Riverworld (2010)

Rework sub done by willygeerts
(done on the previous work of 1337x-Noir)
Not the best sub but ok.
Take it easy, man.
We're not in the
jungle anymore.
Just gonna trade one jungle
for another, Simon.
Well, this place has
a little hot lady
That actually thinks
you're a pretty big deal.
Where'd she get that idea?
Well, hell, man, I told her
last time we were here.
Thank you.
What are you doing?
What do you mean,
what am I doing?
I'm coming.
You're not invited,
Especially in that
pink thing.
Hey, man, this is
rustic salmon.
My mama gave me this.
I told you,
You're going to
mess me up.
Look, what you need
is a witness.
What I need is
to do this by myself.
I'm coming, man.
In Ulu Tiram today,
our reporter, Matt Ellman,
And his cameraman,
Simon Porter,
Had a close call
while filing a report
From a rebel encampment.
After a few tense moments,
The rebel leader
agreed to talk.
Oh, he is so cute!
Lucky girl...
Dan! Dan!
Come on over here!
Look, it's
Jessie's man.
He's not my man,
we've known each other
For barely two months.
Two months?
Oh, you can get into
a lot of trouble
In two months,
can't we, Hal?
It's on the house,
Here's a toast
from tony and I.
To Jessie Machalan,
The best tour guide
In all of
southeast Asia.
Well, thank you.
Asia? Hell,
the world!
May she find
true love
Before I turn straight
and marry her myself.
Despite efforts
at brokering a peace,
The killing goes on.
Three long years in the jungle,
And these men show no signs
of backing down...
Hey, wait up!
Matt Ellman, reporting
to you from Ulu Tiram.
He's lying.
I don't think
Matt's capable of that.
He's lying!
He's not
in ulu tiram.
And what makes you
say that?
I'm right here.
This is Matt,
Hi, Matt.
Hi, everybody.
God, you smell good.
I missed you.
I missed you, too.
I hate it when you go off
on assignment like that
And disappear.
It's what I do,
But if anybody
could talk me out of it,
It would be you.
Excuse me,
Your champagne.
Hey, thanks,
But what's
the occasion?
You know, I'll let,
Matt take care of that.
No, stay,
have a few beer.
You know,
I'd love to,
But, I got to call my mom.
Yeah, you see,
when I win this lottery,
I'm gonna buy her
a brand-new house.
You're a good man.
Really, Jessie?
Because I find that people find
Good night,
Yeah, good night, and...
Make sure my boy
has a good night.
Sir, jewelllery,
Oh, yeah!
Come on, sir.
Wait here.
You're not going to run off
to the mountains again, are you?
Not in this lifetime.
Excuse me...
Matthew Ellman,
We have found you.
What the hell is this place?
Please, please,
please, please...
Please, please...
is that you?
Oh, thank God!
I thought
I was completely alone.
I'm sorry, but...
Do I know you?
It's me.
Deborah glass,
from Jessie's tour.
But you're...
Over here.
Oh, my God...
Is that a face you remember?
Not for a very long time.
What happened to us?
There was a bomb.
This girl
in the club,
She just...
She blew
herself up.
Oh, God, no...
Oh, Daniel!
is that you?
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God, I thought
I'd lost you.
I thought
you were gone.
Oh, no...
Look at you.
You're the girl
I married.
Is that Deborah?
Hal, is that you?
- Daniel?
- Hal?
What's going on?
Hey, where's
Shouldn't tony
be here, too?
Wait a minute,
why haven't...
Why haven't
you changed?
What the hell
is going on?
Where's Jessie?
I don't know,
But right now,
the thing we have to do is
Act like this is real,
This is happening.
Antonio and Jessie
must be here somewhere.
Let's stay together,
see if we can find them.
Yeah, but you don't
have to do this.
You know,
we're not your problem.
We all know Jessie.
She's cute,
but stubborn.
If you're missing,
she'll try and find you.
Why don't you guys
stay here,
Make a fire,
get warm.
I'll see if I can find
something to eat.
Hey, Bernie...
Hey, Bernie!
You know that guy?
I'm not sure.
He looked like
one of the junior partners
From our new york office.
Worked on the 82nd floor,
North tower.
Hey, Matt, wait up!
It's just me.
No bracelet?
I had one.
I remember waking up.
I was floating
in water.
This woman in robes
flew over me
And cut the bracelet
from my wrist.
Man, how friggin'
nuts is that?
I saw all of us...
Just before I blacked out.
You were all dead.
I'm sorry.
No, no, that's
a good thing.
That means tony
has to be here, too,
And Jessie.
And I detest
All of my sins, lord.
And I detest all of
my sins, lord...
What is this?
Some kind of
One way to find out.
Hey, Matt,
Let me try it.
Okay, they got me there.
That's weird.
I was just thinking
about how hungry I was.
Mm, that's
mom's meatloaf.
Excuse me, please?
May I share
your fire?
Oh, yes.
Yeah, of course.
I have gathered
some seaweed.
It may provide
some nourishment.
Anything'll do.
We're starved.
Can you tell me,
Am I dead?
That seems to be
the question of the day.
But that is not
an answer.
Only because I don't have one.
An honest man.
Your clothes,
Your robe...
You're a Bhikkhuni,
A buddhist nun.
Where do you come from?
I am from nippon, near kyoto.
I was born in the fourth year
Of the reign
of emperor go-reizei.
You lived
during the gempei wars?
That was
I'm sorry, I was...
Am a history professor.
This is amazing.
You're from
medieval japan,
But you speak english?
I have not
heard of this...
Before today.
It is like I learned it
in a dream.
That makes
as much sense
As anything does
in this place.
English is the most
widespread language
In history.
If I wanted everybody
to understand each other,
I'd rewire their brains
to install english.
But you didn't,
Which begs the question...
Who did?
Are you okay?
I know you.
You were there,
in the river.
No, you're mistaken.
Remembering faces is my job.
You were there, my friend.
I said you were mistaken,
And you've hardly earned
the right to call me "friend."
Just now,
you called a woman's name.
Who were you looking for?
Was it Jessie?
Jessie Machalan?
How do you know
My arm, sir.
Jessie Machalan.
Tell me
how you know her!
My advice, sir, as a gentleman,
Is forget Jessie Machalan.
Forget you ever met her.
Fast, fast!
They will be here!
Who? Hey! Who?
Who will be here?
My money.
I thought you said
this was going to be safe.
My money...
No. No money
until you show us.
Let's set up.
I can't shoot this, man.
My money...
Let's set up.
What are you
I'm sorry, Matthew Ellman.
You saw?
Who the hell are you?
I was watching you.
The man who beat you,
do not judge him.
Maybe you didn't hear me.
I said who the hell are you?
His name is
Richard Burton.
Those in power will try
to use you against him.
Do not listen to them.
Okay, you know what?
I'm just going to go
find some cold water
And dip my head in it,
And start this day
all over,
All right, Obi-Wan?
You're that thing
I saw in the cave,
When I was wearing
the wrist band,
When I was basically dead.
I'm your caretaker, Matthew.
I am here to watch you.
He said he was watching me.
Listen to me.
He is a salvationist,
a traitor.
They have corrupted many
here in Riverworld,
Including this man, Burton.
I'm sorry, but you guys
can fight your own war.
I've got someone I need to find.
If you wish to find Jessica...
Then you must first
stop Burton,
Even if it means killing him.
You can't do that!
You are hurt.
Did you see
that thing?
I saw nothing.
I heard you talking.
I was looking for you.
I'm not even sure
it was human.
You saw an oni?
A demon?
Oni, alien,
bart simpson,
I have no idea.
I've got to get some
answers from someone.
You need to rest.
You are fortunate
to be alive.
Yeah, if we are alive.
Does your head hurt?
It's killing me.
If you can feel pain,
then you're alive,
And if you're alive,
Then perhaps
we all are.
