Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)

Show them the courage of Allah !
He says you stole the bread.
It's a lie.
I caught him stealing ours.
Cut off the infidel's hand.
I took it!
That's not true.
They're not interested in truth.
But he's lying !
You're too weak to survive it.
As you wish.
Cut the other's hand off too.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Robin.
This is English courage.
That's for five years of hell !
Behind you!
Come on, for God's sake!
Take us with you!
You can't save those people!
But you can save me!
-Why should l?
-For pity's sake.
Mine is a sentence of death.
-He's a Moor! Don't listen!
-Set me free! I'll show you a way out.
-Why should we?
-If you do not, we are all dead men.
No, Robin, for God's sake!
They're coming !
I'm sorry.
This way!
Thanks. I misjudged you.
You are fast with a sword.
I waited five years for the smell of free air.
That makes a man fast.
It's mortal.
Leave me.
Give this ring to my sister, Marian.
Now swear you'll protect her.
His wound is by the heart.
We cannot save him.
Swear it, Robin!
-I swear it.
-They're coming !
Tell Marian I died a free Englishman.
Come, my friend.
Make his sacrifice an act of honor.
Why did you cut me free?
Whatever blood is in your veins,
no man deserves to die in there.
Farewell, friend.
Godspeed your way.
Our way lies together
with the speed of Allah.
You saved my life.
I vow to stay with you until I save yours.
But I go to England.
I relieve you of your obligation.
Only Allah can do that.
What if I say no?
You have no choice.
I am Azeem Edin Bashir AI Bakir.
You may call me Azeem.
Robin of Locksley.
Kindest sir... is rumored you fought
in King Richard's Crusade...
...with my beloved son Robin.
I fear you have returned home
to desperate times...
...when dark forces
plot against our absent King.
I am anxious for word of my son.
Were you present at his capture
near Jerusalem?
Do you know which potentate holds him?
Does he still bear me ill will?
A little news, please, sir.
I would give all I own for his release.
Help me!
You should have waited!
I'm sorry you were disturbed, master.
It's all right. Let him go.
They've taken my Gwen. My daughter!
Men! On horses. In masks.
We tried to stop them!
My dead!
Master, stay.
There is an evil moon tonight.
Never fear, Duncan. Good will overcome.
Trust in that.
I'm sorry, my lord. I had no choice.
The King shall hear of this!
Join us.
Join us...
...or die.
God and King Richard!
Thank you, Lord.
I'm home!
I'm home!
You are strange, Christian.
But I'm free!
I beg you to free yourself of your vow.
Return with the boat.
I know how it feels to be far
from home and family.
Because I love them so much,
I cannot dishonor them.
I thought you'd say that.
No man controls my destiny.
Especially not one who attacks downwind
and stinks of garlic.
Our fighting days are done.
By nightfall, we'll celebrate with my father.
You understand, of course...
...l had to try.
I would have succeeded.
Why must you walk in back of me?
In your country, am I not the infidel?
It seems safer to appear as your slave
rather than your equal.
For an infidel you have uncommon clarity
of thinking.
Tell me of yourself.
Your name, Azeem. What does it mean?
Great One.
Really? Did you give yourself this name?
It's a joke!
Azeem the Great One, I am home!
Many a maid has lost her resolve to me
thanks to this!
In my country, we talk to our women.
We do not drug them with plants.
What do you know of women?
Where I come from, Christian...
...there are women of such beauty
they can possess a man's mind so...
...that he would willingly die for them.
Wait. Is that why you were
to be executed?
Because of a woman?
That's it, isn't it?
That's it!
It is close to sunset.
You painted old dog ! Who was she?
The mullah's daughter?
Another man's wife?
What's her name?
Is there no sun in this cursed country?
Which way is east?
-Her name?
Her name?
That way.
You are sure?
I'd know blindfolded.
I'm five miles from home.
Was she worth it?
Worth dying for.
You're dog's meat, son!
You're not playing by the rules.
Deer don't climb trees.
Perhaps he thinks he's a game bird.
Shall we teach him to fly?
Cut it down.
What manner of creature is so fearsome
it takes six men to attack it?
Stand down. It's no affair of yours.
Have we treed the devil?
Let's see.
A small boy, a truly dangerous animal.
This boy killed one of the Sheriff
of Nottingham's deer.
You starve us! We needed the meat.
I advise you to move on.
This is the Sheriff's land.
It's my land and my tree.
Whatever's in it belongs to me.
Might I have the pleasure of your name
before I have you run through?
Robin of Locksley.
Welcome home.
Kill him!
Time to redeem that vow!
Unleash the hounds!
Get off your damn knees!
Be so kind as to give me your name
before I run you through.
