Right on Track (2003)

Girl: Vroom!
[Dog Barks]
Speeding Down
The Track.
The Other Car
Pulls Out In Front
What Will
Terry Mcconey Do?
She's Gonna Hit
That Cat
And, Oh, Look!
Erica Wins!
Whoo-Hoo! Race Is
Over. I Gotta Go.
Dad, Can I
Please Go?
No, Monkey,
Not This Time.
Oh, Come On, Now.
Be Good.
Now, Come On!
Daddy's Gotta Run.
Come On!
Jump! Ohh!
Oh, That's My Girl.
Rock And Roll,
Daddy! Sic 'Em!
Hey, Erica.
Still Got Your
Training Wheels On.
You Big Baby!
Yeah! [Laughs]
I Can Beat You!
Can Too!
Oh, Yeah?
Race Me
To The Mailbox.
Announcer: ...And Next Up,
In Lane 2, Gregg Enders.
In Lane 1, Erica Enders.
Well, Erica, That's Very Good.
Thank You, Ma'am.
It's A Four-Link
1,000 Horsepower,
A 235-Inch Wheelbase,
Weighs 1,700 Pounds
And Can Go Up To
180 Miles Per Hour.
Erica: Come On, Mom!
It's A New League!
They Just Started.
They're Called
Junior Dragsters.
The Roll Cage
Withstands Crashes
Up To 250 Miles An Hour!
And The Car Only
Goes About 60.
Absolutely Not.
I'll Have A Fire Suit.
And A 5-Point
All Right! All Right!
Give It A Rest, Please.
I Do Not Like
To Be Ganged Up On.
I Think It's Dangerous.
Please, Mom. Please.
Please, Oh, Please.
Just Get Ready
For Bed.
Come On.
Thanks A Lot,
Am I Being
That Big Of A Witch?
[Both Laugh]
It Just
Scares Me, Gregg.
Honey, They've Got
Rules Up To Here
To Keep Them Safe.
The Playground's
More Dangerous.
Well, It's Something
She Wants To Do!
I Mean, It's Not
Like It's A Dress
Or A Toy
Or Something.
It's Something She
Really Wants To Do.
A Big Difference.
Would You Be
So Against It
If She Wanted
To Take
Violin Lessons?
When Did Anyone
Ever Get Killed
Playing A Violin?
Well, If It Was
Dangerous, Would
I Let Her Do It?
Announcer: Welcome, Folks,
To The First Ever
N.H.R.A. Junior
Drag Racing Event.
Now, After Nearly 50 Years
Of Organized Drag Racing,
Kids Ages 8 To 16 Will Finally
Have The Opportunity To Drive
Real Dragsters Down
The Same Drag Strip
As The Professionals.
I Got It! I Got It!
I Got It!
I See It.
I See It.
You Think That's
A Good Idea?
Letting A Little Girl
Go Out There?
Well, Let's Wait
Until The End
Of The Race
And Then You
Can Tell Me.
It's Not That Pink.
Woman: Where'd You Get
That Paint Job?
[Engine Idles]
Rock And Roll,
Stick 'Em!
I'm Going To Win, Dad.
And In Lane 2, Eric Enders.
Excuse Me.
It's Erica Enders.
Is That A Girl?
I Guess That
The Color
Of The Car, Huh?
Ha Ha.
Correction There,
In Lane 2,
Erica Enders.
Ha Ha.
[Engine Revs]
Dad, It's A Girl.
What If I
Get Beaten By A Girl?
You'll Be Fine.
Just Do Your Best.
A Good Race, Son.
Announcer: And First Up
In Lane One, Randy Coats.
Yeah! Whoo!
You Won!
You Were
So Good Today.
Dad, Look!
Oh, That One's
For The Nationals,
I Want To Win
That, Dad.
Well, We'll See.
Don't You Think
I Can Do It?
I Didn't Say That.
It's Just That
Every Kid Who Gets
Behind The Wheel
Of One
Of Those Cars Thinks
The Same Thing.
And I Mean Kids
From All
Over The Country.
I Can Tell
You, Honey.
A Big Difference
Between Wanting
And Actually
Getting It.
You Wait And See.
I'm Going To Win That.
Erica: Yes!
It's Perfect!
I Love This Car!
Now, Erica, There's
Some Things On This Car
That Are Different
From The Other One.
First Of All, That Throttle
Is A Lot More Sensitive
Than The Other One.
Daddy, I Know All This.
Stop Rolling
Your Eyes And Listen.
Ha Ha Ha!
You Know, Moving Up
To This Age Group
Is Going To Be
A Lot More Work.
I Know.
A Lot Of Traveling.
And The Competition's
You're Not
Going To Be Bringing
Home Trophies
Every Week Right Away.
I Know.
And We Expect You Both
To Keep Up In School.
No Problem.
Straight As.
You Can Race Out Of State.
A "B" On Your Report Card
And You Stay
Right Here In Houston.
Any Cs, And These Cars
Go Up On Blocks.
We're Serious About This.
Don't Just Say Ok.
We're Making
A Contract Here
And We Expect You Both
To Keep It.
Announcer: Well, It's Another
Beautiful Day For Racing
Here In Houston, Texas.
And We've Seen
Some Pretty Talented,
Young Drivers Leading Up
To Today's Big Final.
Now, Keep In Mind,
They Go At Pretty Fast Speeds.
And Some Of These Drivers
Don't Even Have
Driver's Licenses!
[Revs Engine]
Announcer: Well,
Here It Is, Folks.
This Is The One
You've Been Waiting For.
Today's 2 Finalists.
In Lane One, It Will Be
Erica Enders.
And, Taking The Lane 2
Position, Jordy Knowlton.
You Race Fans May Recognize
Jordy's Crew Chief
As His Daddy, Big Time,
Top Fuel National Runner Up,
Rusty Knowlton.
That Little Girl Of Yours
Isn't Going To Cry
When My Jordy Beats
Her Butt, Now, Is She?
Announcer: And This Is It!
Both Cars Are Now Staged.
Let's See Who's Going
To Take Home This Trophy.
Ahh! No!
Announcer: The Winner,
Jordy Knowlton.
Yeah! Ha Ha!
Make Sure You Take
A Box Of Tissues
With You.
Whoo Hoo!
Man: Hey, There
He Is! Jordy!
Second Man:
Great Job! Great Job!
Piece O' Cake!
This Kid Great?
I Told You
He Was Going
To Win!
Come On.
