Road to El Dorado, The (2000)

[Flamenco-Style Guitarlntro]
[Pop, Up-Tempo]
Ourglorious city
Wasbuiltby the divinities
Bygods whosawfit
Peacefulandharmonious upon
Andmade ElDorado
One thousandyears ago
- Today, we sail...
- [ Nickers ]
to conquer the New World...
- for Spain, for glory, for gold!
- [Crowd Clamoring]
- [Crowd Cheering]
- [ManShouting] Viva Cortes!
[ Whinnying ]
[ Grunts ]
Altivo, eyes forward.
- Seven!
- All right!
- Yes!
- Partner! Hee-hee!
- Tons ofgold foryou
- Hey!
- Tons ofgold for me
- Hey!
- [ Both ] Tons ofgold forwe
- Hey!
- One more roll!
- [ Plucks Notes ]
Uh, guys, you're broke!
- You got nothin' to bet with!
- Oh, yeah? I got this!
- [Man]A map! -
A map? - A map!
A map ofthe wonders
ofthe New World.
- Wow! Let's have a look.
- [ Scoffs ]
[ Indistinct Muttering ]
Uh, Tulio!
- Excuse us, for one moment, please.
- Tulio, look!
- El Dorado, the city ofgold.
- [Sighs]
This could be our destiny, our fate.
Miguel, ifI believed in fate,
I wouldn't be playing
with loaded dice.
- Hmmm. [ Chuckling ]
- Not with the face. No, no, no, no, no.
- No! No! No!
- [ Whimpering, Panting ]
I said one more roll!
My map againstyour cash.
- Hmm?
- [Dice Clattering]
- All right, peewee. You're on!
- Not with those!
This time we use my dice.
Ehh, got a problem with that?
[ Whimpers ] No.
[ Whispers ]
I'm going to kill you.
Come on, baby.
Papa needs that crappy map.
[ Giggles ]
- [ Scoffs ]
- [ Blows ]
Stop that!
Show me seven!
[ Gasps ]
[CrowdExclaims, Cheers]
- Seven!
- All right!
- Seven!
- [ Groans ]
[ Laughing ] There it is!
Well, nice doing business with you.
- [ Grunting ] I knew it!
- [Crowd Gasping]
[ Gasps ]
Your dice are loaded!
You gave me loaded dice?
[ Grunts ]
- He gave me loaded dice!
- [CrowdMurmurs]
- Guard, arrest him!
- You dare to impugn my honor?
He was the one who was cheating!
Arrest him! He tricked these sailors
and took their money!
- Oh, now, I'm the thief?
- Yes.
Take a look in the mirror, pal!
Oh, youbettergive them
thatmoneyback, orI'll--
- En garde!
- En garde, yourself.
I will giveyou the honor
ofa quick and painless death.
But not with that. Ha!
I prefer to fight fairly. Aha!
- [ Growls ]
- Well, any last words?
I will cutyou to ribbons,
- fool!
- Such mediocrity.
Letyour sword do the talking.
- I will. It will be loquacious to a fault!
- Ha! Take that!
[ Both Grunting ]
- You... mincing, fencing, twit.
- Ah, you fight like my sister.
I foughtyour sister.
That's a compliment.
- Braggart!
- Heathen!
- [ Man ] Kill him!
- Not the face. Not the face.
[ All Gasping, Clamoring ]
Ladies and gentlemen,
we've decided it's a draw.
Thankyouall forcoming.
- You'vebeengreat. Seeyousoon.
- Adios!
- Congratulations. You're very good.
- No. That was good.
- Very--
- [Snort]
- [ Gasping ]
- [ Mooing, Snorting ]
- We should have kept our
swords, I think. - Y-Yeah.
- [ Snorting ]
- [Tulio Whispering] Yeah, I'vegotaplan.
- What is it?
- Uh, well-- Uh, you...
- pet him, and... I'll...
- Yeah.
- Uh, well, thanks a lot!
- [ Bull Bellowing ]
[ Both ] Whoa!
- There they are!
- [ Hooves Screeching ]
[Male Chorus]Hey, hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey, hey
- [WomanScreaming]
- Bye. Thankyou!
- [ All Gasping ]
- [ Bellowing ]
[Chorus] Ol
[ Groans ]
[ Fabric Ripping ]
[ Both Grunting ]
- Uhh--
- Ohh--
- I'll bet we can make that.
- [MenShouting]
- [ Guard ] There they are!
- Two pesetas says we can't.
You're on!
[ Both Yelling ]
- [Miguel] Youlose!
- [CoinsJingling]
- [Miguel]Ohhh!
- [Tulio] Whoa! What'shappeninghere?
We'reboth inbarrels.
That's the extentofmyknowledge.
[MuffledGrunts, Groans]
Okay, Miguel,
we gotta move fast.
- On three, wejump out and head for the dock.
- Good. Good. Excellent.
One, two, three--
- [Both Grunting] Th-Three!
- [Creaking]
- [BothStraining] Three!Ohh!
- [Creaking Continues]
[Tulio]Uh, youready?
Ah, okay. Onemore. Let'sgo.
One, two, three!
- [FlyBuzzing]
- [Wind Whistling]
- Excuse us.
- Okay. We're outta here.
- Who ordered the, uh, pickles?
- [SailorLaughing]
[ Grunting ]
- My crew was as carefully chosen as the disciples ofChrist.
- [ Cracks Knuckles ]
- And I will not tolerate stowaways.
- [ Gulps ]
You will be flogged.
And when we put into Cuba to resupply,
God willing, you will
be flogged some more...
and then enslaved
on the sugar plantations...
for the rest ofyour miserable lives.
To the brig.
All right!
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Chuckles ]
- [ Nickers ]
Hey, Altivo!
Ah-ta-ta, not foryou!
You're on halfrations.
Orders from Cortes.
- [ Gasps ]
- [Banging]
[Banging Continues]
So, uh, how's the--
How's the escape plan coming?
All right.
All right. Wait!
- I'm getting something.
- Yeah.
Here's the plan.
- In the dead ofnight, you and
I grab some provisions, - Mm-hm.
hijack one ofthose longboats,
and then we row back to Spain
like there's no maana!
- Back to Spain, yeah?
- Yeah.
- In a rowboat.
- You got it!
Great. Sensational.
And that-that's your plan, is it?
- That's pretty much it.