Oh, feels good!
We lost one of
our own tonight.
We must be cautious.
There are second chances
You were unwise to provoke
Mr. Ellman so soon.
He has been chosen.
He's not wearing a band.
He's looking for the girl.
Everything puts him
in opposition to me.
I say get rid of him,
Sooner rather than later.
Not while
he's being observed...
And protected,
And he's not yet had time
to make a judgement.
Perhaps he will
come around to your way.
Not with the girl between us.
Then let him lead you
back to her,
And perhaps the tower.
And when you have it
within your sights,
Do what you must.
How many times?
How many times have you ridden
the suicide express, huh?
Four times I've killed myself.
That, comrades, is courage.
That, comrades, is stupidity.
Because one time
you won't come back,
And no one knows
when that time may be.
Never do anything
For which the outcome
is uncertain.
Now, wait for me here.
we meet our friend,
And, God-willing,
we'll begin our journey.
So, what was his name?
A woman like you
Doesn't just suddenly
decide to become a nun.
A samurai.
He was a great man,
But also an ambitious man,
And to achieve
his ambitions,
He waged a war.
Many people died.
He died.
He was my greatest mistake.
What was yours?
There was more than just one.
"the road we walk
Was built with the stones
that scar our feet."
Who said that?
A nun from near kyoto,
In the years
after the gempei wars.
I was a...
A television
During our
times of war.
I had a buddy,
A cameraman.
We used a machine
to take pictures of places,
People who had been
hurt by others.
I'm not explaining
myself very well.
You painted portraits
and told true stories.
Yeah, most of the time,
And you got it right,
you were a hero.
To live an honorable life,
One must risk everything,
This samurai of yours,
If he had to kill a man,
a stranger, to save you,
Would he have done it?
Without hesitation.
I need to find this man, Burton,
The one who attacked me.
To kill him.
You, get over here!
You killed us!
You killed all of us!
You're hurting her!
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry!
I survived
Chechnya, Darfur,
And this coward kills me
And the only woman
I ever truly loved!
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry...
They told me
you were devils,
That by killing you
I would free
our people,
That I'd be rewarded
in paradise.
But there is no paradise,
Only this place,
This land
of infidels.
So, because you didn't
get your reward,
You're suddenly sorry
for what you did?
If they lied about paradise,
what else did they lie about?
How is a person
supposed to live
When everything
is a lie?
Who the hell
are these guys?
That's a spanish flag.
All right, honey,
you stay here.
No, no, no,
I'll handle these clowns.
Hey! Hey, you!
Hey, what are
you doing?
You guys can't just
waltz in here.
That's enough.
Hey, hey, hey,
who are you guys?
Huh? What's going on?
You will not address
El Adelantado
Without permission,
Okay, shorty, listen,
I'm an american attorney,
And I'll address
whoever I damn well please,
Including the,
man of La Mancha here.
Nice outfit...
No, you will be
No! No!
You will all bow down
To your new lord and master!
May I present
the governor-general of Peru,
Conqueror of the incas,
Francisco Pizarro.
Heed the words
of El Adelantado!
Poor ignorant bastards.
You have no idea where you are,
Or what is happening to you.
I will make everything
simple, huh?
This world,
This Riverworld,
Is a purgatory,
by demons,
And overrun by pagans
and idolaters,
Not so different
From the depraved
Of the americas
Before we spaniards
brought them to heel.
What this world
Is vision.
It needs order.
I have that vision,
And I will provide
that order,
And you,
All of you,
Will help me
in this divine mission,
I will make you
Until you beg
for death.
Your wound,
it is healed.
Things must
heal quickly here.
Show your grailband,
And remember,
one third of your food is ours.
Anyone taking alcohol
or drugs from the stone
Will be punished.
Well, this just keeps
getting better.
I'm almost glad
Antonio's not here...
We have to get away.
Too many soldiers.
We must be
Wait for
an opportunity.
Oh, hey,
your grailband.
Why don't you get lost?
We'll scrape up
enough to feed you.
You, come with me!
This way, move!
Where are you
taking me?
What did I do wrong?
Oh, my God!
You're alive.
Thank God!
There's too much
to explain right now.
We have to be
very careful.
Just know
That I'm going to find a way
to get us out of here, okay?
Do you get to keep the uniform?
I've been looking for you.
I'd almost given up hope.
A year and a half?
How is that possible?
Welcome to Riverworld.
I hope you like
mac and cheese.
Are you kidding?
Comfort food.
Work harder!
How many people did you
see in your travels?
I think people
from all across time
Are constantly
being resurrected
On these riverbanks.
But why?
Beats me.
But there has to
be some logic,
Some connection,
Or none of us would
have found each other.
Look, the only thing I know is
We've got to find a way
to get out of here.
You, beat it!
Some kind of ship's
coming upriver.
Pizarro's been
chasing it for years.
He's going to ambush it
from this fort.
This is good.
When the fighting starts,
we can run.
There will be much
chaos and confusion.
In the meantime,
We've got to do
whatever we can
To screw this guy.
That means we work slow,
we make mistakes,
We sabotage weapons...
That one.
Arrest him.
You heard the man.
sit down.
I'm fine standing.
Sitting's good.
Show me your wrist.
Unbound, huh?
Like me.
You don't look like
a soldier, but...
I am told you have been
through many battles.
I was a war zone reporter.
That's a man who...
I know what a reporter is, huh?
All the time crying to the world
about the weak.
But there have
always been weak, huh?
And strong.
Which are you, senor Ellman?
Which should I be?
If I'm weak,
you'll take advantage.
If I'm strong, I'm a threat,
And you might have me killed.
Very clever.
You're american, si?
I have seen far
too many americans
Since I have
arrived here, huh?
Oh, so noble in their hearts,
But they have
no concept of glory,
Only an overweening
They want everyone
to be just like them.
They are children.
They are not men.
This may surprise you,
But history
didn't treat you kindly.
Are we through?
Please, please.
Be patient, huh?
You're my guest.
You see, I'm curious,
senor Ellman,
Where is it that you think
that you are going?
Have you a plan,
A destination
in mind?
Or are you
looking for something?
Or someone?
Did Burton tell you that?
Ah, you know my new friend.
Burton doesn't strike me
As the kind of man
who makes friends.
No, but we are brothers,
of a sort,
Burton and I, huh?
The question is,
Whose brother are you?
I don't know what you mean.
You're unbound.
No grailband, huh?
But you must have been helped
somewhere along the way, huh?
Was it a...
Was it a man or a woman?
Look, I woke up here yesterday.
I don't know anything
about sides.
I could end you,
senor Ellman,
Like I have ended
so many others...
Your blood would be
little more
Than an insignificant drop
In a vast red sea.
You can kill me,
but I'll come back, won't I?
Just like you
and everyone else here.
I haven't seen anyone
really old.
Do you just kill yourself
and start again?
Is that the secret?
There are
endless secrets
Within secrets,
None of which
You have earned
the right to know, hmm?
Best I keep
an eye on you.
Put him in irons.
Where did they take Matt?
I'll find Matt.
Just keep doing your dirty work,
but don't get caught.
Work harder or starve!
Bernardo, come!
I have to show you something.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Haven't had a nice meal
of knuckles and dirt
Since my last
You son
of a bitches.
Our first category
is "three strikes."
For 200 dollars,
"these three outings
Should never
have been undertaken."
What is
the titanic,
The hindenberg,
And Matt Ellman's
new year's eve party
On the staten island
Come here.
Look at you!
It's good to see you, man.
Last glimpse I had of you,
You were lying in your coffin.
Sorry, man.
I'm sorry for
staring at you.
I just can't
believe it's you.
Matt Ellman
is in the house!
What are you
doing here?
Oh, that's a sorry,
sorry story.
I had four numbers
When this thing
went down.
