Richard the Lionheart: Rebellion (2015)

In the year 1173 of our Lord,
Europe was divided between the two great powers,
England and France.
The children of the King of England, Richard, Henry and Geoffrey the young,
driven by his French mother, Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine,
They rebelled to usurp the throne of his powerful father
and started a fight to conquer their territory on French soil.
Richard the Lionheart A REBELLION
King Louis invited the rebels to come to Paris
and sign a formal alliance against a common enemy.
But the weapons of steel does not always determine the outcome of a war.
Your Majesty?
Where is it?
You know what I missed in England?
English men are rude, often stink,
but their spears
They know very well the moment to strike.
The English know when to attack and ...
They know when to expect,
the nature of people living on the island.
I am the Queen of England.
Ask and I will do anything you want, ma'am.
English women do not need to ask.
They attack their targets directly ...
at your command.
And that's why the English have always defeated the French.
They are not afraid to try different things.
I agreed to meet her at this location and his company gave me great pleasure,
but it is asking too much.
Who are you and what are you doing on my land?
I came to rescue the queen Eleanor of Aquitaine.
The queen is my guest. I promised her I would be safe here.
Are not you forgetting something?
Or pact.
I will read later, ma'am.
You need not bother.
You are a knight, right?
Yes sir. This is the castle of my family.
We defend these lands during the English conquest
soldiers like you.
All you need to do is take your ring
and put this wax.
Not think it's the right time.
You will not leave this room ...
without meeting me completely.
And if I leave?
Your family, your property and your cattle will be burned.
You disappear from history.
So I think it would be a bad decision.
I like men who know how to anticipate the needs of a woman.
You killed my father!
You deserve to die!
Her husband, Henry II, King of England,
orders the lady with me.
Consider arrested by the will of His Majesty.
At least I did my last alliance.
Now ...
The king wants me to go dressed like that?
Or I can dress like the queen that I am?
Abandon this flag, or abandon his life.
You have a chance to join us against our father, the king.
Ricardo, my brother.
Now the king of France awaits us.
Closer to our beloved father step.
My sweet and beloved wife.
The maid of Aquitaine.
The last ground of a kingdom kissing our lips during the day
and cut our throats at night.
You're too dramatic, no?
Perhaps one of his men have poisoned wine. That would be...
I do not drink.
Leave us alone.
Por qu?
You do not understand the question?
Or did not understand the seriousness of the matter?
Because you're a bastard.
I made for my children ...
By their choice to send Ricardo to that odious castle.
He almost died!
I did it because I hate you!
Because it is always selfish.
You know how this feud family is costing us?
You will give everything to Ricardo, whether you win or not!
You will lose anyway.
I doubt it.
Armies cost money, travel too!
Even the riders have a price!
We're at a time to fight for it!
So give me what I want!
Just so I end the rebellion.
I can not!
Por qu?
Why am I a woman?
If I had Mii riders like you in my army,
already would be emperor of the world!
It is because you are a foreigner,
your fucking French! Whore!
Meet their demands would be like kissing
the rear of King Louis after going to the bathroom!
It's impossible!
So I'm sorry for you ...
because I will not stop.
We could be allies perfect ...
if we could stop fighting against each other.
Admit ...
you do not have the courage for that.
Get her out of here!
It's the last time I make a mistake as unforgivable.
Besides current not forget gag.
Let's leave it quiet for a while.
Burn it all!
Compiegne Forest
Why this reception?
We are the children of the king they hate!
We are also people who want to steal your crown,
and we were invited by the king himself.
Go take those clothes.
I will provide our thanks to King Louis.
They are far behind.
Our father should already be on the way.
His father did not know anything. Relax and enjoy your wine.
The king knows everything.
Just a man with a silly crown on his head. He is not God!
You're late, brother.
Where is Ricardo?
Away from it all.
Welcome to my tent hunting. But stay tuned,
sometimes the hunter becomes the hunted.
E vice-versa.
Let's drink.
Excuse me.
Do not worry about it.
I do not feel any more pain.
I am at your disposal, sir. They are king.
I'll pray for you.
I understand that this puts my kingdom at risk?
With the support of William of Scotland troops
and with the help of troops of Britain,
my father will surrender.
Tell me something, brother, when our father surrendered?
When they fought against their mother or perhaps in Toulouse?
