Rise of the Legend (2014)

Even if...
to the very last heartbeat,
I have to make sure my opponent...
I can't die...
because I tell myself...
l am invincible.
Poor kid!
- Fei! My medical box.
- Yes.
I'm back.
Eat or it'll be cold!
I'll use acupuncture to stimulate his energy.
When it flows smoothly, one lives.
When it reverses, one dies.
It's very important to us martial arts practitioners.
Remember every vital point I've taught you.
Yes, Father.
The other boy died.
Will he die too?
I'll try my best.
A cold pathogen has entered his body.
Plus he's underfed.
It's useless!
You can't save him!
Always remember.
Never give up no matter how hopeless.
I won't let you die.
You have to get up!
You're not going to die.
You can have my peanuts.
Get up!
my name is Wong Fei Hung.
People call me Little Fei.
I tell myself I'm invincible.
Why am I so strong?
Let me tell you why.
It's because I am invincible.
This isn't the first corpse lost at sea.
Many workers have gone missing from the Black Tiger Gang warehouse.
This worker reported it to the magistracy.
In the end, he too, disappeared.
This is the Guangzhou Pearl River delta area.
Also known as China's Marine Silk Road.
It used to be a prosperous seaward passage for foreign trade.
But with the Qing Dynasty maritime trade ban and the Opium War,
former glory was lost forever.
This warehouse belongs to the Black Tiger Gang.
They and the North Sea Gang dominate the pier.
The two gangs fought for many years...
for the rights to control the pier...
and monopolize the lucrative foreign trade.
Besides the business from the pier,
they also own opium dens, gambling houses and brothels.
Hurry! Hurry!
Move those over here.
Be careful! Be careful!
Come on, keep moving!
Hurry up!
Get a move on!
Move all that stuff!
Additional 100 workers!
Pay your dues and you get hired.
Without a penny, there's only luck.
You five, go on in!
Move over here! Over here!
You! Come over.
My dear...
Wake up, please wake up!
Please wake up!
This pier belongs to the Black Tiger Gang.
Who dares to report to the magistracy?
- What's there to see?
- Get lost!
Go. Get lost!
The Black Tiger Gang has three honchos.
This is the bloodthirsty. First Tiger.
Go! Get lost!
This gang-controlled pier...
is the foreign traders' paradise...
but an inferno for dock workers.
Place your bets!
Place your bets!
The next one must be Big!
Show! Show! Show!
Young Master, the daredevil warriors have arrived.
Banker takes all! Collect all bets!
What're you doing?
What? So what?
This is the gold-digging. Second Tiger.
Master, I handpicked these girls.
Send them to the courtesan boats.
Leave her to me.
This is the lecherous. Third Tiger.
The daredevil warriors have arrived.
I've been in the gang for six years.
Never thought I'll have a chance to meet the master.
Hey, Brother!
Everyone calls me Big Tooth. What's your name?
He's got no manners.
You know why we're here?
My senior asked me to replace him to see the Master.
It's a chance for me to widen my eyes.
And I... have decided...
to become the Forth Tiger of the Black Tiger Gang.
You know why the gang master wants to see us?
This... is a promise I made to my Brother.
Master, the daredevil warriors are here.
They are the best junior chiefs who've been with us for more than five years.
Greetings to you, Master!
How dare you betrayed the gang and burnt our laborer boat?
Tell us the names of your conspirators.
Perhaps the Master would spare your life!
No way!
I'll never betray my buddies!
You kidnapped and sold us workers to the foreigners as forced labor.
It's god-forbidden!
We're not paid to be sold as cheap goods.
We're flesh and blood, with wives and families, not your...
There's a price to be a hero.
Why didn't you duck?
Because I am not afraid.
Why aren't you afraid?
Just not afraid.
Grant tea!
Drink up!
Whoever can bring me back the head of North Sea Gang master...
will be doing the Gang a distinguished service.
Whoever achieves this, I will break the gang rule...
and take him as my forth adopted son!
We swear to bring back the head of the North Sea Gang master!
North Sea Gang master.
