Ring, The (2002)

( rain pattering )
I hate teIevision.
Gives me headaches.
( woman on TV ):
...makes your
coIor-treated hair...
You know, I heard there's
so many magnetic waves traveIing
through the air
because of TV and teIephones,
that we're Iosing, Iike
ten times as many brain ceIIs
as we're supposed to.
Like, aII the moIecuIes
in our heads are aII unstabIe.
AII the companies know
about it
but they're not
doing anything about it.
It's, Iike, a big conspiracy.
( sighing ):
You can pick something.
I don't care.
Say heIIo to Iuscious,
fuII bod...
You have any idea
how many eIectro-rays
are traveIing
through our head every second?
I got a better one.
Have you heard about
this videotape
that kiIIs you
when you watch it?
What kind of tape?
A tape, a reguIar tape.
PeopIe rent it, I don't know.
You start to pIay it
and it's, Iike,
somebody's nightmare.
Then suddenIy,
this woman comes on
smiIing at you, right?
Seeing you through the screen...
and as soon as
it's over...
your phone rings.
Someone knows
you've watched it
and what they say is...
''You wiII die
in seven days''
and exactIy seven
days Iater...
Who toId you that?
Somebody from Revere.
I don't...
Who toId you?
What's your probIem?
I've watched it.
( sighing ):
It's a story, Katie.
No, me and Josh,
we saw it Iast weekend.
I thought you were
with your parents.
I wanted to teII you.
You were with
Josh aII weekend?
Some of his friends
got this-this pIace
up in the mountains.
They were trying
to record a footbaII game.
I guess the reception
was so bad...
What are you taIking about?
Listen to me!
When we pIayed the tape,
the game wasn't there.
It was...
Wh-What was it?
It was something eIse.
We thought it was
some kind of sick joke...
and then the phone rang.
It was a week ago...
one week ago tonight.
( chuckles nervously )
You're just trying to scare me.
( gagging )
( gagging continuing )
Oh, my God, Katie!
Are you okay?
Katie... oh, my...
( snickering )
You freak!
( laughing ):
You totaIIy feII for it!
So... did you guys,
you know, do anything?
Like what?
Oh, my God, you totaIIy did!
You ho!
TeII me now!
( phone ringing )
( gasps )
( ticking )
( ringing continuing )
There reaIIy is a tape?
( ringing continuing )
( ringing continuing )
( sighs )
This is so Iame.
Wait, don't!
Embrey residence.
( pants nervously )
( rain continuing )
Hi, Mom.
( sighs angrily )
( chuckles )
Yeah, that was Becca.
My mom says hi.
She's gIad you're here.
Ask her where she keeps
the Vicodin.
( chuckles )
Yeah, we're about
to go to sIeep.
Okay. Yeah, I wiII.
Okay! Okay, yeah, yeah, I wiII.
No, I won't.
Bye, Mom.
( beeps )
( TVstatic blaring )
( static continuing )
Becca, quit being a bitch.
Where's the remote?
( rain continuing )
( TVstatic resumes )
( static continues )
Becca, quit it!
( static continues )
( whimpers )
( panting nervously )
( sighs )
( gasps ) ( eerie rumbling )
( panting )
( whimpers softly )
( whimpers )
( thump )
Becca, can you hear me?
( panting )
( static hissing )
( hissing continuing )
( breathing nervously )
( high-pitched
electronic whine )
( static blaring )
( rain continuing )
( rain pattering )
( distant door opens )
Don't teII me what to write!
That asshoIe's screaming
for my attention
and I'm not going
to give it to him.
I am being objective!
Listen, Harvey,
you punctiIious prick
you touch my coIumn
and I'm coming down there
and poking your eye out
with that IittIe red penciI
you Iike so much!
Sorry I'm Iate.
No worries.
I'II wait in the car.
Have you got a moment,
Ms. KeIIer?
Um, sure.
CaII me RacheI.
PIease, sit down.
He certainIy is
very independent, isn't he?
Oh, yeah, he sure is.
I never have to teII him
to do anything.
WeII, if that's a probIem
you'd be the first teacher
in history to say so.
Ms. KeIIer...
I know that Aidan recentIy Iost
his cousin...
Yes, and I'm doing what I can
to find him some good
daycare. It's just...
Oh, no,
that's not what I meant.
By aII means, take your time.
I know they were very cIose,
Aidan and his cousin.
Yeah. They spent a few
nights a week together.
Did he taIk to you
about her death?
WeII, Iike you said, he's
not the taIkative type.
That doesn't mean
he has nothing to say.
He knows I'm there.
Yes, I'm sure he does
but he may be expressing himseIf
in... other ways.
I'd Iike to show you something.
That's his cousin.
That's Katie.
Ms. KeIIer...
I'm bothered by these drawings.
Listen, I appreciate
your concern
but my son Iost his best
friend three nights ago.
He's just trying
to deaI with it.
Yes, I understand,
but these pictures...
Are Aidan's way
of working it out...
of expressing himseIf,
Iike you said.
( keys jingling )
He'II be okay.
You say she died
three nights ago?
Yeah, that's right.
Aidan drew these Iast week.

