Ride Along 2 (2016)

Nathan, be a good boy
Ladies, have fun?
Shirley "You know that" You've missed my Synhsly
Breasts are you, Daddy?
Being Hshryay daughter, Shirley - Wait, I'll be back -
Do not Nymphomaniac menu - ready? -
Oh my God - like? -
!Yes! Yes
Grbhnrh, Bga menu
Call in Kvnm
... You're the dirtiest girl
See you
.sbrkn, Have to go .askrynshat
It's a way
We do not know what you call them, of course, ma'am.
Because you were ever with any girl
Come on man
This is quite natural. All we're hackers nutsack
Other people. I
Mobile work done
... I think the only thing left is to
For "Bvnmashyn" Khvrdnh water
(as himself)
Just close your mouth and give me a secure line
And do not talk to me like I care much. That
Go ahead
I hate you, Davis
Miami connection Telecommunication Tower
Griffin am
You owe me a million dollars and a formal apology
.ntvnyv What are you talking about?
.khb, It's giving me spend my pal .qbvl
... I think you stolen my money, so
Do not get an agreement
.agh Harbormaster, so should cooperate you
I was banned cargo? .dstbrdar
Because I let these words .bayd the money Ndzdydm
After Bskn
The thing that you have duties
Yeah I'm tasks ... Of course, when
He, my man over there? .bgv Sbrknh
Wait, Wait says
.ntvnyv, Please do not ... If I knew the deal still remains
.bzar The speaker please
Okay, now I feel you're working .dary
Go thy work
.... Well, then, if the money was not
I understand Chhksany in Tshkylatm of theft and Bkshshvn
that was perfect
2 Police Games
"We suspect this is the 'Troy
She's the biggest bitch in the southern part of the famous smuggler
We've got a hundred thousand dollars in cash
And a lieutenant dunce! And really untrustworthy
It was extremely interesting
Partner ready?
And always and every day
.ykshnbhha Twice
Khylhkhb, when we arrived, "Be strong and violent," Mayfield
.shnydm This guy Klhkhrabh
I'm not .ngran Hvatv
! I'm Hvatv James
! Catch trench behind the bush! I'm Hvatv
"When I said 'come on line Kjashv you did not notice?
You've missed're just ordinary police .tazh of the Academy Playoffs
Lucky that I be careful - received -
Now be careful - James, a quick question to ask Care -
I for "Mayfield" I'm not sure
If we wanted to steal Hyklsh He is the great and good.
But we're here for the detective
Be sure you know what's good detective? Great .mghz
I do not think a little head is large .mghz
This is your opinion
From physically impossible
Oh, look who is putting Qlmbhslmbh talk
Well, all silent too.
And please do not occupy wireless fucking
They're not the boss?
We've got sex? - First money -
Bad sure you understand?
Now we can do it in two ways.
Our way. Or the hard way
That, however, is our way Hrdvsh
Now that they wanted to do was .mamlh
.gh .bykhyal Up
! They'll help now
This command is James .btmrg
You've missed James's like I do not know! Look like their help was shown
! Look, my colleague over there with eyes Geryoon He is Mylrzh
.did you hear? I'm coming to help
Notify .bhshvn
Why do you want to work hard to do? - Give the money to get the deal done -
In choosing this path you sure?
Oh, I'm sure
Oh, shit
It was clear how?
! Come on, shut up
I was the annoying thing?
What you eat shit?
Partytvn got screwed?
.kskhl Ass
Ironically, I just muscle car
But I do not see muscle
President, first a shot in the Bzarym?
Oh, I have to fear? Nitrogen ask .bzar
If like me you knew, still fear these movements?
The successive blows "Mvytay was"
Strong and muscular mind! Unconscious
Now are you staring at me?
! Were you approached me?
Because of this I ready
Look foot movement
it is yours?
I Hvatv James
Take it
Hey, motionless
Anyone shaking eat! Police
Pig Fuck
! Thanks for the ride
! Hold fast
.darm'm James
Oh, God.
! Stop
Fucking get away with
Do you want to play?
Oh no, .darh dies
.jymz, Front stand
Oh, shit
Oh, James, what happened? Kshtysh?
Just had a minor accident
Oh, you're part Kvnm
come out
Unclean, to my colleague Shot
What's this here?
.bnzrm Of drugs Jalbtrh
Atlanta Police Department
Mayfield was paralyzed for weeks because of your stupidity
You brought her flowers? It was a bad selection
Why Very good
I'm the one who brought gifts .brash
Because you made shot lead
I want to apologize for Tyrkhvrdnsh in two ways.
! She's not pregnant .gftm may get better Halshv flowers
Just forget Flower Show - accept -
! Hey man, congratulations! All listening to what you've done
What did you find?
You were president? Go right ahead, go right ahead
What did I find?
I tried to open it but my computer was doomed
.angar Home hungry
! Like Aliens
I had never seen such a device
Who encryption that will influence her .ntvnym
(Hackers Ferry (Personal
"So you have to tell hacker" Frkr (Free Hacker)
Ksshrayy the bell mouth ever listen to you?
Another surface was hacked
But because the hacker Khvshshansym high .atmadbnfs
And the written Amzash
When was the same thing?
This guy from Miami
.shbyh Cheap version of Jkychan
Cool .aynv scam
.I know
.tvst Look .aynjarv "Bvnmashyn" was hacked
Let me talk to Brooks
I want to come with you? - No -
Troy Atalanta after their new king. The material was broadcast
And you do what you do?
Hundred thousand dollars in losses gave
.hmkartvnm've Completely ruined the parking structure awfully was shot
.khb, Was not his fault! Mayfield is a trusted partner
Let the smell of lamb milk mouth .bda talk, Ben
.bayd Free .vgrnh was not sentenced within 3 or 4 days
Look, I'm in Miami I've found someone flash "Troy" and the encryption
I think it gave us to main butler
I have some research to find it
A maximum of two days, not more
that's good
After a team ready and solved now
what was that?
! Something went into my throat
What went into your throat?
! It was definitely something in the air
When I A.
... So if you need to team-mate
But you're not detectives, probation officers are Ben .drzmn
Perhaps this sabotage go after expulsion
Well, listen, sir.
I know how my detective
! Like riham. From half lsm, half ln
But Karagahm and account! Throw by the catcher
you know what?
Asked me to not take the responsibility. So the psychological evaluation
So James, Mr. Barber is now mainly engaged in trades;
So if you wish to Miami can Bbrysh
But if he in any way. The pie is your Bga
Say .zvdbash
I'll only go if all heads busy .trjyh
What was this man?
Naslamty air shall have the menu, James
We're family ... the family should not be undermined family
No. .bsh enough to Famylh
No. of No. of friendship conditions
You still do not know how serious it is. It
For this I am in the team how serious .mydvnm
No, you do not know. You've missed only local police are
You were lucky in the first police station
Bad .shrayt ever seen
Two Kurdish movement and now you are ready .khyal
But it is not
.jymz, I'm ready man
So take me to prove to you and the lieutenant and I
He has nothing to prove to me you do not
.tqryba're Killing us - .nzar anyone finds out it was my fault -
I really think you do? - I was gonna be held responsible for unemployment? -
It does not matter. For you too should be important .bram
Marry another week
And you'd be here and help me in preparing the ceremony to Angela
Jay, you said that you finished up 2-day mission
I can not sit for a week, Angela heart .vr
I wanted to prove myself. So let's do this
No, you do not Gvshkn
James, but I am listening
Oh, Ghtvsh James
! I am with you to Miami
.mskhrh, Man. I'm ready to sleuth
I'm 100% ready sleuth
How Chkshsyah (Lqbsh in the game)? - Quick Kill the -
Now I will show you
.mnv Pissed! I will show you, Lieutenant Brooks
To show ya'll
From the way the .mntqh belong to my Brin
Nshdyn so tired you do for me?
