Rio 2 (2014)

What is love if it's not with you?
I know when you're alone
You feel it too
In your arms is where I long to be
'Cause being with you gives me sanity
Welcome to Rio!
Listen to me, darling
I wake up every morning
thinking about the way you feel
I wonder if you know it
And what good is the party
If you're not around?
But listen to me now
What good is love?
If it's not your love
What good is love?
Am I your baby love?
If it's not your love
Is it a crazy love?
This is a crazy party
I'm so glad I'm here with everybody
Baby, move your body
Shake it to the ground
Break it, break it,
break it down, Blu
What's a song if you
can't hear it too?
Can't imagine dancing without you
A shooting star
Ain't really nothing to see
If you're not right here
Standing next to me
Listen to me, darling
I wake up every morning
Thinking about the way you feel
I wonder if you know it
What good is the party
if you're not around?
Listen to me now
What good is love?
If it's not your love
For a bird from Minnesota,
you've got some moves.
That wasn't a move.
That was an accident.
But I accept the compliment.
It's great Rafael
could watch the kids.
Yeah, it looks like
you're stuck with me all night.
You're my one and only, Blu.
That's a good thing,
since I'm the only other one.
Hey, you lovebirds! Happy New Year!
Rafi? Where are the...
The kids are with Luiz. No worries!
Worries. Right here.
Luiz? Where are the kids?
What? I don't have any kids.
Our kids!
Oh, right. I left them with Tiny.
What? She's an excellent babysitter.
I'm a terrible babysitter!
This is gonna be awesome!
All right,
I've done all the calculations...
and each explosion
will be perfectly synced to the beat.
Unless I didn't carry the one.
Here's my vision.
Red, blue, green, yellow, yellow!
Here's my vision.
Boom! Crash! Bang! Kapow!
I don't think your parents
would like this very much.
Here we go.
Where are you going, little bird?
- Hey, what is this?
- Oh, Dad.
Guys, you know the rules.
No pyrotechnics
without adult supervision.
We asked Tiny.
That's even worse.
Sorry, Tiny.
You don't have to pay me, Senhor Blu.
Kids, next time, ask me.
But you always say "no."
No, I don't.
Dad, you're in denial.
Honey, do I always say "no"?
- Yes. I mean, no.
- Great.
Now Mom's saying it, too.
Listen, we are the last
blue Spix's Macaws left on the planet.
We have to stay safe.
Birds of blue feathers...
Have to stick together.
I smell chicken.
No, no, no!
No, no, no!
By my calculations,
that's his twenty-seventh "no" today.
- Five, four, three, two, one!
- Everybody, fly!
Happy New Year!
Oh, man. How come Dad
gets to have all the fun?
Look! It worked!
Well, this year is off
to a great start.
Amazon Expedition, day seven.
Two thousand miles from Rio...
we've reached the center
of the rainforest.
We are surrounded
by plants and animals...
struggling for survival...
as we glide effortlessly
down the river.
Effortless for you.
How pretty.
Spit it out, spit it out!
We are near the nesting grounds
of the Amazonian Wood Quail.
Odontophorus gujanensis.
Six months ago,
we rescued this little bird...
from smugglers.
It was sick, malnourished...
with a broken leg, but now...
my trusty assistant...
I mean, loving wife and colleague,
will release her...
back to her natural habitat.
It's okay.
You can go now.
Just like this.
Let me talk to her.
Go on.
Do you think she's
gonna be all right?
Give it some time.
Welcome home.
Wait a minute.
What is she saying, Tulio?
It's just hard for
her to say goodbye.
I think she's trying to warn us.
No, no, no, Linda.
It might be some sort
of mating dance.
Tulio! Look!
Paddle! Now!
Okay, okay, okay. Paddle.
Watch out!
Paddle, paddle! Backward, backward!
To the right! No, left!
Forward, forward! No, no!
Make up your mind, Tulio!
Cheese and sprinkles!
Oh, no!
Paddle, paddle! Faster!
Linda! Linda!
Thank heavens you're okay.
Tulio, is that a...
Linda! This is incredible!
Good morning, Jewel!
Hey! Everyone, look what I found.
Where did everybody...?
Okay, who's ready for some breakfast?
Did you know...
that these whole wheat pancakes have
twice the vitamins and minerals...
of regular pancakes?
And with the blueberries,
it's four times as tasty.
Hey, where are the blueberries?
Oh, Dad!
Looking for this?
Bring it.
It's down to the final minutes.
He's got magic in his feet!
He shoots!
- He scores! Goal!
- Goal!
Yeah, I got it. I'm good.
Heads up, Dad!
Hi, Mom.
Time to go.
Hey, honey. Hey. You hungry?
Blu, we talked about this.
Did we? I don't...
Yeah, so, what do you got there?
That's funny.
But seriously, what is that?
It's a Brazil nut.
I never thought I would find one
this close to the city.
I wanna show the kids
how to open one.
You mean like this?
Dad already showed us.
Wait. Wait, go back.
Mom! Dad!
You're on TV!
Doctor Tulio Monteiro,
the Bird Man of Brazil...
announced an important
discovery today.
We believe we have encountered
a wild blue Spix's Macaw...
deep in the Amazon jungle.
The blue Spix's Macaw
was thought to be practically extinct...
with the last remaining family
living under protection...
at the Blu Bird Sanctuary
in Rio de Janeiro.
We're famous!
If these birds can be found,
their home will be saved.
There may be a whole flock out there.
And if there is,
we will find them and protect them.
Hi, Blu!
Hi, Linda!
We're not the only ones.
There are more of us out there.
Yeah, that's great.
I'm sure they're...
All this time, I thought...
I thought we were alone.