If I don't kill you today,
I won't leave here alive either!
Move away!
He's my adopted son!
I don't want him dead! I want him alive!
Yes, Father!
We'll get the best doctor to nurse him back.
None of you can bring me the head of that North Sea Gang master.
Either you're taking it easy...
or focus too much time on fighting each other.
You've lost the killer instinct he has!
Master is right!
Congratulations on taking another adopted son!
Congratulations on taking another adopted son!
Hang the severed head on the arch.
Let everybody know who is in control of the pier now!
You can't die! Can't die just like that.
Not easy for you to get such a position.
These wounds would be been worthless!
I'm lucky.
After all, I can have a decent meal.
You have to get well no matter what!
Why waited for me?
You've saved me once, remember?
On the ninth of last month at the theatre.
You forgot?
- You've mistaken.
- No way!
You look so ugly. I can't possibly make a mistake.
Anyway, we're buddies now!
I always want to follow a tough guy, and be a tough guy.
My father used to be a great boxer.
His Eight Trigram Pole was formidable.
But he got addicted to opium and sold my siblings.
Enough of him! Let me tell you my story.
I'm actually a good man.
I wasn't like this seven years ago...
Hey, wake up!
If you don't want me to die,
shut up!
Rest well, don't talk too much.
Once I master this, I'll teach Little Fiery.
I don't want to learn.
- Play it again.
- Brother Fei!
Little Fa is in trouble.
The villainous Master Li has to take her away.
Let's go!
Move! Move!
Let go of her!
Please let go of my daughter! I beg you!
Please let her go!
I'll kill you!
That's the head of North Sea Gang master!
- Don't.
- Father, forgive me...
for not being a filial son.
Young Master.
I swear...
to avenge your death!
My father has been killed by the Black Tiger Gang.
And you offer all business of your five ships to them?
The North Sea Gang has never had any problems before.
Even the opium dens followed your rules.
What is the meaning of this?
You've no regards for principles of the underworld?
I don't know the rules of your underworld.
The struggle between you and Black Tiger Gang.
We don't care. Whoever has leverage here,
the foreign traders will do business with them.
You'll see!
Young Master.
You've been burnt?
When I was young,
scars are for life!
It must be god's will!
This scar looks just like a tiger!
You're now the gang's adopted son.
On a par with North Evil, Black Crow, Old Snake...
to help Master take care of business at the pier.
The opium den, gambling parlor, courtesan boat...
and the money vault.
Money earned from the businesses is kept in the vault?
Two keys are required to open it, a gold and a silver one.
Master Lui owns a set.
The other set is held by the two sons with the most profitable business.
Which two have the best performance now?
Of course it's Black Crow who handles the gambling parlors...
and the crafty Old Snake!
Both must be present to gain access to the vault...
to monitor each other and share responsibility.
So no one else has the key.
It's useless even if you know the location.
Little Fa has been taken by Villain Li.
Father! I beg you, please kill him.
There're more than one villain in this world.
Dad! Kill him!
Where's she?
I already sold her, no use in beating me!
Come on board to relax, Master!
Hey, Master! Our girls will sing and dance for you.
Thank you, Forth Young Master!
My family will have fish porridge tonight!
In honor of the ancestors of the Lui family,
from this day on, I hereby announce, Fei as my forth adopted son!
Father, please have this tea.
Congratulations Master Lui on your four distinguished sons!
Today Master Lui celebrates the adoption of his forth son.
We have waited long enough.
We, the Orphan Gang,
shall stand up against the Black Tiger Gang.
And pay respect to all the lost souls at the pier!
Brothers! Drink up!
Drink up!
If you want to command respect,
you need to let people fear you.
If someone dares to defy you,
it's is because you're no longer a threat.
Eliminate the North Sea Gang once and for all...
and let the people know who's is in charge.
This year, the Black Tiger Gang ruthlessly pursued it's enemies...
while the son of the North Sea Gang avenges his father's death.
And as I had predicted,
the Black Tiger Gang finally took over the pier.
And I...
truly became another vicious Tiger under Master Lui.
Go! Get lost!
Little Fa!
