Risen (2016)

Roman, huh?
That's a Tribune's ring?
Have you come far?
Now! Cmon!
Thirty years the Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar
has ruled the wasteland of Judea and its people.
Barabbas! Barabbas!
As Tribune to Prefect Ponpiu Pilate,
my task is to keep order in a city
that is distinct in unrest.
The Jews pray to their single God, Yahweh,
for the arrival of the mystical Messiah.
As their religious leader,
the Sanhedrin try to keep an uneasy peace.
But each day creates more zealous
to challenge the rule of Rome,
and bring freedom.
Instead, we bring them death.
Kill them all!
Position! Throw!
Hold this line!
We have Barabbas!
Bring him!
I know how this ends.
Then tell Yahweh's you are coming,
courtesy of Mars.
It must pain you to know that
the one true God, chooses us over you.
But not today, he didn't.
But when the Messiah comes,
Rome will be nothing!
Until then...
Tribune, Pilate summons you!
I'm yet sticky with filth.
No matter, there's more trouble.
Come on! Come on!
Did you win?
I was told to hurry.
In truth, you're well dressed for this job.
Whats happened?
Every hot headed and holy fool
in Judea was here stirring havoc.
Some mystic, one of the following vibe making
waves to the Sanhedrin decided to put him down.
He sent a rather mob here,
screaming for his blood,
because he claims to be their Messiah.
I had to crucify him.
Don't give me that look!
I've had enough already.
I had a situation Tribune,
something that you don't seem to understand.
Soon the Emperor arrives here,
and he expects to find, order.
What does he want of me, Prefect?
Take control out there and finish things.
This is gone long enough.
And do this Nazarene a small mercy.
Break his legs.
Clavius, meet your new aide.
Lucius Ticonius Enius.
His father's a friend.
It's an honor, Tribune.
What sky is this?
Lost out the sunshine.
Woh! Easy.
Poseidon is unhappy.
Some God is.
I hate it when they scream, I hate it.
It could last for days up there.
Get back now!
Centurion, how goes this?
It's a strange day, Tribune.
It was just a tremor.
Not that. Too much dark in here.
But this King...something's wrong.
The mob feel it.
Light a few.
Show him the rod.
The Nazarene, is he dead now?
After only six hours.
It can't be! Has he spoken?
Has he spoken?
Just before the tremor.
He said, 'it's finished'.
See that it is.
Won't be long now.
It's the Nazarene's mother.
Use the pulley.
Get that woman's to shut up!
Keep her quiet!
Feel unlucky today?
This man was innocent.
Still yourself now.
Go on! And tell the Prefect is done.
Disperse! It's over!
Go on home!
Move! Leave now! Leave!
That's it! Let it go. That's it, let it go.
You're free now.
That's it, let it go.
Take the pliers!
Never killed a king before.
Where is it!
Tribune, I come from Pilate.
Please read this.
You are Arimathea?
I am.
Your own family tomb.
What's he to you?
The Sabbath is almost here.
I only need two hours.
He's yours.
Nicodemus hurry!
Leave him.
Go find your centurion.
These will bury him.
Please Tribune.
Gently! Gently!
Come, Clavius, soak this day away.
Fill his cup. Keep it filled.
What do you desire?
A meal, a massage, a girl?
Just this.
You're young...
a night's rest, you will do it all again.
Your service is valued, Tribune.
I rely on it.
So, ask pardon if today I seemed heft.
Don't matter.
Is the Nazarene entombed?
I pushed the stone against it myself.
It was huge stone.
Many a lives.
Transpired with him.
It's a strange case.
I've never seen a death so wished for.
Even by Him!
As if he wanted to be sacrificed.
They are fanatics.
Yahweh deranges them.
Yes, no other Gods.
None left.
I myself pray only to Minerva.
For wisdom. You?
Of course.
Let's hope of of them hears us.
I could use the help.
One does what he knows.
I wish the man you were.
Spare me.
It's your bath too.
Your ambition is noticed.
Where do you hope it would lead?
Position, Power.
Which brings?
A big family, someday a place in the country.
Where will you find...
An end of a trail.
A day without death.
All that for peace?
Is there no other way?
Well, I'm to bed.