Hey, it hasn't been all bad.
Of course not.
But just imagine
if there was a whole flock of us.
How amazing would that be?
- We gotta do something.
- We do?
Yeah, we have to fly to the Amazon
and help Linda and Tulio find them!
Whoa, we can't just pack up and go.
Why not?
It's about time this family
got a little air under our wings.
Look at us. IPods, TV. Pancakes?
We're not people, we're birds.
We have to get out into the wild
and be birds, Blu.
Let the kids connect to their roots.
Show them what I had.
They need this. We need this.
Come on, Blu, what do you say?
I don't know.
He didn't say "no."
Which means he
practically said "yes."
- Hey, wait a sec...
- It's gonna be so much fun!
We're going to the Amazon!
Wait. What's the Amazon?
The Amazon is one of Earth's
most endangered ecosystems...
due to illegal logging and farming.
Let's hope Doctor Monteiro
and his team...
can find these rare birds
so their home can be saved.
There may be a whole flock out there.
And if there is,
we will find them and protect them.
Tree huggers.
Get my boat ready.
I need to deal with this personally.
That would be me.
Okay, everybody can go home now.
You're looking at the next
King of Carnival!
Hey, big bird! Break a leg!
Walk it off, buddy!
You can't see it coming
You won't find it anywhere else
That was amazing!
Eva, darling, you hit every note.
Huh, guys?
Yeah, along with a bunch of notes
I never heard of.
Don't worry. I'll talk to them.
We'll find the perfect spot for you.
Antarctica, maybe.
You better.
Bye, boys.
See you back at home, my tasty mango!
None of these acts are inspiring.
I'm just not inspired.
Carnival is right around the corner,
and our reputations are on the line.
Copy that.
We need something that can make us wiggle.
Something that make us jiggle.
We need something that pops.
You know what "pop" is backwards?
Sorry, bro!
It's okay, Luiz. Good
to see you, too.
Listen, Blu,
we are looking for a singer...
a dancer, the whole package.
Yeah, and you're more of
a mumbler-shuffler.
You catch my drift?
No, I'm not here to audition.
I've got news.
I am going to the Amazon.
The Amazon? Wow, that's wild.
Yeah, Jewel thinks
it'll be good for us.
How wild?
Real wild.
They got mosquitoes
that suck your blood like Slurpees.
Snakes that can swallow you whole.
Flesh-eating piranhas that eat flesh.
Great, that sounds really nice.
I'm not going.
Guys, guys, guys.
Blu, you have nothing to worry about.
All those stories
are highly exaggerated.
- You think so?
- Of course!
If this is important to Jewel,
just do it.
Happy wife, happy life.
Remember that.
Okay, yeah, you're right.
A little family vacation
might actually be fun.
Plus, it's not like it's forever.
That's the spirit.
Yeah. Okay.
Thanks, guys.
See you in a couple of weeks!
Safe travels, Blu!
Bring me back a souvenir!
Dawg, he ain't coming back.
He is dead.
Let's go! Come on, Dad! Come on!
Okay. Bug spray, check.
Water purifier, check. Band-Aids.
- I feel like I'm forgetting something.
- Cool!
The all-in-one adventurer's knife!
I'll be in charge of this.
That's not for you.
Hey, Dad, look at this.
Did you know the Amazon has snakes
that can swallow you whole?
Actually, Bia, all those stories
are highly exaggerated.
No, really. Look.
That's sick!
All right, are we ready to go?
- A fanny pack?
- Yeah.
Linda gave it to me.
I need it for the GPS.
Where's the GPS?
- Hey!
- Carla, we're leaving.
I'm not going. It's gonna be lame.
Okay, here it is.
The voice recognition makes it
totally foolproof. Here, watch this.
Find Linda and Tulio.
Searching for "Dinner in Tokyo."
Okay. Actually,
that does sound like a nice suggestion.
- You trust this woman?
- Yes, I do.
Hey, wait up, family!
I'm coming, too!
Don't worry, buddy. We got your back.
Eva let you come?
Sure. I promised her a spot
in the Carnival show.
- You did what?
- You guys are late.
- Clock-late.
- But musician-early.
Wait, you guys are coming?
We wouldn't miss it for the world.
We gonna scout the wildest,
coolest talent in the jungle!
It's our inspiration
for this year's Carnival show.
"Amazon Untamed."
I mean, yeah. Okay. I guess I'll go.
Amazon jungle or bust, baby!
Who is ready for a
tropical adventure?
I know I am!
- All right!
- Let's go, birds!
Wait, we didn't do a head count.
Hey, guys, wait up!
Hey, birds! Come back!
They left without me. Again!
That's messed up.
Heavy traffic ahead.
Great. Thanks a lot, GPS lady.
Faster, faster, faster!
Slower! Slower! Slower!
From Rio to Manaus
We are here in paradise
Here we are, kids.
The gateway to the Amazon.
"To be...
"or not to be...
"that is the question.
"Whether 'tis nobler in the mind...
"to suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune...
"or to take arms
against a sea of troubles...
"and, by opposing, end them."
That's beautiful, Nigel.
What does it mean?
Death, Gabi.
It's about death.
Nigel, I love it
when you get all dark and brooding.
Hey, bird. It's show time!
My audience awaits.
From the streets of Rio,
to the Amazon jungle...
the bird of mystery!
Miracle cures! Poison frogs!
- Fire ants!
- Don't be shy!
Learn your destiny!
Get away from those! Back to work.
Mommy, Mommy, I want one!
I want a fortune!
Welcome, madame.
This amazing cockatoo
will reveal your future.
All right, bird. Pick a fortune.
Come on, bird.
You're doing great, Nigel.
Pick it already.
