Ripple Effect (2007)

What the fuck
you doing here?!
- What?
- What are you doing here?
The meeting was cancelled.
I just wanted...
The meeting was cancelled?
I bet you
cancelled the meeting!
We're ten days late, man!
We've got to be cranking!
We're two weeks
away from Magic
and you're fucking wasting
your time right here!
I'm not wasting my time here.
What's the difference?
The difference is that
you're here to play,
I'm here to fucking work!
Go to the office!
That's nice.
Look here.
Open your shoulder.
Yeah, that's nice.
Give him a little
kiss on the cheek.
You're selling
the American Dream.
I think it's good work.
- Thank you.
- Good work.
Creative aside,
there's another issue
I've got to talk
to you about.
We've got 2,000
billboards, 20 markets.
But we've gotta
close the deal today.
Amer, how you doing?
Good to see you again.
How you doing, man?
Good to see you.
Let me just kinda
break it down for us.
The nitty gritty of this is -
I've got three or four
of our other clients that are,
they're willing to pay
a little bit more money
than our current deal is.
But you're not gonna
let that happen.
I'm not gonna
let that happen.
We've already given you the
word, but what we need to see
is, uh, that you can
write that check today.
The check is
owed on Monday, man.
I've got the Frederick
Brothers on the line.
They're ready to go
to contract at 2.5...
I've got 220 retailers,
who are waiting
for this space right here.
If I don't have
the billboards,
they're not gonna
take my merchandise.
I got a client ready
to put down 2.5...
Five minutes.
I'm gonna pay today,
but I'm not-
I'm not happy
about it, man.
We have no choice.
May I show you this diamond?
How much is this?
Too much.
How much is this one?
This one is 110,000.
Also a bit too high.
Do you have
anything for 40?
She's turning 40 today
and I don't want to be corny,
but 40 would be
symbolic and right.
This might work for you.
This is $35,000.
It's emerald and diamonds.
- Can I see?
- Let me show it.
And the diamonds
around are real?
You can size it
to her finger?
- I've brought her wedding band.
- Perfect.
If you can be back
in a couple of hours,
because tonight is her birthday
and I don't wanna miss it.
Yeah, no problem.
- Thank you so much.
- You're welcome.
This is crazy.
Amer's gonna
completely freak out.
There's no way
he's gonna sign this.
Listen, I'm...
Freak about what?
They want a
creative control provision.
He likes to pull jokes
on me all the time.
- Show me this.
- Amer, listen.
They... they changed it.
Man, what are
you doing?
I thought it was finished.
I thought it was done.
I... I tried to call you.
I tried to...
Man, you're
fucking full of shit.
You're kidding me.
Please don't do that.
You know, man, I'm gonna pop.
It's a bad day to do
shit like this on me.
Bad day.
Mr. Atrash.
- I'm Amer Atrash.
- I'm Gordon.
I represent the
board of directors.
Man, you guys are
fucking pulling a fast one
on me right here.
Look, we wanna be
in business with you.
If all goes well, we're gonna
be in business by Monday.
We are in business
already today!
Well, there's just
one little thing.
There's no other thing!
- The board of directors...
- The board of directors?
...who I represent.
With all respect, sir.
You know, this is a done deal.
This man has introduced
this situation as...
Well, there was one element
that wasn't in the contract.
You're the creative person,
but just for legal purposes
we need to say
in the contract...
Legal purposes, sir?
Like what?
I'm a designer.
I'm Amer Atrash.
We're investment bankers.
Why do you want
creative control from me?
What's the point?
- It's just a necessary thing...
- Necessary for what?
How come it wasn't
necessary yesterday afternoon
or an hour ago when he
called me to tell me
come get my check?
You oversee the contracts?
See them two days ago!
Today, an hour ago, he tells
me come pick up the check.
I only saw it today, sir.
Mr. Aronoff, who's our
chief legal counsel.
Mr. Atrash, so good
to meet you, sir.
- I'm Amer Atrash.
- Good to meet you, sir.
I want you to
meet my attorneys.
These are his team.
You're in good hands.
I'm sure we'll get this done.
We'll be in business.
This doesn't make sense, sir.
It doesn't make sense.
These people will help
you make sense out of it.
What's my
legal claim, Michael?
It's not good.
Man, go fishing alone.
Go fishing alone!
Go fishing alone, man.
Come get the check
and we fish tomorrow!
Sir, please get out
of my way.
Get out of my way,
please, sir.
I'm sorry.
I'm out of here.
You're an attorney.
You understand...
You have any idea
how unacceptable this is?
You bring us up
here to a closing
and you change the terms.
You can't put new
language in at the closing!
We just spent two months...
Guys, please.
Everybody's attention.
Please, guys.
Nobody spends any money
from any account
until further notice.
Small glitch.
We've had them before.
We work around them.
Bear with me, please.
Payroll is safe.
It's gonna work out.
Just give me a week.
