Rig, The (2010)

Coming through 4000'
at 30' per minute.
Copy, 4000 at 30.
Have you got the pipe?
Current's really rough down there.
Oh well, maybe you need
your brother to come do it for you.
Very funny.
Boy, if I miss this
because you can't get through
that thing, it is gonna be your arse.
I'm on it.
Slow to 15. We're almost there.
Copy that.
Slowing to 15.
The location looks perfect.
slow slow...
six, four,
two, one,
and contact.
The pressure's in the green.
Looks good here too.
Aye, temperature, pressure,
head speed... it's all within limits.
The storm's really
picking up.
Jim's gonna make me evacuate.
Well, you know
the rules, man...
women and children first.
Oh, the seabed's venting.
Looks like we got a blowout.
No no, it's a new hole, Colin.
They vent all the time.
No, this is different.
And it's pushing the unit
all over the place.
Well, are you still on it?
Yeah, but it...
it looks purple.
I'm off it.
Hang on.
Something just hit
the ROV.
Aw, I just lost the light.
Okay, we've got another vent.
And it's glowing.
What's glowing?
The venting is glowing.
The light is out
and I can still see.
And it's pooling
around the wellhead.
Hang on.
I'm gonna recycle the light.
Whoa, something just hit the...
I just lost the feed.
You just hit a fish
and broke a quarter-million-dollar
Mr. Fleming, sir,
I just got an update
from the National Weather Service.
They've upgraded the storm again.
It's getting worse.
All right, I need a list of all the rigs
directly in the path of the storm.
- Got it.
- Send out an emergency alert
to all affected rig OIMs. And I want
all handies evacuated by dark.
Freddy, I need to talk to you.
Yeah, I heard you, but unless
the rig's on fire and about to explode,
it's gonna have to wait
till I finish this.
I just need a minute.
Look, this is my job, all right?
Now let me finish my job
and then we can talk about
whatever it is you want to talk about.
Sir, the only rig
that we have
that's in the direct path of the storm
is the Charlie rig.
Then let's evacuate them first,
but all other rigs
within 100 miles on either side of the
storm evacuated as well.
And tell everyone
who stays back on those rigs
to button down.
It's gonna be a rough night.
Colin, I think everything's
gonna fit in there.
What do you want?
Uh, you wanted to talk to me,
It's too late.
Come on, what's up?
Nothing. Forget it.
Is this about you
getting pulled off the rig?
I'll talk to Jim
if you want me to,
but he's just gonna tell you
the same thing...
all non-essential crew get pulled
during a storm like this.
Maybe instead of getting
bent out of shape
you should just work
on being more essential.
It's not just that, Freddy.
I'm tired of being the baby.
I don't know if you've looked
at that little patch of pubes
on your chin recently or not,
but you are the baby on the rig.
That's not what I mean.
Everybody here knows you.
They know me
as the little Brewer.
- What do you want me to do about it?
- Nothing.
As long as we're both on this rig, I'm
always gonna be living in your shadow.
And that's not gonna change.
Is that what you're
so pissed off about?
Yeah, it is.
When I get back to company base,
I'm gonna talk to Ken Fleming
and I'm getting off this rig.
If that's what you want,
I'm not gonna stop you.
Yeah, it is.
You know what Dad once told me
about family?
He said,
"Other things may change
but we start
and we end with family."
I'm still waiting
on those wind speeds.
It's coming, man.
Keep your skirt on.
Kilt. I don't have to
take that from you.
You're nothing but a freaking postie.
And I don't take crap from posties.
What the hell is a postie?
"Thriller," the greatest album
of all time,
was released
in December of 1982.
Therefore anyone born after that date
is considered post-"Thriller"
or a postie and is too young
to be capable of giving me crap.
Man, first of all,
what do you know about good music?
Don't you guys listen
to bagpipe music?
Andrew, give me
some numbers.
Wind speeds are holding up
at 95mph.
Mainland's saying we should be through
the worst of this by the morning.
Assuming we'll make it
through the night.
Make it through the night?
Relax, kid. I've been through
You think if there was any real danger,
I'd let Carey stay onboard?
