Road to Nowhere (2010)

Velma was always
my window...
into the story.
# Come and lay down by my side #
# Till the early mornin' light #
# All I'm takin' #
# Is your time #
# Help me make it
through the night #
# I don't care what's right or wrong #
# And I won't try to understand #
# Let the devil take tomorrow #
# Lord, tonight #
# I need a friend #
# Yesterday is dead and gone #
# And tomorrow's out of sight #
# And it's sad to be alone #
# Help me make it
through the night #
# And it's sad to be alone #
# Help me make it
through the night #
# I don't want to be alone #
# Help me make it
through the night ##
Angel One, clear.
Unit 14, clear.
Unit 2-8's
at Third and Western.
I had a 1488,
number 3.
## [ Folk Guitar ]
# Well, the ditches are on fire #
# And there ain't
no higher ground #
# You've set your sights
on the City of Angels #
# But you're stuck
makin' bad deals in #
# Backwater towns #
# Forgiveness is
the killer of snakes, friend #
# In the gardens
of despair#
# Keep your mind
on the middle, brother#
# Out on that road
to nowhere #
# From the polo club
in old Havana #
# To an ancient church
in Rome #
# You keep thinking
you recognize those faces #
# The way the flesh
is tightened on the bone #
# You make deals with
the wrong class of people #
# You balance
the curse and the prayer#
# On that thin line
between the pathway to glory #
# And the road
that leads to nowhere #
# So row, row, row
your little dreamboat #
# Violently back upstream #
# Where the cops
and the candlestick makers #
# They're wise to all
your desperate schemes #
# You're riding backwards
on a blind horse #
# On a carousel
in a carnival out there #
# Where the tunnel of love
was never finished #
# Out on the road to nowhere #
# So it's ashes to ashes #
# Dirt to dirt #
# Your blood's full of OxyContin
and vodka, friend #
# Why the hell
do you still hurt? #
# Now every day
is the day of reckoning #
# Even the weatherman
can make you scared #
# Even Lazarus
keeps on staggering down #
# That eternal road #
# To nowhere #
# So row, row, row
your little dreamboat #
# Violently back upstream #
# Where the banker
and the cops #
# And the candlestick makers #
# They're all wise
to your desperate schemes #
# You're riding backwards
on a blind horse #
# In some carnival out there #
# Where the tunnel of love
was never finished #
# On the road to nowhere #
# Tunnel of love
was never finished #
# On the road to nowhere ##
In your film,
Road to Nowhere,
Velma dies after Taschen
has taken his own life.
But there are
conflicting reports about that.
What you're really asking is if...
I think I'm printing the truth...
or legend.
So we agree.
I think we always did.
It was your story
before it was mine.
Nathalie Post?
Hi. You seem
like you're the, uh,
belle of
the Bryson County ball tonight.
That's always been my dream.
May I please
have a martini?
Bruno Brotherton.
It must be pretty exciting selling your
story to a big Hollywood movie and all.
However in the world did you come up
with that idea to write about?
Well, I was sitting at my computer
one day and thinking,
if I don't get out of Bryson City,
I'm gonna drive my car into Fontana Lake.
And then Velma Duran
went and did it.
You mean you'd rather write
than procreate like the rest of us hillbillies?
What do you do, Mr. Brotherton?
Nothing as exciting as you, I'm sure.
Actually, uh
I-I'm a researcher
for Universal Benefit Systems.
an insurance investigator.
You make it sound like
I'm some sort of cop or something.
I just kind of play around
with statistics and numbers and
Yes, ma'am,
those too.
When Mitch first told me the story,
I said this sounds like the film noir of our dreams.
Don't ever use
that word again.
Um, so you really
want to make our movie?
Not want to. Going to.
Everyone here at Tiger's Den
believes this will be Mitchell Haven's masterpiece.
We're excited.
Well, okay.
All we can do now
is fuck it up.
And we will.
Are you on Spacebook
or My Face?
Take a look at this.
I saw Hilary Swank
on television once...
and she said that basically you just
get your head shot and your reel...
in front of as many people as possible
and as cheaply as possible,
and that's what I'm doing.
So if you need an actress,
then come visit
Does she have
any Cuban blood? Yeah!
It says that her mother
is Puerto Rican.
God help us.
She is Velma Duran.
You're thinking like
a guy from Hollywood.
We're missing
Something that cuts
against the grain, you know,
that brings Velma Duran to life.
Depending on
what article you read,
she's either
the innocent victim or the cause of it all.
You know, folks said she was the nicest
bunch of girls you'd have ever wanted to meet.
You do decks and scripts?
I was a park ranger
in the Smoky Mountains for a couple of years.
Anybody from a thousand miles
around there would've known
about the Taschen case.