He did not even hesitate to send his son to jail?
It was an old deal with the king.
These are old contracts that we have to overcome.
Have you considered that?
You will be able to confront him?
-Our Mother gave us alliances. -our Mother is not here!
For all we know, you may have already fled.
You, the firstborn, was always left out
because Daddy loves Ricardo.
Does all this is not because they are wanting attention?
We discuss this later!
No no no...
Because? We are family here!
We can not have secrets between us.
Your Majesty,
all we ask is that we can receive our mother when she arrives.
we will listen and then make a decision.
I've made my decision.
When his mother comes,
we will decide the smallest details.
Until then, relax and have fun.
Soon feel miss those luxuries.
Life on the battlefield is not easy.
Nunca, nunca mais me question.
Do not you dare come up to me because of its flaws!
The truth is that you have accepted the fact that three castles
They were given to our brother John.
I still remember the treats that our mother has always denied me,
but it was completely beside you and all your love.
This act of rebellion is a problem between you and the king. Understood?
You're against us?
You promise me that his troops will leave the churches,
abbeys and monasteries intact,
as well as all the little chapels you meet along the way?
Will be my booty when the rebellion is over.
-But Counteract God. -On the contrary...
I'm doing a favor to free him of all that gold
weighing on his conscience.
It's not cheap to be a Seneschal in Paris lately.
Ricardo! Sounds! Sounds!
Brother, what they did to you?
Stop! Get away!
Richard! Richard!
Ricardo! Ended! Ricardo! Ricardo!
Ended! Ended!
It never ends. I am doomed.
What was?
What happened?
Our mother was captured on his way here.
But no one knew of her arrival.
Obviously, many people knew.
Your Majesty, the armies assembled by their children
in outnumber.
We need all the troops from England to beat them.
Well, a king is always ready.
Even against his own family?
Especially against his own blood.
You think this is enough to win a war?
I ask God for forgiveness.
I'm here in exile in the land of France.
There are only two reasons to waste your precious time as well.
Or are writing about love ...
or politics.
What do you want exactly?
King Louis called some men of Normandy to help us.
I do not trust them. Why help us?
To confront our common enemy.
An English?
The king of the English.
So what are we?
We are men who want to start the throne of his ass.
Just because we want to put it under our.
Whose is it?
William of Scotland approved our initiative
and are volunteering to create problems for our father.
Will send northern armies.
When the rebellion is over, they will ask ...
Let us put aside any claim Scottish territory?
Impossible! Our father...
Our father is chained in a ditch,
It is assaulted by a torturer who put in his hands
a good looking pen with this
and force you to sign your complete surrender!
Because that's what rebels do with the losers.
They force them to make unfair choices.
It will not come to that.
When our father understand the situation ...
It will come upon us with more violence yet!
Henry, pay attention ...
You still have time to stop all this.
I never wanted this.
It's no secret.
But if you want to go this route
will have to accept the consequences. You will be the king.
So the deal is done.
Yes this.
I tell the news to our important ally?
At the end of this rebellion, the fate of Scotland will be ...
in his hands.
Here it is. I have done as you like.
Thank you.
It is a remedy that an old friend taught me long ago.
It seems that happened in another life.
-What's your name? -marie.
Marie, would you mind helping me get on my back?
It is rather difficult to do it alone.
Thank you.
Why did you pray for me?
Because the church is our only salvation.
Our churches were closed.
They said it was to cover the costs of the rebellion.
Where did you hear that?
You attacked our temples.
I wanted none of it.
I'm not well.
God shows us the way through the redemption.
There is no redemption for me.
A long time I did not feel the touch of a woman.
I had forgotten the pleasure of a simple gesture.
What are you doing?
Part of my prayers.
Will protect the sanctity of the church?
You are one of the few men that has not changed
since I met him personally.
Levante, my shining knight.
I am a prisoner.
I do not deserve your reverence.
You will always be my queen. My respect is genuine.
you should have remembered that when kidnapped me
and killed my followers.
I heard you recommended a warrior.
It is to protect the castle?
The castle ruins can easily survive a siege.
It is not far from the court. Will not resist to my arrival.
Will get us without discussion.
King's orders?
I am leaving?
Yes, it goes away.
Where I go?
To a castle in England
where do you can never leave.
Brother, everything will come out as planned.
