Roadside Romeo (2008)

Oh Romeo.
Knock knock knock ask who's there
I'm Romeo
recognize me my darling?
Knock knock knock ask who's there
I'm Romeo
I have the world at my feet
I'm everyone's envy
Seeing me they burn and fry
go on, ask me
I'm Romeo
lovin lovin is what I do
I'm Romeo
I've got these girls in my arms
I'm Romeo
recognize me my darling?
I'm Romeo
the world's at my feet
Oh Romeo.
One two three
You talking to me?
Five six seven
Welcome to my heaven
Shampoo and conditioning
And curls swirls twirls
Diamonds and pearls
And girls girls girls
I've never had a want
and never will
Come on and see
Ooh aah me
I'm Romeo
lovin lovin is what I do
I'm Romeo
I've got these girls in my arms
I'm Romeo
recognize me my darling?
I'm Romeo
Oh Romeo.
What the.
Gross man!
what you just saw
that wasn't a dream
that was my life.
yes, my life.!
What I'm trying to say my friends
is that.
That was my life,
till a few days ago.
yes, just a few days ago
I had it all.
I was living the good life.
and then suddenly.
no manners!
The family I was
the favourite pet of
sold everything they had
and just upped and left for London.
Those silly kids got bored of me
and they thought they would get a
new dog from London.
New dog my paw!
They left me with their servant.
and that lazy guy tossed me
out here and took off!
This place is the pits!
I mean.
. there isn't even a loo here man!
Where does one pee?
Anyway. such is life!
One moment you have everything.
and the next moment. nothing!
Hey half pint!
What you doing here?
Uh, well sir.
you see sir.
What's a 'sir' dude?
You pip-less pipsqueak.
can't you talk like a dog?
Er. well you see. actually.
Aye english medium.
want a knuckle sandwich?
Thirsty eh?
You were being thirsty?
Thirst was hitting?
This tap ours.
No one gets droppings of water.
. if we don't say so.
This is Hero English and
Guru's domain.
Er. excuse me.
Hey you piece of rotten orange peeI!
Weren't you just stretched out
and sleeping here?
ok. hehe.
Look here gentledogs.
Why's he calling us dogs 'gentle'?
(Imitating ShahRukh Khan)
Heyyy Mini.
(Imitating ShahRukh Khan)
You're a cat, stay a cat!
(Imitating ShahRukh Khan)
Don't try to be a dog!
Aey IntervaI.
keep quiet.
film freak!
Come on, show me the money!
What money?
Bones you fooI.
let's see some bones.
It's our currency. you see!
Uh. ah. ok!
What man?
Look. buddies,
I'll just leave. ok!
Get me a knife!
Let's teach this guy a lesson!
No! Hey listen.
guys. guys. guys.
Boss, let's use a blade!
A knife won't be same things.
That talk is not there buddy!
Aey Guru!
(Imitating Sunny DeoI)
This fist is heavy as a ton!
(Imitating Sunny DeoI)
Should I just knock him out?
I say.
. use a pair of scissors.
These guys are really dumb!
Excuse me.
You guys haven't actually
hurt anyone ever.
Not yet. but we're
dying to make a start
. and you'll be just perfect!
Like guys.
Stop. Stop. excuse me.
No I mean seriously,
look at you guys.
You don't look like
goons at all.
do you know how cooI
goons look these days?
Do you?
you chaps look like a bunch of
villain's sidekicks.
. from an 80's bollywood
I mean people are bored of this
predictable stuff. it's old hat.
Spice things up a bit guys!
Leave the past behind.
the world's zipping past you!
I can help you guys.
I could give you a cooI look.
like style you guys.
Eh! What's this son-of-a-ticketless
traveller saying?
You catch his drift?
It's all flying way
over my head boss!
I'll style one of you
guys and show you.
You like it, you let me go.
If you don't, truss me up
like a turkey.
Come on try me!
Come on.
who's first?
Him. him. him.
No. no. I'm not going first.
FooI, you need it most.
zip up and sit tight!
here we go.
everything is gonna be fine.
Wow! IntervaI's looking better
than the main show!
Ok boys, who's next?
So, did you like it?
Like. of course!
One. two. three
this is the first time we've got
to eat something like this.
