Rise Of The Footsoldier (2007)

Hello, mate. It's me again.
Listen, mate, can you
give me a call back, please?
Well, I'm just getting
a bit worried.
So just give me a call back
as soon as you get this message.
All right, mate. Ta.
It was the end of an era.
But before the murders,
the torture,
the beatings and the Ecstasy...
before all of that
there was football.
You see, football was
where the spites
and the hatred first came from.
On those terraces...
well, it's where it all began for me.
I just turned 16, and I was
already a naughty little fucker,
working my way up
through the ranks.
I was West Ham, and for us,
football, fighting and fucking
was our way of life.
And if you came down our manor,
well, you're gonna get a slap.
And if we went over to you,
well, we'd fucking turn you over,
'cause for us it was
all about respect.
It was the same
all over the place.
But you know what?
We weren't trying to change the world.
We were just looking
for a fucking tear-up.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Bill Gardner.
He was West Ham's top boy,
an inspiration to us all.
There's your Bovril, Bill...
nice and hot.
Come on then, Gardner!
I've waited all fucking year
for you, you cunt!
Come o... ah!
Gonna need another one
of those, lad.
Get us a meat pie and all.
Even though I was
wrapped around violence,
I always had time for the ladies.
So I waltzed up to this bird
and I just put it on her...
"You all right, darling?
Where you been all my life?"
And that was how I met Karen.
Beautiful Karen.
We got married two days after
I came out of Tottenham
magistrate's court.
I had been up on a threatening
behavior charge.
And I'd also gotten in a fight
at my stag do the night before
so, yeah, I looked
a right fucking state.
So I was a married man,
but football was my mistress,
and I played away
every weekend.
First round of the Cup
when we played Fulham
and believe it or not,
it kicks off,
and like fucking clockwork
the Old Bill comes steaming in.
But behave yourself
and what are you going to do, eh?
It's fucking war on the streets.
We were all over
the papers the next day,
and they were going on
about how we were
the biggest menace
since the IRA.
But I mean what
the fuck did we care?
We was just having a laugh.
Oh, Carlton, she is beautiful.
Yeah, of course she is...
just like me.
Do you hear that?
Just like your dad.
I'll fucking kill you!
I'll fucking do you in!
# There's gonna be
a Borstal breakout #
# There's gonna be a Borstal breakout #
# There's gonna be
a Borstal breakout #
# There's gonna be a Borstal breakout. #
We started calling
ourselves the ICF...
the InterCity Firm.
and that's because we took
the InterCity trains
to all the away matches rather than
jumping on the old football specials.
And we dressed up smart,
looked a little bit respectable.
You see, that way
the Old Blue don't spot you.
Man U-fucking-nited
and the bloody coach breaks down.
And to be fair to the driver,
he did try and offer up an explanation,
but Paul wasn't having none of it.
We just about get there in time
for the second half,
and then we go down 4-0
without fucking fighting.
- Screw you.
- Speak English, you cunts.
Fuck off back
to your campsite, you little cunts.
You saucy Northern cunts!
Let's fucking do the bastards.
Hey, come back here,
you little punk!
I'll fucking kill you!
And there we go. Fuck me!
Just fallen
for the oldest trick in the book.
Light it.
Come on!
Come on!
All right, darling?
You look a state, Carlton.
Red Army?
Don't make me laugh.
Scruffy Manc cunts.
You had a good time then?
Yeah, we kicked their fucking heads in.
It was classic.
But I was a mug.
Here I was with a girl
who really loved me,
and you know the last time
I said the words "I love you"
was to Eddie after five pints
down at a boozer in Canning Town.
And then suddenly
I get this job offer out of the blue.
Turns out that Smalls nightclub is
looking for a new doorman.
They've been having
all kinds of trouble
from some local firm
and they wanted someone
with a bit of weight
to keep the peace.
What I'm trying to create here is
what they call an environment.
Now you could usher the nice-looking
birds to the front of the queue.
That's always a good start.
If you get the nice-looking birds,
then the geezers wanna
spend their money.
You following me, Carlton?
Yeah yeah.
So, what we talking about,
say 40 nicker a night?
Is that good with you?
Yeah, people tried it on,
but everybody got
what they came for.
If you turned up looking
for a drink and a couple of birds,
that's what you got.
But if you came in
for anything else,
well, you'd end up
with my fist in your face.
And if you came back with
your little army wrapped around you,
well, I'd just have
to get my metal bar out.
And if I caught you
noncing in the toilet, well,
I won't think twice about stabbing you
up the ass with a knife.
You see, when someone's
out to make a name for themselves,
you have to rip 'em so hard
that they never want to get up again.
Now this may seem
a little bit harsh,
but in my world kindness is
mistaken for weakness.
I want to talk to you.
I think there's a couple
of doormen on the take.
I'm losing
over 200 quid a week
and the only person who I know
ain't on the fiddle is you.
So what are you saying?
Take control of the door.
Get rid of this lot
and bring in whoever you think
is good for the job.
More money...
more responsibility.
What do you say?
So I fucked off the regular boys
and brought in a couple
of my football mates.
They knew how to look after themselves
and it was nice dough for them.
And now that no money
was going missing,
we could do
whatever we liked.
# I want you to know
that I care #
# I'm so happy with you,
that found me #
# That I'm sad
that you're not there... #
- There you go, sweetheart.
- Ta, babe.
You know what?
I'd better get going.
Well, how about...
I jump into the back of your motor
and suck your big cock?
Well, what could I do?
She put it on me,
and I didn't want to hurt
the girl's feelings.
# Sweet sweet kissing,
I want you to hold me tight #
# And have you come
whenever I call you #
# And let me walk you
home at night. #
What's all that about, huh?
- Where you going?
- Where have you been?
Well, I've been at work, ain't I?
I called the club.
They said you left two hours ago.
- Yeah well, the car's playing up.
- Again?
- Yeah.
- Jesus Christ. Carlton, make an effort.
What you on about, eh?
Hey, I'm talking to you.
You know, make an effort.
Am I not worth it?
You can't even spend five minutes
trying to hide it from me, can you?
Hide what?
Well, the smell of her perfume
might be a good start
or the used condoms that
I practically find daily
at the bottom of our car.
I have to take them out
before I take
Carly to nursery.
That's dirty, Carlton.
What are you bringing
that up for, eh?
I mean, why do you have to start as soon
as I get through the fucking door?
- We're over, Carlton.
- What?
I want a divorce.
You can't, can you?
You know what?
No. You can either
help me pack that car...
or you can just fuck off back
to one of your dolly birds.
And so it went on.
Match day. Arsenal away.
My lot had gone up in front
and for some reason
I'm stuck with a load of stragglers.
Now these cunts had been out
on the piss the night before
and they weren't exactly up
for an early start.
Fucking hell, it's Millwall!
Get up! The fucking Treatment!
Get up! Get up!
Get up! Get up!
We've got to do
these cunts! Get up!
Come on then,
you fucking wankers!
Get up!
Come on, move move!
Life's all about moving forward.
You learn what you can
and you crack on.
I've been running the terraces
for over a decade.
Maybe this is my time
to bail out gracefully.
The Old Bill were
coming down hard anyway.
They had surveillance
and undercover units.
It was getting fucking stupid...
there was more Old Bill at the game
than there were supporters.
And they weren't slapping you
on the wrist anymore.
They were handing out
heavy jail sentences.
Yeah, I reckon
I got out just in time.
I've been hearing good things
about you, Carlton.
I got told this joint
used to be a shithole.
- Yeah, it did,
- Well, look at it now, eh?
Things seem to be
ticking along nicely.
Why don't you come
and clean up my joint?
Yeah? What's it like?
It's a den of cunts.
I'm hoping you can change all that.
I want the '80s crowd...
suits, briefcases,
nice-looking birds.
I'll be giving you
carte blanche, son.
But the only problem
was I didn't have
enough reliable
cool-headed mates from football
to look after another door.
