Riddle Room (2016)

(glass shattering)
(ominous music)
- No, no!
- [Voiceover] Think.
What is it you'd like to do?
- [Voiceover] You know
damn well what I wanna do.
- [Voiceover] Excellent.
(heart beating)
(suspenseful music)
We haven't much time.
(heavy breathing)
- No, no!
No, stop it!
(gun clicks)
(suspenseful music)
What did you do?
(heavy breathing)
- What's your name?
- Emily.
Emily Burns.
- And how do you earn
a living, Mrs. Burns?
- I'm an associate
professor of pharmacology
at a small school
named Cortland College.
It's in the --
- Tell me about January
11th, Mrs. Burns.
- Please, sir, I'll
answer whatever it takes,
please just let me go, I--
- Tell me about January
11th Mrs. Burns.
- What about it?
(door slams)
(door locks)
- [Voiceover] Come
on, valedictorian!
Give us a smile, come on!
- Dad, put it away.
- [Voiceover] Not
until I see that smile.
- Happy?
- [Voiceover] Give your
mother a kiss for the camera.
You're wanted by all
these medical companies
and you can't even give
your mother a little kiss.
Come on now, give her a kiss.
Aw wait, now I'm
jealous, come over here.
- Now leave her alone Bill,
let her have a good time.
(ominous music)
- How?
How'd you get it?
Why ask me questions you
already know the answers to?
- [Woman] Please, I'll
do whatever you ask,
just please let me out.
I don't know!
(doorknob rattling)
- No, no, no!
No, no, please no.
- Shh.
- Tell me about January
11th, Mrs. Burns.
Or shall I say
Doctor Burns?
- I don't know what you're
talking about, I swear.
- [Man] Tell me about
January 11th, Doctor Burns.
- Please, I don't!
I don't know what
you're talking about!
- Time's ticking, Doctor Burns.
- Repetition is
something to be embraced,
Doctor Burns, not shunned.
- Look, can we
please find some time
to sit down and
talk, some real time?
You name it.
- [Man] I need you to focus.
Every second counts.
(soft instrumental music)
- Oh my god, oh my god.
Manda. Manda is that you?
- Emily?
Oh thank god.
Oh thank god!
I've been so afraid!
- How long have you been here?
- 14 hours, 43
minutes, 16 seconds.
I wanna go home.
I just wanna go home.
- Stay strong for me, okay?
We're gonna get out of here,
both of us together,
you hear me?
- How?
- Do you have any
tools we can use?
- No, not really.
Just a cot.
- Damn it, me too.
What do these
people want from us?
- January 11th.
- They keep saying that, but
what the hell does that mean?
- January 11th.
- I don't know.
I don't understand.
- Me neither.
- [Emily] Hold on.
- [Amanda] Wait!
Emily, don't leave me!
- [Emily] Hold on.
- [Man] You want
some cereal baby?
Milk? You like your cereal.
- Baby.
I'm coming.
- [Man] You want some grapes?
(phone ringing)
- [Emily] Andrew.
- Hey, yeah.
Thanks for calling me back.
No, I don't know
where she is at all.
No, she didn't come
home last night.
- No, I'm here!
I'm here!
- [Andrew] Thanks for calling.
Okay, yeah I'll let you know.
- [Emily] Andrew.
- [Andrew] All right, bye.
- No, no, come on!
Come back please, no, come back!
Tell me, tell me what you want!
Please tell me!
Ah, stop.
Be the leader.
Be the leader.
Be the leader.
You've been watching me.
You've been watching
my family, why?
What kinda people are you?
What kind of importance
could I possibly have?
- Do you know this
man, Doctor Burns?
- I do.
- And who is this
man, Doctor Burns?
- David Cobb.
Professor Cobb, my superior.
- Is there something
you would like
to tell me about this
man, Doctor Burns?
- No.
- Are you sure, Doctor Burns?
Look deeply, Doctor Burns.
Is there something
you would like
to tell me about this man?
- [Voiceover] Firefighters
have only been able
to contain about ten
percent thus far.
- [Voiceover] If
you're just joining us,
we're live in downtown Detroit,
where an explosion has
led to a devastating fire
on the campus of
Cortland College.
One staff member has
been confirmed dead
at the scene.
- [Emily] No!
- [Voiceover] Doctor David Cobb,
a professor in the Cortland
pharmacology department.
- David!
- Tell me about January
11th, Doctor Burns.
- What have you done?
- Tell me about January
11th, Doctor Burns.
- I don't know what
the hell that means!
What is this?
- You know exactly what that is.
- (mumbling) discovery?
- Very good.
- No, I mean, I know of it.
It was a side project of his.