Go Shake Hands.
No. He's A Jerk.
That's Not
The Point, Honey.
At The End Of The Day,
Winning And Losing
Is Not As Important
As Being
The Best Person You Can.
So, Jerk Or Not,
You're Gonna Go Over There
And Shake His Hand.
Come On.
Come On!
This Is Pretty.
Good Race.
Rusty: You Show Me
A Good Loser,
I'll Show You
A Loser.
This Ain't
For Little Girls.
So, Young Lady,
Why Don't You Do Us,
And The Sport,
A Favor
And Get Out Now.
You're Right. They're Jerks.
Cut It Out!
That Is So Annoying.
Did You Get
To 5.0 Yet?
Not Yet.
Come On.
Let Me Try.
Oh, Please!
Please! Please!
Please! Please!
Ok, Ok! Here!
Thank You.
You Didn't!
It Took Me Almost
An Hour To Get 5.35.
This Is Boring.
Daddy! I Think
This Thing's Defective!
Janet Lee:
It's Late, Honey.
Time For Bed.
Just A Few
More Minutes.
It's A School Night.
[Whining] Mom.
You Can't Win
All The Time, Erica.
Are You Gonna Be
Like This Every
Time You Lose?
'Cause I'm Not Gonna
Put Up With It.
It's Just A Race.
I Know.
I Just Really Hate
To Lose, That's All.
And That Jordy Kid Is--
Then Why Do
You Do It?
Are The Trophies
Really Worth
What You're Putting
Yourself Through?
It's Not Just
The Trophies.
Then What Is It?
Well, I Mean--
[Sighs] This Might
Sound Stupid.
But When I'm Out There
On The Track,
And I'm Sitting
In The Driver's Seat
There, I Just--
Don't Laugh.
I Won't.
I Just Feel Like...
Like That's Where I Belong.
I Mean, Ever Since
I Was Little
And I'd Sit In Daddy's Car
In The Driveway There.
I Don't Feel Like
I Belong Any Place Else.
What, Honey?
Sometimes, It
Kinda Scares Me.
When I See Other Kids
Doing Stuff And--
All I Want To Do
Is Race, Mom.
Sometimes I Feel Like
I'm Some Kind Of Alien
Or Something.
You're Not
An Alien, Honey.
You're Just
A Little Different
Than Most Girls.
And At Your Age,
Being Different
Can Be Pretty
But Don't Make It
Any Rougher
On Yourself
Than It Already Is.
No One Wins
All The Time, Honey.
Come On.
Get To Bed.
Vroom! Vroom!
So, Did You Win?
Don't Do That.
Boy, I Can't Wait
Till I Get To Drive
One Of These.
You Got A Couple
Of Years.
When I Get Mine,
We Can Race.
Uh, No Way.
I'll Still Be
In A Different Age Class,
So Forget It.
But We'll Have The Same
Kind Of Car.
Forget It.
'Cause When I Beat You,
I'll I Did Is Beat
A Little Kid,
And If, And I Do Mean If,
By Some Miracle, You Beat Me,
Then I Got Beat
By A Little Kid.
It's A No-Win Situation
For Me.
You Really Crack Me Up,
You Know That?
You Take It So Serious.
How Am I Supposed
To Take It?
It's Just A Race.
When You Lose A Race--
Which Is Rare.
Ok. But Even When You
Win, Like, If You Get
A Lousy Time On The
Trials Or Something,
You Mope Around,
Slam Doors, And Stuff.
I Do Not.
Do To.
Courtney, Do Me
A Big Favor.
Got Out Of My Car.
All: Repos.
All: Fatigu.
All: Content.
All: Trist.
All: Agit.
All: Tranquille.
All: Furieux.
All: Rationnel.
Welcome Back, Race Fans,
To Texas Raceway
In Dallas, Texas.
Let's Go!
Announcer: Lane One,
Courtney Enders.
And Courtney Wins
With A Time Of 8.99!
And That Breaks The Previous
Record That Was Held By,
That's Right, Her Big
Sister, Erica Enders.
How About That?
That's What We Call
Keeping It In The Family.
Wow! Did You See
That? Did You See
That, Huh? Huh?
Now We're Both
In The Record Books.
Isn't That Great?
What's The Matter?
You Had A Good Time,
That's All.
That's All?
That's All.
Why Do You Waste
Your Time Putting
On Makeup Like That
When All You're Gonna Do
Is Put On A Helmet,
And Nobody Even Knows?
So What?
Hi, Erica.
Jerry Tramel.
I Interviewed You
For National
Dragster Magazine.
Hey, Mr. Tramel.
I'll Be Out In A Sec.
Uh, Actually I'm Here
To Talk To Your Sister.
Oh. Ok.
For You.
Try Not To Mess Up
Your Hair.
Courtney, Hi.
Couple Questions
For You.
Of Course,
I'm Happy For Her.
I Mean,
She's My Sister,
And I Love Her,
And It's Just That...
She Just Drives Me
Crazy Sometimes.
Don't Let Her.
I Can't Help It.
And It's Not Like She
Does It On Purpose.
At Least,
Not All The Time.
Like Today.
When I Get Interviewed,
I Get All Nervous,
And I Usually
Just Stutter,
And My Mouth Gets Dry,
Like I Don't Know What.
I've Seen It,
But Courtney, You Know,
It's Like Nothing
To Her.
Even Racing.
I Mean, She Tries Half
As Hard As I Ever Did,
And She's Just As Good
As I Was At Her Age.
I Mean, Everything Comes
So Much Easier For Her.
Well, She Had
A Pretty Big Advantage.
She Had You To Teach
Her A Lot Of Stuff.
I Mean, She's Good,
But She's A Lot Better
Because Of You.
You Know, For A Boy,
You Say Some Pretty
Intelligent Things
Once In A While.
I'll Take That
As A Compliment.
Should I Leave?
I Don't Want To Wreck
Your Love Life.
I Gotta Have One
Before You Can Wreck It.
I'm Gonna Find You
A Girlfriend.
Me? What About You?
Where's Your Boyfriend?
I'm Away Racing
Every Weekend.
Not Every Weekend.
I Don't Know What It Is.
I Mean, Maybe
They're Intimidated
Or Something.
'Cause They're Just Getting
Their Learner's Permit,
And You've Been Racing
Dragsters Since You Were 8.
[Horn Honking]
I Can't Even Get Them
To Talk To Me,
And She's Got Them
Hanging All Over
The Place.