I needed fresh blood, and I knew
exactly where to get ahold of it...
Talbot's gym.
This ain't no place for showboaters,
This is where
the meanest, hardest lumps
in East London
come to workout.
The reason I'm down here
is I'm starting up a door firm
and I need some lumps. If you want,
I can sort you out five nights a week.
Yeah. I'll have
some of that, yeah.
You fucking want some?!
Get my money by next week.
Oh yeah. Get in there!
Watch it.
You make me look like a cunt
in front of the management!
- Oh, fuck you!
- Every time I get you a gig
you're always fucking pissed!
You're a total cunt!
No, you're the cunt! I'm gonna bring
the lads back in and sort you out!
You're fucking dead!
Get the fucking lot
of them, you wanker!
You want a proper job?
Hello, girls.
How are you doing?
Fuck off.
You know,
someone once told me
you're only as good
as the people around you.
And you didn't get
to work on my door
unless you could
seriously handle yourself.
- Put me down, you wankers!
- Watch him!
Hey! What are you doing?!
But I soon found out
running doors weren't
the only way to make money.
There's more than one use
for hired muscle...
guarding packages,
minding drug deals.
Me and the lads got paid to make sure
things went down as they should.
People don't mind laying out
It became bread
and butter work for my firm,
but there was more to do
than just babysitting.
People started coming
to me for all sorts.
Yo, you want to start off here?
Well, done, eh?
Now the rave phenomenon
will have to go down in history
as being as important
as the birth
of rock 'n' roll, punk or metal.
It all started with the acid house music
in the late '80s.
These kids started putting on
massive parties all over the place...
in factories, warehouses,
whatever they could
get ahold of.
And if you was
a farmer back then,
you'd wake up to find
a fucking spaceship's
just landed in your field.
What's all about here then?
There's Millwall,
Tottenham all over this place.
I keep waiting for it to kick off.
It's all the Ecstasy, Carl.
This lot will be doing nothing
but loving each other all night long.
Have you checked with John and Terry?
How's the door getting on?
They're all paying 20 to get in...
with no bother.
I tell you... it's a fucking license
to print money, isn't it?
You want to be a little more subtle
about that, don't you?
Yeah, but love
ain't subtle, mate.
Yeah well, neither am I, so you either
put it out or I put you out.
- Do you understand?
- You should have one.
You look like you need it.
Don't worry, it's on me.
You're some sort of cunt, ain't you?
- I don't do drugs.
- It's not a drug, mate.
This is love.
Don't tell me you don't do love.
Yeah yeah yeah, love love love
and all that fucking bollocks.
All right, you mad cunt.
Go on, give me one.
But put the rest away!
You understand what I'm saying to you?
Fuck it. Why not?
Everything all right, Carl?
I've only gone and taken one
of those pills, ain't I?
Yeah, it was either that
or give the kid a slap.
But I'm in a good mood,
so I thought I'd let him off.
So what's it like?
Oh, it's rubbish, mate.
It must be a dud.
I can't feel nothing.
You know,
I still can't feel nothing.
Yeah, it's rubbish.
We go way back,
don't we, Eddie?
Yeah, mate.
I'll tell you what, mate:
You're a fucking brother to me you are.
Yeah, cheers, mate.
I fucking love you, Eddie.
Fucking love you.
Oh, mate, I'm buzzing off
my fucking nut here.
I've got to go and dance.
It was incredible...
the first time
I'd ever touched drugs
and got as close to God
as chemically possible.
The biggest crowd I'd managed
before this was 300 strong
and 15 lumps just about managed
to stop them from killing each other.
But everybody in here
was in love.
I mean the drugs were
breaking down social barriers.
Peace by Ecstasy...
even old Thatcher
couldn't have dreamt that up.
# Boy, if my needs
cause a storm #
# And your eyes say
"Take me home" #
# You and I could spend
a night of romance, really alive #
# But when
the morning comes #
# Will I still want you? #
# Ooh, will I still
want you? #
# Will I still want you? #
# Ooh, will I still
want you? #
# Uh-huh, you can dance
into my heart #
# But I know that's not the part #
# That you want to steal away #
# So when the morning comes #
# There'll be nothing left to say #
# Baby, let me love you
for tonight #
# I've got to have your love #
# I really need it now #
# Baby, let me love you
for tonight #
# I know you want my love #
# My love will treat you right #
# You know I want you, boy #
# We all need to love today #
# But the heart will surely pay #
# 'Cause the moment that our loving
keeps from reaching the stars #
# Just say goodbye to me #
# And then nothing will remain. #
This stuff really was
going to change the world.
I wanted to feel
like that forever.
We all did.
Oh dear. A pint of your finest
champagne, please, squire.
Look at this flash cunt
giving it the old Roger Moore.
He feels he's right special,
doesn't he?
He's definitely got
a fucking problem.
Who, him? Looks like
the fucking Honey Monster.
I know you, don't I?
- Do you?
- Yeah.
- You're Carlton Leach.
- What's your name then?
I'm Tony Tucker.
We grew up near each other.
You and your lot used to play football
with my mate's brother.
No, I don't remember that.
I've seen you about.
You work out down at the gym, don't you?
So how long you been
going down to Talbot's for?
Don't know.
A couple of years.
You follow any kind of program?
Nah, I just lift when I feel like it.
You should have some direction, mate.
You want to lump up,
then you've got to know a thing or two.
Take me...
I'm not going full-on right now,
but I look after myself.
I take the right supplements
and I sell them too...
the legal kind
and the naughty stuff.
What is this,
some sort of sales pitch?
Give over,
I wouldn't charge you fuck-all.
I'm just telling you
what I do.
I mean, I've heard of you.
I know what you get up to.
I'm into the same game.
I feel it's always worth having
something on the side, you know?
Oh yeah,
I can see that.
- You want to join us?
- Yeah, why not?
You'll fucking love 'em.
They're as thick as shit
and fucking gagging for it.
You start off on creatine,
you increase protein
and you work out hard.
But it don't last that long, 'cause you
look at the other lads in the gym
and you think,
"Hang on a fucking minute.
What's his secret?"
Anabolic steroids.
They help the body
produce more protein
which in turn
increases muscle mass
which means you can
work out longer and harder.
I started off injecting Anavar...
fairly mild as steroids go.
Nothing could last forever
and club land was no different.
With the kind of money
that was floating about,
it was only a matter of time
before the dealers
started turning each other over.
Why go through all the effort and risk
of importing the drugs yourself
when you can just go
and rob some cunt who has?
- There he is!
- Let's fucking do him!
Now the dealers can
hardly go to Old Bill,
so they go to
the next best thing...
muscle for hire.
We started doing punishment
as well as protection.
I mean, why not?
This is good.
You ever used one of these?
It's a bone saw.
Listen. I'm gonna go
and make a cup of tea...
and you can think
about what you've done.
Cycling, stacking...
six weeks on,
six weeks off,
Work hard, lift big.
Pure muscle...
fucking packing it on.
You know,
someone once told me
the thing about being
ripped off is,
you have to be prepared to spend
double what was stolen
on catching and making
an example of the thief.
Please. Please.
I've got kids.
I've got a wife.
I wouldn't worry
about that for now.
I mean, you're not exactly much
of a catch, are you?
She'll get over it.
Yeah, she'll probably
be sucking fresh cock by next week.
Trust me, I know the sort.
Please help me.
Please help me.
And that's what happened
to the lucky ones.
All right?
Are you forgetting something?
Tonight... a special dinner?
Our anniversary?
Listen, darling,
I'm tired, all right?
It's been a hard day.
I just wanna have something to eat
and go have
a lay down, all right?
Can you get up?
I need something to eat. Go on.
For fuck's sake, Carlton,
it's our anniversary tonight.
Am I talking to myself?
What did I just say to you?
Get my dinner. Now. Move it.
- What's that?
- What's what?
What is that?
It's seared chicken
with Jersey Royals.
