Rio (2011)

All the birds of a feather
Do what we love most of all
We are the best at rhythm and laughter
That's why we love Carnaval!
Call so clear we can sing to
Sun and nature's big moon
Dance to the music
Passion and love
Show us the best you can do!
Everyone here is on fire
Get up and join in the fun
Dance with a stranger
Romance and danger
Magic can happen
For real in Rio
All by itself!
You can't see
it coming
You can't find it anywhere else!
It's real in Rio
And know something else
You can't feel
it happening
You can't feel it all by yourself!
It's okay. It's okay.
I'll take care of you.
Stupid clock.
Good morning, Blu.
Come here!
Tyler Blu Gunderson!
You know these vitamins
are good for you.
What's this?
Enjoy the new book!
Thanks, Linda!
Bye, now.
Yes, Mom, I'd love to visit,
but who would take care of Blu?
Mom! They don't have kennels for parrots.
Here's your hot chocolate, Blu!
Just how you like it.
Plus, I don't trust
leaving Blu with just anyone.
No, I don't have a bird-sitter.
This is the life.
The perfect marshmallow-to-cocoa ratio.
One, two, three, four, five, six.
Well, well, if it isn't
my favorite nerd bird.
Very funny. Real mature.
Hey, pet!
Where you migrating to this year?
The breakfast nook?
Throw all the snowballs you want.
I'm protected by this magical force-field
called glass.
It's what keeps us so toasty and warm
in here
while you guys are out there
freezing your...
Are you all right?
I'm not really built for this weather.
Are you looking for some books?
Books? No. No.
I have come 6,000 miles looking for him.
Doctor of Ornithology?
He's magnificent.
Linda? Little help here. Linda!
You're actually communicating.
Yes! I introduced myself and shook
my tail feathers counter-clockwise
thus deferring to his dominance.
I did not get that at all.
So, Dr. Monteiro...
No "Doctor," please, just call me Tulio.
You know,
your macaw is a very special bird.
In fact, as far as we know,
Blu is the last male of his kind!
and recently, we found a female
and our hope is to bring the two of them
together to save their species.
Well, yeah, sure, when can she come over?
No, no. She is in Brazil.
Blu must come to Rio de Janeiro.
Rio? Brazil?
No. No, no, no.
I never let Blu out of my sight.
He needs me.
No. You misunderstand.
It's all arranged.
You will be with him
every step of the way.
And I will be with you.
Look, I know you're doing your job,
but I can't...
Well, Blu is very particular.
And we have our little routine here
and we're not big on travel.
Heck, he doesn't even fly!
But of course he can fly!
He's a perfect specimen.
What are you doing?
Don't worry, their natural instincts
always take over.
Wait, wait, wait! No, no!
Well, almost always.
What kind of doctor are you?
Are you okay?
Perhaps, he's too domesticated.
It was very nice of you to stop in
and squawk around
and throw my bird.
But now it's time for you to go.
I'm very sorry. I'm very sorry, but...
Wait, wait, Linda. Linda!
This could be our last chance.
Have a safe flight.
Linda, please, listen to me.
If we don't do this,
his whole species will be gone!
Just think about it.
Natural instincts!
There is nothing natural about being
thrown halfway across the room.
Well, I'll show him.
I can do this.
I just have to work out the physics.
I have quadrated my vector angles.
I've adjusted for wind shear.
Positive reinforcement.
Okay, let's see.
Flaps open. Perfect.
Landing gear. Check.
Tail flaps. Operational.
And, actually, not bad.
This is it.
Let's fly.
Just keep it simple.
Thrust, lift, drag and weight.
Thrust, lift, drag, weight.
Thrust, lift, drag, weight.
Thrust, lift, drag... Wait!
I promised I would always look out for you,
didn't I?
And have I ever broken a promise?
I'm scared, too
but I wouldn't make you do this
if it wasn't the right thing to do.
What do you say, Blu?
That's my big, brave boy.
And we'll be back home
before we even know it.
Your turn, Blu!
You don't want to get beak-burn.
Whoa! What is going on here?
- You arrived in time for Carnaval!
- Carnaval?
Yes, it's the biggest party in the world.
You know,
a time to have fun and dance!
Oh, my!
Is she a performer?
No, in fact, she's my dentist.
Dr. Barbosa!
Don't forget to floss, Tulio!
You got it!
Come tomorrow night,
everyone will be dressed like that.
Not me.
Oh, right yeah.
I am not from here.
Hey, Nico, he's a tourist!
Funny, you don't look like one.
Really? I don't?
Many of the birds here
were rescued from smugglers.
Yes! And unfortunately,
the poor birds are often hurt
or even killed in the process.
But with proper care, they can be saved.