Tomorrow promises further punishments.
The Nazarene...did you find him different?
I found him dead.
So you did.
Peace, Tribune. Have a good night.
Good night.
A coin for the ferryman.
Journey well, Gaius Elius.
Legion forward!
Legion 10!
Tribune, Pilate summoned you.
Ave, Prefect!
I smell of meat. A feast?
There's your solution!
Burn them in public.
God forbids cremation.
He also forbids labor on Sabbaths.
And, yet, here you are
Why to Ardeth?
To crucify Nazareth.
His business is unfinished.
The man is dead, Caiaphas.
His followers are in hiding.
He is no longer a threat to you monopoly on piety.
But still a threat, don't you think?
While alive, that deceiver said
HE would rise again after three days.
He foretold.
We request that the sarcophagus be sealed
so that his disciples don't come
at night and steal the body.
Not to say then HE has arisen from the dead.
That would cause more unrest in the city,
than all these blasphemies combined.
You have your own guards, secure yourself.
My words exactly!
To which I reply we need a Roman seal.
This should appear as the
impartial will of the Prefect.
And not yours.
We only see what Caesar sees.
Peace in Jerusalem.
Peace in Judea.
What you'll lose, if this body vanishes.
Hence why summon me.
Just see to it.
Satisfy yourself.
Seal it. Seal.
No one touches those seals until sunset tomorrow.
Then tell the priests.
Where's your centurion? He's not himself, Sir.
Not since yesterday.
Is that what pains you?
No, Sir, no.
It's just, we'd have a night off.
I'll have rations sent.
You are Sanhedrin, too?
Thy brothers despise you,
yet you mourn Him.
He was very special.
A king?
You test me, Tribune?
What was His name, the Nazarene?
He was called Yeshua.
He forgot. You know he did.
If he had sent food,
he would have told.
He is an Officer.
If we forget, can you phantom the pieces!?
I was saving it for supper, but...
Oh! You absolute champion!
I thought we lost the lot.
Tribune, Pilate summons you.
He is gone!
The Nazarene? Of course the Nazarene!
His tomb, his stone empty!
Who brought the news? The guards?
Your guards are missing.
Some simpleton reported it!
Who did you put on the detail?
I want them to be found and
lashed to death, preferably!
Let me investigate.
That would be helpful before Caiaphas and
his pack of raving Jews show up here.
Too late.
Shall we dispense with the lies?
The guards have told me.
They came to you!?
Seeking sanctuary.
They know the penalty for sleeping on duty.
What happened?
Exactly what I predicted.
The Heretic disciples came
in the night and stole the body.
Already they're proclaiming,
He has arisen from the dead!
And the people believe it?
The weak, will.
Others want to.
So we must announce the theft.
Will they believe you?
They'll believe the guards
if they kill themselves.
It never ends!
Proclaim it.
Before this blossoms.
It's not enough!
Without a corpse to prove him dead,
we have a potential Messiah.
I want no doubt.
Tiberius cannot arrive to unrest!
We must find a body!
Will you help?
Of course, but proclaim it.
My confidence in you is misplaced, Tribune.
Perhaps you prefer a post in hell.
You will track each and
everyone of these disciples,
but more importantly you will
find this cursed body of Yeshua!
Before it rots.
Bring me Arimateean
You! Get me Arimateean.
As if they burst!
Tribune, see this!
Where has he gone?
You tell me.
The body was it embalmed?
We had no time.
We just wrapped in myrrh and aloe.
This is what you see. Sweat and herbs.
Bring it!
I want nothing touched here.
Post a watch.
Control was enters and leaves Jerusalem.
Arrest anyone who claims Nazarene lives.
And find out where they heard it.
Yes, Tribune.
And comb the city for bodies,
dead in the last week.
Examine for each marks of crucified.
Dig them up?
And bring Him to me personally.
Tribune, I said in private.
Where's your fellow?
He doesn't wish to speak.
He had problems about the Nazarene's theft.
He is afraid, as am I.
You should be.
You disgrace me.
Sleeping on firsts-pen is death.
But the Prefect has spared you.
Both can return to the barracks.
If you bear us honestly of what happened.
I was attacked in the night
while I was sleeping
by the Nazarene rabid disciples.