- Well, I like it.
- So, how do we get on deck?
- Umm.
In the dead ofnight,
you and I grab some provisions,
- hijack one ofthose longboats--
- Uh, great.
Okay, what's your idea, smart guy?
Wh-Wh-What doyou mean? Don't ask
me that! You're the one with the plans.
- [Horse Whinnying]
- Wait, I-- I have an idea.
Uh, come on. Give me--
Give me a boost.
Hey, Altivo.
You want a nice apple?
Come and get it.
- [Hooves Clattering]
- You have to do a trick for me first.
[ Sputtering ]
All you have to do
is find a pry bar.
A long piece ofiron
with a hooky thing at the end. Yeah?
- Miguel, you're talking to a horse!
- [Hooves Clattering]
That's it, Altivo,
find the pry bar.
- Yes, findtheprybar.
- [Whinnying]
- He can't understand "pry bar."
- [Clattering Continues]
He's a dumb horse.
There's no way--
Well, it's not a pry bar.
- [WindHowling]
- [Ship Creaking]
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Nickers ]
Oh, Altivo.
Oh, thankyou, old boy.
Listen, ifwe can
ever return the favor--
For Pete's sake, Miguel,
he's a ruthless warhorse, not a poodle.
Come on,
before he licks you to death.
- Adios.
- [ Whinnies ]
Shh, shh. Shh.
Quiet, please.
- What's the matterwith him?
- Oh, he wants his apple.
- Well, giveit tohim beforehe wakes the wholeship!
- [ Bellowing ]
- Fetch!
- [ Whinnying ] Huh?
[ Snoring ]
[ Gasps ]
[Hoofbeats Clatter, StopAbruptly]
- Huh? - Huh?
- [Whinnying]
[ Whinnying ]
- Altivo!
- Huh? Miguel!
[ Yelling ]
- Altivo, I'm coming!
- Miguel!
Just hang on!
I'm right here, old boy!
- Haveyou lostyour mind?
- Help is coming!
[ Gasps ]
[ Miguel, Tulio ] Whoa!
[ All Gasping ]
- Loop the rope under the horse!
- Yes!
On the count ofthree,
pull back on the rope.
- What? [ Gasps ]
- Three!
- [ Tulio ] Pull!
- [ Grunting ]
Hey, it worked!
Did any ofthe supplies make it?
- Well, uh, yes and no.
- [CrunchingSound]
Ohhh, great!
Look on the positive side.
At least things can't get--
Excuse me.
Wereyou going to say "worse"?
- No. No.
- No? You're sure?
- Absolutely not. I've revised
the whole thing. - Okay, because--
- [ Tulio ] Yeah, we're at least in a rowboat.
- We're in a rowboat, exactly.
[ Miguel ]
You miss nothing.
[ Grunting, Groaning ]
- [ Grunting, Groaning Continue ]
- [ Whinnying ]
[ Yelling ]
- [ Groaning ]
- [ Gasps ]
[ Together] Ahh!
[ Coughs ]
[ Smacking Lips ]
[ All Sobbing ]
Tulio, didyoueverimagine
it wouldendlike this?
- The horse is a surprise.
- [ Nickers ]
Any... regrets?
Besides dying?
I never... had enough... gold.
My regret, besides dying, is...
our greatest adventure
is over before it began,
and no one will even remember us.
Well, ifit's
any consolation, Miguel,
you... made my life...
an adventure.
[ Sobbing ]
And ifit's any consolation,
Tulio, [ Sniffles ]
-you made my life... rich.
- [ Sobbing Continues ]
[ Scoffs, Sputters ]
[ Both Sobbing ]
[ Shuddering Gasp ]
[ Moans ]
- [ Gasps ] Is it?
- Hmm. [ Gasps ]
It is! It's-- It's--
It's-- It's-- It's--
[ Both ] It's land!
- [ Both Screaming ]
- [Whinnying]
All in favor ofgetting back
in the boat, say "aye."
- Aye! - Aye!
Go! - [ Nickers ]
Hey, Miguel!
We've done it!
- What's that? The map?
- It's all right here!
You still have the map?
The whistling rock!
The stream!
You kept the map, butyou couldn't grab
a little more food?
Even those mountains.
You said soyourself:
It could be possible.
And it is!
It really is... the map to El Dorado!
[ Panting ]
- You drank seawater, didn'tyou?
- Oh, come on!
I'm not coming on!
I wouldn't set foot in thatjungle
for a million pesetas!
- How about a hundred million?
- What?
I just thought that, after all,
since El Dorado is the city ofgold--
- What's your point?
- You know, dust, nuggets, bricks,
a temple ofgold whereyou can
pluck gold from the verywalls.
Butyoudon't want togo, solet's...
getback into theboat
androwback toSpain.
-After all, it worked so well last time.
-[ Gibberish ] Wait!
Mmm. Wait a minute.
New plan.
We find the city ofgold.
We take the gold,
- and then we go back to Spain.
- And buy Spain!
- Yeah!
- That's the spirit!
- Come on, Tulio. We'll follow that trail!
- What trail?
The trail that we blaze!
[ Nickers ]
That trail that we blaze!
- [ Mutters ]
- [ Whinnies ]
Oh, no, you don't.
Yeow! Your horse
bit me in the butt!
- [ Chittering ]
- [ Hissing ]
Look outnew world
Here we come
- Brave, intrepid
- Charge!
Pioneers ofmaximum audacity
that wearejust the team
- To live where othersmerely dream
- What areyou looking at?
-Building up ourheadofsteam
- Whoa!
On the trail weblaze
[Chorus Vocalizing]
Changing legendinto fact
Weshallride intohistory
Turning myth into truth
On thesweetunfolding
All willberevealed
On the trail weblaze
Oh! Oh!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
[Chorus] On the trail
On the trail weblaze
- Dinner is served.
- Hello.
Paradiseis closeathand
Seventhheaven on demand
Quite unusualnowadays
Virgin vistas undefiled
Mindsandbodies running wild
In themanbeholda child
On the trail weblaze
[Chorus Vocalizing]
On the trail weblaze
The trail weblaze
Is roaduncharted
Through terra incognita
Noplace forthe traveler
Tobe fainthearted
ofasumptuous granddesign
Changing legendinto fact
Weshallride intohistory
Turning myth into truth
On thesweetunfolding
All willberevealed
[ Creaking, Crackling ]
- On the trail weblaze
- [Yelling]
[ Yelling Continues ]
[ All Grunting ]
[ Groaning ]
- [ Snaps Fingers ] Miguel. Miguel, wake up.