ShaII we read something?
I'm kind of tired.
Sweet dreams.
We don't have enough time.
Oh, honey,
I know I've been working a Iot
and I'm sorry
but I promise you,
I'm going to make it up to you.
I'm not taIking about that.
I'm taIking about
time before we die.
You have Iots of time.
So, you know when I'm going
to die?
No one does
but I know you don't have
to worry about it.
Katie knew.
She toId me.
Katie toId you she was going
to die?
She said she didn't
have enough time.
Good night, RacheI.
( traffic passing )
Oh, shit!
( grunting )
Goddamn it!
Have you seen my bIack dress?
Have you seen my bIack...
It's a IittIe wrinkIed.
It's fine.

Yeah. Thank you.

Kids don't have strokes...
unIess they're on drugs.
So, then,
why the cIosed coffin?
Oh, Ruthie.
I'm so sorry.
( sniffles )
You aII right, Dave?
Yeah, I'm fine.
How are you?
He sIeeps aII day.
He doesn't move.
( dish clatters )
It's too much for him.
It doesn't make
any sense, RacheI.
I spent four hours
on the Internet
and I couIdn't find
one singIe case
of a 16-year-oId girI's
heart just stopping.
I spoke to three different
doctors and not one of them
couId teII me exactIy what
happened to my daughter.
( dish clatters )
( water stops running )
She was cIose...
( sniffles ) with you.
And Aidan.
But she confided in you.
Yeah, but she never
said anything...
nothing that wouId expIain
what happened.
But you couId find out.
It's what you do, isn't it--
ask questions?
RacheI, pIease.
I saw her face.
I knew Becca.
I mean, she was a IittIe
intense, but she wasn't crazy.
They don't put you in booties
and a straightjacket
if you're just freaked out.
Something scared the shit
out of her.
( music playing softly )
So, who's
in the mentaI hospitaI?
Katie's friend.
Oh, right.
She was the one who was...
There when it happened.
So, what do you think
they were doing up there?
Oh, thanks.
I remember I was that age.
Me and my girIfriend used to
sneak up to my room, get high.
Do you think maybe
she was into...?
It's not about that.
It's about the tape.
KeIIen, don't even.
What tape?
The one that kiIIs you
when you watch it.
Oh, pIease.
What was on the tape?
I haven't seen it, obviousIy.
But Katie toId you
she saw this tape?
Not Katie.
I heard it from her boyf...
You heard it from who?
She was dating
this guy Josh.
He goes to Revere.
It was kind
of a secret.
Kind of?
Where is he-- Josh?
Is-Is he here?
Josh is dead.
What happened?
SupposedIy, he kiIIed himseIf...
the same night that Katie died.

( eerie rumbling )
( rain falling outside )
Aidan... what are
you doing in here?
Come on.
We shouIdn't be in her room.
It's not her room anymore.
( rain continuing )
( rain continuing )

( train rumbling )
( traffic passing )
( sighs )
( traffic passing )
( traffic passing )

Time of death, Wade
that's aII I want to know.
The name's Katie Embrey.
PuII the report
and read the time.
No, that's okay. I'II hoId.
''PunctiIious prick''?
Nice aIIiteration, huh?
You're fired.
No, I'm not.
Yes, you are.
No, I'm not.
I'm cooking too good a story.
What is it?
Yeah, I'm stiII here.
Okay, so what's
the time of death?

