Road, The (2009)

What's hapening?
Why are you taking a bath?
I'm not.
...way out...
...where are you...
It's okay.
It's just a minor earthquake.
I'm right here.
Right here.
The Road
The clock stopt at 1:17
There was a
long shear of bright light...
then a series of low concussions.
I think it's October.
But I can't be sure.
I haven't kept a calendar for years.
Each day is more
gray than the one before.
It is cold.
I am growing colder.
As the world slowly dies.
No animals have survived.
All the crops have long gone.
Soon all the trees
in the world will fall.
The roads are peopled
by refugees towing carts...
and gangs carrying weapons...
looking for fuel and food.
Within a year
there were fires on the ridges...
and deranged chanting.
"Behold the Valley of Slaughter"
- Jeremiah 19:6
There has been cannibalism.
Cannibalism is the great fear.
Mostly I worry about food.
Always food.
Food. An the cold.
And our shoes.
Sometimes I tell the boy old
stories of courage and justice.
Difficult as they are to remember.
All I know is the child is my warrant.
And if he is
not the word of God...
then God never spoke. can land on Lady Libertys torch.
"If you flicked your
tongue like a chameleon..."
"you could whip the food off your
plate without using your hands!"
"But what would your mother say?"
"If you crane your neck like a crane..."
"you have to strech your arm
way up to scratch your head."
Let's take a look.
It could be something here.
Corn or something.
They run out of food.
Maybe there's
some hayseeds in the hayloft.
I doubt it.
It's not what you think.
Committed suicide.
- Why?
You know why.
Two left. One for you, one for me.
Put it in your mouth.
You point it up.
Just like I show'd you.
Like this.
Then just pull the trigger.
It's okay.
- Okay.
Thanks. Thirsty.
- Thirsty?
You're pretty.
Oh no.
We don't have to do this.
I don't want to do this.
I think we do.
No, I don't want to do this.
Not into life like this.
You have to push.
Come on.
Quick! Get up!
Get around.
Stay low. Go, go.
Check those cars over there. your head...
Don't look at them.
Look at me.
You call out,
you're dead.
Where are you from?
Doesn't matter.
Where are you from?
You got ammunition for those rifles?
I told you not to look over there.
Have you eaten?
Whatever we can find.
What you can find.
- Yeah.
You ain't gonna shoot that thing.
You ain't got but two shells.
Maybe one.
They'll hear the shot.
- Maybe. But you won't.
Because it will go thru your skull inside
your brain before you can hear it.
To hear it you will need a frontal
lobe and things with names like...
colliculus and temporal gyrus...
and you wont have them
anymore. They'll just be soup.
Are you a doctor?
I'm not anything.
We got a man hurt.
It'd be worth your while.
You look at him again,
I'll shoot you in the head.
That boy looks hungry.
Why don't ya'll come on to the truck?
Get yourself something to eat.
Aint no need to be such a hard-ass.
You don't have anything to eat.
Come on. Let's go.
I ain't going nowhere.
You will come or I'll kill you.
You're wrong.
You know what I think?
I think you're chickenshit.
You never killed a man in your life.
Where did it come from?
Whose shoot?
...he's gone...
Let's go. Come on.
Treeline. Come on.
...over there...
You're okay?
I'm right here.
Let's go.
I try to look like
any common traveling killer...
but my heart is hammering.
When it comes to the boy...
I have only one question:
Can you do it...
when the time comes?
Nothing hapend here.
I'll take care of you.
I will kill anyone who touches you.
Because that's my job.
Please stop crying.
We gotta go now.
We're gonna find the cart.
Come on.
Take the gun.
That's all we have left.
I should have
done it a long time ago.
I should have done it when we had
more bullets. Why did I listen to you.
They're gonna catch up with us
and they are going to kill us.
They are going to rape me and
then they'll gonna rape your son,
and then they'll gonna kill us.
And eat us.
Whatever it takes...
- Stop it!
I told you...
Stop it!
I'll do anything.
Like what?
I don't even know why even ask you.
I should just go ahead and empty
every goddamn bullet into my brain...
and leave you with nothing!
That's what I should do.
Please don't talk like that.
You're hearing?
There's nothing left to talk about.
My heart was ripped out of
me the night he was born.
We have to...
We will survive this.
We are... not going to quit.
Not going to quit.
You want us to survive?
