Roads, Trees and Honey Bees (2019)

(bright uplifting music)
- Hey guys.
- Daddy!
- Hey, come here!
Oh, muah, muah, muah.
- Daddy, don't forget
to give Maddie a kiss.
- Who's Maddie?
- She's the most beautiful
princess in the land.
- Yeah, well I know a princess
that is far more
beautiful than she.
- Really?
- Yeah.
- [Taylor] Who?
- It's a secret.
- Tell me.
- Okay, she's beautiful.
She's got long brown
hair, bright blue eyes.
She loves the color teal.
And she's very, very afraid
of the tickle monster!
The tickle monster.
- Hey bud.
- Hey Dad.
- Why's the front door open?
- Mom's cooking again.
- Oh.
- Yup, she's cussin'
like a sailor in there.
- Alright guys, I'm gonna go in,
I'm gonna do some
damage control,
and if I'm not back
in 10 minutes,
call Grandma.
- [Taylor] Okay.
- [Catherine] Damn it.
- Ow!
- Well, it looks like the
chicken's done.
(water running)
You okay?
- Hi, can I have a
large pizza please?
Half cheese and half pepperoni.
Uh, yes, I guess garlic bread.
- You don't have to do that,
I can whip somethin' up.
- No, no, I'll pick
it up myself.
15 minutes, great.
You haven't cooked in years.
- Yeah, but you don't
have to go pick it up,
we can have it delivered.
- I gotta get outta this house.
(footsteps departing)
- [Television Announcer] Who
will become
America's most talented new act?
Results, when we return
with Million Dollar--
- I'm sorry this took so long,
they messed it up and had to
remake it.
(pizza box slams on table)
- Is Mommy mad?
- No, honey, Mommy's fine.
- She looks mad.
- Okay, kids.
It's time for bed.
- But we don't know who won yet.
- Bed, now.
We're gonna watch it tomorrow.
Come on.
(short sigh)
(soft mellow music)
- Catherine.
Catherine, you awake?
(door closes)
(birds chirping)
(deep sigh)
(upbeat soft rock)
(deep sigh)
- [Man On Tape] Hi,
I'm Josh Grobon,
and I wanna thank you for
listening to this audio cassette.
You should be proud of yourself
for taking the first steps
to finding your inner happiness.
- Nope.
(pensive melody)
- [Man On Tape] True happiness
comes from taking small
and effective steps toward
becoming the man or woman
who you wanna be.
You can have happiness
and in fact,
I would say you
deserve happiness.
- [Man On Tape] Now is the time
to figure out what feeds you
and throw away the
things that don't.
If it doesn't motivate you,
if it doesn't allow you
to grow anymore,
it's time to let it go
and move forward.
Guess what?
You have to start today.
If not today, then when?
(water rushing)
(knocking on door)
- Come in!
- Ho ho!
Hide the pornography, your
new boss is in the house.
You got a second?
- Yeah, I was just about
to take my lunch break.
Have a seat.
- Mm, Tony's.
I like that place.
- Yeah, me too.
(cheery pensive melody)
(paper rustling)
What can I do for you, Nick?
- Oh, you know I just wanted to
make sure
there wasn't any
hostility between us.
You know, with me getting
the promotion and all.
You know?
- Thanks Nick.
- Of course.
- Well, I appreciate you
coming in,
but we're good.
(beating on chest)
(taps wall)
- Oh yeah, by the way, you
have another field trip today.
Fourth graders this time.
- Joy.
(mellow cheery melody)
So basically, the water
and waste are separated.
After that's completed, it
goes to the filtration system,
where it's...
After that's completed, it
goes to the filtration system,
where it's...
Goes to the filtration
system, where it's...
You need to stop that
and take your class back.
I'm done.
(rock music)
- Where are you goin'?
- I'm outta here.
- Man, what about the children?
- I quit!
(beating on chest)
- Alright, bro, you do you.
(railroad crossing bell)
(train whistles)
- I did it, I did it.
- Hold on, man.
Okay, what'd you do?
- Is that sweat?
Did you run a marathon?
What's going on down there?
- No, I'm trying to fix
the sink, the plumbing.
There's something wrong with it.
Okay, come on, tell me,
what'd you do?
- I quit my job.
- You quit your job?
- Just now.
Whoa, 10 minutes ago,
but you get it.
- Obviously.
- I feel...
I feel liberated.
Hit me with a beer.
- Dude, Catherine's
gonna kill you.
- What?
Why would you say that,
why would you just assume
that I didn't run it
by her first?
- Well, did you?
- No.
It was that tape that
you gave me.
- Ah, you finally
listened to it, huh?
- Yeah, I did.
You know, I never quite realized
how miserable I was at my job,
just bored out of my mind.
It used to feed me,
but it doesn't feed me,
not anymore.
- I see.
- Catherine knows that.
She'll understand.
She will.
- If you say so.
- She will.
(crickets chirping)
- God, you quit your job, Steve.
How can you make a decision
that affects both of our lives
and not even run it by me?
- I know, I just--
- [Catherine] You are so
- I wasn't happy Catherine.
I hated that job.
It was the most pathetic I've
ever felt in my entire life.
And you knew that.
- Yeah, I did.
You've been mopin' around
the house every morning
for almost a year.
You don't like your job?
Fine, I get it.
But who does?
What, you just woke
up this morning,
and you decided to
do something crazy?
God, have you seen the bills,
- Yes!
- Great!
Then you've seen that we can't
pay 'em.
This wasn't about the money.
- (gasps) Logan wants
to play soccer,
that costs money.
Are you gonna tell him that he
can't play?
Or does that land on me?
I hate being the bad guy.
I have sacrificed so much
for you and this family.
- I know you have.
- I wanted to work, do you
remember that?
- Yeah.
- But you wanted to be
the bread winner.
And what?
Now you've changed your mind?
You don't want
that role anymore?
God, I can't handle this.
I cannot handle your
midlife crisis right now.
- My midlife crisis.
- Yes.
I can't keep doing this.