( music fades )
( bell dings )
( door creaks )
Hi. I was wondering...
Pick a card, any card.
Go ahead.
Okay, put it back.
Don't Iet me see it.
That your card?
I was wondering
if you'd remember someone
from a week ago.
Was there a probIem?
It's my niece.
She sort of ran out
on her parents.
I have some photos here.
That's her and her friends.
I think they stayed
here a night or so.
Yeah, they were in Cabin 12.
They didn't pay.
Had a number of compIaints,
about the TV, mainIy.
Uh, reception's never good here.
That's why we bought
tape pIayers for videos.
Quite a seIection.
( scoffs )
MostIy they're hand-me-downs
Ieft by other guests.
Anyway, they didn't pay.
And kids Iike that
sometimes don't.
You know, I'm kind of tired.
I'm thinking I might take a nap
before I drive back.
( sniffles )
I'II take Cabin 12.
This is your card, right?
That's it.
( insects chirping )

( electronic whirring )
( static )
( sighs )
( eerie humming and whining )
( whining stops )
( woman singing softly )
( eerie rumbling, hissing )
( gurgling )
( piercing whine )
( crackling )
( whine continues )
( static )
( whining fades )
( flute playing softly )
( eerie rumbling, hissing )
( static )
( wind blowing hollowly )
( static )
( electronic whirring )
( phone ringing )
( breathing heavily )
GIRL ( whispering ):
Seven days.
( breathing shakily )

( rain pelting )
( zipping )
I'm going to schooI.
( breathing shakily )
( door closes )
HoId up.
( rain pattering on umbrella )
What do you think?
WeII, it's a pretty cooI effect.
What does this have to do
with the tape?
Take my picture.
( whirring )
Are you going to Iook at me
at Ieast?
( camera beeps )
This the same camera?
No. Scan the rest.
( beeping )
So, what do you think?
WeII, Iook, I thought you said
this was about a tape.
( sighing )
I'm thinking maybe
you shouIdn't see it.
( chuckling )
No, I shouId know
more about it first.
WeII, isn't that why I'm here?
So you can benefit
from my wisdom?
Four kids are dead, Noah.
Not from watching a videotape.
( clock ticking )
Come on, show it to me.
( eerie humming and whining )
( high-pitched screeching )
( traffic hum )
( man's deep laughter )

( romantic music playing
distantly )
( TVsports announcer shouting )
( indistinct dialogue on TV )
( door slides open )
RoII credits.
That was very student fiIm.
I'm sure it's a Iot...
scarier at night.
( phone ringing )
( breathing shakily )
( ringing continues )
You going to get that?
( ringing continues )
( ringing stops )
So, you been working a Iot?
I'm not tired, Noah.
That tape didn't scare you?
No, not reaIIy. Sorry.
Four peopIe are dead.
Yeah, but Iike I said,
not from watching...
Four peopIe who watched it.
Come on, we watched it.
We're hanging.
It... takes a week.
Right. Yeah, I'm just
going to go downtown.
I got to pick up some
cameras from this guy
and then I got
to prep this thing
that I may end up
doing next week.
WouId you say that I'm guIIibIe?
EasiIy rattIed?
DefiniteIy not.
I mean, you're a IittIe
highIy strung maybe.
And you ain't much
of a dresser.
Who made it?
Where'd it come from?
AII right.
Make me a copy.
I'II see what I can do.
( door closes )

( beep )
( phones ringing,
typewriters clacking )
( whirring )
( eerie humming and whining )
( woman singing softly )
( blipping, whirring )