When I send her home before a storm,
that's when it's time to worry.
Yeah, well, I was raised riding out
storms on wildcat platforms like this.
Yeah, and they all had the same name...
Hurricane Sarah.
Mom is a little more
of a tropical depression.
Yeah, it was depressing
all right.
I haven't said it to her yet.
But you want to, right?
I've never said it
to anyone before.
That's better than me.
I said it to every girl
I ever went to bed with.
Yeah, but did you mean it?
Once. But I married
that baby.
Wallace, why is
the compressor still on?
Uh, I don't know.
So we're still pumping
Tabasco sauce into the rock.
Give me Dobbs on the horn.
Compressor room.
Hey Dobbs, why is
the logging unit still on?
The logging unit?
Sorry, Jim.
That's my fault.
Well, you mind taking care of that
for me right now, please?
I really don't feel like having
a blowout tonight.
Yeah, I'll get on it.
I'm sorry, Dobbs.
Thanks for covering for me.
Look, you stay here
and do the trial work.
And I'll go outside
and take care of it.
Hold on, let me finish this up.
I'll go with you.
Rodriguez, do you copy?
Hold on one sec.
Let's go already.
If you don't like how I do this,
you can come down here
and do it your goddamn self.
Here's what's left
of the camera.
Yo, Dobbs,
the camera's fucking toast.
All right, tell Carey
and head back up.
What the hell is that?
It's fresh poached salmon.
I've got a tangy coconut, coriander
and chili sauce,
fresh asparagus,
fresh potatoes.
I'll have a burger, burnt.
Well, I prepared
fresh poached salmon
with a tangy coconut, coriander
and chili sauce,
with fresh asparagus
and fresh potatoes.
VirgiI, you rock.
Okay, so navy boy likes it.
Special forces.
You wouldn't believe
the things I've had to eat.
You got a ham sandwich
back there, right?
- What's for dinner?
- Some kind of fish, I think.
Everything secure
on the starboard side?
The camera was torn apart,
but I found this
in the casing.
Earl already
come through here?
No. Wasn't he with you?
Control room.
No, he hasn't been
down here.
Yeah, I'll let you know
if I hear from him.
All right. Bye.
Who was that?
- Dobbs.
- What did he want?
Just wanted to know
if we'd seen Earl,
said he hasn't come down
from the logging unit yet,
wondered if we'd heard
from him.
The compressor's still on.
Where is he now?
He's in the galley.
My father's coming to you.
I'm sorry.
What's wrong?
- Jim's coming up here, isn't he?
- Yeah.
I don't care what he says.
I'm hungry.
And I haven't eaten all day.
I'm finishing my food today.
You'd better eat fast.
Stop pacing.
You're just gonna get yourself
all worked up.
I'm already worked up.
Maybe he wouldn't be
so hard on you
if you weren't nailing
his only daughter.
Does everybody know
about me and Carey?
So I guess Jim knows?
That's a safe bet.
Where is Earl?
He went down to turn the compressor off.
He hasn't come back in yet.
You sent him
out there alone?
Why the hell
didn't you go with him?
All right, that's it.
I want you and Rodriguez outside
right now looking for him.
The rest of you... I want you
to scour this ship up and down.
That goes for you too, Virg.
Come on, let's go.
Are you in here, man?
Yo, Earl.
Oh, whoa whoa,
what have we here?
Jesus, Earl.
Nothing yet.
We're gonna go check
the logging unit.
Earl. Earl.
Earl, are you back here?
You were scared, eh?
It's not funny.
Hey, it's payback
for the ham sandwiches.
wait till I tell everybody
about this.
The logging unit
was never shut down.
He never made it that far.
Meet me in my office.
- Hey, Colin, it's me.
- Hey.
I just wanted to make sure
you got to the operations center okay.
Yeah, I'm fine.
I thought about
what you said earlier and...
do you really want
off the rig?
Yeah, I'm gonna talk to Mr. Fleming
about it in a few minutes.
All right.
For what it's worth,
I'm sorry that things didn't
work out the way we'd hoped.
