Rishtey (2002)

Get him!
They're hiding somewhere around.
Kill both of them.
The father and son mustn't escape.
C'mon !
Look there. Over there!
''Your relation and mine.''
''is a thread
no one can break''
''Your innocent face.''
''reflects my heart,
whether someone believes it or not''
''Your relation and mine.''
Who's that man?
- We hired him just today
Seems to be hardworking.
And needy too
''This is the place, son''
''For a smile of yours.''
''I can do anything''
''I wish I could be
a toy for you''
''When you hold my hand
and walk with me. . ''
''I feel as if my life
walks with me''
''May you smile
through your life.''
''may you be blessed
with the rest of my life''
''Your relation and mine.''
''it's a thread
no one can ever break''
''What was that?
Say that again, son''
- Papa?
''Maji, come here!
- Coming, son''
Pyareji ! - What happened?
Come here! - What happened?
Munna ( son ) called me Papa. That's
the first word my son has uttered!
So what's new? He had to
call you Papa some day.
You're going to remain a moron.
- Now listen.
''When a child starts speaking,
the first word he utters is ''Ma''
''But this kid's first word
is ''Papa''
Know why?
- Why?
Because he went to sleep
on his father's shoulders.
and awakened in his father's lap.
For the child.
he's the father and the mother.
God forbid.
may this relation never be
affected by the evil eye
''Munna, won't you play with Grandma?
Here, take this ball''
Won't you play with grandma?
Come to me. Come.
''Hello, Ma-ji.
- Bless you, son''
You're late today.
- It was the weather
I had to be delayed.
Karan. .
What's the matter?
You look very worried.
''I don't understand this, son''
Children of Munna's age are
already running around.
But your Munna can barely
stand on his own feet.
What are you talking about?
My son is absolutely all right.
My son.
let me see you stand. Go on
Come to your Papa.
C'mon. Come to your papa
''Mr. Suraj, collect the child''
Is my son all right?
You said your son was
born prematurely.
''In such cases, the growth of the
child is somewhat affected''
Your child is a victim
of one such weakness.
What weakness?
- The bones in his legs.
aren't sufficiently strengthened.
He won't be able to walk all his life.
Impossible. My son is absolutely
all right.
He lacks nothing.
I can understand your anguish.
But we must face the truth.
This child will remain
an invalid all his life.
''No. . God can't do this
to such a small child, doctor''
My son will run like
other children.
''Medically, that is an
''Science is not an end
in itself, doctor''
There is someone who keeps the world
going and He'll make my son walk too.
My son will walk on his own two feet
and lead a normal life
''Not only will he walk,
he'll even run. He'll sprint''
He'll run. He'll surely run
''All darkness was dispelled.
A lamp was lit in the heart.''
''when you brought my name
to your lovely lips''
''When I call out to you,
you will come running to me''
''I live only for you,
I have forsaken this world''
''At your feet,
I could lay the world.''
''in you, lies my life''
''At your feet,
I could lay the world.''
''in you, lies my life''
''Your relation and mine.''
''it's a thread
no one can ever break''
''Your innocent face.''
''makes my heart tick,
whether someone believes it or not''
''Your relation and mine.''
''Karan !
- Yes, Papa?''
Come here
Come to me. . walk
You can walk! You can !
Come to me. C'mon !
Well done!
Parents! Please go and sit down.
The race is about to begin
''Sir, is this cripple running with us?
- Shut up! ''
''It's the Principal's orders.
- Running is a far cry, sir''
''If this cripple can even crawl there,
it'll be an achievement for him''
''That boy is right. You're making
a very big mistake, Mr. Suraj''
That your son can walk
is enough in itself
You're subjecting him to cruelty
by making him run in the race
It could have an adverse effect
The child could lose
the ability to even walk
''Doctor, my son will run
and even win the race''
''My son, you will run. Won't you?
- Yes, Papa. I'll run and I'll win''
''Run, Karan ! ''
''Suraj, your son is running ! ''
Run ! Run !
''Faster, Karan. Faster! ''
''Run, Karan!''
''Run, Karan! ''
''Friends, what we witnessed
here today.''
is a miracle and
a lesson for all of us
The miraculous part is that
a child who couldn't even walk. .
has won this race today.
And the lesson is that.
should you have good intentions
and be determined enough.
no task in the world
is too difficult.
I congratulate Master Karan
on his success.
and invite him to the dais.
''Come, son. Congratulations.
Here's your trophy''
''We are proud of you.
- Sir, I wish to say something''
We say a prayer in school everyday
which tells us.
that it's God who made the world.
He's the master of everything
That nothing is possible
without His wishes
That I ran in this race
and won this trophy.
is more the result of my Papa's
efforts than God's wish.
It's true that God gave birth to me.
But it's my Papa who gave life to me.
''Had it not been for you,
I couldn't have walked a step''
''From you I have got
a new lease of life''
''I speak the truth, there's no one
like you in this world''
''Not for a moment do I
want to live without you''
''You are my life, Papa.''
''you are my God, Papa''
Where're you taking me, Uncle Pyare?
Just come with me and stand here.
Will you ride it?
- Of course.
''That's it, Karan.
don't be afraid''
''Let go, Papa. I'll manage.
- You'll fall down, son.''
''Let go, Papa ! I'll manage!
- Must I?''
''Watch it, Karan !
Don't ram into someone''
He'll manage to ride it. Don't worry.
Come with me
Fresh prawns.
Where are you taking me?
Jam the brakes!
Damn you ! You're killing me!
God !
Look where you're going !
Pull the brakes!
O Mother.
Damn you ! You've
spilt all my fish !
I'm not sparing you !
Where are you going?
Wait there. .
''Where are you going, I say! ''
I'm not sparing you
You crab!
Stop there!
Where will you go now?
''Little prawn !
Into my net now, aren't you?''
I'm going to skin you !
''Forgive me. I made a mistake,
mausi ( maternal aunt )''
Mausi? You call a
nineteen year-old a mausi?
Am I your mother's sister?
You. .
- Where's the constable? Where?
I'm not sparing you.
You caused me great losses
God !
I'm not sparing you
Someone help me.