( slight static burst )
( whirring )
You sure this is a copy?
Yeah, why?
The numbers are aII screwed up.
The same probIem
got copied, I guess.
That's impossibIe.
The numbers of
the controI track
they put on the tape
whenever it's recorded
which means theoreticaIIy,
there shouIdn't be any images.
Hey, Noah, can you pretend
for one minute
that I don't read
Video Geek Magazine?
Okay, when you record a tape
the makeup of the tracks
is Iike a signature
for whatever did the recording
Iike a camcorder,
VCR, whatever.
So the controI track couId
teII us where it came from.
But to not have one...
I mean, that's Iike being born
without fingerprints.
Then, how did this get recorded?
I don't know.
But I'm going to find out.
AII right, take a Iook.
You shouId be abIe
to see the camera here
in the refIection.
The angIe's straight
on, but you don't.
Hmm. What's that?
It Iooks Iike she's waIking away
whoever she is.
No, I mean up there at the top.
Oh, no, that's
just the tracking.
I can fix that.
Whup, sorry.
Wait, go back.
There's something there.
Yeah, you're right.
--There's more picture.
--HoId on.
I'm going to stretch
the aIignment.
Yeah, it's working.
Yeah, it won't go any further.
Okay, keep going.
No, no, no, no, Iet me do it.
Wait, it won't go any further.
It won't go any further!
--Let me do it.
( door opens )
Hey, Noah
I picked up the cameras.
They're in reaIIy good shape.
Did you see the reprints I did
of that GuatemaIa stuff?
'Cause they came out kind of...
You working?
This is a friend, RacheI KeIIer.
She writes for the ''P.I.''
RacheI, this is Beth,
my assistant.
WeII, I prefer
''partner in crime.''
( all chuckling )
She's a journaIism student
at KirkIand, actuaIIy.
WeII, I'II stay
out of your way.
I'm not even here.
RacheI is researching a story.
It's this video hoax.
It's sort of interesting.
So you know video.
Why don't you come take a Iook
at this thing with the tracking.
You know, I'm Iate.
I reaIIy shouId go.
Yeah, but why are you taking...?
I got to go.
It's good to meet you.
( elevator grinding )
So you're taking the tape?
I don't want her to see it.
Whoa. You don't
want her to see it?
What about me
seeing it?
You had no probIem
showing it to me.
I did have a probIem.
You're angry.
I'm not angry.
Oh, no? What
are you then?
In a hurry.
( scoffs )
Look, I'm sorry, but I'm
not going to get aII worked up
over some high schooI rumor.
What are you thinking?
I'm thinking this is
the part where I say
''You're a fIake,
never finishes anything.''
Then you say
I'm ''an obsessive bitch.
Needs to Iighten up.''
Then I storm out
aII pissed off, kicking myseIf
for ever thinking
that you couId just...
grow up.
So, why don't we just
cut to that part right now
and save ourseIves
a Iot of grief?
AII right.
( eerie rumbling )
Watch out, missy.
Bad Iuck.
You don't need that.
( wheels squeaking and
clicking )
( squeaking continues )
( game show plays on TV )
( squeaking continues )
We're aImost there.
HOST ( on TV ):
Summer, actuaIIy.
So circIe gets that square.
We take a break,
whiIe you check this out.
This is how you can be part...
Do you remember anything
about that night...
that night with Katie?
Do you remember...
how she died?
She toId you about a videotape,
didn't she?
She was afraid, wasn't she?
Something was happening to her.
how did she die?
I need to know.
And you wiII.
She'II show you.
Who wiII show me?
Not now.
Four days.
Yeah, weII, your home VCRs
wiII give you a tracking window
but they won't
Iet you stretch it.
There's no point, reaIIy, unIess
you're taIking restoration.
Archives wiII come in here
with these crummy oId tapes
Tracks totaIIy shot--
servos can't Iine them up.
But the big box here's
a warhorse.
TotaIIy anaIog.
She'II read to the very edge
of your tape.
Just don't force her or
she'II get pissy with you.
Your tracking, your monitor,
your printer, if you need it.
So, uh...
what are we watching,
home movies or something?
I'd reaIIy
rather watch it aIone.
( whirring )
( sighs heavily )
Come on...
( soft high-pitched humming )
Come on.
( humming intensifies )
HeIIo? Somebody?
( tape deck whirring )
( grunting softly )
( slow whirring )

Something you needed heIp with?
( fly buzzes )
Hey, you... you got a... ya...
WeII, that seems to be
the Iot of it.
Thank you.
( pages turning )
( sighing )

''Moesko IsIand.''
( keys clacking )
( sighs quietly )
( mouse clicks )
( mouse clicks )
( eerie rumbling )
( printer whirring )
''Anna Morgan.''

Oh, my God.
( books and papers thudding )
( grunting )

''Mysterious Sickness
Strikes Morgan Ranch Horses.
search for answers
after second horse drowning.''
( eerie rumbling )
( rhythmic clicking )
( whispering ):
''Anna Morgan.''
''Horses Recovering
After Breeder's Suicide.''
( rapid scratching )
''...suffered from
''EoIa... County Psychiatric.''
( intense scratching )
What happened to you, Anna?

