Robo-Dog: Airborne (2017)

[Tyler] My name is Tyler Austin,
and this is my best friend
in the whole world, Robo-Dog.
He may look like a normal dog,
but he's actually a robot,
with some really cool gadgets,
like a robotic hand.
He also has cool powers
like super-speed.
Oh, and did I mention that he can talk?
I am Robo-Dog.
[Tyler] Robo-Dog is the best,
and I can't imagine ever
being apart from him.
(proud music)
Let's do this.
(powerful music)
Ready to test Robo-Dog, Tyler?
Are you ready to test Robo-Dog?
Hold on, technical difficulties.
Is that thing recording?
(bumbling music)
Hold on.
I got you guys in slow motion mode
and I don't know how to get it off.
No no no.
Just stop recording
and you just swipe the button.
How hard can it be?
Barry, you put your finger on the button
and you swipe it.
Tom, I'm swiping it.
May I be of some assistance?
Oh, you swipe.
Thanks, Robo-Dog.
Right, and continue.
Gentlemen, you're about
to witness the initial test
of Robo-Dog Upgrade 42,
a little program I like to refer to
as the Wilbur and Orville program.
Oh, the popcorn guys?
Did you install a popcorn machine?
That would actually
be a pretty good idea.
Next time, Tyler.
Guys, I'm referring to
the Wright brothers.
Tom, I'm pretty sure
they didn't invent the popcorn machine.
Barry, let's forget about
popcorn for the moment,
because I'm trying to share
something extremely cool
with you guys.
Robo-Dog, are you ready?
Guys, hold on to your hats,
because things are about
to get a little crazy.
Initiating Robo-Dog Upgrade 42.
Dad, that's so awesome!
You think that's awesome, Tyler?
Watch this.
Robo-Dog, go!
Yeah, go Robo-Dog!
(Tom laughs)
(Robo-Dog laughs)
[Robo-Dog] All right!
(alarm beeping)
What happened?
Oh no!
Jiminy jumper nuts!
One of his gyroscopes is malfunctioning.
Robo-Dog, come home, now!
Dad, do something!
All right, son, how about this?
[Robo-Dog] Whoa!
I cannot stop!
[Tom And Tyler] Duck!
[Robo-Dog] Look out!
(troubled music)
I'm okay.
I'm okay.
(Robo-Dog screams)
Oh no.
That's one big hole.
That was fun.
All things considered,
I think that that was quite success...
Robo-Dog, are you okay?
Better than ever.
I think you should've gone
with the popcorn machine.
The new rule is no
flying until I fix you.
The good news is all we
have to do is fix your gyro
and you should be fine.
Lunch, anybody?
What time is it?
The time is 11:15am and 37 seconds.
[Tyler And Tom] 11:15?!
And 39 seconds.
The science fair, we gotta go!
I can fly us.
Robo-Dog, what did I just tell you?
Right, no flying until I fix you.
Let's go!
Where you guys headed?
I gotta present my
invention at the science fair.
Wanna come?
I can't.
I have an event that I have to attend,
but good luck though.
Thanks, Barry.
Dad, what about the pothole?
Don't you guys worry.
I'll take care of it.
Got the perfect thing in my car.
Do you really think that we
should trust Barry to do this?
Definitely not, son,
but we're late.
(bemused music)
(tires squealing)
What the heck?
Hey, did you do this?
All you have to do is
input someone's voice
and you can find them?
For example, speak into this microphone.
Now speak again.
Speaking again.
(device beeping)
Ah, see, found just where you were.
How far can you go with this thing?
I've tested it up for six miles.
Very impressive, young man.
We've conferred, and congratulations,
you won first place in the science fair!
[Tyler] Really?
You get to go to the state
science fair next week.
Thank you.
Did you see that?
Great job, Tyler.
Is first place a good thing?
Yeah, that means I get
to show off my invention
at the state science fair.
Hey, congratulations, Tyler.
Barry, what are you doing here?
Oh, I'm one of the sponsors
of the science fair, see.
(amused music)
That's weird.
