Ricochet (1991)

[suspenseful music]
Copyright: 2004
Home Box Office, Inc.
There ain't
no competition, no comp.
Come on with it.
Come on with it.
I'm with you.
What's up?
Come here, man.
Come on.
What's up with that, RC?
PK, you're too slow.
Play fair, man.
Pretty sure
that's a foul, RC.
Yo, PK,
watch it.
Where you at,
I'm here.
I need
Competition's here.
Take the ball out
with that weak shit.
[grunts in pain]
You all right, Nick?
Yeah, I'm all right.
Get up, man.
You can't hang
with us, boy.
Look up. Look up.
In your face,
Time out.
Time out. Time out.
We're ready.
Come on, man.
Time out!
You all right?
I'm having fun.
This is bullshit,
Don't worry
about it.
Look, just stop playing
like a white boy.
White boy, yeah.
You're getting soft.
You wanna pray?
You good at that.
Our ball.
You ready? Check.
Right here, baby.
All right, let's go.
I'm taking you
to the hole.
That mark's
got your name on it.
Where you at?
Yo, cover him, RC.
That was your man, RC.
Take it, Nick.
Take him.
[ball thumping]
Come on.
I got the man.
Oh, man.
Yo, ball.
Go, Nick.
Man, I quit.
Nice comeback, PK.
I never left,
my man.
You'd better
hold onto that,
'cause you ain't gonna see
too many dead presidents
in that old bullshit job
you got.
I'll go get
the car.
We don't want to be late
for our bullshit jobs.
Excuse me.
[chuckles softly]
See ya.
[chatter over radio]
Got a new car, Odessa?
It's new
to me, man.
with the ignition, huh?
Only trouble is,
you know,
I turn on
so many ladies,
I ain't got nothing left
for my wheels.
You know
what I'm saying?
Yeah, so we gonna play
next week?
I don't think so, O.
I think
our playing days are over.
Just on the asphalt,
Just on the asphalt.
How you doing?
So you bought these
in the dark?
Your shoes.
But these
are classics, baby.
These are great.
They're classics,
like Moby Dick.
Oh, you saw that?
Yeah, I know it.
I wrote a thesis on it;
I got an A.
I'm impressed.
Well, I don't want
to brag, or anything, but--
So you're
an English major?
Oh, no,
law school, actually,
[horn honks]
Come on.
Gotta go already?
Well, let me help you
I'll give you
a hand.
So you go to USC,
That's great.
It's a great school.
I love their mascot too,
the Trojan.
You know, it's too bad
you want to be a lawyer.
Why is that?
Well, because
we need more lawyers
like we need more
big, white Moby Dicks.
Ouch; actually,
I was going to become
the first black president,
that is if Jesse Jackson
doesn't beat me
to the punch.
Only thing I'm missing
is a first lady,
and I'll be giving interviews
Saturday 8:00
if you're interested.
Come on, girl.
Sorry, I'm busy.
You're b--
you're not busy.
I am busy.
Doing what?
I got a better offer
to be the Queen
of Sheba.
Oh, the Queen
of Sheba?
That's right.
Ow, wow, well, look,
every queen needs a king, right?
So maybe I can help you
try on your crown or something.
[siren blares]
Yeah, thanks, Larry.
You're a cop?
Yeah, yeah.
And as a matter
of fact,
as I see here,
you're parked illegally.
Oh, yeah, yeah,
guess I'm just going to have
to give you
a ticket here.
Now, if you'd like
to get this fixed,
I'm available for being
and pleading
Saturday at 8:00.
[upbeat jazz music]
I'm telling you.
I'm telling you I have
a feeling about this girl.
This is
a beautiful girl.
you got a feeling.
Come on,
it's just the way--
I'm telling you.
The way I felt,
the way she looked
ate, all right?
We're playing basketball,
and every second--
and she picked up
my shoes.
That's a sign to me, when
a woman picks up your shoes.
but what makes you think
she feels something for you
beyond the shoes?
I don't know
beyond that.
All I know is that
when you pulled up in the car,
everything went
See, I have a theory
about this thing.
I think women like men
that wear uniforms,
for example.
police officers, right?
All right.
Soldiers, whatever,
like the show.
What's the show
you likeo watch?
Star Trek.
How are you,
Thank you
for coming.
Be safe, you hear?
Star Trek.
Captain Kirk wears a uniform,
what happens?
Doesn't get laid
without it.
Need I say more?
You should have seen it
last night.
He's got
to enrage Spock
to snap him out
of this emotional thing,
so he says, "You're a freak,
Spock, a freak.
"You belong in a circus
right next
to the dog-faced boy."
You do that
pretty good.
[circus music and crowd chatter]
Hey, Vagas,
are we going to do this?
Money talks;
bullshit walks, Huey.
Your move.
Looks like
we're talking.
[eerie music]
God, what a night.
Smell that air?
I do.
It's a great night.
It's a great night
for great things.
It's your night,
going to be the night
you become a superstar
all the way,
and I'm going
to see it.
What do I gotta do
to shut you up?
Tie you up
and gag you?
[dramatic music]
Esprate, Manolito.
Mantengo un ojo guila, ?eh?
Pee-pee, Huey.
Don't be long.
[speaking Chinese]
Why don't you
just fucking announce
that this
is an inside job?
[glass shatters]
This job gets me
in the big time, kid,
and you're not
going to fuck it up.
Wait in the car.
Come on.
[balloons popping]
You smell that?
There you are.
I've been looking
all over for you.
Dad, I'm over here.
Hey, Dad,
look at that clown.
Look at the size
of that.
[balloons popping]
[ominous music]
[cocks gun]
[gasps in fear]
[groans in pain]
[trumpet fanfare]
Gracias, amigo.
De nada.
Cover the back.
[crowd chattering]
[suspenseful music]
Hands on your head,
sweet cheeks.
Oh, you're going to look
real good in a cell.
[crowd screaming
and chattering]
[grunts softly]
Don't you hate it, huh?
Don't you hate
days like this?
I mean, all I wanted
was a slice of pizza,
maybe a little--
Don't even try it.
Don't even
think about it.
You got an Ithaca 37
12-gauge sawed-off shotgun
with a 5-pound slide.
In the time it takes you
to pump it,
I'll have three bullets
in your head,
maybe one
in your chest.
I'll be on my way
back to the station
doing paperwork
and eating donuts.
Now, I love donuts,
but I hate the paperwork.
[cocks trigger]
Now, bug off, Donuts.
[crowd screaming]
Come on, back off,
or else she's going to need
a paper bag over her head
when her boyfriend
fucks what's left of her!
Come on, drop it!
Okay, all right.
[chain rattles]
Watch yo head.
My fault.
The gun, officer,
not the nightstick.
This is great.
All right,
I'm with you.
I'm with you,
but now
you gotta trust me.
I got absolutely nothing on
underneath, all right?
No hidden guns.
I don't even have
a chest protector on.
No vest. You see?
No hidden shoulder holsters,
I want you
to trust me.
I'm gonna to show you
I got nothing
on my ankles,
no hidden gun,
absolutely nothing.
I don't want you
to look stupid.
The gun!
Drop the gun!
I'll drop the gun,
but here's the deal.
I lay the gun down.
You let the girl go.
I'll be your hostage,
all right?
Drop the gun!
All right,
nice and easy,
I'm putting
the gun down.
Nice and easy.
Nice and easy.
Nobody gets hurt.
Now, the only weapon
I got left now is useless
unless you're a pretty girl.
And speaking of pretty girls,
why don't you let her go?
After I kill you.
[Blake moans in pain]
[suspenseful music]
Nice work.
Yeah, I guess
a Beretta in the butt
beats a butterfly
in the boot, huh?
