Rivolta Dei Pretoriani, La (Revolt of the Praetorians) (1964)

- Greetings, Divine Caesar.
- Greetings, Caesar.
- Greetings.
- Greetings, Caesar.
- Greetings, Divine Caesar.
- Greetings, Caesar.
- Father, please, greet Caesar.
- No!
Soterus is watching us!
Father! Father!
Our Emperor is God.
Who doesn't greet him will die.
Domitian is a tyrant.
- We're not slaves. - We're free men.
- We need to revolt.
Traitors! Revolutionaries!
They must be punished!
Everything is under control.
We can prove it to you, Caesar.
Insulting Caesar's divinity
strengthens Caesar's enemies.
That's not true. We also
have the right to defend ourselves.
- We are Roman Patricians.
- No, you are traitors!
I know many of you
conspire to bring down my throne!
But I know who you are,
and I'll exterminate one by one...
...because I also have proofs!
That's why I sentence you to death!
Soterus, your gladiators
will execute the sentence.
Today, I'll give you a list
of whom you should arrest.
- Take the condemned!
- Let's go!
Valerius Rufus, don't you think
my judgment is fair?
Caesar is a God,
and the gods are fair.
Get out, all of you!
Now that you caught
those five dogs, Divine, why kill them?
Dead dogs do not amuse anyone.
Lucky you, Elpidione.
Imagine if I wasn't on your side.
Raged dogs should be strangled.
I would strangle them,
with my own hands.
Go away.
Can I keep the Anzius mansion
that will be confiscated from Lepidus?
It's yours from now on,
my dear Artamne.
Last night I dreamed of
Isis goddess.
She suggested the introduction
of her cult, in Rome, for your happiness.
I have no need for alliances
to Egyptians divinities to be happy.
Isis is the Egyptian goddess of love.
On her celebration...
...the most beautiful girls, give to her
in sacrifice, their virginity.
Your goddess Isis will be
honored in the court.
I'll request the young Roman girls
to be sacrificed to your goddess.
In Egypt I was a Priestess.
It's a custom there...
...that all girls for sacrifice
give their jewels to the Priestess.
Be always like that Artamne.
You'll do everything to keep
other women's jewels.
But I like your goddess,
and you'll have your jewels.
Put them in a hole
like the one for the slaves.
It's not over yet. There are
more enemies. We need to watch out.
Valerius, didn't the Emperor
ask you something for tonight?
Yes, but later he asked to Soterus
and his gladiators.
And you seemed happy?
I'm not happy or unhappy,
Sejanus. I only obey orders.
I'm a Senator for the gladiators
and slaves. You can't arrest me!
- Cocceius Nerva, it's an order from Caesar.
- Caesar will answer to the Senate.
Watch out, Nerva!
Come with me. This way!
Up there.
You two, go up there.
And you search the houses!
There, they are!
Let's hide, quickly.
There are two coming up!
Hurry up!
Follow me!
Thank you, Valerius Rufus.
You're really my best friend.
I happy that you also, are safe.
Let's go now, quickly,
to Fabius Lucillus house. Come!
- Valerius!
- We were worried for you.
Valerius, as a Praetorian Centurion,
you're risking too much.
Daddy, Valerius challenges death,
on behalf of freedom.
- He's the bravest of them all.
- This time everything went well.
- Has anyone recognized you?
- I don't think so.
But Cocceius Nerva Lentulus
must he hiding, for now.
My husband and I
will welcome him, at our house.
Yes, of course.
Today, Caesar has invited some
noble girls, for the goddess Isis' feast.
Also, my daughter Lucilla
has been invited.
Our children should not attend
that corrupt environment of the court!
And make Caesar more oppressive
and cruel, with our refusal.
Fabius is right.
The girls should go.
But Artamne's demoniac ideas
are as corrupt as Domitian's.
Friends... do not forget that
Valerius Rufus will be in the palace.
I will protect her from any harm.
Now, if you allow me,
I should return to the palace.
- Domitian can not suspect.
- At least for now.
Good bye, my friends.
Fabius, I'm afraid.
Every time I hear about Isis' feast,
I have a bad feeling.
- Valerius! Valerius!
- Lucilla.
