Rob the Mob (2014)

Right there.
What, the liquor store?
No, the flower shop.
Valentine's Day, baby.
Aw, sweetie.
Guess what?
I love you.
Why the fuck would you say...
I told you!
It's Valentine's Day.
I told you, that's bad luck.
Why do you always do that?
I'm superstitious!
You know I'm fucking superstitious.
You look nice.
Like, what do you mean?
Like handsome.
You look handsome. Really?
May I help you?
Uh, how much is a dozen roses?
Twelve for fifteen.
Fifteen dollars a dozen?
Fifteen dollars a dozen.
Can I get a dozen for twelve?
No. You can have twelve
for fifteen,
and I'll put
this pretty card in with it.
Yeah. Give me a card.
What do I write on the card?
Give me all the cash
in the cash register.
Don't move!
Don't move!
Don't move, lady.
Don't move, all right?
I don't want to hurt anyone.
Open the cash register.
Hurry up, come on.
Is this all?
It's Valentine's Day. What kind of
fucking business are you running here?
Happy Valentine's Day, you fuck!
Oh, shit.
You got me flowers!
Fucking drive!
Ms. De Toma,
this is your first offense.
Because your brother
is a transit officer,
I'm giving you
the minimum sentence,
but if I ever see you in my courtroom
again... Can I get a tissue?
I promise you I
will not be so lenient.
Your sentence is three months
at the Rose M. Singer...
Don't fucking touch me.
With one year probation.
Don't... Quiet,
I am quiet!
Mr. Uva... quiet!
I am!
Mr. Uva...
This is your second time here.
Excuse me, Your Honor,
can I approach the bench?
Can I talk to you for a second?
I would like a new lawyer.
Tommy, can we talk for a second?
With no possibility
of probation.
Baby! Baby!
Get them out of here!
Get them both out of my...
Get the fuck off of her,
you fucking asshole!
Fuck you!
You fucking happy now?
Hello, my name is Robert,
and I'm calling from the Lux
Et Veritas Collection Agency.
Mrs. Demarest?
How are you doing?
You feeling better?
Oh, your dog's sick?
Oh, that's too bad.
Yeah, fleas are the worst.
are you ready
to make some payments?
Lady, I don't give a rat's ass
about your dog, all right?
Either you make your payments,
or I'm going to garnish your wages
and you'll be so broke you'll
have to eat your fucking dog.
Oh, you found the check?
Oh, miracles happen.
Thank you for your business.
Good morning.
Hey, Rosie, good morning.
I love your style.
Thank you.
And I think you've got a real future here.
Can I just make one comment?
Okay, I know. The F-bomb,
shouldn't have thrown it.
That, too.
But I think...
I'd like you to try to think
of these people as your friend.
All right?
"A positive spin
will always win."
Oh, my goodness, look at you.
Um, Mr. Lovell?
Oh, yeah...
Sorry. My boyfriend Tommy,
he's been away.
I know that one.
He's a real hard worker
and he really needs a job.
Because he wants to do the spin.
Positive spin.
Positive spin.
Is he willing
to advance his pants?
I am!
Then I might just give him
a second chance.
Oh, look it!
Who are you?
Mr. Lovell, what are you,
a poet and a dancer, too?
You know,
I know I had some money in here.
I had some money
in here, sir. Is it...
Look, I don't expect
to get my money back,
but could I get
a bus pass please?
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Yeah, baby!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Yeah, baby. Yeah, baby.
You miss me, baby?
You know I did.
How much?
A lot.
A lot a lot?
But you were bad though.
With other boys, right?
Yeah, right.
You know it's only you.
Come on, you can tell me.
Don't ever fucking tell me.
I don't want to know.
Come on.
I'm clean.
And, you know,
I want a fresh start.
Yeah, me too.
We got to cool it with that shit.
Fresh start.
We got a brand new life.
We're getting old.
Yeah. I mean kind of.
I got a job.
You did? Really?
What are you doing?
I'm working
at a collection agency.
That's very exciting.
Hey, and if you want,
I can talk to my boss.
His name
is Mr. Lovell,
and he's real sweet, you know?
I don't really think
that's for me.
No, baby. No.
Well, why don't you
think about it?
Well, I can think about it.
I mean, I thought about it.
I don't think it's for me.
Ten years ago,
I was in your very shoes.
Fresh off a stint
and looking for a new start.
Wait, you did time?
Seven months at Otisville.
It was actually one
of my better business ideas.
What I'd do was I would send
out these fake invoices
to all the big companies,
and if it was under a thousand bucks,
they wouldn't check them out.
I netted 800 grand until
Uncle Sam caught me.
That's genius.
Thank you.
I feel small-time.
But what I realized after I
paid my debt to society...
You can't vote anymore.
Is that everyone
deserves a second chance.
You know, I always say that.
Yeah. That's why I hire ex-cons,
like Rabies over here.
Hey, meet Tommy.
New guy.
Hey, what's up, man?
Sex offender,
but actually a nice guy.
So you
only hire ex-cons?
Well, I hire people who have
been abandoned by society.
By everyone but me.
There's nothing to be ashamed of.
Yeah, I'm not ashamed.
Oh, say it again.
Say... I'm not ashamed.
Yes, say it again.
I'm not ashamed.
I'm not ashamed.
I'm so proud of you.
Welcome back.
Oh, my God!
My name is Tommy.
I'm calling from the Lux Et
Veritas Collection Agency.
I'm sitting here,
not so thrilled,
because you owe me $4500.
What do you know about that?
Rich people,
you know what they do.
They pay lobbyists
to write the fucking laws.
Hey, let's cross.
What, for them?
Tommy, in this neighborhood
you give those guys space.
Arguing that Gotti
was responsible...
for other murders as well...
Bunch of greasy old guys
coasting on their reputations.
Bullshit. They used to fuck
with my father every day.
They would humiliate him
because he borrowed money
to start his flower shop.
They were all fucking rats.
Even before RICO.
Who's RICO?
If you see it, then you will...?
Live it!
You will...?
Buy it!
Be it.
Be it! I was going
to say it.
If you see it, you will be it!
If you see it, you will be it!
Yes! Be it!
Yeah, look at that.
Little miss pretty pants
in the front row.
Are you calling me?
Yes, hello.
How you feeling?
What you got going on?
I'm ready to believe it.
Believe it!
Achieve it!
Achieve it!
Succeed it.
All right, take Tommy.
Tommy baby, how you're feeling.
Where's Tommy?
Yeah, I'll be right there.
Hey, Bobby.
How you doing?
Hey, it's good to see you.
Good to see you.
You look good.
Yeah, you too.
You look real good.
Actually, how-how long
you been out?
A little bit now.
Like a month, you know.
I'm just...
I'm getting organized.
So was it
a h-hard time, or...?
No time is easy time.
Yeah, sure.
Hey, so is Mom around?
Uh, nah...
She's not here?
All right, because
I wanted to talk to her.
All right, you'll tell her
I stopped by, right?
Yeah, sure I'll do that.
Look at this, I've still got it.
Hey, you know what?
So I moving in with my girlfriend, Rosie.
That's good.
I really want you guys to meet.
I was figuring that, you know...
I thought that maybe the
three of us could get a beer.
Okay, yeah. Well, you know,
not now you know.
It's just been crazy, crazy busy.
Crazy busy, yeah...
Crazy, crazy busy.
Yeah, well I didn't mean
like right now.
No, sure.
You know, when you're free.
Yeah, maybe.