[Nick over TV]
Now, the only weapon
I got left now is useless
unless you're a pretty girl.
And speaking of pretty girls,
why don't you let her go?
After I kill you.
Idiot rookie.
Nine months
on the force.
Endangering civilians.
He should have waited
for backup.
Stop bitching,
The city is screaming
for law enforcement.
And what have you
given us
like battering ram tanks
and day-glo body armor.
It's not day-glo.
It's fluorescent.
Styles is the first piece
of positive publicity
your department's had
in three years,
and I suggest you milk it
like a cow.
I'd like to get her tit
in the wringer.
(man #1)
District Attorney Brimleigh.
(man #2)
Chief Floyd.
Warm your seat, Sergeant.
The locker room?
Look, this kid
is brave.
He's resourceful.
He's good-looking.
I'm just glad he's too young
to run for my job.
Yet, Ms. Brimleigh,
So he says,
"Honest, Officer.
This is my car."
Like this 7-foot guy is going
to fit in a fucking Gremlin.
Holy shit.
Officer Styles, I presume.
Uh, yes.
How do you do?
Officer Doyle.
Nick didn't say
we were having
company; hi.
It's nice to see you,
Ms. District Attorney.
Well, there's no need
to be so formal.
Just call me
what you all call me
down here
in the locker room.
Well, a guy would look stupid
calling the D.A.
Priscilla the Hun
to her face.
Might look
pretty honest too.
You never know.
Listen, that little gun
that you used,
it wasn't exactly
department issue.
I was very curious.
Where did you hide it?
[Larry clears throat]
Well, actually, it's--
see, it's the compartment.
[clears throat]
I see.
This is your boss.
You probably
only know him
from that retouched photo
on the station wall.
This is
Councilman Farris,
the be man
in the city government--
well, after me,
of course.
glad to meet you.
Not yet,
but you will be.
Styles, are you
going to hide
behind that door all day?
No, no, no,
Don't put
your uniform back on.
You took it off
for the psychopath.
Keep it off
for me.
I don't want you
wearing anything
from this point on,
except civvies.
You and your partner
have been promoted
to detective by Chief Floyd.
[Blake's echoing voice]
She's going to need
a paper bag over her head
when her boyfriend fucks
what's left of her!
Come on, drop it!
The gun, officer,
not the nightstick.
[Nick's echoing voice]
I'm with you.
I'll be
your hostage.
I got absolutely nothing on
no hidden guns.
I don't even have
a chest protector.
No vest, you see?
No hidden shoulder holsters,
you see?
Drop the gun!
I want you
to trust me.
Drop the gun!
Drop the gun!
echoing voices]
Drop the gun!
I'll drop the gun,
but here's the deal.
I lay the gun down.
You let the girl go.
I'll be your hostage.
Drop the gun!
[eerie music]
[echo of gunshot]
Young fella?
Look at you lying there
like a lump on a log.
So what if you made
a few mistakes.
You can change
your life for the better.
Don't you have
anything to live for?
[woman over TV]
La night
in downtown Los Angeles,
four men died
in what police describe
as a drug deal
gone sour.
And while the accused killer,
Earl Talbott Blake,
remains in guarded condition
at City General,
the man who put an end
to his criminal career
was cited this morning
at city hall.
To Detective Nick Styles.
This is an honor
and a privilege
that I'm proud
to share.
And I promise
to keep my clothes on
for my next arrest.
Detective Styles, now in
his last year of law school--
Hey, you,
book man?
[eerie music]
You know what?
I just thought of something
I could change,
a whole life,
a whole future.
And it's all
in my hands.
Would you like something
uplifting to read?
Maybe motivational?
Something heavy.
How about Tolstoy,
Anna Karenina, hmm?
It's not heavy enough.
Well, that was
his first book.
War and Peace, hmm?
that's perfect.
And I'll take
that big Bible there too.
[suspenseful music]
God bless you.
Fine young man.
When you start reading
the right things,
down the right road...
I'm gonna cover
the left side.
[man over TV]
Lieutenant Nick Styles may
look familiar to our viewers.
He first gained
national attention
two years ago,
when his apprehension
of professional hit man
Earl Talbott Blake
was captured
by an amateur photographer.
It's lunchtime.
Let's go!
All right, hold it.
I got him.
Today's operation will cap
his career with the LAPD.
Next week,
the recent law school graduate
will continue
his crime fighting
as Los Angeles' newest
assistant district attorney.
You're running away.
What do you got here, huh?
You got nothing, huh?
You're under arrest.
(male announcer)
Busted will return with more
authentic police action
followed by The Love Boat.
[bugs chittering]
[engines running]
Come on inside.
Come on,
straight back.
All right, close it up.
(man #1)
Hey, hey, isn't that Blake?
(man #2)
What's his cell mate
doing in the hospital?
(man #3)
Got a present
for you, Chewalski.
They got tired
of patching up his cell mates
over in C block.
Maybe you
can teach him some manners.
Isn't he cute?
(man #4)
Hey, give him hell, Blake.
I know you.
You're that dude
got busted
on America's Funniest
Home Video.
Fuck yourself,
[screaming in pain]
[dramatic music]
[ominous music]
Believe this?
It's on every station.
Yeah, I believe it.
The trial's been going on
nine months.
I mean,
what do you expect?
Well, it's never
like this on TV.
On TV, it's always over
in one hour, you know?
And in the end,
Columbo will say,
"Excuse me, one more thing,
Dr. Schmendrick,
"but I know you killed
your wife with a meat grinder
and then fed her
to the goldfish."
Ah, yeah, except
they never show the trial,
you know,
when the perpetrator walks.
Yeah, I almost had
a heart attack
when Kiley asked
for a mistrial.
Yeah, next time
I won't be so lucky.
There's not going to be
a next time, Nick.
That would suggest I didn't find
the missing witness.
I'm going to find
the missing witness.
Maybe I should get out there
with you on the streets.
I still got
a lot of contacts.
You want to help?
Get some sleep.
Stop trying
to be superman.
You mean Lieutenant Columbo,
don't you?
Good night, Larry.
Good night.
[engine starts]
[helicopter whirring]
[doorbell rings]
Who is it?
It's one tired and lonely
assistant district attorney
who's had a lousy day.
There better be a gorgeous woman
in a tight-fitting nightgown
in there.
Here she is.
Well, she's gorgeous.
Oh, give me a kiss.
Give me a kiss.
Wanna help me do
some work, baby?
A little drool
there on the lip.
Okay, when two white men
in this prison
have a grudge,
they settle it
like true Aryan warriors:
in hand-to-hand.
You think you're too good
for us, Blake.
Well, we'rgiving you
that chance.
Now, grab your weapon,
and may
the best Aryan win!
[all cheering and chattering]
[weapons clanging]
[suspenseful music]
[glass shatters]
Come on,
kick his ass.
Let's go!
Come on, Chewalski!
[pipe hissing]
[screaming in pain]
[weapon clangs]
There's still
more than 50 of us
in here with you,
What's your point?
A man needs friends
to make a life here.
I'm not interested
in life here.
Well, that
can be arranged.
You asshole,
I'm talking about life
How about it,
You were this amazing
occidental samurai.
I mean--I mean, Christ,
these guys are pussies.
but you, you're--
you're the true Aryan.
You're bleeding.
No, fuck
the nurse Nancy shit.
You want to do something
for me?
[paper tears]
Clean this up,
and save it.
So how do you figure
we get out of here, Blake?
You've got friends
on the outside.
I got money
on the outside.
[speaking indistinctly]
[eerie music]
We've gotten to know each other
pretty well
over these last few months,
and maybe--maybe we're getting
a little tired
of each other, huh?
Tired of seeing
the faces in this courtroom
instead of the faces
of our families and friends,
tired of having to listen
to descriptions of degradation
and torture and murder.
