Road To Guantanamo, The (2006)

The only thing I know for certain is that
these are bad people.
We look forward to working with the Blair
Governnment to deal with the issue
My parents went to Pakistan
and they saw a bride for me.
My mum come back said I
should go out to Pakistan and get married.
So I got a ticket and I went.
Can I help?
I'm all right.
Have you got everything?
-I'll be ten minutes.
-Okay, hurry up, quickly.
I didn't really wanna go
because I had a job, I was working.
But she was telling me
"lt"s time for you to go to Pakistan"
I left from Birmingham Airport.
And from there I went
straight to Faisalabad.
And then I caught a taxi to my village.
My father was there at the time.
- Oh, Salaam. Hello, Asif, how are you?
- Good. i'm alright.
I was there for about four days.
I saw the girl and I decided
I would get married.
So I phone Ruhel.
-Hello, Ruhel?
- Asif, what go on? I ain't heard
from you in long, man.
Well, when he asked me to go to his
wedding, I thought "Yeah, why not?"
"End of the day he's my friend
and I should go!"
And also, it' be great holiday.
See you later, all right.
- Come back soon.
- All right. I'll come back soon.
I wanted to go to Asif's wedding,
plus I hadn't been to Pakistan for like 13 years
And I wanted to see
some of my family again.
-You got a passport, yeah? Visa? everything?
- Yeah, i got it, man.
- You all right, Monir, yeah?
- Yeah, i'm good, man. How are you?
oh, Can't believe we're going to Pakistan, man.
It's gonna be mad.
Mlonir was a very nice guy
He was Bengali like me
He would never say anything
bad against anybody.
We landed at Karachi.
We didn't want to stay in the hotel
cos we thought it'd be expensive.
So we went to a mosque.
- Salaam alaikum.
- Alaikum salaam.
Crowds marching in the streets
of Karachi today...
...organised by Pakistan's Islamic parties,
they're supporters of the Taliban.
It's one sign of the politcal turmoil that seems...
certain to follow American military
intervention in Afghanistan
We spent about a week in Karachi.
Walked around sightseeing.
Going shopping, just chilling out.
Shafiq went to visit his family... me and Monir had
a few days to ourselves.
They were supposed to come
to the Village, but, instead...
...I ended up going to Karachi.
When Shafiq came back to Karachi,
he brought his cousin Zahid with him.
- Where are you from in Pakistan?
- I'm from Multan.
Ruhel was kind of like my best friend, yeah.
Even though he was Bengali.
I'Ve known Asif since the day he was born.
- What's been going on, man?
- Mainly I've just been shitting.
It was Friday prayers and we were
walking past the mosque.
A lot of people were going in,
so we went in with them
The bombing of Afghanistan!...
...the forcible change
of power in Afghanistan...
...this can only lead to chaos and terror.
People get hyped.
Then they start shouting slogans out.
The preacher was saying "You should help
the Afghani people wherever you can".
And also was thinking of going to see what
Afghanistan is really like.
If everyone agrees to go, then we go.
Because it's only 250 rupees.
If we're going there, we're going,
One: For experience and Two: To help
You know the food there as well...
You know the naans?
Big naans, you know that. Big naans.
I've seen naans this big.
What language do they speak there?
Can I speak Urdu to them or what?
- I think they speak Pushtu there.
- Pushtu?
We don't know yeah, basically....
The only way we know is if we go and see it.
Grab that cushion, man.
Give him the rice and that.
No-one's even eating it.
If that's all we're doing in Afghanistan,
that'll be a good thing, you know what i mean.
Basically, while i was there, the two weeks,
all the people I spoke to in Pakistan...
...they were saying,
"Oh, Afghanistan's not gonna get attacked".
So, we jumped on a bus and off we went.
- Are you all right?
- No.
In Pakistan many people
have beards.
There are always good
and bad people.
Have you seen the flies up there?
In the night, the bus driver hit someone.
An we all got out to look.
The bus driver just ran off.
So we had to find another bus driver
to drive us to Quetta.
When we got to Quetta,
we had to change buses.
Just before we got to the border,
we stopped at a mosque.
That's how I got left behind.
Where's Shaf?
Stop! We've left someone!
Can you take me to the Afghan border?
Border trade continues unimpeded.
Amongst those crossing are
brave Afghan aid workers.
The people rely on them for food
and health care...
...and to explain their needs
to the outside world.
They come on motorbikes and we paid
them, 200 rupees.
An they took us across the border.
- We'll come back for you tomorrow.
- Shut up...
I ended up walking across the border.
No-one stopped me.
Where the fuck were you?!
You dickheads. How could you fucking
leave without me, man?
You love to shit, dldnt you?
Next time you can shit in the van
Hurry up.
And when we crossed the border,
it looked like "Oh, it's nothing... just cross over", it's not even like
going into a different country.
But once we got there, it was
a different situation.
You see that?
Soon as we got to Kandahar, that's when
the bombings start happening.