I never got
to see a fifth.
What went down?
The world, I think.
What are you talking about?
I was monitoring
my police scanner,
And there was
lots of chatter.
They scrambled
f-16s, man.
It was bad juju,
really bad.
You're serious?
Nasa was monitoring some ufo,
And then it vaporized
the entire earth.
Six years after you died.
You died
six years after singapore?
So, you've just been wandering
this whole time?
Have you seen her?
I heard she was upriver
Running from this guy
named Burton.
Look, I tried
to find her, man,
But I kept on running into
this dude and his men,
And they killed me.
I'm not talking about
a bunch of clowns
Who slayed me
with their humour.
I'm sorry.
You've died again, here?
So we do keep coming back...
Yeah, but I don't recommend it.
Dude, I'm so glad
you're here.
You too, buddy.
Flooded ditches,
cracked oil drums,
Loose support beams.
It's astonishing
how many things have gone wrong
With this little project.
What do
you want?
A stroll along the thames,
And a maxim gun
with a few thousand rounds,
And a night with a hindi girl
Well-versed in the Kama Sutra.
I have to make do with you
And the rest of
your sorry lot.
I know you think
you're being very clever
With this sabotage of yours,
But the problem is
That each misstep you make
is going to be taken
Out of your dear
Mr. Ellman's flesh,
And, yes, you will
be there to watch.
Take him away,
And bring me
Mr. Ellman.
Senor Ellman,
Have you ever heard of
diego de almagro?
Diego and I were
brothers-in-arms, huh?
Together, we conquered
the inca empire,
Laid low atahualpa,
and shook the word.
But when
the king made me
Emperor of Peru,
Diego, he became
jealous, huh?
And he betrayed me.
Should I be taking notes?
Cause if there's
going to be a quiz...
I thought perhaps
His fate will be
I rebuilt my army,
Freed my brothers,
Laid siege to his city,
And defeated the cur in battle,
And diego...
He begged
for his miserable life.
He cried like a woman
As I slowly
strangled him to death.
Well, there'll be no crying
here, my friend.
Burn him alive.
El Adelantado, a word.
Don't kill him,
not yet.
Why not?
What will happen?
You tell me now, Burton,
Or I throw you
on the pyre with him!
He has
no grailband.
Draw your own
You think I have friends
with the caretakers...
What does he know
of this?
Probably nothing,
But I suggest
we keep him alive
Till we know.
Senor Ellman...
Please forgive me, huh?
I am but a...
Bernardo, show our friend
to our finest...
I can't shoot this, man.
My money...
Let's set up.
Simon, let's go.
Let's get this done.
No, you leave now.
Men coming.
This is
what we came for.
You got your money.
The guy said let's go,
so let's go.
He's lying, okay?
Do you see anything?
Let's do this.
This is Matt Ellman.
I'm standing in front of
a mass grave
Here in the mountains
of chechnya...
Simon, get up!
Get up, man!
Come on, buddy.
I got you.
I got you...
Eat, eat!
Tomoe, what
are you doing?
Matthew's still
alive, barely.
We've got to get him
out of here.
It's difficult.
He's under
constant guard.
Woman, here!
A share goes to us!
You, get us
some more food, now!
I got you.
I got you...
I'm sorry, I'm sorry...
It was an accident...
You can't keep
beating yourself up over it
Your entire life.
I'm sorry.
I'm coming, baby.
Where's Jessie?
She's still
waiting for you, Matt.
She needs you.
Get to the river and find Sam.
He'll help you,
but you must find Sam.
What do you know about Sam?
What do you know about Sam?
What do you know
about Sam?
Run free!
Risoner escaped!
Prisoner e escaped!
Get out of my way!
Fall back!
No grailband.
Are you Sam?
Launch ahead.
Dead slow.
Linesmen to starboard.
Youseff, how many times
do we have to tell you,
No strays.
Hold up your wrist.
No grailband.
Like me.
Are you "Sam?"
I'm Matt Ellman.
A caretaker told me to find you.
Male or female?
A woman,
While I was in Pizarro's camp.
So he is waiting for us.
We ambushed
some conquistadors upstream.
They were chasing him.
They say the enemy
of my enemy
Is my friend.
Are you my friend,
Mr. Ellman?
Once I get to know you.
My apologies.
I have been remiss
in my introductions.
Well, you've met
our chief of marines,
Youseff mbaye.
Mademoiselle fabarge,
My chief
And this lovely
This is
Allegra Braccioforte...
My diplomatic liaison.
And I am the owner and operator
of this fabulous riverboat,
The not-for-hire.
Captain Samuel Clemens,
at your service.
Samuel Clemens?
As in Mark Twain?
Guilty as charged.
You don't look impressed.
Frankly, you remind me
of a dyspeptic cat,
Like you swallowed
And you're about to
cough it back up.
I think, meeting you,
it's made it all hit home...
Mark Twain giving me
a tour of his riverboat.
This place...
It's not just a dream,
is it?
We really are dead.
Dead and reborn.
I woke up here
five years ago.
If I am dead,
Then this is
the longest dream ever.
Or perhaps billions
of people
From every epoch
of human history,
Reborn along the banks
of a seemingly endless river.
Basic needs all provided for...
But no children...
No old people...
No civilization.
The question,
Mr. Ellman, is, why?
What is the point
of it all?
Is it a chance to atone?
For what we screwed up
in life?
Life is
a considerable test.
Having endured
its random cruelties
For 75 years,
I see no reason
for a make-up exam.
Do you have
a better explanation?
But I do intend to find one.
That's why I built
the not-for-hire
In the first place.
You didn't build it.
You stole it!
I earned this ship.
I found
the raw materials,
The engineers,
Convinced Pizarro
to provide the labour.
Yeah, by telling him
he could use it
To conquer the world.
That was a good trick, huh?
The ship and the girl
all at once.
"the girl?"
She used to be
Pizarro's woman,
Until Sam...
Won her heart.
Pizarro was not happy.
The man takes his grudges
very seriously.
So, why are we
on this journey?
Every river has its source.
I'm convinced
That, at the source of
this particular river,
We shall find its creators,
And, hence, those responsible
for our new existence.
So, you're going to go
to the "source,"
Find the gods, or God,
Or little green men
that made this place,
And force them to give you
an explanation?
That's the plan.
And, you, my friend,
you're gonna make it possible.
They've spotted the ship!
It's coming upriver!
It won't be long now.
El Adelantado,
they are 10 miles out,
Moving dead slow
in deep water.
Does he think
he can just steam past?
Well, let's hope
he tries.
He can't get by
Without coming in range
of our weapons.
You're surprisingly
For a man who was
just defeated
By an aboriginal army
And a man on foot.
It wasn't my men who turned
and ran like little girls,
I can assure you
of that.
That's the channel where
Youseff saved my butt.
It had a strong current,
So it probably joins
back up to the main river
Somewhere here...
Above the fort.
Well, it's a riverboat...
Only draws three feet.
Just might work.
So now, if I do this,
How do I know you'll keep
your end of the bargain
And help me find Jessie?
You don't.
It's a quandary,
I know,
But... Look
at this face.
Would this face
lie to you?
In a heartbeat.
It's true...
I am a habitual mendicant,
But I pay my debts,
Not because I'm honest,
But because I dislike intensely
being obliged to another man.
So, if you give me
your assistance
You will have my help
in return,
Measure for measure.
And the others?
The ones back in Pizarro's camp?
What about them?
I'm afraid they will have to
look out for themselves.
It strikes me, Burton,
That trusting you
could be a serious error.
That so?
How can I be certain
That you're not
an agent of the enemy?
Certainty is a luxury,
my friend,
Along with clarity,
faith, sanity...
All those
other foolish notions
We clung to in
our previous existence.
Do not tempt fate,
my friend...
Look out!
You are a mad woman.
Why do you
throw your life away?