Oh, Jesus.
I haven't seen
this picture in so long.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah... Look at that.
You remember that?
Yeah, yeah...
Well, you know, things change.
You know, Bobby,
I was thinking...
You know, maybe
I could come back.
Yeah? We could turn this
into something, you know?
We could get it making
some money, I think.
You know, with some help.
You know, I mean...
yeah, I could talk to Ma, you know.
Would you talk to her?
I mean, I can't make any promises,
but you know...
That'd be amazing if you could talk...
I need you to recut these
and add some more...
Hey, Ma.
Pink to them, please.
And I need some help
in the back.
Hey... Ma, seriously?
You're not even
going to say hello?
Yeah. Hello.
What do you need? Money?
No, I... I don't
need anything. I just...
When do we see you, huh, Tommy?
Either you need bail
or you're in trouble.
Come on, Ma.
Stop it.
You come around
only when you need things
and then you leave,
and you go on again, and it's bye-bye.
And then I'm stuck here
every night wondering
if the next time I see you,
I'm burying you.
Don't say that.
All right? I just... Things are
going to be different, all right?
I'm doing better.
I'm picking up the pieces.
- Bobby, go back to work.
- Okay.
You know next week,
maybe we could grab that beer. Yeah?
Yeah. Yeah.
I want to do that, you know. Okay.
You know, I want you
to meet Rosie.
Yeah, Rosie. Yeah.
We can start your payments
at 25 a month.
Yeah. You're welcome.
You're dealing with a bureaucracy,
So you got to think
like a bureaucrat.
I'm going to tell you what to do.
You listening to me?
You fill out the slip.
Right? You send it in.
But you don't put
any money inside, right?
Then you call,
and you raise hell.
"Yeah, I paid you. I paid you.
Don't you have the slip?"
And they say, "Yes,
we have the slip but we don't..."
And then you say,
"Well, you lost my check!"
I'm telling you, it's going
to buy you like six months.
I'm serious.
Positive thinking!
I can't believe
how old Bobby Pills got.
And he just walks in with the
hounds tooth jacket and I'm like Jesus!
That's not Bobby Pills, that's Tony.
That's Tony Caruso.
- That's Tony Caruso..
- Yeah, Tony's the snake.
He's always changing it.
That's why he got the nickname Slippery.
They couldn't find him, ever.
When they'd finally tag him,
he'd have the perfect alibi.
His wife got on the stand
and said,
"Yeah, Tony couldn't have
whacked Jimmy
"because every Friday night,
Tony's with his mistress."
And his wife said it?
His wife told them that, yeah.
All right, I'm going
to go back up.
That man.
John Gotti.
I do what he says, when he says.
He tells me to jump, I jump.
It's always been that way.
He's the boss.
Now, by boss you mean...
The Skipper, the Chief,
the Capo-regime.
He's the boss
of the Gambino Family.
And he told me
to take care of it.
Take care of it?
To whack. Ice him.
Smoke him. Get rid of him.
Kill him.
Can you talk to me
about the night of August 20th?
We was at a sit down
at the Pizalo Club
over on Union Avenue.
That's the Mafia Social Club
at 140 Union Avenue?
Objection, Your Honor.
Move to strike the word
'Mafia' from the record.
There is no such thing
as a Mafia.
It is just
an ugly ethnic stereotype.
So at this social club,
you had your gun with you?
No. No guns in the club.
It's against the rules...
Guns and wiseguys is a bad mix.
You'll love the ocean view.
And you're going to have to
put down some big credit, too.
Like your life.
Don't fuck with me.
All right. Later.
Uh, is this the library?
It's a private club.
Is there a library
on this block?
This is 140, right?
140 Union?
Get the fuck out of here.
Okay. All right.
All right.
You think I can get a drink?
You have Campari?
Go on, get the fuck out of here!
Okay, I'm going
to get the fuck out of here.
Fucking jerk off.
Hey, baby.
Hello, you don't just walk
out of your job
whenever you feel like it.
"Rosie, do you need help?"
Can I help you, baby?
Did you get peanut butter?
Where were you?
I went to one of those social clubs.
Like a mafia social club?
Yeah, the Italian social club
out on Union Avenue.
I was curious, you know.
So I walked in.
You know what
was going on in there?
Nothing was going on.
Absolutely nothing.
A bunch of old guys
playing cards.
You know, there's no guns
allowed in those clubs.
Did you know that?
Oh, yeah?
Where did you hear that?
At the Gotti trial.
You went to the Gotti trial?
Before the social club.
Now you're,
like... Now you're freaking me out.
What are you,
like a fucking groupie?
You know Sammy the Bull?
No, I don't know Sammy.
You know Sammy the Bull.
Well, I saw Sammy the Bull
today, on trial.
He was giving his testimony, right?
And he said that.
He said, "Wiseguys and guns is a bad mix.
"No guns allowed
in the club."
because they're actually social clubs,
like they hang out
like they're normal people.
Yeah, right.
Like they're normal people.
They're not doing anything.
I got to thinking, baby like...
when I walked in there, I mean,
wiseguys, they got cash.
I mean, a lot of fucking cash, right?
I could clean them out.
I mean, like, clean them out.
No, no, no.
You're not serious, are you?
Please don't tell me
you're fucking serious.
I'm just saying it's easy money.
I'm just saying, baby.
Give me all your money!
Give me all your fucking money!
Give me all your money!
A spokesman from Mayor
Denkins office denied all allegations.
In Manhattan, a grand jury
has rejected an indictment
against reputed crime family
boss Alfonse Fiorello,
citing lack
of credible evidence.
The reclusive Fiorello
has long been thought
to be behind the assassination of Gambino
family associate Anthony "Clams" Opstrepo
an incident that sparked
an inter-family war
which resulted in the murder
of Robert Fiorello,
he only son of the alleged boss.
The FBI has long sought
to prove that Fiorello,
a Brooklyn-based owner
of a food importing business,
is, in fact, the head of the
notorious Vazallo crime family,
but the Feds have been consistently
thwarted by the shroud
that surrounds Fiorello.
Daryl Strawberry
will be returning to train
for the first time since
exchanging his Mets uniform
for Dodger blue.
Marissa. Hey,
miss pussy.
Now this is for Tommy.
And this is
for my biggest earner.
That's me!
Thank you.
We're going to have
to sell your car.
My father gave me that car.
I am not selling the car.
Well, then we're going to have
to go back to your mother's...
I am not going back
to my mother's!
Well, then we're going
to have to go to plan B.
Okay, what's plan B?
Plan B, baby.
Yes. Tell me.
Listen, just hear me out.
Oh, no!
No. No.
Honey, listen,
they're criminals.
They're not going
to call the cops.
And the cops aren't
going to fucking care
if we rip off
some fucking wiseguys.
Look, we get in the car,
you drive me to the
end of this corner,
I run in, five minutes,
and then bam!
We're outta there.
What happens if you go to jail?
What do you mean?
What are you talking about jail?
Who's going to jail? Who's going to jail?
I'm not going to jail.
That's why this is good.
All we need is a grand,
maybe 1500 bucks,
and then we're over this hump
and then we can go back
to business as usual.
What happens if you get hurt?
No one is getting hurt.
Nobody is going
to get hurt, baby.
Hey, if you've got
a better idea,
don't be quiet.
I don't.
All you got to do is drive.
That's all you got to do.
No one is going to get hurt.
All right.
Just relax.
I been working on this.
I said I'll think about it.