Don't you get it?
I don't wanna.
I want you let me take him with me.
Don't touch it.
I would take him with me if it
weren't for you. You know that.
Listen to yourself.
You sound...
Other families are doing it.
Let's take a bath.
We have to talk.
That man back there...
there are not many good guys left.
That's all.
Gotta watch out for the bad guys.
We have to just...
keep carrying the fire.
What fire?
Fire inside you.
Are we still the good guys?
Yes, we're still the good guys.
Of course we are.
We always will be,
no matter what happends?
Always will be.
What is it?
A drink for you.
Go ahead.
Really good.
You should have some.
- No, you drink it.
I want you to have some.
It's bubbly.
It's for you.
Come on.
I'm coming.
I'm hungry.
- I know.
So am I.
And we are still heading south?
- Of course.
There might be food there.
Everything depends on
reaching the coast. Okay?
I wish I was with my mom.
You mean you wish that you were dead.
You musn't say that.
It's a bad thing to say.
I can't help it.
Just stop thinking about her.
Would you at
least say goodbye to him.
- No?
No. Noo.
Why not?
I can't.
Why can't...
why can't you stay until morning?
Because I can't.
Can you spend one more night.
- I have to go.
Why do you have to go?
What am I to tell him?
What am I to tell him?
You go south.
Keep him warm,
and you go south.
I don't want you to
acclimate all the winter here.
Why don't you help me?
Where are you going?
You can't even see out there.
I don't need to.
I don't need to see.
I'm begging you.
- Don't.
- No.
She was gone.
And the coldness
of it was her final gift.
But she died somewhere in the dark.
There are no other tales to tell.
Look! Those colours.
Want to go in?
Come on.
There's a reason why it's locked.
Nothing's gonna happen.
It's okay.
What's that?
My God.
Help us, please?
Help us.
- Let's go.
Away from me!
- Wait, wait!
I can't get us thru here!
Go, go, go!
Bad guys. Bad men.
Bad men.
Who left this window open?
- I leave it open for the smell.
What small?
- You don't smell it anymore?
Who want's to drink?
It's rained all day.
- I go up to change.
They are bad men.
No, no...
- Take it!
Don't be afraid.
When they get hold to you,
you have to do it as anybody else.
You have to brave.
You have to!
Have to.
You know how.
I quess.
What are you doing?
I'm so sorry.
Will I see you again?
When would I see you?
What's going on?
- What the hell was that?
What's hapening over there?
The cellar hatch is open.
Goddamn it.
Gome on!
Keep hold on him.
- Got it.
Son of a bitch.
Wake up.
We have to get out of here.
We gotta go now.
Come on.
There's one.
We would never eat anybody, would we?
No, of course not.
Nom atter how hungry we were?
Even if we were starving?
We're starving now.
Because we're the good guys.
- And we're carrying the fire.
This way.
What is this place, Papa?
The house where I grow up.
That's me.
This is where we used to have
the Xmas tree, when I was a boy.
Here is where we hang our stockings.
I think we should be doing this.
You want to wait outside?
No, wait!
Wait. Come on.
I'm not going to hur you.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
- What?
There's a little boy, Papa!
- What little boy?
I saw a little boy!
- What the hell are you doing?
I saw a little boy!
There's no boy.
- Let off! There is. Just like me.
Come on.
- No!
Stop it! You scared the hell
out of me. - No!
I have to see him!
- Stop it.
What the hell happend?
What the hell are you doing?
I need to. -Why?
- I just do.
He's right there.
- I understand.
I understand. It's okay...
It's going to be all right.
He imagines how's things
will be at the coast.
And that there will be
other children there.
He asked what happend to my friends...
when I tell him they died...
and I miss them.
When I have nothing else, I try to dream
the dreams of a child's imagines.
Are we going to die now?
What do you think is going to happen?
That you're just going to
suddently keel over and die?
Takes long time to die in starvation.
Every day is a lie.
But I'm slowly dying.
That is not a lie.
I'm trying to prepare him
for the day when I'm gone.
Nothing new we haven't seen before.
What? What's wrong?
Really skinny.
You are skinny.
Come on, let's get out of here.
Your mother played really well.
I don't remember.
In our house... before.
It's okay.
- Please Papa.
It's okay.
My God.
Come down here.
Come down.
- What did you find?
I found everything.
