Ridge Runners (2018)

How much?
Hey Rach...
Got to get up, hit that clock.
She walks the dog at 6:30.
RACHEL: Hey sorry I'm home really late.
We had a stakeout
that didn't pan out
cause our guy didn't show.
And um, I couldn't
call because we didn't
know if we'd have to move.
How old are you?
31, in case you forgot.
By the time I was your
age, I had a husband, I had a
kid... you...
and I had a full time job.
Shouldn't the fact that I'm
31 be reason enough not
to be mad at me for
being home a little late?
You think I'm that
you're home late?
Well not now.
What did you tell
me last week?
That I'd start
looking for an apartment.
Have you slept at all?
You haven't even
started looking have you?
No. And how about you
go to bed and I'll finish this.
If I don't do it you won't.
You'd also said that you're
gonna be looking for another
And I have an
interview lined up for tomorrow.
Are you not eating anything?
I'd rather you stay where
you are. I'm not hungry.
Yeah we got a missing girl.
- Oh no.
- Yeah.
She's only 12.
Halley Dawn.
Have her parents been in?
No, not yet. But we
did speak to the mom.
When is she coming in?
Should be any
minute now actually.
I'll keep you updated.
Thank you.
How ya doing?
I'm good.
You good?
Yea, I'm good.
Did you hear about the girl?
Yea, Mike was
telling me earlier.
I think we have to interview
the mom, Maddie Dawn.
No father?
No, doesn't seem so,
which is going to make this
I hate it when they cry.
It's actually a
telltale sign, you know.
Because when
people die, they mourn.
But when people lose people...
Then they become hysterical.
Ya know? Hyperventilate.
Snot cry.
Hey guys,
the mom is here.
Mrs. Dawn, I'm officer Willow
and this officer Shepherd.
Um, it's just Maddie.
I know you're having
at hard time with this.
Thank you for coming down here.
Well sure, um, is
there any news on Halley?
No not yet.
Why don't we start
from the beginning.
Ok. Um.
Well, um...
the neighbors picked up her and
her friend up from school. Um.
The Youngs. Cain and Marie.
And that was about three thirty.
And then um, around 7 we started
getting ready for an
office party at my house.
And where do you work?
Um, the race track.
The one out on the
ridge? The one on sixty three?
- Yes.
- Okay.
Do you think you can, uhm...
make a list of people that were
at that party that night?
Um, not of the
top of my head no.
Ok, then what happened?
Well, I tucked her in a
little after eleven and um...
The party died down around four.
And I went upstairs to
check up on her, before I went
to bed. She was gone.
Ok, but you didn't
call it in until after seven?
Well, no because,
she likes to sneak off to the
neighbors house. Um.
Ok she sneaks out a lot.
Well, no. Yes, but
just to go over and see her
friend Jane. Their daughter.
They're school friends.
Did you talk to them?
I did, and they
hadn't seen her since yesterday.
Ok, so not her friends
then where else would she be.
I don't know.
I just want her home.
I just want her home.
Excuse me, I'm going to get
Mrs. Dawn some coffee.
Detective Willow?
Olivia Peterson. They sent
me down here about a missing
girl case.
Yes, you're the
social worker here.
Um... Yea, we don't get
a lot of cases like this.
No, we do not.
Uh, the state sent me here, uhm,
to talk about some
things with you.
Yeah, well she's a run away so
I don't know what you need.
A lot of times a
runaway can just be a sign
of something else happening in
the home. Like sexual abuse.
Ok, uhm, right now
she is just gone.
That's all we know, but when we
know more, we'll let you know.
Uh, I really, really, hope I
don't have to call you.
But detective.
If you want to talk
to her, she's right here.
Thank you.
This is Olivia from DHS.
Go ahead.
I know this is a
hard time for you right now.
But can you answer... were there
a lot of men around the house?
Um I date a little.
Nothing weird.
Ok, um. Does she
run away frequently?
She runs off to the neighbors
without permission all the time.
But I would not call
that running away.
Ok, uhm...
Thank you for your time.
Well, government workers, right?
So the father, is he around?
I'm sorry. He died about...
He died about five years ago.
I'm sorry. I could really
use him right about now.
I'm sorry.
Don't worry about it.
Who were your neighbors again?
Uhm, the Young's.
