Rezervni deli (Spare Parts) (2003)

Nuclear Power Plant
Hello, Krsko!
Ladies and gentlemen,
dear speedway fans,
welcome to our great
international race
for the Golden Sign
of Krsko.
We've had more
than 170 races in our town.
Let's imagine the rich history
of the speedway races
in this stadium.
Especially from the time
when the winners on this track were
Franc Babic,
Kreso Omerzel, Ludvik Zajc.
On the tracks
in the stadium today,
we once again have renowned
international speedway racers
from Australia,
Argentina, England,
Denmark, Norway,
Finland, Sweden,
Italy, USA and Slovenia.
Speedway is quite a festivity
here in Krsko.
That's how it's going
to be today too.
In this 2nd lap
of the 20th race
we see a fantastic pass
by the American rider
Greg Hancock,
one of the best riders
in the world.
It's very tight here.
Is the pass going
to work out for him?
And... he falls.
The American rider
Sam Ermolenko falls down.
Dear spectators,
the winner of the 20th race
is greeting you.
And please welcome him
with a big applause!
The American rider
Sam Ermolenko is
still on the ground.
Dear spectators,
dear speedway fans,
this is the final race
of today's best four riders
for the winner
of the Golden Sign.
Among them there is also
Gerhard More Geri
from Krsko, Slovenia.
Is Geri going to make it?
The competition is great.
It's just a few moments
to the start. And... go!
Hi, I'm Rudi.
- Got a driver's license?
- Yeah.
...a home race,
an excellent public,
a good machine...
is this the makings
of a real sensation?
Geri is still leading.
I can't believe it!
He's pressing
his advantage.
And... he wins!
There's great enthusiasm
in the stadium
and incredible joy
amongst the winning team
that backed up
the excellent performance
of its rider
Gerhard More Geri...
- Whoo! Whoo!
...who's being lifted by his team.
Are you scared?
I don't know.
A little.
A man has to do
what he's most afraid of.
That's how
he gets stronger.
That's why Ludvik Zajc
began racing,
'cause they used to
pick on him at school
and so I became
a national champion.
The first one in the
independent Slovenia 199991.
I know. I remember.
I used to root for you.
Everybody in Krsko
rooted for me.
Everybody in Krsko.
Let's see how you're
going to manage.
- How have you been?
- Cool.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Those two are Macedonians.
- He's collecting the money.
- 1000 euros. Counting, kid?
- Yeah, yeah.
Count if there's 2000.
So, guys, where the fuck
is the money?
We don't have any more.
That's all we've got.
What the fuck do you mean,
it's all you've got?!
No money.
The Croats crossed us.
- What about the Croats?
- They took double.
- So? What do I do now?
- Come on, let us go.
All right, all right.
I don't like Croats either.
Croats are thieves.
Come on. Get in.
Come on, count it.
Want a beer?
The two Macedonians
are without cash.
I want to go out a little bit.
Where to?
To Ljubljana.
It's been a long time.
I want to go to McDonald's.
- To McDonald's?
- Yeah.
Ludvik Zajc wouldn't patronize
the Americans if they paid me.
Americans get on my nerves.
You're not going anywhere.
We're not on vacation.
Shit, it stinks in here.
We're hungry.
We can organize
pizzas for you.
You've got to be kidding!
What? You go and
complain to the police,
and they'll take you back
from where you came,
you Albanian dick.
So? So, how many?
What the fuck is with you?
- One.
- One.
Come on outside.
Let's talk, yeah?
- What's wrong with him?
- He's got a fever.
Are you hungry?
Very hungry?
Is it hard without money?
Me and my friends are
nice and clean people.
We'll give you
No one will give you more,
you know.
It's a pity.
I'm not a bad guy.
I made a friendly offer.
Oh, whatever.
Bring eight pizzas.
I'll have one
with ham and egg.
Take care of the car,
will you?
- Okay. Bye.
- Ciao.
- And don't let anyone see you.
- Okay.