We'll make it work.
Sorry, guys.
Okay, no money spent
from any account
without me knowing about it.
Please, Lisa.
No money spent.
Confirm it to everybody.
No money spent.
All accounts are closed
until further notice.
Even coffee.
Sandy, come on in please.
- Your ring.
- Yeah, my ring.
Is everything okay?
I just had a bit of a problem.
I cannot buy this.
These things happen.
Small glitch.
If there is any expense tied up
to the resizing of the ring,
I want to take care
of it out of petty cash.
I need you
at the house tonight.
Bring the whole
rolodex with you.
Brian's gonna
meet us there
and we've got
some work to do.
Thank you.
I'm really sorry.
Hey, there you are.
Come here.
Sit next to me.
What are you
so late for?
Happy birthday, baby.
Thank you.
What happened?
Why are you so late?
Small, small problem
at the office.
- Oh.
- Baby...
Problems are never
small for you.
Inexcusable, baby.
It's not right.
It's okay, sweetheart.
You're here.
Baby, I feel terrible.
It's all right.
Look at the party.
It's beautiful.
I know, I know.
I'm having such
a good time.
What's up?
What's going on?
It didn't happen.
Didn't happen.
It's bad, right?
It's gonna work out, baby.
It's gonna work out.
You know me, right?
It's your birthday, baby.
What are we talking about?
It's your birthday...
And I'm having a wonderful
time on my birthday.
You've got
some things to do.
I want you to go do
what you need to do -
and then come back.
I know you so well.
I know what you need.
Go ahead.
Can I talk to you
for one second?
I hope it's okay.
I don't know what's happening,
but I organized
this for her 40th
birthday and she's...
not so happy tonight.
And I think she's missed you
and you were late and...
if you could just,
I don't know.
I'm not...
Just cherish her tonight.
It's her 40th birthday
and I'm stuck right here.
I don't know if you get it.
I don't know
if you get it, right?
I'll be out there
in a little while.
I'm sorry, yeah.
No, don't.
I'm sorry myself.
- She loves you.
- And I love her, too.
Have no doubt
about it, okay?
Don't open the curtain.
You wanna open it up, baby.
You wanna open it up.
I don't wanna
look at that.
You're punishing
me for last night.
You're really upset
at me, aren't you, baby?
I'm upset because
I'm worried about you.
I see what this
is doing to you.
The look on your face
when you walked
into that party last night...
My God, it's heartbreaking.
That was yesterday, baby.
Today's okay.
- I know, but...
- Today's okay.
I took a blow yesterday
at the office.
You've taken
a lot of blows.
But who do you
think I'm doing this for?
Who do you think
I'm doing this for, my love?
Don't do this for me.
Well, I'm doing it for you
and Charley, too, baby.
It's not just for you.
It's for all of us, baby.
I wanna be able, one day,
to kick back
and smell the roses.
I wanna sit with you
in a chair and say,
okay, we've done okay.
We're fine.
We don't need to put up
with any bullshit anymore.
I wanna sit down one day
and basically see that...
One day?
Look, I don't wanna put
more pressure on you,
and I love you.
But we've gotta sit down
like that once in while now.
Oh, my God.
Look who's here.
You want Robin?
Say hi.
Dadula is here.
Dada, can you get Robin?
- Ow.
- Owie, what?
Your hand has a boo-boo?
Show me.
I should kiss it again?
Could you please
just get Robin?
But you don't
wanna play with Dada?
Will you get Robin?
You know what?
Why don't we
go find Robin.
I think she's
in your room.
And then we can
come back later.
Come on, sweetie.
Oh, it's okay.
It's all right.
I spilled some juice.
It's okay.
Come on.
Let's go get that cleaned up.
It's a bit of juice
I spilled on you.
It's okay.
It's just that
it's her favorite -
her favorite dress.
It's okay, honey.
Here, take your juice.
Robin is
her imaginary friend.
And I'm Dada.
I'm Dada.
I know.
But she misses her Dada, okay?
She misses him a lot.
So, she's four.
I know.
And she's just playing
a little game with you.
She's trying
to punish you.
I'm gonna go
play with her.
- I'm gonna go.
- It's all right.
I am an immigrant.
Don't make fun of me.
I have a dream.
- It's been a long time.
- Fifteen years.
Fifteen years, man.
Look at you.
You're a model.
That's my stuff.
So, I read it.
It's impressive.
Thank you.
I don't get it,
but I like it.
It's all pockets.
You're making fun of me.
- I'm making fun of you.
- It's good to see you, man.
It's good to see you.
Remember the last
time we saw each other?
That little place
with the sardines?
You were surrounded by...
We were surrounded...
You were surrounded by
young seoritas and then
you were just engulfed.
You were swallowed up.
And I didn't see you
again for three days.
Well, I didn't see you
again, period, actually.
I waited three days
for you to surface.
I asked around town
in my broken Spanish.