Can I get you to write
down their address for us?
Of course.
What about school?
Uh, Southside.
That's were she met Jane.
And what exactly do
you do at the racetrack?
Uhm well I help keep
the books there.
And uh pretty
much stock the concession stand
And check on the racers the
night of the race, and make sure
they have everything they need.
Racetrack make enough money
that they need an accountant?
Well, it's not like
we deal with big sums of money
or anything. But it's a job. And
Halley liked to watch the cars.
So you're in charge?
Oh no. No my boss
is Clayton Woods.
You know I think we
have enough right now to go on.
I want you to stay in the area.
Stay positive.
If there is anything else...
I know, yeah.
We have your number...
- Ok.
- ...and we'll call you.
Alright. Thank you.
Hi. Mr. Young?
I'm Detective Sheppard and this
is Detective Willow.
Hello how can I help you?
Uh, we'd like to ask you a
few questions about one of
your neighbors.
Thank you.
Hot out there.
This is about Halley.
She's missing.
Hey, uh... Jane, why don't you
give us a second ok?
We'll go eat after the
detectives leave. Thanks honey.
She's a sweet girl.
What do you do for a living?
I work at a church.
Ah, you know I thought
I recognized you.
St. Paul's right?
Yeah, for about 5 years.
Mr. Young, how would you
describe your neighbor?
Uh, not much to say,
really. She's quiet.
A lot like Halley, really.
Any complaints?
Just all the cars.
She has guests over,
a lot. People from work.
Parties I guess.
What? She dates a
lot. Nothing serious though.
You ever meet any
of these guys?
MARIE: Just the one.
Clayton, he's her boss.
From the racetrack?
Yes sir.
What does she
do at the racetrack?
She's their
accountant I think.
Yea I think that's right.
Detectives how serious is this?
Jane and Halley are close,
I don't want her to worry.
You know, Maddie came over this
morning asking if she had come
by last night.
Is that odd?
No. She's over here a
lot. Our house is sort of a safe
haven for kids like Halley.
What does that mean?
Well, it means she
doesn't have the best home life.
You know her mom works a lot. We
know her dad died awhile back.
We just try to help. When you're
in my line of work you meet a
lot of kids who need help. Most
of them in worst situations than
Halley's, we just try
to help as many as we can.
We're a foster home.
When DHS needs a home for a
child temporarily, they call us.
Anything out of the
ordinary over at the Dawn's?
Besides her mom not
being around much, no.
When was the last time
you saw Halley?
Um, two or three nights ago.
Jane and Halley wanted to watch
something on Disney,
Nickelodeon, I don't know.
So maybe Sunday night?
Can I join you?
Jane right?
Yes ma'am.
You know about your friend?
Yea. I know she's missing.
I just wish she would have
told me before she ran away.
You think she ran away?
Yea. She didn't like her home.
She and her mom argued a lot.
But don't a lot of
kids argue with their moms?
I guess. She didn't like
talking about her mom that much.
I just wish she would have
told me. I could have gone
with her. We could have
gone everywhere together.
Do you know where she is?
What are you
thinking about?
I hope she's
somewhere cool. Somewhere fun.
Like on a plane.
Halley loved planes.
Yea, she always
wanted to ride one.
We planned it. I would go with
her, we would get on a plane.
Fly away.
Go somewhere awesome.
You ever been on a plane?
No. Have you?
I went to Fort Worth once.
I know it's not very awesome.
But a lot of things get pretty
uncool when you grow up.
That sucks.
Let's say Halley
didn't run away.
Maybe somebody took her who
didn't ask her mom's permission.
Do you know
somebody who'd do that?
No. Not if you mean
bullies. Everybody liked her.
What about her mom?
What do you think of her?
Ms. Dawn?
I've never really met her.
My parents say she is a
little rough around the edges.
How so?
One time Halley had
to come over here and ask for a
ride to school herself.
Later, my dad told me it was
her mom was hungover.
How long have you known her?
Since the 1st grade.
And she comes over here a lot?
Yea. She said it was
because she gets bored but I
just think she wants to get out
of the house more than anything.
Did she come over
here last night?
No, ma'am.
How did you two meet?
We had the same 1st
grade teacher.
She was the
new student in class.
For whatever reason
she started school late.