Eww gross!
Man! Where were you
all these years!
Aye Romeo.
So what other tricks
can you teach us tough guys?
Get over it. you're a cat.
Think about it!
If we start a business.
that attracts dogs like
bees to a hive.
and we mint bones by the dozens.
we could use all that wealth.
to make these pipes look snazzy.
we could gorge on lip
smacking food all day.
I mean. dude.
We can live the life!
Think about it!
You won't have to live
in this filth anymore!
Now what sorta business.
will get us that sort of moolah?
A salon!
Romeo's Salon!
Come on my friend, gimme a try
Come on. Come on
Why do you crawI, come lets fly
Come on. Come on
Life's gotta be fun
A step ahead I wanna be
I want the world to follow me
Our tails stand upright
bow before our might
Come on.
Come on
Our tails stand upright
bow before our might
Come on.
Come on
Bob cut
beveI cut
fringe cut
long cut
Somewhere here is your
life's short cut
No 'if' here, no 'but'
Only pigtails getting cut
A step ahead I wanna be
I want the world to follow me
Our tails stand upright
bow before our might
Come on.
Come on
Our tails stand upright
bow before our might
Come on.
Come on
How about ending this
dance with a kiss?
Hey come on.
just one kiss!
But whenever I dance.
girls always kiss me!
. but not this girI.
I'm not that kind of girl.
I don't even know you.
I was rehearsing here.
you came by.
We waltzed for a bit.
You dance well.
but that's that.
Don't start getting any ideas.
But I. wait!
Dude! I love her!
I'm in love. love.
love love love love.
OUCH! Dude! Love hurts!
No discounts here!
It ain't Christmas yet.
Pay up man.
you're two bones less!
(Imitating Dharmendra)
First haircut and then shave!
O- Ho! Slick as ever!
Field clear!
Chhainu. Charlie's
sidekick here.
Run. run. run!
Eww. Spit!
HaiI Ch-ch-charlie Anna!
Hmm. Hail Charlie Anna
. Hail always.!
What do we have here? A mirror.
Hmm. Hey Edward scissorhands.
What is this I see?
Catch catch
You son of a barber!
Beauty Parlours.
You've started up
a new business here?
Tell me.
Do you have Charlie Anna's
permission. eh?
Hehe Chhainu,
it slipping our minds.
we are forgots.
You son of an amnesiac!
Do you remember the day today?
It's collection day!
For Charlie Anna's
protection money!
Now look here
I am Charlie Anna's
biggest sidekick.
But I have to pay up too!
Chhainu brother.
Chhainu brother.
we were on our way to you right after
we shut shop for the day.
Of course you were baby.
Let me test it out for myself!
Of course sir
incoming incoming.
Your hair cut on the house!
No chargings for cuttings!
Free? This I got to see!
I like this royaI treatment.
Clean up this mess!
Hey what's going on?
Stick it back.
And where is everybody?
Why's everyone buzzing
about this cartoon here?
Who's this ball of gel?
Carefu! Romeo you have no
idea who this is!
Whoever he is,
he's still a cartoon.
Shhh! That's Chhainu.
Don Charlie Anna's right hand.
Messing with him means messing
with Charlie himself.
So we're giving him a free
haircut to keep him happy!
No one gets a free haircut!
What were you thinking?
Who said we dole out
free haircuts huh?
No free haircuts.
Shut your face ball of geI!
you don't know who
you're talking to!
You'll charge me?
You'll make me pay you bones?
If Charlie Anna so much as
hears of this
he'll use you as his personaI
poop collector for the.
. rest of your days
on this earth!
HEY! What's this?!
What do you think of yourself?
Go tell your Anna.
Romeo doesn't toss bones
in front of mad dogs!
Hey scissorhands.
finish my haircut at least.
makes me feeI a little incomplete!
Get out.
You son of a dog. how dare you?!
hears of this.
No one has any respect for me!
There are no decent folk left
in this town anymore!
Stop it you guys, the show's over,
get back to work.
I'm going back to bed
I couldn't get a wink of
sleep all night!
Hey sleeping beauty wake up!
Ok wise guy!
Where are all those bones we've
been earning all this time?
Fork them out.
We need to give
Charlie Anna his weeklies!