Nobody knew
anything about you.
I hopped a train,
I flew back home.
Fifteen years later,
you knock on my door.
Are you saying that,
uh, I shouldn't?
No. I'm not saying that.
I'm saying that
and no phone call,
no letter, no e-mail.
Life has a funny way
of turning things around, man.
You became a billionaire.
What do I do -
calling a billionaire, man?
How's your mom?
She died about three years
ago of pancreatic cancer.
But thank you for asking.
I'm sorry.
I really cared
for your mom a lot.
She cared for you, too.
In fact, I think she cared for
you more than she did for me.
- No.
- Yeah.
I'm sorry about that.
No, she did.
She always said,
why can't you be more like...
This guy.
You know what she thought?
She thought that the only reason
I was interested in making money
was so that I would be able
to rip off the suit and tie
and never have
to wear it again.
Well, you did that.
That's exactly
what's happened - it's true.
I never have to
wear a suit and tie.
It's good.
I'm... I'm having a problem.
They were supposed to give
me money - an investment bank.
Sylk and Sylk.
You know them.
- Are you married?
- Yeah.
- What's her name?
- Sherry.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
Okay, you're gonna pitch me.
Go ahead, pitch me.
You're in a bit of a bind...
They were supposed to
give me 12 million dollars,
you know, for the company.
I've put 2 million dollars
out of the manufacturing
line of credit...
- Kids?
- Yeah, a girl.
- What's her name?
- Charley.
Pretty name.
Thank you.
Okay, so 2 million
line of credit,
it's been yanked,
and now you're up against it.
What do you need?
- I need 12 million.
- All right.
All right, 12 million.
You got 12 million.
Is that the last
I'm gonna see of you?
Is that the last
I'm gonna see of you?
Because, you know what?
I'm not gonna have
a damn thing to do with this.
I'm gonna call my lawyer.
My lawyer's gonna
call his lawyer.
His lawyer's gonna
call a subsidiary lawyer.
Eventually it's gonna
trickle down to somebody.
And it'll get dealt with.
And I hope you do very well.
Well, if I do well,
you'll do well...
No, it doesn't make a
goddamn bit of difference.
You could make
It isn't gonna make a goddamn
bit of difference to me.
Do you know what?
If I took every penny
I had and I started
throwing it around, I could
live to be 1,000 years old,
and I wouldn't
make a dent.
So, it doesn't make a
goddamn bit of difference.
So... I'm gonna give you
Am I gonna
see you again?
Of course
you're gonna see me.
You're embarrassing me.
- That your phone?
- Yeah.
I have to take it.
- Hello.
- Hey.
Hi, baby.
I know you're working
real hard right now,
but I really need you.
Yeah, I really need
to see you.
Okay, I'll see you
in a little while.
- All right.
- Bye.
She okay?
She's depressed.
Her mom passed away a year ago.
Why don't you bring her over?
I'd love to meet her.
- Charley, too.
- Really?
Have 'em come over.
We'll get the crap
off the table.
We'll have some
pizza and beer.
I'd love to meet 'em.
- I'd love to do that.
- Good. Call 'em.
I need to call
somebody else before.
People at the office
are dropping out.
They thought the money
was coming in last week...
and... they're looking
for jobs right now.
So, fine.
Call 'em.
Tell 'em.
We got the money.
Back to work.
I think they're
going to need more
than me telling them.
I think they're going to
need to possibly meet you.
And immediately after that
I'll call my wife
and I'll bring Charley over.
Yeah, okay.
All right, so I have
to meet your staff?
It would help me.
All right, all right.
I don't like
to go out, so...
why don't you
have them come over?
Thank you.
How many we talkin'?
About eight.
Eight, ten, twelve?
Beginning to sound
a lot like Granada.
Okay, guys.
Guys, guys, guys.
I know we're having
a good time here...
but I wanna thank Brad,
who stepped in officially
into the business,
and who's now basically
our partner, my partner.
And, um, and I wanna
thank all of you
for doing the work
you're doing,
which I think
is fantastic.
We've gone through
the difficulties,
and we're okay now.
Uh, the business is doing great
and we should all be fine.
We all have to wake up
early in the morning
and so does Brad.
So I'm gonna
ask you, please -
you know, I see
the plates are empty.
We all ate.
It's, uh,
it's time to go, right?
Thank you so much.
Thanks, Brad.
Thank you, Brad.
Cheers, Brad.
It's Brad, please.
Come on, guys.
Let's go.
Brad, do you mind if
I finish my glass of wine?
What are you
doing down there?
I'm cleaning, baby.
I promised I'd
clean the eyesore.
I'm cleaning the eyesore.
Do you know how much
I love you right now?
You don't know how
much I love you, my love.
In two weeks we're gonna
be sitting in that jacuzzi.
In two weeks?
Three weeks.
Come on, Biggie-Boy.
I'm getting dizzy.
You're not dizzy, baby?
