Ribbit (2014)

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Party time!
RJ... cannonball!
Whoa! RJ!
Hah! That's what I call
some serious splash!
You got me all wet.
Hey, Ribbit, go for it!
Last one in's a rotten egg.
Oh, that's a disgusting idea.
You can do it.
Show us how it's done.
Come on, Ribbit!
Do it!
Quit joking around!
Come on in!
Let's get this party started.
Go for it, Ribbit.
I'll even give you a head start.
You won't drown, you're a frog.
You spend half your life
breathing underwater.
Well, you know what they say.
Change is good for the soul.
Oh, yeah, that's right!
Ribbit doesn't like to swim.
He doesn't even like water.
Me? Afraid of the water?
I don't think so.
A frog that doesn't like water?
Hah-hah... what a dork!
Come on, Ribbit!
Do it! Do it!
Oh, hah-hah, hey!
The water's great!
Dude, think she'll make it?
Yo, she sure shredded
it last time.
Most excellent.
Crash and burn for five, dude.
Whoa, oh... oh, boy!
Ow... ow... ugh!
They say that landing
is the hardest part.
That's what I call making an entrance!
Go, Sandy!
Are you okay?
Of course, I am.
Hey, guys!
Gus, how's the fly fishing?
Pretty tasty today,
you want some?
No, I already had my lunch.
Thank you for asking, though.
Oh, hey, Casey,
how's your mom?
Big Berry... did you finally
get that love song going?
Oh, beautiful.
Hey, Cecile, you are looking
good, girlfriend.
Has somebody been cleaning
your feathers?
You see?
Hey, Ribbit, doesn't
Cecile look sharp?
Ribbit? Ribbit?
Hey, Ribbit, wait up!
Hey, Ribbit,
where are you going?
How was the party at the pond?
Why are you leaving?
Ribbit, will you stop already?
What is bugging you?
Sandy, just look at me.
I'm not like
all the other frogs.
I don't really fit in.
I look so different from them and
I feel like I just don't belong.
And then to top it off,
I'm poisonous.
I... I'm a poison tree frog.
I mean, can it get
any better than that?
Ribbit, so what? Who cares
that you're a poison tree frog?
Who cares? I care!
That's who cares.
I'm the only poisonous frog
at the pond.
Come on, Ribbit.
Come back with me.
The pond is for animals
who like water.
I don't like water.
How's that for irony?
A frog who hates water.
That's like a caterpillar
who hates leaves.
Where are you going?
To the tree house.
Man, this place
always creeps me out.
I really don't understand why
you like it here so much.
Must be a guy thing.
You read this stuff?
Of course, are you kidding?
Come look at this, Sandy.
All these animals...
they have a place.
They... they have a purpose.
A purpose?
That's what you want?
Labels, Ribbit...
small frog that hates water.
And you know what else?
I hate jumping.
A frog who hates water
and jumping.
So, you're a bit different.
So what?
Come on, doesn't it seem
just a little weird to you?
Even my name is weird.
Ribbit... who names
their kid Ribbit?
Well, what name do you want?
Hm... Norman.
There's a good name.
I want to be called Norman.
The name is Norman.
At least you have
other frogs around you.
Me, the only squirrel
I see...
is when I wash my face
in the water.
Wow... I never thought
about it.
But still, look at you.
I mean, you're so popular.
Everyone cracks up when you pull
that crash landing stunt.
You want to know a secret?
It's not a stunt.
I'm just really bad at landing.
But I cover it up, because
I don't want to be laughed at.
Sandy, I never guessed.
I mean, you fly so great!
How come you don't know
how to land?
Oh, well, when I was little...
my mom was teaching me
how to fly.
But then like a lot of parents,
she just kind of got busy...
and we never quite
got around to it.
I guess we all have things
about ourselves...
we wish we could change.
I guess... but you can't let it
take over your life.
Someday you'll figure it out.
But, in the meantime, you just
gotta go with the flow.
Yeah, but don't you want
to know why you're here?
I mean, what are we here for?
Sure, I would love
to know that.
But I believe that things happen
when they're supposed to happen.