I Don't Get It.
Well, It's Simple.
She Loses.
Down, Girl, Down.
Just Looking.
Well, Push Your Eyeballs
Back In.
It's Time To Practice.
Check It Out.
It's Our Racer Girl.
She Thinks
She's So Cool.
Yeah, Big Deal.
She Drives A Car.
Think She Chews
Tobacco, Too?
The Second One
Of Them Breaks
A Nail,
They'll Call 911.
Besides, They're
Just Jealous.
Why? They're
The Popular Ones.
Just 'Cause They're
Doesn't Mean
Anybody Likes Them.
[Whistle Blows]
Let's Go, Ladies!
2 Lines.
Outside Hitting.
Let's Go! Let's Go!
Decide To Come
Out For A Real
Sport, Erica?
If You Get Winded
Or Anything,
Take A Break.
Are You Saying What
I Do Is Not A Sport?
Well, It Doesn't
Take A Lot Of
Athletic Ability
To Sit
On Your Butt.
Don't Forget,
She Has To Step
On The Gas, Too.
Ever Drive A Dragster?
The G-Forces Are So Intense,
It Slams You Into The Seat.
You Can't Breathe, Literally
'Cause Of The Pressure
On Your Lungs.
Makes It Kind Of Hard To
Move Your Head And Arms,
And, Believe Me,
You Gotta Do Both.
So You Really Have
To Develop Your Arm
And Shoulder Muscles,
And As For Hand And Eye
You Make A Mistake,
You Lose A Point.
I Make A Mistake,
Someone Can Get Hurt.
So, Sorry. I Gotta
Disagree With You.
It Does Take A Little
Athletic Ability To Do
What I Do.
Coach: Very Good, Erica!
Oh, Man.
Can You Tell Me What's
Wrong With This Picture?
I Give Up.
What's Wrong?
We've Got Almost
The Exact Same Times,
Exact Same Records,
And Look.
Jordy Got, Like,
A Million Sponsors,
And I Can't Even Get One.
Is That What's
Bothering You?
Yes. I See It
All The Time.
There's Kids Here,
Kids I've Beaten,
And They've All
Got Sponsors.
Because They're Boys.
That's The Only Reason.
It's Not Fair.
I'm Sorry, Dad.
I Mean, I Know It's
A Lot Of Money--
You Let Me Worry
About That.
But You Wouldn't Have To
If I Could Get A Sponsor.
I'm As Good As,
Or Better Than,
Those Kids,
And They've All
Got Sponsors.
It's Just Because
I'm A Girl.
And It's Not Fair.
I'll Tell You What.
I'll Have A Talk
Tomorrow With Mr. White
About Sponsorship,
And You
Just Keep Racing.
How'd It Go?
Erica: What'd They Say?
Did You Get It?
I'm Sorry,
I Had A Long Talk
With Mr. White,
And He Said That
His Company Couldn't
Sponsor You Because,
Well, At Least
He Was Honest,
He Said There's
A Lot Of People
Out There
Kind Of Upset
Because You Keep
Beating The Boys.
Just Give It Time,
When You Get Closer
To The Nationals,
They Won't Be Able
To Ignore You.
Why Are People
Like That?
People Are Slow
To Change Sometimes.
Anything New
Or Different
Kind Of Frightens Them.
And You Are
Different, Honey.
Now, I Know You're
Not The Most Patient
Person In The World.
Neither Am I.
So You Get It
But You're Just
Gonna Have To Wait.
They'll Come Around.
Thanks For Trying,
Are You Hurt?
No. I'm Fine.
I'm Fine.
Are You Sure?
I'm Fine.
I'm Fine.
Are You Sure?
All Right. Let's Get
Back To Practice.
Here. You Should
See A Doctor.
I'm Fine.
You Can't Even
Lift Your Arm.
If I Tell My Parents,
They Won't Let Me Race
This Weekend.
So, Take A Weekend Off.
Ok. Ok.
Ridiculous Thought.
Hey, Hon.
Erica Hurt Herself
At Volleyball Today.
She's Got A Bruise
On Her Shoulder
The Size Of An Orange.
Why Didn't She
Say Something?
Why Do You Think?
It's Too Much
For Her, Gregg.
She's Gotta Cut Back
On The Racing.
She'll Never Make
The Nationals
If She Does That.
I Don't Care About
The Nationals, Gregg.
I'm Worried About Her.
You're Pushing Her
Too Hard.
Honey, The Only One
Pushing Erica Is Erica.
Oh, You Help, Gregg.
You Do.
I Just Want Her
To Be Good.
For Who?
You Or Her?
You Know, When She
First Started, I Admit,
I Was A Little Jealous.
And, At First, I Thought...
Well, Let's Face It,
She's A Better Driver
Than I Ever Was.
But That Wasn't It, Honey.
It Was Her Passion.
That Kid Has An Honest
To God Passion For This,
And She's Known It
Since She Was 8 Years Old.
She's Still A Kid.
I Know.
But, Hon,
The First Time
She Got Behind A Wheel,
I Could See That She
Knew How To Do Things
That Can't Be Taught.
Only The Best Drivers
Have That...
That...That Instinct.
You Have It
When You're Born,
And It Seems To Me,
If God Gives You
A Natural Talent Like That,
It Has To Be
But It's Just That She's
Going Through Such
A Rough Age For A Girl.
And Then She's Got
To Cope With Stuff
That Most Kids Don't.
I Hate To Think
She's Missing Out
On Being A Kid.
If Erica Or Courtney
Ever Want To Quit Racing,
I Am Not Gonna Stand
In Their Way.
Announcer: Welcome To Today's
Time Trials, Folks.
These Young Drivers Will
Be Racing Against The Clock
And Trying To Keep
From Being Eliminated.
Those With The Best Times
Go On To Race Another Day,
So Every Millisecond Counts.
Jordy, You've Really
Been Ripping It Up
In The Northeast,
What Brings You
Down To Houston?
Well, My Sponsor
Sent Me Down
For The Spring Series.
That Was
So Good Today.
I Know.
Gonna Take It
A Little Easy Out
There Today?
What Is He
Doing Here?
You Just Made
The Cover Of
Junior Dragster
For The Third
Straight Month.
Jordy: Yeah.
Who Else?
What Do You Want
To Bet I Get Him
In The Time
Trials Tomorrow?
And This Time,
He's Not
Gonna Know
What Hit Him.
Not A Good Idea
To Take This Stuff
I Can't Help It.