You have one of those?
What else do you want?
You want one of those?
Ooooh, feel it.
- That's what you want?
- Yeah.
You want this?
Okay, we take this.
- And this, too.
- Okay.
You want this one?
Okay, we take this.
Okay, all of that, please.
I had such a beautiful day.
It's good for you, you know?
And it's good for us.
I have to slow down, baby.
don't answer the phone.
Don't answer the phone.
Amer, hello.
Pleasant evening at home
with your family, I hope.
And did you have a nice
celebratory day today?
Wonderful day, yes.
And you?
I'm wondering if that
vivacious woman on your staff
called today to report
back to you.
She had a fun
party last night.
Woke up on my
sofa this morning.
Puked in a vase...
which is neither
here nor there.
I don't wanna
get her in trouble.
I'm calling because, Amer,
you promised me
pizza and beer.
I promised you
And I didn't get
pizza and beer,
so you're not gonna
get 12 million dollars.
I'm sorry.
If you feel like calling
down the road -
for pizza and beer -
feel free.
What happened?
- You okay?
- Yeah.
What are you
doing out here?
You know what time it is?
I'm sorry.
I think you should
come to bed now.
I think you couldn't
have picked a worse timing.
The board of
director is frantic.
They do not want me to invest
anymore in any brand activity.
They want me to stick to
our core competency,
which, as you know,
is manufacturing.
But I thank you for being so
honest and so open about it.
There is nothing
I can do at this point.
If you cannot put your
financing together
in the next
I'm afraid to tell you,
we have to stop production.
I wanna preserve
my friendship with you.
I love you.
My family loves you.
It's not about money.
I just don't wanna lose your
friendship over this situation.
I'm like a... like a dog
on a short leash.
It's a little
embarrassing for me.
I live off the charity.
I repeat the terms.
Half in six months.
Half in twelve month.
Half in eighteen month.
Half in twenty-four month...
Look, you have
prime real estate.
You gotta pay
your rent on time...
I'm sorry.
I'm so tired...
for no reason.
I mean, I'm just
laying in there.
It's weird that
Charley's four, you know?
She's in pre-school
almost all day now.
And Amer's working and...
the house is just empty.
It's so quiet.
That's why I have the TV
on the whole time.
Sweetie, sweetie.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, no.
I know
you're lonely, but...
I was watching this
videotape of mom.
She was just being mom
and she was really funny,
and I was kind of
annoyed with her.
You know,
and I felt like I'd let...
maybe I let too
much time go by
that I should've spent
with her, you know?
I mean, I know
that's grief and...
But, you know...
I love Amer so much.
So I realize that
sometimes I'm more lonely
when he's here
than when he's not here.
When he's in
this house, he's not...
he's not with me.
And I'm so much
a part of that man,
he's so much
a part of my soul that...
when he's...
absent from me... it's...
it's like a betrayal
and I'm mad as hell.
This is it.
This is life.
- This is what you chose.
- I know it's what I chose.
Maybe he was just
always like this...
Well, I...
Now I'm more
selfish or something.
You're not selfish.
Don't say that.
I mean, the thing is,
it's not selfish to want
the man that you love
to be present with you.
Luke was never present -
truly present - with me.
Was it selfish
that I said I need love?
How did you know that...
not to go on for another,
you know, three, four years?
Because I was dying.
Are you dying?
The bank only
gave me 30 days.
I've been here an
hour and a half, man.
No, I was supposed to
meet him at the park.
I bring the paperwork.
It's hot.
Honey, that's not playing
with your daughter.
That's not paying
attention to her.
She knows that.
It's affecting her
and it's affecting
our marriage...
our home.
She's not even asking
where you are anymore,
'cuz Daddy's
always at work.
so maybe that's
where you should be.
I think you should...
I think you should go
stay at the office
for just a little while...
because I need
some time.
Something has
to change, my love.
I'm sorry.
What is it, Brian?
You change the
fucking deal on me?
We need...
We need ten grand, man.
$7500 - all in!
That was the fucking deal.
A couple of things came up.
We could really
use the extra 2500.
I know you know
what I'm talking about.
That is not
the fucking deal, asshole!
I know you know what
I'm talking about.
Shut the fuck up!
You're a fucking loser.
Wipe out the fucking blow, man!
Go back home!
Don't waste my fucking time!
Preferred equity.
They'll get a primary
return on their investment.
The first 20% out
will get their money back...
We have an unbelievable space
on Sunset at the moment...
We may have to push the
campaign by a couple of weeks.
I think you should go.
I've come here because there's
something I need to tell you.
I was always
scared to tell you,
but it's part of my life
and you must know.
When I first
came to America,
I drove back to
Los Angeles one day.
And a man
crossed the street...
out of nowhere.
And I hit him.
Sometimes I wonder if the man
wanted to simply kill himself.
All I know
is that I hit him
and that he got
hurt very bad.
Did he survive?
