Rise (Rise: Blood Hunter) (2007)

Vodka, without ice. My name is Collette.
Is a French name?
Go, you yes you know. Of Paris.
I Am Lloyd. Of Presno.
I like in knowing you, Lloyd.
Collette, a beautiful name
for a pretty young lady.
- Miss, not?
- It picks up your things, Lloyd.
I am available. You only have to pay.
Not while I am here.
It excuses, I am speaking
with the gentleman.
- I don't find a gentleman.
- What do you want?
I want to take you to house.
This place is fantastic.
Take off the clothes. I want to see you.
This goes against my rules.
Do you have the clean hands?
- How do you say?
- Wash you them, please.
With soap.
It is in the shower.
You made it well.
Tell me where Bishop is, and I leave.
In due course of time.
Perhaps I didn't express myself well. Where is it?
There you will find Bishop.
Now, veto.
Sr. Harrison. We see each other in the hell.
My God!
Now you release yourself of here.
And you won't tell to anybody
what you dressed. Because
if you make it, I will know it
and I will go behind you.
And do look for you a decent work, yes?
- Thank you.
- I told you that you left.
Everything will be well.
I swear that I won't take water.
It is a joke.
OK, I have a call in the
another line. I have to hang.
I also love you. Good-bye.
I sit down it. He/she was speaking with my mother.
Yes. OK. We see each other tonight.
Yes, I also love you. Good-bye.
Hello. Did you want to see me?
What it is it that always
do you request and do you never have?
A boyfriend that knows how to cook?
- You have the cover.
- My God!
- I am very proud of you.
- I cannot believe it.
I tell you that an am
not very afraid with your
infiltramientos in these
awful shows.
Neither that you say it. This me
it put the hen skin.
Do we take place tonight?
Not I can. Tonight I will take
to my mother and my sister
to have dinner.
Your family is interfering
too much in your social life.
- What do you want?
- Is Sadie there?
I have to teach him/her something.
You remember to the shy girl
that he/she didn't allow to interview?
Yes, the cousin Tricia. I called
to the number that gave me...
But it was not a number
of telephone, truth?
- I supposed that he/she had deceived me.
- Yes, he/she would make sense.
But I looked well at the number
and I took it to a mark
in a book. So
I got the book and I settled down
a heap of strange bonds and I obtained
countersigns. Most
without importance, but...
Ethan, I don't want to be weighed,
but the track lost you
in that of the book.
That everything is?
Three hours that I could have
past seeing pornography
Brazilian or it fights. But me
I gave bill that the pages
they hide a map of
images reveal.
That it takes to where?
Araphoe #987
- An address.
And it stops your luck, I have an appointment
with a vixen. Perhaps
know to a very pretty one.
Ethan, the report is already complete.
My smaller sister you
it graduates of the secondary.
And I will take it to Mexico to
to take sun and Daisies.
We go.
Not curiosity?
A little. But there is not
anything that he/she can make.
I already finished.
- Not I plan to enter.
- Not be cowardly.
Everything will be well.
Sealed windows, any
car. For sure it is here?
Your father would not die if
did he/she know that their girl is here?
Busy demasiad is
,to think of my.
We will have a good time.
- I don't believe it.
- Seriously?
Always faces the same thing.
We enter to greet.
We are half
hour. And then we leave.
I will call to a taxi,
and I will leave home.
Where will you find a taxi here?
Then, I will be seated in the car.
You are a chiquilla.
This will be the last time
that it goes out with you. Give me ten minutes.
- Tmate your time.
- Well. That they are 15.
- Hello.
- Hello.
- Kaitlin, not?
- Yes.
- Ahead.
- Thank you to invite me.
- Divine Luz.
- You also.
Did I arrive very early?
Where are all?
Below. That you have a good time.
Dad, answers.
He/she leaves your name and number. I will call you.
Outside of my road!
- I speak seriously.
- Outside of my road!
Outside of my road!
Jess! iNo tells me
that it is her, damned it is!
Tricia! Jess!
He/she hears.
Not it is the red area of
Tijuana, but he/she looks at this.
This is not the girl that you interviewed?
He/she said that he/she went to a party, a banquet,
,but I thought that it was a joke.
- Ethan this already saw?
- Not he/she came today.
Neither neither on Friday.
Not I wanted to get scared. I am friend of Ethan.
Hello. I came to bring their correspondence.
- Very kind.
- I believe that I leave.
Linda wallet.
Are you looking for your spray of pepper?
Not it is a very friendly expression.
- Do I have violator's face?
- No. Me only...
- He/she looks...
- Not I will look.
