Rip Girls (2000)

Sydney: So This Is It.
I'm Coming Home.
Sort Of.
I Mean, I Was Born Here,
But I Don't Remember
We Left When
I Was Really Young,
And Dad Never Wanted
To Come Back,
Probably 'Cause Of Mom.
Sometimes I Think
I Remember Her,
But The Truth?
The Picture In My Head?
It's Probably
Some Old Photograph.
She's The Only Mom
I've Known Up Close.
Woman: Ladies
And Gentlemen,
If You Look Out
The Left Side
Of The Aircraft,
You'll Get
An Excellent View Of
The Hawaiian Islands.
That's Kauai
To The Far Left,
And The Big Island
Of Hawaii On The Right.
Sit Back, Sydney.
Buckle Up.
I Know He Does It
Because He Cares,
Worrying Like That.
But Still...
This Is Magical.
It Really Is.
I'm Gonna
Look Around, Ok?
Man: Paddle
A Bit More.
Sydney: I Used To
Watch The Other Kids
Doing Stuff,
Stuff I Didn't
Dare Try.
I Didn't
Feel Deprived.
I Had Art Classes,
But I'd Think
About It,
What It
Would Be Like.
Ben: Sydney?
Are You All Right?
Yeah. It Was Just A Cat.
You Be Careful.
We Don't Know What
We Might Find Here.
Look At This Place.
Oh, These Fabrics.
The Stitching--
Oh, No. No, No, No.
We Made A Deal,
Nothing Comes Back
With Us.
You Agreed.
Yeah, Under Duress,
Before I Saw
What Was Here.
Sydney, Wouldn't This
Be Great In Your Room?
Wouldn't You Love It?
Oh, Hello.
I Kolo Mai.
I'm Sorry I'm Late.
I Had To Stop By
The Beach.
The Waves Were
Coming In So Pretty.
Anyway, Aloha
[Speaking Hawaiian]
You Must Be Sydney.
[Speaking Hawaiian]
Uh, Bo Kauihou.
We Spoke
On The Telephone.
Oh, Right,
Of Course.
I--I Was
3-Piece Suit?
Well, I'm Afraid
We Do Things
A Lot More Casual
Out Here.
The Will Is Very Clear.
As Ms. Leilani's
Sister's Granddaughter,
Sydney Is The Last
Remaining Heir,
The End Of The Line.
So It All Goes To Her.
The Whole Place.
Providing She Comes In Person
To Take Possession,
Which She Obviously Has.
And That She Stays 2 Weeks.
2 Weeks?
Those Are The Conditions.
But The Makai Kuau,
They Have Been Ranching
Here For 5 Generations.
Sugarcane, Cattle.
The Place Has Gotten
Run Down These Past Years,
But The Land,
It Is Still Fertile.
It Could Come Back.
Working Plantation?
You Got To Be Kidding.
This Is Beachfront Property.
There Are Still Value
In The Old Ways.
Yes, But We Got
To Be Practical.
We're Not Exactly Farmers.
Suppose We Bring In A Crew.
Cleaned It Up, Painted It.
You Think We Could
Find A Buyer?
There Have Been
Some Inquiries.
What Kind
Of Inquiries?
Look, You've
Got To See This.
What Is It?
The Whole Family,
I Think.
These Are Old.
They Seem
So Far Away.
Is It Her?
Is That Mom?
I Never Saw A Picture
Of Her Like That.
Did She Surf?
She Was So Beautiful.
[Hoo Hoo Hoo]
[Clicks Tongue]
Here, Kitty,
Kitty, Kitty.
[Clicks Tongue]
Here, Kitty, Kitty.
[Cat Meows]
[Cat Meows]
[Hoo Hoo Hoo]
Oh, My Gosh!
Look Out!
Are You Ok?
I Didn't See You.
Ho, You're Flying
At Mach 10.
What'd You Do,
See A Ghost
Or Something?
You're Lucky
I Didn't--
Whoa, Sick Board.
Well, It's Pretty Cool,
I Guess.
It's Insane.
Hey, How's It Ride?
I Bet It's Awesome,
It's Like, You Know.
I'm Gia.
Wait A Second.
You're The Long Lost
Relative, Yeah?
I Mean, The Whole
Weird Trip About
Leilani's Will.
How'd You Hear
About That?
This Is The Islands,
News Travels Fast
Around Here.
Wow. I'm So Not Good
With Computers.
I Can't Believe
You Can Do All This.
It's Not That
Hard, Really.
These Are Awesome.
You're Really Good.
You Ever Shoot
In The Water?
You Know, Up Close?
Well, That's When
You Get The Full-On
Drama Shots.
You Know,
Inside The Curl?
The Board Flying
Right At You.
Putting It
All On The Line.
It Sounds Wild.
Like Riding The Big Ones,
Deep Thud Pounding
Your Eardrums,
Your Heart
Beating So Fast--
Well, It's The Best.
I Was Thinking
Maybe We Could Hike
Into Kaala Loa Valley
Maybe Get Some
Rocks To Take Home.
Sound Good?
Or There's An Exhibit
At The School--
Handmade Quilts.
Could Be Fabulous.
Oh, Sorry.
Um, About Tomorrow?
I Was Actually
Thinking About
Going To The Beach.
The Beach?
Sure. Um,
That Sounds Good,
Doesn't It, Ben?
A Picnic. I Could Get Us
Some Sandwiches--
No, I Mean, Just Me.