Look here.
This poor guy was found last night.
Hey, buddy! You're looking great today.
Much better, much better!
Get well soon!
So, where is Jewel?
We have a special place for Jewel.
She's a very spirited bird.
I'll say.
She did that?
Charming. Okay, I want to go home now.
No, no. Don't worry.
I'm going to make you look irresistible.
Help! Help! Let me out of here!
- Maybe I should...
- No, no. Give it a chance.
I come in peace.
Whoa. She's beautiful.
What were they talking about?
She's like an angel.
An angel who's getting really close...
You're standing on my throat.
You're an American.
Thanks. I need my throat for talking.
So, thank you.
You look like me.
Hi, my name is Blu.
Like the cheese with the mold on it.
You know, that smells really bad.
That's stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Come on. We don't have much time.
Wait, wait, wait.
- Are you ready?
- For what?
Wow. Okay.
Confidence. Crazy love-hawk.
All right.
Whoa, what are you doing?
What? What you wanted me to.
But just for argument's sake,
what are you doing?
I am trying to escape.
Yeah, escape, that's where I was going
with that thing I just did.
Wait, wait. Did you actually think
we were going to kiss?
- No! It's not what you think.
- We just met.
Oh, my.
I think they need a little help.
I know how my feathers look,
but I am not that kind of bird.
Okay, I had nothing to do with that.
But, you have to admit
it's actually a pretty good song.
Yeah, sing it, Lionel.
Wow. That was fast.
Lionel Richie works every time.
We should probably give them
some privacy.
I'm not so sure
I should leave Blu here alone.
No, don't worry.
Sylvio will keep an eye on them all night.
Besides, he's got Jewel.
Help me!
This is the final countdown to Carnaval!
Let's samba!
Come here, poor little birdie.
It's okay, I got you.
I got you.
Excuse me.
Please, I am trying to sleep.
I'm sorry, sleepy-head,
I'm trying to escape.
Escape? Why?
This cage is awesome.
What was I thinking?
I wouldn't expect a pet to understand.
Pet? Did you just call me a pet?
For the record, I am not a pet.
I am a companion.
And you know what?
Do whatever you want
'cause tomorrow morning,
Linda will come for me
and this whole nightmare
will be over.
You would rather be with a human
than with your own kind.
Well, that human has given me love
and affection for the past 15 years
whereas my own kind try to strangle me
after 15 seconds.
Yeah, well, because of them,
I've lost everything.
You can't trust them.
Of course...
you can trust humans.
Jewel? Jewel?
Hi, there.
It was nice of you to join me for dinner.
I often eat alone.
Because, of course, my work.
I thought I was the
bird nut until I met you.
Yes, right.
Do you have a favorite bird?
Well, obviously,
I'm a blue macaw kind of gal.
That makes sense.
They are very handsome birds.
Actually, it's the brains
I'm more attracted to.
I'm not so impressed
by fancy feathers.
I know exactly what you mean.
My favorite bird is the spotted owl.
I've always been mesmerized
by those big...
round, intelligent eyes.
Chicken hearts?
Chicken hearts! Oh, gosh.
Oh, Blu.
We should have never left Moose Lake.
This is all my fault.
No, no, Linda, Linda, please.
This is not your fault.
You're right.
It's not my fault.
- It's your fault!
- What?
With your little bird talk.
And that whole "save the species."
Well, you know what?
Squawk, squawkity, squawk, squawk!
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to curse.
I don't understand.
Sylvio is the best guard in the business.
So, let me get this straight.
You were attacked by a little white bird?
Yes, with this rag.
He held it to my mouth like this.
We're doomed.
Okay. There's no place like home,
there's no place like home.
How I wish I was back in my own cage
with my mirror and my swing,
and my little bell.
How I miss my little bell.
Play dead.
What? I don't need to play dead,
I'm about to have a heart attack.
Just do it!
Stop twitching.
Come on, it's the twitching that sells it.
Come on in, kid.
Well, what do you know?
Good work, Fernando.
You see, boys?
What did I tell you about this one?
That you were going to pay him
half as much as you said?
No, you idiot.
That he reminds me of myself
when I was that age.
Smart, resourceful.
Here you go, kid.
Hey. This is only half
of what you promised me.
Shut up, kid.
What the...
I thought I told you
I needed these birds alive.
Tell me, Fernando...
does this look alive to you?
Get her!
Come over here!
Come here!
pretty bird.
What's the matter?
Cockatoo got your throat?
To be continued.
That was your plan?
To take off and leave me? Gee, thanks.
Well, why didn't you follow me?
Nice work, Nigel.
Yeah, nice work, Nigel.
The last blue macaws on earth.
These are worth a fortune.