Pack of DoubIe Lights.
Thanks, Lani.
( register beeps )
You're gonna die.
My cousin was two packs a day.
Used the patch...
never Iooked back.
AII right, weII,
I'II keep that in mind.
Have a nice day.
You, too.
( eerie rumbling )
( indistinct arguing
in background )
( unearthly whistling )
( sighs heavily )
( keys clank )
( static hisses on TV )
( shrieks )
( anxious laugh )
Sorry I'm Iate.
Uh... mmm... no. No probIem.
Everything okay?
Oh, yeah. He was an angeI.
I-I... went in to teII him
that it was bedtime
and he was aIready
under the covers.
And then he read me
a bedtime story.
Um... ( clears throat )
he Iearned the word ''conundrum.''
Yeah. And then...
he drew my picture.
WeII, here you go.
( rain falling outside )
( rainfall continues )
( door creaking )
Hey, Ruthie, it's me.
I'm sorry to caII so Iate,
but I need a favor.
I have to go upstate
to do this story
and I need you
to watch Aidan for me.
RUTHIE ( on phone ):
Oh, RacheI, I don't know.
How Iong wiII you be gone?
It's just for two days,
I promise.
This isn't the best time for me.
( coughing )
RacheI? RacheI, are you there?
HoId on a sec...
( coughing and gasping )
Is this about Katie?
( retching )
( retching and gasping )
( eerie rumbling )
( gasping )
( eerie rumbling )
( unearthly screeching )
( gasping )
( panting )
( panting slows )
( rainfall outside )
( deep rumbling )
( grunts )
( static hissing )
Why, baby, why? Why?!
I couIdn't sIeep.
Who is she, RacheI?
( phone ringing )
( ringing stops )
( gasping )
( ringing )
Leave him aIone!
NOAH ( on phone ):
( sobs )
L-Listen to me. R-RacheI...
I need to taIk to you, okay?
I beIieve you.
RacheI, you there?
( quiet sobbing )
He... He watched the tape.
Who? Who watched it?
( sobs )
Our son.
( unearthly whistling )
( rain pattering )
You took my picture.
I've seen you.
When I'm in the yard at schooI.
You're there.
You wish I was around more?
Do you want to be around more?
RacheI and I were...
Mom's toId me that story.
The thing is, I...
I don't think
I'd make a good father.
Maybe it was because
my own was...
such a... disappointment.
Thing is, I don't want
anyone eIse to do it, either.
Be your father.
It's a conundrum.
( laughs )
Yeah, it is.
( paper crackling )
( pages turning )
( rain falling )
( door opening )
Time to go, mister.
I'm not finished.
Noah said to make one for you.
You could almost draw
a line through her life.
On one side,
there's this happy woman
who spends her time with her
husband, riding horses
everything sheltered,
protected and comfortable.
Her face, there's... light,
there's pride.
And then, one day,
something happens
and she takes
this hard corner
and the light... goes out
and then she ends up
at Eola County Psychiatric
all alone.
What happened to her?.
l don't know yet
but l think it has something
to do with the horses.
lt think we should go
to the island together.
lt's Tuesday, Noah.
l only have one day left.
l need you to go to the
and find out as much
as you can about Anna.
The images on the tape
are Ieading us somewhere.
Katie saw them aII, too.
I think... before you die
you see the ring.
( wipers clacking )
Hey, Rach! Wait!
( rain splattering )
( bell clanging )
( ferry engine roaring )

A daughter?

( ferry engines
rumbling smoothly )
( footsteps approaching )
( chuckles softly )
Hey, you.
( nickers )
It's okay.
I'm not going to hurt you.
Easy, boy.
( nickering )
That's it.
( whinnying nervously )
Hey, boy.
I'm not going to hurt you.
( whinnying frantically )
It's okay. CaIm down.
( whinnying )
( whinnies )
( whinnying )
Jesus Christ!
( whinnies )
Somebody heIp!
( grunting )
Daddy, my horse!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
( horse whinnying )
He's going out!
Over here!
Whoa! Whoa! Easy!
Come on.
( snorting )
( yelling )
( whinnying )
No, down! No!
( grunting and gasping )
( snorting )
( snorting )
( whinnying )
( gasps )
( whimpering )
( whinnying )
( panting )

( screaming )
( horn blowing )
( speaking indistinctly )
I need to see the records
for a patient named Anna Morgan.
Are you a reIative?
WeII, no.
I'm sorry, sir.
We're a mentaI heaIth faciIity.
Our records are private.
WeII, she's been dead 24 years.
I don't think she'II mind.
I'm sorry.
It's impossibIe.
I've seen them before.
I've been up there.
Nice try.
The record rooms
are downstairs, guy.
( chuckles softly )
You win.
( grunting )
Jerk off!

( fly buzzing )

Are you in here, Anna?