Fucking shit.
Look at that.
It's terrifying.
You see something like that
in the movies only.
Please let me sleep.
Why are you making noise?
I feel like shit, man.
Oi...Look at them naans.
Fucking big.
- Yeah, they're massive.
- We'll get two.
Give me some.
Kandahar in the south of Afghanistan.
The Taliban heartland.
These pictures from Al-Jazeera show
support for the Taliban...
...seems still strong here despite
American bombing.
Long live Osama Bin Laden!
We just spent one day in Kandahar and
then we left for Kabul.
The journey to Kabul was terrible.
Just go to sleep.
By the time you wake up, we'll be there.
Can we stop? He's really sick.
No, we're not stopping.
How far is it to Kabul?
Ten to twelve hours away.
Are you okay?
You're fine. Don't worry so much.
There's nothing wrong with you.
Tell him to shut up, man, Asif, man
Pull yourself together.
- Is he hot, man?
- Tell him to shut the fuck up, man.
We'll stop a few minutes.
US bombing raids continue
around the clock...
...attacking Taliban tanks and trenches
north of Kabul.
We stayed in Kabul for about
two and a half weeks.
(RUHEL): Wait, I want to buy some...
- Let's get out of here before we get mobbed.
SHAFIQ: (MUMBLES) - Mad fucking shit, man.
Do you want a bite,man? Do you want a bite?
It stinks.
It's just like spices and shit, man.
(RUHEL) Enough of that shit, yeah?
He went that bad in Afghanistan that I
thought he was gonna die.
- How are you feeling?
- I'm cold, man.
Put your head up, man. Put your head up.
- This bread is shit.
- Better than nothing.
You know the stuffed crust pizzas...
...with the melted cheese in the crust,man.
I think the naan's getting to you.
What's wrong? What's wrong?
Go on, eat it like a...
Eye witnesses are describing the latest
American raids on Afghanistan the heaviest bombardment so far.
Once again the capital Kabul is bearing the
brunt of the attacks.
Residents have described wave upon wave
of aircraft... a huge fire out near the city's airport.
We were basically just chilling out.
And we were just getting pissed off because
we're not doing anything.
This is not what we came for.
Salam Alecum Do you speak Urdu?
Is Sher Khan here?
We want to talk about something.
We want to go back to Pakistan.
We're not doing anything here.
We're not helping, just lying around.
Can you arrange something for us?
Okay, I'll sort out a car for you.
Yes, no problem.
- What did he say?
- He'll sort out the car into Pakistan.
- Sure. Yeah.
For the first time bombs landed in the centre
of the Afghan capital.
This is said to be a residential area.
No deaths were claimed here, but the
Taliban say 15 people were killed...
...when a missile struck a mosque in Jalalabad.
-Is this going to Pakistan?
-Yes, let's go.
Come on, let's go.
We just got on it, assumed it was taking us
in the right direction.
We're buying these lot drinks now as well.
Jacked us last time.
An we ended up in this house in the
middle of nowhere.
That's when we was thinking,
"Where the hell are we? What's happening?"
This guy used to come to us and we used to
ask him every day.
Then one day he came and
took us to Kunduz.
The United Front soldiers on the
road to Kunduz...
...were in high spirits this morning.
Word was out that
the city was about to fall... these men hoped to be among the
first to drive in.
Everywhere you looked there was foreigners..
And you could tell...
...they were all fighters because they had
the Kalashnikovs.
Bombs never dropped in town, but they
dropped on the outskirts.
Once we were in Kunduz, we were trapped.
Zahid, what's he saying?
He's talking about the war.
Two years ago in Dostum's jail...
...he had his fingers cut off one by one.
His brother was killed.
He was pulled apart by two tanks.
Dostum? Who is it?
Dostum, the guy who is bombing on us.
They shouted:
"Long life the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan"
And 'Death to America'.
Basically, I thought,
"This is gonna be my last few days".
Northern Alliance Commanders say this... the last battle for the Taliban's last
northern stronghold.
News came that they have actually broke the
front line in Kunduz...
...and had actually entered Kunduz and
everyone started panicking.
Everyone just ran towards the trucks.
What's going on?
We started looking for Monir,
we couldn't find him.
Wait, Shaf. We gotta get Monir.
You've got to leave now.
Where's my friend Monir?
What's happening?
Some have already gone. Let's go.
ok, Let's go check in here, Shaf.
we have to go now.
Lets go!
He's not here, cousin.
Where's Monir?
Let's just get on, man.
We have safe passage.
Monir! Is he on that one?
Monir, where are you?
An we ended up on the trucks and people
going "Oh, You'll find him, you'll find him".
But we never did
So that's the last time I seen Monir.
We just literally drove about a good hour, to
the outskirts of Kunduz...
...and they dropped us off. They had to go
back and collect the people left.
We told each other that we're always
gonna stick together.
And then all of a sudden
there was bombing.