A treatment of pre-gangrenous
sores to prevent amputation.
I've never actually seen
the target findings.
He was very, very private
with his personal work.
- But you admit your
connection to this.
- I'm his associate
professor, that's it!
If he was up to something else,
then I have no
idea what that was!
This is the first I've
seen of any of this.
I'm telling you.
- We will see.
- Who are you?
Because, I swear to you,
you have the wrong person!
- You leave me so few options.
- I'm an associate
professor, for God's sakes!
I have a family and
a mortgage, please,
I don't know what you think
I could possibly
be involved with!
Please! I shouldn't be here!
I shouldn't be here!
Finish it.
- [Amanda] Emily.
What's going on?
What's happening?
- They killed him.
- Who? Who did they kill?
- Cobb.
- What?
- He's dead.
- No.
No, that can't be true.
They're lying,
they're lying to you.
- They burned it
down, all of it.
The lab, the annex, everything.
- This can't be happening.
This can't be happening.
Why? What reason would
they have to do that?
- A set up, to prove a
point, to cover something up,
because they're insane?
- Wait, just calm down.
- The two of us, who
knows if we'll ever
get out of here alive.
- I'm scared enough as it is
without you saying
these things Emily.
Just calm down.
- I'm gonna ask you something,
and I need an honest answer.
- Did they ask you
anything specific?
- This is very important.
- Emily.
- [Emily] Amanda, please.
- What did they say to you?
- Damn it Amanda, listen!
Was there anything
going on with Cobb
that I didn't know about?
Anything suspicious or unusual?
- No.
Not that I know of.
Wait, no, I'm sorry!
Emily, please, I'm sorry!
What is this?
- Project Hazel.
- [Amanda]
Pre-gangrenous treatment?
I don't understand.
- They want me to finish it.
- This is what they want?
They want you to finish it?
- I can't do that.
- Emily, please!
- If I could, I would.
And if they're smart
enough to pull off
whatever this is
they know that too.
There has to be more to this.
- You have to try, our
lives depend on it!
- Amanda, please.
- Emily, try!
- Damn it, Amanda, do
you really wanna help?
- Of course.
- Don't be so naive.
You know without the proper
screening tools I can't just...
- Just show your next move,
do anything, show them
you're willing to cooperate.
- Are you even listening to me?
(old-fashioned music)
(ominous music)
(record scratches)
(suspenseful music)
Something's not right.
- What are you talking about?
- I'm getting us out of here.
(soft instrumental music)
- [Cobb] Repetition is
something to be embraced,
Doctor Burns, not shunned.
I really am stuck, Emily.
- [Emily] Anything you need.
- [Cobb] Jesus, I think
you nailed it, Emily!
(crowd mumbling)
- [Voiceover] How
much have you had?
- [Emily] How old are you?
How many is that?
- Four.
- [Emily] Are you sure?
I thought you were three.
You're four?
- I'm gonna eat the
whole thing in one bite!
- [Emily] One bite? You
might get sick after that.
Get him!
- Good work
Sweetheart, high five.
High five. Yeah.
- [Girl] This is my cake.
- [Man] All right,
Godmother, you're up.
- Hi Maddie, honey, I
love you, happy birthday.
You're the cutest
four-year-old ever.
Cheers to you, baby.
- [Man] Nice touch.
Hey love birds, give us a kiss!
- No I don't...
No, I don't care!
But I wanna be out there!
She's my, she's my wife!
What good am I doing here?
- Get over here.
- It's your day.
- Give me a kiss.
- I love you baby.
- It's your birthday!
(suspenseful music)
(suspenseful music)
This is impossible.
What is going on here?
- Why do you breathe so
heavily, Doctor Burns?
You enjoy this song, don't you?
Where do you know it
from, Doctor Burns?
Speak to me, Doctor Burns.
Doctor Burns.
Your work can be very consuming,
is that right, Doctor Burns?
Keeping you from your family?
How do you feel
abandoning them now?
Now we're getting somewhere.
- Tell me!
- [Man] Calm down.
- What are you doing to my head?
- Drop it!
- What am I doing here?
- Drop it now, put it down!
Killing my boss, force
me into working for you,
is that what you want?
Is that what you want?
- You idiot!
Hold her down!
- No, no!
(door slams)
- [Man] Think.
What is it you'd like to do?
- [Cobb] I think this
looks really solid.
- [Emily] I have to make a call.
You've been watching me.
- Do you know this
person, Doctor Burns?
- Yes.
- And who is this
person, Doctor Burns?
- David Cobb.
- Is there something
you would like
to tell me about this
person, Doctor Burns?
(ominous music)
- Oh my god.
- What?
- I have to make a call.