What were you saying
about Velma again?
Probably just another
corrupt politico.
Thanks for your input. D Wait.
Did you know
Velma Duran?
maybe I've exaggerated just a bit.
She was the kid sister
of one of my buddies on the force.
Um, she was trouble
pretty much though from the start.
Why don't you guys continue
working on the script...
and I'll go outside
and varnish the deck?
Hey, can I borrow
your bathroom?
Yeah. Yeah, you bet.
It's just
It's right back there.
The real Velma Duran died
fighting oppression in Cuba.
Someone should
make that movie.
If there was another way,
I would never ask.
But if someone
identified Velma,
they'd kill all
the Duran family in Cuba.
I've been
a public official long enough.
I think it's time
to get out of Dodge.
Nathalie Post, Thursday, September 5.
Remember, you saw it here first.
Talk of Rafe Taschen's
insider land deals...
has gone from a whisper
to a state capitol roar.
A $100 million roar.
The dew may be falling
off the rose of the dashing politico's dreams.
Certainly there is that
initial ice-breaker...
when Jack Nicholson walks on the set and
you have your first scene with him.
You really--
You don't know what to think.
Uh, DiCaprio?
Do you think
he'd really do this?
What it does is,
it affects your char--
Well, I take it back.
Okay, maybe, you know,
with a little make-up he could play Taschen.
Did we already
pass on him? Yeah. We did.
And he took
another picture.
Why didn't you hire him?
I just can't cast someone
because they're famous...
and would make my movie
a lot of money.
Miss Graham?
Thank you
for coming so far. Okay, yes.
- Hi. This is beautiful.
- Yes, yes. Your trip was good?
Uh, yeah. Yeah.
You know, I never received a script.
There isn't a script.
By the way,
I'm Rafe Taschen,
and this is your father,
Nestor Duran.
Nice to meet you.
So I'm playing your daughter.
You are his daughter.
S. De verdad.
Sure, yeah.
Ah, yeah, uh, we'll go up to the pool,
we'll have a cooling drink...
and I'll explain to you
what the job entails.
All right.
What's the catch?
Why are you guys
paying me so much?
- It's too much.
- Well, there is an element of risk involved.
What does
"too much" mean...
if it's for
someone you love?
They're all planets.
They only reflect light.
You could finance 1 0 movies
just with these head shots.
We'll find her. If we screw up
the casting of Velma Duran,
we don't have a movie.
It's an audition
that Candace sent over.
Some girl who only did
one exploitation film.
Oh, God.
She's unbelievable.
Hey, you haven't seen my level
around here, have you?
We've gotta find out who she is
and get her in here for a meeting.
Out of all the head shots and rsums
and reels and meetings,
what made you pick
Laurel Graham?
Of all the gin joints in the world,
she had to walk into mine.
I think if I have
any talent at all, it's for recognizing talent.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
No, no. I-I'm sorry.
This is the craziest fucking thing I ever heard.
They saw me in some
stupid horror movie I did...
that I never thought
would get seen anywhere.
And now you need money
to disappear again.
I paid you, Laurel.
What should I do?
You can't do this, Laurel.
Hold on. Hold on.
My phone's ringing.
- Hello.
- Hi, Laurel.
It's Mitchell Haven.
Can I come up?
Let me call you back.
Um, yeah. There's a caf
on the second floor.
Uh... 30 minutes?
Okay, great.
Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Okay, before you say anything
about me or your movie, Wow.
I just have to tell you
that I'm not an actress.
How do I say this?
You are Velma Duran.
No, I just did that stupid
vampire movie as a goof.
Well, great.
That's what this will be.
You're not understanding
what I'm saying.
I'm I'm really embarrassed.
'Cause I don't act.
That's perfect.
You know, um...
what Sam Fuller said
to Robert Stack...
when he asked him
how he wanted him to act?
He said one word.
The tragic deaths
of Bob Billings, Rafe Taschen and Velma Duran...
are coming
to the big screen.
Sources say the director
Mitchell Haven...
is in talks with Cary Stewart
to play the lead role of Rafe Taschen,
while Scarlett Johansson is rumored
to be in the lead to play Velma Duran.
Are these the right actors?
You have your say.
I think it's prophetic
that you're staying at the Scalinata.
I lived there
for six months, off and on.
It was just a pensione then.
Well, it's a hotel now.
It's not as expensive as the Hassler or
the de Ville, but it's still pretty steep.
I think I'm gonna find
an apartment though.
But you don't need to do that now
'cause you're coming back to Hollywood with me.
You're very sure of yourself.
Not really.
Just you.
It's what they pay me for
understanding character.
We'll go over the script
in the morning.
Hey, man.
Hi, Moxie.
How you doing? Hey. Good.