I'm not saying yes, though.
What the fuck is that?
Whoa, what?
What is that?
Oh, my God!
What? It's an eggplant.
No, next to the eggplant!
Oh, shit, I'm sorry.
I forgot I had this in there.
What is that?
It's... listen.
Oh, my God!
Overwhelming force.
If it works
for the U.S. Army,
it's going
to fucking work for us.
Now please, I need your help
because I have no idea
how to use this thing.
Don't bring it in here.
You're better
with mechanics than me.
I think I fucking broke it.
You turn it to the left.
Turn what to the left?
If you move this.
Hold it like that.
What would I do without you?
Pull over. Pull over.
We just passed it.
What are you doing?
Pull over. I can't do this.
You can't...
you can't do what?
I can't.
I cannot.
I cannot go back to jail, Tommy.
I'm not going
back to jail either.
Rosie, I need you, baby.
Just this one time,
like we talked about.
Just to get ahead.
Make a U-ey.
Those are our new bed sheets.
It's a pillowcase.
Yeah, but it's part of a set!
I thought a trash bag would rip.
Oh, God.
You mine?
I'm yours.
Yeah, baby.
I love you.
Don't fucking say it!
I told you it's... Fine,
I don't love you.
Shut the fuck up!
You shut the fuck up!
- Shut the fuck up, I swear to God.
- Shut the fuck...
Shut the fuck up right now!
Stop it.
Put your hood on.
Keep your eyes open.
Keep the car running.
Can I help you?
Yeah. Yeah.
Whoa, whoa,
are you fucking kidding me?
All right, this is a robbery.
Hey, get the fuck over there.
Come on, come on!
Get the fuck over there.
No one behind me, all right?
Kid, you know
where the fuck you are?
Yeah, I'm at 140 Union Avenue.
I got the address right, right?
Yeah, that's it.
That's the address.
Yeah, then I know where I am.
All right, I want everything!
I want everything.
I want your fucking...
I want your... I want your... your-your,
you know, your chains.
Your fucking watches.
I want your fucking rings.
I want your fucking wallets.
I want your fucking rolls.
I want everything!
Wait, wait.
Hold on.
What is this, a Halloween costume?
What are you doing?
No, this fucking thing
is real, man!
Is this Gotti? Did Gotti
put you up to this?
Hey, do you think I'm
fucking playing around here?
I don't know what's going on.
Kid, take your... take your... Kid,
take your finger off the trigger.
That's right!
Okay, listen now.
No one is going to get fucking hurt,
all right?
All right, come here.
Come here and hold this shit.
Yeah, okay.
Gorgeous, right?
Hold the fucking sack.
Everything inside the sack.
Everything inside the fucking sack.
Hey kid, let me
tell you something.
I'm going to find you,
and when I find you...
you're going to fucking die!
I'm going to fucking die?
That's right.
I'm going to fucking die?
Everyone fucking dies!
Everything inside!
Inside with this stupid fucking hair!
This stupid fucking hair!
This stupid fucking hair!
Everything in there.
Hey, what the fuck!
What are those?
Are those... hey!
Are those Italian?
Give me the shoes.
I want the shoes, too!
I want your goddamn shoes.
Put your fucking shoes
in the bag. In the bag.
In the fucking bag, Gorgeous.
Stupid fucking guinea.
Stupid fucking...
Yeah, you heard me!
All right, now everyone...
I want everyone to lie down.
Now lie down.
Oh, come on.
Lie down on the goddamn ground.
Lie down on the ground.
Lie the fuck down!
Lay down on the floor.
Face down!
Now you lie on top of him.
Pops, get on top of him.
Just like that.
Look, I said lie on top of him.
That's what I mean.
Now lie on top of him.
Yeah, just...
yeah, like that.
I ain't no fucking queer!
Now you, lay down.
Lay down!
Now move your hips.
Yeah, just like...
yeah, like you're fucking
him in the ass!
Just like that!
You get on top of him.
Yeah... hey! You!
Come on, chubby, over here!
Fuck him in the ass!
You're fucking dead.
Everybody... oh, I'm fucking dead.
Where the fuck is my camera?
This is for Frank Uva!
Open it! Rosie, fucking open the door.
I'm trying!
Open it!
Rosie, open the goddamn door!
Pull it on the handle!
Pull? I am fucking pulling it!
I'm trying to open it!
Push on it! Push it down.
Oh, my God!
Who the fuck was that?
Pull it! God!
I can't fucking believe...
Go! Go!
You're in fucking reverse!
Shut the fuck up!
Don't drive stupid.
I'm not robbing the fucking mob
and then getting pinched by the
cops on a fucking traffic beef!
Then what did you do?
What could I do?
I gave him the money.
There were ten guys in here.
You couldn't take him?
The kid was waving an Uzi, Sal.
And you were waving your prick.
Respectfully, that's not fair.
Hey, go fuck yourself!
Fair? What am I,
your mother?
You want a hug?
So who's this kid with the Uzi?
Is he one of Gotti's crew?
That's what I thought,
but I ain't never seen this kid
at no weddings or no wakes.
I think he's the kid who came in last week.
What kid?
The kid who mentioned 140 Union.
The kid who peeked in the door?
Yeah, it was him.
You going to tell the Boss?
He already knows.
On my way over there now.
What does he know?
That you guys got robbed.
You got held up.
Why? Did something
else happen?
No. We got robbed.
What else happened?
Nothing, I swear.
A fucking headache
I didn't need.
Today of all days.
What do you say, Ange?
Hey, Carrie.
Listen, I want you to know that
I think about Bobby every day,
not just on this day.
My husband's been dead
a long time, Sal.
It's my son you should
be thinking about.
Okay Robbie, let's review.
So you get the risotto.
You get enough to make
a nice, big rice ball.
Like a baseball?
Like a baseball, exactly.
Then you make
a little hole like that,
get it ready for the meat,
for the cheese.
You take a little meat,
you stuff it in there.
A little mozzarella. Put it in there.
Then you close it up.
Put it in the egg wash.
Then you put it
in the breadcrumbs,
and dust it off
with little breadcrumbs.
And this is
an important part here.
You take a toothpick, and you make
a little hole like that, right?
So when you put it in the oil,
the oil goes in there
and melts the cheese, right?
Got it.
Rice balls.
Your grandpa makes
a hell of a rice ball, pal.
The most complicated thing I was
ever supposed to do, arancinis.
That's it.
Arancini, Robbie.
What's that mean?
"Little orange
of rice." Right?
And what's the most important
thing in a rice ball?
The rice?
Everything but the rice.
The love and the patience.
It's worth it, right?
That's right. Mm-hmm.
Okay Robbie, take your Ma a rice ball.
Me and Uncle Sal are going
to do some business, okay?
Got it. All right, big kiss.
Love you.
People all over Long Island talked
about Fiorello's Mobile Lunches.
You couldn't make
those rice balls fast enough.
That was a different life
back then.
Back then, all I was concerned
with was building my business,
looking after my family.
My boy Bobby
had just been born then.
It's eight years, Sal.
It's been eight years
since they took my boy out.
May he be at rest.
It killed my Missus.
So that thing
we need to discuss.
Not in these days, Sal.
Eagles don't hunt flies.
They scare them.
You sure?
Yeah, I'm sure.
I really like it.
It's nice.
It's a very nice piece.
- You like it?
- Yeah.
How much?
With tax, I could give it
to you, six hundred.
It's a good deal.
How about like 540? No.
Five... hey!
