Richard III (1995)

Your highness.
Good night, your majesty.
Good night, son.
(faint rumbling)
(rumbling grows louder)
Your majesty.
# Come live with me and be my love
# And we will all the pleasures prove
# That hills and valleys, dancing feet
# And all the craggy mountains yield
# Come live with me
# And be my love
# There will I make you a bed
# Of roses
# With a thousand
# Fragrant posies
# If these pleasures
# May you move
# Live with me and be my love
# Come live with me
# And be my love
# The shepherd swains
shall dance and sing
# For your delight...
(song continues faintly)
#... Then live with me and be my love
# Come live with me and be my love
# Come live with me
# And be my love
# And we will all the pleasures prove
# A belt of straw and ivy buds
# With coral clasp and amber studs
# Come live with me
# And be my love
# There will I make you a bed of roses
# With a thousand fragrant posies
# And if these pleasures
# May you move
# Then live with me and be my love
# Come live with me
# And be my love
# If that the world and love were young
# And truth in every shephers tongue
# These pretty pleasures
# Might me move
# To live with you and be your love
# Come live with me and be my love
(music ends)
(microphone feedback)
Now is the winter of our discontent...
...Made glorious summer... this...
...son of York.
And all the clouds that loured
upon our house...
...ln the deep bosom of the ocean buried.
Now are our brows bound
with victorious wreaths...
...Our bruised arms hung up
for monuments...
...Our stern alarums changed
to merry meetings...
...Our dreadful marches
to delightful measures.
Grim-visaged war has smoothed
his wrinkled front...
...And now, instead of
mounting barbed steeds...
...To fright the souls of
fearful adversaries...
...He capers nimbly in a lady's chamber...
...To the lascivious pleasing of a lute!
But I that am not shaped
for sportive tricks...
...Nor made to court
an amorous looking-glass...
...I that am rudely stamped...
...sent before my time...
...lnto this breathing world
scarce half made up...
...And that so lamely and unfashionable...
...That dogs bark at me as I halt by them...
...Why, I, in this weak
piping time of peace...
...Have no delight to pass away the time...
...Unless to spy my shadow in the sun...
...And descant on mine own deformity.
Why, I can smile...
...and murder while I smile...
...And wet my cheeks with artificial tears...
...And frame my face to all occasions.
And therefore,
since I cannot prove a lover...
...I am determined to prove a villain...
...And hate the idle pleasures
of these days.
Plots have I laid...
...To set my brothers Clarence
and King Edward...
...ln deadly hate the one against the other.
Brother! What means this guard?
His majesty, tendering my person's
safety, has appointed...
...This conduct to convey me to the Tower.
What is the matter, Clarence?
May I know?
Yes, Richard, when I know...
...but I must protest, as yet I do not.
Why, this it is
when men are ruled by women.
Is not the king
who sends you to the Tower.
Elizabeth is queen. Clarence, is she.
We're not safe, brother.
Look, we are not safe.
I beseech your lordships
both to pardon me.
His majesty
has strictly given me charge...
...That no man shall have private
conference with your brother.
We speak no treason.
We say the king is wise and virtuous,
and his queen well struck in years!
I beseech you both to pardon me.
We know your charge, Brackenbury,
and will obey.
We are the queen's subjects
and must obey.
Brother, farewell. I will unto the king.
Meanwhile, this deep disgrace
in brotherhood...
...Touches me deeper
than you can imagine.
I know it pleases neither of us well.
Your imprisonment shall not be long.
I will deliver you... or else lie for you.
- Meanwhile, have patience.
- Well, I must perforce.
Simple, plain Clarence, I do love you so...
...That I shall shortly
send your soul to heaven...
...lf heaven will take the present
from my hands!
And now... I'll marry.
What though I killed her husband
and his father?
(men groaning in pain)
Oh, cursed be the hand
that made these holes...
...Cursed the heart
that had the heart to do it...
...Cursed the blood
that let this blood from hence!
If ever he have child, abortive be it!
If ever he have wife...
...let her be made more miserable
by the life of him...
...Than I am made
by my young husbans death!
What black magician
conjures up this fiend...
...To stop devoted charitable deeds?
Sweet saint, for charity, be not so curst.
Foul devil, for Gos sake hence
and trouble me not...
...For you have made
this happy earth my hell!
If you delight to see your heinous deed...
...Behold the pattern of your butchery.
Lady... know no rules of charity.
Villain, you know no law of God nor man.
divine perfection of a woman...
...Of this supposed crime
to give me leave...
...By circumstance but to acquit myself.
Did you not kill my husband?
- I grant you, yes.
- You grant me, hedgehog?
Then God grant me too...
...You may be damned
for that wicked deed!
- Gentle Lady Anne...
- He was gentle, mild and virtuous.
The fitter for the King of Heaven
who has him.
And you unfit for any place but hell!
One place else,
if you will hear me name it.
- Some dungeon!
- Your bedchamber.
Les leave this keen
encounter of our wits.
Your beauty,
which did haunt me in my sleep...
...Could make me undertake
the death of all the world...
...So I might live one hour
in your sweet bosom.
If I thought that, I tell you, homicide...
...I would rend that beauty
from my cheeks!
These eyes could not endure
that beauty's wreck.
As all the world is cheered
by the sun, so I by that.
It is my day... my life!
He who bereft you, lady,
of your husband...
...Did it to help you to a better husband.
His better does not breathe
upon the earth.
He lives who loves you
better than he could.
- Where is he?
