Rob Roy: The Highland Rogue (1953)

[Distant drum beating]
[Drum beating]
[Speaking gaelic]
Those rangoons have done
the trick.
It's well we had them.
It takes more than foot soldiers
to stop highland men.
Prisoners, sir.
Three lads and a clan chief
among them, sir.
The price of rebellion,
Take them to stirling.
Keep the rebels on the run.
- General argyll?
- Yes.
General cadogen reporting, sir.
Acting on orders from London
to reinforce your grace.
I'm in command of 4,000
mercenaries in the continent.
How will you have me use them?
You may march your men
to the top of the hill
In full view
of the highlanders
And hold them there.
You will give me the signal
to charge?
There will be no signal.
The very sight of such numbers
will win the day for us.
But me lord Duke,
my muskets can wipe
Every rebel in Scotland
off the face of the earth.
Give me a free hand.
And there will be more bullets
than heads
In half an hour.
We must spare the lovely
blue bonnets.
They're the finest men
in the world.
I came to kill your lovely
blue bonnets.
And to sweep through the
highlands with fire and sod.
And by all the goats in...
I'm a highlander myself,
you bloody minded mercenary.
I should be fast to report
this to Mr. walpole.
Report what you will.
But whilst you're under
my command
You'll do as you're told.
[Distant bagpipes playing]
The men are coming home.
Aye, but some are not.
What has happened
to my Robbie?
They've taken him
to stirling castle.
You're his nearest kinsman
And you dare to show your faces
in the Glen without him.
We did but come to ask
for his best plaid and sporran
Then we'll give ourselves up
to be at his side.
They'll not be
taking rob to england.
Like a "brickless Catherine"
he must go as a gentleman.
Even to his own hanging.
He is not hanged yet.
This is far enough.
You'll wait for me here.
I will not let your ladyship
go into stirling alone.
Right here, I tell you.
Yes, montrose.
The council
has been reviewing
Wightman's final report
of the battle.
The figures
appear to be inconclusive.
In what way?
Our losses were greater
than those of the rebels.
My lord Duke, Victors
are not always measured
By the number slain.
I have no doubt that you can
make London see it that way.
Just a moment.
Cousin Margaret.
You know why I've come.
You've been told.
I'm sorry, Margaret,
but I'm very...
You're busy just now?
Well, I uh...
I can wait.
You have a list
of the prisoners?
Such as it is.
A mere 19 in all.
And only three
lairds among them.
However, we do have
the macgregor chief
To throw to the English
Scots should be tried
in Scotland.
Macgregor and all the rest.
My lord, would it not be
In view
of so slight a victory
To deliver up our chief prize
for trial in London?
Would you be responsible
for taking him there?
I would indeed.
And you call yourself a scot.
There's literally none of the
good scots left in your speech
And none at all in your heart.
My lord.
What a child for a politician
like you, montrose.
A captive tied
at your chariot wheels.
I am not secretary of state
for Scotland.
You are.
And it's your loyalty
that may be questioned.
Not mine.
Have you interest
in my loyalty
Or the office I hold?
I'll tell you this,
If you don't deliver macgregor
to London
You'll have no office to hold.
You'll do well
to think it over.
Her ladyship of glengyll.
Putting her ear to the door
like a serving wench.
And you born a Campbell.
I'm not proud
to be called Campbell.
When the chief of my own clan
put my Robbie in jail.
His own hot blood
put him there.
If yours
had not gone cold, argyll,
You'd be in jail
beside him.
Oh, I'm fighting
for Scotland too.
- Huh!
- But in a different way.
Long ago I realized
we can never seek the exiled
King James on england's throne.
If we're to live in peace,
we must be better neighbors.
And before I let hot heads
like your rob
Destroy old Scotland,
I'll see them all in jail.
London must think
you're the great man.
Margaret, I'm trying to get
an amnesty
For all the highlands.
To do so, I must make a vow
towards London.
It may sound hard to you.
But rob must stand his trial
with the rest.
Oh, I see now.
Would it help you at all
to send my Robbie to London?
Do you know
what you're saying?
Down there they'll stretch
his neck in a minute.