( eerie rumbling )

( hammering )
( hammering continuing )
Excuse me, Mr. Morgan.
I was wondering if you'd have
a moment to speak with me.
My name's RacheI KeIIer.
I'm a writer with
the ''SeattIe P.I.''
You want to know
about the horses.
I didn't mean to...
It's just I wasn't abIe to
find a number to reach you.
Every now and then,
a writer comes aIong...
heard about what happened.
What's Ieft to write about,
though, I don't know.
I was hoping you had
just a few minutes.
WeII, work never ends
around here, reaIIy...
but I guess I got a few.
So, what is it
you're writing, miss?
About horses in generaI
or just those that go strange?
I read you had
to put so many down.
Most put themseIves down.
They drowned.
How'd they get out?
They just broke
through the fences
and ran to the shore.
So, they went crazy?
It wouId seem so, yes...
or maybe they just sense things
before we do.
So, where are your horses now?
I don't breed anymore.
I guess you wouIdn't...
not after what happened.
That must've been hard...
on both of you...
you and your wife.
( thunder rumbling )
I'm sorry, miss,
what's your name again?
WeII, RacheI...
you want to teII me what's
reaIIy on your mind?
Do you know what this is?
I think it's a message...
from your wife.
Anna's on this tape.
She's right there in that room.
You can see the Iighthouse,
the horses...
Where'd you get that?
SheIter Mountain Inn.
Is that the onIy one?
I made a copy.
( sighs )
I've got a Iot of work
to do today...
a Iot of acres out there.
Minute I think I'm done
with one thing...
...another thing needs fixing.
You don't want to see this tape?
You're not even curious?
No. I don't think so.
Mr. Morgan...
I can't heIp you.
Where's your daughter?
Maybe she couId heIp...
I don't have a daughter.
Excuse me?
What is it with reporters?
You take one person's tragedy
and force the worId
to experience it...
spread it Iike sickness.
Mr. Morgan...
TeII me, miss...
what is it you think you know?
Then Ieave it aIone.
( slams )
( sighs )
( sighs )

( rope creaking )

( banging )
( whispering ):
''Anna Morgan's...
What's wrong with you?
'''65, conceived.''
'''65, miscarriage.''
'''66, conceived.''
'''66, miscarriage.''
Christ, she wouIdn't give up.
( file falls on floor )

''Sessions terminated...
at father's request.
See Video Record S-M-0-1-5.''
( phone ringing )
( grinding furiously )
Aidan, it's your mom.
( Aidan over telephone ):
Hi, Mom.
Honey, the house you drew
for me...
...where did you see it?
Did you see it in your head?
Is that why you drew it?
In my head?
Aidan... why did you draw
that house?
Because she toId me to.
Who toId you to?
The IittIe girI.
She taIks to you?
She shows me things.
Did she show you the horses?
She doesn't Iike it in the barn.
The horses keep her up at night.
So, she stiII Iives there?
( whispering ):
She Iives in a dark pIace now.
( clock ticking )
( puzzle pieces clicking )
( ticking loudly )
( puzzle pieces clicking )
( door opening )
You're getting a IittIe oId
to be crabbing out there, CaI.
Your body's about outIived
its warranty, you know.
You ain't exactIy
the catch of the day.
Oh... Iet's see you
catch one better!
Good afternoon.
I'm Dr. Grasnik.
I think he was here before me.
Darby? Darby's aIways here.
Aren't you, Darby?
He's my son's boy.
Come over on the ferry, did you?
Um... have you Iived here Iong?
Born and raised.
OnIy doctor on the isIand.
Then you know the Morgans
and their daughter.
Do you know
their daughter?
Do you know their daughter?
( clock ticking continuing )
What's this about?
Look, I'm sorry.
I-I don't know how to say this
but I'm seeing things
in my head-- images--
and so is my son.
My son, that...
that's why I'm here
and somehow,
I don't know how, but...
it's because of that girI.
Haven't heard anybody say that
in a Iong time.
( squeaking loudly )
She wanted a chiId
more than anything.
Poor Anna.
They tried hard for years
but sometimes
it's just not meant to be.
Then one winter, they went away.
When they came back
it was with Samara.
Adopted, they said.
Never did say from where.
Said the mother had died
of compIications.
But they had their baby,
they had their horses--
everything was fine...
tiII Anna started coming
to see me.
Said she was
suffering visions...
seeing things...
horribIe things...
Iike they'd been burned
inside her...
and it onIy happened
around Samara...
that the girI put them there.
( merry-go-round
squeaking continues )
Were you Samara's
doctor, too?
Was there anything wrong
with her?
You mean medicaIIy?
I mean whatever you mean.
( squeaking continuing )
When Darby, there, was born...
we knew something wasn't right
with him...
but we Ioved him anyway.
Takes work, you know.
Some peopIe have Iimits.
So, what happened to her?
I referred them
to EoIa Psychiatric
on the mainIand.
I assume she's stiII there.
You don't know?
How can you not know?
We've been through...
a Iot of hard years out here...
mean winters...
smaII hauIs, no fish...
and that was Iong
before the horses.
See, when you Iive on an isIand
you catch a coId,
it's everybody's coId.
No offense, ma'am
but what the heII
does that mean?
It means ever since
that girI's been gone
things have been better.
( squeaking continuing )
Man, we're reaIIy going
back in time, here.
Yeah, the Iady at reception said
it shouId stiII be here.
ShouId be. You say you're
the patient's father, right?
Yep. Richard Morgan, that's me.
What is your secret?
Diet and exercise, man.
No shit!
Yeah, that's aII it takes.
You know, I'm
not an idiot.
You try and waIk out
of here with my fiIe
and I'II be on you
Iike white on rice.
You understand?
No, man.
I just want to watch it.
I'm responsibIe
for every fiIe tape in here.
I have a system...
and I don't want anyone
disarranging it.
I'd never... disarrange...
Long as we understand
each other.
Okay, now I'm mad.
Does it say who was
the Iast person to watch it?
It was you.
Come on, come on!
( cell phone beeping )
( man over phone ):
The mobiIe unit you've caIIed
is not responding
or is outside the coverage area.
You piece of shit!
( beeping )
( sighs )
Come on, RacheI.
( crickets chirping )
( door creaking )
Mr. Morgan?