What are all this stuff?
- Food.
It's food.
Here. Read the label.
- Yes.
What do you want for breakfast?
- Nothing.
Is it okay for us to take all this?
Yeah. They want us to.
Souldn't we thank them?
- Yeah. Go ahead.
Like this?
Thank you for...
soup and...
cheese puffs.
Cheese puffs
- And...
All the stuff, people.
That's good.
Your turn.
Thank you, people.
You like that?
We did it good, didn't we Papa?
Sleep now.
Now I give you treatment.
- What?
Keep your eyes closed.
How's that feel?
- Shampoo.
How do I look?
What do you think?
Can I taste some?
- You don't like it.
Makes you feel funny.
You think I come
from another world, don't you?
So are the...
What was that?
Sounded like a dog.
It's not a dog.
It is.
It is the dog.
It's a dog, help you with someone.
- I don't know.
I'm not going to wait us to find out.
No, I don't wanna go.
- It's not safe here anymore.
- We're going.
What are we going
to do with all the stuff?
We just have to take what we can.
We're waiting bad things are going to happen.
But we found this place.
I don't have anything for you.
You can look if you want.
I've got nothing.
We are no robbers.
I said, we are no robbers.
What are you?
Just like you.
What are you following me?
- We are not following you.
We've got food we can give...
- He's not getting anything.
He's scared.
- Everybody is scared.
Please, Papa.
Go for it.
Just one.
Here. Take it.
Spare a spoon?
- He's not getting a spoon.
Pull it.
You got it.
Eat it. It's good.
He's hungry.
I see him.
I know what you gonna
ask me. The answer is "No".
What's the question?
We can't keep him.
You'd have dinner with us?
I don't know.
What do I have to do?
You'd have to do anything.
You walk okay?
Help him.
- Help him?
I can walk.
How old are you?
-90 my ass.
Is that what you tell people,
so they wont hurt you?
It'll work?
- Nope.
What's your name?
- Ely.
What's wrong with Ely?
- Don't hold his hand.
A little boy.
Is he your little boy?
Your son?
What's it look like?
I don't know. I can't see real good.
Is that right?
- Yeah.
Can you see me?
No, I can tell somebody's there.
Like a good old boy.
You can now goto sleep.
- No. -Yes
Good night.
- G'night.
Good night. - Go to sleep.
- G'night son.
See there, I'll got you.
When I saw that boy...
I thought I've died and he...
was an angel.
I had a boy one time.
Of my own.
I never thought
I'd see a child again.
Never thought that would...
happen to me.
He's an angel.
To me he is a god.
I hope that's not true.
To be on the road with
the last god like that...
Would be nothing but a...
dangerous situation.
What happend to your son?
I can't talk about that.
Not with you anyone.
I knew this was coming.
This or something like it.
There were warnings.
Some people thought it was a con.
I always believed in it.
Did you try to get ready for it?
What would you do?
Even if you knew what to do
you wouldn't know what to do.
you were the last man left alive?
How would you know that?
That you're the last man alive?
I guess you'll know it.
You just be it.
Maybe God would know.
- God would know what?
God would know what?
What he knows?
If there's a god up there, he would
have turned it back on us by now.
Whoever made humanity,
will find no humanity here, no sir.
No sir. So beware. Beware.
Do you wish you would die?
No. It's foolish to ask for
luxuries in times like these.
He's going to die and you don't care.
- I care enough.
When we're out of food you'll
have more time to think about it.
Yeah, but you always
say watch out for bad guys.
That old man wasn't a bad guy.
We can't even tell him.
That'll keep it safe.
Do you know where we are?
- About a hundred miles from the coast.
As the crow flies.
As the crow flies?
It means going in a
straight line. Which we can't.
There's not any crows. Are there?
Just in books.
Yes. Just in books.
Do you think there could
be crows somewhere?
It's unlikely.
They fly to Mars or someplace?
You know what: Let's go back.
What is it?
Let's go. Come on., no...
Hey, hey, move on. Stop!
It's okay, its okay.
It's okay, its okay.
It's gone now.
I had a bad dream.
I tell him, he've dream about
bad things hapening -
shows him still fighting,
you're still alive.
When you start a dream
about good thing...
you should start to worry.
Closer than we think.
That's us.
And this is all sea.
Is it blue?
The sea? I don't know.
Used to be.