We want it to end,
don't we?
Wipe the slate clean?
[screaming wildly]
We just want to run out.
We want to get out.
I mean, isn't that
what we really feel?
We want to get out.
[man laughs]
Be quiet.
We want to breathe
clean air.
We want to see
the blue sky.
[inhales and exhales deeply]
We just want to feel
decent again.
I can understand that.
Believe me,
I feel the same way myself,
because the horror
in this room
can make us
take a shortcut
just to get out
into the sunlight again.
And that's
what Roger Dwayne Felso wants.
That's what his defense attorney
is betting on:
our frustration, our exhaustion,
our--our weariness,
because it just might make
you 12 people rush to judgment
and compromise on the charges
against his client.
And believe me,
while you're in the jury room,
he's going to come to me.
He's going to try
and get me to compromise,
to cut a deal.
That's why I need you
to be strong.
I need you to stay
in that cramped little room
with the lousy coffee
and the terrible take-out food
until you reach a verdict
of guilty
on each and every count,
because that's
the only verdict
that's going to make
Roger Dwayne Felso pay
for the nine--
you count 'em--
nine lives
that he just snuffed out.
And that's the only verdict
that's going
to let you and me sleep.
[paper crinkles]
Your Honor,
the prosecution...
[crowd chattering]
[shutters clicking]
Thank you very much.
Let the man through,
You did it, man.
I was able to get up
in front of a jury
and talk my ass off.
You were the one
that found the missing witness.
Well, that's true.
Thank you.
I think it's time
to talk about your future.
I promised Connie I'd see her
once a month before the wedding.
Our place for dinner?
Future, huh?
Well, tonight,
I'm going to go home,
kiss my little girl,
make love to my wife,
get up in the morning,
eat some oat bran,
maybe lock up
some more bad guys.
I mean it's time you started
thinking about networking.
Yeah, we already got
Listen, smart-ass,
I'm talking about what--
I know what you're
talking about.
You're talking about
the goddamn city machine.
You're talking about
greasing palms,
lining pockets,
kissing babies.
Forget about it,
No way am I going anywhere near
those smoke-filled rooms.
I'm a prosecutor,
not a politician.
[woman over TV]
Days of glory behind them,
some people feel the towers
have become an eyesore,
a dangerous jumble
of rusting steel
and broken glass.
t L.A. Assistant District
Attorney Nicholas Styles
has a different idea.
Together with
City Councilman U.B. Farris,
Styles has announced plans
for a children's center
to be built at the base
of the restored towers.
Already, local
and state authorities...
[muffled speech]
[suspenseful music]
(man #1)
Dental records,
the old switcheroo.
(man #2)
You can go back to the ER.
Try not to fall down
Don't worry, Doctor.
I'm taking ery precaution.
The towers represented
the dreams and aspirations--
I've got things
to live for.
(Reverend Styles)
I the name of the Father
and of the Son
and of the Holy Ghost,
I baptize thee,
Monica Allison Styles.
[throat clears]
[baby crying]
I gotta go, baby.
There's a meeting
at the bank
about the community
youth center.
How about this
community youth?
You're not going
to leave tread marks
in my church again,
are you, son?
You're misinformed,
Jewish people do guilt,
not us.
I gotta go.
Still love me?
[machine beeping]
This boy I know
from West Hollywood
says the parole officer
out there
is a real pushover.
Maybe I can get a job
and work longer hours,
get a really nice
And when you get out--
I mean, you're
Earl Talbott Blake,
and I'm not going
to let you live
in some kind of dump.
Hey, hey, you got a bus
to catch, honey.
Or you planning
on staying here?
Blake, I gotta go.
Let's go.
But I'll see you.
Blake, I gotta go.
Come on.
I'll be there
when you need me.
I promise.
Come on.
[ominous music]
[engine sputtering]
[man coughs and inhales]
[indistinct rap music
[children giggling]
[indistinct chatter]
Come on up.
[people chattering softly]
Look at this.
What's up, Odessa?
What the fuck
you doing here?
Yeah, you've come
a long way, my brother:
from hot-wiring Corvettes
to hot-wiring cocaine.
I'm impressed.
Word is out downtown, too,
that you're the man.
Word is out uptown
that you're
the new uptown boy.
Took a lot of balls
for you to come here, PK.
Let's hope you leave here
with 'em.
I know you know everything
that's going on in the streets,
so you heard about
the children's center, right?
That thing by the towers?
What's that got to do
with us?
That's the point.
It ain't got nothing
to do with you
or anybody like you.
You don't sell
no dope there.
You don't recruit.
You don't bang,
none of that.
Why in the fuck
should I do that?
For your mother.
What about my mother,
Your mother, nigger,
the one that died
of a broken heart praying
with my father
every night in church
over your black ass,
the one that buried
your little brother
without his head,
'cause they couldn't find it.
Don't play me, Odessa;
I know you.
What the fuck is wrong
with y'all, huh?
Selling dope
to each other.
That's all
y'all are doing,
'cause you damn sure
ain't selling no drugs
over in Beverly Hills.
Killing each other
for what, huh?
Makes you feel
like a man?
Makes your dick hard,
Punk motherfuckers.
Look, Odessa,
I know you ain't gonna change,
but don't cheat these kids
out of their future, man.
Now, the tower center
is holy ground.
You got that?
I don't got that.
[guns cocking]
And I don't play
that shit either.
So it's like that, huh?
it's like that.
All right, then,
we're gonna all die.
Let's all die tonight.
I ain't afraid.
I ain't scared to die
for what I believe in.
How about you,
How about you, RC?
Who wants to die?
I'll tell you what.
that's ready to die,
raise your hand.
Yeah, that's
what I thought.
Do the right thing,
my brother,
not for me,
not for yourself;
but think about the kids.
Come on, man.
[indistinct chatter]
Hey, man,
you gotta stay with it.
He went for it.
Yeah, of course
he went for it.
I just hope you realize
what a chance you're taking
talking to a loser
like this, Nick.
Taking a chance
is growing up in this hellhole.
Yeah, well,
I think you just made
a deal with the devil.
I don't know.
Maybe I convinced him
to put in air-conditioning, huh?
The parole board's
ready, Blake.
I hope you remembered
to floss.
I did with your wife's
pubic hair.
[soft suspenseful music]
[door clicks and shuts]
[saw noise]
[man speaking over TV]
Oh, you're Blake?
Goddamn judge
stuck me with you.
I hate this
pro bono crap.
All right, look,
just keep your mouth shut
and pray for a miracle.
And just as these
incidences of violence
in my client's younger years
can be attributed
to his disadvantaged
his alleged aggression
behind bars
has, in fact,
been acts of self-defense
against the--
the Aryan Brotherhood,
a right-wing group associated
with the Ku Klux Klan.
I'd like to hear
from Mr. Blake himself
if he truly thinks
he can make
a meaningful contribution
to society.
Well put, Rhoda.
Mr. Blake,
what will you do
if you get out
of prison?
Well, I guess,
Mr. Chairman, that,
first, I'd pay a visit
to your house.
To thank me, I suppose?
No, to fuck your wife
and your daughter,
maybe even your dog.
I don't think
that's funny.
Then you'll probably hate
[Rhoda screaming]
[saw noise]
[screaming in pain]
[drill noise]
(man #1)
Go in there.
[cocks gun]
Watch the hall!
continues screaming]
[pants and chuckles]
The last time I held
a gun in this hand,
a young man took off
all his clothes for me.
This time,
it's your turn, right?
So come on!
[man over speaker]
Officer Parrish,
report to the main gate.
Can I see
your passes, please?
Six to exit, please.
[gears whirring]
Hey, there,
young fella.
Do you remember me?
