Rigodon (2012)

Hey, you know
that thing Sheryll's selling us?
Apparently, it's expensive.
It just looks cheap
because of the 4 installments.
But if you total everything...
"it's more expensive
than the one that we saw 'm Greenhills.
You want me
to bring you an Egg pie?
Will you continue posting
those things everyday?
I don't need this okay?
Is he really like that,
or just to me?
It's really insulting!
How about...
How about you,
do you also think of me that way?
You and your dad
should just stay together.
That guy
doesn't have any balls.
if he really likes you...
...whateverl say
shouldn't scare him off.
You should be thankful
that you found out...
what kind of person
he is this early.
When would you rather discover his true
What kind of person
he really is?
When you two
are already married?
Hey, beer.
Cheers man!
Bottom's up.
Raf, one more.
Excuse me.
Excuse me!
Ricky Torres, right?
Yeah that's me, Ricky.
Ah, weren't you the one
on Star Factor before?
Weren't you the one
on Star Factor before?
Sarah Dilag.
Uh, do you know
Helena Sison?
Weren't you her batchmate
in the show?
Helena Sison.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- From Star Factor?
Maybe you were
fourth place or third.
Sorry, what?
I'm guessing,
you were third or fourth place.
Shit, shit, shit...
Let me help you.
Um... it's, it's okay, it's okay.
Thank you.
Ah! wk!
Umm, sorry.
Juliet, have you seen...
-my external harddrive?
- Sarah, what craziness is this now?
Is it true you're leaving?
Who will take care
of you there?
How about your food?
Dad, never mind.
It's okay.
See! You can't even find
what it is you're looking for.
I'll be the one
to look for it.
It's been with you
all along?
How did you figure out
where I worked?
Through your files.
Oh, so you checked my files,
did you?
That's it.
I'm so sorry.
I bothered you again.
Don't worry.
Don't mention it.
I know why you didn't become famous
after Star Factor.
You wanna know?
Yeah, of course!
You know why?
...your tongue is twisted.
It isn't twisted.
what do you call that?
If you're good then...
...say Faith...
Okay, let's change it.
Let's see, umm...
Say wave your hand...
Wave your hand...
-Wave your hand".
-Wave your hand".
Wave your hand".
Why are you mad?
I know how to speak Filipino,
Patriotic Oath...
...1 love the Philippines.
This is my Philippines.
This is my land of birth.
This is the home of race.
Wait a minute.
One second.
Yeah, right now?
I have to go.
What's that?
Girlfriend duties?
Thank you.
Riki Torres
Miss me already? Watch Channel 32.
Hey, um...
...are you busy?
Sorry, I can't speak that...
What's up?
Nothing, um...
...I'm actually
watching your show right now.
As in.
You look different on TV.
You know...
I think I want to buy
that exercise machine.
It looks effective.
...who's this Ricky?
To be fair,
his cupcakes are good.
Was he the one
who baked it?
Did he bake it?
It's good.
This isn't the messenger,
Ricky downstairs right?
You like watching movies?
Not really...
Go Kart?
we enivv!
Subic enjoy, go kart, no!!!
Let's go!
Strict my parents.
Do you think your dad like me?
Do you know
how to hold a gun?
You can't even protect me.
Well, first of all...
...I'm a lover,
not a fighter.
And yeah...
I think if I had to,
I could.
I mean,
anybody could pull the trigger.
I mean,
even your ex would do it.
No, that's not the issue.
The issue here is...
...he offended him, okay?
My dad offended my ex.
What did he say?
That he should
fatten himself up...
so that he wouldn't get blown
by the wind.
- Yeah.
- Your dad said that?
Yeah, yeah.
You know...
...your dad
is just trying to look out for you.
He loves you and...
...if I were you,
I'd be thankful.
It's rare
to find dads like that.
I wanna meet him.
I really do.
Is that him?
Is that him?
You know what?
Why don't we just leave?
Are you jealous?
it's just kinda awkward.
Yeah but it's going to be more
awkward if you leave...
because of him
and he sees you.
You know what?
You're right.
Let's just stay.
Thank you.
You're not looking
at him but...
...he's definitely looking
at you.
If I were him,
I'd be so jealous right now.
Thank you.
Good night.
Chat later?
why don't you come in first?
Uhhh...you sure?
Yes, I'm sure.
It's okay?
Of course!
Wait Sarah...
