Road Games (2015)

Come on. Come on!
Hey! Hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Are you English?
You speak English?
But of course.
Oh. Are you alright?
Oh, just a little accident.
So, do you know that guy?
I don't know
how you say in English.
How do you.. Stop.
You understand?
Yeah. No.
My name is Veronique.
Where do you go, Jack?
I'm just trying to get home.
I've been down south,
just hanging out.
Thought it was time to get back.
The journey should've taken me
a couple of days
But the lifts just dried up.
Feels like I've walked halfway
across France.
What about you?
You been traveling long?
I'm always traveling.
It's good for the soul,
you know?
Gotta keep moving.
Yeah. I'm a... I'm a bit of
a restless soul myself.
Where you headed?
Wherever I can get to.
You don't have a home?
No. Not anymore.
I'm sorry.
Again. What the fuck.
Come on! What is wrong
with these people?
No, seriously, what the fuck?
Je crois que c'est le tueur
de la route.
I think it's because
of the killer of the road.
How to translate?
Road killer?
Yeah, you've heard of him?
He's famous though.
He's a serious killer like,
um, Jack the Ripper.
You mean a serial killer.
Like, really bad things
have been happening.
Pe... people are scared..
Toute la region
est terrorisee, enfin.
Like dead people on the road,
do you understand?
You're not scared?
Well, you know..
Safety in numbers. Yes?
Un, deux, trois..
Are you serious?
And why would you stop?
Yeah. Thanks.
At least, I hope
this is what you mean..
Ah. "Est-ce que
tu veux une chaise?"
Yeah. Good.
It's a bit weird that..
To travel without bags?
Well, I lost them.
Lost them?
Actually they were stolen
In the train station in Nice.
Worst day ever.
Lost everything
except my passport.
Oh, come on.
They don't like you smiling
in those things.
What's wrong with
a little smile?
They need to lighten up.
I look proper..
- I'm older.
- Cool.
Ouais, c'est cool.
You're not afraid of me?
How do you know
I'm not a killer?
It's great.
Wondered where you'd got to.
Thought you just left.
I'm not going anywhere.
I mean, it's fine. Good.
Uh, you know how I told you
That I lost my, um..
My girl..
Never mind.
S... she just dumped me
for my best friend.
We had this big plan
to meet in Nice
And travel all across Europe.
Instead, I walked in on their
Sweaty, naked bodies..
It was complicated.
Like I said worst day ever.
Uh, I don't give a shit
about it anymore.
Come on, let's go!
British reg..
Please tell me
you're going to England.
I can take you as far
as I can, but not so far.
Oh. I just thought with
the registration plate..
La voiture?
It's the car of my wife
is Anglaise.
Are you coming or what?
Your girlfriend?
Could you just give me
one minute?
Safety in numbers, remember?
All the way to England
with nothing?
Long story.
Ah ah je vais pointer
ah ah ah
Pres d chez moue
Ah ah ah dans mon caeur
Thought it was a bit quiet.
You know?
This engine sounds beautiful.
- What was that?
- Mon die...
Restez la,
je vais aller voir..
What did he say?
"- He said, Stay in the car."
I laugh from the nerves.
Poor thing.
Mistakes happen.
We should bury it.
I'll deal with it.
I have nowhere to go.
Fair enough.
Well, it's getting late.
Weather may change.
It's not safe on the road
in the night.
You can stay the night with me.
My wife likes
to have English company.
That's very kind,
but I've really got to get back.
I'm supposed to be visiting my
parents. They'll be worried.
I understand. Parents worry.
That's what they do.
They're dead.
Veronique, I'm so sorry.
Don't be sorry.
It was a long time ago.
That is very sad.
They are important.
Well, uh, Jack,
here is my suggestion
You come to my home, my wife,
will make, uh, good, uh, food.
Tomorrow I will take you
where you need to go
To Calais for the ferries.
You'll be home in the afternoon.
Sounds too good to be true,
but you know what...
Ah mais que je suis con!
I forget completely
there is a strike in Calais!
- Strike?
- Mm-hmm.
No ferries.
Oh, I didn't know.
We'll figure something out.