The books
in the hospital?
[cocks gun]
The van.
Get in the van!
Start the van!
[engine revving]
By the way...
you're fired.
[dramatic music]
[crickets chirping]
Car, clothes, money.
You came through,
I thought
you were full of shit.
I'm just full of ideas, Jesse.
You're the one
that's full of shit.
But Kim here
is the brain surgeon.
Did it all.
A little bonus,
Thanks, Skipper.
You got one fucking week
to take care of your
mysterious shit in L.A., Blake.
Friday the 12th, we meet
at the White Nation bookstore.
We'll have our passports,
our cash,
and our tickets
out of the country.
Friday the 12th?
That can't be right,
I already have
your passport right here.
Oh, fuck!
God damn it, man,
[dramatic music]
Why the fuck
you do that?
You never know when you'll get
an anal retentive coroner.
God, Blake,
there are smart men,
and there are
hard men.
I said help me!
Wow, this is great.
I like this.
[ominous music]
I always wanted
a Viking funeral.
Yada, yada, yada,
you know, the form letter.
Send her 50 bucks.
Who was that again?
Your mother's
meals on wheels program
at your father's church.
Make it $100. What else?
The Endangered Flower
and Orchid Foundation.
The what?
Priscilla the Hun's
favorite charity.
All right,
I'll get this out--
$250. Make it $250.
Hey, Styles?
Gail, don't even ask me
about the Harrington thing.
It's still in
a grand jury.
this one's a golden oldie.
Earl Talbott Blake?
No, the name
escapes me.
Good choice of words.
He busted out
of a parole hearing
with some
of the Aryan Brotherhood.
30 minutes later,
he was burnt to a crisp.
If it wasn't for his teeth
and the hole
you put in his knee,
they never would have ID'd
the body.
He was your first home run,
Mr. Styles.
Any comment?
And the Aryan Brotherhood
killed him, right?
Well, like my father
always says,
I guess thers a little good
in everybody.
Cold, Styles.
And bold.
My telethon
wants your check, Gail.
And the telethon committee
wants your body, Mr. D.A.
Mr. Assistant D.A.
This week, my man,
this week.
Get a job.
There are less fortunate
than yourself.
I mean,
we're not scum here.
We're not animal.
We're a human being.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir;
thank you.
[ominous music]
It gives us
an excellent opportunity
to give something back
to our community.
Yeah, but are you sure
this is going to work?
I mean, are telethons
for a disease?
Works for PBS.
And who pays
for the studio?
Don't need a studio.
We'll do it remote
from my dad's church.
We're not working
in the dark here.
A community in Miami
did exactly the same thing.
They raised almost $1 million
for their center.
We just got back
from seeing it.
They've got
one hell of an operation.
Don't you have
a TV show or something?
No, no, I'm just--
just on the news sometimes.
Every chance he gets.
I knew it.
I knew
I recognized you.
You're, like,
the mayor
or something.
You ought to hire
this woman, Farris.
She's got bigger plans for me
than you do.
Oh, whoo.
That's all right.
That's okay.
I think I'll pass
on that one.
I'm sorry.
I'm the assistant
district attorney,
so you're going to have
to follow my orders.
You got it, Mr. D.A.
All right.
So are you up
for the house special?
what is it?
I'll surprise you.
I bet you will.
Don't be scared.
[tape squealing]
[woman over tape]
You got it, Mr. D.A.
(Reverend Styles)
Those are jokes, folks.
Loosen up.
But seriously, now,
I have the honor
of introducing the man
whose tireless dedication
to family, community,
and duty
has inspired us all.
He's the one
who has showed us
we could all make
our dreams become realities:
my son, Nick Styles.
Ooh, there he is.
That's Mommy and Daddy.
Yeah, look at him.
There's Daddy.
When I was a kid
out here on these streets
playing ball or whatever,
I used to get annoyed
wh everybody called me PK,
or Preacher's Kid.
I thought it was
a wisecrack.
It wasn't until I got older
that I realized
that it was a badge of honor
that I'm proud to wear.
Everything that I am,
everything that I will be
I owe to my mom--
Oh, baby.
And to my dad.
God, this is great.
You can't buy this.
U.B., this is real.
That's even better.
[singing choral music]
Excuse me,
telephone for you,
Mrs. Styles.
Yeah, Mrs. Styles,
I'm sorry to bother you,
but the power went out,
and the girls are pretty scared.
Did you call
the power company?
[woman over phone]
They were going
to send somebody
right over.
Right over?
You're dealing
with the city, honey.
Right over
could mean tomorrow.
I'm coming right back.
In the meantime--
[knock at door]
Hold on,
there's the door.
[eerie music]
[ominous music]
Everything's okay,
Mrs. Styles.
(Reverend Styles)
We have just received
a donation
from Renee's Barbecue
for $300.
Is everything okay?
Mm-hmm, false alarm.
Anyone else?
[eerie music]
Is it really
our birthday,
mister power man?
Yes, it is.
It really is.
Now, listen.
Before I go put
the lights back on,
isn't there something
that everybody always does
at birthday parties?
Make a wish.
Blow out
the candles.
Who's going to help me
blow out the candles?
Me. Me. Me.
Okay, here we go
Two, three.
We hope you get your wish,
mister power man.
Oh, I'm getting it,
I'm getting it
Your eye
looks kind of funny.
We don't say
things like that.
It's kind of mean.
No, no, it's okay.
This is my magic eye.
I can see what people
are thinking with this eye.
Right now,
you're thinking,
"I'm so sleepy.
It's way past
my bedtime."
No, no, no.
Yes, it is.
Off you go, now.
You're really great
with kids.
Well, you just have to get
inside their heads.
That's all.
[dish clangs]
[woman laughs]
One, two--
You know what?
We have to get you guys
all hosed down.
Look ayou;
you're a mess.
Do you need
anything else?
No, no, just five minutes
at the main panel,
and you'll be all lit up
like Broadway.
Just sign here.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Uh, Nick, this feels
kind of heavy.
Well, open it up.
it's for you, son.
[phones ringing]
[eerie music]
It's--it's $10,000.
[Nick over TV]
"Assistant District Attorney
Nick Styles:
"seven years ago,
fate allowed me
"to meet
this very special man.
"In the blink of an eye
one evening,
"you changed my life,
my future, my destiny.
"And now, finally,
I have the chance
"to pay you back.
"How do you let someone know
"that they've never left
your thoughts in all that time?
"How do you do to them
what they have done to you?
"I have never forgotten,
"Assistant District Attorney
Nick Styles.
And after tonight, I know
that you will never forget me."
Well, he didn't sign it.
I guess we're just going
to have to thank
this wonderful person
in our prayers.
'Cause if I'm
not mistaken--
Yes, this $10,000
puts us over the top!
I thank you.
[eerie music]
I'm tired.
Thank you.
You were having a good time
up there tonight, Dad.
Oh, yeah.
You know something,
I could get to like
this TV thing.
[eerie music]
[ominous music]
I'm gonna stop by
e bank on the way home,
toss this baby
into the night deposit.
Make sure it's not
the Bank of Tahiti.
Yeah, you need
some protection
on the way
to the bank there, Farris?
Larry, this is
my neighborhood.
I'm okay.
You need a ride?
Take care, now.
City hall,
here we come.
To hell
with city hall.
here we come.
[door latch clicking]
The night is young,
[eerie music]
[light clicks]
Mrs. Styles,
you're home already?
Well, it's 2:00
in the morning, Debbie.
The girls go to sleep
I don't--
I don't remember.
Um, the power guy was here,
and--and then--
[sighs and groans]
[suspenseful music intensifies]
[music stops]
[horns honking]
[keys jingling]
Goddamn keys.
Excuse me, mister,
you got a light?