You've cried out the name Little Fa thrice tonight.
Bad dream again?
Maybe Little Fa has drifted into prostitution.
How about this?
You can call me Fa if you like.
- Perhaps it can ease your longing.
- No.
Sorry, no offense.
I understand. Don't be so serious.
I know you despise me for being a prostitute.
My hands are filled with blood. I'm not pure as well.
It's fine as long as the heart remains pure.
My father, a brilliant doctor and a master at Tiger-Crane double fist,
started the medical hall to save the lives of those in need.
Yet in the end, he lost to the might of a torch.
Save us!
Quick, get out!
Fei, take them away from here first.
- Father!
- Teacher!
Have you seen Little Fiery?
Fiery! Fiery!
Little Fiery!
Leave me! Go before it's too late!
We'll be brothers again in our next life!
I don't care about the next life!
Your life is my life now!
Teacher! Teacher!
This way please.
Young Forth Master is here.
Young Forth Master!
Come. Let's toast to him!
Forth Master, please.
Why does Brother North Evil carry a cane like an old man?
He's talking about me.
You find that funny?
I want to make a toast to our Little Brother.
Sure, no problem.
A toast to him?
A lesson from me!
What's wrong? I thought you were a good fighter.
The so-called Shadowless Fist!
Why not show us?
Shadowless Fist is impossible to discern.
I dare not disrespect Big Brother.
Big Brother?
He's just older, and will die sooner.
Come on!
You sent someone to kill my men at the gambling parlor last month.
Don't think I don't know it's you!
They serve to die!
So what?
Who wants to fight?
You want to fight? Then get rid of the all North Sea Gang!
Here's the porridge.
I have 2 fish here!
- Give me your hand.
- Why?
I bought it some time ago.
Trying to find the right moment to give it to you...
but I don't know when's a good time.
When I bought it,
the shopkeeper asked...
if I was getting it for my future wife.
I've to check the porridge.
Should I play a tune?
I've found a great job recently.
The foreigners refuse opium addicts as overseas laborers.
So I stand in to give my thumb print and do the medical check.
Once I pass the test, they will put the addicts back and ship them out.
Look at this.
I got a silver ingot just by doing that!
I can recommend you guys. Want to go?
Want to go?
Go! Go!
Go! Go!
- Go!
- Go!
They say you're the most powerful man in Guangzhou.
What do you mean?
We need 300 strong Chinese laborers next month.
So far you've only sent me 130. How come?
You think getting 130 is easy?
They must've forgotten about that boat incident two months ago!
400 workers were burnt to death!
Now the whole town knows about this scandal.
Who dares to sign up to work overseas now?
These 300 workers, it'll take time even if I kidnap them.
We don't necessarily have to give you this business.
If you can't deliver, there are many others who will.
I'll give you what you want in half of a month.
They asked me to kidnap 300 strong workers...
just for the business of five lousy ships!
The foreigners are indeed ravenous.
There are signing up to work overseas. There's no need to use the pier workers.
Seems like my son...
has a kind heart.
It's not kindness.
But righteousness.
Let me tell you what righteousness is.
To be good to those who treat you well.
This is righteousness.
Neither you nor I are in a position to speak of it.
We have to play with the morals of our time.
I believe a real hero will lead the way, not follow as expected.
I said the same naive things when I was young.
To own a turf, one has to be ruthless.
You'll understand in time, humans are no difference from ants.
Have you located the old man's son?
He's hidden himself well.
From now on, send less bodyguard to protect me.
I'm sure it'll lure him out.
We have steamed buns for all, come have some.
Get up and have a steamed bun!
Wake up!
A customer has asked me to narrate two new stories.
The stories of Liu Bang Slaying the Snake and Wu Song Beating the Tiger.
How did Liu finally defeat the Chu warlord and unified the country?
Most importantly...
Fiery, we may not survive the vengeance.
Let's be brothers again in the next life!
How can I take my revenge now?
Villain Li! Get up! I want my revenge!
You two come with me!
No, these villains were killed by another gang of villains.
- I want my revenge!
- I don't want to go with you.