- Here.
Why... you spit at me?
Would it were mortal poison
for your sake!
Never came poison
from so sweet a place.
Never hung poison on a fouler toad!
Out of my sight!
You do infect my eyes!
Those eyes of yours...
from mine have drawn salt tears.
Yet, when I heard the story
of my father's death...
...And all the standers-by
had wet their cheeks...
...Like trees bedashed with rain,
in that sad time...
...My manly eyes did scorn a humble tear.
And what that sorrow
could not thence exhale...
...Your beauty has...
...and made them blind with weeping.
Teach not your lip such scorn...
...for it was made for kissing, lady...
...not for such contempt.
If your revengeful heart cannot forgive...
...I humbly beg for death...
...upon my knee!
No, do not pause,
it was I who killed your husband...
...But it was your heavenly face
which set me on.
(knife clatters onto floor)
Take up the blade again...
...or take up me.
I will not be your executioner.
Then bid me kill myself...
and I will do it.
I have already.
That was in your rage. Speak it again.
I would I knew your heart.
I fear it is false.
Then never was man true!
Put... down the blade.
But shall I live in hope?
All men, I hope, live so.
(knife drops on floor)
Vouchsafe to wear this ring.
To take is not to give.
May I, with all expedient duty, see you?
And much it joys me, too,
To see you are become so penitent.
Bid me farewell.
'Tis more than you deserve.
But since you teach me
how to flatter you...
...lmagine I have said farewell already.
Was ever woman in this humour wooed?
Was ever woman in this humour won?
I'll have her...
...but I'll not keep her long!
I who killed her husband and his father...
...To take her
in her hears extremest hate...
...With curses in her mouth,
tears in her eyes...
...And then to win her...
...all the world to nothing? Ha!
Upon my life, she finds...
...- although I cannot - myself to be
a marvellous, proper man!
I'll entertain a score or two of tailors...
...To study fashions to adorn my body...
...And then return lamenting to my love!
Shine out, fair sun,
till I've bought a glass...
...That I may see my shadow... I pass!
(coughs wheezily)
Clarence still breathes.
Edward still lives and reigns.
When they are gone...
...then shall I count my gains.
(toy gunshots)
- (toy gunshot)
- Uhh!
The king is sickly, weak and melancholy.
Have patience, sister.
No doubt his majesty will soon
recover his accustomed health.
His physicians fear for him mightily.
If he were dead,
what would become of me?
The heavens have blessed you
with two goodly sons...
...To be your comforters when he's gone.
Ah, but they're young, and their minority... put into the trust of
Richard Gloucester...
...A man who loves not me
nor you, my brother.
Is it confirmed he will be Lord Protector?
If the king miscarry.
My love...
...what danger can befall to you...
...So long as Edward
is your constant friend...
...And a sovereign...
...whom Richard must obey?
Yes, and shall obey...
...and love you, too.
(James) Pow! Pow!
Whas his name?
His name is Tyrell, sir.
I partly know the man.
Is your name Tyrell?
James Tyrell...
...and your most obedient servant.
Are you indeed?
Prove me, my gracious lord.
(pig squeals)
(door creaks open)
Oh, I have passed a miserable night.
I thought that I had broken
from the Tower...
...And was embarked across
to Burgundy...
...And, in my company,
my brother Richard...
...Who from my cabin
tempted me to walk upon the hatches.
As we paced along...
...I thought that Richard stumbled,
and in falling...
...Struck me overboard...
...lnto the tumbling billows of the main.
Oh, Lord, I thought what pain
it was to drown!
What dreadful noise of water in my ears.
What sights of ugly death within my eyes.
I thought I saw a thousand
fearful wrecks...
...A thousand men
that fishes gnawed upon...
...Wedges of gold, great anchors,
heaps of pearl...
...lnestimable stones, unvalued jewels...
...All scattered in the bottom of the sea.
Some lay in dead men's skulls...
...and in the holes
where eyes did once inhabit...
...there were crept,
as it were in scorn of eyes...
...reflecting gems...
...That wooed the slimy bottom
of the deep...
...And mocked the dead bones
that lay scattered by.
My dream was lengthened after life.
Oh, then began the tempest to my soul.
With that, I thought a legion
of foul fiends...
...environed me...
...and howled in my ears
such hideous cries...
...that with the very noise...
I trembling waked...
...and, for a season after, could not
believe but that I was in hell!
Such terrible impression made my dream.
Oi! Oi, off!
Now then, my hardy,
stout-resolved mates...
Are you now going to dispatch this thing?
We are, my lord, but need the warrant
to be admitted to where he is.
Well thought upon!
I have it here about me.
Be sudden in the execution...
...For Clarence
is well spoken and perhaps...
...May move your hearts to pity.
We go to use our hands
and not our tongues.
I like you, lads.
About your business straight.
Your eyes drop millstones
when fools' eyes fall tears.
Clarence has not another day to live.
Which done, God take
King Edward to his mercy...
...And leave the world for me to bustle in!
God make your majesty joyful,
as you have been.
(Queen Elizabeth) Prime Minister.
- Lord Stanley.
- Saw you the king today?
But now the Duke of Buckingham and I
Are come from visiting his majesty.
- Did you confer with him?
- Ma'am, we did.
He desires to make reconciliation
between Richard and your brother.
Would all were well,
but that will never be.
I fear our happiness is at the height.
Who is it that complains unto the king...
...That I, in truth, am stern...
and love them not?
Because I cannot flatter and look fair...