- One moment. . listen !
Why're you using your hands?
Why're you hitting me?
Hold it! I'm trying to help you !
- Hurry up then. .
I can't even breathe.
- You soon will. Stand still
Hurry up!
- How did this vessel get stuck?
You needn't apologise.
I actually liked it
What happened?
- You work for Mumbai Electricity?
Mumbai Electricity?
- You touched me. .
and I felt a shock
run through my body
- Oh yes
''Damn you, little devil''
Did he call you Papa?
- Yes
''Is he your ''porga''?
- Porga?''
''Your son?
- Yes, he's my son''
God !
God !
God !
I'm ruined ! God Almighty!
Shut up! Why're you crying?
- What will I tell you?
My tears tell the story of my heart.
I have no home I can call my own
Who's this girl? Why's she crying?
''My niece, Vyjayanti.
She came from Alibag just yesterday''
She has a heart the size
of a watermelon
I wonder whom she ran into. She has
kicked up a storm in the locality
''Wait, let me ask her''
''Tell me, what happened?
- What will I say?''
My love-story ended
even before it began
''There in the afternoon,
the two of us gazed at each other''
''Through the eyes, our hearts
struck up a connection''
''And I heard the voice, ''Papa'' !
He has a seven-year old son ! ''
God !
This world isn't meant
for me anymore
Vyjayanti's youth isn't
worth anything anymore
''Silly girl ! That man you ran into,
his wife is no more''
What? How do you know?
- I know him very well.
He's a very nice man.
Listen. .
''Tonight, the whole locality will
assemble to celebrate the Full Moon''
''He'll be there.
So you can come over too, okay?''
God ! I'm going to lay it out
right there tonight!
''If he refuses, give him a pill.
See what it does''
''What pill is that, uncle?
- The kissing pill''
''Anyone who pops one pill,
takes a hundred kisses''
You swear? A hundred kisses
in just one pill?
What if I feed him the whole bottle?
- It'll all be ruined !
Look at that uncle!
How he clings to his son
''How will I make my pitch?
- Don't worry, I'm here''
I'll fix it for you
''C'mon, kids! Uncle's gonna
take you for a free ride today''
I'm taking the kids to the swing.
You can bake Suraj in the oven
Would you like a pill?
- A pill?
Not a bullet. A calming pill
You'll like things when you've
swallowed it. Want one?
''Since you praise it so much,
I'll have one''
''One's got to mix it in a sherbet.
I'll get it, don't go away''
''Thank you, God ! ''
Let me check out what uncle's
pill can do. Where's the sherbet?
Where's he going away to?
Hey Suraj !
Where are you going?
I've got some sherbet for you
It's late. I'm not in the mood now.
- How's that possible?
I bring it with so much of love.
You must have it
What's the foam on the sherbet?
- You'll also foam when you have it
It's excellent. Try it.
Go on.
Was it nice?
Looks like the pill is working.
He's staring at me.
He's coming for me. God !
''Tonight, my wish will be granted ! ''
Where's he?
''Where are you going?
Get him, someone! ''
Suraj ! Where are you going?
Stop there!
''Wait there, Suraj ! ''
Where has he gone?
Why've you climbed the tree?
Get down here
''No, I'm not getting down''
''If you don't get down,
I'm jumping up to get you''
Jump. Go on.
''Why are you acting funny?
Come down, lover-boy''
That's not how you get
your hands on him
Swallow a bottle and tell
him what's in your heart
''Will I get my hands on him then?
- Oh yes, tell him. . ''
that he's the one you want.
- How?
Like this
- Go ahead
''I want you, I want you''
''I. . ''
''want you, only you''
''My eyes. . ''
''love only you''
''Come into my arms, love.
Take me for your own. . ''
''I've been telling you
that I love you''
''I. . ''
''want you, only you''
''My eyes. . ''
''love only you''
''Come into my arms, love.
Take me for your own. . ''
''I've been telling you
that I love you''
''I. . ''
''want you, only you''
''You're the one I'll love
without a care''
''You're looking absolutely
dashing today''
''You're my Prince,
I'm your Princess. . ''
''we make a first-class couple''
''Let's find a quiet corner.
Let's get set together''
''Don't waste time,
let's get on with it, love''
''I've been saying that
I love you''
''I. . ''
''want you, only you''
''I want you, I want you''
''What net have you cast on me?''
''What's all this about, beautiful?''
''My heart's connection
with my brains has snapped. . ''
''I find myself slipping today''
''Do not create trouble, love.
Do not act smart. . ''
''mind your cleavage, love,
fear the world''
''Why do you say that
you love me?''
''I. . ''
''want you, only you''
''My eyes too. . ''
''like only you''
''Come into my arms, love.
Take me for your own. . ''
''I've been telling you
that I love you''
''I. . ''
''want you, only you''
''Vyjayanti, tell me the truth''
What did you give me
to drink last night?
What was it?
- A calming pill in the sherbet
I thought it would be fun.
- Weren't you ashamed?
Weren't you ashamed to do
something so cheap?
What are you watching? Get lost!
- Why're you yelling at me?
''Had Karan's mother been alive, would
you have shouted at her like this?''
My child !
''No, Suraj ! Don't! ''
''No, Suraj ! Stop there! ''
''Sir, Komal has got a fit again.
She's unstoppable! ''
Komal !
''One moment, Yashpal-ji''
''The injuries on her body will heal,
but there is no cure. . ''
''for the wounds on her heart.
So what am I to do, doctor?''
''I've changed my house,
even left my city. . ''
only to make her forget
her memories. But. .
''Going from place to place does not
heal wounds, Yashpal-ji''
A mother has lost her child.
With every passing day. .
the longing to have her son back
will only get stronger and stronger
And this obsession could have been
the cause of her death today
''If you wish your daughter to live,
somehow give her son back to her''
''Otherwise, anything could happen''
''I can understand
your problem, Yashpal-ji''
''In a population of a billion,
where will I find your son-in-law?''
He is not my son-in-law!
He's a thief! He has run away with
my daughter's child !