I cooked it
right from the book.
Well, thanks for telling me,
'cause I can't fucking see it.
Take it away.
All right? Just take it away.
Go on, get it out of my sight.
Listen, you lazy cunt, just...
fuck you!
You want to fucking hit me?
Hey! You want to fucking hit me?
You want to hit me, do you?
I fucking hate you,
you bastard!
- You had to fucking start!
- Get out!
Eh? See what you done?
How could you do this to me?
- How could you do this to me?
- Fucking stop!
Who the fuck
do you think you are?
I put my fucking life
on the line for you every night
and you can't even cook me
a fucking meal, you lazy cunt!
Is that cunt banging?
Is that fucking cunt banging again?
- You old fucker!
- Piss off! Just get out!
Shut up, you horrible cunt!
Shut up!
Shut up! Just shut up!
- Shut up. Shut up.
- You fucking useless cow. Fuck off.
You think you know me, eh?
Go on, hurt me.
Go on, bruise me.
- Yeah yeah?
- Go on, make a mark.
Well, how about I bite
your fucking nose off?
You want me to tear that
fucking nose off of yours? Eh?
Is that what you want?
Don't you fucking dare!
Like this, do you?
Do you like this?
Go on, Carlton.
Go on, fuck me.
Go on.
Go on, fuck me then.
Fuck me properly, go on.
Come on, fuck me hard
like you used to.
Yeah, go on.
Be a man for once in your life.
- Fucking...
- Go on. Go on.
Come on.
You disgust me.
The steroids left
my whole body shaking,
crying out for food.
I couldn't think straight.
They don't just make
your muscles big,
they fuck your head up...
roid rage.
I left the Anavar behind
and moved on
to the heavier stuff.
I was injecting myself
with testosterone,
anything I could lay me hands on.
Baby, please come back.
I took to carrying jars
of baby food everywhere I went.
My body was clucking
for nutrients,
and I'd guzzle down
six jars at a time.
How long have
you been flogging your company for?
I ain't flogging it.
It's doing all right.
You're turning over some good money.
You don't even have an accountant.
Are you fucking listening
to me, Carlton?
- Yeah.
- You sit there eating baby food,
I'm trying to fucking give you
some advice about your business.
All right. I like it.
It's all right.
I know you fucking like it.
I'm trying to help you out here...
- All right, mate.
...you stupid cunt.
What you've got to do is, you've got
to play the fucking game, mate.
You run a company for a year,
then you liquidate it,
swap the directors around.
Keep your money moving and
those cunts won't know where to find it.
Yeah, but I'm not good
with all that paperwork bollocks.
You've only got
to fucking ask, mate.
Tony ran security at some
of the top nightclubs in Essex.
I had some of the toughest doors
in London.
Joining forces seemed
like a good idea.
It's been confirmed
that US forces
are being sent to the area.
The UN Security Council
passed Resolution 660
condemning the invasion
and demanding a withdrawal.
- Hello.
- Carlton, it's Terry.
I need to see you.
It's urgent.
Have you ever heard
of the Baran brothers?
Turkish scag dealers.
Yeah, go on.
Well, Eddie was doing a bit
of minding work for 'em...
you know, babysitting
the odd shipment and that...
and we was helping him.
Heroin. Mug's game.
I told everybody in my firm
to stay well clear.
And? Come on, spit it out,
you cunt. Who's involved?
Andy Riot, Jason, Eddie and me.
Well, it was Eddie
that sorted it out.
He said we'd do a bit of work
for the Turks and get paid handsome,
- but...
- But?
Some heroin went missing.
How much?
They're saying 10 million.
But they think Eddie's took it.
They've been making threats
against me family.
They've been saying
my kids are gonna get it.
Well, did you do it?
- What?
- What do you mean, "What?"
I'm asking you a question.
Did you have the gear away?
I can't believe you asked me that.
Of course I didn't.
- Are you sure?
- I swear on the life of my wife,
I swear on the life of my babies,
I ain't got nothing
to do with this... nothing.
All right.
All right, I believe you.
I know, but no one else does.
Everyone's against me.
I ain't stupid, you know.
If I had 10 million worth of smack,
I'd be on my toes.
They ain't letting this go, Carl.
All right.
I'll see what I can do.
These Turks were a heavy outfit.
I'd vouched for Eddie and the boys,
but now it was up to them.
I had to agree to an interrogation
on their turf.
I wasn't about to start
a war if I could help it,
but I had a little insurance,
just in case.
You're late.
Sit down. Sit down.
Down. Down.
Look, we don't need
to tie 'em up.
This is supposed to be
a fucking interrogation.
Their hands will be tied.
Search the exit.
Look, is that really
fucking necessary?
We have already discussed this.
Only the guilty will fear to take it.
Truth serum...
another condition they insisted on.
I guess they weren't going
to take my boys on their word.
- Carlton? Carlton!
- Jason, shut up.
Show some respect.
All right, let's get on with this.
Do any of you guys know where
this gentleman's missing heroin is?
No. No.
I haven't got a clue.
Look, I swear on my kid's life...
Terry, just answer
the fucking question.
Nuh-uh. No.
- Eddie?
- I know nothing about it.
What are these questions?
We know you took it,
so tell us where it is!
Yeah, all right.
Hold on, hold on.
All right,
I'll put it another way.
Do any of you know where the gear
was before the robbery?
- No.
- No.
I knew it was there.
How did you know the heroin
was there before it was stolen?
You heard him, Eddie.
How did you know it was there?
I just heard about it.
These boys weren't
exactly discreet.
Who told him?
I want a name.
I don't know who exactly.
I just heard it.
Everyone spoke about it.
There was no way
I could've worked there and not known.
I know where all of you live!
I know where some of you have
chosen to hide your families!
I will bring them here
and before I have them killed
I will pay a crackhead nigger
to rape each
and every one of them.
Maybe I'll give him
some Spanish fly
so he won't have a problem
shooting them full
of his filthy AIDS
in front of a crowd.
Listen here, sunshine!
Just keep their families out of this!
Control yourself, Carlton.
We know where your little girls are.
Your family matters to you, yes?
Not to us.
To us they're just flesh.
Are you finished?
I'm finished when I bend you over
and fuck you in the ass.
That's when
I'm fucking finished.
Look, he's choking for fuck's sake!
You're fucking poisoning him!
What you want me to do, eh?
Stand here and watch
my mate fucking die?
Is that what you fucking want?
Lay him on his side.
Where's the fucking heroin?
Where's the fucking heroin?
Tell me!
Don't touch me, you cunt.
My boss is satisfied.
We leave them to you.
Now get this scum
out of my warehouse.
Well, I knew they weren't satisfied.
I told the lads
to make themselves scarce
and I got Eddie and his family
to move in with me
just until things settled down.
- Hello, mate. All right?
- Yeah, I'm all right.
Hello. All right?
Got your family of young kids.
Yeah, take them straight through.
Hello, darling.
You all right?
Come in.
Yeah, Mom's gonna
get you a drink.
You never said nothing
about the kids.
Yeah well, they're here now,
aren't they?
- You gonna tell me what's going on?
- No.
- Where am I gonna put 'em?
- Look, I don't need you moaning.
All I need is a gun.
What you want?
Some bloke told me
to give this to you.
- Who?
- A bubble just down there.
Go on now. Fuck off.
We're leaving.
You just look after
Suzy and the kids,
- make sure nothing happens to them.
- Yeah, all right.
Give me a bell tomorrow,
let me know what's happening.
- All right.
- Yeah, it's clear.
Go on. Go.
Three days went by,
and still Eddie hadn't called.
I was starting to get worried.
Listen, John, I need you
to stay here, all right?
Just keep an eye
on the house, will you?
Make sure Denny's all right.
Oh my God! No!
- Yeah?
- Carlton, it's Rick here.
John told me to give you a call.
He said you're looking
for the Turkish fellows.
- Yeah, that's right.