Hey, how about a trade?
What you got?
That's what I've got.
Where did you get this?
My father left it to me.
Oh, your father's.
All right.
No, thank you.
What, no thank you?
What do you mean "No, thank you"?
I'm not interested.
Thank you.
What are you talking about? Listen,
you know this didn't come from your father.
Next time, come in
with a better line.
Come on.
Okay, are you kidding me?
Like this place
is fucking legit?
Like all this stuff is legit.
Take him out of here.
Don't look at her.
Don't look at her! Fuck you!
Get out of my store.
Get this guy.
Look at that!
Look at that!
They covered the fucking line!
That touchdown
just cost me ten G's!
Dom, there's a flag on the play!
Oh, look at this! A flag, a flag!
It's coming back!
Oh! Listen to me.
I don't know this ref, I swear.
All right, this is a stickup!
But he's okay in my book.
Hey. Yo!
This is a stickup!
What do you want?
He pushed off this fucking guy!
Shit! Hey, hey!
Get on. Get on! What?
This is a fucking stickup!
This is how it's going to work.
I want your fucking chains.
I want your watches.
I want your rings.
I want your fucking cash. What the fuck?
I want your fucking
firstborn children!
You know whose club this is?
Whose club is this?
It's my fucking club!
That's whose club it is.
My club. My club today!
You're making a big fucking mistake here,
I'll tell you that.
Oh, my God!
You think I'm fucking around?
Is that a fucking machine gun?
Yo, goomba,
grab that spaghetti bowl.
Grab it! Grab it and put it
on the fucking table!
Calm down, everybody calm down.
Put it on the table!
Put it on the fucking table!
Hey, whatever he wants.
All the cash inside!
I swear to God...
Is he holding up the place?
Everything. Everything.
Your fucking chains!
Come on, give me
that shit. Everything!
Yo, what are you doing?
Where are you?
What, are you on vacation?
You think this is a good idea?
Yeah, I think it's a great idea.
Do you know why?
Because I'm fucking stupid, that's why!
Now give me this shit!
Nobody's got to get hurt.
Get over there. Get the fuck over there!
Get over there!
Take it easy.
Go ahead. You got it.
You got it.
Just take it and go.
We're doing what you want, okay?
We don't want a cowboy here.
All right, now here's
what I want you to do.
I want everyone to strip.
I said take your goddamn clothes off!
Come on.
You're making a big
fucking mistake here!
I want all the fucking
clothes off, come on!
Let's go!
All right, all right, all right.
Take them off!
Come on! Let's go!
They're going to kill him.
They're going to take his balls,
cut them off his body,
and put them in his ears.
He's going to have ball earrings,
this fucking kid.
They're going
to take his picture,
then they're going to kill him.
Somebody called the cops.
First stake down here.
Who's calling
the fucking cops, goddamn it!
Everything on the fucking table! Let's go!
Hey, back up. Back up.
You're too close to me.
You're fucking too close to me.
Who bought that shit
for you, your wife?
Oh, my God!
All right.
This is for Frank Uva.
- He's coming out now.
- Get it, get him.
Who's got a fucking piece?
Who's got a piece?
Go! Go!
Take a picture!
The cam's dead or something.
Move out of the way!
Are you keeping track
of all this?
I'm not...
Seven eight,
nine, ten! 25,
30,000 dollars in cash
on this fucking table,
and that's not including
the gold or the fucking silver.
John broke every rule in
the book doing what he did.
Can you imagine?
Wearing fancy suits,
strutting around town like he
was some kind of movie star.
Taking out your own boss
in the middle of the street.
He brought this all on himself.
Man, he's going
to ruin this life, John.
I mean, if he didn't make us look
like a bunch of fucking idiots,
those two kids wouldn't be out
there knocking over our clubs.
Those two kids
are still out there?
What, are you on vacation?
With John on trial and the whole
city waiting for a verdict,
I mean, this is
a sensitive situation we're in.
It's embarrassing, Sal.
Well, maybe if you would
have let me take care of it
when we should have
taken care of it
it wouldn't be
so embarrassing right now.
And then what, Sal?
Blood on your hands?
Blood on my hands?
Fuck it, come on.
So I'm shylocking out of the
old Waikiki joint. Shylocking?
Loaning out money.
A point a week.
That's Sammy the Bull.
25 per cent per year.
That's the fucking rat.
Credit card rates.
You could say that.
Some guys charge two,
three points.
It's too much.
People get in trouble.
They can't pay you back.
what happens if they don't pay you?
Don't pay me.
You got no choice.
I'm cracking your head open
with a baseball bat.
You know, Sal,
I never was supposed to be who I am.
I was just a guy
and a food truck
making rice balls for a living.
Everybody thought I should open up
my own restaurant, right? Yeah.
But where was I going to get
the money for a sit down?
I didn't even have money
to pay my own rent.
But then one day, someone
asks me to make a delivery.
So I say why not, you know.
It's on my route anyway,
so I said okay.
So he handed me
a manila envelope.
That one delivery,
it bought my son a bicycle.
Then pretty soon I'm dropping off
manilas all over Long Island.
But then one day,
a manila came up short.
Fifty Gs short.
So everybody's looking at me
because I'm the guy
driving a food truck
making rice balls for a living.
Nobody knows this, Sal.
Come on, who took it?
It was Tony Vella.
Tony Vella?
Tony Vella,
who used to run the whole north shore?
So I went to see him.
Pretty soon, Tony Vella,
he didn't run
the north shore no more.
He didn't run any shore no more.
Whoa, whoa, whoa
wait a minute, AI.
Are you telling me that
you took out Tony Vella?
He made me look like a fool.
Thought I'd just roll over and
take the lumps from the boys.
Leave his office
with my tail between my legs.
I was just trying
to take care of my family, Sal.
And that's when I got the call.
The boys came to pick me up,
they took me in.
I thought they
were going to take me out.
Of course, you can't
take out a made guy!
So they put me in a room.
You're talking about...
Our boss.
It turns out Tony Vella had been
skimming off the top for years.
So, he was thankful.
He took care of me, Sal.
He offered me a loan.
He gave me a restaurant.
I thought I was taking care
of my family.
Now here I am.
Mrs. Hoffman, look,
it's very simple.
You leave the keys in the car,
poof, the car goes missing.
No more car payments.
Yeah, my cousin Nicky
will pick it up.
Yeah, he's got
a chop-shop.
Well, then what's your big idea?
I'm just trying
to help you out here.
You know, Mrs. Hoffman,
I'm on parole.
I can't have this conversation.
you're not going to believe what this...
Listen to this.
"If I went in
and robbed a church
"and came out with a steeple
sticking out of my...
" ass, I'd never plea."
Did you read this?
I just can't get enough Gotti.
It's crazy!
I know, it's great. Amazing.
Oh we follow, do you follow?
Oh, yeah.
Do you follow the Gotti trial?
Oh, yeah.
So do we.
It's going on today, right now.
I mean, it's going on right now.
If we weren't here,
we'd be at the trial.
Anybody can go to the trial?
You just walk in.
You don't need a badge?
No, anyone can just walk in.
Yeah. Anybody can go?
Oh, yeah.
You know, we should go.
Mr. Lovell,
I really think that you
will find it very fascinating.
I know because
of your mind. Your mind.
I can't and you can't.
We're working.
I'm the boss.
I don't understand,
you're the boss.
I mean,
the only guy who can do that is the boss.
