Rings (2017)

Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen...
We're on our final
approach for Seattle.
The weather is fair with winds
out on the east.
Temperature on the ground is 68 degrees.
On behalf of our cabin crew and
I'll see you on your flight back.
We would like you to thank you
for flying with us tonight.
The night sucks when you can't sleep.
Yeah, tell me about that.
Sometimes it's good to talk.
This is gonna sound crazy, but...
You ever hear about the videotape
that kills you after you watch it?
Well, I'm at this party...
I met this girl from Seattle.
We totally hailed off.
The next day, she sent me this video.
It says "watch me".
So, I find a VCR, watch it.
But the images that are in it...
The second it was over, my phone rings.
And this girl says I'm gonna die in 7 days.
That was a week ago. Tonight...
Ever since, everything's been strange.
All you gotta do is make it
to the next five minutes.
I'm Sorry.
Sir, sir...
Please stay in your seat!
What was that about;
That cute guy sitting right next to us...
Turns out he's total.
He was telling me about a movie that's
supposed to kill you.
- What Movie?
- Some video...
She calls you on the
phone if you watch it...
...and said 7 days.
Which is like right now.
Open up!
Did you make a copy of it?
- Did you make a copy of the tape?
- No!
Miss, the seat-belt light is on.
What is going on with you?
It's just a story.
I have seen it!
Traffic control,
this is flight 77 here.
2 Years Later
If you are not interested in buying,
I would love to take a look.
Sure, who would wanna know VCR?
Once upon a time, this was a
technological revolution.
Was just talking to the guy...
turns out that he got all this stuff from...
a family whose son died
In a plane crash a couple of years back.
And now it's just a bunch of outdated junk.
I prefer "vintage".
Come on old man...
Still got some life in you?
"Watch Me"
Hey Sky?
Guess what...
Had a tape in it.
Want to see what's down the rabbit hole?
I'm gonna be late for class.
Maybe, you can tell me 'bout it later.
Have fun, Professor!
Come on, work!
7 days.
What? Who is this?
I keep thinking about this story.
It's like the most romantic story
in the history of stories.
Well it's not how we met.
No, it's about this guy, Orpheus.
His girlfriend dies...
And he has to literally go down
into hell to rescue her.
How come it's always the guy
rescuing the girl?
He tracks her down...
and he finds her...
and the devil is gonna let her go
on one condition.
He has to start first
without her.
He has to walk away
without looking back at her.
He looks back to glimpse her and
looses her forever.
9th Grade, English Lit.
You know it...
So what's your point?
I don't know. I just...
I relate to the guy.
I can't imagine not loo king
back at you.
Actually you gotta go.
Because my boy friend is leaving for
college and I promised
- I would help him pack.
- No!
Come on get up!
- Come back to bed.
- No!
You really need all of these?
Let's go.
Come, come with me.
Come on Holt.
They should be on the road
an hour ago.
Give us a second dad.
You've done the right thing.
Your mom...
She really needs you right now.
I'm gonna miss your smell.
I'll see you Columbus Day Weekend.
And tell Tommy Lombarti that
I'm onto him.
What do you mean?
He gets a job where you work,
the day I leave?
You are crazy!
Don't look back!
9.30 Skype tonight!
Where the hell is your shirt?
- Tonight!
- And every night!
And every single night.
Unless I'm with Tommy Lombarti!
You did not just say that!
Oh, baby. It's been six weeks.
I can't take it.
Why are you so much nicer...
... Now that we don't live in the same town?
So what's your name again?
Shut up!
How are your classes?
Kind of uninspiring.
There is this one
"Experimental Biology" class though...
... The teacher's kind of bad ass.
That sounds cool.
Not everything's cool, though.
There is still like a whole
week until I get to see you.
Well you are seeing me now.
Yeah, I guess.
What about I start by taking off
My hair-clip...
Oh..Yeah. Okay.
What's next?
How did you make it?
These idiots just broke into my room!
Gabriel says you're up.
- Let's go to the "sevens"
- Shit..Tonight?
Sorry lady but your boyfriend has
got plans tonight.