If you really want to do this
I guess I understand.
Colin, you're my
little brother, okay?
You're my responsibility.
If I was driving you nuts...
...it's just because
I love you.
Colin, are you there?
God damn it.
- Copy?
- I've got nothing over here.
Man, nothing over here too.
We lost comms.
Well, we knew that was a possibility.
No need to panic.
- Famous last words.
- You pansy.
All right, well, I'm gonna go check
the eco report from the new satellite.
So if anything else comes up,
you guys let me know.
Will do.
Have a seat.
We lost contact
with the mainland.
So we're not gonna be able get any help
looking for Earl
untiI after the storm passes.
I want you to take a look
at this.
What is it?
It's a letter I had to send
to the family of a good man
I lost nine years ago.
You ever have to send
a letter like that?
You ever met
Earl's wife Jeannie?
A hell of a woman.
He's got a daughter Sophia.
She's 12 years old,
a beautiful child,
smart as a whip.
What do you want me to say?
I want you to understand
that when you lead people
in a place like this
that your actions and decisions
can have long-ranging repercussions
that can affect the lives of people
you never even met before.
Now we've got rules and protocol
for a reason.
And when you break 'em,
I gotta write letters like this
to little girls who are gonna
grow up without a daddy.
You need to start taking
responsibility seriously, son.
Now go on,
get the hell out of my office.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Thanks, man.
Oh, that's wonderful.
And I can open
a freaking window in here.
I know. Smells like kangaroo pouch.
It's pretty bad.
It's about to get worse too.
Aren't you a bit old
to be reading comic books?
You know what? First off,
they're not comic books, okay?
Pay attention. These are graphic
novels. They're a little different.
And no, I'm not.
I'll be back in five.
Hey, take your time, man.
You don't want to rush with that.
Come in.
I don't think your father
likes me very much.
Yeah, I know he can be
a little direct.
You find out what happened
to that camera?
Everything turn out all right
with the eco report?
Yeah, we're clean.
It's just...
I don't know, these readings
don't make any sense.
So we're drilling
in a bad area?
The equipment's
working correctly,
but it's bringing back this...
yeah, I don't know.
One more thing.
Come on, come on.
Nice nice.
Yeah, Papi.
Come on, Papi.
Give it to me hard.
Come in.
Mr. Fleming, can I talk to you
for a minute?
Yeah, but make it quick.
I'm Colin Brewer,
information systems on Charlie rig.
I was gonna see...
I was hoping to get assigned
to another rig.
You want to get off Jim's rig?
Yes, sir.
That's gotta be a first.
Sit down.
I've got a list of people
trying to get on that rig
and you want to get off it?
Well, it has nothing to do
with the way Jim runs his rig.
It's more family-related.
What did you say
your last name was?
- Brewer.
- Related to Fred Brewer?
Yeah, Freddy's my brother.
I know Freddy.
He's a good man.
Jim speaks
very highly of him.
If you're half as valuable
as Fred,
well, Jim's gonna be very
disappointed to see you go.
Colin, right?
I understand something about
working with family.
So I want you to sleep on it.
And if you feel the same way
we'll talk about it then.
- Deal.
- Get out of here.
Thank you, sir.
I'm sorry about Earl.
Me too.
We work in a dangerous place.
I know.
So I guess there's not much I can say
to make you feel better.
Mm, you smell like a roughneck.
I am a roughneck.
I know.
I like it.
Carey, open up.
I need to talk to you for a minute.
Dad, hang on a second.
Who were you just talking to?
No one.
Wait, Dad.
- He knows?
- Yeah. I gotta go talk to him.
Excuse me,
do you think you're done
with your workout?
I'm just taking a breather.
You'd better be.
Dad, you can't possibly be upset.
You knew about us.
Sweetheart, I'm your father.
I've got every right
to be upset.
I think I'm capable
of making my own choices.
I know that.
Look, it's just that...
I want something more
for you than this.
Is this where you tell me that no man
is good enough for his daughter?
Oh no, there is a man out there
who's good enough for you,
- but it's just not him.
- He's a good guy.