They stole his body.
And now they're he had risen.
Rabid? How many Attache?
8, 10...I don't know for sure.
All armed?
You saw all this while sleeping?
No, I...we...
We woke as they were cutting the rope.
Cutting the rope?
Then they rolled over the stone.
Took his body and ran.
While you watched?
Yes, but we were held at spear point.
Have you been told to say these things? Hmm?
You were drinking that night.
No? No.
What else is a lie?
Open the doors!
Stolen? So they claim.
Well...so what?
They are really in fear,
he rose from death.
Hmm, uh...perhaps a Messiah.
Anyways, I ahh...
Arrest him!
Turn him!
How old is this one?
At least a week.
These? The thieves he died with.
Put down.
In two days they will be unrecognizable.
Wait till you see combat.
The hand's missing.
See the hole in the other?
Not him.
Legs are broken.
That's why we need your eyes, Tribune.
This grave here is very hasty and shallow.
Well? We've questioned 11,
you should examine.
One I suspect could be a disciple.
Excuse me, Tribune.
Take some chicory.
Each time, your stomach runs to these things.
Bring them in, one by one.
Who took the body?
I don't know.
They are saying, you are an honest man.
And a follower of Yeshua.
Truth will not be fatal today.
I was moved by what,
He said and what He taught.
I felt He didn't deserve such a death.
They ripped up a tomb to steal a corpse...
and promote a lie that threatens
Rome and the Sanhedrin.
It was not Yeshua's followers.
Not the true ones.
They were heart broken.
So you are saying, he has risen?
To lead Israel against us.
The Messiah.
Do you believe that?
If he had lived,
I think Yeshua would
embrace you as a brother.
Even if you eschew him.
Leave us.
I wish I had the means.
But I'm forced to break you.
One thing has been withheld from you, Tribune.
I confess, you asked if he was the king?
I'll return his crown.
Why do you tremble?
You are a Roman.
You were heard shouting,
'Yeshua yet lives!'
Joyously, says the report.
Why, you didn't obviously see him.
I heard on the street!
From the passers-by?
No, I heard Him.
Two days ago.
I know voices.
I hear them.
I have no doubt.
Were you a follower of Nazarene, Miriam?
Or just a follower of a follower?
He loved me.
An old woman...he lifted me up.
Lifted you?
If you knew, you would understand.
Stop saying people lifted from the dead.
Don't you wish to know what he said?
Of course.
You are seeds already cursed.
You are too late.
Next one truly, Tribune.
Next one, I believe!
I pray not to you thee, today Mars,
but to the Hebrew God, Yahweh.
Hear me?
Take back you defend and save these people
and relinquish them to me.
If you do this with clear recognizable signs,
I vow to erect temples for you.
And initiate games in your honor.
You know what I seek?
So who told you the crucified
Nazarene was alive?
A friend...
of a friend.
A friend of Yeshua.
Perhaps a disciple?
Whatever you say,
make it the truth.
This friend said he was told...
that the sighting was stolen by two women.
They went to the tomb before dawn that morning.
And found it empty.
And later met Yeshua on the road.
Their names?
One way of another,
we will have our answer.
I know only one.
It's one of the woman stead...
Mary Magdalena.
Last time she was spotted was
the morning the body was stolen.
Early! Not seen since.
That's all I have, Tribune.
Where does it work? Work?
She is off a street.
You are bringing no one to identify her?
Who? Who would that be?
Who among you knows the woman Mary Magdalen?
They out-fled us.
So we had to withdraw.
A fighting retreat.
Some dozens of us were dragged
and caught up in the hills.
Down in the valley that night
I heard them screaming.
I looked up.
To see them stacked up on their rooftops.
So you could have watched,
that is why you are offered no quarter.
Is that her?
That's her!
There she is!
Ah, um.
Shouldn't be alone, Mary.
Why did you run from us?
I had seen you before.
My older life?
Yeshua's death you were there beside His mother.
Were you the woman beside His tomb?
If you know what's happened there...
Who cares who sees.
Enlighten me, then.
It's beyond us...
Spare me the riddles and zed babbles.
Where did you take Yeshua?
He is right here.
Is he a convent?
A Sprite? Where light begins somewhere?