Yeah, but we could talk.
I think I'm good.
I'll make it up to you.
- I'll talk to you tomorrow.
- He'll talk to you tomorrow...
Yeah. Sure.
Lose your phone again?
Should I come the weekend?
I told you I would
make it up to you.
You owe me a good dream.
Where is he;
- Who are you?
- Where is Holt?
I do not know, I haven't spoken to
- Do not lie to me!
- I am not lying to you!
- What are you doing on his computer?
- Tell him there is no hiding!
Tell the dead man
He can't hide!
What are you talking about;
What's wrong with you?
She's coming...
There's no stopping her.
Tell Holt that...
Please pick up the phone.
This is Holt, you know what to do...
This is Holt, you know what to do...
Holt, what's going on?
I just had the strangest conversation
of my life...
with that weird girl.
This is Holt, you know what to do...
Science has told us...
that we are merely the
primal stirrings of some...
carbon, proteins.
We live a while...
Eat, have sex when we can.
And that's it
then we die.
Lou, there is no need to take
notes on that part.
Wait..Hold on...
Because no one is denying
that we have consciousness.
Some, inner life...
That's not quite accounted for here.
Let's remember the infamous
double-slit experiment.
When no one is watching...
the particles just pass through...
both slits at the same time.
But with an observer...
They behave like bullets.
Passing through one slit
or the other.
This is big, guys.
The immaterial human consciousness
has reached out
and touched the material.
There is a calculable transformation
in the real world.
And solely because...
... Someone was there to watch it.
Which may account for the fact that...
I have become significantly sweatier...
once I have noticed the mysterious
Watching me from the back of the room.
Alright that's it.
Go get drunk.
Hey, I remember you guys from...
- Why do you come here?
- Come on dude..
There you go...
How can I help you?
I'm looking for my boyfriend.
He is supposed to be in your class.
What's this guy's name?
Holt Anthoni.
Not sure.
Always takes me until Thanksgiving
to start putting names to faces.
Really cause...
He was supposed to do some sort of
extra credit thing for you.
Did he?
Maybe, I don't know.
I do know that I have 25
asses to grade.
Listen. Okay...
It's not uncommon for a new student...
To find something or someone...
... that's more interesting to them
than class.
My advice to you, move on.
Thanks, appreciate it.
- Calm down!
- I am telling you it's different.
Everyone say stuff. It's Okay.
- Where is your tail?
- I don't have one anymore!
- I told you not to call him.
- That asshole hung up on me!
Oh I wonder why.
Okay, we will switch tails.
You talked to Holt?
No! I tried.
He isn't answering his phone.
Holt has his own problems.
You have to help me Gabriel!
It's your fault.
- You started it!
- Calm down!
Listen to me Gabe!
The video, the tales of these people
It's wrong and she's pissed.
You're being ridiculous.
I can feel her!
It's all changing.
You don't have much time.
You need to trust me.
How could I ever trust you?
Get to your studio, don't talk to
anyone along the way..
Get a copy of the video and wait.
I'm gonna send someone right now.
Everything's gonna be fine.
You understand;
Yes! I Understand!
You..you don't.
I don't seem to find the tape
to be that scary, but...
Hey, you aren't supposed to be here!
Hey, you called me the other night.
Hey, Look at me!
You are the girlfriend?
Where is Holt?
I can help you...
But I need to show you something first.
You live here?
Yeah, Fine Art, Grads Programme.
I need a clear head do to my work
and I like my privacy.
Is Holt been here?
Did I say he would be?
Be careful where you stem.
I just painted the ceiling.
Nothing is wrong.
He is not avoiding you.
He's just on a journey.
I want to watch something
and then you'll understand.
Is that my phone?
You are lying!
I need you to do this for me.
It's just a 2 minute video.
It won't hurt you.
Open the door!
I need you to help me!
Holt watched it.
We've all watched it.
Open the door!
You're not real.
You're not real!
I win bitch!
What happened
What happened?
Tell me you didn't watch it!
- Tell me!
- She's dead...
Uh..Gabriel sent me.
I'm supposed to watch you video.
Do you know about Sky?