- What?
- Steve, I want a divorce.
- What?
- I don't want this anymore.
- But I love you.
- Doesn't matter.
You and I,
we're not happy people anymore.
(gentle somber melody)
- So we'll talk tomorrow, then?
(door closes)
(mellow somber music)
- So I told you guys I
already got divorced.
Wife got the kids.
I get to see them about once a
week now.
For like, an hour.
About the same time
that you guys
get to see your proctologist
every week.
(audience laughing)
Anyway, it's not all bad,
cooking's really fun.
Until you look up the recipe
and can't find a single serving
when it's just for two people.
Constant reminder.
But, good news is, I don't
have to buy salts anymore.
I can just use my tears.
- Dude, your phone's ringing.
- Who is it?
- [David] It's your brother.
- Ignore it.
My mother in law,
she's a really gem.
- Dude, it keeps on ringing.
- Can't you see I'm in the
middle of a set here, man?
Just trying to do some
hecklers, am I right?
Yeah, she's been filling
my kids heads
with all kinds of stuff.
So to honor her, I got an M
tattooed on this butt cheek.
Thank you, thank you,
you guys have been great.
- [Audience Member] What?
- Mic drop.
(mic bangs on the floor)
- [Man] Dude, mics are
expensive, come on.
Get off the stage.
Here, come here.
- I love my fans, thank you.
Hey, friend.
- What's up?
- Who are you?
- Oh, this is Sarah.
And Sarah, this is Steve.
- Hi.
- Let me get you a drink.
Hey, hey.
Be nice.
- How you guys know each other
so well?
- Oh, I've known this one
since we were in diapers.
We grew up down the
street from each other.
- Well, how come I
haven't seen you around?
- Sarah, just graduated
from college in the city.
She was eager to leave us,
small town folks, behind.
- What did you study?
- Business administration and
- Oh.
- Yeah, it's not as exciting as
it sounds.
- I never said it sounded
- Oh.
- So you couldn't hack
it in the city,
why'd you come back here?
- What's with the 20 questions?
- I'm just trying to figure
out what I'm working with here,
'cause my man, you know...
- Steve.
- What, I got your back, buddy.
- Dude.
- This man holds a
special place in my heart.
He took me in when
I was a lost puppy.
And it was cold outside
and he gave me a home.
And he is...
- Oh, please.
Stop talking, okay.
- He has, since day one,
had my back.
And you know what?
I got his too.
And you come in here all young
and smiley, like an angel,
and I wanna make
sure you're not,
as the great Elvis Presley
would say,
the devil in disguise.
R-I-P to the king.
- Let's start over.
I'm Sarah, life long
friend of David.
Went to college for the past
five years
and today I officially just
joined the rest of my generation
by moving back in
with my parents.
That's exciting.
- It's nice to meet you, Sarah,
I'm Steve,
David's new roommate.
- Well, not that you're
all friends.
- [In Unison] Cheers!
(glasses clink)
- What was that?
- Yours was ginger ale.
- Why?
- Because I cut you off.
You had too much
to drink tonight.
- Haven't you ever heard
of a water shot, genius?
Carbonation like that
could kill a man.
Is that funny?
That's my queue, I'm gonna go
hit the hay.
- Hey, hey, hey.
Aren't you gonna pay your bill?
- You know where I live.
- It's true, I do know
where he lives.
(birds chirping)
(soft ethereal melody)
(rock music playing)
- What is...
Oh, Connor.
(music continues)
- Hey!
What do you think?
(music drowns out talking)
It's an original.
(music drowns out talking)
- Connor!
Can I talk to you?
- We're playin'...
Five, five, five guys.
- Sup?
- Don't you think it's a
little early to be doing this?
- It is never too
early for music.
You gotta do it when the
inspiration hits.
To be honest, we gotta practice
before Kyle's shift starts at
Shake Hut.
- Our town got a Shake Hut?
- Mhm, last week, pretty cool,
- Kyle gives us
his discount so...
It's awesome.
- Okay, I'm afraid to ask.
Does this happen every morning?
- When the adults are away,
the cool Cool Kats will play.
- Okay, well maybe you can
start a little later next time,
give people a chance to wake up
in peace.
- Hmm, no can do, sorry.
Alright boys,
break time is over.
Let's give me two ones
and a bottle of brew.
- You're a jerk, Connor.
- I can't hear you.
- I swear you're adopted!
- Ha!
(rock music)
(electricity static)
- [David] We're not open yet,
We're not open, yet.
Hey, Sarah, what's up?
- Hi.
What are ya doing up there?
- (sighs) That light was
but it looks like it's
working now.
You must be my good luck charm.
- What's wrong?
Everything okay?
- Yeah, just got woke up by
Connor and his stupid band.
- Oh, Cool Kats, nice.
- You know them?
- Yeah, they played here a
couple times.
They're pretty good.
- And really loud.
- That too.
(foot steps approaching)
- Can I use your razor?
Mine has some weird stuff on it.
- Dude, put some pants
on, this is a business.
- Calm down, you're not even
open yet.
Nice to see you again.
- Likewise.
- Dude, pants.
- Dude, razor.
- Second drawer on the left.
- Thank you.
- And turn the oven
off this time.
- I will!
- God.
He will not stop cooking.
I mean, there's dishes
How hard is it to put
a dish in a dishwasher?
- So, how long have you
two been together?
- (scoffs) Hilarious, Sarah.
Anyways, what are you doing
for the rest of the day?
- I don't know, was hoping to
hang out here for little bit.
- Yeah?
You're just gonna hang
out at the bar with me?
- Is that okay?
- Yeah, fine with me.
(bar chatter)
Hey, man, you want a drink?
- I have to pack,
I'm leaving tomorrow.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, what do you
mean pack?
Where you going?
- I have to go to
California tomorrow,
pick up my dad and move
him back here.
- I thought your brother
was taking care of him?
- So did I.
But apparently, he's
got better things to do.
- Oh, man.
I'm sorry to hear that.
- This is my brother we're
talking about,
I should've seen this coming.