With their help, we will cut the troops of our father
and attack from both sides. There is no hope for him.
Do you really think so?
It will be different. The alternative would be lost.
And this king?
I'm sure he has his means, but we can trust him.
Do not know...
Brother, look around you.
Every man in this alliance works day and night for you.
Providing food, shelter, labor ...
Forged weapons with the best steel in France.
You are also fighting for them and they will thank you for it.
From that day everything will change and will become ...
Parents death.
But with the death will have a second birth through the victory!
A much better tomorrow!
Now ...
It just depends on win an honorable victory.
Then we can be friends and celebrate together.
Thank you, Your Majesty. We are honored.
We show worthy through our actions, intentions ...
and victories.
one last request.
Ever seen in one place can become when there is no faith.
Ask your guarantee in writing, sealed and sealed with the royal emblem,
that no church, monastery or chapel
will be played by our hosts.
How can a king refuse a request so noble?
You will have your paperwork when they leave.
It is a promise and a duty.
What wind blows in my direction?
My curses of course were in vain since you're here.
King's greetings and on our part, for their hospitality.
With all that said, I receive, knight of the Knights
and I wish you the best on your way.
When the king asks for something ...
it is pleasant.
Or he orders.
The king must order his men back to England.
The king did not want to hurt you.
But if forced to do so ...
You would end the siege against a true ally?
Open the gate!
I see you know Alys, my niece.
Her father was killed,
so I am pleased to have her as my guest.
Compiegne Forest
We have answers, Captain?
There is nothing besides women, children and old people in the city.
They will surrender without a fight.
The Templar who are in the camp of King Louis
He reached us.
He is convincing all men to leave for the Crusades.
You cross ...
Pure folly! These people do not even know under what realm they live.
Exactly! It is best to choose a "higher" realm.
People are looking for certainty.
In fact I am sure I found the true meaning of life!
Stop! It made me spill the wine!
Her younger sister, definitely seems to have the same opinion!
Do you prefer her or me?
It looks like it's my turn!
Captain ...
Ricardo. What happened to you, right?
I mean, during his arrest.
What really happened?
I'm sorry. I...
O homeland?
What is going on?
What's going on here?
We are here to liberate these people,
not to overwhelm them and steal their treasures!
This is the sword that killed my father?
My uncle sent me to invite him to the party in honor of the king,
before the siege begins.
The king will not come. He's tired of the trip.
And come?
You will be unhappy if I am?
This will make a difference?
You killed my father.
During um honest duel.
For me there is no difference. He is dead.
I could have been killed.
It would have been better for me.
But not for me.
What pleased you have to kill men?
Taking them from their families? His sons?
That's what I do. And what I have to.
Por qu?
I am a knight.
But you seem to like.
I can not do anything else.
Will one day find someone like you,
that will kill him as you did with my father.
I pray the same prayer.
Every day.
My uncle will be glad to have him at his desk.
Father! Father, let me see it!
Whose voice is it?
It Ricardo, ma'am, the son of the king of England.
And the king and he will not come to negotiate?
Where is he?
We raise our flag on top of each city!
They say he is hungry for revenge.
His father arrested and tortured,
just to prove their courage and loyalty.
How long must this madness continue?
What happened to him?
He freed.
He destroyed the fort with his own hands.
You are surrounded ...
No hopes of victory.
You know what people are calling it the Lionheart?
They say he is invincible and is now here with us.
It is surrender and I swear I will not be injured.
It is surrender and be merciful as never seen before.
Lion Heart...
So be it.
No mercy.
The king will leave his quarters at the most opportune time.
But when?
What do you expect the old lion?
We're spending more than we can plunder.
Every day our provisions are scarce.
We came here.
And now we are in danger of failing.
We will come soon. Rouen will be an easy prey.
We will win.
How is it going?
The castle is strong.
Will resist.
Por how long?
Long enough.
The king must leave immediately.
The king knows. That's why I'm here.
When can I find it?
No one has seen him since you arrived.
The time will come.
what's your advice?
My advice would be to look
an alternative solution to an open field attack.
The castle is protected by a solid double wall.
Before you even reach it,
we would have to go through a shower of arrows,
especially here, where this outer wall is considerably lower.
the central area is the second ring
and the only entrance is opposite the passage wall.
There are no windows and the walls have at least one meter thick.