No, maybe better
to come to my home
And I will make you
some nice, hot coffee.
Actually, I could kill
for a cup of tea.
How very... English.
Jack, this is a bad idea.
Let's just get some food
and clean up.
We can leave after dinner, yeah?
Please. Merci.
My wife will be
very happy to see you.
Jack, and his friend
is a poor orphan
With nowhere to go.
Monsieur said
you were English.
Have you lived in France long?
Too long.
I lived in England for a while
before I ended up here.
But I am originally
from the States.
My husband seems to forget.
Oh. It hasn't been used
in a while.
Your visit is..
Bon die...
I didn't have time to
clean the room properly.
Well, why would I? I mean,
you've only just arrived.
I hope you'll at least
be comfortable.
Oh, believe me,
anything beats sleeping rough.
Oh, but you mustn't do that.
It's very dangerous.
Yeah, so everyone
keeps telling me
But it's not everyday you meet
someone as kind as you, madame.
You can call me Mary.
Well, thank you, Mary.
Is everything alright?
I don't know why I did that,
That's the word
I was looking for.
Have a rest and freshen up.
I'll see if I can find you
some clean clothes.
We can have a chat later.
What do you think
of this place?
It's cozy.
- Cozy?
- Yeah.
What's your room like?
Who cares?
Let's get out of this place.
I really don't
like these people.
No. They're alright.
I think they're just lonely.
They are weird.
They didn't even give us
the same room.
I think they're just a bit
And why do you want to stay
in the same room as me anyway?
I told you, I'm dangerous.
Uh, um, I'm just
finishing up here.
As soon as you'll be ready.
A votre sante.
As we say in French.
Mon amour.
Bon appetit.
You know, my wife
is an excellent, uh..
What's the word
in English to say..
I'm afraid my English
is rusting.
Uh, cuisiniere.
- Cook.
- Of course! Cook.
It hits the nail
right on the nose.
You mean, on the head.
You say tomato,
I say open heart surgery.
Uh, something wrong?
I don't usually eat meat.
- Though it does look
very good!
- Oh!
- I'm sorry. I didn't know.
- Why didn't you say?
- I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be rude.
- I'll take it off.
Yes. Oui.
Um, we have some salad.
No, it's fine, honestly. No.
- Are you sure?
- No.
You don't know
what you miss, young man.
In life, meat is..
One of the most
important pleasure.
Not only pleasure,
but, you know.
We say in France, you know..
Like a truffle, chocolate,
chocolate truffle.
You should try. Try it.
Anyway, how can you imagine
such a handsome boy..
Being a Homme-lette.
Don't mind him,
he's just teasing.
Well, no, no.. I..
She speaks.
Oh, my God,
what are you doing?
What's happening?
Is there any problem? Or what?
- No.
- So, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, okay? That's it.
I, uh, really appreciate you
taking us both in like this.
It feels like we've been
hitching forever
With this
road killer business.
What did they call him?
Le tueur de la route?
You've, you've, you've heard
of this killer?
Well, he's famous.
He's a serious killer.
Serial killer.
I don't. I don't want us
to talk about it, okay?
It, uh, upsets my wife,
you know.
They find a body close
to here in the last weeks.
Young man.
Would be same age as you.
I just wondered, you know,
it's kind of freaky.
He'd been cut up and buried
in several pieces.
I'm sorry, darling! Oh!
- God, I am so sorry.
- Oh! It's not your fault.
It's not your problem, no.
Everybody's upset.
People have lost their
loved ones..
In many ways.
What... what do they know
about the killer?
Are they any leads?
But anyway,
you're safe here, you know.
Really, Jack, don't worry.
I'm sorry,
I... I must assist my wife.
What the hell did you just
say to him?
Aah, t'es chiant!
Look, I'm sorry, okay...
I don't want to argue
with you.
How did you get that scar
on your back?
I saw it in the shower.
Oh, my stepdad.
Mum's boyfriend, whatever.
Uh, we got into an argument
when I was 12.
We were on a road trip
in France, actually.
He lost it, and hit me
with a metal bar.
I got 10 stitches.
I hit him back,
in the face.
He didn't bother me again
after that.