That's funny.
Are you serious?
Look around you guys!
How do you think I paid to make
these pipes look this snazzy?
Think about it.
With the bones we earned
from our business!
You mean we don't have
a single bone left?
Not one.?
C'mon guys.
Those bones were not earned for us
to give away as protection money!
Now I have to make myself going.
good bye.
bye bye.
Aye you bunch of melodramatic fools,
stop these theatrics.
There's no point in running.
Charlie Anna will find us
no matter where we run to.
We can't escape him.
We have no choice left.
but to groveI before him
for his mercy.
Come on then let's goes.
. before he beats us
hollow like drums.
Our orchestra will
start playing friends!
Dude! Who the heck
is Charlie Anna?
I'm coming empty handed, I hope anna
doesn't fry me into an omelette!
I should have brought
Charlie Anna's weeklies on time.
That's what I keep telling them
but no one listens!
I guess everything
should be fine inside.
Such a large gathering.
Must be a serious matter.
Please Charlie Anna, help me.
My life's in danger!
Tension not.
You paid my weeklies on time.
With Anna's blessing,
every dog has its day!
Be happy my chappie.
Charlie Anna you're the greatest.
hail Charlie Anna.
hail Charlie Anna!
I like.
Oh! Reverse!
Hehe go east, go west,
Anna is the best!
Anna, this week we've collected
just a little less. I.!
Useless fellow!
Fool! Donkey!
Useless fellow!
Hail Charlie anna!
Had breakfast Anna?
Nonsense persons!
What have I been hearing?
They started up a new business.
. and Guru's gang didn't
so much as inform me!
New business with a new boss.
And they didn't pay up
my weeklies either.
Those dogs haven't paid me?
What did you go there for then?
Half a hair cut and no weeklies?
How could you be my official
Sidekick and let this happen?
Anna I say.
The thing is.
Guru and his gang are here!
Get lost now.
go stand guard over
the bone treasury!
Look where you're standing!
Come in!
H- Hail Charlie Anna!
These are my angels!
Charlie's Angels!
Silk Sunitha.
Nylon Nalini.
Polyester Padmini!
You can't even start to imagine
how dangerous these three can be!
But Anna.
Up. Side. Down.
Ok so who wants to be the first to
get a pounding from my angels?
Eeni meeni maini mo.
Whoa hope no one saw me!
A fine place I found to have a nap
Darling Chhainu!
Chhainu darling.
Handsome, dashing Chhainu.
follow me.
Follow me Chhainu.
Local birds.
International words!
Why are you playing this
game of light and.
. shade with me you naughty girl?
Handsome dashing Chhainu.
follow me.!
Now that you are here don't feel
shy to come to me, come on!
Yangels! Pickle these four!
The End!
Hail Charlie Anna!
Romeo. Romeo.
Wow! What a personality!
Oh. Sorry!
Anna! I've brought the weekly
protection money.
for you.!
I've got it!
These are from me and my friends.
He got it. Saved.
Who are you?
Anna I'm their friend. Romeo.
Room? Who's room?
Hahaha. Good one.
No. um. Romeo.
like Romeo!
Yes. very good.
Anna, I've traveled a long
way to get here.
Just to get an audience with you.
I'm your biggest fan!
Please let me go.
I see!
Fan? Hahaha. Wokay.
Charlie has fans everywhere.
I like.
uh. Anna.
so can we go now?
Lizzen Roomeao!
You're new here.
Keep one thing in mind.
I am a dangerous persons!
I am so dangerous that sometimes
I scare even myself!
If you mess with Charlie Anna
- The End!
You're my fan, right?
My yautograph.
Be happy my chappie!
Chhainu! We're done for!
Control. Stop. control.
ANNA! Anna!
He's the one. the root of
the problem.
he threw me out.
and didn't even pay me your
weekly protection money!
Son of betel nut!
You're trying to fool me?! Liar!
There. their protection money!
Hail Charlie Anna!
Get out!
Every dog gets his day!
One day I will have mine!
Nonsense persons!
(Imitating Sanjay Dutt)
Dude! We were Lucky to get away
Oh yes. that was close shavings!
Well I guess!
all's well that ends well.
Be carefuI!
Hey guys! What's wrong?