But wouldn't it be great
to have the answers now?
Answers to what?
What are we here for?
Why am I a poisonous frog?
Why am I so different
from the others?
Why do we eat leaves,
or bugs or fish?
Fish! Yuck.
Oh, that is so gross.
You want to eat a fish?
Agh... no!
I don't want to eat a fish.
Look, Sandy... you know
you're my best friend...
and I love you to death.
But... I kind of need
some time alone.
Oh... um, okay.
The world stood in
awe today as world famous zoologist...
Henry Jones discovered a new and
truly unique species of frog.
As Jones received his Nobel Prize...
massive crowds gathered outside
hoping to catch a glimpse...
of this truly one-of-a-kind
Fame and fortune await
for this amazing little fellow.
Who knows what great adventures
lie ahead for him?
Luciano, you think
there are ghosts in here?
Marcella, are you trying
to scare me?
Guys, we shouldn't be here.
Mom is gonna get really angry.
Don't be a baby, Rafa.
How are you gonna be a hunter, if you
keep running back to Mommy all the time?
Hey, smell that? Cool.
What is it?
Nothing, I thought
I smelled something.
Only thing I smell is you.
Pee-yew! Heh-heh.
Let's check out the other side.
Look at all the pretty colors.
Don't eat that. Mom said anything with
bright colors is poisonous, remember?
We don't have to eat it,
we can just hunt it.
Go on, go get it.
You go get it.
You go get it.
I told you first.
Did not.
Did, too.
Did not.
Come here, little froggy.
Get him, Rafa,
don't let him get away!
Phew! That was close.
Oh, no... Ribbit!
Come on, Rafa! Jump!
You can do it!
Jump, Rafa! Jump!
Hang in there, Rafa!
Pull, Rafa! Pull yourself up!
That was... so cool!
Are you nuts?
We could have been killed!
Momma's gonna be so angry.
I think we ought to get out
of here, guys.
Rafa, I think we need to talk about
what we're gonna tell Momma. Okay?
Ribbit? Ribbit?
Ribbit, where are you?
Hey, what happened?
The plane, the plane...
it's all gone. It's all gone.
Who cares, Ribbit?
What's important is that you're all right.
All right? I just lost
the one thing...
the one thing that keeps me
sane, that makes me happy.
The one thing keeping me here.
Ribbit, you don't need a bunch of pictures
to tell you what you should be or do.
So what do I do now?
It's all gone.
I've got nothing, nothing.
Grrr... that's it!
I'm out of here!
You're leaving? To where?
I don't know and I don't care.
Anywhere's gotta be better
than here.
Sandy, if I stay here,
I'm gonna go crazy.
I just gotta get out of here.
You're running away?
You're really running away.
Well, that's great, just great!
I'm not running away.
I'm escaping.
Well, I'm not going
to come look for you, you know!
And there could be bad things
out there!
Well, nothing could be
as bad as staying here.
But you could get hurt, eaten.
I'm poisonous, remember?
Nothing to worry about.
What can go wrong?
Grrr... fine, just go!
Leave! I don't care anymore.
Just go! Argh!
Phew! I'm exhausted.
I've been going for hours.
Wow... I wonder where I am.
The journey
of a thousand miles...
begins with, uh... om.
Who... who are you?
Ssh... mind your silence.
I mean, let your mind be silent.
Silence your troubled heart and
embrace your, uh quiet mouth.
Silence and listen.
Okay, but I don't hear anything.
Precisely, that is it...
the loudness of the silence.
Oh, the loudness of the silence.
I don't understand.
Hah-hah, this I already know,
my friend.
My name is Deepak, and I am
here to help you understand.
There are many things
you do not know, correct?
Questions that life presents us.
You? You know?
I know.
You know the answers to my questions?
About my place in the world? How?
How? How? Oh, I know, I know...
I know,
because I... I have seen.
How? How?
You know, I... I, uh...
Ali Bab... quantum physics.
Through meditation, my friend,
whole new vistas are open to me.
Wow! That's... that's great!
Can you... can you show me?
But of course, just...
just be quiet.
Now breathe deep...
breathe in and out.
