River Murders, The (2011)

Here's your beer, Jack. Oh, thanks, Steve.
Hey, two nights in a row.
You must really enjoy the food here.
You know, the food is okay, but I
got a serious crush on the chef.
You really off for the weekend? Yeah.
Thought I'd take Mom and Dad
to that Italian restaurant by the river.
With this rain? The river might flood.
Yeah, it will give my dad something
to complain about.
Yeah, okay.
Tell your mom I will be up Thursday.
I have to visit with a couple
of wineries in the morning.
I will buy her lunch.
Okay. You going to be late tonight,
you think?
Maybe an hour. Can you wait?
Yeah, I was thinking
we'd take a nice romantic walk.
A romantic walk in the rain?
A romantic cab ride is all right.
Yeah, no. I think a walk will be
just perfect. Come here.
Your gun will get rusty.
Oh, you think so? Yeah.
You look very gorgeous tonight.
Uh-oh. I hate to tell you this,
but look who's arrived.
Hey, Jenny. Look at you.
I was supposed to go '70s dancing
with friends. I feel ridiculous.
No, you look fantastic.
Jack, they just found Sarah Richards' body
down by the river in Hillside Park.
Sarah Richards?
The one that works at the DA's office?
I spoke to Langley.
He's going to put Sotor and Lynch on it.
But I knew you'd want to know.
I got to do this.
- You had a thing with Sarah?
- Years ago.
I saw her the other day at the courthouse.
She asked about you.
You seem to have a lasting effect
on the women you have known.
She got married a few years ago.
She's got two kids.
Looks like sexual assault.
We found her clothing
down below in the hollow.
Then it looks like the body was placed here.
You found the clothes down there?
Neck's been broken.
Had to be a strong man.
She was in good shape.
Sarah was married, wasn't she?
Wedding ring is missing.
What is it, Jack?
Almost 12 years ago,
I dated Sarah for four months.
Last time we had sex
was right down there.
That makes me a suspect.
We got to do this by the book, Jack.
You two go to the station,
make a statement.
Do you want a lawyer?
Come on, fuck you, Art.
See you two at the station.
Hey. Excuse me.
I am heading to Sandpoint.
What's the best way to the freeway?
Go that way down first.
You will see signs in about five blocks.
Be careful out there.
There's too much rain. Yeah.
Forty days and 40 nights.
Can I get you anything?
No, thanks.
Okay. Take care.
Coroner puts the time of death
between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m.
Yeah, well, I was here at 8.
I was sleeping before that.
Was Ana there?
No, she goes to the farmers' market at 5.
Hey, Jenny.
Jack, this is kind of hard for me,
but I got to put you on administrative
leave until we clear you.
I need your badge and gun.
I am going to go home.
We will have this cleared up
in the morning.
And Jack, I need you
to stay away from this case.
Hey. Hey.
What is it?
Oh, it's...
It's nothing. Tell me.
No, I will tell you in the morning.
So because Sarah's body
was in the same area that...
This is just too crazy.
This can't be really happening.
I know, but it is. I am sorry.
Honey, I need to tell you something.
What? It was at least a year
before you and I met.
No, Jack. That's not it.
It's nothing. No.
I got to go. Fish market.
You okay? Yeah.
I am going to go run. I love you.
They always return
to the scene of the crime.
Hey, hey, hey,
don't cross that tape line.
Check for enemies
that she made at the DA.
I called over there. They're sending
you a list of her convictions....
from the past three years.
What do you got here? Anything?
Shouldn't tell you this, but the coroner
called. They found the ring.
You could be the expert witness.
They found it in her pussy, Jack.
An area we heard you knew very well.
Honey, where have you been?
What's wrong? I was running.
How am I going to say this to you?
It's just I got home, and I...
There was a message from your father,
and there's been an accident, Jack.
It's your mother. She's dead.
She walked across that
bridge every day for 30 years.
She's usually up at 6.
I was in the workshop until 10.
Always in such a hurry.
I always told her to be more careful.
She never listens to me.
She never listened to anyone, Dad.
She was looking forward to seeing you.
Hey. Oh, thanks, baby.
You're welcome.
Too much rain.
That river's going to run its banks.
Talk to people in her division.
Her supervisor said
she was out for a few days.
So maybe there was a threat.
Sotor talked to the husband.
He's cleared. Said she'd been sick.
Nothing else new, except the FBI called.
Something clicked on their computer.
Were there any prints? Mm-mm.
No prints.
Jack, you need to concentrate
on your father.
We will all be at the funeral. All right.
Call me if anything comes up. Will do.
Help. Help.
Help me.
I knew I'd find you here.
It's time, babe.
My own mother, God bless her soul,
died at childbirth.
I never knew her, though somehow
she lives on within me.
And often I hear her speak
on the rain, in the wind.
The soul is a force to be reckoned with.
Often it will not die. It will refuse.
It will continue on within, in all of us.
The FBI says it
fits two others, maybe more.
Yeah. The ring placement fits a profile.
Then that clears me.
I mean, if they're all
connected, I haven't traveled.
There was one in Reno, one in Sacramento.
The FBI will be in our office tomorrow.
