Robbery (1967)

Any moment now.
- He could be late?
- But he isn't.
Held up at the lights.
He's going to turn left into
Cannon Street.
"They're moving away."
Crossing Holburn Viaduct.
Not too close, Frank.
Jack will tell us when.
Stand back there, now.
Stand back, please.
We'll have to break the window.
- Can I help?
- Leave it to us.
Looks like them.
Charlie Delta Two.
- Urgent message.
- Let's go!
Your all-car message regarding
stolen ambulance.
Suspect ambulance...
...being abandoned by three men
in Arbridge Avenue.
They're going along Delamere Terrace.
"Jaguar's index number..."
[POLICE RADIO] "Bravo-Yankee-Romeo-
"He's turning left into Queensdale Road."
Charlie Delta Two - you are
now car-to-car.
All cars Number One District
switch to channel five.
Charlie Delta Two is...
...pursuing suspect car concerned... that all car-message,
...along Queensdale Road.
They just turned right down the
bottom of Evans Grove.
We're turning left.
We-We're going round.
We're fifty yards behind.
All cars Foxtrot Delta.
Charlie Delta Two is pursuing
suspect car...
...towards Kilburn, against the traffic.
Any car in the vicinity?
Head them off towards
Lancaster Gate.
Silver-grey Jaguar.
Registration number...
- Bravo-Yankee-Roger-Five...
- Hello MP? Hello MP?
- ...Zero-Two-Bravo.
- Delta One Marble Arch.
"Heading towards Lancaster Gate."
"Delta One over."
"Oscar Two Three Two."
"Oscar Two Four One."
"Are you receiving?"
- "Oscar Two Three Two receiving."
- "Oscar Two Three Two, Oscar Two..."
"...Four One, join pursuit of Jaguar."
[POLICE RADIO] "Now being pursued by
Charlie Delta Two along Abercorn Place."
Turning right here.
He's trying to lose us on
these corners.
Turn left.
Now - right.
Bloody copper!
Keep going.
He's really throwing his car round...
...these corners, now.
He's going absolutely mad, now!
We're right up behind him.
Round the corner.
As soon as we've cleared
the tunnel - jump!
Freddy. You, as well - as soon as
l give you the word.
Jump as we round the
corner. NOW!
Now - hard right!
We didn't make the corner.
We're after him again!
Good boy.
Move it, move it!
All right.
Over you go.
Children - wait for it to stop!
Stay where you are!!!
We're gonna hit them!
We're gonna hit them!
Charlie Delta Two, what is
your position?
Charlie Delta Two,
do you read me?
- Is there anybody hurt?
- We're all right.
Did you see the driver?
Contact lost with suspect.
Unable to continue pursuit.
We've crashed outside
the Quentin Pope...
...Junior School.
Would you recognise that driver?
Would you recognise the driver?
Yes, of course I'd recognise
the bastard!
- Bye, Kate. l'll see you this evening.
- What time?
- Oh, I shouldn't be late.
- All right.
lf anything crops up I'll phone you.
All right.
Bye bye.
- I'll be right with you.
- You'll never be right with me, Jack!
Hello, George.
What can I do for you?
l'd like a little chat about a car.
Talk about cars all day,
if you like?
A silver Jag?
- Thinking of buying it?
- No.
No, I, er...
...I was just wondering who
was driving it.
Ah. Someone pulled a job, eh?
No, not me, Inspector.
l jacked that lot in - it's a...'s a mug's game, isn't it?
Well, I mean, there's no point... I've got the job...
- ...and the business.
- How is business?
Can't complain.
ls, er... he with you..?
Never saw him in my life before.
Got a warrant, lnspector?
What? For a social call?
This bloke's a better actor
than Mickey Mouse.
Well, er...
...I'll be seein' yer, Jack.
Scotland Yard here.
- Your call on number three.
- Oh, thanks.
Right, she's already made three
insurance claims.
Get onto Bedford, see ifthey've
got anything on her.
Right you are, guv'nor.
George. Go carefully, eh?
Remember who her father is.
- Well?
- Nothing.
- Still think Jack's the driver?
- That's my best guess.