- I'll see you at Isis' feast.
- I'm not afraid, because you'll be there.
Oh almighty Isis, celestial wife
of Osiris, goddess of love...
...welcome among your sacerdotists
these noble and innocent girls...
...that consecrate their lives to you.
They will dedicate to you, their thoughts
and deeds, and will spread your faith.
Bring your divine power
into these girls...
...as your endless love
and gentle heart.
You, who are nature's mother,
lady of all the elements...
...origin, beginning of centuries,
supreme divinity among all heavens.
You, who are the most powerful
queen in the world.
Your throne painted by the blue
of the universe and the seas...
...who receives all fruits of the earth,
accept the donations that...
...these girls want to offer you...
- Enough!
The sweetness of stolen water
makes food tastier.
Now, you will dance in honor
of goddess Isis. Start!
You'll be sacrificed to love,
as is the goddess wish.
- Let me go! No! Don't touch me!
- She's adorable.
- No! Leave me alone!
- What are we waiting for? Let's go.
Leave me alone! Stop it!
No! No! Let me go!
Quickly! Arrest him!
Open up, quickly! Open up!
Get him, quickly!
We've got him locked. Let's catch him!
Behind the statue.
You damned traitor.
Don't let him escape!
He fled to the garden. Search for him!
Close all exits!
Decurion, look throughout
the whole garden.
That bastard can not escape!
You must find him. Dead or alive!
He hadn't enough time to leave
the palace. He should be around.
- Valerius, search everywhere.
- I'll find him Caesar.
In the meantime, you look throughout
the palace and ask for the gods help!
Either he or your skin.
They're all against me.
The senate, the patricians, the people.
Not even on the guards,
can one trust anymore.
Did you see that?
They tried to kill me.
Not even in the court,
in my throne, I am safe.
My gladiators aren't even able,
to protect me.
Be strong divine,
to face all your enemies.
At the right time,
you'll show them...
...who is the strongest.
Yes, I will not be finished
like Caesar or Caligula.
I'll show them what I'm capable of!
Certainly divine. A lightning hits first
the highest mountains.
Elpidione, you're always at my side.
You bring me good luck.
I'm absolutely sure...
...that with you by my side,
nothing bad will happen.
Yes, my emperor,
as when we fought together in Dacia...
...facing the enemies arrows.
Rest assure that with me around
nothing bad will happen.
You there. Stop!
- Nothing, Centurion.
- Let them go.
You three, guard that door.
Three stay here, the others follow me.
Arrest whoever looks like
the man we're searching for. Go!
- You stay here. I'll go a bit farther.
- Alright, Centurion.
You have been very brave
and luck keeps you company.
But it won't be always like that.
We must keep an eye on Caesar.
Of course.
That's why I'm here.
Lucilla and the other girls
should escape tonight.
Theyll hide in Nerva's estate.
If Domitian catch them,
we'll certainly have troubles.
I'll let the others know immediately.
Zuza! Go with Lucilla and tell her mother.
- Alright, I'll tell her right away.
Valerius, when will we see each other?
Soon. I can't stay too long,
away from you.
You're telling me you couldn't find him.
As if the ground had swallowed him?
You're all such idiots, incapable.
I'll have you all killed.
I think I know who he is.
Something I've seen.
What do you know?
I was in the garden
when I saw someone with a mask.
Go on!
Well, as I approached him,
I realized that I knew him.
Who was it?
It was a Phoenician fighter
I've seen recently fighting.
- We have to arrest and kill him!
- It's not worth it.
Wait for your enemies new try, soon...
...and this time
do not waste it.
Get out of my sight!
Why wait?
To make the enemy stronger?
I'm going to act
before the red wolf does it.
I will have all the patricians
and the suspect senators arrested.
I know them well...
Silvio Rutillus, Flavio Senhori,
Sillio Quintino...
I would not do it, divine.
The walls can hear.
Elpidione is right. If you do it,
you'll increase the ire of the gladiators.
I'll tell Soterus whom he should arrest.
It will be a master play.
This way, without any danger,
we'll have our enemies, in our hands.
You're a genius Artamne.
You have my approval.
As long as, it is done
before dawn.
Now come, I will give
the instructions to Soterus.