''I agree, but it'll
take us some time. . ''
to find out where he lives
and what he looks like
You needn't worry
''I don't understand this, sir. You
wanted that kid killed at birth. . ''
you never even tried to find
him in the last seven years. .
and you now need the police help
to search for the child?
''I'm helpless, Madesh''
Had we succeeded in having the
baby killed in the hospital itself. .
it would have been
the end of the story
''But now, my daughter has
driven me to helplessness''
''To keep her alive, I'll have
to give her back her son''
And I. . will surely find him
Great thing you did
You taught Akhilesh a nice lesson
''Ajju, here comes the guy in glasses.
- Wanna bet, Junior?''
I'll knock out his glasses
in one throw. - From this distance?
Let's bet a chocolate. Go on !
What happened?
- Someone threw a ball at me
Why did you hit my friend?
- Get lost
What if he had lost his eye?
- Even better!
He wouldn't need to wear glasses.
- Shut up!
''Gathering lots of flab, aren't you?
- Your father isn't feeding me''
Don't drag my father into this
To hell with your father!
- Don't talk about my father. .
''Don't push me, I say!
- What are you going to do?''
You hit me?
One moment. . look down
Now look up
You'll bad-mouth my father?
Karan. . break it up!
What are you boys doing?
''What is the matter, Karan?
Have you gone mad? What is it?''
''That fatso abused you !
- Forget it, Karan''
''Don't hide behind your father.
Face me, if you're a real man''
''It now has to do with
your self-esteem, my son''
He's fat and the fight
is difficult to win
But go for him
Don't bite his ears!
You're beating up Ajju?
I'll call uncle right now
Go and call him!
''Uncle Hussain, there's this boy
badly thrashing our Ajju''
Go and stop him immediately
He fights well.
- My son after all !
How he's beating up the fatso.
- That fatso's my son
''For seven years, I only broke
stones in jail''
Today's my chance to
break someone's neck
If your son beats my son. .
you and I are going
to have a duel
My son ! Watch your punch !
You'll hurt the little boy
He's Uncle Hussain's son !
''If you could let go of my neck,
I'll go and change the scene there''
''Give me an opportunity, Hussain.
- You now come to your senses''
Go and make your son see reason.
Go on
''Listen to me, Karan. .
- Let go, Papa ! ''
Listen to me! Why've you
been wasting time?
''As you command, papa ! ''
Bastard ! I'm not sparing you !
Where d'you think
you're going there?
Get up.
- How much more will you hit me?
Only a hundred blows.
Start counting
I'll open your skull now
''May I have some chillis, uncle?
- Sure, go ahead''
''Does it hurt, uncle?
- Sure does! ''
Here's the rose-sherbet.
It'll make your pain vanish
''Isn't it nice, uncle?
- Little devil ! ''
Scoundrel !
I'm not sparing you !
No way!
You're coming with me
You feed chillis to Hussain?
Call your father!
Call him!
''Hurry up, son. Hurry up!
- Coming, Papa ! ''
''Watch it, son. . gently!
- Papa, you're great! ''
''What a fight you put up!
A great right, left and a kick! ''
You flattened out that rhino!
''Papa, why don't you kick your job
and take up professional fighting?''
The two of us will make
a lot of money
So you want me to be get beaten up
and lie down like this every day?
Just give my shoulder some warmth.
It hurts
Here you are.
- Mother!
''Papa, how was my mother?''
''Yes, my son. Your mother
was very beautiful''
''Did you love Mummy very much?
- Yes, my son''
''You must be missing
Mummy very much, isn't it?''
''You, only you I see everywhere''
''You, only you are
the one in my heart''
''I'm so helpless,
I can't cut one moment without you''
''I want your fragrance
to invade my breath''
''My love, I want you flowing
within me like blood''
''Such is my obsession with you''
''Such is my love for you''
''With the hues of my love
I shall paint you''
''I shall cross all limits
in loving you''
''I shall take your sorrows
and give you my joys''
''Don't ever leave me''
''I can't live without you''
''You are dearer to me than life. . ''
''this much you must know, my love''
''I shall even give up
my life for you. . ''
''put me to test''
''Such is my obsession with you''
''Such is my love for you''
''You, only you I see everywhere''
''You, only you are
the one in my heart''
''I'm so helpless,
I can't cut one moment without you''
''I want your fragrance
to invade my breath''
''My love, I want you flowing
within me like blood''
''Such is my obsession with you''
''Such is my love for you''
''Such is my love for you''
''Such is my love for you''
I reminded you of Mummy
''Come, let's go and eat''
''Here it is, uncle. The fish.
- Sit here, don't go away''
I feel like it now.
- Stop it today
I'm not in the mood to work today.
I'm going to sit by myself
As if I can stop it!
Vyjayanti ! What's gotten into you?
''Milk makes cream,
milk makes yogurt''
''If we got together,
life would be set''
Life would be set
God !
Mama. .
Mother Dear!
''No, Vyjayanti. .
this can't be happening ! ''
Why're you screaming?
What happened to you?
How will I explain? I see him
every place I look
And he won't look at me
even when I stand before him
What's worth looking at in you?
- What did you say?
Don't get excited.
I'm speaking the truth
You're going around
selling fish all the time
Your body stinks of fish.
When you pass by someone. .
it appears as if a mackerel
were dressed in a sari !
''If you want him in,
it's time you went all out''
Turn modern. .
for the present times
''How will I be modern, Uncle?''
I know a famous tailor
in the film industry. Satish Kulla
He's a master at stitching
small dresses for big ladies
I'll ask him to stitch an outfit
for you. And you'll just fit!
''Don't worry, brother.
I'll be very careful''
Make a nice manly portrait for me
''Or else, you'll lose
your other eye too''
''Don't worry, Khan saheb. Once I
paint a manly portrait for you. . ''
other men in the world
will look like eunuchs
Is the portrait ready?
- Absolutely. Take a look
One-eyed jack!
I'm not letting you live anymore!
Where has he disappeared?
I'm left holding his pyjamas!
I don't know how the rope snapped !
You needn't be sorry.
I liked swinging with you
- I mean. .
''how do I look in this modern dress?
I look great, don't I?''