What's up
with the Macedonian girl?
- She's not hungry enough.
- And the guy?
The guy is all fucked up.
He needs help.
We can help.
We've got some antibiotics.
Good ones.
American ones.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How was it?
- Great.
- Ilinka is good?
- She's great.
Go on, kid.
You go too.
Where do I go again?
Come on, kid.
The girl needs cash.
She offered herself
for 50 euros.
You're kidding me.
She's not really
in there, is she?
Here you are.
So she can earn something.
We're checking you.
To see if you're one of us.
Go on. Go!
Go on, go!
Come on!
- Go!
- She won't bite you.
Go on!
Pull over.
Cops are on the alert.
They're everywhere.
Take cover
till the stench is gone,
then our connection will
come and get you, okay?
Got you.
I'm in the woods.
If it gets tough, just run.
- Where to?
- Wherever, just away from me.
What about the van?
Don't worry. The boss
will say it was stolen.
- What about them?
- What about them? Fuck.
Cops make me fucking nervous!
Police! Shit!
Hush that kid or I'll do it!
Now the police will fuck us
like you fucked her!
So you didn't fuck her?
Answer me!
Did you or didn't you?
Answer me I said!
Did you or didn't you?
Did you hear me?
Didn't you fuck her?
Yes, I did.
I just wanted to hear that.
Why are you bothering me
in the middle of this shit?
I don't know what the boss was thinking,
sending me such a pussy for help.
Look at you.
I sweat my ass off,
losing my nerves because of them.
Don't preach to me.
I feel bad about it.
Don't. Feeling bad is
a waste of time.
What's wrong with you?
Most of these women end up
being whores.
- What did you think?
- Shit.
Half of them end up
like spare parts anyway.
What spare parts?
What spare parts?
For spare parts.
On the Italian side
they drug them and kill them
they take out everything...
heart, kidney, liver...
anything you can transplant.
One kidney is 15,000 euros.
Are you fucking with me?
We are tour guides
in comparison with the other side.
What's up, Marcello?
Come on, go and open it.
It was hard, but thank God...
Come on, kid, stop dreaming.
Let's go!
What gets on my nerves
the most is
this globalization or...
antiglobalization, whatever.
You know, when Ludvik Zajc
used to race,
we would travel.
When I got home
I brought from Hungary
the Pick salami
and the "bull's blood" wine.
Or to my mother-in-law
I brought a Becherovka liqueur
from Czechoslovakia
or the Mozart chocolate rounds
from Austria.
And now, you get it all...
and to my nephew...
a Mrklin toy train set.
And now...
you get whatever the fuck you want
in the shop next door.
Fuck it!
This is shit. Fuck.
This fucking world
is falling apart!
Yes, it's shit.
The whole world is
one big hard piece of shit.
Bravo, Rudi. You're right.
Bravo, bravo, bravo.
Earlier this morning there was
a tragic accident
at an illegal border crossing.
A 23-year-old
Macedonian girl died
while a group of illegal immigrants
tried to escape a police patrol.
The girl fell off a cliff.
The investigation will show
if it was an accident
or suicide out of despair.
The immigrants have already been
placed in the center
for deportation of foreigners.
They are going to be returned
to the Croatian authorities.
Last year 35,000 illegals were captured
and in the first three months
of this year
by the Slovene police.
And now the weather report.
This afternoon it will be
clear, partly cloudy.
In the following days
we expect clear
and cold weather.
Fuck, it's not accelerating
like it should!
Don't give me that!
You don't have the guts.
I'm joking, you're good kid.
You need to work on your bend,
lean backwards!
- How was it?
- Perfect Geri! Perfect!
- Okay, Pigl, here's 200.
- Hey, man, just 200?
The boss said 200.
Look how much money you have.
And you give me just 200?
Pigl, come on.
Okay, but next time it's going
to be 300. Bye.
Come on, Pigl!
- Are they all gonna fit?
- Yeah, we can fit even more.
Come on kid, close it up.