Divine Caesar...
would you allow me to go out.
- Where are you going?
- I have a meeting, Divine.
In truth, is a lady that is
in love with me. She's so pretty.
- Go, Elpidione.
- Thank you, Divine.
You know what they say?
Elpidione is great with women.
Elpidione is great with...
Do not make me laugh.
Arrest all people
that Artamne tells you.
Kill them and throw their bodies
to the river. Go!
Tomorrow you'll have no more enemies.
And you'll ever hear about the red wolf.
Eh, eh, do not rush.
Take away the sword!
What do you want?
What do you know?
Do not worry, Centurion.
I won't turn you in.
I hate Domitian as much as you.
I'll help you fight the tyrant.
You want to help, how?
Come on, speak up!
A while ago Domitian ordered Artamne
with Soterus gladiators...
...arrest all patrician suspects.
You there!
- What happened?
- The gladiators arrested the boss.
They came a little ago, by surprise,
and took him and his friends.
The patricians tried to fight back
but were all arrested.
And Lucilla?
She had just left with the other girls
and her mother.
- Did you see where they went?
- They went towards the river.
As Roman citizens,
we have the right to a fair trial!
Traitor! Ask your God, since it's
your last request, before you die!
- Runaway! Run away!
- Arrest him, and catch the patricians!
Damned bastard. Search for him!
Soterus, we caught these two.
Speak up, or I'll make you grow
a few more centimeters!
Well, are you going to tell me,
who is the red wolf?
We'll ready to die,
but you will know nothing.
Keep an eye on them.
You're responsible for their lives.
They still are going to be useful.
When they recover,
give them, two days to speak.
The Divine Caesar Domitian
has declared that, if in two days...
...the red wolf do not turn himself in,
or his identity is revealed...
...the senators Flavius and Rutillus
will be executed in public.
Who reveal...
...the red wolf's identity
or assist in his capture...
...will have a reward
of 10000 sestercios.
By all the gods!
Even if I knew something,
Caesar would never hear it from me.
Finally, someone who scares,
and also challenges him.
If only he could join us.
Fight by our side.
Who would be, this red wolf?
A Senator? A Patrician?
Or perhaps one of us?
- Father! Father!
- Greetings my friends.
- What have you decided?
- Nothing. We're discussing what to do.
Friends, there's no more time to waste.
We have to fight!
We're a few, but soon,
the people will be with us.
What do you intend to do?
First: we need weapons.
And I took care of that.
- Outside, I have a cart full of them.
- Excellent!
Second: we need to help
Flavius and Rutilus
We can't leave them
in the hands of Caesar.
That's what we're talking about.
Attacking the palace would be foolish.
Then, I think I know what to do.
When the soldiers are in the mountains
We'll attack once...
...and bite them from every side.
...we'll use your tactics,
at the right time.
Now, let's hide the weapons.
They'll be very useful.
As for Flavius and Rutilus,
we both, can handle it.
Hide them in Calpurnius's cave.
They will be there, handy and safe.
- I'll do that.
- See you later.
Let's go!
Lazy scum! Hurry up!
- Useless creatures!
- Stop!
Four stay here, the others go there.
Let's go!
Welcome, Cocceius Nerva.
- It's an honor to welcome you.
- Greetings to you, Calpurnius.
Our friend Fabius
advised me, to see you.
We want you to keep these
for a awhile.
Yes, I see. Tell him that I have
a great admiration for him.
- He can always count on me.
- Thank you.
Let's hide them there, in the caves.
They'll be safer, away from the slaves.
They're dangerous and can't be trusted.
They're with me for the bed and food.
Let's do some work!
Here we are my friends!
Let's unload, quickly!
Help! Help!
Please, someone help us!
The red wolf kidnapped Artamne.
- Watch out! The red wolf!
Sentinels, watch out!
Move, go up or else
you'll regret!
There he is!
Decurion, here they are. Decurion!
Guards, here.
Follow me, quickly!
Let's get out of here!
Had you been on guard,
instead of sleeping...
...perhaps you'd have had time to
warn the guards, and save your queen.
Do not fear for Artamne's life, Divine...
They did not kill her, for a reason.
They will not harm her.