Ben're a happy're angry?
sharp turns
! Snap!
I saw that I wanted to go .fna .mashyny
! Jump out of the car, Mamanbzrg - you want my help? -
Ben says master's ass! Pull the car out
! Drop the old dog on the street
You've missed .jb drive should be ride
Where did you get a baseball bat?
.mamanbzrg Very Lashyh
! Hands bring it down
what happened? ! The Dork his gun?
... Mamanbzrg, I did not have bad intentions
... Do not shoot Mamanbzrg
I know
We have 12 tables, etc. If the match is half the number of flowers
Then we can cut a large basket of flowers. With around Bzarym
Anyone coming here today was news to me .nmydvnstm
We asked for the Bchynym last minute plans, the
Oh, without whom?
.khb, If so I'm going
But I listen remotely
Thank you, Ben - please -
I am proud to say my colleague ... The best "Flowers Hortensia" the
In the Atlanta sells
For the final part of the crowd decided to table 5 am
Because I did not want to ruin anything save the tick
... Table No. 5 best fields, which
No, I think not a good idea
And Carol can not put my uncle on a table Bshvnym
They are having a difficult time
Separate fights people want to do? Because this happen
... I'm Jabjash, but the last
.anjla, Nor
You've missed anybody it will not change
You've missed your ideas say
And you ignored it all, blindness
Let me wishes the internet pages of questions to ask do you see?
Colors and Kshashv you see?
I'll explain to you why?
This is my wedding and I brush my maps
Excellent maps that can not be ignored .tvst you
He ignored again!
Baby, it was ignored
You gonna give us Tyyntklyf
Dont know Who fell?
I am the best designer of the House of Rvsyam
I have a lot of clients
How high was informed
And they're Come You know why? I Mnsfm
I do not have the patience to talk with you.
You know why I do not talk? - Baby, Come on -
I'm not afraid of you. I have a Plysm
Genuine and authentic .nshan
With all due respect, you are my employee
Your employees? - that is right -
High Nia - see Police -
What you need to do is pull back and let me ...
.mjls You make wedding dreams
I'll let a higher step
.gmvnm Now before we go to My Maps
Corey out of my house away
His only lead to blindness
.U know? Wedding app Mychynh
Work "Blindness" should be kept a little respect
I clearly Corey said, "Hydrangea no"
And what he chose? "Idris"
I forgot all Hortensia's not why?
Why do not respect me?
I wanna know, Angela
I'll let you respect
.mslma Not it ... when we sat down and my feelings
! I was very honorable tell .vaqa
! Wedding night to practice ready?
Yeah, that
Now I'm here - I'm arresting you -
And you go down this prison town
Well, I like playing with words you
what is this? what are you doing?
.bskn, Of that I do not want
You're right to be silent
You've missed the right to stay silent
.khvbh Dear, wait a minute
! I would like to remind you my salary
! I want you to remember my rights seriously
But first I have to go to the bathroom and wash dirty Kvnm
And when I was done, my back and I submit to the law
Catch Me and handcuffed me to the bed.
.khylhkhb, Baton Put aside, because if you split them, should the money go
God, how much shit gathered in my stomach?
Hello Sister, everything alright?
I want to do something for our wedding .yh
..bbyn, If you want my daughter Nyarm
Topic is not
Wondering who still bought me a wedding gift?
Seems to want a favor
Ben really wants to go Miami
He told me you Nmybrysh
Oh, NEVER mad?
Brush is very important
I do not care
Look, for himself or you're gonna say you're around for a while?
Not sisters;
! Look at him now sedative injection
He is fine with me. This mission is very important.
But James, he wants to prove himself
"The answer is" No.
Why do you want coke Fsqly it with me to my Miami?
Ahmqyh prove to everybody what?
In outnumbered
Say lamb Gmshh
No, it will not go away
So I learned .drsm! In the not broken
I .khvdm James - at least this time not -
What are you wearing this?
What do you mean, what are you wearing?
.bhsh Say, pajamas, James. For men the
Be what you desire to come hither?
Please put this nonsense. With us you'll need to Miami
...I that
I wait
Miami's James? I'm coming? I Spoke to Miami?
I'm 5-minute .agh coming You better hurry up
Come hug, man.
Ah, now too early
Comrade .zrhzrh change your mind you gettin '.mydvnstm
Since that moment the way I look at you as if you were talking about ....
Now that I think about him .myfhmm You're an angel
Angela, I managed
This little baby Najvrh
James wanted a few days to go with him to a police official mission
I do not want to go, but James needs me
Baby do what you have to do - Seriously? -
Only when you come back to that (I Miss "Chkshsyah" I (wife
What Yeah, of course
Looking forward to my return
As soon as we get back, you and I are married
Kvnamvn hard together
OK? - OK -
Three minibuses leave
I love you
I am to you, what should I say?
Hurry up! - I'm in a hurry -
N Do not thank .fkr
But why did you change your mind?
Ben will ever be Sleuth
And I know everyone in the office
But he thinks if I come to Miami
After all I was doing was wrong .sabt Mybrmsh
To finish the match
I was disappointed because I do not want to end my life ....
That's never a chance he did not
Perhaps not assured anymore. You've missed Svrprayzt
I doubt it - but it has already done -
Tazhkara Khvshshansn
Be careful, OK? - do not worry -
Fsqly husband's clumsy and feet safely back time
Oh, that guy is too big
Hey perform? - Yes, dear? -
You know where's my socks? - Silver or gold? -
I look down the right upper Jamyz
Please do not confuse the other Jvrabhamvn
I went
.h, I Pydashvn .tvy of Jamyz me, not you.
Thank you - I ask -
Look here man
James See?
Miami .aynja of .sat 3 Bdazzhrh
We Nyvmdym vacation
And tell them that I should go to the Miami police department here
The police can not do without the knowledge of the field in .mlyat
So should I change clothes. So where maintenance
Why What is the reason?
This dress is not true
I just do not want to live that is not true .mnm, James
Nothing like not cooperating
Is it going to be? .khvbh Sure that we can partner
.jymz, Let me tell you something. We're getting a double team
Should be a little Mhrvbvntr
Listen to what I say, James, we should define it, right?
I do not define the Lashyjmat
By the bait mixed with the people was a good detective not to notice his presence
Oh, yeah. You've missed the spirits were mixed Mt
.jymz, Let me say something objected because of the clothes?
Good reason for me to give you a nice bonus
Look at James
.khylhkhb, Stay here.
I do not wait - what to say? -
I beg .karagah Friendly
He is, I suspect your .khvahsh
You're Talantayy it?