See, I Met This Girl.
Her Name's--
I Don't Want You
Going Down There,
Not To The Beach.
It's Hawaii, Dad.
That's Where Kids Go.
They Go All The Time.
Not Alone.
I Won't Be Alone.
Gia's Going
With Her Friends.
We'll All Be Together.
We Don't Even
Know These Kids.
I'll Be Careful, Dad.
I Promise.
No. I'm Sorry.
Honey, It's Just
Not A Good Idea.
That Is So Unfair.
You're Treating Me
Like I'm A Baby. I'm 13.
She Said She'd
Be Careful, Ben.
She Knows What She's
Capable Of. Trust Her.
Does She Know
About Undertows?
About Riptides?
Does She Know
How These Currents
Can Just Come
Whipping Up
Out Of Nowhere?
Ok. Ok, Just
Take It Easy.
What If I Don't Even
Go In The Water?
What If I Just
Take Pictures?
Would That Be Ok?
Elizabeth: Have Fun.
Hello There.
You Have The Cell
Phone, Right?
If You Need Us?
Got It.
You Know The Number?
What If She's Not
There, This Girl?
She'll Be There.
But If She's Not?
I'll Come Back.
Right Back.
Hello There.
This Is Ben
And Elizabeth.
Hi, Ben.
Hi, Nice To See You.
Bo: Uh, These
Are The Realtors
I Told You About.
Who's The Grom?
You Know Her?
She's The One
I Told You About.
Hey, You Made It.
Yeah, I Made It.
It's So Good Out There.
Head-High Waves.
Perfect Rights. Come On.
You Know, I Think
I'll Just, Like,
Hang A Little Bit.
You Know, Cruise.
Ok, Sure, Whatever.
Wow, What A Great
Beach House.
Yeah, We Put It Together
From Things We Found
On The Beach.
Ooh! Good Way
To Lose A Fin.
If You Don't Trip
Or Fall Right Down
All Your Favorite Bands
Are All Sold Out
This Is Lanea...
And Mele.
Sydney, Right?
You From The Mainland?
Oh, That's Where
The Wind Surfing
Goes Off, Yeah?
Well, The Wind Blows
Pretty Hard Off
The Lake, But I Never--
Your Board Is Awesome.
Pretty Old School.
Didn't I Tell You?
Isn't It Seriously
Boy: Hey, Girls!
Hey, What's Up?
What's Going On?
Hey, Let's Go Surf.
Come On,
Let's Go Surfing.
All Right.
Please Come
To The Show Tonight
I Promise Everything's
Gonna Be All Right
This Is So Pathetic.
Stuck In Dry Dock.
I Can't Believe It.
The Worst.
Except You Get
To Hang With Us.
When's It Come Off?
Uh, Not Soon Enough.
What'd You Do?
Skateboard Wreck.
Crashed Off
A Half Pipe.
He Tried
A 4 1/2,
Which Is
Of Course Nuts.
'Cause Nobody
Does A 4 1/2.
You're Just Jealous
'Cause I'm Gonna
Nail It
Before You Do.
In Your Dreams,
Plaster Arm.
I'm Outta Here. Laters.
Yo, Kai!
It's Bowling
Out There!
Go Charge It, Bra!
Break Your Lens?
I'm Kona.
Hey, Come On.
Watch Mele.
Leg Drop.
Phat Snap.
Deep Bottom Turn.
She's Going Off!
That's Good, Right?
That's Hot.
Totally Fearless.
But Don't Tell Her
I've Been
Bragging On Her.
We Wouldn't Want Her
Getting A Big Head.
[Shutter Clicking]
Is She All Right?
Oh, Yeah.
You're A Surfer, Too?
I Mean, When You're
Not Wearing That.
Everyone Surfs
Around Here,
Unless They're
A Major Dork.
A Longboarder,
Sort Of.
I Ride Shortboard.
Uh, But I Like
Those, Too.
The Thing About
The Longboards,
Riding Them?
It's Like Cruising
On The Waves,
Slow And Fluid.
Keeps You Connected.
But A Shortboard,
It's Like Daring You
To Meet The Edge,
Slice Through
The Other Side.
You Make
Your Own Rules.
You're A Poet.
I Didn't Expect It.
I Don't Know,
It's Nice.
It Must Be Hard,
I Mean,
Learning How To Ride
The Short Ones.
Must Take Forever, Huh?
You've Never Been
Out There Before,
Have You?
What?! Why Would You
Say That?
Because You Haven't,
Well, You Mean,
Out There Surfing?
Never Even Tried?
There's Not
A Lot Of Surf
In Lake Michigan.
I Mean, Besides,
I Know What My Parents
Would Say--
Too Risky, Too Dangerous,
Too Everything.
That Is So Crazy.
Keep Your Center
Of Balance.
Now Paddle.
Harder. Harder.
Ok, Now Stand Up.
Come On, Stand Up!
You've Got It,
You're Ready.
For What?
Well, What'd You Think?
You Scared?
Hey, Being Scared,
That's Half The Fun.
Your Heart
Pounding So Hard,
All You Want To Do
Is Quit,
And Then
Doing It Anyway.
They're Gonna Think
I'm A Major Dork.
You Don't Surf
For Your Friends.
You Do It For Yourself.
For The Way
It Makes You Feel Inside.
It's Like Floating On Clouds.
Come On.
Don't Forget,
Keep Your Board
To The Side.
Hey, You'll Get It.
In How Many Lifetimes?