You killed her husband
the day you rode in.
Ah, si, si...
I'd forgotten.
It was of such
little significance.
Burn her at the stake.
When you were alive,
you were a soldier, right?
I was a taxi driver.
In Dakar.
My brother
was the soldier.
He was a sergeant
in the tirailleurs senegalais,
But I had a family,
so I stayed home.
Then what's with the hat?
Allah gave me a second life.
What is the point living it
the same way I did my first?
So I am a soldier...
And I've been one
for six years.
Tell me,
Does Sam's plan have
a chance in hell of working?
It is in the hands of Allah,
Or whatever he is called
in this place.
Three years
to build this boat...
Another two years of runnin'...
It all comes down to this.
It's not good
to worry so much.
The rich and powerful
of venice
Must've lined the grand
canal outside your door.
Too bourgeois.
I had an apprentice
arrange it
So my lovers
never saw each other.
Each could
delude himself
Into believing
I was his...
And his alone.
I suffer no such delusions,
my dear.
I'm content to be among
the unwashed multitudes.
I was thinking...
Perhaps I should
get closer
To our new friend,
senor Ellman.
Take a peek,
See if he has
something to hide.
Are you trying
to make me jealous?
Are you trying
to pretend
It's not working?
Let us endeavor to get past
the spaniard first.
And then we can discuss
your machiavellian designs
On young Mr. Ellman.
Now, there was a man
who knew how to treat a lady.
Matt... Matthew!
What do you want?
Burton is still alive.
You have to stop him.
I'm not good at taking orders,
never have been.
Kill Burton.
It is the only way
To save Jessica.
You want me to kill someone?
I'm going to need
A little more
Really helpful.
What is that?
Is none of
your damn business.
The engine room was locked,
But there he was,
nosing around.
You have to forgive
poor amelie.
She doesn't
like strange noses
In her private places.
Excuse me,
but I don't open my door
To every man
who's willing to pay the price.
Ladies! Ladies.
Now, back to
the subject at hand.
Yeah. Like what's that thing
powering your ship?
It was a gift...
From one of our protectors.
The woman caretaker?
She bequeathed it to me
In exchange for some...
As-of-yet unnamed future favour.
Helping you, perhaps?
As to what it is?
Mademoiselle fabarge
has her theories.
It might be
a fusion reactor,
Fueled by the hydrogen
in the water.
That thing is nuclear?
You see now
why it's important
That this ship not fall
into the wrong hands?
How do we know this one
isn't the wrong hands?
Why are we trusting him?
We are in position.
Time to get to work.
As to whether or not
we can trust you,
Mr. Ellman,
I suppose
we shall see...
Help me!
Somebody, help!
They're going to
burn her at the stake!
It is time.
Time for what?
Time to be brave.
Don't you think
we need a little help?
All the slaves
enjoy complaining,
But none will
risk their lives.
There's a friend
of Matt's...
In prison,
his name's Simon.
Then bring him.
The spaniard's lust for death
must be answered.
Half Twain.
Six feet?
I've stepped
in deeper puddles.
The grailstone...
That's where I was held
in the cage.
Somebody, help me!
No! No!
interests you, english?
Thinhe t fox
has outfoxed the hounds.
On my ship!
He's in behind us.
Reposition the catapults!
Now! Now!
We're under attack!
We're under attack!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
We're under attack!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Watch out, watch out,
watch out!
Damn! That was cool.
Where's Matt?
Matthew's gone.
El hefe's about to
roast Deborah,
And three of us are going to
take on Pizarro's army.
Sound fun?
No, that doesn't
sound like fun.
Come on!
Oh, geez!
Come back here,
you cowards!
To the front!
Please, release
our friend now.
Prepare your soul.
I am Tomoe Gozen,
of the minamoto clan,
Champion, consort,
And war captain
to Kiso Yoshinaka.
I bow to no man.
release our friend now.
Kill her.
Kill them all.
Stop, stop, stop, stop.
We have to keep moving.
Matthew, you cannot help.
We have to
get past the fort.
I got to borrow this.
Let's go!
But we're not fighting?
Not his battles.
Three-quarters Twain.
It's getting deeper,
and we're past the camp.
Start the engines.
Get us out of here.
Not yet. We have
an agreement
With Mr. Ellman.
You really
meant all that?
I thought
you had sense.
Sometimes, I don't know
why I tolerate you.
Well, we know
it's not for my cooking.
Burton, get your men!
Never trust a man
who eats blood pudding.
Santiago y cierra!
Conquistadores! Vamos!
I'm a college professor.
What am I doing here?
Oh... Antonio!
Look out!
Get him out of here!
You never told me
you were a samurai.
A samurai does not talk,
a samurai fights.
Mr. Youseff!
Vite! Vite!
Wait, wait! Go!
You guys
seen Deborah?
You guys seen
You know,
I think we did it.
I think we did it.
Hey, guys.
Bet you didn't think
I was coming back.
You're such a dumbass,
You're not even smart
enough to save yourself.
As many times
as I've seen this,
I never get used to it.
We're not supposed to.
Is that your friend?
I hope so.
I sure as hell
don't want her as an enemy.
Behind you!
I am nothat easy to.
Sure ya are.
Hello, Francisco.
In the back?
I find, if you must shoot
a dangerous animal,
It's best to do it by surprise
And from
a considerable distance.
Thought I would enjoy that.
You don't see this
every day.
Burton escaped.
Gee, sorry...
I was a little busy
trying not to get stabbed.
As long as Burton lives,
none of you are safe.
The others don't see you.
This is a dream.
A message.
to the wrong person.
I'm not a killer.
Why are you here,
Matthew Ellman?
Have you asked yourself
that question?
I'm still trying to figure out
what "here" is.
When this Riverworld
was created,
We believed
it could be a place
For your people
to be reborn,
A place for atonement,
A second chance
to achieve perfection.
But there are
a few among us
Who believe
we have failed,
That you are not worthy,
And so this world
must be destroyed.
You said "created."
By who?
We cannot act directly
on your behalf.
Our laws forbid it.
But some have
seen fit
To ignore our laws
And interfere...
To choose champions
among the awakened,
who they can use
To serve
their own ends.
Burton is the champion
of the salvationists,
A tool they intend to use
to destroy the Riverworld.
And I'm your champion?
Jessica is...
Our hope,
But she is in great danger.
Stop Burton.
For you...
For Jessica...
For all of us.
Hey... You'll be okay.
Just, maybe cut back
on the swashbuckling a bit?
I'll trade the swash
for the swish.
I couldn't resist.
It means
you're feeling better.
I'm going to go
check on the others,
But I'll be back
soon, okay?
I'm not going anywhere.
All right, gentlemen...
and lady...
Let's fire this old gal up,
see where she'll take us.
That... Is
an excellent idea.
Who the hell are you?
His name is Burton.
I don't believe
we've been introduced.
Captain sir
Richard Francis Burton.
My friends
call me "dick".
Burton, the explorer?
Yeah, I read
one of your books.
It was amateurish,
unnecessarily crude,
And pathetically
Clemens, I'm confused.
Are you talking about
my work or yours?
You again.
You want to deal
with me, fine,
But, first,
let him go.
He has no part
in this.
Why, certainly.
You see, Mr. Ellman,
I can be quite reasonable.
Now, Mr. Clemens, if
you'll set down your weapon
We can discuss the terms
of your surrender.
"Surrender" is not
in my vast vocabulary.
How about "bollocks"?
Is that in your vast vocabulary?
Ah! Son of a bitch!
Not... A good idea.
You, sir...
Are a most despicable example
Of humankind.
Why, thank you.
Mr. Ellman...
I'm disappointed.
I saved your life once.
Where's the gratitude?
I'll send flowers.
Roses, I find,
work for any occasion,
Although now
I've secured this ship,
Keeping you alive doesn't
have the same urgency
That it once did.