The agent in charge is a prick.
They're from Quantico, Behavioral Analysis.
Twenty-six years of law enforcement,
and I have never had a case like this.
Don't get too excited.
If this is a serial thing,
they have jurisdiction.
Now, as far as I am concerned, this
new information clears you outright.
Who is he?
He looks like FBI, this guy.
Yeah, he's a tech from the lab.
They want to take a DNA swab from you.
Now? Art, at my mother's funeral?
I know, you're right.
But please, Jack, do it.
It will clear you officially soon.
I need you on this case.
Please, you can do it by the van.
All right.
He finally fell asleep. Good.
You don't have to do that, baby.
It could wait till tomorrow.
There's never been a dirty dish
left in this sink overnight.
I am not about to start now.
Have a drink.
Want one? No, I am fine.
He will be all right.
He's already talking about working tomorrow.
I just can't imagine him
alone in this house.
I mean, he's never even washed
a dish in his entire life.
Maybe we should do it.
Maybe we should move up here.
Oh, no.
Can't quite see you playing
local sheriff, Jack.
It's not your thing.
Who's this?
Jack, I am sorry it's late.
It's all right. Come in.
Honey, it's Tony Ragusa.
I am very sorry about your mom.
I couldn't come today.
Come on in, it's raining. Come on.
I have got police business,
and I am afraid it's not very pleasant.
We need to talk.
What is it?
Ellie Nelson.
We found her body way upriver, naked.
Looked like she'd been in there
for two or three days.
Honey, what's the matter?
She had this in her things.
"Samaria will be held guilty.
For she has rebelled against her God."
Signed, Elijah.
Was she wearing a wedding ring?
I don't know.
I need to see the body.
Call the coroner.
What is it?
Just call the fucking coroner.
Jesus, Jack.
Are you sure?
Yes. I am sure, Jack.
I am so sorry, Ellie.
Tony, I am sorry about before.
Hey, no worries, now that I understand.
God, what kind of a crazy bastard
would do something like that?
This makes me sick.
Always something to fix around here.
Dad, you and Mom never
wore wedding rings, huh?
We never saw the need.
Do you have them? Sure.
She's got a jewelry box, keeps it
in the bottom drawer of the bureau.
I should have buried it with her.
I got to go back down.
The FBI has a list.
There's other victims in other states.
Oh, my God. Jesus, Jack.
Couldn't it be just a coincidence?
No. No, the killer has
a very distinct signature.
It's very graphic.
They were killed by the same person, Ana.
Oh... Oh...
Your mother?
No. No, I am sure about that, no.
So, what do you mean?
What do you mean?
Ana, Ana, what it means,
it means you got to carry a gun.
This, Ana...
Go. You get out of here.
I will arrange help for your father
and get back this afternoon.
But I am not going to carry a gun
with me. No.
We seem to have so much in common.
It'd be nice, uh, to see you again.
I am sorry, I don't think so.
It was...
It was really nice meeting you.
I just don't think
we really had a connection.
Take care.
Leonard. Right, Leonard.
Are you Sung Li?
Yeah. Can I help you?
You have been highly recommended.
I am sorry.
I no longer give massages.
But we have many pretty
young girls here to assist you.
Oh, I'd prefer a mature woman.
I am now the owner.
If you'd like to make an appointment,
I could arrange for
a mature woman to assist you.
No. Thanks.
I understand, it's just that, well...
you have come so highly recommended.
Father, I haven't given
a massage for many years.
Who was it that recommended me?
An old friend.
Detective Jack Verdon.
Oh, Jack.
I haven't seen Jack for many years.
How is he?
Good. Married. Very happy.
Jack was a good man, very kind.
So, what is it you want, Father?
A massage.
A bath.
All right, well,
since you're a friend of Jack.
Follow me.
When did we find out about this?
Body was discovered yesterday.
So, Jack, you fucked this girl
by this river 30 years ago?
Yes. And Sarah Richards.
You fucked her in the park,
but 12 years ago?
Agent Glover, hope you packed
a few changes of panties.
I will wear yours.
Though I appreciate your FBI humor,
why don't we get to the point.
Jack, you're married. Kids?
No kids. I have been married
for eight years.
I am not married myself.
Never have been.
Alma here, she's been married 15 years.
Tell him what your husband does.
He's a mechanic. Great.
Fixes my old LTD for free.
It's quite the perk.
You say you're happily married?
Yeah, very.
So once you have been married for a little
while, you don't have sex as much.
Sometimes you might look up old
girlfriends, see what they have been up to.
Agent Vukovitch, get to the point
and cut this bullshit out.
Jack's the best detective
I ever worked with.
He's closed more cases
than anyone in this city.
So please stop wasting our time.
Well, I had no idea I was in
the presence of greatness.
I have got two names on the list here.
If you're familiar with these two photos,
we may have
a very strange situation here.
That's Mary Barnes.
I went to college with her.
This one was a long time ago.
Laura. Laura...
McCoy. Laura McCoy.
Just for the record, have you
recently gone to Reno or Sacramento?
- No.
- That's too bad.
Might have made our jobs a bit easier.