Did I tell you that for four years
Ludvik Zajc was
a test smoker
for a tobacco company?
Every month
they would send me
and a questionnaire.
I had to fill it out with information,
like the combustion of the tobacco,
humidity, taste, filter
and all that stuff.
each month 3 boxes free.
Ludvik Zajc was also
an elementary school champion
of rock 'n' roll dancing.
In former Yugo.
- Come on, you're joking.
- Yes, yes.
In 19977 in Tuzla.
Bravo bravo bravo.
Don't you stop in Ljubljana!
We've got the deal down there.
The warehouse is
packed here. Got it?
- Okay!
- Bravo.
- We are at the border, Rajc.
- Yeah, here everything's cool, too.
We're going to Ekrem's
to eat burek later, okay?
Are you buying?
No problem.
I'll also buy you a cold beer.
Okay. Right on.
Fuck, it stinks in here!
You're all right, son.
You're all right.
Bye, stay cool!
I tell you,
when my son was born,
he got on my nerves.
- Mine too.
- You must be joking!
I'm not.
Now he's 11 and I love him a lot.
Mine is still getting
on my nerves.
Ekrem! Give us more burek!
I heard your wife
died of cancer.
What can you do?
The guys from Ljubljana
are fun, aren't they?
They're cool, yeah.
Wanna go to a party with me?
The 45th anniversary
of the Auto-Motor Club in Krsko.
I don't know.
I don't know anybody there.
So what? I don't shoot shit
with anyone myself.
They are all drunk
by now anyway.
- Come on, just a drink.
- I don't know.
What's up with you? Are you
embarrassed to be seen with me?
Okay. Let's go!
Yeah! Let's go!
Hi, Ludvik! Good to see you.
Pity you didn't make it
to the celebration.
Bravo. Good night.
Are you still angry
with everyone, or what?
I've been working. I had better
things to do than celebrating.
Watch now!
We all got a golden watch
from the club, everyone except you.
- Good for you. You too, Kreso?
- Me too.
Good. Good.
Was it today?
Yeah, today at the celebration.
Who gives a shit, anyway?
Fuck, Angela!
You'll give me a blow job
when I say so,
not when you want to!
Who are you?
I'm from Kremen.
I've moved to Krsko.
I came with Ludvik Zajc.
- You threw up?
- Yeah.
My eyes are all red.
Shit, look at me.
You look just great.
Got a car?
Thank you!
Shit! You fucked up my zipper.
What, what are you
looking at?
Isn't it enough that you
took advantage of me drunk?
- You wanted it yourself.
- Wanted it? Oh, sure.
Is Ludvik Zajc your friend
or what?
He had cancer, didn't he?
What, you didn't know?
He's your friend all right.
I didn't know.
I know his wife...
We've just become
friends, you know.
Don't you say anything
about what happened here!
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Darko, Darko.
- Hi, Ludvik. What can I get you?
Give me something to eat
and a glass of wine.
Thank you.
Did you fuck her?
Who is she?
A nice chick.
She likes speedway.
I didn't know
you had cancer too.
Are you all right now?
Darko! Bravo.
Me and Gisela got it almost
at the same time.
Only I made it,
with urinotherapy.
She wouldn't try it.
Every morning I drank it
on an empty stomach.
My own piss.
There's so much of it
around here.
It's because of the nuclear plant,
I'm telling you.
They say
not much more than elsewhere.
Yeah, right.
You think they are gonna
survive till London
- stuck in there like this?
- Most of them do.
How long does it take
to get there?
I don't know.
Two or three days. It depends.
Say hello to the Queen!
From whom?
From a retired
Slovene racer or what?
I can see you are
a very funny man.
- Bye.
- Bye.
I've been calling her
for two days
and she doesn't want to answer me.
Fucking bitch.
- Ludvik Zajc?
- Yeah, that's me.
Smoking is strictly prohibited!
I'm sorry.
- Angela?
- Yeah.
- Hi, it's Rudi.
- Hi.
- Listen...