''He smiled, which means he's in ! ''
''You do look ''sohni'' now (beautiful)
- Sohni?''
''I mean, you look beautiful now''
I look beautiful to you
''Oh yes, Vyjayanti.
You're really beautiful''
You really find me beautiful?
- Oh yes
You look very beautiful
You really look beautiful
You really look beautiful
''My heart. . ''
''my heart. . ''
''my heart. . ''
''my heart. . ''
''those crazy, go mad. . ''
''they find no peace''
''it's when you fall in love with love,
that you lose your heart''
''those crazy, go mad. . ''
''they find no peace''
''it's when you fall in love with love,
that you lose your heart''
''You meet someone. . ''
''who steals your heart''
''The heart then belongs to her. . ''
''never to come back to you''
''When the breath is held. . ''
''when sleep eludes you. . ''
''the agony incites
a sweet pain in the heart. . ''
''it happens when
you lose your heart''
''those crazy, go mad. . ''
''When the breath is held. . ''
''it's when you fall in love with love,
that you lose your heart''
''Someone has stolen my heart. . ''
''and given me his heart
in exchange for mine''
''I pray to God. . ''
''that our hearts
never be separated''
''When the eyes meet. . ''
''when his hand is in yours. . ''
''when things fall in place. . ''
''it happens when you
lose your heart''
''those crazy, go mad. . ''
''they find no peace''
''it's when you fall in love with love,
that you lose your heart''
''my heart. . ''
''my heart. . ''
''my heart. . ''
''my heart. . ''
What's Vyjayanti doing here?
How did an unmarried girl
undertake this fast?
''That's all right, but find out
who she's fasting for''
Let's go and find out.
Come on
She's going to Suraj !
''My word, Vyjayanti. .
you really look beautiful today''
I know you find me
very beautiful
Come on
So she's fasting for Suraj
Come on
Why've you brought me to the terrace?
- I'll explain. Stand here
''What are you doing, Vyjayanti?
- I've been fasting today''
For your long life
Today's Karva Chauth and every woman
fasts for her husband's long life
I observed the fast too. .
for you
''Are you in your senses, Vyjayanti?''
This is a fast a woman observes
only for her husband. .
and you're making a mockery of it?
You poke fun at our customs?
I swear it on God. I observed
the fast with all my heart
Who asked you to observe the fast?
What do I mean to you?
''Everything. You're my life,
my happiness, my support in life''
''You've gone mad !
- Yes, I've gone mad''
I'm madly in love with you.
I keep dreaming of you all the time
I take you for my God.
- That's enough !
''That's enough, Vyjayanti''
''I know you're a good girl,
you have a clean heart, but. . ''
''but how will I explain to you?
- I understand. . yes, I do''
You turn me down because I will ask
for a son of my own after marriage?
I swear it on God. .
I'll never be a mother
I'll lead my life
only as Karan's mother
Only never distance me
from yourself. . never
''Else, I'll die, Suraj. I'll die!
- That's impossible, Vyjayanti ! ''
Why's it impossible?
Tell me!
Because my wife is still alive!
Maybe no one heard me talking
about her in the past seven years. .
but I haven't been able to forget her
even for a moment during this time
''Vyjayanti, no woman in the world
can take my wife's place''
No one can take Komal's place
''I must say, Yashpal-ji. Your
arrival lends glamour to our party''
I don't see Komal around?
- She was here just now
There she is.
- Why's she all alone?
''Komal, I brought you here because
if there are around. . ''
''you'd feel less lonely, my child.
- You shouldn't have brought me here''
''How can you say such things, Komal?
You must mingle with people''
''Stay here, Karan. I'll get these
papers signed and return''
Want to join us tomorrow?
- No thank you
Don't you go to exhibitions?
- No
- I wanted some papers signed, sir''
''Oh yes, Gupta called. I told him
to send the papers immediately''
The goods ought to be
delivered tomorrow
''Coming, Papa''
Suraj ! Wait there!
''Wait there, Suraj ! ''
Have you gone mad?
Whom were you running after?
''I saw Suraj, Papa !
He's taking my son away''
There he is!
That's Suraj.
He works for me
''I can even take you to his place.
- Yes, let's go! ''
''Go home, Komal.
I'll bring your son there''
''No, I'm going with you.
- Listen to me, Komal ! ''
Go home. I'll bring your son
home in half an hour. Go on
That's it. Stop here
That boy in the blue t-shirt
is Suraj's son
Out of the way
''Who are you?
- Lay off, old hag''
Where are you taking the boy?
Where are you taking the boy?
We must inform Suraj.
Some guys came and
carried Karan away
They came in big cars. .
one of them was called Yashpal
Break that bastard's head
What's all this about?
Go on ! Ask your men to touch my son !
Touch my son if they have the courage!
Try touching my son !
Try touching him!
Listen to me
''Because you beat up a few of my men,
you think you've won the round?''
I'll come back again. .
and I'll snatch your son from you !
''Till now, you dealt with
your daughter's husband''
Don't make the silly mistake
of taking on a father
Should you try to touch
even my son's shadow again. .
you won't have a cremation
or the last rites
Why did you have to separate
from Mummy?
Didn't mummy love you?
No, my son. She loved me very much.
She meant the life t o me. .
''she was my worship,
my inspiration,''
A thousand bucks? Terrific!
- You're accepting bets on John?
I know Suraj is going to win.
So I'm making money on John
Odds on John. .
1 to 10 !
