Riddle (2013)

Sweetie, would you hand me
Nathan's medicine?
There you are.
Here you go. Some milk?
Good morning, guys.
Hey, hey.
Dave, stop.
You're messing up his hair.
Ah, it's good for him.
Make him look like
Eddie Van Halen.
We are going to be late.
Have a good day at school.
Love you two.
Be careful.
Hey. Your lunch.
So, where are you
taking me this weekend?
We'll see.
Oh, man.
Come here.
Oh, God.
You're an idiot.
Hey. Don't forget
to meet me after practice.
Okay. Open your textbooks
to page 207.
I take it everyone did
the reading last night.
How's it going?
The Civil War.
Key battles.
Can anybody tell me
the significance
of the date July 21, 1861?
Matthew Caldwell.
Uh, it was the first
battle of Bull Run.
That's correct.
But can you tell me who won?
Well, it was a real mess.
But Colonel Thomas J.
Jackson got the credit
and his nickname Stonewall
for rallying Johnny Reb
and driving the Union
back to D.C.
Very good.
But reports of the battle
were not without controversy.
Since the Confederacy captured
the Union supply depot
at Manassas Junction...
Death from above.
You know I hate you, right?
No, I mean, just... I just
want to let you know.
How do you eat that garbage?
You mean this?
Okay. All right.
I'm out of here.
Hey, Lendie.
Check this out.
So, who's the dead man?
Hey, Matt.
Check this out.
It costs four rubies
for a Dwarf spell.
That was mine.
What'd you say?
Cam. Cam.
You two.
What? We're just
messing around.
Let's go, Colts!
Let's go, Colts!
Let's go, Colts!
Team, let's go!
Dude, do you think
that maybe someday
we can get out of school at the
same time as everyone else?
Look at that.
It's that little weasel.
Come on.
Let's go, Colts!
Let's go, Colts!
Let's go, Colts!
Let's go, Colts!
Let's go, Colts!
What's up, Chief?
Well, I can see why
you like to sit here.
I mean, suddenly, I just got
some more school spirit.
Jess, what's up?
You see those Riddle boys
talking to your brother?
He's fine.
All right, girls,
let's go again.
It's Nathan, right?
Hey, you a motor-head?
Got a '73 Plymouth 'Cuda,
dual exhaust, V8.
Hell, yeah!
He's not joking, dude.
It's a beauty.
Hey, you want to see it?
I... I can't.
I... I have to wait
for my sister.
Come on.
He doesn't show just anybody.
# Our ship is burning
# And as she slides
into the darkened sea #
# I'm haunted
by this melody... #
Ready? Okay.
Let's get down, let's get mean.
Come on, Colts,
let's beat that team!
Let's get down, let's get mean.
Come on, Colts,
let's beat that team!
Let's get down, let's get mean.
Come on, Colts,
let's beat that team!
When are you
gonna take me back?
You like chicken?
Quit playing around, man.
Come on.
Oh, yeah! Whoo!
Ha ha.
You all right, kid?
That wasn't cool, man.
Stop being a little girl.
I didn't scare you, did I?
Son of a bitch!
He pissed himself.
On the new seat covers.
Dude, get out.
Get out.
Out of the car, man.
Heh. Dude, there's a
bathroom by the garage.
Why don't you get
cleaned up, all right?
See if you can get some beers.
# I'd find someone like you #
# The kind of dream
# I've always held on to #
I'll get the kid.
Maybe he fell in.
Hey, buddy? You ready?
You in here?
Where's Nathan?
I don't know.
Please be okay.
Hey, Hols.
What do you think?
Heh. Very cute.
Do you have to leave today?
I really just want to get back.
My folks are in Palm Springs.
I've got the house to
myself for a couple days.
Come to the party with us.
I really can't.
I promised I'd work
at the farmers' market.
I'll be back in a week.
We can do something then.
Yeah, you always say that,
but you'll just end up
burying your nose
in another textbook.
Have a drink for me.
You like that one?
Sir, your change.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
Is that all for you?
You've been
a huge help today, Holly.
Oh, are you kidding?
I love the market.
Well, I'm glad you're
enjoying yourself.
It's a madhouse today.
Oh, dear. Are you okay?
Yeah, can you cover
for me for a minute?
Excuse me, sir?
Did somebody just buy
firewood from you?
Plenty have, all day long.
He had a beard, a dirty jacket,
beat-up old shoes?