He's alive, baby.
He's in a wheelchair.
Oh, my God.
I parked the car
and I came down running.
And there was
a car that stopped -
and they
took him away.
I saw them take him away.
This thing eats me up, my love.
I know who he is,
where he lives.
And you could never...
you could
never tell me?
For me to give you this
information on myself
is taking a chance that
you'll stop loving me.
It makes no sense, my love.
He leaped out of nowhere.
I've been living with
this 15 years now.
I have to
face this man, baby.
I think his anger
is holding me back.
I don't know if you
can blame someone else
for what's going on,
or blame their anger.
I don't believe someone can
curse you with their anger.
But I know you feel
you have to go.
Phillip Blackman lives here?
At this time of night
you should know
that he's at Big Jim's,
down the street.
# So you weather
the sea change #
# as the mountains
are melting under you #
# Watch the ocean,
how she rises, #
# turning everything blue #
# Blue as the sky #
# above these
fading satellites #
# Slipping away,
back to the stars #
# To be burned,
burned by the sun #
# Into the void
of where we've begun #
# Oh, I am burned,
burned by the sun #
# Into the void
of where we've begun #
# Love...
Love is the answer #
# How many times #
# How many prophets
have to tell you #
# It's astounding #
# 'cuz you live here #
# Don't you live here, too?#
# And blue is the sky #
# above these
fading satellites #
# Making our way #
# back to the stars #
# To be burned,
burned by the sun #
# Into the void
of where we've begun #
# Oh, I am burned #
# by the sun #
# Into the void
of where we've begun #
# Where we've begun...#
# Where we've begun #
I don't know
how this song ends.
I never figured that out
before I got up here.
Well, now...
Oh, come on.
You know the drill.
You're always here.
You wanna buy me a beer?
Bar's that way.
Can I have a beer, please?
And a glass of water.
- You have a nice voice.
- Thanks.
How much?
There's a cover.
You should tip her as well.
Wanna come with us?
- You okay?
- Yes.
Come with us.
Come, let's go.
You okay, honey?
You wanna
take your shoes off?
I won't be long.
Just help yourself to
anything in the refrigerator.
You were great tonight.
Oh, thank you.
- Amazing.
- It was fun.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
I love it.
I love those moments.
I know they're not
listening too much...
Hold on.
You got it?
There you go.
My beautiful falling tree.
- You ready?
- Yeah.
Okay, hold on.
Do you realize this
is what I'm gonna
talk about tomorrow.
- What?
- My lecture.
I'm gonna deal
with manifestation...
Which one?
Uh, this one is good.
I'm gonna deal
with manifestation
and how you can
create something,
how you can make something
happen from your thoughts...
from your feelings.
I got this, uh, one piece.
"The words of
the Lord of the World,
which he spoke
after coming into being.
'I am he, who came
into being in the form
of the infinite power
of manifestation.'"
It's pretty...
it's pretty hard,
because outside
things happen.
Outside influences have
a direct impact on your life...
But you still
create those things.
You don't have
control over...
a mother - a mother
walking into a room
and finding her baby's died
of sudden infant death...
No, because you're thinking,
because you have a thought.
Like you're saying,
I don't want -
I don't want a child
to die or anything.
Underneath it all,
in your subconscious...
It's just like, if you're
in a relationship
and it's a really
bad relationship.
You know, people
even allow themselves
to get beaten in relationships.
So they're being beaten
in this relationship,
and they say to themselves, -
I wanna leave.
But they don't,
because underneath,
the core thing,
the core issue -
it's not gone.
It's still there.
And that's the same
thing with your subconscious.
Your subconscious
is like...
I think it's made me a better
person in different ways.
I know maybe...
maybe not in every way
that you need, you know?
But I do want...
- I, uh...
- Yeah.
I should probably go.
- Yeah.
- All right?
You gonna go?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
I mean, this guy's been
waiting for a long time.
I hope he's still there.
Of course, he's there.
I mean, I wouldn't...
He'd be crazy
not to be there.
Try to have
a good time, okay?
I want you to be happy.
I am happy.
You okay?
You need me
to get you anything?
I'm gonna finish
the work I'm doing.
I'll do your other leg
when I come back.
And, well...
get you out
of this suit.
Are you okay?
You're not too hot?
- I'm perfect.
- Okay, good.
Don't worry about me.
Is your husband
coming out?
No, no.
He doesn't like to watch.
That's not his thing.
You know, he's uh...
he's reading.
I don't suppose
you have
a paraplegic wife
at home, do you?
That would be a great
coincidence if you did.
Why are you so shy?
Is-is-is your
husband coming out?
- I know I already asked.
- You did.
You asked me
that a couple times.
You like to be watched?
No, no, no.
He seems like
a nice man.
He's way too nice
to come out here
and watch you
and me have sex.
That's for sure.
You know, you...
I mean,
you don't have to -
You don't have to worry.
I'm an...