Come on, gang. Almost there.
No more flying today.
We've got a boat to catch.
According to my little friend here,
this boat will get us there by morning.
He'll live, but he'll
never fly again.
- Come on, bird.
- I want my fortune!
You're doing great, Nigel.
What's taking so long?
What's the matter with you?
That blue bird caused my misery.
Nice birdie?
Why are you hitting yourself?
Why are you hitting yourself?
Wow. Nigel is muy macho.
Thank you.
I'm free!
Poison frog!
The croaking cockatoo
doth bellow for revenge.
That's Shakespeare, by the way.
Without your performance,
it's nothing.
Fair point.
This air! It's so fresh and full.
Goodbye, stinky city air!
Yeah, bye.
Hey. Thank you for doing this.
I really appreciate it.
I would do anything for you.
You know that, right?
Of course I do.
We aren't here to snack.
We are here to avenge.
Once these pesky passengers
fall asleep...
we'll show our blue friends
some love. Some...
poisonous love.
That's my specialty.
We attack at the midnight hour...
because it's more evil.
Stay alert.
Midnight! Time to attack.
Nigel! Nigel?
Look at us. Misfits.
A toxic frog, and a flightless freak.
So different, and yet, the same.
My darling, while you sleep
All is well
We are friends, and that's swell
But the truth is that I have a secret to tell
I love you
People say it's wrong
It's absurd
That a frog and a bird are in love
But I know in my heart
This was so meant to be
If only we could hug and could kiss
It'd be heavenly bliss
But your lungs would explode
And you'd look just like this
And you'd gag
With your face turning blue
But, darling, I'll protect you
I will, don't worry, just chill
'Cause there isn't a bird
That I wouldn't kill
For you
Can't you see
We were destined to be?
- For we have love
- Love
- Poisonous love
- Love
And although, yes
I know that you can't hold me
Feel me close now.
Your loving wings enfold me
Fate told me
- Poisonous love
- Love
Standing here
You're so near
And yet
So far
Like a star.
Here we are
What to do?
To do
Oh, pooh.
You're my Romeo I'm Juliet
We're so perfect, and yet
If we touch, not by much
Still on all you can bet
It's goodbye
And I'll cry
As you die
From our poisonous love
What a nightmare.
You were supposed to wake me!
It's time.
I love being on Team Nigel!
I can't think of anything more romantic than
poisoning passengers on a moonlight cruise.
That one is mine.
Twinkle, twinkle little Blu.
How I wondered, where were you?
Up above the world so high...
are you ready...
to die?
You need a breath mint.
Even in sleep, you mock me.
Wait for me!
Don't leave me!
Tiago! Stop fooling around.
I didn't do anything.
Tiago Gunderson,
listen to your mother.
We're almost there, right?
- Hey, guys. Wait up.
- Come on, Blu.
Remember, birds of a...
They're getting away!
Wake up, you insect-eating idiot.
Follow them.
Better. Now go ten times faster.
River hogs!
I always suspected
you were dumber than a monkey.
And now, I know.
Boss! What are you
doing in the jungle?
Perhaps the better question is...
what are they doing?
Nature freaks.
Two million square miles of jungle...
and they're playing in my backyard?
I don't think so.
As you know, my friends,
this logging operation is a little...
If those two nuts find those birds,
we're out of business.
And that's why you...
must put an end to their
little bird-watching expedition.
Find them and get rid of them.
The rest of you, go cut some trees.
Who cares about a bunch of birds?
The macaws should
be nesting near the Brazil nut trees.
So, I think
that we should continue with go...
Tulio! Are you listening to me?
You have reached your destination.
You see? It works like a charm.
Here we are.
These things have a margin of error.
I told you not to trust that woman.
That's a Heliconious larva.
It's about to enter the pupa stage.
You said "poop!"
Hey, kids. Stay close.
I'll get them.
Okay, you guys stay put.
I'll look around.
No worries. We'll be here.
We're not going anywhere.
My feathers is popping up
on the back of my neck.
I don't like this.
Let's back it up.
Bia? Tiago?
Come on, lady.
- Don't let me down.
- Calculating route to "Funky Town."
Oh, great.
Okay, guys!
Good one, guys. Very funny.
Good, good. Very witty.
Jewel, where are you?
Kids? Jewel?
It's a Macaw!
Let me go!
Let me go, you heathens!
I swear that sounded like Blu.
That's impossible, Linda.
He's back home in
Rio, safe and sound.
I am an American citizen, you savage!
I demand to see my ambassador!
I know my rights! I know my rights!
Back. Back, you barbarian!
Yeah, that's right.
It's a spoon and a fork.
Be afraid! Be very afraid.
Whoa! Whoa, buddy.
Put the spork down.
- Let me go!
- Bring it!
Come on! You lucky I ain't big.
I can't believe we found them!
Technically, they found us.
Okay, we're gonna need some nametags.
Hello. Okay.
No, those are breath mints.
Not that you need one.
But they're good. You eat them.
No, no, no! Not the whole box.
Get that out of your mouth!
What is this doing here?
What's going on?
We found them flying too close
to the humans.
- What? And who are you?
- Uh...
"Uh" is not an appropriate answer.
I asked you a question.
Where did you come from?
Hey! Back off!
Hey, excuse me, young lady.
I can't believe it.
How is this...?
When the loggers came...
there was fire, and so much smoke.
I had you under my wing,
and then you were...
I've looked everywhere for you.
I'm here.
I missed you.
It's okay. It's okay, now.
Daddy has you.
Look at you.
It's my little girl, all grown up.
You're so beautiful.
Just like your mother.
I'm so sorry I lost you.
I can't imagine you alone,
all this time.