I know that. Sweetheart,
this has nothing to do with him.
How are you holding up?
I'm all right.
That bad, huh?
I've been around, Dobbs.
Things happen.
You're not supposed
to like 'em.
I know.
One time in the Philippines
we were supposed to free up
a group of American
and British hostages.
As we were advancing,
one of our guys
took a bullet to the head...
killed him instantly,
a lucky shot really.
He was my friend.
One moment he's just moving
ahead of me,
the next moment
he's gone forever.
We're not at war, Faulkner.
It's an oiI rig. It's just a job.
See, that's not the point.
Bad things will happen to you
in your life.
It is how you respond to them
that's going to determine
your character
from the day you're born
till the day you die.
But that doesn't make it
any easier.
It never does.
You're a good person, Dobbs,
with a lot of potential.
If I didn't think so,
I wouldn't be wasting my breath on you.
- Thanks.
- Don't mention it.
Are you gonna read that book all night
or do you want to play some cards?
Now, see, I want to take
your money.
I want more for you than to end up
the wife of an oilman.
This is a hard life.
We're away for weeks
at a time.
It's hell on a woman.
Look what it did to my marriage.
Okay, no, first of all,
I'm not Mom.
And second, there's a long way to go
for me to get married.
Honey, I'm just trying
to give you some advice
and a few things
that I learned in this life.
I mean, that's what fathers
are supposed to do.
You've got a bright future
ahead of you
and I want you to make
the most of it.
I know you do.
And one other thing...
when you see Dobbs...
this rig is like my house.
What goes on here
goes on under my roof.
And you two need
to respect that.
Of course I do.
Get over here,
you doe-eyed smartass.
Go on, take a walk.
I'm busy.
All right.
I love you, Dad.
I love you too, baby.
I assume you took care of everything
and he loves me now.
Not quite.
I'm his daughter. This is his rig.
What do you expect?
See, that's a good girlfriend...
getting us some brownies.
Aw, honey.
They're not for you.
Oh, how did you get
so many kings?
I fold.
- Having fun?
- Mm-hmm.
I hate this game.
Help me!
Kyle, please help! Help!
Help! It's my dad.
- Where is he?
- In his office.
- The window.
- Please. Please.
Let's get her out of here.
Do you think this has
something to do with Earl?
I think it definitely has something
to do with Earl.
I'll call the crew up.
Sweetheart, I'm your father.
I've got every right
to be upset.
I think I'm capable of making
my own choices.
No, first of all,
I'm not Mom.
- Where is he? Where is he?
- Come on.
No one's answering
from the control room.
Try the gym.
No one's answering.
I'll try the galley.
Then where is everybody?
I don't know.
Well, we have to go
check the rig.
We're going to search the rig,
make sure everybody else is okay.
Take whatever you can
as a weapon.
You don't know
who we'll be meeting out there.
Let's go.
- You got a problem?
- What's with the lamp?
What have you guys
been doing?
What's wrong with you guys?
How long have you guys
been here?
I don't know.
An hour and a half,
two hours.
We think Jim is dead.
You think?
It looks like
someone killed him.
What do you mean,
someone killed him?
There's blood all over his office and
the blood traiI leads out the window.
If you guys are pulling
some kind of joke, this isn't funny.
No, it's not a joke.
What did the mainland say?
The radio is out.
We're gonna go
to the control room next.
Well, we're not doing
any good here.
It's just like Jim's office.
Help me over here.
Something's blocking the door.
- Andrew.
- Freddy?
What the hell
are you doing?
Oh man, I'm sorry, dude.
I didn't know that was you.
A life vest? Really?
It was all I had.
Did you guys
kill that thing?
What thing?
What the hell are you talking about?
The thing, man.
I saw it kill Wallace.
I've never seen
anything like it before, man.
It had claws.
It kind of looked like
the Mexican chupa thing.
You know, the Mexican thing.
I'm Puerto Rican, asshole.
Okay, whatever it was,
it was fierce.
It tore Wallace apart.
Why didn't it get you?
Because I ran.
I dived into here.
I just barely got away.
Where did it go?
I don't know.