No Rush. The Ocean's
Not Going Anywhere.
I Am. I'm Only Here
For 2 Weeks.
What About Makai?
I Mean,
Isn't It Yours?
Aren't You Staying?
How Can We?
My Dad's
An English Professor,
And My Stepmom
Designs Fabrics
For This Big Company.
I Don't Think
They'd Want To Move.
What About You?
Do You Want?
Sydney? Your Things
On The Floor?
That's Why They
Make Hampers, Ok?
[Shower Stops]
[Curtain Opens]
We'd Like To, Uh,
Eat Dinner At 7:00.
Can You Be Ready?
Yeah, Sure.
Did You Have Fun With
Your Friends Today?
Were They Helpful?
About Having Their
Pictures Taken.
They Didn't Mind?
Oh, Yeah.
They Were Great.
Since We Got Here,
Dad's Been So Weird,
You Know?
More Than Usual.
Is He Like Mad
At Me Or Something?
Has He Said Anything?
No, No, Honey,
It's Not You.
He's Not Mad
At You.
It's, Um...
Sometimes Adults
Just Get Lost In
Their Own Problems
And They Don't
What? Is Dad
Losing His Job?
Is He Sick?
No, No, No,
Nothing Like That.
It's Just Stuff.
Boring Adult Stuff.
He Treats Me Like
I'm A Piece Of Glass,
Like I'm Gonna Break.
Well, You're
His Little Girl.
He Worries.
That's What Dads Do.
They Worry.
But It's Not Like
I'm This Out Of Control
I'm Really Careful.
I Know That,
And He Knows That,
And That's Good.
Sometimes I Wish I Wasn't,
That I Wasn't So Careful.
I Could Just Try Things,
Like Everyone Else.
Not Think So Much.
We All Do Things
At Our Own Pace,
And There's Nothing
Wrong With That.
As Far As Thinking
Too Much,
Just Keep Using
That Head Of Yours.
You're Good At It.
All Right?
You Said That This Buyer
Made A Previous Offer?
Oh, Yeah, Not That
It Was Taken Seriously.
Old Mrs. Leilani.
She Was Such
A Dear Woman.
You Would Have
Adored Her,
But, You Know,
She Was Hardly
Interested In Selling.
Makai Was Her Home.
The Only One
She'd Ever Known.
She Loved It Here.
Which Meant
She Didn't Even
Take A Look
At Our Original
Proposal We Brought.
Oh, No, It Wouldn't
Have Mattered
If King Midas Himself
Had Offered
Every Ounce Of His Gold.
And That's
Pretty Much
The Kind Of Offer
These Horden Folks
Yeah. Here, Come Look,
You'll Absolutely Gush.
Let's Look.
The Detail's Amazing.
Look, Even
The Little Trees.
Isn't It Something?
Where's The House
And The Old Barn?
Oh, They'll
Keep The Name.
"Horden Resort At
Plantation Makai."
But You Could Hardly
Expect Them
To Keep The Original
Why Not?
They're Historical.
Yes, 1912.
That's When
They Rebuilt It
After The Big Storm.
It Is A Charming
Old House.
It'd Be Almost
A Shame To See It Go.
There Is No Reason
Why We Can't Talk
To Horden
About Preserving
Some Of These
Uh, In Fact,
The Main House
Would Make A Darling
Little Restaurant.
An Inspired Idea.
It's Brilliant.
What Happens
To The Beach?
Oh, Not One Thing.
It Remains
As Pure And
Pristine As Ever.
The Guests Would
Hardly Settle
For Anything Less.
So It Would Only Be
Open To Hotel Guests?
Everything's Negotiable.
Believe Me,
Every Little Detail
Can Be Worked Out.
Right, Bo?
Why Don't You Draw Up
The List Of Concerns
For Horden?
If That's What
The Millers Want.
It's Certainly
A Lot To
Think About.
Well, It Never Hurts
To Open A Dialogue,
Just See What
Your Options Are.
James; Well,
I Think Once Again
If We Take A Look At
Horden's Track Record...
Arlene: Absolutely.
[Singing In Hawaiian]
It's Only Water.
Where You Been?
I Was Busy.
You Didn't Chicken Out?
Thought About It.
Guess I'm Still
Thinking About It.
Don't Worry, Girl.
You Owning These Waves
I Can Feel It.
You Want Some?
It's Spam Musabi.
Total Energy Food.
No, Thanks.
Hurry Up,
We're All Ready
All You Need To Bring
Is Yourself
Kinda Go Slow,
Take It Steady
'Cause There's No Room
For Nobody Else
Sun Is High,
Sky Is Blue
It's So Right
We're Just Waitin'
For You...
We're Just Waiting
For You
We Know What To Do...
That's It.
Come On.
You're Doing Great.
Ok. Here, Turn It.
Yeah. That's The Way.
Ok. Not This One.
Just Hang Loose.
Give It Up,
Mr. Blue Sky
[Nervous Whimper]
Speedin' Right On
Into The Bay...
We Have To Wait
For Just The Right Set.
These Lookin' Perfect.
Go! Kick It, Bra!
[Excited Yelp]
Go! Go For It!
Go, Girl! Whoo!
[Excited Scream]
Yeah, Girl!
Come On, Sydney! Whoo!
Yeah, Sydney!
It's So Right
We're Just Waitin'
For You
Whoo! Yeah!