The teacher made
us all get up and greet her.
I was the last
one to say "hi".
When I turned around, all
but two seats were taken.
So we became table neighbors.
Then she moved down
the street, we
became real life neighbors.
I can't even imagine.
That poor girl.
We'll find her.
If you don't want to
talk about it we-
I don't want to talk about it.
Look, I could tell you that this
will be the only case like this
you'd ever work.
But I'd be lying.
We don't work on the good days.
We work on the bad days.
It's what we do, we're cops.
At least that's what
we say at poker night.
We lie about a lot there too.
But everybody lies, right.
We lie to our parents, we lie to
our spouse we... sorry.
It's fine.
Yea, we all justify things.
I think the better liar you are,
the worse things you can
Some people are just
born better liars than others.
You still going to
that job interview?
Maybe it's a power thing.
You know, maybe some
people just really get off on
that kind of stuff.
I wish you didn't want to leave.
I wish I didn't either.
Excuse me? We're looking
for Halley Dawn's teacher.
ETHAN: Huh, yup that would be me.
Uhm, Flynn.
Is that your first name?
No, sorry. First
name is Ethan.
Mr. Flynn, we
wanted to ask you a few
questions about Halley Dawn.
She went missing this morning.
Oh God.
Uh, that's... that's terrible.
Yea, what what did, uh what did
ya... what do you want to know?
You know, did she
get along with everybody?
Did you see anything strange?
Or maybe her mom had
some weirdos come by?
No, no, nothing...
nothing like that.
Can you think
of anything?
Um, well a lot of
times her friend's parents will
pick her up and drop her off.
The Young's?
- Yes.
- Okay,
And generally that means
that the mom works a lot.
Um which means that she's not
as engaged in the child's life.
Which then reflects on
the child's school life.
How's that?
Well she is probably
the quietest student I have.
But the kids are still
really nice to her,
surprisingly enough.
You know she does her work, she
keeps her head down and stays
out of trouble.
You ever see her mom?
Yea, yea. Uh, I mean... you
know for like the mandatory
parent/teacher type things.
Would you describe
her as a good mom?
I don't think that I know her
well enough to speak on her
character. Um you can really
only really judge a parent on
their child's grades.
And for Halley, uhm, well...
her grades were
through the roof.
You seemed a little
hesitant on that.
Well, for a student
to have the grades that Halley
does, it usually means that the
parent is much more involved in
her life.
What about family
friends or boyfriends.
I remember a guy dropping
her mom off a couple times
for the parent teacher
things she did.
Do you know who?
No, I'm sorry.
Unfortunately I don't.
Do you remember Halley saying
anything that stood out to you?
I remember her talking about
doing homework at her house
and at her mom's work.
Excuse me for one moment.
Study hall? At the racetrack?
Yea we should go there now.
I'm sorry, did you
say racetrack?
Mrs. Dawn works there.
Oh really? I... I had no idea.
You ever go to the racetrack?
Me? No, sorry,
that's not... not for me.
- Thank you.
- Thank you for your time.
Why don't you take
the lead on this one.
CLAYTON: Sorry we don't uh... we don't
open again for another uh... 5 hours
or so.
We're looking for
Maddie Dawn. Is she here?
Yea she's out
back. What's this about?
We just need to ask
her a few questions.
I'm detective Shepherd
and this is detective Willow.
Ok, well, yea she's here. Is
here anything I should know
You know anything
about this track?
I own it.
Oh, you're Mr. Woods?
You must have been
asking around.
Yea we talked to
Maddie earlier today.
You have any
contact outside of work?
What's this about?
We're just trying to
see if you've seen her daughter.
Halley's missing?
You know her?
Yea I'd try to be
nice to her at those parties.
You know, felt bad for her.
Why is that?
Well her mama seemed too
distracted, you know, to really
be a mama.
So you had contact with Halley?
No more than anybody
else at those parties.
What happens at those
racetrack parties?
Well Maddie would
invite everybody over.
Racers, staff, me. We'd sit
around listen to music, drink
beer. Nothing too wild.
Any boyfriends?
I try not to dabble too much,
but she didn't seem to have much
luck with the guys.
Some would say that
you two were a couple.
Yea, well, you know.
Off and on every now and again.
Right now I think I'd describe
us as being on a break.