I Still Get
About The Time
He Beat Me.
What Do You Think
Of The Competition
So Far?
Not Much.
But, Uh,
I Figure I Might
Be Meeting One
Of These Guys Down Here
For Nationals, So I Had
To Check Things Out.
Do You Hear
That? Guys?
Announcer: In Lane 2,
Jordy Knowlton.
Erica, Let's Go.
Monkey, Relax.
It's Just A Time Trial.
Announcer: And That's
Jordy Knowlton
With A Time Of 8.91.
8.91. I Can Beat That.
Announcer: In Lane One,
Erica Enders.
Announcer: An 8.89
For Erica Enders.
So, What Was My Time?
That Was 8.89, Honey.
You Beat His Time.
We're Coming
To Get You.
Dad, Stop.
Hey, Jordy.
Mr. Knowlton.
Those Are
For Your Son,
In Case He Starts
Crying When I Whup
Him In The Final.
It Was Just A Joke.
No, It Wasn't, Erica.
For The First Time
In Your Life,
You Embarrassed Me.
Oh, But It's Ok
When He Does It?
You're Not Him!
You Have Been Taught
You Want To Lower
Yourself? Go Ahead,
Be Like The Knowltons.
A While Ago, I Had
To Teach You How To Act
When You Lose,
But I Never...
Never Thought I'd Have
To Teach You How To Win.
I Know It Would Feel
Good For A Couple
Of Minutes
To Throw It Back
At Him,
And To Be Honest,
I've Wanted To Do
It Myself A Couple
Of Times,
But, In The End, All You
Do Is Cheapen Yourself.
You're Better Than That.
You Haven't Yelled
At Me In A Long Time.
Yeah, Well, Don't Make
Me Do It Again.
I Don't Like It.
Me, Neither.
[Engine Revs]
Announcer: Well, This Is
The One We've Been
Waiting For, Folks.
New Jersey State Champion
Jordy Knowlton Taking On
The Southwestern Champion
Erica Enders.
This Is Not The First Meeting
Between These Two.
Something Tells Me
It Won't Be The Last.
This Is The One
We've All Been Waiting For.
Both Cars Are Staged.
This Is Going
To Be A Dandy.
Ladies And Gentlemen,
Erica Enders Left
Before The Light Turned Green,
Which Will Disqualify Her.
And Which Makes Today's Winner
Jordy Knowlton.
[Crowd Cheering]
Yes! All Right!
I Blew It!
Gregg: You'll Get Him
Next Time.
Teacher: Tu Conduis.
Class: Tu Conduis.
Vous Conduisez.
Vous Conduisez.
Je Conduis.
Je Conduis.
Nous Conduisons.
Nous Conduisons.
Tu Conduis.
Tu Conduis.
May I?
All Right.
Let's Start Again.
Announcer: Pro Stock's
16 Qualifiers This Year
Is The Closest Ever
With Only 300 Separating
The Field Of 16 Cars.
Number One Qualifier
At 678...
Hey, Would You Set
The Torque Wrench
For 150
And Hand It To Me?
Gregg! Gregg Enders.
Who Is That, Daddy?
I Don't Know.
Will Coleman.
Team Pennzoil.
And You,
You Must Be Courtney.
Pleasure To Meet You.
Say, You Got
A Minute?
I Got To Tell You,
My Daughter Is
A Huge Fan Of Erica's.
Well, Listen, I Can't
Promise Anything,
But I've Got
Some Of The Big Boys
Here Today,
And If Erica Shows Them
Something, I Mean Really
Shows Them Something,
Well, I Might Be Able
To Persuade Them
To Sponsor Her.
[Both Laugh]
Yes, Sir,
I Think We Can.
Aw, Thank You!
Thank You Very Much.
You Don't Know
How Much
This Means To Us.
You Know, I Tell
You What, On A Purely
Business Level,
I Think Erica's Got
A Good Chance
To Win Nationals.
And On
A Personal Level,
My Daughter Has Been
Driving Me Nuts
To Do It.
So, You Guys Have
A Good Race Today.
Good Luck To You.
Thank You!
You Bet!
Thanks Again!
Not A Word
To Your Sister.
She Puts Enough
Pressure On Herself.
Tell Me About It.
Pretty Cool!
Oh, My God!
Rock And Roll,
You Got It!
That's The One
I Was Telling You
About Right Here.
[Engine Revs]
The Clutch Bolt's
Stop The Race!
Stop The Light!
Erica, Stop The Car.
Dad, It Won't
Shut Off.
It Won't Shut Off!
All Right.
Don't Panic.
Dad, I Can't Stop.
Dad, The Throttle's
The Throttle's
All Right.
Just Keep It Straight.
You're Going In The Stands.
You're Going To Be All Right.
Just Hang On.
I'll Be Right There.
[Erica Screams]
[Rescue Men Giving Orders]
It's All Right,
Honey, It's Daddy.
It's Going
To Be All Right.
Hold On.
They're Going To Lift--
They're Going To Lift
You Out Of Here, Ok?
It's Ok. She's Going
To Be All Right.
If It Was Dangerous,
Would I Let Her
Do It?
Saying That?
I Do.
Janet Lee, Don't.
Don't What?
Don't Get Upset?
I Just Saw
My Daughter Crash,
And I Don't
Intend On Seeing
That Again.
You Can Go In Now.
Mr. And Mrs. Enders...
There's No Sign
Of Concussion,
No Broken Bones,
She'll Probably
Be Sore For A While,
But She'll
Be Just Fine.
You Can Take Her
Home Anytime.
Thank You Very Much,
Thank You.
[Sighs And Giggles]
You Ok?
Yeah. I'm Ok.
Are You?
I'm Fine. I Just Want
To Get Back To The Track.
How's It Coming?
The Engine's Fine.
I Had To Replace
The Front End
And Weld The Roll Cage
Back On.
Is It Ready
To Race?
Well, Yeah...
I Can't Make
That Decision.
Mom, Dad...
I Want To Make
A Run.
Honey, The Races
Are Over For Today.
Just One Run, Please.
Erica, You Just Got
Out Of The Hospital.
And I'm Fine.
Please, Mom?
Please, I Have To.
If I Don't Do This Now,
I'll Have Too Much Time
To Think About It
And Next Time I'll
Be Really Scared.
Please, Mom.
All Right.
You Go Get Ready.
[Engine Revs]
Whoo Hoo Hoo!