I know, someone put a picture of her online.
Everyone's dropping out.
Wait, Do I still have a tail?
Is someone still watching for me?
I'm gonna find you
someone I promise.
Just stay where you are.
Who was that?
It was Gabriel.
Everything is gonna be fine.
That's what he told Sky.
Listen, Julia...
I'm really sorry that
you had to see that.
But I can't let you get
caught up in this.
I think it's a little too late for that.
I watched it.
12 hours after Sky.
We were supposed to help each other
through it.
Help each other?
- So you are in her?
- No!
Gabriel said
A few of us gonna be chosen
for this experiment.
If you just heard the way
he described it...
That we could prove the existence of a soul.
Of life after death.
I know, it sounds crazy, but...
I'm just confused...
The tape is the doorway to the other side.
Then why did she die?
You have 7 days
before you die.
You just have to watch the tape
and make a copy...
and show it to someone else,
and then you're fine.
Gabriel calls it, "A tail".
A "Tail" that didn't show.
So you're supposed to pass on a
death sentence to someone else?
How could you get involved in this?
Whatever you are...
Leave him alone.
7 days.
Jules, what did you do?
I saw something.
There was a room.
A door.
- Yeah?
- It's Gabriel.
Holt, listen, I've got a
tail for you.
It's not for me anymore.
You know why, I wasn't answering
your calls right?
It was to protect you from this.
Gabriel had a solution for me.
It would have been fine
I would be fine.
The I'll be fine too.
What happened?
A bird...
It was a bird.
I told you there was a bird!
But I saw it.
So, you watched the tape?
I dismissed self-sacrifice
as popular myth.
Holt was running out of time.
It was the only way to save him.
Anyone would have done it.
You know I could show you some
That would suggest you opposite.
She's marked already.
On day one.
And it's...it's different.
I wasn't marked until day five.
Gabriel, this has to mean something.
It's happening faster.
Maybe it is all changing.
I wanted to believe that
tape meant a lot of things.
Our souls are eternal.
And when we die...
... The spirit tries to find a new "home."
Then I saw the picture.
I saw Sky's face.
You saw it too.
You wanna survive, you make a copy and
you show it someone.
- No one is dying because of me!
- Oh. Tell them how it works.
And so what?
This cycle just continues?
What do you think survival is?
Just make a copy...
We'll decide what to do with
it later.
What did you do here?
Her version won't copy.
What do you mean it won't copy?
Your file's size is
larger than the original.
How can it be?
Script through her copy.
Whoa...whoa. What is that?
Go back.
Right there.
The bird!
I told you in the car.
I saw that bird.
Shouldn't be there.
I need my equipment.
Okay, you see?
There's these weird gaps
in the digital code.
... where we get this ghost images
like your bird.
We are talking
One or two frames...
Still images...
There's more.
There's video data condensed...
In the still frames.
A video within a video?
There is now.
I do not want you to watch it.
Jules, there is no way.
We are watching this together.
End of discussion!
Holt, whatever it is...
... I think it's intended for Julia alone.
Look at me.
I know you're upset
that I watched it.
But we can't let it be
for nothing.
So don't look back, okay?
Put it on.
Baby, tell us what you see.
A clock.
A cross.
In a flood.
A girl.
I don't know.
A burning body.
Sorry. I'm sorry...
What was it?
Only images, but...
I cant explain
how it felt.
Flood, fire, cremation...
Those are images that
have never been on the tape before.
You know, Primitive cultures
believed that the only way
to free a soul is to burn the body.
That is if you can find it...
I saw this.
That's where they buried her.
I traced it to a town called
"Sacrament Valley"
... But four hours from here.
That's where we need to go.
Thank you Jamal.
The police are on their way here.
And you are not even coming with us?
The police wanna ask me questions, Holt.
They think you killed Sky.
But he didn't!
I hope if you learned anything
from an education...
Is that more than one theory can be true.
I didn't kill Sky.
And I did.
But the cops don't deal on
such ambiguities.
My research.
Everything that's known about
the tape is there.
It will be more of a help to you,
than I can be.
A man never quite measures up to his work.