Mind if we talk to Maddie?
No. Go right ahead.
Wish I was.
Somewhere we're
it wasn't balls-hot.
Can I help you?
Sure I guess.
What do you do around here?
I race. Work on the cars.
Do odd jobs around the track.
You know Maddie Dawn?
Have any opinions about her?
Yea, but there about the same as
what I think about the rest of
the trash that
works around here.
Truman Duncan.
Detective Willow.
That's not good.
Don't meet too many detectives.
I assume something bad has
A lot of bad things
happen around here?
Just the usual.
Drunks, wrecks, fights, checks
bouncing. Nothing to feed my
adrenaline addiction.
Bad joke.
To answer your question,
we're here to help Mrs. Dawn.
Help? In what way?
Halley seems to
have gone missing.
I don't know anything.
People around here
don't really like to talk.
Unless it's about cheating on
their wives with the new
secretary or dealing
drugs down at the truck stop.
You ever talk to Halley?
She is a good kid.
I think she knows she doesn't
have it very good. Smart for a
kid to see that, my kid was like
that. You're partner
is looking for you.
Who was that?
He works here.
We're still working
on some things.
Found this in here.
I had to force her to wear it.
I knew she wouldn't want to.
I didn't want her to get cold.
Did Halley come here a lot?
Yea. It was cheaper
than getting a babysitter.
Is this really the
safest place for a little girl?
Is any place?
What's the next step?
Well there'll be a press
conference and uh, it would be
good if you were there.
You said that your daughter used
to sneak off to your neighbors
a lot.
She may have just ran away
and is still hiding out.
Maybe. She was mad
at me about something.
If I could go back in time, I
would tell myself to
be more patient with her.
You try to do the
best you can, but it's hard.
Sometimes you do or say
things you don't mean to.
Nobody gives you any
instructions on how to be a
parent, especially by yourself.
You know.
I can't think of anyone else.
Nobody really sticks
out in my mind.
What do you think?
I don't want to
talk about the case.
I'll talk about anything
else other than the case.
Alright. How about
some baseball.
What? What made you
want to be a cop?
I'm serious, what made
you want to do this?
You wanted to talk about
something else, this is
something else.
After school, I needed a job.
I met a recruiter. It was a job.
Why are you
so closed off? Why?
You know life isn't as
bad as you make it out to be.
Everything is a fight with you
right now. I'm not the enemy.
I'm sorry your about
your dad passing, ok?
I know it's been a rough year.
It's like you've quit,
on everything.
He wanted me to be a cop.
At least, he always talked about
how much he admired them.
We'd go to parades and
stuff, and he'd say
"look at them, they get to
protect people and take care of
people and make sure nothing bad
ever happens to anyone" and...
At least, that's what I thought
he said when I was a kid.
He didn't think there was
anything higher than being
an officer.
And I just wanted to do anything
I could to make him proud.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna get coffee.
At this hour?
Or a snack, a
magazine, a movie, whatever.
Detective Willow.
Mr. Woods.
How's it going?
Uh, filling up,
same as you.
No I meant uh... with Halley.
I mean I know this ain't some-
thing that a police officer
wants to deal with,
you know I just...
Um, yea I can't
really talk about the case but I
appreciate you asking.
You know what, I'm
so sorry, let me rephrase that.
Is there anyway I can help, I
mean I've known Maddie forever.
- We've had our ups and downs...
- Yeah, sure, sure. honestly just...
Keep an eye out for anything
unusual at the track?
Cases like these she's
probably just real close.
We just need evidence to find
her. She probably just ran away.
You know what, let's hope so.
Well, have a good one.
I've go t to prepay
in here. Haha.
Suspenseful Music
Yesterday was uh...
yesterday was rough.
First day usually is.
You hear me?
And um, I could... I could give
you... give you a thousand reasons
why this is happening.
I could tell you it was
just for the money.
I could tell you...
I could tell you I was
abused as a kid. You know.
And that uh, my stepdad
used to knock me around and...
and that I spent my childhood
trying to find out where my
power was and
were my power disappeared to.
And that the only reason I'm
even doing this is to get that
power back, that
I lost as a kid.
But none of that would
really matter, I don't think.
I think all that really
matters right now is that you
just need to accept that
this is happening.