[Country Music Playing]
[Music Stops]
So, I Figured Out
What Color I Want.
Cherry Red.
What Are You
Talking About?
I'm Going To Be
Moving Into Your
Car Division Soon,
So I'll Need
A New Car.
Kind Of Rushing Things,
Aren't You, Honey?
Um, Pass
The Potato
It's Just A Couple
Months From Now.
If Anyone's Getting
A New Car, It's Going
To Be Me.
You Can Have My Old One.
Baked Beans.
That's Not Fair!
How Come I Always
Have To Get
The Hand-Me-Down
Because You're Younger.
That's The Way
Things Work.
Hold On.
Nobody's Getting
A New Car.
At Least
Not Right Now.
That's Final!
Uh, Wasabi?
On A Burger?
It's Something
[All Laugh]
Heh. Come In.
Good Evening!
Mr. Coleman,
Sit Down.
Boy, That Is
Some Texas Rain.
Coleman: Of Course, You'll Be
Featured In Our Advertising,
And We Will Underwrite
The Large Portion
Of Your Operation Here.
So, What Do You Say,
Erica? Hmm?
How Would You Like
Team Pennzoil
To Sponsor You?
I'm A Little Curious
About Something,
Mr. Coleman.
I Mean,
I've Been Doing
This For A While,
And I've Got
A Lot Of Records
And Things,
And, Well...
Today I Get
In An Accident
And Suddenly You're
Offering Me This?
I'm Kind Of
Confused, I Guess.
Look, I Don't Blame You.
I Told Your Dad
That I Hoped You'd Show Me
Something Today.
When You--When You
Climbed Back Into That Car,
After What Happened
Today... [Sighs]
Well, That Really
Showed Me Something.
So, How About It?
One Condition...
[Sighs] You Have
To Sponsor
My Sister, Too.
The Both Of You?
Heh. You Know What?
Why Not?
[Both Squeal]
Gregg: Yes!
Ha Ha!
Courtney: Thank You,
Thank You, Thank You!
You Ask Me Why I Got
To Play So Hard To Get
Ok. Relax Now, Erica.
I Am Relaxed.
Just Loosen It Up
A Little Bit.
I'm Comfortable
Like This,
Thank You.
...Just To Make
You Sweat
Ok. That's
Enough For Now.
It's Your Turn.
I Can Give
It's Just A Chick Thing
Great, Courtney!
But It's Not Getting
Through To You
That's What
Girls Do
We Keep You Guessing
The Whole Day Through
Play Your Emotions
Quit Trying
To Be Cool.
I Don't Have To Try.
That's What Girls Do
So, Now That You Two
Have The Same Car,
When Are You Going
To Race Each Other?
Real Soon!
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah,
Yeah, Yeah
What Are You Doing?
It's Time To Race.
Now, Remember,
The First Jolt's A Big One--
I Know, Erica.
No, You Don't Know.
This Car Is
A Lot More Powerful
Than That Little Pink Car.
Hey, Look At That.
Cute Boy.
You Have To Be Serious.
It's Time To Race.
Now, Concentrate!
Good Luck, Honey!
Yes! Whoo Hoo!
[Crowd Cheering]
So, What Do You Both Do
When You're Not Racing?
Any Boyfriends?
Well, I'm Not Allowed
To Have Any Yet,
But Erica Doesn't Because
They're All Afraid
She's Going To Want
To Drive.
[Both Laugh]
Want A Picture?
Want Me To Sign It?
You're A Quiet One,
Aren't You?
I Want To Drive
Someday, Too.
Ok! Aww.
So, Are You Ready To Test
For Your Driver's License?
Are You Sure You're
Ready For This?
Yes, Sir.
All Right.
I'm Going To Time
This Test.
So, When You're Ready,
Put It In Gear And Step
On The Gas.
Yes, Sir.
[Brakes Squeal]
That Was Great!
Ha Ha Ha Ha.
You've Done This Before,
Haven't You?
Mm. Once Or Twice.
[School Bell Rings]
You Are Going
To The Ice Tracks
On Friday Night,
Aren't You?
I Don't Know.
Don't Tell Me
You Have A Race
That Night.
No. Do You Have
A Date Yet?
Jake Asked Me.
It's One Night.
I'm Not Going
To Marry Him.
Go Ahead.
Ask Todd.
Don't Be Medieval.
It's Ok To Ask A Guy
Out On A Date.
I Can't.
Here He Comes.
Da Da Da
Da Da Da...
Cut It Out!
Hey, Erica!
Todd, Hey.
Come On.
Oh, Well.
All Right.
Come On, Now.
Hey, I Got A Cousin
You Can Go With.
He's Not So Bad
To Look At.
If He Takes Out
All The Nose Rings.
I Don't Want To Go
With Just Anybody.
I Want To Go
With Somebody I Like.
Somebody I Could
Have Fun With.
[Doorbell Rings]
I Have Never Skated
Before In My Life.
Ha! That's Ok.
Neither Have I.
So, When Are You Going
To Get Your License?
What's The Point?
I Never Go Anywhere.
Thank You.
[Rock Music Playing]
[Ice Taxi Honking]
Aw, I Am Not
Getting Out.
Oh, Come On.
It Can't Be
That Hard.
Get Out! Come On,
Let's Have Some Fun.
Got It? You Ok?
Ok. Come Here.
Come Here.
Hey, Erica!
Hey, Todd.
This Is Randy.
Very Nice To Meet You.
Over Here!
Yeah, Ok.
Well, I'll See You.
[Ice Taxi Honks]
Hey, Where's Jake?
He Showed Up
At The House
Smelling Like Beer.
What A Moron!
Are You Ok?
[Both Laugh]
I Think We
Do Better On Wheels.
Good Night, Guys.
See You.
So, What Do You
Wanna Do Now?
Soak My Ankles?
Besides That.
You Want To Get
A Bite To Eat?
I Am Starving.
I'm Not
Doing It.
[Sighs] Come On.
It's Your Car.
Hey, I'm Sorry
To Bother You, But...
Could You
Do Us A Favor?
Ok. Give It A Try.
[Engine Starts]
Thanks, Erica.
You Kind Of
Saved Our Lives.
No Problem.
Todd: Look,
We're Having
A Little Party
Back At My House.
You Guys
Want To Come?
Yeah, Come With Us.
It'll Be Fun.
Ah. No Thanks.
We Have Plans.
Ok. Thanks Again.
See You.