- What do you want?
I wanna see you. Urgent.
Okay. Right. Come over now.
I can't. I'm in Ljubljana
right now.
Okay. In one hour then.
At the railway station.
- Why at the railway station?
- Because.
I've got trouble with Geri.
Okay. That's cool for me.
The international train
from Croatia going
to Sevnica, Zidani Most,
Ljubljana, Kranj, Austria
is arriving at platform 2.
The number is not available now.
Please try later.
You motherfucker!
You let them go on the freeway!
- You fucking idiot!
- Who?
You are asking who?
These ones here!
On the freeway!
- These were yours I'm sure!
- They were not,
- I swear to God!
- You fucking liar!
Why don't you believe me?
I took mine to the border!
Don't you lie to me!
Rajc told me he lost you
somewhere on the freeway
and you never called again!
You motherfucker!
I trusted you
and you fuck it up like this?!
I was in a shitty mood.
I was shitting in my pants
and I let them go there.
What the fuck then?
Don't do that, Rudi.
It's not professional.
Maybe it's better
our cops caught them.
Better than ending up
like spare parts over the border
or ending up like whores.
Don't you ever fuck
with me again!
Got it?
- Got it?
- Yeah!
You're not going to
drive alone anymore.
I don't give a shit...
even if I never drive again.
I won't have to put up
with your farting anymore!
Look at you!
Look at the mess you live in!
You stinking shit.
At least I'm honest.
I can look into anyone's eyes!
My conscience is clean!
What about you?
- I'm not driving anymore!
- I've got tears in my eyes!
As if I didn't have dozens
waiting to take your place!
You jerk!
Everyone pisses you off!
That's the only emotion
you've got anyway!
What the fuck do I have to
listen to you for?
Who the fuck are you?
Don't let me
catch sight of you again!
And don't you say
a word to anyone, otherwise...
I'll cut your balls off!
I'll gouge out your eyes!
Then I'll wrap you up
and I'll send you home to Mommy,
you scumbag!
You won't fuck
with me anymore!
What's up, guys?
No action?
No chicks? No action?
Hey, everything's on me.
For these chicks too!
Here you are!
Hi, legend!
You're not asleep, are you?
No. What do you want?
I know I'm an idiot.
But I'm sorry anyway.
Did you want
to tell me anything?
Did you really fuck me over?
- You're stupid, Rudi!
- Yes, yes. Did you tell the boss?
I don't have anyone else.
I only have you.
I'm sorry.
Stop whining.
Be a man!
- Shit. I'm really sorry!
- Come on.
Don't you ever do that again!
Let's meet at
the swimming pool tomorrow.
We'll have a beer.
At 11:00, okay?
Great. Thanks.
Again, I'm sorry.
I told her I wouldn't go out
with a bimbo like her.
I told her to fuck off!
Then she calls me, says she's
going to slash her wrists.
She can do it for all I care.
Stupid slut.
- Women are like that!
- They're all the same!
It came back.
What did?
Are you joking with me?
Not now.
What are you going to do?
Well, I'll drink my own piss
every morning... again.
What can I do? After the race,
we have a job to do.
Good evening, Krsko!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Welcome to the final-race night
of the Slovenian
championship for singles.
The competitors of today's
final race are the best riders
in Slovenia including
our Krsko ace Geri More.
- It looks like rain.
- Naw.
Are you sure?
She was nuts
about cream cakes.
She died really young.
Was it hard on her?
It was quick.
A couple of months.
When she couldn't
bear it any more,
she committed suicide.
Ladies and gentlemen,
the rider in the white helmet
is Gerhard Geri More
from the AMC Krsko.
In this final race,
he's starting at position C.
Is this the race of
a new Slovenian champion?
And the winner is
Geri More, AMC Krsko!
Gerhard More is
the new Speedway champion!
Not since Ludvik Zajc
has the national championship
gone to AMC Krsko!
Well done!
- What's up?
- Nothing.
Nothing? You've been
working on her so long
and there's nothing to say?