Pedro Hernandez .ryys .bas honor to See
Detective James Pydn
Just wanted to let you know that we're active in your area
By the probability of a witness, ask
Ben and Angela's wedding page
I .bht not Hydrangea
What's the matter?
Antonio Pope "police station" after donation
He Antonio of your
He's not big and one of the largest companies in the Sharqiya coast
.jsd Harbormaster found
Oh, what's your problem? - I sat on the table -
Excuse me, I just look - do not -
Do not touch my computer to look .bhsh
This sensor supplies - Ok, ok -
I'm out right now - seriously? You're out? -
I said do not touch
Hurts, does not it?
.zlat Pain induction pressure .nqat
.zvdbash Man you free yourself .bayd
My muscle in Dstshh, James
Too tight
you like it?
I do not know what this one was
.zvdbash Ben, are you taking me embarrassed to be .mrd
Midi Khjaltsh you - your mom -
You miserably - help -
Detective Pydn of crimes Atlanta
Here came a few days to investigate
! Wow hat
Cruise detective, homicide division
And I am Officer Ben Barber Hmkarshm
no it's not
After these things I do not miss you.
James, come on let's go
! Let's go I want to be president
Because it's very dangerous James .zvdbash
What is the problem?
.gryfn Harbormaster man
James, I know that's funny ... I need you here, but
Bad .hs
Because some maps was canceled
What roles?
The last bachelor party
(last party before getting married soon)
I have no plans Nchydm - Yeah, well, Dstbrdar not -
Nrykht no serious program?
.jymz, Even did not object
... Sexy Rqashay
While I do not want to go back before that vandals threw up. Come on Dad
"When I say 'No! That's no way James
"Nicki Minaj" or "Patti LaBelle"
[Both also monkey]
you know what? No turn offs draw
What's the man? ... Always, always
.mvz Defense because you .nmydvnm
You're afraid of that ... Angela was married and committed
And you only get
But the truth is it always me and Angela James .nmytvny be
But after the honeymoon to come see .mytvny
! Because Angela's honeymoon Mlyath
If one more time this professional touch! I will shoot your face
Meanwhile, I was not worried
You know why James? Because we chat we
Seriously? - The symbol Hmkarhast chat knock -
No, this is Bradrkhvandgy symbol
[Nmygn brother or brother in law. They say stepbrother]
Guess what happened today?
We were stepbrother
No. No, no, do not start again quit .bzar
! Another one, another one.
All of silence
Because stepbrother, now arrived
If I shoot your face one more time to tell .dvbarh
! Stepbrother
Like pouring salt? - At the same th -
Now the ways we do?
Good cop, bad cop? Or procedures limo?
Why should the Academy nonsense before we go?
And we assess the situation of our instinct
! Grzh of
With all due respect, we have to go before the technique
.OK? I had study
How tattered techniques we use?
Khylhkhb? Like all days
.ay.jy "Opener"
I'm going to take care of my window
Stop .hy for me. In Nfth
Walking time is chasing the home side .darh
! Do not chase on foot
... It's a foot chase
! Standing here and says chase on foot
! James, I'm all right
! Chase on foot
Police Stop
! Local police blasted
Stop the .gftm .bryn
I will shoot you.
!do not do it
I got AG
God damn, I was wrong
You're good, I think a lot of hurt
Other Bskn
Oh, AG
A good man? Fucking, not seen
.chyzy Not a joke we had Dvstmh
Is she okay, we were just kidding
What's "Bvnmashyn"?
What do you want to die? Why are you chasing me?
Why did you run away from the police?
I did not know you police
Stop the sound you hear? We Pvlysym
Show me you did not see
The only thing I saw two people Bytrbyt and
! Mshkymrd
Mshkymrd? It's not the word
Say what you wanted to say? - take it easy -
What do you mean .bgv be logged .tkhm Say
Just because we ran were black?
Look yourself
Khvdtm were in my shoes would escape yourself
Look, just wanted to talk with you, AG
You and your son there ...
Should be ashamed of these things Bkshyn
!kill it
Ben, what are you doing? - But I ran into the streets -
The house
The dog was rejected and chicken dirt
And Trmplyn, James
Relax - I do not handle these things -
Where's my gun?
Let me show you how is .rftar a real detective
Look, man
The only thing I want to talk a little about your friend nitrogen of Troy in Atlanta
Who is Troy?
You are currently encrypted flash Troy Kurdish
Troy? I do not remember anything
I do not know Troy
Not remember anything?
No, not
After prison Myndazmt - Come on man -
Nagy flash me ... in what was until Troy
.kvnt Shackles and chains
I .hrf Ykyh .daryn pressure me figure
Btmrg car
Why are you so anxious, AG?
Why so Mylrzh feet? - Diseases like foot vibration -
When you go to prison will not break .pahat
In fact, the legs work should kill the prisoners. So take away
Conte member're worried that .bayd
Home .zv Hmvnjast
He, I am not a criminal. And I also know yourself
It's not fair - not fair? -
"This real world" AG
.bbkhshyd, But here we do not fairness
Do you know why? This Dnyayyh that passion was Khdchhdar
Here Dnyayyh the last people without bachelor party, marry
This is our world - you marry? -
Yeah - Congratulations -
This guy's going to be my brother
He shot his fellow man, married with your sister?
That's not my partner
It's strange - not really a surprise, frankly magical -
Got us close together
Ben, focus
Why do you think I do not focus? - Let me ask you a question to ask -
... Your wife
Is his sister? - Yeah -
Not like this look like? For example, bearded twins or not?
He is not like .asla
I mean, it's hard for you to be married fellow and sister
! Imagine the sex Hardcore
... Your fellow man,
... Goal.
No, we do not
! Your sister
.ngv Not .hqyqt
.ay.jy, Should not busy
I very Hshryam
Jesus christ
what happened? - I think I broke my nose -
The country's law
The Kurdish rich menu card .hsaby
I am not for the brain Diego
! Or even murder
So do not be paltry - Okay, okay -
Maybe I have a key for emergencies.
But it's too dangerous to hold mobile .vaqa
My friend. I keep it in a safe.
Where is safe?
He did not .tvy Club .rast say
However, it will give you, and you can also penetrate the computer anyway
And settle - thanks, good map James -
Do you see it? - Yeah -
Came in. All hands go up with him
! Hi Candy - Hello Baby -
How're you? - I'm fine -
Same old desk? - ... Yes, please tell kids -
Early starts at midnight tonight
Yes sir
I know this look
Kampyvtrbaz was a playboy so how is that?
However, with Dy.vy.by up to an hour after me.
And you said last not get a single party.
And now we're in a club with ....
And we Plysym during official missions .... so
You want to look like police come? Think .bhsh
And the people scare me?
Gvshkn James, I did not want to say it's right
Listen, little talking
where are you going?
.myrm My drink, man. Be .rvm
what's your problem?
Let us come liquor .mykhvad taking .khb
It was the same for your game
And if you lose it, your own fault
Bskn, did you think I know?
James is .nqshh
Here we sit to remember his friend
The latest party game that's my role
The information required taking the match to free him
And then die. The word "role" careful
So you'll do it? - I play a role -
This is my last bachelor party.
! I beat
Again, again, again
Wait and see
How Chkshsyah?