It's the word merchandise,
but with my name in it.
Very creative.
Sorry to bother you, Mr. Melch,
but could you sign my
solar-powered spatula?
Sure thing.
And my solar-powered Frisbee?
I love your infomercials.
[Barry] Thank you.
(bemused music)
Barry, you have quite a fan base.
Only at things like this.
May I have a photo too please?
Oh, of course.
Thanks, Barry.
How come you didn't tell us
you were coming to the science fair?
Oh, you meant you were
coming to this science fair.
Makes sense.
That's really cool that
you're one of the sponsors.
Oh, that reminds me,
I gotta give you your very own
official Melch-andise Enterprises
gift pack
for winning first place
at the science fair,
and it even comes with your very own
limited edition solar-powered spatula.
Oh, thank you.
[Barry] You're welcome.
Limited edition.
First place is a good thing.
What do you say we celebrate
this momentous occasion
with some dinner?
[Tyler] Yeah, totally.
Wow, wonder who this is.
Tom, so good to see you.
Mr. Soto!
What are you doing here?
I have a very special business associate
who would like to meet you.
Tom Austin.
I have been waiting to
finally meet you in person.
It's a pleasure to meet you, sir.
Who are you?
Forgive me.
I'm Dr. William Rants,
Chairman of the World Science
and Technology Association.
The Dr. William Rants.
Tyler, this man is a legend.
He is single-handedly responsible
for the advancement of
artificial intelligence.
I assure you, I had plenty
of people to help get me there.
Let me introduce you.
This is my son, Tyler.
[Dr. Rants] Hello.
[Tom] And this is our
very strange friend, Barry.
And this is...
I am Robo-Dog.
Shake hands, Robo-Dog.
Of course.
Where are my manners?
Even more impressive in person.
Thank you.
You're quite the hero
in the robotics world.
You should be very proud.
Dr. Rants, coming from you,
that is such a compliment.
I just wanted to personally invite you
to be our guest speaker
at the World Science and
Technology Summit in New York.
Guest speaker?
[Dr. Rants] Yes, sir.
I don't know what to say.
Say yes.
Okay, yes.
I'll have my people arrange
flights for you and your family,
and of course, Robo-Dog,
and I expect him to be
part of your presentation?
Oh yes, of course.
Nice to have met you all.
Nice to meet you.
Good job, Tom.
Thanks, Mr. Soto.
See you next week.
That's right, I will see you next week!
Tyler, what day is the science fair?
April 2nd.
With your mother out of town,
how in the jiminy jumper nuts
are we gonna make this work?
Barry could always take me.
Oh yeah, no problem.
I was gonna be there anyway.
I'll be unveiling the
latest in my Melch-Andise.
I'm sorry, Barry, I'm just
not sure that you're qualified
to watch another human being.
And you'd be absolutely
right in feeling that way.
Dad, we'll be fine.
I'm a teenager now.
And that is exactly
what I'm worried about.
Pardon me for interrupting,
but can I volunteer in
helping with all this?
With me helping, Tyler could participate
in the state science fair
and you could have an eventful
time in New York as well.
After all, you programmed me
with 224 different
babysitting techniques
that deal with responsibility, homework,
etiquette, manners, and cleanliness.
Thank you.
What do you think?
I suppose if Robo-Dog
goes with you, it'd be okay.
Did I get the job?
Yeah you did.
Okay guys, here's the plan.
After your competition,
you guys will meet me for
the final day of the summit.
You have to have Robo-Dog
there for my speech.
It'll be perfect.
No worries.
Right, Barry?
What could go wrong?
Your mom's gonna kill me.
(defeated music)
(perky music)
Do you have everything, Tyler?
Yeah, I think so.
Your mother wants to know if
you packed enough underwear.
I packed those for him.
Robo-Dog packed the underwear, honey.
I'm telling you, you have
nothing to worry about.
We should stop at a store
so I can get my underwear.
Love you too.
Your mom says good luck
and she sends you a kiss.
You guys have a great time at the fair.
[Tyler] You too.
Bye, dad.