Open your heart and see.
I see delusion.
To keep a crusade alive.
I could have what I want from you.
But you do like that.
It doesn't matter.
Ah! A martyr.
Then give me the others and
I shall grant you, your freedom.
I'm already free.
Show me the Messiah!
Alive or dead.
Show me those who follow him.
You look for something,
you will never find, Tribune.
You look for the wrong time.
She's mad. Refuses to talk sense.
Perhaps a witch, Sir?
Should I have her stoned? At least a start?
Just...let her go.
Release her.
The woman's touched.
Two days without sleep, Tribune.
You start seeing things.
When that turns, wake me.
You, up!
Tribune, the sand has run out.
Pilate summons you.
You are digging up the death?
No stone unturned, Prefect.
A Hebrew cemetery?
Do you want to go?
He was Jewish and deceased.
Do you not realize the wrath incurred?
I know in a day or two,
wrath won't matter.
Nature will take its course.
Caesar's spies will hear all of this.
An unfortunate dilemma.
For both of us, Tribune.
I want his body here! By tonight!
Disciples are key.
Find them, we find Him.
For your help.
There is more, if you assist us further.
The Nazarene's disciples.
How many are there and their names?
Their plans, their weapon caches.
Where they gather, who leads them now.
Where they hiding His corpse.
Work quickly.
There are 12.
Well, 11, now.
Yeshua's inner circle.
All hiding now, I know not where.
Do you have their name?
I will give you one.
Who is Bartholomew?
I am, he.
Bring him.
What do you have to win by spreading fantasy?
I saw with my own eyes, Tribune!
I walked with him, he spoke to me!
Of course, it's unbelievable,
but it is, Sir!
Then conjure him up.
Right now.
Or show me the body.
He must have shed the snake skin.
God is not on my beck and call.
Yahweh manifests himself through
a crazy, poor dead Jew?
Well, so it appears!
What does this rebirth mean?
Eternal life!
For everyone.
For everyone who believes.
Now He's recruiting too.
Much better than assault.
How many of you are?
Well, we are few for now.
Our only weapon is love.
But this...well, this changes everything!
What are your intentions?
Why do you fear Him, Sir?
This Empire means nothing to him.
Render onto Caesar what is Caesar's.
That's what we taught us.
And if I ordered your crucifixion?
What? I would happily submit. Strike!
Have you watched a man crucified?
No? Well we won't be seeing Him again.
Probably because you ran.
Did you?
Shall I tell you what you missed.
Feel it!
Imagine having this driven through your arms.
And then the same driven through your fee.
Do you imagine it?
That's what you hang from.
Nails rubbing on bone.
You have to decide what's worse.
The agony here...
or here?
You choose what torture your weight
will inflict constantly...
and then you discover you can't breathe.
They you realize you will never
be able to breathe easily again.
With every breath of your horrific life,
will be like sucking through wet cloth.
Yes, Yeshua was lucky.
He only hung only for a few hours.
Most take days.
Gosh! Know what it means to kill,
still if he even felt anything at the end,
I'm sure it's the tip of the spear pressed against his heart.
Then maybe I didn't look closely,
but they must have had their bone
breaking getting him down.
Sometimes they bury them with...nails.
...speak of His body.
It's just hideous to look upon right now.
I ask you one last time...
Where are the others disciples?
I won't ask again.
Tell me and you'll be free.
Give you all that?
You have my word.
Where am they?
They...are everywhere!
How many of this?
None you can still recognize.
What should be do, Tribune?
It's Him?
So the nail holes here, here and here.
The wound on the side.
But the face? I can't tell.
Nor can anyone else.
Let him be some, Prefect.
At this point, any corpse could be the Nazarene.
Still I could find who took him.
That's the threat.
Threat is a creature with many heads.
Right now I need you elsewhere.
Trouble in Hebron.
Something, yet needs unravelling with this.
Just allow me till next week.
Next week, I need you in Hebron.
You are dangerously clever, Tribune.
And what if I turn my back on you?
That's what I fear the most, Prefect.
From the same cloth.
I remember when I was you...
So sure, so...
I forget.
But in the end, what does it all matter? Really?
In a few years...that's us.
What goes?