How are Kvnzn?
what are you doing? - I'm Asbazy Party -
From the table, come on down
! Let's play
I want to get acquainted with my new Dvstdkhtrhay
.avna Loved one's body in the party. But are not prostitutes
The latest Mjrdyshh Go Party Gazshvn Catch
No, a lot of girls here.
Hey Ben, do you have a picture of me?
Not one. . . Two
....I can not stand
Go ahead
.anjla Women's Qvyayh
I do not want to become disappointed
No one dares to comment after AG ...
... Let me tell
.ay.jy Dy.vy.by Where is the machine?
We need to find her
.pyk Tell her .bayd High, High Peak
.agh Tell me that Nmymyry
I pick you up? - Yeah -
Khylhkhb, the water I give
Have you ever seen something like it.
hurry up
Shvhrkhvahrm in honor of Benjamin Barber
It is only 165 cm tall
My sister tried to get married and fresh out of the academy graduate
Now tell the truth
The children know what time it is?
! The latest single Party
What? - Disappeared -
.pvl Back time after I eat .qsm
! AG, hands up
Because whenever there's trouble shooting and was coming to the club?
You're probably having trouble jacket
All told to walk 165 Santymtrh
Apart sad
I'm forced to retreat Knmsh! - I do not count -
! Immobile, the police - something to do -
Thirteen. Fourteen
Why Myshmry? - .tyrsh Over -
All ground to sleep
He's gone
There was no token in a safe fucking
AG was Bazymvn
you are good?
no. I'm not
Was an important question to ask?
Perhaps you did not built for it - this was not the question -
.azhar Opinion
you know what? You've missed you have a good bachelor party.
I was not ready
Well, James, first, do not behave like that when I come back I want a party
Party girls flirt on the tables and stay in touch
.party Did not go right ... then I start again
Oh my god
Day detective, Duff night
what's going on? - Well, not nothing -
If yoga class was here again, silly clothes
what happened? - A shooter, very professional -
AG wanted to kill
AG which their full?
AG who came to him to ask a Hacker
Cove thinks the criminal gang?
I'm awful
As an expert in identifying local criminals?
No, I am an expert Mzkhrfm
.khb, How expert assassin with a gun go inside?
Ceramic or plastic gun
I just saw her. Fayv.svn rifle was
[making fabric National]
Is undetectable
I shot him in the game if you saw him eat, play dead,
Like the gun range
... A case that we have now
Shooter brought a gun to the protected area
Listen up here.
Lines was shown on a rifle bullet was Fayv.svn
.hmvn Mhmath same shooter is .mmknh
Who fired? - Chairman of the Port of Miami -
Related .mmknh helpful
Rmzmyt if you watch
[the character played Witcher]
... Why would anyone hire a professional killer was
That a computer hacker's typical for a drug dealer in Atlanta last?
! As annoying
If this was the reason, you've been dead a long time ago
I consider .darm
Indeed it could be related
After you kill the murderer Harbormaster the one who wanted hacker?
AG may otherwise Sngyntrh
you know what? She also invited to the wedding we .bayd
you know what? Barry .bayd in the car
I'll find you someone
You should go in the car
I Jvrsh .mykhvam you .asla I'm in the car
.dygh Not deal with you disrespect .khyly Kurdish
.mydvny The Khndhdarsh Where? I've discovered a plastic gun
I discovered that Nmyzaryn respect, is not it?
Professional killer hacker? - Maybe it was something to see -
I'll drive - no, Nmyrvny -
I'll drive CJ (Jy.ty.ay). After that I'll drive
Switch me.
Why was the smell of burning car? .bvy Was stink
This is not the smell of burning
Get out of the car Margate Lash
Just got my neck
Are you OK?
You know how bad it was for us?
This is the second car that Trkvndym
.khbrsh Like a bomb, Mytrkh
Now the story of the murder of Police Chief Bender, Marcus Griffin approached
The investigation continues into .charlz Nez was elected as new chairman
I will continue the ideals of former president
I cleaned up the corruption eradication port
.At any cost
Khvnhash returned to - the home Brnmygrdh -
Because under Tqybh
Look, anyone looking for returns AG strongly that he wanted to die
Even at the expense of your kills two
Children, children
Honestly, I'm a little disappointed
Here is a shot in a nightclub when I was Avmdyn
And 20 cases of reported violations of the privacy of citizens "Lytlhavana" I
And a car was nonsense explosives
Hey, we're in the car bomb Nzashtym
Yeah, but we got starters, James
Listen up
The lieutenant spoke with you in Atlanta. And happy to go back home.
Travel health, children
! Travel to your health Kvnm
Nowhere We will not die
ANSWER THE PHONE - not my phone -
.tvy Jybth - ..hych on the phone -
! A phone in my pocket.
Phone "AG" Why then did not the main .tlfnsh
Look, phone the last few hours! It's all been receiving messages
"Here the message of" Tasha
Barry, Carlet
What was Madrqhbhay AG
I'll call right now to Tasha
No, this way was careful
See it Work?
.The Car Natasha
Thought was good, James - I know -
Well, I told
I do not Gftnt - Why, I must say -
.zvd Call
I think you know what's your problem?
But the Nazis did not .fkr
! You're ugly
And the category is manly
Sale bikini in South Beach
Is open seven days a week
"I think we have to go to work," Tasha
I found it in your car
I'm going to see a specialist explosives ordnance identify ticks
Hey, there she stayed in the car, James
After the auctioneer wrong - I need a new car -
Oh, I can not help you
Should tell you something James - driving gold hit -
Like getting Mvadfrvshha - the machine that ever sat down -
Hello Baby - Hello -
Guess I and James each other what we sound?
Ngo - stepbrother -
Man, I do not say
So Ben, I'm not worried that I'll see you Tuesday?
I arrive before the wedding
Finish the work you do?
Well, right now. And we're going to look for clues found
The vast emerged
.khb, You Karat brush .aynja all times
We'll cover everything.
We? Angela Corey there?
Ben ah? ! Let's talk
Bin Salam
What kind of a man because he left town a week before the wedding?
A man detective - Detective, you do not -
I do not want to talk to you now should know what to do?
.bayd I respect the choices you let Cory
You should let me respect
Why do not you manipulate your wedding menu
Because your menu! Equal with dog shit
! No dog shit - is Ben -
Such as photos, books on it in my dreams
! To photos dog shit
Corey? I hung up on not .bavrm
You know what the biggest problems? - go right ahead -
The focus You do not know
I entered my life crises
Was excellent if a little brother gave me support
We are NEVER brother
So what you're saying Shvhrkhvahrt, James?
You're not my brother.
Do not insist on it, gooseflesh 's
It's got Mypychvny
From Loving You do not know what you Mypychvny
This is your problem
I would prove that I am the leader .alan .bzar
I will show you that I can be a sleuth
NEVER - tell me why? -
Because this girl probably did not want to talk to us
Not good then you're suddenly nutsack
The girl was accidentally shot or not
Why do you keep memories alive?
You blindness even after Brnmyay
He is my family now.
She is a devil's appearance
Look, I'm lead detective Because I
I like dealing with a child
Oovoo my God.
James, do you see? - Yeah -
Mayo Advertiser swimming .angar .ngah now
.jymz Look! She is like dolphins
Hey, focus
I focus my concentration James goes missing
Help I help you?