That was the municipality van.
It drives by sometimes.
Some dogs get caught.
. and the municipality workers lock
them in the van and drive off!
And then.
you never hear of those
dogs again.
uh. guys. sorry but I gotta go!
One encounter with Anna.
. and the guy's lost his marbles!
Hi! I'm Romeo!
No thanks!
Ever since I set my eyes on you.
I can't stop thinking about you.
I think I'm falling
in love with you!
Look, I'm not lying.
I'm really in love with you!
And I'll do anything to prove it!
Just say the word!
Yeah anything!
I perform at the Moonlight
Nightclub once a week.
Tomorrow's my show.
If you really love me
then you'll have to
get on that stage.
. in front of
everyone and dance with me!
That's all?
Done deal!
But Hello! Your name.
Hold on a sec. Hey Romeo.
where are you taking us?
And why are you flashing
your pearlies that way?
You look funny!
You are seeing funny my friend!
Guys. guys!
Romeo. is in love!
So who is she?
Follow me.
Excuse me please!
We're done for!
LAILA? Are you out of your mind?
Oye numbskull, couldn't
you find anyone else?
Charlie Anna's crazy about Laila!
She. She. she's.
Anna's girlfriend?
Heck no! She doesn't so much as
look at the dude.
But since Anna's crazy about her.
no one dare speak to her.
They're scared!
Only a lunatic would
dare mess with Anna
And you're truly loony man!
Anna's gonna smack
the life out of you.
He will hit you with life!
(Imitating Dharmendra)
You'll die like a dog Romeo!
It's been a while since
I last had the good fortune.
. to see the future Mrs. Anna.
Touch these lips.
Touch my heart just this one time,
come on
Say the words just this one time,
come on
O Laila! O Laila!
O Laila! O Laila!
I'm the dog of your dreams
O Laila! O Laila!
Touch these lips.
These lips smile.
why don't you go on and smile too.
They sparkle,
touch and turn them to stars
Bring them to earth,
just this one time, come on
come on
They're closer now,
just this one time, come on
. come on.
O Laila! O Laila!
O Laila! O Laila!
I'm the dog of your dreams
O Laila! O Laila!
Touch these lips.
Guys. come on. let me go!
No. no. not up there.
Hey Romeo, you're dead meat.
You ball of gel, there's no way
Anna's gonna let you go today.
Now you know.
what happens to those who
dance with my one and only Laila?
So you wanna dance eh. eh?
You wanna be
Michael Jackson eh. eh?
Why doesn't Laila love me!
Me. this dashing,
handsome matinee hero.
why does she treat me
like an extra.
Why does she have to
dance with this fool?
Come to think of it.
I'm not half bad looking myself.
Look at this!
I am so handsome.
. before me all are pale!
But before Laila.
I always fail!
What to do Oh MUMMY.
what to do?
It's THE END for him!
I didn't know you liked Laila!
I'm new here!
I'll bring Laila around!
I'll make her
fall in love with you!
These words you just uttered.
Please repeat!
Anna, if I had even the slightest
inkling you like Laila.
do you think I'd have the
audacity to dance with her?!
You see, don't worry.
I know how to win
these females over!
You don't worry.
I'll win her over for you!
Just give me some time.
. and you have my word.
Laila will be yours!
Mister oversmart.
if I couldn't impress her
in all this time.
. with my drop dead
handsome looks.
What will a fool like
you be able to achieve?
Tell tell!
Yangels THE END!
please, listen to me.
You don't know these girls!
They like to play hard to get!
But you don't worry.
a great don like you must have
so many things to worry about.
Let me worry
about these little issues.
let me go.
and I promise Laila will be yours.
Leave these small worries
for a small fish like me.!
You relax Anna!
Just chill.
Sorry I'm just.
a little nervous.
Hmmm! Wokay! Wokay.
If Laila is mine.
I won't steam you into an idli!
But, however, although.
If you don't do as promised.
Never Anna.
you don't standing a chances.
it's impossible to be convincing
Laila to be girilfriend of Anna.
Now listen up
every morning a goods train
leaves this town.
for the southernmost
tip of the country.
it's been arranged.
get on it and disappear.
and once you've touched the tip,
catch the steamer for
the Andaman islands.