If you did send him there,
Would his grace
the Duke of montrose take him?
Does it matter?
It might.
It's a long road to London.
The ways are bad and full
of highway men.
I should not like montrose
to fall in
With the kind of highway men
you would put in his path.
You macgregor woman, you.
Oh, you have my word
as one Campbell to another,
No macgregor would harm
a hair of his wig.
Oh, yes.
We must mind his wig.
T'would be a thundering great
If his lordship's feathers
were ruffled.
Oh, aye.
You must forgive my coachman
if he seems over anxious
To get you out of the country.
- Like his master.
- True.
Once you're rid
of me in London,
You think you'll have a free
hand in the highlands?
Half our crofters pay rent
to you, now.
I see no reason to deny
the other half my patronage.
- No reason but one.
- And what is that?
When my clansmen
have their belly full
Of thieving land robbers,
They have a way
of flinging them in the loch.
Nay, killearn.
Let him talk.
His words will be choked off
all too soon.
- Whoa there...
- Come on, come on.
Come on...
[Speaking gaelic]
Come away now.
[Speaking gaelic]
Wayfarer, make way.
Aye, sir, aye.
Did you not hear him?
Make way for the gentleman.
Come on, come on, come on.
[Speaking gaelic]
You blathering fools
drive those sheep off the road.
Wipe the dust
from his clothes, nabby.
His lordship's wig.
There that's better.
Will your grace please accept
this small reminder
To keep your nose out
of macgregor business.
Oh, Robbie.
So you got away.
Thanks to dugal,
Hugh and nabby.
- Oh, they're bonny lads.
- New curtains?
I was making things fine
for your homecoming.
You were so sure
I'd be back?
Well, I hoped.
Mother, the trouble's
not ended yet.
What are you looking for?
My father's pistols.
- I put them away.
- Where?
In the big chest
in my room.
You've no need of them, rob.
You wouldn't say that
If you knew who was
taking me to London.
I do know.
It was I who sent the men
to stop montrose's coach.
But it was argyll himself
who winked at what was done.
You went to argyll
And got down on your knees
to the great Campbell?
Have a care at
what you're saying, Robert.
I'm a Campbell too.
It seems you have forgotten
the fact
That you married a macgregor.
I am sorry, mother.
Argyll is not the enemy
you think he is.
He quelled
the rising of the clans
Like any englishman.
Yes, and he always will.
But once the fighting's over,
He's just as good a highlander
as you are.
He's set his mind on an amnesty
for the highlands.
He wants the war forgotten.
Why don't you
forget it too, rob?
Why don't you try
the ways of peace?
And settle down.
I suppose you have a Lassie
all picked out for me.
I don't know
who would have you.
Has no one at the inn
been asking about me?
- Do you mean Helen Mary?
- And why not?
Oh, she's been busy I hear.
Well, you wouldn't expect
so bonny a Lassie
To be starved for attention,
now, would you?
Oh, no.
Not if that's what
she's wanting.
And why not?
Uh, is there anyone she might
have a particular fancy for?
- How would I know?
- Is there?
Well, if I were you...
Bring me that curtain,
I would find out for myself.
I'll do no such thing.
It was the horseman
I tell you.
Take away the horseman
And throw him into
the river annan.
Ahh, they don't know
what fighting is nowadays.
It would be a far different
story back in '93.
Did I ever tell you about
the fighting at killiecrankie?
You see, it was like this.
There was a red coat coming
at me from the front.
And another all crouched
and ready to spring
From the rocks above.
And that's not counting the one
at the back
Who had me surrounded.
All I had was my sword.
And what do you think
I did then?
I cut and i...
and I slashed!
'Til the first one
gave ground.
I hacked at his head
and I hacked at his knees.
And then I told him to settle at
the hat of the one behind me.
Spit at the one
in the rocks above.
Whirl towards another one.
Break down his guard.
The way we clip off a Daisy.
What was all that about?
Oh, I had just been slaying
and slaughtering
A few red coats.
- Oh.
- I'll chop the haggis.
You go back to your baking.
You'll need an apron
over that pretty dress.
What day is it today?
It's Thursday, Uncle hamish.
Oh, so it is.
So it is.