Love you.
Love you.
Bye, Barry.
Are you crying?
[Barry] Maybe.
Barry, would you...
All right, you guys have fun.
No flying, Robo-Dog.
Please take care of Tyler.
Do not worry, Tom.
I will.
Bye, dad.
Good luck at the summit.
Bye, Tom.
I miss Tom already.
See you in a few days.
It's so sad.
Are you crying?
(Robo-Dog cries)
Since everyone else is crying,
I thought I was supposed to cry too.
No, we're supposed to be excited,
because we're going on a new adventure,
right, Barry?
Do you even know where we're
supposed to be driving?
Robo-Dog, directions
to the science fair.
Calculating now.
[GPS Voice] Make an immediate U-turn.
Oh, that's right.
(tires squealing)
(bumbling music)
Went the wrong way.
Bye, dad.
Oh, Barry.
(peaceful piano music)
How's it going?
[Carson] Is it supposed
to look like this?
If you add a little paint,
I'm sure it'll be just fine.
Good luck.
Hey, Tyler!
I got us road supplies.
I got us hats
and sunglasses,
and I got us all kinds of snacks.
I got circus peanuts,
honey-roasted peanuts,
boiled peanuts, regular peanuts.
Oh, great.
I'm allergic to peanuts.
[Barry] Oh.
I also got mustard.
This is gonna be great.
(bemused music)
Oh, this is good.
(upbeat music)
(Tyler and Barry singing along)
What are you doing?
Singing along.
[Robo-Dog] Should I be doing this too?
(Tyler, Barry, Robo-Dog singing along)
Tyler, I like this song.
May I download it for my MP3 player?
Of course.
(upbeat rock music)
(Barry, Tyler, Robo-Dog singing along)
Thank you, Robo-Dog.
(Barry, Tyler, Robo-Dog singing along)
Oh hey, how'd it turn out?
I don't know, what do you think?
It looks good.
Who's it for?
My daughter, Mira.
It's her sixth birthday today
and she loves to play
tea party with her toys.
Oh, I love it.
It's a very nice gift.
I hope so.
I never know what she wants.
Love and attention.
That's what all girls want.
I'll remember that.
Of course cupcakes and puppies help too.
What do I owe you?
This is embarrassing.
My computer's not working.
Mind if I take a look?
Oh no, you don't have to.
I've had several people
look at it before
and no one has been able to...
There you go.
[Ceramic Worker] Fix it.
Shouldn't give you anymore troubles.
How'd you do that?
Oh me and computers,
we have an understanding.
Here you go.
Thank you very much.
She's gonna love it.
I hope so.
(hopeful music)
I got it.
(lighthearted music)
Thank you.
No problem.
Is that your science project?
No, it's just my dog.
Thank goodness.
There's no way we would've beaten
something as cool as him.
Never doubt yourself.
Besides, there are plenty of categories.
He's right.
We just need to add some
oomph to that volcano.
What do you say we go inside
and knock their socks off?
Why would they want to
knock anyone's socks off?
It's just a figure of speech.
You don't take it literally.
Oh I have.
When I was working on my
solar-powered toaster,
I hit a live wire and
knocked myself out.
When I woke up, my socks were off,
but my shoes were on.
Strange, huh?
No stranger than any
of your other stories.
Come on.
Mr. Melch.
Mr. Melch.
My dad here?
I believe he is referring to you, Barry.
Oh, that's right.
How might I help you?
Oh my goodness, a talking dog.
How extraordinary!
Is he your project?
No, he's just my dog, sir.
What a lovely addition
to the competition.
Mr. Melch, it's such a
pleasure having you here.
No problem.
The board and I were wondering
if you might say a few
words of encouragement
to the students
to officially kick off the competition?
I love encouraging others with my words.
That would be great.
This I gotta see.
Me too.
Right this way, Mr. Melch.
Good luck, Barry.
Just allow me to make your introduction.
Good evening, everyone.
Good evening,
and welcome to the 17th
annual state science fair.
It is so wonderful to see so
many great projects out there.