We Know What To Do
We Know What To Do
So Rev It Up
I Said
We Know
Where We're Goin'
Rev It Up
Full Ahead
The Wind Is Blowin'
It's So Fine
Did You See?
I Did It!
I Actually Did It.
All Right, Sydney!
You Finally Did It.
You Surfer Girl!
[Whistle Calls]
Hey, Dry Dock!
Surf's Up.
Gia: Whoo! Go, Boy!
You And Kona,
Are You, Like...
Yeah. He's My Boy.
So You Like Him?
Completely. Hey,
He's My Best Friend.
He's Almost Like A--
Wait A Second.
You Mean Like Him
Like Him?
No Way.
Not Like That.
Why? Do You?
Hey, That's Awesome.
He'll Be Stoked.
Hey, Kona!
No, No, No, No!
You Can't.
I'd Just Die.
Ok. Fine.
But He'd Definitely
Be Stoked.
You Think So?
Oh, Yeah.
Is He As Together
As He Seems?
Best Part?
He's A Great Listener.
You Can Tell Him
Almost Anything.
And You Know
Those Cartoons
In The Clubhouse?
They're His.
He Drew Those?
Oh, Yeah.
Kona's A Star.
Hey, But Don't Get
Too Excited.
'Cause Under All
That Nuggetry,
He's Still
A Thick-Headed
Gross-Out Boy
Just Like
The Rest Of Them.
Come On, Move It.
We've Got Waves
To Catch.
I Think I'll Just
Hang It Up While..
You Know, While I'm Ahead.
Stop. Come On,
It'll Be Perfect,
Just Like Before.
Come On.
Yeah. That's The Way.
You Got It.
Ok. Now Sit Up.
Good. Turn Around.
No. Sydney!
Not This One!
Oh! Hang On!
Is She Gonna Be
All Right, Gia?
Go Get My Mom.
Go Get Malia.
Is It That Bad?
You'll Be Ok.
I Mean,
A Little Dinged,
But No Permanent
[Rope Creaking]
[Low Moan]
[Startled Gasp]
[Wind Chimes
Ringing Gently]
Stop Feeling
Sorry For Yourself.
You're Fine.
Do You Remember
What Happened?
I Think So.
I Don't Really Want
To Talk About It.
Oh. Tell Me.
It Was In Slow Motion.
Scary, But...
Not Scary,
At The Same Time.
Like I Was Watching
The Whole Thing
From Someplace Else.
Like I Was Some Other Person
Watching Myself Drown.
Well, You Drink This.
Drink It.
Good, Yeah, That.
What Is It?
Old Island Cure,
A Secret From
The Menehuene--
The Little Ones.
Bring It
In The Night
When No One
Can See.
You're Teasing Me.
No. It's Always
At Night.
If They're Caught
By The Sun,
Turn To Stone.
Everyone Knows That.
Why Are You Staring
Like That?
Oh, You're So Much
Like Her.
Like Who?
Gia: Hey, Mom.
How's The Head?
But I Sure
Messed Up, Huh?
I Thought
It Was All Over.
Nah. The Wave Would've
Spit You Out.
No Big Thing, Yeah?
How About Kona?
Is He Ok?
Well, His Cast
Is A Little Soggy,
But You Made Him
A Hero.
He's Stoked.
He Wants To Know When
You're Going Back Out.
In The Water?
How About The Week
After Never?
Never's A Long Time.
Sydney: Are They
All Yours?
My Mom's, Mostly.
She Surfs, Still?
Malia: Hey. I Heard That.
Well, Not That You're
Old Or Anything.
I Didn't Mean That.
Sydney: Oh, No.
I Can't Believe
I Wrecked It.
Yeah, Well, Maybe
Mom Can Fix It.
Really? Could You?
She's The One
You Remind Me Of.
There Was A Real
That Was Her Nickname--
Your Mother.
Are You Serious?
Mm. This Was Hers.
When I First Saw It,
I Felt Something...
Like I Could
Just Tell.
Were You Friends,
You And My Mom?
Like Sisters.
Ever Since
We Were Little,
We Did Everything
Your Dad Never
Mentioned Anything?
He Doesn't Talk Much,
Not About Her.
Well, She Was Amazing,
Always Laughing.
It Was Contagious.
She Made Everybody Smile.
And Full Of Energy, Huh?
She Would Walk
Into A Room,
And You Could
Almost See It.
It's So Strange...
Hearing About Her,
Having Something
That Was Hers.
It Almost
Makes Her Real.
I Wanna Show You
Look. See?
We Gotta Climb.
Come On.
Sydney: It's The Most
Beautiful Place
I've Ever Seen.
The Whales Come Here
With Their Young
Every Year
About This Time.
It's An Extraordinary
Place, Sacred.
Have You Ever Seen Them?
And The First Time
Was With Your Mom.
We Were A Little
Younger Than You,
And Your
Brought Us.
There's A Welcoming
It's A Celebration
Naniloa Thought
Was Magical.
She Said
It Was Something
She'd Never Forget.
Could You Bring Me?
I Mean, If They Come
While I'm Here.
Could You?
It's Like Being
Offered A Gift,
Seeing The Whales.
You Have To Be
Ready For It.
Sydney: Hello?
Anybody Home?
Probably Called Out
The National Guard By Now.
No. They Can't Be
That Worried.
Elizabeth: Sydney?
Is That You?
Or Maybe They Can.
Should I Tell Them?
It's Up To You.
Oh, We've Been
So Worried.
Your Father's
Out There Right Now
Looking Everywhere
For You.