Sexual relations with both these women?
You're familiar with the locations
the bodies were found?
Any connection between them?
Can you draw a line between them?
I mean, no obvious connection, no.
This is very exciting.
How many women have you been with?
More than you.
Look, Jack, every woman that you
have ever been with is at risk.
I may be an asshole,
but you're going to need to answer
every one of my questions.
We need a full and complete list.
Of every woman I slept with?
Kissed, felt up, fingered, whatever.
Is that going to be a problem?
This is the first time
a note's been left behind.
Elijah, Samaria. Sounds biblical.
Yeah, I will check with Father Harlan.
- Please.
- Aah. No.
Please. Please, don't do this.
God will forgive you, little one.
He has a plan for you.
Just as he has a plan for me.
I am doing God's work.
He needs an army.
And I will lead it.
We all must pay
for the sins of the father.
I need to be reinstated.
It's obvious that there's no connection
between me and any of these murders.
Not until the DNA comes back.
Takes a few days.
So I am still a suspect?
Best one we got.
Agent Glover, show Jack the list again,
see if he can circle off
a few more names.
This is the ViCAP list of all
the unsolved female murder cases
across the country in the past year.
- Any similarities are noted.
- We got four victims.
Violent sexual assault.
Suffocated, necks broken.
Bruises and ligature marks
suggest torture prior to death.
The bodies have been positioned.
Also the acrylic fibers
and the rubber residue
suggest he transports the victims,
dead or alive, in the trunk of his car.
The killer leaves two distinct signatures.
The victim's wedding ring is placed
deep inside the vagina.
Postmortem, a small incision,
made with a razor-like instrument,
is carved into the victim's tongue
in the shape of a cross. Okay, so....
....it's obvious this is a strong man.
Able to control these women easily.
Psychological problems.
Most likely a bed wetter.
Troubled childhood.
Cut up the neighbor's cat.
Behavioral science will have a field day
with this new sexual stuff, Jack.
You're a wet dream come true.
There's two more.
Maria Duarte, Las Vegas.
And Charlene Bell in Sandpoint.
Both raped, necks broken.
Duarte had an earring
placed inside her vagina.
And Charlene Bell, a crucifix.
Who would you talk to about this stuff?
I don't tell anybody any of that.
Nobody knows about your sexual escapades?
Not a psychiatrist, a priest, your wife?
No one.
Let me ask you just one more question.
Did you ever fuck your mother?
No, Jack, no.
No, Jack.
Just fucking don't.
Why don't we get some lunch?
How many women are we looking at?
I have never counted.
Probably close to a hundred.
Practice makes perfect. Certainly. Jesus.
How many men have you slept with? Three.
Imagine that. Look, why don't you go home.
Make a list, think about it,
mull it over, meditate.
I mean, we're not in any rush here.
Got plenty of time, Jack.
We need contacts, e-mails, numbers.
One more thing. We're going to have
to exhume your mother's body.
Elijah was a prophet in the Old Testament.
But this quote is not from him.
It's from the Book of Hosea.
Okay, so a prophet is like a saint.
Well, not exactly.
In the biblical sense,
it's a man called by God
to be his spokesman, his messenger.
A prophet communicates with the
Lord through visions and ecstasies.
Often they were thought to be insane.
They deliver God's prophecies
through written word,
through sermons, through symbolic acts.
You're not supposed to be here, Jack.
Go on, Father.
Well, here it is.
This is the Book of Hosea.
Chapter 13, verse 16.
"Samaria..." That's ancient Israel.
"...will be held guilty.
For she hath rebelled against her God.
They shall fall by the sword.
The little ones shall be dashed in pieces.
And their pregnant women
shall be ripped open."
Was this young woman pregnant?
No, but her wedding ring was taken
from her finger, placed in her vagina.
What is the context of that quote?
Um... Well,
it's a rather gruesome prophecy.
It's a curse by God on the nation.
For their sins against his will,
he would close the nation's wombs.
This is the Bible?
The Bible is about both good and evil.
What you describe is...
It's desecration of the body.
It is evil.
By the book.
Otherwise it will just cause trouble.
Want them to take me off the case too?
I am not staying home.
Women have died because of me.
Everything I am is at stake here.
How's Ana? Langley's got a car on her.
No, I mean how is she holding up?
She's not happy.
Okay, I will drive you out to your dad's.
But you said you were sure.
There's some things I didn't know.
This is unbelievable.
This can't be happening.
Look, I need you to take some time off.
A few weeks at least.
You will be safe at home.
You don't tell me what to do.
Absolutely not.
I will not lock myself away.
I have a job here, responsibility.
Ana, you're in danger.
This is serious. People are dying.
I am not taking time off, Jack.
And you can't change my mind.
Anyway, I have noticed
they are watching me.
This is crazy.
Look, if you notice anything strange,
anybody that seems
out of the ordinary to you,
you make sure you call it in.
Of course.
Okay? And they will be watching you.
Will you be back tonight?
Yeah, I will be back around 12.
I can't tell my dad over the phone.
What are you going to tell him?
I am going to tell him the truth.
My God.
Do me a favor.
Don't put me on the list.
