River's Edge (1986)

- It's a real nice sign. How much?|- I have to see ID.
- I left it at home. How much?|- Not unless you show me ID.
- Stop being a shit. Keep the change, man.|- I'm not keeping it. I have to see ID.
I don't have any. I been coming here|three months, Frank never carded me.
Frank lost his job because|he didn't get proper ID when he sold beer.
Why you being an asshole? Take the|money and let me get the fuck out of here.
- It's the law and the policy...|- I don't give a fuck about you,
and I don't give a fuck about your laws.
- Take the goddamn money, all right?|- Let go of the beer.
- Don't be an asshole.|- Let go of the beer.
- Dick.|- Shithead.
Don't mention it.
I saw you this morning.
Got any dope?
Get in. I know where to get some.
Where are we going?
He did something bad to her, I know it.
We'll find her.|Where is that brother of yours?
Where's my Missy?
- I killed her.|- No!
I drowned her.
- A man's trying to sleep.|- Shh, Kim, please.
- You little punk.|- I said I'm trying to sleep up here!
Please, Kim.|We'll make him buy you a new one.
It wouldn't be the same,|I want my Missy back.
Why are you so mean?
- Where are you going?|- Somebody is trying to sleep.
Stick your head up your ass if you|want quiet. Tim, you get back here.
- Lighten up.|- Tim.
Remember my age.
Stupid enough you pull a stunt like that,|but then to brag about it...
Open this door.
Hurry your ass!
Be right there.
- He's here early. Drug run, right?|- None of your business.
What about your other doll, pretty Tracy?
- No.|- I'll make the turdface buy you a new one.
I don't want the turdface to buy me|a new one. I want you to beat him up.
Oh, honey... Tim?
- Tim.|- Matt!
- Going to Feck's, huh?|- What do you know about Feck?
Beat it, fart.
Let me go with you guys.|Could show you a dead body.
What? You got a girlfriend now?
I'm not kidding. Look, I'm dying for a joint.
You get back in this house|right this instant. Tim. Tim!
What's this? Feck doesn't charge.
I charge. What? You think this car|runs on God's own methane?
- I don't know.|- Where were you last night, anyhow?
John was getting all out of control.
- I'll bet. Who else was there?|- Jamie.
Oh, Jamie. I didn't miss anything.
Now, Clarissa, maybe.
Keep your hands off Clarissa, dude.
Shit, what am I worried about?
What? Are you dying in there?
- Cheque's in the mail.|- It's me, Feck, Layne. Don't shoot, OK?
I could blow your brains out.
- I know, Feck.|- I shot a girl once.
I know. You keep telling me that.|You want to lower that barrel some?
I am your friend.
Yeah, you say so, huh?
- You're my friend?|- Yeah.
Yeah, maybe so.
- Don't you try anything.|- OK.
Why don't you and Matt come in and, uh...
- see Ellie?|- Oh!
I'd love to, Feck, you know?|But we're kind of, we're late for school...
- Oh, yeah.|- Yeah.
Well? How much you want, then?
Aw, come on. No, I came by to see|how you're doing, good old Feck.
Yeah, good old Feck.
Yeah. How much you want?
Just a couple of joints.
Wait here.
- You're my friend.|- Of course.
She had it coming, man.
Yeah, I know, Feck. You know,|women are evil. You had to kill her.
- Yeah. They're still after me, you know.|- Yeah.
- All right. See you.|- All right, see you.
Thanks for the weed.
You're my friend.
Ellie, huh? The gun - did he have the gun?
You're my friend.
- Gimme a cigarette, man.|- You fucking gave up cigarettes.
- I gave up yesterday, not today.|- I gave up lending.
Learn some self-control,|you're interrupting. Go on.
I don't know. I just figured|we could dump this place, you know?
Go up there, and if we like it,|we stay, don't come back.
- Where did you get Portland?|- Well, nobody knows us up there.
- People know us here?|- I know you, babe.
That's really annoying.
So, what, man?|We could be lumberjacks or something?
- There's other things to do.|- Like what?
- Like get stoned.|- It almost sounds like a plan.
Except we're all broke,|and I'm the only one with a car.
We could just take all our parents' money,|take off, discover America,
and make like we're Easy Rider plus five.
I gotta go. Burkewaite's gonna|have a spaz attack if I'm late.
She's in love with his middle-aged ass.
He's not middle-aged, asshole. Hi, John.
Didn't think you'd make it.
Where's Jamie?
- I killed her.|- She'll be in trouble if she keeps ditching.
- You what?|- I killed her.
You're strange, John.
What did you do, man? Sit on her?
They don't believe me.
Crazy fucking story like that,|why should anyone believe you?
If you brought us all the way|out here for nothing...
Come on.
It's a joke. What BS.
You crazy motherfucker, John.
- Do you see this?|- Yeah, I see it.
You crazy motherfucker.
Why did you kill her?