Guy of Gisborne, the Sheriff's cousin.
That bastard poached deer.
Isn't it a greater crime to starve a family?
Go on, Locksley.
Go on.
I've seen enough blood spilt
to last two lifetimes.
Get off my land.
Tell Nottingham what happens
when his scum pick on children.
You travel 10,000 miles to save my life
then leave me to be butchered!
I fulfill my vows when I choose.
Which does not include prayer times...
...or anytime I'm outnumbered six to one!
You whine like a mule.
You are still alive.
Have no fear. Come down.
Is it true? Did you kill a deer?
You scared him.
Interesting place, this...
The Sheriff's not to be disturbed.
I trust you justify your intrusion
with news of profound value.
I met a hooded man today who bade me
warn you not to harm his people.
Who told you to cover up?
His name?
Robin of Locksley.
The prodigal son returns.
He's a whelp! This girl could best him.
Put it there!
This "whelp" bested four of my men.
Your men were probably drunk.
Yet you survived, Cousin.
I barely survived.
His companion is dark-skinned,
with a marked face of lslam.
He carries a Saracen sword.
I'm sure it would take an army
to match these rogues.
I trust Locksley visited his manor
and found the home fires still burning.
Father! Anyone here?
Who is it?
My father.
Who's there?
Who's there?
Master Robin?
Is that you?
Praise be! I thought God...
...had abandoned us.
Duncan, my father--
It's a miracle!
Why didn't you cut him down?
Are you deaf?
Look at him.
I would have done if I could see.
Who did this to you?
Guy. Guy of Gisborne.
The Sheriff and his witch watched.
They say the Sheriff captured your father
worshipping the devil.
That he signed a confession
before the Bishop.
That's not possible.
Nottingham declared
all Locksley lands forfeit.
Did you believe the charges?
Not even when they took my eyes.
We must go.
He loved you to the end.
He never gave up hope of your return.
I should have been here.
He called the Crusades a foolish quest.
He said it was vanity to force others
to our religion.
But you must flee now.
Head south to safety.
Gisborne will surely seek revenge.
I hear you, Duncan.
You should go home.
My world is turned upside down here.
I cannot ask you to come with me.
Alone, Christian,
you will only get yourself killed.
...there is nothing left
for me to go home to.
I will not rest until my father is avenged!
I swear it... my own blood.
You called, madam?
What do you see?
-The son of a dead man.
Does he affect us?
He precedes the Lionheart.
King Richard returns from the Crusades.
It would soften the barons' spines.
-Make haste.
But my plan is still intact?
What's wrong?
I have seen our death.
The painted man! He haunts my dreams.
Adorned with strange foreign markings.
Locksley's companion.
Kill him.
Kill them both.
What is this place?
Peter's home.
It's nearly six years since we left together.
We'll find food and shelter here.
No beggars!
Tell the mistress Robin of Locksley's
at her door.
Her ladyship's not here.
Is the child Marian in?
Maybe she is, maybe she isn't.
The hospitality here is as warm
as the weather.
-It's a joke.
Leave your weapons.
Just you!
Wait here.
Right here?
A curse on Moors and Saracens!
Were it not for their ungodly ways
Master Robin would never have left.
What manner of name is "Azeem"?
Irish? Cornish?
Who are you?
Robin of Locksley.
You lie. Robin is dead.
Step into the light.
Turn around.
Am I to dance next?
Who are you?
I am the maid Marian.
Show yourself,
for we knew each other well.
The years have...
...been kind.
Thank you.
We must guard against outlaws
who would kidnap a relative of the King.
You can see I am not one of those.
Now remove yourself from here.
I would, but I'm sworn to protect you.
Protect me?
Robin of Locksley was nothing
but a spoiled bully.
Besides, as you can see,
we have enough protection.
Marian, wait!
You are truly courageous
against an unarmed man.
Point me toward danger! I'm ready!
Hello, Marian.
His last thoughts were of you.
Oh, Peter!
I'm sorry, Marian.
I'm sorry.
How do I know you didn't abandon him
to save yourself?
No one feels his loss more than l.
Next time I'm in London,
I'll give my mother your condolences.
I would think for your safety
you would join her.
I have no interest in life at court.
All gossip-mongering and currying favor.
But you're alone here.
These years have left us many in need.
While you and my brother played hero,
Nottingham plundered the shire.
You still have your lands.
I give them no excuse to take them.
I am the King's cousin. I must look after
these people until his return.
My purpose in coming was not to hurt you.
I swore to your brother
I would protect you.
You cannot replace my brother.
I don't want to replace him.
I return to find my home destroyed
and my father murdered.
The only explanations for it
are the ramblings of an old, blind man.