This is the Squad, Inspector Langdon.
We deal in evidence and
arrests, not guesses.
l think you're right about him.
He's our man - but we've got to...
...get evidence and we've got
to make it stick.
You've got to make it stick!
Yes, sir.
That was a close one
yesterday, love.
Did you see the papers?
- Eighty-five thousand quid?
- Nah.
Not a penny over seventy-five...
...and that's trade valuation.
Not what we got.
Yeah... they're all at it.
- Where's Paul?
- He'll be here.
l've had the law round.
That was quick! Who was it?
Jack's had callers. The Squad.
Yeah. Langdon... a try-on.
Does he know anything?
- What? Him?
- Does he know anything?
Of course not!
Well, let's keep it that way.
Here's how it is, then.
We've got the capital now
for the investment.
We all agree to go ahead?
- Yep.
- Yeah.
Well, why don't we share out in
the usual way? I mean...
...we're doing all right.
l want us to do better, Frank.
l dunno.
lf there's one thing l know... breeds money.
Huh, mine must be on the pill.
All right, Frank - I'll pay you off.
l'll find another firm that's interested... three or four million pounds.
Four million! Bloody hell!
l'm interested.
Yeah, yeah. Count me in.
The job, Paul?
lt's a night mail train.
From Glasgow to London.
The Tuesday after the holiday.
- Not till after the holiday?
- Exactly.
The banks will have been closed...
...from midday Saturday...
...till Tuesday morning.
There'll be that much more
money on the train.
What happens to the money afterwards?
A friend of ours flies it out of the
country within the hour.
Where do we share out?
Share's delivered wherever you like.
l know where l want mine delivered.
There's just one more thing.
This is the big one - the biggest.
From now until we finish
the job, I want no...
...trouble with the law.
You understand, Jack?
l'll be as good as gold.
We've got nothing to worry
about then, have we?
Bloke askin' for you, Mr Aitken.
- What sort of bloke?
- A bloke!
How much you getting for these?
- Shopping, Inspector?
- Not today.
You know who I am, Aitken?
l'm making enquiries into a...
...robbery at Northumberland
Avenue - ten days ago.
l have reason to believe you
can be of assistance.
l must ask you if you're willing... be put up for an identity parade.
We're very formal all of a sudden.
ls this an invitation?
Would you rather it were printed?
Uh, I've got to go out...
...but I'll be back before
you go to lunch.
- No, I don't recognise anyone.
- That will be all, thank you.
- Good morning, miss.
- Morning.
Now, all I want you to do is just
to go along the line...
...and ifyou recognise the
man you thought... saw in the car, just
touch him.
All right?
- Okay.
- All right.
That's all right, miss - if you'll go
with the policewoman.
We're very grateful for your time.
That will be all, thank you.
Yeah, waste of time, this.
- Don't rate his ugly mug.
- No, neither do I.
This way, please.
Now, I want you to go
along the line...
...and ifyou recognise the man...
Get him out of here.
- Take him off.
- I'm sorry, I---
- ...I'm sorry, I didn't mean...
- Right, that'll be all. Thank you, gentlemen.
l want a summons for assault.
- You're in trouble, Jack.
- Naahhh.
- Get---
- Jack!
...I'm just tryin' to help you.
Make a statement.
Tell us who else was in on it.
l've got nothing to make a
statement about.
Ahhh... yourself a favour.
What do you mean? You
saw what she did.
That bloody schoolteacher!
How did you know she was
a schoolteacher?
That stuff will kill you.
l thought you said you were
already in condition?
l thought l was!
How are things going?
Made a start on the drivers.
Like who?
So far, Mike...
...and those two we used
on the furjob.
Mike's good.
The other one talks too much.
You know that.
You want two drivers to
every car, right?
l want everybody doubled up...
...and no weak sisters.
So, l'll keep trying.
- How about the railway end?
- All fixed.
Four of our lads are now railwaymen.
Fully paid up.
- What about electricians?
- Not easy.
Ben's got one or two good lads...
...but he's not going to settle...
...for wages - he'll want a cut.
Talk to him.
How about your friend the banker?
He's in prison.
We'll have to get him out.