I wouldn't do that.
She knows. Women have a sense.
Jenny, that was a long time ago.
Believe me, she knows.
Thought you wanted me to go by the book.
Oh, cut the shit, Jack.
I can take care of myself.
Close to a hundred, really?
What about you? How many for you?
I don't know, maybe 20.
None in the past year.
But, hey, who's counting?
I didn't get married till I was 40.
I guess I dated a lot.
I mean, never seemed strange to me.
You still into the handcuffs?
No. I traded in my leather
for white cotton panties.
Yeah, right.
She was always very proud of you.
You know how I feel.
Dad, I have been a cop for 28 years.
I don't have to like it.
Does Ana know about all of this?
She walked across that bridge
every day for 30 years.
Doesn't make sense to me she'd just fall.
Well, we will know more tomorrow.
We will have her in and out in a day.
It's a nice spot we got up there.
I drove up yesterday.
All them roses still in bloom.
Seems almost a sin to disturb her.
She sure would have loved
to see a grandson.
Come on, Dad.
You know Ana can't have kids.
That's not fair.
I need you.
You do what you need to.
There's been another,
massage parlor in town.
Which one?
Which one?
Which one? Her name is Sung Li.
Hey, buddy.
Welcome to your nightmare.
Hey, Jenny. If you're looking for
men, they got an opening here.
Maybe you should apply.
We need that fucking list, Jack.
If you quit wasting your time accusing
me, maybe you'd save a fucking life.
Don't tell me how to do my job.
Where were you today, huh?
I was with Jenny all day.
I didn't do this and you know it.
DNA came back. He's clear.
No shit.
You're not getting your gun or your
badge back until you get us that list.
I don't know what you did
to piss this guy off, Jack.
Now he's making very bizarre requests.
So this is it? The list?
Yeah, do you want to see it?
I love you, baby.
I love you too.
How could this happen?
How could this guy know?
This woman tonight, there's no way
he could have known about it.
This other victim,
it was a one-night stand,
I literally knew her for one night.
We got drunk.
No one could have known about it.
No one.
The answer's right in front of you, babe.
I wish it were that easy.
This girl,
we met her at a party about five years ago.
She was wearing a black dress.
You talked to her at least for five
minutes before you introduced me.
Her name was Leslie.
Leslie Tait.
I knew you had slept with her.
I knew it.
Women know.
We can tell.
Ask the women on your list.
That's what the killer is doing.
Her name was Sung Li.
She worked at the massage parlor on Third.
I followed him once.
Oh, God..... please...... stop.
Why are you doing this?
For my brothers and sisters.
Their innocent souls. Please.
I have two little children.
You have no reason to fear God's work.
I will mark you.
So that when you enter
the kingdom of heaven,
the Lord will know
that I have sent you home.
You will be born again
as one of Christ's divine soldiers.
And we shall have our vengeance.
Wait, wait.
I do remember something about Jack.
Something I overheard.
Something embarrassing.
Excuse me, would you mind?
I am leaving anyway.
Don't do that.
I will be devastated.
We have the same coffee schedule.
Breakfast of champions.
I am John.
Goodbye, John.
- Go, go, go.
- Hey, hey.
Hang on.
Come on, let's go, let's go.
Over here. Let's go.
- Okay.
- Do it, do it, do it.
Need to contact every woman on this list.
Concentrate on these at the top.
Sure they will all be thrilled
to hear from you, Jack.
Question now is why.
If you're right and this guy extracts other
names and locations from the victims,
then there's at least
a deranged logic to it.
Yeah, Ellie Nelson,
she definitely knows Charlene.
Sarah Richards, she would know Sung Li
because that was around the same timeframe...
Sarah Richards, she would know Sung Li
because that was around the same timeframe...
Not exactly 100 here.
Did you overestimate your prowess?
No, I overestimated my memory.
I have got 12 men working,
an entire task-force.
I can't do anything unless you get me
all the information. I am trying.
I really am. I am trying. Try harder.
Hey, I was going to ask you,
you busy for dinner tonight?
Eat me.
Maybe for dessert. Knock it off.
I spent the morning with
the Book of Hosea. Interesting.
Israel is portrayed as a faithless bride.
The country is wealthy, successful,
but it's lost its moral compass,
its faith in God.
It calls for divine vengeance.
Only then will there be salvation.
You ain't nothing but a hound dog,
hundreds of women,
then married. Why the change?
Why? I fell in love, that's why.
I see there's not one woman on this
list since you have been married.
What's your point?
You have been faithful?
With all these hundreds of women, you must
have messed up at least one happy household.
There's got to be a jealous husband or two.
It's very possible.
Circle all names married at the time.
What are you doing? What about your task-force?
What are they doing?
There's been six murders.
I have got two agents working each one.
We have interviewed every one of
your friends back to grade school.
Some don't like you very much.
Others say you're a kind and generous man.
But none of them admit
to being a homicidal maniac.
I have got four units working overtime
at Quantico, all for Jack Verdon.
Though I walk through the
shadow of death, I fear no evil.
For thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
Thou anointest my head with oil.
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall
follow me all the days of my life.