Tasha Where? - OK -
Just a few moments. So I call him
Tasha, two inches police officer you see. That approach
Khylhkhb - thank you -
I'll want to bring a bottle of water? - No no no, I do not need -
! I am married
! I am engaged, then not
Anyone nitrogen friend asked
I would not know? Perhaps invited me to swim
Where is he knew .nmydvnm .agrm not tell you.
If you want to see it live again tell us
.ay.jy Strongly in danger here. Just to help him.
And why should I believe your word?
I Nyvmdm I play with you - do you think I'm giving up Dvstpsrm? -
You've missed up on us ignore Barry's promise prison .bht
No, nigga
.kmy've Gone too far .... Tasha
But I understand not understand your word .jymz
Of course, you and "AG" relationship Darin
And now you want him to be loyal
Right, James?
My question to you all is that
He Vfadarh to you, Tasha?
Because I do not want to lie to you. And I tell her mobile phone
I checked his phone and went into the contacts list and
The first name that came to him especially popular list ..chvn
Carlet, "a"
Now Carlet Who is it? Touch stainless what?
After playing Krdmsh
! Kun, Kun, Kun warning
! Kun, Kun, Kun warning
You've missed I do not know. But I'd fuck
Because her song was sexy
Rabthshvn in what was the point? Maybe just somebody
But then the name "Bernie" came
Seriously? - Yeah, who is it? Touch stainless what? -
After playing Krdmsh
James, did you see it?
I .bzar
Oh, what a terrible scene
.vaqa Is obscene - of course -
He is doing collapse
And then I think of you
You've missed you at least thought so Alvytsh
But the list I saw your name
I .fkr Perhaps his best friend
But then the bell theme played and troubled
.tasha, The song of Apple factory
Song factory
Absolutely nothing.
Advocating the kind of a person do you want to do?
For a woman like you let live?
I'm just asking
This is how you should talk with a woman
I do it with AG Phone
... As simple as that, and also
When we start?
Well, what did you find?
My colleague finally got detect explosives
Says definitely not American
We have a number "AG" He took
No, bin number "AG" took
But she does not know .dvstdkhtrsh money stolen from Kay
Tell me. Fortunately it was .alyh
Champaign - bring here -
what are you doing?
Why is it so hard to say we find you?
what's your problem? What is your problem? -
He's back did you see that?
The smiling face like that?
Let's go
Smiley face tongue out? I now like you?
You know why Tasha gave us numbers that, James?
I know Adam
So I'll tell you a little community up
Let me tell you something James
Many of the more important focus
.yh Seconds listen to me
Now we focus way
Human Relations me
.Man and Woman
Oh, you're gonna get busy with men there?
I did not say such a thing - exactly Hmynv said -
My words seriously
Plum - Ben Barber speaks -
Where did you get this number?
There's something that I'm saying, detective, AG
I wanted to see AG
Dvstdkhtrt told us about the money he stole
He, I have no money Ndzdydm
Show flexibility - have yourself a bad delivery man -
We must protect
Where Bkshyn menu do not want to know?
If we wanted. So now were dead worm
! You need to know the status of thick clothes
Klfth that Laghrt's ass! 'S ability to stand up
If I stop to 24 man hours.
We are your only friends to see the man .atraft
you know what? From talking to bored in Kvngshad
Wait, wait, wait
What's the matter? -! Ben Barber Back behind the line -
So I'll give you my time and place
Just you, otherwise not come
What was this behavior? - Replied, is not it? -
The hacker stole my money
Le menu information and still walks freely in the streets?
My men and I find it's best they Officer
To be better
Traders find it all depends on
I see - I do not think you understand -
Le put his Asrarm
Our identity has been revealed
kill it
Yes sir
Pay what happened? Fsqly do or did he steal?
The new port was confirmed by the chief factor
Oh, look here just did lead .yh
He was a promising situation
Now I get away after .dyr card
Come towards the status of Life
Khylhkhb, remember what I told you.
.yh Sight to his eye to the environment .yh
! I can not! If you know Show me
You've missed that you're not a monster. Just Scan
Well, I should like to say?
get out
I am listening - OK -
I fucking walk on the beach
But I do not find you, where are you?
He, calm guy is not easy .avnqdra
.bayd Make sure mine - .Be Be the letter u -
Nyvmdm here that you disrespect me - well, go to the buffet -
Which buffet, where? - The opposite direction; Rev -
This buffet? - Go to him -
! Okay, I'm going Buffet
I, now what? - Well, I'm going to take a can -
! Picked - Well, now let eased back -
AG, now what do we do? - I want to see you obey or not -
.drsth, .shbt Makes sense now
The Fall - Well, the way I -
! Stop
Dress up Drbyar
Why dress up with it?
To make sure you do not Microphones
Do not you see? - Oovoo -
! Trashydhay body you love so good Sykspk
Stop playing vector
Well, go ahead trash - trash? -
now what?
Now've now got it into the trash. And first one Drbyar
I threw the trash?
OK, open the envelope! And say what '
Little "Nacho" With a half-eaten human hair sauce and salad
Okay, great.
! Drink
Excuse me, what? - Drink -
I Nmykhvrmsh not eat .aynv
Eat or die
See who eat Nfth
It's a pretty disgusting
! I spit method
! I can not believe Khvrdysh
Sure case fell apart,
Let me just tell you something
AG'll .byay two seconds here or go to jail
You better get out of here is not a good place .aynja
So why would you want to meet me here?
I did not think to tell right
.yh People wanted to kill us all .hy AG
After the car you tell me Who is that Trkvndnd .bkhatr
I told you .qbla Hmhchyzv
Oh, our guest
what are you doing? -! Shoot I -
You do not shoot in the car
Ridin or shoot you, James?
Come on, damn
Instead, we
! I'm coming away
Now what are you shaking?
Dirty ass from leaving Vector
Got it, got it
You are the best shooter world, James
Front - Damned -
Well, go straight to him
No, James here I go my own way
Which way?
what the hell are you doing?
Pull back
Are among
I am careful
Tight Bshynyn
What was the other? - What? -
I say driving - Where did you learn to drive up, man? -
.jymz; O Poor me do my job .bzar
Bring out
James .aynqdr pressure'll need me, I'll drive
! Save me out of here - so do I -
How about at least one shoot me?
Bend back
Do not shoot like that in front of my face.
Help blow?
Sorry, habit
.darh Right Mypychh easy .khyly
Who taught you to drive?
Listen up, I've got a plan.
Someone had asked Lntyat map?
Here's the map
I had a right Mypychh
How Bshynyn sturdy?
Ben recruited him. From Barbrm
Give your booty shaking his
Let go, you Dyvanhayd
Which Jhnmyh here?
Khounh security
Who can be trusted to stay here to understand
Children serious?
Whose is this house?
Alonso is one of our friends
Now the case is
This is their full Which? - Miami homicide division -
James, you have given me to the police
The menu from the tree for their significant
Do you think you Tkhmmh, AG
Now since when did you steal and who would shoot us?