We'll need his knowledge
of bank security...
...and for the bank notes.
Only an expert can tell
the safe ones.
So we'll have to get him out.
- Just like that?
- Yeah.
You could have a problem there.
Ha, he's worth it. We'll split
here - see you, Dave.
Seventy-three pieces, sir.
Thank you.
Fifty-two pieces for your spend.
You're straight up, sir. Thank you.
Three hundred thousand.
And a cut of the profits.
How much you expect?
Somewhere in the low millions.
- I'll take a cut.
- Uh-uh.
Dave, darling...
...I've missed you, where
have you been?
Go away, baby - I'm busy.
Ask me later.
Percentage or forget it.
How much?
Twenty-five percent.
We'll work for you, Ben.
Take it or leave it.
l'll put it to the board.
Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty...
...seventy, eighty, ninety -
a hundred pounds.
Place your bets, please.
All bets on?
You win, Mr Aitken.
Place your bets, please.
[NEWSREADER] "On the day of the funeral
a general strike was declared and---"
Welcome to J Wing, Robinson.
What a pity you won't be
staying long.
W-what do you mean?
What are you talking about?
You're going over the wall, Robinson.
Tomorrow: four-ten exercise, west wall.
l don't want any trouble.
Neither does your wife,
l should imagine.
Or the boy.
How old will he be now?
Why me?
l don't know, Robinson...
...and I don't care.
All I know is you go over
the wall tomorrow...
...even if I have to throw
you over myself.
Let's run through it.
Uh, four hundred yards on the left...
...bottom of the incline, there's
a road to the junction.
Half a mile beyond that...
...there's a sharp right-hander.
Then a crossing.
After the crossing...
...there's no turn-off till you get
to the main road.
Keep it at forty.
How many turnings off
the main road?
Er, nine.
How many of those can we use
as alternative routes?
Fi... six, l think.
Five or six, what does it matter?
lt matters.
Let's get back to the bridge
a different way.
You've got... six minutes.
What kind of recruiting?
All kinds, apparently.
- Electricians.
- Electricians?
Any names?
You know I never can
remember names.
Who's "the money"?
The talk is it's from that
diamond job.
Any more on that?
Had to be the mob we
were talking about.
None of them's spending.
And that's interesting,
isn't it, Mr Langdon?
Very interesting.
Keep listening.
Three-sixteen. Two minutes late.
We can't have that, can we?
Hmm, no.
What's the average?
lt's never more than six minutes...
...over the past ten days.
That was my smoke you took.
Smoke? l never 'ad your smoke!
Why don't you shut your
mouth or I'll...
- ...put one on you!
- You'll do what?
Hey! Break it up!
Break it up there!
How much do you think there
is tonight, Bob?
lf you take three million
as an average...
...there could be four million tonight.
Judging by the number of sacks.
ls that high-value coach always
in second position?
Has been all week.
Have you found an engine
driver for me yet?
l've got one in mind.
Have we found out anything
about this, Jock?
Yes, sir.
Kidderminster Laboratories...
...confirmed it WAS one of...
...those stolen at the time of
the break-in last year.
The timing mechanism's
the kind of...
...thing you can buy
at most shops.
Any one of half a dozen specialists...
...could have rigged the
two together.
Which gets us nowhere.
Do you think the diamonds are
still in the country?
lfAitken's behind it? No.
- You've charged Jack?
- Yes.
- He's not speaking, of course?
- No!
l take it Number One District's...
...keeping an eye on the
Aitken mob?
Round the clock.
Frankly, I would have
thought this job...
...far too sophisticated for
Aitken on his own.
l couldn't agree more.
Who's behind it?
Somebody with some brains.
And not only that...
There's someone who's recruiting -
and only top specialists.
- Pretty strong rumours to that effect.
lnformation received?
- Yes, sir.
- [ON TELEPHONE] It's positive?
Right, George - you keep on to this.
You'll get all the help...
- need from Number One District.
- [ON TELEPHONE] Yes, he's here now. l'll tell him.
Well done, David.
lt's the Rosary Gardens strangling, sir.
Renshaw's at Harrow Road now and
he'll be charged tonight.
Well done, Mike.