I'm an absolute sure thing.
Take very little for me
to just take my clothes off...
Well, you-you...-
You are beautiful.
You are beautiful.
Oh, thank you.
Pretty ankles.
Pretty ankles.
Just noticed.
Pretty ankles.
And there's no way
to have, uh,
a small word with
your husband, maybe?
- No.
- No?
This is weird.
You don't wanna
have sex, do you?
No...not at all.
Okay, um, you should go.
I'm serious.
You should really go.
Get out.
I don't know how
you're gonna get home.
Get the fuck out of here.
Right now.
- Hey.
- Hey, hey.
- I'm, uh...
- What's going on?
I don't know what's
up with that guy.
He, uh...
I don't know.
He wasn't into it.
He was totally weird.
I think he was lonely.
He seemed more
interested in wanting
to talk to you
than me, anyway.
I'm gonna go back.
I'm gonna go
back to the bar.
I won't be long.
Let's take your jacket off.
It's hot, huh?
You sure you're all right?
Oh, yeah.
I'm fine.
It's just,
you know, it's late.
I gotta get up
early tomorrow.
You know I'm going tomorrow?
I'll be back on Sunday.
Peter's gonna be here,
give you your shower,
breakfast and everything.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, yeah?
I left him a list
outside anyway.
It's all cool.
Um, but I'll see you later.
I mean, you'll probably
be asleep...
I mean, you'll be back
in a minute, right?
Yeah, I'll be back in a sec.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Have fun, okay?
- Yeah, you too.
Bye, honey.
You look great.
Good morning.
Good morning.
How are you today?
Fine, how are you?
I imagined that
you were all here.
And here you are.
Sitting in the same
seats that I'd thought
I'd seen before,
as if,
I were just here
a few moments ago.
That's our subject today.
It's about manifestation.
Do we create our own realities?
Are realities created by us?
Is the universe created
from inside us?
I have something
to read to you today.
"I am he, who came
into being in the form
of the infinite power
of manifestation.
I became the creator
of what came into being.
And after coming into being,
many were the things
which came into being.
Coming forth from my mouth."
There's a story -
it's a Judaic story -
about how
the universe began.
In the beginning,
there was just light.
Solely light.
And he wanted to give.
He was giving off light.
But there was no darkness.
So, is there light
without darkness?
What this divine thought...
I'm gonna help you.
I'm helping you.
Got it?
It's a balancing thing,
so... yeah.
All right.
There we go.
It was much easier
to get up than yesterday.
I was by myself.
Thanks, really.
I tell myself every day -
I have to live
by what I preach.
And that means
I wanna walk, so I will walk.
And you will walk, Phillip.
I will definitely
walk one day.
You will walk, Phillip.
If you really believe,
you can walk on water.
You just have
to have no doubts.
And I guess still
have a few doubts.
Phillip, I was
here last night.
Yeah, it's good
to see you again.
I'm confused as to...
why you're here.
I'd asked your wife
last night if she would
allow me to have a moment
with you last night -
but she wouldn't.
Were you feeling
guilty or something?
No, I just...
Because you shouldn't.
My wife,
she's a beautiful woman,
and, uh, I want her
to be happy.
'Cuz I'm very happy.
Phillip, I didn't come
for your wife.
I'm came to meet with you.
Phillip, 15 years ago
I was driving a car...
and you crossed
the street when I...
when I was driving that car.
And... and I hit you.
I... I know.
And, I'm...
I'm here because
I have to come and...
and come
clean with you...
I understand.
I'm the person who's
put you in the wheelchair.
I understand.
And it is...
very hard on me...
to... bring that up.
But it is a big burden
that I've been
living with
for a long time.
It's... It's okay.
It was me.
I'm an immigrant, Phillip.
I was not legal
when this happened.
I've come to America
for... a dream.
And I've come from very far
to work in this country
and this would put me back
where I started, you know?
This must be very,
very difficult for you.
Very difficult for me.
Do you want atonement?
You want forgiveness?
You're forgiven.
You're atoned.
You can leave.
You can go.
You can be happy.
I must tell you -
I'm not a rich man...
What do you do?
I design clothes...
You're a designer?
That's great.
I'm really impressed
with people who can create,
who can take,
like a piece of cloth and...
Don't be impressed
with me, please, Phillip.
It's the other
way around right here.
You're being so kind with me.
You're being
generous with me.
You're greeting me
with a smile.
You're... you're showing me
and I feel undeserving
of all of that.
I feel that, that I...-
my standards in life
are higher than
what I've shown
you on that day.
If this is a question of me
forgiving you...
then I do.
But I think this
might be a question
of you forgiving yourself.
Maybe, Phillip.
I don't know what you want.
I brought money
with me, Phillip.
It's not...
a lot of money,
but it maybe can
make your life
a little bit more comfortable,
for a while, you know?
It's coming from my heart.
Is money
very important to you?