What Happened?
Are You All Right?
Yeah. It's Nothing,
Just A Little Cut.
I'm Fine.
This Is Gia's Mom--
She Took Care Of Me.
Thank You So Much.
You Didn't Get
Stitches, Did You?
What'd You
Hit It On?
It's No Big Deal,
She's Fine.
[Car Door]
Ben? She's Here.
You're Safe.
Thank Heaven.
Where Have You Been?
What Happened?
I, Uh...
I Know I Wasn't
Supposed To, But...
Being A Part Of It...
Not Being Stuck
On The Outside,
But Really Being
A Part Of Something,
I Always Wanted That.
What Are You
Talking About, Baby?
You're Not
Making Sense.
I Went Surfing
With The Other Kids.
I'm Sorry, But...
I Know You Didn't
Want Me To Go Out There,
But I Had To Try--
To See If I Could Do It.
And Then I Fell, But...
I Didn't Get Hurt,
Not Seriously.
So There's Nothing
To Worry About,
Right, Dad?
Go To Your Room,
But, Dad--
To Your Room. Now.
That's Not Fair.
I Just--
Ben: How Could You Do This?
Malia: She Wanted It.
You Heard Her.
This Has Nothing
To Do With Me.
I'm Supposed
To Believe That,
That You Weren't Out There
Cheering Her On,
Filling Her Head
Full Of Stories?
Well, You Certainly
Haven't Been.
Everything Is Completely
Foreign To Her.
You've Never Even
Mentioned My Name.
Why? Why Haven't You
Told Her, Ben?
I Am Not Gonna
Let Her Get Hurt.
That Is The Bottom Line.
She Needs To Know
Who She Is
And Where
She Comes From.
She Does.
No. You've
Kept Her From It.
You Whisked Her Away,
And You've Cut Her Off.
I Have Tried To Do
What's Best For Her.
That Is All
I Care About.
I've Never Seen Him
Like This.
He's So...
I Know.
It'll Be Ok.
She Oughta Be Grabbing
Life With Both Hands,
But You've Got Her
So Scared, So...
Don't Make It Sound
So Simple.
Use What's Here, Ben.
The Ocean
Is A Great Healer.
And A Great Destroyer.
No. If You'd Just Seen Her
Out There With Gia.
She Is A Natural,
Just Like Her--
Leave Her Alone,
Back Off.
You Can't Protect Her
I Can Try.
Stop Running
From It, Ben.
Pry It Open,
This Lid You've Got
Clamped Down So Hard.
Let It Go.
Let Things Heal.
[Car Door]
Elizabeth: She's Not
Entirely Wrong.
I Didn't Even Know
You Were There.
That's Part
Of The Problem.
Things Will Be Fine
Once We're Back Home,
Away From This Place.
Everything Will Be
Normal Again.
What Is That
Supposed To Mean,
That We'll Just
Keep Pretending
It Never Happened?
No, Of Course Not.
Ben, If You'd
Fallen In Love
With Another Woman,
Flesh And Blood,
I'd Know What To Do.
And I Would
Fight Like Crazy
To Hang On To Us,
To What We Have
But This?
What Am I
Supposed To Do?
Tell Me, Ben.
How Am I Supposed
To Fight A Ghost?
I Called Your House.
Your Stepmom Said
You Were Out Here.
You Ok?
You Sure?
A Little Bummed.
My Dad Was So Mad.
I Heard.
If I Try It Again,
He'll Probably
Ground Me For Life.
What's His Problem?
Must Be All About
Your Mom's Accident, Huh?
What Do You
Know About It?
Did Malia Tell You?
Well, Not Much.
I Mean, You Know,
Just That There Was
An Accident Out There.
In The Ocean?
That's Just What
I've Always Heard.
Of Course, I Could
Have It All Wrong.
It Wouldn't Be
The First Time.
I Mean, Don't You Know?
What Does Your Dad Say?
That's The Problem.
How Come You Never
Asked Him?
Stupid, Huh?
Not Knowing,
Not Making Him
Tell Me.
It's Not Too Late.
Hey, Gia!
I Was Wondering
Shh! Not Now.
She Can't
Be Disturbed.
Mele: It's Desperation Time.
Nothing But Trash
Out There.
O Goddess Hi'iaka,
Ancient Mistress
Of The Ocean,
Surfer Chick,
Our Forbearer,
Our Guide,
We Call Your Name
In The...
Fervent Hope?
Yeah. In The Fervent
Hope That Tomorrow
Will Bring Us A Day
Of Monstrous Surf.
Gia, Lanea, Mele:
Hi'iaka, Hi'iaka--
Kai: Charge!
[Girls Screaming]
Lanea: Stop!
[All Laughing]
Don't Run.
Stop! Cut It Out!
Give Me That,
You Dork.
Yeah, You Think
You're Funny?
Yeah, That's
What I Thought.
I Didn't Know
I Was Showing Off.
I Never Got A Chance
To Say Thanks
For Saving My Life.
Hey. I Just
Got There First.
Gia Was Right
Behind Me.
We Weren't Gonna
Let You Drown.
No Way.
Hey. I Made
Something For You.
Don't Get Too Excited.
It's Not Much, But...
That's Great.
I Love It.
Now When You Get
Back To Chicago,
You Can Show
All Your Friends
What A Hot Dogger
You Are.
They'd Never Buy It,
Not A Chance.
Would You Mind
If I Asked You
A Big Favor?