Smart arrest by the young detective... Paddington, l thought.
Well, come on lads...
...let's get this over with.
l've got a meeting with the...
...Commissioner in ten minutes.
Now, then...
...anything fresh on the
Robinson escape?
Well, he had outside help,
of course...
...but I think we'll have him back...
...inside in a matter of days.
Well, he's an amateur, sir.
"Good conduct" man.
First-time loser.
No underworld connections.
Who helped him over
the wall, then?
Well, he probably made friends inside.
What? They sprung him for love?
Let's hear your thinking, George.
Well, I think somebody wanted
Robinson out, sir.
l've got his file here.
Listen to this.
lt says: "...the accused was attached
to security department...
"...of his bank shortly after promotion
from chief cashier."
"He handled matters concerned with..."
" and care of bank vaults..."
"...and safeguarding high-value currency."
The Case Officer added...
... that "...he made no use of this..."
"...knowledge but committed
straight-forward embezzlement."
Well, that's why Robinson's out.
Somebody's planning a big job...
...and they need his know-how!
Well, I'll get on to records...
...sir, and get a rundown on
the jail friends...
...past and present. l think
it'll be useful.
Any idea whatjob they
could be planning?
Er, something special, and I, er...
...think I know when.
More "information received"?
No, sir. The calendar.
My guess is it's due over the
Bank Holiday when the...
...banks are closed for three days.
That will give them three
days and nights... open up the bank vaults.
But l, er, know you dislike
guesswork, sir.
There's a time and place for it.
l think you might be right.
So, lads - you can tell your
delighted wives...
...that Squad leave is restricted
over the Bank Holiday.
That's all.
l just want to speak to her!
Just for a moment.
She's not alone.
But of course she is!
That woman sitting over there
is a policewoman.
How do you know?
lt's a special brand of
perfume they wear.
Use your head, Robinson.
Your wife's followed wherever
she goes.
What do you expect?
To think that I---
Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
Well, now you know what
you're risking.
l wasn't feeling sorry for
myself, you know?
l've had time to think.
Night after night.
What did you think about?
About my family.
How I can make it up to them
for what I've done.
Well, a hundred thousand pounds
would help, wouldn't it?
lf I do what you want...
...what happens to them?
They'll be brought out to
Switzerland, to join you.
Passports provided.
We'd never be able to
come home again.
Home is a Swiss bank account.
l'd be hunted for the rest
of my life.
You will be anyway.
You're an escaped convict, remember?
Switzerland's your best bet.
You'll have one hundred thousand
pounds in the bank...
...and your boy will speak
three languages.
lt was your idea started the
whole thing, remember?
Something we talked
about in prison.
Passed the time.
l'm not sure.
Robinson, you're in!
You were in the moment you
came over that wall.
That last rehearsal wasn't
good enough.
There were two men
without gloves on.
Your men, Ben.
Frank, one of your drivers
jumped the gun.
Don't they know the order
they leave in?
He was nervous.
l'm paying for nerve...
...not nerves.
What about the equipment, Don?
Three of the radio units
didn't work...
...and I couldn't read the signal
from the spotter.
l'd like doubles of everything,
including batteries.
- Frank?
- Sure.
How was the timing?
Too slow.
- Things will be easier on the night, we'll be---
- It was too slow!
We've got forty-five minutes
at the outside.
l want it done in twenty-five.
You fellas think you gonna bust...
...a high-value security van in
twenty-five minutes?
lt won't be a high-value
security van.
The regular vans will be out
of action. Fixed.
The substitute one will be easy.
- Do we provide the shooters?
- No guns!
What happens if things
get sticky?
Turn on the charm, Ben.
- Now, look---
- No guns.
l want no violence, no accidents.
They don't carry guns,
we don't need them.
Five million quid and no guns.
They don't carry guns.
And they've never been done.
Still think we should have 'em.
Why, in case someone should
disturb your hair?
l can handle myself, I just...
...don't reckon getting caught.
Nobody does.
lf you're caught with a shooter it's...
...three times the sentence.
Okay, okay - no guns.
Now, about the share-out.
What about the share-out?
l don't like the idea of the
money leaving...