...Smile in men's faces...
...smooth, deceive and cog...
...I must be held a rancorous enemy.
Cannot a plain man live
and think no harm?
To whom in all this presence
speaks your grace?
To you, who have neither
honesty nor grace!
When have I injured you?
When done you wrong?
Come, come, we know your meaning!
The world is grown so bad...
...That wrens make prey
where eagles dare not perch!
You envy my advancement
and my family.
God grant we never
may have need of you.
Meantime, God grants...
...that I have need of you.
My brother is imprisoned
by your means.
Richard, you do me shameful injury!
Benedictus, benedicat, per Jesum
Christum, Dominum nostrum. Amen.
(Brackenbury) What would you,
fellow, at the Tower...
...And how came you hither?
I would speak with Clarence,
and I came hither on my legs.
I never did incense his majesty...
...Against your brother, but have been
An earnest advocate to plead for him.
- You may deny that you...
- She may, my Lord!
She may, Lord Rivers,
but who knows not so?
She may do more, sir, than denying that.
She may help you
to many great promotions.
My Lord of Gloucester...
...I have too long borne your blunt
upbraidings and bitter scoffs!
I had rather be a country serving maid
Than a great queen in this condition...
...To be so baited, scorned and stormed at!
By heaven, I will acquaint his majesty!
Tell him... and spare not.
What I have said, I will avouch it
in the presence of the king.
Before you were queen...
...yes, or your husband king,
I was a packhorse... his great affairs.
In all that time,
you and your brother here...
...were sympathetic to the enemy.
Let me put in your mind,
if you forget what you have been before...
...and what you are;
indeed what I have been...
...and what I am.
- A bottled spider!
- (Rivers laughs)
My dear brother-in-law... those busy days
When now you try to prove us enemies...
...We followed then Edward,
our lawful king.
So should she you,
if you should be her king.
If I should be?
I'd rather be a pedlar!
I'm too childish-foolish for this world.
You poisonous, bunch-backed toad!
Have done, have done.
Small joy have I in being
this country's queen.
Buckingham, take heed of yonder dog.
Look, when he fawns, he bites.
Your majesty,
his majesty has called for you.
What did she say,
my Lord of Buckingham?
Nothing that I respect, my gracious lord.
I cannot blame her... Gos holy mother.
A virtuous and
a Christian-like conclusion...
...To pray for those...
...who have done wrong to you.
What, are you afraid?
Not to kill him, having a warrant for it...
...But to be damned for killing him...
...from which no warrant can defend me.
I thought you had been resolute.
So I am. Let him live.
I'll back to Richard Gloucester
and tell him so.
No. Wait a little.
Some certain dregs of conscience
are yet within me.
Remember our reward
when the dees done.
He dies. I forgot the reward.
- And where's your conscience now?
- In the Duke of Gloucester's purse.
In Gos name...
...what are you?
A man, as you are.
But not, as I am, royal.
Nor you, as we are, loyal.
Who has sent you to me?
- And why have you come?
- To... To...
...murder me.
But how, my friends,
have I offended you?
Offended us you have not,
but King Edward.
I will send you to my brother Richard,
Who shall reward you better for my life...
...Than will the king
for tidings of my death.
You are deceived.
Your brother Richard hates you.
You are wrong.
He loves me and he holds me dear.
Go you to him, tell him and he will weep.
Aye! Millstones,
as he lessoned us to weep.
Oh, do not slander him, for he is kind.
- Right... as snow in harvest!
- Richard! No!
(gentle instrumental jazz)
(knock on door)
(music is switched off)
(King Edward) So, now we have done
a good day's work.
Now, friends, continue this united league.
Rivers and Hastings,
take each other's hands.
Hastings, my soul is purged
from grudging hate.
Your majesty, I truly swear the like.
Elizabeth, you are not exempt in this.
Wife, greet Lord Hastings.
Let him kiss your hand.
Dear Hastings.
Now, princely Buckingham...
make me happy in this unity.
Whenever Buckingham does
turn his hate upon your majesty...
...God punish me with hate
from those where I expect most love.
When I most need to employ a friend,
And most assured that he is a friend...
- Richard!
...treacherous and full of guile is he.
Good morrow to my sovereign king.
- Now, Richard...
- And queen.
I have done a good day's work.
Made peace of enmity, fair love of hate.
Is death to me to be at enmity;...
...I hate it and desire all good men's love.
First, ma'am,
I do entreat true peace of you...
...Which I shall purchase
with my duteous service.
Of you, my noble,
dear Lord Buckingham...
...lf ever any grudge
were lodged between us.
Of you...
...Lord Hastings.
Of you, dear Rivers...
...Who, all without desert,
has frowned on me!
Indeed, of all, I do not know
that Englishman alive...
...With whom my soul is any jot at odds...
...More than the infant...
...that is born tonight.
I thank my God for my humility.
I wish to God all strifes were settled so.
My sovereign lord...
...I do beseech your majesty to take
your brother Clarence to your grace.
Why, ma'am, have I offered love for this?
Who knows not
that the gentle duke is dead?
(King Edward)
Who knows not he is dead?
Who knows he is?
(softly) Is Clarence dead?
The order was reversed!
But he, poor man,
by your first order died...
...And that a winged Mercury did bear.
Some tardy cripple
bore the countermand.
Oh, God...
...I fear... thy justice will take hold of me!
And mine, and mine...
...and yours for this!
Rivers, help me to my bed!
Oh, poor Clarence!