''Boss, your tiger has gone down
without a whimper''
''Smart-ass, let her arrive. You will
see how my tiger springs to life''
''I want to take you
for my own. . ''
''I want to hold you
to my bosom. . ''
''I want to take you
for my own. . ''
''I want to hold you
to my bosom. . ''
''in your arms,
I want to die''
''I want to take you
for my own. . ''
''I want to hold you
to my bosom. . ''
''in your arms,
I want to die''
''I want to take you
for my own. . ''
''I want to hold you
to my bosom. . ''
''The more I look
at your face, my love. . ''
''my love for you
increases that much more''
''You have filled
my heart with love. . ''
''thank you so much
for accepting me''
''Listen to what my heart says,
my love. . ''
''this relation of love,
we must honour together''
''I want to take you
for my own. . ''
''I want to hold you
to my bosom. . ''
''in your arms,
I want to die''
''I want to take you
for my own. . ''
''I want to hold you
to my bosom. . ''
''I've lost my heart
ever since I have desired you. . ''
''I thought it belonged to me,
but it went out to you''
''Strange are the ways of love,
my love. . ''
''in the loss of the heart
is the victory''
''You are my love,
you are my mate. . ''
''in love, my love,
we must transcend all boundaries''
''I want to take you
for my own. . ''
''I want to hold you
to my bosom. . ''
''in your arms,
I want to die''
''I want to take you
for my own. . ''
''I want to hold you
to my bosom. . ''
''in your arms,
I want to die''
I know girls like you very well
''If you do a thing like this again,
I'll break your bloody arm''
''Komal, what are you doing?
Let go of her hand''
What are you up to?
I know what such girls want!
I know what was on her mind
I can't bear to see
another girl eying you !
''Suraj, I can put up with
any situation''
I can do without anything
we don't have in life
But the day you betray my trust. .
will be the last day
of our relationship
''When I have such a beautiful beloved,
why'd I look at cheap imitations?''
''Tomorrow's your birthday, right?''
I'll meet your father and discuss
our marriage with him
Your arrival has brought
cheer to my party
''Mr. Kothari, your glass is empty''
''Waiter, come here''
How are you looking after
the guests? Why's his glass empty?
''Sir, he's the one I told you
about last night''
Come with me.
- Where to?
''Papa, this is Suraj.
- Greetings, sir''
''What are you wearing, my child?''
I got such a beautiful dress
made for your birthday
''Go and wear it.
- But Papa, this is fine''
I'll be back soon
What name did you say?
- Suraj
Nice name.
''The cake has arrived, sir''
Come with me
This is Komal's birthday cake
You mustn't even have seen
a cake like this in your life
''And I'll feed you today. Here. .
- What are you doing, sir?''
I'm sweetening your tongue.
Come here. .
This is the most expensive
liquor in the world
You mustn't even have smelt it.
And I'll make you drink it today
- You're crossing the limits, sir! ''
Cheapskate! You hold my daughter's
hand and walk into my party?
''Do not take his silence
to be his weakness, Papa''
''If he's quiet, it's only
because you are my father''
And let me tell you something.
Suraj is your future son-in-law. .
and my husband-to-be! Any place
where my husband is not respected. .
''I will not stay at even for a moment!
Let's go, Suraj''
''You are one who rules my heart.
You are the one who lives in my heart''
''You mean the life to me''
''You are one who rules my heart.
You are the one who lives in my heart''
''You mean the life to me''
''I desire you with all my heart. . ''
''I seek you with all my heart. . ''
''my life I could lay down for you,
my love''
''You are one who rules my heart.
You are the one who lives in my heart''
''You mean the life to me''
500 bucks on Suraj.
- Very good !
You are amazing Suraj !
''People sweat it out to earn money,
and you shed your blood for it''
''Here's your rightful share.
Here you are, Suraj''
Thank you
Thank you
''This relationship
between hearts. . ''
''this bond between hearts. . ''
''this union of lives. . ''
''culminates in our coming together''
''Just one desire in my heart.
A promise too. . ''
''I will love you more
than my own life, my love''
''With you, I will live.
I will never go away. . ''
''I take an oath, my love''
''You are one who rules my heart.
You are the one who lives in my heart''
''You mean the life to me''
''He will be the Sun during day,
a star by night. . ''
''our darling son
will be the most lovable''
''My heart says. . ''
''that our childhood
is returning to us''
''Come, let me embrace you.
Let me merge with you. . ''
''I want nothing more, my love''
''You are one who rules my heart.
You are the one who lives in my heart''
''You mean the life to me''
''You are one who rules my heart.
You are the one who lives in my heart''
''You mean the life to me''
''What's that, madam?''
''Is everything all right, doctor?
- Yes''
What are you looking at? Such injuries
are commonplace in our profession
''In fact, we are paid
for the injuries. ''
''There's no cause for concern,
I hope?''
''Cause for concern, there is.
You'll have to be very careful''
See your brain-scan? This portion
of your brain is badly hurt
''Because of this injury, you will
have to give up this profession''
''I'm afraid, you'll never be able
to enter a ring again''
''But why, doctor?
- Because. . ''
''if by any chance, you sustain
another injury in the same place. . ''
you can suffer a brain hemorrhage
or even have a paralytic stroke
You could even lose your life
I understand that. .
but I have a request to make
You mustn't mention this
to Komal. She's pregnant. .
''she'll be upset for no reason.
- All right, Suraj. But. . ''
I'll leave now
What's that?
- Vitamins. All of them
Eat vitamins and be
fit like I am
''Listen, what did the doctor say?
- He said. . ''
I'd live for a hundred years
and sire eleven children
''Suraj, give up this profession.
God forbid. . ''
if something happens to you?
- One moment!
Strange! Your son's
saying the same thing !
''When the mother and
son get together. . ''
''. .what'll poor father do?
No more fights! ''
''This is an invitation to Anita's
wedding. You're going, aren't you?''
Why not?
Papa will also be there
And I don't want us
to come face to face
You're going to the wedding and
I'm booking the tickets tomorrow
''Komal, I can't tell you how happy
I am to see you here today''
Where's your husband?
- He had some important work. .
so I came on my own.
He insisted that I attend. .
so you wouldn't take offence.
- So nice of him!
You've travelled far.
Your baby must be hungry
''Go and eat something.
- No, we'll eat together''
Go ahead. I'll join you later
This is the ideal couple.
For a beautiful daughter. .
''you have found a great son-in-law.
And I'm not so lucky, am I?''
What's this uncle? You meet your
daughter after all these days. .
''and you are so indifferent?''
''You wanted Komal to be happy,
didn't you?''
And she's happy. Very happy.
And perhaps you don't know. .
she's pregnant. And you're
going to become a grandfather
I have hurt your feelings.
Please forgive me
''I must leave now, my child.
Look after yourself''
What's this? You come this far
and won't come upstairs?