You Know This Place?
Yeah. The Old
Plantation House--
Uh, Kaala Loa.
It's Abandoned Now.
Nobody Goes Up There
Could You Take Me?
It's Kinda Spooky
Up There.
I Don't Care.
All Right.
But I Gotta Ask You
One Question.
How Well
Do You Ride?
[Shutter Clicking]
Can You Imagine
How Awesome
It Must've Been
When This Place
Was Happening?
There Were Major Luaus.
My Mom Talks
About Them.
On A Full Moon,
They Say You Can
Hear Slack Guitars
Wailing Away.
Oh, Right.
Like This Place Is
Haunted Or Something.
We Could Find Out.
Next Full Moon,
Camp Up Here?
If You're Not
Too Scared.
Oh, Yeah, Cowboy?
Hey, Get Back Here!
Oh, Man. Don't
Take My Hat.
Sydney, Catch!
Kona: Hey, Where
You Going?
Oh, Get Back Here.
Come On, Right Now.
Go For It, Girl.
All Right.
Give Me The Hat.
Give Me The Hat!
Get Away!
It's My Hat!
All Right.
Gia: What's Going On?
I Think This
Was Her Room...
When She Was Little.
I Think
She Showed It
To Me Once.
Your Mom?
I Can Almost Remember...
When She Brought Me.
I Couldn't Have Been
More Than 2, But...
I Know I Was Here.
The Smell,
That's What
I Remember The Most.
We Wanted You
To See This Right Away.
Not Just Hear It
Over The Telephone.
You Must Think It's
A Pretty Fair Offer.
James: Tricorp's Acquiesced
About Everything--
Ecological Concerns,
Watershed Issues.
Everybody Gets
What They Want.
We Hope You Have Your
Ivy League College
Picked Out.
They've Given 72 Hours
For A Response.
We're Supposed To
Have An Answer
That Fast?
They Like To Keep
The Ball Rolling
On These Deals.
Can't Give You
Too Much Time To Think.
James: Actually,
It's A Very Generous
Time Frame.
And A Very Generous Offer.
Well, Obviously,
You Think We
Should Accept.
No Concerns?
It's That Good?
Arlene: My Honest Opinion?
If I Were Sitting
In Your Place,
I Would Grab It
In A Heartbeat.
[Pebbles Clattering
Against Wall]
Hey. What's Going On?
Who's Out There?
Gia: Sydney?
Gia? What Are
You Guys Doing?
Malia Sent Us.
She Said It's Time.
Come On, Hurry.
[Hawaiian Music Plays]
Aloha, Girls.
Hey, Mom.
Have Fun.
Yeah, We Will.
Gia: Come On.
Let's Dance.
No, Come On.
Get Back Here.
It's Good.
Try This.
Yeah, She Did It.
[Speaking Hawaiian]
A Long Time Ago,
In The Time
Of The Double Canoes,
There Was A Girl
In Nu'alolo.
She Was Strong...
And Graceful...
With Firelight
In Her Hair.
She Loved A Boy...
Who Loved Her Back.
But His Father, The King,
Demanded A Test.
Only If She Surfed
The Great Tsunami...
Could She Marry His Son.
The Boy Grew Worried.
No One Had Ever Survived
The Great Tsunami.
The Girl Knew
She Had To Try.
The Meneheunes Took Pity...
And Brought Her The Branch
Of An Iliahi Tree.
"Its Magic
Will Keep You Safe,"
The Little People
Told Her.
So She Paddled Into The Night
For The Giant Wave,
Her Heart Beating Fast.
A Lei Of Iliahi Flowers
Draped Around Her Neck.
Did She Survive?
The Colors
Of The Rainbow Danced
On Their Wedding Day.
Come On! They're Here!
Yeah! They're Here.
They're Here
Come On, The Whales!
They're Here!
Come On! Come On!
Come On!
The Whales Are Here!
It Is Magical.
Thanks For Letting Me
Be A Part Of It.
You Know,
In The Stories,
They Say Our Ancestors
Are Out There
Watching Over Us.
And That The Whales
Move Back And Forth
Between The Two Worlds,
Linking One
To The Other.
That's One
Of The Truths,
Yeah, That We're
All Connected.
Never Alone,
That's Aloha.
Were You There
When It Happened?
My Mom's Accident?
Could You Tell Me
About It?
Do You Really
Want To Know?
That Day The Waves
Were Awesome,
And Naniloa Came Over,
So Excited.
Was Perfect, So...
We Took The First
Rides Together,
Naniloa Flying Down
These Big Breakers,
Cutting Back
Into The Curl,
A Huge Smile
On Her Face.
That Day Out There,
We Owned The Waves,
Was Going Perfect.
Then I Guess
We Got Tired,
So We Were Coming In.
I Was In Front.
And All Of A Sudden,
Your Mom's Board
Comes Rocketing Up.
I Looked Back, And I See
This Huge Swell Coming,
And The Waves Stacking
One On Top Of The Other,
Seeing Naniloa Trapped
In The Middle Of It.
She's Caught
In This Current,
And It's Sweeping
Her Down
Towards The Rocks.
Your Father...
Didn't Really Want
To Know What Happened.
He Could Barely
Even Listen.
He Just Wanted
To Get Away,
And Get You Out Of Here.
It's Like...
He Blamed The Islands
For Losing Her.
Your Mom Fought So Hard
In Those Waves
To Get Back To You,
Sydney. That's Why.