And why are you wearing
your Sunday best?
You're not expecting
anyone, are you?
- Oh, leave the girl alone.
- She started it.
Go on.
Get out of here.
Let's see now.
Where was I?
You were wading in red blood
right up to the knee.
Oh, yes, yes.
When I was in me prime.
I could bring down two
with every stroke.
And sometimes four.
Out with you!
And you!
Good evening,
hamish MacPherson.
Oh, rob, lad.
If you had me in the battle
The two of us could've chased
the sassanaks
All the way down to London.
Oh, there's no doubt
about it.
No doubt about it at all.
They say your cousin
dugal is a great man
With the claymore
and I don't deny it.
We're about the same tallness
and broadness
Though I may out weigh him
by a stone or two.
But oh, rob I wish you would
have seen me...
Good evening, rob.
In '93 when I was at
killiecrankie with montrose.
- Helen Mary i...
- Welcome home.
Not the montrose
that you escaped from.
No, not that markened evil
Who sold himself
to the English.
- Helen Mary...
- Excuse me.
No, no it...
It was his Uncle.
His Uncle the great montrose.
The bonny dundee.
Ahh, those were
the grand days.
Did you mind when you stalked
the sentry.
Of all your great deeds,
That's the story
I like the best.
And you took him by surprise
in broad daylight, aye.
That was the instinct
of the hunter.
There he was.
Standing up for all the world
to see
Like a cairn on
the Mountain top.
And there was...
Good evening.
Oh, rob.
It's grand to have you back.
- Thank you.
- Sit down.
You can help the Lassie
if you will mind.
Uh, thank you but, uh...
Helen Mary.
Could I have a straight forward
word with you?
What are you thinking of, rob?
I think I can be trusted.
Helen Mary.
Have I not been civil to you
in the past?
Oh, yes you have, rob.
Very civil.
Oh, you're a God-fearing lad,
But you've been away
to the wars.
And who knows
what you've picked up,
The loose ways of a soldier.
Talking from experience,
no doubt.
Pay no heed to him, rob.
Sit down.
You may speak as free
as you like.
There are no eavesdroppers
in this house.
And there'll be no bagpipes,
I'm just going to soften
the Reed.
What was it you were wanting
to ask me about?
- I, uh...
- Yes, rob?
I wonder how matters
lie between us.
[Loud squawk]
You were wondering...
[High pitched squeak]
How matters lie between us.
Just what do you mean?
[Flat squeak]
I mean, you're not a bad
looking girl.
It's good of you
to say so.
And there are other lads
besides me who
Have thought so too.
Oh, I don't know.
And what about
Hector Stuart?
Well, he may have cast
his eye upon me in the kirk.
And no doubt you stared back
at that round-eyed-bullock.
I did not.
Hector was minded to speak
a straightforward word too
But he never got past
the threshold.
- Have i...
- Whoa, no.
My mother sends you her love.
You can take mine
back to her.
She loves you
like her own daughter.
You wouldn't believe
the changes she's...
You wouldn't believe the changes
she's made in the house.
Uh, with two new
leather rushy chairs.
And new curtains... curtains
for the windows.
[Continuous squawking]
And a great bed of timber.
And a looking glass
as tall as...
A looking glass
as tall as yourself.
Oh, there's many a lass
that would be proud
To have the over seeing of
a house like inversnaid.
I've no doubt.
Uh, maybe you would.
- It's better now.
- Shh!
Did you come looking for
a housekeeper or...
You think he be looking
for a wife?
Well, the man must have
something to look at
After the kirk on Sundays.
You know fine why I've come.
I've been casting my eye
upon you too.
These last three years.
Have you now?
Why would you ever do that?
Helen Mary...
Will you be my...
[Bagpipe squealing]
What do you say?
Kinsmen and friends.
To Helen Mary.
My bride.
She's blythe and she's bonny.
She's my mother over again.
And I'd spill my heart's blood
in her defense.
As this will be token.
Aw, she's a bonny wee lass.
we will all sing so gay
we will drink while we may
with a toast to our laddy
in a merry merry cup
we will set our cares aside
if you'll kiss
the bonny bride
and go leaping
high and wide
while your legs
will hold you up
[Singing in gaelic]
[Loud cheers]
What brings you here?