I want my revenge!
Come with me!
- Ah!
- Ah!
You want to leave? There are two options.
Either you answer my question correctly...
or learn martial arts well enough to defeat me.
What question?
What is vengeance?
To punish the enemies!
What is vengeance?
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
To get rid of fear, you must forge ahead into the darkest corner!
What is vengeance?
To be more vicious than the most ferocious person.
Seek out all villains and take revenge on them.
No matter how we answer, it's always wrong!
Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! All Wrong.
What are we wrong about?
I, I, I, I.
You are wrong to mention "I".
Look into the fire, what do you see?
I see hell!
I see rage!
What I see...
is graciousness and sacrifice!
Your father sacrificed for the sake of saving others.
It's easy to kill but hard to save.
Your father told me once.
I teach you martial arts so as to save people!
Remember, no matter how tough things are,
never give up saving another life!
True vengeance...
is to save lives!
To save people from the flames of hell!
You two can leave whenever you want.
Clothes mending!
Need to mend anything?
Miss, are you skillful?
I'm very skillful with the collar.
Thank you, Miss!
Go ahead.
Old Snake...
has the gold key.
Old Snake is here.
Go away, get out of here!
- Go away.
- Get out of here!
Go away, get out of here!
After him!
Stop there!
You there!
You there!
You there!
After her!
You there!
You there!
Be quick!
You there!
You there!
You there!
Pretty young girl like you,
how dare you mess with me?
Old Snake?
You don't deserve to be a snake! Not even a worm!
Who are you?
I'm me, we are the Orphan Gang.
Who kicked him in there?
This must be the gold key for the vault.
Put the key back!
I heard it's a group, called the Orphan Gang.
Evil has its retribution?
Whoever wrote this must be out of his mind!
Master, luckily the key is not lost.
You'll keep the gold key.
From now on, you and Black Crow will be responsible for the money vault.
Thank you, Father!
Thank me?
Am I giving you the money vault?
No, I thank you for trusting me.
I don't deserve this honor.
Perhaps this key...
should be kept by Fei or Black Crow.
I'm not good in keeping things.
I only know how to fight.
You don't want to control the vault?
Maybe you'd rather control me?
Those who aspire not for small profits must cherish big ambition.
What is your big ambition?
I only want...
what you want.
You have nerves!
Dare to smile when you should be scared.
Just like me!
To catch a fish requires patience.
For you!
Open it! Open it!
Open it! Open it!
Triple four!
Pay up! Pay! Pay!
What luck? Let's go!
Luck is on my side! Nothing can stop me.
All in!
Three three one! Seven points. Small.
I want to borrow 50 silver ingots.
You are the new Forth Young Master.
No problem! Bring 50 ingots to the new Forth Young Master!
Place your bets! Place your bets!
- Triple 6!
- Big Bro!
5, 5, 6. 16 points. Big.
Darn, just off by a little!
You must be having a problem with the silver ingots!
Lend me another 50 silver ingots!
Brother, Brother, no!
All in!
Triple One! Banker takes all!
Another 50 silver ingots!
6, 6, 2. 14 points. Big.
Another 50 silver ingots!
3, 3, 1. 7 points. Small.
Another 50 silver ingots!
Another 50 silver ingots!
Forth Young Master, it's against the rule.
You're putting me in a difficult situation.
I want another 50!
Hurry up and bring it out!
Bring it out!
What's all this fuss?
I want 50 silver ingots!
How dare you?
Take this 50 ingots as a welcome gift.
Big Brother.
I want 3000 silver ingots.
Are you kidding me?
I mean I want 3000 as a gift not a loan.
If you are looking for trouble, you'd better stop it.
With these depts, I have reasons to kill you. Father can't blame me.
How much do you think this's worth?
How did you get this gold key?
Of course from Old Snake.
Someone tried to make a mold and I caught him red-handed.
North Evil's minions.
North Evil? He wants to swallow the money vault?
So you're here to make a business deal.
You should give this to Father but you brought it here instead.
This is betraying the gang.
It takes the gold and silver key to open the money vault.
