to the bar. There's music
people there, mix with them.
I'll get rid of the trailer.
Don't fuck me up.
You gotta learn to relax.
How are you doing, cowboy?
I'm not a cowboy.
You want to light my cigarette?
Sorry, I'm just trying to make
polite conversation.
- You're a shy thing, aren't you?
- Shy? Me?
Shy is something
I have never been accused of.
Besides...'s you or it's the promoter
sitting over there.
And he doesn't speak much English,
so I guess it's you.
That low-life was in here last night.
I think I was supposed to fall over.
He's cute but he's an asshole.
- Where you going?
- I'm done.
Don't leave me now.
You leave, and I'll make a scene.
- You wanna come?
- I knew you were going to say that.
Fuck you.
I was certified dead in 1982.
You want a drink?
- No.
- I've been dried out for six years.
It's tough to get up on stage
and face those kids.
I want them to want me so badly,
it hurts.
The only consolation, I guess,
is that life hurt more before.
A few lines around the eyes, but I can
guarantee you, the bod's still good.
- Sit down. Shut up.
- I want you so badly-
I said, shut up.
I'm afraid I'm going to have to skip
the horseshit with you. All right?
Now, I don't want to fuck you
and I don't want to hurt you.
You wanted to come,
so I'm gonna stay a little while.
But you don't want to know anything
about me or why I'm here. All right?
So, if you just want something,
you ask me.
But if you want to make a scene...
...any kind of scene at all...
...I'm gonna
slit your throat to the bone.
For a second, I thought
you were gonna say you were gay,
I knew you weren't a cowboy.
I know cowboys.
My mom's from Oklahoma.
You want a drink now?
But back in my room.
- Amador?
- Who's this?
- He's my cousin, Ignacio.
He's a tough one
from the mountains.
He's gonna help us out.
Let's not talk outside, okay?
What's this?
This is my friend.
What do you know?
She's all right.
What do you know?
You're not gonna like it.
You know where she's at,
just say it.
She's in a whorehouse.
I don't know yet.
She's in a whorehouse
and nobody knows where?
I'm gonna find out.
You gotta give me some time.
- I know how to find out.
- What?
It means I got my own lead. I saw a guy
in the bar a couple of hours ago.
I don't know his face
but I know his boots.
- No. Wait.
- He works for Tibey.
You've gotta fucking wait.
It's a mistake.
I'm tired of waiting.
Now, listen to me.
We'll handle it.
Where is this guy?
I told you, he's in the hoteI bar.
You can't go in the bar like this.
You can't go in with a gun.
- Now, tell me what he looks like.
- What?
- All right, all right.
- Tell me about the boots.
He wears black and white
silver-tip boots.
He's coming to the show tonight.
I can get him a backstage pass.
Yeah, that would be good.
What happened?
We brought you a present.
Senor Boots.
Where is she, huh?
He says he wishes to make love
with your mother.
I know what the fucker said.
That's an odd request.
So how far is this?
What is this, 20 miles?
- It's about 20 miles, give or take.
- You know the place?
Yeah, we know the place.
We can get there in an hour?
No, no, no. It's Saturday night, man.
The place is full.
- Fuck it, man.
- Forget about it.
I'm going there myself.
You don't have to come.
You're right. I don't have to come,
but I want to tell you something.
Tiburon Mendez has been hard on a lot
of people and I'll spare you the details.
Goddamn it, Cochran,
will you trust me?
Let's do this thing at dawn.
What about him?
We've known him since we were kids.
If we let him live, could he forgive us?
Walk away.
They know me here.
Where is she?
- Who is this?
- She's the madam.
You know where she is.
Where is she? You speak English?
Huh? Tell me, then.
Where is she? Where?
Maybe a house in Mazatlan
where they are rich.
And she was very popular.
If she's not where you say...
...I'm gonna come back and kill you.
She doesn't know.
It's bad.
She's very sick.
Nobody knows where she is
or no one's talking.
It's time to talk to Tibey.
It's gonna be very dangerous.
There's nothing else I can do.
I can't wait anymore.
I don't know how to say....
Thank you. I'm in your debt.
You're a crazy son of a bitch,
Cochran, but we're with you.
He says he doesn't have anything
with him to give in return.
But he's seen the trailer.
On the day you go back to the States,
he's gonna put his best horse in it.
He says that if the woman you seek
is alive in Mexico...
...she's gonna go back with you
and the horse.
Hey, Cochran.
You ought to be flattered, man.
Never heard him talk so much
at one time my whole life.
Tibey rides this traiI
every morning at dawn.
You know, he's gonna think
you're a ghost.
Be sure to keep your hands empty
and out where he can see them.
Trust us, okay?
I trust you,
but no matter what happens... don't kill him, I do.
Got it.
Where is she?
Perhaps we both deserve to die.
I ask you now, as a man...
...and a former friend... ask my forgiveness...
...for taking my wife
away from me.
I ask your forgiveness...
...for taking your wife
away from you.
She's in the convent... Morito.
Senor? Senor? Senor?
- I wanna see her.
- She is very sick.
I love you.
She wants to go outside.
I love you.