Money's important
to everybody, Phillip, and...
I think, uh...
I think you should leave.
I need you to leave my home.
- Please.
- No, please.
I heard you give
a class this morning
about things we
don't understand.
I need some
explanations, Phillip.
Can you help me with
some answers, please?
How can you be so
happy in this wheelchair?
How can you
possibly smile at me?
How can you
possibly smile at anyone?
What keeps you going?
What keeps you alive?
I need some answers, Phillip.
I'm lost.
My wife asked me to leave.
That means I can't
be with my little girl.
You wanna go for a ride?
You drive?
Okay, come on.
Come on.
Let's go.
Are you coming or what?
Tell me -
why did you
come to America?
As a kid, I was selling figs
in the mountains of Lebanon.
And there's a man that came
from the U.S. Embassy.
His name was William O'Malley.
He tried to
negotiate me down
for a bunch of cases.
I wouldn't budge.
I would say, no.
He finally paid the full price,
and once that was done
I went ahead and I gave him
an extra case of figs.
And when I did that,
he looked at me and he said,
"You know what?
You should go to America."
A few years after that
I went to the U.S. Embassy
and I tried to get a visa.
They were not giving visas.
But William O'Malley had
written my name down
for a 90-day visa.
So, I came to America...
and I decided to stay.
This is the coolest party.
- Who's the actor?
- Tyler Jensen.
I have no idea.
I'm sorry.
- Oh, that's okay.
- He's probably...
He's really amazing.
You'll love him.
He's one of
my better ones, too.
I like him.
He's a good person.
What's wrong?
It's my baby's clothes.
- It was on the floor?
- It's on the ground.
That's shitty.
Well, whoever
arrived with this
is not going
home with it.
You should go
and work the party.
I know that this is
kinda part of your job,
so go do your thing
and I'll be fine.
Are you...
Yes, I'm glad I came.
And you were so right.
And you're not
gonna start spiralling?
No, I will not spiral.
'Cuz there's no TV here
so I'm not gonna catch you
a few hours later
watching TV.
I will not be watching TV.
I promise you.
Please don't.
- You look really beautiful.
- So do you.
- Thank you.
- I'm proud of you.
Thank you, honey.
Thanks for coming out
and seeing my world.
Then I'll catch up
with you on the other
side of the pool.
And don't go down -
go up.
I won't.
What are you afraid of?
Disappointing people I love.
What is that?
Is there some pain?
- Pain?
- Yes.
And you don't have any?
How can you
have no pain?
I have a story for you.
There's a man.
He lives in a village.
And he only has
his one stallion,
one horse.
And this horse does
all the work for him.
And then one day
the horse escapes.
It runs away.
And everyone in the village,
they come to him and they say,
oh, we are so sorry for you.
Now you are so poor.
And he says, maybe...
maybe not.
And then the next day
the horse returns
and it brings 20
mares with it.
And all the people in the
village come and they say,
oh, praise God.
You are the richest
man in the village.
You must be so happy.
And he says...
maybe, maybe not.
And then the next day
his son rides the stallion,
and he falls from it.
And he's paralyzed.
And all the villagers
come and said,
I'm so, so sorry.
You're the poorest of us all.
You've lost your son.
And he says, maybe...
maybe not.
And then the next day
there's a war,
and they call all the children
from the village to go to war.
And his son
stays behind
because he's paralyzed.
And they say,
oh, you must be so happy.
You got to keep your son,
because all of our sons
have perished in the war.
And he says...
maybe... maybe not.
life is guiding us
to something.
Bringing us to a place.
Trying to nudge us
in the right direction.
And I recognize it...
It's guiding me.
You're here.
Maybe the...
one of the threads
that I needed to unwind.
So I'm very happy.
You... are continuing
to live that moment.
And as a result,
you can't go forward.
For me...
something happened...
that hurt me.
Not you.
You stopped me
and you made me
have to look
at the way I loved.
How much I required
from the person that I love.
And I've had to continually
live it over and over again -
the thing that I most feared.
And now...
I understand it.
And I love more deeply.
Just because of that moment
that you stopped me
and you said,
stand still.
What you're about
to do is wrong.
Stand still.
What that... pain is from
doesn't really matter.
Stand still
and try to... understand.
Okay, you caught me.
I'm sneaking out of the party.
By all means.
You okay?
I'm fine.
What ya' doin' out
here all by yourself?
What are you
doin' out here?
I just... well...
It's okay.
I'm doin' the same thing.
I don't really have anything
in common with those people
and it's this...
big party for some...
teen heartthrob.
And I have no idea
who he is
and I don't care.
Have you ever had
a birthday party
where you didn't
actually know anyone there?
Maybe it was at
a restaurant or something
and they just let everyone
else sit at your table?
This is... your...
Yeah, you're sneaking
out of my birthday.
Oh, God.
I'm so sorry.
I don't blame you.
But if it's your
birthday party,
why don't you hang out
with all your buddies?