Jessie... Jessie?
Yes, thank you
for reminding me.
She... Gave me a
message to give to you.
Now, what was it?
You bastard.
No, that wasn't it.
Now I remember.
She said to tell you
She was in love
with another man,
And to give you this...
Sweep the ship for survivors!
Prepare to cast off.
Come on!
This way.
Salut. I'm amelie.
Call me tony.
Thanks for helping me out
back there.
Show me.
Quite lovely.
And you thought
I never graduated
from soviet naval academy.
It should put on
quite a show.
Sorry, Sam.
It was an accident...
It was an accident...
Okay? Okay?
You can't keep beating
yourself up over it
Your entire life.
Yeah, that's
what everyone says...
What everyone says...
What everyone says...
People need to see the truth.
People need to see the truth.
"forget it.
Put it behind you."
"put it behind you."
You owe it to that little girl
to keep showing it to them...
Otherwise you're
wasting two lives...
Otherwise you're wasting
two lives.
How come you know
all the answers?
You know all
the answers?
I'd better not lose you.
To the end of the world.
Found this one
In the captain's
I was hardly hiding.
I was doing my hair.
She had
the door locked.
It is my room.
I'm afraid
that's no longer true.
I wouldn't be so hasty.
Sam's quarters are drafty.
You might want
a little extra warmth.
Signorina Allegra
Bracchioforte de Venezia
At your service.
Is she the last one?
I smelled
a few rats
Crawling around
in the bilge,
But we'll get them.
Throw her overboard.
Wait, wait!
One of your rats,
Amelie, our engineer,
She's quite
loyal to Sam.
A little infatuated,
She knows every
inch of this ship.
I might be able to help you
smoke her out.
So, why are you
telling me this?
I think you like power.
I think whoever
controls the boat
Has power,
And if it's not
going to be you,
Then there are...
Other ways to exert control.
I am transparent to you,
Unable to hide my motivations,
Which is a good basis
for a partnership, no?
you need me.
I was Sam's
Privy to all his plans
to find the source.
I don't care about
Clemens' idiotic quest.
I have an agenda
of my own.
Does it involve adventure?
If you call armageddon a lark.
I'm going to wage war
on the gods,
Shake the heavens,
And bring this entire farce
to a conclusion.
Now, if you wish to participate,
You'd best prove
as useful as you say,
Because I'm not good
with disappointment.
No footprints
on the other side?
I don't know about Hal,
But Matt would have
fought like hell.
Even if he couldn't
swim to shore,
I mean...
He just would have
floated downriver.
He was shot two times.
I couldn't save him today.
I couldn't even do that.
I just...
I just watched my friend
go down in the water.
There is but one path
we can choose.
We are never
going to catch them.
We are never going
to catch them
By following the river.
We're tortoises,
And that hare
ain't getting any slower.
You all right,
Mr. Porter?
Not really.
No sign of Hal, and...
Matt's gone.
I can't believe those words
are coming out of my mouth.
Well, are you certain?
What about Tomoe?
Is she certain?
She says the only way
to find them
Is to join 'em,
And I don't know.
I've already
been around here twice.
I just can't do it again.
Everyone must heed
their calling in this life,
Especially here.
Her decision is no more or less
valid than yours.
We will see
them all again,
Rest assured.
The only real enemy in this life
is despair, my friend.
I know that.
I've been there myself.
I lost my wife,
My daughters,
And I woke up
here alone.
I found one
infallible solution.
Hey, maybe
this is not the time...
I am pontificating.
That's the cure
for what ails you.
You get yourself
good and riled up.
That's what I did,
Transformed myself into
a mean-spirited, stubborn,
Irascible hornet.
Raged at the world!
Anger is a distraction.
Purpose is a gift from allah.
We're spending too much time
winding back and forth.
The nottie has to
stick to the river.
We sure as hell don't.
Cross the mountains?
Our most
comforting friend,
Is waiting for us
on that boat.
I've been a poor husband.
I wasted our lives on war
And grasping for power.
I ask for your forgiveness.
They will remember you
Long after I have been
Little girls
will ride their ponies,
Pretending to be Tomoe Gozen.
I will find you.
Welcome back,
Mr. Ellman.
Judging by
your reaction,
Your last few moments
in the river
Were not
all that pleasant.
Please keep that in mind
as we proceed.
What are you doing to me?
Where am I?
It's okay, babe, I'm coming.
I'm sorry, baby.
That's why I was afraid
to pull you into my life.
I never wanted anything
to happen to you.
I saw a ring.
A ring...
Was it for me?
Then I'm happy.
My answer is yes.
No, Jess...
No, Jessie, wake...
Jessie, wake up.
Wake up, baby.
Hmm, a good strong
emotional memory.
No, that's not
the way it happened.
Perhaps yes,
Perhaps no.
Who's to say?
I was there.
That is not the way it happened!
I'm confused.
You wish with all your being
That that was
the way it happened, yes?
So, what's the difference?
What the hell
are you doing to me?
What the hell are you
doing to me?
That's not the way
it happened!
That's not the way it...
That's not...
That's not the way
it happened...
That was...
When I was
a soldier in India,
I came across a book
called the Kama Sutra.
It was...
Quite educational.
It won't work,
by the by...
Seducing me so that
I will relax my guard,
And you can find
the opportune moment to strike.
From one serpent
to another.
Yes, we are despicable
creatures, aren't we?
And yet I died
of old age
In my own bed,
With my wife
at my side.
Oh? A moral lesson?
Quite the opposite,
My death was more... Poetic,
Poisoned by a rival.
Well, just
so as you know,
I never drink
or eat anything
That I haven't
prepared myself.
Very healthy of you.
Show me
that twisty one again.
No, not now.
Work to do.
Worlds to end.
You really intend
to destroy this place?
Watch and see.
Well, I think
that's quite enough
Of that nonsense.
So who exactly is it
you're looking for?
Am I that obvious?
This world is home
To thousands of villages
And hundreds of thousands
of people,
Perhaps all of humanity
at one point or another,
And everyone
is looking for someone.
Including yourself?
I may be the exception.
I'm looking for a way out.
Though you may be
an argument to the contrary.
You son of a bitch!
Clearly, not an image
you wish to cherish.
It's not real.
All those images in my head,
It's just some sick game
you're playing!
None of it's real!
Is it?
Is this real?
Define "real."
You have no grailband,
You stopped Pizarro,
You almost took the ship
from Burton,
And yet you expect me to believe
That was all random chance?
What did they ask of you?
The second chancers?
What did they
ask you to do?
I have no idea what
you're talking about.
I just want to find her!
The girl you showed me
in my dreams.
I just want to find
the real Jessie.
I just want to
find the real Jessie.
That's it.
Perhaps that was
the real Jessie,
The one so vividly displayed,
Or would you prefer to cling
onto a burnished image
From the past?
You're so good at reading
the bumps on my head,
You tell me.
Sadly, I suspect
You would not be able
to accept the truth.
I have no reason
to accept your truth.
If you wish
the discomfort to end,
You will.
You don't have
the slightest clue who I...
You have a surprising
appetite for abuse.
It would seem you've
come to the right place.
Leave me alone.
If I had to come
back from the dead,
Why not somewhere
hot, man, like Jamaica?
This is not Eyrie.
You may want to
conserve energy.
We've got a long
climb ahead of us.
Look, man, I hate
waiting, man.
I always have.
Not much on sleep,
either, I'd say.
Hey, sleep is for the rich.
I prefer the casino.
Good place to hang out
all night,
And it kinda keeps me out of
the upper tax bracket.
A man after my own heart.
I too enjoy a good wager.
It's another
slaver camp.
Same as every
Between here
and the river.
Nine slavers,
a dozen slaves.
What is up with
mankind and slavery?
Each grailband only
works once a day,
So if you want to
eat well...