- [ Moans ]
- We're there. Oh, yeah. We found it.
- We found it? Oh!
Where is it? How far?
- Right here! Here.
- Where? Behind the rock?
- No, no. This is it.
- [ Stammering ]
Give me that!
This ca-- What?
- Apparently, " El Dorado" is native for...
- [ Muttering ]
"great, big... rock"!
Hey, butI tellyou what, I'm feeling
generous, so you canhave my share!
You don't think Cortes could've
gotten here before us and--
And what?
Taken all the really big rocks?
- The scoundrel!
- Tulio, you--
We have to think about this.
We've come all this way,
- and we-we-we should really, you know--
- Get... on...
the horse!
[ Sighs ]
No, no, no, not with the face.
[ Clears Throat ] Looks like
there's a pass right over there.
[ Panting ] Ohh!
[ Panting Continues ]
- [ Grunting, Gasps ]
- [ Whinnying ]
- [ Men Shouting ]
- [ Both Gasping ]
- [ Both ] Hyah!
- [ Whinnying ]
- [ All Gasping ]
- [ Snorting ]
[ Gasping, Grunting ]
[ Chuckles ] I've--
Uh, hello. Is this your rock?
Sorry. We werejust looking.
We're, uh--
We're tourists!
- [ Clears Throat ]
- We-We lostourgroup. May wegonow?
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Chuckles ] Spears.
[ Grunts ]
[ Nickers ]
[ Chittering ]
Hey! Hey!
- [ Chittering ]
- [Bird Calling]
[Bird Calling Continues]
[ Sighs Dejectedly]
[ Whistling ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps ]
Oh, my--
It's-- It's--[Gasps]
[ Both Whispering ]
El Dorado.
- [ Giggling ]
- Oh!
[ Chittering ]
- [ Chuckling ]
- [ Children Giggling ]
[ Whispering ]
[ Whispering ]
Mmm. Ah!
[ Chattering ]
[ Sighs ] Well, it was nice
working with you, partner.
Tulio, I just wantyou to know...
I'm sorry about
that girl in Barcelona.
- So-- You-- You, f--
- [Man]Behold!
As the prophesies foretold,
the time ofjudgment is now!
[ Both Gasping ]
Citizens, did I not predict
that the gods would come to us?
[ Chuckling ]
My lords, I am Tzekel-Kan,
your devoted high priest
and speaker for the gods.
I am ChiefTannabok.
What names maywe call you?
- Huh? I am Miguel.
- [Murmuring]
- And I am Tulio.
- [Murmuring Continues]
And they call us Miguel and Tulio!
[Tzekel-Kan] Yourarrival
My lords, how long
will you be staying in El Dorado?
- [ Whimpering ] - Aha! I seeyou've
captured this temple-robbing thief.
- How would you have us punish her?
- Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
My lord, I am not a thief.
See, the gods sent me a vision...
tobring them tribute
from the temple toguide them here.
My onlywish is to serve the gods.
- Release her, don'tya think?
- [Villagers Gasp]
- [ Grunts ]
- Then you will begin by returning this...
to its rightful place.
[ Chittering ]
- My lords, why now doyou choose to visit us?
- [ Scoffs ]
You do not question... the gods!
That's right!
Do not question us,
orwe shall have to unleash
our awesome and terrible power!
And you don't want that!
- Well, yes! We do!
- You do?
Ofcourse we do!
Visityourwrath upon this nonbeliever!
Show us the truth
ofyour divinity!
- Divinity! One moment.
- [ Chuckles ]
Miguel, you know
that little voice people have...
that tells them to quit
when they're ahead?
- You don't have one!
- Well, I'm sorry. I got carried away!
- Way away!
- Maybe we should tell the truth and beg for mercy.
Areyou nuts?
We'd be butchered alive!
Yes, but they're getting suspicious.
- Andifwe don'tcome up
withsomemega-cosmicevent-- - [Rumbling]
- [Altivo Whinnying]
- [ Chittering ]
I'm trying! I'm trying! I can't think
with all these distractions!
- You-- Horse--
- Think horse. Think, think, think.
I'm on the verge of--
Stop! [ Echoing ]
[ Coughing Sound ]
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Gasps ]
[Crickets Chirping]
[Villagers Chanting]
- [Chanting Continues]
- Don't make me start it up again,
'cause I will.
[Chanting Continues]
O mighty lords!
Let me showyou toyour temple.
All right!
Step aside.
[Villagers Murmuring]
[ Grunting ]
[Panting Continues]
[ Sputters ]
To commemorateyour arrival,
I propose a reverent ceremony at dawn.
Ah, then perhaps I could prepare
a glorious feast foryou tonight.
Which would you prefer?
- Both. - Both. -
[ Together] Both.
Both is good.
- My lords.
- My lords.
And so dawns the Age oftheJaguar.
Happy New Year.
[ Chuckles ]
- Hey!
- Hey. Hey.
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Laughing ]
[ Whinnying ]
Tulio. Tulio.
They actually thinkwe're gods.
- [Tulio] It'san entire cityofsuckers.
- [MiguelLaughing]
Wejust have to keep
this up long enough...
to load up on the gold
and then get the hell out ofhere!
Tulio, we'll be living like kings!
- Miguel and Tulio!
- Tulio and Miguel!
- Mighty and powerful gods.
- Gods.
- Hello.
- [ Both Gasping, Whimpering ]
- [ Laughing ]
- Depart, mortal,
- before we strikeyou with a lightning bolt.
- Mmm. Mmmm!
[ Humming ]
Beware the wrath ofthe gods! Begone!
[ Clicking Sound ]
Save it for the high priest, honey.
You're gonna need it.
- [ Clicking Sound ]
- Miguel, it's not working.
- [ Clicking Sound ]
- Miguel! We've been caught.
Oh, no.
Don't worry about me, boys.
" My onlywish is to serve the gods."
- How?
- Well, ifyou guys want the gold,
then you don't want
to get caught, right?
- You're going to need my help.
- [ Scoffs ] What makes you thinkwe need your help?
- "Ck-ck." Areyou serious?