Oh, yeah.
He don't buy wood,
he sells it to me.
We just do a little business
round this time of year.
What's his name?
Well, he never said.
He don't say much.
I think he gets his
stock over in Riddle.
They got plenty
of hardwood out there.
Why do you ask?
Are you okay, sweetie?
Yeah. Everything's fine.
Uh, but I have to go.
I'm really sorry.
...and the Beast that was
and is nigh,
even is the eighth
and is of the seventh
and goeth into perdi...
Hey there.
No, don't be afraid!
Excuse me, sir?
Can you tell me where
the police station is?
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
I really need to speak
to the sheriff.
What's the name?
Holly Teller.
He's in a meeting.
Take a seat.
Could I use your phone?
I suppose.
Hey, this is Dave Teller.
I'm not available to take
your call right now,
but if you leave a message,
I'll get back to
you as soon I can.
Thank you.
Oh, God.
It's my body.
Why do you care?
Well, you might as well paint
a bull's-eye on your ass.
God, give it a rest, Dad.
Look who's here.
Sheriff Richards.
I'm Holly Teller,
Nathan Teller's sister.
What can I do for you?
I saw my brother.
He's alive, and I think
he's here in Riddle.
Let's slow down a minute.
You saw your brother?
Here in Riddle?
Not here.
Back in Jefferson,
and I'm not positive...
You're not positive. But I
think they were headed here.
You're not positive.
Well, I saw a man in a truck.
Nathan was riding with him.
Ms. Teller, when family
members suffer a loss,
it can be very difficult.
I'm not making this up.
All right,
let's talk in my office.
Have a seat.
Now, unless there's
any new evidence,
then the case is closed.
But I told you,
I... I saw him.
Well, lots of people saw him
or claimed that they saw him.
That's the problem.
Nothing ever happens.
Let me give you some advice.
Why don't you
go back to Jefferson
and tell the people there
what you think you saw?
Because he's not
in Jefferson. He's here.
You're just refusing
to believe me.
When your little brother
went missing,
it was as if this entire
town was put on trial.
The FBI, state troopers,
everyone came in
like the Knights Templar.
Everyone knew best.
He's a missing child.
How could you
turn your back to that?
You're just another outsider
coming in on your white horse,
making demands.
We've done
all that we could do.
So that's it?
Sometimes your problems
are your own.
No, it's semiautomatic.
Come on.
Let me just hold it.
Now, you know I can't do that.
Are you sure about that?
Look, I gotta get back,
all right?
All right, then.
You're Holly Teller.
We went to school together.
I know who you are.
So, uh, what are you
doing here in Riddle?
I was hoping to get help
from the Sheriff.
From my dad?
he's anything but helpful.
Is, uh, this about
your brother?
Come on.
this gonna be a problem?
Don't you worry about it.
This doesn't concern you.
These past few years must
have been pretty hard on you.
Doesn't help that everybody
wants to forget.
My parents have been
really strong, but...
even they're starting
to give up hope.
Yeah, well, at least you
still have your parents.
My dad and I...
have a terrible relationship.
I was kind of counting on him
to show a little bit
more compassion.
Ha ha ha.
Well, don't take it personally.
He's, uh, not really one
for foreigners.
No, he thinks anybody
who comes here
is some kind of...
threat to his little world.
You know, my grandmother
used to show me these pictures.
Before that hospital
closed down,
this place
really wasn't that bad.
I mean, there was
a hotel and a bank.
Amber, I came here
for a reason,
and it wasn't to give
your father a hard time.
But he was the sheriff
when my brother disappeared.
That didn't happen here.
Those boys...
they were from here.
Holly, they just
went for a ride.
That's it.
Nobody knows
what happened after that.
I know. That's not
what I meant. I...
I need a drink.
# Gotta spread
the money blues... #
Amber, hold on.
There's something
I need to explain.
Sam? Two beers.
Got it.
I can't relax.
Sure you can.
Have a beer.
You don't understand.
I saw my brother today.
At the farmers' market
back in Jefferson.
This guy had him
in his pickup truck.
Before I had a chance to get
to them, they drove off.
I think the guy
lives in Riddle.
That's why I came here.
Are you sure it was him?
I couldn't get that
close of a look, but...
I know my brother.
It had to be him.
That's why you
were talking to my dad.
But why would...
There must be something
he's not telling you.
What are you saying?
I'll be right back.
Get lost, wench.
Look who's here.