Never actually told anyone
about that before.
Well, my father
never hit me, but..
How did they, you know..
No, no, it's okay.
They say it's good
to talk about it.
- Do you understand?
- Yeah.
You have a brother, right?
It's silly,
but I've never been to England.
Why don't you come
with me then?
It's not just
an empty suggesture?
No, it's not
an empty gesture.
Seriously, come with me.
But just for the record..
I wanted to do that
since I first saw you.
- Liar.
- Really.
What, when you saw me
in the car with that weirdo?
Well, maybe it was just
a minute after that.
- See?
- I'm not lying.
Can't wait to get back
on the road
And get out
of this weird place.
It's lashing outside.
We just missed it.
Goodnight, Jack.
Are you alright?
I'm fine.
Come here.
I'll be alright, really.
- Thanks.
- It's the least I could do.
I'm sorry.
For what?
Don't be.
It's not your fault.
Thank you.
What happened to you, Jack?
It's complicated.
It always is.
I like your tattoo,
by the way.
From when I was young and free.
Like a butterfly.
It somehow seemed personal
to me
Like a butterfly reminded me..
Of myself.
What can I say?
I was young.
You're still young.
And what's age anyway?
Help yourself to anything
in the kitchen, Jack.
Make yourself at home.
No. No. Fuck the medicine!
Just fuck them!
Do you hear me?
I didn't mean to disturb you.
You're not disturbing me
at all.
Come in!
I'm sitting here in the dark
Alone, by myself.
I'm afraid you can
no longer go home.
I'm sorry?
Tomorrow you'll have to stay.
What do you mean?
- The strike.
- Oh, right.
By the look of things,
the ferries will run again
In 2 or 3 days,
maybe, at the best.
But as I said, you stay here
and make yourself comfortable.
I'm not sure.
I need to speak to Veronique.
We'll see more
in the morning.
We say, demain est
un autre jour.
No need to worry.
That's hardly a crime,
is it?
Anyway, he put it on the desk.
It was just there.
I'm sorry.
You'll have to excuse me.
I'm a bit of a night owl,
you know.
Anyway, I... I think it's time
to go to sleep now.
Beautiful house.
Must get a bit lonely.
Just you two
with all this space.
It's good for peace of mind.
What about your children?
Would you like a taste?
Such is life.
Some things you have,
some things not.
More than enough, thank you.
But then she drinks wine.
My wife's artwork is all
over the house.
Oh, I didn't even realize
she was an artist.
And you?
I am a composer.
It's a happy coincidence
You two being artists.
What kind of music
do you compose?
I don't believe
in coincidence.
Just destiny, or inevitability.
And you?
- Me?
- Sure. What do you do?
I'm not really sure yet.
Uh, I was thinking
of studying archaeology.
I'm fascinated by what societies
from the past have left behind.
Well, I don't mean
to be rude
But I don't really understand
what you're saying.
I should probably go
and get some sleep.
- Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
Keep your door..
Oh, wow!
Is locked.
I was just looking
for Veronique.
- Elle est partie.
- What?
I said your friend is gone.
- What do you mean she's gone?
- She left.
She said to tell you goodbye
and good luck.
No. I don't understand.
And you should also
leave now.
You said you'd give me a lift
to Calais.
I'm afraid, I won't.
I'm changing my plans.
- Have you a phone I could use?
- No phone.
What's that you've got there?
Ah. Quoi? Ca..
Where is she?
What have you done?
Mais de quoi tu parles?
What are you talking about?
What are you worrying about?
No point.
Relax, Jack.
- Why? Veronique, Veronique?
- Veronique!
I told you she left,
- Veronique!
- Be tranquille!
Veronique? Veronique!
- Jack, what are you afraid of?
- Veronique!
Read it!
- It's just..
- Probably for the best.
- Where's Mary?
- Madame Grizard.
She is not here.
You must leave now.
What the fuck?
Quoi? Qu'est-ce qu'y a?
Ah, pardon, pardon!
What the fuck!
Please, I don't understand.
Ne comprender pas.
What are you gonna do to me?
Miam miam!
No, fuck off.
Si si si..