She was talking shit.
You could fry for this, you know.
This is unreal, completely unreal.
- What's with you?|- We better go, huh?
It's like some fucking movie, you know?
Friends since second grade,|fucking like this.
And then one of us gets himself|in potentially big trouble,
and now we've gotta deal with it. We've|gotta test our loyalty against all odds.
It's kind of exciting.
I feel like Chuck Norris, you know?
So, what was accomplished?
I mean, that's the normal question.
All the hippies are executives now,|and everybody's sold out.
Well, let me tell you something, Tom.|Save it, Kevin.
Fundamental changes were made,
changes so basic|that we now take 'em for granted.
The civil rights movement,|later the Women's Movement.
I mean, like it or not, ladies,|you're now expected to have careers,
then maybe later|the husbands and the babies.
And Vietnam.
We stopped a war, man.
We took to the streets|and made a difference.
We turned public sentiment around,
and we made people see the truth. Not|that we always thought good thoughts.
Cops around you cracking skulls,|you got a picket sign in your hand,
you're not thinking about|stopping the war now,
you're thinking about|knocking a few pigs on their asses.
But as crazy as it all seemed, though,
there was a meaning in the madness,|a clear and a real purpose.
- But don't you think violence is wrong?|- Fuck off, Kevin. Wasting pigs is radical.
You missed my point.
- Come on, let's go grab a smoke.|- You go on, I'll be there in a minute.
You're hooked.
- Yes.|- Bullshit.
Would I lie?
- You really...|- Really what?
- No way.|- Look, dude.
I saw it right there in front of me.|I poked at it with a stick.
- No chance.|- Poked at what?
- By the river, huh?|- Tony.
We'll take you there,|and we'll show you. Right, Matt?
- Count me out, OK?|- Count you out of what?
What's by the river,|and what are you guys talking about?
- Layne's saying Samson killed Jamie.|- No way.
And you believe them?
A bunch of us are going|out there to check it out.
I don't know. It's probably some joke.
Yeah, they're just trying to lure|you up there so they can rape you.
You think so?
- No free food, Layne.|- Come on, Mike. I just came by to say hi.
- Hi.|- Hi.
Oh, no.
- You can't use my truck, Layne.|- Come on, Mike. It's important.
What's all this?
We're the newly appointed truant patrol.
Looking to capture and kill ten-year-old|runaway homeboys. Like you.
- Hear you're all gonna go see a dead girl.|- What do you know about a dead girl?
Me and John are close. Huh, John?
- Thinking of coming with you guys.|- No room. Both you guys, outta here.
John wants us to stay.
Don't you, John?
Nice try, Layne. Nice try, but forget it.
I won't let you do this to me again.|I promised myself.
- N-o spells nuh-uh.|- Mike.
No. No one drives that truck but me.
- Well, then, you drive it, then.|- Thank you. Thank you very much.
My supervisor's gonna kill me|if he sees me talking to you.
Now you want me to just walk out,|leave work, lose my job?
- I ain't got all day, you know.|- I know, Mike.
Some of us have to work, Layne.
- Is that it over there?|- That's just a log, man.
What, that?
It's a dummy. This is a joke.
We all came out here|for some stupid joke.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
You're in trouble, dude.
No, man.
Nobody has to find out.
OK, listen up.
We've got a lot of people here.
We could bury her so she's never found.
Is anybody gonna help me?
Where are you going, Mike?|Get back here.
- I gotta get back to work, Layne.|- I said get back here, goddammit.
Layne, leave me alone.
- Let me go.|- We're dealing with a friend's future.
- He killed somebody.|- You're gonna bring her back?
He brings us out here|like it's some fucking show.
We're here to deal with it.|Give me your keys.
No, dammit!
- You son of a bitch.|- Layne.
- Leave him alone, Layne.|- What the fuck are you doing?
He doesn't have to stay|if he doesn't want to.
So me and John are gonna have|to do this all by ourselves, huh?
What the fuck are you doing?
She's heavy. Come on.
Are you coming?
You people are a fucking test, I swear.
You nailed it.
- Sure you don't wanna come?|- Yeah, I'm tired.
- Hey, you, stubdick. Come here.|- Suck me.
I'm serious, Tim.
Keep your fucking mouth shut, you hear?
- About what?|- You know. Tony told me you know.
Oh, the death.
Don't worry, I'm with you.
I'll trust you.
Why are you two such delinquents?
Because of our fucked-up childhood.
- What are you doing?|- Taking my gun.
You gave it to me two months ago.
I gave it to you two months ago.
You pothead fuckbrain!
- I have to work tonight, honey.|- Miss work.
Don't smoke in the house.|Jim is sensitive to smoke.
Jim, Jim, Jim.
He pays the rent, Matt. He has|a right to his comfort. Where's Tim?
Outside being worthless. Why do you|let him play with that hoodlum?