In... and out.
In... hold that one.
And out.
Now look into my eyes.
Argh! He is so frustrating.
Trying to convince him
of his true worth.
Argh! He is such a... guy!
But I can't just
leave him like that.
I can't desert him.
Nobody deserves that.
Ribbit! Ribbit!
You feel like you
are in a deep, deep sleep.
What do you call it?
A trance.
That's it, trance.
Yes, you, you, frog...
what do you seek most?
My destiny, my... my place...
the reason I'm here.
Oh, yes, yes!
Most definitely I can see it.
I see it. I can totally
see your destiny!
What? What is it you see?
Oh, it is something,
let me tell you.
You, my friend,
are no mere frog.
You are more than just
a tiny, little amphibian.
You, you have a place
above us all.
On top of the trees?
In the skies?
I'm a flying frog?
What? No, no, no.
Same, same, but different.
Your destiny is much higher
than that, my friend.
You are no mere frog.
Then, I'm human?
Huh? Okay, yeah, sure, why not?
Yeah, you are human.
You were cursed by the...
the, oh, um, let me see.
Uh, give me one minute, om,
minute, uh...
uh, terrible, an evil glitch.
An evil witch?
Yes, yes, that is it,
an evil witch.
And, and you are no ordinary
human, oh, no, my friend.
You were a prince.
I'm a human prince.
Cursed by an evil witch.
And you have lived your life
as a teensy, tine-sy frog.
Yes! That's why I've always
felt like I don't belong!
So, that's it! Yes!
Irey, Bob, ay, yah, yah!
Please, don't speak so loudly.
Now, do you not want
that curse removed?
Okay, do I kiss a princess?
Huh? No, no, no, no.
No kissing, don't be gross.
There are no princesses
around here anyway.
But, there is another way.
There is?
Absolutely there is.
Close your eyes
and listen very closely.
I'm all ears.
Clearly I am, too.
But now you must chant with me.
Om... om.
Om... om.
Very good.
Lovely... and grateful.
Om... om...
Get off my frog!
Friend, eh...
get off my friend!
Sandy, what are you
doing here?
What have you done to Deepak?
He was about to tell me
how to break the curse.
He was about to make
you his lunch!
That vampire bat just bit you.
You're lucky I showed up.
Hah! You're lucky
you're not dead!
Are you crazy
trying to bite me?
I'm poisonous!
You know, poison?
Beat it!
Deepak, wait!
Argh, now what?
Yes, I get it, I'm a prince.
Need a kiss... yes, princess... Ribbit?
Ribbit? Ribbit!
Hey, what did you do
that for?
Snap out of it.
What is wrong with you?
You're mumbling to yourself
like a zombie.
Are you all right?
Huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come on, let's go home.
I can't, I know what I am.
What I'm supposed to do.
Where are you going?
I just need to find the humans,
so I can kiss a princess.
Kiss a human? Ew!
Wait... why?
I was cursed, Sandy.
A wicked witch cursed me
and now I'm a frog.
What are you talking about?
Don't you get it, Sandy?
I'm a prince! A human prince!
I just need to get a princess to kiss
me and the curse will be broken.
Oh, of all the crazy things
you ever did.
It's true. I finally
understand my destiny...
my purpose in life.
Your purpose
is to kiss a human?
Fine, Sandy, go ahead
and make fun of me, it's okay.
Because for once, finally,
it all makes sense.
So you really want to go
find the humans?
Okay, let's go.
You mean it?
I'm not deserting you.
Great! That's great!
But... where?
Up... to the top
of the trees!
We can see everything
from up there.
Ribbit, can we please stop?
We can't stop now.
I... I just need to rest
for a while, you know?
It's been a long day.
Okay, but just for a while.
We've got a long way to go.
Wow, what a day?
I gotta tell you, Sandy,
the feeling is amazing.
You can't imagine what a relief it
is to finally know my purpose...
where I'm really meant to be.
You know, Ribbit, you don't have to
be anything other than just yourself.
I know that.
Well, this thing you
want to find so bad...
your place in the world.
Maybe it's not so hard
to discover after all.
