Road, Movie (2009)

Vishnu, Smell this.
This is your future.
A drop of Atma Hair potion...
Your hair springs into motion,
Everything else is an illusion.
Vishnu, easy!
The future is in dandruff.
The future is hair loss.
The future is dry scalps.
The future is now.
We need to embrace it.
With new ideas... and new products.
Like the Chinese.
Forget about the past.
The past was another country.
That lndia is dead.
l hereby inaugurate...
the 7th annual convention...
for beauty products and cosmetics.
Welcome, everyone!
Vishnu, l have an idea.
Let's sell two bottles
for the price of one.
You know what?
Make it three for one!
We'll sell it to college kids.
lt's cool!
lt relaxes the mind.
Makes you virile.
Prevents hair loss.
The perfect antidote to aging.
Anything is possible
with Atma Hair Oil!
Don't forget our mantra...
Heart to Heart...
Door to Door.
Your hair oil, Uncle.
Where are you going?
The Samudrabad Museum.
Why don't you get a driver?
l'm not that old.
l miss driving this truck.
The open road.
Stopping for bitter tea.
The cool breeze at night.
lt's a very old truck.
Why don't you junk it?
What do you know?
lt's a 1942 Chevy.
l put in two ltalian
Victoria projectors,
turned it into a traveling cinema.
Wide screen... Great sound.
The ultimate mobile theater.
Can l deliver this truck for you?
Trust me, l can do it.
Stay and help your father.
He needs you.
Focus on that.
l don't want to
sell hair oil anymore.
Don't make fun of tradition.
They're as much yours as mine.
l don't know how long
he'll be gone.
Don't be dramatic.
lt's only six days, Ma.
Bite your tongue.
Here are twelve bottles of water.
Conserve it!
What are you doing?
Everyone's gone mad.
Hey, Vishnu!
lf you can't sell
hair oil on the road...
mark my word, you won't be
able sell water in a desert.
Give me the keys.
Put the oil in the back.
Remember, what we say?
A drop of Atma Hair potion...
your hair springs into motion...
Everything else is an illusion!
Drive carefully or
the bottles will break!
What can l get you, Driver?
Tea, biscuits, lunch.
l'm not a driver.
Wasn't that you driving?
What should l call you then?
Get me tea.
Got any cookies? Got Glucose?
Tiger. Better than Glucose.
lt's sweeter...
and cheaper too. Driver!
lt's my truck.
You're still a driver, aren't you?
What did you expect, Starbucks?
Don't stop because of me.
Don't tell me what to do. Piss off.
Can l get a ride to town?
l'm not going there.
l want to get out of here.
Didn't you hear me?
l'm not going there.
l'm looking for another job.
Any smart ass stuff,
l'll throw you out.
From the moving truck. Got it?
Yes, l get it.
lt stinks!
Out, out.
What kind of truck is this?
l can walk faster.
Why don't you drive a Toyota?
Can't afford one?
lt's all your fault.
l should never have
stopped at your tea shop.
Blame the truck, not me.
lt should be in a museum,
not on the road.
Oh yeah?
And how do you plan to
get out of here... Fly?
Go get someone to fix this.
Or it's back to your Starbucks.
Hey! Boy!
Driver. Wake up.
l found him.
Wake up.
l found him.
- Mechanic.
You're a mechanic?
What do you know about trucks?
lt's old, huh.
Where did you find this guy?
lt was tough. Don't ask.
He said he could fix it.
You grabbed the
first person you saw.
Just fix this piece of junk.
l've lost half a day already.
Open the hood.
Told you it's old.
They don't make them
like this anymore.
What would you know?
Get me two wires, now!
What are you looking at?
Under the seat.
What are you staring at?
Give me a hand.
Hey, this isn't a bus service!
The kid and l have a deal.
l fix your truck...
you drop me at the fair.
What fair? l'm not
driving to any fair.
Coat. Bag. Cap.
Hit the clutch firmly.
Now the gas.
Keep it running.
Now slowly ease off.
Don't worry. l don't bite.
They're searching for water.
They walk for days
until they find it.
You think you're
the king of the road?
Papers? License?
ls this a truck or a motorcycle?
- Truck.
This license is for a motorcycle.
Papers! For the Truck.
Officer! -Papers...?
lt's a piece of junk.
l barely got it running.
Does this old jalopy
really need papers?
lt's my duty to check
every suspicious vehicle...
that travels through
my jurisdiction.
This... Suspicious?
We got word that...
Veeru the Waterlord is smuggling...
large quantities of
water on this road.
You've got to be joking.
You think a Waterlord...
would use this truck?
Open the back.
Come on...
What's all this?
Does he look like a thief?
Never mind. Aren't there
other people to stop today?