All I remember of you is a spoiled bully...
...who used to burn my hair as a child.
Please allow that years of war and prison
may change a man.
Whatever happened between you
and your father, you mustn't believe...
...what they accused him of.
I don't.
How did your uneducated kind
ever take Jerusalem?
God knows.
What is it?
-What is it?
-Nottingham's soldiers.
Here? ls this your protection?
I killed some of the Sheriff's men.
I fear I have placed you in danger.
I can take care of myself. Just go!
No, that's my horse!
A magnificent animal !
-I'm sworn to protect you.
No more boyish gestures.
I'm not leaving.
Stop them! They're stealing my horses!
You're so kind.
Sheltering outlaws?
They're thieves.
Lucky he didn't steal your virtue.
A crown to the man
who brings me Locksley's head!
Have we lost them?
My horse carries two. Yours is lame.
We can't outrun them.
Leave me, Master Robin!
I slow your escape.
We'll lose them in the forest.
Sherwood Forest is haunted.
We take our chances with the ghosts,
or become ghosts ourselves.
Come on!
There're only three of them!
It's not the men we fear.
It's the evil spirits.
Robin of the Hood!
Son of a devil worshipper!
Your father died a coward...
...cursing you and squealing
like a stuck pig !
You'll bring no justice
to your father by dying.
There are your ghosts.
Wind chimes.
A child's toy put to good use.
You scare easily, my painted Moor.
This forest has eyes.
I swear it.
In my dreams alone
have I imagined such a place.
Then imagine a way to cross it.
There's hope!
"There was a rich man from Nottingham
Who tried to cross the river
"What a dope
He tripped on a rope
"Now look at him shiver! "
Beg for mercy, rich man!
I beg of no man.
This is our river, and any man
who wishes to cross must pay a tax.
I will pay no tax.
As you can see, I have nothing.
Not even my sword.
Any man who travels with two servants...
...and claims he's got no money is either...
...a fool or a liar.
Yeah, he's a liar!
Who are you?
John Little...
...bestman of the woods.
Well, bestman, you lead this rabble?
Yes, I do, mate.
And if you want to travel through
Sherwood Forest, it'll cost you...
...that gold medallion.
It's sacred to me.
It's sacred to us too, matey.
It will feed us for a month.
You must fight me for it.
Love to, mate.
Be careful, Father.
He walloped 12 of the Sheriff's men.
Is that so?
Reckon I'll enjoy this.
He's your father?
Help me!
He's drowning !
Lost something?
Thanks for the taxes.
The little rich boy's lost for words!
Any great ideas?
Get up! Move faster!
"Move faster." Great idea.
We're not through yet.
All right, my old cocker.
You want another good walloping?
You'll have it.
I've made it past the gate, John Little.
Or should I call you "Little John"?
Swimming time again, old chum.
Where is he? Do you see him?
It's a bloody shame!
He was a brave lad!
-Do you yield?
-I can't bloody swim!
-Do you yield?
Good. Now put your feet down.
I'll be buggered!
-The medallion.
-Give me your name first.
Robin of Locksley.
Well, Robin of Locksley--
You got balls of solid rock. Come on.
That's Much, the miller's son,
Harold Brownwell...
...that stumpy one is David of Doncaster,
but the lads call him "Bull."
Because you're short?
It's because I'm so long !
Save it!
Save it for the ladies.
Give him some mead.
I made that myself.
Has English hospitality changed so
in six years...
...that a friend of mine's not welcome?
But he's a savage, sire!
That he is.
But no more than you or l.
And don't call me "sire."
With regret, I must decline.
Allah forbids it.
Your loss!
Why are so many of you in hiding?
We're all outlaws.
Got prices on our heads.
Even the lad.
He's a blasted Sheriff.
He says we owe him taxes.
Your ghost will only keep his men
at bay so long.
They've worked so far.
You have a better idea?
We can fight back.
Did I crack your noble head?
These are all good lads here...
...with hearts of oak, but they're farmers.
It'd be lambs to the slaughter.
They say the Sheriff was raised by a witch.
She knows every man's thoughts.
-She flies.
-That's codswallop!
The rich son of a devil worshipper...
...cares what happens to outlaw peasants?
My lord was kind and generous!
Who dares believe him capable?
My father was no devil worshipper.
I'll have words with any man
who says otherwise.
But he's right.
I was a rich man's son.
But I killed the Sheriff's men.
So I'm an outlaw like you.
You are nothing like us.
That's Will Scarlet.
Take no notice. He's full of piss and wind.
Come on, drink up.
Stop talking so much rubbish.
This is the best we simple men can expect.
Here we're safe.
Here we are kings.
Too much mead, friend?