Hey, girl.
Let me grab these.
How you doing?
How you doing?
So let me guess.
She's the reincarnation
of Louise Brooks. Better.
How was Rome?
Gotta tell you, this girl,
she gives off so much light she'll blind you.
Good news.
Scarlett Johansson's agent
said she'll do it for scale.
We just have to give her
a commitment by Friday.
Scarlett Johansson?
What have I always said that
the three most important duties of the director are?
First is casting.
And second... is casting.
It's 90% of the job,
and I can't even remember
what the other 10% is.
You remember what Warren
used to always say?
That beauty
was only skin-deep,
but ugly
went clean to the bone.
Well, with this girl
her beauty goes clean to the bone.
She's not only beautiful
and perfect for the part, she's smart too, huh?
You, uh
You mentioned that a few times.
Just from talking to her
I've come up with a whole new ending.
Great. Well,
so we have no cast and no ending then.
No, we have a cast.
His agent finally
stopped blocking us.
Cary Stewart wants
to play the part.
Cary Stewart?
Sure you wanna do that?
So now
you've signed a star. Yes.
How much work did that take?
He responded to the material
immediately and
You know,
we've had discussions.
I'm honored to have
his creative input on the project as well.
But it's never that simple
in Hollywood, is it?
It's never
that simple.
Just as you think
you've crossed the bridges, then there's the deal
as you say,
the agents, the managers.
The managers.
The lawyers. Yeah. The press agents.
That is the complicated process.
At some point
it's just so unbelievably frustrating...
and it becomes like
something that obstructs the creative process.
You know?
I-It's like It's an industry, man.
Show business
is not just show.
Now, the costar.
Who is she?
Uh, relatively unknown.
And she, um
She's incredible.
She's about
to be a huge star.
I just knew instantly
that she was the one.
She agreed to do the picture
and she arrived last night.
I think Cary's very excited.
He's seen some of her work.
Now, have you ever found
yourself involved with any of your actors- actresses, I mean?
I try and avoid that.
I like to think
I'm professional about it.
Do you see yourself following
a very scripted situation,
or do you think you're
going to improvise a lot?
I like my writer's work.
It's a very stylized piece.
I don't want it to shift tonally, you know.
There's that risk.
However, um,
I'll always do
another take for deeper truth.
Do you feel a little rusty
in any way?
A little.
I'm just excited
to be back on track.
Well, it's good to talk to you.
Good luck with this show.
Likewise. Thank you.
Thank you so much.
I guess I should
apologize to you.
I told Mitchell that
he was crazy not to hire a big star to play Velma.
But the truth is,
nobody could play this part but you, Miss Graham.
Thank you.
We'll see if you still feel that way
after we start filming.
As in the midst of battle...
there is room
for thoughts of love;
and in foul sin for mirth.
As gossips whisper
of a trinket's worth...
spied by the death-bed's
flickering candle-gloom;
As in the crevices
of Caesar's tomb...
the sweet herbs
flourish on a little earth:
So in this great disaster
of our birth...
we can be happy
and forget our doom.
For morning,
with a ray of tenderest joy...
gilding the iron heaven,
hides the truth,
and evening gently woos us...
to employ our grief
in idle catches.
Such is youth;
Till from that summer's trance
we wake,
to find despair before us,
vanity behind.
I just can't believe that
for the cost of renting a Viper for a week...
we bought three of these
And we still have enough
left over for two caraway seeds and an agent's heart.
Isn't the resolution
I don't really need to see
a single hair...
standing straight up
on Laurel Graham's head.
Can he crank up
a $10 million movie by next Tuesday?
So was it a big deal
around here the day that Taschen and Velma did it?
Well, you have to
keep in mind...
that Taschen and Velma
had everybody's shorts pretty steamed up.
I mean, she was barely out of college
and he was working for the state government...
making about $182,000 a year
plus perks.
I mean, to folks out here,
you know, he could have been a billionaire.
He was that different.
Mmm. Right.
Uh, margarita, please.
# Your voice is soft,
sweet and mellow #
# Those words of emptiness #
# Are very shallow #
# What I took for truth #
# Love and beauty #
# Were just to use
for another day #
# Another hurt
A different way #
# My eyes are dry #
# But hollow tears
spill down my face #
# And I feel
like a just-cried tear#
# Waiting to be
brushed away #
# So don't be kind #
# 'Cause you can't help me #
# I'll just be cried again #
# In another time #
# And another way #
# I don't know when
I lost my trust in you #
# The road ahead #
#Just doesn't have a view #
# Without your love #
# I just could never guess #
# My way to you #
# And road to happiness #
# And I still #
# Feel like a just-cried tear#
# Waiting
to be brushed away #
# So don't be kind #
# 'Cause you
can't help me #
Mr. Haven?