Why do I let him? What am I gonna do?
Why do I let you|smoke dope in the house?
- Where did you get that, anyway?|- Don't worry, it's not yours.
- Will you come to Missy's funeral?|- I'll come.
- Hole.|- You're losing your touch.
It's the circuits inside.|The owners have 'em reconnected,
cos they know if I ever learn this machine,|I'll take control of the fucking universe.
So what's gonna happen?
I'll put a quarter in this machine|and murder it.
No, no, with John and all that.
Nothing's gonna happen. I'll tie up|a few loose ends tonight and...
- nothing's gonna happen.|- That's it?
He murders Jamie and we just ignore it?
He had his reasons.
She was shooting her mouth off|about his mom.
- His mother's dead.|- Yeah. See?
He's got a couple loose springs|when it comes to his dead mother.
But he's bragging.|It's like he wants to get caught.
He's not gonna get caught, because|no one's gonna tell. Isn't that right, Tony?
- I wouldn't nark.|- Don't you think...
I think we should just quit talking about it,|cos some potential fink could be listening.
- That's what I think, right, Tony?|- Sure thing, man.
OK. Clarissa.
Wouldn't want John hearing you|shoot your mouth off about it, right?
- Bullshit. Layne's full of bullshit.|- There's the phone there.
He thinks he controls us. Thinks because|he says something, we have to do it.
- We usually do.|- Well, this isn't right.
I don't care if it was John, or who it was.
There's the phone.
What makes John more important than|Jamie? Wasn't Jamie our friend too?
- I've known her since kindergarten.|- Here, here's a quarter.
He's dangerous. It could have been you or|me dead now. He probably raped her, too.
- Who do I call, anyway?|- The police, I guess.
- I don't know the number.|- Call the operator.
- You do it.|- I don't know what to say.
Here, I'll dial and you talk.
Damn him, anyway.
Everybody that's been exposed|to the infection stays here. You too.
- Me? Well, what do you mean?|- You're quarantined.
Why, that's ridiculous.|I won't stand for it.
It's meningitis.|Just a kid's disease, isn't it?
Hardly. It hits all ages.
I can't get the damn thing|to stand up straight.
Don't cuss.
Shit, that's Layne.
- Tell him I'm not here, OK?|- OK.
- He's not here.|- Yeah? Where'd he go?
- To buy an egg. Goodbye.|- Hold on there, little lady.
- I said he's not here.|- I believe you. Can I use your phone?
- No.|- Your mommy and daddy home?
Mommy's at work, Jim's at a bar.|I don't have a daddy.
Thank you, Samson.|Will you read to me later?
What tonight?
Cat in the Hat. No, Green Eggs and Ham.
Sure thing, Aunto.
Fixing Aunto's dinner.
No, no. I have to read to her later.
Jesus, Layne, don't worry about it.|It ain't that important.
Ain't important?
They're gonna nail you, dude.
I've known you for too fucking long|to let something like that happen to you.
Fuck you, then. I'll do it myself.|And I'll be expecting a sixer for this.
What I do for my fucking friends.
Good work.
Just a sec. It's Clarissa.
- Do I tell her you're buying an egg?|- No.
- Is it your girlfriend?|- Get out.
Hello? Clarissa?
That's right. Just called to see what's up.
Nothing much.|I was just helping my sister with, uh...
- With what?|- Nothing.
I didn't see you at the arcade today.|Figured you had something going on.
You probably want to get back|to whatever it is you're doing.
- No, I can talk.|- No, no, you're busy.
I was just sitting around,|figured I'd call you.
You know how it is. Nothing important.
- I'll see you tomorrow, Matt.|- Yeah, I'll see you, Clarissa.
I'll be there in a second, OK?|You go in now, all right?
You'd think I'd at least rate a Michelob.
- Don't be an ingrate.|- You're calling me an ingrate?
I never asked you to do it, Layne.
A friend doesn't have to ask a friend|to do something like that.
Urgh, it's warm, even.
You don't even care, do you?
- I ain't drinking it.|- About yourself, you dumb fuck.
How do you expect other|people to care about you?
It's people like you that are sending|this country down the tubes.
No sense of pride, no sense of loyalty,|no sense of nothing, man.
Why do you think there are so many|fucking welfare cases in this country?
Why do you think it is that Russia's|gearing up to kick our asses, man?
- Drink your beer.|- I won't drink my beer. I'm talking here.
These things are important to me. And,|believe it or not, you're important to me.
Look at that.
- Son of a bitch. Duck down.|- Hope they don't upset Aunto.
Duck down, goddammit!|You want to get caught?
Somebody fucking narked.
- Yeah.|- OK. Now, we can't panic.
I'll bet you it was Mike.|I'll bet you anything it was Mike.
We're just gonna drive around a little|while, see if we can't figure this thing out.
We have to get you out of town somehow.|You have any money? We'll need money.
We have to put you up somewhere|until we get money.