And that there's nothing you can
do about it. And that you just
need to settle into it.
The only thing you really need
to remember about any of this
is that I'm in charge,
and what I say goes.
And that that man right
over there in that red truck...
is paying with
cash and he's paying today.
How did it go yesterday?
You heard?
Yea, it was in the
paper. It's such a shame.
Yea. No... no luck.
Well I'm sure
something will turn up.
Yeah, me too.
How was your day yesterday?
Didn't do a whole lot.
Just ran some errands.
I do manage to
stay busy without you, you know.
I miss eating with
him. I miss his laugh.
I'll always remember that laugh.
I just can't get to a point
in my day where I don't
miss him.
How are you ok?
You think I'm ok?
Honey I miss your dad more than
you'll ever know.
I miss... him.
But hope is still there.
Thank you.
You have to fight for that.
For hope.
What are you fighting for today?
How's your mom?
Does this work?
Captain wants a
press conference.
After lunch.
Olivia Peterson, we-
Yes I remember.
Oh. I was wondering
if you had any information on...
No, none at all.
We talked to all the people who
knew her best, but you know...
Well, maybe she did
run away, but still...
I know that you're
just trying to be helpful. Um...
if we have anything
we will let you know.
Is this your first time?
What? Working
with cops? No.
I meant a missing
persons case.
A friend of mine worked
one in the county over.
The girl went missing,
and she brought some of us over
as council. We tried to help but
she turned out to be a runaway.
We did find her though, in a
ditch, frozen to death.
Her father was abusive
and she ran away.
She got lost in the
woods in January.
At this point we do not have
any people or person of
interest. We've not ruled out
any situation though, and we are
now searching all the known
whereabouts of Halley.
Where she might have gone,
and where she's been.
We will continue the search.
We have all our people on this.
REPORTER: Is there anything the
community can do at this time?
I'll let Detective
Willow take that.
Yes, if anyone has any
information we ask that you
come forward.
Time is of the essence in cases
like this, the more
time that goes by the...
If you have any information
please call our hotline or email
me directly or Detective
Shepherd, and um Mrs. Dawn has
something to say.
I just like to thank
everybody here for your support
in helping find my daughter.
I'm overwhelmed by the
support here today.
And I know that my
daughter wherever she is,
would be touched as well.
If you have any idea, any sorta
idea at all, about where she
might be, a sighting, or a rumor
or anything, please... please
You look good. I'd hire you.
You already did once.
I still don't know why
you want to leave.
Because I want to
work somewhere, where I'm not
miserable all the time.
You're only miserable
all the time when you think
you're miserable all the time.
There's a little
girl missing. Something very bad
happened to her. I don't want
to surround myself with that.
So you want to
surround yourself
with... insurance.
When we find
Halley... I'm quitting.
Well I'll be here waiting.
INSURER: Pleased to
meet you Miss Willow.
It says here that you're a
detective, is that right?
Yes, I've been with
the department for three years.
And why do you want
to move into insurance?
Um my profession isn't the
most cheerful one. Uhm.
I'd like to do something that...
something that I don't have to
get depressed about.
Well insurance isn't
the most cheerful field either.
People call us when
there house is on fire, or
they've been in a car accident,
or... when they're unhappy with
their insurance payments.
Frankly there's
a lot of paperwork.
Paperwork doesn't shoot back.
Haha that's... good answer!
Um, so, um, so why did you go
into the police field anyway?
I wasn't sure what
I wanted to do. Um... but
if I was going to wander
through life I might as well
help people while I do it.
That's an admirable thought,
but I'm not sure it was yours.
Hey we found
something, we've got to go.
Was there anything in it?
Uh, well there's some
books and papers, and a little
stuffed animal of
something like that.
Well she could have
dropped it running
from someone
or something.
Or she could have
just forgot it accidentally.
Well we're
running it for prints.
We're about halfway between
her house and her mom's work.
What does that say to you.
Well that says
that they stay close.
You know she could
still be a run away.
Or whoever was driving by just
threw it out the window here.
On the way to where?
I don't know. That's the
64,000 dollar question isn't it.
Not so sure you're giving
me a choice on this one.
Not much of a
choice about what?
He's going to be sitting
out of the race tonight.
Yea, we're short on supplies.
I'm the only free hand.