...the country before the payout.
l want mine before we split up.
We're talking about millions
of pounds, now.
We're talking about road blocks,
car searches... raids, shake-downs.
They'll know who pulled the job.
Without the money they can't
prove anything.
You said the notes won't
be traceable.
You'll get the money...
...when it's safe.
Okay. That's it, then.
My boys are out.
And mine.
We can't do it on our own.
We'll have to postpone it, then.
Frank, get them back.
Cash on the nail -
right after the job.
lt means we'll have to hide
out till we've counted it.
We'll be pinned down and the
law will be swarming.
So we need a hide-out.
Close by.
lnside the police cordon,
with all that money.
Could be the safest place.
l still like Switzerland.
Not for us.
That's that, then.
Means the boys will have
to be briefed again...
...and thoroughly.
Dave will tell you when we've
got a hide-out.
And the next time we meet...
...will be on the money train.
- Inspector Langdon?
- Ah, yes.
- One prisoner.
- Thank you.
- Much obliged to you.
- Thank you.
Sit down.
Take off the cuffs.
l thought we might have
another little chat.
We're informal here.
Left it a bit late, haven't you?
My mind seems to work better at night.
- Do you ever find that?
- No.
Tell me about the Robinson escape?
ls it a wall picture?
What's this big job comin' up?
l don't know anythin' about
any "big job".
...come off it now. You know
me - I'm not talking.
Well, I've got all night.
Well, I don't know.
What a mug.
You're in 'ere, they're out there.
Do you think they're giving you
a thought right now?
Do you know Paul Clifton?
Come back to bed, Kate.
What's wrong?
Tell me.
"Never again."
"From now on..."
"...straight and narrow."
"I'll never put you through
that again, Kate."
You bloody hypocrite!
Oh, well - what's a little cheating,
here and there?
lt's happening all over.
You're imagining things.
Come on! Paul, I know you.
Have you ever been to three movies... a day and had no idea
what you'd seen?
What are you talking about?
l'm talking about how...
...long a day is when you're alone.
Think I don't know about that?
You were in prison, Paul.
l was alone.
l wanted you to give us a home,
but you never will.
So what makes you so different...
...from any other man I might
want to go to bed with?
And don't think I don't
want to go to...
...bed with a man when you're inside.
Don't think your friends don't offer.
l think you've had too
much to drink.
l don't care what you think.
l don't care if you don't think.
But you do think.
You're the Last of the Big
Thinkers, aren't you?
Who's been talking to you?
And there you are.
You start cheating, Paul,
you end up...
...thinking everyone else
is cheating, too.
This doesn't help.
lt helps.
lt helps a little.
How about that?
l'm at the stage where
l settle for a little.
You wouldn't settle for a little,
would you, Paul?
You're big.
l'm going back to bed.
How big are you, Paul?
l'm talking about the gun... the drawer, in the bedroom.
- What's the gun for, Paul?
- The gun is nothing.
You don't need a gun... go straight.
- It's nothing.
- Don't lie, Paul!
- Say it!
- Kate.
You never used to need a gun.
- No, you used to---
You tell me what the gun's for...
...and I'll come back to bed.
Oh, what's it for, Paul?
Because l'm not going back inside.
Not again.
There's a grey car coming.
An Austin.
Shout it from the bloody rooftops.
Be glad when we've got the radios.
- Thanks, Ken.
- How's it going?
- I haven't seen those sleeping bags.
- They're in the back of the Austin.
l've put the call through
on this line, sir.
Thank you.
lsabella's on her way.
And she's well up to weight.
Keep your messages brief.
...while they're not in use they
can't be traced.
Any questions?
Yeah, where's the rest
of the crew?
They'll be here.
l hope they're not comin' by train!
lf there are no more...
...serious questions, we'll get
into position.
ls that you, Doctor?
"The baby arrived on time and is well up to weight."
Come on, come on.
We don't move till we get the word.
Here he comes.
Hello, Number One. Are you
receiving me? Over.
Receiving you, Number Two.
l'm in position and clear.
Anything from the police?
Just routine.
Gimme the walkie-talkie.
Everything all right?