''No, dear. I don't have
the courage to face Suraj''
I've been very. .
- Suraj holds no grudge against you
''In fact, he'll be very happy
to see you''
He doesn't even know
I'm returning today
He's going to be surprised to
see the two of us together
''Come on in, Papa
Give that to me. . ''
Sit down. He must be in there.
I'll give him a surprise
''Sit down.
- Yes, I'll sit down''
How dare you get into my house?
Oh come on ! You talk of sharing
a house and the nightgown?
I've even shared your husband
Komal ! What are you doing?
- I'm not sparing you !
Have you gone mad?
What is the matter?
I won't spare you !
She says she has spent
the night with my husband !
''Let me go, Papa. .
- What happened, Komal?''
You're asking me? First tell me
what she's doing here!
What are you doing in here?
Why put on the act
when you see your wife?
''When you can have fun,
have the balls to admit it''
Tell your wife that you've
spent the night with me
What rubbish are you talking? What?
- You're the one talking rubbish !
''Suraj, tell me the truth.
What is the truth?''
What's happening here?
How did this woman land here?
''I don't know a thing, Komal !
- No! You're lying ! ''
What's this? Where did you
get this lip-stick stains from?
How did you get this lip-stick stain?
- I don't know. .
Now tell me that you know nothing
about this ear-ring either! Tell me!
I swear it on you !
I know nothing !
''Listen to me, Komal
Hear me out! ''
Why did you do this to me?
- Hear me out. .
Why did you do this?
- I did nothing ! Nothing !
Our relations are finished.
I'm dead for you !
I'm dead !
''Lay off, scoundrel ! You have
ruined my daughter's life! ''
''Hear me out, Komal.
- Komal ! My child ! ''
Someone send for an ambulance!
''That man, for whom I left you,
I forsook the whole world. . ''
he was the one who betrayed my trust
He has defiled the
husband and wife relationship
I'll never forgive him. . Never!
''Congratulations, sir.
It's a baby-boy''
You've become a grandfather
''This child mustn't live.
- Why not, sir?''
Theirs is a relationship I caused
to split forever
And the link to bring them
together again is born today
I will not let this
relationship be revived
''Suraj, your wife doesn't
any have faith in you''
Your father-in-law wants
to kill your child
''If you wish to see your child alive,
take him and escape! ''
Don't waste time thinking.
Just escape! Take your son away!
Escape with your son ! Escape!
I lost everything
''Everything I had, was gone''
''These seven years,
I lived only for you''
''Papa, they won't separate me
from you. Will they?''
''I can't live without you, Papa.
I can't live without you''
I want to know who gives you
such silly advise!
Where was the need to do
such a foolish thing?
We have a law in this country
''He's the one who betrayed his wife,
he's the one who fled with the child''
''In just one hearing, I'll strip
that bloody Suraj in court! ''
''The name is Advocate Katre.
Those I hit, die of suffocation''
But you will have to do
as I say
Because there are allegations and
counter-allegations in the court
One has to speak the truth
and also use lies at times
''And I'm sure, Komal.
To have your son back. . ''
you'd be willing to go
to any lengths
I don't want any explanation.
Yashpal Chaudhary is our financier. .
''and I can't hire an enemy of his.
Settle his accounts, Mr. Mehta''
''I heard Suraj has lost his job?
- Yes, dear''
''When difficulties come,
they come from all sides''
Their house is in a shambles.
They don't even have water to drink
''I'm filling some water for them.
- Don't worry, aunt''
I'm here. I'll do all the chores.
- No dear
''Let go, aunt.
I'll take it''
''Madam, that's the house''
Anybody in?
Who is it?
You. .
- Where's Suraj?
''You're Komal, aren't you?
- Where is Suraj, I say''
He returns from work at this time
every day. He should be here
Why're you standing? Sit down. .
- I'm okay here
You live in this house?
You could say that
What relationship makes you stay here?
- Nothing.
''Do you know, when a woman lives with
a man outside of any relations. . ''
she's called a keep
If people are going to call
a devoted woman a keep. .
''yes, I am Suraj's keep then''
Let go of my hand ! I'm not
here to look at your immorality
I've come to give you
the court's summons
I'll have my child from you
''Your Honour, this case is a unique
case in the history of the law''
It hasn't anything do with
a robbery or a murder. .
it has to do with the unfortunate
mother who delivered a baby. .
and someone ran away with it
It wasn't anyone else who committed
that despicable act. .
it was the woman's own husband
and the father of the baby!
''To prove his guilt,
I seek permission. . ''
to summon the nurse Bilkis Banu
to the witness box
She was on duty at the hospital
that night
Permission granted
What did you see that night?
- I saw this man.
beating up Yashpal-ji's manager
and running away with the baby
I screamed. The security men
tried to stop him.
but he beat them up too and escaped.
''This man had a special motive to
steal that child, Your Honour''
From the only daughter
of a billionaire father.
he wanted to extract a price
for the child
''Because he was himself a depraved,
characterless and lecherous man''
''That is a lie, Judge!
- It's the truth ! ''
''And to prove this truth,
I have solid evidence''
Hussain Bakshi
''Hussain Bakshi, how did you
and Suraj come to be friends?''
''We share our habits, sir.
Every time we drank together. . ''
there's just one thing he said to me.
- What?
''My son is what I have earned. The day
my wife comes asking for her son. . ''
''I will extract whatever price
I want for him''
''He's talking rubbish !
This man is an enemy of mine, sir! ''
Liquor's too unimaginable a thing.
I haven't even shared water with him!
He has been bought out!
- He's not the one who's bought out
You are the one who has sold out!
To prove that. .
I seek permission to present
Mrs. Komal in the witness box
Permission granted
''Komal-ji, did Suraj ask you for
a price to return your son to you?''
''I'm asking you, Miss Komal''
''Did Suraj ask you for 20 million
to return the child, or didn't he?''
Why aren't you answering me?
''Did Suraj ask you for the money,
or didn't he?''
''Without these ploys,
you can never have your son''
''You can never have him''
''Did Suraj ask for the money,
or didn't he?''