I come to read a proclamation
from king George.
It has pleased his majesty
to signify his approval
Of an act of grace and pardon.
Granting an amnesty
to all persons who committed
Any treasonable offenses
against him.
Such pardon and amnesty
to be granted
To all the highland clans.
Save only the cursed
and traitorous clan macgregor.
Who's name shall be
forever abolished.
Here with, it is decreed
That any man
known as macgregor
Shall henceforward
call himself
And his bairns
already procreated
After any other surname
he may choose.
And it shall be unlawful
For a minister of the church
of Scotland
To baptize or christen
any male child
Called by the name
of macgregor.
Nor shall any man
of the clan macgregor
At any time bear arms,
Either weapons offensive
or weapons defensive.
Under pain of death.
You and your black cattle
Had best get out of macgregor
country while you may.
Still high and mighty.
Maybe this will cool
your pride.
I bear a warrant for the arrest
of the escaped prisoner
Rob macgregor and his return
to stirling castle.
Signed and sealed by the
secretary of state for Scotland.
Don't you believe him, rob.
The Duke of argyll
Would never put his name
to such an order.
This order is from
the new secretary.
The Duke of montrose.
Let me see it.
With pleasure, my dear lady.
If you didn't abide among
the myths and the crows,
You'd know that argyll has been
stripped of his offices
And sent to his castle
at inveraray.
Then your montrose's private
Sent to humble
the MacGregors.
- Give us the word, rob.
- Aye, give us the word.
No, put up your decks.
And go back to the punchbowl.
- Aye.
- The punch bowl.
Go and get puggled
if you want,
But if you try any
of your games
This time we'll take more than
your names away from you.
Go with my mother,
Helen Mary.
To inversnaid.
Come now.
You've not seen the last
of rob macgregor.
It takes more than the hook of
a sassanak
To hold a Scottish salmon.
Get after him!
[Speaking indistinctly]
I'll look down.
Behind the great stone.
Down stream near thunderhead.
A day and a night
is a long time to wait.
Are you sure he said
he'd meet us here.
He said the punchbowl.
No, he's not coming.
Don't fret yourself, dugal.
Those fencibles will never
take Robert to the highlands.
Well, he's not here now.
Give them time, man.
He's had all the time
in the world and more.
You needn't get your beard
in a blaze.
Aye, bide wee while longer.
Sit down, man.
Sit down.
[Singing in gaelic]
Ahh, hold your voice.
And you hold yours.
I like to hear the lad sing.
This is no time for singin'.
Or for argy-bargy.
You old women can sit here
'til the stroke of day.
I'm going after rob,
even if I have to go on my own.
- You'll not go alone, dugal.
- Me too.
All right, come on then.
You're chief gave orders
to meet him here
And here you'll stay
until he comes.
- Stand aside, you.
- Stop!
What's all this
tramash about?
It was me.
It was my doing.
Aye, I don't doubt that.
Oh, he was just wanting
to go after you, rob.
There'll be no
going after me.
And there'll be
no more fighting.
Either among yourselves
or against others.
Now that montrose
is the high and mighty
Lordling of Scotland,
the clan will have to fight.
No, dugal.
If the clan shows fight,
He'll burn you out
of house and steading.
You're not the man he wants.
He's after me.
You will not be for giving
yourself up, rob.
Oh, no.
I'll lead his lordship
such a chase
He'll have no time left
for the rest of the MacGregors.
And we're to let you take all
the blows and knocks?
What kind of men
do you think we are?
I know the kind
you're going to be.
You're going back
to your own houses.
And hide your pistols
in the grain bins
And your claymores
in the thatch.
And learn
to speak as discreetly
As a Glasgow Bailey.
With our bonnets
in our hands.
With your bonnets
in your hands.
Rob, you did come back.
Oh, Helen Mary.
You made a bad bargain
when you took me for husband.
Don't say that, rob.
If I had known all this
was in store for me,
Aye, and ten times worse,
I'd still have married you.
No sign of him yet, sir.
You sure he didn't slip
past you in the dark?
No, sir.