The telephone lines to the houses
have been cut.
They should be here to fix the signal
phone any moment.
l telephoned our man in Ireland.
He'll fly in and pick up our share...
...of the money as soon as
l let him know.
Wish we were going out
with it tonight.
ls Kate joining you afterwards?
Ben's boys giving you any trouble?
No. They seem to be good workers.
You left Robinson back
at the bunker.
He can chew his nails till we get
back with the money.
l'll get back to the bridge.
Out of sight, down the road.
What do you make of this?
- Bedford.
- Bedford, eh?
What did you put in 'ere?
- It's lovely.
- We all hate it.
lt's horrible.
Have some Settlers.
Not me, gives me indigestion.
Operator, I've been trying to call
Monarch Oh-One-Oh-Eight...
...and it seems to be out of order.
Could, could you, um... me, please? It's very,
very important.
"Would you hang on a minute, please?"
"Scotland Yard? That Monarch number is..."
"...being called. We are tracing it..."
[OPERATOR] "...but I thought you might be
interested in speaking to the caller."
Yes, we're very interested.
Thank you for passing it on.
Hello. This is the Exchange Supervisor.
Uh, who are you calling?
...I've been trying to call
Mrs Robinson.
Monarch Oh-One-Oh-Eight.
And it seems to be out of order.
Could you have the line...
...tested for me, please?
lt's very urgent.
Yes. Certainly, sir.
Uh, what is your number?
Well, I'm calling you from...
Hello, sir.
What number are you speaking from?
She's comin'.
She's comin'.
Better not be bloody late tonight.
What was that?
What was what?
Sounded like air escaping.
Where's our driver?
What's the matter?
lt-lt won't start.
You were paid to drive!
Get out of it!
Six minutes gone - nineteen
minutes to go.
We're behind schedule.
Start her up...
...and keep going, but slowly.
You can go a bit faster.
And keep your eyes out
for a marker.
A red marker, further
down the line.
Keep your eyes down!
And stop when I tell you.
And when I say stop, you stop -
or you'll get some more.
What's the chance of getting
some tea?
lt's coming.
- Get them down.
Come on! Outside - into line.
Dead on time.
How much longer have we got?
About five minutes.
Hold it!
- Right, that's it. Out!
- There's only a few left!
Time's up! Out!
Don't move for half an hour.
We're leaving a man behind.
Anybody moves will be killed.
lf you have any trouble - shoot!
No, the mail train hasn't come
through here yet.
Well, if your lights are at red,
it must still be in section.
Mine are all at green.
Yes, everything seems to
be all right here.
All right, I'll check again.
Come on, let's 'ave yer!
Will you put them all in
one pile, please?
Are there any more?
No, only this one down 'ere.
l want one... one at a
time over here...
...and don't open more
than one at a time.
- All right, come on, get in. Up, up.
- That's it.
We'll be back in forty-five minutes.
Right, I'll set up something
to occupy the law.
You all know where to go.
Stick to your routes, and
no speeding.
Hello. Langdon.
Oh, yeah, yeah. Have they
traced the call?
ls that the best they can do?
Yes, I agree. lt could be Robinson.
Yeah, l'll get up there straight away.
Put them round the back!
Round the back!
Seven thousand pounds,
in new notes.
As agreed.
This calls for a celebration.
There shouldn't be any fingerprints
on the vehicles...
...but someone may have
been careless.
Don't worry, Paul...
...I'll have them cleaned up.
When do you want them?
ln about three days.
l'll phone you.
lt depends when you're pulling
the job, I suppose.
The less you know, the better.
"Hello, Central Four Three?"
"Urgent message, MP."
Central Four Three receiving you,
loud and clear.
"Central Four Three..."
"...message addressed, Inspector Langdon..."
"...Squad Office"
[POLICE RADIO] "Proceed, Partington
Bridge and meet with..."
"...county CID."
- [POLICE RADIO] "Origin: Oh-Seven-Three-Five---"
- What's Langdon doin' up 'ere?
Jack's talked.
Jack wouldn't tell a policeman the time.
That's if they can remember it.
No one's talked!
The local police called the Squad in.
They're out of their depth.