If you're lucky Anna will
never be able to find you.
Bye Romeo. Bon voyager!
Oh Romeo!
Anna Anna!
Get a grip on yourself.
send Laila back!
Yeah yeah.
Oh! Uh.
Hi. uh.
Won't you.
ask me in?
No. say no!
Uh. yeah. of course.
please. please.
nice place you have here!
I've heard
there's magic in those
fingers of yours.
make me look like the way
I look in your dreams.
I want to look like your Laila.
Romeo's Laila.
The End!
You're close to me. so right
you're with me. so right.
You're close to me. so right
you're with me. so right.
How do I say it.
why do I feeI so right?
You're close to me. so right
you're with me. so right.
You're close to me. so right
you're with me. so right.
Romeo's Laila.
Won't you.
walk me home.?
I've fallen in love.
this love is forever and ever.
Three. Four. Five.
I've scored six!
I've won!
What's going on here?
It's the most popular sport here.
The dog.
who wakes the most number of humans
with his howling.
Laila. That's Laila
Even Romeo is here.
Romeo. romeo.
Romeo come on, give it a try.
Come on buddy. come on.
Hey no no. guys forget it,
no way.
Come on come on.
Go on!
For my sake!
Win it for me!
This mellow breeze is so right
This moment of being
shy is so right
Everytime I see you
I want to feel your touch
. 8,9, and 10!
Romeo wins!
It's a record!
The feeling I felt
in my heart is so right
It touches my heart by day,
this night is so so right
You're close to me. so right
you're with me. so right.
You're close to me. so right
you're with me. so right.
Uh. haha.
well, that was fun.
so then.
I guess.
The first time we met.
you wanted to.
kiss me.
The next full moon night
at that very spot.
this time.
I won't say no!
I promise.!
Hand up, Meaning. something's up!
Don't go sneaking around like that!
What are you doing here?
Why you canine casanova?
Fixing a date for Anna eh?
You haven't, right?
date. of course. of course.
er. yes. tomorrow!
Tomorrow night!
At the main square!
At the main square?
That's just what
I had come here to fix up!
That means.
it's fixed?
Hmmm. I see.
Ok then,
I'll go tell Anna.
This cake should get baked
tomorrow night itself.
you better make sure of that. ok?
Of course.
you tell Anna.
I'll make sure of that. haha.
Date fixing barber!
Good for nothing sidekick!
What did you just say?
Hey Chhainu Bro. hehe
Just like that.
Good night.
Just like that, hmmm.
Come on guys! Lemme go!
Have you fellows lost it?
If Anna gets to know,
he'll have us on his dinner plate!
Listen just chill will you!
You just need to wear this shawI and
act like Laila in front of him
that's all!
But Romeo.
Keep quiet!
And listen,
Laila, that is you,
needs to insult him once.
. put him down so bad that he never
has the guts to think of her again!
You understand.
You'll get me killed!
(Imitating Sanjay Dutt)
Take a chill pill!
I told you!
I won't do it.
You've been trying to become
one of us for the longest time.
this is your chance.
do this well.
and we'll accept you.
as one of us!
Anna is here.
Anna's come gone my-friends!
Hide. fast faster fastest!
I want to paly the game of love!
I want you in the name of love!
I want to paly the game of love!
I want you in the name of love!
Just go on!
What have I got myself into!
Come with me I want to fly!
Don't stop let the whole world know!
Come fast. come fast.
don't be slow!
Love is fast. life is slow!
My zweet zweet Laila!
Is it really you?
Yo fat head it is me!
uh. er.
I mean.
yes. I am Laila!
From myself.
with love!
Aiyyo Laila.
I'm your biggest fan.
not just a fan, I'm your
biggest airconditioner!
I've loved you for so long now.
but you don't even look
in my direction.
I have large posters of you pasted
on the walls of my heart.
We are made for each other!
Will you please be my girlfriend?
You donkey!
Have you ever looked at yourself
in the mirror?!
You look like an ape
with a mouthfuI of grapes!
Fatty. grumpy. senile.
you don't even know
how to talk to a girI.
all you can do is throw your weight
around all day.
being your girlfriend would be worse
than getting run over by a taxi!
In fact you're such an ungly beast.