- Hey, if there's
anything I can do to help,
let me know, okay?
- Thank you.
(bar chatter)
- Is he gonna be okay?
(birds chirping)
(ethereal melody)
- Where are you going?
- I am going to audition for
Million Dollar Entertainer.
- (laughs) What?
- Million Dollar Entertainer,
the TV show.
- No, I know the TV show.
What, you and the Cool Kats?
- No, screw the Cool Kats
they're a bunch of losers.
- Wow, that's a complete
change from this morning.
- Well yeah, well, I
thought we were gonna miss
the local auditions because
Kyle had a shift at Shake Hut.
But apparently that's not true.
Apparently it's because
nobody thinks
we can make it into anything
other than a band in
my parent's basement.
- Well, maybe they're right.
- You too?
Ha, well you know what?
I'm letting any of
ya hold me back.
I'm going to California,
auditions are in LA.
Three days from now,
I'm gonna be there.
- Connor, this is ridiculous.
Have you even told Mom and Dad.
- Yes, I did.
I texted them this morning.
And Mom said, and I quote,
have fun,
make sure Sarah takes
care of RoX.
You have to take care
of the dog.
- (laughs) This is crazy.
You can't go to a city
like that by yourself.
- Yeah, well I am.
Unless, you want to
come with me.
- That's even crazier.
- Yeah?
What are you doing these days,
Miss business administration
and management?
You could be my manager.
I mean, your professors did
think you were start enough
to graduate, and you
are my sister.
So I guess I can trust you.
- Aw, thank you.
- I actually need some
help with travel costs.
So it's more like a
somewhat costly adventure
with some learning involved.
- How you gettin' there?
- I haven't totally thought
that one through yet.
Do you know anyone
going to California?
Do you?
(upbeat country music)
- Hey, thank you for driving us.
That was really nice of you.
- Thank David, he made me.
- Okay.
Will do.
- It's my payment for
crashing in his place.
- Thank you, David.
- David just sent me
a picture of Rox.
- Oh, let me see.
Aw, how cute.
- Typical girls, taking
advantage of the nice guys.
- Excuse me?
- Come on, you makin' him
watch your dog,
it's a classic use
and abuse situation.
- (scoffs) I did not use and
abuse him.
He offered.
- Yeah, because he likes you.
Everybody knows David's
a cat person.
- No he's not, he's always been
into dogs.
- That shows how much you know
about him.
Couple years ago,
during a thunderstorm,
he fell in love with a
kitten names Whiskers.
- What?
- Yeah, it was a thunderstorm,
David heard some meowing
behind the dumpster.
He looked down and there was
this little cherub faced kitten
lookin' up at him.
Doey eyes.
He picked it up
and brought it inside
and nursed it back to health,
cuddled it all night.
Just a man and his
dumpster kitten.
Sounds like a made up sap story.
- My car, my tunes.
(techno rock music starts)
- Love it man, rock on.
(Sarah sighs)
Whoa, it's the Arch.
- Oh, wow.
I always wanted to go up there.
- Me too.
He what do you say, captain?
- There's no time.
- Oh, come on.
Haven't you heard that half
the fun is getting there.
- That doesn't apply
to this trip,
I don't even wanna be going.
- Well, my are you going?
- My dad's a great man.
He always put his family first
and taught us everything
we know.
He deserves better
than that lunatic,
some people call, my brother.
- [Sarah] How did he end
up out there?
- After my mom passed,
we thought some sunshine
and a change of scenery
would do him some good.
- Come on, captain.
I heard that in order to
get to the top of the Arch,
you get to sit in these
hard compact balls.
Traveling up an arch above the
city in hard compact balls,
now that sounds like a
solid adventure to me.
- [Steve] No.
- [Connor] I bet they
have a cool gift shop.
- [Steve] For the last time, no!
(mellow rock)
- I have to use the restroom.
- We have a few more
miles before we can stop.
Oh, are you serious?
- Look, I just wanna get
there as fast as I can.
We stop when we need gas and
that's it.
(car rattles)
Come on.
- What was that?
(doors open)
- Come on.
- What'd we hit?
- Can we...
Can we still drive on it?
Can we?
- Are you serious right now?
- No, no, no, you can't
drive on a flat tire.
- Okay.
- Hey, where you goin'?
- To pee, it's not like
we're gonna hit a gas station
any time soon.
- So what do we do?
We call someone or somethin'?
- No, we change the tire.
- Like you and me?
- [Steve] Yes.
- Okay.
(bright piano)
- Flash flood warning?
That's weird.
- I can't believe your
dad never taught you
how to change a tire.
- Yeah, you know, I guess
he never got around to it.
- Alright.
Where is it?
(camera clicks)
(thunder rumbling)
- Oh my god!
- Oh!
- Open the doors!
(yelling drowned out by rain)
- Oh my god, open the door!
What the!
Oh my god, we're soaking wet.
- [Steve] Hey Connor,
can you grab me some of
my clothes from the back?
That was exciting.
(crickets chirping)
(door opens)
Not a chance, you're
sharing a bed with Sarah.
- I am not sharing a bed
with my sister.
- Yeah, no, I am not
sharing a bed with him.
You two share.
- No, no, no.
We are grown men, we're
not sharing a bed either.
- Agreed.
- Alright well,
I'm taking this one,
you two figure it out.
- Youngest, floor.
Let's go.
- Can I at least get a pillow?
(cars driving in distance)
Dude, I'm sorry,
this floor is disgusting.
(background chatter)
- [Steve] Hey.
- Hi, checkin' out, sir?
- Yes, please.
- Great, and how was your stay?
- It was fine, thank you.
- Just one second, here.
And you're set.
Is there anything else
I can do for you today?
- Yeah, you got any good
breakfast places around here?
- You mean other than our
complementary breakfast buffet?
Well, if you prefer,
there's a Paul's Pancakes down
the road.
A couple miles South of that,
there's a Hamburger Luke's.
A Weasel and Hutch.