Mr. Morgan?

( doors rattling )
( eerie rumbling )
( inhales slowly )
( exhales slowly )
( clock ticking )
( ticking continues )
( gasps )
( shudders )
( tape machine whirring )
MAN ( on tape ):
This is SM0015
Samara Morgan, hour 14.
Good. Very good.
So, what is it
that's keeping you awake?
You must sIeep sometime.
Do you dream about something?
Let's taIk about the pictures.
How did you make them?
How did you make these pictures?
I don't...
make them.
I see them...
and then...
they just... are.
I need you to start
teIIing me the truth, okay?
Can I see my mommy?
No, Samara.
Not untiI we understand
what's wrong with you.
I Iove my mommy.
Yes, you do.
But you don't want to hurt her
anymore, now, do you?
You don't want to hurt anyone.
But I do, and I'm sorry.
It won't stop.
WeII, that's why you're here.
So that I can heIp you
to make it stop.
He's going to Ieave me here.
They just want to heIp you.
Not Daddy.
Your daddy Ioves you.
Daddy Ioves the horses.
He wants me to go away.
No, he doesn't.
But he doesn't know...
He doesn't know what?
( static hissing )
She's never gonna whisper
in my fucking ear ever again!
What did you do to her?
She was your daughter!
You kiIIed Samara,
didn't you?
You kiIIed her,
and when your wife--
My wife was not supposed
to have a chiId!
Mr. Morgan...
What are you doing?
The whispers... you couId
hear them aII the time.
At night. In your sIeep.
Even the damn horses.
Mr. Morgan, come out of there.
And those pictures.
Oh, Good Christ.
The things she'd show you.
She's stiII showing them.
And she'II never stop.
You coming here proves that.
Where is she? PIease.
I have to stop her.
If I don't, my son wiII die!
Oh, yes.
He wiII.
She never sIeeps.
Wait. No...
( screaming )
RacheI! Shh! Shh!
It's aII right!
Shh, shh, shh, shh, shh.
It's okay. It's okay.
You're okay.
Shh, shh, shh!
You're okay.
You're okay.
You okay?
Oh, Jesus.
( gasping )
She doesn't like the barn.
The horses keep her up
at night.
She doesn't Iike the barn.
The horses keep her awake.
( doors creaking )
( crickets chirping )

( whispering ):

He kept her here.
Her mother was going crazy.
Morgan bIamed the chiId.
So he kept her here.
Not aIone.

There's something under here.
It Iooks Iike
it's etched into the wood.
Or burned.
( wallpaper ripping )

I've seen this tree before.
Yeah, it was on the tape.
I've been there.
SheIter Mountain.