I've a 20 men
on it all night long.
- What are you going to do?
- I'll take to the Heather.
- You'll not go far away?
- No, I must look to my clan.
If I don't keep an eye on
those hotheads,
They'll have themselves hanged
within a 12-month.
But in the end,
I'm driven from these hills
into the far north.
I'll not leave without you.
I'll be waiting.
[Pounding at the door]
Open up!
Where is rob macgregor?
I don't know.
I give you my word.
My son is not here.
The Duke of montrose
is entitled to his rent money.
But he's no right
to the double tax.
No right?
I want my receipt too.
And what do you
call yourself?
My name is dugal macgregor.
There is no such name
as macgregor.
Put him down as macalister
and be done with it.
There will be none of that
in my house.
This is the inn
of hamish MacPherson.
- Why you...
- Torcal!
So it's your inn?
And where's the charter
for the land you built it on?
There is my charter.
And there's mine.
No, dugal!
Any more trouble from you
Or any of the rest of you
mangy tykes,
I will take you out
to stirling
And leave your crofts forfeit.
Now maybe
you'll listen to me.
This is the quarter rent you
paid to the Duke of montrose.
The same as it always is.
But this one
grows and grows.
Next quarter
it'll be doubled.
Then doubled again.
Until it grows so great
You'll have to sell your
livestock and your farm gear
And your land itself...
To keep the bag full.
Unless you wish
to claim it now.
The whole sum will be posted
as a reward
For the man who leads us
to rob Roy macgregor.
I'll claim it.
Take their weapons.
Dugal, give it to maccallum.
Throw them in the loch.
Give every man back
what he is due.
As for you,
You poor cowardly
walking act of parliament,
Go and tell your master this.
My men have laid down
their arms.
They obey your laws
because I told them to.
And that command they still
must keep.
As for me, you may take me
if you can.
But leave my men alone.
For any Levy you may plague them
with hereafter,
I'll take double the amount
from montrose's own granary.
And from his cattle herds.
If you burn out our macgregor
crofts and steadings,
I'll burn yours.
If you kill my men,
I'll kill you, killearn.
Time after time you let
the red macgregor
Slip through your fingers.
And that's not all.
On the 20th day of this month
To punish dugal macgregor
for false information,
You stripped his croft
of its farm gear.
Is that not so?
True, your grace.
And on the 21st,
Ten of my finest cattle
You further report
That fencibles courted
at macgregor houses
Are way laid and beaten
by an unknown hand.
An unknown hand,
you witless goat?
Already you've made me
the laughing stock
Of Edinburgh and stirling.
Now London
is asking questions.
Mr. walpole himself.
We've done our best, my lord.
But I need more men.
You have all my fencible
troops now,
Save only my personal guards.
How many do you need
to capture one man?
He's more than one man,
your grace.
The plowman on the hill
is rob macgregor.
The man who carries the water
from the spring
Is rob macgregor.
The boatman on the loch
is rob macgregor.
And even the wee lad who fetches
in the cows.
As for the women.
Not a soul of honor.
Her ladyship of glengyll
Has swore herself
with such conviction
That the devil himself
would've believed her.
And all that time she was
hiding her son in the house.
Then bring her in.
We'll show them
what our courts can do
To those who harbor
prescribed outlaw.
A desperate measure,
your grace.
It may make the outlaw
desperate too.
Aye, and it may bring
the whole clan of macgregor.
We'll sorely need the packing
of the red coats.
Very well.
If colonel carpenter
can spare us the soldiers,
We rig ourselves a fort
at inversnaid.
You have no right
to strip my house.
For harboring an outlaw,
Your cattle's a forfeit
to the crown.
As for you, my fine lady,
we're taking you to stirling.
She did not rig,
you're lord.
She did not know her son
was in the house.
Get rid of the girl.
Slinking coward,
leave the girl alone.
Helen Mary...
- Are you all right, mother?
- Yes, here, rob.
Get down.
She can't endure the smoke
much longer.
Come out, macgregor!
We'll spare your women
if you give yourself up.
Bring her out, Helen Mary.
[Coughing and choking]
Willy, fetch rob.
