Riot (2015)

Special delivery.
Open 23.
(security door buzzes)
(security door buzzes)
- (beeps)
- Lost again, Green. Pedophiles in the east wing.
Just looking for a disgusting
place to take a nap,
and your house was locked.
Where you headin'?
Infirmary, kitchen, then
take care of a few things.
All right. Carry on.
New mouths to feed.
New inmate patient forms.
Thank you.
Delivery for Balam.
Mask off.
(speaking Russian)
All right. Sounds good. Thanks.
(man speaking Russian on phone)
(speaking Russian)
MAN (speaking Russian):
He is here.
Move along. Move along.
Single file.
Stay within the line.
Keep it moving.
Keep it moving.
- Who's this guy?
- Jack Stone.
- GUARD: Who's Jack Stone?
- GUARD #2: He's the ex-cop.
Strip down, slick.
Come on. Let's go. Butts and nuts.
Jack Stone.
First a cop...
then a cop killer.
God, Stone, how long you think
you gonna last in this place?
- Looks like Green has a new girlfriend.
- (chuckles)
These prisoners are animals.
And you put a lot of them
boys in here, didn't you?
And then there's us guards.
And there's you.
Right in the middle of it all.
WOMAN'S VOICE: When you're ready
to talk, I'm here to listen.
(security door buzzes)
(man speaking on PA, indistinct)
- (cell phone rings)
- MAN: We're on the roof.
MAN #1: Does this guy have
any idea whose place this is?
MAN #2: The amount of money
down there, you think he cares?
- (beeps)
- (man speaking Russian on radio)
Three, two, one.
- WOMAN: What is that?
- STONE: Everybody down!
(people screaming)
STONE: If you wanna live, leave now.
Go this way! Go, go, go, go!
Get out of here! Go!
I'm here for the bank's money, not yours.
- Everybody down! Knee it!
- Get on the ground!
Stay down. Shut your mouth.
The bank manager, Anton Rurik, where is he?
- (whimpering)
- (shouts) Where is he?
You have three seconds to open the vault.
One, two...
Move. Move.
You hear that, Jack? That sound
in the distance? The voices?
That's the sound of hungry inmates, Jacky.
They smell fresh meat.
You see, I don't know
who to place my bet on.
Will it be the inmates who
take you out or the guards?
- My money's on the guards.
- (security door buzzes)
Everybody beat it!
- (screaming)
- (tires squealing)
Oh, here they come! Pussy bastards!
(siren blaring)
Clark, Ashdown, with me!
(sirens blaring in distance)
Move! Move! Everybody
out of the way! Get down!
(security door buzzes)
- (inmates chattering)
- INMATE: Fresh meat!
Mmm. Look at him.
MAN (on PA): Attention all inmates.
Last call for an outside phone.
Last call for an outside phone.
OFFICER: Get down! Down! Out of the way!
Ashdown, take this level.
Clark, you're with me.
(tires squealing)
(squealing continues)
Clark, take this level.
That's far enough.
Hands up. Now!
I said, hands up!
- (cell door opens)
- MAN: Aw, hell, no.
I know you didn't just come
into my cell so you could...
Hmm. Jack, right?
Okay. You want the top
bunk or you want the bottom?
All right. All right.
Bottom it is.
They call me Silva.
- (knocking, faint)
- (whirring stops)
(bird cawing)
My name is Semyon.
I'm here to welcome you to your new home.
Once a week you'll pay me for protection.
Or you can have someone wire
money directly into my account.
Yeah, I don't think I
need protection from you.
MAN: Always, always use protection.
My friend,
if anybody needs protection in this place,
it's definitely you.
Pick him up. Put him in his cell.
My name is Semyon... (grunts)
(bell ringing)
- (alarm blaring)
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
INMATE: You better stay down, boy.
(security door buzzes, opens)
- Prisoners, back away!
- Come on. Get up!
(shouting in Russian)
(speaking Russian)
(man speaking on PA, indistinct)
(cell door opens)
(cell door closes)
MAN: Detective Jack Stone.
Your name has been
a constant irritant
to my business dealings for many years.
You've cost me men, shipments, money
on more occasions than
I'd like to recall.
Pleading guilty to
share a prison with me?
That's a bold move.
You look just like the
pictures I've seen of you.
I am sorry
we are not meeting in person.
Why don't we change that?
I believe that to be
unwise on my part, Jack.
Do you ever hear of a
king taking random strolls
through his kingdom?
No. Of course not.
The king stays in his castle.