Rumor has it, we are heading to Hebron.
So, I took the liberty, Tribune.
Your twin guards have been sighted.
They finally fled the temple.
It's unclear.
Bartius said they had
come into for some money.
I wish you the triumph, Sir.
And things will happen in time.
Your ambition is noticed.
A! Yes, it's a nice song.
Pricey wine for a legionary.
You have you been hiding!
Where did you get something like this?
Off a dead man.
Of course.
So, I been pardoned by the Prefect.
Nothing can be done to me now.
I said what they...was proclaimed.
Say it again.
To see how your tail matches your legs.
We were attacked in the night while sleeping,
by the rabid assault...
Sanhedrin paid you to say this.
They stole his body!
And His side we were...!
How did the stone get 10 paces
away from the tomb?
Takes seven people, including myself,
just to roll it down!
The ropes were not cut.
They were torn as if they were thread.
Seal melted like butter.
Should we go there?
What troubles you so?
No more lies!
How did they take him?
What happened to the Nazarene's body?
You had forgotten us!
Forgot! We had no supper.
That's what the mine made us!
Somebody eh, eh...eh, we slept.
We been up, two days since the crucifixion.
What could happen?
God in a body of a dead man, so...
We took us turns until the...
Until what?
Until we were awakened by this terrible...
this terrible...
this terrible flash.
The night was grandly...
The air smell burned and
ropes they just exploded.
And stone flew like a leaf and
all of a sudden, the sun...
rose in the tomb.
That was the sun.
It was...
it was everything.
And then a figure...figure appeared...
I could not gaze upon...
The terrible light and...
it wasn't a man.
It wasn't...
And there was this voice all around,
I could not phantom.
And we were running so far.
Running...so far, until...
until we could think again!
Then we went told the priest because
that's what you made us do.
And Caiaphas paid you for a different story.
I saw much in the service of the Emperor.
Blue colts in gold, and...
I seen a man taken by a serpent in the sea...
Never I witnessed a moment so...
Explain it to me.
You were drunk.
You saw the sun burst.
The wine in twine was tainted.
What do you suppose?
Maybe it was opium, or frankincense.
Maybe the disciples stole the
Nazarene's body with magic,
as the priest said.
Maybe our story is true.
What else could it be?
I don't know.
So...I'm drinking.
Sir! Tribune!
We have them.
It's the Romans!
Hurry! Hurry! Quickly!
That's the house.
That's where I lost him.
I believe that's where he went!
Yes, so...I was coming to tell you.
I saw other disciples coming this way.
They favor the upstairs.
My give me the paper!
Romans! This way!
You six, on every side of home!
You five, other side.
I want two in line pair-some!
Come on! Move!
Cmon move! Up! Up on the way back!
Tribune! Anything?
Stand down.
Return to camp.
Stand down!
Look for me shortly.
Tribune! Sir we're close!
I feel it!
I don't need you for this.
I don't need you.
Stand down!
Soldiers, return now!
March on!
Welcome, Clavius.
Come join us, brother.
There are no enemies here.
Thomas, where have you been?
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry!
Why are you sorry?
We have no one to fear.
We are free.
Touch me.
How can this be?
Yeshua! Yeshua!
Is he coming back?
Where did he go?
How would I know?
What now? Simon?
He said to stay to Jerusalem
until we receive some Spirit.
What riches did we see?
I don't know.
Galilee. What?
When He appeared in the road,
Yeshua said:
Tell my brothers to got to Galilee.
There they will see me.
He told me this.
I have seen him.
In Galilee you will see him once more.
Take care of Him.
So, we go.
We go, Mariam.
My brothers.
Goodbye, Mariam.
Goodbye, brother.
Is it a ransom?
Do not seek me.
Do not follow or wander.
Persecute no one on my behalf.
I have seen two things which cannot reconcile.
A man dead, without question.
And that same man alive again.
I pursue the Nazarene to ferret the truth.
Clavius Aquila Valerius.
It's his seal, Sir.
Must be a plague.
My right hand turned against me.
How could he follow a Hebrew?
it's true.
What if it is...?
I'll kill him again.
Brothers lets go.
Alive, if you can.
Although dead, would be less embarrassing.
I'll be in Caesarea.