Ah, you great fool!
A man gets in and out of the palace,
as if it was his home...
...and you tell me not to fear!
Although... I believe to be someone
that has access to the palace.
I could not agree more, Caesar.
Only someone as Valerius Rufus,
would be able to get the red wolf.
If you get him, I will nominate you
commander of the Praetorians
Thank you, Divine.
I promise to search everywhere.
Get out!
Everything is alright, Nerva.
The place is safe. He'll be on guard.
Very well, you know who she is.
Nobody can touch her.
Keep her face covered. She shouldn't
know where she is and the way back.
I tell this,
for your own safety.
You can count on me. As for him,
will do what you ask of him.
- Let me go!
- I have to go. Goodbye. - Thank you.
Let's move!
To the ground. Sit down!
I only follow orders.
Let me go! Remove my hood
and you'll see who I am!
Do you want to be crucified?
Let me go!
Let me go!
Please, listen to me!
I'll make you rich and powerful,
if you listen to me.
I've searched everywhere,
and also the vicinity of Suburna
Even searched the taberns and brothels.
No one knows anything.
The red wolf is a ghost.
Even the sellers of the torture masks
know nothing.
Masks of that kind are sold
by the hundreds.
If within one week I can't find
Artamne, I will arrest all...
...those that have a mask!
I swear I'll hang them all...
...if they do not tell me
who the red wolf is!
Watch out. Watch out!
Block all exits!
The red wolf is in the garden!
Come this way! He must have hidden
this side. Come on! Move!
" If you kill Senators Flavius
and Rutilius, we'll kill Artamne...
...then, you'll be next!"
Caesar's prestige is more
important than a woman.
Let them kill Artamne,
if they dare...
...but Flavius and Rutilius
will be executed.
Who dares threaten me?
I am god! I'll kill them all!
The whole Rome, falls at my feet,
in respect!
Double the guards to the condemned.
I want no surprises from the red wolf!
Yes, Caesar.
Keep going!
I have orders to check
the cells safety.
You two stay here.
- Everything fine here.
- Also in the undergrounds.
Soterus ordered us to guard the cells
inside and outside.
You'll take care of the execution.
Caesar want it, tomorrow at dawn.
You two check around
and keep your eyes open.
- Pay attention to the walls.
- Yes, let's go.
Take a look in the undergrounds.
Stay here and be alert.
Let no one approach.
By the gods, what may have happened.
A short while ago he was fine...
Could it be the red wolf?
Hey, what happened?
Flavius! Rutilius!
Watch out the guards!
Hide in there!
Go in! Quickly!
Have no fear, noble Senators.
The red wolf requested you to follow
the imperial caves. Come.
That was for a nail!
Through there would be better
but will take us to jail.
Through this hole leads us
to the imperial sewers.
Thats right Senators,
no other way out.
- Listen? Are you there? Listen to me.
- What do you want?
I'm dying of thirst.
Please, let me drink!
Take off my hood.
Have mercy on me. My eyes are itchy.
I please Caesar but not you?
My taste is a bit different
and besides I am not crazy.
This collar is worth
a 100 thousand sestercios...
...and this bracelet 30 thousand.
Oh my God! That's enough for a house,
land, cattle and a 100 slaves.
It's all yours if you help me escape.
Dear Lady, and then,
what will happen to me?
Come with me. In the court,
Caesar will reward you.
He'll give you a god job.
You'll be rich and live happily ever.
If instead, you don't help me,
when Caesar catch you, poor soul!
Come, I'll give you a horse.
I'm ready.
Damn it! We've been fooled again.
Soterus, they escaped by the window.
What were the sentinels doing.
Give the alarm.
Inform Caesar of what's going on.
I'll question the sentinels.
The execution has been cancelled.
The prisoners have escaped.
You're all traitors or incompetent!
If the red wolf is not found,
You'll pay. All of you!
He's worth a 100 men.
You saw it by yourself, Caesar.
Enough of cheaply excuses.
I want him here and alive!
Otherwise, I will crucify you all.
Praetorians, gladiators, guards!
- Domitian!
- Artamne!
Be Venus welcome, powerful Mars
and clever Mercury.
No, it was my jewels
that bribed the guard...