- Did you say Weasel and Hutch?
- Yeah.
- That was my favorite
restaurant as a kid.
- Well, it's a great one at
that, sir.
It's about 30 miles
down the road.
- Thank you.
- Yup, have a good day.
- [Steve] Guys, we're
going to Weasel and Hutch.
Come on.
- [Sarah] What's a Weasel
and Hutch?
- [Steve] You'll find out.
I promised her that someday
I'd write her a song.
Just as pretty as she was--
- Oh my god, I can't believe
we're here.
How have you guys not been
to a Weasel and Hutch before?
What kinda childhood
did you have?
This place was my favorite
restaurant growing up.
It's got everything on
the menu, everything.
Pot roasts, pancakes, the
sweet tea is unimaginable,
it's literally amazing.
This place inspired me to wanna
be a chef when I was a kid.
Here, everybody leaves happy.
- He's finally lost it.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Welcome to Weasel and Hutch.
How many people in your party?
- Table for three please.
We've got some first time
Weasels today.
- Oh, great.
Welcome Weasels.
Cool, right this way.
Right here, please.
My dad used to take my brother
and I here every weekend.
And we could order
whatever we wanted
and we ordered everything.
So much food would come
to the table so quickly.
And I always thought the chef
was magical,
that he had the ability to
cook so many delicious dishes,
so quickly.
I just hope to have a
gift like that one day.
- Great.
If you guys wanna take
a look at your menus,
your server will be
with you in just a sec.
- Thank you.
- They still have the exact
same game on every table.
Have you guys ever played this?
This is the best
game ever created.
- Looks like it.
- If memory serves me correctly,
we divvy up the colors--
- Hi, my name is Daisy
and I'll be taking care
of you today.
Can I get you started
with something to drink.
- Three sweet teas and I
think we're ready to order.
- But I--
- Oh, no, no, I got this.
Trust me, I got this.
May we have one Hutches'
friend breakfast, extra bacon,
some bow tie blueberry
pancakes, buttermilk short stack
with peach topping,
extra whip cream,
some fruit, cheese grits, and
a side of macaroni and cheese.
And that'll be shared
for the table, please.
- Sounds good.
Comin' right up.
- Um...
I'm sorry, what did
you just order?
(bright upbeat music)
- That was so good.
- It's heaven on Earth,
man, really.
- Gut bomb.
- What's a gut bomb?
- You know when you eat too
much unhealthy food too fast?
- Nope, never heard of it.
- Alright, folks, can I
get you anything else?
- No, thank you.
I think that's gonna be it.
- Okay, here's the check,
whenever you're ready.
- Thank you.
- I got this.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Welcome to the club, guys.
Now you've had the Weasel
and Hutch experience.
- [Sarah] I like it.
- Hit the road?
- Yeah.
- Sure.
(bright country guitar melody)
- Where are we?
- Just outside of Tulsa.
- Tulsa, Oklahoma?
- Yes.
Can we stop at the
golden oil drill?
- What?
- It's a 75 foot statue
of a golden oil drill
from when Tulsa was the
oil capitol of America.
Before Houston took over.
- How do you even know all that?
- This brochure.
- Where'd you get that?
- Got it at the Weasel and Hutch
while you were going
gaga in the gift shop.
Come on, let's go see it.
If I get a picture next
to the golden oil drill,
all my friends are
gonna be so jealy.
- Jealy?
- Jealous.
- Have you been awake
this whole time?
- Yes.
- Are you spying on us?
- No.
- Eavesdropping?
- No, I'm just resting my eyes.
- So, this oil driller...
- Fine.
- Really?
- [Steve] Long enough to take
one picture, you hear me?
One, just one and then
we're back on the road.
But this poor gambler's heart
won't go without a fight.
- [Catherine] David!
- [David] Catherine!
- Hi.
- Hey, how are you.
I'm okay.
Did you get a dog?
- Oh, no, that's the
Martin's dog.
- Oh, I thought he
looked familiar.
Hey, Rox.
- Yeah, Sarah asked me to
watch him while she's gone.
- Sarah?
Oh, Sarah.
I didn't know she
was back in town.
- Yeah, she was for
a brief moment.
But then she went to LA
with Steve and Connor.
- Steve?
- Yeah.
You know.
- Steve...
My ex?
- Yeah, I thought he
woulda told you.
- Interesting, he didn't mention
it to me.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
- Sorry.
- I can't believe no
one was there.
That's like, the coolest
statue in America.
People are just driving by it.
- I can think of a few statues
people may deem more important.
- Like?
- Statue of Liberty.
Mount Rushmore.
Rocky, top of the step,
Philadelphia, Stallone.
- Look, I already got 65 likes.
- That make you happy?
- Yes, it does.
(phone vibrating)
- Oh, shit, I gotta...
I gotta take this, be quiet.
- Hello?
- [Catherine On Speaker Phone]
- Hello, Catherine.
- [Catherine On Speaker
Phone] Where are you?
- I'm out driving right now,
going to pick up some food.
- [Catherine On Speaker
Phone] Drop the bullshit.
I just saw Dave and he told
me what you were doing.
- Of course he did.
- [Catherine On Speaker Phone]
You're drive to Los Angeles?
Are you insane?
What is this, your second
round of your midlife crisis?
(door slams)
God, what am I gonna
tell the kids?
- What do you mean,
tell the kids?
- [Catherine On Speaker Phone]
Daddy can't take
you this weekend.
Because he's out gallivanting
across the country--
- [Steve] I didn't tell you
because I knew this is the
exact reaction I would get.
I'll see you Saturday!
(door closes)
- Are you okay?
(mellow moody piano)
Where are we?
- New Mexico, couple
miles from Albuquerque.
- Aren't you tired?
Shouldn't we pull over?
- We will, few more
miles before we can stop.
- You know, I think
it's really great
how much passion you have for
you kids.
I don't mean to pry on
your situation or anything.
It's just, most guys I know
only think about themselves.
It's always refreshing to see.
- Well my kids
are my everything.