And I shall dwell in the house
of the Lord forever.
Adultery is a sin, Thomas.
Coroner's report from last night.
The victim, Sung Li, was a married woman
but wore no wedding ring.
There was an incision on the tongue
and a small crucifix
placed inside the vagina.
There was a partial print.
We're running it now.
About your mother, Jack.
She wasn't sexually assaulted.
But there was an incision on the tongue
and a ring found inside the vagina.
That's not possible.
It wasn't a wedding ring.
It was a small band with an inscription:
"To Rebecca, Love Jack."
Oh, my God.
There's just no way. It's...
Where's...? Where's...?
Where's the picture of Rebecca?
Right here.
Yeah, her name was on the list.
I ran a trace.
Her address is in Los Angeles.
Her husband claims
he hasn't seen her in three months.
Have L.A. Pick him up.
Tell us about Rebecca, Jack.
Parents were Catholic.
After they found out,
they sent Rebecca to live with an aunt
in L.A. Never saw her again.
Clinic here in town?
Thirty years ago, it wasn't a clinic.
She was 16.
Some doctor called himself a specialist.
Then there are no records.
Two hundred bucks. Upfront.
I was 18 years old.
We'd meet out in the country.
It was innocent. We'd talk.
She was religious...
An immaculate conception?
Well, maybe. We only did it once.
Was she your first, Jack?
Yup, and I was hers.
Where we going?
Nothing yet.
It's not your fault.
I know, Jenny, but...
that ring...
inside my mother...
There's nothing here but fucking rats.
Come on, let's go. Come on.
I am, um...
I am up this far.
There's just something I am going to do.
I will catch you later.
I am so sorry, Mom.
Hey, did you see who brought these here?
People through here all the time.
I'd like to go to Monument Park first.
Please, Jack.
I, uh...
I was going to wait until after.
I bought this for you.
Had it inscribed.
Couldn't we just get married?
No, Rebecca.
Women have the right to choose now.
It's safe, I promise you.
But this is not my choice.
This is your choice.
We discussed this, Rebecca.
You know your family.
You know this is the best way.
Don't you?
You. I should arrest you. First you fuck
the victim, then you lead us to the body.
I have convicted on less.
Did you pick up the husband?
Yeah, we got him.
Not much of a suspect.
He's blind.
This one was special.
He cut this one up.
And what's with the gift wrap?
Rebecca wanted to get married.
Oh, Art.
Check for a print on that. What is it?
Someone left flowers on my mother's grave.
It wasn't me.
It says, "From your loving son."
Her husband said three months.
First victim.
Glover's on her way to the L.A. Office.
She will get more out of the husband.
I will call Jenny.
Go home, get some rest.
Agent Vukovitch.
What the fuck is this?
It's a fetus. Oh, Jesus Christ.
Again we meet.
Kismet maybe. It's John, right?
I am impressed.
Do you live close by, John?
I am over on Union.
It's nice. I am renting.
It's just temporary. Temporary?
Is this an interrogation?
I am a police detective, John.
Very cool.
Um... Heh, heh.
I am sorry, I didn't mean
to come on so strong.
I am Jenny.
It's a pleasure.
Well, maybe I will see you at coffee.
Hope so.
Jenny here.
Yeah, I am just going to get a cab
and I will be right there. Okay.
Was it bad news?
This phone is never good news.
Do you see a cab?
Your job must be very difficult.
You have no idea.
They just found a body
down at Monument Park.
That's horrible.
Would you like a ride?
Oh, no, thanks. It's not far.
I am just going to wait for the cab.
I could give you a ride.
No, thanks.
My car's right here.
No, I can't, I can't.
Thanks, John.
John, wait.
This is a rental car, huh?
I am in town on business
for the next few months.
They were out of Ferraris.
Where are you from?
I am not really from anywhere.
Kind of move around a lot,
but I keep a place in Portland.
What do you do?
You ask a lot of questions.
I know, I am sorry. It's a bad habit.
I didn't mean to interrogate you.
I work a lot with family clinics.
I am a consultant.
Never really figured out
what consultants do.
Neither have I.
I am just glad they keep paying me.
Tell you what. How about you
interrogate me tomorrow night?
Over one drink. Maybe even dinner.
And I will answer all your questions.
I am sorry. I am involved
in a very difficult case right now.
It's just really hard
to commit to anything.
I understand.
So let's just plan on having one drink.
I won't take it personally
if you can't make it.
You are persistent, I will give you that.
Hoping it pays off.
Oh, this is it, right up here.
Give me your number
and if I am free, I will call you.
That's my cell.
I will call you either way.
Would you do me a favor
and wait here for one minute?
Is Jack here? He went home.
Who's that?
I was going to see if he recognized him.
This guy I have run into
a few times lately.
You want us to hold him?
No, it's okay.
We found this.
You might want to call
Father Harlan again.
Even I know what this is, Art.
"Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil.
For thou art with me."
It's the 23rd Psalm.
Last call, Jack.
Thanks, Sully. How's Maria?
Don't ask. Heh, heh.
I thought that was you.
Annie Locke. It's been a long time.
I think I heard you were married.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
You remember Ana Kosta?