...and discovered the traitor's nest.
- Do you know who is the red wolf?
No. But let's not waste time. Maybe,
they may not know of my escape, yet.
This way, we may take them by surprise,
when they are all together.
I need some trustworthy guards
to go there with me. What do you think?
Did you hear Soterus? Get some men and
go with Artamne. Let's waste no time!
Get me the red wolf and
I'll cover you with jewels.
And you, my half-dude, stay with me.
Don't you want to keep me company?
When Jupiter gets angry
the rabbits ran away.
Jupiter doesn't have to be angry.
Soon, his enemies will be here.
And tomorrow, their heads
will be food for the birds.
Now, help me dress,
and let's go to the steam baths.
Valerius! Quickly!
We can not waste time!
What is it? What happened?
For two hours, I've been trying
to flee from Domitian to see you.
Artamne escaped.
And she already spoke to Caesar.
She went with Soterus and some men
to get our friends.
I need to let them know!
- Let's hope it's not too late.
- Do you think so?
Out of the way!
Damned, you and your ancestors!
Quickly, all inside.
I want to talk to you!
- It's Cocceius Nerva. What happened?
- Let's go.
Last night Artamne escaped.
We just found out now.
- Domitian, may already know our place.
- The girls should hide quickly.
Go different ways to avoid suspicious,
near the black stone of mount Espacato.
We'll see there. It will be hard
to find us. You two go with them...
...and make sure they'll arrive
sound and safe.
Nerva, and what do we do?
- We're picking up the weapons, quickly.
- Alright.
We can't be without weapons.
- We have little time.
- Then, let's go.
Quickly! Some take the cart.
Others take the horses.
Follow me!
- Lucilla, give me the bag.
- We go with you...
No dear, we should separate
as Nerva told us.
You should go up the mountain, the
fastest you can. I would only delay you.
I'll get going. Goodbye.
I can see you! Keep working!
We need the weapons, fast.
- Come.
Hurry up friends!
- Look up there!
- Alarm! Alarm!
Sotero arrived
with the gladiators!
In charge!
Let's go up the hill, fast!
Lets go to the other side.
Quickly, before they get the weapons!
Hide yourselves! Quickly!
- Lentulus!
- Valerius...
- Where is Nerva and the others?
- They're safe, I believe...
And Lucilla? And the girls?
- Where did Lucilla and the others go?
- To the woods.
I'm sure they are up there.
Let's go!
Look at that side!
The rest, come with me!
You! Stop!
I said, stop!
There is one!
Let's catch her.
There, going up the hill. Follow her!
We'll take the road.
No! No! No!
Damned! This time, you will not escape!
Get him!
Soterus! The girl is fleeing.
Go after him!
Watch out the trunks!
Spread out! Look well!
Some go here, and some go there.
This side!
- Stop! Stop!
- No! No!
I said stop! Come!
Let me go!
No! Let me go!... No!
Quickly, here!
Let's take him to Domitian. We'll be rich
- Who is he? Do you know him?
- Is patrician Marco Tulius Quintilius.
- Yes, yes. It's him.
- Marco Quintilius, is the red wolf?
- I can't believe it.
- Why would he have the mask?
And under the mask is Marco
Quintilius, that we know.
- What is going on there?
- Let's ask Soterus. - Good idea.
Your men brought the body
of the red wolf.
By the gods, finally.
Come here, Soterus.
Tell me what do you think?
It can't be him.
This is not the red wolf, Divine!
I wound him in one arm,
when I fought with him...
...and this man has no wounds
in none of his arms.
- He may have put the mask on this...
- This one sleeps soundly.
The truth is he made fun of you again.
Idiots, get out! Get out!
But we came not empty handed,
The noble Lucilla.
Welcome. Instead you, I expected
the honor of your dad and Nerva.
You'll never see them!
You know, if you rebel against me,
you'll pay with your life?
I prefer to die
than to be in your hands.
You won't die yet. Soon,
your friends will be in my hands.
- Put her in a cell and guard her well.
- No, Soterus!
Lucilla is too beautiful
to be thrown in a prison.
And who loves Venus,
respects her gifts.
You're right, Divine.
We can put the noble Lucilla in
the slaves room. She'll be well there.