Hey, Fernando,
hang these up in the other room.
Hey, birdie!
Let me out! Let me out! Let me out of here!
Who's a pretty bird? I'm a pretty bird.
Pretty bird, I'm a pretty bird.
I'm a pretty bird.
I was framed. They got the wrong guy.
Sorry, guys. Nothing personal.
So, what's going to happen to them?
Don't worry, we're going to find
good homes for them.
Now go home to your mama.
But I don't have a mama.
- Brother?
- Goldfish?
Can we keep him, boss?
So, Marcel, what's really going to happen
to those birds?
Plucked, stuffed, eaten, who cares?
All I know is we're going to be rich.
We're gonna be rich!
Come on, come on! The game is starting!
Yes, you were very clear.
Tomorrow or the deal is off.
Of course I have both the macaws.
Yes, I will deliver them myself.
All right, you two...
you load the truck tonight.
And first thing in the morning,
we bring those birds to the airport.
You got it?
- Yeah, sure.
- All right. Heard you.
And one of you, feed Nigel.
Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!
Nuh-uh, scissors cuts rock.
Oh, man. How come you always win?
Nice birdie.
Here you go.
Okay, pull it together.
The key is not to panic.
I'm not panicking.
I wasn't talking to you,
I was talking to me.
But it's okay, because any minute now,
Linda will find us.
Great. And then she'll stick us behind
another set of bars, right?
Yeah. I mean, no.
Look, pet, cages might work for you,
but I don't want to belong to anyone.
Something seems to be lodged in my beak.
Would you mind?
I know I'm not a pretty birdie...
but I used to be quite a looker.
A star.
Lights, camera, action.
I was striking,
suave, ambitious.
Feet to beak...
so birdie-licious
Now I'm vile, I am villainous,
and vicious
Oh, and malicious
I had it all
A TVshow, women, too
I was tall
Over one-foot-two
Then they got a
pretty parakeet to fill my shoes
That's why I am so evil,
why I do what I do.
He was a super star
So young and vital
He's nasty
A South American Idol
He's a suspicious bird
Who said that about me?
- A very vicious bird
- I'll have you rotisseried
I'm a feathery freak
With a beak
A bird murderer
You think you're badder than me?
I never heard of ya
I'm evil,
I'll fill your cheese balls with weevils
I poop on people
and I blame it on seagulls
It was him.
- He's a nasty bird
- I'm invincible
- He's ghastly
- I'm un-mince-able
I'm unwashable, unrinseable
Like an abandoned school
I have no principle
All of you Brazilian birds
All 80 million birds
I'll tell you what I'm going to do
I'm going to make you
Shut up, now. Shut up!
It's just me.
I will make you ugly...
... too.
Sweet nightmares.
Not cool, man!
Scary, but not cool!
Hey, are you okay?
No, I am definitely not okay!
Wait. What are you doing?
Getting out of here.
Are you going to help me or what?
Actually, all the survival guides say
to sit and wait, and help will come.
No one is coming!
We are on our own and if we just sit here,
we're going to die!
Yes! Yes!
Nigel! Get out of the way!
Hold on!
Stop! Stop!
Why don't you just open the door?
Are you kidding me?
What? It's just a standard flip slide bolt.
Come on! Let's fly!
What are you doing?
- I can't.
- What? You can't what?
I can't fly!
You couldn't tell me this before now?
It didn't matter before now!
I hate you.
Is there anything else I need to know?
Yes, I can't fly, I pick my beak,
and once in a while I pee in the bird-bath.
There they are!
We got to get out of here!
Just move! Move!
Wait, wait. Listen to me.
Flying may not be my thing,
but walking is.
Follow my lead. Inside leg, outside leg.
Yeah, okay, I got it.
Inside, outside, inside, outside!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
- Yes. Yes!
- Come on!
See? I'm bilingual, too!
This is great!
I'm chained to the only bird in the world
who can't fly!
Actually, there are about 40 species
of flightless birds.
- Duck!
- No, ducks can fly.
No! Duck!
Hold on!
Get out of here, you putrid poultry!
What was that?
A stick.
And that?
It's just a rock.
Right. Yeah.
Is that a spider on my back?
Will you quit it?
It's just a leaf. Turn around.
Leaf. Told you.
Now, come on, we need to find
a safe place to spend the night.
Safe? Safe?
We are in the jungle.
You know when people say,
"It's a jungle out there"?
Well, I'm pretty sure
they don't mean it as a good thing.
Look, I hate to break it to you,
but this is where our kind naturally lives.
Hey, don't talk to me about nature.
I watch Animal Planet.
I know all about the food chain.
You see?
Out here, I'm just an hors d'oeuvre.