We can't panic, though.|We're dead if we panic, OK?
Whatever you say, Layne.
Sure this is the right place?
- I can't understand it.|- You said she was buried.
No, she was just lying down here,|in the grass.
If this is some joke that you're playing...
Captain Bennett! Over here.
Did the sight of this dead girl|move you in any particular way?
- I don't know.|- Were you shocked, angered, saddened?
- Did the sight please you?|- I don't know how I felt.
- You knew this girl.|- Yeah.
- How did you feel about her?|- I don't know.
OK, I'm getting sick of "I don't know",|do you hear me?
Did you love her? Did you hate her?|Did you fuck her when you got bored?
- She was a friend, I guess.|- You guess? She was or she wasn't?
She was.
So you're standing there,|staring at your dead friend
like it's all some kind of a big joke, right?
Some adventure. What the hell|was going on in your head, Matt? Huh?
Exactly what?|What were you thinking about?
Or were you even thinking at the time?|Answer me, goddammit!
I don't know, OK?|You want me to make something up?
I want you to tell me the truth.
The body, Matt.|How do you figure it got in the river?
- I don't know.|- Well, take a stab, huh?
What do you think? You think|maybe it rolled, or a big gust of wind
peeled off the river and scooped it up?
- Maybe.|- Or maybe somebody pushed it.
- Maybe.|- Maybe you.
- I didn't push it.|- You're the only one we know was there.
- I told you about John.|- John?
Samson. We call him John|because of his last name, Toulette.
You know. Toulette, toilet, john.
That's very clever.
So you... you helped Samson,|John, push the body off.
- After I helped kill her.|- Yeah?
Yeah, and fuck you, too!|I reported the thing, man.
- You act like I'm guilty of a crime.|- You think you're going somewhere?
I've got rights. You can't keep me here.|I didn't do anything.
That was exactly your mistake, buddy.
You saw this and didn't act immediately.|Makes you an accessory after the fact.
I could arrest you right now if I wanted to,|so why don't you sit down?
We'll talk some more.
I find you very interesting.
- Cheque's in the mail.|- No time for bullshit. Open up.
And put that thing away, last thing|we need is cops. Hurry your ass.
- You've met John.|- Hey, I've killed men bigger than you.
He knows, Feck, he knows.|Look, Feck, John's in trouble.
- He needs your help.|- Trouble? What did you do?
Nothing, Feck.
- I killed Jamie.|- Dammit, John!
He didn't exactly kill her,|it was an accident.
I killed a girl once. It was no accident.
Put the gun right to the back of her head,|blew her brains right out the front.
I was in love.
- I strangled mine.|- Did you love her?
- She was OK.|- OK, OK, Feck.
We've got to get John out of state.|Need your car.
You're not using my car.|You've got a car of your own.
- Mine won't make it that far.|- No, I might need mine.
Feck, you haven't been|out of this house in over five years.
What if somebody sees it, then?
They're still after me.
You know that.
They've been after me for 20 years.
I mean, you kill a person,|they don't let you forget.
They stick after you like ghosts.
I mean, they don't believe you|when you say you're sorry.
They want you to pay somehow.
OK, OK, OK. Uh, Feck.
Forget the car.
How about if John just stays here|while I go figure this thing out?
- Sure.|- OK, I'll be back.
John. I don't want you showing|your face outside this house.
Yeah. I...
I love company.
- What are you staring at?|- You're involved in this murder.
I didn't kill anybody, dammit.
- John did it. John wasted Jamie.|- You don't seem too concerned.
Well, what the hell do you know?
You don't know anything.
Tim hasn't come home tonight. He's only|12 years old, Matt. It's past midnight.
Where do my children go at night?
Put the car into gear, Mom. He's OK.
Hey. I saw your friend on TV tonight.|I thought maybe I might catch you, too.
- Fuck off.|- Don't you two start.
Why? His best friend killed a girl.|That's big news.
I mean, he dumped her body and he|bragged about it all round school. Whoo!
- I'll bet you know where he's hiding.|- They haven't caught him?
Don't give me that phoney surprise shit.|Your punk friend's been calling all night.
- What? He help you kill the poor girl?|- Maybe he did. Maybe I am a killer.
Why should you care? You're just here|to fuck my mother and eat her food.
- Matt!|- Oh, he moves.
- You're a fucking asshole.|- Try something.
Motherfucker! Food-eater!
- I'm gonna shove that up your ass.|- Come on.
Come on, hit me.
- Hit me.|- Come on. Come on.
- Tough guy, huh? Show me how tough.|- You're not worth it.
He's still killing her.
Come here. Come here!
- Why do you pull shit like that?|- Leave me alone.
Answer me. Answer me.
I didn't do anything.
- Fuck you!|- Answer me. Why? Why?
Hey. Get off of him. Come on.
You dirty traitor.
- What do you mean by that?|- You know what I mean.