You tell this punk,
I, me, John Gotti,
will sever your motherfucking
head off, cocksucker.
Now Mr. Gravano, would you explain
Mr. Gotti's words for the Court?
Oh, yeah.
John was upset.
One of our soldiers didn't want
to go to Spark's Steak House.
See, that, the rat,
Sammy the Bull.
Steaks at Spark's are all right.
He didn't want to be part
of the hit on Paul Castellano.
Why not?
This is amazing.
Right? Are you happy?
You look so happy.
- I am...
- And get them all to agree to it.
Now Mr. Gotti said that he was
going to ask for permission?
Yeah, he was going over to Waikiki
Club to get it straightened out.
That's the social club
at 103rd Avenue in Queens.
Big AI's joint.
Now, did Mr. Gotti receive
permission to kill Mr. Castellano?
Nah. AI...
That's Alfonse Fiorello?
Yeah, Big AI told John
to fuck off.
See, it ain't easy getting
permission to whack a boss.
It violates the natural order.
A mouse don't attack a lion.
And you don't whack a boss.
I almost couldn't show
for our monthly meeting.
Could I get a glass of water?
I figured the poet laureate
of pimps and scumbags
would be over
at the 'Trial of the Century.'
I'll be there for the verdict.
I don't need to watch Gotti
toy with you guys again.
You sound burnt out.
Maybe you ought
to retire, write a book.
Don't all you newspaper guys got a
novel buried somewhere in your heart?
Yeah, I don't want
to write a novel.
I'm trying to find a six
letter word for marsupial.
Maybe this will cheer you up.
What is this?
What the fuck is this?
This isn't real.
You recognize that guy?
Bobby D?
What is it?
Seriously, what's going on?
Two kids, they held up
two social clubs.
Kid walks in with an Uzi,
cleans the place out,
and what are these guys going to do,
call the cops?
Who's this?
Who's doing this?
I told you, two kids.
Who? What, local kids?
Who-who are they?
Where are they from? No fucking idea.
A boy and a girl.
A girl?
A girl is doing this?
Yeah, she drives the car,
he holds the gun.
Why are they in their underwear?
What's going on?
I couldn't tell you.
Maybe they stole their pants too,
I don't know.
Thirty years
I've been doing this.
I never thought them for boxers,
I'll tell you that.
Yeah, I'm thankful
for the boxers, believe me.
That was incredible.
Kill that guy. Whack that guy.
"A mouse
never attacks a lion."
Yeah, I'm going to use that.
Put it up on the board.
Baby, let me get a cigarette.
Hey, mouse.
Hey, I'm just a mouse.
Yeah, I'm a lion.
Fuck off.
I can't attack you.
You know what's crazy to me is
that Giuliani started all this.
Yeah, that's the guy.
So it's like an Italian taking
down an Italian. That takes balls.
"You never, ever
go against your own blood."
Well, my editor
is going to like this.
Yeah, but you can't have these.
What do you mean?
Do you want a story or don't you?
I gave you the story.
You can't have these photos.
They're classified.
So lose one.
I need a picture.
You want a front story,
I need a picture.
a writer.
You paint the picture
with your words.
No, no, no, no,
no one is going to believe
I'm going to write this story.
I-I-I'm looking at the picture
and I don't believe it.
I need a picture.
You want a front page, I need a picture.
Look at that.
That's gold right there.
All right.
You can have one.
But I want that on the front page.
You got it.
You did that on purpose, right?
You made me promise you
a front page.
I can't promise.
I didn't say I promised.
Those guys are psychotic.
They don't belong in jail.
They belong in a psych ward.
And those names, Big AI and Fat Tony.
What was that club?
Waikiki Club.
The Waikiki, yeah.
Where the fuck did he say
that was again?
Waikiki was
like, in Asia, right?
Yeah, he
said Asia. Yeah.
No, it's a state of America.
Okay, yeah. Good one.
Waikiki, America.
I don't know what kind
of America you live in.
Where was that social club?
Avenue, right?
I'm standing fat.
What the fuck?
All right.
All right, this is a robbery.
What did he say?
I said this is a robbery.
A robbery.
I want all your fucking rolls.
There's no food here.
It's a bar
I don't want
a roll with butter on,
I want your cash, old man.
I want your cash.
Come on. Everything.
Yes, yes, yes.
Put it... Come on, pick it up.
Put everything... Gramps,
where the hell you going?
Over there, come on.
I don't have nothing.
Oh, yeah? What's that?
What's that?
Nice try. Nice try,
old man. Nice try.
Yeah, you don't have anything.
I need that wallet.
Take the money.
I need that wallet, please.
You're not getting the wallet back.
Please... Take the money.
That's for my liver.
That's for my prostate.
My false teeth,
do you want them?
M-m-my wife gave me
that wallet.
Tell her to buy you a new fucking wallet.
She's dead.
Have a little decency.
And I need my bus pass.
Listen, if you're going to give him
his bus pass, I want mine, too.
It's only fair, you know.
It's fair.
Nobody's getting their bus pass!
Come on, sir. You look
like a good kid.
Come on.
Come on. Please...
Come on.
Need my head examined.
What color is it? Black.
Here. Here's your wallet.
That's brown! Black!
Come on. Hold on.
I got it, I got it, I got it.
Here's your fucking wallet,
all right?
Take the money.
I'm taking the money.
What the hell is this,
five dollars?
Take my money,
but give me the wallet.
You know what?
I don't have time for this bullshit!
I don't have time for this.
I got to go.
Come here, you little fuck, you!
Hey! Hey!
Just leave the wallet here.
You know, he still
can throw a punch.
Come here! You don't know what
you're doing, you little prick!
Fuck this.
Is this it?
That's it. I told you.
A bunch of senior
citizens in there.
How does this thing work?
On. You press on.
Obviously, I'm pushing on.
If you yell at it, that's what
actually makes it go on.
Oh Rosie, just...
I mean, Jesus Christ.
Did you see this?
Little Anthony
Vinnie Jimmy the Cheese
Wait a minute, let me see.
What is that?
Let me see this.
You know what this is?
It's the family tree.
This is
the entire Vazallo family.
What do these initials mean?
"A." Associate. "C." Capo.
Underboss. Do you know what the
fucking feds would do for this?
Get on their knees and start sucking.
Well you see, the Mafia's defense,
their entire defense is that
they just deny that they exist.
They deny
that they're organized.
This is all mapped out for them.
This proves they're organized.
Look, it's got
the ranking, everything.
Who talked to the paper?
Listen to this. "A pair of Mafia
social clubs have been robbed
"by a lone gunman who marches
into the secret societies
"waving an automatic weapon.
"A female companion waits
for him outside
"while he empties
the gangster's pockets.
"The pair, who have reportedly earned
the nickname Bonnie and Clyde,
"then drive off in a gun-metal
gray Buick Century."
This is bad.
They want us to talk.
I don't fucking know,
whoever wrote
the fucking article.
How can they want us to talk
if they don't know who we are?
Listen. Rose?
Are you listening to me?
Yes. It's not the fucking cops,
No. It can't be
the fucking cops.
Right. Because if
it was the cops...
If it was the fucking cops,
right, we'd be arrested.
But it's not the Mafia.
Because they're embarrassed. And we'd
be in the back in the trunk by now.
So who the fuck is it?
Where the hell would they
fucking get a picture like this?
You know what?
We should call them.
Call who? Who?
The mob guys.
Oh yeah, we should call them.
What the fuck
are you talking about?
We have to get to them
before they get to us.