- Well, I'm down at The Den,
and one of 'em is right here
drinking raki with his mates.
Right, you just keep them there.
I'm gonna come over
and put that cunt to sleep.
Listen, if I was you,
I'd get those punters out of there
'cause the moment
those Turks walk out that door,
I'm gonna go
fucking Schwarzenegger on the cunt.
- Do you hear me?
- All right, mate.
- Speak.
- Carlton, it's John.
Whatever you're planning,
just stop now. We found 'em.
Found who?
They didn't bother
with truth serum
the second time around.
No, this was torture, Turkish style.
They cut 'em, beat 'em,
jammed cattle prods in their balls,
The cunts stuck butcher's knives
straight through Eddie's leg.
Three days...
they didn't figure it out.
If we'd have known
anything about the heroin,
we would've fucking told them.
Oh fuck.
Where are the others?
You're gonna be all right?
- Yeah.
- You sure?
Okay, darling.
Big brave, yeah?
Get away from me!
Honey, don't be afraid.
Stop! Get away!
Get away from me!
It's over. It's over.
But it weren't over, not for Eddie.
Those Turks had killed him
in that warehouse.
They may have left him breathing,
but he died there all the same.
One of my boys was dead,
and those Turks were
about to find out
what it felt like to be
on the wrong end of a kebab knife.
- Who is it?
- It's Tony.
Can I have a word with you?
Having another crack
at the Falklands, are you?
I think it's best
you don't know about this one.
It's best I don't know about it?
Everybody knows
about it, Carlton.
Word is those Turks
cut some of your boys up.
Yeah, that's right.
So now what?
You're gonna pop them?
They want a war,
I'll give them a fucking war.
Really, you think
that's what they want?
I think it's what you want.
Take a little risk assessment,
why don't you?
You're thinking of taking on
the Turkish mafia.
Have you completely lost
your fucking mind?
No, I ain't lost my fucking mind.
I've lost a mate...
a very good mate...
to a load of fucking Turks,
all right?
And I ain't gonna just stand here
and do fuck-all about it.
This ain't about you.
This ain't about your pride.
This is about your family.
And trust me,
they will fucking kill 'em.
Not if I kill 'em first,
which is exactly what I plan to do
if you get out of my fucking way.
So what, you put a few
of them down and that's it?
They will not stop until
they fucking destroy you.
Not before they kill Karen, Denny,
your babies,
anyone you've ever fucking loved!
- Shut up, you sick fuck!
- Fucking cunt!
Get your fucking hands
off me, you cunt!
- Calm yourself down!
- Fuck off!
- Calm yourself down!
- Fuck off! You really going to
throw all this away 'cause that
fucking idiot didn't take your advice?
All right, just get
your hands off me, Tony.
- Are you going to calm down?
- All right, I'm calm.
Yeah, you sound fucking calm!
Tony, get your hands off me.
I could've saved him.
He was dead the moment
the gear went missing.
Swallow your pride, Carlton.
It's a painful pill to take
and I know it hurts,
but you've just got
to walk away, mate.
Sometimes you've got
to listen to your mates.
I took his advice
and I backed down.
An all-out war with the Turks would've
been a drawn-out bloody affair.
Andy, Terry and Jason
were broken men
and they left the firm soon after.
We never did find out
who took the heroin,
and I guess there's
some cunt still out there
praying that we never do.
So who else is going?
Just having a drink with one
of Tony's mates. He's just got out.
What's his name?
Pat Tate.
You don't know him.
Is Emma going?
No, she's staying at home
like a good little girl.
What, is it full of tarts then?
Darling, you know
I've only got eyes for you.
Fucking glad you made it, mate.
Didn't think you was coming.
Well, I had to service
the old woman.
I had to give her an oil change.
What you want me to say?
You don't have to
say nothing, Carlton.
I just hope she didn't
wear you out, mate,
'cause this place is
wall-to-wall fanny.
Yeah, I can see that.
- Hey, Tony boy!
- Hey!
Carlton, this here
is Jim Gerenuk.
- How you doing, mate?
- We call him Jimmy G.
Hey, it's a fucking
great party, Tony.
- You're enjoying it?
- Yeah, I'm doing all right.
- See you.
- See you, man. Nice to meet you.
- Fucking Welsh cunt.
- Yeah.
First thing first, mate.
Get this up your hooter.
- Oi oi!
- Oi, Tony!
This is Carlton.
He's like my fucking brother.
Carl, this is Pat.
- Hello, mate. You all right?
- Yeah, nice to meet you.
Don't mind us,
we're just having a little reunion.
I was in the nick with these two...
Darren, Mickey.
- Carlton.
- You all right?
Hello, pal.
Everybody knew who
Pat Tate was.
He was a legend
in the Essex underworld.
After a "quiet meal"
down the Happy Eater
in Basildon...
Pass the salt.
Now cradle my balls.
- You mean like that?
- Yeah, but slow down a little.
Don't fucking rush it.
Oi. What's that?
- It's the bill, sir.
- Yeah, I can see it's the fucking bill,
but I didn't ask for it, did I?
I just assumed that since
you hadn't ordered anything
for the last 20 minutes
that you didn't want anything else.
Who are you to assume
you know anything about me?
Take it away.
What are you fucking looking at,
nose ointment?
- What's this they've charged us for?
- Show us.
- What's that?
- It's the service charge.
That's very comical, son.
I thought only proper restaurants
charged that.
You had the sit-down menus...
Oh, right. So if I stood up and ate,
- you'd have charged me less.
- Well, it's policy.
Listen to me,
you fucking lowlife jobsworth cunt.
For the last 20 minutes she's had
her hand wrapped around my cock,
and every time
I get into a rhythm
one of you fucking mugs
walks over and puts me off.
Now maybe if I'd
have shot my bolt,
I'd have paid the service,
but you keep coming over here
- and interrupting me.
- Sir, if you don't calm down,
- I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
- Get your coat.
Oh, well done, babe.
Shut your fucking mouth!
You, fuck off... now.
How much money you got in there?
- What?
- How much money you got in there?!
- Pat, don't do that.
- How much money you got in there, cunt?
Oh my God!
Shut your fucking noise
and get in the car now.
I'm fucking warning you...
you say a fucking word,
all of you get what that cunt got.
Would you mind stopping all that
and stepping outside the car, sir?
Fucking hell.
He was gonna get 10 years for it.
That's less than 100 quid a year.
But you know what?
Pat had other plans.
Go! Go go!
The police tried
to set up a roadblock,
but Pat was too quick.
He slipped off to Spain
but was rearrested
in Gibraltar visiting friends.
Cor! Fuck me,
it's only Tom Cruise.
Mate, let me get a pen and paper,
I want to get your autograph.
My fucking bird would love that.
Hey, Craig, say hello
to my man Carlton.
We've met.
You want to tell me something?
No. I'm sorry.
Tony, I didn't know
he was a friend of yours.
- If I'd known...
- Let me just say to you, fellow,
it ain't a good idea to go out drinking
on an empty head, all right?
Are you looking to get hurt?
You've fucked up now, son.
Get the fuck out of here,
you fucking useless
muggy cunt!
Fuck's sake!
You ever mouth off
to Carlton Leach like that again,
and I swear I'll leave you
where I fucking find you.
Now fuck off, cunt!
The thing about Craig was
he didn't exactly have
the best start in life.
His mom had been knocking off
some toy boy called John,
but she had to put a stop to it
when her old man got her up the duff.
It would be an understatement
to say the lad took it badly.
I did this to prove
how much I love you.
I love you, baby.
I done this for both of us.
Poor bastard
never stood a chance.
He was a fuck up
before he was even born.
Tony paid his mortgage,
and in return Craig was his runner.
He took all the risks.
If Tony needed a couple
of kilos of puff picked up
or a few hundred pills dropped off,
well, he'd just give him a call.
What the fuck are
you cunts looking at?
Tony brought Pat into the firm
and gave him control
over a couple of doors
and a legitimate job title to keep
his probation officer sweet.