I saw you on that phone tonight.
You keep your little mouth shut.
You're gonna pay for what you did.
You're gonna die for what you did.
- You little shit.|- Hey.
- You're a dead man, Matt.|- Hey!
Hey, Timmy. Timmy.
Hey, where you going? Come on.
You let them both get away?
Madeleine, I got troubles of my own.|I don't want to fight your delinquent sons.
- You don't care.|- You're the mother.
I didn't give birth to the monsters.
My fucking brother. Go get your|nun-chucks and your dad's car.
I know where we can get a gun.
Where the hell have you been?|I've been looking for you all night.
- We should have never let Mike in on it.|- It could have been anybody, Layne.
Bullshit. I happen to know my friends,|fucking know them.
I know who's cool and who's not.
Maybe John finked on himself.
And maybe you finked on him.|Be realistic. This is us we're talking about.
We're a fucking team.|We're like Starsky and Hutch.
- None of us would fuck it up on purpose.|- Where's John now?
Safely hidden away,|where he can't get in any trouble.
No finer weed have you ever tasted.
My sister, she drives|this down from Humboldt,
along with the regular Feck weed.
She comes to visit about once a year.
She's real fat.
You ought to see her,|she's like a goddamn hippopotamus.
Where are you?
Who's that?
- Who's there?|- The mad rapist.
John? Look, this isn't funny.
I'm getting scared here,|I'm about to scream.
Have a heart attack.
- What the hell are you doing here?|- Just came by to say hi.
- Some way of saying it.|- Hope I didn't wake you up.
Get dressed, come out here.|Bring all your money.
- What?|- Just do it.
- Clarissa? Is that you?|- Yes.
Let's have it.
- Quarters?|- What do you expect?
Waking me up in the middle of the night|and not telling me what's going on.
What's going on?
2 dollars and money for gas.
One of us should get a job or something.
Are you coming, or what?|We've got to get Tony.
You're letting yourself|get jerked around again, girl.
It's Tony's dad.
You should have stayed in bed.
What a crazy fucking guy.
Tony's always broke anyhow.
Clarissa! Hey!
Go up here.
That's Feck's.
Park over there.
Oh, there you are.
- I was getting worried.|- Look what I found.
We could get it stoned.
- You got that special dope you promised?|- Yeah. Yeah, sit down.
You know, Layne said you weren't|supposed to leave till he come back.
Layne can be a little annoying sometimes.
He means well. Hey, look.
Don't do that, man.
What's the matter? Is she allergic to cats?
Cats have claws.
Come on. Go get that cat|and get it out of here, man.
Let it explore.
You're really attached to this thing,|aren't you? I saw you two dancing.
Hey, Feck.
Are you... You know,|are you a psycho or something?
No, I'm normal.
She's a doll. I know that. Right, Ellie?
But you, you killed a girl, right?|Are you a psycho?
Yeah, probably.
What other excuse do I have?
You were a biker.
Yeah, years ago.
I ate so much pussy in those days,|my beard looked like a glazed doughnut.
- Is that when you lost your leg?|- Motorcycle accident.
Whole gang ditched me...
kept on riding.
My leg was right out|in the middle of the street.
I remember lying in the gutter,|all bleeding and shaking,
staring at my leg, right next to a beer can.
And I remember thinking, "That's my leg.|I wonder if there's any beer in that can. "
I also remember thinking,|"Maybe they can sew that leg back on. "
And then there comes the ambulance|and runs right over all of it.
- Wasted that leg.|- What'd I need it for? I got another one.
I figure once you start fighting,|you're always defending yourself.
Me, I get in a fight,|I go fucking crazy, you know?
Everything goes black.|And then I fucking explode, you know?
Like it's the end of the world. Who cares|if this guy wastes me? I'll waste him first.
The whole world's gonna blow up|anyway. I might as well keep my pride.
I got this philosophy.
You do shit, and it's done...
and then you die.
You got any more beer?
Shit. What time is it? Is it two yet?
- It's creeping up.|- Fuck, man. Time for a beer run.
Does that car of yours work?
You're not supposed to go anywhere.|Layne said...
Layne, Layne, Layne.
You go. I'll stay here.
I'll be a good boy. Come on, Feck.
There are people out there who would|like to see me dead, and I've told you that.
So who buys your groceries for you?|Ellie?
That. Did you hear that? Huh?
Get paranoid, why don't you?
No. No. Out front.
- You didn't have to call me a stupid bitch.|- You would have driven past us.
- We had to yell something.|- You yelled it.
I've got a name.|You're lucky I didn't just drive home.
OK, OK, OK, I'm sorry, Clarissa.
But you've got to understand that at a time|like this, where every second counts,
a man can't waste his time|choosing words.
What is this, Mission: Lmpossible?
- I don't even see why you need us here.|- OK, it's not like I need you here,
like, physically need you here.