...if this is about your ex Paolo...
...I'd rather not.
I just want to continue
our conversation from earlier.
Is that a bad thing?
As long as you're sure
that we're just going to talk.
You might
take advantage of me.
LEFS go!
Here YOU go!
Thank you!
So, are you ready to drink?
Ready and willing!
Where is it?
- Just relax.
- Bartender, where is it?
Can you relax?
- I'm cool, I'm cool.
- There you go.
...this isn't strong
because you might get drunk.
...Tacloban is the place to be.
What's wrong with Tacloban?
I love Tacloban.
That was very crunchy.
You're crunchy!
They don't have moms,
they don't have dads!
- Then how is that?
- Why are you mad?
I'm just saying...
Then how is that?
Two gay guys...
How will they have kids?
Then...adopt right?
What you're saying
is wrong!
You know,
it's different each time.
I thought
we were just going to talk?
What again?
Are you still a virgin?
No, really...
...1 don't like virgins.
They're too clingy.
I thought
you didn't like virgins.
I'm so drunk.
- You're leaving?
- Shit, shit...
...1 have to go.
You have to go?
Yes, I'm sorry.
It's late
and I have an appointment.
One last.
Oh, what a night.
Did you know, hon?
Around lo o'clock last night.
I was ready to go home.
I was leaving the garage...
then Arnel chased after me.
You know what happened, hon?
he got his finger cut off
while doing his demo.
Didn't I show you that...
...that peeler from Switzerland.
It's really sharp.
So there,
they didn't let me go home.
You know,
don't think of that first.
You should sleep first
because you're tired.
No need.
I was able to sleep
for a bit on the set.
Just a bit?
Yeah, just a bit.
But still,
you should rest first.
What's this?
Ugh... Pammy.
I told her
to pick up after herself.
Are you ready
for the best cornbeef in the world?
...1 don't want cornbeef.
I want pink shoes,
bag and a dress.
Hmm, okay.
We'll buy
everything that's pink...
...as long as you win...
-the Little Miss Daughter pageant.
- Yes, daddy!
Yes, daddy!
the best cornbeef in the world.
what are you promising Pammy again?
daddy already promised.
Don't worry.
- Of course..
- Daddy, more rice please.
Of course,
Queen of the House has a reward too.
Help her.
For what?
For what?
- I will handle it.
- Thank you.
For what?
For being the best mom,
for being the best wife in the world.
Mentos, check.
- Chips, Cheetos!
- We still have that at home.
Dad, this one!
Yes, yes!
That's enough.
Chocolate, yes!
Yes, YES, yes!
- Coco Crunch.
- We...we still have that at home.
- Honey Stars.
- Pammy!
Miss, this is not what I want.
Why you buy a new card?
You know
this is over our budget right?
-...enough. I'll handle this.
- Daddy, here.
I only needed three things.
You know we still have to pay for rent,
the stuff that...
...baby enough.
The stuff that Pammy wants.
It's...it's you know, the thing.
It's too much already.
It's okay.
You keep on saying it's okay,
then all of a sudden, the check bounces.
I said enough already.
It only happened once, right?
Not always.
Reg, just...
please just trust me.
Baby, enough.
Something big
is going to happen soon.
Trust me.
For set,
transfer it over there.
We adjust it here.
I've been looking
for you since yesterday!
I don't want
to keep on reminding you.
Just tell me
if you don't want to pay!
Come on Ricky!
What's this?
I have a lot of stuff
to pay for right now, boss.
I'll pay you back
the rest next time.
During the next pay day.
Sir, the sofa has to be brought in.
Miss, is my makeup okay?
That's fine.
Doesn't it seem off?
No, it's fine.
It's fine?
The mic?
I don't think it matches,
fix it.
Fix it. Here, here.
Hey, direk!
How was the shot direk?
It was okay,
just add more oil.
More oil?
Yeah, more oil.
Miss, can I have some?
Come in here.
Is there something wrong?
What is it?
What are we Ricky?
Look, we don't have to label this
if you don't want to.
Labels are just labels.
As long as we understand
each other.
Then it'll be fine.
So what's that?
Was it just
a one night stand for you?
You're the one
I'm thinking about.
...you're not ready
because of Paolo.
Look, I don't want you to get the wrong
impression about me, okay?
Let's just
take it one day at a time.
So what's that?
We're in an open relationship?