We have a security camera.
Maybe we can see it
on one of those.
There, the lower
right-hand corner.
I don't see shit.
Try another camera.
Maybe we'll get a better image.
This is camera C,
portside aft corner,
at roughly the same time.
That's it.
That's what I saw.
What the hell is that thing?
I told you guys.
When is the rest of the crew
coming back?
When the storm ends.
Well, the weather service said
that the storm should
pass through by morning.
Maybe that thing
will just go away.
Obviously we didn't
bring it out here with us.
- Well, then what the hell is it?
- Does it matter?
He's right.
How are we gonna kill
that thing?
There's a speargun
next to the scuba gear.
It'll have to do.
No, my dad has a gun.
It was a gift from my uncle
when he got the rig.
He keeps it in his state room.
So let's go get it.
Stick together, no stragglers.
I'll take the lead.
Faulkner, you and Freddy
watch the rear.
Hey hey, fuck you, no.
Women are not gonna be in the middle.
No offense, Andrew.
Whatever, man.
I don't mind being in the middle.
I'll take the lead.
You cocksuckers
try and keep up.
It's locked.
This way.
We need to keep moving.
Where's the gun?
It's in the box on the desk.
Nice. What is that?
A trigger lock.
It doesn't do us much good
like that.
Check the desk.
There's nothing here.
Wait, it's probably
on his keychain.
He always keeps it
on a hook in his office.
Why don't you all
go up ahead?
I'm going to go get
that speargun.
We need to stick together.
No, I need to be
on my own.
Look, I don't know
what this thing is,
but it's not here for food.
It likes to kill us.
And it's doing it
one by one.
Character, Dobbs.
I hunt alone.
Stick together.
Like he says,
you're safer as a group.
We can't worry about him.
We need that key.
Hey, instead of running around,
how about we just go to the control room
and barricade ourselves in?
We will, but we need
this gun for protection.
Let's go.
If we cut through here,
we'll get there faster.
Let's do it.
- Wait here.
- No no, I'm going in.
Do you know
where he keeps them?
The thing about my dad...
a creature of habit.
I love you, Dad.
I love you too, baby.
Got it.
We gotta go.
Are we good?
Yeah, we're good.
We've still got to check in on VirgiI.
Hey man, why don't we just
go lock ourselves
in the control room
like you said?
You go wait in the control room.
We'll meet you there.
Wait up.
Rodriguez, Andrew, watch the front
while we search the place.
Watch the front?
Don't be such a sissy.
Wait, at least
give me the gun.
Listening to Dobbs
is gonna get us killed,
I'm telling you.
Who elected him the leader?
You're, like, the wussiest person
I've ever met.
- Chicken.
- I'm not a chicken, okay?
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.
What was that?
I don't know.
What are you doing?
Don't go down there.
You hear a noise, you're gonna
go down there and check on it?
Fine. You're right.
Of course I'm right. If anything,
you should be going away from the noise.
Run, Andrew! Run!
Help! Guys guys guys!
It's out here!
- Why didn't you help her?
- I tried.
- You liar!
- I did. She told me to run.
That's her blood.
That's enough!
Come on, that's enough.
You little shit.
Whoa whoa,
where are you going?
I'm gonna find this thing
and I'm gonna kill it.
Freddy, please.
What the hell, man?
Over here.
- Careful.
- It hurts, man. It hurts.
- I got it. I got it.
I'm sorry.
Well, what do we do now?
We sit here and wait.
This thing's not gonna
leave us alone.
We're safer in here
than we are out there.
He's not going anywhere
like that.
I just don't like
being boxed in here like this.
He's having an allergic reaction.
We have to get him
an adrenalin shot now.
In the sickbay?
Damn it.
He's struggling to breathe.
If we don't...
I know.
I'll go get it.
I'll go with you.
Well, I can get on the monitors
and watch for this thing.
What about you guys in here?
Take the gun.
We'll be fine.
We'll get you help, Andrew.
Hang in there.
We need to go under the rig.
We need to go under the rig
to avoid this thing.
It's longer,
but it's the safest way.
Carey, we're going
under the rig.