The strong will always prey
on the weak.
That is the sad nature
of humanity.
Hey, Sam,
I've been meaning
to ask you,
What was it like
in the civil war?
Nothing civil about it.
There is one more thing.
I saw one of our friends
down there...
He's being
held captive.
So, if the professor
made it,
What about Matt?
Then it's settled.
We're taking
the stone.
Three to one odds,
The element of surprise
on our side.
Could be worse.
Allons enfants de la patrie...
Le jour de gloire
est arriv?...
You enjoy fighting
far too much.
Yeah, it beats
driving a taxi.
All right,
Mr. Porter.
Here we go.
She said to tell you
She was in love
with another man,
And to give you this.
We are not your enemies,
Mr. Ellman.
Our salvationist cause seeks
to free you and your kind
From this eternal
riverworld prison,
But you are too
pathologically stubborn,
And your animosity
for Mr. Burton
Runs too deep
for you to be useful.
Can I...
Can I go back
to being dead now?
Oh, I would have you killed,
But that would only facilitate
your eventual resurrection
By your champions,
Who are deluded enough
to believe
That this farce of an existence
Is a second chance.
They are pathetic dreamers
and will soon be defeated.
Enjoy your stay
with us, Mr. Ellman,
Which will be eternal,
Unless your nemesis,
Mr. Burton,
Can bring this world
to an end.
If I were you,
I would pray for his success.
Tomoe Gozen...
Go and find him.
He needs your help.
Is someone there?
Can you hear me?
Who are you?
Please answer me.
Jessie, is that
really you?
Oh, God, Mattie!
I can't believe you're here.
Jessie, are you
all right?
How long
have you been here?
I think...
Four years.
Maybe more. I...
I stopped counting.
Four years?
I looked for you.
I hoped you were somewhere
along the river, and...
Shh, shh, shh,
it's all right. I'm...
I'm here, Jessie.
I'm here now.
What have they been
doing to you?
They're messing with me,
playing mind games,
Make me think things
about you.
What have they
been saying?
That you were with
some guy on the river,
Crap like that
To try and break me,
But it's not working,
So they try to drown me,
But that's
not working either.
So they're
basically screwed.
God, Jessie,
I've missed you.
I just want to
wrap you up
And not let go.
I need to tell you.
There was someone.
You know him?
We've met here
on the river.
When I woke up
on the riverworld,
It was insane.
Richard saved me.
Yeah, I saw it.
I saw it all.
He set out to explore
the riverworld,
And I joined him,
But it was hoping
to find you,
Hoping to find out
why we were here.
I'm sorry, mattie.
It's okay, Jess.
I can't imagine
what you've been through.
We're together now.
Thank you.
Right now we've got to
figure out a way
To get out of
this asylum.
they're coming!
- Jessie!
- No, please!
Leave her alone!
Help! No!
No, Jessie!
This is no
pleasure cruise,
We're just travelling upriver
to end the world.
Now, get back to work
and find our hidden friends.
We'll need that woman engineer
before we reach the tower.
Get up!
You know,
I hate to give idiots
of that magnitude credit,
But they're going to
find us sooner or later.
I should have
disabled the engines
When I had the chance.
Told me to find him
and to help him.
He will come.
You are prepared to fight.
Oh, my God!
Oh, thank you.
No problem,
my friend.
Last time I saw Antonio
was on Sam's boat,
But listen,
how'd you get here?
I'm not
really sure.
I-I remember
going underwater.
I woke up on the river
Somewhere not far
from here.
I never thought I'd
see any of you again.
You're safe...
How do you do it, huh?
Just fht like that
And sit there like
it doesn't even touch you?
We were fighting
the good fight.
There is no institution
in human history
I detest
more than slavery,
But try as I might,
My eyes are
inevitably drawn,
Not to the joyful faces
of the free,
But the still expressions
of the dead.
I tell myself
That what happens
on the battlefield
Is the will of allah,
But the truth is,
They are dead, and I am not,
And I prefer it that way.
Look, you freed
these people.
They're going to
want to thank you,
So why don't you try
and look like
You think you did
the right thing, eh?
Aw, hell.
Why not?
Matt, don't!
It appears you were
correct, Mr. Ellman.
You are hopelessly obstinate
and disruptive.
I've been trying
to explain
To your friend,
Mr. Ellman,
That Mr. Burton
is only doing
What is necessary,
What is right.
It is the others
Who are wrong.
I'm pleased to see that you
at least agree with me.
You're wrong.
I understand why richard wants
to destroy this world,
But I never agreed
with his methods.
He is a man from another era,
One less sentimental
than your own,
But that does not
negate his logic.
It negates everything.
He's a dangerous man
who has to be stopped.
Don't say any more.
I see.
Then as long as your attachment
remains with Mr. Ellman,
You are compromising yourself,
And our efforts.
Unless you convince
me otherwise,
Neither of you will ever see
the light of day again.
No, no!
I'll be waiting,
come find me.
Come find me, Matthew.
More treachery!
Not that you weren't
a gracious host,
But I got to run.
Your grailband,
my dear.
I'm unbound,
and I'm famished.
Destroying the world
as we know it
Can work up
quite an appetite.
What the hell's
in there?
The fusion reactor.
It was given to Sam.
We must be
near a grailstone.
It's sending energy
to the orb inside.
I've been thinking,
Each grailstone
we pass
Is more powerful
than the last.
That means
we have to stop Burton now,
Before he gets
to the source itself.
Okay, let's do this.
No, no.
It's too dangerous.
She told me
"he" would be waiting
And would need
my help,
And she did not say which "he."
I hope you're not disappointed.
It is always a pleasure
to serve a friend.
Okay, so what now?
I'm going to help you.
Where are we?
No idea.
Tomoe, the caretaker,
Did she say anything
about Jessie?
No, nothing.
She was with me
in that prison,
At least
a vision of her.
Did she speak to you?
She said
she'd be waiting.
But where?
Too many questions
obscure the path.
What is it?
I think I've
been here before.
First, you must
prostrate yourself.
Forehead, palms, knees and toes
touch the ground.
You got to
admire the man
For sticking
to his guns,
Theologically speaking.
Well, we're going to need
all the prayers we can get.
Since climbing
those mountains
Looks to be suicide?
Then we'd all be
scattered, lost,
And I'd have no chance
Of ever finding
Antonio again.
Don't get me wrong.
I'm going.
I just don't like
the odds.
Well, if I played the odds,
I'd have been an attorney.
Hell, even
the real huck finn
Had more sense than me.
He ended up
a justice of the peace.
Time to roll the dice.
Did I hear someone
say "dice"?
Mr. Porter,
you are too much.
Roast squab with honey.
This is a dish
I haven't sampled
Since cairo.
I'm glad
to be of service,
With every dish
you desire.
The prisoners
are escaping!
Get them!
You, go, save yourself!
Listen, you saved me earlier.
We're in this together.
Come on, let's go!
That way.
No, I can't.
I can't go
any further.
No. No!
The bomb goes off
and Burton wins?
Then we never get to see
the people that we care about
Ever again.
No way.
You think this is easy for me?
That ship was my life.
There's one way out of this.
What, the suicide express?
Is that even real?
You have done it.
Three times.
No, I can't do that.
Not because I am afraid.
I have to believe
Sam and Youseff and the others
Are coming for us.
If we never went to the club
that night,
Hal would still be with me.
And if pigs had wings,
They would be
But I think not.
I think a pig...
Is just a pig.
You know,
I finally figured it out,
Who you remind me of.
When I was a student,
there was a boy.
He didn't like the idea
of women becoming engineers,
So he came to my school,
And he shot every woman
he could find.
I remember when he aimed
his rifle at me,
His eyes were blank.
Reality didn't matter.
Other people's lives
didn't matter,
Only the puppet show
inside his head.
You have the same eyes.
If you had seen
what I have seen...