No, it's okay, Dad. I wasn't alone.
Blu found me.
Sure is nice to meet you, sir.
Tuck that wing away, Stu.
- Now, come here.
- Right, sure. Okay.
- Closer.
- Really?
You brought my Jewel back to me.
I thank you.
- I'm gonna hug you now.
- Okay.
- Now, come here, you.
- Okay. There we are.
My pleasure.
Nico. You crying?
It's a heavy moment,
and I'm very vulnerable right now.
Come here. Let me get you a hug.
Mom, are you okay?
I'm a grandpa? I'm a grandpa.
Look at me, I'm a grandpa!
Daddy, this is Carla, Bia and Tiago.
Nice to meet you, sir.
There is no "sir" around here,
young lady.
- You will call me "Pop-Pop!"
- Pop-Pop.
I like that. It's got
a nice ring to it.
I am a Pop-Pop!
Yeah, I'm the Pop-Pop-Pop.
Kids, go easy on old Pop-Pop.
You can call me "sir."
My daughter has returned!
For years, we have been on the run...
as the humans push us
deeper into the jungle.
But as you can see,
we have found sanctuary.
A place we can finally
put down roots.
Everyone! Come on!
Everyone, out of your nests!
My daughter is home!
Come on, birds. My Jewel is back!
Make way. Make way! Jewel!
Aunt Mimi? Aunt Mimi!
I missed you so much!
My little wildflower has returned!
I knew you were coming back.
I saw it in the droppings.
And look at the little ones!
Aren't you the fluffiest,
most delicious little macaws?
- You're big for your age.
- Mimi...
this is Sue.
- Actually, I'm Blu.
- Aren't we all?
No, really, that's my name.
That's why they call
us "Blue Macaws."
Just go with it.
So, that's what a Blue Macaw
is supposed to look like?
Look at her shining
Her feathers, they glow
Now the jungle is smiling
'Cause our baby's home
Can you feel what I feel?
The day has come at last
Our precious Jewel has returned
I'll be the first to sing
Welcome back
Roberto. I...
Welcome back
I said welcome, welcome, welcome
Wow, you look great!
So do you.
Hi, hey. Hi, there.
I am Jewel's significant other.
So, you're the lucky bird
who swept Ju-Ju off her feet.
- "Ju-Ju"?
- Yeah.
When we were kids, we always had
the cutest nicknames for each other.
We did. I called him "Beto."
That's adorable.
I love doing the nicknames.
You never mentioned any "Roberto."
There's nothing to mention.
There's my wingman!
We can rest easy
with Roberto on the lookout.
Eduardo taught me everything I know.
He's the bird.
No. You're the bird.
- No, you're the bird.
- You're the bird!
We get it. You're both "the bird."
Now, can we stop yakking
and start partying?
Wow! I remember this song.
How could you forget?
It's in our blood, baby.
It's who we are.
You don't mind
if I borrow her for a minute, do you?
- Actually...
- Come on, Ju-Ju!
Let's go!
Let's come together
Singing love and harmonia
We are so different
But the same inside our hearts
Blue-tiful colors
As far as the eye can see
Open your wings
Fly when you hear the call
Let's celebrate
Calling all beautiful creatures
Come spread your wings
Dance and sing songs about freedom
Like la-la-la, ooh-ooh
- One for the jungle família
- Come on, Blu!
Like ba-ba-ba, boom-boom
- Calling all beautiful creatures
- Hey, Jewel? Jewel!
Come this way, celebrate
Laugh and dance all the way
Yo, this is untapped territory.
I'm loving this sound.
Pop-Pop! I am a Pop-Pop!
I am your Pop-Pop!
Yeah, I am the Pop-Pop
Hey, the Pop-Pop!
Let's celebrate
Calling all beautiful creatures
Come spread your wings
Dance and sing songs about freedom
Like la-la-la, ooh-ooh
One for the jungle família
Like ba-ba-ba, boom-boom
Calling all beautiful creatures
You're the only one who knows
what it feels like to be all alone.
You're the evil to my lethal.
I can see why they call you "Gabi."
Where are you, you filthy fowl?
I've been going about this all wrong.
I need to search from higher ground.
You stayed airborne
for almost a full second that time.
What are you looking at?
Get me up there.
Higher! Even higher.
Little bit higher.
Lower. Lower, now.
Yes. Perfect.
It's an infestation.
Keep celebrating. I'll be
pooping on your party promptly.
Hi, Nico! Hi, Pedro!
We came to the right place.
This is popping.
It's popping in the Amazon.
We could bring these macaws
back to Rio...
and have the best Carnival show ever.
I am inspired!
Sorry to break it to
you, city boys...
but you'll have to find
some other talent.
Nobody leaves the tribe.
And no human things in the jungle.
What? What's his problem?
I feel naked.
We could have been legends.
We already are
super-mega-dope, but...
You know what I'm saying?
We had it all.
The undiscovered talent...
the big idea, the inspiration.
But if we can't bring
these guys to Rio...
we got nothing.
Hold your mangoes. We still have Eva.
Wow! You still got the moves, Ju-Ju.
- I'm so exhausted.
- Yeah.
We should get some rest.
Find a local inn, or B and B nearby.
What is this crazy talk?
No, you guys are staying in my nest.
I'm on patrol tonight.
Mi casa es su casa.
That's really nice, Beto.
Thank you, but we're fine.
Besides, our whole family couldn't
possibly fit in your bachelor pad.
Real estate must be pretty cheap
around here.
Wow. This is incredible.
This old nest? It's just something
I put together last minute.
With my own two wings, of course.
And my strength.
And my brawn.
Dad, it's huge! It has six bedrooms!
- I get the big one!
- No! I'm the oldest.