Good, Soterus. In the slaves room
and with noble treatment.
And no problems this time.
She'll be under your charge!
While you have that woman, their friends
will not stop to betray and attack you.
To fall in love with someone doesn't
mean, we have to spare their family.
Soterus and I have an idea
in mind.
I haven't seen Valerius Rufus all day.
I wanted to give him a job.
He may be, still,
looking for the red wolf.
For some time,
our friend has been strange.
This way, will stop the bleeding.
It will do miracles during the night.
- I can't move the arm.
- Keep it always covered.
Tomorrow, pretend to have a horse fall.
That will be a good justification.
- And Lucilla, did you see her?
- Yes. She seemed fine.
I need to help her.
I have to hide this.
- Valerius Rufus, finally!
- Greetings, divine Caesar!
One of the slaves I got was going to
tell me the red wolf whereabouts, but...
end up dying before.
I wanted to give you an order.
Keep an eye on Fabius Lucilius's house.
Arrest his praetorians.
Surround the area and block the roads,
day and night, without suspicious.
Now that we captured her daughter,
any traitor could come...
...and try any attack in desperation.
You got it? That's the way
to get the red wolf.
It will be as you say, Caesar.
I need to see the prisoner,
Emperor's order.
Caesar has just told you that
in the room...
...only one person can go in,
along with Soterus.
Why has Valerius Rufus his
right arm covered and doesn't move it?
He could well be the man
I wounded in the right arm.
Valerius Rufus is the red wolf?
See divine. Every time the red wolf
attacks, Valerius Rufus is absent.
He's courageous, clever,
and with a prodigious strength that...
...only him would be able to do
what the red wolf does.
Let's peek at his house
while he is absent.
Looks like my suspicious were right.
Here, it is!
Caesar, no man has returned
to Fabius's house.
- Here is the wound I did!
- Arrest him! He is the red wolf!
Alive! I want him alive!
Quickly, arrest him!
Go! Go!
Arrest him!
Do not let him escape!
After him! Quickly!
Who would say divine, the red wolf.
We can not trust anyone, anymore.
- I will crucify him as a slave!
- And I will provide the nails.
But I found hard to arrest him,
as I feel he'll be far away.
You there! Who are arriving.
- Who are you?
- We're friends.
- Flavius e Rutilius, Roman Senators.
- Greetings Senators, we're waiting you.
- Greetings Senators.
- Greetings to all.
Friends, the time we
so eagerly waited for, has come.
The romans hate against Domitian is
at the top. It's time to take measures.
From Nomemtum, there are
Some groups are waiting for us,
in the city.
If there's a rebellion, all the senators
and I will free our slaves.
- To fight on our side.
- Very well.
There's only one problem: Lucilla.
Do not forget my daughter
is a Roman.
Neither you or I will abandon her.
I think our friends will understand.
We're with you, of course.
First, we'll free Lucilla.
- Of course!
Thank you.
Even I thank you my friends,
from the bottom of my heart.
The room where Lucilla is
in the palace has a secret passage...
...which leads to the undergrounds.
Once there, we can access the sewers.
If Valerius and I could get
in Lucilla's room.
- Are you sure of this passage?
- I walked on it one time.
It's the only option we have
to save her.
If Lucilla knew about this passage...
...that leads to the sewers,
that would avoid us some danger.
Yes, the problem is to tell Lucilla.
- Maybe Zusa could help.
- Zusa?
My lady always would trust me.
I'm sure if I talk to her alone...
...she would tell me where is Valerius,
Fabius, Nerva, and the others.
And why would Lucilla do that?
To take the messages
to her friends and vice-versa.
- And why would you do it?
- But...
...has the Divine not promised,
a reward of 10000 sestercios.
- Is it good?
- Yes, Divine.
Alright. Take her to Lucilla's room
and stand there on guard. Go!
I see no end to this story.
I have no time to make love, anymore.
Now, if you excuse me, Divine,
I'd like to rest with Venus blessings.
Go, go rest.
- Zusa!
- My Lady.
Your loyal Zusa gives thanks to God,
to see you well, and in good health.
How did you get here?
It was Valerius and your dad plan
for me to come to Caesar...