I will not tell you anything - Seriously? -
IPhone Pvb Antonio Pvb
A. The d and l and - Antonio Pvb? -
Nonsense, says - is nonsense -
All think Pvb a legal businessman
But I do not think
He's a big gang
In anything ... food, weapons
After a friend Troy Tlantayyshh
So we have a great .mlyat .pvb Troy was destroyed
The problem is that I am responsible for the work Saybryash
I set my computer hacking .brash .systm
! I also brush money laundering
Right now in four or contrary confessed
Just as a reminder
A few days ago, maybe I stole some money from my account
And I laid in my account
Maybe? - What? -
.fkr Not understand - .zahra understood -
Maya, what are these cars?
Put the man .tfng
AG, Do not Scream
I'm in your face
I'm Alonso .mtkhss explosives
Right now Leave Earth
.lvnsv, Slaht the sheath are police .avna
Put the gun
Leave Earth
Drop it
Okay, now bring you down
that's good
What the hell have you done?
This work has already been done? - I do not know, AG -
! Plyskshha
Nerves bruised man - I told you to focus -
I intentionally do you think? I gave you .khyal beams, I screamed
Oh my god
! He's a zombies! Shoot!
It is vests
The vests
For this I'm vests, James. For such events
These two fools in the house I'm doing?
Atlanta officers are .avna they had exploded .mashyn
Hey, man
Ben Barber am I gonna .mzrt
When a bullet in the chest, hard, push your heart go wild .angarh
Okay, my apologies that I wanted - did you shoot me -
.bashh, I take it back - .mzrt the Take and Go -
You've got to control yourself?
What did you find?
Of explosives and detonators are both from Eastern Europe
The main Pvb work - the field stop? -
.sbrkn Maya might tell the truth.
One must be really rich. So also means taking
You must help me find strong evidence against them
.pvp Hands of Count Brnmydarh
So we're just lucky Count
You were responsible for the computer, right?
After the data can Bresson us
Someone should send the computer complier Khvnhash
To download the ship's load list
Well, Pope tonight's Party
Many people have guards
We have to work hard to get there.
no problem
Enter the secret gettin '
And honestly tells us is that the computer says
How do we get into the secret?
My name
My name?
Prince Admvnsyvh Matvmbh
The House of Africa
And two additional seats
! For the servant
Your name is not on the list
The Czech special place now
And do not look into my eyes
Do not look at me, look at the tablet
To read names and with closed eyes! Look at me.
.mnv Look! Do not look at me
! Look at me! It was exam
Did you - you -
Are not invited
Well, I'm coming kids came AG
Please go along
It's all your fault
! You know what to do
! I gave you shelter and food.
And now you honor me that no incompetent?
Sir, I am your protector
Not serve you
I'll tell you that
Oh, God.
I'm sorry, sir.
It was a fly on your face
Sit down at least a little respect
Khylhkhb, I'll try
So once again the list Czech
Since regret it .bfrmayyd inside
I will go
! Not from this side
I can not feel my face
And please do
We remember when Mamvrytym
AG speaks on the phone
And the only thing you have to do is download the file you
To do this, you trust him?
Of course, neither do we have the option of boilers?
Whenever we think we nitrogen questions
Oh James, He is there watching dolphins made of diamond
Gucci's probably got toilet
(toilet that shit during anesthesia induction is cute Rynndh)
Do you think I cared?
The focus now
If you have a Gucci must Brynm it.
That's why, AG voice you hear us?
This would love to have been there a party after Nymhshbh .khyly
Racism odd Then what?
Where should we go?
I must go to the northern corridor
At least the house is away
I threw up my mind
I see you guys in the auditorium
what are you doing? .dstt Throw
! I'm shaking hands
Public officials is always at parties Qdmshvn the spring
Mr. Pope, Baladi dance?
Dancing know?
Menu underestimated
Do you dance?
stop it
Shim's hot .srshvn .bya
Make'm not very good .shnhy
Well, Ben Go into the stairwell - received -
And by the end of the corridor Go
James .khylhkhb Right like the old days
Ancient Rydmanhay mean?
I mean that should stay anonymous
You're left office in dubbing
Tell me when you're happy - AG sure why -
AG locked
Khylhkhb, you know what? Enter the door to the bathroom and the hallway
Go Go Go. It's me
! Hey, man, you see her?
Cue saw?
I'll wait down here .gmvnm .gft
... No man, you can go
.bryd Downstairs, sir
Not use the downstairs toilet
Khylhkhb, go to the window and opened it now
.khb, Saw saw saw
Well, interval - Go Down -
Excuse me, what?
Right heard .gftm Go down
Oh my upper two floors AG I
So we accept the Mamvrytym .bbyn
Someone told me that you must jump. The second-story window
Ben, from the window Fucking jump down
I have my upper two floors, James
Now jump down .hmyn
Tvaltshvn Gvchyh James
My children stood on the ledge between two lights
...I wanna
I'm gonna try to get him
Sorry, sir Lmbrgr Darin desire?
Come back, come back
Lmbrgr? - Yes -
What I did not .tahala .bzar
Like the Spanish courses luggage What kind of cheese?
Marcello cheese - Marcello? -
No, it's good.
Should Mypkhtyn?
Like Hell
Hey, what's going on?
! Let go, simply walk
Let go! Monster
.nvsh John do you like?
I .shvkhy! Fool!
Ben, are you okay?
R u OK? OK now - Shut Die AG -
Why did not you tell me about alligators?
.asla Did not know that now lie .bavr
A crocodile -! Marcus was bitten you? -
Was going to get a drink?
Wait, Maya got more time
! Alligator shoes grabbed me - Yes -
Yes, I'd love a drink
Excellent;'re like tequila?
Khylhkhb, what's going on?
Reached James
Khylhkhb, .alan AG came to her office.
Wait, wait
What What Here's a crocodile?
No, there is not no alligator
.avnja's Alarm system
So why did not you tell me earlier? You might not think you need to be, AG?
No, it's great ... just go quietly to the table
.hy Hey, play Drnyar serious Topic
.hmyn Now go into the table
Oh, Tiger is here
Jesus christ
What the hell are you doing, Ben?
.zhyr Alert the office of Mario activated .chksh now
.jymz, Ben turned his siren was a nuisance for you .alan
The East corridor, to thee among
Hydrangea fucking
He loves hydrangea
I .rahnmayy behind my computer now
Mario has a 7-digit code. That's what I do not know
But I use it instead of my own personal code
Well, why not?
You've missed a crime really is not it?
What is your code? - O Braces Braces close and re-open -
Wait and see
Tits. that is right?
AG now what?
I gave you hit the arrow and open the file
I've got it
He was automatic discharge
Thank you, darling - I am honored -
.khb, Tell me about this tequila Mrghvbh sex?
One of Kmyabtrynhay market it impossible reasonable.The
the health
Well, time goes by comrades
Children should hurry anyway
Late at night I'm not going to make people unconscious
Khylhkhb, was over.
... You know,
.shall we go
Oh, I have to go
I just .bayd .dstmv
Go ahead
It was one of the worst days of my life
Alligator, hydrangea, people .hmhjay place
Where is your shoe? - Story Mfslh James -
The crocodile was a fucking asshole
But you are fools - You know what? -
Are you comfortable now, James?
Better now? - Hey guys, Grftynsh? -
Yeah, I'm a professional
We .bayd
! Brigade about interesting! - About interesting house -
... I'm in African countries
Enough role - yes -
.mhmvny Of the way I .tmna
Darin desire liquor?