[Yelling indistinctly]
[Speaking indistinctly]
What is it, rob?
I must look to my mother.
Dugal, see that the fort
is surrounded.
Don't let one of them
show his head outside.
We'll keep them in siege until
they starve or surrender.
He's coming, mother.
He mustn't fight
with the soldiers.
You must stop him,
Helen Mary.
Yes, mother.
There must be
no more killing.
It's so easy
to set the Heather on fire.
It's so hard to put it out.
[Bagpipe playing
in the distance]
I have come to honor
my kinswoman.
You honor us all,
my lord.
Your mother was
a great lady.
God blessed and bless her.
This time there'll be
no escape.
You barbarian.
You crude unfeeling fool.
Get you gone!
Take them both.
[Speaking gaelic]
So your Campbells
have joined the MacGregors.
Mr. walpole
shall hear of this.
Still threatening me
with London?
Then I'll tell you something
about our king's minister
You may not know.
Mr. walpole buys many men
like you, aye,
And sells them too
if they no longer please him.
So get back South
and lick his boots
While yet you may.
"I am the resurrection
and the life," says the lord.
"He that believeth in me
though he were dead,"
" yet, shall he live."
Fare yee well, my lord.
We MacGregors stand
in debt to you.
The highlands would be
in your debt
Were you to lift the siege
from inversnaid fort.
And let my mother's murders
go free?
We tried to have peace,
my lord.
And when
they denied us amnesty,
We still tried
to keep their laws.
But now we know they'd ravage
and burn and butcher us all
If we laid down our arms again.
Not if I could have you
In the general amnesty.
I have lost office.
I have lost the ear
of Mr. walpole.
But as a knight of the guard
That I still may go
to the king.
You have concerned yourself
too much
With our quarrel already.
The peace of the highlands
concerns us all.
Will you not try once more
to let reason prevail?
I will not give a promise
I may not be able to keep.
But again, my thanks.
Helen Mary, I beg you
to restrain him.
He may listen to you.
I'll do all I can.
You must
let the soldiers go, rob.
And give our guile
a chance to make peace.
And be murdered for it?
I'd rather be shot for a wolf
than a sheep.
Maybe you must humble
your pride
For the sake of the rest.
It's so easy to set
the Heather on fire.
So hard to put it out.
Empty words, Helen Mary.
They're not mine, rob.
Those were the last words
spoken by your mother.
Sir, rob macgregor himself
has come
Under a flag of truce.
He is offering us terms.
Offering us terms?
You go back and tell him...
i pray you, sir.
Let me give him his answer.
Well, is it peace or war?
- Is it bad, rob?
- No.
Now rob, do we beg for mercy
without bullets in our hands?
It's war.
Here you are, lady.
A new ballad about rob Roy.
All for one penny.
The Duke's mayor
rode from stirling
And up to inversnaid
To put 100 pound
on rob macgregor's head.
The girl did went a beggin',
so did the Duke, as well.
For in walked bold macgregor
and claimed it for himself.
Here it is.
It's true history.
Thank you, lady.
True history
as I'm a Christian woman.
Sir, you're a quick little
Your manners
are in your elbows.
Mr. billingsley?
The highland rogue,
if you please.
Certainly, countess.
I am deeply honored
by his majesty's patronage.
This cabinet meeting
has been called, gentlemen,
To consider the very dangerous
state of affairs
Existing in
the Scottish highlands.
Our secretary of state
for Scotland
Brings with him the disturbing
That the clan macgregor
Led by their outlaw chieftain,
rob Roy,
Has openly revolted.
And besieged the king's
fort at inversnaid.
We have
every reason to believe
That the other clans
will join them
In a full scale uprising.
The other clans appear
to be quite content
With the king's amnesty.
My lord marlborough,
the amnesty saved their hides.
But their loyalty to the king
is only skin deep.
Scratch a highlander
And you'll find a rebel
Why doesn't
colonel carpenter
March a force up
to relieve the fort?
Because, sir, it might
seriously weaken
His Garrison at stirling
And in the face
of a general revolt.
What general revolt?
The clans rose in '48
and in '78 and in '93.
And they tried it again
only a few short months ago.