You know why this is?
Because when a king
leaves his throne,
he gives his enemies an
opportunity to claim it.
I'm not here for your throne, Balam.
Do you know what the
bounty on my head is?
One million dollars.
That is all my enemies
think I am worth.
How about you, Jack?
What are you worth?
Twenty-five? Fifty?
A hundred thousand dollars?
What did you take from my vault?
And who did you give it to?
Have it your way.
I will make sure you
die like your wife.
I hear that she bled
to death over hours,
suffering in agony,
while you watched,
helpless to do anything.
It is a shame
that you did not die as well.
you and I,
we are at war.
Who are you, Jack Stone?
I said, hands up!
I trusted you.
She's dead because of you.
I had no choice, Jack. I had a family.
So did I!
(door opens)
- (door closes)
- GREEN: Uh-oh. You pull late shift again, Timmy?
Yeah. Warden's punishing me for
scraping up the van on last week's run.
Fences don't just jump
out in front of cars, Tim.
You gotta really go out of your
way like some world-class retard
to hit one
or be texting and driving.
Yeah, somebody farted
in the back of the van.
(cell door unlocks)
Mm-hmm. Thank
you. Bye-bye.
- Hello. May I help you?
- Yes.
I'm Trisha Sinclair. I have an
appointment with District Attorney Johnson.
I'm sorry. I don't have any
appointments with that name.
Unfortunately, I had to
bump that appointment.
Hello, Miss Sinclair. Mark Crane.
Mr. Johnson wasn't able to
accommodate you, so I had to cancel.
With no phone call to let me know?
I apologize for that. But
if you just step over here...
I'm sorry. When is he available?
I think it would be
best if you met with me.
Then I can give that information to
Mr. Johnson when he is available.
- I didn't ask to speak with you...
- Please hold my calls.
- Yes, Mr. Crane.
- Thank you.
Look, the information you left
with Mr. Johnson was relayed to me.
Jack Stone is a closed case.
This isn't just about Jack Stone.
Well, then, any information you have,
I'd be more than happy to pass it along.
So if you give it to me, I'll
make sure that he gets it.
I'll just reschedule.
I don't know. Principals
in your schools around here
that I'm kind of investigating...
Excuse me, District Attorney Johnson.
I'm so sorry to interrupt, but
I really need to speak with you.
- And you are?
- Trisha Sinclair.
Oh. The reporter from the Post.
- George, can I get back with you a little bit later?
- You got it.
Thank you.
So, Miss Sinclair, what
is so terribly important
that I had to cut short my
conversation with the mayor?
That was the mayor?
- Didn't you recognize him?
- I voted for the other guy.
- Oh.
- I'm so sorry.
I made an appointment with you,
but your guard dog canceled it.
(chuckles) Well, that's Mark.
See, he hasn't been with me very long,
- and he tends to be a little overly protective.
- Yeah.
- Can we walk and talk?
- Yeah.
Okay. So, what's this all about?
Jack Stone and Balam Mogilevich.
Ah. Balam?
Well, he's been in jail for years.
The same prison that
Jack Stone was sent to.
I don't think it was by coincidence.
Before killing his ex-partner,
Jack Stone was part of a three-man
crew that robbed the Orleans bank,
which many believe to be a
front for the Russian mob.
Well, that was never confirmed,
not that it's not true.
Accusations without proof...
I may have proof.
Lots of it.
What if Jack and Balam
are working together?
A city detective in bed
with the Russian mob?
(chuckles) I think it's a little more
complicated than that, Miss Sinclair.
Well, it makes sense if you think about it.
Why didn't Jack get the death penalty?
He killed a police officer.
But... It's not just Jack.
I have a whole list of names.
- Don't worry. Your name didn't come up.
- (chuckles)
Well, police corruption,
that poses a fundamental threat to
our security, our very way of life.
It impacts everything,
from how we protect our neighborhoods
and verdicts handed down in the courts.
If you have information, I think
you should come forward with it.
I plan to.
I just wanna make sure I understand
everything before I present the evidence.
Good. Good.
Well, let me know if there's
anything I can do to help.
Will do.
Here's my direct number.
You don't have to worry about Mark Crane.
(cell door opens)
Stone, you have a visitor.
Hello, Mr. Stone.
Miss Sinclair.
I've been looking forward to your visit.
How do you know who I am?
What are you gonna do with
the information I sent you?
That was you?
What do you want?
Use the information, Miss Sinclair.
(handset settles in cradle)
(door opens)
(door closes)
(fingers snap)
William. Come on.