You really think so?
Yeah, all it really amounts to is
just being where you want to be.
Up in the tree tops,
by the pond, who cares?
In the end, it's not really
about a specific place.
You know?
Yeah, I guess so.
But, if it's this important
to you, then we'll do it.
Because you're my best friend.
You've always been
there for me and...
well, that's important,
because, well...
the truth is, you're the most
important person in my life.
And I can't imagine not having
you there...
I mean here... beside me.
Do you understand
what I'm trying to say?
Ribbit? Ribbit?
Are we there yet?
Ribbit, stop asking me that.
That's like the tenth time
in an hour.
We've been climbing
like forever.
Oh, and I thought you were Mister I want
to get a kiss from a human princess.
Where's your enthusiasm?
All I asked was
are we there yet? Jeez.
I... wow.
It's magnificent.
I've never seen
anything like it.
So, now what?
We wanted to get
to the top of the trees.
We're here. So now what?
I thought... I don't know, I thought we'd
be able to see the humans from here.
Or they'd have a kingdom
up here.
A kingdom in the sky?
So you think they like live
in the clouds or something?
Don't make fun of me, Sandy.
You know I didn't mean it
like that, Ribbit.
It must be here.
I mean, we should at least be
able to see it from here.
I know it.
But there's nothing.
Nothing. Where are they?
I know where the humans are.
What? Who said that?
I said it.
I'm sorry, but I couldn't help
but overhear your conversation.
Who are you?
Oh, oh, oh, oh...
excuse my manners.
I am Terrence.
What are you doing up here?
Oh, it's okay, honey.
I guess I did kind of surprise you.
Well, to answer your question, I come up
here every morning to watch the sun rise.
I mean, honestly, have you ever
seen a more beautiful sunrise?
I don't think so.
Um, yeah, I guess so.
It's nice.
Nice? Well, that's got to be the
understatement of the century.
Just look at those colors.
Look at that crimson and the way the
scarlet blends with that carnelian.
Wow! You're right.
The colors are beautiful.
They certainly are.
Colors are my life.
Ever since I was a hatchling...
I've had this gift for colors.
It's like they speak to me.
Take you, for example.
What an interesting combination.
Oh, please, how could you not
notice your own colors?
The way the harlequin blends
into a beautiful pear...
before ending up a lovely shade
of chartreuse yellow.
Oh... it's just stunning.
Really? Well, I guess
they are kind of nice colors.
I always thought
you were pretty.
Huh, Sandy.
You really are lucky.
A lot of animals don't
get bright colors.
Take your little friend here.
Oh, sweetie, I didn't mean
anything bad.
But you are a typical
female, you know.
Kind of bland
compared to us boys.
Well, I think she looks nice.
You know, I've always thought...
hey, wait a minute!
You said you know
where the humans are.
It's just nature's way of helping
us boys attract attention.
Goodness knows, we need
all the help we can get.
You said you know
where they are, the humans.
Oh, please, why would you
be interested in humans?
They're so bland, just
blah-brown creatures.
And they all look alike.
Seen one, seen 'em all.
Of course, there is that
one female human.
She wears beautiful colors
in her hair.
And bright, shiny gold stuff all
around her neck and her arms.
And all the other humans give her food
and follow her everywhere she goes.
Nutty girl.
They call her, um...
You know where a princess is?
Well, I suppose so,
but who cares about humans?
Your colors are much prettier
than any humans.
I'll take bright colors any day.
You don't understand,
I'm not really a frog.
Oh, wait, don't tell me,
you're a python in disguise.
Oh, I kill myself sometimes.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
I'm actually a prince,
a human prince.
I was cursed by a wicked witch,
and I need a kiss from a princess...
to turn back into my real self.
A prince, a frog! Prince... wait
'til the girls hear about this!
But... don't laugh, okay?
It's what I am.
No, no, of course not.
It's what I am.
Help, I can't breathe.
Okay, fine,
just laugh it up then.
It's okay, Ribbit. We'll find
someone else who can help us.
No, no, wait.
I'm sorry, I really am.
I want to help you,
honest I do.
Really? You'll tell me
where the humans are?