I mean, I can drive, I can collect money,
but we're a gang,|and I need you here, you know?
Shut up. Would you shut up back there?
I feel real twisted now. Like I should go|to the cops and tell them where John is.
I wouldn't even joke about that, Clarissa.
What would you do? Kill me?|You'd love that, I bet.
You and John could run off|and be outlaws together.
But first, to show off, strap my body to|the top of this car and drive all over town.
Get... out.
You don't understand|a goddamn thing, do you?
Jamie is dead, dammit.
And there's nothing that we can do to|save her. Now, I happened to like Jamie.
But John is still alive.
Don't you see that?
And who's next on his list?
You're just gonna leave me here?
What if John's around?
Ask him to forgive you.
Here. Here's your money.|We don't need this shit.
- We can't just leave her alone like this.|- OK.
You stay here, and you protect her.
I should have known that I was|the only one who could handle a crisis.
You want your money back, too?
Keep my money, Layne.
- What's with you?|- I don't know. I figured I'd walk you home.
I can make it on my own.
Well, come, if you're gonna come.
You want my coat or something?|You look kinda cold.
No, I'm OK.
- You agree with him, don't you?|- Layne? Not really.
You probably do. Everybody goes along|with him, like he has some special power.
I think he's totally wrong.
- Layne brags about me, doesn't he?|- What do you mean?
About getting me. I know he does,|so don't even say he doesn't.
- Doesn't he?|- Not to me.
You look kinda cute|when you lie, you know?
You should see him when no one's|around and he's alone with me,
and he thinks he might get lucky.
Shakes like a leaf.|Always has to be drunk, too.
He's like Layne - Portrait of a Teenage|Alcoholic. They could make a movie.
Do you have to be drunk|before you can kiss a girl?
Wait here.
- Clarissa, is that you?|- Yes.
I'm too hyped up to sleep. Let's go to the|park and look at the stars or something.
We'll pick up a sixer on the way.
Come on, goddammit.
I know you're in there.
Those assholes!
- Evening.|- Sorry, the bar's closed.
- Why?|- It's five after two, man.
- Hi, John.|- Hey, Matt.
Is this guy giving you any trouble?|You giving my friend trouble?
I cannot sell you guys beer|after two o'clock in the morning.
I'm here to turn back the time.|Matt, take your beer and leave.
- Look, John, it's not that...|- Do it.
Hey, you got any Bud in bottles?
- I told you he's crazy.|- Just keep moving.
Fuck you, then.
You want to get caught,|want to fucking fry,
go ahead, treat your friends this way.
Talk about speeding out.
Find the gun.
Fucking shit!
Moko. Come here.
Now we'll see if that gun|of yours still works.
You know, you're a crazy motherfucker,|you know that?
- You want a beer?|- You trying to get me drunk, Matt?
- I wish it was me who narked.|- What?
Who narked on John. And I don't even|care if you tell anybody what I just said.
But don't tell anybody what I just said.
I mean, I respect the person who narked.|You know, even if it was Mike.
Especially if it was Mike.
- It wasn't Mike.|- How do you know? Was it you?
It was you.
I didn't think I'd be the only one.|Don't tell Layne.
Of course I won't. God, weren't|you scared of people finding out?
But I kept seeing her face, Clarissa.|Didn't you keep seeing her face?
I mean, it affected me. Didn't it affect you?
It did.
I mean, we knew Jamie, right?
And there she is, dead,|right there in front of us.
And even that close, we don't|even feel like we've lost anything.
At least, I didn't. That got me the most.
I couldn't even cry for her, Matt.
I mean, I cried when that guy|in Brian's Song died.
You'd at least figure I'd be able to cry|for someone we hung around with.
It'll hit us. I know it will.
Probably at her funeral.
Sometimes I think|it'd be a lot easier being dead.
Ah, that's bullshit.|You couldn't get stoned any more.
I hear it's the same sensation.
I like you.
I'm gonna take care of you, Toulette.|I'm gonna find you.
Someone's gotta take care of you.|I'm gonna take care of you, OK?
Dammit, John, where the fuck are you?
Hey, Ellie don't drink.
- She does something with this mouth.|- Ellie's a nice girl.
I'm sure she is.
Like, real nice.
Let's see what kind of tricks|she knows here, huh?
Oh, yeah, baby. That's nice.|Oh, that is real nice.
Would you please not do that, John?
Oh, baby, not so quick,|you're making me hot.
Please, John. Stop that.
Oh, oh... Oh, baby, baby, baby,|baby, baby, baby...
You hear that?
Hey, you, eat me.
Don't give me no shit. You eat me.
No, you eat me.
- No, you eat me.|- You eat me, asshole.
- No, you eat me, asshole.|- Shut up before I call the cops.
You shut up.
Call 'em.
You better settle down, John.
You try it.
I better not. You come here,|and you sit down.
We don't want to attract attention, man.