Wait there. Wait there, man.
Ruhel. Ruhel!
Fucking hell!
Get up!
All night we went in a big circle and we
came back from where we started off.
- Salaam alaikum.
- Alaikum salaam.
Yo Shaf! I'm going this way.
Shafiq and Asif were on that truck.
If I put my shoes on...
and got on to the truck, then maybe we
wouldnt be alive
And you could hear people screaming, and
every person I came across...
...basically either his legs or arms were blown away or his
stomach was popping out, his arms come off.
When someone's in agony and you can't do
anything for them... affects you in a big way.
What's happened?
Bomb blast.
Are you hurt?
Are you all right?
Where's Shafiq?
Over there.
He was basically just covered in blood.
Every part of his beard, his face,
everywhere, was covered in blood...
...and you could smell the stench of blood
on him.
-Ruhel and the others were on the
truck and I just jumped on
- Asif!
We watched as Taliban fighters crossed the
front line... a long stream of Vehicles.
This is the largest single surrender of
Taliban forces...
... that has been witnessed by
outsiders such as ourselves.
The United Front knows that the eyes of the
outside world are upon them
...and especially on how they treat their
prisoners, Afghans...
...but especially those
from outside the country.
We came out with this hope that they are
our brothers, they are Muslims...
...and they would not abuse us or treat us badly,
and that's also what they promised us.
They did not take us far.
It must have been about 3 or 4 miles
Come on!
Sit down!
Take him.
No talking!
Everybody down.
Search them!
I thought the guy's gonna kill me, because
he started pointing his gun at me.
What is this?
Huh? What's this?
This one's Pakistani.
That's for you.
Pakistani! Come here!
At that time I was thinking,
they're gonna open fire on everybody.
And in the distance they was like,
they were making mass graves for people...
...and they were throwing bodies in.
And you could see on the other side...
...there were people who had been injured
and you could tell they were still alive...
...and they were throwing them into the
ditch as well.
They tied our hands behind our backs...
...really tight, so you'd lose circulation in
your arms.
There's a massive ditch there.
They sat everybody into the ditch,
and around that ditch there were gunmen.
An everyone thought
"Yeah, they're gonna shoot everyone in this ditch, and kill us all".
Me and Shaf managed to get on the same
Asif was with us, but because the truck was
full he couldn't get on.
It must have been about a day,
a day and a half to Mazar-e-Sharif.
Me an Shaf were lucky, we got on to the
canvas container.
It was ram-packed.
After about five minutes,
it started getting really humid.
And it was starting to get difficult to breathe.
Some people, they were screaming. Some
were banging, some were praying.
I got up and I started screaming.
And, like, the guy who was next to me,
he pulled me down.
As he brought me down, it was,
like, easier to breathe.
All of a sudden I just, just got knocked out.
A few hours later we heard shooting we
didn"t know what it was
It went on for about half an hour.
Then, all of a sudden, it went quiet.
Next time I woke up there was all light
inside the container.
And then I noticed there was a body
next to me, there's a body underneath me.
It was wet and really cold.
And I had a, had a cloth.I ripped the cloth
and I start..
...wiping the water off and just squeezing it
and drinking it.
Check them.
Get up!
Aqu est.
Get up!
He's dead.
Who's still alive?
This one.
Get up.
They were taking bodies
off the trucks, dead bodies...
...and throwing them on to a pile and
searching their pockets.
I didn't know what was happening.
I was just like a zombie.
You could smell the stench of, like,
it was death you could smell on him.
Are you all right?
Is Asif okay?
He's got a bullet wound.
Sheberghan Prison, Northern Afghanistan.
Hundreds of Afghan and foreign fighters are
being held here... extremely over-crowded conditions.
These Taliban fighters are
presume highly dangerous...
...after the recent riots
in nearby Kalajangi prison...
...where several hundred
Taliban prisoners...
...over-powered their
Northern Alliance guards.
You'd go for days without food or water.
- The bread's here. The bread's here.
- Bread!
- I've got some,man.
- Give me some!
- Give some to Asif.
- Yeah, I got it, I got it.
At night it was so crowded that we had to
take turns in sleeping.
Once the Red Cross came,
things started getting better.
- Where are you from?
- I'm from Pakistan.
In the prison everyone told us
"Just don't say you're British".
- Ah, What's your name?
- Ramesh.
- Ruhel? Where are you from?
- I'm from Pakistan.
Give us one.
(Asif) Here, man.
Can I have one, please?
- i think We should tell the journalist man our story.
- Fucking sell him it, you know.
Just stick to the story.
We're from Pakistan. Then we'll get home quicker.
Who speaks English?
He needs a person who can speak English.
-Do you speak English? come quickly.
- You want to go? Be careful, huh?
- Probably get free.
What is your name?
Ruhel Ahmed.
- Where are you from?
- I'm from Tipton.
- Where in fuck is Tipton?
- Tipton, Birmingham.