I'm sorry, it's not blue.
We'll be all right.
Just keep heading south.
What's on the other side?
There has to be something.
Maybe there's
a father and his little boy...
and they're sitting on the beach too.
You allright? What is it?
You're burning up.
- It's okay. Being hot you are.
Can I ask you a question?
Of course.
What would you do if I died?
You died?
I wanna die too.
So you could be with me?
So I could be with you.
What are you doing?
Going out to that boat.
What are you gonna do?
- See what can I find for us.
Here. And keep a good lookout, okay?
- Be warm.
Hey! What the hell happend?
I'm sorry.
- They took everything.
Our food. My shoes.
Son of a bitch!
Okay... listen.
- I'm sorry. Didn't mean to.
It's okay.
- I fell asleep.
Don't feel sorry.
We'll gonna get them back.
Get away from the cart.
Put the knife down.
Fuck you I put down a shit.
Goddamn you.
- Papa, please don't kill the man.
All right.
All right, I done what you said.
- Please, Papa.
Listen to the boy.
How long have you following us?
I'm not fucking following you.
I saw the cart this sad
and took it, that's all.
Listen the boy...
- Take your clothes off.
No! -Take them off!
Every goddamned stitch.
No. Don't do this.
- Do it!
All right. Just take it easy.
- I'll kill you!
Right where you stand.
Watch up.
Please mister.
You can't do this.
And the shoes.
Throw them into cart with me.
Throw them in the cart!
Do it!
You don't have to do this to me, man.
I'm begging you.
I don't wanna learn.
I'm not going to be around forever!
Sooner or later
you've to look after yourself.
Help me with the goddamn cart!
Would you stop sobbing.
He's gone.
He is not gone.
- What do you want me to do?
Just help him, Papa.
Just help him.
He's hungry.
He's going to die.
- He's going to die anyway.
He's so scared.
- I'm scared.
Do you understand?
I'm scared.
You're not the one who has
to worry about everything.
- What? What you saying?
I am the one.
Okay. Help me to push.
What? What have you got?
What is it?
- It's a beetle.
Get down!
- Son of a bitch!
No, no! Papa!, no, noo...
You fucking motherfucker!
Who else is here?
- You piece of shit!
Why are you following us?
We're not following anybody.
You are following us.
Put a finger there.
We have to leave it.
I can't do it anymore.
If I were God, I would have made
the world just so and no different.
And so I have you...
I have you.
You're okay?
- I'm getting comfortable here.
You need to keep going.
You don't know, what
might be down the road.
No. You're going to be okay, Papa.
You have to.
- This has been a long time coming.
Just keep...
just keep going south.
Do everything the way we did it.
Keep the gun with you allways.
Don't let anyone take it from you.
You need to find the good guys
but you can't take any chances.
You hear me?
But I want to be with you.
I want to be with you, too.
But I can't.
You have to...
have to let me go.
Just take me with you. Please.
I thought I could.
Please Papa. -I can't.
- What should I do?
Just hold my hand.
You said you wouldn't leave me.
I know. I'm sorry.
You have my whole heart.
You always did.
Where's the man you were with?
Your father?
Yes. He was my papa.
Maybe you should come with me.
Are you one of the good guys?
Yeah, I'm one of the good guys.
Why dont you put that pistol away?
I'm not supposed to let anyone
take it from me. No matter what.
I don't want your pistol. I just
dont want you pointing it at me.
You see, you've got two choices here.
You can stay here with your papa.
Or you can go with me.
If you stay here, you need
to keep off the road.
How do I know
you're one of the good guys?
You dont. You'll have to take a shot.
Do you have any kids?
Yes, we do.
Do you have a little boy?
We have a little boy and a little girl.
How old is he?
- About your age. Maybe a little older.
And you didn't eat them.
So, you dont eat people.
- No. We dont eat people.
are you carrying the fire?
Am I what?
- Carrying the fire.
You're kind of
weirded out, aren't you kid?
Well, are you?
Yeah, I'm carrying the fire.
Can I come with you?
Yes. You can.
I'll talk to you every day.
And I won't forget,
no matter what.
No matter what, Papa.
I'm so glad to see you.
We were following you, did you know that?
We saw you with your papa.
You're so lucky.
We were so worried about you.
Now we don't
have to worry about a thing.
How's that sound?
Is that okay?