(the king gasps for breath)
This is the fruits of rashness.
Marked you not, Hastings...
...How that the guilty brother
of the queen looked pale...
...when he did hear of Clarence's death?
God will revenge it.
Oh, Clarence...
...Clarence, my unhappy son.
This news is bad indeed.
- What, is he in his bed?
- He is.
Oh, he has over-used
his royal person much.
What means this scene
of rude impatience?
Edward, my lord...
...your son our king is dead!
Why grow the branches
now the root is withered?
Why wither not the leaves,
the sap being gone?
Alas, I am the mother of these griefs.
On me pour all your tears.
I am your sorrow's nurse.
Elizabeth, have comfort.
We all of us have cause...
...To wail the dimming of our shining star.
Though we have spent
our harvest of this king...
...We are to reap the harvest of his son.
Sister, think you like a careful mother
of the Prince of Wales, your son.
Send straight for him.
Let him be crowned.
In him your comfort lies.
Me seemeth good
that with some little train...
...the prince be brought
to London to be crowned.
Why with some little train,
my Lord of Buckingham?
Lest by a multitude, dear sir, the
new-healed wound of civil war break out!
I hope the king made peace
with all of us...
...And the compact is firm and true in me.
And so in me, and so, I think, in all.
Therefore I say, with noble Buckingham... fitting that so few
should meet the prince.
- Prime Minister?
- And so say I.
Then be it so.
Two mirrors of my husbans likeness
are cracked in pieces... malignant death.
And I for comfort
have but one false glass...
...That grieves me
when I see my shame in him.
Mother, I do humbly crave
your blessing.
God comfort you...
...and put meekness in your breast...
...Love, charity, obedience and true duty.
And make me die a good old man.
Thas the butt-end of a mother's blessing.
I marvel that her grace did leave it out.
My Lord Protector.
(Elizabeth weeps)
My Lord Protector,
whoever journeys to the prince...
...For Gos sake,
let not us two stay at home...
...And let us part Earl Rivers
from the prince.
My other self!
(sighs of lovemaking)
Agghh, agghh!
(train whistle)
I long with all my heart
to see the Prince of Wales.
I hope he is much grown
since last I saw him.
They say my uncle Richard
grew so fast...
...That he could gnaw a crust
at two hours old!
Oh, go to, you parlous boy!
- You are too shrewd.
- Elizabeth, be not angry with your son.
Pitchers have ears.
Lord Stanley.
What news?
Such news that grieves me to report.
What is your news?
Your brother Rivers is murdered.
By whom?
...and Buckingham.
I see the ruin of my family.
(guars whistle)
Welcome, dear nephew.
(laughs) Welcome to your capital.
I want more uncles here to welcome me.
Those uncles who you want
are dangerous.
Your highness attended to
their sugared words...
...And looked not on the poison
of their hearts.
God keep you from them
and from such false friends.
God keep me from false friends?
But they were none.
The Prime Minister, Lord Hastings,
comes to greet you.
Uncle Richard!
Catesby... is it not an easy matter
to make Lord Hastings of our mind...
...For the instalment of this noble duke...
...ln the seat royal of our famous land?
He for the late king's sake
so loves the prince...
...That he will not do anything against him.
What think you, then, of Lord Stanley
and the Archbishop?
They will do all in all as Hastings does.
Call them tomorrow early
to determine of the coronation.
And as it were far off,
sound out Lord Hastings...
...and give us notice of his inclination.
Commend me to Hastings.
Tell him, Catesby,
that Rivers is let blood.
- Uncle!
- What would you have... little lord?
Because that I am little, like an ape...
...I think that you should
bear me on your shoulders!
- Uncle Richard...
- Stanley.
Where shall we stay until our coronation?
If I may counsel you, some day or two...
...For your best health and recreation...
...Your highness shall
repose you at the Tower.
I shall not sleep in quiet at the Tower!
- Why? What should you fear?
- My uncle Clarence's angry ghost.
(chuckles indulgently)
My grandma told me
he was murdered there.
I fear no uncles dead.
Nor none who live, I hope!
So wise so young, they say,
do never live long.
Well, let them rest.
My Lord Protector,
what shall we do if we perceive...
...Hastings will not yield to our plans?
Chop off his head.
Something we shall determine.
And look when I am king...
...claim you of me
the earldom of Hereford...
...and all the movables whereof
the king my brother was possessed.
I'll claim that promise of your royal hand.
And look to have it yielded
with all kindness.
Come, les to supper.
And then?
My uncle dreamt tonight
that the boar had shown his tusks.
Therefore he sends to know if you will
shun the danger that his soul does fear.
Return to Lord Stanley.
Tell him his fears are shallow,
wanting substance.
As for his dreams,
I wonder he is so foolish.
Morning, Catesby.
Tell your uncle
I shall see him at the meeting...
...Where he shall see the boar
will use us kindly.
Catesby, what news in this
our tottering state?
It is a reeling world indeed, sir...
...And I believe will never stand upright...
...Till Richard
wear the garland of the state.
How "wear the garland"?
Do you mean the Crown?
Yes, my lord.
I'll have this crown of mine
cut from my shoulders...
...Before I see the Crown
so foul misplaced!
Where's your boar spear, Lord Stanley?
Before a fortnight makes me older,
I'll send some packing...
...that yet think not on it.
It is a vile thing to die when men
are unprepared and look not for it.
Archbishop! You're early stirring.
I am glad to see you, Prime Minister.
Talking with a priest, Hastings?