What do you want from me?
I'm here, right?
Look, I don't understand.
Where is this going?
I like you.
I want you.
Of course I like you.
So, can I call you my girlfriend?
Then there.
Do you want me?
Do you want me? Hmm?
- Boss!
- Dad, let's eat.
Boss! Here comes pretty boy!
He'll just borrow some more!
Shhh. Jessalyn.
Damn it, dad!
I told you to eat, so eat!
It's because of you
that I wasn't able to get a husband!
Damn it!
Who the...
Give me
the brown envelope!
Yes, ma'am.
Come on dad.
Didn't I tell you
that you should eat?
Sorry dad, sorry.
Give it to me.
Oh my god.
That's watch
costs two thousand.
Okay son...
...you know the drill.
Okay, let's eat.
Come on dad, come on.
Dad, if you eat...
...we'll buy...
...juice! Okay?
Ha! The wallet's empty.
Just remember.
You don't have to worry.
You're a good kid
and you do pay, but in kind.
So, it's okay by me.
And, we've known each other
for a while now.
Just remember,
the meter's running.
Count it please.
Let's eat dad.
Next month again, okay?
Or do I have
to pester you about it?
Okay, but text me.
I might forget.
Do you have candy on you?
Just this.
It's early in the morning,
and you already smell like saliva.
They still don't really know you.
It's late.
Why are you still up?
You didn't pick
Pammy up earlier.
Shit. Shit.
Sorry Reg.
The vacuum cleaner didn't work.
Don't be mad.
I'm not saying anything.
what are you doing there?
I'm just charging
my new celphone.
Mine was stolen last night.
There really
is a thief in the office.
I just left it in one corner...
...while I was dressing up.
And when I returned,
it was gone.
let's switch phone for a while, okay?
Use this first.
do you still have cupcakes?
I want to bring some
to the set for direk.
Check dad.
Thanks for breakfast, hon.
Let's go! Let's go!
Hurry, hurry, hurry!
- We're going to be late!
- Come on Pammy, your gonna be late.
Come on Pammy.
- Your bag.
- Backpack.
Thanks hon.
Of course.
- Bye.
- Bye.
See you later!
- Bye.
- Bye baby.
- Let's go Pammy!
- Your lunchbox, don't forget!
Thank you, mom.
Pammy, come on.
Are you already at the office?
Will you be able
to pick Pammy up later?
Okay. We-
How are you Auntie?
I've been baking non-stop.
Maybe around Christmas,
once I've saved up.
I'm okay.
Can't I ask how all of you are doing?
Sir, wait I call him first.
I'll get off here by the corner.
Hello? 56 or 86?
Yes, Mrs. Camus?
But Ricky should've been there already.
No, no.
It's...it's okay.
Could you please tell Pammy
that I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Thank you.
Sir, could you turn around?
I just need
to pass by for someone.
Mommy, what took so long?
Sorry, don't cry anymore.
Maybe daddy got held up at work.
Come on, let's go home.
The subscriber cannot be reach,
please try again later.
The subscriber cannot be reach,
please try again later.
The subscriber cannot be reach,
please try again later.
Sorry, hon.
I worked till late.
I came from Rizal,
and there's no signal there.
Try this.
Wow, it looks good.
Mmm...it's good Reg.
Your cupcakes
are popular at the office.
It was gone
before I could even put it down.
Um...isn't it too sweet?
No, it's just right.
Because I know there's something
that I'm doing wrong...
...and I just can't seem
to figure out what it is.
I can't seem
to pinpoint what it is.
Reg, it's perfect as it is.
Then, if it's perfect...
if it's perfect...
...why is it that until now,
I only have four customers?
not even counting you!
I've been at this for two years now,
and up to now, it's still like this!
Why is it like that?
Reg, it's...
it's not your fault.
It's not your fault!
No one knows
about your cupcakes.
Don't worry.
I'll start
selling them in the office.
Why don't you just admit
I'm not good enough?
- Hon, that's not true! That's not true!
- I'm not good enough!
That's it!
It looks, it looks like crap!
That's not true, hon.
It's not true.
No, come on, come on.
finish that tomorrow.
Please, stop it.
I have to deliver these tomorrow, okay?
If you want, you can go upstairs
and go to sle...go to bed.
And, I have to finish this.
It has to be done tomorrow.
Please Reg?
It's sucks, okay?