I neither have the silver key nor know the whereabouts of the vault.
This key means nothing to me, not at all a deadly crime.
Since it's useless here, I'll give it back to Father.
Looks like you won't leave without winning tonight.
It depends on you, the dealer.
Come to think of it, 3000 silver ingots is far too cheap.
To choose between you or North Evil to benefit from this,
I'd rather it be you.
North Evil knows you have this?
Of course not!
I've already killed that minion.
He'd never imagine the gold key is now with you.
Since North Evil has set his heart on getting the money vault,
then he might have killed Old Snake.
If that's the case, you will be his next target!
Perhaps you've already been stabbed in the back.
I've to try this key first.
If there's anything wrong, you won't get away with this.
Big Brother, you're playing it safe?
Showing me the money vault to get me involved.
Master Lui ask us to come.
Finally caught the big fish.
Forth Master, your fish!
It's for you!
Forth Master!
Here's a peanut for you!
It's a map!
Miss, your dress has been mended.
Men are so impatient, always tear off my collar.
Fortunately, you're a good seamstress.
My mending skills are good, have a look.
How come she doesn't turn to look at you this time?
You like Chun, why don't you tell her?
If it'll hurt Fiery,
I'd rather give up Chun.
But Chun likes you.
How do you know?
When I told her my collar was torn by you.
Alright, next time I'll tell her you just hide here.
Up to you.
Since you three are good friends,
why can't you be frank about it?
Let Chun choose whoever she likes.
Maybe three of you can stay together forever.
You like to joke.
I envy her.
If I was her,
I'd seize.
Not for the man...
but for the heart.
Master, this way!
Master, this way!
Master, this way!
Where are the workman chiefs?
Follow me!
You are a collector of weapons.
They are not mine. They belong to my enemies.
They're my most loyal friends.
Accompany me in every battle.
They will never betray me.
Do you know what I'm thinking of when seated?
Your business?
I'm thinking who else wants to kill me?
No need to be paranoid!
The entire Guangzhou Pier is your turf now.
Old Snake's death tells me...
someone's conspiring against me.
Know why I bring you here today and you alone?
I want you to feel the joy of uprooting a problem.
If my father didn't help you build this turf at the pier,
you wouldn't have anything today.
And you.
No need to lure me out.
I will definitely come for you.
Can you manage?
Yes, I can!
He can't.
No, you can't.
Do it!
I don't want to kill you.
If you're not dead,
what's there to live for?
Don't hesitate, show no mercy!
I didn't kill him, you did.
Everyone! Get out!
You get out!
Get up!
Everyone! Get up!
Get out!
Get up!
Help! Help!
Stay there!
Be quick! Round him up from the front!
That's the arsonist!
Round him up!
Stay there!
Be quick! Round him up!
Don't run!
Stay there!
Get him!
Stay there! Get him!
Get him! Stay there!
Over there!
And here!
Master, the opium dens are on fire!
Father, I'll go check!
Stay there!
That way!
Brother Black Crow!
Brother Fei.
Where's the girl?
It's a trap! You're with them!
You're not stupid, just greedy.
Do you remember my parents?
Ma Yin Shun and Tsui Lai Leung from the Guang Yuen Escort Service?
They were just ordinary armed escorts.
They refused to join your gang and you killed them.
I, Ma Chun Yuk, swear to avenge their death today!
Giving me the gold key was your first step.
To get my silver key is the second.
And there's the third.
Four years already.
We've never been able to say a word to one another.
I can see you when I pass by the courtesan boat.
I can only see you off when you walk over the bridge.
No one would notice.
Last time,
why didn't you look at me?
I don't want to see you two together.
It's my fault.
But you've been tearing off her collar frequently.
Takes me a lot of effort to mend it.
A gift from Fiery.
I'll tell him about us when it's over.
I've been waiting for you to say this.
Trust me.
One more move.
We're almost there.
Promise me to stay alive!
He refuses to talk.
Come. Beat him up!
Make him tell us his accomplices!
No need to do that.
My brothers are very busy now.
The money vault!
You stay here!