You Know, You Could've
Gone To The Party
If You Wanted.
I Don't Mind.
I Didn't Really
Want To.
Do You Ever Think...
Maybe We Could Do This
For Real. You Know.
You Mean Like
A Date?
Wow! Um, I Don't
Know, I Mean...
I Don't Really
Want To Hurt
Your Feelings
Or Anything,
But It Would Kind Of
Be Like Dating
My Brother, Which--
Which Is Kind Of
What You Are.
Yeah. It Would
Be Weird, Wouldn't It?
I Had A Really
Great Time Tonight.
Me, Too.
You Think You Could
Set Me Up With Lu Anne?
Uhh! Get Out
Of Here!
Good Night!
Good Night.
Monsieur Carter,
Mademoiselle Renfro,
Mademoiselle Ottoman,
Mademoiselle Brook,
Mademoiselle Enders,
Monsieuer Garrett,
Et Mademoiselle Dunham.
[Bell Rings]
D' Accord!
Bon Jour!
Hey, Erica,
You Coming?
Mr. Crandall?
Oui, Mademoiselle
Je Vous Tre...
Can I Talk To You
About My Progress Report?
Let's Take A Look.
Well, Up To
This Point,
You Have A Very
Solid "B" Average.
But That's Not Good Enough.
I Need An "A".
Is There Any Way
I Can Pull My Grade Up?
Well, You're Really
Going To Have
To Work Hard.
You're Going
To Have To Do
Some Extra Credits.
And You'll
Have To Get An "A"
On The Final.
Now, If You
Can Do That,
You Probably
Ought To Be Able
To Bring
Your Grade Up.
I'm Sorry, Erica.
You Know The Rules.
But It's Just
A Progress Report.
You Can Only Race
Here In Houston.
The Last Qualifying Race
Is In Salt Lake City.
If I Don't Go To That,
Then I Can't Go
To The Nationals!
There's Always
Next Year.
Daddy, I've Already
Talked To My Teacher.
If I Get An "A"
On My Final, I'll Be Fine.
Well, I Hope So,
Because We Made
A Deal.
Your Mother And I
Have Always Lived Up
To Our End.
We Expect You
To Live Up To Yours.
Ok. No Problem.
[Muttering In French]
Enchant, Enchant,
Talking To Yourself,
Uh, French Final.
Mucho Pressure.
You Should Be
Used To That.
If I Don't Get An "A"
On This Final.
You Want Some Help?
La Pomme.
La Pomme.
Le Stylo.
Le Stylo.
Le Stylo.
Le Stylo.
I Can't!
Le Crayon.
Le Crayon.
No, No.
Le Crayon.
Hold On.
Le Crayon?
Au Revoir.
You're Welcome.
De Rien.
How Are You?
Pretty Good, Thanks.
Les Yeux.
Le Nez.
Bien. Bien.
Ha Ha Ha!
Thanks Again.
Do You Need
A Ride Home?
No, I Got My Car.
Oh. Ok.
Catch A Movie
Or Something?
Ooh, I Can't.
Not This Weekend.
Weekend After?
Oh, Uh,
I'm Busy Then, Too.
All Right. I'll See
You Later, Ok?
No, Wait, Todd--
Don't Worry About It.
I Know You're Busy.
See You.
Lu Anne: Stop The Car!
It's All Covered.
What's This?
The French Final.
Mr. Crandall Gives
The Same One All The Time.
My Sister Had Him
A Couple Years Ago.
I Don't Wanna Cheat.
Think Of It
As A Study Aid.
[Crowd Cheering]
Great, Erica!
Come On!
Get It!
Get It Up!
Keep It Up!
All The Way. Yes!
[Girls Screaming]
We're Going
To The Finals!
Great Job Today, Girls!
I Want To Let You Know,
The Finals Are This
[All Shrieking]
I Want You Here At 9 A.M.
Sharp. Don't Be Late.
Do Not Tell Me
You Have A Race
And Drive All Night,
We'll Be There In Time.
You Better!
[All Screaming]
Ha Ha Ha!
Dad, I've Gotta
Get Back For My Game
Tomorrow Morning.
How Long Is This
Gonna Take?
Honey, I'll Let You Know
As Soon As I Figure Out
What's Wrong
And Then If We Don't Need
To Find A Part.
No, But I Have
To Be There--
You've Only Told Us
About A Million Times.
No, But I Have
To Be There--
Uhh! Erica, I'm Sorry.
We're Doing The Best We Can.
[Tool Ratcheting]
[Crowd Cheering]
Hey, Erica.
Thanks A Lot, Erica.
I'm Sorry. I--
We Got Crushed.
I Expected Better
From You, Erica.
You Let
The Whole Team Down.
I'm Sorry. We Had
A Breakdown And It Took
A While To Find The...
[Rattling And Clanking]
Gregg: Hey.
What Are You Doing?
I Quit.
Quit What?
I Don't Want
To Race Anymore.
Well, Kinda Sudden,
Isn't It?
You Sure This Is
What You Want?
You Wanna Tell Me Why?
A Lot Of Things,
I Guess.
I Mean, School,
And I Have, Like,
No Friends, And--
All The Guys Think
I'm Some Kind Of
Freak Because
I Race Cars,
And Everything I've
Been Doing Lately
I Keep Messing Up,
And My French
Final's Tomorrow,
And For The First
Time In My Life
I Almost--
Almost What?
Doesn't Matter.
I Just Don't Think
It's Worth It
I Understand...
How You Feel.
And It's Ok With Me
If You Don't Wanna Race.
I Thought You'd
Be Mad If I Quit.
Surprised, Maybe.
I'm Not Mad.
I Think You're
A Really Talented Driver.
But Your Mother And I
Will Back You 100%,
No Matter What You Choose.
Get Some Sleep.
It's A Big Day Tomorrow.
Love You.
Love You, Too.
Good Night.
[Bell Rings]
Girl: Todd!
Hey, Todd?
Um, Could I Talk To You
For A Minute?
What's Up?
Uh, The Other Day,
I Wasn't Trying
To Be Rude Or Anything,
I've Just Been
Really Busy Lately,
But, Uh, I Would Like
To Go Out With You
I Really Would.
I-If You Still
Want To, I Mean.
You Sure?
I Thought You Were
So Busy That--
Well, I Should Have
More Time Now That
I Quit Racing.
You Quit?
That's Crazy.
Well, Now You Sound Like
Everyone Else.
Sorry, It's None
Of My Business.