But rather than tell you,
why don't I just show you?
Show us?
Yes, well, kind of.
I remember it's next to the
ribbon that never ends.
The ribbon that never ends?
That's right, the ribbon
of water. It's that way!
I can't see any ribbon of water.
Of course not, it's miles away.
How are we gonna get
all the way over there?
I... I don't...
Why don't I take you?
You? How?
I'll just fly you there, silly.
The two of you
don't weigh very much.
You can just hop on my back,
and hold on tight.
What the heck, why not?
So, what are we waiting for?
Ready now?
Hold on tight!
On a shooting star
I wish for you and me
To lay our worlds together
Under our special tree
There it is!
The ribbon of water!
You're a brave
And mighty king
And when you crown
Your true love
You'll be smiling
Back at me
Is this the night
Finally we'll look
Into each other's eyes
For the first time
That magical moment
When your lips kiss mine
You will finally
Know the truth
If the one you dream of
Wishes for you
Finally will look
Into each others' eyes
For the first time
That magical moment
When your lips kiss mine
And we'll finally know
The truth
That the one you dream of
Wished for you
We're coming in for a landing.
Hang on!
Last stop, boys and girls.
Terrence, we can't
thank you enough.
Oh, don't sweat it, sweetie.
It was my pleasure.
So, which way do we go now?
Just follow the water.
Sooner or later,
you'll find the humans.
Well, gotta fly.
You kids be good now.
Man, am I pooped.
I know what you mean.
I'm thirsty, wanna get a drink?
Uh, you go ahead, I'm just
gonna look around for a bit.
Did you ever think
we'd get this far?
I guess we have travelled
quite a distance.
But that doesn't mean we're
close to our goal.
We still haven't found
the princess.
Yeah, but just yesterday we were hanging
out by the pond, living our normal lives.
And one day later,
just look at us.
You survived the tree house
getting destroyed.
And we've been to the top of the trees,
and now flew way over here.
Tell me that is not amazing.
Yeah, I guess so.
G'day, mates.
I don't reckon I've seen you
two around these parts.
New to the area, are you?
Uh, yes, sir.
We just arrived.
Really? How interesting.
And what brings you
to my neck of the jungle?
Uh, we're looking
for the humans?
Humans? Ack!
Nasty creatures.
They smell awful, and on top of that,
they're really tough, kind of chewy.
And crunchy.
Yeah, you know what they say,
you are what you eat.
Lovely weather we're having...
don't you think?
It is a nice day, isn't it?
And just about... snack time.
Snack? Hey, look at the time.
We'd love to stay and chat, but
we still got a long way to go.
No, there's still heaps of time
before the day ends.
Besides, if you leave now,
I might think you didn't like my company.
And that might make me angry.
You wouldn't like me
when I'm angry.
I wouldn't? Wait.
Well, then let's not
make you angry.
So, what say you two join me
for an afternoon snack?
Hey, look, look, pretty colors.
I mean, I mean, bright colors.
Yes! Um, that means
he's poisonous.
Poison, bad tummy.
Bad tummy.
Oh, I think I'll take
my chances.
I took care of him good, yah?
Yah, you did good, Ollie.
Thank you for saving us.
It's no problem, my dear.
I am Ollie,
and this is my wife, JoJo.
My wife and I have been so
disgust with...
We are both so disgusted...
at that caiman terrorizing all the nice,
little creatures that come to drink here.
Until we have no vits-tors.
Vits-tors? Oh, visitors.
Oh, yeah, that's...
that's great.
Where are you two, little sweet
plums off to?
We're gonna go see the humans.
The humans? What would
you want with the humans?
Oh, yeah, it's a long story.
But my friend here, he wants to kiss their
princess, so he can turn into a human prince.
What's so funny?
Oh, oh, come on, Ribbit.
You have to admit, it's a pretty
crazy sounding story.
But, hey, since we're here,
we might as well go and see the humans.
So this little fella is a
prince? So romantic.
Ollie, why don't you do something
like this frog do for his lo-ver?
Loafer? What's a loafer?
Sandy, did you hear,
she just called you a loafer.