All they've ever needed
to touch them off
Is one troublemaker.
Now they have macgregor.
Tempest in a teapot.
Can be more serious
than you think, marlborough.
We haven't the time
for bickering.
Has his majesty been
made aware of the situation?
It was the king himself
who requested us
To sift the facts and present
our recommendations.
His majesty is even now
in the throne room
Conducting his own unique study
of the highland situation.
"And then the coachmen
had been let go.
"And montrose himself
"Was sitting
in the dust of the road.
"Rob Roy lifted the wig
of the Duke of montrose
Und"... and, and...
What is this... tweak?
Tweaked his nose.
- Tweaked?
- Yeah.
Tweaked his nose?
- [Speaking german]
- Yes.
Your majesty?
The Duke of argyll
earnestly requests an audience
With his majesty.
[Speaking German]
[Speaking German]
His majesty
will receive him.
Your grace.
His grace,
the Duke of argyll.
Does the Duke not realize
That he's no longer
an accepted person at court?
I do indeed.
Know that I am true
to that great cause.
But I beg of you to explain
to his majesty
That when the safety
of the realm is in danger,
An honest man will go
straight to his king.
Then how many troops
do you propose
To send to the highlands?
I believe 6,000
would be adequate.
To relieve one small fort?
My lord marlborough,
It is not for me to expound
the philosophy of war
To the hero of blenheim and
the first soldier of Europe.
But I must humbly propose
That we follow
your military examples.
And strike a ruthless
and crushing blow
At the head and front
of the trouble.
Oh, well...
I suppose
if the secretary's
Going to cite
my own campaigns against me.
He's right, marlborough.
It's reason and good sense.
Perfectly sound.
I agree, my lord.
I have never questioned
the secretary's wisdom.
My only concern is where I'll
find the money for the troops.
All you can think about,
Is money, money, money.
I'll never mention
the word again, sir...
If you will show me a way
to get along without it.
How, walpole, how montrose,
Majesty, I am astounded
to find his grace of argyll
Admitted to the royal presence.
He more than any other
has been responsible
For thwarting
our secretary's attempt
To capture
the outlaw macgregor.
That I am proud to admit.
Will the countess please
explain to his majesty
That this brave gentleman
Tried to surprise
rob Roy macgregor
At his mother's funeral.
We in the highlands
respect our dead.
My liege, lord.
Mr. walpole will tell you
that the cabinet
Has this day recommended
the immediate dispatch
Of 6,000 soldiers to bring
the highlands under control.
Not one would be needed
were it not for this man.
They'll not need it now.
Send bandits
into our mountains
And they'll be matched
with murdering knives.
But if you will send me
alone and unarmed
To speak the words
a highlander can understand,
I will bring rob Roy macgregor
back with me to London.
The only thing a highlander
can understand is...
[Speaking German]
Here in London?
[Speaking German]
Zehr gut...
[Speaking German]
Get you back to the inn.
Oh, rob.
You cannot do it.
You keep out of this.
I tried to make peace.
I did as you asked, Helen Mary.
As your mother asked.
Aye, and both of you wrong.
I'll trust no man again
unless he be kinsmen to me.
Nor listen to any woman.
And no one will stop me
Blowing those cutthroats
out of the highlands.
[Speaking indistinctly]
Give a hand.
What's in it, lad?
She's loaded with gun powder.
Good, we'll rake them
with it.
Light your head start.
Stand back, macgregor.
Order your men
out of the fort.
If you don't...
You've made a desperate fool
of yourself, macgregor.
And you've made
a fool of me.
I went to the king
to plead your cause.
He heard me out and bade me
bring you to London
To make your peace.
And now, you've committed
an overt act of war,
Which may well be more
than the king can forgive.
Do you think we MacGregors
will bow the knee
To German geordie?
We took this fort.
And we'll hold it against
all your kings.
[All agreeing]
If you do, I'll come back
with an army
And take it from you
Ahh, let him go.
- We need no fear of them.
- We're with you, rob.
- Aye, to the last man.
All: Aye.
You're brave men.
And when
the English armies come
And set
the whole highlands aflame,
Bravely you will die
to the last man.
And then nothing will be left
of the clan macgregor.