Come on, Feck. Fire your gun.
Bet you haven't fired it in years.
It's not something that|I just shoot off, without reason.
Why not?
It's got a sentimental value.
Is this the gun you wasted the chick with?
It is.
I bet you look back with pride, huh?
It's something I did.
You wanted to show her who was boss.
I don't know if you can understand.
I loved her.
So why'd you kill her?|Did she tell you to eat shit?
No. No.
Come on, Feck, I'm with you.|Man, I killed a girl, too.
I wanted to show the world who's boss.
What's that?
It's nothing. Close your ears.
You better give me the gun, John.
I didn't need no gun.
I did mine with my hands.
I was right there, I was right on top of her,|I was face to face.
I wasn't even mad, really.
She didn't look too surprised.
Just a little stoned.
After a few minutes,
her face puffed out and it turned|dark purple and she just stared at me.
She couldn't move.
She couldn't scream.
I had total control of her.
I had total control of her.
It all felt so real.
It felt so... real.
She was dead, there, in front of me,|and I felt so fucking alive!
Is that how you felt, Feck?
Not quite, man.
Funny thing is...
I'm dead now.
- They're gonna fry me for sure.|- Ah, don't say that.
Layne's gonna help you out.
What the fuck...|Layne's gonna send me to Portland,
and hide me out in some|dark room for 20 years.
So I end up like you, Feck.
You think I want that?
You don't.
Layne was never really a friend, anyway.
He doesn't even know me.
I'll be your friend.
I like you.
- I'm glad we decided to go against Layne.|- Mm-hm.
Sometimes I feel like|I don't even know him any more.
He's lost. Let's get some sleep.
You weren't supposed to get old.
Oh, God.
Hit him again.
I'm awake, I'm awake.
Oh, fuck.
Can you tell us anything|about the murder?
- Are you the killer?|- What?
Don't I even get a fucking phone call?
- So now we get married, right?|- No. Let's get stoned instead.
Ah, that'd be great.
I could just lie here all day,|cut school and soak up the rays.
Shit, school.
I really shouldn't miss Burkewaite's class.
You really have the hots|for that guy, don't you?
I just...
- I don't know, respect him.|- You respect an adult?
I really do need to get stoned.
We'll stop at my house on the way to|school. I think I have some Feck weed left.
I feel like someone|dipped me in used cooking oil.
We could take a shower.
I mean, you could, you know. By yourself.
What am I supposed to do, then?|What am I supposed to do with him?
- Look, if it's gonna be a hassle...|- No, no hassle. OK? No hassle.
Be right back, OK?
You're supposed to raise him right.|The both of them. Control them.
That easy? Just tell 'em what|to do, tell 'em what not to do. Perfect kids.
It's not impossible.|My father raised me right.
- Your father beat the shit outta you.|- So what? Huh? It'd make 'em listen.
Big fucking talk.
- I'm upset, Matt.|- Kick that idiot outta the house, then.
Suppose I just kick you outta the house?
Tim didn't come home last night.
- Did you hear me?|- You got any spare dope?
Oh, shit, I don't believe this.|Your little brother.
He's 12 years old. He hasn't come home,|hasn't called. God knows what he's doing.
What am I supposed to do?|I'm not his mother.
Then I'm not his mother either.|I am nobody's mother.
I give up this mother bullshit, it's not|worth it. You were all mistakes anyway.
Don't give up, Mommy.
I'm gonna leave you all,|just like your father did.
Jesus, Ma, settle down, OK?
Tim's all right.
Look, everything's just a little crazy now,|a little outta control, OK?
Look, I got somebody waiting outside|for me, I'm in a rush. We'll talk later.
I'm gonna take this joint. And don't|worry about Tim, OK? I'll get him home.
Yeah, it really shocked me.|I think killing is wrong.
What about all those people|going to see the body?
That shocked me too.|I think they should have arrested John.
- John?|- Well, he killed Jamie.
- You knew the killer?|- Yeah.
You know, we both kinda knew the killer.
As well as, um, in addition to,|you know, who he killed, too.
I mean, because of that,|it's pretty hard for us to be, um...
- Objective?|- Yeah, that's it, objective.
You know, since we knew the two|alleged people involved and everything.
And whereas we might be upset|this morning or something,
you know, we're not, because of|the fact that we're not objective at all.
I also play guitar, by the way.
- You don't even know what a friend is.|- I'm tired.
- You call Samson a friend?|- Don't I get a phone call?
Enough of a friend to cover up for?
Help him hide the body. Maybe...|maybe even help him kill the poor girl.
I didn't kill nobody.
Did he tell you why he did it?
Weren't you even curious?
Did you even give a flying fuck?
These are stupid questions. I know|my rights. I know I get a phone call.
You don't have any rights just yet, Layne.|We haven't arrested you.
Great. See you.
Go. Make your phone call.
Go call one of your precious friends.