Really. Well that's too bad.
We came to see you race!
You'll just have to
come back next week.
I guess we will.
Yup. Come on.
How long are we
going to be here?
You're not enjoying this?
It's a little loud.
I think I'm going to
give Maddie the backpack.
See if she can find anything.
I'm going to
go find Maddie.
Guess I'll go find Clayton.
But why do I got to be the one
to make the run tonight.
I mean... There's 30 other
drivers out there.
I don't want them
guys touching this one.
Coke? What me... meth?
Guns? I didn't like
those guys that bought them.
I guess if nobody else
will do it, I'll make the run.
Oh well that's good to know.
No it's that bigger thing.
Bigger thing?
Don't act like you ain't heard
the guys talking about it, ok?
We're moving something a
little bit bigger, a little bit
more profitable.
And it's getting dark outside so
you might wanna take off
before it gets
too late, alright?
Late? These guys got a bedtime?
Something like that, yea.
Well, what if I say no.
Oh you can do that if
you want. You can say no.
Hell, you might
able to catch the race.
Ok then I choose that.
Ok well, but let's think
that through for a minute.
Because hypothetically speaking
you will have told me no,
and in a world where I run
everything, you will have openly
made a choice
to make me unhappy.
Then gone out and done some
little activity where half that
audience out there excepts you
to splatter your dumb little
brains all over the track.
I've got 30 guys out there,
every last one of them say yes
to me,
100% of the time.
And you want to
try to be the odd man out.
Boy don't make me... don't make me
have to clean up that mess,
speaking of course.
Yea I wouldn't want
you to have to either.
Good man.
They find Halley yet?
Ok, we can keep my
name out of this right?
I mean there's no need
for me to come up, at all.
I... I had absolutely no idea
that her mom worked there...
Your partner has been shot!
What? Officer down!
Get an ambulance.
Get me an ambulance!
Trying to cash in on a bad bet?
I think I saw her.
I saw Halley...
I saw her.
Were you with him?
Sarah... No.
What happened?
We separated and he...
Where is he?
He's in 517.
Mrs. Shepherd?
I'm sorry. Your
husband didn't make it.
You haven't thrown since...
I know.
What are you going to do?
I don't know, work on my curve.
What do you want from me mom?
They're cop killers and on top
of that they probably moved
Halley very far away,
even if she is still alive.
You know how proud
of you your dad was?
I know you think it's because he
always wanted you to be a cop.
But it isn't.
He was so proud of you...
because of the way
you always cared for others.
He could have cared less if you
were a Walmart greeter or if you
President of the United States.
It was your character
that he was so proud of.
The woman that you have become,
the woman that you are.
What's the point mom?
Do you remember when you cried
when they made you go to
softball league and you
wanted to quit all together?
What did dad say?
He said what's the point.
Quitting would just
prove them right.
Quitting would say, that
the hand you were dealt was the
hand that you deserved.
So you gave yourself up?
I did.
Running drugs and everything?
What about murder?
No, I'm not that low.
Oh I'm sure.
Hey! Racing in small towns
is not the highest paying job.
Everyone at the track
does a side job.
And yours is
being a runner?
Yes. I thought it
would be just that.
That much I could live with.
Then what?
Then it moved up
to guns, then it was just...
Girls? Halley?
I heard rumors. I
swear only rumors.
At the track we don't openly
talk about the moonlighting
But what I did hear at the
garage was that we were moving
into something
bigger altogether.
A job that big,
people don't stay quiet about
something like that.
And you thought
that was the line.
I crossed my line
a long time ago.
The thought of selling
people, made me look back.
And why didn't
you say anything?
About Halley? I
didn't know if someone had her.
I just know what I heard,
and last night...
last night changed things.
You really messed up in life
when you do my line of work.
You think that you're
just getting people high
and no one's
really gonna get hurt.
When I saw her eyes...
Man, I'm not going to stop
thinking about those eyes.
So you saw her then?
He said he saw her too.
Races are busy
times at a racetrack.
It's easy to do deals when
everyone is focused on the cars.
I've done a
ton of runs, but last night
Clayton said she was the run.
He wanted me to take
her down to the truck stop.
Said someone was
going to buy her off of us.
I wouldn't think about
living with myself if I went
through with it.