...willing to betray you
and your friends.
In exchange for a reward
of 10000 sestercios.
They believe Caesar
would let me talk to you.
And they were right.
Come and see!
It is the entrance to
a secret passage.
From this room we have access to the
undergrounds that lead to the sewers...
...that take to anywhere in the city
or even outside of it.
- Oh, Zusa when can I escape?
- Tonight!
When everybody is sleeping,
you take the passage...
...and you'll find Valerius and
some friends, that will accompany you.
Get rid of Lucilla.
From her we will learn nothing.
Or has our Emperor been enchanted
by her innocent face?
Be calm Artamne.
I hate jealous women!
- Well?
- The trap has worked, Caesar.
- Valerius will help her escape tonight.
- Very well. And Zusa?
My men will make that
she won't bother us anymore.
What have you got?
- Could you talk to Elpidione?
- Do you have any information?
- I got better. I bring the informant.
- Elpidione!
Everything is fine.
Zusa has spoken to Lucilla.
Bravo! Very well!
Domitian found a bit suspicious,
but Zusa has fooled him for now.
Tomorrow, we may not say the same.
But it may be too late.
- How is Lucilla?
- We're going to divide in two groups.
With my, I will follow the underground
and will meet Lucilla.
You and your group
will meet us at the gate.
Elpidione! You'll get quickly
in the palace, without anyone seeing.
- Yes. At your orders!
- To the basket.
Be careful. Do not trip!
Valerius! Valerius!
- Surrender yourselves! Or you all die!
- We'll fight!
We got the traitor!
Lock him in the dungeons.
And keep him guarded day and night!
Come with me! Let's go!
Lucilla no.
Take her to her room.
And don't forget to block the passage.
I want her to stay in the palace
for a long time.
Nothing! We can see nobody?
Fabius? Nerva?
- Fabius?! Nerva?!
- Who is it?
- Who could it be? It is me.
- Elpidione!
- What happened?
- What are you doing here?
Valerius and Lucilla have been caught.
The others have been killed.
Now, let's go back to our refuge.
There, we'll decide what to do.
We can not let Valerius and Lucilla
in the hands of that mad man.
Elpidione, return to the palace
and wait for our instructions. Let's go!
Go inside, damned traitor!
- Valerius? Valerius Rufus?
- Sejanus!
Why didn't you say something?
We would have helped you.
Thanks, Sejanus, but the truth is,
I could not trust anyone.
And I'm not sure that
my guards want to betray Caesar.
- At least for now.
- I underestimated you, my friend.
Between you and a mad Emperor,
they will not hesitate on the choice.
- They admire you!
- Now, everything is over.
It is not over!
We're here to help you.
- Then, we have some hope.
- Tell me what to do?
- Do you know god Mitra cave temple?
- yes.
Very well. There you'll find Fabius,
Nerva and other friends. Tell them...
Stupid! If you had accepted my love,
you would have saved yourself...
...as well as you father,
Nerva and all the others.
Now, all of them will die.
First, will be Valerius and you.
Then, your father, Nerva
and all others!
Open up!
By out Divine Emperor's order,
Valerius Rufus...
...and Lucilla, of Fabius Lucillus,
have been sentenced to death!
The execution will be tomorrow
in the Imperial Garden...
...in the presence of our Emperor God.
Let's go.
- Poor souls, they have no hope.
- Why have they been sentenced to death?
Damned cowards. If I could
I would kill anyone of them.
I would start with Domitian.
- Martin, be quiet, arent you afraid?
- I'm not afraid. We need to fight.
They took all the money. We can't go to
the mills. We'll die of hunger soon.
- He is right.
- And what do you want to do?
- We have to revolt!
- Do not make me laugh!
To organize a revolt, you need
an intelligent, brave leader.
And tomorrow in Rome
this man will be executed.
We can see that the gods
can not alter the destiny.
Let's go,
if you want to eat tonight.
- Yes, Nerva is right.
- There's no options. It's revolting time.
We have the weapons, the praetorians
and the people on our side.
- Yes, it's revolting time!
- We have to act.
- We can't wait more. Death to Domitian!
- Friends, wait a minute.
A revolt will not save
Valerius and Lucilla's lives.