- Yeah, Tipton, England, yeah.
- You're from England? You asshole!
- What are you doing here?
- Fuck, man...
- Answer me!
- We come on a trip, man.
- Who's "we"?
- Me and two of my mates.
Names. What are their names?
Come on!
Shafiq Rasul an Asif lqbal.
Okay, thank you.
Listen, you're in US custody now. It's okay.
- Take him away and search him.
- Search me?
Bring me Shafiq Rasul an Asif lqbal.
- Get up.
- Why search me?
We're primarily looking at...
...detainees that we can use for collecting
Shafiq Rasul!
- Get out!
- Move it.
Because you live in Britain, you got this thing about Americans,
you think, "yeah, Americans, they're all right".
- Name?
- Asif lqbal.
I thought, yeah, it's all right now...
...I mean, nothing's gonna happen.
well, I was wrong.
Where are you from?
From Pakistan.
Don't lie to me, Shafiq.
Where are you from?
From Pakistan, Karachi.
Don't fucking lie to me!
One more time now. Where are you from?
I live in England, but I came from Pakistan.
- Ah Okay.
- Came here from Pakistan.
Sit up straight!
Put your legs out!
- What the fuck's going on here, mate?
- Shut up! Shut up!
I thought they were gonna hang us.
-Up, move it!
You, you, you...
Keep your head bent own.
In a single file line.
Straight in front of you.
Keep your heads bent down!
When the guy was searching me, he threw
me to the floor, he was kicking me at the same time.
Keep your heads down!
You, you, you, you, you, up, up!
Move them over there.
Keep it moving now. Move it, move it!
Get up!
- Move it!
- Move, get up, get up!
Come on!
- Up, up, up, up.
- Move.
- Come on.
- Get up, get up.
Fucking move! Move it!
Come on, move!
Put your legs down.
I'll break your fucking arm!
I'll break your fucking arm!
Back of the yard!
Okay, folks, show's over.
Here are your clothes.
Come on!
Don't move. Don't move!
Look, look at me, look at me.
See over there?
If you move, he's gonna blow your fucking
head off! Don't move!
Don't move!
Kanahar Airbase in southern Afghanistan.
It's now a prison for some of Al Queda's
most dangerous fighters.
I think we're now down to sorting out the
really bad guys... our guard is up, the Marines are ready
for anything.
- Get those prisoners up and back.
- Yes, sir.
We weren't allowed to talk,
we weren't allowed to walk... know, you couldn't look up at the
Stand up, that's right.
Come here, come here.
Show me your hands.
Prisoner 78! 78!
Get back, all the way back.
You know the drill. Go all the way.
- Turn around!
- Face away from us, face away!
Go, go, go!
Get him up!
Put him on his knees.
Get on your knees. On your knees,
there you go.
Private, straighten him up.
Yes, sir.
Take the bag off his head.
Thank you.
Can you see me?
Can you see him?
See me?
If you move, he'll shoot you.
Thank you, Private.
- What's your name?
- Shafiq Rasul.
and, er, What's your date of birth?
April, okay.
Who were you travelling with to Pakistan?
I was with my friends,
one of them was getting married.
And they're here as well.
Apart from one of them got lost in Kunduz.
Because he got on one of the earlier
convoys to leave.
One of the ones that got bombed.
You mean he's dead?
I think so.
- What's his name?
- Monir.
- Everyone get back!
- Get back!
Three, two, one. Stay where you are!
- Get back in position.
- Everyone back!
It was hot in the day and
it was freezing in the night.
You want one?
- Not you! Get back!
- Over here, man.
- Over here, man.
- Hey! Over there, go on, get back!
Get back. Get back!
You, you. You, you...
Back, back, back, back!
Every hour they'd wake us up...
...make us stand in a line and they'd take
everyone's numbers.
Head count, everybody up!
Let's see your wristbands, hold them up,
let's see your number.
...21, 147, 207...
...28, 15, 91...
Move it, go, go.
What the fuck, man.
If you move I will shoot you,
you understand?
Yeah, yeah.
- You want some of this?
- Yeah, I wouldn't mind.
Because you can have as much
as you want.
More than you could possibly eat.
If you tell us what the other
people are saying.
What do you wanna know?
Well, let's start with, er, absolutely anything.
But I don't speak the language now, do I?
- What do you talk?
- I talk Bengali.
- And them?
- I don't know. Urdu, Arabic...
...something. I don't know.
- You know what I think?
I think you're full of shit! You've been
hanging out with these guys how long?
You don't understand one god-damn word?
Well, do you?
Get back! Get up!
- Move yourself!
- On your knees, get down!
Down, face down! Down!
Head down.
Fuck you.
If you looked at a guard right,what do they do...
they point...they- they always like to do this ...
...they point at you, in your eyes,
and say 'look down'...
Used to do it with the hands
all the time.
And if you looked at them, basically,
that was it, you'd get punished.
Hey, you, get your ass down!