- Everything all right?
- Yeah, yeah, I just
have to make a call.
- [Man] We're making
splendid progress.
(mechanical whirring)
- No. No, Manda, no!
No, no, Amanda no!
Don't give in, no!
No, no, no!
Please don't give in.
Please Amanda, I need you!
Please, no.
No Amanda, no.
(suspenseful music)
Come on.
Come on.
Amanda, Amanda
please, don't do this.
Please don't give in.
- Good luck Emily.
- This isn't how this ends.
Just help me get
through this wall.
- [Amanda] Please, I'll
do whatever you ask,
just please let me out.
I don't know what you want.
Please, please.
- No.
No, oh my god.
- [Man] Doctor Burns,
Mr. Burns, I'm
Doctor Norman Atley.
You are aware of what
it is I do, are you not?
- You have to try, our
lives depend on it!
- Amanda, that's impossible.
- No, at least show
them your next move,
give them something to go on!
Show them you're
willing to cooperate!
- Amanda!
- Anything is
better than nothing!
- Do you really want to help?
- Of course!
- Then don't be so naive.
(old-fashioned music)
- What's that?
You know it.
- I know it.
- What is it?
- I don't know.
(man mumbling)
- [Emily] Anything you need.
You really need to work on
expanding your horizons.
- What?
- I've heard this song
enough to sing it backwards.
- Repetition is
something to be embraced,
Doctor Burns, not shunned.
- We'll find your target.
- I really am stuck Emily.
- [Emily] I'll find your target.
- [Man] He's gone, so you're it.
(heavy breathing)
- [Man] Brought you some food.
You need to stay focused.
- Kill me.
You're gonna do
it, so just do it.
- [Man] Not if you
cooperate, Doctor Burns.
- Bullshit.
- [Man] Have you finished
the work, Doctor Burns?
What about January
11th, Doctor Burns?
You've been making
such progress.
Sadly to say,
your friend did not.
You've been speaking
with her, Doctor Burns?
- And you've known that.
Just do it.
- [Man] Time's
ticking, Doctor Burns.
- Screw your damn clock.
- [Man] We haven't much
time now, Doctor Burns.
Are you ready to finish what
we started, Doctor Burns?
Are you ready to
give me what I need?
- Go fuck yourself.
- Fight!
Fight me!
Fight me!
Congratulations, Doctor Burns,
you'll be seeing your
daughter soon enough.
- Hey George.
- It's time.
- No, it's too soon.
- I said it's time!
- [Henchman] No,
stick to the plan!
- Tape four.
- But sir, you can't--
- I said tape four!
Last shot.
- [Andrew] Maddie, baby.
Maddie, counting to 100.
Where are you?
(soft instrumental music)
(ominous music)
- [Emily] Hello?
Hello, I have to
use the bathroom!
Hello! Somebody!
I have to go to the bathroom!
Please, I just really have
to go to the bathroom.
- [Henchman] No.
- I'm not gonna go to
the bathroom in here.
- [Henchman] Suit yourself.
- Please, please, I'll talk,
I'll tell you whatever
you wanna know,
I'll finish the formula,
anything you want.
- [Henchman] Is that so?
- Yes, just let me
use the bathroom,
and for God's sake,
something else to eat,
and I'll talk.
I just,
just need to see my daughter.
- [Henchman] You hear that?
- [Man] Make it quick.
- [Henchman] Got it.
(running footsteps)
- God damn it!
Drop the gun Doctor Burns.
- You're out of your mind.
- No one is getting shot.
- Move over, now!
- I'm going to step forward now.
- I'll shoot.
What the?
I knew this.
- What did you know?
- You wouldn't be hurt.
- Why?
- Blanks.
- Excellent.
- What is this?
- You tell me, Doctor Burns.
- I can't.
- [Man] You can.
You just have to try.
You can drop the gun at
any time Doctor Burns.
It serves you no purpose.
Do you not remember,
Doctor Burns?
- I don't.
- Tell me about January
11th, Doctor Burns.
- It's only like January--
- January 3rd?
I know.
You've been saying that
for the past four months.
- What?
(ominous music)
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
- Doctor Burns.
(suspenseful music)
I apologize for all
these precautions,
but please try to stay calm,
we haven't much time.
- Much time?
Andrew, what's he talking about?
- Doctor Burns, in
less than 30 minutes,
this all will go away.
As if it never happened.
So I can't stress enough,
every second counts.
My name is Doctor Norman Atley,
do you know me?
- No.
- I'm your doctor, my dear.
More than that, I'm your friend.
These men on the floor,
they're also your friends.
Now listen, I need you to focus.
- Andrew, what's happening?
- Emmy, do what he says, please.