# You know that beggars
can't choose #
# Gotta spread
the money... #
You're that girl, aren't you?
The one whose brother
went missing?
# Beggars can't choose
# Gotta spread
the money blues #
I'm sorry.
I should keep
my stupid mouth shut.
I didn't mean any harm.
It's okay.
What do you know about it?
I can't talk
about this right now.
Sam! Another round.
Yeah, yeah.
Keep your hat on.
What are you doing?
I don't want to talk to him.
Hi, Holly.
Don't worry.
He's here to help.
We're in.
Found it.
"Myotonia Congenita.
Thompson's Disease."
Does that mean anything to you?
We've known about Nathan having
Thompson's since he was little.
"Name of child,
Nathan Bristol."
"Place of birth,
Riddle, Pennsylvania."
Birth parents,
Gene and Sandra Bristol.
"Known siblings,
Holly Bristol."
You were adopted?
Riddle psychiatric files?
Oh. Hold on.
Bristol. Bristol.
"January 17, 1989,
"Gene Bristol was arrested
by authorities
"at 7:31 in the morning
after a neighbor
reported a disturbance
at the residence."
"He had taken the life
of Sandra Bristol,
stabbing her 13 times
in the chest and back."
Oh, God.
It says, "Gene Bristol,
pronounced unfit to stand trial,
"has been committed to
Riddle Psychiatric Hospital
on this day
of March 15, 1989."
We gotta get out of here.
Let's go.
# The chip inside my mind
# The one
behind my eyes... #
Anything left to drink?
# Of a shrine
# Pulsing in the head
# I don't even sleep anymore #
# A NASA weather vane
# Transmissions
from outer space #
# Weird skies at night...
Dude, what's she doing here?
You're not gonna
believe this shit.
# I don't even sleep
any more... #
You know,
their lives changed
a lot that day, too.
# Transmissions
from outer space... #
I know.
I know. I just wasn't
expecting all this.
I just want to find my brother.
What else does it say?
"Gene Bristol, declared
dead along with 43 others,
September 3, 1989."
That was the night of the fire.
The hospital became a place
for the criminally insane...
but not everyone
in town approved.
Okay, boys.
Let's fire it up.
There were questions
of security
and rumors of patient abuse.
When a local nurse
was killed...
chaos broke out
within the walls.
The asylum was put on lockdown.
It's the way it has to be.
That's when the fire started.
It could have been
the prisoners.
Some think it was
hospital administrators.
Others blamed a group of kids.
Many were burned alive.
It's not all peachy keen
and white picket fences,
like in Jefferson.
Well, actually,
Holly was born here in Riddle.
That makes you one of us.
One of us. One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
One of us.
Okay, let's go ahead
and, uh... This one.
Yes, Doctor.
Great. Thanks.
Check this out.
Hey there, sleepyhead.
What's that?
"Holly, meet me
at the quarry in an hour.
"It's about your brother.
Come alone. Sam."
Did you talk to Sam?
Yeah, when you
left me at the bar.
Oh. All right,
I'm gonna go get the boys.
No, wait.
I'm not gonna let you go
up there by yourself.
This could be my only chance.
Can you tell me
how to get there?
Wait. What exactly
did she say?
She just said she had to
take care of something.
That my daughter?
Did she at least say
where she was going?
Could you stop
asking me a million questions?
You guys starting early?
Glad you could make it.
Who are you?
Where's Sam?
I'm the man
you want to talk to.
You're not gonna
find your brother.
What do you know about Nathan?
You know, there's a lot you don't
know about our little town.
You've been snooping around
where you don't belong.
Look, I saw my brother.
I saw him.
I know he's here.
We don't share our secrets.
Where is he?
You don't understand,
do you, sweetheart?
Don't touch me.
Hey! Hey!
No! No!
Please! Please!
No! No!
No. No.
You made a big mistake
coming here.
Get off of me. No!
Are you okay?
Oh, look out!
It's Jack Abel.
What was he doing here?
Wouldn't expect him
to do something like this.
What did you do?
He was gonna tell me something.
I know it.
what is wrong with you?
He knew something about Nathan.
He was gonna hurt you...
and now he's dead!
Calm down.
All right, look,
it was an accident.
What was I supposed to do?
We have to tell the sheriff.
No. Look,
we can't do that.
They'll... They'll
never believe us.
The guy's dead, Cam.
We kind of have to report it.
There's no way in hell the
town's gonna understand.