The images on the tape
They were her story.
She wanted it to be heard.
Samara was found abandoned
as a young child.
Nobody knew where she came from...
... or who her parents were.
She was adopted...
... And they realized that something
was unnatural with this girl.
Something evil.
They tried to kill her, but...
The Samara survived for 7 days...
at the bottom of the well.
They found her body
years later.
And they brought her all the way
to this town?
I don't know.
That girl!
What girl?
- Can I help you?
- Hey.
There was no light outside.
Do you have any vacancies?
- Two rooms;
- One.
Cash only.
Check out at noon.
It's an old house.
Walls are thin.
Hope you don't mind the cats.
I'm just down the hall.
Excuse me!
Who is the girl in this photo?
The one in the middle there?
Well that's my niece.
Beautiful, isn't she?
People say we look just...
No, I'm sorry.
I mean the girl with the violin.
That's Evelyn.
I think I saw her.
Earlier today.
That's not possible.
She disappeared 30 years ago.
Does anyone know why?
And I would rather not talk about it.
Ma'am, where's the church?
Well, it's not a church anymore.
It's the worst part of it for me was...
When I let down my kids.
let down my husband.
Raise your hand if life ever let you down.
Go ahead now,
raise your hand.
And then you found the Drug.
You thought "unlock the secret."
It was nothing.
But a reflection of the lie...
We gotta go.
So, what do we do now?
Awful young to be here.
Don't let it kill you.
Excuse me, sir?
Could you tell me a little bit
more about the Church?
When did it close?
Been thirteen years.
After the flood.
The town used to have 5 times
this many people.
Ever since...
There are more dead
than alive around here.
Thank you.
- He said the Church...
- That's where they brought her.
The cemetery.
Look for her name.
Come on, pick up!
This is Holt, you know what to do.
Holt, It's Gabriel.
I don't know if you're
getting these messages, but...
I figured out the mark on Julia's hand.
It's braille (for the blind).
I'm gonna come find you guys.
"The water rose to carry them and
brought them back safely to God.
She's in there.
Someone moved her.
What are you doing;
There is something written.
Hey..What happened?
What happened?
I saw something.
We were just looking for...
I know who you are looking for.
Let's go.
What did you find?
Two kids,
kind of breaking in to 2-94.
Breakin' in?
That's new.
You wanna take 'em down
to the sheriff's office?
No no...
Don't call this to sheriff.
I can take care of this.
I'm Gallen Berk.
I watch everything that's here.
So to speak.
Please come in.
It's not much...
but I wasn't expecting company.
I can, I can take...
No, no I'm fine.
I know every corner of this house.
You are looking for the girl.
I find it interesting that you managed
to find her grave
even after the marker was removed.
I had a vision.
An image of that grave that led me here.
And inside the grave...
I saw a vision of a well.
A vision?
You wanna know about Samara Morgan?
Our Priest, was...
very active with the community back then.
He heard that...
After all he looked right them through...
That she was being denied a resting place.
Who is to say that charity isn't
meant for the dead?
So why isn't she there now?
Because we paid vitally
for this active charity.
It was as if God...
and nature itself...
wanted us to get rid of her.
The flood?
Yes. But...
I had let myself...
Like you.
As she was trying to tell me something.
I was pulled to that grave.
She showed me things.
Things that...
No one should have to imagine.
And then I went blind.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, don't be!
It brought me peace.
The Priest requested...
That her body be moved.
He left the "Sacrament Valley".
She was buried in the "Pottersville."
Just north of town.
To be forgotten by all.
I think we should get out of here.
Listen to me.
There is nothing about this girl..
Worth being curious about.
- I need to see this through!
- Why?
Because you think you
were chosen for something?
Having a vision...
Doesn't mean you know what that
vision means.
Thank you.
What's this on your hand?
Why did you put this mark
on your hand?
What do you mean?
Be careful.
You hear me?
So what now?
We gotta find the body.
Hey! Stay right there.
The road is closed,
there has been an accident.
- Need you to turn her around.
- Okay sir.
- Julia!
- It's that the girl from the picture.