You are Al-Queda.
Pick that motherfucker up.
Look at me.
You are Al-Queda.
- You're Al Queda.
- No, I'm not.
Listen, you motherfucker.
Do you know this can stop whenever
you make the decision..
it can stop or it could go all night, okay?
We could be here all night, we could be
here all day tomorrow.
All right, you're Al Queda
We've got you with the Taliban.
You were arrested by the Northern Alliance.
All right?
Now, I wanna know where Bin Laden is.
Look at me. Where's Bin Laden?
I don't know. I ain't got a clue.
Pick him up.
When he was punching me,
I was getting knocked to the floor.
and when i come back, my face all bruised up.
...7, 8, 9...
...10, 11, 12...
...13, 14, 15, 16...
...17, 18, 19, 20...
The people that were already there had Korans
Shake down! Move it! Everybody up!
Get up!
Look underneath their clothes over there.
They'd grab them and throw them
where we used to urinate.
Fuck, man.
Gotta do it faster. Trying to beat a minute
thirty. Come on, we can do it.
Move, move, move...
Give him a chair, sit him on a chair..
Yeah, uncuff him at the back, cuff him at
the front.
Take this.
So Asif.
Surprised to hear another British voice?
That's quite a long way from home, is it?
But the difference between you and me is I
can explain why I'm here.
You, however, seem to have a little more
difficulty doing that.
So, shall we start at the beginning?
Everything all right?
I've got your police record here
and I've got Asif's police records here.
If you don't believe me,
look at these, these are forms from Interpol.
So, I just want to clarify that I'm not
bullshitting you.
And I don't want you to bullshit me
lt's gonna make both our lives a lot easier
Let's just have a look at your police record, shall we?
Fraud, deception...
...handling stolen goods, violent disorder.
- Yeah, but we weren't charged for it.
- But those facts are true then?
- yeah
- So I'm not bull shitting you?
- No.
So you wanna tell me what you were
doing at Finsbury Park mosque?
I'm nowhere near there,
I don't know what you're on about!
i wasn't in Finsbury Park Mosque
Perhaps you wanna tell me about how you
become a member of Al-Muhadschirun?
Get up.
Sit him in a chair..
Are you surprised to hear that 16 hours...
...after you left England,
your home was raided?
- That's bullshit.
- No, no, it's not bullshit.
It's the truth.
Is it bullshit that you've attended
Birmingham Central Mosque?
No, I've been there.
is it bullshit that you got into a coach
and went to a march in London?
Does that ring true with you?
i find that very hard to believe.
I don't supposed you get a lot of news of back
home. Of what's going on.
I'm gonna show you something, it's a little
treat for you.
Have a look at this.
These are copies of papers from the HOME office
See that? INTERPOL, HOME office
This is a new law that our Government has
just drawn up...
...allowing the authorities to deport any
...with any connection to terrorist cells or
terrorist organisations.
Do you understand the implications of that
for you and your family?
Your sister's at Exeter University, isn't she?
I wonder how easy it'd be to continue her
university course in Pakistan?
You see how serious this is?
Here, move it!
Hands on your head!
- Don't move.
- Don't you fucking move!
Up, up. Move it, come on!
Come on, come on.
Move it, move it, move it.
On your knees! On your knees!
Lie down. Put your legs out!
Come on.
This isn't a stroll in the park.
Run, you camel jockey, come on!
That's it, go on, run, you little bastard...
Take the bag off.
Move it. What are you? Scared?
Take the bag off.
Stand still.
All right, keep moving.
Keep the pace up, fuckhead!
More Al Queda and Taliban prisoners
arriving today in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Despite international criticism...
America insists that the conditions inside
Camp X-Ray are humane.
The fact remains the treatment is proper
and there's no doubt in my mind...
...that it is humane and appropriate...
...and consistent with the Geneva
Convention for the most part.
Remember, the ones in Guantanamo Bay
are killers.
...they don't share the same Values we
On his knees, facing this way.
Knees down.
- Third pole.
- Don't let him look. Don't let him look.
You're now the property of the U.S. Marine
This is your final destination.
- Keep your fucking head down!
- Get your legs crossed.
We were sitting like this on our knees...
...for ages. It was a really hot day, you
could feel the sun burning your head.
Down. Down!
Don't let him come up that far.
Hey, get a medic!
Get up. Take him out of here.
Let's go.
Shut the fuck up!
My eyes are stinging!
Whats that pussy-boy? You got something to say?
Are you the fucking Brit?
Fucking Brit traitor.
Get on your knees! Get on your fucking
knees. I'm not doing it for you.
Go. Move!
Get away from the fence.
Get away from the wall.
Get off the fence.
That's Your piss bucket, that's your drinking water, right,
Stay off the fucking fence.
Shut up!
Shut the fuck up!
For the first month and a half we never
went out of our cells.
What the fuck are you doing?
- Take it down.