You know, Tony,
you've got to forget charging
those scumbags
to deal in your clubs.
I mean they pay you
a poxy fucking grand a week
and they're nicking 12,
- That's the way it goes, mate.
- No, it ain't. Fuck 'em.
You've got to get into
this business proper, mate.
You've got to get them dealers
to buy wholesale from you.
Listen. I've got all
the contacts sorted out.
You buy the pills
at a fraction of the selling price
and you knock them out
to the dealers at 6 a pop.
I'm saying we can smash
the life out of this and earn a fortune.
Rolfe, you mother's cunt!
- Where the fuck is he?
- He's not here, Tucker.
It's truth or violence...
your fucking choice.
He's not fucking here.
I swear it.
Why not be original and be the first
bitch in history to tell the truth?
You lying cunt!
Fucking cunt!
Come here, wanker!
Come here!
What are you doing, Tony?
You could've fucking killed me!
I wish I had,
you unreliable little cunt!
I've been calling you
all fucking day
- and you don't answer!
- I was fucked up...
- in bed!
- I've had to make two handoffs myself.
Now what if I'd gotten
fucking nicked?
I'm sorry, Tony.
I'm sorry.
"I'm sorry."
You're a fucking waste
of space, Craig.
You're off the fucking firm!
If you want
your mortgage paid,
you can whistle out
of your ass for it,
you fucking useless cunt!
The firm was Craig's life,
and without it he had no direction,
no purpose.
He wanted to be back inside,
no matter what.
Have a seat, sir.
Fancy a puff of that?
No, have you got
anything stronger?
I thought you were
off the heavy stuff.
Yeah, I am. I have
a little dabble now and again,
but basically I'm clean.
Are you sure?
It's good stuff, pretty boy.
Don't call him pretty boy.
Why not? He's pretty.
Why don't you
just fuck him then?
Look, mate. I don't want to get
in the middle of some domestic, do I?
Oh, she's been
on my case all day.
Just ignore her,
then she might fuck off.
That's fucking charming.
Look at the state of her.
All right, mate. Just get over it
and let's do some business, yeah?
Right, here's your 20 kilos.
So where's the money?
I ain't got no money.
Now why would I bother paying
a fucking insect like you?
Who you calling a fucking insect?
What would you prefer?
Ex-scaghead two-bob junkie cunt?
Fucking cunt!
So fucking easy.
Fuck. Come here.
You ain't gonna get far
with 50 mils of Largactil
in your beer.
I know you like drugs, Chris.
You've had a right touch.
'Cause tonight...
I'm gonna give you all the drugs
you'll ever need.
Don't look so upset, mate.
It's a freebie.
I know you're
a little skint at the moment,
what with you owing
Tony two grand.
What are you talking about?
What are
you talking about?
You thought you were
gonna swerve him,
but I'm here to fucking collect.
What have you given him?
Hey, babe, get me a beer.
Yeah, sure.
Does Chris want one?
Nah. He's had enough tonight.
Why are we stopping?
Just dropping Chris off, babe.
Yeah, but he doesn't
live here, does he?
Get out there, you fat cunt.
You ain't gonna
fucking believe this.
He's only gone and killed Chris.
You can say he's a fucking useless
spastic shit-cunt,
but if that's not dedication,
I don't know what fucking is.
He's a fucking liability, isn't he?
What's he doing going around murdering
some kid for two grand?
Tony, it's unnecessary.
No, he's all right, Carl.
Anyway, I already told him
he's back in the firm, mate.
# Baby, I need you here with me #
# because I'm trying... #
Along with working together,
me and Tony did a couple
of little earners on the side.
Jimmy G had set up a deal
for some stolen traveler's checks,
but after four canceled meets,
Tony had got the hump.
My time ain't fucking free.
I've been up and down
the A13 nine times for that cunt,
and he gobbed off to Emma
about me fucking that Chinky bird.
She's been at me all fucking week.
Me and Craig are
gonna punish the cunt.
You wanna come?
Look, if you're gonna slap
the geezer, just fucking slap him.
What do you need
me and Craig for?
'Cause we're gonna do a demolition job
on the cunt, that's why.
Oh, look, leave it out, all right?
- You need to calm down, don't you?
- You don't want in?
No. No, I don't want in.
- Oi, Jimmy. Hurry up, will you?
- What's happening, Jim?
- All right, boys?
- How are you, mate? You all right?
- Fuck.
- Get the fuck back, Tony!
- I'll fucking kill you.
- I'm fucking doing it! I swear to God!
Calm down!
I'll fucking hit you!
Come on...
Get off me!
Tony, I fucking love you.
Please don't hurt me.
Don't listen to him, Tony!
Think of all the agg
he's cause you!
Yeah, all the agg you've caused me,
you fucking shit-cunt!
What do you think, Jimmy?
Craig, take the TV, video and hi-fi
and shove it
in the back of the motor.
I'm fining you, Jimmy.
Is that fair enough?
- Get off!
- Burn him, Tone.
- Burn him.
- No, don't burn me!
- Burn the cunt! Burn him, Tone!
- No, please.
Tony, no!
Tony! Fuck you! Please! Oh God!
Oh, fuck.
Fuck you!
- No more, Tony.
- "No more"? We've hardly even started.
Fuck you! Fuck you!
You cunt!
You bastard!
Craig, what you fucking
let him get away for?
I had the CD player
in me hands.
Fucking soppy cunt.
You're rolling around
on the floor for two minutes,
you fucking idiot.
Now get in
the fucking motor.
- Yes?
- Are you Jimmy's dad?
Yeah, why?
What's this about?
- Is he in?
- No, why? What's this about?
'Cause we're looking for him,
you fucking Welsh cunt.
You fucking tell him
to meet us face to face
or I'm gonna come in there
and start cutting your daughter's
fingers off one at a time.
- You got that?
- Yeah.
I said have you got that?
Have you fucking got that?
Yeah, I got it.
Jimmy, don't! Please don't!
You fucking... you fucking cunt!
Oh my God! Oh my God!
Are you all right?
Is the baby all right?
- Fucking Jimmy!
- Pat!
You fucking cunt!
Come back!
You fucking mug!
I'm gonna kill you, you cunt!
- I'm gonna kill you!
- Pat! Come back!
Yo, Jimmy!
Where the fuck are you?
- Jimmy.
- Jimmy!
Jimmy's fucking gone.
Jimmy's fucking dead!
Fucking hell! Run!
Fuck you! Come on!
Who's laughing now?
Welcome to
the fucking neighborhood!
This is supposed to be
a hospital, isn't it?
What's the matter with you?
Do you want a line, Carlton?
You lads are taking the piss, huh?
Yeah, fucking right we are, mate.
Here, have a go with Sadie.
- That's Sandy.
- Yeah, whatever.
I'm paying her
a fucking three-a a day
and she likes to earn her money.
Don't you, babe?
- Sucks a fucking blinding cock.
- I sure do.
- No, you're all right, love.
- Are you sure?
- It's no bother.
- No thanks.
You remember Darren, don't you?
- Yeah, we met at your party.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I was with Mickey.
- Yeah, the old geezer.
We was all
in the nick together.
Yeah well, you'll be back in there
if Old Bill turn up here,
see this place.
Look at the state you're in.
There's fucking cocaine
all over the bed, Tony.
Who in this hospital
is gonna grass us up?
I still can't believe
it was Jimmy that put you in here.
Yeah? Well, that no-good cunt's
gonna end up in a box
when I get ahold of him.
Craig, visiting time is over.
Get these others out of here.
- But we've been having so much fun.
- Fuck off.
I'll see you later, Pat.
I'll give your best to Mickey.
Come on, babe.
Come on, babe.
Here, Darren.
Don't forget to tell Mickey
about that little bit of business.
Oh, yeah yeah yeah. Sweet.
Here, Carlton.
I need you
to get Jimmy down here.