Only by 3 minutes, 2.5 seconds.
I had hoped to one day be blessed...
with a flock of little Robertos
to call my own.
- I bet you did.
- No way!
A bird bath!
Tiago, caref...
Blu, let me tell you something.
If anything, and I mean anything,
ever happens to you...
I will take care of your family.
All right, buddy. Sleep well.
- Good night, Ju-Ju.
- Good night.
Okay. All clear.
Moon beams and starlight
Magical twilight
The warmest rain
Hear it whispering your names?
Rainbows at midnight
Sparkling night skies
Don't go away
Stay another day
Can you sing it again, please?
Time for bed, now.
What an amazing day.
All this time...
I never let myself hope
that they were alive.
But they are.
We found our family, Blu.
This changes everything.
Wait. What? What's changing?
Shoo, shoo, shoo. Go on.
Honey, stop. That tickles.
That was fun!
Come on, Tiago. Let's go.
Or should I say "afternoon"?
Morning, sir.
Our days here in the jungle,
they start early.
Morning, Daddy.
That's my girl. See?
Already up and at 'em.
Morning, sweetie.
Why did you let me sleep in?
What are you talking about?
You sleep in every day.
- Yeah, but...
- Hey, Dad.
Aunt Mimi says
clay is good for your digestion.
- Try some.
- No, sweetie. I just brushed my...
It's good, right?
I'm gonna go get some more.
Smart girl.
So, I thought I'd take Louie, here,
for a little tour of the area.
Show him around.
- That's a great idea.
- What?
You go have fun with Daddy, and I'll
explore around here with the kids.
- Yeah, okay. Sure.
- You'll love it.
Yeah, great. I just gotta...
Okay, ready.
Lou, come closer.
- Not so close.
- Okay.
I can barely look at it.
You gotta lose that human pocket, okay?
This is a fanny pack.
"Fanny pack." Adorable.
It's human.
And now that you're joining the tribe,
you won't be needing it anymore.
I'll meet you by the clay banks.
"Joining the tribe"?
He doesn't actually think
we're moving to the jungle, does he?
No. He's just excited
we're all here.
Let's not ruin the moment, okay?
Besides, it won't kill you
to leave behind the fanny pack.
All right, you win.
I will leave the fanny pack behind.
Happy wife, happy li...
Bye, honey.
Have fun.
Yeah. Sure. Bye.
You guys. Wakey-wakey!
- Wake up!
- Eva! You got it!
What happened to "Amazon Untamed"?
Here's the plan. Auditions today...
and we preview the show tomorrow.
"We"? What you talking about, "we"?
You speak French?
Come on, chop-chop.
Let's get started!
Kid's been working.
Tell me when to go
Tell me when to go
Tell me when to go
Tell me when to go!
'Cause shawty got low,
low, low, low, low
Any time you're ready.
Every time I come a
fella gotta get it
Then I gotta go, and then I gotta get it
Then they gotta blow
And then I gotta show that any little
thing A fella think that he be doing
'Cause it doesn't matter, I'm done
We are the amazing Capoeira Turtles.
- Bravo! Encore! Encore!
- Encore!
Sorry, guys. Did I miss anything?
Hi, my name is Claira
the capybara...
and I will be singing
my favorite song.
All alone in the moonlight
Touch me
It's so easy to leave me
If they keep eating each other,
we got no show.
This ain't an
all-you-can-eat competition!
Hey. You are fast.
You are really, really fast.
I think I pulled a wing or something.
You are really fast for an old bird.
For such a wise bird,
is what I meant to say. Wise bird.
Which sometimes comes with age...
but also can happen when you're
young, like in your case.
You could be wise and young, which
is kind of a rare combination...
but thrilling when it happens.
- Be quiet.
- Thank you, sir.
It's time to shake
that city off of you.
You need to learn
the basics of jungle survival.
I thought we were going sightseeing.
It's training day.
Come on! The mud is your friend.
This is your camouflage!
Feel it. Taste it!
If you don't feel crusty,
you're not doing it right!
You don't wanna be seen by humans!
Come on!
Are you a macaw or a turkey?
Faster. Faster.
Come on!
You don't wanna be eaten!
You're alone in the jungle.
You get caught in a trap.
What do you do?
If I had my fanny pack...
No! You use your beak.
- My beak.
- It's your most important tool.
Okay, okay. No, I use my beak.
- Almost.
- Time's up!
You're jaguar meat.
Roberto got it on the first try.
Of course he did.
Up, up! And hover!
- Now, backwards!
- What, backwards?
No, only hummingbirds
can fly backwards.
Over! Under! Over!
Under! Over!
- Good job.
- Thanks.
Not you.
Brazil nut trees.
These trees are the key
to our way of life.
The trees feed us.
They sustain us.
- Wake up!
- I'm up.
Nutty Brazil...
Brazil nut trees, something.
Yeah, got it.
This is important.
We have to protect these trees.
Our future depends on it.
Yo, Eddie.
Who is your sidekick?
You got a nurse now?
Hi, I'm...
Aren't you boys getting
a little bit too close to our side?
We have a deal, Felipe.
Hey, relax.
You know we got nothing
but mad love for you.
Come on, boys, let's fly.
Paint the sky. Before
they start to cry.
- They seem nice.
- They have their side of the grove...
and we have ours.
Food is scarce these days.
Never seen them
this close to the village before.
- Don't let them see you!
- Right, right. Sorry.
Maybe we should go find Linda.
- What's a Linda?
- Linda is the person that raised me.
What? You're a pet?
No, it wasn't anything like that.
I was a companion.
You liked it?
That explains everything.
- Linda is family.
- Family?
Humans aren't family.