Come on, Robinson.
Let's be 'avin' yer!
l wanna take her to Paris.
- Bless her.
- Yeah.
A hundred thousand pounds
of this is yours.
Something wrong with the notes?
Some of the fivers are
rejects, of course.
Burn them yourself, along
with the wrappers.
Yeah... soon as l'm through
with this batch.
Still worried about your wife?
Well... if only l could talk with her.
Anyone calling Monarch Oh-One-Oh-Eight
will be traced.
They're bound to be tapping the line.
You haven't called her, have you?
l never even got through, Paul.
l-I just wanted to hear her.
Who'd he call?
His wife.
Where'd you call her from?
Telephone box, down the lane.
lt's a quarter of a mile from here.
l never got through. They couldn't
have known it was me.
What do we do with him?
Leave it.
Paul - listen, please.
You go on checking.
- Can I help you, sir?
- Good morning, yes.
Beg pardon, sir.
- Yes?
- A Mr Langdon.
- Morning, sir.
- Morning.
Who are you?
Uh, Inspector Langdon, sir...
...Flying Squad.
l see.
That was quick work. How did
you people get to know?
Oh, I didn't. l just happened to be
in the neighbourhood.
And I got a radio message.
- You're after Robinson, aren't you?
- Ah, yeah.
You're wasting your time.
We traced the call, sent a car to
the box - but he'd gone.
- Oh, well, could you direct me to the---
- Sorry, Inspector...
...hate to appear uncooperative.
Robinson's the least of our
worries right now.
What's the approximate total?
Eight hundred thousand pounds.
Now, has anyone informed the GPO?
Yes, sir.
"Received, Tango Six. Thank you."
Check there's forty-three by
five hundred there.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..., two, three, four, five, six, seven.
Got my pen?
---four, five, six, seven. That's right.
Sarge, it's gone up to a million.
Take the county apart - every road...
...every deserted house.
And don't forget...
- ...the flying clubs.
- There are two old aerodromes...
...a disused watermill.
- Get the mobiles going on that.
- Hello, Zulu Five.
What about, er, what about
the RAF base?
A helicopter might be useful.
That's a good idea.
Get on to the RAF.
What's the matter, boy?
Lose the crown jewels?
- What you carrying?
- Biscuits.
Open up the back.
Who's that?
She's my niece.
Okay, "uncle" - let's look inside.
- Morning, George.
- Morning, guv.
Well, there's a turn-up for the books.
What's the latest score?
About two million.
l told you it would go to
over two million.
Oh, George - this is Mr Watley...
...Post Office Security.
Not the happiest man you'll
meet this morning.
Detective Inspector Langdon.
- You haven't seen Bulstrode, have you?
- Bulstrode?
- Railway Security.
- No.
l shouldn't imagine he's
very happy either.
Any luck with Robinson?
l'm not sure. I think I'll go and have a look
around that phone box.
There's a helicopter coming.
l think it's them.
Nail this down, Dave.
You're right. It is them.
Langdon's coming up here.
Do you think they've fallen for it?
We'll soon know.
- Inspector Langdon?
- Yes.
What have we got?
Oh, they've been here, all right.
We found evidence...
...they spent the night in
one of the huts.
You don't think they might
still be around?
l shouldn't think so, we've...
...covered everything pretty thoroughly.
Have you, er...
...searched the rest of the airfield?
Yes, of course.
Will you excuse me, please? I must
get through to Control.
Hello, Alpha Control?
Hello, Alpha Control?
Come in, please. Over.
He's asked for the fingerprint boys.
But he thinks we're away.
There's somebody up there.
May l see your passport, sir?
Thank you.
- Are you going abroad for long, sir?
- Fortnight.
And how much currency are
you carrying?
Ten pounds and...
...hundred pounds in traveller's cheques.
Delayed holiday.
l see, sir.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Just shut up...
...and put your money where your
mouth is. Now, come on.
Actually, you have got a hand like a foot.
lt's always been the same.
"And now, over to the news."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "Here's the latest
news on the great train robbery."
"In the two days since the..."
"...train was robbed, police..."
"...have mounted their biggest-ever hunt."