The cook. Sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, we have been married
eight years now.
Have they contacted you? Who?
Law enforcement, the FBI, or...
No. What? No, nothing.
Okay. Well, I can't stay, Jack.
I got to get home.
I just moved back from
New York City last month.
Really? Yeah, I got a great place.
Close by, beautiful view. Heh.
You mind if I walk you home?
I don't. Sure. Okay.
What can I get you?
I will have an IPA. Coming right up.
Mm. Smells good.
Are you coming up for a drink?
Uh, it's late. No, I really can't,
Annie. Please. I will be good.
Come on. No, no, no.
I can't.
Once more for old times' sake.
No, no.
Annie, just listen to me. Listen to me.
You might be in danger, Annie.
The FBI is going to contact you.
I am surprised they haven't already.
I need you to go inside, lock your door
and don't talk to anybody you don't know.
What's this about?
They will call tomorrow
and explain everything.
Please. Okay.
Go on. It was good to see you, Annie.
Good night.
Give me Vukovitch.
Well, find him.
- Yeah?
- First Street Motel.
Another one, Jack. Fuck.
This is quite a list, Jack.
Thought you weren't going to read it.
I didn't.
But when you come home late smelling
of cheap perfume, makes me wonder.
I got to go.
He killed somebody else.
Then go.
I don't have time for this.
Fuck you.
What do you want?
You're reading a list of women I slept with.
I am not going to apologize.
It's my life.
Oh, men are so sad.
I got to go. If you want to
talk about this, we will.
I just can't do it now.
I don't want to.
I have told you I don't care.
You don't understand...
Understand what?
You don't like what you're reading.
Make your own list. We will duke it out.
How many times did you sleep
with each woman?
What's your point?
You really enjoy one-night stands.
Oh, my God.
Before I met you,
I had maybe 12 relationships.
I slept with them many times.
How many times have we slept together?
How many? I don't know. Do the math.
I have fucked more times than you.
I like to fuck, Jack.
I am a sexual person.
And this list, it's not complete.
What do you mean?
You know what I mean.
And who I mean.
Are you Jack Verdon? Whoa.
Are you Jack Verdon?
Yeah, yeah, I am Jack...
I am Jack Verdon.
You know who I am? No, who?
Sarah Richards was my wife. Oh, God.
Detective Sotor tells me
that she died because of you.
That some animal raped and
murdered her because of you.
Is that true?
My babies are going to grow up
without their mother.
Know what it's like
to grow up without a parent?
Look at my face.
We met once. You...
Police. Drop the gun.
We got him, got him.
Michael, I remember you.
I remember you. I am sorry.
I am so sorry.
It's all your fault.
Jack, you dog.
Fuck you, Sotor.
Sarah's husband tried to
put a bullet in me because of you.
Me? Right in there.
Unless you, uh, want to go in
through the back door.
I don't care who
or what you have slept with,
but we need everyone on that list.
A man? Never.
It's nothing to be ashamed of, Jack.
My brother's a little light. Heh.
I don't know who this is.
You think our suspect did this?
He's our boy.
Tongue carved, finger's busted,
wedding ring missing.
Let's not even guess where that is, okay?
Was he raped?
I didn't look too close.
I will leave that to the coroner.
His name's Thomas William Lincoln.
His wallet's over there in the gym bag.
You sure?
Maybe an orgy-type situation?
The notes, the fetuses.
He's testing you, Jack,
daring you to figure it out.
We found this beside the bed.
Malachi, in most editions, is the
last chapter of the Old Testament.
Other than that,
very little is known about him.
He's not mentioned by name
anywhere else in the Bible.
Though the name Malachi
means "messenger" in Hebrew.
I read the Book of Hosea.
It's allegorical.
Hosea equates Israel as a faithless wife.
God was very upset with Israel.
Here's the quote
from the Book of Malachi.
These are the last two verses
of the Old Testament.
"Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet
before the coming of the great
and dreadful day of the Lord.
And he shall turn the heart
of the fathers to the children
and the heart of the children
to their fathers."
That's Elijah again.
It's prophesied that he would return
before the second coming
to prepare the way.
And Jezebel?
She's the pagan queen of Samaria.
Elijah and Jezebel had
a vicious battle of faith.
And the name Jezebel signifies
wickedness. Heh, heh.
Here, Jack. A gift.
You can read all about it.
Think you'd recognize
this guy if you saw him?
I met someone. He comes into the cafe.
Someone new?
Jenny, what are you thinking?
You think I haven't thought of that?
Every goddamn man who
smiles at me on the street
has turned into a psychopath.
It's not a fun way to live your life.
What's his name?
His first name's John.
I don't know his last name.
What does he do?
He's a social worker, a consultant.
You don't know his last name, where he works?
He asked me to have a drink tonight.
I need you to meet him, here at 8.
He's going to pick you up here?
Yeah, it didn't bother him at all.
Ask him a few questions if you want to,
just don't act like my dad.
I just want you to be safe.
Okay? I want you happy,
but I want you safe.
Well, I guess if the guy who slept his way
through hundreds could find just one...
You will find somebody.
Jack, don't let Ana get away.