- [ Whinnies ]
I-- What-- We--
Okay. So, uh, who areyou?
- Yeah, uh, what's your angle?
- [ Laughs ] No angle.
- I want in.
- In?
- On the scam.
- [ Chuckles ]
There's no scam!
Whywould you think there's a--
- Why?
- So I can get out.
I thought shejust said she wanted in?
She wants in so she can get out.
Aha! Got it.
[ Chuckles ]
- W-Why? - Thinkyou're the only
ones who dream ofbetter things?
You've gotyour reasons,
and I've got mine.
Let's not make it personal, okay?
- It'sjust business.
- [ Both ] Oh.
So when you guys
are ready to go back to...
whereveryou came from,
- I'm going with you.
- [ Laughs ]
Don't think so.
[ Coughs ]
- [ Whistling ]
- All right. Fine.
After all, I'm sureyou know...
the proper rituals for blessing a
tribute, the holiest days on the calendar--
Oh, and ofcourseyou know
all about Xibalba.
[ Chuckles ]
Okay? Good luck.
- Seeyou at the execution.
- [ Gibberish ]
Wouldyou-- Holdit.
- [ Chuckles ] Deal?
- Hmm.
- Deal.
- Notyet. Let'sjust see how this works out.
Uh-huh. Well, then I suppose that means
you'll want these back?
- How'd you get those?
- Where was she keeping them?
- Call me, Chel, your new partner.
- Uh,
- that's partner-in-training.
- [ Humming ]
Now, put these on.
Your public's waiting.
[ Continues ]
- [ChelGiggling]
- Doyou mind?
Oh! Oh! Oh!
[ Giggles ]
Right. Uh, excuse me.
- [ Grunting ]
- Bye.
Mm-mm-mmm! Maybe they should call
this place "Chel Dorado."
[ Chuckles ]
She's whoo--
- Whoa, she's trouble! Wait a minute!
- What?
The little voice--
Remember the little voice?
Ju-Ju-Just for a second
imagine thatyou have one.
What would it be saying about Chel?
- [ Purrs ]
- No. No. Listen.
- We are partners.
- We are partners.
- We have a plan, remember?
- Get the gold. Go back to Spain.
Yes! And we are
pretending to be gods.
Now, put Chel in the mix.
What is the voice saying?
- Listen carefully.
- [ Gasps ]
- Chel is off-limits, hmm?
- Bravo! Chel is off-limits!
Shake on it.
- Off-limits. Mm. Mm.
- [ Both ] Mmmm.
Besides, we're supposed to be gods.
We must avoid
giving in to temptation.
- Gods. Oh. This is gonna be tougher than I thought.
- Tulio, relax!
All you have to do is smile,
act godly and follow my lead.
[ Gasps ]
[ Gasps ] Big smile.
Likeyou mean it.
A-one, two, three.
I hardly think I'm qualified
To come across all sanctified
I just don't cut it
with the cherubim
- [ Groaning ]
- Tulio, what areyou talking about?
There again they're on their knees
Being worshipped is a breeze
Which rather suits us in
- The interim
- Interim, interim It's me and him
Oh, myGod!
It's tough tobeagod
Tread where mortals have not trod
Be deifiedwhenreallyyou'reasham
Bean objectofdevotion
Be the subject ofpsalms
It's a rather touching notion
All those prayers and those salaams
And who am I to bridle
IfI'm forced to be an idol
Ifthey say that I'm a god
That's what I am
What's more ifwe don't comply
With the locals' wishes
Icansee usbeingsacrificed
- Orstuffed
- You have a point there. Very good thinking.
- So let's be gods The perks are great
- Yeah!
- El Dorado on our plates
- Thankyou.
Local feelings should not
- Be rebuffed
- Never rebuffed
I never rebuffa local feeling
No, my friend
It's tough to be a god
But ifyou get the people's nod
Countyour blessings
Yeah, keep 'em sweet
- That's our advice
- It's great advice!
Be a symbol ofperfection
Be a legend
Be a cult
Take their praise
Take a collection
As themultitudes exalt
Don a supernatural habit
- We'd be crazy not to grab it
- You got it!
So sign on two new gods
For paradise
- [Continues]
- [ Chattering, Laughing ]
- [ Screeching ]
- [ Drunken Whinnying ]
[ Fades, Ends ]
[ Both Snoring, Mumbling ]
- [ Metallic Clattering ]
- [ Both Gasping ]
Good morning, my lords!
- He's back!
- Oh, no.
And now it's my turn!
- The gods have awakened!
- [ Cheering ]
[ Groans ]
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Whimpering ]
- Hey, Chel, what's going on?
- It's not gonna be good.
This city has been granted
a great blessing.
And what have we done
to show our gratitude?
A meager celebration.
- The gods deserve a proper tribute!
- [ Crowd Gasping ]
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
The beginning ofa new era,
the dawning ofa new age...
- [ All Gasping ]
- [ Gasps ]
- I don't like this.
- Tulio, we've got to do something.
[ Groans ]
- [ Groaning ]
- [ Yells ]
- This is not a proper tribute!
- [ Moaning ]
- [Crowd Gasps]
- You do not want the tribute?
No. No, no.
W-We want tribute.
Uh, it'sjust that, uh--
Tulio, tell him.
The stars are not in position
for this tribute!
Like he says, the stars--
Can't do it.
Not today.
Perhaps it is possible
I misread... the heavens.
- Don't worry about it. To err
is human, to forgive-- - Hmm.
My lords, may the people of El Dorado
offeryou our tribute.
[Crowd Gasping]
[ Gasps ]
[Gasping Continues]
My lords, does this pleaseyou?
- [ Sighs ]
- Yes, very nice.
- Certainly acceptable.
- Yes, lovely. It'll do.
The gods have chosen!
To Xibalba?
- [CrowdMurmuring]
- No. No.
[ Together] To Xibalba!
- [Crowd Cheering]
- Oh, great.
[Cheering Continues]
Hey, Chel, um,
what are they doing?
They're sending it to Xibalba,
the spirit world.
- The spirit world.
- I'll take care ofit.
[ Clears Throat ]
Um, excuse me, Chief.
The gods have changed their minds
about Xibalba.
Theywish to bask in the reverence
that has been shown them.
- [CrowdMurmuring]
- Theywish to bask!
Take the tribute to the gods' temple!