Forgive me, I overslept.
Rest yourself.
What day is it?
Sunday, I think.
Do they still give alms
to the poor at mass?
That they do.
Now the need for mercy
is greater than ever.
We beseech Thy blessing, Lord...
...on all Your people, but most especially...
...on our noble Sheriff of Nottingham.
Grant him the wisdom
to guide and protect...
...our glorious city.
Grant him also the strength... bring to justice the lawless men...
...who would threaten its safety...
...and prosperity...and the judgment... punish them... Your name. Amen.
Go in peace.
That's all I have.
Alms for a blind man, milady?
For one who cannot see your beauty?
What are you doing here?
Searching my soul.
I do not wish to be seen with an outlaw.
You prefer Nottingham's company?
-There's a price on your head.
-How much?
One hundred gold pieces.
Is that all?
I shall have to annoy the Sheriff more.
Soon it will be 1,000.
For 1,000, I'd turn you in myself.
Nottingham is mounting an army.
He has every blacksmith in the county
making swords and armor.
-What's his plan?
-I don't know.
There's no limit to his ambitions.
-Thank you.
-Quickly. Go!
Do something for me.
Take a bath.
A bath?
These are my private chambers, my son.
I have priests who would hear
your confession.
I see the boy I knew in the man before me.
Welcome home, Robin.
You shine like the sun, milady.
You've been meeting with Robin.
My cousin tells me the knave deprived you
of some horses.
Yes, a most disagreeable experience.
And for inflicting that upon you...
...l'll hang him from the walls
by his entrails.
I'd like to see that.
If you'd bring your household within
the city, I could attend to your needs.
Thank you, but I prefer to stay
in my family's home for now.
Then perhaps you'd do me the honor...
...of accepting a token
of my undying devotion to your safety.
King Richard will be moved to hear
of your concern for my welfare.
I'm afraid the King has many enemies
abroad and at home.
I fear for his safe return.
Fear not, dear Sheriff. He will return.
And when he does, he will wish
to reward his faithful subjects.
I asked your father three times
if he worshipped the Dark One.
Because his answer vexed me
so grievously.
He said...
...he must meet God
with a clear conscience.
You lie!
On your souls, do not shed blood
in the house of God!
I'll cut your heart out...
...with a spoon!
Then it begins.
Close that gate!
What are you looking at?
-Thank you.
-For the animal.
How can I protect you
if I know not where you go?
You hardly raise a finger
when you do know...
...Great One.
I prefer to have the choice.
You've stolen the Sheriff's horse?
You've stirred up a hornet's nest now!
-Are you afraid?
-Yeah, a little.
So is the Sheriff. And today
I gave him a sting he'll not forget.
You fool ! You started a war!
We're already at war.
I say we strike back at the very man
who takes our homes...
...and hunts our children.
You planning to join us?
No, to lead you.
These are simple people.
They are not warriors.
Be careful you do not do this
for your own purposes.
You forget yourself. I do not ask
for your company or council.
Why a spoon, Cousin? Why not an axe?
Because it's dull, you twit! It'll hurt more!
I want this brigand found.
Starve them out!
Slaughter their.... No, take their livestock.
I want Locksley's own people fighting
to bring his head in.
Perhaps we could create a name for him.
Something to drive fear into the populace.
Maybe "Locksley the Lethal"
or "Wreaking Robin."
I want him dead by the full moon,
before the barons come back.
Now, sew!
And keep the stitches small.
He's not here.
Where's your mate, the man called Little?
-He died last winter.
-Burn it down!
Leave the sow. Her young
will feed us through winter.
You've heard of the Sherwood Bandit?
Robin of the Hood? Yes.
Pray he is brought to us before winter.
Over here!
They burned it! All of it!
Look what they've done!
If it's fame you seek, Christian...
...l think you have it.
You brought this misery on us, Locksley.
Nottingham is trying to divide us.
We are divided, rich boy.
I'm not as blind as that old man.
You're still trying to be lord of the manor.
I heard the Sheriff now values your neck... 500 gold pieces.
I say we take him in.
You think the Sheriff will give everything
back after I'm gone?
He'll give us the reward and our pardons.
Wrong !
He'll stretch your necks one by one.
What would you have us do?
Fight armored men on horseback
with rocks and bare hands?
If needs be.
But with the one true weapon
that escapes you.
Look out!
Thank you, Wulf.
You wish to end this?
You wish to go home?
Then we must stop fighting
amongst ourselves...
...and face that the price may be dear.
I would rather die...
...than spend my life in hiding.
The Sheriff calls us outlaws.
But I say we are free.
And one free man defending his home
is more powerful...
...than ten hired soldiers.