Your friend Rivers - he needed the priest!
What is't o'clock?
On the stroke of two.
Now, gentlemen,
the cause why we are met... to determine of the coronation.
Well, speak. When is the royal day?
Are all things ready... for the royal time?
They are.
Who knows the Lord Protector's
mind in this?
Your lordship, we think...
...should soonest know his mind.
- We know each other's faces.
For our hearts, he knows no more
of mine than I of yours...
...Or I of his, my lord, than you of mine.
Hastings, you and he are near in love.
I have not sounded him...
...But you, my noble lords,
may name the time...
...And on the duke's behalf
I'll give my voice.
Good day to you all.
I've been long a sleeper.
Had you not come
upon your cue, my lord...
...William, Lord Hastings,
had pronounced your part.
Than my Lord Hastings
no man might be bolder.
He knows me well and loves me well.
I pray you all...
...tell me what they deserve
who do conspire my death...
...and have prevailed upon my body...
...with their damned witchcraft.
I say, my lord, they have deserved death.
Then be your eyes...
the witness of their evil.
See how I am bewitched.
Behold... arm is like a blasted sapling...
...withered up by Queen Elizabeth,
that monstrous witch!
If she has done this deed,
my noble lord...
You protector of this damned Elizabeth!
Talk you to me of "if"?
You are a traitor!
Off with his head!
Now, by Saint Paul, I swear I will
not dine until I see the same!
The rest that love me, rise and follow me!
The duke would be at dinner.
He longs to see your head.
So dear I loved the man...
...that I must weep.
Would you imagine that
the subtle traitor...
...had plotted in the parliament
to murder me...
...and the Lord Protector?
Had he done so?
Lord Mayor, the civil peace...
...enforced us to this execution.
Now, he deserved his death.
And do not doubt...
...But that I shall acquaint
my duteous city colleagues...
...With all your just proceedings
in this cause.
Buckingham, go after
to the Council House.
Infer the bastardy...
...of Edwars children.
...urge Edwars hateful lechery...
...Which stretched unto
their servants, daughters, wives!
Doubt not, my lord, I'll play the orator...
...As if the golden fee for which I plead...
...Were for myself.
Give order that no manner of person...
...Have any time recourse
unto the princes.
(upbeat jazz)
(hums along to music)
When scarce the blood
was well washed from his hands...
...Which issued from
my other angel husband...
When, I say, I looked on
Richars face, this was my wish.
"Be you," I said, "accursed."
"And when you wed,
let sorrow haunt your bed."
Within so small a time... woman's heart grossly
grew captive to his honey words...
...And proved subject
to my own soul's curse.
(whistle blows)
...what say the citizens?
Did you infer the bastardy
of Edwars children?
I did. And the insatiate
greediness of his desires;...
...His tyranny for trifles; his own bastardy!
Your discipline in war,
wisdom in peace...
...Your bounty, virtue, fair humility.
And when my oratory drew to an end...
...I bade those who did love
their country's good...
...Cry "God save King Richard,
Englans royal king!"
- And did they so?
- (hesitates) No.
- So God help me, they spoke not a word.
- Bah!
What tongueless blocks are they!
Would they not speak?
My Lord Mayor and his colleagues
have arrived.
Pretend some fear!
Be not easily won by our requests.
And, look you...
get a prayer book in your hand.
Play the mais part:
Still answer no and take it.
No doubt we'll bring it to a happy issue.
You shall see what I can do.
He does entreat you,
my Lord Buckingham... visit him tomorrow or next day.
He is within...
with two right reverend priests.
Tell him myself, the Mayor
and these gentlemen...
...Are come to have
some conference with him.
I'll tell him what you say, my lord.
Ah, Lord Mayor.
Richard is not King Edward.
He is not lulling on a lewd
love-bed, but meditating...
...with two deep divines,
praying to enrich his watchful soul.
Happy were England, would this
virtuous man take on his grace...
...the sovereignty thereof.
God defend Richard should say no to us.
- I fear he will. Catesby?
- He wonders to what end... have assembled such troops
of citizens to speak with him.
My lord, he fears
you mean no good to him.
By heaven, we come to him
in perfect love!
My Lord Protector?
Pray pardon us the interruption
of your devotions.
My lord, there needs no such apology.
I do suspect I have done some offence.
You have. Will it please you
to amend your fault?
Else wherefore breathe I
in a Christian land?
Know then, it is your fault that
you refuse the supreme seat...
...the throne majestical.
We heartily solicit you, take on the
kingly government of this your land...
...Not as Lord Protector,
but from blood to blood...
...Your right of birth,
your empery, your own!
Your love deserves my thanks.
But my desert, unmeritable,
shuns your high request.
First, if all obstacles were cut away...
...Yet so much is my poverty of spirit...
...So mighty and so many my defects...
...That I should rather
hide me from my greatness.
But, God be thanked,
there is no need of me.
The royal tree has left us royal fruit.
You say the Prince of Wales
is your brother's son.
So say we...
but born before his wedding day.
Then, good my lord,
take to your royal self...
...This proffered benefit of dignity!
- Good my Lord Protector!
- We entreat you...
(softly) Truly, the hearts
of men are full of fear.
I am unfit for state and majesty.
Then we will plant some other
on the throne!
I do beseech you, take it not amiss.
I cannot nor I will not yield to you.
Your brother's son
will never reign our king!
Gentlemen, come, I will entreat
no more! Gos wounds!
Oh, do not swear, my lord!
Call him again, my lord!