- I asked you a question.|- I didn't know her, OK?
I just want to say,|it was horrible what those kids did.
And the incident points up a fundamental|moral breakdown in our society.
Thank you, Kevin, for your|insightful self-righteous indignation.
- I'd still like to hear from Tom.|- Just quit staring at me like that, man.
- Clarissa.|- Sorry I'm late.
You knew Jamie, right?|You were one of her friends.
Describe to us how you remember her.
Remember her?
Yeah, what she looked like.|What she meant to you.
You're bullshit. What gives you the right|to put Clarissa on the spot like that?
I mean, she's upset, man.|Her friend is dead.
Are you upset, Clarissa?
Are you? I mean, if you are,|come on, let's get it off your chest.
Fuck you.|Why don't you just leave her alone?
No, fuck you, man.
Because I don't buy it.
You don't give a damn.
I don't give a damn. Nobody in this|classroom gives a damn that she is dead.
It gives us a chance to feel superior,
and to point up a fundamental|moral breakdown in society,
but it doesn't really affect us, does it?
Because if it did, none of us would|be in this classroom right now.
We'd be out on the street,|half-crazy from lack of sleep,
hunting down Samson Toulette|with a gun.
- That's a reprehensible attitude.|- Just shut up, Kevin.
Are we gonna be tested on this shit?
It's gonna be like this all day. Teachers|lecturing us about what monsters we are.
- I can't handle much more.|- I say we split. Got just the place, too.
Come on, Clarissa.|We're taking the day off.
- Cheque... cheque's in the mail.|- Feck.
Where the hell have you been?|Where's John?
He's gone.
He's gone to the river.
- I'm dying.|- Put your hands up!
Hello? Hello, who is this?
This just blows my mind, man.|We're celebrities.
- Just what you always wanted, huh?|- Well, it's a start.
They're having an open casket|funeral for Jamie.
- That's gross.|- I know. I think it's in bad taste.
This entire episode is in bad taste.
Young people are a disgrace|to the human race. To all living things.
To plants, even. You shouldn't even|be seen in the same room as a cactus.
What's that?
- Shit.|- Oh, my God. Not again.
- Is it dead?|- It's a dummy.
I'm getting outta here.|I told you this was stupid.
No, no, no, hold it.
What are you doing? Don't throw rocks,|it's a person. Maybe it's still alive.
- No, it's Ellie.|- Ellie?
- It's a sex doll.|- Who's Ellie?
That's Ellie. Feck's girlfriend.|I wonder what she's doing here?
It's just, like, you gotta make|the best of it while we're still alive,
because any day now, boom!|And we're dead.
- You want to know what I think?|- No, Mike.
Somebody could murder you, you know.|Or Russia could send over nuclear bombs.
I say we just get the Russians stoned.|It might mellow 'em out a touch.
- Where's John?|- What?
Forget about John. God.|Would you just forget about him?
- I should kick your ass right here.|- What did I do?
Leave me alone.
You don't know what's going on.|None of you know what's going on.
I'll find him myself.
- Layne?|- John!
You've been awake all night|searching for the asshole.
He's not an asshole.
He's an asshole. He doesn't give a shit|about anything. His friends, himself.
He doesn't care if he dies.|Can't you see? Would you listen to me?
I know you don't care|about him that much.
- You know that?|- I fucking know you, Layne.
You get these ideas in your head|and you don't think.
And this idea of helping John out,|it's not a good idea.
You have a better idea?
Turn him in.
You would do that, wouldn't you?
I did.
You should finish the job, Layne.
- I should kill you for even saying that.|- You're talking shit and you know it.
You turn on us so easily.
I thought you were a fucking friend.
I knew that me and John|were alone all along.
- Layne.|- Let him go.
What's with him?
He's upset.
You shouldn't have hit me.
- Don't be stupid, Tim.|- You finked on John.
I'm your brother. Give me the gun.
Look. I'm sorry I hurt you, OK?|I was upset.
Now give me the gun, OK?
Goddammit, Tim.
I'm your brother.
Come on.
They fucking killed him.
They killed him.
Because there was no hope for him.
There was no hope at all.
He didn't love her.
He didn't feel a thing.
I, uh...
at least loved her.
I cared for her.
I mean... You understand, don't you?
Sure you do.
I don't, uh, like killing people.
But sometimes it's necessary.
That's enough for now.
I'd like you all to leave now.
I'm very tired, and sort of depressed.
I lost a good friend today, you know?
Please don't say your last goodbye
Please don't say
Say your last, your last goodbye
Yes, you're leaving me
Leaving me here to cry
You know I love you
Oh, I love you
More than I do my own mother
You know I love you
More than I do my own mother
Why can't we stay together
Oh, why can't we love each other
I'm gonna miss you
I'm gonna miss you
I'm gonna miss you
Oh, I'm gonna miss you
I'm gonna miss you
I'm gonna miss you