This has been our biggest year yet.
(audience applauds and cheers)
Now to kick off the festivities,
it is my pleasure to introduce to you
one of our sponsors,
and the creator of
Melch-Andise Enterprises,
Mr. Barry Melch.
(audience applauds)
Barry, that's you.
[Mr. Dean] Mr. Melch.
Oh, oh, yeah.
Mr. Melch.
(audience applauds)
(Barry laughs)
(inspired music)
Good evening.
(microphone screeches)
I can't watch this.
It is truly an honor
to be here with you today
at this wonderful competition.
Seeing all of you here
with your projects
is truly inspiring.
But getting here was not an easy road.
There were several bumps along the way.
But I kept on going.
I finally found a place for
myself in the world of science
so that I could be before you today.
I hope that all of you
continue to be motivated
and inspired in this field,
because you are the future
that I look forward to being a part of.
Thank you.
(audience applauds and cheers)
Tyler, did Barry just say
something moving and inspirational?
I am not sure my processors
are allowing me to compute that.
And now, to officially
kick off the science fair,
we have the largest mint
candy and diet cola display
ever seen indoors.
I might remind you, you're
all in the splash zone.
(audience laughs)
(Barry laughs)
Mr. Melch, would you do us the
honors of pulling the string?
I'd be glad to.
And now, on the count of three.
(audience applauds and cheers)
(bottle explodes)
(everyone gasps)
(Mr. Dean laughs)
(bottles exploding)
(crowd gasping)
(glass shattering)
(crowd screaming)
Sure that's not supposed to happen.
Barry, help me evacuate these people!
This all looks very familiar.
Oh, yeah,
got it!
Everyone remain calm.
Please be safe and slow down.
Do not panic.
Please stop running.
I said stop!
Okay, follow me in an orderly fashion
and I will get you to the nearest exit.
[Barry] This way, everybody!
Tyler, get them out of here.
I'll take care of the gas
and make sure to extinguish the fire.
(Tyler coughs)
Thanks, Robo-Dog.
We'll see you out there.
Come on, guys, let's go, let's go!
(urgent music)
Hi, mom, I just finished a job.
I'm on my way home now.
Are you having a good time with Mira?
Yes, I got her a birthday present,
a good one this time.
Mom, she's gonna love it.
She will.
I'll see you soon.
I love you too, bye.
(lighthearted music)
She's gonna love it.
[Robo-Dog] Must find assistance.
(Carson shouts)
(tires squealing)
What was that?
Oh no.
Hey little guy.
Are you okay?
Help me.
Was that you talking?
Please assist.
You're a little furry,
walking, talking computer, huh?
Warning, memory card damaged,
internal systems overheating.
All right, let's see if
we can find your owner.
I bet they can help.
No time.
Need repairs now.
Yeah you do.
I think I could get you fixed up.
I got everything I
need back at my place.
Is it okay if I take you there?
Please assist.
All right, let's get you fixed up.
(ominous music)
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm
so glad that everyone's okay,
but unfortunately,
we are going to have to
delay the science fair for a day or two.
Barry, have you seen Robo-Dog?
I thought you had him.
All right, folks, there's
actually something to see here.
It's really quiet interesting.
(Tyler coughs)
Robo-Dog, where are you?
Kid, you can't be in here.
- You're not safe.
- No!
No no no!
Can't have you in there, kid.
It's not safe.
I know that my dog is in there.
I know it!
We didn't find any dogs in there.
I'm sure he went out a
back door or something.
Look, kid, dogs are smart.
They know how to get out
of a burning building.
I'm sure he's fine.
Barry, are you sure that he's safe?
He'll be fine.
Couldn't have gone too far.
Okay, little guy,
just gonna sit you down for a sec,
and I will get you all
fixed up, all right?
That makes sense.
We'll get you hooked up to my computer
and we will run some
diagnostic tests on you.
You will be just fine.
Oh, is there way to open you up?
That's impressive.
Structurally, you look good.
Power source, oh, impressive.
Your CPU, no damage,
main board looks good.
That's what's important.