Are you a loafer?
Oh, it's nothing like that.
Are you turning red?
No, you are,
you're turning red.
I am not.
Wait, wait, stop.
So, you want to see the humans?
Yes! Can you please
take us to them?
Well, wast-est way is by wiver.
Wast-est, wiver?
Oh, fastest by the river.
Wait, you mean we have
to swim the whole way?
No problem for jou, yah?
You are rog.
I'm a rog?
Oh, you mean, yeah, I'm a frog.
But no, no, no, no, no.
See, I'm a human on the inside,
that's why I hate water.
A rog that hates water?
Oh, oh my!
What is so funny?
Nothing, my friend.
And I'm not a great swimmer.
It's a fur thing, you know?
Wait a minute.
Yah, my dear?
We can help them.
Just stay right here.
I'll be right back.
Where is she going?
When JoJo asks us to stay,
we stay.
Don't ask too many
questions, yah?
Well, they can sit on it
and ride down the river.
Then you find the humans.
We have seen signs of them
along the river.
Why, yes, you are so smart,
That's why I love you so much.
Hop aboard!
Okay, human kingdom,
here we come!
You two, stay in the middle,
nice und dry. You hear?
We will.
Thank you so much.
It is our pleasure.
Good luck.
Such cute, little fellas, hey?
They will have some fun now.
They sure were nice,
those two.
Yeah, they seemed so happy
They've got chemistry.
Yeah, and so do we.
Yeah. I mean,
we're like ants and trees.
Ants? Trees?
Yeah, trees give the ants a home,
and ants protect the trees from invaders.
So who's the ant? Me... or
Um... you?
Oh, so I'm antsy.
No. No... okay.
You can be the trees.
Oh, so now I'm like wooden?
No, I didn't say...
ugh, you just don't get it.
Relax, Ribbit,
I'm just teasing you.
What's wrong? Can't you take
a little ribbing, Ribbit?
Oh... really? A Ribbit pun?
Fine, you're the ant again.
Well, you are kind of antsy,
you know?
Whoa. What was that?
Could be a rock.
Huh? Huh?
Oh, you gotta be kidding me!
Oh, god, help me!
On the log!
On the log! Agh!
Hold on. Hold on.
Well, now,
fancy meeting you two here.
Now take it easy, big guy.
My name's Kai. I suggest
you don't forget it.
It'll be the last thing
you ever remember.
Kai, we didn't mean you
any harm.
Oh, you got that right.
I'm the one who does
the harming around here.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
No, no!
Ribbit, hold me!
Not now, Sandy!
Hah-hah! Woo-hoo!
Yeah! Way to go, Sandy!
Hold on!
This could be rough!
Sandy? Sandy?
Oh, no. Sandy!
I want to, Momma, please?
Show me how again.
Okay, Sandy, but don't worry
too much.
You'll be flying
by yourself in no time.
I know, Momma,
but I want to do it now.
Now pay close attention and watch how I
shift my arms and legs to control my flight.
Well, look what
we've got here.
Huh, you'll do quite
nicely in our zoo.
Momma! Momma!
Sandy! Sandy!
Sandy! Help! Help!
Hold on, Sandy!
I'm coming!
Ribbit! Hurry!
I can't... I can't...
Mon Dieu!
Today, we will have Decca
such provincial fares,
this squirrel.
Ah, succulent dark meat, with
more taste than baby rabbit.
Patience, Mon petit.
You cannot rush a chef when he
is creating a masterpiece!
Would you rush the moon
in its flight across the sky?
Of course, not.
Perfection takes patience, yes?
Perhaps a confit...
or just tartar.
What do you think?
Ah, I have some la Chou to take
away that gamey smell, no?
No! No! Help! Help!
I'm coming, Sandy!
Just hold on!
No! No! No! Agh!
Huh-huh! Sacr bleu!
Sie heavens bless me.
Squirrel and frog legs
for dinner?
Ho-ho-ho! What have I done
to deserve such a banquet?
Mon ami!
Such strong legs, no?
Lots of muscle...
lots of meat.
Hang on, I'm coming!