My cigarette's--
Take a hike, asshole;
I got business here.
I said hit the fucking--
[muffled groaning]
[man over radio]
And it's a bright, sunny 7:00
a.m. in Southern California,
but what do I know?
I'm just in this little room
with no windows.
I just say
what they tell me, folks.
Slow news day, everybody.
Russia still falling apart,
L.A. still dying of thirst,
and I still haven't been laid
in a month.
Hey, you catch that telethon
last night for the twin towers?
I don't know.
I think Nick Styles
is going to be
the next Jerry Lewis.
But seriously, folks,
it was for a great cause.
I just kid the guy
'cause I love him, you know?
Everybody knows he's going
to be the next mayor,
so we'd better start
kissing his butt--
[eerie music]
[vacuum cleaner running]
[woman screaming]
You know,
the day we met
you said
you'd be governor by now.
I said that?
Well, I would be
if you weren't holding me back.
Oh, I'm holding you
Yeah, I'd be president
by now.
Oh, okay.
All right, then, how about
if I just hold you down now?
Right now?
[phone ringing]
Should I answer it?
Yeah, go ahead.
[shutter clicks]
Thanks, Petie.
You're welcome.
[siren blaring]
Oh, Jesus.
I don't believe this,
This is insane.
Yeah, well, the insanity
is just beginning.
Take a look at this
over here.
Farris' briefcase
full of surprises.
Child pornography?
I knew this guy.
You knew this guy.
Yeah, yeah.
a suicide note.
It's very specific.
"How can I forgive myself
for what we did to the--
"we did to those innocent
children in Florida last month.
"If we build
a children's center here,
"I will not be able
to resist temptation again.
It's better this way."
It gets worse,
All that we found
in the bag
was the pledge cards
and the checks from last night.
The 10 grand is gone.
The district attorney
would like to speak to you.
Did you take all your meetings
together on this trip?
Was Farris ever
out of your sight
when you
were in Florida?
Then what was he
taing about
in this suicide note?
How do I know,
Maybe he didn't write
the letter.
Come on, Styles,
forensics verified
it was his handwriting.
Well, maybe someone
made him write it, Kiley.
Did you ever think
about that?
We're looking for facts,
not fantasy.
Well, you're the expert
on fantasy.
I mean, wasn't that
the basis of your defense
in the Night Strangler case?
Yeah, well, at least
I didn't play
fucking hearts and flowers
for the jury.
Will you please
grow up?
We are all
on the same team now.
Nobody is enjoying this,
Oh, I think you're wrong,
Somebody somewhere
is enjoying this,
because things like this
don't just happen.
When you and Farris
were in Florida,
did you use
any public funds?
No, I did not use
any public funds.
Every minute
I put into that tower center
was my own time:
weekends, vacations.
Everybody knows
it was my pet project.
It's going to be
the newspapers' pet project too.
Today's edition.
You wanted to be
in the limelight.
It's a hot seat now,
[Nick exhales sharply]
This is--
this picture's
from the Miami newspaper.
It's perfectly innocent.
Not anymore, it's not.
I could always
advertise on TV.
You know,
lawyers can do that.
That's right.
"Sick and tired
of that selfish pig
"you call a husband?
Talk to Nick Styles."
Nick Styles.
Mr. Divorce.
Mr. Divorce.
Nick, do me a favor.
Get out of my car.
Get out of my car, and go
into your house, all right?
Later tonight,
see if you can make
a godson for me,
I'll make you
a godson.
Appreciate it.
Don't drink and drive,
all right?
[engine starts]
[engine revving]
[tires squealing]
Damn it.
Are you
out of your mind?
You could have killed
[eerie music]
Jesus Christ.
I bet he shit
in his pants.
I can't wait
to look.
[suspenseful music]
[engine revving]
[tires squealing]
[ominous music]
You killed Farris,
didn't you?
You killed my life.
So now we're even.
Is that it?
We're not even close.
But let's not talk
about killing, Nick.
Let's talk about...
arm wrestling.
It was a real big deal
in the lockup.
You put your arm
up against mine.
Press my hand
as hard as you can.
And if you beat me,
maybe I'll let you go.
Get outta here.
What have you got
to lose?
So you're going to use
two arms?
I only get to use one?
That's the spirit,
Oh, come on,
you're not that soft.
Come on,
what's the matter with you?
This is no fun.
[suspenseful note plays]
That's better.
No, no,
I do this all the time.
No, no,
I mean, there we were,
the both of us
at the beginning of our careers.
And all of a sudden,
one of us took off,
lit up the sky
like a meteor.
And why?
Because he met
the other.
I've been following
your career, you know,
all those arrests,
the courtrooms,
and those two
adorable little girls.
The Night Strangler
Hmm, talk
about your mental cases.
And yet after all
that we've meant to each other,
this moment now
is the first time
we've ever touched.
You lose.
You lose.
[Nick grunting]
[ominous music]
[Blake laughing]
[distorted voice]
Get in touch
with your body, Nick.
All aboard
the speedball express.
It feels good,
doesn't it?
I bet it does.
It's the best shit
telethon money can buy.
Oh, lookit, Kim,
he's all upset,
because it feels so good.
Well, Nick, you're going
to get even more upset,
because I'm going
to make you feel even better.
Hi, Lisa.
There you go.
See you later,
Mrs. Styles.
All right, I checked all
the hospital emergency rooms,
gave them
his description,
checked the stats
on all the John Does.
It came up empty, so we know
he didn't have an accident.
He hasn't contacted the D.A.'s
office or his parents.
I know, because when--
Did you tell them
he was missing?
Oh, no, no, no,
I was real casual with them.
What if it was somebody
he locked up?
No, I looked at that.
Thers nobody new
on the streets.
the only real wacko
we ever popped
that broke out was Bke,
and fortunately
he's dead now.
Larry, please declare him
I promise you
half the cops in town
are already out there
looking for him.
He's got
lots of friends.
We're going
to find him.
Why are you out here
goofing off?
I should go find him.
All right.
I'll cck back with you
as soon as I can.
Look at that face.
What do you think,
he's real pretty.
[footsteps echoing]
[eerie music]
All this S and M shit's
going to cost you an extra $200.
[mumbles softly]
Please don't.
[Velcro tears]
Please don't.
Oh, I love it
when they beg.
Talk to me.
Will you
set me free?
Whatever you want,
Your little mouth
says no,
but your little friend
says yes.
Yes, oh.
[Nick over tape]
You have to follow my orders.
[woman over tape]
You got it, Mr. D.A.
So you up
for the house special?
[tape squealing]
[woman speaking indistinctly
over radio]
[shower hissing]
[ominous music]
Blakie, Blakie, Blakie, Blake.
Let me ask you
Why are you
just killing me by inches, huh?
I mean, why don't you
just get it over with?
Just kill me,
you know?
Oh, no, no, Nick.
I'm going to do something
far worse than kill you.
What you going to do?
I'm going
to let you live.
[laughs weakly]
[eerie music]
[church bells ringing]
Okay, people, rise and shine;
let's go.
Come on, Vernon, let's go.
Wake it up.
Wake it up.
Come on, Leonard.
Let's go
Let's go.
Rise and shine.
Ida, my dear,
wake it up.
Wake it up.
Good morning.
Come on, Seymour,
move it on.
Come on, buddy.
Let's go.
Come on.
Oh, my God.
[woman speaking
over P.A. system]
Look up.
Yeah, I'm all right,
Right here.
I'm all right.
They had me tied
to the bed, Kiley.
I tried to get out
of there.
But I was so drugged,
I couldn't see.
So how many of them
were there?
There was Blake.
There was Kim.
There was--
I'm gonna make 'em
pay for this.
That's for damn sure.
They're gonna pay
for this.