The Crusades taught me that.
I'll make no promises save one:
If you truly believe in your hearts
that you are free...
...then we can win.
They got armor!
They got armor, Bull?
Even this boy can learn
to find the chinks in armor.
But we ain't got no food!
What do we need that the forest
cannot provide? We have food.
Wood for weapons.
We'll find safety in the trees.
What about our kin?
Sheriff took all they got!
Then, by God, we take it back.
What's the meaning of this?
A woman of your beauty
has no need for such decorations.
How dare you!
Please don't take that! Don't take that!
They belong to our Lord.
Now they belong to my Lord Sheriff!
Give it back!
Tell the Sheriff for every harm he does
these people I will repay him tenfold.
Something vexes thee?
What the devil?
It's a hot day, friend... burden your horse
with such a heavy purse.
The Sheriff will hear of this!
I truly hope so.
Buy yourself a new sow.
God bless you, Fanny.
And God bless Robin Hood!
We reckon he's nicked...
...three to four million
in the last five months.
Raise the bounty on his head.
25,000 crowns.
Begging your pardon, it won't do no good... much you raise it.
Why is that?
Because of the poor.
He gives them what he takes.
Well, sire...they love him.
Just a minute.
Robin Hood steals money
from my pocket...
...forcing me to hurt the public...
...and they love him for it?
Cancel the food scraps
for lepers and orphans.
No more merciful beheadings.
And call off Christmas!
The treasury is empty.
Day and night people plague my door...
...whining for tax relief and safe passage
through Sherwood Forest.
"We can't pay thee
what the highwayman's taken."
It's the shortest route to London!
It's the only route to London.
Sir Guy's patrols have found nothing, sire?
No camp. Nothing !
This hooded viper simply slithers
into the forest.
You, my room, 10:30 tonight.
You, 10:45.
And bring a friend.
"What's the pleasure in this life
Laughter, love and drinking
"Good King Richard, bless his soul
Loves his wine and warring
"But for us who stay at home
"There's only beer and whoring"
How many?
How many?
They can't count.
Why scare them?
And they call me a barbarian.
It will be difficult to sing
with a sword in your gullet.
Yes, my lord.
Shut up and help me move this log !
This is a tree, not a log !
Shut up and help me!
I have to meet a girl !
Men in front, after me.
The rest stay with the wagon!
On to glory!
Bastards! Find them!
Welcome to Sherwood, Friar!
I'll be buggered!
This treasure had a purpose.
We must find out what.
Good morning, my reverend friend.
Nottingham soldiers are poor company
to travel with.
Tax him!
I'm Robin of Locksley.
And my men are thirsty.
Robin Hood!
I mistook you for common thieves!
Kindly let me pass, sir.
Surely the Lord has the charity
to spare a few barrels for good Christians.
We've much to celebrate.
If you wish them to share
in the good Lord's brew... me for it!
Confess, Robin Hood,
that Friar Tuck is a braver...
...holier and wiser man than thou art!
He giveth and He taketh away.
Do you yield?
I'd rather roast in hell.
I think the Friar's taken us far enough.
Thank you, Lord, for teaching me humility.
Thanks for the beer.
Are these not the meek of the earth?
We need an honest man to minister them.
What say you?
The Lord reveals Himself
in mysterious ways.
I accept.
You won't regret it.
Aye, but you may!
We were ambushed, Cousin.
Spanish steel. Much stronger
than our native blades.
Any losses?
In truth, all of them.
And the gold?
Robin Hood?
They were woodsmen, Cousin.
Robin Hood.
I tried.
I tried!
We must be strong.
We can't allow an outlaw
to make fools of us.
And I can't allow a lieutenant... fail me.
At least I didn't use a spoon.
It's good steel.
Take the left one.
Which is left?
-Which you taking?
-What do you mean?
If you take the left one, I take the right.
Which one's that?
The one next to....
Just grab them.
Donation, please.
Donation? For what?
For passage through Sherwood.
Very well.
Come and get it.
You stunted shrub!
How dare you attack us!
It's me job, milady.
Who is your employer?
Robin Hood.
I must see him at once.
I'm trying to stop them!
You can't go down there!
He's not expecting you!
My lady's intrusion is tit for tat.
-Out of the way, old traps!
-Don't "old traps" me!
You can't go down there!
What's there?
Cover your eyes.
You could've said!
You have visitors!
It weren't my fault!
-It was Much !
-It weren't me!
What are you doing?
Taking a lady's advice.
What happened to your eye?
-We was set upon by ten--
Fifteen! Large, big lads!
You've been busy.
We have guests!
It works.
Kind of.
Of course it works.
Take your time.
Can you do it amidst distraction?
Can you make the shot when you must?