Hey, hey, hey,
you want that good stuff.
Here you go.
Did you hear me?
We can't fucking call them.
We got this list. It's not worth
nothing if they don't know we have it.
So call them and blackmail them?
Say we got the fucking list
so don't fuck with us.
Because why?
We're fucking crazy!
Who should we call?
Hey, Vinny?
How's it going?
Yeah, it's going fantastic. We're having a
bowl of soup and ice skating. Who is this?
Bonnie and Clyde, motherfucker!
Come on, who is this?
Is this a joke?
You know,
I was just checking in.
I just wanted to give you
some hair compliments.
You know, I'm wearing
your fucking shoes right now.
Oh yeah, motherfucker?
You like the shoes?
How about I put them back on
and I fucking kick your ass
until both shoes are shitty?
How'd you get this number?
How did I get your number?
Vinny, I don't just got
your number.
I got your number,
I got your fucking rank.
I got your nickname.
By the way, you're pretty low
on the list.
What's the list?
What the fuck are you talking about?
I have everyone.
Trace the call.
The entire fucking family,
all the way up to Big AI. That's right.
What are you telling me for?
Vinny, I want you
to tell everyone.
I mean all your fucking
grease ball friends.
It's the same kid
from the holdup.
Fuck with us, and every single
Fed is going to have this list.
How about you fucking
hang up the phone
and you go fuck your mother.
Right now.
Let me reiterate,
motherfucker. All right?
I got a will.
In that fucking will,
I got a P.O. box.
In that P.O. box,
I got a list.
Anything happens to us,
I mean, man, anything!
Anything happens to me
or fucking Bonnie,
we're going to take the whole
fucking family down, asshole.
That was so good!
That was good?
What are you wearing, tights?
It's just fucked up, Sal.
You're telling me.
I just got off the phone with Clyde.
Clyde who?
Bonnie and fucking Clyde, Sal.
This Clyde? How the fuck
did he get the number?
That's what I asked him,
but he's talking about he's got "the list".
A list?
Vinny, he said a list?
Talking about he's got
names and ranks.
Goes all the way up to Big AI.
What the fuck is the list, Sal?
It's a pact.
A guy gets picked up
for something, whatever,
he calls the guy with the list
who lets them all know
the other guy's in trouble
before the Feds can get to them.
That way the Feds
can't get everyone
to rat each other out.
And this guy carries the list with him?
Yeah. Joey D.
Anthony? It's Monday afternoon.
Where's Joey D today?
Joey D is at the Miracle Lanes
Bowling Center.
All right, pal.
Make sure you feed him.
Bowling shoes!
I'm going to bring you your food.
Just stay where you are.
I'm going to stay here.
I will not go away from here.
I will stay here.
Yeah, that's good.
I'm going to bring you the food.
You can do that.
And I'll-I'll eat it.
- Cardozo.
- Mr. Cardozo...
I read your story
in today's paper
and I am disappointed
in its many inaccuracies.
Yeah? Okay, I'm sorry
about that, lady.
I said no cheese, Gary.
Yeah, so I read
in your article today
that you said that we held up
a pair of social clubs.
Right? And so I looked it up,
and in the dictionary it says that...
Yeah, so a pair is a set
of two things used together
or regarded as a unit.
Two mated animals, nasty.
Two playing cards.
Yeah, so a pair is two,
and we hit three, so joke's on you.
Listen to me, I don't know
if you're for real or not,
and I don't have time
for make believe, okay?
So if this is bullshit,
you're not helping me,
you're not helping yourself
but if this is real,
if this is who I think it is,
then what you're doing is fucking great.
People are talking about you.
People have opinions about you.
It's on everybody's mind,
but none of that shit matters.
The only thing that matters is,
what's your story?
People want to know that.
Why don't we meet?
And have you turn me in
to the cops? No, thank you.
No, no, no.
I haven't spent thirty years
covering the mob
by giving away my sources, ever.
I mean, we should get together
and talk about this. Maybe.
Where do you want to meet?
Where do you live?
You know Queens?
I'm from Queens.
No shit!
Me, too.
That's funny.
So anywhere.
Pick a place.
You like pizza?
I do eat pizza.
Remember you put
your finger like that,
you open the bail.
I'm going to let you reel it in this time,
all right?
Then you throw it out there.
Whoa, that's far.
Yeah. Now you catch the bail
and reel it in.
Yeah? Hello?
Yeah, hello.
Put AI on the phone.
Who is this?
Who is this?
Who the fuck are you?
Fuck you.
Put AI on the phone.
There's no one here
by that name.
There's no one there named AI?
You better find somebody
named fucking AI.
Big AI. Fiorello.
Does that sound about right?
41 Ocean Avenue, Howard Beach?
Oh, you fancy, huh?
Listen, you got some crazy fucking list,
you know what I'm saying?
And I got it. And that's what
I am trying to explain to you.
I got
a fucking P.O. box.
Yeah, and in that P.O. box,
I got a will.
And in that will it says you better
not fucking mess with me or my man,
you understand me?
Hey, AI.
Get over here. Get over here!
Get over here.
She called me, Sal. She called me at
my house and got me on the phone.
I've been violated here.
Who gave her my number?
AI, it's a helluva lot worse
than one phone number.
So she told me.
Who gave it up?
Joey D, but it wasn't his fault.
He had it in his wallet
when the kid jacked him.
He had it in his wallet?
In his wallet? Yeah.
How the hell are you going to let
a guy old enough to be a statue
carry that shit
in his wallet, Sal?
Someone's got to keep track.
We figured Joey's so old school,
he'd be the last one to give it up.
Can I trust you, Sally?
Of course.
Call a meeting tonight.
Seven o'clock. My club. All right.
I want everyone there.
Tell them I'm catering dinner.
You're really going in, AI?
Everyone, Sal.
You get me that list
at all costs.
You get me that list
at all costs!
Okay, skip. Okay.
Hey. Hey!
So how are you doing, fellas.
How you doing, boss?
Thanks for coming out.
I'm starving.
Garlic bread.
You guys see this garlic bread?
I'm sorry, AI.
You all know what's transpired.
And the potential ramifications
of the trail. Correct?
Right, boss.
Right, boss.
Unity is the only solution
in times of crisis.
Our principles, our honor,
sacrifice, and above all...
That's right.
If we throw away our solidarity,
we throw away
our strength. Correct?
That's right, boss.
How's the family?
They're fine, thanks.
And the little one?
He's getting bigger every day, AI.
Can I trust you, Vinny?
With your life, boss.
Let me put it
to you another way.
If you want to run a food truck,
you got to keep it clean, right?
That's right, boss.
And I don't mean run a rag
over the counter clean.
I'm talking about top to bottom,
get down on your knees and scrub clean,
right? That's right, boss.
Otherwise, you get rats.
You got one rat,
you get two rats.
Pretty soon you got rat shit
in your rice balls.
How are you doing, Anthony?
I'm all right.
Good. Feeling good?
where's Joey D?
Joey D couldn't
make it here tonight.
He's not feeling so good.
Enough said.
So I got something for you,
I know I wasn't always there.
And I know I wasn't much help.
But maybe this will help.
W-where did you make
this much money, Tommy?
When you talking about, Bobby?
Take it.
Where did you get it?
It doesn't matter.
What you mean it doesn't matter?
Where did you get
this much money?
It doesn't fucking
matter where I got it.
I just want you to have it.
I just want you to have it, Bobby.
I'm trying to say I'm sorry.