Nothing more than a feathery spring roll.
That is why we stay in the trees
and not on the ground.
After you.
No, I don't think so.
No. I would feel much more comfortable
in something man-made.
Hey, how about up there?
I can't believe
I have to drag your clumsy butt up there.
Drag me?
Watch and learn.
Blu! Just wait one...
Who's dragging whose butt now?
Very funny.
You see? Who needs flying?
Birds. Birds need flying.
Flying is...
It's freedom
and not having to rely on anyone.
Don't you want that?
I don't know.
It sounds a little lonely.
Let's get some sleep.
I'm probably going to be up
for a little while.
Because I'm still on Minnesota time.
Good night.
Good night, Jewel.
Good night, Linda.
Excuse me, sir?
Have you seen my bird?
Have you seen my bird?
Excuse me?
Have you seen my bird?
Have you seen my bird? Blue feather.
Lady! American lady!
- Blu?
- Where?
Wow. I know where your birds are.
You found Blu? Are you sure?
It's his!
Let me see that.
You're right.
Okay. Where is he?
Come on, let's go! I'll take you to him.
No, no. Linda, wait.
We don't know this boy.
We can't trust him.
I have to trust him.
I don't have a choice.
Do you think I'm an idiot?
They were two birds
chained together in a cage.
How could you lose them?
They outsmarted us, boss.
But don't worry, we'll get them back.
I have a plan.
Great. What are you going to do?
Wander the city calling
"Here birdie, birdie. Here birdie"?
Well, anything sounds dumb
when you say it like that.
Okay. We have to get the birds
to the airport tonight.
But it's Carnaval.
All the roads will be blocked by the parade.
And that's why
I wanted to go this morning.
This bird is 10 times smarter
than the two of you combined.
Yeah, well, if he's so smart,
then why don't you put him in charge?
I am putting him in charge.
Stop suggesting things.
Go find them, Nigel.
If we can't get through the parade,
we'll have to be in the parade.
Are you sure
this is going to work?
Positive. Check out my math.
Yeah, that's comforting. Thank you.
Look, let's just get this chain broken.
Right. Then we can go and find Linda.
No, you can go find Linda.
Once this chain is off, I'm going to go
back to being free in the jungle. Deal?
Fine. Deal.
Nice try, brainiac.
I think something is watching us.
Be careful, Blu.
They might snuggle you to death.
Come here.
Cut it out!
Now stop...
No! Don't!
What's going on down there?
Go, go. Off with you.
Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!
I've told you a thousand times.
Manoela, Sofia, come on now, listen to me.
Oh, yeah, right in the eye.
Precious, aren't they?
Kids? Seventeen of them
and one on the way.
Hey! He's not a maraca, stop shaking him!
They're giving me gray feathers.
This papa needs a break.
So, you two lovebirds headed for Carnaval?
- Lovebirds?
- We're more like acquaintance-birds.
Not even that, we're more like
chained-to-each-other birds.
Yeah. I mean, if...
What is it with this kid and the feathers?
We have no idea. We're having him tested.
So, do you think you could help us
get this thing off?
Lucky for you, you know Rafael,
and Rafael knows everyone.
Again with the eye.
Okay, want me to call your mother?
Works every time.
They're scared to death of her.
Call me for what?
Eva, my love...
I must take this young couple to see Luiz.
You don't fool me for a second.
You and your amigo
just want to sneak off to Carnaval.
That magical time when I met
the most beautiful bird in the world.
I still remember the song that was playing
when I first laid eyes on you.
Tall and tan and
young and lovely
The girl from Ipanema
goes walking
Come on, baby, sing it!
And when she passes,
each one she passes goes, ah!
Like a river of the sweetest honey.
I guess love is deaf, too.
Come here.
Okay. Take them to Luiz, but hurry back.
You are an angel.
I'll miss you my juicy little mango.
I'll miss you my pudgy papaya.
Hey! Marco! Carlos!
Put your brother down, now!
I can't believe she actually let me go.
So, how far is this Luiz?
Not far. Thirty minutes as the crow flies.
And how long as the macaw walks?
- Bobo here can't fly.
- But he's a bird.
Not all birds fly.
There are ostriches...
You're not an ostrich.
- Not technically, but...
- Wait.
My friends, I want to help,
but to walk the whole way...
It can't be done!
Where's Daddy?
- Daddy? Daddy?
- Come over here. Go back to your room.
But, hey.
We might as well give it a shot.
Let's go quickly.
No, don't look back. They sense fear.
What an adorable monkey.
Hey! My watch!
Hello, boys.
Seems like you've had a busy day.
What? This?
This is just some stuff we found.
Right, boys?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
I'm not interested
in your nicked knick-knacks.