So, I'll Call
You Later, Ok?
Ok. Well, I Better Get Going.
French Final Today.
Hey, Erica.
Bonne Chance.
Merci Beaucoup.
[Metal Screeches]
Ugh. I Still Don't See
Why I Can't Have Your Car.
My Car's Not Allowed
In Your Age Bracket.
Yeah, Right.
Won't Be The Same
Without You.
Just Take Care
Of Courtney, Ok?
Ok. See Ya.
Good Luck.
[Engine Starts]
So? What Are You
Gonna Do This Weekend?
I Don't Know. What Do
Kids Do On Weekends?
[Engine Revs]
[Muffled Cheering]
Randy: Whoa! Ha Ha Ha!
Yeah! Ha Ha Ha!
Hi. Hey, How'd You Do?
What Do You Care?
Gregg: Hey, Monkey.
Missed Ya Out There.
[Spits Loudly]
Hey, What's
Your Problem?
No Problem.
You Quit,
I Might, Too.
No Fun Without You.
Oh, Well, That's Stupid.
You're A Really
Talented Driver.
So Are You.
Now Who's Stupid?
It's A Lot Of Things,
Courtney. You Wouldn't
You Know What
I Think It Is?
I Think You're Just Scared
I'm Gonna Beat You Someday.
Yes! Yes! Yes!
[Class Laughs]
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!
[Class Laughs]
Gregg: I Think Once We
Can Get That New Software
Program Online,
Then We'll Edit It.
Changed My Mind.
Announcer: And Here Is Enders.
Getting A Great Start
From Behind.
If She Can Hold On
To This Lead,
She Could Be
On Her Way To Phoenix.
Yes! Whoo-Hoo!
Announcer: Wow! What A Finish!
Dad, What Was My Time?
Well, Why Don't You
Take Off Your Helmet
And Listen, Honey?
Announcer: With
A Time Of 8.87,
Erica Enders Has Qualified
For A Trip To The Nationals.
P.A.: Top Fuel
To The Staging Lanes,
Top Fuel To
The Staging Lanes.
Excuse Me, Commissioner Bowen?
Hey, Great Race, Erica.
Thanks, But, Um, Well,
I Was Hoping To Make
Another Run,
And I Noticed My Name
Wasn't Posted.
We Had A Last Minute Scratch,
Made For Kind Of An Odd Number,
But Don't Worry.
You Got Your Time.
But I'd Really Like
To Make Another Run.
You Know, For
The Practice.
I'm Sorry, Erica,
There's Just Nobody Left
In Your Age Class.
I'll Race Her.
She's Too Young.
I've Got
The Same Kind
Of Car.
It's Against League
Rules, Isn't It,
Not If It's Out
Of Official
She's Right, Erica.
As Long As Your Folks
Don't Mind.
They Don't.
Ok, Erica, Looks Like
You Got Yourself A Race.
[Engines Rev]
Announcer: Ladies And Gentlemen,
Hang On To Your Seats.
Talk About Sibling Rivalry!
We've Just Been Informed
We've Got A Special, Unexpected
Out-Of-Competition Race
Between Erica And Courtney,
The Enders Sisters.
[Applause And Cheering]
[Engines Revving]
You're In Charge,
Crew Chief. Today,
I'm Just A Spectator.
You Do Realize That
No Matter Who Wins,
It's Gonna Be
A Long Ride Home.
Announcer: And The Enders
Sisters Are On The Lines,
Staged And Ready To Go.
[Applause And Cheering]
[Engines Revving]
Announcer: And They're Off.
Yes! I Got Her!
Ugh, You Didn't Let
Me Win, Did You?
Yeah, Right.
I Got A Bad Start.
You Know, You're Too
Tense, You Gotta Relax.
You Know, Take
A Deep Breath.
Works For Me.
Wanna Go Again?
Announcer: Ladies And Gentlemen,
It's A Grudge Match!
Erica And Courtney Enders
Back On The Track
And Ready To Go Again.
[Engines Revving]
Yes! All Right!
You Didn't
Let Me Win,
Did You?
Ugh, Yeah, Right!
Hey, Courtney?
Thanks. That Was
Good Advice,
That Little Relaxation Thing
Before The Start.
I Think It Helped.
Yeah. The Only
Time You Lose
Is When You Really,
Really Want To Win.
Like With That
Jordy Clown?
You Just Gotta
Relax, That's All.
Tv: Schedule By At Least
12 More A Game.
Well, Fans Will Be Gathering
At The Firebird
International Raceway
In Phoenix This Weekend.
It's The National Junior
Drag Racing Championships.
One Of The More Interesting
Races This Year
Promises To Be
With Erica Enders
[Doorbell Rings]
In The Teenage Division.
Hi, Is Erica Here?
Tv: Erica's Not Gonna Have
Any Easy Time Of It
As She Goes Up Against
The Favorite.
That's Jordy Knowlton,
And He's The Son
Of 2-Time National Top Fuel
Runner-Up Rusty Knowlton.
There's A Guy Named Todd
At The Door.
I'll Be Down
In A Few Minutes.
I, Uh, Sort Of
Brought You A, Uh,
Good Luck Present.
Oh, I Love It.
Thank You.
Relax, Dad. Relax.
Wish You Were
Gonna Be There.
I'll Be
Watching Sunday.
I Got A Bunch Of
Friends Coming Over
To Watch The Race
On Tv.
Um, Well, I Guess
I Better Go.
But, Uh, I'll See You
When You Get Back?
Yeah, Sure.
Good Luck.
See Ya, Mr. Enders.
A Teddy Bear?
I Can't Wait For
The World To Spin
I Can't Wait To Be Happenin'
Oh, What's It Gonna Take?
I Can't Wait For
The Time To Come
When I'll Be Shining
Like The Sun
I Can't Wait
I Haven't Got Forever
And I Haven't Got All Day
Oh, I Don't Want My World
To Stay The Same
So When's The Magic Moment
To Carry Me Away?
Announcer: Hello
And Welcome, Race Fans,
To The Junior Dragster Nationals
At Firebird
International Raceway
In Phoenix, Arizona.
This Weekend,
It's The Best
Of The Best
Going Head To Head
For The Big Trophy
And To Find Out
Who Is The Country's
Top Junior Drag Racer.
Come On, Courtney,
I'm Starving.
Believe Me,
You're Gonna Wanna
See This.
Erica! Erica! Erica!
Erica! Erica!