- [ Crowd Cheering ]
- [ Humming ]
Nice going.
[ Chuckles ]
Smile whileyou can.
Well, well, well,
whathave wehere?
[ Evil Chuckle ]
- [Tulio]Ai-ai-ai.
- Tons ofgold foryou, hah
- And tons ofgold for me, hoo
- [ Together] Tons ofgold forwe, ah
- Not bad for a day's work, eh?
- Not bad at all.
Wejust became richer
than the king ofSpain. [ Laughing ]
You know, speaking ofkings, the chief
and high priest seem a bit, uh, tense.
Buenos das!
Listen, all we have to do...
is keep playing
the one against the other.
You know, do a little god dance,
chant some mystic mumbojumbo,
dazzle 'em with some smoke and mirrors
and then get the hell back to Spain.
Um, Tulio, how are we gonna
get all this back to Spain?
- A boat?
- [Tulio] Yeah.
Um, we really hate
to be ascending so soon,
but, uh, some urgent business
has come up--
- family matters-- and it'sjust a bit--
- Yeah, family.
Badda-bing, budda-boom,
you know what I mean.
Oh, we expected you
to be staying with us...
for the next...
thousand years.
Well, as we say
in the spirit world,
- there's your plan and then...
there's the gods' plan. - Mm-hmm.
And our plan, uh, calls for a boat,
'cause we're gonna ascend...
- kind ofin a horizontal pattern at first.
- [ Chuckles ]
And then we're gonna go vertical,
uh, as we get further out to sea.
Hmm. To build a boat
large and glorious enough...
would take... about a week.
- A week? Hmm.
- Um--
I wonder how long it would take
Tzekel-Kan to do it.
But-- But for the gods,
uh, three days.
Well, ifthat's the bestyou can do.
Oh, perhaps ifyou were not burdened
with so much tribute,
you could leave sooner.
- Hmm?
- Hmm? I like it here. Miguel?
Yep, yep.
Three days isjust fine.
- [Tulio]No, three days isnotfine.
- [ChelHumming]
- This is a real--
- Mmm.
- these-- these are the ones-- problem.
- Oh. Thankyou.
- Miguel, how are we gonna keep this up for three days?
- [ Yawns ]
You worry too much.
No, I worry exactly the right amount.
You can neverworry too much.
Wejust have to lie low.
But, Tulio, this place is amazing!
I mean, I wonderwhat's--
No! Don't even move!
- Tulio--
- You're moving!
- A little, but-- Come on.
- Hey! Hey! Hey!
- [ Stammering ] Stay!
- I gotta-- I--
- [ Groans ]Just... stand there!
- Ijust--
For three days?
- [Clatter]
- Yes! Exactly.
For three days.
Don't even breathe. All right?
All right.
We lie low.
No, ah, ah, ah, ah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
All right, all right.
Great! Good. Okay.
- Now, ifyou'll excuse me, I have to gloat over my gold.
- [ Giggling ]
[ Kissing ]
Oh, yum, yum, yum.
[Kissing Continues]
- It's beautiful, isn't it?
- Yeah!
-You know, you really shouldn't miss it.
-I know.
But I-I couldn't.
Go ahead.
I'll cover foryou.
- Oh, good. Thanks.
- [Tulio Singing, Indistinct]
- So, what happened to Altivo?
- I don't know.
Tuliogoes forparadise
- Hey, what happened to Miguel?
- I don't know.
Oh, my God! He's gone!
Miguel's gone!
He's loose!
What am I gonna do?
Oh, no, no!
Oh, Miguel is right.
You worry too much.
[ Groaning ]
Oh. Ooh.
[ Moans ]
- Oh, yeah. Oh, oh, down, down, down.
- [ Humming ]
- No! No! Big trouble.
- [ Gasps ]
[Chuckling] Whoa!
Look, sweetheart,
we're in the middle ofa con here,
walking the razor's edge.
On the one hand, gold!
On the other hand,
painful, agonizing failure!
[ Clears Throat ] I can't afford
any tempta-- uh, distractions.
So, I'm sorry.
So sorry.
[ Sharp Inhale ] But perhaps
another time? Another place, hmm?
[ Chuckles ]
Too bad. I'm free now.
I'm... not really sure
I trustyou.
Mmm, I'm not really
asking you to trust me.
- Am I?
- Whoo.
[ Moans ]
Ooh, yeah.
Excuse me.
Excuse me?
Hey, where is everybody?
They've been cleared
from the streets, my lord,
so the city can be cleansed,
as you ordered.
- Cleansed?
- Yes.
So the Age oftheJaguar can begin,
- as you ordered, my lord.
- [Man]Getback in!
- Where areyou going?
- Hey, stop that!
- [Guard]Move!
- Hey, stop that!
What areyou doing?
Stop that!
But, my lord,
anyone who disobeys your orders...
must be punished, as you ordered.
It seems I've been giving
a lot oforders, haven't I?
Tzekel-Kan has made
your commands clear, my lord.
- Here's an order: Take the day off.
- Huh?
- Areyou all right?
- [ Panting ]
- Here.
- [ Whimpers ]
Oh, no!
It's all right. Please.
[ Random Notes ]
[ Tuning ]
[ Continues ]
- [ Whinnies ]
- Hey, Altivo. Thereyou are.
- [ Gasps ]
[ Playing A Tune ]
- Oh.
- Oh.
[ Both Chuckling ]
[ Murmuring ]
Themore Ilearn
Themore Isee
Theless the worldimpassionsme
Theroving eye
Have come torest
The frantic chase
The crazyride
The thrillhasgone
Istep aside
Only this is true
I'dbelieve inanything
Only this is true
Oh, Iloveyou
[ Chuckles ]
[ All Chuckling ]
[ Whinnies ]
Hmm. This is not what I expected.
Perhaps Lord Tulio will enlighten me.
[ Chuckling ]
How do I look?
Oh, uh-- Well, you--
Oh, shut up.
- [Tulio Gasps]Oh! Whoa!
- [ChelHumming]
- [Tzekel-Kan]Mylord?
- [ Gasps ]
- Hello? - The
high priest. - Ow!
[ Gasps ] What's he gonna think ifhe
finds one ofthe gods like this with me?
Uh, lucky god?
[ Groans ]
- Hello?
- Whoa!
Oh, Tzekel-Kan!
- What brings you here? - I-I-I-I-I humbly
request an audience with you, my lord.