Show him, Wulf.
Can you?
It was a dirty trick.
Is your shirt coming off?
Well done!
This is grain, which any fool can eat...
...but for which the Lord intended
a more divine means of consumption.
Let us give praise to our Maker
and glory to His bounty... learning about...!
Are you bragging?
This is blood money, Marian.
Intended to bribe King Richard's enemies
to unite against him.
We intercepted it.
Who would--
Nottingham would not challenge the King.
The King's not here to be challenged.
While he's away he may lose his country.
You thought I was keeping it all.
Didn't you?
A contribution to your cause.
-Keep it.
-It will fetch a great price.
It's not dear to me.
It is.
It's not.
I'm saying everything wrong.
How do I get down?
We don't go that way anymore.
I'm happy to hear that.
Grab on.
We have a rule here.
Once someone has seen the way
to our camp, that person cannot leave.
Too many lives are at stake.
That's why Sarah and I were blindfolded.
Will you join us for dinner?
Salaam, little one.
Did God paint you?
Did God paint me?
For certain.
...Allah loves wondrous variety.
How is it that a once arrogant
young nobleman...
...has found contentment living rough
with the salt of the earth?
I've seen knights panic
at the first hint of battle.
And I've seen the lowliest unarmed squire
pull a spear from his own body... defend a dying horse.
Nobility's not a birthright.
It's defined by one's actions.
It's interesting to hear you say that.
I didn't.
My father did.
Did the Holy Quest
erase your hatred of him?
I don't know.
All I know is that our last words
in this world were spoken in anger.
I was lost after my mother died.
My father too. And for a short time
he found comfort...
...with another woman.
A peasant woman.
I felt he betrayed my mother's memory.
He gave her up?
For the love of a 12-year-old boy
who would never forgive him.
Who says I'm content?
I have my plans for the future.
A grander scheme than this?
No, a simpler one.
Men speak conveniently of love
when it serves their purpose.
When it doesn't, 'tis a burden to them.
Robin of the Hood...
...Prince of Thieves... he capable of love?
It's Mother, she's dying !
Your baby has not turned.
It cannot be born without help.
He's the devil's seed sent to lead us astray.
He'll kill her!
If you do not listen to me...
...she will die, and the child.
The Friar's done all he can.
I suggest you let the Moor try.
So be it.
Then be it on your head!
Get me a needle, thread, water.
Come with me, John!
What will you do?
I've seen it many times.
With horses.
With horses?
Bite down.
Help me.
It will be all right.
I tell you, John, the barbarian is killing her.
Out of the way, boy!
Quick, take him.
What is it?
Your son, milady.
You truly are a Great One.
My son!
Look at the lovely little baby.
Isn't he wonderful?
The Lord has taught me a fine lesson.
Though I may think I am godly,
I am not worldly.
My barbarian friend, let's open a barrel
and try to save each other's souls.
Alas, I am not permitted.
Fine. You talk, I'll drink.
May I have this dance?
This lady is spoken for.
Why this way?
So you cannot return
or be forced to tell others the way.
It was good to see you, Marian.
It was good to be seen.
I have two favors to ask.
Take Duncan with you.
I fear for his health.
And I'm tired of his bellyaching.
You wish me to leave?
Old friend, listen to me.
Take Marian safely home.
I fear for her safety.
Of course, sire.
You're King Richard's cousin.
You can get word to him
of Nottingham's plan.
He would believe you.
If the Sheriff found out, I'd lose all I have.
That's true.
Do it for your King.
I'll do it for you.
He fancies you, milady.
I am blind, but some things I can still see.
In ten days, the barons are coming.
Robin Hood stole what I was to pay
for their allegiance.
I am surrounded by fools
who do not realize my obligations.
Tell me, Mortianna... I thwarted?
Recruit the beasts that share our God.
From the North.
You mean, Celts.
They drink the blood of the dead.
Yoke their strength.
Hired thugs.
Put thine own issue on the throne.
A child? How?
Ally with royal blood.
It's a personal matter, my lord.
But of vital importance.
I understand, milady.
This is my most trusted emissary.
He must travel to France immediately
and give this personally to the King.
My lady-in-waiting will accompany you.
My dear, I could not vouch for her safety.
The journey is full of danger.
I appreciate your concern, but Sarah's
a skilled rider and I insist she go.
As you wish.
What's wrong?
My horse is favoring his foreleg.
Duncan, is that you?
Nicodemus! Go!
Find mice.
I've never seen a noblewoman's breasts.
We couldn't hold them, milady!
Someone wants a word with you.
Tonight I need your eyes, old friend.
It's the warning arrow!
All is well ! It's Duncan!
What happened?