[Cameras Snapping]
Bowen: Ladies And Gentlemen,
Thank You Very Much.
That's It, We've Got
A Race To Run.
Thanks. Thanks For Being Here.
Erica, What's It Like
Being The Only Girl
Out There Today?
Well, It Beats
Not Being Out There,
I Guess.
Excuse Me.
So, You Gonna Bring
The Trophy Home This Time?
Your Father's Never Won
A National Competition.
Does That Put Any More
Pressure On You, Jordy?
Ah, Heck, No.
My Dad, Uh, No.
He's Never Put Any
Pressure On Me.
Oh, Ah, Erica! Erica!
How Does It Feel To Be The
Only Girl Out Here Today?
Do You Folks Have To
Keep Asking Me That?
I'm Just A Race Car
Driver, That's All,
Just Like Everybody
Else Here.
[Engines Revving]
Announcer: Ladies
And Gentlemen, Boy,
Look At This.
Semifinal Action
Coming Up Here.
Erica Enders In The Semis,
Trying To Go To The Finals.
This Is What It's All About.
She's Had 2 Perfect
Starts Today.
A Win Here In The Semifinals
Will Set Up A Possible
Final-Round Meeting.
Taking On Jordy Knowlton
Gregg: Rock And Roll,
Stick 'Em!
Announcer: As They Approach
The Finish Line,
It Looks Like
It's Gonna Be--
It Is! Erica Enders
Takes The Win.
That'll Put Her
Into The Finals Tomorrow
To Take On Jordy Knowlton
For All The Marbles.
5-0! That's Her Third
Straight Line Of The Day!
We Gotta Do Something
About This.
You Did It, Honey!
You're In The Finals!
Come On, Commissioner!
You've Known Us
For A Long Time.
You Know There's
No Truth To This.
I Got The Record
Right Here, Enders.
Your Daughter's Had
A 5-0 Light In Her
Last 9 Races,
And 3 Today.
Nobody Gets A Dozen
Perfect Starts
In A Row. Nobody.
Are You Calling
My Daughter A Cheater?
Nobody Said Her.
It's You.
You're The Big
Computer Electronics
You Stick
A Light-Sensitive
Photo Cell
In The Front
Of That Car,
It Reads The Tree.
That's The Only Way
You Get 12
Perfect Starts.
I Have Been Practicing
Those Starts
Every Free Minute I Had.
Erica. Let Me
Handle This.
He's Gonna Call Me
A Cheater?
Erica, They Filed
An Official Protest.
Now, If It Was
Just Knowlton,
I Could Ignore It.
But There's A Few
Signatures Here.
And According To The Rules,
Until It's Checked Out
I'm Sorry. You're On Hold.
Don't Worry About It.
It's Gonna Be Ok.
Randy, Make Sure
They Go Over
Every Square Inch
Of This Car.
I Don't Want To Give
Anyone A Reason
To Say That We're
Hiding Something.
You Got It.
Randy: Hey, Watch
The Paint Job, Ok?
After A Thorough
Very Thorough--
There Is No Evidence To
Back Up These Charges.
The Protest Is
Officially Dismissed.
You're Back In,
Knowlton: I'll Go Over
Your Head, Bowen.
If You Can Find
Somebody, Go Ahead.
Nobody Gets That Many
5-0 Starts!
Dad, Let's Just Go.
You Got Something
In That Car, Enders.
What Is It?
Well, I'll Tell You
What I've Got
In This Car.
A Teenage Girl.
Something Else You
Want Here Tonight?
We'll See Who's
Laughing Tomorrow.
You Asleep?
I Just Wanted
You To Know
That I Know We Fight
And Stuff Sometimes,
But You Know All
The Stuff I've Got,
Like, The Medals And
Trophies And Stuff?
Well, I Never Would
Have Had Any Of That
If It Weren't
For You.
I Mean, Racing
Was For Boys.
And I Never Would
Have Had The Guts
To Do What You Did.
A Lot Of Girls
Wouldn't Have.
But Now, Well,
It's Different.
It's Easier For Us
'Cause Of You.
And No Matter What
Happens Tomorrow,
I'm Still Really,
Really Proud That
You're My Sister.
Hey, Randy.
Sorry. I Was Up All Night.
Doing What?
Making Sure Those Guys
Put Your Car Back
Together Right.
When It Comes To Your Car,
I Don't Trust Anyone But Me.
So, What's For Breakfast?
Breakfast? No,
It's Time To Race.
Let's Go.
Announcer: Ladies And Gentlemen,
Welcome To Junior Drag Racing's
Biggest Day Of The Year.
Shut Up, There She Is,
There She Is, There She Is!
Announcer: It's My Pleasure To
Introduce To You The Finalists
In The 15- To 17-Year-Old
Age Division.
Come On!
In The Left Lane,
Jordy Knowlton.
And In The Right Lane,
Erica Enders.
Announcer: Let's Get
Ready To Race.
[Engines Start]
Ok, Jordy, Show This
Little Girl Who's Boss.
Rock And Roll, Monkey.
Stick 'Em!
[Engines Revving]
Knowlton: This Ain't
For Little Girls.
There's A Big Difference
Between Wanting Something
And Actually Getting It.
What About Jordy?
I Still Get Nightmares
About That Time You Beat Me.
Knowlton: You Show Me
A Good Loser.
Man: You Think That's
A Good Idea, Letting
A Little Girl Go?
Gregg: Erica, You
Red-Lighted! Ha Ha Ha!
[Brakes Squeal]
I Didn't Red Light,
I Didn't Red Light!
Are You Ok?
You Sure?
Take A Deep Breath.
Erica: All I Wanna Do
Is Race, Mom.
Coleman: When You Climbed
Back Into That Car, That
Really Showed Me Something.
Gregg: I Think You're
A Really Talented
Oh, Yes! Whoo!
I Can't Believe This.
Congratulations, Erica.
You Are A Terrific Driver.
You, Too.
I Want To Race You
Again Someday.
You Got It.
See Ya.
Announcer: Ladies And Gentlemen,
It Gives Me Great Pleasure
To Present To You
Our New Nhra National
Junior Drag Racing Champion.
A Very Special Driver,
Erica Enders.
[Applause And Cheering]
Here To Present
The Championship Trophy
Is The President Of The Nhra,
Tom Compton.
Who, Me?
Randy: Whoo!
Might As Well Get Used
To This. You're Next.
I'm So Gonna Beat Your Time.
Yeah, Right!