- Yes, what can I do foryou?
- My lord, I havejust seen Lord Miguel out among the people.
- Really?
- IfI may be so bold as to offer some advice.
- All right. Shoot.
- [ Clears Throat ]
My lord, you are perfect.
[ Chuckles ]
Oh, well. Go on.
But in your perfection, you cannot know
how imperfect humans are.
- Like snakes they are. Spineless and slippery.
- [ Hissing ]
They are as untrustworthy as rats,
stealing and cheating with no remorse.
Spinning webs oflies, likespiders!
Stop it!
That's disgusting.
They're beyond disgusting!
- Yeah, yeah, way beyond.
- Then we're in agreement.
I'll begin the necessary
preparations immediately.
Doyou wish to have yourvictims bound to an
altar, orwould you prefer them free-range?
- [ Mutters ]
- And will you be devouring their essence whole...
or piece by piece?
Tzekel, you've lost me.
My lord, these people will not
respectyou ifthey do not fearyou.
And, ofcourse, we'll make them
fear us by--
A sacrifice, as it is prophesied
- The history ofthe Age
oftheJaguarwill be written in-- - Ink?
- Blood!
- Blood! Oh, right.
Ofcourse. I should probably
consult with Lord Miguel.
This is fairly important stuff.
I, um, should discuss the entire, uh,
blood issue right away.
Excuse us, won'tyou?
Let's go.
[ Chuckles ]
Finally... we're connecting.
[ Horse Whinnies ]
[ Nickering ]
This way.
- [ Chief Laughing ]
- [ Chuckling, Panting ]
[ Grunts ]
- What doyou thinkyou're doing?
- [ Chuckles ] Lying low.
[ Grunts ]
Look, change ofplans.
- We have to grab what we can carry and get out ofhere now!
- What? Why?
Because the high priest is nuts!
He wants--
- This is unacceptable!
- Yeah. Yeah. Like he said.
The gods should not
be playing ball like this!
- Well, exactly!
- This is how the gods should play ball!
- [ Cheering ]
- [HornSounding]
- Well, don't blame me.
- I blameyou.
What is the object ofthis game,
pray tell?
You'vegottaknock theball
through thehoop.
- What hoop?
- That hoop.
- [Cheering Continues]
- That's impossible.
- We're gonna lose.
- Gods don't lose.
[ Men ] Heep-ha!
My lords, ChiefTannabok's warriors are
the finest ballplayers in the city.
- [ Grunting, Gargling ]
- Fifteenmeremortals against twogods.
[ Both Gulp ]
- I realize it's a bit uneven,
- [ Warriors ] Heep-ha!
but I do hope they'll challengeyou
enough to make the game... interesting.
- Play ball!
- [Crowd Cheering]
Crush them into the dust.
[ Chuckles ]
- Enjoy.
- [Crowd Chanting]Go!Go!Go!Go!Go!
- [Rumbling]
- [Chanting, Cheering Continue]
- [ Yells ]
- [ Gasps ]
- D'oh. D'oh.
- [ Murmuring ]
[ All Grunting ]
My lords,
wereyou not supposed
to put the ball into play?
[ Chuckles ]
Well, no, no, no, no, no--
We were merely demonstrating the, um,
traditional, uh, first avoidance maneuver.
I've never heard
ofsuch a thing.
Excuse me.
Who invented this game?
- Why, the gods, [ Chuckles ] ofcourse.
- [ Chuckles ]
I'm warning you,
don't push your luckwith this guy.
But, Tulio, we're the gods.
- [Crowd Cheering]
- [ Grunts ]
The hip! The hip!
[ Groans ]
- [ Panting ] This is impossible.
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Cheering ]
- [ Groaning ]
- [HornSounds]
- Excuse me?
- Heep--
- Haaa!
Heep-ha! Heep-ha!
Heep-ha! Heep-ha!
[ Both Groan ]
- [Warriors Chanting]
- [Footsteps Rumbling]
Foul! That wasa foul!
[Chanting Continues]
- [ Squeaks ]
- [ Gasps ]
[ Both Panting ]
How long does this go on anyway?
The game is over
when the shadow touches this line.
- We need a miracle.
- No, we need to cheat.
- [ Warriors Shouting ]
- [Crowd Cheering]
[ Chittering ]
- [ Both ] Yes!
- [HornSounding]
- [ Both ] Huh?
- [ All Grunting ]
- [ Laughing ]
- Whoo-hoo-hoo!
- [Crowd Cheering]
- [ Both ] Ol!
- [Crowd Chanting, Indistinct]
- [ All ] Huh?
- [ Women Cheering ]
- Hmm.
Yes! [ Laughs ]
- Who's the god?
- You de god.
- No, you the god. Fine.
- No, you de god.
[ Giggling ]
Y-Yeah! Yeah!
[ Coughs ]
Guys, it's here!
It's right here with me!
- [ Both Gasp ]
- [ Altivo Whinnies ]
[ Gasping ]
- [ All Gasping ]
- [ Chittering ]
[ Cheering ]
- [HornSounding]
- I love this game! [ Laughing ]
- [ Both ] Yes!
- [ Laughing ]
- [ Laughing ]
- Well done, partner.
- Yes! Yes!
- My lords, congratulations on yourvictory.
And now, you will, ofcourse,
wish to have the losing team...
- sacrificed toyour glory.
- [Crowd Gasping]
[ Groaning ]
Not again.
- Look, Tzekel-Kan,
- Uh, Miguel?
- forget the sacrifices.
- Miguel.
We don't want any sacrifices.
But all ofthe sacred writings say thatyou
will devour the wicked and the unrighteous.
Well, I don't see anyone here
who fits that description.
[ Scoffs ]
Well, as speaker for the gods,
it would be my privilege
to point them out.
The gods are speaking
for themselves now!
This city and these people...
have no need foryou anymore!
[ Grunts ]
There will be no sacrifices!
- Not now, not ever!
- [Crowd Cheering]
- Get out!
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Scoffs ]
- [Cheering Continues]
[ Gasps ]
[ Low Growl ]
Mmm. As the...
gods... command.
- [ Laughing ]
- [Crowd Cheering]
Whoa! Who-o-oa!
Hey, not bad for
my first commandment, huh? [ Laughs ]
Miguel, the little voice--
[ Stammers ]
Yeah, fine.