"The final total of money missing..."
" stated to be at three million..."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] " hundred and
twenty-seven thousand pounds."
"A police spokesman said earlier today..."
"...that the authorities now believe..."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "...that the gang is no
longer in the neighbourhood."
"No longer in the neighbourhood."
Do you hear that?
- So what are we waiting for?
- Let's fetch the transport.
"Pan American Jet Clipper flight two..."
" Frankfurt, Vienna, Istanbul, Beirut..."
"...Karachi, Calcutta, Bangkok, Hong Kong and Tokyo..."
" now boarding."
[AIRPORT TANNOY] "Please have your ticket
envelopes ready for inspection."
Excuse me, sir.
- Mrs Clifton?
- Yes.
- Mrs Katherine Mary Clifton?
- Yes.
l'm a police officer, I have
a warrant to search...
...these premises. May we come in?
l'm afraid I'm going to have to...
- my solicitor.
- Uh, yes, please do.
But we do have to come in,
if you'll excuse me.
Look l-l wish you'd talk to
my husband.
We'd like to. Do you know
where he is?
He left on a business trip,
earlier this morning.
Have you got the keys to the
sideboard drawer?
My husband has them.
We'll have to break them open.
We'll pay for any damage,
of course.
Mrs Clifton?
We've been watching this house...
...for the last thirty-six hours.
We know your husband
hasn't been here at...
...any time during that period.
l told you that he left...
...the house early this morning.
You probably didn't see him.
He's been in bed for two
days with a cold...
...he hasn't left the house.
Would you be prepared to swear
that on oath, in court?
- We made it, then!
- Mind how you go.
See you in Monte Carlo.
Hey, wait a minute.
Transport's coming.
Let's go!
But Dave said we had to wait.
Dave can get stuffed!
Come on!
Keep down, wait for the signals!
Stop playing bloody soldiers.
Come on - out of the way.
Come on, push it up.
Ah, that's it.
---all day, have we? We got
no time to waste.
Come on - they're turning off
the runway now.
Wait for the signal!
Bye, Dave.
Money to burn, Dave?
Central Four Three to all units...
...detain on sight Paul Clifton.
Born Birmingham...
...14th of March, 1929.
Height six foot, eyes brown...
...dark complexion.
CRO number Two-Seven-Two-
Wanted urgently for questioning... connection with robbery.
Approach with caution - this
man may be armed...
...and is dangerous. Over and out.
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "The men who are alleged to
have robbed the Glasgow-London..."
"...mail train of a sum in excess of..."
"...three million pounds..."
"...made their first appearance in court today..."
"...charged with robbery."
"Large crowds had gathered to see the accused arrive..."
" a fleet of police cars..."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "...and an hour before
the hearing was due to start..."
"...a strong police guard ringed the court building."
"All the accused were under heavy escort..."
"...and were only in court for a few minutes."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "Police objected to bail on
the grounds of the gravity of the case..."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "...and the fact that much
of the money has not been recovered."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "All the accused were
remanded in custody for seven days..."
"...and granted legal aid."
"After the brief hearing..."
"...the men were taken under strong escort to prison."
"A police spokesman said it would be..."
"...several weeks before the prosecution was..."
"...ready to proceed with its case."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "The robbery is already being..."
"...described in newspapers abroad..."
" the Crime of the Century."
- Mrs Clifton?
- Yes.
We've found 'im.
- He is yours, isn't he?
- Mine?
Yes, of course.
Thank you, officer.
"Police throughout the country are..."
"...still searching for Paul Clifton."
"...whom they wish to question..."
" connection with the robbery."
"Meanwhile, reports continue to..."
"... flood in from people throughout the British lsles..."
"...who claim to have seen Clifton."
"Police are checking every call."
"Airports and docks continue to be watched."
"Clifton's description has been passed..."
" police forces throughout the world..."
"...who are cooperating in the hunt."
"Anybody who sees this man..."
"...or knows of his whereabouts..."
"...should contact their local police station..."
"...or ring New Scotland Yard..."
"...Whitehall One-Two-One-Two."
[NEWS ANNOUNCER] "Do not approach him -
he may be armed and dangerous."