I don't have cameras
under there.
I know.
Jeez, where have you been?
You're being hunted.
Keep moving.
Okay, I've got it portside.
Stay out of that area.
There's another one.
There's two of them.
They got Faulkner.
- Is this it?
- Yes yes.
Give him the shot.
Is he gonna be all right?
I don't know.
You didn't happen to get
any bandages for his leg, did you?
I thought I'd ask.
What happened?
Get him up!
Come on, come on.
Okay, here we go.
He's dead.
Shit. Okay.
Here here.
Come on, come on, come on.
Shh. Shh.
- It's clear.
- Are you sure?
It went over the side.
- Do you think it's gone for good?
- I doubt it.
What the hell
do we do now?
We gotta kill it.
Or it's gonna kill us.
I'm gonna wait up on the helicopter pad
with a bunch of pipes and knives.
And when it comes, I'm gonna
go to town on that motherfucker.
We could.
But I doubt pipes and knives
are gonna do the trick.
Well, aren't there some chemicals
or something we can use?
This is an oiI rig.
We gotta have something.
A bunch of metal tools.
You want to throw wrenches at it?
No. I don't know.
What about natural gas?
You want to blow the rig?
- I like it.
- No no no no.
We pump gas into an area,
we lure the thing in there,
and we burn it to a crisp.
- Yeah, we can do that too.
- Yeah, I can get the rig online.
We can redirect the gas
to whatever line we want.
- How long will that take?
- 15-20 minutes.
Good. Freddy,
we need some flare guns.
We have that
in the emergency kit.
All right.
How are we gonna
lure it there?
One thing at a time.
Let's get moving.
Oh! Fucking...
Fuck you.
No flare gun.
Found the flares.
It'll have to do.
Be careful that doesn't
go off by accident.
Good call.
How are we doing?
Almost there.
So how are we gonna
lure it in?
Well, I figured you and I
keep watch on the drill deck.
Carey, you watch the monitors.
When we see this thing,
we use ourselves as bait.
That's what I was afraid of.
I love you.
I love you too.
Good luck.
Thanks. You too.
I don't suppose we could hope
this thing gave up on us.
I wouldn't count on it.
Guys, I got something.
What is it?
Movement on
the northeast corner.
Freddy, that's you.
I don't see anything.
It was just a shadow,
but it was definitely movement.
I've got an idea.
I'm gonna kill this thing.
- Carey, what do you see?
- I don't know. I've lost it.
Carey, I'm coming to you.
Where's Freddy?
He's gone. I'm coming to you,
and coming to you fast.
Are you okay?
Listen, we can still kill
this thing, all right?
We can do this.
- Let's go.
- Uh-huh.
Oh shit.
Charlie rig,
this is Weyland base command.
Roger that. The weather is clear.
What's your ETA?
- It's rescue 1-5.
- I'll take it.
Rescue 1-5,
this is Ken Fleming at base.
Copy, Mr. Fleming.
This is 1-5.
We're approaching
Charlie rig now.
Do you see any of the crew?
Sir, I've got one person
on the helipad.
It's a female, Caucasian.
Anyone else, 1-5?
Sir, this is Rescue 1-5, copy.
Go ahead, 1-5.
the girl is hysterical, sir.
She's saying
the crew is dead.
She says
they're all gone.
John, get her back here, okay?
This is base.
The rig's systems are offline.
It looks like a substantial blow.
And as soon as everybody
gets on site, you call me.
Colin, come in here.
John, excuse us.
What's going on?
I gotta be straight
with you, son.
We just got an automatic
emergency message from your rig.
Colin, I'm sorry.
I should have stayed.
You did exactly what you were
supposed to do.
Your brother did exactly
what he was supposed to do.
I know these rigs.
And I know Jim.
The storm did not cause
that explosion.
That rig was blown
for another reason.
- And I'm gonna go find out why.
- I'm going.
No, you're staying here.
I have to go.
I have to bring
my brother home.
Oh my God.
That's for my brother,
you ugly son of a bitch.
Are you still looking
for that transfer?
'Cause I'm coming with you.