Where do you think you're going sir?
Excuse me!
Turn around.
- Over here!
- Go around, right?
What is it...
Hey Sir, please!
Gabriel, tell me...
You can't be down there!
He was coming for a reason.
He wanted to tell us something.
No, she wanted to tell us something.
This girl has something to do
with Samara.
We need to go back.
I can feel her pain.
Her suffering.
I'm sick with it
and it's getting worse.
I'm so tired.
You sleep.
I'm gonna get us something to eat.
... We'll figure this out.
I was there.
There you go Caren.
Chicken fried Steak and coffee.
- Hey, menu?
- Yeah.
What is that?
Chicken or stake?
You are funny.
Okay, I don't mean to be rude,
The girl...
friend with your niece,
the one who disappeared...
Can you tell me a little bit more
about what happened?
My niece and she...
Knew each other through
the Church music program.
But she was the most gifted.
People used to kid her
"You're too good for this place."
We are gonna wake up one day
and you'll be gone.
And that will be that.
I guess there are certain jokes
you shouldn't make.
Because it happened.
She disappeared.
No clothes gone, no note.
Just vanished.
The priest...
... He kept it down here.
34 weeks.
Eight and a half months.
You were pregnant.
You are Samara's mother.
The Police investigated
for six months and...
... then we stopped hearing from them.
Town never felt quite the same after that.
The priest..
Do you know what happened to him?
He still lives in town.
Although he isn't a priest anymore.
Not since he went blind.
I have to go. Ah, Excuse me.
Mr Burke!
It's Jules.
I have to talk to you.
The boy is not with you?
What's wrong?
I think I understand my visions.
The things she has been showing me...
I need to know about the priest.
I guess just like most people
in the town...
Be of that...
... is what took it out of him.
I just don't see why it matters.
There was a girl here 30 years ago.
Who disappeared.
I've seen her.
Evelyn Borten.
You knew her?
Everyone knew Evelyn.
She was kept under the Church.
I found a room.
It was like a prison.
There were days marked off
on the walls.
Nine months.
She's Samara's mother.
She suffered from the day she was born.
And she's still suffering now.
I think I understand it.
This curse. This..
It will never stop.
Until she's free.
What's that sound?
I Know...
... What it's like to be guided
by visions.
To be certain.
I was certain that I would father...
A child that...
... gonna change the world.
And I was right.
You see, Julia...
... She didn't take my sight.
I did!
Good girl.
You are very brave.
You are Samara's father!
You kidnapped Evelyn.
The night that I laid with her...
I heard them.
The cicadas.
You moved your bones
and she's still your prisoner.
You think that you're
the first good Samaritan?
She cried out to...
to free her?
You are the twelfth, Julia.
Though none of the others
cut this far.
You think that you're so close...
... To bringing her peace.
But you have no idea the hell that...
... you would unleash on the world.
Samara can't hurt me.
Because I can't see her.
But you, Julia...
I can hear your every...
Will not...
... set her free!
You remind me of Evelyn.
I chained Evelyn's hands...
She was trying to kill her child.
I should've let her!
She was your daughter!
What are you trying to show me?
You're here.
Here she is Samara!
This is what we could...
of your savior!
By the grace...
... of the Holy Spirit.
... May the Lord who frees you from sin.
Save you!
and raise you up.
Don't leave me.
... from sin!
May the Lord save you!
Through this holy anointing.
Who is there?
You okay?
It's alright.
Not yet.
What could that have felt like...
... To be feared by other one
who's supposed to love you?
Not everyone.
You were never afraid of it.
You're free Samara.
Holt, It's Gabriel.
I don't know if you are getting
those messages, but...
I figured out the mark on
Julia's hand.
It's Braille.
(for the blind)
I gonna come find you guys.
Our souls are eternal.
And when we die...
The spirit tries
to find a new home.
I'm telling you...
...she's coming back.
This time for real.
You were never afraid of her.
Just because you had a vision...
... doesn't mean you know what
that vision means.
You have no idea...
The hell you would
unleash on the world.
And I'm sorry.
It won't stop.
No! No!
No no no!
Come on!