They're freaking ugly.
They're really ugly!
We now have
the same phone.
But I'm a Nokia user.
But this is a lot better
than your old phone...
don't you think?
Don't you like it?
I love it!
Of course I'll use it
since you gave it to me.
You know, there are a lot of apps
you can download for it.
You can download Skype,
But how many houses
do I have?
No, have it sent there.
Yeah, like I said...
Just send it
over to the house, okay?
Okay, okay.
I'm in a meeting.
do you mind stepping out for a bit?
- Yeah, Ricky
- Have a seat.
Um, how old are you now?
Thirty-One Direk.
so you're already old.
So what happened
after you left Starfactor?
You don't have a contract
with that channel?
I starred in a soap after Starfactor.
The one airing during afternoons.
Ahh, so it wasn't followed
by anything else.
It's hard inside, direk.
And then, I got married.
But, I was hoping
I could come back, direk.
I heard
you're doing something new.
I could be part of it.
Let's see.
How's your tagalog?
It's okay.
What are you willing to do?
Anything, direk!
As long as I can make
a come-back.
Even if it's a supporting role.
Do you really want it?
Yes, direk.
Well then, here.
Visit me at home,
and we can talk about the role, okay?
There is one?
Let's see.
I mean, you know.
You did say,
you were willing to do anything, right?
Just follow me around...
...let's go out a lot
so we can talk about it.
Direk, what's the role?
You know,
you ask too many questions.
It's like this.
Show me that you're willing
to do anything.
And then maybe,
I might just consider you.
I mean,
you're not even a real actor.
You just came
from a reality show.
At thirty-one,
it's hard to find a role for you.
I'm a director,
not a magician.
Ms. Hannah, please.
I hope you would reconsider.
I mean,
I've been here for three years...
...1 deserve a raise.
...You know
that's not gonna happen.
The only thing we can offer you
is a regular racket.
Isn't that okay?
Yes Miss,
but it's not enough.
I need something more steady.
Actually, I've been rejecting offers
just to be with you guys.
Then that's just too bad.
I mean...
we don't have
any counter offers to give you.
But think about it.
You're our top host,
and it'll be too bad.
We don't want to lose you.
If I knew that was
what you were going to do...
...then I shouldn't have asked
that person for a favor!
What should I have done, direk?
He disrespected me!
Do you think he'll make you famous
without anything in return?
Direk, I'm not that desperate
to sleep with a gay guy.
At least...
You're not desperate?
let me tell you Ricky...
...you'll never become famous!
You're already 30.
And up to now,
you don't have a single fan.
And that tongue
of yours is twisted!
If you don't end up here,
then Call Centers are your only option.
So learn how to be content,
Why is that thing still here?
Didn't I ask
for the big one?
Come on, come on.
What's your score?
Three Hundred.
What a low score.
Stop boasting.
Damn it, damn it, damn it!
I'll be right over.
Emergency meeting.
Have to go.
I wanna join!
I wanna go.
I won't be a hassle.
Next time, okay?
The producer doesn't like us
bringing guests to the set.
I won't be trouble.
I know, but...
I'll be outside, promise.
Next time,
when we're less busy.
I'll take you with me.
This, can you put that there?
That one,
just move it.
- Is this alright?
- Yeah, so that...
Yup, okay.
Are your figures correct?
Can you make that one red,
and put that there.
- What? Sorry?
- Red, red, red please, there. Yes.
So we can see the difference
compared to the blue one.
- This okay?
- Yup, that's okay.
Then, can you move it down?
Just move it down.
Just put it lower,
I want to see what's at the end.
Uh, can we work first
and text later?
Um...here, here.
Okay, okay, good.
Lower, I just want to...
What are you doing?
so who are you with now?
But I just called you.
Just wait, this'll be short.
I promise.
I'm just so stressed with work
and I just want to talk to you.
Why can't we talk now?
I just miss you.
Sorry um, it's okay.
Even just for a short while,
Sorry, I can't hear you.
Oh, even just for 15 minutes.
It's...it's okay,
I understand, It's fine.
Maybe next time.
I'll call you back.
Okay, bye-DYE-
- Ricky?
- Rick.
Another one?
Where's he from?
What's his name?
Ricky what?
What's his job?
Come on dad.
Maybe you two
are living together...
that's why you won't let me
visit your new place.
We don't live together.