Then what's this?
You clever bastard!
So that's what you're up to.
You know what that is?
lt's scrap.
lt's been lying in a garage.
lt's not scrap.
lt's a bloody cinema on wheels.
A traveling cinema!
Are you going to show movies?
Got a license for that?
l've got a long journey.
lt's just junk.
l'm helping out a friend.
You don't have a license.
No papers.
Everything inside is stolen.
And you're
transporting film in the open.
lf it caught fire?
And this kid? You're
trafficking children?
Follow me.
Got any porn?
Yes, yes, sir.
Horror, Thriller...
Romance, Comedy, Tragedy.
Loads of them in the truck.
Tell the villagers we're
showing a film tonight.
And if it's boring...
hang the three.
Are you crazy?
You want to get us killed?
Stand up! ldiot!
Your plan's not going to work.
Do you have another plan?
l've lost an entire day.
Where are you going, anyway?
Fine. Don't tell me.
Rot here forever!
lt's your truck...
do what you want.
l'm out of here.
Hey, are you coming?
Or do you want
a lashing from the cop?
The city by the sea.
Do you know the way?
l'll pay you.
Stop fighting!
Get this thing going.
You don't think l can do it?
Ah, got it.
lt goes from here...
through this...
You've done this before?
l've seen it at the fair.
So what's with
the city by the sea?
l'm helping a friend.
Bloody cops. They're thieves.
Let's show them the
worst movie we've got.
That's foolish.
Don't you remember the
story of Scheherazade?
Once upon a time... a King
questioned his Queen's fidelity.
He was so angry with
his Queen that he...
He married a new Queen everyday...
and the next morning he would...
After killing
three thousand Queens...
it was Scheherazade's turn.
We need one more thing...
- What?
So you know what
Scheherazade did?
She began telling
the King a story...
a never-ending story...
Look outside.
Steal? - Hey, kid...
We're in a police station.
Let's do what the
cops do every day.
Come on.
Go. Hook them up.
Hurry up!
The King would stay
awake all night...
captivated by Scheherazade's story.
Be careful, it's a live wire!
You'll get a shock!
He kept Scheherazade alive...
so that he could hear
her tale every night.
What happened?
How did it get stuck?
ls there any... Motor oil... Diesel?
Some kind of oil?
Hey, what's this?
Hey, don't touch that.
- Yuck!
Awesome! lt stinks!
You want to spend the rest
of your life with the cops?
Let go!
Go left... Shoot!
l want a woman.
Get up!
Let's get out of here.
Stupid junkie.
l'm not touching him.
He saved your life.
He smells.
Stop, please!
Please, stop.
Listen to me.
Please, sir.
Come on, fix the truck.
Ok. You win. Anything you want.
Just fix the truck.
- Yes.
Food, water, money, anything...
You learn quick.
But l don't trust you.
l won't leave you again.
l swear.
On my mother!
Here's the deal.
You're going to drop me at the fair.
Not halfway... not on-the-way.
Right in the heart of the fair.
There. That's the way to the fair.
But, there's no road there.
- That's the way to the fair.
And a short cut to the sea.
Short cuts aren't printed
on maps. So, stop arguing.
We're lost. l know it.
We are all lost, aren't we?
Just keep moving...
Straight ahead...
No detours...
Just dead ahead.
You're heartless.
Water, water.
Do you have some water?
Do you have any water?
Some water?
You gave him water and not me?
Learn to live with less.
lf you grab like that...
you'll lose whatever little we have.
Can you help us find
some water? l've got money.
You're embarrassing.
Are you lost too?
l'm looking for water.
Where are you going?
Wherever she can find water.
Didn't you hear her?
Get in the back.
How can you trust her?
What if she steals something?
We're not carrying gold.
She's a gypsy. You never know.
Why can't she sit in front...
with us?
lf she sits with us...
how would our Driver...
keep his eyes on the road?
Don't trust strangers.
What about you?
Sit in front.
You too.
A woman.
That's all we needed.
But l have to hand it to you.
l can see you have a heart...
and it's between your legs.
You have no idea where the fair is.
You're wrong.
This is the way.
We will find the fair.
People will come.
We'll get food...
Short cut!
They ate all my food.
He promised to show me a short cut.
See, this city kid...
is getting rid of
this traveling cinema.
l've never seen a movie...
ln your entire life?
Ah, the magic of cinema...
Lets you forget...
the pain... the worry.
Takes you far away...
into a world of dreams.
Kid... when l was your age,
l used to wait
for this truck to come.
Kids could go for free.
Alam Ara...
Raja Harishchandra...
Tansen, Baiju Bawra
Buster Keaton...
Harold Lloyd!
How amazing it was...
to see him hanging from
the hand of a giant clock.
l wish l could forget...