There's money to be distributed at Tong Ren Lane!
Money will be distributed to the poor for free!
While we went to put out the fire at the opium dens,
the poor raided the money vault.
Where're the guards?
They're all killed.
Fetch Black Crow and North Evil now!
You'll be alright. Listen, I'm here.
Let's kill our way out!
I won't leave!
Tell Chun...
I love her very much.
You tell her that yourself.
- Let's go.
- I've no chance.
I've always want to snatch her away from you...
but now I'd better give her back to you.
I don't want you to do that.
Let's fight our way out!
What's wrong with you?
You can't give up our dream for the sake of saving me.
Burn down the opium dens, open the money vault, right?
If my sacrifice can help you save the 300 innocent workers,
there're plenty of fathers out there,
save them so that their kids won't turn into orphans like me.
This is what we've been striving to do, isn't it?
I can't watch you die and do nothing.
I can't do it!
Don't forget our oath on the mountain.
Don't make me die with regrets!
How can I forget?
I didn't forget!
But don't make me live in guilt for the rest of my life.
Without you, our dream...
You picked the hell divination stick.
Stay on.
Fulfill our dreams.
You once said...
my life is your life, remember?
Today, I'll repay you.
From now on,
my dream is your dream!
Since we share one life, I won't have any regrets.
Pity. I can't treat you any more peanuts.
Get lost!
I won't say a word!
You know how many people died of those silver ingots?
What're you people doing?
It's for our dream!
To make a man like you fall!
There must be a mole in my gang.
Otherwise you won't be able to open the vault.
Bring me scissors!
Kill me! Go ahead!
Cut his tongue off!
Why must you take it this far?
Why must you take it this far?
Do it!
Kill me!
Master! Black Crow has been killed.
Check the silver key on him!
There's no key!
But strange to find on Black Crow's body,
a wound too similar...
What're you implying?
Father, Black Crow and I had our differences but I can't possibly kill him.
We didn't even have a chance to fight.
I've been framed. This is a setup!
This person killed my two sons and opened my money vault.
He must have wanted to wipe out the Black Tiger Gang.
So that he could reap benefit and replace me.
Father, I've been in the gang for 13 years.
I've never done anything wrong.
I didn't say it's you!
Father, please wait a second.
Tell me who killed Black Crow.
Which among us is your guy?
If you refuse to speak, I'll make you beg for mercy.
I'll say!
I'll say!
That's more like it.
Tell me!
Say it properly!
I've made an oath with my brother by striking fist.
Don't cry for me!
Father, I didn't kill him.
What did he say to you?
He set me up!
He sacrificed his life to set you up?
How unfair it's to you!
Challenge me?
That's what I love!
Hang him on the arch.
Come on, Brother, let's go!
The only way to save people from hell is by venturing into it.
one of us has to step into this hell...
in order to rip them from the inside.
Draw one!
The long one is the hell divination stick.
I'm so afraid you might snatch the hell divination stick.
If I die,
promise you won't avenge my death.
The one left behind must accomplish our dream.
This is...
our promise!
Even if we get rid of a gang, another gang will take over.
It's never-ending.
In five years,
I'll be the most feared person here and conquer all the bad guys.
I'll unite all orphans and work with you to take them down.
Why am I here?
Last night, you came back and said Fiery has died.
Fiery died.
And you passed out.
You even cried in your dream.
He was my best buddy.
He died in front of me and I couldn't save him.
I no longer know what we've been doing is worthwhile.
You guys have done something we never dare to do.
Do you know...
when the poor got the silver ingots, they were overjoyed with tears?
Everyone was happy.
Watching the opium dens burn...
gave them a glimmer of hope.
You always encourage them to stand up and fight, didn't you?
Fiery is dead.
Fiery is gone.
Fiery is gone.
Fiery is gone.
I'll never be able to walk out from this hell.
Look at me.
But a lot of people can because of you.
It's useless.
Up till now,
I still can't figure out...
where they hide the 300 missing workers.
It is North Evil's business.
Lui didn't let me get involved.
North Evil...
is starting to suspect me.