Don't let all this ruin
what you two have.
You know...
Something doesn't fit here,
this thing about the wedding ring.
What do you mean?
We're too close
to the symbolism of the ring.
On some victims, he used other items.
And then the whole sexual aspect.
What if the symbolic act isn't about
sex, but about where he places it?
He places it in the vagina. Mm-mm.
Not the vagina, the womb. Childbirth.
Remember what Father Harlan said
about the ripping open of wombs
and the little ones dashed to pieces?
Yeah. He sent you a fetus, Jack.
Right this way, Mrs. Lincoln.
Please, have a seat.
I know her.
Hey, Lisa.
Jack. Hi.
What's happened?
I am so sorry.
We're not sure yet.
He went to play basketball
and he never came home.
I am going to ask you a few questions,
okay? Is that all right?
Okay. What did your husband do?
He's an attorney.
We met at the restaurant.
I liked waitressing.
Tommy hated the place.
He used to work there at the restaurant?
Breakfast shift.
You probably never knew him.
He went to school at night.
When was this? How long ago?
Maybe seven years ago.
So he knew Ana?
- Yeah, Jenny?
- Where did you go?
I need you here at 8 to look at my guy.
I will be there.
I met Lisa Lincoln this afternoon,
the waitress who used to work here.
And you were right. She knew.
She knew what?
Are you going to deny this to me?
No. I don't deny it. It happened.
You slept with this guy?
I fucked him. Three times.
When you were at home,
in our bed, fucking Jenny.
I spent three stupid nights in some motel.
First Street Motel?
Yes, why?
Were you getting back at me?
We were married less than a year.
And I found out that you were having
an affair right in our bed with Jenny.
Goddamn right.
Yes, I was getting back at you.
What's your point? My point?
Tommy Lincoln is dead.
He was murdered in a motel room
at the First Street Motel.
Oh, my God.
It's our guy.
This is insane. I don't understand.
Maybe it was this guy's way of
letting me know the truth about you.
The truth about me?
Yeah, the truth about you.
An innocent man is dead.
And, oh, God, Jack,
didn't Lisa just have a baby?
And you were upset about an affair?
Eight women murdered.
Your mother is dead, Jack.
And now an innocent man...
Stop. Just stop it.
It's you he's messing with, not me.
What's wrong with you?
I need you.
Jack, I am pregnant.
I went to the doctor last Saturday.
And it was only an hour
before I heard about your mother.
I couldn't tell you.
I thought you couldn't...
I know.
The doctor said it's a miracle.
You're not in danger? You're okay?
Yeah, everything's all right, yeah.
It is okay, isn't it?
Are you kidding me, is it okay?
I am sorry. I am sorry. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. You're okay?
Yeah. It is.
Fiber analysis came
back on those wrapped boxes.
Same acrylic, same rubber.
Kills them and moves them
in the trunk of the car.
Do we have a make and model?
Vukovitch is on that.
You get home, get some sleep, man.
You have done everything you can.
Hey, Art.
Thanks for everything.
It's been a rough week.
You have been standing by me.
I appreciate it.
I got to spend a few with Jenny.
I need you back here at 8 a.m.
Glover's coming back tonight from L.A.
And Vukovitch wants to have a full meeting.
Ana's pregnant.
You dog, you. Heh, heh, heh.
Congrats. That's great. Yeah, thanks.
How do you do it? A cop and a dad?
It will come natural.
At home, you're just Dad.
They don't care about you being a cop.
I am last in the Verdon line.
A son would really make my dad happy.
Tell your dad I have three daughters
and I am the happiest man in the world.
Now, you give Ana a big hug for me.
I will.
we're going to catch this guy.
I swear to God.
Good night.
Excuse me.
They told me downstairs
I could find Jenny up here.
John. Hey.
Hi. This is my partner, Jack Verdon.
Pleasure. Hey, John.
Sorry if I am interrupting.
You're working a difficult case?
Yeah. Yeah.
I need to take a rain check.
I am sorry.
That's too bad. Here.
It's pretty pathetic.
Thank you. It's sweet.
So I will, uh, see you
for coffee in the morning?
It's a shame you had to come all the way
down here. It's been a very long day.
Can I give you a ride home, then?
No, thanks.
Why am I somehow disappointed?
You'd think I'd be relieved my potential
date isn't a psychotic killer.
Though this rose is a little cheesy.
Heh. I have never seen him before, so...
I mean, he seemed nice.
A little eager, but, eh, he seemed okay.
I won't be dating until this is over.
Well, that's a good idea.
Found religion, have we? Hey. Heh, heh.
Baby, I am really sorry about before.
It just... with everything
that's happening, it just.....
It just took ahold of me and I am sorry.
I am sorry too. I am.
I am off early. Can we walk?
In this rain? You want to walk? Yeah.
- I am John.
- What do you do?
I am a consultant.
And their pregnant women
shall be ripped open.
I work with family clinics.
He sent you a fetus, Jack.
It is the appointed time.
I know who you are.
It rained the day I was born.
My mother said it rained
for seven days and seven nights.
Her little miracle, she called me.
For his sin...