Bobby, look...
I know what you did, all right?
I know you did everything.
I know I was a shitty
older brother.
Bobby, I know you
took care of the shop.
I know you took care of Mom.
I'm trying to say
that I appreciate it.
I'm trying to say thank you.
Thank you?
Yeah, thank you.
W-w-what, you think
you can just walk in here
ten years later, say thank you,
and then everything
is going to be okay?
Well, no.
Where were you, Tommy?
I was fucked up, Bobby.
I was fucked up.
I'm sorry, Bobby.
Bobby, I'm sor... look,
that's the point, all right?
Sometimes you do
everything right.
You run the shop,
you pay your bills,
and you're the guy
that gets fucked!
I mean, look at Pop. Look,
he broke his fucking back on this place.
Look what it got him.
It's no one's fault.
Bobby, I...
Just take the money.
Your father
did everything right.
Up every morning, early.
No man worked harder than him.
I know that.
That's not what... You want to know why?
So that you can have
a better life.
Look, me and Pops,
we were okay, all right?
We reconciled our shit.
You broke his heart, Tommy.
You killed him.
He died of a broken heart. I killed him?
I killed him now?
How can you say that to me?
I didn't kill him.
I didn't fucking kill him,
and he didn't kill himself.
The fucking mob killed him,
and you know it. Oh, we don't
want to talk about that, right?
You know it.
You know it.
All right, Bobby?
Come on. Speak up.
Come on, Bobby.
He had to keep this store going,
and those people were the
only way he knew how.
You know, he wanted to help you.
He did.
He wanted to help you.
He wanted so much for you.
And for what?
Come on, don't say that, Ma.
What did you do with your life,
Tommy, huh?
What did you do with your life?
I did the best I could, all right?
I did something. Really?
Yeah, I did something
with my life.
This? This is what you did
with your life?
I don't want it.
Ma, I'm sorry, all right?
I just... I want you
to have the money, Mom.
Please take the money.
I don't want this money.
Just take the fucking money!
I don't want the fucking money!
Bobby, take the money!
Don't touch that money!
Fine, fine!
All right, you know what?
I'm out of here.
I'm out of here, all right?
This piece of shit is leaving
the fucking building, all right?
I'm out of here.
I tried to do something nice.
You know what? Fuck it!
I tried to do something nice!
Yeah, so is this going to be,
like, a big story?
You're going to...
For, like, the front page?
Well, you know, we got
a saying in the newspaper world.
I love sayings, slogans.
This is a good one.
This is a good story.
It's like a hot girl with a miniskirt,
you know?
I-I messed it up.
A good story is like
a miniskirt on a hot girl.
Okay. You want it long
enough to cover the subject,
short enough to be interesting
Oh, yeah!
I like that.
I didn't make it up,
but you know what I'm talking about.
All right, so Rosie?
Yeah, Rosie.
You're from around here?
Yeah, I grew up two blocks over.
Oh, I'm over at Elmhurst.
No kidding.
And Mom and Dad still here?
Still live here?
Yeah, my mother lives
in the house I grew up in.
And my father passed.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Miss him?
Do I miss him?
Yeah, I miss him.
Yeah, so get this.
So when he got sick, he says,
"When I go, Rosie gets my car."
So when he died,
my mother and my brother
they want to sell the car.
Can you believe that?
And I said no,
because he loved that car.
You know?
Yeah, and then every Christmas,
we would take the car
into the city
to go and see the tree
and all the windows on Fifth.
Right. Yeah, that was,
like, our thing.
That's good.
So it's like the regular
things that I miss.
If you're going to...
Right, right.
And that's the car you use
to hit the clubs? What?
Is that the same car?
All right.
What about your friend?
Where is he from?
Oh, Tommy?
He ain't from around here.
Tommy. Tommy and Rosie.
Yeah, two M's, yeah.
What's Tommy like?
Oh, first of all, super handsome
Yeah, and he's like...
he's just like a genius.
So this was his idea then?
All this stuff?
One day,
I come home from work, Right.
And Tommy was thinking
these guys are assholes.
No one is getting hurt,
so is it really a crime?
Yeah, well...
I guess that's something to think about.
What do you think?
You think it's a crime?
No, I don't.
That's probably don't make sense, huh?
No, I get it.
Yeah, I get it.
Not for nothing,
but I like the way you write. Oh, thanks.
All right, so Tommy and Rosie.
Tommy is how old?
29. Tommy!
This is Mr. Cardozo
from the newspaper.
I know who the fuck it is.
What the fuck are you doing?
What did you fucking tell him?
I didn't say anything.
What did you tell him?
I assumed...
No, shut up.
No one is talking
to you, all right?
Pardon me, excuse me. Get the fuck out
there. We're just doing an interview.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
He's going to tell our story.
He's going to tell our story!
Listen to me.
Stop talking.
Sorry about that.
Are you a cop, or working with
any law enforcement agencies?
No, not a cop.
I don't work with any associated agency.
I'm a reporter.
That's all I do.
Ask questions and say whatever you want.
That's a cute picture.
Thank you.
Yeah, I mean, we read your column.
So, uh... All right,
so how does this start?
Well, I'd like to ask
a couple of questions.
You know, how this works
is you don't want to answer,
You don't answer.
That's all.
I'm only going to write
what you tell me.
Well, what did she tell you?
She talked about herself.
You, I don't know
where you are from.
I'm from the Bronx.
From the Bronx.
Let me ask you...
can I ask you where did you two meet?
Where did we meet?
A party. A party?
We didn't meet at a...
What, you mean when
you were with jerk off?
Yeah, basically she was with
some jerk off at a party.
Ask him...
go ahead and ask him the next question.
Yeah, actually let's not talk
about that,
because, you know,
we don't have an anniversary
and the reason we don't have
an anniversary is because...
Let's not talk about that.
What's your next question?
You want to get married?
Are you serious?
Yeah, yeah, I'm serious.
I'm serious.
And you're not just fucking
with me right now?
Baby, no.
I'm asking you...
will you marry me?
Yeah, all right.
Well, I was thinking, you know,
Christmas is coming up.
I thought maybe we could get
married on Christmas Day.
Oh, my God.
I love that.
That's right.
Yeah, right?
No, it will be, like,
my two favorite days.
Like, Christmas
and our wedding anniversary.
That's what I was thinking.
It would be like a...
you know, like a twofer.
Yeah, like a twofer.
I was thinking that, you know,
we could get married,
and then maybe after that,
we could, I don't know,
move to Florida.
And what,
and open a flower shop?
Yeah, I mean,
I was thinking that.
You're right.
We could... we could do it, babe.
We could do it if we made
a little bit more money.
We could buy a shop.
We could live above the shop.
I mean, that's
a good life, right?
With your charisma...
And your charm.
And my charm, yeah.
Well, I never been to Florida.
Oh, Florida, it's paradise.
Yeah, they have palm trees.
Oh, yeah, right.
And coconuts.
And alligators
and air-conditioning
I mean, I haven't
been there myself,
but that's what I hear
is it's fucking paradise
down there.
Oh, my God.
Wait, when will we go?
Well, what I was thinking was
get married, Yeah.
January first, go to Florida.
That's smart.
A new year for our new life.
Yeah, it will be
like a new life.
Call it a day.
A new year.
New everything.
Yeah, a new everything.
Start over.
Do you want to do it?
Yeah, I want to do it.
It would make you happy?
All right.
Yeah, let's do it.
You serious?