We should keep an eye out.
Someone might see us.
The Waterlord and his men.
City Kid, haven't you
seen a bandit before?
Where have you seen one?
They're like the cops.
Show them a movie
and everything's fine.
He killed my husband.
Two years ago.
They caught him breaking
into a well.
Turn off the headlights, stupid...
you'll run down the battery...
lt's a well!
Don't do it!
lf they find out, they'll kill us!
Why are you getting
involved in all this, Vishnu?
Don't you want to
get back on the road?
l know that feeling...
But, where will it get you?
You're from different worlds.
lt's your truck, you fix it.
What about our deal?
She wasn't part of our deal.
lt's destroyed us all, hasn't it?
Don't just think about yourself.
Think about her too.
The heat has gone to your head.
A fair here? l've never seen one.
lt was somewhere here...
Anyone out there?
We're going to die.
Shut up, will you.
Didn't l tell you?
Set up the cinema,
and the fair will appear.
We will get food and water.
People will come.
And what if no one comes?
Well then...
at least we have ganja.
Hey kid, tie it firmly.
You too, Vishnu!
What did l tell you?
Wait a minute.
Use my cell phone.
l'll cover this side.
You get Ten Rupees from the adults.
Kids are free.
Where's my lucky charm?
Hurry up.
Oh God.
This is a really boring scene.
Let me cut it out.
Hey, start the film!
Don't screw up this time.
Massage! Hair oil massage?
6 rupees, sir. Only 6.
No! Leave me alone.
Parijat leaves.
Yup. Organic.
Here, another lot of 500.
That's a total of 45,000 Rupees.
So Vishnu, still
want to sell the truck?
Are you thieves?
Running from the police?
Ask him...
l'm not a thief.
lt's my father's.
This cinema?
-No. -Then it is stolen?
The hair oil.
- What?
My father makes hair oil.
So you sell hair oil?
You're a salesman?
No. l don't sell oil.
l'm not a salesman!
Oh, l get it...
l'm just driving the truck.
Yeah... Driver.
Let's show movies
and sell hair oil!
We'll make a ton of money.
Massage. Hair oil massage?
Vishnu, stop.
Vishnu, stop!
Are you crazy? They'll kill us.
You're crazy. Run and
they'll kill us for sure.
Stand up and confront them.
Vishnu, stop!
Why did you break into my property?
Speak up!
Look there...
ln front of you, And there.
All around you!
As far as your eye can see...
and beyond.
All this is mine.
l own it.
Every single drop...
that falls from the sky...
is mine.
Now l'm going to
teach you a lesson.
Take them away.
Burn the well...
Let it be a warning to others.
lt's the world's best
water distribution system.
And l run it,
lf l bottled this water...
and gave it a fancy name...
would you still call me a criminal?
You know what you'd call me?
A ''new company.''
A ''corporation.''
You'd give me medals and awards.
And you'd beg me
for interviews on TV.
But l'm better than any
blood-sucking corporation.
Everyone gets my water...
From the richest to the poorest.
He steals our water
and sells it back to us.
ls that right?
Well now...
l'm stealing you.
From now on, you're mine.
For free.
Who gives you the right...?
l take what l want.
When l want.
l have that power.
You steal our water
and sell it back to us.
You're telling me
how to run my business?
You're no different
from those corporations.
You pick on the weakest.
What can she do? Or the old man?
You're just a kid.
And you're a man?
l'll show you how to be a man.
Smell this.
Relaxes the mind.
Prevents hair loss.
Makes you virile.
Anything is possible
with Atma Hair Oil.
C'mon, oil your hair, become a man.
The comb.
How many bottles has he got?
- Two boxes.
Get them out.
- lt's not free.
No such thing as free oil.
What'd you say?
Everything has a price.
One bottle of oil,
for one litre of water.
No one's gotten
water from me for free.
l made you a man.
A real man.
Give them the water in the back.
lt's theirs anyway.
Let me see.
Vishnu, it's time to go.
You have to deliver your truck.
See the river bed? follow it...
till you meet the road.
Let's show them a movie.
Look, Vishnu... this is
not the time for a movie.
And it's not what you're here for.
lt's time to move on.
C'mon old man...
Forget about today, until tomorrow.
Oil your hair, be a man.
l'm a man!
What are we going to show?
This one.
l've never seen them laugh so much.
Go see what's wrong.
Wrap him in this.
But that's our screen.
lt's his now.
We could show movies...
He's got to sell his oil.
We could do that too.
Vishnu Talkies...
Vishnu Hair Oil...
He has to go home.
This could be our home.
We have our lives.
Our destinies.
Come on. lt's time to go.
Hair oil massage.
Try it once.
Your life will begin.
Go ahead.