Tell him I want to sort things out
and put an end to this,
but I need you to get him
down here and we'll do the rest.
Meaning I'm gonna
do him with this.
And I'll get rid
of the gun and the body.
Oh, that's a fucking cracking idea.
You're just gonna go
and shoot someone in a hospital?
Behave yourself, will you?
You're on parole, Pat.
Yeah well, fuck all that.
That wrong'un has gotta go
because he's made me and him look
like a right pair of cunts.
All right.
Well, you just get well
and I'll come see you
in Chelmsford nick,
all right?
- Hello?
- Carlton, it's Jimmy.
He said they'd rape my sister.
They threatened my dad.
They smashed up my house.
They call me 10 times a day,
leaving threats on my answerphone.
Don't cry, son.
All right?
It's not gonna help.
I can't believe
they turned on me like that.
I shot at Pat because I knew...
I knew there was no other way.
They'll never stop now.
Until I'm dead.
Let me speak to Tony
and I'll see what I can do.
It's too late for that.
It's too fucking late for that.
There's only one way to make sure
my family stays safe.
I wanna die.
You just slow down.
No, listen. I know you're
as harsh as they are, Carlton,
but at least you're always fair.
At least you're always fucking fair.
Tony doesn't have
a set of rules you can live by.
I need you...
I need you to kill me.
You what?
I'm too scared
to do it by myself.
protect my family...
and shoot me.
You can't ask me that.
You can't ask anybody...
I don't know what else to do.
I don't know what else to do.
Well, you can start
by putting the gun down.
And then you get
yourself out of Essex
and you lay low for awhile.
You keep yourself out
of fucking trouble
and I'll see what I can do.
Do you hear me?
Well, it was bound
to fucking happen.
The nurse came in
and changed Pat's bed
while he was in surgery
and found his gun.
Pat went straight back
to prison on violation of his parole.
Couple of days later, Jimmy was
picked up with an unlicensed firearm.
Although it wasn't
the gun that shot Pat,
it was still enough to put him
behind bars for a stretch.
Best place for him, really.
He'd be safer on the inside.
All right, Carlton?
Fuck me. What's this?
You ain't on brown as well, are you?
- It's Nubain.
- Looks like heroin to me.
- Well, it fucking ain't.
- I can vouch for that, Carlton.
You? Don't make me laugh.
I think we'd better have a talk.
What's him and that
walking clap doing here?
They make me fucking itch
just looking at them.
Can't you just get along
with them for me, Carl?
I put up with the cunt.
That's about it.
Anyway, I thought you was knocking it
on the head now that Pat's inside.
When was the last time
you were clean, for fuck's sake?
Fuck clean.
I can work 22 hours a day like this.
Yeah, but for how long?
You'll be fucking dead
carrying on like that.
What's the story with this kitchen?
I thought you said that geezer would
have it done by now.
- So did I.
- He's taking a fucking piss, isn't he?
Come and check this out.
I had to teach him not
to fuck with me, Carlton.
Definitely something
wrong with you.
- Come on!
- It had been almost a year
since Pat had
gone back to prison.
Tony and Craig were becoming
increasingly powerful
in the drug world
while he was inside.
Pat wanted to get
right back in with them.
You all right, son?
You look a bit long in the boat.
Who fucked your mother?
Tell us, we'll sort him out.
He's a cunt, ain't he?
How would you like to come
on a little deal with us?
Be a good little earner.
Tell him, Pat.
Mickey Steele's got
a shipment coming in from Holland.
300 a kilo.
Not cheap, I know,
but he reckons
there's no fucking chance
- of anybody getting pulled by customs.
- And how do you know that?
Because they don't get some fucking mug
to bring it in on the ferry.
They bring it
across the channel on a powerboat.
They've done it
fucking 100 times.
Now Mickey needs 80 large
up front to get the gear.
He's in for 15,000.
I'm in for 40,000.
Fucking 40,000?
You ain't got 40 large, Pat.
Yeah, but I will
in a couple of days, won't I?
- How's that then?
- Tone, I told you twice.
I've got all these
contacts sorted out.
You make me laugh. I didn't spend
all my time in the nick wanking.
- Yes, you fucking did.
- Yeah, you're right.
"Fucking let me out!"
I don't know. We'll see, all right?
Shut up.
What's the matter with you?
Even the fucking
dancing monkey's in for 6,000.
Tony, will you fill
him in on the rest,
'cause I've got to try my luck
with that little blonde tart over there.
- What do you reckon?
- Filth, mate.
No, utter fucking filth.
With a little bit of luck,
I might get a golden shower tonight.
So what do you reckon, mate?
No, I ain't got
the dough, all right?
I've got nothing put aside.
You heard what Pat said,
you're guaranteed
to double up your money on this.
Yeah well, his idea of a guarantee
and mine are two different things.
I'm just trying
to help you out, mate.
Yeah, I know. I appreciate it.
I don't want to fall out over this.
You're my brother, Carlton,
and I fucking love you.
It's good to know someone
is looking out for me.
Yeah, always. You know that.
Do me a favor.
just be careful of him.
- Get off me!
- Go! Go!
- Get off me!
- Go! Go!
Pat was at it again,
and even Tony could see
he had become a liability.
In a drug-fueled rage,
he threw the one person
who still stuck by him,
Kate Carter, out of his house.
She ran straight to Mickey Steele,
her closest friend while Pat was inside.
Then the dope deal went tits up
when it turned out
the gear was moody.
You couldn't even burn it,
let alone smoke it.
Mick, listen to me.
You couldn't con
a 12-year-old with that gear.
It's shit and I'm down 40,000.
- I'll sort it out.
- You fucking will, you slippery cunt,
or I'm gonna come around there
and sort you out.
- Jesus Christ, Pat.
- Jesus Christ?
Jesus fucking Christ?
You'll be screaming that, you mug,
when I come around there
and do you with this blade,
you fucking no-good cunt!
Pat may have been
a fucking loon,
but this time he was ranting
for a good reason.
He'd only gone
and borrowed 40,000 off
the most feared criminals in Essex...
the Hexell brothers.
The deal was that
in two weeks time
he'd pay them back 50,000.
Look, he's been
to Amsterdam two or three times,
this time he lost the gear.
I swear on my fucking life I wouldn't
dream about having you two over.
Mickey Steele's
done this to all of us.
Mickey Steele's your fucking mate.
Why would he do that?
Let me get ahold of him,
I'll bring him in front of you,
I'll put a blade to his throat
and when you're satisfied, I'll do him.
They gave him a month
to come up with the goods.
And after a lot of agg,
Darren Nicholls and Mickey Steele
went to Amsterdam
and recovered the money.
Pat and the boys may have
got their dough back,
but that was it.
They hadn't made a bean.
They'd had their time wasted,
and Pat, he was still 10,000 short
of what he owed the brothers.
It's fucking lovely.
Yeah, a nice bit of kit.
Are you gonna help
a girl in trouble, Mickey?
You can stay here
as long as you need.
Don't worry about it.
Pat is shouting his mouth off
about you to anyone who'll listen.
He said your operation's a joke
and that you ripped him off.
He's a junkie.
He's a fucking steroid freak.
And that don't worry you?
He's out of control.
He says he's gonna kill you.
He's all mouth.
He's a fucking idiot.
I don't know, Mickey.
His threats seem pretty thorough to me.
Look at me.
I don't have a home to go to
and my child
is staying at my mom's.
What sort of a situation
is that, Mickey?
- Do you trust me, Kate?
- Of course I do.
Then listen to me.
I'm old school,
been around
the block a few times.
Mugs like Pat Tate come around
every once in a while.
But you know something?
The loud ones never last, Kate.
He'll get what's coming to him.
# Move your body #
Yeah, can I have a 12", please?
What? What do you mean
you don't do four toppings?
- It's a pizza shop.
- Give me the phone.
What's your problem, mate?
Well, why can't we have
all four fucking toppings?
Because it's not
on the menu, sir.