He/she stops to say that.
- Sadie Blake.
- What do you want?
I want to take you to go for a walk.
I not even know you.
We can make that this is easy.
But it would not be amusing.
Sadie Blake in meat and bone.
I loved your report.
You describe the plates very well.
And that of the cocktails of
bleed it was fantastic.
You are more beautiful of that than I imagined.
- What do I make here?
- You will respond questions.
I don't know anything!
- What is that?
- It takes a look.
He/she sits down again, calm down
and tell me what you know.
I don't know anything!
You know what I am. What we are.
My God!
I am here God.
So obey me and tell me
what Tricia told you.
He/she didn't tell me anything!
Ethan found a place and he told it to me.
- I swear him!
- Don't run off with the voice.
You are a valiant girl.
You know, I take a lot of time in this.
I have known much
people and I have seen how
they pass them terrible things.
But you are different.
Hour of leaving.
- He/she tries to relax you, affection.
- Please, don't make it.
You not even know about what it is.
Not I want to die.
I have not harmed them any.
I am a good person.
- It imagines that we are friends.
- Let us speak of this...
It is usually different.
But to you I will kill you.
What do we have?
Does he/she hear, what devils do you make here?
- Who is?
- I don't still know it.
- Veto to house.
- I am well.
Somebody that helps me!
- Hello? Hello?
- Mom...
Baby, are you?
- Where are you?
- Mom, I love you a lot.
- What do you make, mom?
- He/she is your sister, affection.
Mom, Sadie is dead.
- How do you feel?
- Not very well.
That is work of the physics.
Graveness, concrete.
You chose the worst way
to find out that
you don't die.
Who are?
Somebody that is very
interested in the man
that he/she made you this. Bishop.
- Do you know it?
- You spoke sleeping.
There are two types of people
that they speak while they sleep.
Those that cannot be quiet and
those that have something to say.
There is only a form of killing Bishop.
But before you will have that
to choose among what you want
and what you need.
- I want be alive again.
- Not you can.
Wonder to yourself what you want now.
I want to impede them to make him/her
the same thing to other people.
- We will make it.
- But how the encounter?
I will guide you in your search.
How do you know their name?
I know some people.
I will take you until here, then
you will have to continue here.
I will give you some tools.
This is so that you feed.
And when does he/she finish?
Not I can make it.
Not I will kill innocent people.
In all war there is low, Sadie.
And you don't deceive yourself. Nobody is innocent.
From now on, you spread
that to accept your dark side.
You were born again, Sadie.
He/she listens your interior voice.
- In what can I serve you?
- I need a room.
It is well. To happen
the night or per hour?
Different rates.
I need the room
where Rourke is.
Of what do I have face?
Not ask unless you want to know.
- Do you want clothes of Dayana?
- Not I know Dayana.
- To shave?
- Let us begin again.
Wonder in what you can serve me.
- In what can I serve you?
- In what room is Rourke?
- Hear!
- What do you want?
To you.
Miss, what devils did he/she make there up?
He/she calls to the police.
Tell me where I find Eve.
- Who are?
- Where is she?
You nailed it to me very deep.
If you believe that I forgot
the question that I made you
- you are in a serious error.
- Not I know where it is.
- Do I call to the police?
- That was what I told you.
I believe that it should be in Red Angel.
- Do you believe?
- I can take you.
If it is so important.
You won't feel well when
kill for the first time.
But then it will be you easy to eat.
Not let him to affect you.
It was.
- Now.
- Curse.
What was what you told me in the track?
That he/she could not dance
because it was very hot.
How hot!
He/she greets.
She is my sister.
What devils it is
making with that crossbow?
Go, go. Sadie Blake.
Comely to that have
a million questions.
Tell to the boy that leaves.
It is well.
Bishop had already finished
of eating up and you didn't die.
So he/she told me that I finished.
But I never saw anybody resist so much.
You had too much blood.
I knew that you wanted to stay.
It is well.
So you did feel pity?
You have to stop to hate what you are.
I began you, but you finished alone.
- Alone in the morgue.
- Of what are you speaking?
The conversion takes three days.
It is a very delicate process.
It is necessary to know how to make it.
You transformed into one
of us because that
- it was what you wanted.
- Not I am as you.
- Sure?
- Not I am as you.
- And how is Arturo?
- It belongs one to you.
Not it belongs only one to us.
He controlled everything.
Until Bishop got tired.
Didn't he/she tell you anything of that?
Not you would have made anything
if you knew the truth.
What truth?
That he wants to get rid of Bishop.
I prayed because you arrived, Sadie Blake.