- I'm just putting up some shade.
now, take it down now!
Just sit down and be quiet.
You speak English.
For Christ's sake, you should know the rules by now.
They wouldn't let us pray.
You couldn't stand up in your cell.
For the first two weeks we weren't allowed
to speak to the guy next to us.
- You all right, man?
- Shut up. No talking.
You know the guy who wears the yellow suit?
Hey, fuckstick! Quit praying!
Hey! Stop praying!
- Wait right there.
- They called it 'Extreme reaction force
It's five soldiers in riot gear who come into
your cell.
Their job is to secure you.
- Take him out. - Go, go, go!
That's it.
No talking!
...take that towel off your head. Now!
Go. Back of the cell, now.
Don't move.
Come on, move.
What is your name?
Asif...Asif lqubal.
- And where you from, Asif?
- Tipton.
I'm from the British Embassy.
How are you?
I don't want to know about
your emotional state.
I want to know about the state of your
- What were you doing in Afghanistan?
- Went to get married.
Your friend in Afghanistan...
...has alreay told us you went there for
- Tell us the truth, you can go home.
- I'm telling you the truth.
I never went for no Jihad.
I left Tipton to get married.
My dad's in Pakistan, you can ask him,
he's waiting for me.
Your friends have told us you were there on
a Jihad.
What friend?
How did you end up in Afghanistan?
I can't prove anything...
...and you're not gonna believe me, so...
...I'm not gonna say anything else.
Watch it, don't bite you. Look at you,
Stop fucking about, man.
Okay, I'm from Ml5 in England. We're here to ask
you some questions and to help, okay?
...answer my questions the best that you can and we'll do...
...what we can and get you out of here as soon
as we can.
Do you know any whereabouts of my mates
Asif and Shaf?
Are these the two friends of yours you
arrived in the country with?
Your two friends, people you describe as
...have reportedly said that...'re with Al Queda.
- That's bullshit, that is.
so your comment on it?
- I don't think you're telling the truth.
- No, I'm just asking you some questions.
- I thought you were here to help me?
- I'm trying my best to.
you have no reasons to understand
why your 2 friends would
say you were linked to Al-Qaeda?
I think that's bullshit what
you're telling me right there.
How can you imagine that we accused you...
u think of a reason why they would say that about you.
That's the thing, I don't even think they
have talked and said that about me.
On your knees... Move it!
How's it going?
You okay?
- My name's Ruhel.
- Ruhel?
Do you speak Urdu?
- Me? No.
- No talking!
Are you all right?
- How long have you been here?
- hey, Cut that out. No talking.
I thought I was in a zoo.
I mean, that's what it reminded me of, was
a proper zoo.
What the hell are you doing?
What are you doing?
You're praying like a Muslim?
What the hell are you doing?
I thought you were a Brit.
What about your Queen?
in Guantanamo Bay...
being question in these wooden huts by CIA,
...FBI and military interrogators.
I guess you wanna be in these fucking
things forever.
That's what you wanna be? Do you wanna
be in here for fucking ever?
Don't get fucking smart with me, boy!
You're gonna tell me right now, you gonna tell me the truth
You gonna tell me?
- Did you say you were a fighter?
- No.
I thought I fucking heard it!
Don't waste my time.
It either destroys you or it makes you
stronger. I think it made me stronger.
It destroyed me for a few weeks.
After that I was all right.
Dr Dre, Eminem, Tupac.
Do you know them?
Do you know them?
- Say, rude boy...
- Say, rude boy...
-...better watch your back.
-...better watch your back.
-The man them are back.
-The man them are back.
-...with the wicked chat.
-...with the wicked chat.
Don't watch how the lyrics attack.
Still awake?
Why don't you give me one of these raps I
hear you teaching these guys?
- What do you wanna hear me rap about?
- I don't care, man. Anything.
All right, listen, yeah.
Ah, listen up, my name's Shafiq Rasul and
I'm from Tipton.
I tell 'em I ain't Taliban, but they don't
wanna listen.
You won't believe I just came out here for
my mate's wedding, do ya?
I never thought my arse would be
heading for Cuba.
And in between, I've been through mad
different shit you couldn't handle
...but the worst is having them shackles
slicing up your ankles.
And, yo, between me and you, these guards
are retards.
See him on his knees, they think he's
praying to the Queen...
All right, all right, that's enough.
Thanks, anyways. Get some sleep.
Hey, sit down.
- No walking around.
- How come?
No exercising. You know the rules.
In Camp X-Ray, we used to walk five
minutes every week.
They used to take us out for five minutes.
Move it! Come on!
You, let's go.
Back of the cell, hands on your head.
Come on.
Come on, move it, move it.
We found a file in a cave in Afghanistan,
says you're linked to Al Queda.
That's bullshit.
- We found your brother's file as well.
- That is bullshit.
And we also found your passport.
- No, you didn't. It's in my uncle's house.
- No, we found your passport there.
You know you're quite famous?