Yeah, we got goals.
You ended up getting awfully
friendly with those two.
All her words.
I just took notes.
I liked them.
He's a little out there.
He's on his own little planet. She could
make a fortune running a P.R. firm.
They're a couple of small-time
scumbags as far as I'm concerned.
With a couple
of brass ones though.
They did end up taking down
a pretty big fish.
What do you mean?
Not for publication yet, okay?
But they got something
that we've been trying
to get our hands on
since J. Edgar ran the show.
They got something
hat's going to help us
take down Big AI
and the rest of the Vazallos.
And the final nail in the
coffin of the whole mob.
What have they got?
A list.
Joey D sends his regards.
Joey D? Joey D...
Oh, yeah, sure. Joey D.
Is he still building docks?
He remembers you, too.
He's got a lot of stories
about the old days.
A lot of names.
A whole list of them.
Yeah, well, he's a storyteller.
He's got a wild imagination.
How about that?
They're heroes.
What are you going to do?
What kind of deal
are you going to give them?
Yeah, deal.
They gave you a gift.
You're going to give them something, right?
They didn't give us anything.
They don't even know we got it.
What can I do you for?
Gotti's going away.
The Gambinos are done.
The D.A. is already planning
his next show,
and the Vazallos
are going to be up.
Oh, yeah?
Joey D was just
the first to flip.
Get three more Mortadella heroes
for my friends here.
Put it on my tab.
Your days are numbered,
Mr. Fiorello.
It's like Yogi said,
"The future
ain't what it used to be."
It doesn't matter, because the mob has
already got a contract out on them.
And what are you going to do?
Are you going to let that happen?
You want to take down the king,
you got to sacrifice a couple of pawns.
Bullshit! Fuck that!
I wrote this because of you.
You got to do something for these kids.
What did they do?
They robbed from the goddamn mob!
It's a public service,
what they did.
W-w-what do you
expect me to do?
Put them in the witness
protection program or something?
That's not up to me.
Do you know how much money
that's going to cost?
They're not going to do it
for these two fucking idiots.
You guys are worse than them.
Yeah, you are.
At least with the mob,
you know where you stand.
You read Cardozo this morning?
Can I read it to you?
"In the history of crime,
few have been so foolhardy
"as this striking young woman
and her Uzi waving partner.
"Queen's own Bonnie and Clyde.
They make a dashing pair.
"Bonnie's silver,
sparkly nail polish
matches the paint job
on her Buick.
"With her wide eyes
and sly smile
"she asks,
'Is it really a crime?'
It's good, right?
What kind of car did those two drive?
Joseph and Mary.
Bonnie and Clyde, you fuckwit.
A Chevy.
A Chevy?
You sure?
It ain't a Chevy.
They got a Buick.
You sure?
A Buick Century.
I bought one for my mother.
Hm, four door?
Two door.
Two door.
What color?
Gun metal gray.
Gun metal gray!
Gun metal gray.
Buick Century.
Two fucking doors.
Just like it said in the goddamn paper!
You know I'm running around
this neighborhood
and I run into it. I practically
crash into the goddamn fucking car!
They live three fucking blocks
from here!
And you fucking idiots
are sitting in here
with your heads up your asses!
Get out there,
find these fucking cocksuckers
and bring them in!
They're done!
In New York,
the crime boss John Gotti
has been sentenced to life in prison,
with no parole.
Gotti was said
to be the most powerful
crime figure in America.
He was certainly the most
visible and the most flamboyant.
A grand jury agreed,
with the district attorney's office
that there is sufficient
reason to proceed
with a 19-count indictment
against reputed crime boss,
Alfonse Fiorello
boss Alfonse Fiorello,
after former underboss,
Joseph De Luisa
reportedly struck a deal
to avoid prosecution.
For years Fiorello
has operated covertly.
Hiding in plain
sight while running a business.
A spokesman for the Federal Bureau of
Investigation and the D.A.'s office
called this an event
of major importance.
Hey, Grandpa?
Are you ever going to go away,
like my dad did?
Here's the thing,
one day we all go away.
You understand?
'Cause I need to know how
to make everything you cook
before you go.
I want to be exactly like you.
No. You're not going
to be exactly like me,
you're going to be
much better than me.
Much better than me.
One day you're going to hear
things about your grandpa.
What kind of things?
Well, you're going
to hear things.
And you're going
to wonder who I really was.
You might wonder
what it all means.
You understand?
The point is that those
things you're going to hear
what you got to know is that I
had to pay the price for them.
Because that's the way you
make things right in life.
You pay the price for
the things you do wrong.
You understand?
So if you don't want
to pay the price,
what do you do?
Don't do anything wrong, right?
I know.
Just do what?
What kind of things?
Good things.
Good things.
Okay. And that way,
you never have to pay the price.
You promise me that?
You'll always do
the right thing?
I got a question for you.
What's the most important thing
to making a good Arancini?
The rice.
What... the rice?
What-what are
you talking about?
I'm kidding.
The love.
The love.
That's right.
That's the only thing you
need to know in life.
That's the secret. Love.
Look at that.
what a beautiful thing.
It's the caviar of baloneys.
The thing about Mortadella
is everybody thinks
they don't like it.
Until they try it.
Then they realize there's nothing better.
And there's nothing like a cavatelli
and bruschule on a Sunday.
In fact, there is no Sunday
without cavatelli and bruschule.
Recently I started hearing that...
that there's a guy
who may be living
in this neighborhood
who is involved in certain,
you know, questionable activities.
Where do people get these ideas?
There's always
that guy living next door.
Oh, what does he do?
He's so mysterious.
He never comes out of the house.
There's always people
coming in, people coming out.
People's imagination
running wild.
The one thing I do know
about some of these people
is that you don't want
to embarrass them
in front of their family.
Especially in front
of their family.
So if... if you got
to do your job,
I suggest you treat him
with dignity.
there's going to be hell to pay.
You know, I can't believe
you never saw the tree.
I've never seen the tree.
I'm from New York.
Why would I see the tree. It's only
for out-of-towners. What do you mean?
What the fuck?
What's this?
What's going on?
I want to give you this.
I want...
You guys ever been to Mexico?
To Mexico? We're not
going to Mexico.
We got a plan. We're going
to leave in a couple of days.
Please, listen you guys.
You're a little bit more
exposed than you should be.
Yeah, no shit. Yeah, I think you
guys got to get out of the country.
These guys, they're not going
to let you go.
They're never going
to forget about this.
It's not going
to go unpunished. Ever.
Okay? I've thought
this through.
We got a plan, all right?
We got to go.
Yeah, we got to go.
This is the way out of this.
I'm trying to fix this.
No, you pretended like you were
our friend and you exploited us.
Think for a second.
Rosie, get in the car.
Take the goddamn tickets. Take the
goddamn tickets, we don't want them.
We don't want them.
Rosie, get in the car.
You're smarter than this, Tommy.
You know what's going to happen.
I know these guys, Tommy.
Take these tickets.
Take these tickets.
You got to get out of here. Close the door.
We got to go.
You got to get out of here.
Baby, close the goddamn door.
I'm trying to close the door.
Use these tickets.
I don't want your goddamn tickets.
Just keep driving, all right?
Close the door, goddammit.
You love me?
Do I love you?
Baby I love you, all right.
You know I love you.
You really love me?
Rose Marie,
I love you, all right?
I love you. I love you,
I love you, I love you.
You're my favorite
fucking person in the world.
How many times do you want
me to fucking say it?