- Is that what you want?
- Not I will have what I want.
Then, make what you came to make.
And good luck.
Harrison will be who betrays Bishop.
But I notice you that not
confuse their disability
with weakness.
He/she will only give you to Bishop
when you give him/her what needs.
And he/she has very specific likes.
There you will find Bishop.
Now, veto.
Sr. Harrison, we see each other in the hell.
Is it well, young lady?
We go, man, we already happen for this reason.
- But I am coming closer.
- To achieve that they say goodbye to me.
From now on,
you will become invisible.
And I will maintain you to the so much of everything.
He/she remembers that I was me who
he/she brought you to this place.
It is well.
I know how much it means this for you.
You don't know it.
I meant that I can imagine it.
And he/she wanted them to have you
assigned the case officially...
It is well, Joe. I will play ball.
We go, Sadie, you don't have so much urgency.
Without caring how much
lie you to yourself,
your heart is not able to
against your nature.
To face Bishop,
you have to be strong.
If not, all this will have been in vain.
Veto the demon!
- Thank you.
- To where do you go?
Sacred Brbara.
But I conform to with
that you leave me to the north.
- My name is Alex.
- Are you of there?
Yes, I came to visit some friends.
We had a party.
Are you hungry?
I am well. Thank you.
- Not you are police, or yes?
- Do I have police print?
That wanted them.
I asked you because
he/she will offer herb.
Ahead. It doesn't bother me.
And then, Alex, are you married?
- Children that to maintain?
- Not that I know.
No, truly not.
What do you make?
You already know how we are the women.
Yes, nobody understands them.
Because I go to the grain.
In fact, yes I have girlfriend.
We all lie at some time.
- He/she looks, allow me to finish this.
- Don't worry about me.
Will you come, or will you only look?
Give me a time to relax the view.
They had never told me that.
He/she would make any thing for
to relax the view with you.
To take among my
arms and to take you to house.
Meanwhile, a towel reach me.
At what time is the party tonight?
To the stocking night.
And at what time do we eat?
Are you never hungry?
You speak to me of your family.
Not I speak a lot with my father.
My mom became to
to marry and he/she lives in Reindeer.
And I have a sister that
he/she was born one minute before me.
He/she won't believe me when he/she speaks to him/her of you.
To what do you refer?
We go. Hetero, single,
rich, with sense of humor.
With class. There was never
well-known to somebody as you.
Why did you notice me?
Comely to that were
an adorable virgin.
- To what do you refer?
- Did you bleed a lot?
The first time.
Seriously you do want to know it?
They say that the sex and the murder are those
only pleasures that the man has left you/they.
You are getting scared.
Did I catch you for a moment, truth?
Don't serve the youth, Poe a lot.
He/she has to be walked with
care. The rich bachelors and
elegant almost always
they are some sicticos.
It is true.
- For the Australian crocodiles.
- Did you speak seriously?
As for what?
At about that the sex
and the murder is those
- the man's pleasures.
- That seems in these times.
- Not I wanted to sound reactionary.
- And for what reason will you use me?
For both.
Date the turn slowly. Very slowly.
Give me the telephone.
- Where is Bishop?
- He/she didn't tell it to me.
I will facilitate you the things.
You left it in a place.
I cannot say it. He would kill me.
Not he/she will have opportunity.
He/she is escaping. Not he/she knows anything about you.
He/she believes that a policeman pursues him.
What police?
The only thing that knows is it
that it passed to the other ones.
To where does he/she go?
Not make pauses, because
he/she makes me think that you lie.
Not I am afraid of dying.
Good, the things are different now.
- Hello, Bishop.
- Where is Poe?
Not count on him.
- Who does speak?
- Sure you remember me.
- Did I make you something?
- You took off everything.
So you killed to my family.
- And you are the next one.
- I already see.
Why? Not we are so
different, you and me.
You and I only have
, a thing in common.
And that what it is?
When it finishes the night,
both will be dead.
A man used that telephone
as 20 minutes ago.
It is a public phone.
A lot of people use it.
The one that I say has some
- Are you police?
- Police, lover, mates.
To who does he care it?
Any thing that
remember it could be useful.
The type entered, he/she took a
I swallow, he/she made a call.
Did you dress their car? Did he/she speak with somebody?
No. He/she had never seen it.
If you see it again,
you call me to this number.
Eve. Is your name?
Lament to bother you. But you
I heard speaking with the barman.
- Are you looking for Bishop?
- What do you know about him?
I know where it is.
- And will you say it?
- I will take you.
I will catch my things.
- Did I exaggerate?
- What do you find?