Nothing but the women
and the burned houses
And the fatherless bairns,
to tell of your glorious deeds.
Do you think I'll sing
your praises then,
Robert macgregor?
No, I'll say that once
you were a man
Who wanted to save
your people.
You even denied yourself
a wife
That none might suffer
because of you.
I honored you then.
But I do not honor you now.
Oh, now,
the Lassie means well,
But you know how women are.
They'll have you dead
and buried
Before you've done
any fighting at all.
There'll be some fighting
by the time we gather the clans.
We'll gather
all the clans, rob.
Aye, the robertsons
of stranraer
Will join the drummonds of
And the banffshire Gordons
and the good man of the board.
We'll surely meet and go
Then the Stuarts of oban
will come in.
And the mackenzies of kinkill
And the canoms of Murray
on the hill.
And the macclains of mull or...
[Speaking indistinctly]
They'll find a whole swarm
of blue bonnets
A buzzin' about their ears.
Where is rob Roy?
Sire, macgregor
has refused to come.
Worse than that,
He has taken your fort
at inversnaid
And is determined to hold it.
If the other clans join him,
The army these gentlemen
have vantaged upon you
Will be most solemnly needed
In a such a pass,
your majesty.
The only reparation
I can make
Is humbly to offer my sword
against the rebels,
To redeem my failure.
[Speaking German]
[Bagpipes playing]
[Speaking German]
Is this rob Roy?
His majesty awaits you.
I have come to your majesty
Because you sent the Duke
of argyll to me.
I trust him.
And ask his pardon.
From your majesty,
I ask no favor but one.
I beg of you.
Grant amnesty to my clan.
As for me,
you may do what you will.
[Speaking German]
I have heard...
I hear many things.
I hear you've captured
my soldiers and take my fort.
You bring disgrace
upon my clan.
And take my name away from me.
I pray, your majesty.
Let me remove this insolence.
The king does not fear
the bold enemy.
The king fears only
the self seeking friend.
I give you back your sword...
And your name.
Rob Roy macgregor.
You are the great rogue.
And you, sire,
Are a great king.
Oh, it must have been
a wonderful sight, you.
And what happened then?
Right into the palace
we went.
And there in the great hall,
Sitting all alone with his hat
on his head,
Was king geordie.
Glowering out of a great wig.
Oh, I wish I could
have seen him.
And what was he like?
He was like her ladyship's
Galloway nag.
When he's just going
to take a bite out of you.
And you should have seen
the lords and Dukes
With their clipped up breeches.
And wee buttons hanging
about the knees
To clip them up.
And not a man's sword
among them.
And right through
all the courtiers
Bending and bowing like
barley in the wind,
Marches rob.
As proud and as straight
as an evergreen pine.
And he says to the king,
he says, geordie,
I've come to get my name back
and I'll take my pardon now.
Aye, the king liked the look
of rob.
And the king said,
"macgregor," he said
"How would you like to be
My secretary of state
for Scotland?"
And rob said, "I'd do it,
"But I have got to go home now
"And look after my great herds
of cattle.
Give the post back to argyll."
Do you hear that, Helen Mary?
I heard.
When do you think
he'll be back?
Oh, you needn't be looking
for him yet, Lassie.
The way they were wining
and dining,
He won't be back for a week.
And what were
the fine ladies like?
They were covered with jewels
all over.
Great red heathen
carbuncle stones
On their fingers.
And diamonds as big
as duck's eggs
Hanging from their ears.
Were the ladies very...
Were they clothed
very beautiful?
Well, uh, they had
Crocker nonnies
And barbs of ribbon
piled up on their heads.
Oh, and quilt and combs.
And they walked
on wee cloppers
With heels so high
That a man had to carry them
in his arm
For fear they would fall over.
Oh, that must have been
a lovely sight.
The painted hussies.
They better not make
sheep's eyes at our Robbie.
Oh, it's only natural
When a man marches into a town
after a battle,
Swinging along to the skattle
of the pipes.
That the ladies
would look down
From their balconies
and windows
It's perpetually a...
If he's a fine figure of a man
with an eagle feather
Shining in his bonnet
and his tartans flying.