Remy? Livestock?
I bought it from Peru
Here's disallowed goal, but
You've got all night but did not want Myzvn Nghdarh
! If you know what I mean
We're not thirsty.
I'm not thirsty.
Do you remember the teachings .ngashvn now, huh?
Who do you want to realize your mistakes tiger, James?
Yes, I know your name
Surprise you get?
Perhaps the bigger question is .... why police
See infiltrated my party.
Well, we could maybe ask is stolen.
... Now that you mention, I see that
I had a problem last .hfthy
But I do not remember my reports
.hds I had found the burglar too.
Oh, you dunce
Myshnasyn security ... and if you .bnzrm the early to not answer
I will not be happy that the official friends in Atlanta ...
One of the donors annoyed his office at home Plysshvn
It informant's gonna do? Do you think it's important for us?
It is true that one of you. Just put rebuke
What if one of you is still subject officer?
The expulsion order was issued to such officer may
.sbrkn, .bnzrm Not wait to inflate away someone's job
Specifically, the unemployment rate for blacks .byn Balatrh
Calm down
Listen up
That's the only thing I know is I stole a hacker
I do not even arrested.
I just need to figure out how to penetrate. So I prevent a repeat
I'm afraid that the danger Nykvkaryam happen
So if you are here to help Nyvmdyn
What Avmdyn?
I heard the toilet Gucci clothes
I think the debate was over.
My men go to show you the way out
And next time you want to party, let me ask
Nonsense Party Supplies
Cartoon where the problem?
I talked with the police at my house .dygh I do not want to see
Take it easy, I do not want to shoot you.
I find me a good gun
We now have multinational
Hrashtbahy could be heavy .bhay
Several other giving us a bad professional
Nyaryn other excuse
Only after doing this
I'm sorry Antonio
Certainly kill them
Only he did not want blood in my pants
.mkalmh With a colleague I found .khylhkhb
Look, the guy ordered Pope to be careful cargo
But it clearly states the other does the inspection of cargo Nknn
"Why should cargo" pants solo hide it?
As is "Solo pants" not
(for women)
Tomorrow a score of secret shipments
What we must understand that cargo
Fkryh that I do the same?
I sat for hours in ambush
We have long dream
I got tired
You do not need to prove myself on this trip
I bet James that truckloads of Mvadh
Khylhkhb man, calm down
If the port does not work after her brush was problematic
Like the one that killed him
He tried to get cooperation
Yet Pope, however, Mykshtsh
how do you know? - he is right -
I was Dmsh - do not say anything, you know, say? -
Why did not you tell us everything you know?
I've never seen that thing! I heard him on the line
Die .khfh and shit Poor
This Court does not accept excuses
... In "Star Wars" original
Say their names .adamhy .zvdbash
Part 5 empire responds to attack the 4 New Hope
"Part 6 Back of a" Apart
Empire responded to the attack?
Apart "too sure."
Apart? Oh, that's the part you remember?
.khyly Was being Bhmzn
Were did you like shark or an eagle?
Shark's overall flaw
! If you have eagle wings Myzny
Once I saw an eagle stole a baby
Begay Asmalz
[American rapper Fat]
Not a little harsh?
Too there
Shut Bmyryn
This two highly Sbyand
From talking to the Nmykshn do not breathe .frst
Yeah, believe me, I understand
... I think people who talk too much
Or crazy, or crazy or stupid
But the subject of this
Beyond these lunatic Topic
U know? ...For example
Congenital weakness in iQ
.bzar Ask you something
If you really feel like why is it so hard to take him?
Just wanted to be a detective
If I was told not to despair and back .dygh
.kamyvnha Saw .kamyvnha are rolling, see
Give me
AG, No. truck Czech Port register now
Where do they go?
One you came here.
What's your number? - 4552345b -
Unlisted numbers
There it is
Since we go to the West Harbour Bridge was .dryaft
All units and equipment're sending the Harbour Bridge
1 of the Miami police helicopter speaks
The truck goes to the West
Khylhkhb, this is the
Hands up - put your hands up -
Ben, Drew opener
Come down from the cab, trash
hurry up
Now go back
You know Whose is this truck? - Yeah, mine -
We have! This is our first seized
! As stepbrother
Go behind the truck - Okay, I'm going -
Open now
Khylhkhb Ben?
Tell them know what we found
Our birthday party?
Christmas at the .khb .htma
What are we?
We complain about the inconvenience of running out.
Must explain the new head port
Why is the area that we Gndkary
We had good information private. In a secret informant
It was a fatal mistake
Really do not know what to do
I ignore this awful
Mr. Pope, let me apologize
.asla Not understand
Be polite .mykhvam cool .mykhvam
When I ask you three Avmdyn I complained to my party?
... But now,
Now I was angry
I must protect the credibility
That might look strange, but
I'm very, very rich
The love of money
And you know what got me money?
... So you can imagine that
Your commander formerly called
I think the days of workout officially ended after James
But good luck Yndhtvn job, then
Can I talk with you?
You, come with me
Should explain this mess to Harbormaster
Too bad, is not it?
It's hard to imagine therefore wants to get even worse
New're worse
Hello? - Brooks am -
I did complain about the general Shooting
Were suspended until further notice
.bn, Probation officer, were you really have no choice. So I killed all
He, Lieutenant Brooks Please do not do me
I did not want to tell the police card as Dead, Ben
That is totally fucked?
Lieutenant, you're gonna hear my story? - No -
Just come back here Mrgtvn Lash
Please do not do it - you're -
You and James
Take it man
Where we went wrong?
I think in that order, except for cocaine is not .chyzy
Yeah, but the container was empty, James
Perhaps container body! Of cocaine
! I'm going Brrsysh
How are you my dear? - Ben, I need you now -
Corey was going to drive me crazy
You said two days - I know -
Saturday I have to marry someone
I'd rather be you
The whole situation seemed awfully mission was falling apart and we lost
Awfully lost
I'm so sorry
But no matter how bad
I still believe in you.
.khb, Thank you, darling ... but do not know that
I always believe bin
We can achieve anything
I just want you to know that I love you
Love you
I love you
.khvastm I lost my job ... but I said no, let me get home.
Hey guys
I thought I had to replace the port .ryys
It is strange that appeared just after the Pope .sr Harbour Bridge
So what?
If it is not replaced by domination which deals with the previous kill not
That makes sense - so it makes sense -
You guys ready?
Taylor Swift songs of polystyrene was Drkhvastytvn
Look, miss, "Nunez" in Universal
It means that full cooperation with the port's Pope
Nunez? Charlie Nunez?
He was named one of the Pope's inarticulate computer .tvy
It was important?
Gave us the wrong game
He put the information into the computer
We had found the truck. So innocence was proven
They ran to the ones behind trucks
Who comes next shipment, AG?
Every morning this week one
Another one we
Come do.
We must fix vandalism, James
Need to talk
Look, I know about containers
But beyond the container was here I did not think .ashtbahm
Look, Ben, I wanted to say - enough is enough -
.nyazy Not say what you want to tell .mydvnm
Gvshkn man, Vrdmt here to tell you
Where you do not get on
what are you saying?