No, you don't understand.
They're coming here to help.
Listen to me.
We do not bring humans
into the tribe.
That is the only reason
we're still alive.
You cannot be confused about this.
Yeah. Got it.
Sightseeing is over.
Do you see the nest?
Tulio, are you okay?
I'm fine! I'm okay!
Not okay.
Tulio, they're cutting
down the forest!
Linda, where are you going?
To talk to them.
You talk to birds, I talk to humans.
No! Wait, don't!
Hey! Hey, mister!
You take it easy with that chainsaw.
There are rare birds living around here.
You can't cut down these trees!
Sweetheart! There you are.
I was looking for you.
Hi, there. Beautiful
out here, isn't it?
You two lost?
Lost? No!
We're here on our honeymoon.
We're actually just heading back
to join the tour.
It's karaoke night.
Come along, honey.
Moon River isn't going to sing itself.
Linda, logs aren't the only things
these guys cut.
Run, Linda. I'll hold them off.
- Go, go, go! Run!
- Okay, okay, okay!
Excuse me, excuse me!
Come on, I'll race you.
- This is great!
- All right, Tiago!
Oh, yeah!
That is so good.
Hey, you're back.
How did it go?
We had a great time.
It was educational.
Dad! Uncle Beto showed me
some cool flying tricks.
Look, I can fly backwards.
Yeah, you're a natural, T-Bird.
It's never too soon to learn
the ways of the jungle, Tiago.
Although, some may never learn.
I'm gonna go clean up.
Roberto, we saw humans
near the grove.
I need you to stay alert.
"Ways of the jungle."
I would like to learn a way
out of this jungle.
There he is. Now is our chance.
I'm so excited!
Prepare the tongue-a-pult.
Charlie, make me fly again.
Go get them, tiger!
Bow before the conquering cockatoo.
What is your problem, dude?
Bird, that was sick!
Now, that's the energy
you bring into an audition.
Yeah, that's actually why I'm here.
I've got a great little...
Go on.
We're looking for a new star.
You look familiar.
Don't I know you from somewhere?
No, I don't think so. No. I'm...
Bob. Yes. Bob, the bird.
Okay, Bob, whatever.
Show us what you got.
Well, at first I was afraid
I was petrified
I kept thinking that
I could never live
I could barely fly
And I spent, oh, so many nights
thinking how he did me wrong
And I grew strong
And I learned how to get along
Go on, now, go
Walk out the door
Just turn around now
It is I who have the floor
Weren't you the one
who tried to hurt me with goodbye?
- Did you think I'd crumble?
- Oh, no!
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh, no, not Nige
I will survive
As long as I know how to hate
I know I'll stay alive
I've got all my life to live
And I've got all my love to give
- And I will survive
- You will survive
- I will survive
- We will survive
I'm a survivor
I've got the eye of a tiger
Been training again
And eating my fiber
You been staying alive
Well, I've been staying alive-er
Watch where you sit
when I spit my saliva, like boom
You've never seen a cockatoo
Rocking and shocking and dropping
And popping and locking, too?
Watch what I can do
Without no Auto-Tune
Say what?
Oh, no, he didn't.
If you try to keep me down
I'll just come back stronger
You try to cut me short
I'll just come back longer
If you beat me at ping pong
I'll just play ping pong-er
Give me my throne, I
am ready to thrive
One thing I know
I will survive
I will survive
Yes, thank you.
I've been Bob the bird.
He is so hot.
Boom. That's it. You in.
You're no Eva, but you're awesome.
We'll see you at the performance
tomorrow night.
Everyone from the village is coming.
It's gonna be off the charts.
It's the perfect plan.
Be happy we're only
plucking you, porcupine.
Go away.
Instead of chasing that bird
all over the jungle...
we let him come to us,
at the Carnival show.
I'll mesmerize them from the stage,
while in the audience...
you, my little Gabi...
you'll be my petite
weapon of mass destruction.
It will be a performance...
to die for.
It only works when I do it.
Okay. Love you.
So minty.
Hey, sweetie, there you are.
What's taking you so long?
Enough with that GPS, really.
The whole tribe's gathering
to watch the sunset. Come on.
No, no. Hang on. I just found
Linda and Tulio's coordinates.
They are just
on the other side of the grove.
Look, they're really close.
Now, I know your dad
doesn't totally trust humans...
but I'm sure if he met them,
he would change his mind.
They can help keep this place safe.
Yeah, Blu...
my dad knows what he's doing.
And can't you just forget Linda and Tulio
for one minute and enjoy a sunset?
But I thought that was our plan.
Route guidance complete.
You know, maybe some places
shouldn't be found.
Maybe they should just be left alone.
She ate a bug. A bug!
Blu, Blu, Blu! Calm down.
Calm down? We had a plan.
Help Linda and Tulio find the flock
and get home.
But when I mentioned it to her,
she completely shut me down.
And her father? A total nut job.
He's got this weird
thing about humans.
He's got this weird
thing about humans!
He loves them. He's a pet!
A pet?
He called me a pet.
I can't believe he used
the "P" word to my face.
It's like he thinks
I'm the enemy or something.
He's not one of us, Roberto.
Keep an eye on him.
And that Roberto? He
is always watching.
He is always hovering around Jewel.
He is always singing something.
I can't compete with that.
You gotta bird up, bird!
You gotta emancipate yourself
from domestication.
Try to see this place
through her eyes.
Taste the flavors she's tasting.
So I should eat a bug?
That's just nasty,
thinking about it.
Glitter. Where is my glitter?
I'm sorry. Sorry.
I don't want apologies.
I want glitter.
Glitter is absolutely essential
for a magical performance.
- Do you know nothing?
- Guys!