Doyou know why
the gods demand blood?
- I don't know.
- [ Grunts ]
Because gods don't bleed.
It's time to take the future
into my own hands,
and this citywill be cleansed.
Even ifI have to do it myself.
- Uh, how?
- [ Grunts ]
There are dark magics here...
and power... and--
Ooh. My, my, my, my, my.
It's not called
the Age oftheJaguar for nothing.
[ Snickering ]
This'll be a delightful way
to bid the false gods... good-bye.
[ Workers Shouting ]
- Adios, muchacho!
- [ Chuckles ]
- [ Chuckles, Gasps ]
- [ Birds Chirping ]
[ Pleasurable Moan ]
[ Workers Shouting ]
- Well, it's, um, uh, nice.
- Nice?
- Yes, nice.
- But?
Um, but, uh,
is it really fit for the gods?
- My lord.
- [ Chuckles ]
I have been around boats, believe me,
and that, um--
the pointy, tall, um--
the-the-the-the long
up and down thing--
- The mast?
- The mast, yes, yes. The mast is good.
Well, look at it. [ Stammering ]
There's not nearly enough, uh,
um, rope.
- Rope?
- Yes, rope. Exactly my point.
Vertical ascension requires
a lot more, uh, rope.
- My lord. [ Chuckles ]
- And look at this. [ Grunting ]
[ Sighs, Clears Throat ]
This doesn't look at all secure.
Chief, I'msorry. I'msorry, butall
inall, itisa complete do-over.
You know, Lord Miguel,
ifyou wish to stay,
you only need to say so.
- You mean... forever?
- Ofcourse.
Oh, no, I can't.
I have to go backwith Tulio.
We're-- We're partners.
Big plans in the otherworld, huh?
Yep. Big plans.
Well, then,
I better go get some more rope, huh?
Oh, Chief, um,
forget about the rope.
Um, my mistake.
Hey, to err is human.
- [Tulio]Half?.
- Mm-hmm.
[ Laughing ]
I don't think so.
I-I'll tell you what. Uh, I'll letyou
come back to Spain with us,
likeyou wanted, and, um, yeah,
I can see myway clear to throwing you,
mmm, ten percent?
[ Chuckles ] You know, maybe I won't go
to Spain with you and take a third.
Ohh! [ Chuckling ]
Likeyou don't wanna go to Spain.
Oh, likeyou don't want me
to want to go to Spain.
- I wantyou to want... whatyou want.
- Mm-hmm?
Mm-hmm. Go on.
All right.
Cards on the table.
Uh, I wantyou to come to Spain
with me and Miguel.
Mostly me.
Especially me.
Only me.
Forget Miguel.
[ Chuckles ] Well, as long as
that's whatyou want.
- Me too.
- Okay.
- Deal. Mmm.
- [Plate Clattering]
[ Gasps ]
" Forget Miguel"?
[ Sniffling ]
Well, forget Tulio.
[ Nickering ]
[ Humming ]
Well, isitreadyyet?
Ah! [ Sniffing ]
Ahh! Hmm.
- It seems to be missing something.
Ah, that's it.
- It needs more... body.
- [ Grunts ]
[ Gasping ]
[ Hysterical Laughter]
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Grunting ]
- [ Growling ]
- Do... as I command!
- [ Tzekel-Kan Laughing ]
- [Jaguar Laughing ]
- The gods deserve a proper tribute.
- [ Chittering ]
- Stop! There will be no sacrifices!
- [ Laughing ]
[ Chuckling ]
That kid does you better than you do.
[ Sighs ]
Some send-off, huh?
We're finally at the "go back to Spain
and live like kings" part.
[ Children Laughing ]
[ Nickers ]
Well, isn't king
kind ofa step down from god?
What? Wh-Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Miguel, we can't stay here.
[ Chuckling ]
We have a plan, remember?
How about... we forget the plan?
- What?
- [JaguarRoaring]
[ Roaring Continues ]
[ Both Screaming ]
[ Evil Laughter]
Now everyone will know
the truth ofyour divinity.
[ Shouts ]
[ Screams ]
[Screaming Continues]
I'm okay!
Come on! Get on!
[ Whinnying ]
- [ Chel Screams ]
- [ Tulio, Miguel Shout ]
[ Tulio ] Altivo, hyah!
- [ Whinnies ]
- Whoa!
- [ Tulio Shouts ]
- [ Nickers ]
- [ Groans ]
- [ Whinnies ]
- [ Grunts ]
- [ Both Grunt ]
Hey, overhere,
youbig Tzekel-Kan catcreep!
- [ Growls ]
- Altivo, get Chel out ofhere.
[ Whinnying ]
- [ Roars ]
- [ Both Yelling ]
[ Roaring ]
[ Panting, Yelling ]
[ Both Gasping, Yelling ]
Move! Move!
- [ Roaring ]
[ Both Yelling ]
[ Both ]
Iknow whatyouare,
andlknow whatyouarenot!
And you are not gods!
Y-- You're not a god?
You lied to me?
[ Clears Throat ]
- How dareyou!
- Hey, it was his stupid plan!
- What?
- Oh, oh, oh. My plan was that we should lie low!
Butyour plan was to run offand be all
"Oh, look at me. Look at me. I'm a god."
- That's not true!
- No? Who areyou kidding?
You're buying your own con!
At least I'm not dating mine.
I-- Ooh, low blow.
Listen, Mr. High and Mighty, we'd both be
sailing out ofhere with a mountain ofgold...
- ifyou hadjust listened to me!
- [ Grunts ]
Well, nowyou'vegotall thepreciousgoldandChel.
So whatdoyouneedme for?
Well, maybe I don't need you anymore.
Well, then, why don'tyoujust go back
to Spain, and I'll stay here,
and we'll both get what we want!
- That's... fine with me,
pal! - Fine with me too! - Ooh.
- Fine! -
Ouch. - Okay!
- [ Evil Chuckling ]
- [ Both ] All right!
Tie him up!
- [ Roaring ]
- What?
- [JaguarRoaring]
- Whoa.
- [ Roaring Continues
] - [ Both Gasp ] -Jump!
[ Both ] Whoa!
[ Gasps ]
[Both Yelling]
[ Gasping, Panting ]
- [Sword Clangs]
- [ Gasps ]
- [Gasps]
- [ Whinnies ]
My lord.