So she'll have something
to remember Slovenia by.
When Ludvik Zajc
used to race for Slovenia...
to me and Krznaric they...
Come on, Zajc.
Give us a break.
We've heard
that a million times.
I can't fuck black chicks.
They don't turn me on.
I'm gonna drive. Come on!
Fuck! I can put seven,
eight Chinese guys in there
- without a problem!
- Fuck them, the little shits!
The boss said we're going to be
driving in daylight more often.
- Yes?
- Yeah.
Daylight is less suspicious.
I read in the newspaper
this morning
that a refugee carried
They also smuggle.
Yes, all those fuckers who
smuggle drugs ought to be killed!
- All of them!
- Those criminals!
- What's up?
- Where are you Rajc?
I'm about to turn
towards the border.
- I'm already empty.
- Okay. Wait for me there.
- Why?
- Just wait for me.
- Everything okay?
- Yeah.
What are you doing here?
- What's up?
- "What's up?"
Oh, shit.
The jerks suffocated!
What are we
going to do now?
Let's dump them
in the water!
- Come help me!
- Come on, Rudi!
Come and help me! Shit!
- Come on, Drago, come on!
- Yeah, I'm coming.
Oh, fuck.
- Gianni!
- Hi!
- Hi! What's up, Gianni?
- You know.
It's hard to be the only
punk rocker in Krsko.
Come with us.
Have a beer!
Some other time.
I'm working tomorrow.
Just one beer.
I have to go to work
at the factory.
- Come on!
- I've got to go.
- Next time. Bye.
- Yeah, right.
- How was work today, guys?
- We just got off, you know.
Business is business.
Ludvik, you are
such a nice guy.
Nice enough to marry.
Come on Sonja. Stop messing around
and give us two beers.
No, I'm serious. Look!
You're single, I'm a widow.
Why don't we get married?
We'd have one less problem.
Sonja, you know how it is.
At school dances,
I never had a partner.
What can you do? Once you're
married, you're always married.
I was just joking.
Come on, guys,
it's on me.
What next?
I thought we might be together.
Now that Geri knocked you up,
you want us to be together?
- Geri says it's not his.
- What do you mean?
Well, he says
he always pulled out in time.
Spare me the details,
will you?!
I thought maybe you might
have slipped that time?
Now I'm guilty again, or what?!
Oh, don't fuck with me!
- How are you?
- I'm okay.
- I meant...
- Oh, that. I wouldn't know.
Even if I stop it now,
I'll probably have to live with it
inside me
for the rest of my life.
- You should stop smoking.
- I did.
Then I forgot I did.
Oh, no, you did it again!
What a stench!
- Here's 300.
- The daily fares are going to cost 400.
Pigl, don't fuck with me.
- Bye.
- Bye.
- Here I am again!
- 1000!
You already took me to
the Italian border. But they caught me.
- What the fuck can I do?
- Remember?
- That nice Macedonian girl?
- Yeah, the Macedonian?
Go on, get in!
- Hey, boss!
- What?
- You know...
- What?
...this kid, he's been
dead for three days.
- Are you fucking with me?
- I swear! He's dead.
He's started stinking.
Get rid of him, will you?
Come on, man!
Who knows where
that Macedonian girl is?
I bet she's better off
than she used to be.
I pity them,
all those who want
to go to fucking Europe.
- This shit is killing me!
- What?
I hope that
as long as I live
Slovenia doesn't join
the fucking European Union.
Yeah, then we'd be
out of business.
A united Europe was
already Hitler's project.
His methods were a little rough,
but the goal was the same.
They were pretty extreme!
Yeah, what do you expect
from an Austrian?
I thought he was German!
He was Austrian, 100%!
A few moments till the start.
And... go!
- Hi. I'm Mare.
- Hi! Got a driver's license?
We leave at midnight.
Branko Babic is still leading.
A few meters to go.
And the first to cross the lane
is Branko Babic, Slovenia!
So the story of
the success goes on...