Mon Dieu! What chef ever have
to fight sie frog for its legs?
This will be
my pice de rsistance!
Ribbit, you saved us.
Oh, I thought you were dead.
Let me get you out of this.
You need to snap the web.
Hold on, Sandy.
Where are you going?
I got you, Sandy.
Don't worry.
Are you okay?
They say that landing
is the hardest part.
Hah! Hah!
You're alive!
You're alive!
I thought I lost you!
Oh, my gosh! I... I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
Did I poison you?
I... I didn't mean to poison you!
Are you okay?
If you hadn't been
such a great flier...
we would have been mush at the
bottom of that waterfall.
Well, you did a great job
of saving me right back.
You know, for somebody
who doesn't swim or jump...
you sure did a pretty good
imitation just now.
What are you talking about?
I nearly got us killed.
Are you crazy?
You fought off that spider...
jumped high into the air
to free me from the web...
and then to top it off, you grabbed me
out of the water and swam us to safety.
Wow, I... I guess
I did do that, didn't I?
I mean, I didn't think about it,
I just let my natural instincts take control.
Well, I think you should let your
instincts take control more often.
Well, we've made it
this far, now what?
Well, they said follow
the river, so...
There they are!
We found them!
We found them!
And when I become the prince,
I'll make you something.
And then I'll feed you
berries and nuts, and...
Oh, you'll be glad
you know me. Oh...
Hey, look, a pond!
Sandy, look.
The frogs...
they're just like me.
Yes, yes, good.
This will do.
One can never have
too much poison.
Take these back and put them
with the others.
It's safe.
Whoa, whoa, whoa,
what just happened?
Who was that human?
They call him the Witch Doctor.
For years now, he has been coming
and capturing our male frogs.
Always the biggest and the
brightest colored.
And we never see them again.
Soon, we will all be gone.
That's horrible,
someone's gotta do something.
What can we do?
We're just frogs.
But you can't just sit here
and let this happen.
With the men gone, we must stay
and care for the children.
Ribbit, we've got
to do something.
We can't let these poor families
be torn apart like this.
You're right, Sandy.
We'll go and save them.
You mean it?
Of course, I do.
We can do this.
After all, someone taught me
that if I put my mind to it...
anything is possible.
You ready to do this?
We'll be back soon!
Come on!
Sandy, jump!
That's her... that's gotta
be the princess.
And she's being waited on hand and
foot by all those other humans.
Tough life.
Are you jealous?
What? No!
Ah, Princess...
having a stroll, I see.
I just want to see how the
villagers are doing.
Ah, yes, the preparations.
Tomorrow is the big day,
isn't it?
You become our queen.
I thank you for leading our
people all this while.
I hope you will lend me
your wisdom as I lead.
You want wisdom.
Then perhaps it's not so safe for you
to be wandering around the village.
After all, we wouldn't want
anything to happen to you.
I thank you for your advice.
What are you doing?
We have to rescue the frogs!
We have to follow that man.
Huh? What?
Ribbit, the frogs.
Uh... of course!
You're right, let's go!
One, two, three, four.
Ah... number six.
I'll take number six.
Just a little more poison.
Yes... excellent.
Take this to the
princess' chamber.
Be careful,
do not spill a drop.
I shall serve her
the drink myself later.
It is a special drink
for any ruler to be.
Yes, sire.
And soon, I will be king.
Wait! Where are you going?
To save the frogs, of course.
But you heard him.
He's gonna poison the princess.
We can't let that happen.
You can't just leave
these frogs here.
You're right,
we have to split up.
You release the frogs
and I'll help the princess.
Ribbit, can we really do this?
We've gotta try, Sandy.
We can't just let things happen,
because they're scary...
or because they're...
they're bigger than us.
You be careful, okay?
You, too.
Hey! Hey, you guys,
don't worry. I'll get you out.
Ssh... be quiet.
Well, that's not a nice thing to say
to someone who's here to rescue you.
Don't make any noise.
Why? The human already left.
Maybe it's not the human
they're worried about.
Your Highness.
All hail our new queen!
I present your majesty
with a magical royal elixir.
Long live the queen!