You're like a walking roadblock.
Move! (chuckles)
- Mmm. Hey.
- Hi.
WOMAN: Happy birthday.
Because you are my anchor,
and no matter how rough
the seas of life get,
I know that you will
always be there for me.
- I love you.
- STONE: I love you.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt.
Are you... you Jack Stone?
Thanks for your help earlier.
What do you mean?
Never mind.
I'm William.
Pretty important around here.
When there's blood to be
cleaned up off the floors,
I'm the one they call.
You can imagine this
place keeps me pretty busy.
You know Balam?
Yeah, everybody's afraid of him.
Semyon's his cousin.
You pushed his face into the...
I know who Semyon is.
But you're not afraid of Balam?
You know where Balam's cell is?
Everybody knows where it
is, but nobody goes there,
not even the guards.
Well, the good ones anyway.
I like your bracelet.
Were you in the navy?
It was a gift from my wife.
She's gone now.
That's sad. I'm sorry.
Ha, ha! (yells)
(women clamoring)
(alarm blaring)
Get off me! Don't touch me!
Hold up. I'll take her from here.
You two are needed in "D" block.
Come on, honey.
Isn't solitary the other way?
Shut your face.
Cousin, why am I here? Everything is fine.
There are three reasons why
I choose to live in a prison.
Protection from my many enemies.
It provides a blind spot
to keep my many business dealings
off the government's radar.
And finally,
Control means power.
It means order.
Control means respect.
I know all this!
Nothing happens in this prison
without my approval.
When someone takes it upon themselves
to operate on their own volition,
that shows me disrespect.
I do not tolerate disrespect,
even from my own cousin.
I would never disre... (muffled shouting)
Taking a percentage of inmates' goods
without my permission...
Setting up drug deals, both
in and out of these walls,
behind my back?
Very disrespectful.
- (groans)
- (body thuds)
Trying to kill Jack
Stone and take credit...
that is very disrespectful.
Such a shame.
Your face is the mixture
of beauty and tragedy.
- (muffled shouting)
- Like Vasily Perov painting.
Why would you risk damaging
something so priceless?
You must know Katherina
is under my employment.
That means she is also...
under my protection.
So when you are fighting Katherina,
you are also fighting me.
Do you wish to make me your enemy?
Because if you care so little...
for something so beautiful,
perhaps you do not deserve it.
I will take it and place it on my wall,
where it will not be abused by you.
(gasps, coughs)
You represent me in
all that you do, Cousin.
Your failure to kill Jack Stone
becomes my failure.
And in the eyes of the other inmates,
that shows weakness.
Weakness leads to dissonance,
which can quickly turn to revolt.
Please, Cousin, give me a second
chance. I won't let you down.
Jack Stone's defiance cannot go unanswered.
I need you both to spread the word.
One hundred thousand dollars to the man
that brings me Jack Stone's head.
You're in trouble now.
Balam's gonna pay anyone
who'll kill you $100,000.
That goes for guards too.
What are you gonna do?
Most inmates won't make a move.
They don't want more
time on their sentence.
I'm not worried about it.
Most guards are good.
Just stay away from the bad ones.
How will I know who the bad ones are?
They'd be the ones
who'll let you get killed.
Everybody out!
Come on!
- INMATE: Aw, man!
- Now!
INMATE #2: That means you, Martinez.
GUARD: Come on. You too. Hey. Over there.
Out. Move.
Who are you?
A friend.
Well, how did she get all that information?
Come on, she's got lists of
names, contacts, buyers, sellers.
Do not forget who you're speaking with.
Come on, man, she's got proof.
Paperwork, disks, thumb drives.
That's impossible.
I was told it was all burned.
- Look, I am not going down for this.
- Then it's simple.
The woman must die.
All right.
All right, I'll take care of her.
What about Stone?
He will be dead by the end of the day.
(car alarm chirps)
- (cell phone rings)
- (gasps)
- Allison.
- I'm at the airport.
I'll meet up with you
later tonight. All right?
(door closes)
(dryer buzzes)
(baton clatters on ground)
Really? Think about it logically.
- There are, what, eight of you?
- There's nine of us.
- Fine. Eight and a half.
- Hey.
I know a hundred grand
sounds like a lot of money,
but it's really not
when you think about it.
Once you divide it up amongst
yourselves, you're looking at, what?
About 11 grand each?
Eleven thousand sounds just fine to me.
Not when you factor in the risks.
What's he going on about?