Coming out. North of Galilee.
Ten days to the Emperor arrives.
Ten days.
I brought water!
That's a scar.
I hope you know that.
Our word is your name.
Give us the daily bread.
And forgive us our treas, as so we forgive...
We must not lead into temptation.
But away...from evil.
A son of Yahweh...
And you believe him?
Do you believe?
After this, yes!
He raises from the dead, eats, sleeps
and then disappears.
He has a body.
The same vessel Yahweh gives all men.
It is how he reached out to all of us.
I haven't every answer.
We were astounded too!
Why did not show himself to all then?
He can he be slayed once more?
I don't know! I don't know...
I wish I did but I don't know.
The answer is waiting in Galilee.
We are followers.
We follow to find out.
I think he is preparing us.
For what?
Pilate will not let this rest.
I've endangered you.
They have a tracker.
They can't know we are up here.
They already do.
They are up after blood.
They are here to scare us.
Not anymore.
Then fear the death in what
you are interested with.
Go back!
This way.
Go on, we must hurry.
Hurry up!
I don't take orders from you, Tribune.
That's what you taught.
Bad lesson.
I give you the teacher.
But let them pass.
And Nazarene?
There are no enemies here.
You hold the world in your hands...
Know that.
I believe...
that resides in these men.
No one dies today.
No one.
Now go on.
Say anything.
You will remember this.
Why do you think here?
It was here that He called us to follow him.
Sometimes it's hard to recognize.
Simon? Simon?
Simon, they want to eat.
Then let's fish.
Let's fish! Comon!
Come find us!
We are here!
Let's fish!
Pull, pull!
Cast again?
Twice more.
then sleep till the sun wakes you.
Any luck?
Try right side again.
Brothers, Andrew!
What's happening?
Wake up! Wake up!
Spread! Prepare the nets!
What happened?
We just did! We're stuck!
We are in the rocks!
Cast the net, Andrew.
We caught on something!
It's fish! We caught on something!
It's fish!
It's fish!
It's fish!
How did you know?
Yeshua! It's him!
Yeshua! Yeshua!
Thomas! Thank you.
Did you know, He would rise?
He said he would, but...
truth be told, we doubted it.
What made you follow Him?
A leper! Go! Get out of here!
Get out! Get out of here!
Go! Leper, get out! Go!
He is going to do it.
Do what?
He is going to heal the man.
Watch! Just watch!
Nobody touches me!
A miracle.
I saw him many times.
Do you have faith?
Come stand.
That's why.
What do you search for?
It will come.
This threatens them.
To Pilate, Caiaphas and Rome.
There's trouble this way as well.
Have faith, Tribune.
Just walk a little further.
To be close.
Simon, do you love me?
Yes, with all the heart, I do.
Do you love him?
Simon,do you love me?
With all my heart.
Then you must lead the mass.
I don't even know what to ask.
Just speak your heart.
Reckon...reconcile all this,
with the world I know.
With your eyes you have seen,
still you doubt?
Imagine the doubt who never seen,
imagine what they face?
What frightens you?
Being wrong.
My dream of eternity, and...
Well then, Clavius...
When you died...
I was present.
I helped.
I know.
What is that you seek, Clavius?
Certainty, peace...
A day without death.
Wake up! Brother!
Wake up! Brother!
Yeshua is gone! Yeshua!
Wake up! Where's he gone?
Yeshua! He was here!
I'm going to prepare a place for you.
Go! Preach the whole world of the Gospel...
to all nations.
You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem.
In all Judea, Samaria and
to the ends of the world.
And know that I'll be with you.
It's not just about life eternal,
but how life is lived.
By the sword or by love.
That changes you...here.
It's time.
They are all good?
You may use that again.
Farewell Peter.
God bless you, Peter.
Farewell, Peter.
Join us, Tribune.
Jerusalem only brought us trouble.
And the Spirit he promised,
we are called to receive it there, Roman.
Your goal is to fish.
Aye, for men!
How could I do anything else now?
Will you fish too, Clavius?
farewell, brother!
God blessing, keep you.
I will always have you with me...
Peter, come!
I doubt we'll ever hear from them again.
My payment.
Do you truly believe all this?
I believe...
I can never be the same.