- Doctor Burns,
I need you to think
about why you're here.
The answer is in you,
it always has been.
You just need to find it.
January 11th.
January 11th.
(garbled speech)
- You name it.
Okay, Tuesday.
All right, yes, I promise you!
You really need to work on
expanding your horizons.
- [Man] Repetition
is something to be...
(old-fashioned music)
- [Emily] I'll find your target.
- Jesus, I think
you nailed it Emily.
This is great.
- I don't know, I think
this looks really solid.
I'm confident in
taking it to the lab.
- Oh my god.
- What?
- I have to make a call.
- Everything all right?
- Yeah, yeah, I just
have to make a call.
- Well fine, go
ahead, use my line.
I'm gonna take this down
to the lab, get it prepped.
- [Emily] Yeah, I'm just gonna
be a couple of minutes late.
- [Andrew] You
forgot, didn't you?
- [Emily] No, of course not.
I'm so sorry, I--
- [Andrew] Damn it, Em.
- [Emily] Please,
I will be there.
- [Andrew] Whatever, forget it.
- [Emily] Andrew.
- [Andrew] Don't even bother.
- [Emily] Andrew, please!
Andrew please!
- [Andrew] Emmy?
- [Voiceover] If
you're just joining us,
where an explosion has
lead to a devastating fire
on the campus of
Cortland College.
(fire crackling)
- An explosion.
- What else?
You have to tell us
what else you remember.
- He didn't make it.
- Who didn't make it?
- David.
- Excellent.
- There was...
blood and... fire.
- We need to know what
he was working with.
What it was he was doing.
- I don't remember.
- Yes, exactly, and you were
consulting on that with him.
- Why? Why does
any of this matter?
- Because whatever it was,
whatever he was working with,
it's what did this to you.
It's what produced this virus.
- What virus?
Andrew, what virus?
- You tell us.
You're the only one
who can, Doctor Burns.
I'm sorry, but
without your knowledge
of what kind of viral
mutation could've
taken place in this explosion,
there's no hope of treating you.
- I don't understand.
- The marks on the
back of your neck.
Burst blood vessels.
The stiffness, the headaches,
the motor function issues,
the loss of balance,
retrograde amnesia.
My dear, it's all from the
inflammation of your brain.
My dear, you have a
pathogen inside you.
A viral mutation that science
has never seen up to this point.
A viral mutation
that was created
in your laboratory,
Doctor Burns,
using your inventory.
In the experiment that you
consulted on with Doctor Cobb.
Now, he's gone.
So you're it.
And each day we don't
identify this pathogen,
it will continue to
eat away at your body
and your mind.
Take a moment to
process all this,
but let me stress again,
time is very much
of the essence here.
A substantial amount
of damage is being done
on a daily basis to
your brain's MTL.
Gradually, you're losing the
ability to create new memories.
(solemn music)
In less than 30 minutes,
all of us will still be
standing here the same,
but for you,
it'll be January 3rd
all over again.
We tried everything.
Every test you can imagine.
Every doctor, every medication.
Herbal remedies,
psychoanalysis, dream analysis.
Nothing worked.
- Doctor Burns you're suffering
from post-traumatic amnesia
and it's a malady I've treated
many times in my career,
but for the most
severe of my patients,
I provide this.
An experimental,
highly-invasive therapy.
I subject the patient to
a threatening scenario.
This causes them to
become overwhelmed
with intense emotion.
Then at the same time,
I employ standard
psychoanalytical techniques.
Music, video, photographs.
Newscasts, anything that can
help us trick the amygdala,
and help us pry loose
those hidden memories.
- [Amanda] It's true Emily.
We're all here for you.
- A complete and
utter fabrication.
Done only with your input,
and the help of your
family and your friends.
- You made us swear
not to get involved.
I'm so sorry.
- Now now, there's no need
for any of us to be sorry,
we're all in this together.
For Emily.
So, we'd like to
welcome you to this,
our fifth attempt.
And I must say, we're
making splendid progress.
But, I need more.
I need you to go deeper
into that mind of
yours Doctor Burns.
And tell me everything,
every thing,
that you can about January 11th.
I need to identify
this pathogen,
before it takes you
over completely.
- This can't be happening.
- But it is.
So think. Emily.
- I don't know.
- Honey, think.
- [Emily] I don't know!
I'm so sorry.
I am.
- I know.
- Mommy.
It's okay.
- No it's not baby.
It's gonna be okay, I'm
gonna figure this out, okay?
This is what I do.
You hear me?
I'm not going anywhere.
- Look at the
clock Doctor Burns.
What is it you'd like to do?
- You know damn well
what I wanna do.
(solemn music)