Is $11,000 worth a fractured skull?
Ruptured eardrum? Maybe a broken femur?
Cracked ribs? Collapsed lung?
Shards of your nose
stuffed up into your brain.
They're smarter than they look.
- (laughing)
- Oh, my God.
It's okay. I'm sor... I'm sorry.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah.
No. No.
- No! Geez.
- (laughing)
That must have been some visit, huh?
He just wasn't what I expected. He just...
Oh, what's wrong?
I've been going about this all wrong.
I don't think I've ever seen
you so passionate about a story.
This whole time, I have been trying to
connect Jack Stone with the corruption,
which is why I was getting nowhere.
All of this... this is about Balam.
His drug network, his
suppliers, his buyers.
It's all these names.
City officials, police officers.
And the list is long.
- What are you gonna do about it?
- Cross-check everything, make sure I understand it all
and make a call.
Balam said I need to...
I am waiting.
- (alarm blares)
- Yeah!
GUARD: Move away. Move away.
Let's go, princess.
- Will she be okay?
- Mind your own business.
(monitor beeping)
WOMAN: BP: 126 over 78.
Pulse: 65.
Pupils are dilated and nonresponsive.
- WOMAN: Another?
- MAN: No. Let's let her sleep it off.
Just make sure the next
shift gets that file.
(door closes)
(door closes)
(water splashes)
Hey, Stone, your lady friend is back.
(door closes)
Jack, I read about your wife.
I'm so sorry.
So you've figured out I wasn't working
for the Russian mob like the paper said?
But I did find out who was.
Once I went to my partner,
told him what I found,
he went to the mob.
(woman screaming)
They ordered a hit on me, and
that's when Elizabeth was killed.
- (gunshot)
- And I killed him.
What are you gonna do with
the information I sent you?
Jack, I know why you're here.
You're gonna get yourself
killed doing this.
What happens to me doesn't matter.
This is about those responsible.
(men chattering)
I'm totally allergic to onions,
and the waitress comes over, like,
"What, you don't like no onions in
your tacos? They're not for you?"
And I'm, like, "I just can't eat 'em.
I get sick." (continues, low)
(imitating Mexican accident) "No
onions. Onions are no good for you."
(men chattering)
Yeah? Is she happy? Is she happier?
Yeah, she seems happier.
I got a full-time job now.
(door closes)
Excuse me, Doctor.
(chuckles) That's very flattering,
William, but I'm just a nurse.
- Just a nurse?
- Mm-hmm.
Well, I hear the nurses do all the work
while the doctors are
all off golfing somewhere.
Okay, charmer, spit it
out. What do you want?
Uh, well, I was hoping you could
answer an embarrassing
medical question for me.
How long have you been undercover?
You're still alive?
If I were a betting
man, you'd make me rich.
Which one is it? FBI? CIA?
This place has been plagued with corruption
for years. We didn't know how deep it went.
Every time we get the
evidence we think we need,
it mysteriously disappears.
You know why I am here?
You gonna stand in my way?
I've been here for six months. I'm not gonna
get anywhere as long as Balam is around.
He's lining too many government
pockets to ever get a conviction.
Now, as soon as I knew you were coming in,
I knew I had the missing
piece to make a difference.
Here they come.
MAN: Hey!
Oh, yeah!
There's more than just me here. Get
ready to move when the time comes.
GUARD: Back it off!
Back it off! Back it off!
By the time I'm done with this,
I'm gonna be fluent in Russian.
(imitating Russia accent) How do you say...
"Jack, you're so sexy.
I need you. I want you."
- You need help.
- (laughs)
- I need boyfriend.
- Mm.
(normal voice) I mean, really, why
don't you hire a translator for all this?
The information's too sensitive.
If everything I've seen here is true,
a lot of people are going to prison.
(no audible dialogue)
When you transferred in here six
months ago, they told me two things.
One, that you were a nonviolent offender.
And two, that I should
give you trustee status.
I've never had a reason to
question those until today.
William, I have to say, I'm
very disappointed in you.
Three inmates say they
saw you pick up Losif
and throw him over that railing.
Now, I wanna know why
you'd do such a thing.
Romans 13:4...
"If thou do which is evil, be afraid:
for he beareth not the sword in vain:
for he is a minister of God,
a revenger who will execute wrath
on him who doeth evil."
I'll be honest with you, William.
The Bible came with the office, okay?
Now, if you wanna put your faith in God
to save you, that's up to you, but...
but the truth is, behind these walls,
I'm the only savior you need.