I have to move fast...
to quickly rescue them.
Why not find a chance to kill Lui directly?
If we do,
North Evil would become the new master of the gang.
The pier will still be held by villains, just a different leader.
You've to deal with two villains.
I wish I could help you just like Chun does.
Forth Master, someone is here for you.
This person was a brilliant man.
His name was Zhuge Liang,
also known as Kong Ming, nicknamed "Sleeping Dragon".
He's knowledgeable in astronomy and geography.
Well respected by all.
Understands Yin and Yang and the Eight Trigrams...
I want to hear the historical stories of "Ambush on All Sides"...
and "lnvitation to Step into the Heated Jar".
Father! Master!
Why are you so late?
- Brother.
- Where were you last night?
I found Young Master at the courtesan boat.
Courtesan boat?
How can you have the mood?
A great show is about to begin.
We've got here surrounded.
If they make a move,
we'll wipe them out.
Lining up as Kong Ming has directed them.
As the auspicious hour arrived,
Kong Ming fasted and bathed.
Put on a Taoist robe and came before the altar.
What'd happen then?
Now, the story of the fight between Chor and Han in the Warring Period.
"Ambush on All Sides" and "lnvitation to Step into the Heated Jar".
Why not the Story of Three Kingdoms?
Who dares to tip them?
The mole is here!
No one is allowed to leave.
I've been here all morning and hadn't stepped away.
Definitely has nothing to do with me.
No one says it's you, don't try to blame it on others.
Bring me the Storyteller!
May I ask who this master is?
Tell me, who asked you to tell these two stories?
Indeed a man paid me earlier to ask me to tell these stories.
But I'm blind and cannot tell how he looks.
How about his voice? Can you recognize it?
The blind has the best ears.
Each of you come up and say the words into his ear.
Ambush on All Sides, Invitation to Step into the Heated Jar.
Including you two!
Ambush on All Sides, Invitation to Step into the Heated Jar.
Ambush on All Sides, Invitation to Step into the Heated Jar.
Ambush on All Sides, Invitation to Step into the Heated Jar.
Ambush on All Sides, Invitation to Step into the Heated Jar.
Ambush on All Sides, Invitation to Step into the Heated Jar.
We opened the money vault and burnt the opium dens.
Through which door did you two come in?
Because we're late, we came in through the backdoor.
Without crossing the market?
Forth Young Master,
Master has to deliver some cargoes to the leprosarium for the foreigners.
Your service is required this time.
Master will personally deliver? What cargoes?
Medicines for the leprosarium.
North Evil used to be responsible but this time Master has to do it.
- Then...
- Please ask no more.
How is it?
I've ordered all customers to leave the bathhouse.
You guys stand guard.
Don't even let a fly get in.
Why does a courtesan boat girl come here?
I come to see Master North Evil.
I am Orchid from the Capital Courtesan Boat.
I have a secret about the money vault to tell him.
A Capital Courtesan Boat girl is here to see you.
Capital Courtesan Boat? The one Fei frequents.
You're Fei's woman, what do you want from me?
I won't believe a word you say.
My words will make him die.
Would you believe me?
You are a mere woman...
with no family.
Why betray him?
Sooner or later, he will be exposed.
I'd better find a more stable sugar daddy.
I heard he only goes to your boat.
He must treat you very well.
We knew each other since young.
My nickname was Little Fa.
He and I used to be very close...
but later we were separated.
We met again three years ago at the courtesan boat.
I saved him once...
so he trusts me.
That's why I know his background and secret.
Don't play tricks with me.
What secret do you know?
He killed Black Crow! How's that?
I knew it was him!
It was his idea to open the money vault.
He stays in the gang in order to find the missing 300 workers.
I love him very much...
and plan to stay with him forever.
But later I discovered...
I'm not the one he loves.
My heart is broken.
I must think of a way to protect myself.
Tell me,
what kind of reward do you want?
Master North Evil,
I want you.
I only have this feeble body that's unable to walk steadily.
Without a big rock like you, I won't be able to survive.
Will you take me in?
We're here to deliver the medicine.
Shut up!