## [ Continues ]
I'm Nathalie Post.
Thanks for driving
out tonight. Oh, yeah, not a problem.
- I'm here at Doc's
most every night, so Great.
It's great
to finally meet you. You're all so nice.
Wow. Um, we've got
a lot to talk about.
The more we all argue about
what really happened, the more confusing it all becomes.
Well, as you can see,
you're not in Hollywood anymore.
We still get kind of excited
when a crazy couple with looks and money...
blow it all on a bet that doesn't make
sense to anybody but themselves.
If it all made sense,
I wouldn't be interested.
Do you have a sec?
Uh, yeah.
Let me buy you a drink.
I'd like a martini, please. Dirty.
# I see your face
in every cloud above #
# It brings me back #
# To precious memories
of our love #
# Ohh, baby ##
Where'd they find her?
Where- Where did you go after that?
Hello again.
Mr. Brotherton.
You know these famous
Hollywood folks?
Yep. I guess
I'm their native guide.
Nathalie Post.
Steve Gates.
I just wanted to say,
your blog about the Taschen and Duran story,
it's like
pure Southern poetry.
I'm a blogger,
not Flannery O'Connor.
Thank you.
Well, uh, thanks.
W-We'll talk later.
Have a sit.
Get one more of these?
A Maker's.
So, you wrote the story.
How come you're not working on the script?
It's not my story anymore.
Come on.
You weren't even
a little attracted to Bruno?
# I've gone, but I'll be
circling back #
# Now I'm crossing
the Chowchilla River#
# By the light
of a ragged moonbeam #
# And I'll miss #
# The rose #
# Of San Joaquin #
# I'll miss the sun
on the Sierra Nevadas #
# Adobe moon on the rise #
You know,
with all the stuff
you've written about Billings,
you think Taschen
didn't kill him?
Anyone who's been on my site for five
minutes knows I don't think anyone killed anyone,
including themselves.
Well, now,
that's quite a theory.
Well, that must be
your theory too,
the way you're shadowing
this film production.
What would Mitch Haven think
of your insurance career?
What insurance career?
I'm a carpenter.
What do you say?
You ready to shoot?
I don't think that Taschen
would kill himself.
I meant it
He was in the prime
of his life. He-
He had everything.
She was just starting.
Why would they
throw all that away?
What'd you wanna do,
shoot two endings?
I'm done for today.
I'll see you guys
in the morning. Okay.
Good night.
Good night.
What if you're wrong?
What if Taschen's insurance policy
on the Cessna lapsed?
What if his friends from Cuba
had something to do with it?
Are you sure Mitch wants
this kind of technical advice on the story?
Mitch doesn't care
about the story.
All he cares
about is Velma.
Up a little bit.
Cut there.
Bank to the left
a little bit.
Tail slate it.
That was amazing.
Take one.
They're on to us, Velma.
It's over.
No, it's okay.
We just have to show our faces
at the capitol one more time...
and then...
will be okay.
You Y-Y
You really should have
been an actress, Velma.
Don't worry.
We just--
Let's show our faces
at the capitol one more time...
and just pretend that we're
doing business as usual...
and everything
will be fine.
You should have been an actress, Velma.
Or not!
Oh, my gosh, don't let me
ever do that again!
just awful! Very nice.
You guys almost done?
Who's ready for a drink?
No, thanks.
I'm good.
I'll just wait for Saturday.
That's really nice.
Yeah? There's a shot missing.
We'll have to do some digging.
I'm done for today.
I remember there
being other takes.
We have lots of--
lots of coverage for that scene.
Night, sweetie. Good night.
See you guys
tomorrow. Night, Steve.
Good job, man.
Thank you.
Oh, why didn't you take me
in your arms that day? Why did you let me go?
Why did we have to
go through all this nonsense?
Don't you know you're
the only man I ever loved?
Don't you know I couldn't
look at another man if I wanted to?
Don't you know
I've waited all my life for you, you big mug?
Will you forgive me?
For what?
Oh, you mean,
on the boat?
The question is,
can you forgive me? What for?
Oh, you still
don't understand. I don't want to understand.
I don't want to know.
Whatever it is, keep it to yourself.
All I know is I adore you,
I'll never leave you again and we'll work it out somehow.
Just one thing
I feel it's only fair to tell you,
it'd never have happened
except she looks so exactly like you.
And I have no right
to be in your cabin. Why?
Because I'm married.
But so am I, darling.
So am I.
Positively the same dame.
What a masterpiece, huh?
If only we think it's funny,
do you think it's still a masterpiece?
A great comedy, its job
is to make you laugh, right?
Oh, yeah?
So if it doesn't make you laugh
Where'd you hear that?