You, my friend, are running a bit low.
(bemused music)
All righty.
Okay, I'm trying, let me unplug it.
Really almost got me.
Thanks so much.
I'm sorry.
Okay, let's see how we're doing.
Coolant level is now fine.
But, wow, your memory board
seems to be a bit damaged.
Not to worry, I've got one of those.
Right here.
Oh, looks like this is little singed.
New memory board.
Put this guy in.
No memory card detected.
Looks like you don't even have one.
Also, not to worry,
got a flash card right here.
Stick this guy in.
You, my friend, are looking good.
Once you're rebooted,
we will find your owner,
we'll get you home.
Speaking of home, there's my daughter.
Stay right there, okay?
(gentle music)
Hey, how's my birthday girl?
(Mira laughs)
[Mira] Look at my balloon.
Wow, look at that.
Very nice.
Hi, mom.
Come on, get up and help your mother.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Thank you for looking after Mira.
[Cynthia] I love taking care of you.
Look what we got.
We got cake.
Look what we have.
I got presents.
I got decorations.
You did get a present?
Of course I got a present.
Nana got me a new tea set.
Oh, look at that,
grandma got you a tea set
with a teapot too?
Look how fancy it is.
Yeah, it's really fancy.
It's great.
(lighthearted music)
What was that?
What was what?
Who wants cake?
Oh, oh, me!
Not until after your present.
You're gonna just...
Is that my present?
[Carson] Yep.
A dog?
A dog?
A dog.
Hi, I'm Mira.
Hello, Mira.
A talking dog?
It's a talking dog.
It's not a real dog.
It's a robot.
What's your name?
I do not believe I have a name.
Daddy, what's his name?
I don't know.
Hmm, what about...
...Mr. Sparky?
Why Mr. Sparky?
Why not?
Okay, Mr. Sparky.
Hear that?
Your name's Mr. Sparky.
My name is Mr. Sparky.
We're going to be best friends.
[Mr. Sparky] We are going
to be best friends.
[Mira] Thank you, Daddy.
I love you so much!
It's the best present ever!
Listen, Mira...
Don't start getting weird on her.
You did good.
She's happy.
She is.
She is happy, isn't she?
You did good!
I'm so proud of you.
Thanks, mom.
Who wants cake?
Yay, cake!
Yay, cake.
Man, where could he be?
Seems like we looked everywhere.
(phone vibrates)
Aw man, it's my dad.
Oh, Tom?
Tell him I said hi.
[Tyler] Hey, dad.
Hey, buddy.
Everything good?
This place is so awesome, Tyler.
I can't wait for you to get down here.
How's Robo-Dog?
Oh, he's doing good.
[Tom] Can I talk to him?
He wants to talk to Robo-Dog.
I'll handle it.
Give me the phone.
Hi, Tom.
Hi, Barry.
How's everything going?
We lost Robo-Dog.
No, I was just kidding.
He's right here.
Can I speak with him, please?
But if we had lost
him, what would you do?
I suppose I would check his tablet
and track him down, Barry.
Ah, you'd use the tablet to
track him, of course. (Laughs)
You're starting to make me nervous.
Can I speak with Robo-Dog please?
He wants to talk to Robo-Dog.
What am I supposed to do?
Sound more robotic and dog-like.
[Tyler] What?
Here he is.
Hello, Tom.
Are you all right?
Everything is fine.
Thank you for asking.
Are you sure?
You sound a little odd.
I am still recovering
from my crash landing,
but I am sure I will be just fine.
Put Tyler back on the phone.
Affirmative, dad,
I mean, Tom.
Hey dad.
Tyler, it sounds like Robo-Dog
is experiencing some issues.
Oh yeah, no, he's doing just fine.
Just a little confused at times.
I'll check him out when
you guys get out here.
I'm excited for you to come, Tyler.
All right, see you, dad.
[Tom] Bye.
Man, that was close.
Hey, we can use that
tablet to track Robo-Dog.
Let's go.
No problem.
Let me finish my milkshake.