Your burgled baubles bore me.
There are two blue macaws out there
and I need your multitude of eyes
to help me find them.
Yeah? What's in it for us?
Well, that's a fair question.
Let's discuss it.
I certainly see your point, but what
could I possibly do for you in return?
Save me! Save me!
Well, that's a thought. Yeah.
But is it enough? I don't want
to feel like I'm cheating you.
Help me! Help me! No, no!
We'll do it, we'll do it. Save me, please.
Save me!
All right, you've twisted my wing.
Now then? Any more questions?
No? Good.
You will spread out and you will find
these macaws by the end of the day
or it's flying lessons for everyone!
Go do your monkey business.
I've changed my mind, yeah.
Maybe we can find a bus schedule
or something.
Come on, you're not going to back out now.
Not in front of the lady.
Okay, yeah. Yeah, sure.
All right, that's the spirit.
You're sure you're up for this?
Yeah, yeah. I mean,
it's not like we're just hurling
ourselves off a mountain or something.
Actually that was
pretty much my entire plan.
Don't worry, Blu, it's in your DNA.
And if our featherless friends can do it,
how hard can it be?
Wait, wait!
Fun, right?
Yeah. Fun.
Okay. I need you two to get closer.
Now put your wings around each other.
- What?
- Come on, amigo!
It's not like she's going to bite!
Will you?
We'll see.
you flap your right wing,
you flap your left wing,
and together you fly.
But this doesn't seem
aerodynamically possible.
You think too much.
Flying is not what you think up here,
it's what you feel in here.
And when you feel the rhythm
of your heart, it's like samba.
You fly!
See? It's easy!
Easy for you to say, because from here
it looks really, really hard.
Hey, if you want to see Linda again,
this is the only way.
Okay. You're right.
- Yes, I am.
- This is for Linda.
- Right.
- Keep it simple.
- Easy breezy.
- Thrust, lift, drag...
- Come on! Let's go!
- Wait!
- Inside, outside, inside, outside.
- Inside, outside, inside, outside.
Come on, Blu! You can do it!
I can do it. I can do it.
I can do it.
I can't do it!
Not again!
- Am I dead?
- No!
We're still alive!
Wow! This is incredible.
This is the most beautiful thing
I've ever seen.
See what you've been missing?
All right, Blu, you're flying!
Sort of. Not really, but do you feel it?
I do feel it.
No, no, Blu! Wait!
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
We're gonna die!
You did not feel it in here.
You think?
Let's catch a ride to Luiz.
Hurry, you two!
Last of the species here.
Move it!
Hey. Wait up.
Come on, lovebirds!
You made it.
I would love to go five minutes
without almost getting killed.
Is that too much to ask?
For a bird who can't fly, yeah.
They're starting to close off the streets
for Carnaval.
You better be right, kid.
Because we're running out of time.
I'll never be able to get my car
through this crowd.
Don't worry, I'm on it.
Watch it!
Hey, kid, how did you get this bike?
- I traded it for your Jeep.
- What?
Yeah, it's in great condition.
Well, good condition!
Hey! Out of the way!
Look out!
Hold on!
I'm going to chew through my own leg
if this doesn't come off soon.
Relax. If I know Luiz,
we're right where we want to be.
Hey! Rafi!
If it isn't the king of Carnaval!
Nico! Pedro! What up, family?
Where you been hiding yourself, bird?
Man, I thought you were dead.
Hold up! Rewind.
Ain't that the bird from the cage?
I think our love lessons went down smooth.
You work fast.
Baby got beak.
You was locked up
and now you're rolling with a hot-wing.
I want to be like you.
No, it's not what you think.
We're just chained together.
Hey, I'm not judging you.
- Keep it spicy.
- Oh, yeah.
Hey, guys, we're looking for Luiz.
Have you seen him?
Yeah, I seen him, but you didn't,
because you just missed him.
He took the trolley back to the garage.
Relax, baby bird.
You could catch the next one.
Yeah, it's time to take it to the next level.
What's wrong with this level?
Come on! This ain't the level.
The next level's the level.
You got to shake your tail feathers.
We got to get this chain off first.
Come on, lovebirds! You're in Rio!
You should enjoy it!
Yeah! Live a little.
We got them.
Welcome to paradise!
Some party, huh?
This is the coolest place I've ever seen.
Despite all the obvious
health code violations.
I like you!
Nothing you say makes any sense.
All right, everyone, listen up!
Rafi has some special guests
from out of town
and let's show them some love,
because I don't think they get out much.
Everybody put their wings together
and clap them as loud as you can.
Flap them. Clap them.
I don't care, slap them.
Party in the Ipanema, baby.