Accept the Crown!
Will you enforce me to a world of cares?
Call him again.
(Catesby) My lord! My Lord Buckingham!
I'm not made of stone.
Gentlemen, since you will buckle
fortune on my back...
...I must have patience... endure the load.
But God doth know,
and you may partly see...
...How far I am...
...from the desire of this.
If you will outstrip death...
...go across the seas and live, dear
Richmond, from the reach of hell!
Go, my dear nephew,
from this slaughterhouse.
Long live King Richard!
(chanting) Richard, Richard,
Richard, Richard!
Brackenbury, how are my sons,
the princes?
Right well, your majesty.
By your patience,
I may not permit you to visit them.
The king has strictly charged
the contrary.
- The king?
- I mean, the Lord Protector.
The Lord protect him
from that kingly title!
I am their mother!
Who should keep me from them?
I am bound by oath...
...and therefore pardon me.
Go you to Richard...
and good angels guard you.
Stay yet.
Look back with me unto the Tower.
Pity, you ancient stones,
those tender princes...
...Whom envy has immured
within your walls...
...Rough cradle for such little pretty ones.
Rude, ragged nurse, use my babies well.
(ceremonial music)
Now, Buckingham,
thus high by your advice...
...and your assistance
is King Richard seated.
But shall we wear
these glories for a day...
...Or shall they last
and we rejoice in them?
Still live they...
...and for ever let them last.
The princes live.
Think now what I would speak.
Say on, your majesty.
Why, Buckingham, I say I would be king.
Why, so you are!
The princes live.
Buckingham, you never used to be
so dull. Shall I be plain?
I wish the bastards dead...
...And I would have it suddenly performed.
What say you now?
Speak suddenly. Be brief.
Your majesty may do your pleasure.
Tut, tut!
You are all ice.
Your kindness freezes.
Say have I your consent
that they shall die?
(cheering on screen)
Give me some little breath,
some pause, your majesty...
...Before I positively speak in this.
High-reaching Buckingham
grows circumspect.
Has he held out so long
with me untired...
...And stops he now for breath?
Be it so.
Lord Stanley!
Your majesty.
Whas the news?
The Archbishop, as I hear...
...Has joined with Richmond
in France, your majesty.
Richmond aims to marry
young Elizabeth...
...My brother Edwars daughter...
...And, by that knot,
he hopes to gain my crown.
Richmond is your nephew.
...look to it.
- Your majesty.
- Catesby!
Rumour it abroad that Anne, my wife,
is very grievous sick.
Look how you dream.
I say again, give out that Anne,
my queen, is sick and like to die.
I must be married now
to young Elizabeth...
...Or else my kingdom
stands on brittle glass.
Murder her brothers and then marry her.
Dare you resolve to kill a friend of mine?
Sir, please you,
I'd rather kill two enemies.
There you have it. Two deep enemies.
...I mean those bastards in the Tower.
Say it is done and I will love you for it.
It... is... done...
...your majesty.
Your majesty...
...I claim the earldom of Hereford,
which you promised I should possess.
Well, let that rest.
The Archbishop has fled to Richmond.
I hear the news.
What says your majesty
to my just request?
It was prophesied
that Richmond should be king.
A king, perhaps.
- Perhaps.
- Your promise for the earldom.
- Your majesty, I...
- Yes!
Whas o'clock?
I am thus bold to put your majesty
in mind of what you promised me.
But whas o'clock?
- On the stroke of ten.
- Then let it strike.
Why let it strike?
Because that, like a jack,
you keep the stroke...
...Between your begging
and my meditation.
I am not in the giving vein today.
Why then,
resolve me whether you will or no.
You trouble me! I am not in the vein!
(clock strikes)
Never yet one hour in his bed...
...Have I enjoyed
the golden dew of sleep...
...But have been awoken
by his timorous dreams.
Besides, he hates me...
...And will, no doubt, shortly be rid of me.
Let me think of Hastings and be gone.
(door slams)
Kind Tyrell... I happy in your news?
It is done, your majesty.
(Richard) But did you see them dead...
...and buried?
I did, your majesty.
Gentle Tyrell.
Come to me, Tyrell, soon... after supper...
...When you shall tell the story
of their death.
but think how I may do you good...
...And be inheritor of your desire.
The sons of Edward
sleep in Abraham's bosom...
And Anne... wife, shall bid this world good night.
Uncertain way of gain...
...But I am in so far in blood
that sin will pluck on sin.
Tear-falling pity dwells not in this eye.
Your majesty, on the southern coast
there rides a powerful navy.
Is thought that Richmond
is its admiral.
Buckingham has fled
to welcome him ashore.
We must be brief
when traitors brave the field.
(Duchess of York) Are you my son?
Yes, I thank God, my father and yourself.
(Duchess) You toad!
Where are the princes and your wife?
...I have a touch of your condition...
...That cannot brook the accent of reproof.
Oh, let me speak!
Be brief, dear mother, for I am in haste.
A grievous burden was your birth to me!
And came I not at last to comfort you?
You came on earth
to make the earth my hell!
Tetchy and wayward was your infancy...
...Your schooldays frightful,
desperate, wild and furious...
...Your prime of manhood daring,
bold and venturous...
...Your age confirmed,
proud, subtle, sly and bloody!
What comfortable hour can you name
That ever graced me with your company?
- If I be so disgracious...
- Oh, hear me a little...
...For I shall never speak to you again!
To war take with you
my most grievous curse!
My prayers shall
on Richmons party fight.