Help me.
It is well, take you its
car, we see each other there.
- She has the keys.
- What do you make?
- Perhaps he/she has them hide-and-seek.
- Not I can believe that
be warming with
her. iVamos, man!
Calm, brother. What it accuses
do I have him to be a vixen?
- Yes?
- Are you awake?
Two more cadavers.
A girl went by the
local pharmacy to buy
- first helps.
- Do they know what direction it takes?
- I want you to take charge of that.
- I have it.
I have a he/she arms!
Not I want to make you I damage.
I believe that you left my leg.
- That seems.
- Damned maniac!
- He/she had a bag. Where is it?
- Which bag, dog?
- My bag. Where is it?
- He/she has it Dwayne.
- He was taken your car.
- To where?
To a called place The Press.
To some 20 miles of here.
There it is where Bishop is?
Bishop only told me that it took you to him.
Did he/she say my name, does he/she know who am?
No, he/she told me that he/she went to the one
bar and it grabbed anyone
that he/she asked for him. iEspera!
How do I go to...?
- Did something say?
- Anything.
That was in the car.
- We will already take it.
- How does he/she call himself?
Dwayne Musgrove. It is
in freedom low word.
It is well. I take charge
starting from now.
- I believe that...
- Give me the keys.
Will you make it difficult?
Tell me, Dwayne.
You would say that you are a good one
thief of cars, or one bad?
Because you believe me, there would not be him
stolen if you had known
of who it was.
Now, you want to happen
the night in the jail,
to speak with your official of
conditional in the morning
or you will tell me where
did you find that car?
- Not I know of what he/she speaks!
- Where?!
A called bar Ripley's. In the parking.
- Yes?
- Does Eve Speak?
You told me that he/she called you
if he/she saw to the type again.
- Yes.
- Good, it returned to the bar.
- Where is it?
- Eve?
- What do you want?
- To make unites questions.
I believe that that is yours.
- I know you.
- Yes?
Yes. Never forgetfulness a face.
- Occupational hazards of the occupation.
- Ah, yes?
I will grab that
bag and I will leave of here.
I won't harm you if
you don't try to stop.
- Go condition.
- That depends on you.
- Only some questions.
- Perhaps in another occasion.
Loose the bag, put those
hands against the bar.
You are arrested. You have
right to remain quiet.
- I need my things!
- I suggest that you welcome yourself
- to that damned right.
- Listen to me.
- Not you understand.
- Of course.
- Everybody is innocent.
- Me not. Neither from a distance.
Were you? Did you kill her?
- To who?
- To my daughter.
- Did you play it?!
- He/she hears, partner, soft.
- Not I am who believe.
- Seriously?
Not you are a murderess?
Tricia is the reason for the
which am put in this mess,
but I didn't kill her. I am
pursuing the one that made it.
- Of what are you speaking?
- He/she calls himself Bishop.
I will kill him. And when
that happens, I finished.
I am no longer a person.
You look at me.
In the mirror.
Seriously you don't remind me?
- My name is Sadie Blake.
- That... it is impossible.
I will kill your daughter's murderer.
And you can return me the one
favor killing me.
Let us say that I believe you. Still
I cannot help this way you.
You are making me lose
a time that I don't have.
The keys of the wives.
We will attempt it of
new. You are arrested.
I will shoot if you don't stop.
Last warning!
That hurted, damned it is.
Tylor? Hello?
I will clean to extract the bullet.
I will throw alcohol.
- Tell me which your state is.
- I have pain, I am
- exhausted, bothersome...
- I don't refer to now.
But to since... it happened. How is it?
- Pain, fatigue, anger.
- And the food?
- What is there with that?
- Not you can live without eating.
You are very skilled to make that
a girl feels comfortable.
- It proves with another question.
- With how many men
- have you gone to bed?
- Since I am this way?
- With none, I suppose.
- Do you suppose?
- Let us return to the food.
- The first.
- It excuses.
- Did you have to prove, not?
I apologize for what comes now.
That was the easy one. This
it will hurt a lot you.
There I go.
Hello, Dwayne. Where is it?
Tylor brings it. He/she told me that
we would be here.
He/she had to bring their car,
but I was not able to, so...
How did you say that it was seen?
Man, everything was quick.
- Black hair.
- Black.
Asian. It is Asian.
When he/she came in the one
car, they stopped me, but
I swear you that I didn't tell him/her anything
to the police on the girl.
Why there would be of
to make it? Thank You, Dwayne.
Take off the wives.
I have to go to the bathroom.
You continue being a murderess in series.
And I hate the surprises. Get up.