She's Supposed To Be Here
While I'm Growing Up.
I Hate Her For Not
Thinking About That.
Oh, You Have
To Forgive Her, Sydney,
Both You And Your Dad.
For Your Own Sake.
I Left You A Note
So You Wouldn't Worry.
I Found It.
Malia Brought Me Back.
I Saw.
You Should Have
Told Me About It.
It Shouldn't Have Been
Some Deep, Dark Secret.
[Door Slams]
I Kept Thinking...
That I Should Have Been
There When It Happened.
That I Should Have
Saved Her...
Stopped Her....
It Was An Accident.
Nobody's Fault.
When I Lost Her,
I Didn't Think I'd
Ever Love Anyone Again.
And Then...
I Found You.
It Didn't Seem Fair
That I Should Be
So Happy,
And She's--
Oh, Ben.
She Would Want You
To Be Happy,
You And Sydney,
Us--All Of Us.
She Would Want That.
Want To Take A Walk?
When People Ask Me
What She Was Like,
I Make Things Up.
Fill In The Blanks.
I Have This Whole Strange
Fantasy In My Head
About What She Was Like
'Cause Nobody Ever
Told Me.
What Do You Want
To Know?
Sometimes When
I Looked At Her,
It Took My Breath Away.
She Was So Beautiful
With This Beauty
That Came From
The Inside, Out...
Like You.
A Lot Like You.
You Have So Much
Of Her.
She Had A Natural Grace,
The Way She Moved...
And The Way She Laughed.
I Wish I Could Have
Known Her.
Me, Too.
Elizabeth And I,
We've Been Talking.
About The Sale?
I Thought
I Was Protecting You
By Getting You
Away From Here.
But Malia Was Right.
I Was Just Running.
Makai Is Your
Heritage, Sydney.
You Have To Decide
What To Do With It,
What You Want.
This Decision
Belongs To You.
But I'm Just A Kid.
How Am I Supposed
To Know What To Do...
What's Right?
Sometimes You Don't Know.
Sometimes You Just
Have To Cross Your
Fingers And Hope.
What About The Money?
I'd Be Lying To You
If I Told You
We Didn't Need It,
That It Didn't Matter.
Of Course It Matters.
I'll Be Teaching
The Rest Of My Career
And Never I'll Never See
This Kind Of Money Again.
But Liz Says That
That Isn't Always
What's Important.
Maybe She's Right.
Whatever You Decide,
We'll Be There.
We'll Make It Work.
Do You Think
We Could Stay Here?
Live Here?
There's Lots
Of Lost Memories.
Lots Of Ghosts.
Maybe That's Good.
Sydney: Hi.
What's Up?
Are You Guys
Going Surfing?
Let's Get
Out Of Here.
It's Beginning
To Stink.
Yeah, Kind Of Like
Dead Fish.
Over This.
Let's Go.
And We're Gone.
What's The Matter
With Everybody?
Why Are You Acting
Like I've Suddenly
Got The Plague,
Or Something.
I Can't Believe
You're Here,
That You'd Show
Your Face.
Why Would You Say That?
But We Haven't Even
Decided Anything.
Anybody Home?
[Hip Hop Music Plays]
How Long Have You
Been There?
I'm Looking For Gia.
Not Here.
Are You Ok?
I Wasn't Sure If You're
Still Talking To Me.
Are You?
That's Kind Of What
We're Doing Now, Isn't It?
What's Under There?
What Are You Working On?
It's Nothing.
Maybe I Should Have
Asked First.
I Mean If You
Don't Like It--
No, No,
It's Not That.
I'm Surprised,
That's All.
Malia's Been
Teaching Me To Shape,
And I Needed
The Practice,
It's Wonderful.
Thank You.
Everybody Else
Hates Me.
They Think
I'm A Traitor,
Scum Of The Earth...
Lower, Even.
About Makai?
Even Been Decided.
Not Yet.
Kai's Betting You'll
Grab The Bucks And Run.
You Should
Have Heard Gia
Lay Into Him
For Saying That.
She Stood Up For Me?
Oh, Yeah. Big Time.
Sydney: Gia!
How'd You Find Me?
He Never Could
Keep A Secret.
This Is Supposed To Be
My Own Private Place.
I Come Here When
I Need Time Alone.
You Know, When Things
Are Really Bugging Me.
I Don't Know,
Something About Being Here
Just Smooths Everything Out.
Tell Me You Don't
Surf That.
Malia Would Have A Cow
If She Knew.
Last Time,
It Was My Birthday.
My Dad Was
Supposed To Call
From Bali Or Australia,
Wherever The Heck He Was.
He Promised.
And For Some Dumb Reason,
I Believed Him.
So, I Waited Around,
Like, The Whole Day.
But I Guess He Forgot.
It Was My Own Fault.
I Mean, I Should
Have Known.
But Hey,
Once You're Out There?
All The Bad Stuff
Falls Away.
Did You Read It?
The Whole Thing?
Even The Part
About The Whales?
Did You See?
The Lagoon
Will Be A Preserve.
They Made Them Promise.
At Least We're Trying
To Keep What's There,
What's Special.
It's A Resort, Sydney.
Everything Will Change.
You Think The Whales
Will Keep Coming Back
Once Their Lagoon's
Filled With Tourists?
When We First Met
At Makai,
Did You Plan It...
You And Malia?
I Mean, The Inheritance,
Is That Why You
Became My Friend?
What?! Where'd You
Get That?
The Truth, Gia.