The king, his father, definitely is well protected.
We all know that he would prefer
let them starve to surrender.
How about using the men inside?
Can you buy the captain it? -No.
His name is Wilhelm.
He was on the walls today.
I used to serve him.
It is a firm rider ...
cruel and ruthless.
It exists only to find the man who can beat him.
So far, no one beat him.
Even in chess.
Captain unfortunately Geoffrey was right.
Our supplies are running out fast.
We can not face a long siege ...
therefore, in these circumstances, we must attack now.
Gentlemen, I would like to present some friends
which can be very useful to us.
It is the perfect solution!
See, Captain? We need not worry about anything.
Prepare to attack!
Your friend awaits.
Indeed! This will not be an easy task.
Archers, ready your arrows!
A postos!
They are massacring us!
As pedras mal arranham
as paredes!
We need to get these archers of the bulwarks
so we can position our stairs.
The stones are too big to take down your archers!
Sort withdrawal!
Send men to safety away from fire arrows.
Nothing further!
Remove! Remove!
When you find you, I will tear your fingers!
Stop! Download this stone and do exactly what I say.
What do you have in mind?
What's up, Lionheart?
Hold the line! Hold the line!
Lead your men towards the gates of the castle.
But ... Trust me!
Take your men! Order the attack.
-But ... -Ordene The attack!
Raise your shields!
What waste of breath!
I hope you know what you're doing, brother.
Your Majesty! The rebels are taking the castle walls!
Open the doors for Henry.
Take it.
Alys! What are you doing here? Let's go!
Where is my father?
King never came to Rouen.
He is in the north,
taking care of more pressing matters
what their kids capricious.
Why the rebellion?
It should be faithful to the man who sent me to die?
He arrested me for no reason and is now doing the same with my mother!
Whom no Mai was done.
Another useless war will be won.
You were betrayed.
You are a slave to a much greater power than you think.
-You're lying! -It will be?
The king wanted you here!
I was only a means to achieve that goal.
Ricardo! Pare!
claim this castle as conquered.
The castle ... it's all yours.
What was?
My brother fought with the British.
Expected to reach it first, but ...
He was killed.
My Lord...
We are fighting a just war, are not we?
This rebellion
You need to bring peace!
This all makes no sense.
We are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Our father never set foot in the city and our mother is in England,
-acorrentada. -a Pointless and costly trick.
Now we all northern France.
Yes, but at what cost?
We fall into the trap of our own victory.
I will write to our father with the terms of his surrender.
We won!
A messenger.
Let him in.
Your Majesty, I bring the terms of surrender
that their children require to accept.
Let's take a look.
Let's see: Unlocking their mother,
put myself in your hands,
deliver the throne ...
It has quite a lot here.
I know you?
I am nephew Hugues de Kevelioc.
Robert! Help me remember his badge ...
A blue shield with six golden haystacks.
Sim, claro!
His uncle has vast lands.
Robert is a very good man.
And you're just like him?
Eu tento ser.
Yes. I believe it is. I can see in his eyes:
The same pride, loyalty
and courage.
-What is your name? -Stewart, Your Majesty.
Your Majesty...
Am I still am?
This letter says I need to give everything I have.
So who am I but a ...
My dear young Stewart,
Robert nephew of the six golden haystacks ...
I want to tell you a little secret.
But not betray my trust.
Not even my children know it.
No message will get through to them.
All messages of the "rebels" will be intercepted,
which means that my arrival in Rouen will be a surprise.
Yes. Another little secret among kings.
Louis gave me all the necessary provisions,
and gave me free passage to Rouen ...
Majesty ...
No no no no. Let me make a small suggestion ...
if I can.
I trust you, little Stewart,
and I want to deliver a message for me.
The King of France tricked us. Completely.
After the passage of our troops, looted every church, every monastery!
Not even spared small chapels in the country!
It did work and so much!
And now...
we have the troops of the Pope against us as well.
Me diga, Ricardo...
Can put this useless pile of metal on the floor?
You will not get answers from it.
Someone asked him to step in and make requests to the king?
A devout lady made me think.
Would not deny such requests.
Tell me, brother,
you happen
an act accomplished with this pious servant and God-fearing?
It's the oldest trick in the book, Ricardo!
I did not stop to think?
So now the king is getting rich on our backs,
and in a few weeks we can not even pay our troops
or buy supplies!