Yes. My husband asked for money
''Mr. Suraj, is there anything
you wish to say in defence?''
''You're the one I'm asking,
Mr. Suraj. ''
''Do you wish to say something
in defence?''
All aspects of the case have
been presented before this court
''It has been proved
what motive Mr. Suraj had,
behind abducting his own son''
''For the sake of money,
he has played. . ''
with the relationship
of a father and a husband
The child has no future
with such a self-centred man
The court therefore orders that the
child be entrusted to the mother
It's true that God gave birth to me.
But it was my Papa who gave life to me
''In a matter of moments,
what has my life come to?''
''I wonder whose evil eye has
affected our relationship''
''I will always miss
your innocent face''
''When you go away,
who will call me Papa?''
''What does God make relations. . ''
''Why does He break them?''
''Karan, you haven't eaten anything
since last night. Come on. . ''
have something to eat.
You won't eat from my hand?
I'm your mother
Do you love my Papa?
Do you love my Papa?
''If you don't love my papa,
you cannot be my mother''
Go away. I don't want
any food from your hands
Go away. .
Who broke the window pane?
I broke it. What are you
going to do about it?
Are you out of your mind?
- I'm only out of my mind. .
but you've sold out on your faith !
How much money did you get to
give false testimony in court?
How much did you earn in separating
a father from his son?
That's my business
Who the hell are you to
sermonize to me?
You call yourself Hussain? Do you
even know who Hussain was?
''He was the Prophet's grandson. He
laid down his life, was martyred. . ''
only for the sake of truth
and justice. And you. .
you have brought disgrace to his name.
You have abused your faith !
You'll have to account for that.
You will have to!
''The credit of this celebration
goes to you, Mr. Judge''
The lawyer is right. Had you not
delivered a verdict in our favour. .
''One moment, Yashpal-ji. I haven't
delivered a verdict in your favour''
In the light of the evidence
and the testimonies. .
I only delivered a verdict
to uphold the truth
''Well said, Mr. Judge!
That was fantastic''
''Let's drink to that, Mr. Judge.
- No thank you. I don't drink''
I came to share your happiness
because you were so insistent
''One moment, sir''
''What is the matter, Madesh?
Why are you disturbing me?''
''Suraj is at the gate, sir''
How dare you come to my door?
Get lost
''I'll go away, sir. I'll go away''
Please let me meet my son
for a little while
If you have come to ask. .
ask like a beggar
Go down on your knees
Down on your knees!
''With folded hands, cry. .
and beg to see your son''
Don't you hear me?
''Please let me meet my son, sir.
Please let me meet him''
You aren't even getting
alms from this house
Nice lesson you taught him!
He was out to clash with you !
You've made a dog out of him!
- He doesn't know. .
who he was dealing with.
The pauper and the king !
''Come, let's party and have fun''
This guy's gonna smash everything !
''Commissioner, this is
Yashpal Chaudhary''
A thug has got into my house!
He's vandalising everything
Send the police force immediately.
Our lives are in danger
Please! Hurry up!
''They snatched you from me, Karan.
- Take me away from here, Papa ! ''
''Of course, Karan. C'mon''
Leave my Papa alone!
Save my Papa !
Let me go!
Sir! They'll kill my Papa !
Please save him!
''I beg you, sir. .
please save him! ''
Your father's a bastard !
He's better dead !
Get lost
That was a nice thing you did, sir.
He's a criminal
He'll be brought to your court again.
And this time. . you must
send him to hang ! To hang !
His only crime is that
he loves his son very much !
As long as he lives. . he's going
to continue committing this crime!
''So relieve him of the trauma
of dying every day, sir. . ''
''just hang him, sir. . hang him! ''
Come on. Your bail has
been arranged
The law is like the blind traveller
who finds his way. .
with the help of witnesses
and evidence
On the basis of the evidence and
witnesses presented in court. .
I had delivered a verdict
against you
But what happened yesterday
has opened my eyes
File an appeal to reopen this case.
I assure you. .
I'll do my best to see
that you get justice
On what grounds is this case
being reopened?
This case has already been decided !
What farce is this?
You are trying to obstruct
the court's proceedings
But Judge. .
- If you do not remain silent. .
it shall be treated as
contempt of the court
''Stay quiet, Yashpal-ji.
Suraj is out of prison''
But they could lock you up.
Please sit down
I seek permission to summon
Mrs. Komal in the witness box
Permission granted
I now seek permission to summon
Master Karan in the witness box
Permission granted
Place your hand on your son's head
and tell us under oath. .
that your husband asked you for
a price to return your son to you
''Are you listening, Mrs. Komal?
Swear it on your son. . ''
that Mr. Suraj sought 20 million from
you to return your son to you
''I'm saying something
to you, Mrs. Komal''
Place your hand on the child's head
and say it under oath !
Tell the court how much money
Suraj sought from you !
I don't think I need to explain
anything more to the court
Mr. Judge. .
I wish to say something.
- You may
''I admit, a mother lied
to have her son back''
You may very well hand over
the child to his father
But ask him to accept a cheque of
10 million along with the child
This man is no position to give
the child a good upbringing
''For seven years,
I have reared my son, sir''
I can take care of him in the future
too. I don't need this man's charity
''Oh yes, why would you need charity?''
''You have a treasure-vault,
don't you?''
''Your Honour, everyone knows
what his status is''
Even the house he lives in
is under litigation. .
and he can be thrown out at any time.
He has already lost his job
It's kind of Yashpal-ji
that he's giving you some charity
Have you the ability to
deposit 1. 5 million in court. .
for your son's upbringing?
Well? Why have you
sealed your lips?
Speak up! Say you can't
bring up your son !
''Yes, I can bring up my son.
Hear that? I can bring up my son ! ''
''Really? As security, can you deposit
1. 5 million rupees in court?''
''Yes, I can ! ''
''Judge, he himself says that for
the upbringing of his child. . ''
he can deposit 1. 5 million rupees
in court as security
''If he fails to do that,
I beg the court. . ''
to have the child entrusted to
his mother for a better future
''Do you agree?
- Yes, I agree''
''Mr. Suraj, are you saying this
in your full senses. . ''
that you will keep your promise
within a given period of time?