I wanna party
I wanna samba
I wanna party
I wanna samba
I wanna party
- And live my life
- My life
- I wanna party
- Party
And fly
High! I'm gonna fly
Fly just like a bird
But you are a bird
Oh, yeah, you're right
So let me fly just like a rocket then
- Okay
- Fly so high
Where I need to come down for oxygen
'Cause once we start it
Baby, ain't no, ain't no stopping then
'Cause I just want to live my life
and party
All I want is to be free
And rock my body
I've been around the world
And I want to live my life in Rio
'Cause I Rio, 'cause I Rio realize
What are you doing?
I don't know.
All right, Blu!
And fly!
I'm that samba, samba master
Master, master, master, master
Push out sound from a ghetto blaster
Blaster, blaster, blaster, blaster
Hey. She likes you.
What are you talking about?
Haven't you been listening?
No, but I've been watching.
Just be yourself. Go on.
- I wanna samba
- Party
- I wanna party
- Party
- I wanna samba
- Party
- I wanna party
- Party
- And live my life
- My life
- I want to party
- Party
And fly
You two are coming with me.
In your little monkey dreams.
That was meant for you.
Come on. Can we all just get along?
This isn't your fight, big-nose.
You mess with my friends,
you mess with me!
And us!
Yeah, little King Kong.
I don't know what's going on here.
Birds versus monkeys!
Get them!
Yippee-kai-yay, monkey man!
Yee-haw! Giddy-up!
We got to go!
Need a lift?
Take that, you funky monkey!
- Thank you!
- Anytime!
That's what I'm talking about!
Man, we threw down!
Yeah, we threw down.
You guys were like fire and ice.
- Thunder and lightning!
- Hip and hop!
Cheese and sprinkles!
It's a Minnesota thing.
You see?
Nothing you say makes any sense.
Come on, follow me.
But the birds were here.
Yeah, sure they were, kid.
I swear, the birds were right here.
- Well, how do you know?
- Because
I'm... I'm the one who took them.
I didn't want to hurt anybody,
I needed the money.
But Fernando, I trusted you!
I know, but...
Man, that's good.
Hey, guys.
What are you doing here?
I just wanted to see
if you had any work for me.
Well, if you were here two hours ago,
you could've helped us load the...
- What?
- Shut up.
So, why are you guys dressed for Carnaval?
So no one will notice us
when we smuggle these...
Shut up!
We made a float.
A float!
So you guys are going to the parade.
Can I come?
I'm a great dancer.
Can he come? Come on, please.
Three is better than two.
Fine. We got to hurry though.
I almost forgot.
Where did I put it?
I thought it was right here.
There it is.
Got it.
Let's go.
Hurry up, kid.
Can he ride on the plane with us, too?
Shut up!
No. We can't let them get on that plane.
You can drive a motorcycle, right?
You insult me.
No, I can't drive a motorcycle.
It's just like riding a snowmobile.
What happened?
What happened?
Oh, no! Let me go.
Stop your chirping and talk to me!
No, no. I don't know anything. Help!
When I bite down on your head,
will it go "pop," or will it go "crack"?
Where are the cerulean birds?
That means blue, by the way.
They escaped. Went to Luiz.
Anything else?
They said you were very nice.
Did they?
And handsome, too.
Never send a monkey to do a bird's job.
Don't worry. I got it.
There he goes. That's my boy.
Is it hot? I think I'm sweating.
I didn't even think that
was biologically possible, and yet, look.
Yeah, that's your boy, all right.
Okay, so he needs a little help.
Come on, let's give him some.
Set the mood.
All right, look, I'm on it.
I know how to set the mood. Check it out.
Get a, Get a, Get a
Get a girl
Get, Get, Get
Get a girl
Take her, take her to the floor
Show her, show her how you roll
Drop it, drop it, drop it low
Drop it low, drop-drop it low
What kind of mood is that?
Pedro, Pedro, a little too aggressive.
I'm not hating on your creativity,
but I think I got this one.
Follow my lead.
Now, that's more like it.
Wasn't really thinking
Wasn't looking
Wasn't searching for an answer
In the moonlight
When I saw your face
Wow! What a beautiful sunset.
Down here. Just tell her,
"You have beautiful eyes."
That's good. Great idea.
I have beautiful eyes.
Yeah, okay. Sure, they're nice.
No, her eyes. Her eyes.
Right, yeah. Your eyes,
your eyes are great, not mine.
I mean, mine are okay.
But yours, I bet
you can see right through them.
Just tell her how you feel.
- Jewel.
- Yeah.
I've been wanting to tell you that I...
That I...
How sweet. You're getting choked up.
You're choking! Okay! All right!
Come on, Blu, move with me.
Stay with me, Blu.