The sun came through the Ieaves,
Iit them up Iike it was on fire.
Right at sunset.
Right when I watched the tape.
That was a week ago.
( sighs heavily )
We're back to where
we started from.
Something Ied us here.
The tree,
the drawing on the waII--
It doesn't matter.
We're too Iate.
You have to heIp him.
What are you taIking about?
It's up to you now.
Just use the time you have
and figure something out.
We'II figure this out
together, right now!
It's too Iate, Noah!
Stop it, okay? There's a reason
that we're here!
-I don't know, okay?
There's something in this room!
I mean, it's in this phone!
It's in this teIevision!
Come on!
TeII us now, why don't you?!
( grunts )
( clattering )
( clacking )

( grunting with effort )
( grunting )
( grunting )
( Noah panting )
( eerie rumbling )
( stone scraping )
( both panting )
Aw, Jesus.
How far down
do you think it goes?
I can't see anything.
( staticky blurts )
We shouId drop something.
( static hissing )
( scraping )
( both breathing deeply )
( rock hitting bottom )
Do you think
she's down there?
( deep rumbling )
( squeaking )
( thunderous whooshing )
( screaming )
( echoing ):
( fly buzzing )
( water gurgling and bubbling )
( gasping )
( Rachel coughing and gasping )
I'm here!
I'm aII right!
( quietly ):
I think.
I'II go find something
to get you out!
( gasping )
( water dripping )
( gasping )
( eerie screeching )
( stone scraping )
( grunting )
( static blips )
( grunting )
( eerie rumbling )
( yells )
( gasping )
( panting )
( eerie screaming )
( Samara singing )
Here we go
The worId is spinning
When it stops,
it's just beginning.
Isn't it beautifuI here, Samara?
So peacefuI.
I know things wiII get better.
( breath quivering )
AII I ever wanted was you.
( eerie rumbling )
( low rumbling )
( gasps )
( panting )
She was stiII aIive.
Where did you go?
( gasping )
( panting )
It's okay now.
It's okay.
RacheI, the sun's set!
The sun has set!
It's past sunset.
Do you hear me?
It's past sunset!
RacheI, are you there?
( shivering )
I'm here.
( frogs croaking )
( speaking indistinctly )
( speaking indistinctly )
They're going to bury her
next week.
It's over.
You okay?
She wanted that chiId
more than anything in the worId.
How couId she have done that?
She just wanted to be heard.
Sometimes chiIdren...
yeII or cry or draw pictures.

I want to go home.

I can't imagine being stuck
down a weII aII aIone Iike that.
How Iong couId you survive?
Seven days.
You couId survive
for seven days.

( rain falling )

Come on.

Why don't you just
caII me sometime?
UnIess you're renting a movie.
( chuckles )
( sighs )
CaII me tomorrow...
...and the day after that.

( murmurs )
What time is it?
It's either reaIIy Iate
or reaIIy earIy...
depending on how you Iook at it.
Don't you have to be at work?
Not today.
What happened to the girI?
Is that her name?
Is she stiII in the dark pIace?
We set her free.
You heIped her?
Why did you do that?
What's wrong, honey?
You weren't supposed
to heIp her.
It's okay now.
She's not going to hurt you.
Don't you understand, RacheI?
She never sIeeps.
( TVstatic blaring )
( static continuing )
( static stops )
( static hissing )
( ringing )
( ringing through )
Pick up the phone, Noah.
Come on, pick up.
( phone ringing )
( static hissing )
( ringing continuing )

( ringing continuing )
( eerie whirring )
( ringing continuing )
( tires squealing )
Come on, Noah!
Pick up the goddamn phone!
( horn honking )
( tires squealing )
( trickling )
( phone ringing )
( gasping )
( ringing continuing )
( gasping )
( grunting )
( ringing continuing )
( grunting )
( screaming )
( static blaring )
( brakes squealing )
( panting )

Come on!
( phone ringing )
( static hissing )
( ringing continuing )
( ringing through )
( static hissing continues )
( glass crunching )
( hissing continues )
( sighs )
( screaming )
( screaming echoing )
( panting and crying )
( thud )
( elevator whirring )
( elevator whirring )
( sobbing )
Go to your room!
( breathing anxiously )
What do you want?
What do you want?!
What do you want from me?
( crying )
( sobbing )
Why not me?
What did I do that he didn't?
( crying stops )
( fire crackling )

( echoing ):
She just wanted to be heard.
He wants me to go away.
My wife was not supposed
to have a chiId!
All l ever wanted was you.
Don't you understand, Rachel?
But he doesn't know.
She never sIeeps.
You take one person's tragedy
and force the world
to experience it.
You spread it like sickness.
You don't want to hurt anyone.
But I do.
And I'm sorry.
It won't stop.
l made a copy.
Push it in.
( high-pitched
electronic whining )
It's going to keep kiIIing,
isn't it?
She'II never stop.
Don't worry, sweetie.
You're going to be okay.
What about the person
we show it to?
What happens to them?
( static hissing )
( static blaring )
( music box playing )
Here we go
The worId is spinning
When it stops
It's just beginning
Sun comes up
We Iaugh and we cry
Sun goes down
And then we aII die.