Hey, Nick,
Blake's dead, right?
After the prison breakout,
he bought it, right?
No, he's alive,
and he's here,
and he wants revenge, because
I sent him to prison, Larry.
That's why
he killed Farris.
That's why
he drugged me up.
All right.
I'm telling you
he's alive.
All right.
All right.
Mr. Styles, I'm going to need
to take a blood sample,
run a few tests.
Yeah, sure.
Hey, Larry?
Larry, do you rember
the old Del Monte Hotel?
Now, didn't they have
two dolphins as their logo?
Wasn't that it?
Yeah, I think so,
yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right,
well, I was in an empty pool.
I was--
All right, I'll get backup,
some forensics, all right?
Yeah, get forensics.
All right.
And some clothes.
[man speaking
over P.A. system]
It's just
quite a story.
What, you don't
believe me?
Yes, yes,
I believe you.
Every word I said
is true.
[man laughing]
there he is.
Mr. Styles--
All right, all right,
hey, hey.
[all talking at once]
Is it true
you were found disoriented
on the steps
of city hall?
[all talking at once]
Is your alleged abduction
connected to the suicide
of child molester
U.B. Farris?
Hey, whoa, whoa.
That is alleged child molester
U.B. Farris.
You're interfering--
No, no,
it's all right.
It's all right.
Let 'em come with us.
I want 'em to eat their words.
Follow me.
All right,
make room here.
And two and three
and four
and five and six.
[upbeat music playing
over radio]
Okay, ladies,
come on.
Let's go again.
And one
and two and three.
Get a shot
of this here.
And four.
He changed everything.
He's trying to make me
look crazy.
Well, I hate to tell you,
honey, but it's working.
Police say they could find
no evidence to sport
Assistant District Attorney
Styles' allegations--
Dad, you're on TV again.
Don't watch me on TV
when you got me
right here in real life.
Do you understand me?
[raises voice]
Do you understand me?
Jesus, I'm sorry.
Daddy's just tired.
That's all.
Come on, let's go sit down.
Now, you know how--
like the Smurfs on TV,
that's just pretend,
All right,
all this stuff on TV,
all the bad stuff
they've been saying about Daddy,
that's just pretend too,
All right, give me
a big squeeze.
Come on, girls.
Let's go up to bed
and let Daddy
relax downstairs.
[feet scampering]
We believe
that Nicholas Styles
is the victim
of a conspiracy,
and we know
who they are:
this insidious group
that tears down
any African-American politician
who dares to defy their power.
We're talking
of the Rockefellers
and their trilateral
who, along
with the Zionists,
have been putting AIDS virus
in vending machines
all across America!
We'll be right back.
I'll be here.
[phone rings]
[Priscilla over phone]
Nick, it's Priscilla.
[Nick over phone]
Yeah. Any new developments?
Actually, yes.
Um, they're of
a somewhat delicate nature.
Kiley managed
to pull some strings
and get your files
from the hospital.
Yeah, I always knew old Kiley
came with strings attached.
Hey, Nick.
You know, your blood test
showed evidence
of both cocaine and heroin
in your system?
If that's what it was,
that's what it was.
I told you
they drugged me.
Yeah, well,
that's not all it showed.
There's also evidence
of gonococcal urethritis.
It's the clap, Nick.
You have the clap.
I suppose they gave that
to you too, huh?
No shit, Sherlock;
they did.
Why don't you come in here
in my office tomorrow?
I can have my doctor
give you
some penicillin
or whatever.
Won't be any leaks
to the press.
Yeah, all right.
I'll be there.
This woman,
they brought her in.
please believe me.
Now, I didn't enjoy it.
I-I-I didn't
want her.
I fought her
with every inch of my body.
Well, if you managed
to get the clap,
I can think of several inches
that didn't put up a fight.
I wanted to spare you.
You should have spared me
from finding out
that you lied to me.
I didn't lie to you.
didn't tell
the whole truth.
You're such a lawyer.
[laughing maniacally]
[dramatic music]
[flames roaring]
Made it, Ma!
Top of the world!
Thought you had
a bad day, huh?
[man over TV]
Next caller, you're on the air.
Yeah, yeah.
I don't know why, but no one
seems to know me anymore.
I mean, I hear them talking
on the job.
I read the newspapers.
I hear you
on the idiot box,
but I don't know who the hell
they're talking about.
It can't be me.
I'm--I'm a husband.
I'm a father.
I'm a provider, see?
I'm a husband who hasn't had
dinner with his wife at home
for six months.
I'm a father who hasn't been
with his kids
for their last birthday party.
My parents, they live
15 miles away from me,
and I haven't been over
to their house in over@B year.
I cut deals with scum
for a living.
I try to pretend
it doesn't rub off on me.
I guess what I'm saying
to you, Doc,
is that I thought
I wanted my life back,
but I don't want it.
[over speaker]
I want a new life.
I mean, can anybody
understand that?
I understand it,
Can you
understand that?
I understand it.
Yeah, lock him up.
[static hissing]
[soft ominous music]
[eerie music]
[Nick gasping]
[gasping and grunting]
[suspenseful music]
[eerie music]
[suspenseful music returns]
[children laughing]
[lively instrumental music]
[suspenseful music]
Freeze, Blake,
don't move!
[children screaming]
Keep 'em
where I can see 'em.
Don't move!
Shut up!
[man screaming]
Shut up!
Turn over slow.
Don't shoot.
Please, don't shoot.
I'm just a clown.
Look, ha, ha.
Don't shoot me.
What are you doing?
get off the stage.
Get off the stage.
I can explain this.
I can explain.
I just--
You had cocaine
and heroin in your system.
Your closest associate
had $10,000
in his possession
before he died--
in fucking drag.
And you
have been linked
to the disappearance
of that money
and child pornography.
And now among the children
you traumatized
by beating up Bozo
were the daughters
of the head
of City General,
the president
of Northeastern Airlines,
and a congresswoman
from the West Side.
Thank you very much.
Was there a congresswoman there?
Was she there?
Jesus Christ,
she sold her videotape of you
to Channel 9.
See, that's it,
Exhibit fucking A,
ladies and gentlemen.
You think I'm crazy.
You think I'm crazy?
Yeah, I'm fucking crazy.
That's why I went back home:
to get this tape.
See, that son of a bitch--
you know what he did?
He had a fucking axe
standing over my--
no, I'm not even
going to tell you about it.
Just watch the tape.
Bingo, proof.
[over TV]
So you up for
the house special?
[Nick over TV]
I'm the assistant
district attorney,
so you're going to have
to follow my orders.
we gotta rewind this thing.
It's not the tape I saw,
I swear to you.
That is not
the tape.
That is not the girl
who gave me the clap.
No, all right,
all right.
I retract
that statement.
That is the girl
who gave me the clap,
but that's not her voice.
That's not her voice.
That is not
what she said to me.
That is not what I--
no, that's what I said.
Nick? Nick?
I did say that to her,
but she did not say that.
I want you examined
by a psychiatrist.
You ought to check out
Channel 6.
Phones are already
[Gail over TV]
A startling development
in the ongoing case
of scandal and alleged
involving Assistant D.A.
Nicholas Styles.
We caution our viewers
that the following material
may be offensive, and it
is not suitable for children.
You see? You see?
For Christ sake,
it's Blake.
a fucking conspiracy.
It's not like
the AIDS thing,
the AIDS virus and everything.
It's not like that.
It's like
the water in the pool, right?
There's water
in the pool, right?
No, no, there's no water
in the pool.
I get there,
he drugs me up.
There's no water
in the pool.
I take everybody back,
what is there?
There's water
in the pool.
It's up this high.
Okay, all right,
all right.
Appreciate this, now.
All right,
so I'm guilty, right?