What are you talking about,
"on the menu"?
We're talking about cheese, you cunt.
Listen. Deliver the fucking
pizza she wants,
or I'll come down there
and fucking open you up.
Sir, this phone delivery line
is actually only for people
over the age of 12.
Now if you'd like to calm down
and get your mommy
or dad to phone back,
I'll be happy
to send you a pizza.
- Who am I talking to?
- My name is Roger Spooner, sir.
- I'm the manager.
- Well, Rog,
you do yourself a favor, mate,
'cause this is your last chance
for a peaceful night.
Deliver the fucking pizza
she wants
or your mom and dad will be down
at the morgue at 4:00 in the morning
identifying your body.
Do you got me, cunt?
Where's Roger fucking Spooner?
- Where is he?
- That's me. Can I help you?
Fucking mug me off down
the phone line, you cunt?
If I asked you now
for four toppings,
you'd give them to me,
you cunt, wouldn't you?
- Yeah yeah.
- You'd give them to me, wouldn't you?
- Yes!
- Okay.
Anyone got a fucking problem
with what I just done? Eh?
You've got a fucking problem?
Fat bollocks, you've got
a fucking problem?
Pat's continuing war
with the fast-food industry
resulted in the geezer giving
a detailed statement to the police.
Come morning,
he found out who Pat was
and suddenly pizza boy had
a bad case of amnesia.
Pat, Tony and Craig
were out of control.
They just did whatever
they fucking liked.
They robbed who they wanted
and destroyed any cunt
that got in their way.
While you're doing that,
I'm gonna take the vegetables.
I've peeled them
and I'm roughly chopping
the swede, the carrots
and the parsnips.
Of course everything's going to be
blended up in the mixer at the end.
If you prefer a chunky soup...
That will be your boyfriend.
...and then you can still
have the chunky vegetables
left in your soup.
It ain't for me.
- Hello?
- Carlton.
Sledge, what do you want?
Have you seen
the telly this morning?
Not much.
She's got some bollocks on here.
Well, try the news.
I'm serious, mate.
I think something might have
happened to Tony and the boys.
The bodies of three men
have been discovered
in a Range Rover
on a farm in Rettendon in Essex.
It's thought that these were victims
of a brutal gangland slaying.
The police are not divulging
much information at present,
but we do know that
all three men were gunned down
somewhere between 6:00 p.m.
and 12:00 p.m. last night.
We hope to come back
to this later in the bulletin.
There were serious clashes
between the prime minister
and the leader of the opposition...
- Hello, Paul. It's Carl.
- Hello, Carl.
- Have you seen the news?
- No, not yet. Why?
Can you pop around Emma's?
I've been trying to get ahold
of them all morning.
No one's answering. It's just engaged.
- What's going on?
- Well, I don't know, mate.
Just do me a favor.
Just go around there and give me a call.
- On me way.
- All right, mate. Ta.
This is giving me
the fucking creeps, this is.
Hello, mate.
It's me again.
Listen, mate, can you
give me a call back, please?
Well, I'm just getting
a bit worried.
So just give me a call back
as soon as you get this message.
All right, mate. Ta.
- Are you all right?
- No, I'm no all right.
I can't get ahold of no cunt.
Something's happened.
Babe, you're scaring me.
Back to the murders in Rettendon.
The police have announced
that there will be a news conference
later this evening,
when it's expected that the names
of those murdered will be released.
Carlton. Carl?
- Yeah, go on. What's happening?
- Emma's fine.
Tony didn't come back last night,
but she ain't worried.
- Hold on, mate.
- Paul?
Fucking hell,
the Old Bill's just turned up.
- Paul, talk to me.
- Emma!
I'm gonna have to go.
I don't know what's going on down there.
Everything's fine
as far as I know, but not here.
I'm gonna have to go.
Laters, mate.
Police have tonight
released the names
of the three men murdered
in Rettendon
on the night
of the 6th of December.
The victims were
and 26-year-old Craig Rolfe.
It's believed that all three men had
gangland connections.
When the police informed
Tony's dad of his son's death,
he dropped dead
of a heart attack
right there in front of them.
After the tears
came the questions:
Who murdered Tony,
Pat and Craig that night?
- Evening, lads.
- Before you start, he wasn't speeding,
the car's not stolen, the fucking
tax disc is in date, all right?
I've got some information
I'd like to share with you,
ask you a few questions...
very informal.
What, now? We're in kind of a hurry...
big family dinner.
This won't take long,
but it's dangerous
out on these main roads
with this weather. Follow the car.
Whoa whoa whoa.
We ain't got to do nothing for you.
No, you don't, but I could always
get a search warrant,
search the three of your houses tonight.
Really fuck your evenings up.
You'll be on your way
in 15 minutes.
- No, Office...
- Shut up, shithead. Lead the way.
Sorry about this, lads.
Thanks for the cooperation.
Yeah, blah blah, fucking blah.
What's so important
that you had to speak to us tonight?
Trust me, you'll like this.
Why'd you have to fucking bring us
all the way down here for?
The traffic... it's dangerous.
Oi. You on fucking drugs?
You got any?
The way we saw it,
the police had
stronger motives than anyone.
The rumor was we were
all under observation,
so how the fuck could a hit
go down right under their nose?
It could have been revenge
for several high-profile Ecstasy deaths,
or it could've been
they were just getting rid
of three of the most dangerous
drug dealers from the southeast.
Either way, it was
a paranoid first few days.
for anyone who knew
the three was a suspect.
Over the next few days,
silence fell on gangland
as hundreds of people
were questioned.
One theory was gaining
in credibility.
Two names
just kept coming up.
- Fucking hell.
- Put your hands on the fucking dash!
What's this about?
The brothers want
a word with you, Pat.
- Tell your bloke to follow that car.
- I ain't going...
Makes no difference
whether you drive or I drive.
- Do you get the picture?
- It's a pretty gory picture at that.
You boys have become
a fucking nuisance.
We heard about your little fit down
at the pizza parlor, Pat.
We spunked in our pants.
Then we remembered how much
money you owe us.
Listen. I'm trying to get
all your dough back now.
Whatever problem you've got with Pat
has got fuck-all to do with me.
Fuck off, Tucker.
It's got everything to do with you.
You're all involved.
All fucking out of control,
ripping off every cunt
from here to Hounslow.
Well, it stops tonight.
Shoot that cunt.
Please don't shoot me.
Come on,
take it like a man, son.
Ain't that bad.
All be over in a moment.
- Fuck you, you fucking cunt!
- You next, Tucker.
But these were just paranoid theories
being handed out left, right and center.
The newspapers started
printing any old shit
from small-time crooks
and wannabes.
Apparently half of Essex was
an expert on the subject.
And what's this then?
- I have a lot of young lads...
- Six months later
Darren Nicholls was nicked
with 10 kilos of puff in his boot.
Before anyone
thought much about it,
he was busy grassing to
the Old Bill about the triple murders.
# Walk away, walk away #
# Walk away now #
# Walk away, walk away #
# Walk away now... #
Mickey Steel has
fucked up everything.
I've spent years sweetening up
these fucking contacts.
He's made me
look like a right mug
and us look like we don't know
what we're doing.
I've told everyone I know
what a fucking cunt he is.
Okay, shut the fuck up.
He's heading towards
our table right now.
Tony, Pat, how's it going?
So what have you got to tell us
that's so fucking important?
I've got
something coming up...
something big...
so big it's gonna make
that last deal look like
pocket money by comparison.
Yeah? I hope by that
you mean pocket money
and not pocketing
our fucking money.
- What's happening, chaps?
- Sit down, shut your mouth and listen.
I've been hired
by this Dutch firm to do a job,
a job that involves my plane
and a shitload of white.
How much?
I'm meant to be bringing
over 30 kilos of Columbian pure,
land my plane
in a field near Rettendon.
- How much is that worth?
- It depends on the quality.
It's the bollocks. They've already
paid me 50,000 up front.