Rehearsals, big day tomorrow.
Ring a bell? Come on.
You're coming, right, Dad?
Oh, yeah, of course.
That girl put the "business"
in "show business."
Blu, remember...
I know, I know. Happy
wife, happy life.
What a glorious morning!
I forgot I could have
mornings like this.
Your favorite.
You remembered.
Isn't that nice?
It's so crazy good.
Thank you so much, Blu.
That's it!
I'll be the one to surprise her.
Breakfast in bed, coming up.
Brazil nuts.
Where are you?
I know you're around here somewhere.
Hey! Hey.
No! Come back here. Wait!
That's not a toy.
Erratic driving. Pull over.
No, no. Don't do it.
I got you!
Thank you.
Brazil nuts.
This is my most important tool.
Well, well, well.
What do we have here?
I guess old Eddie's rules
don't apply to everyone.
You're on our side.
Really? Okay, my bad.
I didn't know that. Sorry.
Sorry! Sorry.
You come over here, take our food...
and now you insult me?
No, no, no. This is all just
a big misunderstanding.
You know,
I wish I could accept your apology.
You seem like a nice bird.
But this means war!
What? Does it have to?
Can it mean something else?
Today, in the Pit of Doom.
Sorry, the "Pit of Doom"? Really?
High noon. I'll make some room.
Sweep you up like a broom.
You did what?
It was an accident.
- An accident?
- Hey, what's going on?
Thanks to Drew, here, we could lose
our entire side of the grove.
I was just trying to get a nut.
One nut!
You don't even like nuts!
What's gotten into you, Blu?
I was getting it for you.
You were?
Roberto, I want your
best birds on this.
We are not giving up without a fight.
Got it.
You. Stay out of it.
You've done enough.
- Wait!
- Blu, he's right.
Maybe you should just let
Dad and Roberto handle it.
You don't think I can do this?
No, I just don't know...
if it's your exact area of expertise.
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Pit of Doom, now!
I hope you don't mind.
I made myself at home.
It's a shame, really. You came all
this way to protect the jungle.
Let's see if it will
return the favor.
Tree huggers.
No mercy!
I have to stop this.
What? Blu!
Stop! Stop!
Eduardo, this is crazy.
We are an intelligent species with
advanced problem-solving capabilities.
You brought this on us. Now, watch.
I hate this job.
It's a game. It's a game!
It's not a game! It's war.
It's a beautiful day
in the Pit of Doom!
It's winner take all!
It's the best of seven.
The winner will take control
of the entire Brazil nut grove!
It's just like soccer. I can do this.
All right, any special strategies?
What are we running at,
4-4-2 or a 5-4-1?
What are we doing here, coach?
What position do I play?
Actually, I do have
a perfect spot for you.
Water. Water here. Get your water.
Okay, thanks.
Roberto is unstoppable!
He's incredible! He's everywhere!
Go, Roberto!
I could have done that.
Roberto springs free!
There he goes, there he goes,
there he goes! He shoots!
Goal! Goal!
Oh, my!
Felipe has the ball.
The Red Macaws...
are making a comeback.
Felipe pass to Tito. Tito with Mario.
Mario with Cesar. Cesar to Antonio.
Felipe scores!
Yes! In your face!
Felipe, Roberto. Roberto, Felipe.
Roberto, Felipe. Felipe, Roberto!
That has got to hurt.
Go, go!
Come on, ref!
Okay, you're in.
Not you. You.
Watch and learn...
water boy.
All right, just get in there.
Okay. Here we go, coach.
Yeah, Dad!
A new player is coming off the bench.
Is he a secret weapon?
I think it's the water boy.
Hey, I'm open!
I'm open, toss it to me!
Hey, pass to me, I'm open.
I'm wide open!
Pass the ball to me!
Thanks for the pass, Blu!
Mind if I borrow this?
Roberto moves in. He shakes one...
then another!
Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!
We are tied in the Pit of Doom.
Whoever scores next...
wins it all!
I got it, I got it!
Come on, Blu.
Wow! The water boy is suddenly
playing like a pro!
Pass the ball to Roberto!
Pass the ball! Pass the ball!
- Blu, wait!
- No, this bird's got it covered.
It looks like the secret weapon
just backfired!
Let's go to Eduardo for his reaction.
I'm gonna kill you, fanny pack!
Check it out, old Eddie.
Looks like you guys are going to
have to start a nut-free diet.
We're gonna be talking about that
for a long time.
I should never have expected more
from a human's pet.
What happened back there?
I was trying to be one of the tribe.
But I guess I'm never gonna be
"the bird" like your dad wants me to be.
- What?
- I think it's time to go home.
We should talk about this.
Talk about what?
Blu, look around.
The kids are thriving.
They love being in the wild.
Maybe this place is home.
Home? How could this be home?
I have done everything I can
to fit in and help out...
but no matter what I do, it's wrong.
That's not home, Jewel.
Maybe for you, but not for me.
You know what?
You need to figure out what you want.
And maybe, stop thinking about just
yourself and start thinking about us.
Hey, you heard the boss.
Move out! Let's go!
Linda! Tulio!
Goodbye, Linda.
Goodbye, fanny pack.
Turn around when possible.
Sorry, GPS lady.
It's not you. It's me.
Goodbye, pancakes. Goodbye, coffee.
Goodbye, coffee.
Eduardo was right!
- Traitor!
- Wait, you don't understand.
What don't I understand?
Siding with humans?
What do you even know about humans?
I know everything.
They lure you in, they trap you.
They destroy your mind!
Polly want a cracker?
Polly want a cracker?
No! Enough crackers!
I hate crackers!
Come on, Roberto!
It's them. It's them!
It's them!