Kind Of. I Mean,
We Thought That,
You Know,
If You Got To Know
If I Accidentally
Ran Into You
And Got
Things Started.
But It Changed.
Hey! Sydney,
Listen To Me.
Once We Got To Know
Each Other,
It Changed.
I Stopped Being
Your Friend Because
I Was Supposed To,
I Just Did It
Because It Was Fun.
Why? So You Can
Lie Some More?
It's The Truth.
Boy, You're Good.
Ever Consider
Going To Hollywood,
Making Use
Of That Talent?
This Isn't An Act.
God, I'm Not Trying
To Work You,
Why Would You Say That?
'Cause That's All I Hear.
Lies On Top Of Lies
On Top Of Lies.
You Weren't Exactly
Telling The Truth,
Pretending To Be
Some Big Surfer Chick.
I Never Said I Could Surf.
You Assumed.
Oh, I Get It.
My Lies Count,
But Yours Don't.
They All Knew,
Didn't They?
You Let Me Make
A Fool Of Myself
In Front Of Everyone.
You Didn't Need Any
Help Playing The Fool.
You Handled That
All On Your Own,
Like Some Stupid
Lovesick Puppy.
Was He In It, Too?
I Hate You!
I Hate All Of You!
And You Know What?
I Am Going To Sell Makai.
I'm Gonna Get Off
This Stupid Island,
And Forget
Any Of You Existed.
Fine! Go Back, Then.
Who Needs You!
Everything's Ready.
Is That For Us?
Well, We Thought
A Little Toast
Might Be In Order.
It's Sparkling Cider...
In Honor Of Sydney.
Thank You.
Here You Go, Honey.
Ben: Bo?
Thank You.
To A Hard-Fought Decision,
And A Bright Future.
You All Right?
All That's Left,
Is To Cross The Ts
And Dot The Is.
Malia! Gia!
Are You In There?
I Didn't Expect
To See You.
I Thought You'd Be
Getting Ready To Go.
I Had To Tell You
You And Gia.
I Mean, There's
Still Lots Of Things
To Work Out, But--
No, Please.
I Don't Need To Know
The Gruesome Details.
But I Didn't Want You
To Hear From Anyone Else.
No, It's Ok.
You Did
What You Had To.
There's No Need
To Explain.
Probably Wasn't
Even Fair
What We Were Asking,
I Mean, You Were
So Young When You Left,
And You've Been Gone
So Long,
How Could Makai
Still Be A Part Of You?
There's No Reason
It Should Be.
It's Just That
We Thought...
If You Came Home...
And You Saw It Again
That It Would Touch You
And You'd Have Enough
Of Your Mother
To Feel Some
Of The Things She Felt
About This Place.
It Was A Shot.
And At Least
You've Seen It,
And At Least
Now You Know.
You'll Have That
To Keep.
Open It.
Go On.
She'd Want You
To Have It.
Oh, I Thought
You Were Gia.
Her Mom Said
She Was Here.
Have You Seen Her?
No, I Haven't.
She Took Off.
Do You Know
Where She Went?
Please, Kona.
Even If She Told You
Not To Tell,
It's Really Important.
I Need To Talk To Her.
She Said You Were
Gonna Sign The Papers
And Leave,
You Never Wanted
To See Us Again.
Any Of Us.
Good Riddance.
That's What She Said.
She Was Really Down,
Like Everything
Was Falling Apart.
What's Going On?
What's The Matter?
Gia's Out There
I Know It.
No Way.
She Wouldn't Surf Alone.
That's Too Crazy.
We Better Find Her.
I'll Take That Way.
Kona: Gia!
Kona: Gia!
Gia, I'm Coming!
Gia, I'm Coming!
Oh, No.
You Ok?
What Happened?
Went Over The Falls...
And Then Hit The Reef.
My Arms Hurts A Lot.
Hold On.
I'll Get You Back In.
You're Too Late, Bra.
I've Already Been Rescued.
Oh, Yeah?
No More
Dumb Stunts, Ok?
I'll Get Your Towel.
Don't Go Anywhere.
I Thought You'd Be
On A Plane By Now...
Long Gone.
Why'd You Come Back?
I Just Want To
Let You Know...
What I Said Before,
About Hating You,
Hating This Whole Place...
I Didn't Mean That.
Me, Too.
About Kona...
What I Let You Think...
It Wasn't True.
He Really Likes You,
Oh, One More Thing...
Hey, Watch That.
You All Right?
What Is It?
The Contract.
I Didn't Do It.
I Didn't Sign.
Don't You
Get It?
I Told Them No.
We're Not
Selling Makai.
We're Gonna Live Here.
Gia: Yes!
Ha Ha Ha!
I Kept Wanting
To Stay,
And I Am! I Am!
Have You Decided
What You'll Do?
Look For A Teaching Job.
Finish The Novel.
Maybe Open That School
Up At The Old Plantation.
I Guess We're
Kinda Wide Open.
You're Not Sorry
About Turning Down
All That Money?
Ha Ha!
That Was Sydney's Choice.
I'm Proud Of Her.
I Think She
Did The Right Thing.
I'm So Glad You
Guys Are Here.
I'm Not Sure If I'm
Saying Hello Or Good-Bye,
But I Know She's Out Here,
Watching Over Me,
And I Know I'll Have That,
So, Either Way...
It's All The Same.
It's All Aloha.
Hey, Sydney!
Over Here!
All Right!
[Shutter Clicking]