Sarah, you are going to introduce
that guy to me, okay?
You're going
to introduce him to me.
My dad wants to meet you.
But on second thought...
...he might say
something insulting.
Oh yeah.
I mean, but of course,
I want to meet your father.
I want to show him
that my intentions for you are sincere.
That I love you.
I want to take care of you.
That's all your dad
wants to hear right?
He is a dad.
I love you.
I love you.
I so fucking love you.
What time did you get in?
but you were already asleep.
I'll do lunch.
I don't have work till later.
Uh, babe?
Did your dad say where he was,
It'll take him fifteen minutes.
There was a car collision.
I'm sure he got involved in it.
Babe, don't panic.
I'll help you with this.
So, is this fine?
I told you
that I can't make it tonight, right
Come on Ricky,
Fm putting the phone down.
Fm running low on credit.
Would you please reconsider?
But I just called you.
Who was that, huh?
Our producer.
It's so annoying.
There's suddenly a meeting.
But it isn't
even any concern of mine.
What kind of meeting is it?
Just leave them be.
They can fire me
for all I care.
I told them
prior that I can't make it.
Are you sure?
Yes babe.
Just forget about it okay?
Um, can you hand me
the matches please?
Sorry, what?
You know, it's fine.
You can go back to work.
I mean...
I don't want you
to get fired over this.
Are you sure?
I'm uncomfortable
about leaving you tonight.
I want to meet your father.
You know, it's fine.
There's always the next time.
Thanks babe.
I'm sorry.
I promise,
I'll make it up to you next time.
I'll take you
and your father out, okay?
I'm really sorry
about last night.
How was it?
Did he get mad?
Okay, good.
Okay, okay.
I promise,
F make it up to you.
PH head over there.
Alright, bye.
Oh, hon.
You're already up.
I'll go back to bed.
I'm still sleepy.
You be the one
to drop Pammy off later, okay?
I still have
a lot of orders to finish.
Sir, let's go.
How old is he?
And on the day
they least expected...
...came a little package from above.
The stork dropped a little package
with Dumbo right there.
And everybody called him
Dumbo with his big ears.
Your the mastermind
according to Miss Cruz?
Any comments for that?
Why would I do that?
Fm the one at a loss.
Fm the one that was cheated on.
And I'm the one
who's being blamed?
I won't be able to do that to...
...I won't be able to do that to the one
who provides for me and my kids.
Excuse me.
Reg I'm sorry, please.
Reg, please!
I stopped seeing her, please!
- I don't know if I can trust you ever again!
- I'm just supporting the kid!
Is that the only connection
you two have?
The kid?
If there's anything else,
you better tell me now Ricky!
- No Reg! I am faithful to you!
- Faithful? Faithful?
But the kid
is even younger than Pammy!
Everyday Ricky,
everyday I'm here!
All my time is for you
and Pammy!
What else
are you looking for?
The one you got now
is even worse.
If he really is serious,
he'll find a way to meet me.
It's not his fault!
He can't leave
his job just for you.
Which one?
That TV Shopping?
- Yes!
-If I were him...
...if I were him,
I'll leave that show.
Don't be stupid!
Oh no.
That guy really
is worthless!
You don't even know
where he lives.
And he doesn't have
a facebook account!
Jesus Christ!
Up to now, is there anyone
without a facebook account?
I bet you that that Ricky
is hiding something!
I knew it.
For all we know...
...for all we know, he was hospitalized,
got into an accident, I don't know.
What do you mean hospitalized?
Sorry Sarah,
but I'm very suspicious of that guy.
Boys are all like that.
When my father died,
he had four children in other woman.
Miss, maybe you have
four thousand there on you.
Ricky hasn't paid me.
It's been too long.
Wait, let me check.
Here, that's all I have.
I still need cabfare.
This will do.
You know,
you're such a waste.
There are so many guys out there,
and you end up with Ricky.
Um, is Ricky there?
Daddy isn't home yet.
Who's that?
Someone's looking for daddy.
What do you need from Ricky?
are you done with that?
Nearly done mom.
Nearly done, or not yet?
Because you've been telling me
that you're nearly done since a while ago.
- What are you doing?
- Sorry mommy.
You do know
that I'm slaving away everyday...
-cleaning up after you.
- Sorry.
And you still
keep on doing other things.
When you could've cleaned up your mess,
Are you listening to me?
All you say is sorry,
but are you listening to me?