I don't know how to be
away from them,
I guess I'm still learning how
to adjust.
- I can only imagine.
- I hope you have to never
find out what this feels like.
- (sighs) Yeah, me neither.
But it's an admirable trait,
Okay, I'm gonna go
back to sleep.
Promise you'll pull over
before you run us off the road.
- I promise.
(mellow music)
(keys jangling)
- Are we all checked out?
- Yup!
- You're in a great mood.
- I feel refreshed.
Everybody in the car, LA,
here we come.
(smacking seats)
(door closes)
(engine starts)
(upbeat music)
(car stops)
- Well, it looks like
we're here.
Hey, you okay?
- No.
Yes, it just...
I can't believe we're
actually here.
- Believe it.
And you'll do great, buddy.
- (sighs) I'm shaking. (laughs)
I'm actually shaking.
Is that normal or am I
having a stroke here?
- I think you're just nervous.
- Yeah, you're probably right.
Or it could be low blood sugar,
I heard that shaking happens
to people with low blood sugar.
Got any candy on ya?
- No, I'm fresh out of candy.
- Well, maybe we should
go to the store, you know?
Just to be safe.
- Connor, you're gonna
crush this.
- Come on, Connor, let's
go show 'em what you got.
We didn't drive all
this way to go back now.
- You're right, you're right.
- Alright, let's go show 'em
what we got.
(doors close)
- Knock 'em dead, buddy.
- You're not comin'?
- I can't.
I have to do what I came to do.
- I need you in there, man.
- You don't need me.
You're gonna nail this, Connor.
Getting there is half the
battle and look where you're at.
You're here.
Just trust in yourself.
Captain to co captain.
- Co captain.
- You got this.
- Thanks, captain.
- I'll see you guys
back at the hotel.
- Alright.
- Good luck!
(car engine starts)
- You checked in?
- Yes.
- Checked in?
You're checked in?
You guys here for the auditions?
- No, I'm here to rob a bank,
what, that piano give me away?
I am so sorry.
I have rude, not funny
verbal spillage
going on.
- Connor, stop talking.
- Yes.
- Yes, we are here
for the audition.
- Great.
Take this waver, fill it out to
check in.
Then wait behind these
folks to be called, alright?
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Let's go.
(lively guitar strumming)
Oh, this retched old soul
I'm too young and naive
to be feelin' this worn down
and old.
I think about her.
When the...
(engine shuts off)
(door closes)
(phone vibrates)
- Hey.
No, no, I don't see ya.
Oh, there you are.
- Hey.
How are ya, man?
- Good to see you,
how was the drive?
- Ah, it wasn't bad.
- Good, good.
- Gosh, these houses,
people live like this?
- Yeah, I know,
can you believe it?
We're actually prepping this one
for an open hose this weekend.
You wanna guess what's it's
goin' for?
- No idea.
- $4.5 million.
- Jesus.
- (laughs) I know.
It's owned by some drummer in
some band,
the Cross Scheme Tremors?
- Travers, Cross Cave Travers.
- Yeah, that's the one.
- No kidding, that's a big band.
- Hm, never heard of them.
Check out this view.
(door opens)
- Wow.
- Doesn't get any
better than this.
- Wow.
- Well, no, no, no,
I take that back.
Technically it does get better,
two weeks after closing.
Two words, bro.
Commission check.
There's literally
nothing better than that.
- Doin' good, Brad.
- Livin' the dream.
Not too late for you to hop on,
now that the old ball
and chain's been cut.
I mean, not that I'm saying
Catherine's, you know,
old or whatever.
I just...
I don't know, sometimes
I get a little sad
whenever I think
about your life.
- Sad?
- Well, you married your
high school sweetheart,
you had two kids before
you were 30.
You never got to explore what's
out there.
But now, you can.
Welcome to freedom.
- Is that what this feeling is?
- Yeah, and you should
embrace it.
I mean, why live the life of a
one girl,
old school country man, when
you can live like a king?
I'm talkin' models, everywhere.
And they let you do
whatever you want.
- Eh, okay.
Where's Dad?
- He's in the car.
- What, here?
- Yeah.
- What are you doing?
Calm down,
I cracked the windows.
- Dad!
(knocking on window)
Ugh, thank you.
Open the car, jack ass.
- [Brad] Relax, he's fine.
(door opens)
- Dad?
(heavy breathing)
What is he even doing here?
What happened to
his house nurse?
- Oh, she quit this morning.
- She quit?
- It's hard to find good help
these days.
- What are you talking about,
she looked after him for almost
two years.
What did you do?
- Nothin'.
- Bradford, what did you do?
- Okay.
I may have slept
with her daughter.
- Disgusting, you know that.
- Well, you know, she always
liked me.
I didn't think she'd mind.
- I can't even look at you right
now, man.
- Just livin' the dream, man.
- Is that what this is?
The dream is living like
the biggest prick in life?
A money hungry, womanizing,
dirt bag,
who can't treat his father,
the man that raised us,
with just a little bit
of human decency?
Is that the dream that
you're talkin' about?
- Okay, I think you
need to calm down.
- No, I'm not gonna calm down.
You lived your entire life
like the world revolves
around it.
And it was slightly cute
when you were a kid,
but you're an adult now,
it's pitiful.
You need to start
acting like one.
- Water.
- Yeah, I'm sorry Dad, we'll
get you one in a second.
- Feel better, getting
all that out?
You're such a son of a bitch,
You think you always know best.
It's your way or the highway.
Well, guess what?
I picked the highway,
and look at us.
No, no, no, look at me.
Rich, fit, good looking.
And look at yourself,
jobless, bearded, and divorced.
I gotta say,
I think I'm winning.
(loud punch)
- Dad, whoa.
Dad, are you okay?
(wheelchair rolling)
Is he okay?
- Yes, he's fine.
Just a little bit dehydrated.
You're very lucky that he
wasn't hurt during the fall.
You have to be more careful.
- I will, thank you.
- It says here that
he was diagnosed
with early stages of dementia,
a couple months ago.