Tiens tiens tiens,
vas-y allez.
Oh, fuck!
Wait, please.. Please!
Stop! No!
Why are you doing this?
Please, please,
don't do this, please!
Plise don't do zise!
Plise don't do zise!
Stop, stop! No!
Ben tu manges pas?
No eat. Eat.
Regarde moi. La.
T'es un bon garcon.
What do you mean..
Un homme-lette?
No, no, no, no.
Wait a second.
Oh. You know Grizard!
Aller, finissons-en
une bonne fois pour toute!
Oh, ou est ce que
je les ai foutues?
Et merde.
Hello? Hello?
Is anyone there? I need help!
Something must be done.
Listen to me!
And then what?
You think everything
will suddenly be fixed?
When are you going to wake up
and be realistic?
This is a terrible, awful mess.
There's no way out.
Not this time.
It will be a hazy memory
for Jack at the most.
I spoke to Delacroix
less than half an hour ago.
And everything
was under control.
Ah, putain.
We can go and check on them
on the way.
No, I don't want to do that.
Fuck! What have they done?
I'm such a fool,
I should've listened to you.
They told me you had left!
No! They tried to trick me.
Where are those
fucking weirdos?
They've left.
I don't know where to.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
That girl
cannot leave this house.
What the fuck
are we gonna do?
Drive. Just keep driving.
- We need to call the police.
- Jack, but there's no time!
Putain, je pete les plombs!
This is all my fucking fault!
Jack, please don't say that.
It's not your fault.
I should've listened to you
from the beginning.
How am I so naive?
I thought they were nice people.
I'm always so fucking wrong!
He's trying to run us off
the road. I can't believe it!
Be careful for God's sake!
This is nuts!
Come on, this bloody engine!
What the fuck are they doing?
Come on.
Vous etes tares?
Fuck, something's wrong!
- Look out, Jack!
- Oh, shit!
Jack, ca va? Oh, merde.
Faut qu'on se casse.
Allez viens.
What happened?
We are cursed.
Come on,
what are you waiting for?
I knew this would happen.
I knew it, didn't I?
It's out of control!
What are we supposed to do?
I am calm.
Don't tell me to be calm!
Just unlucky.
What's with you and all
the bad luck, seriously?
Ah, I don't know.
It can't be all that bad though.
I met you, didn't I?
Ah. Oh.
Are you okay?
going to be okay.
Y'a quelqu'un?
- Hey.
- Don't you fucking touch her.
Non, non, non, non, non.
Attends, attends, attends,
attends, attends. Arrete.
A-a-ah! Ow!
Fuck, my head really hurts.
Jack? Jack!
Ca fait un mal de
chien putain.
Aide moi.
No! You listen to me,
but you don't hear me!
Come out!
We know you're in there!
Merde, merde.
Come out! Come out!
This is the last time
I can do this for you.
I hope you understand.
How many times
have I heard you say that?
- Get out of the car!
- Jack!
I said get the fuck out
of the fucking car!
- Tu m'as bien dit
qu'il s'etait barre?
- Tu me crois toi.
Get out of the fucking car!
Give me the keys!
Don't fucking move.
Don't fucking move.
You don't know
what you're doing.
Oh, really?
Shall we see, shall we?
- Please..
- Shall we fucking see?
Please, put the gun down.
Let's talk.
We can explain everything.
I know everything!
You're trying to make her one
of your mannequins
You sick fucks!
No, Jack,
you have to understand.
All of this, I was trying
to protect you.
- Stop talking!
- Yes, Jack, there's something
I've been...
Shut the fuck up!
Tie them up!
Get down!
Non! Veronique!
Come here.
Don't talk to those lunatics.
Un. Deux. Trois.
What did you say?
Tu me fais revivre?
I love it
when you speak in French.
Tu me fais revivre?
You're so beautiful
when you speak in French.
You have to teach me.
Un petit peu tous les jours,
What was that?
Just something
I don't need anymore.
- Calais?
- Just drive.
- But where are we going?
- Anywhere!
Anywhere but here.
Shouldn't we go back
to your family?
- No.
- They'll be worried, no?
They never have.
Anyway, I feel safe here.