Huh? Huh? Huh?
Oh, my G
Hundred million dollars?
Well, you know,
actually it's only 15% of $100 million.
You are crazy, Rafe.
They'll hunt you forever
for that kind of money.
The 15 million
includes paying off certain of my partners...
who would not like
to see a court case proceed against me.
You know, but I don't think I can
claim deductions on bribes.
Mother used to say-
Well, I was indicted so that
they could find the money to report to the I.R.S.
You see,
no money, no taxes.
But... I'm not worried.
Then why are you
drinking like a fish?
The girl
You think she can
stand the pressure?
sometimes I think Velma,
she's not dead.
She only changed bodies.
Velma, Laurel or...
whoever she is,
she's just like my daughter.
She's strong enough.
Yeah. No, no, I'm
I just got out of the shower. Uh
Europe? What?
Well, look, if Tiger's Den
is gonna give us 500,000 to do these European locations,
um, I'll
I'll be a good sport...
and rewrite 30% of the script
while we're shooting.
Do you think Altman ever
treated a writer like this?
My friends and I
closed the bar.
And then when I was
in the little girls' room they left me, so
I didn't drive here.
Come on in.
Here. Let me get one of those.
I'd better stop this.
I'm starting to like it.
Here. Put your money away.
This one's on me.
Oh! Thank you.
To a masterpiece.
Of fiction.
You know, I can save you
a lot of time.
I knew there was
a ton of stuff in here you didn't put on your blog.
Billings was a good cop
with a bad pancreas and a lousy medical policy.
And he had not one,
but two families to support.
You know,
you didn't say anything about Laurel Graham.
You want
to play a game?
All right.
It's called...
fuck the facts.
One, two.
Well, Rafe did it.
He got himself indicted.
But you don't have to
take him in.
Or did he
have some help?
Do you mind that this is tequila
when it says in the script that it's rum?
Your bag
fell over too. I noticed.
That's weird.
Do we have
a bottle of rum on set?
Doesn't anyone read
the fucking script?
No, they don't.
Evidently not.
That was nice, guys.
I'm I'm sorry.
I feel
I feel a little stagnant
in the beginning of the scene,
like I don't know
what I'm doing.
I'm just
I'm standing there. Am I on camera or not?
Yeah, you're on camera.
We see you from the back. Honestly, it looked great.
Do you want me to rush up?
I just feel like I'm standing there.
Take even more time,
if you want. Okay.
was great. Okay.
Got the rum?
Okay, back to one.
We're back to one.
Doin' it again.
Back to one.
Doin' it again.
Reset the car
safely, please.
Rafe did it.
Finally got himself indicted.
You don't have to
take him in.
Or did he
have help?
You could say
it was an accident.
What would they do to you
if you'd just let him go?
What would you do to me
if I just let him go?
And cut. Beautiful, guys.
It's perfect.
It doesn't get
any better than that. So let's move on.
Moving on!
New deal!
Do you mind
asking your actors to do me just one favor...
and use a single line of
dialogue that's in the script?
Yeah, okay.
Good work.
I thought you
were a friend.
Hi, Bruno.
Man, Laurel needs a rest.
And you too.
The lovesick, the jealous
and the betrayed,
they all smell the same.
She's here
for the movie, man. You think so?
You're the only one
that sees that.
She looks at you like
every word out of your mouth comes straight from God.
But I don't believe
in God, Bruno.
I talked to our pal,
Bobby Billings,
over in the cop shop.
He says the whole arrest thing
can be real low key.
No America's Most Wanted
crew camped on the front yard, huh?
Might as well
go down in flames.
And cut!
way to go, guys.
That takes us
out of this scene. Good work.
You're not just
saying that, are you? No. How's your neck?
It's fine.
You okay?
Good one. Nice, guys.
We're gonna get
more coverage on this scene, right?
No. It works
perfectly in one.
We need more time for Velma's scene
the blue one.
More time for Velma?
Well, yeah. I mean, it's a
it's a crucial scene, Steve.
And crucial scenes
like Taschen's suicide get sleep-walked through?
It works perfectly. Right. Right.
Give me my water.
So what's
the matter?
I don't know
if it'll make you feel any better,
but whatever it is,
within a
within a year you'll be laughing about it.
Grab the hips.
Like that. Yeah.
Yeah. That's good.
That's enough.
All right. Yeah.
We'll tie them with this.
Yeah, I got it.
Right side.
That's it. Yeah.
Okay, I'll get her-
Here's her arm.
Where's the sleeve?
I don't know
how to get it off.We have to undo
No. Maybe this way.
Now pull.
Aw, shit!
I don't know what to do.
Pick her up.
Oh, I'm sorry. Oh, this poor baby.
Okay, I got most of it.