- Is there a problem?
- No, it's just that talking
with him,
he seemed to really
be not there.
Dementia affects people
at different rates.
But it was just so quick.
- Yeah, none of us really
saw it coming.
- You can go in and see him if
you'd like.
- Okay.
(deep sigh)
(door closes)
(group chatter)
- Hey, Sarah.
- Yeah?
- Thank you for coming to LA
with me.
If I were here by myself,
I probably woulda
skipped out by now, so...
- I know we bicker sometimes
but I'm really glad you
suggested I come along.
I hate to admit it,
but you were right.
This has been an
amazing adventure
and I definitely needed it.
- 20-84.
Come on in.
- Go get 'em.
(high five)
- Come on in.
(door opens and closes)
(footsteps approaching)
- Don't worry,
I won't press charges.
- Now who's the
good looking one?
- (chuckles) Where's you learn
to throw a punch like that?
The Steve I know couldn't
throw a punch to save his life,
now would he.
- I honestly don't know.
I think I just hit my limit.
I never really expected my
life to turn out like this.
It just wasn't part of my plan.
- It's understandable.
- Wanna go in?
- No, no, I can't.
I'm actually late for a date.
Do you mind saying
goodbye for me?
- Seriously?
- Can't keep the ladies waiting,
(slow piano)
- 20-85.
- I can't believe I
didn't get it.
- At least you put
yourself out there.
- I guess, but I failed.
- No, you didn't.
This is a stupid TV show more
that it is a talent show.
They're looking for specifics
that appeal
to their target audience
to raise their ratings.
Like, aesthetically
pleasing people.
- (laughs) That doesn't
make me feel better.
- Okay, that's not what I'm
trying to say.
I just mean,
this is one rejection.
There can be many more
for whatever reason.
Kudos for putting
yourself out there.
- Thank you.
- That alone, puts you
above millions of others.
- Thanks.
- 20-87.
- Hey.
Dude, I heard you
playin' through the door,
you're like amazing, you're
really good.
- Thanks, man.
- Here, take my card.
I'm Cody, I'm a guitar player,
originally from Minnesota.
I don't know what your next move
is, man,
but I really like the
way you play the keys.
- Thanks man.
- Yeah.
- I'm Connor.
That's my sister, Sarah.
- Cool.
What are you guys doing later?
We're having a little get
together at our place,
maybe you wanna stop by?
Food, booze, nothin'
too extreme, you know.
- Yeah, man, maybe.
- My number's on the card,
just text me for details,
I'm told that's how
this city works.
- Yeah, man.
- [Cody] Alright.
- Cool.
- Cool, see you tonight?
- Yeah, for sure.
- Alright.
Later, Sarah.
- Can you believe it?
(machine beeping)
(footsteps approaching)
- Hey.
- What are you doing here?
Did your date throw
herself down the stairs
at the sight of you?
- I just came back to see
how he was.
And I guess I felt a
little bad about leaving.
- He's fine.
- And I wanted to talk to you.
- Then talk.
- I just wanted to say,
thank you,
for picking him up and
taking him with you.
It's what any normal son would
Or should do.
- I know.
You've always been the one to
step up
whenever responsibilities
And we know sometimes
I am not.
The way I see it,
you've got two beautiful kids
you've managed to keep alive,
for what, three years now?
- Six and nine.
- No.
It's been that long.
Well, tell 'em Uncle Brad said,
what's up?
But in all honesty, I can't
even keep a fish alive
for more than a few days.
It's true.
I had a pet fish, no name.
I got him because I heard women
like it
whenever you have a pet.
Shows a compassionate side
or somethin' like that.
Anyway, I kept forgetting
that he was in the corner.
It's not like they
make any noise
or give you any reason to
remember them.
Therefore, his presence
is easily forgotten.
Dad's kinda become the fish.
- What?
- He doesn't say much
and whenever he does, it
doesn't make any sense.
- Let me get this straight.
You just compared our father to
a fish
that sits in solitude and
swims around in its own crap?
- Well, look at him, am I wrong?
- You are seriously disturbed.
- Ah, but not wrong.
- Bradford.
I don't know what went wrong
with you,
but I have to tell you this now
because I don't know when
I'm gonna see you again.
Frankly, I don't care.
But you don't deserve a father
like ours.
- Hey--
- He's the best man
I've ever known
and he loved being a dad to us.
He didn't raise you to
become this selfish,
narcissistic, disgrace
that you turned out to be.
- Steve.
I don't know what's
happenin' for you right now.
- Just go, man,
I got it from here.
- Okay.
Bye Pop.
Bye Steve.
- Bye.
You should go out tonight.
Take in the city.
Have yourself an adventure,
Dad will still be here in
the morning, I promise.
Oh yeah, hey babe, I'm
sorry to keep you waiting.
Yeah, I got stuck in traffic.
(uplifting melody)
(upbeat dance music)
- Hey.
- Hey, good to see you.
Let's get you a drink.
- I'm okay.
I was gonna stay
and I don't know.
It's just...
Really isn't my style anymore.
- Oh, come on, one drink.
You don't wanna have a little
bit of fun?
- You forget I grew up
in the Boondocks.
This, with beer pong and booze
was every summer night for me.
- Okay, I'll accept that.
- Come on, you have
to at least stay
for on of Connor's songs.
- Yeah.
- They've been practicing
ever since auditions.
I think Connor found himself a
new band.
- Wow, that's move's quickly.
- Yup.
- Thank you for coming to
our house party tonight.
Today, we auditioned
for the show,
Million Dollar Entertainer.
Maybe some of you guys have
heard of it.
- Who knew my brother would
be so good at networking?
- Sometimes people surprise you.
- Well,
we didn't make it,
(guests booing)
However, as a firm believer
that everything happens
for a reason,
we met the most amazing
keyboard player.
So please welcome,
to our jam session,
all the way from Wisconsin,
Connor Martin!
(guests cheering and clapping)
(rock music starts)
- [Taylor] It's Dad, it's Dad.
- Hey, sweetheart.