So I turned around,
went looking for you
and your partner.
What about Clayton?
I'm sure he shot your partner.
And I went out looking for
you and he took Halley in van.
And where do you
suggest we look?
Come on a run
with me later tonight.
No one knows I'm talking to you.
You think they have Halley?
I think they
might know who does.
This doesn't get
you off the hook.
I know.
White car, black stripes.
He said he was on his way.
How long?
Not very.
You ok?
We just met. You're a
criminal that I'm using.
Don't be offended if I don't
want to talk about my feelings.
Excuse me.
Who was it?
I've never seen him before.
What happened?
He didn't want the drugs.
He asked for her by name.
He said he called
last night and talked to Maddie,
before they killed...
Did he look
familiar to you?
No, but he talked
like he knew Halley.
He had a Southside
Elementary sticker on his car.
Mr. Flynn?
Detective Willow,
we met the other day.
Great, how can I help?
We may have had a
break in the case, and I wanted
to ask you a few
questions about that.
Really? Uhm, yea,
anything I can do.
Last night a man
connected to Halley attempted to
buy drugs.
He had a Southside Elementary
School sticker on his car.
I'm going to ask you again.
Do you know anything or
anyone who may have had an
interest in Halley?
What the hell?
I don't have her!
I don't have her!
Shut up!
Where is Halley?
I don't know.
I mean why would I have
asked the racer for her last
night if I already had her.
So what? You just
call someone up and they bring
you one of your students?
And you have
sex with a 12 year old?
And you pay money
to have sex with a 12 year old?
Where does this happen?
Ethan, where do you rape
and molest a child? Halley?
Her house.
Her house?
I... I call her mom.
She gives me a time. I go over.
And I... I leave
money on the table.
You're a teacher.
People trust you
with their kids.
You're supposed to protect them.
Make sure nothing
bad ever happens to them.
I promise you,
everyone will know who you are
and everyone
will know what you did.
I'd like to thank you all for
coming out tonight in the rain.
I don't how many of you believe
in prayer, but I sure do.
I do know that Halley would be
thankful for all you coming out.
You all do so much.
I just ask you to pray
with me one last time.
Dear God, we ask you
to bring dear Halley back to us.
Watch over her, wherever she is.
We thank you for these people,
who've shown their love to this
little girl that isn't
even their own. Amen.
I talked to Mr. Flynn.
I will arrest you in front of
all of your new friends.
Just get in!
What's this about?
How many people did you let
sleep with your daughter?
Your 12 year old daughter.
Where is she? Who is she with?
What did you do you
sick, twisted, awful-
Do you have any
kids detective Willow?
Huh? Do you? You don't know the
first thing about what it takes
to raise another human
being. You have no idea.
Let alone by yourself.
I had Halley when I was 18,
and by the time I was
24 her daddy died.
And what do I
know about raising kids.
You try to provide for 'em,
but you can't because you
don't have make enough money
or... or you're not smart enough
or somewhere along the
way you didn't work hard enough.
It never goes away.
You always
got to pay your debt.
I will never be
able to forget...
I have done some things
that I'm not proud of,
but that does not mean I
don't love my daughter.
Oh judge me all you
want detective...
but you can't judge that.
Where is your
daughter Maddie?
We talked about more money.
I wanted to move to a new house.
And then he got the idea about
the truck stops and there's less
chance of people
recognizing anybody and...
They only drive through
there every once in awhile.
Clayton just took her.
He knew I couldn't say anything.
And then when you guys
couldn't find her-
I will find her
Maddie. I will find her.
And I will make sure that
monsters like you do not get a
happy ending.
I will make sure that you're
put away, to never see the light
of day.
You will not win.
I want you to think
about that tonight,
when you sleep in jail.
I'm sorry this
happened to you.
It's not right.
I wish I could've
seen it sooner.
You've been through so
much and I haven't the slightest
idea what to say to you.
I want you to know that all
people aren't like the ones
you've known.
You've lost so much.
I'm sorry Halley.
I don't know what to say.
Because there's no amount
of explaining that would ever
make this any easier for you.
I'm so angry about
everything that happened to you.
It's not right.
And you have every
right to be angry.
But things will be different
from now on, I promise.
There are good people
in the world, people who will
protect you, and take
care of you and love you.
I promise.