I put your name into the Internet...
...I got thirteen thousands hits.
Very unlikely... he was guilty of fighting in
"Keener on fashion than religion."
What's wrong?
My nephew's died.
You mean, this is the first you've heard?
I'm not answering any more
questions to you.
What was his name?
Hey... keep the blanket off.
I need to see your hands.
Hey, bitch.
Hey, sit down! Shut the fuck up!
- Hey, bitch.
- Stupid motherfucker!
Sit the fuck down! Shut the fuck up!
I'll shove this up your ass!
You stupid motherfucker, sit down!
- Come here, bitch!
- Sit the fuck down!
He's crazy, man, just leave him.
- Sit the fuck down!
- You shut up.
- You're fucking mother's a bitch.
He was mentally disturbed before he even
came to Cuba.
And he used to shout at everyone all the
You've seen nothing yet, motherfucker.
- Beat the shit out of him!
- Hold him down, hold him down!
He's mad okay, so just leave him!
Sit the fuck down, you'll be next,
Fucking leave him!
- Get him out!
- You're all fucking crazy monkeys...
- Get him the fuck out of here!
- Throw that shit on me, you're next!
Get this shit outta here!
That's only a taste, motherfucker
I've been told we haven't found
your file in Afghanistan... was someone else's.
So, what were you doing in Afghanistan?
Hey, you. Wake up.
There were rats, mice, there was snakes,
you know scorpions...
Man, don't move.
Wake up. Don't move,
Don't move, I'm coming in.
- Don't move, I'm coming in. - Fuck.
Don't move.
Fucking hell!
It's dead, it's dead.
- It's a big bastard, man. - Yes, it is.
- Fucking hell!
- Okay. Go back to sleep, it's all good now.
- Yeah, well, thanks a lot, man.
- Yeah, all right. No problem.
All right, everybody,
show's over, get back to sleep.
Asif and Shafiq were kept in Camp X-Ray for three months.
Ruhel Spent six weeks there.
No talking
The US Government announce today that
...are being transferred to a new
purpose built facility... Guantanamo Bay, named Camp Delta.
Put him in cell 11.
Were you a member of Al Queda?
How long were you in Afghanistan?
You know I can speak English, yeah?
- I'm British.
- You speak English, you don't need a translator?
Are you a good Muslim?
I try to be.
Sit down, shut up.
We were in Delta for about a month and
then Ruhel arrived.
- Ruhel!
- Oh No, Oh No!
- What are you saying, man?
- Two fuckers! - Where the fuck were you,
you fuckface?
Fucking hell, you lot got a five star here.
- They'd still have you in the dog kennel.
- You fucker.
Keep it down, keep it down.
Oh, no, like toothbrush. fucking hell.
We were in Camp Delta for about a year
an nothing happened.
Just the same questions over an over
again, and then it all changed.
I wanna show you something.
You said you were wearing an Adidas
Adidas tracksuit bottoms, yeah.
That's not what you said.
Why, what is this?
This is your friend Asif lqbal...
Who? No, it isn't.
This is you, in your Adidias tracksuit.
that ain't me, man. I've never worn an Adidas Tracksuits,
I've told you, I wore Adidas bottoms.
That's not what you said.
Recognise him? Mohamed Allah?
Who is that?
He headed the 9/11 attacks.
This is you.
- This is you... right?
- its not me... I've told you...
This is you at a rally in Afghanistan held by Osama
Bin Laden, right?
I told you, that's a fucking good picture but
that ain't me...becos that ain't me...
Cell seven.
Where the fuck did you go for so long?
You must be Shafiq Rasul.
I've come from Washington.
This is a rally In Afghanistan.
Do you remember being here?
Watch closely, I want you to tell me
if you recognise anybody here
This is Osama Bin Laden.
He's addressing the rally.
These people sitting here, you recognised
any of them?
Asif...Ruhel, you...
That says 2000 here. 2000, Is that the date?
That's what is says.
I wasn't even in Afghanistan in 2000.
I was working at Currys all through the summer.
It may not be 1st of August,
it may be January 8th.
It doesn't matter, I was working at Currys
throughout the whole of 2000.
I wasn't even in Afghanistan.
I can see you on the tape in Afghanistan... in 2000
How can it be me if I wasn't
even in the country?
because I can see you on a Video with
your friends Ruhel and Asif...
...listening to Osama Bin Laden in
The woman who was in there said to me and...
..."We've put people in isolation for years
and eventually they break".
I was there about 3, 3 and a half months.
Stand up.
Stick your arms through.
Have a nice day.
- Who's that?
- Is that you?
- Asif?
- Is that you?
- What are you doing here?
- You all right?
Yeah, man... how are you?
All right, man.
It was a whole different story for us now.
It was like we were getting punished, then it
was nice for about two, three months.
There's a hook on the floor... the leg irons
are attached to a hook.
Then they put your hands between your...
...ankles at the floor and chain you to the
hook on the floor as well.