- Hi, Daddy.
- Hi Dad.
- What's up, buddy?
How's soccer going?
I heard you
made the championship.
- Yes.
- Oh, man, I'm so proud of you.
- Dad, are you going
to be there.
- Oh yeah.
I'll be there.
I'll pick you up on Saturday.
Hey, can I talk to your
mom for a second, please?
- Hold on.
- Love you, bud.
- No, Logan, I don't need to
talk to him.
- Oh, no, no, Logan, your mom,
not Grandma.
Logan, please, no.
- Steve...
- Miriam.
- So, where's Catherine?
- She's out, dinner
with a friend.
So I get the kiddos
for the evening.
- I hope they're behaving.
- Of course, they're good kids.
- Please tell Catherine
I called.
- I will.
- Could I talk to the kids
one more time real quick?
Aw, look how late it is.
Grandma's lettin' you
stay up past your bedtime.
You better not get used to it.
You be good for her, okay?
I'll see you soon.
- Bye Daddy, love you.
- Bye, I love you.
(slow moody piano)
(knocking on door)
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Why aren't you sleeping?
- I couldn't sleep.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I was just
wondering if I could come in
and chat for a bit?
- Oh.
Connor's sleeping.
- Right.
We all have a
really early morning.
- We do.
- Should you be resting up?
- Right.
Good night then.
- Wait.
I guess we could chat for a
little bit.
Just not in here.
- Oh, that'd be great.
- Okay.
Let me get my sweatshirt.
- Business administration and
- Yup.
- I just can't see
you doin' that.
- Why is that?
- I don't know, I picture
you as a librarian
or a kindergarten teacher or
- (laughs) Me?
- [Steve] What made you choose
that major?
- (sighs) A boy.
- Wow, I did not see
that coming.
- And my parents.
I didn't know what I wanted
to study at the time,
and you gotta choose something.
So that seemed like the
satisfactory fit.
- I see.
- You know, I took a
creative writing class once.
I wrote a lotta pieces,
but I never showed
it to anybody.
Just my teachers.
- Why not?
- Oof, I don't know.
Guess it's personal reflection.
I really loved it though.
Almost changed my major.
- What was the holdback?
- There's no money in the arts.
And I'm the successful child.
The one that gets
the good grades
and goes to the good school,
gets the steady job.
'Cause I'm probably going
to be taking care of Connor.
Because let's face it, he's
not gonna grow up anytime soon.
- I don't feel like it's
fair for you parents
to put that kinda
pressure on you.
- That's what's funny.
They didn't.
I put that expectation
on myself.
- Why would you do that?
- I don't know.
It's really funny to say this
out loud.
It's just safer to color
in the lines.
And I was already too
invested in business,
that it would have been a
complete waste of time and money.
- Well, I can speak
from experience
that that's where you're wrong.
It's never too late
to start over.
Look at me, I'm a perfect
example for that one.
Whatever career I get when I go
back home,
I have no choice but for it to
be new.
- Yeah, what are you gonna do?
- I have no idea.
I spent so many
years in routine,
I think I forgot what I loved.
- Well, you have a long
car ride home.
Maybe the road will
help you remember.
- We do have a long trip back,
don't we?
- Oh...
I'm not going back.
- I figured Connor would stay,
but why aren't you going back?
- I have nothing to go back to.
- Of course you do.
This could be the start
to a great new friendship.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
And David, he'd love to see you,
spend some time with
you and stuff.
- Yeah, I guess.
I'm just gonna make sure
that Connor is okay first.
- You're a good sister.
You're wise beyond your
years, you know that?
I think you should
start writing again.
- (laughs) yeah?
- [Steve] Yeah.
Perhaps you're right.
- We learn about ourselves
through the stories of others.
The ones that are
courageous enough
to share their
experiences with us.
Everything, from their
flaws and failures.
To their success
and purpose in life.
- Interesting.
- Who knows, maybe one day
I'll be telling a story
about a unwanted
cross-country adventure I took
with a girl and her brother.
And how it may have been
the most life changing,
eye opening adventure
of my life.
- Now, that's a good story.
- And the best thing about it,
is that it's true.
- Yeah, the best ones
usually are.
(orchestra crescendos)
- I think we've had a
little too much wine.
- I think you're right.
- Come on, I'll walk you
to your room.
(easy going melody)
(ethereal melody)
- Another beautiful day
in the city.
You smell that, brotha?
That is the smell of endless
opportunity headed my way.
Where's Sarah?
I'm gonna get a soda,
you want anything?
- No, I'm good, thanks.
- Hey, sorry I'm late.
- Hi.
You okay?
- Yeah, are you okay?
- Yeah, it's just...
After last night I just wanna
make sure
it wasn't weird between us.
- Steve, I enjoyed it.
It was nice to have a real
I'm cool if you're cool.
- I'm cool.
Gonna hug it out?
- Yup.
- [Connor] Check it out,
it's Mountain Fresh.
I haven't seen this
stuff since 2004.
What are you guys doin'?
- Get in here, buddy.
We're having a little group hug.
(Sarah laughs)
- Ah.
What a journey.
Okay, my friends.
It's time for me to get going.
- I'm sad to see you go,
Thank you for the ride.
- My pleasure.
- Good kid, Connor.
Proud of you for
pursuing your dreams.
- That means a lot.
- It's not too late for
you to go with us.
- I know, and I appreciate it.
But I'm gonna help Connor
get an apartment
and point him in the right
direction of a grocery store.
- I get it.
The two of you will be
great at whatever you do.
- Thank you.
- Welcome.
- Hey, do you think
David would mind
watching Rox for a
little bit longer?
- Ah, I'm sure he'll be fine
with it.
See ya later, kid.
You all good, Pop?
(door closes)
You comfy, Dad?
Excited to get back
to your roots?
Taylor and Logan are
gonna be happy to see you.
Can you even understand me?
Is this how we all end up?
Is this what the end is like?
Is this it?
I quit my job, I got divorced by
my wife,
I lost my kids.