We need to find a solution.
What's wrong now?
There's the father of our response.
Thanks to the skill of this young maiden,
the young lions are getting poorer every day,
while my coffers are filling!
And who is responsible?
The English, Your Majesty.
These are the letters of the Pope?
He is furious with the marauding fury of the English?
As was his will,
You tamed the damn lion
and could force him to do what he wanted.
If you promise not to use these skills with me ...
your future is assured!
Then the trap closes.
Friends become enemies ...
Powerful men win ...
All communications were broken ...
Rebels are defeated.
Children will be put back in place.
-Still Not thanked him ... -Alys.
-Thank you. We're safe!
You delivered us, thank you.
In fact, we fail in our goal.
The castle will not be safe for long.
I feel more defeated now than at the beginning of the siege.
Forgive me,
disturbed his prayers, and it's late.
Eu sei...
I know about you and your father.
And the prison in which he condemned.
Not exactly a shining example of a family together.
A father torturing his son.
Children who struggle against his own father.
The true nature of things seems to be lost.
And, in an attempt to solve this, we create chaos.
Now, we run the risk of being dragged further into the darkness.
My father used to tell me a story.
I was so proud when he told me.
He spoke of how in an ancient time,
when the grace of God was still away from the man.
Thousands of people were divided into groups
and for each group
a man was chosen.
A man who stood out from his fellow men for their courage,
loyalty and skill.
To this man was given a task
and it was honored with the noblest of animals:
The horse.
So the first knight was created.
Being a knight transcends the normal human being.
Opens the door to an ancient world that is often difficult to master.
It is a fraternity fight that always seeks to bring order
the chaos of history.
The higher your honor,
deeper the abyss where the rider walks on the edge.
You know what keeps us trapped in this world?
A espada.
She constantly reminded of how their way is difficult.
The more you point a blade to his enemies,
over the limit will come to you.
I'm fine, Magdalene.
You can go to their rooms.
His father was a wise man.
Where is him now?
He was killed by a knight.
Tell me more about him.
It's time this silly game ending.
All wars against his own family
They are merciless wars.
Our father troops approach the castle and he'll be surrounded!
Send two messengers to Paris immediately!
It's too late!
King Louis the flags are fluttering beside our father.
He betrayed us!
Now ...
we really are alone.
Alys! Alys!
Come on!
You came to end it all?
This rebellion ends today.
You can get this castle back if you want.
I never cared about that. -Why are you doing this?
The Seneschal can not be on the losing side.
How do you sleep at night?
Um Senescal nunca dorme.
What's going on here?
Captain! Do not be a fool.
You served and his princes,
but it is by their means that I am free.
That's impossible!
Over, captain.
You've done your job!
Now take care of their lives!
Take care of your men!
Captain, surrender! Save your own life!
Will not have another chance. The king is here. Your king!
Henry! Henry!
Henry! Open the door!
Ricardo, I brought you here.
I started his downfall.
Open the door, Henry!
Abra a portal
Go away, Ricardo.
Let our father dump his anger on me.
I will not let you, Henry!
I will not let him
You are my brother!
Go away. I beg you ...
like his brother!
Ricardo, they will kill us! Ricardo!
We will strive to leave. We have no choice.
Yes we have! My uncle showed me a passage, it is under the tower!
I will not leave my men!
But they will kill me!
All wins on a child, are victories without hearts.
This flag! I know her!
Wilhelm thought it was dead! We are in danger!
I am the clown this story.
Closed in the same castle that I won.
Abandoned by all.
I'm nothing...
Why is mau humor, Ricardo?
It is the first time we've seen in a long time.
Since Christmas.
Remember when fired in that tree?
How can you be here?
You are stuck here for over six months.
We are defeated and soon
we kneel again before our father!
I saw the world more times than you,
and now the change is nothing but a period of time.
In addition, many battles were won in rooms.
You think I'm old?
I've seen the big world.
Great reis
and the best warlords.
They still find me attractive.
Which reminds me ...
Someone told me that Alys is very beautiful,
and it is also the Duchess of Vexin.
It's a good choice, son.
His father will command the wedding.
Look real enough to this farce?
More than enough.
Yes, we're coming.
You are ready for the show?
Do not forget to give his father his best bow,
he loves being dramatic!