(bumbling music)
All right, Barry, come on, let's go.
Ah, come on!
(contented music)
Good, she's asleep.
Did you have a good time at the party?
I am sorry, but I do not know your name.
Oh, I'm, yeah, Carson Perry.
Nice to meet you, Carson Perry.
You're an amazing thing.
Please clarify.
You make Mira smile,
and that's really incredible.
Thank you.
Oh, it has been my pleasure.
What is that sound?
I believe it is me.
What does it mean?
[Mr. Sparky] I am not sure.
Here, let me take a look.
Okay, we're really close to him.
We just need to take
this left right up here.
Let's take a look.
There you go.
Let's get her to bed.
No, no no no no, what happened?
Looks like someone doesn't
want Robo-Dog to be found.
You mean?
Maybe Robo-Dog's been Robo-Dog-napped.
(worried music)
(peaceful music)
Thank you, Daddy, for
bringing me a best friend.
You're welcome.
Good night.
Say good night to Mr. Sparky.
Good night.
Good night, Carson Perry.
Go to sleep.
(peaceful music)
Oh, wow, what a mess.
What's this?
[Tyler] My name is Tyler Austin,
and this is my best friend
in the whole world, Robo-Dog.
[Tyler] Robo-Dog is the best,
and I can't imagine ever
being apart from him.
Oh boy.
This is not very good.
This was the last place Robo-Dog's
before it was deactivated.
He's gotta be in one of these houses.
We'll find him.
But how?
One word, steak.
Oh, Barry, you're a genius!
I was just gonna say steak,
but stakeout sounds good.
Oh, Barry, that's it!
We can use my sound
tracking device to find him.
Once we input his voice,
it'll help us pinpoint his location.
All right, sounds good, let's do it.
[Robotic Voice] I am Robo-Dog.
(device beeping)
Maybe he's asleep.
Tell you what, let
me take the first shift
so you can get some sleep.
Thanks, Barry.
No problem.
Don't worry, I'll stay awake.
[Tyler] Hey, Barry.
[Tyler] Just checking, but yeah,
you do know how to
use that thing, right?
Oh yeah, no problem.
I got it.
[Tyler] Okay.
(Barry snoring)
Oh Theodora, you are so funny.
Mira, wasn't I just telling
you just the other day
just how funny she was?
You sure were.
Oh, Mira, my dear,
would you mind pouring
me another spot of tea?
Of course.
Such a lovely flavor.
Where on earth did you find it?
I grew it in my magical garden.
Well it is indeed a magical flavor,
with a hint of lavender.
Would you like some too, Frogerina?
What about a peach scone?
I know they're your favorite.
You two having fun?
Why, yes, Carson Perry.
It is rather delightful.
Would you care for some
peach and cranberry scones?
Oh, no no no, I'm okay.
I made them myself.
Okay, just one, just one.
Oh, they all look so good.
I'll take this one, okay?
Mm, they are just so sconey good.
Would you like to join us?
No no no no no.
Besides, sweetheart,
you have to get ready,
because we're going to grandma's.
Come on.
You love grandma.
Yeah, but I like it
better here with you.
Aw, thanks, sweetheart,
but I gotta go to work.
Is Mr. Sparky gonna go?
Not today.
I thought maybe he would just stay home.
[Mira] Why?
Yes, why?
Mira is my best friend.
I should go with her too.
Please please?
Robo-Dog can come too.
You mean Mr. Sparky.
What did I say?
Yeah, of course, Mr.
Sparky can come too,
but let's go.
All right, let's get
you two to grandma's.
Yay, grandma's!
Yay, grandma's!
Yay, grandma's.
(device beeping)
(bumbling music)
Barry, why didn't you
wake me up for my shift?
You were so sound asleep
I decided to take the whole night.
Did you see anything?
The whole time you were watching.
No, nothing.
Maybe this is the wrong place.
I would've sworn this is where
the beacon is transmitting.
Wanna get breakfast?
Sure, but we have to get
right back to watching.
You got it.
Maybe we should shower too.
Yeah, sounds good.