There we go.
Let me see.
Okay. All right.
Okay, I got it.
Aw, shit.
These fucking Fuck!
All right.
Let's see if that scene...
in the... third act
the motel scene
Let's see if that plays
Yeah, yeah. That's a good idea. What number?
I think it's 19.
Yeah. 169, not 19.
The thing you have to remember is that
you have to make me love you...
for this scene to work.
I'm sorry?
You have to
Never mind.
I'll try.
Um, let's see.
We're in too deep, Rafe.
You got what you
wanted, Velma.
Everything you wanted.
I want us
to go back to yesterday.
Why not go back further?
To before we met,
to before you were born.
And we could go back
even further still...
to a time where I never believed that
I would meet anyone like you.
That was great.
We're in too deep, Rafe.
This is what
you wanted, Velma.
you wanted.
I just want
to go back to yesterday.
Why not go back further?
Why not go back to... before we met,
before you were born?
Or... we could go
further back.
We could go back to before I ever dreamed
of meeting someone like you.
Nice. I like that.
Very nice.
- It's a little Is it too dramatic?
- Hmm.
We're in too deep, Rafe.
This is what you
wanted, Velma.
Everything you wanted.
Oh, I just want
to go back to yesterday.
Why not go back further
to before we met,
to before you were born?
No, no, no.
Let's go back further still...
to a time before I even dreamed
of meeting someone like you.
That was great.
Who wrote this shit?
Let's do it again.
Grandpa needs a drink.
I was in Cary's room.
I'm sure it's a really nice room.
He's really hung up
on this girl that's in Italy,
and we just talked
about... Rome and...
but mostly
about the girl. Well, I'm not the cops...
or your father
or anyone who gives a shit.
I need you because
I need to make this movie work.
That's not
why you need me.
Flowers won't bring
Officer Billings back.
Look, I know you
started this, Velma, but you don't need to finish it.
I can handle this.
I know how you plan
to handle it.
And you have a better idea?
Keep your flowers, Rafe.
Okay, I can do this.
Whatever it takes,
I'm gonna do it.
You don't know Billings.
He He can't
be bought off,
not with money,
not with all your charms.
I like it.
She seems to really be
holding her own against Cary.
I wouldn't expect
anything less.
Ah, Mitchell.
Hi, guys.
What's up?
All right. Bruno.
Laurel thinks it would be
a good idea if Velma tried to seduce Billings.
I don't think she'd do that.
Why not?
Why not? Laurels a woman.
She thinks Velma would do it.
He was a cop
with 38 years of experience. He was decorated.
He's not gonna
throw it all away on a piece of strange
even if she did look
as good as Laurel.
No offense.
Piece of strange?
I, uh I don't know
about all that.
I just I don't think
she'd do it.
thinking too much.
Aw, that's so sweet.
Thank you.
Soy Ana.
A fucking
How many movies
have you seen?
Hmm. I don't know.
You shouldn't really
ever ask a filmmaker that.
We don't really
want to admit...
how much time we spend
obsessing over other people's dreams.
So I've seen your dreams?
Pretty much.
I know all the dialogue
by heart even.
My only crime is wanting
to leave this place.
My crime is not
wanting to leave.
I'd live up here
in the Smokies forever.
Never get tired
of the smells...
and the colors
and... the sounds.
And cut. Okay.
Great, guys.
We've got two good ones there.
So we're on the move
to the cemetery. Can I have another one?
What's that?
Can I have another one? I fidgeted a lot.
You really want one?
It was really good.
Okay, Laurel
wants another one. Thanks.
And final touches, please.
Let me see.
Am I that frizzy?
It looks good. Thank you.
Okay, and here we go.
Let's roll sound.
My only crime is wanting
to leave this place.
My crime is not
wanting to leave.
I'd live here
in the Smokies forever.
I'd never get tired
of the smells...
and the colors
and the sounds.
And cut.
So we have
a perfect one there...
and a great one
from the first take.
I think the camera
has a crush on you.
That was beautiful.
We're on the move.
On the wrong set.
That was beautiful, man.
I know.
That scene was drop-dead beautiful.
Of course there should
be a reverse on Billings,
but somehow Velma
made it work.
You never let up, do you?
Sorry, man. I guess
that was kind of stupid.
But, um
But I'd be more stupid
if I didn't tell you, as a friend,
that you're in way too deep
on this one, man.
In my dreams maybe.
Hey! I wanna
talk to you. What the f--
I wanna talk
to you, Velma. What do you want, Bruno?
My name's not Velma.
It's Laurel.
Drinking already?
I don't wanna talk
to the real Velma Duran.
I wanna talk to the one who's been prancing
around the goddamn state capitol...
to be Velma Duran. Right, right. Uh-huh.