Let's say I'm guilty.
I'm not even guilty,
but let's say I'm guilty.
If I'm guilty,
then why would I have two tapes?
I wouldn't have two tapes,
because I didn't have two tapes,
one to go to Channel 6,
because it's not me;
it's Earl Talbott Blake!
Blake is dead.
And you, Nick,
are suspended.
Hey, hey, hey.
I'm sorry, Larry.
Listen to me.
You think I'm going
out of my mind?
No more than usual,
I do want you to take
a nice deep breath
before I show you
what I got.
I contacted the state prison
and talked to them about Blake.
As you could imagine,
he was not exactly
a model prisoner.
Now the best part:
Blake's personal property.
Don't ask how it got
in the back of my car.
Look at this shit.
This guy needs
a wake-up call
from the planet Earth.
Oh, my God.
Now, I talked
to a local white supremacist
that we popped
a while back.
I promised him
a fresh white sheet,
and he spilled his guts.
It seems somebody ordered
some phony passport
and two hot tickets
out of the country.
They're supposed
to be picked up tonight
at this bookstore
that's actually
an Aryan Brotherhood
Now, Nick Styles, for the keys
to a brand-new car,
guess who's picking up
the tickets?
Hey, I got rights.
You can't do this.
Don't poin
your finger at me.
It's not nice.
Hey, you're the D.A.
They fired me.
As a private citizen,
I can kick
anybody's ass I want.
Hey, you're a cop.
Now, you help me.
Sorry, mein Fuehrer,
I'm off duty.
[groans in pain]
All right, all right,
okay, it's true.
They--they ordered
two passports.
Was it Blake?
Was it
Earl Talbott Blake?
I don't know
who it was.
I was going to do
the names when they got here.
It's Kim.
[suspenseful music]
Stop, you fuck!
pissing me off.
Where are you going,
tough guy?
Hey, Nick?
Your prints
all over a smoking gun--
instead of mine, ha.
[suspenseful music]
See you in court,
You were right
about Blake, partner.
He had to be alive,
how could he kill me?
[grunts softly]
[ominous music]
[thunder crackles]
[sirens blaring]
It's your boy.
What's up?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
slow down, man.
Whoa, whoa, chill out,
Man, you're trippin',
You wanna do what?
gone crazy, man.
Nick, thank God.
We didn't know
what to think.
Listen. Listen to me.
I got no time
to explain.
Get dressed.
No, no,
don't get dressed.
Just get some clothes
for the kids, all right?
Just do it.
I don't even see
the climbing gear.
What are you doing?
Nick, you're scaring
the children.
[girls crying]
Get my brown hiking boots
and my leather gloves,
the insulated ones.
Just do what I say,
All right, I'm sorry.
Listen to me.
Listen to me.
Now, we're all in danger,
not from me, though.
I swear to you
I am the same man you married.
Not lately.
Girls, wait here.
will be right back.
All right, flares, flares.
[suspenseful music]
[man over TV]
We interrupt this program
to bring you
a News 10 special report.
We now go live
to James Ishida.
Honey, we have to go now.
Please put your coat on.
[Ishida over TV]
This is James Ishida
with a News 9 update
on suspended district attorney,
Nicholas Styles.
to police authorities,
they have just discovered
the dy of detective--
I'm innocent,
and I'm perfectly sane.
Get in the car.
[helicopter whirring]
Trust me, baby.
You got nothing
to worry about.
You'll be safe
where they're taking you.
I can't believe
you want me and your children
here with these people.
You'll be safer with them
than you are with the police.
Trust me.
Don't even worry about it,
Ms. Styles.
You know,
the feeling is mutual.
My homeboy didn't turn out
exactly how I hoped,
but his monotonous honesty
at least is predictable.
If something happens
to my man,
I don't know who the fuck's
going to take his place.
You gonna be cool
Yo, RC, take care
of these lovely ladies,
and guard 'em
with your life.
You bet.
Come on, I got you.
don't leave us.
I don't wanna go.
Let her go.
I got you guys.
Let's go.
Listen to me.
You were right before.
I should have trusted you
with everything.
But now you gotta trust me
with everything too.
Now, if you don't love me,
tell me right now,
because I'm fighting
for what used to be my life,
and you were all of it.
Are you with me?
Do you love me?
[soft music]
Don't let nothing happen
to my little girls.
Yo, man,
if you don't trust me,
at least trust my mean streak,
Helping you, I get to mind-fuck
the police, the mayor,
and the fire department
in one shot.
You know
what I'm saying?
You got everybody
in place?
The place is tight,
It got more locks
than a jailhouse.
Everybody knows
their instructions?
It's cool.
It's hooked up.
What about the phones?
Look, baby,
urban technology.
It's funny, though.
You always told me
I was gonna be leaving here.
Tend to your business,
[driving synthesized music]
So you want
to be free?
Live a life--
What's happening, baby?
[crowd chattering]
Beautiful place, isn't it?
A fucking freak show.
I agree.
I agree;
It's disgusting.
Johnny, two double whiskeys,
all right?
Come on.
They call that art?
That's not art.
Art is how you
single-handedly deconstructed
Nick Styles' life.
I mean,
it was brilliant.
It was like
the Sistine Chapel.
I mean, I was proud
to be involved.
It was like
you were the artist,
and I was your
I mean, we were a team.
But when police arrived
at the former assistant
district attorney's home,
they found the door
wide open
and no sign of the accused
killer or his family.
We're going to be
in New Zealand
with real white men
because of you,
Earl Talbott Blake.
Mind of a steel trap,
body like a Greek god.
Will you shut up?
[dance music playing
over radio]
I want to hear
the moment he's arrested.
I want to see his face
in the light of those cameras,
his hands when they put
the cuffs on.
That's when it'll be over,
when it'll be...
Just one moment.
We have just received
new information
on the Nick Styles story.
what can you tell us?
It's quite
a tense situation here.
Assistant D.A. Nicholas Styles
is on the roof
of the building behind me.
He is apparently deranged
and threatening to jump.
Styles is wanted
for questioning
in the murder
of Officer Larry Doyle,
whose bullet-ridden body--
Johnny, I'll see you later,
all right?
Ha, you hear me out there?
[over P.A.]
How do I look?
Do I look good, huh?
I gotta look good
on TV.
We're live.
Hey, quiet down.
Quiet down.
Here we go.
Here we go.
Ladies and gent--
oh, wait, countdown.
Three, two, one.
Ladies and gentlemen,
live from Los Angeles,
the Nick Styles Show!
Hey, hey, hey,
you saw me live, didn't you?
Well, you get to see me
on TV too.
They're here.
Pass the wd.
What channel?
What channel is it?
[laughing maniacally]
Gotta rewind.
Gotta rewind it.
It's running back.
[eerie music]
No, Nick.
No, you can't.
What are you doing?
Oh, let's see.
Let's see.
I mugged Ronald McDonald.
I robbed my father's church,
and, oh, oh, oh, I run
a child pornography ring too.
Yeah, I killed
my best friend.
[suspenseful music]
This one's gonna kill you.
No, it's not gonna kill you.
It's gonna kill me.
You can't die.
You have to live
and suffer
for years and years.
[muffled scream]
I made it!
[flare hisses]
Top of the world!
No, no.
[fire roaring]
[flames roaring]
[all chattering]
[hose hissing]
You've just witnessed
the end of a career
of a man who was once
considered a rising star.
It can't be true.
You can't cheat
the law.
You can't
cheat me!
Hey, Blake, here.
[dramatic music]
You Earl Talbott Blake?
You don't know me.
Phone for you.
[Odessa over phone]
Yo, you messed with
the wrong man, motherfucker.
Who is this?
What's going on?
He's got some friends
that don't like that shit.