Your eyes would
be dead, too.
Do people actually
do this for fun?
Well, it is
an unassailable fact
That, as
a recreational activity,
Mountain-climbing appeals
chiefly to lunatics,
And the british.
Like rugby.
Are you trying to
upstage me, Mr. Porter?
Not likely,
Mark Twain.
Do you want to
stand here
Talking all day,
Or do you want to
climb a mountain?
You know,
sergeant mbaye,
If I ever novelize
our adventures,
You will be facing
a considerable rewrite.
where are we?
What is wrong?
This place,
I don't know
what's real anymore.
Are you really here?
Am I?
Is any of this real?
I've got an idea,
Why don't you
And the rest of
the blue man group
Just kill each other
And leave the rest of us
the hell alone?
You are asking
the wrong question.
Her lies and illusions
mean nothing.
Ask her about
what does matter.
Is Jessie alive?
She is.
Take me to her.
You're so damn powerful,
take me to her now!
It's all about using her.
I finally figured it out.
I'm right, aren't I?
You will find your friends
Climbing that next
mountain range.
Burton is 400 miles
to the north.
You have only one
more day to stop him.
And how are we supposed
to travel 400 miles
In 24 hours?
A ship...
A ship that flies.
A zeppelin.
This doesn't
bother you?
Being used as puppets?
Fighting a war
we barely understand?
Saving the world,
Stopping evil,
the woman you love?
I have fought wars
for less.
That's the first thing
I've heard in days
That makes any sense.
Come on.
I got you.
Yeah, come on.
We've got a long way to go.
Come on.
You're killing me.
What do you
want from us?
It doesn't make
any sense!
You're a coward!
You're a murderer!
You're a yellow
son of a bitch!
I think...
I think I'll...
Just sit here
for a while and...
Look out
at the world.
Come on, gentlemen.
Let's find Antonio
and the others.
I want my damn
boat back.
Okay, pal,
sorry to do this,
But the lady and I
need a ride.
You the pilot?
Then you're
going to help us
Get on that
machine, okay?
Now, I'm going to
take my hand away,
But if you scream...
Let's just say
The little lady doesn't
like loud noises.
You folks
in some kind of trouble,
Or are you looking for some?
Maybe a little of both.
I love a good dust-up.
Eddie chung, nice to meet you...
- Edward!
- Hey, boss!
Is everything
all right?
Yeah, yeah, just picked up
a couple hitchhikers here.
Guys, this is ludwig durr,
The man who built
the hindenburg.
Matt Ellman.
Wie geht's?
This is my friend, Tomoe Gozen.
Tomoe Gozen?
I am a student
of the ancient warriors.
Even alexander
the great,
But to meet Tomoe Gozen
is indeed a fantastic honor.
To the herumferzen, ja?
It's a dead end.
Dead end...
No food, no water,
And now nowhere to go?
Well, on
the bright side,
We're already dead!
All right, all right, we...
I suppose we'll just
have to double back,
Look for another route.
Double back?
Double back...
Or we could fly.
Now, is that some
kind of senegalese aphorism?
Faith in allah
will give us wings?
Or maybe mohammed can move
this damn mountain
Out of our way?
No, what
he meant was...
We could fly.
We could fly.
We can fly!
There they are.
I see them.
Dead slow.
You miss me, brother?
Look, man, don't be
hugging me, man.
Watching you die
shook me up.
Oh, well,
I'm sorry, man.
Next time I die,
I'll tell you to look away.
All right, dumbass.
So, we catch up to
Burton and those guys,
And then what?
Then we take
the boat back.
Oh, okay,
And how exactly are you
planning to do that?
Repairs complete, captain.
All ahead full, comrade Evgeny.
We have a lot of
time to make up.
Yes, sir.
And this is the
observation room.
It is as precise a replication
of the original designs
As I could create
Under these
difficult conditions.
Well, that clock's
still a few minutes off
There, ludwig.
The clock is not off, Edward.
The planet is off.
She's a most magnificent
vessel, mein herr.
Ludwig, in your travels,
How much of the riverworld
have you seen?
Oh, only
a small portion.
- Danke.
- Bitte.
The planet is so vast.
By my calculations,
It is over 100 times
the size of the earth.
Well, the almighty
did a pretty good job
Of making man
feel puny on earth.
What do the gods
intend here?
That seems to be
the question of the day.
What the hell
happened on earth?
I mean, I've heard
that it was blown up
Or obliterated by
someone or something,
So if anybody's
heard anything,
Now's the time
to share.
It is possible
that there was a...
An event.
As a man who makes
a modest living
as a wordsmith,
I would have to say
that if the lovely blue planet,
Which had been my home
for some 75 years,
Was suddenly
and irrevocably reduced
To ash and cinder,
The word "event"
Is hardly the one
I would choose to employ.
Pardon me,
But it is an acceptable
scientific term.
we have no proof,
Only speculation,
That the earth
was attacked
And destroyed.
I knew it.
I knew
I wasn't killed
By my downstairs neighbor
leaving the gas on again.
Attacked by whom?
I have no answer for that.
If you will excuse me.
I must speak to Edward.
The starboard rudder
is off by two degrees.
If you don't mind.
Not at all.
She might be gone.
Mother earth.
She may be no more.
You seem troubled,
I do?
What were you
looking for
Out there?
I don't know.
You are trying
too hard.
Just... Be.
My mother
used to say that.
Well, not exactly that.
She'd tell me to stop
thinking so much.
Be Matthew. The rest will follow.
Do not worry.
I did not come here
to interfere.
So how about
you drop me off
Somewhere inside.
I want to be sure
that you grasp
The seriousness of what
you're about to do.
Oh, I'm getting
the serious part.
You will condemn yourself
and your kind
To an eternity of torture,
Including your
beloved Jessie.
What do you know about Jess?
In fact, what the hell
do you know about anything human?
Yes, you are correct.
I know little of your kind,
But I do have the advantage
To be able to foretell
certain events.
Based on our projections...
Screw your
You want to stop me
from killing Burton,
Throw me off,
right here, right now.
You know we are only
able to intercede
On a limited basis.
Oh, really?
So back in the bat cave
That was only
a limited version
Of water-boarding?
I only came here today
to suggest that you turn back.
What lies ahead will haunt you
and your race for a very long time.
a strange woman in a hooded robe
That seems we all have the same
mysterious benefactor
And the same enemies.
Burton's caretaker was just here.
One of the salvations
We had an interesting conversation
on the starboard wing.
Don't worry, we didn't bend anything.
I'm gonna have to now assume that sir dick
knows we're coming after him.
And he will be prepared.
You have my solemn oath that I will
never abandon this ship. On my life.
One thing is for certain...
It shall be one hell of a contest.
On the rocks. Bring her around.
Bring her around.
Get out.
I was surprised to get your message.
I trust you know what this means for us.
I hear too many sweets can kill you.
The captain's
not here.
He's busy.
Yes, I am aware of that.
But a big strong man
like you must be hungry, no?
You know he'll kill me if he saw me take
any of this.
Of course,
he'll kill me anyway.
I want to be around
a little longer.
Hey, guys, come here,
have a look.
There she is.
Dead ahead.
Time to take back
that which is mine.
My apologies,
that which is ours.
No, Sam, she's all yours,
And I'm not talking about
the boat.
I thank you, sir.
What is that?
The dark tower.
I've heard of it.
I was never sure
it really existed.
The dark tower?
Otherwise known as
the source.
The source from which
this river flows,
the source of all things along its banks,
both good and bad.
Gentlemen, I believe a new day
is upon us.
Captain, sir, you might
want to come see this.
Friends of yours?
If I had friends
that could fly,
Why would I steal this thing?
Shoot them!
Shoot them
out of the sky!
Keep firing.
We're hit!
Port-side engine!
Feathering prop now!
Eddie, we need to stop them
from firing.