Shut up!
Shut up! Shut up!
I say shut up!
Get Back!
Come on!
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
Let go of me!
You want to kill me?
Kill you!
You want to kill me?
It isn't easy to kill someone.
You know why I am still alive today?
I have eyes all over my body.
We'll deliver them to the boat on the 15th of next month.
A feeble woman like that...
wants to kill me?
This little brother is really naive...
to incur a double loss.
Nowhere to hide.
You can't go through that wall!
This is for the people you have killed!
How can I let you sacrifice yourself?
Why get involved in this?
I am a prostitute, this is the only way to get close to North Evil.
If I can use my body to kill this monster,
it's a redemption.
only by doing so, I can have Fei's heart forever.
I always envy you, even jealous.
You can do what you think is right.
But I'm left with no choice all my life.
Promise me...
no matter how grave the situation,
don't come near me.
I cannot bear to see you in danger.
North Evil is very cunning.
If I don't succeed, you still can.
As long as we achieve our goal, it doesn't matter who sacrifices.
She is Little Fa.
Why tell me in such a way?
Why do you tell me in such a way?
I know why.
She wants to be in your heart forever.
We still have to accomplish what we got to do.
We now know where the kidnapped workers are kept.
Spread the news about the leprosarium quickly.
It's time I rise to revolt.
You had once asked me who is in my heart.
Now I know.
Help me put this on for Fiery.
Let's remember his righteousness!
it's time for us to fight back.
Wong Fei Hung,
will never forget our dream.
I hereby swear...
I will unify the people,
rise against all challenges,
stand up against all evil.
Unity! Dignity!
300 workers held at the leprosarium.
Take a look! Take a look!
300 workers illegally held.
300 workers illegally held.
Take a look!
Let them go!
Stand back.
Whoever can bring me the head of Fei...
will be my sole adopted son!
Where're they?
Tell me! Tell me!
Where're they?
I let them go.
You idiot! What are you talking about?
You're wrong!
I'm a martial arts practitioner!
Get him!
Master, the foreigners at the leprosarium have withdrawn suddenly.
Ask our men at the leprosarium to withdraw too.
I want to save and set them free as well!
Someone set us free!
We want revenge! Fight the Black Tiger Gang!
Fight the Black Tiger Gang to death!
Fight the Black Tiger Gang to death!
Fight the Black Tiger Gang to death...
Fight the Black Tiger Gang to death!
We have no fear for injury or death.
We won't back off today.
We want to get even with you.
We won't back off! We won't back off!
Quiet please!
Master Lui, we have 500 men here.
If we all fight, it will be a bloodshed.
Why don't...
you and I have a duel?
I will challenge you with my life!
You betray me for the sake of these workers.
Have they been treating you well?
I know I owe you righteousness.
I can only repay in my next life.
But you owe them justice! You have to repay it today!
Let them all understand crystal clear...
who is...
the master here.
Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!
Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!
If I die,
none of you should take any action on my behalf.
Think about your families.
They are waiting for you at home.
can you win?
If both sides get into a fight,
there will be a lot of casualties.
It's better I die...
than to have the whole place drowned in blood.
Promise me...
if I fall,
you have to make them go home.
Let him in.
Close the door!
You want to burn me to death?
Die together?
Not entirely.
I want to burn this place down...
and revitalize this pier.
How naive!
Go ahead.
I'll show you what's true darkness.
Hurry! Hurry! Over here! Over here!
Give me the bucket!
Hurry! Hurry!
Hurry! Pass it over!
Hurry! Pass it over! Quick!
Put out the fire!
Hurry! Hurry! Over here!
Over here! Over here!
Quick! Over there!
Getting hot?
I'm alright.
You set the fire! Come on!
Run! Run!
The warehouse is gone. They can't get out now.
Let's retreat!
I don't need you to save me.
You don't deserve it.
Don't pretend you care.
Do you think by killing me,
this world will be a better place?
You're too naive!
You think it's that easy to be a hero?
There'll always be another villain on the lurk.
You will soon be like me...
because that's your destiny.
I'd like to borrow your umbrella.