And trust me, son, you need saving.
Losif was Balam's boy.
Now, if I try to put you back in
"A" block... hell, any block...
you'd be dead by the end of the week.
Well, can you help me?
Well, it's not a question of can I.
It's more a question of will I.
I don't know. Will you?
Yes, for a price.
Well, I-I don't... I don't have any money.
You don't.
But I'm certain you got some
friends or relatives out there
that could scrounge up some
cash for you, save your hide,
that is if they think
your hide needs saving.
My brother's got money.
Well, there you go.
Now, is your brother's love
for you worth, say, $10,000?
I don't... I don't know.
I'll tell you what.
Why don't you go back out and get
to work and think about it, okay?
When you're ready to give your
brother a call, you let me know.
But you better think quick. Huh?
'Cause you know how
communication works in this place.
Balam's probably already
found out what you did.
So if my brother pays you $10,000,
will you promise not to let me get killed?
My hand on the Bible.
I need to speak with Mr. Johnson, please.
- Do you have an appointment?
- No, but it is important.
It always is.
- MARK: Is there a problem here?
- I need to speak with the DA.
Oh. More conspiracies.
Look, Miss Sinclair, if you
have a problem, call the FBI.
You're going down with the rest of them.
(speaking Russian)
(security door buzzes)
What the hell?
Not feeling well, princess?
ALL: Ohh!
(security door buzzes)
Move! Move! Back!
Get out of the way! Get out of the way!
Stay back!
Don't touch me! Get away from me!
WOMAN: Watch out! Watch out!
- (grunts)
- What?
- You okay?
- Yeah.
All right, let's get these guys in.
Are you sure we can trust him?
As long as Balam has the power,
we can't get what we came for.
Jack's just a means to an end.
All right,
- you ready?
- Mm-hmm.
Okay, let's go.
(speaking Russian)
Is this true?
Is this you?
I've been lied to my whole entire
life. I thought you were dead.
I stayed away to protect you.
I was told that you
were some national hero,
sacrificing a life with his
family for the love of his country.
- And I... I accepted that.
- Olesya, I...
Did Mom know what you are?
I do not know what you've been told,
but it is not true.
Weapons. Human trafficking?
I mean, I couldn't even
bear to read the rest.
It was just page after page, and it...
Standing by.
(body thuds)
I'm in.
For once, be a man.
Tell me the truth.
I want you to look me in the eyes
and tell me that all of those things
I read in those files are not true.
Those things, they are not true.
You're not even man enough to admit it.
You know what? You... You
made a choice a long time ago
not to be a part of my life.
So I'm making a choice right
now never to be a part of yours.
I don't want anything to do with you.
I don't know what you are.
But I don't ever wanna find out.
Olesya, you're not safe now!
They'll come for you!
Then I guess this is the
last time you'll ever see me.
(door opens)
I have Balam and a guard escort
leaving the visiting area.
Semyon is in "A" block.
Fedor and the rest of the crew are in
the sublevel waiting for Balam to return.
And Jack's in solitary.
Okay, Jack, let's see if you're
as good as they say you are.
(security door buzzes)
What are you messing with?
You answer me.
Solitary, go to nine.
It's Will, your cleaner friend.
I take it this is not a social call.
I got the control hub. My
partner's got surveillance.
We're going to help you get to Balam.
Which way?
Head right.
WOMAN: Go left.
Door 5B.
5B. 5B.
(security door buzzes)
I have a guard at the door.
All right, Jack, we're running out of time.
Just get me as close to Balam as possible.
He's getting close to you, Jack.
- (buzzes)
- I left my keys in the box. Open up.
- (buzzes)
- Open the door. I'd like to go home.
- (buzzes)
- Open the door.
MAN: Eric, wake up!
- (buzzes)
- Eric!
- Wake up! I wanna go home!
- (buzzing)
- (buzzing)
- What's going on?
Sorry, sir. I left my keys inside,
and that knucklehead probably fell asleep.
(sighs, clicks tongue)
(lock rattles)
What's going on? Come on! Open up! Come on!
Hey! Hey, open the door!
- Come on!
- (banging)
Jack, we've lost our eyes.
We're not messing around here. Open it up.
- Hey, open.
- Hurry up!
We're screwed. They're here, Jack.
- Open them all.
- What do you mean open them all?
Hallways, cell blocks,
everything. Open them!
(security doors buzzing)
(security doors buzzing)
Back... Get back... Back in your cells!
Initiate lockdown
protocol! No one in or out!