Bloody you are, bloody will be your end!
Shame serves your life
and will your death attend!
I leave for France.
Be not tongue-tied.
You're a dream of what you were...
a breath, a queen in jest!
Where is your husband now?
Where is your brother?
Where are your two sons? Wherein joy?
Who sues and kneels and says,
"God save the queen"?
Where are the bended peers
that flattered you?
Where be the thronging troops
that followed you?
Teach me how to curse my enemy!
Forbear to sleep the nights
and fast the days.
Think that your babes were sweeter
than they were...
...And he that slew them fouler than he is!
Tell me, you villain slave...
...where are my children?
Where is my brother Rivers
and your brother Clarence?
Where is Lord Hastings?
...I must talk a word with you.
I've no more sons of the royal blood...
...for you to slaughter!
You have a daughter...
...called Elizabeth.
Must she die for this?
(cries out)
Oh... let her live.
Her life is safest only in her birth.
And only in that safety
died her brothers.
You speak as if
that I had slain the princes.
No doubt the murderer's knife
was dull and blunt...
...Till it was sharpened...
...on your stone-hard heart
to revel in the entrails of my lambs!
Ma'am, I intend more good
to you and yours...
...Than ever you or yours
by me were harmed.
Tell me, what state,
what dignity, what honour...
...Can you bestow on any child of mine?
Even all I have...
...yes, and myself and all...
...Will I withal endow a child of yours.
Be brief, lest that the process
of your kindness...
...Lasts longer telling
than your kindness' date.
Know, then, that with my soul
I love your daughter...
...And do intend to make her...
...Queen of England.
What think you of it?
How can you woo her?
Now, that would I learn of you.
- And will you learn of me?
- Madam, with all my heart.
Send to her
by the man who slew her brothers...
...A pair of bleeding hearts,
then will she weep.
If this inducement move her not...
...Send her a letter of your noble deeds.
Tell her you made away
her uncle Clarence, her uncle Rivers...
...yes, and for her sake made quick
conveyance with her good aunt Anne!
You mock me, madam,
this is not the way...
...To win your daughter.
- There is no other way...
...Unless you could put on
some other shape...
...And not be Richard who's done all this!
Say that I did all this for love of her.
Well, then, she cannot choose
but hate you.
What is done cannot be now amended.
Men shall deal unadvisedly sometimes.
If I did take the kingdom
from your sons...
...To make amends
I'll give it to your daughter.
Again you shall be mother of a king...
We have many goodly days to see.
The liquid drops of tears
that you have shed...
...Shall come again,
transformed to orient pearl.
Go then, my mother,
to your daughter go.
Make bold her bashful years
with your experience.
Acquaint the princess with the sweet
silent hours of marriage joys.
And when these troops
of mine have chastised...
...The petty rebel Richmond
and dull-brained Buckingham...
...Bound with triumphant garlands
will I come...
...And lead your daughter
to a conqueror's bed.
What were I best to say?
Say she shall be
a high and mighty queen.
To wail the title, as her mother does?
Say I will love her everlastingly.
But how long, fairly,
shall her sweet life last?
As long as heaven and nature
lengthens it.
As long as hell and Richard like of it!
Your reasons are too shallow
and too quick.
Oh, no, my reasons are
too deep and dead...
...Too deep and dead
my infants in their graves!
Harp not on that string, madam,
that is past!
Harp on it still shall I
till heartstrings break!
I know that Richmond aims
to wed Elizabeth.
In her consists my happiness... and yours.
Without her follows to myself and you...
...Herself, the land,
and many a Christian soul...
...Death, desolation, ruin and decay!
It cannot be avoided but by this.
Be the attorney of my love... her.
...what I will be...
...not what I've been.
Shall I be tempted by the devil thus?
Yes, if the devil tempt you to do good.
But you did kill my children.
But in your daughter's womb
I bury them...
...Wherein that nest of spicery...
...they will breed.
Shall I go win my daughter
to your will?
And be a happy mother by the deed.
Write to me very shortly...
...And you shall understand
from me her mind.
Bear her my true love's kiss.
Relenting fool...
...and shallow, changing woman!
Lord Stanley...
...whas the news with you?
None good, your majesty...
...nor none so bad.
- Hoyday, a riddle!
Neither good nor bad.
Once more, what news?
- Richmond is on the seas.
- Then be the seas on him!
What does he there?
Your majesty, I know not, but by guess...
- Well, as you guess?
- Stirred up by Buckingham...
...He makes for England,
here to claim the Crown.
Is the throne empty?
Is the king dead?
You will revolt and fly to him, I fear.
I never was nor never will be false.
Go, then, and muster men...
...but leave behind with us...
...your son, young George.
Stanley, look your heart be firm...
...Or else his heas assurance
is but frail.
Your majesty, the Duke of Buckingham...
Till you bring better news!
"The Duke of Buckingham
is taken prisoner."
I cry you mercy.
(train whistle blows)
Richmond is landed
with a mighty power from France.
Les go to meet him.
While we reason here...
...A royal battle might be won and lost.
Tyrell, give order
Buckingham be brought!
(train gathers speed)
(Richmond) Welcome.
- Brackenbury.
- Richmond.
Fortune and victory be with you, nephew.
The queen has heartily consented
that I marry Princess Elizabeth.
England rejoice!
Good Lord Stanley, Brackenbury.
Prepare your advance
early in the morning.
On your side I may not be too forward.
Your cousin George is held in custody.
Wretched, bloody and usurping swine!