I found you. Thank God, I did it.
-Nottingham's men attacked us.
They took her.
What is it?
Over there! Look!
On the hill !
Allah, be merciful.
To the trees!
To the trees!
They're coming !
The old fool led them straight to us.
Get me prisoners.
Come to me!
My God!
Save yourselves!
We better go, Robin! Now!
This way, my lambs. Come on!
Hold your fire!
Gold! Gold! It's gold!
Come on!
Save yourself, John!
No, Fanny, I won't leave you!
Go on, John.
-Hold the rope.
-I've got it.
John, catch her!
I got you, girl !
Come on!
Go on!
Don't wait for me!
John, go on!
Corpus Christi.
My Lady Marian.
By what right do you keep me prisoner?
You misunderstand my intentions.
You've been brought here
for your own protection.
Protection from whom?
From yourself.
It seems you've been consorting
with outlaws.
Where do you hear such lies?
By your own hand, milady.
I'm sorry, my child.
I feared you were being led astray.
It's over.
Today I return justice to this land.
I shall hang the ringleaders,
of course, but...
...l'll be generous and give you the lives
of the woodsmen and their families.
The children.
And, of course...
...your traitorous lady-in-waiting.
As a wedding gift.
And just whom am I supposed to marry?
Search your heart, my child.
Why not a union
with the House of Nottingham...
...and heal the wounds in our land?
Only one man can heal the wounds
of this land.
Robin Hood.
I'm truly sorry, milady.
He wasted his life.
How many lives would you waste?
What a beautiful child.
So young.
So alive, so unaware
of how precarious life can be.
I had a very sad childhood.
I'll tell you about it sometime.
I never knew my parents.
It's amazing I'm sane.
Our bonding would allow these children
to grow up as my allies.
You understand...
...l cannot allow them to grow up
as my enemies.
I have no choice.
That's true.
I have heard that Robin Hood
may still be alive.
Either tell me where he may be hiding...
...or we'll hang you, catch him anyway,
and do the same to him.
I'd love to kill him for you.
So he is alive, then.
I'm not really sure.
Then why would I need you?
Because, my lord, if he is alive
I can get close to him.
I'm one of his men.
He'd never suspect me.
-He knows you hate him!
-Shut up!
He's a trusting fool.
And if he doesn't believe me, he'll kill me...
...then you've lost nothing.
If you fail...
...l will personally remove
your lying tongue.
My pride brought us to this.
It's you who gave pride to these people.
I was a fool.
A fool to let him leave... believe I planned it so perfectly.
A wise man once said:
"There are no perfect men in this world...
"...only perfect intentions."
You were an honor
to your countrymen today.
You fought better
than twenty English knights.
-I thought you were taken.
-I was.
How'd you escape?
I'll wring your scrawny neck!
Get in there!
Nobody escapes the Sheriff
unless he's lining his pockets.
Where's my son?
I'll have your hide, you toad!
Bugger me!
Let him speak.
I bring a message...
...from Nottingham.
Our men are to be hung in the square
at high noon tomorrow.
And my boy?
The boy too.
Ten men in all.
The hangings are part of the celebration...
...for the Sheriff's marriage.
To whom?
Lady Marian.
A bride of royal blood.
And with King Richard gone...
...he'll be after the throne.
You were to use this news to get near me,
then kill me, right?
What are your intentions?
It depends on you, Locksley.
I've never trusted you, that's no secret.
Will you finish what you started?
Or will he run like the spoiled rich boy
I always took him for?
Did I wrong you in another life,
Will Scarlet?
Where does this hatred for me come from?
From knowing that...
...our father loved you best.
Our father.
We are brothers.
I'm the son of the woman who replaced
your dead mother for a time!
-Your anger drove them apart!
-It's a lie!
It's not a lie! You ruined my life!
I have more reason to hate you
than anyone.
But I dared to believe in you.
What I must know, Brother... will you stay with us
and finish what you started?
I have a brother?
I have a brother!
I will make my stand with you.
Side by side.
To the end.
To the end!
We're all in.
Daft buggers.
We finish this.
What was that?
Truly, you are a wizard!
The mystery is in the black powder.
Surely the Lord will grant us victory.
You'll be by the gate
to cut off reinforcements.
John, you sit on this wall
to protect our escape.
I will hide below the scaffold... cut our men from their nooses
at the signal.
No. I'll do that.
You cover us with your bow.
It's too dangerous.
So is your aim.
Whatever Azeem is concocting,
we must each be in place for it.
Now our success depends on total concert.
-We may be only six men--
-What? Where's the little ones?
-Safe with my mother.
You cracked? You'd get hurt.
I've had eight babies.
Don't tell me about getting hurt.