''Yes, sir''
''Mr. Suraj is given 3 months,
as per the arrangement. . ''
to deposit 1. 5 million rupees
in the court as security
If he fails to honour
his commitment. .
the child shall be handed over
to the mother forever
By agreeing to our condition
in court. .
you have distanced yourself
from your son forever
Forget raising 1. 5 million
in 3 months.
You can't raise it in 3 lifetimes
''I'm sorry to say this,
Yashpal Chaudhary''
''You sure are fond of winning, but you
do not know how to play the game''
1. 5 million is too little.
Had you even asked for
150 million for my son. .
I'd have thrown it in your face
Suraj ! After all these years!
Where have you been? Where?
God ! Am I glad to see you today!
My brother!
Subtitle downloaded from
- BollyNook.com -
Are you mad to think of getting
into this profession again?
Even a tiger forgets to hunt prey
after being caged for seven years
And you've been out of touch
with fighting for seven years
Why are you endangering your life?
What for?
''Manibhai, I'm not talking about
this common betting fights''
I'm talking about the fight that
takes place only once in a year
Where the victor gets 2. 5 million
You've gone nuts!
You're out of your mind
''One moment. . you were hurt
on the brains, weren't you?''
And the doctor had forbidden you
from fighting too
''Don't take this risk, my brother. .
you will die''
''I'm dead anyway after being
separated from my son, Manibhai''
If you wish to see me alive. .
help me in getting my son back
''I could even give
my life for you, Suraj''
But I don't have the money. Who'll
invest the money for your preparation?
Who will train you?
- I'll train him
''I have committed a grave sin by
separating you from your son, Suraj''
Give me this opportunity
to do a good deed
Maybe I'll be able to
face my Creator then
''This is terrific news, Madesh ! ''
Suraj has decided
to enter the ring again !
''This time, he mustn't
leave the ring alive''
''That's just what will happen, sir.
Take a look over there''
''Madesh, buy out this man.
And tell him. . ''
''that he hasn't just to win the fight,
he's got to kill Suraj''
Winning is a part of my personality
And I'm going to win
this battle against Suraj
I will.
Yashpal Chaudhary will
''God, protect my father''
You are the Lord
''And yet, Your brother and Your wife
were with You in exile''
''But this seven years of exile,
Suraj has been through on his own''
''To fight the demon,
You had an army of the apes''
But he? He has fought
the world single-handedly
Your justice is being
put to test today
''Help him, Lord. .
protect him''
''Glory be to Lord Rama.''
Why were you calling out to Suraj?
Who are you?
I'm the woman who
ruined this man's life
I'm the one who had him
separated from his wife
And God has punished me for my sins
This was a body I was proud of.
and this is how it is today
My husband has left me. I went
begging from door to door
I lived only to beg at this man's
feet and ask for forgiveness
You've come to the right place.
Come with me. Come
How dare you come to this house?
Get the hell out of here!
Wretch !
Whom did you call a wretch?
Watch your tongue!
You think only you can get angry?
I'm in a fit of rage too
You've spoken enough.
Now listen to me
Recognise this woman?
''You do recognise her, don't you?''
You talk of sharing a house
and the nightgown?
And I've already shared
your husband
You. .
Yes! She's the one who lit the
fire between you and your husband
She's the one who ruined your family.
Tell her the truth
What did you do what you did?
Clear her doubts. Tell her.
Nothing happened between
your husband and me that night
It was part of a conspiracy
to poison your mind
Your husband is innocent
I was given a pair of stolen keys
to get into your house
I was the one who applied
lip-stick marks on Suraj's shirt
I was the one who hooked
that ear-ring on him
To make you believe that your husband
had spent the night with me
''To ruin a happy family,
to commit such a grave sin. . ''
the man who paid me whatever
I asked for was no one else. .
but your father
''You are a very rich man's
daughter, aren't you?''
But I've yet to see someone
as poor as you are
You have neither the happiness
of being a wife. . nor a mother
A husband and wife's relationship
is based on love and faith
And you. . you wouldn't
trust the man who loved you?
Men never lack women.
A million girls could die for Suraj
I was willing to die for him! I!
But he never even looked at me
You know why? Because
you're the only one he loves
There's just one woman
in his life. . and that's you
''That son you pine for, you
couldn't even have seen his face. . ''
if Suraj had not escaped with him
from the hospital
Because your father was bent on
killing the symbol of your love
He wanted to kill your child !
This bridal necklace you wear. .
it proves that you haven't been able
to forget Suraj in these 7 years
You still love him and consider
him to be your husband
But you will wear that necklace
for just half an hour more
For the sake of his son.
Suraj has chosen to walk
into the jaws of death
He won't come back alive
Only you can save him.
Go and save your husband
Save your Suraj. Save him
That scoundrel mustn't survive.
Listen carefully to what I say
I've just received information
from Madesh.
''that Suraj's nerve to the
right of his brains, is damaged''
Like I've thrown him out
of my daughter's life. .
you must throw him
out of this world !
My daughter. . slaps me?
My daughter?
No. You were slapped by the woman. .
who gave false testimony against
her husband in court
You were slapped by the wife. .
who could not preserve the sanctity
of her bridal necklace
You were slapped by the mother. .
who could not feed her child
with her own milk
''What have you done, my child?
What have you done?''
I've punished the daughter
who struck her father
''God, have mercy''
''God, protect him''
''Protect him, Lord''
''You've got to win, Suraj''
Clobber him!
''Harder! Hit him, Suraj ! ''
Go to your Papa. Go on
''Suraj, my son. . I had never
accepted defeat in my life''
Winning had come to be
part of my nature
But your honesty
has defeated me
''I today understand the significance
of the word ''father''
''Here's a father, who defied death
for the sake of his son''
And I. . I gave my child
nothing but sorrow
I won't ask you to forgive me
I don't deserve
that even in charity
You're running scared of punishment?
You're surely going to be punished.
Whatever punishment you give me. .
''I will face it, my child.
- So go down on your knees''
''Go down on your knees, I say''
Embrace me
''Embrace me, grandfather''
My child !