They keep you there for an hour...
...sometimes two hours,
five hours, six hours.
You can't go to the toilet.
You have to urinate
and defecate where you are.
Hey, shut the fuck up!
Shut the fuck up, okay.
- Have a look at it,man.
- Fuck off.
Are you a faggot?
You can't handle this stuff?
Fucking knob.
Why don't you just sit there and jack-off for
another four hours.
- Do you drink water?
- Yes.
- Are you a member of Al Queda?
- No.
- Have you met Osama Bin Laden?
- No.
- Did you fight with the Taliban?
- No.
I was put in a room with AC on
and then i was put in stress positions
They wanted me to say I was a fighter.
Once I said that, the next thing is
"You a member of Al Queda"?
Once you say you're a member of Al Queda,
that's it.
- Did you say you were a fighter?
- Yeah. Just get me out of here.
- No, you're fucking staying right there.
Are you admitting to me that you are a
fucking fighter? Is that what you want?
- Yes! - Yes!
- You are a fighter?
I said it was me.
I said, "If I admit it, what will happen?"
He says, "You will go to Court".
I said, "Give me a pen and paper, I'll write it down for you".
I said, "That's me in that photo and I was there".
Hello, Asif.
Your case is gonna be taken to a Tribunal.
- How do you feel about that?
- That's good.
- Excuse me?
- I said, "that's good".
that's good? Why do you say that?
January I'm in England.
August I'm in England.
It's not a problem,
I can proved I was in England.
I'm not bullshitting you. Go and check it out.
For me and Asif the police were our alibi.
All that year I was doing Community Service and Probation.
One was for Violent disorder...
and the Second one was for fraud and deception.
So, even if it was January or August...
...I was still covered because the whole
year I was in and out of Court and the police station..
I have some letters for you.
- I'll give them to the Americans to censor.
- Okay.
I'm here about the Video.
How many times do I have to answer these questions?
If you're not here to help, I've got nothing to
say to you, just go.
-i am here to help you.
- You came before, you did fuck all.
I'm sorry.
Fuck off, man.
Just fuck off.
- You guys fucked up.
- What?
You were belligerent and uncooperative.
Where are my letters?
They said they would give them to you.
You're not gonna get your fucking letters back.
You were uncooperative.
Fuck off, man.
After about three months, they dropped it.
They said, "Okay we made a grave mistake".
Congratulations, you've been cleared.
Then we were all taken out of isolation and
put together...
...and we started being called 'The Three
...because we used to get four meals,
double meals.
Films every Sunday,
McDonald's, Pizza Hut...
I want you to help us.
I want you to come, work for us.
If you work for us, I'll get you out of here in a
couple of weeks.
Fuck that shit.
Working for you. Fuck off.
Ruhel, Shafiq an Asif were kept in
Guantanamo for another 3 months.
- Hello, how are you?
- Okay.
How are you?
I am well, thank you.
They were still not allowed to see or speak to their family or lawyers.
Sign this piece of paper saying that you
were detained in Guantanamo Bay...
...because you were linked to
Al Queda and the Taliban.
Go fuck yourself.
Fuck you, I ain't fucking signing that.
Then you're never going home.
It was never confirmed.
They never said "oh, It wasn't you".
They never admitted to them being wrong.
More than 750 people have been
imprisoned in Guantanamo.
It is estimate 500 are still there.
Only 10 have ever been charged.
None have ever been found
guilty of any crime.
hey, hey, Don't look out the window!
Hey, princess... You hard of hearing?
- What's your fucking problem?
- Don't look out the fucking window.
Do you want me to send you back?
- Do you want me to send you right back?!
- Want you to send me back, yeah?.
Boys, this one wants to send me back yeah!
You know one thing? You can't send me back.
You don't fucking own me!
Move the camera, man.
Fucking move the camera!
British detainees arrived home today from
They were flown by the RAF to Northolt
where they were taken... police to Puddington Green Station
before being released.
We went to a hotel. I got there first and I
was waiting there for about...
...five, ten minutes, and then there was a
knock on the door. It was my dad.
We just kinda hugged...
Didn't really say anything.
It's completely changed my life.
The way i look at things,
the way i look at what's happening in the world
The world's not a nice place.
Looking back on it now, yes,
it was an experience.
And it has change my life for the better, so
I don't really regret it.
I haven't changed a great deal. Just that I
practice my religion more.
I mean, I didn't even practice at all before.
I think it's best for me to move on with my life.
To start stepping forward instead of looking
back. It's time to move on.
Same smell.
It's amazing.
Didn't he say if we went straight from
Lahore, we'd go a different way?
Ask anyone and they'll tell you.
Hello? Who's this?
Is it getting hotter or is it me?
We've reached our hotel in the town centre.
Where's Merchung?
It's that way.
Keep going that way for Merchung.
Chaudry Iqbal. From England.
I'm here!
---2nd JULY 2005---