One more, come on. One more time!
Yep, that's my boy.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I give you Luiz's garage.
- After you.
- No, no, you first.
Please, I insist.
Guess this is it.
Yeah. Quite an adventure.
End of the line.
Guess things like this
don't happen in Tiny-soda.
- Wait, Minnesota.
- Yeah.
That's very good.
That's very funny actually.
Luiz! Are you here, Luiz? Hey, buddy!
I got some friends I want you to meet.
Inside, outside, inside, outside!
I got you's good.
I could've ripped your throats out,
but I didn't.
But I could've.
Hey, Luiz! Stop scaring my friends.
Hey, Rafi, come here!
Where you've been?
You look good.
Wait. Luiz is a bulldog?
You got something against dogs?
I do when they're drooling on me.
It's a medical condition.
No, hey, amigo, we really need you.
- She's mean, bro.
- Luiz, come on, please, please.
We need your help.
I think I know what to do.
Are you sure this is safe?
Sure. There's nothing to it.
Now, if something goes wrong,
scream really loud!
Because I can't hear too good
with this thing on.
Hey, Rafi! Get the switch, please.
Don't worry. He's a professional.
Now, try not to move!
I can't really see out
of this thing, either!
Hey! Where did you go?
But I'm free.
Jewel! Jewel! We're free!
Slimy, but free.
Contaminated probably, but free.
Can you believe it's finally...
Come on, guys, let's go!
What are we standing around for?
It's Carnaval!
Oh, yeah!
I know just how you feel.
Watching them up there
makes you want to chase them
and grab them in your mouth
and bite their heads off, huh?
I'm just kidding, bro.
Yeah, chasing them is plenty.
I'm flying, flying just like a bird!
Jewel, but you are a bird!
Hey! Where you going?
Blu, what's wrong?
Nothing. Everything is perfect.
You'll be off to the rainforest, I'll be
back with Linda, just like we planned.
Hey, birds!
Stop yapping and start flapping!
Let's go!
I guess, I thought, maybe...
What? That you'd come to Minnesota?
Great, I guess I'll knit you a scarf.
No, that's not what I meant.
Look, Jewel,
I can't spend my life
walking around following you
wherever you're going.
Hey, it's not my
fault you can't fly.
Okay, okay.
You know what? This is good.
Just clear the air.
Just be completely honest
with each other.
You want honesty?
Fine, I can be honest.
I don't belong here.
In fact, I never wanted to come here
in the first place.
And... And...
And you know what?
I hate samba.
Hey! That's a little too far.
Make the mean bird take it back.
Yeah, I said it.
Every song sounds exactly the same.
Tico, taco, ya, ya, ya
Tico, taco, ya, ya, ya
I'm tico, taco out of here.
Fine! See you around, pet!
No, wait, wait. Come back!
You belong together!
You are Juliet to his Romeo!
Sure, they both die in the end,
but you get my point!
Young love. Always so melodramatic.
All right, boys, go after her.
Blu! Come back here. Come on!
Yeah! I'm ready for Carnaval!
Who wants to ride in my
You left without me.
That's messed up.
Jewels! Jewels!
Wait up!
Going somewhere, pretty bird?
Yeah. I was just on my way
to claw your eyes out!
Temper, temper.
Now come along, my dear.
We're going to a parade.
Everybody loves a parade.
Let go of me!
Hey! Get back here!
Ain't nobody messing with a friend
of Pedro, I ain't having it!
It's on!
Did you see the talons on that guy?
Maybe it's on next time.
- Help!
- Help! Little help!
Rafael, quit following me.
You're going in the wrong direction.
Isn't Carnaval that way?
I'm not going to Carnaval.
No, I'm going home.
But I thought you loved Carnaval.
I do. But I love my family much more.
And that's a choice I made with this.
Not with this.
- Blu!
- Hey, Blu! Blu!
I was flying
and then I saw this big cockatoo!
With big ninja talons!
This cockatoo was ugly!
Anyway, that's not the point.
And then Jewel was there,
and he snatched Jewel up.
Like, he snatched her up.
And then he was like,
"You're coming with me,
you little princess."
And Jewel was like,
"I ain't your princess, leave me alone."
- And I was like, "What?"
- Then he was like, "What?"
Stop! Just tell me what happened.
He got Jewel, man!
And he's taking her to the parade.
This is all my fault.
Let's fly.
Carnaval, here we come!
Hey, dog, I'm drowning back here!
You will get wet on this ride!
Come on, come on, come on.
Where are these guys?
Yes. Nice.
Very nice.
Oh, boy.
We're a chicken!
Come on, Fernando! Dance!
Excuse me.
Coming through!
Watch your feet.
Whoops! Sorry.