I can't even bring myself
to look at you.
The fooI.
she's overacting!
You look like a complete fooI.
how could you even think it.
Your girlfriend!
You should be hanged upside down
and beaten up.
How dare you!
You should be cut into stale little
bits and fed to the crows!
I don't know what you say!
Aiyyyoooooo! Laila
Laila I zay!
How now!
Looks like Laila doesn't
like handsome dogs
she would never have
spurned a handsome.
dashing young dog like me!
Aiyyo Roomeao!
You cheated me!
Anna. Stop.
You promised me.
that Laila would be my girlfriend.
But Laila's agreed to one more date!
Yangels! PAUSE!
What did you just say?
Yes Anna!
Laila's agreed to meet
you one more time!
The next full moon night.
on that shingled roof.
where she rehearses her dance.!
What's the point!
She'll fry my try again!
The End!
Anna! Please! No!
She won't do any such thing.
I admit the first date
was a disaster
but she did agree to give
you a second chance!
There must be something to it!
The job's as good as done no Anna?
It just needs a finaI push.
You'll have to impress
Laila like never before.
In front!
You'll have to look cool Anna,
reaI cooI!
What kwool?
Cool, Anna, cool!
Girls like style you know!
Style you zay!
I am full of style!
The End!
Anna please!
I'll teach you how to impress Laila.
You don't worry!
I'll make you cooI!
How much kwooler?
Tell tell!
I like this groove!
When your heart's troubled by love
Don't forget
Don't be simple, don't be dull
Be cool my pet
Cool cool.
cooI cooI.
that's the rule!
CooI cooI.
cool cool.
that's the rule!
You will never be cooI,
you will always be a fooI
Stop this whining.
Don't be silly like a bum,
don't be sticky like a gum
Girls don't like this whining!
My heart wants to meet
her all the time
What do I do to make her mine?
Cool cool, cool cool,
that's the rule
Cool cool, cool cool,
that's the rule
Charlie is Laila's
and Laila is Charlie's
Welcome welcome will they say
please come please come
will they say
Look in my eyes,
love is what you'll see
Us and our little Charlie
will be forever happy
First learn the rules of love
Cool cool, the style schooI
You need to go to schooI
Cool cool, the style school
Come on, let's do it baby!
Everytime you chase a girI,
she will take you for a whirI
Enough of this chasing around
Everytime you look aloof,
you will see it with a proof
She'll be yours this time!
I run behind,
ahead is my heart
Laila smiles, I get torn apart
Cool cool, Cool cool,
that's the. whatever!
Cool cool, Cool cool,
I see!
This way or that
Laila will say that
her heart will be mine
She will be mine for ever and ever
Make me modern,
make me hip
Laila should see me
and slip Come on!
First learn the rules love
the style school
You need to go to school
Long live Charlie!
When your heart's troubled by love
don't forget
Don't be simple, don't be dull
be cool my pet
Check this out!
Cool cool, cool cool,
that's the rule
Cool cool, cool cool,
The schooI of love, baby!
that's the rule
So kick back Charlie.
Full Moon night!
It's the night of my big
date with Laila.
And Laila's big date with Anna!
Anna will be here any minute now.
Ok Guys. that's it.
I'm gonna tell Laila
everything tonight.
Hey mentaI hospitaI's life member,
Take our advice. beat it!
No man. I love Laila.
I can't lie to her.
My foot!
If Anna gets to know.
(Imitating Jaaved Jaaferi)
I don't trust Anna!
I don't care! Whatever.
I'm gonna tell Laila everything.
Oh Romeo!
Hello Romeo!
Er. ah. um.
It's the night of our first kiss!
Uh. um. er. a. ba. er.
Excuse me?
Er. I. I mean wow!
You're looking gorgeous!
Er. Laila.
I need to tell you something.
you know.
What's this?!
. and you've kept her for yourself!
I'm done for!
Buddy you are soooo finished!
You've two-timed Anna!
Hey! Chhainu. that.
HEY! Buddy
you promised Anna
you'll make Laila his girlfriend
. and you've kept her for yourself!
What's he talking about Romeo?
Hello sister-in-law!
This guy's a two-faced crook!
Speak up.
Why are you looking at me?