Where did you get this?
[ Chuckling ]
That was good, huh?
[ Grunting ]
[ Cheering ]
- [Cheering Continues]
- Hey, a little help, please?
ChiefTanni! ChiefTanni!
- I've decided to stay.
- Oh, this is wonderful news.
What a glorious day for El Dorado.
Lord Miguel has decided
to live among us!
- Is everything okay?
- [Cheering Continues]
Everything is... fine.
There isn'tmuch
Withyoualong theroad
Tomorrow's episode
Suddenly thatisn't true
- Beckoning thegreatdivide
- [ Grunts ]
Askno questions
Who's tosay who's rightor wrong
Whose courseisbraverrun
Alllknowisall wehad
Is over
[ Chattering ]
[ Villagers Laughing ]
Ahhh! Whew!
- Mmm.
- [ Children Giggling ]
- [Man] Take care.
- [ Child ] We'll miss you!
- Thankyou.
- Neversaygood-bye
- [ Nickers ]
[ Groans ]
- [ Groans ]
- [ Chuckles ]
- [ Giggling ]
Well, good luck.
Yeah. You too.
[ Nickering ]
[ Nickering Continues ]
- [Villagers Gasping]
- Whoa.
- Whoa, boy, whatisit?
- [ Loud Nickering ]
- [Explosions]
- [ Chattering ]
- Cortes.
- My lord, what is it?
- Approaching the city... is an army ofstrangers.
- [Weapons Firing]
We are safe here.
They'll never find the gate to the city.
But, sire, they are being led
He survived!
Warriors, prepareyourselves for battle!
[ All Shouting ]
Chief, you cannot fight them!
Then how can we stop them?
We can't.
- Hmm.
- [Firing Continues]
Uh, one moment, please.
-Okay, here's the gate. Here's the boat.
-Uh-huh. And?
- Here's the gate. Here's the boat.
- Okay.
- Got that. And? Tulio!
- Well, here's the "goat," and here's the "bate."
[ Shouts ]
- [ Chittering ]
- [ Gasps ] That's it.
We'll crash the boat
into the pillars.
That's it? I mean--
But-- [ Scoffs ]
- What about the gold?
- Well-- [ Sobbing ]
[ WhinyVoice ] Chief!.
[ Clears Throat ]
[ Normal Voice ] Chief.
I've got a plan.
[Villagers Shouting]
Hold the line steady!
They're almost in place!
[ Whinnying ]
It better be there, foryour sake.
[ Sighs ]
Okay, Chief, on my signal!
Ready! Hit the pillars!
- Now!
- [ Shouting Continues ]
- [Rumbling]
- [ Gasps ]
[Weapons Firing]
- They're breaking too fast!
- Tulio, the sail!
[ Grunting ]
[ Grunting Continues ]
It's stuck!
[ All Grunting ]
- [ Both Shout ]
- [ Gasps ]
They're not gonna make it. Altivo!
[ Nickering ]
- [ Whinnying ]
- [ Shouts ]
- [Whinnies]
- Areyou crazy?
[ Yelling ]
Get offthe boat, Miguel,
oryou'll never see the city again.
I know. You don't think I'm gonna
letyou have all the fun, doyou?
Come on.
We'vegota wave to catch.
- [ Yelling ]
- [ Whimpers ]
- Get out ofthe way!
- Huh?
- Whoa!
- [ Whinnies ]
We're gonna have to hit it broadside!
That's your plan?
But the gold!
- I know!
- [ Gasps ]
Just turn theboat!
On impact, everybodyjump!
[ Gasping, Groaning ]
[ Panting ]
We made it.
It worked.
[ Chuckling ] It worked.
- Wait. Get down!
- Ouch. Ow.
- There theyare.
- [MenShouting]
[ Gasps ]
You lying heathen.
There's nothing here at all.
No. Wait. Wait.
[ Grunts, Gasps ]
- Men, seize him!
- What?
There is no El Dorado here.
Onward, men.
[ Groans ]
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Chittering ]
Wait! No, wait!
[ Echoing ]
- [ Sputters ]
- [ All Laughing ]
- Yes!
- Now, that was an adventure.
Yes. Yes, it was.
And, um,
- [ Sobbing ] it was so much gold!
- [ Chuckling ]
- I'm fine.
- Good.
- Let's go.
- [ Sighs ]
Hey, guys, come on!
You don't wanna stay here
forever, doyou?
- But... we don't have a map.
- We don't have a plan.
Well, that's what makes it interesting.
You're right!
What are we waiting for?
Let's follow that trail!
- [ Whinnying ] Hyah!
- [ Groaning ]
- Oh, thesweetunfolding
- Come on, boys!
- Ofanantiquemystery
- Hey, Altivo!
- All willberevealed
- Sit, boy! Sit!
- Chel, we're not on the horse!
- [ Chel Laughing ]
On the trail weblaze
[ Chittering ]
[ Snorting ]
[ Twittering ] Uh-Uhh.
Eh! [ Crunch ]
Here comes thenight
Here come thememories
Down in the foreign fields
Notsolong ago
Seemslike eternity
Still captureme-e-e
Ina crowdedstreet
Ora desertedsquare
Asifourlove werenew
Someday we canstartagain
Istillputfaith in us
Whereare wenow
Not where we want tobe
Still followme-e-e
Maybeyears from now
Someday we wouldlive again
- Istillbelieve Istillputfaith in us
- Believe
- Istillbelieve Istillputfaith in us
- [Vocalizing]
- Istillbelieve Istillputfaith in us
- Believe
Here comes thenight
Here come thememories
Down in the foreign fields
Notsolong ago
Seemslike eternity
Still captureme-e-e
Maybeyears from now
Someday we wouldlive again
Themore Ilearn
Themore Isee
Theless the worldimpassionsme
Theroving eye
Have come torest
The frantic chase
The crazyride
The thrillhasgone
Istep aside
Only this is true
- Iloveyou
- [Chorus Vocalizing]
- Iloveyou
- [Vocalizing Continues]
- Themore I want
- [Chorus] Themore Isteal
- Themore Isteal
- Themore Ihold
Themore Ihold
Theless is real
- All worldly things
- Ifollowblind
- Ifollowblind
- Inhope, notfaith
Inhope, notfaith
Thelineis drawn
The changeismade
Icome toyou
I'm notafraid
Only this is true