Huh? Huh?
Do you know how hard it is that
I'm here everyday at home?
Cleaning this up,
cleaning up your stuff.
And then you still leave
your things all over the place.
My room, your room.
Do you know
how to put away your things?
No! Only I do, right?
R99, phase?
Please open the door.
Has she been in there
the whole time?
Yes dad,
I knocked on the door earlier.
Ifs okay Pammy.
Reg, coming in.
What happened?
What happened?
Reg, I told you.
You need to see a doctor.
Reg, it's okay.
Come, come.
Come on, now.
She visited me
at my apartment.
She wanted me to leave.
Of course,
I didn't let her.
Then, after five days...
Jerry was dead.
But he didn't have
any enemies.
Who else would have him killed,
if not his wife.
You don't know that woman.
She shouldn't be a martyr.
She isn't the victim here.
And she knows what she did.
I'm sure
that she won't get caught by the police.
Fm sure that her conscience
is eating her up.
And that she'll never be happy
with what she's done.
Okay good.
Okay exhale slowly.
Nice. That's great.
- So what now?
- Okay, okay. Take care!
Take care...
- Take care. Bye.
- Bye.
Boss please,
just give me one week.
I promise.
I'll give you my whole paycheck.
That's what's difficult
about people like you.
When I need you,
where are you?
But you...
every little thing you come to me.
And I help all of you.
I have a conscience,
I have affection...
...1 am concerned.
But when I need you,
where are you?
Where are you?
So do you have it or not?
Dad, go to bed, okay?
Please boss!
Bring him down!
- Bring him!
- Boss, please. Please.
Bring him down!
Bring him! Go down!
- Boss, please! Baby!
- Go downstairs!
Boss, please!
Thank you, to this car.
Go down!
- Sorry.
- Stop, don't move.
- Sorry.
- Stop, don't move.
I fucked up.
If you leave me,
I'll understand.
Is that what you want?
Is that why you're like this?
- Because you're getting tired of us?
- No.
Maybe you're the one
who's sick of me.
I mean, you've been
really patient with me Reg.
And what did I do?
I destroyed your trust
just to relive my old life?
Now that's fucked up.
I'm nothing.
I'm nothing.
Let's go to Cebu.
In Cebu you have your family,
you have your friends.
What about your work?
My American accent
is no use here.
I'll just apply
at a Call Center in Cebu.
Let's start
all over again Reg.
I don't know us anymore Ricky.
I don't know
what we are anymore.
One last chance.
I can't promise anything,
but I'll try.
Cause I don't know if I
or we can move on from all of this.
I love you.
I love you,
I love Pammy.
Believe me.
let's go to Cebu.
But like I said,
I can't promise anything.
Is there anyone home?
Oh, how was English?
- It was okay, dad.
- Really.
And I got just ten
over ten in my sentences.
Ten out of ten again?
Good job!
That's great!
Ten out of ten?
Great, just great.
I'm so proud of you.
Can someone open the door,
You can't take it back, Ma'am.
How are you there?
Hon, don't call me again
using this number.
Come home.
Um, okay.
Just stay there
because Fm on my way home.
Take care.
Regine will be home anytime.
Why did you deceive me Ricky, hmm?
Sarah, I'm sorry.
I have a family.
Sarah please!
Sarah please!
I'm so sorry.
It's my fault.
I won't let this pass! Ricky! No!
Please don't do this.
Put the gun down.
Don't touch me.
Put the gun down!
Fucking do not touch me!
- Put the gun down!
- No.
Don't do this to me Sarah...
-just put it down.
- Don't fucking touch me!
Did you hear that?
Sarah, have pity.
My daughter's still young.
Sarah please.
You really don't know me.
It's my fault.
The fck.
It's my fault.
It's my fault.
What the fck did you do?
It's my fault.
I don't want to go to jail.
I won't allow you
to go to jail.
Um, can we go home already?
Yes ma'am.
The case is already closed.
There shouldn't be anything
to be worried about.
Thank you.
We can go home, now.
Damn you, bastard!
You're the one to blame,
you bastard!
- Bastard, I'll kill you!
- Stop it sir, stop it!
- Sir!
- Let's go. Let's go!
Remember this!
Wherever you go,
I'll find you.
Let's go.
Damn v \ Sir! w!
Unfaithful husband gets
taken down by his wife.
Your just here.