I mean, everybody seems
so excited to see you...
Those people are excited
to see me because...
I make them money.
I get 'ya.
All the friends that I had -
before Tyler -
they're not here.
They don't exist anymore.
Does Tyler still exist?
I don't know.
I don't know.
And they want a character.
They want an action star
to walk out there.
They don't want
anyone who's broken...
or anyone who's scared,
or anyone who's lonely.
You know, my mom used
to always tell me that,
if you're in a situation
and you don't like it,
you can always leave.
So there must be part of
you that wants to be here.
This is a day
that belongs to you -
nobody else.
You know what I mean?
I'm Tyler.
How you doing?
- Hi, Sherry.
- Hey.
Here, put this on.
I can't help it.
I'm a mother.
Come on.
I'm also a wife,
and I take care.
That's what I do.
Thank you, Sherry.
Happy birthday.
Get out of here.
I'm tired.
I'm just tired.
You should sleep then.
The way I've been
thinking for all these years...
where my mind takes me.
Maybe it's because of
preconceived ideas...
of what things should be.
Like I wanna give
my wife and my child
something later in life.
And it's possible
that I'm allowing
the present to slide
for the sake of the future.
For the sake
of the past...
Instead of reaching
towards love.
So that you can
live in the light.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm tired.
That's all it is.
I'm sorry.
Found it.
This light...
This morning light
is magical, really.
It's magical.
It's when the air starts
to vibrate even stronger.
It's... it's almost like the
universe is taking a breath.
I think today, magic is
gonna happen for you.
For you... and for your daughter.
It's in the air.
It's funny...
how you think you've
buried the past -
and it's right there.
Right in front of your eyes.
You stopped me from
making a terrible mistake.
I was gonna
do something that...
I would've had to...
try to take back again
and again and again.
But instead the thing
that I was trying to stop -
the reason I was
gonna use this -
was something I didn't
understand, I couldn't handle.
And I've had to live it
over and over again.
And you were part of that.
We can go now.
Let me get something.
- This is it.
- That's for me?
Thoughts become solid.
Words take form.
As if they weren't before.
This is a wonderful
gift you've given me.
And thank you
so much.
My pleasure.
Thank you.
How was your trip?
Uh, okay.
What is he doing here?
He came to the club.
The next day...
Yeah, I know he's
the guy from the club.
I brought him back here
to fuck him, then...
I threw you out.
This is what I've been
working on all along.
This is the guy
who hit me that night.
And now,
he's come back here.
And we've been dealing
with some things...
Wait, wait...
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
He's the...
He's the guy
who hit you?
He's the guy
who did this?
He is, but what I'm saying
is there's a lot of things
that I wanted us
to be able to work on.
And I wanted to speak to
you, 'cuz I gotta clean out
the last little bit of this.
And I'm telling you
that this guy coming here -
it's like the true
ripple effect...
Honey, this is crazy.
It's why that happened
in the first place -
to bring us right here.
What are you
talking about?
What the fuck
are you doing here?
- It's a good thing.
- Who the fuck are you?!
How is it a good thing?
How is this a good thing?
You know what?
Get out!
Get the fuck out!
Get out!
You should go.
No, you know what?
- You know what?
- Can I just talk to you?
You don't
get forgiveness!
Can I just talk
to you for a second?
I'm disabled, too.
You see him - that's me.
I don't have any fucking legs!
I don't have
any fucking legs!
What are you doin' -
you come here?
You don't get amends.
You have to earn amends!
You take care of him for
the next 15 fucking years.
You wanna do that?
You wanna wipe his ass?
You don't get amends.
You feel the fucking guilt.
You feel it!
You don't get it.
How can you tell
me this is true?
This isn't true,
this isn't true.
You come in my house!
Who pays then?
Who fuckng pays?
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry!
...Daddy's always at work.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?!
What are you doing?
I can't do this.
I can't do this.
Save him.
Go ahead, save him.
He saved you!
If this man hadn't hit me,
I would've shot you.
What are you talking about?
Why would you shoot me?
Because you were
making love to that man
and I couldn't handle it.
And I got my gun...
and I tried to kill you.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why didn't you
fucking tell me?
I didn't know when
the right time was.
Fifteen fucking years?
And this is the right time?
Because I...
I didn't want you
to think I blamed you.
I didn't want you to think
that I was upset or that I...
I couldn't...
I didn't want you to...
I didn't feel.
I was trying to feel.
I was fucking him
to try and feel.
You'd gone.
You weren't there.
I'm sorry.
But I do feel, babe.
I feel deep.
I feel... I feel for you.
You can't see in my eyes
and tell how much I love you?
My love...
My darling...
The only woman
I've ever loved...
Everything comes from you.
You create your universe.
You're in a river of light.
Scream to the universe:
I am here!
And you land...
and you scream
to the universe:
I am here!
And you're back
in the river again.
I am...
that I am.