Oh, no!
Oh, yes.
What are you doing here?
See this rope?
I'm a prisoner here
and it's all your fault.
Going over that waterfall
knocked me out.
When I came to,
that human had tied me up.
And now you're going to pay.
Now go!
Now what?
Now we find Ribbit.
Stop! One move and she's gone.
Sandy, I drank the...
Where's the princess?
She's okay,
but she needs our help.
Come on, you get the princess
free, I'll take care of Kai.
Grab him!
Oh, Your Majesty,
Your Highness!
Take him away.
I can't believe it.
I was almost killed.
If it weren't for these brave,
little creatures.
Especially this one.
How can I ever repay you,
little one.
But I... I guess... I guess.
Wait! Wait! Uh, wait!
Can we try that again?
It was all just a fantasy,
wasn't it?
It was, it was just the bat,
and his eyes...
and his voice and...
I've been such a fool.
Hah! I'm no prince.
I'm not even a good frog.
I've been such
an idiot, Sandy.
Ribbit, does it really matter?
Frog... prince? Who cares?
Look at where we've gone,
the things we've done.
No frog or prince even, can say they've
ever done half the things we've done.
I... I guess.
You saved the princess, Ribbit.
She would have drunk the poison
if it wasn't for you.
Only you could have saved her without
dying from the poison yourself.
Yeah, yeah!
I guess you're right.
I suppose we did travel
a long way.
And we did rescue the princess.
And I have done things
no frog has ever done before.
I stopped the evil,
bad guy, I got the girl.
Oh... I didn't.
Get the girl, I mean.
I wouldn't be too sure
about that.
Come on,
let's get out of here.
So, where did Kai come from?
He was tied up
in the Witch Doctor's hut.
Being kept as some kind
of weird pet.
So, now what?
Now... we take it
one day at a time.
Whatever you say... Norman.
R-I-B-B-I- They call me Ribbit
They call me
R-I-B-B-I- They call me Ribbit
You can call me
R-I-B-B-I- They call me Ribbit
Now what's my name
R-I-B-B-I- They call me Ribbit
Let's go
Hello boys and girls
My name is Ribbit
I live by the water
But I don't get in it
I don't like to jump
I don't like eating flies
Just danger around my life
Wondering why
It's just my destiny
I'm ready to find
No matter how long it takes
I'll take my time
It's just my destiny
I'm ready to find
No matter how long it takes
I'll take my time
You gotta work work work
Work work harder now
Work work work hard
Work work work harder now
Harder now harder now
One two three let's go
Now if you want to travel
On adventures with me
I'm off on a mission
Finding my destiny
'Cause I'm a human prince
You might not believe
Not believe but my name is
Ribbit you just wait and see
Now work it left
And bring it right
And raise your hands up
to the other side
Now bring 'em down
And turn around
And jump jump jump
Jump to my sound
It's just my destiny
I'm ready to find
No matter how long it takes
I'll take my time
It's just my destiny
I'm ready to find
No matter how long it takes
I'll take my time
You gotta work work work hard
Work work harder now
Work work work hard
Work work work harder now
Harder now harder now
R-I-B-B-I- They call me Ribbit
R-I-B-B-I- They call me Ribbit Ribbit
R-I-B-B-I- They call me Ribbit
Now work it left
Then bring it right
Then raise your hands up
'Til they out of sight
Now bring 'em down
And turn around
Now everybody jump jump
To my sound
It's just my destiny
I'm ready to find
No matter how long it takes
I'll take my time
It's just my destiny
I'm ready to find
No matter how long it takes
I'll take my time
You gotta work work work hard
Work work harder now
Work work work hard
Work work work harder now
Harder now harder now
On a shooting star
I wish for you and me
To lay our worlds together
Under our special tree
Secretly I dream
You're a brave
And mighty king
And when you crown
Your true love
You'll be smiling
Back at me
Is this the night
Finally we'll look
Into each other's eyes
For the first time
That magical moment
When your lips kiss mine
You will finally
Know the truth
If the one you dream of
Wishes for you
You will finally know
The truth
That the one you dream of
Wished for you
For you