Is this true?
Did you promise Charlie
you'll make me his girlfriend?
Er. Laila. I can explain.
I had no choice.
Er. no. uh.
but I can explain.
See the truth prevails.
After tonight
I don't ever want to
see your face again!
Laila please.
please listen.
You've only gotten slapped so far!
Wait till Anna hears of this.
you're a goner.
get ready for trouble buddy!
There is no honesty left
in this world.
kissing on the rooftop!
(Imitating Shatrughan Sinha)
Tell your mum, Chhainu had come!
Son-of-a-gun if you'd run earlier
you'd have to run alone
. now because of you
we all have to run!
My mistake! Sorry!
Angels attack!
(Imitating Rajesh Khanna)
Man! Aren't they something!
One look at you and I knew love.
That love's a crazy little thing.
Where do we go from here.
We could die in your arms.
One look at you and I knew love!
Where has this Mini disappeared!
Oh! It's just a mouse!
Hey jumping jack!
What kind of game is this?
Hello! What do we have here?
Chhainu! Bye.
Jumbo jet?!
I'm done for!
I'll get you for this Mini!
Today I won't spare you!
If you are a son of a dog.
then fight me!
Come on!
Make my day!
You think.
a flea like you loves Laila
more that Charlie Anna?
Of course Anna!
I love laila a million
times more than you.
How dare you!
Kung Fu Anna!
If you so much as touch me,
. I'll fry you into an omlette!
Come on. touch me!
You touch and show first.
No you touch.
No you.
No you I zay.
If you touch me.
And if. you touch me.
Go for it!
You go for it! Go!
You go!
You go!
Ok then. I'll go!
Where will you go from here?
Oh no. not again!
The end!
The dog pound!
Yippee! The dog pound!
See you later alligator!
Round up all these roadside strays.
Keep a look out for that
fat one in shades!
He's been giving us the slip
for a long time now!
Look there!
Catch him!
Find him. He couldn't
have gone far.
Catch him!
He is running away.
catch him.
Hey! Anna!
The dog pound!
(Imitating Amitabh Bachchan)
You run so fast twice in life.
(Imitating Amitabh Bachchan). in
an olympic race or a police case!
Lets try and catch some more!
Let's try and round up some more
of these roadside pariahs.
Romeo. Romeo!
Oh man! Romeo! Disaster!
How'd Romeo get caught.
Romeo got caught because of me!
Its not my fault.
Double disaster!
The municipality guys were About
to catch me.
but Romeo jumped out in
the middle and saved me!
Lizzen you Rascals!
Get that watchman out of
the way somehow.
I'll take care of the rest.
forget the fear.
Anna is here!
Be appy my chappy!
Genius at works!
Come on Charlie!
Where will I get a pin from?
Saved by a hair's breadth!
Open Sesame!
You are not happy, my chappy?
Thank you Anna.
Thank you for saving me.
No Roomeao. No!
I should be thanking you!
You saved me despite all
that I did to you.
You are unique personality!
Ya definitely!
I don't hate anybody Anna.
I have only loved.
but now.
I think I've lost her.
I can't live without her.
thank you all for everything.
I'm going to go from here now.
don't go.
Aw come on.
. girls will come and will go.
You not, someone else.
some other. and not
and someone else.
Please Zip it up you weirdo.
I have no idea what you're saying.
let me go.
without Laila.
there's just no point.
I'll miss you.
Where you running off to with
your tail between your legs?
What a fooI you are!
You're leaving your Laila behind!
I've cheated Laila.
Nonsense persons!
Your love was true!
So where's the cheating?
I've told Laila everything.
. she's understood all of it.
you're the biggest fooI
in the world.
despite that Laila loves
you like crazy.
Laila's yours.!
Not Tom's, not Dick's,
not Harry's.
Only yours!
But true!
Go Laila. get him!
Where have I seen this before?
(Imitating ShahRukh Khan)
Such things happen!
I love you!
Happy ending!
Life has been beautifuI.
not too much not too less.
so lets live it up.
Oohhh. Aahhh.
Roadside. Romeo.
the world's at my feet
Oh Romeo.
Oh Romeo.
I am. Romeo, baby!
Recognize me my darling?
I am Romeo.
That's me!