Domitian for sure
would not let them live.
Fabius is right. At the first sign
of revolt, they would be dead.
Not even me with my praetorians
I would be able to stop it.
The guards and the gladiators
are more than us.
The only way to save Valerius
and Lucilla is to get inside the palace.
A surprise attack that will end
with the domination of Domitian.
- This would be the sign of the revolt.
- Yes!
You and the Praetorians will intervene,
only, when we fight with the guards.
I understand.
Only this way, we can be assured that
the battle's destiny will be ours.
For this purpose,
we need more men.
People ready for everything. Determined
and with skillful hands. And I know them.
Some of you will go with me,
while some others will be ready...
...to help and instruct the people.
- Yes. But how do we get in the palace?
- By the sewers?
- No, by the sewers we can't go anymore.
The passage that Valerius used,
has been blocked by Caesar's order.
- But...
- But?
- We can get in by the prison.
- But how?
I'll take care of that.
And you, tomorrow night...
This will be an unforgettable night,
believe me.
- Are they all here?
- Yes.
- And your brave men?
- Also.
You liar! By all the gods,
maybe you're right!
Let's go! Let's go! Let's go...
- Who is she? - It's my daughter.
- You shouldn't have brought her.
- She's going to help us.
- Does not matter!
- What do you bring there?
- It's a surprise for Caesar.
- What do you have in your hands?
- Don't you see? A bow and arrows.
- What for? Are you catching mosquitoes?
- Yes! Let's go.
- Right on the target!
- Quickly, before someone comes!
Get away! Get away!
Where no elephant can pass,
can pass a flee, can't it?
Go ahead! Go ahead!
Look there!
Our flee is wonderful.
Wonderful! Isn't it?
- Didn't I tell you.
- Let's go! Fast.
Alarm! Alarm!
- Come with me.
- Free the prisoners and lock the doors.
Nerva! Trebaccio!
Thank you.
Hide yourselves!
The other guards are coming!
Lets go Girona! Hold on!
Don't worry. Show them your skills.
Girona is going to lose.
You see?
Here are the guests of honor.
Valerius, Lucilla.
You could not miss this night.
We celebrate your death.
Yes my friends, it's true.
You'll both, die soon.
I'll get rid of you forever.
For the traitor Valerius
to suffer twice as a witness...
...we'll start
with the lovely Lucilla.
I forgot to mention how she'll die.
Immersed in boiling lead!
Alarm! Alarm!
You see? A mosquito!
Watch out! Kill him!
Get him!
Help! He's going to kill us all.
Damned traitor! Let's get out of here!
There. That lid gives access
to the Imperial Garden.
Very well. Give me a hand!
It opens or not.
Behind you, Valerius!
You see?
Another mosquito caught.
- In charge!
- Call more guards!
Protect Valerius and Lucilla.
Here we come, Valerius!
Let's do it!
One! Two! Three!
Quickly, call the other guards!
Who say they're weak?
One! Two! Three!
Where are the Praetorians?
Where are they?
- Watch out! More guards are coming.
- Let's fight them, men!
Let's kill all these
damned rebels!
I caught one!
- Help me reach the other side!
- Give a hand to Valerius!
Kill him!
Valerius! Valerius!
I caught Artamne.
I can't believe it!
Watch out, more guards!
Form a square, quickly!
Stop or I kill her, you traitor!
- Valerius! Valerius!
- Kill him! Kill him!
- Let's go, Praetorians! -Dead to Domitian!
Brave, Valerius! Brave, Cocceio Nerva!
It's Sejanus. It's Sejanus!
The victory is ours!
Straight ahead, guards! Follow me!
Surrender yourselves!
Let go the weapons!
Surrender yourselves!
Let go the weapons!
Go there, now!
- Fabius, it's time to save the people.
- Alright!
Sejanus, tell your men
to open the doors.
- If necessary, break the opponents.
- I'll do it right away!
- And Valerius?
- Lets' look for him.
Very well.
I'll kill you myself, traitor!
I've seen your injustices,
so many times.
Brave Valerio! Brave Valerio!
Domitian is dead!
Greetings to the Emperor Cocceio Nerva!
Greetings to the new Emperor!