Go ahead. Come in.
Wait. Stop, please.
Performers only.
Cyanopsitta spixii.
Linda. I was just...
I look ridiculous, don't I?
The parade. It's about to start.
Go ahead.
Okay, just follow my lead.
Act naturally.
Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Come on.
- Blu?
- Blu!
Blu! Blu!
What? Wait, wait! No, no.
I am looking for a bluebird. Birdo?
Birdo! Yes!
Wait! What are you doing?
Hey! Let me out!
This is not good. This
is not good. This is...
Cheese and sprinkles.
Okay, you can bring me down now!
I think we're done here!
I think they like my moves.
Hey. Keep dancing, egg-boy.
One down and one to go.
You'll never find him.
He's already gone.
I don't need to find him.
He'll find you.
This is the spit!
Yeah, baby!
Now, I could get my freak on!
Luiz, please!
Rescue first. Freak later.
- Come on!
- Out of my way, people!
All right, guys!
I'll fly ahead and look for Jewel.
Hello, ladies.
Mr. Big-nose! Hold up!
Linda? Excuse me. Excuse me.
In English!
Linda! Linda!
You've got to shake your tushy!
No! We don't shake our tushies
in Minnesota!
Hot dog! Coming through!
Tulio! Tulio! I saw Blu!
Hold on, Blu! I'm coming for you!
Blu, we found them!
She's on some weird chicken float!
Come on!
Let's go get Jewel.
Wait, Blu! Where are you going?
I saw Blu! He's riding on a bulldog!
There they are! That's the float!
That float is a crime in itself!
There he is!
- Hey, Jewel.
- Blu!
- I'm gonna get you out of here.
- No.
No, Blu, you can't be here.
You have to go. Nigel...
Hello, pretty bird.
So kind of you to join our little soire.
Come on. You really think I came alone?
I got three of the roughest, meanest
craziest birds in all of Rio
right behind me.
You heard that, guys? We're saved!
- That's right. That's right.
- I think he means us.
Love. It's such a powerful and stupid thing.
Yes. Well done, Nigel.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
Out of the way.
Sorry. Wait! Wait!
We actually made it! Hey, Marcel!
Can we do this again next year?
Please? Please?
Could I drive next year, too?
Wait! Come back!
Get in!
I don't know how I got up here,
but I ain't never coming down!
Come on, kid.
I'm gonna get you guys out of here.
- What do you think you're doing?
- Nothing.
You shouldn't have done that.
Come on.
Just forget him!
Get the birds!
They're getting away.
We'll see about that.
Watch out!
We did it, boys.
- Yes! We did it.
- We're the best!
Is that a float?
Wow! Look at the detail on that thing.
Pull up you, idiot! Pull up!
Blu! Blu!
Oh, Blu.
Sorry, Eva,
I'm not gonna be home for dinner.
What are you doing?
I'm gonna pop this cage open
like a soda can.
Now, that's popping!
Hurry. We got to help the others.
I'm a pretty bird, I'm a pretty bird.
Who's a pretty bird? I'm a pretty bird.
Pretty bird, I'm a pretty bird.
Come on!
I'm out!
The light!
Go! Go! Go!
Come on! Come on!
We need to get out!
Wait, wait, wait!
It's okay. Hey, it's okay.
We'll figure this out together. Right?
Let him go!
My wing.
Now we have two useless,
flightless birds.
Not cool, man. Not cool!
We're going down!
- Okay, okay.
- Rock, paper, scissors...
Hasta la vista, losers!
Hey! Wait for us!
Blu, you're crazy! What are you doing?
I'm not gonna let you go!
We're chained-to-each-other birds,
Blu! You're flying!
I'm flying! I'm really flying.
You're right, I'm not an ostrich.
I'm not an ostrich!
Dad! Look!
It's Blu! Look, Tulio, it's Blu!
And he's flying.
My Blu is flying!
He's flying.
Here, let me see.
Don't worry.
I'll take care of you.
That's my big, brave boy.
All the birds of a feather
Do what we love most of all
Moon and the stars
Strumming guitars
That's why we love Carnaval
Loving our life in the jungle
Everything's wild and free
Never alone
'Cause this is our home
Magic can happen for real
In Rio
All by itself
By itself
You can't see it coming
You can't find it anywhere else
I'm the capoeira king-a
King-a, king-a, king-a
Birds like me 'cause I'm a hot wing-a
Pedro, hot-a-wing-a
Here everybody loves samba
I like the samba
Rhythm you feel in your heart
I'm the samba master
Beauty and love
What more could you want?
Fantasy can be for real
In Rio
Here's something else
Something else
You just feel it happening
You won't find it anywhere else
I love you, Rio!
English - US