Anyway, I won't just sit
and let one of them die!
You should be bloody well minding
the other seven.
Tell her, Rob.
You will take position here.
No blades, no bows.
Leave your weapons here.
No blades, no bows.
Leave your weapons here.
What have you got there?
The Lord's finest brew
for the good Sheriff's fighting men.
It has a mighty kick.
Hey, you!
-Do I know you?
-Please, sir, don't hurt me.
Oh, my God, you stink.
Pardon my blindness. I'm always falling--
Careful, Friar.
What are you doing?
Distributing libations for the celebration
of the Sheriff's nuptials.
Is something amiss?
You are. Get this out of here!
Caesar has spoken, my leprous friend.
Let's collect our offerings and depart.
Is this your finger?
Leper? Get out of here!
Leaving bits of himself all over England.
What are you doing?
I ain't doing no harm.
I likes a good hanging.
-What's in this bundle?
-That's firewood.
Hello, my lover.
Make way for the Lord's work!
No fighting here.
Make way for the Lord's work!
A benediction for these poor bastards
who are about to stretch.
God, receive them in Thy mercy...
...and show them the love
they so richly deserve.
Hey! Nothing there but trouble, boy.
That's a little inappropriate,
don't you think?
No more than your wedding present.
Bring them out!
Make way!
What's going on?
Bring him here!
Oh, the turncoat!
Did you succeed?
I found his lair, but...
...he was dead.
You sure? You saw Hood's body?
I saw a grave.
We found this on him.
String him up.
Put me down!
Let me go!
-Leave him! He's only a boy.
-Shut up!
You all right?
It appears there's no more room!
I'll have to respectfully decline!
Come on, you. Down.
Hold your tongue!
There's always room for one more.
That's my boy!
My boy!
Get some troops in here!
What are you waiting for?
Come on, you milksops!
Fight your way free.
This way! To the wall !
Lord Sheriff... this your idea of control?
Shut up, you twit!
English !
English !
Behold Azeem Edin Bashir AI Bakir!
I am not one of you...
...but I fight!
I fight with Robin Hood...
...against a tyrant...
...who holds you under his boot!
If you would be free men...
...then you must fight! Join us now!
Join Robin Hood!
Close the gate!
Guard it with your life!
Bring the Bishop to my chapel !
Right there!
Is she worth it?
Worth dying for?
He cleared it!
We're doomed.
'Tis rebellion! We must escape!
Marry us!
I will never marry you!
That's my wife, crone!
Get away!
She's ripe.
She'll give us a son. Take her now.
I will not take her
until we are properly wed!
For once, I will have something pure!
'Tis madness to delay.
Marry them...
...or face me!
Where is she?
Lady Marian?
Up the stairs, that way!
Get on with it!
"Do you, George, Sheriff of Nottingham...
"...take this woman to be your wife?
"To have and to hold...
" sickness and in health,
for better or for worse--"
Yes, yes! Come on!
Make haste!
"Do you, Marian, take this man
to be your husband?"
Yes, of course she does.
Damned English oak!
Let's try the other way.
What do you want?
I can't do this with all that racket!
How could you?
The painted man!
The witch !
I didn't know. I didn't know it was you.
Please, sire, have pity.
Don't harm an old woman.
You may take this body,
but it will not be me!
Not again!
"l pronounce you man and wife,
in the name of the Father...
"...the Son...
"...and the Holy Ghost."
Do you mind, Locksley?
We've just been married.
Recognize this?
It belonged to your father.
Appropriate, don't you think...
...that I use it to send you to meet him?
I shall never fear my father's sword.
Now we're even.
If I must, I'll take you a piece at a time.
I'll do the only taking today.
You sold your soul to Satan, Your Grace.
You accused innocent men of witchcraft
and let them die.
Brother Friar, you would not strike
a fellow man of the cloth.
No, I wouldn't.
I'll help you pack for your journey.
You'll need lots of gold to help you
on your way.
You're a very rich man.
This too.
And there!
Here's thirty pieces of silver... pay the devil on your way to hell !
Get ready.
I have fulfilled my vow, Sadiq.
You came for me.
You're alive.
I would die for you.
"By the power vested in me
by God's holy church, I say any man...
"...with reason why these two
shouldn't be joined...
"...let him speak now...
"...or forever hold his peace.
-"l now pronounce you--"
I speak!
I will not allow this wedding to proceed.
...l'm allowed to give the bride away.
You look radiant, Cousin.
We are deeply honored, Your Majesty.
It is I who am honored, Lord Locksley.
Thanks to you, I still have the throne.
"Husband and wife."
You may kiss the bride.
I know that.
Get out of it.
We waste good celebration time.