Yeah, the one I just
caught a glimpse of--
and enough of a glimpse
to know it's really you.
Okay, you're losing it, Bruno.
Yeah, I'm losing it?
You're really losing it.
I'm just going to have to talk
to Mitchell about this. I think we've had enough.
It's gonna be better for everybody
if you're just gone.
Yeah, you seem to know
what's best for everybody, don't you, Velma?
Especially milking the state of North Carolina
out of a hundred million dollars.
Have you dug up
anything yet?
Nothing about him feels right.
He comes up with something new every day,
and it's all straight out of my diary.
He's one smart hillbilly.
So I guess the myth,
as usual, has no relationship to reality.
Oh, that's so weird.
Well, whatever.
It's freaking me out.
It was your idea,
this whole movie thing.
So let me take care
of it, okay?
I don't know where this kid
Haven is going with this movie.
I mean
Yeah. Uh
But-But, you know,
I do know that this
is not the character that I signed on to play.
Just a minute.
Oh, hi.
Well, he's got Velma
at the center of the story now,
and Taschen is just kinda
the fall guy, and it's, uh
Ju Wait.
Okay, tip is three
four dollars.
And, uh,
thank you very much. You're welcome.
No. I'm telling you, he's changing
the whole damn thing around.
So is there anything
that we can do...
in a contractual situation
with this kid?
Hmm? Yeah, yeah, I know.
You're right. I should have asked for more money.
I think that Velma Duran
liked the mess that she was in.
I just don't like it
when you go away so far.
You disappear into your dreams,
and that feels so lonely.
Come on. Hey.
I won't do that.
Are you okay?
While the gods slept
Just let me know
when you're set up.
Some of the actors have
been asking for extra lines.
What do you think
I should tell them? Oh, really?
We've already
cut the script to 95 pages...
and it's still
running four hours. Right.
So justjust have them
come talk to me.
Just when you have a minute,
I'd like to speak with you.
Sure. Yeah.
Right now.
What is it?
I want Bruno
off the film.
Why? He's He's doing
such a great job.
No, he's- I don't think
he's here to help.
Are you aware that he works
for Universal Benefit Systems?
Yeah, I think he used to.
I mean, he's already
helped so much.
He's brought
tones and details.
Thanks to him, this movie is so much more
than just some May-December nonsense.
There's not even
gonna be a movie when he's finished.
Come on.
Am I early?
Uh, no.
Come on in, Bobby.
You know,
this whole plan fizzles,
I'm the only one
that gets away clean.
Okay. Cut.
Let's cut.
It's great.
That was beautiful.
Thanks. Okay.
Are we good?
Checking the chip.
That's gonna be lunch
one half.
Oh, yes. Thank you.
Thank you.
Oh, sure.
I can do better.
Very impressive.
Very powerful.
Thank you.
Instead of the catering wagon,
let me take y'all some place real special.
But you can't tell anybody
about it though.
It's busy enough
as it is.
Go ahead. Yeah.
I'm gonna work
on my, uh, scene.
No. No.
You gotta come too.
You can't play Velma unless you eat the food
she ate on the last day she lived.
You know what?
You are right about that.
Sure. Let's go.
Is this the place you
wrote about in your blog?
This is a place Bruno
found on his own.
I don't remember
any restaurants out here.
I must have taken a wrong turn.
No. You know,
we don't have time for this.
Yeah? I figured
since we were out here,
you've missed
an important story point.
And I think you need
to see it.
Did you mention it
to Steve?
I didn't say
it was important for the movie.
I said
it's a story point
the real story.
Hey, Laurel, why would Velma
come all the way out here...
just before driving
her car into the lake?
All right, you know,
I'm just about done
with your consulting services, Bruno.
Yeah, you don't want
the truth at all, do you?
You're just interested in making another
Hollywood piece-of-shit movie.
No, it's not just
some other Hollywood piece-of-shit movie.
It's my Hollywood
piece-of-shit movie.
Well, at least
you're an honest man.
Well, Ill still pay you
till the end of the shoot.
But you have to stay away
from my set.
So, Bobby,
you're good
with all this?
I thank God your life is
almost as fucked up as mine.
I guess our misfortunes
are made for each other.
I just wish I could've
met that Velma Duran.
The real Velma Duran.
She was about the only person
I ever met who wasn't just in it for herself.
Youthful idealism.
It's not that rare.
Think so?
Man, I think
that's when it's rarest.
It's really the best
it's ever looked.
Mitchell, it's Bruno.
Did you call me?
No. No, I didn't call you.
You sure?
Sounds like you on this answering machine.
Call me back--
Okay, hang on.
What's going on?
Must've been
an old message.
Guys, I need to talk to you.