Jack Verdon will burn eternally in hell.
My brothers, my sisters,
all have died for the sins of the father.
I love you, baby.
The prophet has spoken.
And I am preparing the way
for the dark and dreadful day
of the coming of the Lord.
Fuck you.
Blessed be the children. Yes.
Yes. Yes.
Yes. Yes. Yes.
I am off to the market.
When will I see you?
Um... it will be late. Don't go.
Don't worry.
They will follow me. Heh.
I am getting used to the company.
They will follow me. Heh.
I am getting used to the company.
- Hey, Art.
- Get in here.
We know who it is. Who?
Hey. What's going on?
Where's Jenny?
I called her a bunch of times.
She didn't pick up.
I sent Sotor and Lynch to get her.
She's late. Let's get started.
His name is Jonathan Lee.
We're having pictures sent over.
Do you know the name, Jack?
Thirty years old, born in Los Angeles.
The only son of Rebecca Thompson.
He's your boy, Jack. The prodigal son.
There's arrest warrants on
him in connection with fire bombings
of two abortion clinics in Los Angeles,
one of which he worked at
for two years. He was fired.
He was accused of stealing fetuses.
This is impossible.
Obviously it's not, Jack.
Did you witness the abortion?
No. You don't witness abortions.
Born at County-USC.
seven months after Rebecca
Thompson's arrival in Los Angeles,
six pounds, four ounces.
You got ripped off, Jack.
We had no prints until yesterday.
We lifted dozens off the packages
that contained his mother's body.
They match.
Raised in Van Nuys.
Attended Cal State Northridge,
then Saint Francis Seminary,
where he grew more fanatical
until they kicked him out.
After John was born, Rebecca was in and
out of psychiatric care all her life.
She never told him who the father was.
Must have tortured it
out of her before he killed her.
The husband claims that she left
over three months ago to confront her son.
This is a fucked-up household.
He never even reported her missing.
Well, he's got your eyes, Jack.
Yeah, Jenny, where are you?
Look, wait.
Sotor's calling from Jenny's place.
There's signs of struggle.
Jenny's not there. Where is she?
Quiet. Quiet.
If you scream, I will kill you.
Charlie 4. Unit not responding.
Please. Please. Shh.
Look what I found.
Oh, my God. Please.
Look how beautiful.
Charlie 4.
Still no response. Proceed with caution.
Ana. Jenny.
Oh, no.
Oh, Jenny.
- Oh, no. Oh, God, Jenny.
- Oh, God.
- Oh, God.
- Jesus Christ.
Call it in. Check for a pulse.
She's dead.
She was a good friend.
And a good detective. I am sorry, Art.
Where's Jack?
When I was 5, I was walking
on those rocks over there.
Going rock to rock to rock, and I slipped.
And I was really lucky.
The current was bad,
but I made it back to shore here.
Actually, I was sitting right here
when my mom came.
Thank you for bringing me
here to your own private place.
It's... It's beautiful.
Thank you.
Ana, I love you.
Will you marry me?
Jack, there's something
that I never told you.
I can't have children.
It doesn't matter. Ana, I love you.
It doesn't matter.
You want a family.
I love you.
Will you marry me?
Of course I will marry you.
Put your hands in the air.
Get up. Turn around.
Where's Ana?
Where is Ana?
Oh, my God.
What have you done?
It's what you have done.
This is your sin.
You're my father.
And these are your children.
My brothers, my sisters.
Look at what you have done.
Where is...?
Look at what you have done.
Where is Ana? Where?
What does this mean?
It means commitment, Jack.
It represents the union
of two souls forever before God.
Husband and wife.
Oh, my God. Mother and child.
Oh, my God.
I took her to the clinic.
You did what?
I only did to her what you did to me.
Another innocent soul joins
my brothers and sisters.
Jesus is coming.
God will punish the wicked
the way he's punished you.
Shut up.
Shut up.
Where is Ana? I have prepared the way.
I am the messenger.
Where's my wife?
In the trunk.
What did you do?
What did you do?
Do you love me, Dad?
Every father loves his only son.
I am so sorry.
My father, may the Lord
have mercy on your soul.
My pain is now yours.
I am your son.
Your unwanted child you forced
my mother, Rebecca, to murder,
but she did not.
God has chosen for me.
He asked me to punish you
and to prepare the way for his son,
our Lord Savior, Jesus Christ.
And now my work is done.
God has taken me home.
"Ana is alive.
God would not allow me to kill
the unborn soul within her.
God would not allow me to kill
the unborn soul within her.
This is God's gift to you.
She waits for you
in this dead woman's bed."
Remember me.
Think of me every time you hold
your newborn child in your arms,
every time you look
into those beautiful eyes.
My soul will live forever
in your sinner's heart.
I am the way.
I am the truth.
I am the light.
I am your resurrection.
He wants you. Hey. Yeah, look at Daddy.
Look at Daddy. Hey. Look. Hi.
He wants you. Hey. Yeah, look at Daddy.
Look at Daddy. Hey. Look. Hi.
He wants you. Hey. Yeah, look at Daddy.
Look at Daddy. Hey. Look. Hi.
What? What?