The door is open. Not discuss.
You are the one that sends.
You had a relationship
narrow with Tricia?
Not a lot in the last years.
That doesn't mean me not to care.
Do you need help?
In all my life, you are the one
first type that offers
to go up my pants.
Not I am here to flirt with you.
Already coarse of conversations
strangers among us.
Would you rot?
Thank you.
Not I am medical, but never
he/she had seen a fabric
, that it was regenerated this way. It is incredible.
Are you becoming personal?
- I only went up your pants.
- Very amusing.
Not assume that you know me.
Will we make this, yes or not?
He/she remembers which the one is
treatment. I kill Bishop
- and you kill me.
- I remember it. We go.
The party begins.
He/she looks, we stay together,
without caring what pass.
I need you to send this for
mail when everything finishes.
Your mother?
Not I had opportunity to say goodbye.
We are waiting visit. Get dressed.
He/she looks.
- Blessed Christ!
- Do you know it?
He/she is the boy that stole your car.
Not it takes a lot of time
there. The blood is fresh.
- Tricia.
- Dad!
It was terrible!
Now already I am here. And not
I will let him to happen to you anything.
Date hurry. He/she will return soon.
- Rawlins.
- Help me, quickly.
- Rawlins, get up.
- What does it happen?
Get up.
- What does he/she spend?
- It belongs one to them.
- Bishop converted it.
- Lower the weapon!
- Affection?
- Not I am your affection.
You disgust me. I hate all that you defend.
You no longer have to be able to on me.
- Now I am free.
- Not you are the one that is speaking.
They made you this.
Bishop predicted that.
,reactionary this way.
Because you cannot accept
the idea that I think
- with my head.
- No.
Finally I found a place where I fit.
Tricia. I am your father. I love you.
Bishop is my father. And
my brother and my lover.
You would become crazy if you see
the things that me ago.
He completes me. And you
you are not anything for me.
- Anything.
- Lower the weapon, now!
And I won't let you to destroy the
only good that have in the life.
- He is not your master!
- Get lost.
Why do you help him?
He/she wants to get rid of
us. Not he/she understands anything.
You have five seconds for
to tell me where Bishop is.
Fair when you believe
that there won't be surprises.
It completed 18 next week.
It has never been in New York.
I can understand the one
their father's behavior.
But why do you make this?
- You belong one to us.
- Not because I chose it.
To choose? What it is
that? Nobody chooses anything.
You chose to violate me
and to give me for dead.
You are being infantile.
Everything happens for a reason.
You are deceiving yourself with
the idea of a vengeance.
Perhaps be only an excuse
to transform into it
that you are in fact.
Not I am as you.
Not you believe that all
we are afraid and we are
- confused at the beginning?
- Not I am as you.
It continues repeating it and such
time you convince yourself to yourself.
You are crazy.
My lunatic definition is
a person that believes that
their don is a curse.
And he/she believes that he/she doesn't have election.
I choose to experience
all that the world has
to offer to change
of an unconscious life.
Nobody will miss to those
good for anything, Sadie.
What will you choose, Sadie Blake?
You honest.
Because you are dead if you are it.
And you are dead if you are not it.
I prefer to be dead.
That it is this way.
You know, Eve made a mistake regarding you.
Not you should be another thing
that a beautiful sacrifice.
In that case, you have taken a lot in dying.
But he/she always remembers,
Sadie that you are not only made
of shades. Not you are as them.
That is an it details crucial. He/she is your don.
- Am I dead?
- Not I know how to answer you.
I sit down it if you are dead.
Be quiet.
This will hurt you.
- What do you believe that you make?
- Treatment of stopping the hemorrhage.
It is well, I called reinforcements.
They are already in road.
Not I arrived until here
to leave walking.
What I mean is that
you cannot even walk.
I won't leave of here until the dull thing.
Not you have your cross.
Stay with me.
Another time.
How can you help her?
She killed your daughter in cold blood.
Go irony.
All you are same.
They are always about saving
to mistaken people.
Be quiet.
Get up, Sadie.
I will tell you the truth about your daughter.
At the beginning I found
similar to the other ones.
A confused adolescent.
But while more he/she knew it,
and I refer to know it
very thoroughly, more you
he/she made me a revelation.
Your girl was wonderful. You should know it.
Allow it to go.
It is certain what you/they told me of you.
At the end always flaws. No
you pay attention to the details.
Lament that of your daughter.
Seriously that yes.
It was already dead.
Me also.
We go, it finishes with this.
Not think.
- Only make it.
- Sadie.
You owe it to me.
Not I can live this way.
Make it.