You need to
get us down there fast.
Getting down there fast
will not be a problem.
Well, how about stopping?
Is that going to
be a problem?
now I'm mad.
Bring them down, gentlemen.
Whatever you have to do,
bring that damn thing down.
Clever little minx.
A beautiful ship.
I don't know how much longer
this thing'll hold together.
All right, now,
what did you call
This technique again,
Mr. Porter?
Okay, Sam, it's not
a riverboat,
But you're still
the captain.
What do you say?
Seems like
a damn fool idea to me!
And that's exactly
why I like it!
Who's next?
Okay, let's go.
Go, Eddie.
Save yourself.
what about you?
If I am to die,
I prefer to go
facing into the wind.
Just like
old times, huh?
Ain't no thing.
We'll use this.
Don't rush me.
This takes time.
You okay?
I seem to be
afraid of heights.
Keep your eyes on me the whole time,
you don't let go until I say.
What about our two
little mice?
What about them?
Ludwig, we're
coming in fast.
Drop it!
Brace yourself!
When this is over,
I am going to have to teach you
how to fight.
When this is over,
I never want to see
a sword again.
Just like a man
To only show up
for dessert.
My darling,
You never cease
to amaze me.
Don't get sentimental.
I'm only backing the winner,
As always.
I assure you,
I have no time for sentiment.
I did a little baking
for the boys.
Allegra Braccioforte...
- Amore mio...
You make me crazy.
When's this going to end?
Give me a shovel.
Matthew, Burton.
- Help!
- Help us! Fire!
Help us!
Come on!
Help us, please!
Down here!
Over here.
Amelie, get out of there!
Where's Simon?
I thought he was
with you.
Have you seen
We are too late.
- Matt!
- Brother, you scared me.
What happened?
I missed the boat,
literally and figuratively.
I came down in the trees
over there, and I just...
I just knocked myself out.
That's a bad one.
I'm sorry you've been
dragged into this.
Let's get you out of here...
Just stay here
till I get back, okay?
I am coming
with you.
It might not be
the best idea.
It was not
a question.
Our fates are
entangled somehow.
I want to see
how it ends.
Get out of here!
If something goes
wrong up there,
Or it goes bad
down here,
Don't sweat it.
We'll see each other
in the next life, right?
Go on!
Tomoe, behind you!
Lay still, lay still.
Lay still.
Never would have
let one soldier
Delay his mission,
Not even me.
You know,
I got to tell you,
This yoshinaka guy
of yours,
He doesn't sound
that great.
You are a true
warrior, Matthew...
And as such,
Never allow
the indulgence of self-doubt
To cloud your vision.
He's not with us.
Well, where is he?
Where's Hal?
I am sorry,
But somewhere
down the river,
There's always
a chance he may be there.
I just want
this nightmare to end.
Well, you may get
your wish.
What the hell...
No, stop.
You said
he wouldn't be here.
Who are you
talking about?
I don't understand, Jess.
Is this you?
Are you real?
Or is this another one
of their chess games?
One of my favorites.
Mine, too.
Your move.
No, his.
I'm sorry, Matt.
So, this was all planned?
A charade?
in the prison cell?
You weren't
supposed to be here.
Why couldn't you just give up,
Stop looking for me?
We tried to tell you.
Does he really mean
this much to you?
Matt, this isn't about him.
I know you, Jess.
There is nothing
that would ever turn you
To something like this.
Never, not without him.
Don't fool yourself.
Look, this world isn't a dream,
It's a nightmare...
One that has to stop.
I love you.
I will always love you.
This world is our home now.
It's all that's left.
Everything else is gone.
If you destroy it,
there will be nothing.
We will be nothing.
Look at me.
Look at me.
I can't.
Why are you doing this?
You ever heard about
In the east end,
The common folk
would catch rats
And make them fight each other
for sport.
That's what
the riverworld is.
It's a vast barrel
filled to the brim
With the most dangerous vermin
ever created,
Battling each other
for someone else's pleasure.
It's a game!
And it's one I intend to end,
Now, on my terms.
So, it's a game,
and you don't want to play.
I get that.
I'm not sure I want to play,
But what gives you the right
To make that decision
for everyone else?
It's the only way!
There's no escape.
Finally, they gift us
with their presence.
If there's a God in this place
I sincerely hope he's on our side
Or impartial
at the worst.
I thought you didn't
believe in God.
I don't. I'm merely thinking of
the rest of you.
Our lords and masters.
You want to save this place?
Then do something!
Stop me!
No, because you are cowards.
You are murderous cowards!
Come on, Jess!
Are you
with me, girl?
I don't know anymore.
How many days?
How many days
did you have with her?
I had eight weeks.
That's it.
That's all I was given.
But you know something?
I'll take it.
Those memories...
You want them wiped out?
You are right.
You are both... Right.
I'm being selfish
and irrational,
And perhaps
the rest of the rats
Deserve a chance
at such happiness,
And I am not
a hero,
Or a builder, or...
Someone who makes
things better.
See, I'm a different
kind of rat.
I'm a biter,
And I'm damned well
going to bite!
Burton, no!
Run, Getty.
See you again, brother.
I am just gathering
It is so good to see you my friend.
You too.
How long
have you been here?
Just one day.
Have you seen
any of the others?
You are the first,
Which feels right.
It makes me happy.
Do you know what happened?
It is all a bit confusing.
Do you?
I thought we were
at the end of the world,
But apparently not.
I honestly don't know
if it was all a dream.
Is that not how life is?
But hearing you again,
I think we may have been
dreaming the same dream.
You were hurt, right?
And you had found Jessie.
That's right.
I did.
But then what?
Everyone is
waiting for you.
Oh, you...
Ugh, stop
hugging me!
Dude! I dropped
a tear for you!
It's good
to see you, brother.
It's good to see
you, too, man.
We've got lots
to talk about.
Assalamu alaikum.
Welcome back,
my brother.
It's good to see you, my friend.
Captain Sam Clemens,
at your service.
Here's to old friends.
Where is she?
We were hoping...
hoping you might
know more about that.
No, I just
got here myself.
She's bound to be here
soon, right?
How long have you been here?
Just long enough
To get the boat
back in ship shape.
I remain determined
to go back to the source,
To unravel this mystery,
Claim this world
as our own.
Is this the same boat?
Not exactly.
So you've been here long enough
to build a new one?
Aw, got great sea legs,
this girl.
You survived, and we didn't,
is that it?
None of us survived, Matt.
Sam and I were just
the first ones back.
We've been collecting
everyone else since then.
How long?
It's been eight years.
Eight years?
Son, if history has
taught us anything,
If this place has educated us
in the ways of this life...
We all have to know
there is hope.
Matt, there's aloways gonna be hope.
You did well,
Matthew Ellman.
I didn't do anything.
It may not have
seemed like much, but...
You saved this world.
By forcing Burton
off the tower,
The vessel's force field
prevented the blast
From fusing with
the planet's power source.
I didn't force him
to do anything
He wasn't already
prepared to do.
A sequence of events
leads to a consequence.
You were principal
to that sequence.
Without you,
The result would have been
We all died.
You're here now, aren't you?
Not all of us.
Where is she?
I don't know.
You're lying.
Like you,
Jessie has no grailband.
I can't track her.
Then how...
You can track my friends.
So as long as I'm with them,
You know
where to find me.
Your sense of loyalty
Was one of the reasons
why we chose you.
I didn't ask to be chosen.
In fact, I'd rather be unchosen.
When the time is right,
Once you have
fulfilled your destiny.
What destiny?
I just want to
find Jessie!
And so you shall,
my friend.
And so you shall.
Aw, hell, it's not like
there's any hurry.
We're going to be here a while,
And that's a certainty,
A damned dead certainty
if ever there was one.
Full speed ahead, Mr. Youseff!
We've got a long
river to run.