Roberto, get out of...
Not again! Not again!
No more crackers!
Snap out of it!
we've got one chance
to stop this, okay?
I have to find my friends.
You fly back and warn the others.
You got it?
Yeah. I got it.
- Okay. Go!
- Okay!
Humans, humans!
- Your left! Your right!
- My left?
Left or right?
- Your right leg, my left leg.
- Okay.
Good! Good! Good!
- Now, go up.
- Go up.
Almost there!
I'm so sorry.
As bad as this is...
there is no place I would rather be
in the whole world than with you.
Even if it is tied to a tree.
- Linda?
- Down here!
What? Blu!
What are you doing here?
This is dangerous!
That's incredible!
It's a 2,000-mile flight!
- Let's follow him!
- It's amazing!
I told you I heard him.
I'll take those.
Game over!
It's over!
Humans! The lights!
It's over!
He's been blabbering like this
since we found him.
The loggers are coming!
And Blu is with them!
- Traitor!
- No!
No, Blu is trying to help us.
What? By himself?
Let's evacuate! We're leaving.
Let's go. Everyone move out.
- Go, go, go!
- Dad?
No, not this time.
I'm not going with you.
You have to go with me!
I will not put my family in danger again.
Blu is my family,
and I'm not leaving him behind.
You don't have to.
Are you okay?
Look, Eduardo, I might not be
the birdliest bird in the flock...
but, for once,
that's actually a good thing.
You know the jungle...
I know humans.
And I know that, together,
we can stop them.
We can't let them take our home.
Sure, it's hot and loud
and filled with creepy bugs...
but it's ours.
Let's fight for it. Who's with me?
I'm with you!
Anybody else?
Stop! Stop!
Yeah. Respect the rainforest!
I knew it! I knew it!
Hey. Where do you think you're going?
It's just a bunch of pigeons.
Get back to work!
Lead the way, Blu.
That's my name! Yes!
You called me Blu.
Yes, I am Blu!
What? Right.
Birds of blue feathers...
Have to stick together!
Everybody ready? And under!
I will survive
I will survive
- Got him!
- Wow, precise.
I ain't afraid of no birds.
It's on in the Amazon.
All right, hit it!
Why? Why?
Get a grip!
There he is.
Charlie, prepare the nose-zooka.
Now we're talking.
Foiled again.
- Good job, Tiago.
- We're a great team, Dad!
- Hey, old Eddie.
- Felipe.
You think I would miss this party?
Game on!
Hey! Come back!
You're useless, all of you!
Look out!
Pick on someone your own size.
No! No!
I got you, I got you.
It's okay, you're safe now.
That's a Linda.
We still got it, Blu!
I have to do everything myself.
Hey! Get away from that!
No! No one steals my scene.
What are you doing? Let go!
Save yourself!
Come on, let go!
- Never!
- Are you crazy?
You'll bring both of us down! Let go!
Déjà vu, Blu.
You will pay a painful price
for your pestilence!
Hey, stop that! Get off of me!
A flurry of furious feathers
in your face!
You don't have to do this!
No, I just want to.
Hey, stop! Stop!
Oh, my goodness. Charlie!
This is it. This is it!
Steady. Steady.
Slap fight!
Shoot! Shoot!
Is this the end?
I was too young...
too beautiful to live.
- Bob?
- Hold up! That ain't Bob!
I told you I knew him from somewhere.
My final curtain call.
And it's standing room only.
No! What have I done?
If I cannot liveth with thee...
then I shall not liveth at all.
That frog is not poisonous.
We're not dead?
It's a very common mistake.
But she's a harmless pseudo-dendrobates.
You can tell by the pink spots.
But my parents always told me I was
poisonous and shouldn't touch anyone.
You just had really mean parents.
Oh, wow.
So, now...
we can be together!
- Nigel! Nigel-Wigel-Wigglepuss!
- No!
- Somebody, help me!
- I'm going to never let you go.
- I'm sorry, I'll be nicer. No!
- Never gonna let you go!
No, Charlie!
This is unnatural!
Hey, guys! Hi!
There's nothing in my hair, right?
Directly from the heart of the
Amazon rainforest...
we have some breaking news.
Thanks to Dr. Monteiro
and his team...
the entire area will be designated
as a National Wildlife Refuge.
And together, we'll make
sure this place stays safe.
Right, Blu?
But that's not the only good news.
We found this cockatoo
deep in the Amazon...
and he seems to have bonded
with a tree frog.
We are bringing them back to Rio
for continuing observation.
Oh, Nigel! Wow!
A honeymoon in Rio!
Put your paws, talons
and tails together...
for the most amazing talent
ever gathered in one jungle.
It's "Amazon Untamed!"
Come on! Get up!
What's up? Don't bite it
What's up? Don't bite it
Where my birds at?
We're together no matter
Where we might go
Flap your wings!
If we're not all together
We can't go far
It's an emerald we treasure
Coming from the jungle to you
Beating like its heart beats
Playing rhythms we've grown to
It's the emerald we treasure
- Coming from the place where we live
- The place where we live
- The home of freedom and happiness
- Happiness
Time flies forever The jungle's
like a breeze, it's a wonder
Now get out your tutu
In case someone wants you to dance
- Hello, Amazon!
- Hey, Luiz!
- Hey birds, I made it!
- Welcome to the jungle, dawg!
All my turtles! Hardcore turtles!
Sing it, baby!
Are you sure you can make
the Amazon our home...
with the heat and the creepy bugs?
Are you kidding? I am Mr. Jungle.
Totally wild, and very birdly.
Maybe we can do summers in Rio.
You're my one and only, Jewel.
We're together
No matter where we might go
Forever together
We can go far
That's the end?