Uh, you got
a drink in here?
I know you got something
to drink in here.
Yeah, I think there
might be some, um, rum in the refrigerator.
Huh. Who keeps rum
in the refrigerator?
Uh, you know what?
I might be mistaken.
Maybe it's
in the cupboard.
Movie time is over.
And we really gotta talk.
Let me guess.
Is it
In a Lonely Place?
Why don't you ask Laurel?
Laurel, you wanna
tell Mitchell what movie he's making?
Mitchell knows what kind
of movie he's making. Really?
I didn't see anything about a hundred million
dollars that came up missing in the script.
A hundred million
dollars, eh?
Well, that is good.
We should put that in.
I'll call Steve
right now.
I gotta file a report.
It's fraud.
It's grand theft.
It's falsifying
police documents.
Stealing goddamn bodies.
We got
all that in there, or almost all of it.
Bruno, would you just
put the gun down?
I have to shut you down,
I have to shut you down,
you need to call the cops and they need to take it from here.
shutting me down?
Why do I need
the cops, Bruno?
You need the cops
for her, Mitchell.
Bruno, don't do this tonight.
The movie's almost finished.
Nothing is done
until the money's found.
What money?
What money?
Hey, Laurel. Laurel?
Oh, fuck.
Nobody was supposed
to get hurt!
- Then you shouldn't have
brought a gun into this scene.
Put your weapon down
and your hands in the air!
Drop the weapon!
Put your hands in the air!
Drop it!
Just one second.
# Roll the credits, Johnny #
# You up there
in the projection booth #
# This dream is over now #
# Time to put your shoes on #
# And hit the streets #
# Ah, but wasn't it beautiful? #
# Did we forget about
the hard times for a while? #
# The good guys won, Johnny #
# The bad guys
tasted bitterness #
# And defeat #
# We kissed the leading ladies #
# Felt the warmth
of their deep caress #
# Toasted queens
and princesses #
# Rode those rocket ships #
# To the stars #
# It's dark now
on the streets of life #
# I think I lost
my pocketknife in there #
# Damn it, Johnny,
I can't remember now #
# Where in the hell
I parked the car#
# Let's dance
to keep the fear away #
# And whistling
keeps the wolves at bay #
# Remember things
that might have been #
# And all the love
that could have been #
# Let's storm the old ramparts #
# Let's sing those old songs #
# From the movies
in our hearts #
# The way she brushed
her hair back with her hand #
# I was her only boy,
her leading man #
# She knew more than
you'll ever know, Johnny #
# She talked to birds and animals #
# She never talked to me #
# If only she could step off
of the silver screen #
# That little blonde
in tight black jeans #
# Christ, I lost my mind now, Johnny #
# The bars are closed
The moon is smiling through the trees #
# Let's dance
to keep the fear away #
# And whistling
keeps the wolves at bay #
# Remember all
that might have been #
# And all the love
that could have been #
# Let's storm
those old ramparts #
# Let's sing those love songs #
# From the movies
in our hearts #
# Let's sing those love songs #
# From the movies
in our hearts ##
# Well, the ditches are on fire #
# There ain't no higher ground #
# You're dreaming
of the City of Angels, kid #
# Now you're pawning your
clothes in some hick town #
# Forgiveness is
the killer of snakes, amigo #
# In the gardens of despair#
# Keep your mind on the middle,
little brother#
# Out on the road to nowhere #
# The polo club in Havana #
# An ancient church in Rome #
# You keep thinking
you recognize dark faces #
# The way the flesh is arranged
like wax on the bones #
# You're making deals
with dirty little people #
# Balancing between
a curse and a prayer#
# There's a thin line
'tween the pathway to glory #
# And that road
that leads to nowhere #
# Row, row, row
your little dreamboat #
# Silently downstream #
# The banker, the cop,
the candlestick maker#
# They're all wise to
your filthy little schemes #
# You're riding backwards
on a blind horse #
# In a carnival
down south somewhere #
# Where the tunnel of love
was never finished #
# Out on the road to nowhere #
# Ashes to ashes #
# And dirt to dirt #
# Your blood runs with
OxyContin and vodka, pal #
# Why in the hell
do you still hurt? #
# Now every day
is the day of reckoning #
# Even the weatherman
makes you feel scared #
# Rise up, Lazarus,
and keep on staggering down #
# That old road to nowhere #
# Now row, row, row
your little dreamboat #
# Silently downstream #
# Where the banker, the cop
and the candlestick maker#
# They've gone wise to all
your filthy little schemes #
# You're riding backwards
on a blind horse #
# In some carnival
down south somewhere #
# Where the tunnel of love
was never finished #
# Out on the road to nowhere #
# The tunnel of love
was never finished #
# Out on the road to nowhere ##