I do not doubt
but his friends will turn to you.
(Stanley) He has no friends.
Will not King Richard
let me speak with him?
No, my good lord.
Made I him king for this?
(Buckingham retches and chokes)
Tyrell, why look you so sad?
My heart is ten times lighter
than my looks, my lord.
What is't o'clock?
- Is supper time, your majesty.
- I'll not sup tonight.
Les consult upon tomorrow's business.
- What is the number of the traitors?
- Six or seven thousand, your majesty.
Our battalion trebles that account.
Besides, the king's name... a tower of strength.
Your majesty.
Send to Lord Stanley.
Bid him bring his force...
...Before sunrising,
lest his son George fall...
...lnto the blind cave of eternal night.
Leave me.
I will.
Stir with the lark tomorrow, gentle Tyrell.
Your majesty.
Leave me, I say.
(Archbishop) Oh, Lord...
...let Richmond and Elizabeth... your fair ordinance... joined together.
And let their heirs, God,
if thy will be so...
...Enrich the time to come...
...with smooth-faced peace.
Oh, thou whose captain
I account myself...
...Look on my forces
with a gracious eye...
...Put in their hands
thy bruising arms of wrath...
...That we may praise thee in thy victory.
...and waking...
...defend me still.
(Duchess of York)
Are you my son? You toad!
(voices whispering)
(Queen Elizabeth)
Richard, you do me shame!
(Duchess of York)
Bloody will be your end!
(Anne) You do infect my eyes!
(Rivers) I have too long borne
your blunt upbraidings!
(James) Because that I am
little, like an ape...
...I think that you should
bear me on your back!
(Queen Elizabeth screams)
Where are my children?
I did but dream.
Oh, coward conscience!
What do I fear?
There's none else by.
Richard loves Richard...
...that is, I am I.
Is there a murderer here?
Yes... I am.
I love myself, but why?
For any good that I myself
have done unto myself?
Oh, no. Alack, I rather hate myself...
...For hateful deeds committed by myself.
I'm a villain.
But I lie, I am not.
Fool, of thyself speak well.
Fool, do not flatter.
My conscience has a thousand
several tongues...
...Thronged to the bar,
crying all, "Guilty! Guilty!"
I shall despair!
There is no creature loves me...
...And if I die... soul will pity me.
Your majesty.
Will all our friends prove true?
- No doubt, your majesty.
- Ratcliffe, I fear... I fear!
Oh, no, your majesty... not afraid of shadows.
How have you slept, my lord?
The sweetest sleep...
...the fairest-boding dreams...
...That ever entered in a drowsy head.
Conscience is but a word
that cowards use.
Remember whom you are to cope with...
...all a sort of vagabonds,
rascals and runaways.
And who does lead 'em
but a paltry fellow, a milksop?
If we be conquered...
...let men conquer us.
Les whip these stragglers
over the seas again!
Shall these enjoy our lambs?
Lie with our wives?
Ravish our daughters?
What says Lord Stanley?
Will he bring his force?
My lord, he has refused to come to you.
(aeroplanes overhead)
Then off with his son George's head.
(air-raid siren)
(soldier screams)
Your majesty! Your majesty!
A horse!
A horse! My kingdom for a horse!
James Tyrell, rescue!
Escape, your majesty, escape!
I'll help you to a horse!
Escape? Slave!
No... no!
(automatic gunfire)
Les do it pell-mell.
If not to heaven...
...then hand in hand to hell!
(fires twice)
(AI Jolson) # I'm sittin' on top of the world
# I'm rollin'along
# Yes, rollin'along
# And I'm quittin' the blues of the world
# I'm singin'a song
# Yes, singin'a song
# Glory hallelujah, I just told the parson
# Hey Par, get ready to call
# Just like Humpty Dumpty, I'm gonna fall
# And I'm sittin' on top of the world
# I'm rollin'along
# Rollin'along
# Don't want any millions
# I'm gettin'my share
# I've only got one suit, just one
# Thas all I can wear
# A bundle of money
# Don't make me feel gay
# A sweet little honey
# Is makin'me say
# And I'm sittin', sittin' on top,
top of the world
# I'm rollin'along
# Rollin'along
# And I'm quittin', quittin'
the blues, blues of the world
# I'm singin'a song
# Yes, singin'a song
# Glory hallelujah, I just told the parson
# Hey Par, get ready to call
# Just like Humpty Dumpty
# I'm gonna fall
# Yeah, I'm sittin' on top of the world
# I'm rollin'along
# Yes, rollin'along
# And I'm quittin' the blues of the world
# I'm singin'a song
# Yes, singin'a song
# Glory hallelujah, I just told the parson
# Hey Par, get ready to call
# Just like Humpty Dumpty
# I'm gonna fall
# And I'm sittin' on top of the world
# I'm rollin'along
# Rollin'along
# Don't want any millions
# I'm gettin'my share
# I've only got one suit, just one
# Thas all I can wear
# A bundle of money
# Don't make me feel gay
# A sweet little honey
# Is makin'me say
# And I'm sittin', sittin' on top,
top of the world
# I'm rollin'along
# Rollin'along
# And I'm quittin', quittin'
the blues, blues of the world
# I'm singin'a song
# Yes, singin'a song
# Glory hallelujah, I just told the parson
# Hey Par, get ready to call
# Just like Humpty Dumpty
# I'm gonna fall
# Yeah, I'm sittin' on top, top of the world
# I'm rollin'along
# Rollin'along