I keep thinkin' it can't
get any worse than this,
but if this is the end...
I'm nervous to go home, Dad.
It's different.
Catherine and I split up,
and I guess for us, it was
over a long time ago but...
But my kids.
I don't know how to lose them.
I'm not losing the per se,
I just...
I feel like I'm getting demoted.
You and Ma, you loved each other
for life.
You'd go in the office,
and you'd work hard
and then you'd come home
and you'd work harder
to be a husband and a father.
For years I couldn't
figure out how you did it.
I think I know now.
You loved it.
The job, the family.
You made us your world because
it brought you happiness.
That's what I can't figure out,
I don't know what brings
me happiness anymore.
I know it's being a father,
but now that I'm a part time
dad, I...
It just hurts, Dad, I don't...
I don't know what to do.
- You'll figure it out, son.
- What?
Did you...
Did you just respond to me?
- Yeah, I did.
And I heard you.
I am so confused right
now, I thought you had--
- Dementia, yeah, I know.
I made it up.
I made it up.
(Steve mumbles)
I made it up.
It was the only way I
could get you to rescue me
from your brother's care.
- Why didn't you just call me?
I would have come
and picked you up.
- I know you would have, Steve,
you're always a good kid.
But I wasn't gonna take that
risk, nope.
- So you faked dementia?
- Yeah.
You're sick, Dad.
I mean, I'm happy that
you're okay right now,
but you're sick.
- Ah, maybe a little
but I'm really happy with
this situation, you and I.
I mean, this is great.
- Oh, well that's comforting.
- I'll ignore your sarcasm,
sonny boy.
But let me answer some
of your questions, here.
You and Catherine, I always
liked her, sorry to see her go,
but people grow apart,
they grow together.
That's the way it is.
It's not a bad thing,
it's just the way life is.
- But you and Mom
never grew apart.
- That's different.
She was one of a kind, she was
an angel.
And this part time dad thing...
You're a full time dad.
- Not when the
court is involved.
- No, you listen to me, son.
You have to take
advantage of every minute.
So you have a limited
time to be with them?
So you make sure
you're fully there,
every second you're with 'em.
You play with them,
you talk to them,
you teach them life lessons,
you make memories that
will last a lifetime.
That's how you become a full
time dad
and a part time situation.
- That sorta makes sense.
- Of course it does.
This job thing, I mean,
don't sweat it.
You should use this time
to figure out what you really
want to do.
I mean, time off, it's a gift.
Do not waste it.
- Thank you, Dad.
- Don't thank me,
it's the truth.
But you could do your old dad
one favor.
- Name it.
- Remember those recipes you and
your mom
used to prepare for dinner?
- Yeah, I haven't made any
of those since college.
- Yeah, and I haven't had
'em since she passed away.
I need you to make me a
real corned beef sandwich,
the whole shebang with
horseradish and everything.
Let me tell you, that low-carb
pudding at the hospital
did not suffice.
(bright upbeat music)
(background chatter)
- Daddy!
- Hey, princess.
Muah, muah.
You know, a friend
arrived for you?
- For me?
- Yeah, what was his name?
Hold on, it's gonna come to me.
Uh, oh yeah, it's the tickle
- Daddy!
Daddy, stop.
- What's wrong?
- I'm too old for
the tickle monster.
- Too old for
the tickle monster?
How you guys doin'?
It's good to see you.
- Good to see you too.
- You look incredible.
- Thank you.
- You remember Ben.
- Yeah, hey Ben,
good to see you.
Thanks for coming.
- Oh, are you kidding me?
Thanks for having us,
I'm so excited to see this
place, it's looking great.
- Yeah, it's been a long
road but it's finally here.
- Go one in, enjoy yourself.
It's an open bar.
- Uh oh, look out.
- Yeah. (laughs)
- You look great.
- Thanks, you too.
- Thanks.
- God, I'm really proud of you.
You know, I didn't think
that we were--
- I know, I know.
Me too.
- Okay.
Steve, can you talk to Logan,
he's still adjusting.
- Yeah, I'll have a
chat with him.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
get in there
and go enjoy yourself.
Have fun.
- Good to see you, Steve.
- Hey, Miriam.
- Yeah, you look nice.
- Thank you, thank you
for coming.
- Oh, of course.
I appreciate the invite.
- Oh, get in there
and have some fun.
It's good to see you.
- [Miriam] It's good to see you.
- Hi Dad.
- Hey bud.
You okay?
Ben treating you nicely?
You know bud,
he's a part of you life now.
It's okay to like Ben.
- Do you like Ben?
- I do like him.
You wanna know why I like Ben?
He's good to the people I love.
You, Taylor, your mom.
- He doesn't play
soccer with me.
- It's okay, I'll play soccer
with you anytime you want.
Does that sound good?
- [Logan] Yeah, I love you Dad.
- I love you too, buddy.
You hungry?
- [Logan] Yup.
- Good, let's go get some grub.
(glass clinks)
(clears throat)
- Ladies and gentlemen,
tonight it gives
me great pleasure
to introduce you to my
friend, my business partner,
and man responsible for the
amazing honey ginger salmon
that melts in your mouth,
Mr. Steve Anderson.
- Thank you, guys.
I just...
Seeing all of you here,
I can't tell you how much
that means to David and I.
I never thought my life
would end up like this.
Looking back, it's the
unexpected occurrences in my life
that now seem to be
the most rewarding.
I look around at
all of you here,
and I'm overwhelmed with
an amount of gratitude.
If I've learned anything
from this whole experience,
it's that life
is forever changing,
and it's never too late for a
new start,
to go chase a dream.
And I wanna thank you
guys for all being here,
to watch the Honey Bee
come to fruition.
(cheering and applause)
Without further ado, big
surprise, all the way from LA,
Wings on the Road.
- This is a new one.
It's dedicated to my sister,
Chicago is gaining one hell
of a writer next summer.
(mellow rock)
- Whoo!
(classic rock music)
- [Man] I've got blisters on my
(cheering and applause)