You know what I'm saying?
Now, you tried to take away
my homeboy's dreams.
Now you're the one
with the nightmares.
You wanna find out
who really got the power?
Bring your punk ass
to the tower.
[suspenseful music]
Yo, y'all, clear
the streets.
Keep the cops
Round one.
[ominous music]
What the fuck
is going on?
It's Styles.
His friends grabbed me
and dragged me here.
It's impossible.
Well, I saw.
I killed his life,
and he killed himself.
You're lying!
You stupid macho fuck,
I can't believe it.
I can't believe
that I've been kissing your ass
all these fucking years
and you're such a shithead.
You didn't kill
his life,
and you didn't fuck
his mind.
You know what you did?
You pissed him off.
You really
fucking pissed him off.
And now you're fucked.
[Nick over loudspeaker]
Blake, is that how
you treat your friends, huh?
Hey, I'm glad
we're enemies.
Blake? Blakie?
Hey, hey, Blakie,
wanna arm wrestle?
Come on,
what do you got to lose?
Styles, you bastard,
where are you?
[eerie music]
Right where you put me,
on top of the world.
[gun clicks]
[suspenseful music]
[Nick laughing]
I got it all, Blake:
power, home, family,
foreign coffee,
CR laser disc...
all thanks
to you, baby.
Busting you
made me famous.
But, of course, you already
know that, don't you?
And all you got
was one little headline, huh?
"Convict dies
in escape attempt."
We're gonna change that,
"Convict dies
in front of millions."
[siren blaring]
Hear that?
That's your public calling.
[brakes squeal]
[indistinct radio chatter]
[cuffs clinking]
Yo, chill, officers.
We're with the district
attorney's assistance club.
We're assisting
the district attorney,
so don't make me club
your ass.
[suspenseful music]
Blake, I should thank you
for this, you know?
Going crazy,
it's strangely libating,
isn't it?
You better climb,
you son of a bitch!
You know,
the ancient Hawaiians
used to sacrifice
an animal every time
they built
a nebuilding.
Oh, I learned that
when I took my kids on vacation.
I got you now.
[suspenseful music continues]
TV people are coming.
Then let 'em through.
Don't want 'em
to miss the show.
Come on,
let 'em in.
Anyway, I think a great project
like the tower center
deserves one of those
Hawaiian-style sacrifices.
Don't you? Huh?
But since we don't have
one of those
big, fat, juicy pigs,
I guess you're just
going to have to do, huh?
Dja vu.
[eerie music]
[grunting softly]
Oh, you're gonna
You're gonna--
[Nick screaming]
[groaning in pain]
Where's your big mouth now,
Can't talk
with one arm?
Let's see you fight
with one arm.
[man over loudspeakers]
Attention on the towers--
[groans in pain]
That's it, Blake.
It's an easy climb.
[man over loudspeaker]
Come on,
smile for the cameras, Blake.
You got a nationwide
audience watching.
Isn't that
Earl Talbott Blake?
I mean, after all, this is
your farewell appearance.
Fuck you!
Man, I ain't dressed
for this commando shit.
[man over loudspeaker]
Descend at once,
and surrender yourself
for arrest.
[siren blaring]
More cops are coming.
[over speaker]
We can't hold 'em off.
Do what you gotta do,
I'm on another gig.
[dramatic music]
[man over loudspeaker]
I say again...
[helicopter whirring]
[suspenseful music]
[tires screeching]
[sirens blaring]
[talking indistinctly]
[knife clanging]
[grunts in pain]
You can't win.
[woman screaming]
Why don't you
give up?
Do it!
You're not clear!
Don't wait for me.
Told that motherfucker
who had the power.
Ugh. Shit.
[ominous music]
You got the point now,
don't you, Blake?
[indistinct radio chatter]
[crowd chattering]
Hurry up!
Mr. Styles?
Mr. Styles?
Do you have
a comment?
Mr. Styles,
are you all right?
[soft music]
Daddy, Daddy, Daddy.
[siren blaring]
Come on.
Yo, O?
[upbeat synthesized music]
We're on the asphalt
next Saturday, right?
This is Gail Wallens
reporting live
from the twin towers,
where a life-and-death struggle
has just concluded,
a struggle, which,
it is now clear,
was deliberately orchestrated
for the police and the media...
Wait right here.
By Assistant District Attorney
Nicholas Styles.
An amazing scene here
at the famous towers,
which witnessed
the beginning
of Nick Styles'
political career
and its incredible
of this violent
anincontestable proof
of his innocence.
Now, the death
of Earl Talbott Blake
may signal the--
Oh, Mr. Styles,
any comments, please?
News at 11?
Styles, you can't do that.
We're live.
We're live, huh?
Gail, kiss my ass.
[gunshot and explosion]
Copyright: 2004
Home Box Office, Inc.
Captioning by CaptionMax
Got sticky sneakers
from the blood of a shot cop.
Belt and a club, I'm leaving
tracks on the white rug.
Punk tried to riff,
and he met double-live slugs.
I ain't the nigger
to step to.
I'm catching bodies,
and the next one could be you.
Quick on the trigger,
yo, I'm a grave digger.
Drop off a a body,
and deep six 'em in the river.
A nice talking psychopath.
All cops hunt the black male
in a ski mask.
But I'm too damn clever.
Will they ever catch me?
Never, because I operate
in and out of state,
move at a quick rate,
and never hesitate
to take a chump sucker
And my HK,
it holds 80 rounds.
So when you move,
be careful, and don't play.
And watch
for the ricochet.
it's a suicide.
it's a suicide.
it's a suicide.
it's a suicide.
So shut up, motherfuckers,
as I laid the ink.
When I'm in Detroit,
niggers fight in mink.
When I'm in Chicago,
motherfuckers get buck wild.
When I'm up in Oakland,
niggers rolling in huge piles.
In Atlanta,
niggers crash your doors.
When I'm in Philly,
it's a sold out tour.
In L.A.,
I max out real hard.
When I'm in New York,
I bill with the Gods.
So don't try to deny me
my proper juice.
E cuts the records, and
the yellow nigger gets loose.
No static,
just much respect.
Truck my Rolex
when I cruise the projects.
A fly brother
that's hard to figure.
Why I punch hos
and I smack up niggers?
Because I'm a pimp
and a player.
Sometimes I bum hip-hop.
The other times, Slayer
You don't like it, well,
stay out of my fucking way.
Duck for the gunshot,
and watch to the ricochet.
it's a suicide.
it's a suicide.
it's a suicide.
Niggers want to know about me
and the and the L, though.
We squashed that shit with me
and him about a year ago.
But there's a new rule
starting tonight.
Dis me on a record,
see me bite.
'Cause in a daze,
you saw a battle of mics.
Now it's '91; I'm using
gauges and flashlights.
Ease back, and don't give me
no feedback.
"Yo, Ice cool out."
Yo, fuck that.
I'm hot.
I'm putting niggers in cots.
Some get knocked out.
Some just get shot.
Where did I get all the juice
I used?
Gotta posse full of brothers
with nothing to lose.
Some just got out;
some will never.
Some beat the cases,
'cause their lawyers
were clever.
I love 'em all,
and they know that's true.
So they won't blink while
they doing a punk like you.
Freeze, motherfucker.
Get on your knees.
Hands behind your back.
Bow your heads,
if you will, please.
I'll swing my axe.
Watch the bodies fall.
Watch your head back off
like volleyball.
So all you motherfuckers
down with the fly guy,
look me in the face,
like you're strong
when you walk by.
And all you punk niggers
talking shit,
step to the side.
Bow your head like a bitch;
I don't play.
You'll get hit
by the ricochet.
You'll get hit
by the ricochet.
You'll get hit
by the ricochet.
[uplifting music]