This is a level-one emergency!
(alarm buzzing)
(all shouting)
Yeah! Ha, ha!
Come on!
Back in your cells.
Go, go, go!
10-34! 10-34! Greater
need of assistance!
(women screaming)
Guard! Guard! Call them off!
My money is on the inmates.
Hey, they want me for dead!
I was just about to come for you.
(speaking Russian)
No! I want Stone!
- (beeps)
- Hello.
- MAN: It's time.
- Great.
Best news I've heard in a long time.
Don't forget to clean up.
Your money is waiting for you.
I'll get on it.
- (sighs)
- Good news?
The best. This job's finally done.
I want everything.
I need all the original files.
Disks, thumb drives, everything.
Get up now.
Lieutenant, any sign of the warden?
- No.
- Balam's close. Don't let me stop you.
(speaking Russian)
(speaking Russian)
Now get up and give me
everything or I will shoot you.
You aren't gonna shoot me, Allison.
Believe me, I want to.
What are you doing? You're my friend.
They offered me a lot of money.
You're cheap labor, Allison.
Probably hired to watch
and observe but not to act.
That's where you're wrong.
FBI, Miss Sinclair.
William, about got your
empty head shot off.
Now, get out of the way so we can teach...
GUARD: Get out of here!
No, no, no... (groans)
I'm sorry, man. Sorry, man.
It's just my job, all right? (panting)
Okay, okay.
No, no, no. No, wait.
Wait just a second.
I got... I got... I got money.
I got... I got drugs!
I got... I got whatever you need. Come on.
Don't you... Fr-Freedom!
I can get you freedom!
I'll get you out of here!
Please. Please don't.
The Bible. The Bible.
Remember the scriptures!
- You're a man of faith.
- I do remember.
- Clear!
- Clear!
Take a left.
Stick on me!
(men shouting)
BALAM: Stone!
Your wife, Elizabeth.
It wasn't personal. Just business.
You made this personal...
by dragging my daughter into this.
They'll kill her because of you!
They're gonna kill her
because of you!
Get on the ground!
Get on the ground!
Get against the wall!
(all shouting)
Down! Get down! Get down!
Break it up! Break it up!
MAN: Two in!
- Clear!
- Last man!
(door opens)
Do what you came to do?
I did.
Why did you let me?
I lost my partner a few years back.
Balam had him skinned, cut into pieces.
Mailed the parts to his family.
You did what no one
else had the balls to do.
Uh, meet my new partner.
Agent Childs.
You all right?
I've had worse.
All right, let's go.
Look, off the record, I'd like
to thank you for what you did.
By eliminating Balam and his
men, you've opened the pathway.
An opportunity to clean house,
not just here, but downtown.
I appreciate that, but I
should be thanking you guys.
Well, don't thank us just yet.
Yeah. We still have to arrest you.
- (chattering)
- MAN: Oh, there he is.
REPORTER: Massive arrests throughout the city,
including government officials and police.
District Attorney Johnson
has been arrested as well.
There have been speculative rumors
surrounding Mr. Johnson for months
since the story originally broke.
Rumors of embezzlement, jury
tampering and even attempted murder,
among a host of other charges.
(no audible dialogue)
(rock intro)
MAN: Huh!
Every step
Is carefully planned
For me to meet you
Hand in hand
The time has come
The stage is set
What's about to happen
you will never forget
You can't hide
The devil's gonna take you
My time My turn
- I win You burn
- I am coming for you
For the last time,
it's goin' down
- I'll find you It's my town
- I am coming for you
I'm empty I'm cold
- My anger controlled
- You had it coming to you
You think it's over
You're dead wrong
- Sit tight 'cause it's on
- I am coming for you
It's crashing down
You took my world
You left me for dead
Ooh, no, I can't
feel anymore
I'll take you
down to the floor
I'm gonna break you
in a million pieces
You can't hide
The devil's gonna take you
My time My turn
- I win You burn
- I am coming for you
For the last time,
it's goin' down
- I'll find you It's my town
- I am coming for you
I'm empty I'm cold
- My anger controlled
- You had it coming to you
You think it's over
You're dead wrong
- Sit tight 'cause it's on
- I am coming for you
- My time
- My time
- My turn
- My turn
- I win You burn
- I am coming for you
For the last time,
it's goin' down
- I'll find you It's my town
- You had it coming to you
I'm empty I'm cold
- My anger controlled
- I am coming for you
You think it's over
You're dead wrong
- Sit tight 'cause it's on
- I am coming for you