The drugs are
standing by in Holland.
They're all set to go.
I'm meant to be bringing it over
in the next few days
when the weather improves.
- So what's the plan, mate?
- Do what you two do best...
rob the cunts.
I'll tell you where and when
I'll be landing the plane.
There'll be two others
on board with me.
You steam in really strong,
stick guns in our faces...
bish bash... pinch the gear.
Simple as that.
What do you reckon?
Well, I won't kid you...
if that gear is proper,
we've got to be talking
about 100 mill.
- Exactly.
- So what do you want out of it?
Bust it up three ways.
A third? You're having
a fucking laugh, ain't you?
That's fine.
That's a fair deal.
# And did you think
that I'd stay #
# In your destructive life? #
# And did you think I'd be okay #
# And someday be your wife? #
# And if I'm here, I live in fear #
# Why'd you go so far? #
# You can see that it's me... #
We'll have to make this
look convincing though.
They can't know
you're in on it, Mickey.
We'll have to fuck you up a bit,
maybe knock a few teeth out.
I can handle a couple
of broken teeth for 10 kilos.
This is the big time, Carl.
We're talking numbers
with shitloads of zeros on the end.
You're talking like
it's already in the bag.
Mickey's assured us
it's all going ahead.
- He's already been paid.
- Yeah, he's been paid, you ain't.
- Trust me, it's on.
- Just be careful, will you?
Pat's running around the whole
of fucking Essex shouting his mouth off
and if this gets back
to you, you're fucked.
Relax, mate.
You worry too much.
It's all good.
I want to tell you something.
I'm surrounded
by a lot of people,
but I know they
just want a piece of me.
With you it's different.
You just want to be my friend.
You know,
you're the only one I fully trust.
- Same.
- I want to do something for you.
I'm gonna give you
30,000 out of this.
Don't be silly.
You don't owe me nothing.
I know, mate. I also know you'd do
the same for me if you had a deal
- like this going down.
- Yeah, of course. You know that.
I'm gonna give you money
for two reasons, Carlton.
Firstly, you're broke.
All right.
What's the other reason?
You never asked me
for a fucking thing.
Things are gonna quiet down
a lot in the new year.
When this deal goes down,
I'm going into semiretirement.
Do you know what?
That's not such a bad idea.
I'm gonna slip off, all right?
I promised Denny I'd have
a family dinner tonight.
- Sounds good, mate.
- Yeah.
Yeah, I just fancy
a quiet one for a change.
- And thanks.
- No worries, mate.
- All right.
- Love you. See you, mate.
- Hello?
- Hey, Darren.
What are you
up to this evening?
- Why? What's up?
- Me and Jack need a favor.
Tony, it's Pat. I just got
off the phone with our pal Mickey.
- Are we on for it?
- No, too much snow on the ground,
but he reckons we're on
for the day after tomorrow.
- I can't fucking wait.
- Tone, listen up.
Mickey wants to show us exactly
where he wants to land his plane.
So are you and Rolfe up
for a little meet later?
It's cold, isn't it?
You should've put a coat on then.
Well, I didn't realize the plan was
to sit in the motor
and freeze to death.
The plan is we wait
for Pat to turn up,
then we drive to where Mickey is
landing the plane.
Tell me why again.
Mickey wants you there
in the background,
just to make sure
everything's all right.
Pat's been unpredictable lately,
in case you haven't
fucking noticed.
Listen. I've been doing
a lot of thinking about all this.
Why don't we nick all the gear
and do Mickey with the others?
I thought he was your pal.
That was before
he fucked us over, monkey boy.
I got no loyalty
to that cunt no more.
He's the only one
who can link us to this robbery.
I'm game.
Okay, let's go.
Right. Drive down
the road about half a mile.
You sit tight
and wait for my call.
- Where's your phone?
- It's in me pocket.
You won't hear the fucking thing
ring in there, will you?
Put it on the dashboard.
I ain't gotta ask you
if that thing is turned on, have I?
Of course it's turned on.
What do you think I am?
Are you sure?
I thought it was on.
I'm fucking speechless.
I don't know why
Mickey puts up with you.
You're a useless cunt.
- Fat cunt.
- What?
- What did you say?
- Nothing.
And don't go playing
that fucking radio either.
It's vital you hear that phone ring.
Can I stick the tape on?
Tape deck, radio...
what is the difference?
What's the long-range
forecast looking like, mate?
Well, the weather seems
to be improving at last,
so I reckon we'll be up for it
in the next couple of days.
- 48 hours.
- Uh-huh.
and then our lives are changing!
Craig, you're gonna have
to chuck a left up here, all right?
Mick... I've got to say it, son...
I fucking love you.
No, I swear,
I fucking love you.
You know, that's not what
I've been hearing around town, Patrick.
Well, forget all that
fucking bollocks now,
'cause we're going
to hit the big time.
We are gonna be fucking caked.
Left up here, is it, Mick?
Yeah, that's right, Craig... a left.
Hello, babe.
No. Of course I miss you.
You are such a lovely girl
and I don't deserve you.
You know that. Do me a favor,
give me a bell back later.
I'm with some people.
No, I'm just with Tony
and the boys.
Listen. Of course I do.
I love you.
Is that good enough?
I love you.
Call me later. Bye.
There's a gate up ahead, Mick.
Do you want me to open it?
No, it's okay, son.
I'll get it.
- Shut up, Pat.
- No, please!
Mickey! Please, no!
Mate... please, mate.
Please, we're mates.
We've worked far too hard to let
a cunt like you fuck everything up.
You take it. Take it all.
What? The 30 kilos
of Columbian pure?
You soppy cunt.
You soppy, greedy,
gullible cunt.
I'm out, Jack.
- Yup?
- Come and get us.
That didn't take long.
Pat squealed like a pig.
Let's fuck off.
Where's Mick?
He's coming.
Turn that fucking light out now.
All right, Darren.
Let's go.
This was Darren Nicholl's
testimony of what happened.
The only people
who really know are in the ground.
It may be that
the shooting has occurred
over higher drug dealers
trying to find
a greater position of power.
# Heaven knows
what life may bring #
# There could be blue skies
through the rain #
# And I know
I must find my way... #
- Don't listen to him, baby.
- # Come on, help me #
# Release my soul today #
# Won't you help me,
help me through this pain? #
# It cuts like a knife #
# Burns like acid rain #
# Come on, help me #
# Help me release
my soul #
# But nobody knows
which way #
# Or which road to go #
# Heaven knows
what life may bring #
# Never feel it
till you feel the acid sting #
# Help me to release
my soul today #
# Help me, help me #
# Help me, Lord, Lord #
# Help me, Lord, Lord... #
There's not a lot
of old men in my game.
Paranoia is
what keeps me alive.
I'm taking no chances.
Every room
in my house is armed.
You break in and I'll bathe
in your fucking blood.
And if one day my time is up
let me say to you:
If you think
I'm just gonna sit
and beg for my life...
well, then you're some sort of cunt.
# Heaven knows
what life may bring #
# There could be blue skies
through the rain #
# And I know
I must find my way... #
# So come on, help me #
# To release
my soul today #
# Won't you help me,
help me through this pain? #
# It cuts like a knife #
# It feels like acid rain #
# Help me, help me #
# To release my soul #
# But nobody knows which way #
# Or which road to go #
# Heaven knows what life may bring #
# Never feel it till you feel
the acid sting #
# Help me to release my soul today #
# Help me, help me #
# Help me, Lord, Lord #
# Help me, Lord, Lord #
# Help me, Lord, Lord. #
# Hold on, hear what I say #
# Is a man on a mission #
# Just a man in a cage? #
# If we can hold on #
# To what we believe #
# All stick together #
# Be there for each other #
# Hold on #
# Hold on, hear what I say #
# Is a man on a mission #
# Just a man in a cage? #
# If we can hold on #
# To what we believe #
# All stick together #
# Be there for each other #
# Hold on. #