I'm coming - not not get on -
Yeah, Miami James - not not get on -
Right now the department were deported - not James -
I put my whole life for this job
To prove that I am a detective
I do not know what do you think James
... But this is what I want
You're my sister marry
OK? ... If this thing goes wrong
Possible jail Drbyary
Or worse
May die
But the benefit is your son .shrmndh
.khylhkhb .avna Should reach a mile port
Must take the boat and go north
You have a boat? - James Wait -
! I miss you so much
Our best chance is going around the bay by boat
So whenever you want your boss chipped car and boat shows?
! I do not know, I did not ask him
hurry up
Hey, do not shoot me, Ben
One does not shoot you
So show me right - no more, get up, I need your help -
.khylhkhb, AG to come. Now I want you to go hide
what do you wanna do?
Klkshvn's one to do?
Wow, this is a bit harsh
I think one other way we could have solved
Hey man, you know South Coast Where?
My GPS does not work properly.
It was amazing
Do you want to try?
Can I take it?
Now Bpychvn
did you see? - Yeah -
I can try out the bin
Let me show you in Atlanta! How we do it
.khb, Here Practical
We find it - send a car was arrested Pope -
I Hmynjam
: Well I'm everywhere
Readme fear Baba
How did you come here? - Do not worry about those words -
James and Maya Where?
Then the check out containers
From the old container transit point has been the scene of clashes
Atfaqhayy always spawns a container in transit
And not just cocaine
I'm opening a vast network of smuggling
Guns, drugs, whale meat
I think I have a long list of Ajnasm
I had to come with my own eyes.
And look what I found
.ghtvsh The .pvp Dstgyrshvn
You've missed. I stay here, I have an opinion.
.bnzrm Lose his spirit
I'm sorry for you guys
Like when my nephew was missing his football match
I think I'm gonna change the Bghltvn
Of course, if the value of your kids
This means that if you have to hear to kill two police
Instead of being misunderstood terrorists
The problem .bayd do not deal with expression
I think I'm better
How are you, a professional handle this?
! Ben Barber came up, you whore!
Resistance now I'm James
I've done it?
Oh, shit
Support, the support I need
Help, help
.hy, Chlagh
Maya, sleep
You're welcome
Let's go
People were very trance
I swear
I spy a Dvjanbham
I got through voluntary Grvhshvn
.bashh Be .hmynja sit
There it is
! Come on Ben
The state now take
I take the Pope
.khylhkhb, Pope .dygh Dead
I see your hands
Come down from the cab, now
... Lash Margate Come down
Hey guys, looking for something scrolled?
Please Bndazyn gun
Now the Bndazyn .slahhatvn
Now he's going to Qsmtyh that should tell you Bmyryn
Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense
But surely you know it yourself
After the first Bmyryn of you guys like?
James, let me start with you.
Why did you do, man?
"It's all gonna 'Assassin's Creed and such things do
Covered .jlyqh
Wearing vests?
did you see?
We're also protected, James
Otherwise I do not know
I had T-shirts - I certainly Jvnt I had to save man -
There's not busy - it was possible to shoot me, James -
But he did not - Maya -
I had to save Jvnsh?
Maybe a bit - thank you -
! James?
you know what? ! Maybe this time you saved my life
! I said to Angela
Come the Fall
I can not walk
The dirt lie awake
I am filled with bullet holes in the soil
(something that the pig was later Tyrkhvrdn)
.hy Man. We were stepbrother
I do not
No other job offers
I did not do any Bradrkhvandhay
Wanted to kill me
You are a big Mvadfrvsh have arrested a corrupt politician in three days
I was impressed - I know -
Then we'll head back to Atlanta
It was an honor - Thank you, President -
Thanks for everything, boss - good luck guys -
Well, we have 8 hours to go
.jymz, Way left except aircraft
Do not you know I hate planes?
.jymz Bskn, I'm serious. This is our only way back
I do not fly
James is my wedding
After all the story you want to go without saying goodbye?
That's how I honestly thought we would go back
So I'll tell you what I got .fkrsh
One of the main forage machines
Oh my god
I see .bdh .jymz
that is cool
Brgrdvnsh, and no bullet holes
.jymz, A significant Frstklas tickets .jymz
This was how open? Arrests do not see?
!Of course
.mykhvasty Invite me to the wedding, right?
I think
Rvdrvasy gotten stuck? Are you sure?
no problem
.khb, I was waiting for you ... but I thought
For now, ma'am.
James - What? -
... How should! Byyn, I have to shut out
Bga us Midi, keys and leave me - no, no, I'll drive -
Give me the keys - not James, I'll drive -
Drnyar game - I have to shut -
Give me the damn .klyd
No. James. I'm not the same thing
Tell serious?
.maya, Great for wedding .tvy see
I'm Angela
.khanvmha And gentlemen: I present to you
Sir and ma'am Chkshsyah
! Chkshsyah
James, come here
I was stepbrother
I succeeded
I love you
... Cory, I can not say that
.mmnvn Great Baer says Kurdish
What do I do?
Did a fantastic job
Needless to say not
Indeed thought I can not
And I wanted to play in the testicle - What? -
.you know what? Today is your day'll continue tiger
Rellou and thigh
Must eat
AG What do you do? I did not invite you, man.
Khylhkhb, I knew Dad
God rest in, Ben
! Condolences for the loss of erm
This Rvsyh AG .hychks dead
Oh, Chhkhbr children?
.bbyn, Have already told you. But I did not tell
Glad managed to get wedding
Today you are really beautiful
Whether you're Khvshrkh
Ben - No, the problem is -
Just told
I do not need to define
Because you'll hear from James accepted definition .bayd
I want to go sailing with my wife
If you want a beautiful thing to tell me it's time .alan
Do not say anything?
! Goodbye
James wanted to pick up the garbage.
High Peak
.zvdbash Gndhbk high .pyk
.bslamty Bin that fire me up
.mnv Stabbed
Zdysh with a knife? - .yh Incident -
.dvta Cars blew up menu
And was close enough to kill me. That I can Bshmrm
I must .prtsh originally from the pier into the water
But in this case
I do .nmytvnm
Because you saved my June
.khvahrm The happier you
As I always saw her happy
Do not do it here with me, James
... And I Mskhrsh
Allowed one better and get better police
.tmvmsh Now man - .bslamty Shvhrkhvahrm -
Finally, you said that Faymylym, James
Bislama bin and Anjali
You're gonna Pdrsvkhthhayy
Come Association
are you ready?
Oh, the voice you hear?
Tiger roar like a shot
Maybe, like a leopard
The truth is not like a leopard
Memorable moment now
.avna Are looking forward to showing my .gazshv
Baby know what I need?
! The hammer guided tours
So first we have the boat here
Ben, I like
Before you get out of here .... Once again turn around
To show how much I love you, baby
I want a little bit of pace?
No no no no
I'm Chkshsyah .mykhvam up with my speed is
Baby, a boat will make waves
.azsh Denied ... I'm not the man with a wave
! Ben, tolerance now! Tolerate
Keep it
How do you keep it, Ben?
! Anjali
It never lasts marriage
! Come to Ben pray
Swim knows? - I hope not -
One I Nghdarh
! James
Welcome to the family, brother in law
James, help your mom
What's the bar?