They'll protect him.
And besides, Amber's dad
has been gunning for us
since we were kids.
Cam is right.
It was just a mistake,
especially with
Holly being here.
Wait. Holly.
This has gotten
way out of hand.
Nathan's gone, isn't he?
I'm not sure.
I don't know what
I'm doing here anymore.
I need to go home.
You kids been getting
into trouble?
Amber, get in the car.
And you, darlin',
I think you've overstayed
your welcome.
Amber, I said get in the car.
Hey, look, you don't
have to listen to him.
Don't even try it.
Put that shotgun down.
All right,
this charade is over.
I don't want to see the
four of you together again.
Hey, I want you to know that
we really liked your brother.
And I'm sorry.
Cam and I, we were immature,
and we... we didn't mean
for any of this to happen.
It's okay.
I understand.
Holly, Hal will get you up
and running in no time.
All right, kids. Get
her back to my place.
What, you're not gonna tow it?
It's a block away.
how's the college life?
It's different,
that's for sure.
It's definitely not for me.
You must have wanted to
leave here at some point.
Why would I want
to live anywhere else?
People don't care
what you do here.
We just party, and we
can do whatever we want.
Plus, you know, what would
these two do without me?
Foreign cars,
that's my specialty.
Yeah, I've seen
radiators like this.
Might even have one of these
fancies lying around here.
Hey, Cam,
it's your old coupe.
Hey, put that back.
That's Veronica.
Heh heh.
Nothing wrong with naming
your car after a girl.
Sport, did you hear
what I said?
Oh, yeah. Veronica.
What about this one?
'86 Silverado.
That numskull, always
chewing up his tires.
Can you tell me where
I might find the owner?
Well, I can't say.
We don't, uh, talk about other
folks like that around here.
No, no.
We're gonna talk about it.
How long have we been walking?
I cannot feel my feet.
I don't even know what
we're looking for.
The mechanic said
he drives on these tracks.
There's gotta be something.
Well, I mean, look,
we've been out here for hours.
It's gonna be dark soon.
Yeah, we'll come back.
Hey, guys!
Down here!
I think I found something.
Look. Tire tracks.
This has to be it.
I didn't know this was up here.
Holly, hang with me.
Come on.
Look at this place.
Home, sweet home.
Come on.
Keep a lookout.
Whistle if you see anything.
Stay close.
Over here.
Won't budge.
No shit.
Hang in there, buddy.
Hey, guys, I found him.
He's locked in the pen.
I'm going to get Amber.
What are you...
Oh, my God.
It's locked.
Can you pick it?
Yeah, yeah, I think so.
I'll check it out.
We have to get out.
I'm not leaving Nathan.
Holly. Holly, he's back.
I'm not leaving.
No, it's just a matter of time
before he comes in here, okay?
Don't worry.
I will get Nathan out.
Come on.
Come on. Come on!
No, no, no!
No, no, no, no, no, no.
We'll be right
behind you, okay?
Be careful. Go.
What, you want
to get rough, old man?
Come on. Let's go.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
H- Help me! Help me!
You're late, pretty boy.
Just making the rounds.
No Jack Abel tonight?
Looks that way.
What are you in for?
How 'bout 20?
your brother stays with me.
belong with your mother.
Oh, my God.
Help me!
Somebody help me.
Please, what are you doing?
Please, wait.
Please just
let me go. Please.
Please. Please.
Ow. Ow.
prepare the conductor.
Two ladies.
I'm calling it a night.
Luck's not running
your way, huh, boss?
Just rags tonight.
Jersey, get an ambulance
out here.
We learn through pain.
Okay. On my mark.
Oh, God.
It's okay.
It's okay.
She wasn't lying.
She wasn't lying.
Oh, hey.
I'm here now.
Hey. I thought
I'd lost you.
Nathan, please say something.
Hey, hey.
I'm here.
I have you now.
This is Clark.
We're at the compound now.
Jersey and Bobby are
searching the grounds.
They found the Teller boy.
God damn.
Sheriff Richards!
Can you comment
on the incident?
Let's give him some room.
All right? Back up.
There'll be plenty of time
for answering questions
later, all right?
You okay?
I want you to meet someone.
Thank you.
All right, here we go.
Ms. Teller.
I need to know
what happened up there.
Well, Sheriff...
sometimes your problems
are your own.
Oh, my God.
My baby.
Oh. Oh, my God.
Come here.