Man, I just hope we
didn't miss anything.
(Mira laughs)
(Carson shouts)
Hey, come on in.
Get over here and give grandma a kiss.
What, I don't get a kiss?
You're such a baby.
Thanks for looking after Mira.
I love to.
Do I get a kiss too?
No, you don't get a kiss.
Hey, get away from that cake!
I gotta go to work.
I love you.
You're not staying for lunch?
I gotta go.
I got work stuff.
I love you.
I'll be back in a few hours.
[Mira] Bye, Daddy!
Listen to your Grandma!
[Mira] Love you!
[Carson] Love you.
Be a good girl.
[Mira] Bye!
[Carson] Bye.
Your father.
His mind's always someplace else.
You know?
I know.
Are you hungry?
Because I made my special.
After this, I'm gonna show
you to my secret place.
Sounds good.
(energetic pop music)
All right, Barry, bathroom's all yours.
Oh, man, Barry, what are you doing?
Sleeping in the car
really cramped me up,
so gotta do my stretches.
did you just say sleep?
I may have.
Barry, did you sleep all night?
I'm sorry, Tyler.
I tried to stay awake but I couldn't.
That means Robo-Dog may be in the area
where we thought he was.
Yep, probably.
Then we gotta go back.
You got it,
soon as I'm done with my stretching.
(Barry farts)
Oh, gross, Barry!
That was Robo-Dog.
Robo-Dog isn't here.
It may have been me.
Just hurry up, please.
Time is running out.
(Barry farts)
(pretty music)
Where are you taking me?
To this secret place I found.
Nobody knows about it.
I pretend it's my royal kingdom
and rule over all my royal subjects
with a kind and giving heart.
Sounds like a nice place.
There it is.
Race you there.
Oh no you don't.
(lovely music)
Wow, how did you do that?
I don't know.
Do you know any other tricks?
Let's see.
Wow, that's neat!
It is.
Anything else?
(upbeat rock music)
Would you like to show me your kingdom?
I'd be glad to.
(lovely music)
Here we are.
It's very nice.
These are where my loyal subjects live.
This is the throne room.
And here's the ballroom!
You have a room shaped like a ball?
No, a ballroom is where
you throw a royal ball.
When you throw these royal balls,
who fetches them?
A ball's another word
for a big dance party.
I am not sure I know how to dance.
Well you're a dog.
Dogs aren't really known for dancing.
I'd like to know how.
Could you teach me?
First you stand like this.
Then you do this.
Now we need music.
Like this?
(heavy metal music)
Less loud and more classy.
Oh, like this?
(gentle classical music)
Yes, and here we go.
One two three, one two
three, one two three.
One two three, one two three.
(lovely classical music)
Like this?
One two three, one two three.
(Mira laughs)
One two three, one two three.
Like that?
No, silly.
Hold my hand and I'll help you.
One two three, one two
three, one two three.
(lovely classical music)
Spin me!
Whoa, I'm dizzy.
Did I do something wrong?
No, just a little
less spinning next time.
Yes, I can do that.
Now I curtsy and you bow.
Like this?
That was nice.
Thank you for teaching me.
You're welcome.
I love to dance.
I do too.
It's getting late.
We should go.
After you, my lady.
Why thank you.
(device beeping)
Is this thing even working?
Hey, this looks fun.
Spring dance.
Barry, we have no time for dancing.
We have to find Robo-Dog,
then fly back to New York
for the last day of
the science convention.
Hopefully somebody sees these flyers.
Yeah, ma.
I'll be there in about 15 minutes.
I'm just picking
something up at the house.
Hey, there's someone over there.
I'll ask him.
[Carson] Okay, love you too.
[Tyler] Hi, excuse me, sir.
My friend and I are looking for...
I haven't seen any dog.
My dog.
How did you know?
There's a dog picture on your flyer.
We tracked him down to this neighborhood
and we were wondering if you
just saw him walking around.
(puzzled music)
This dog?
(bumbling music)
Have I seen him?
(suspicious music)
You sure?
What happened to him?
We think somebody stole him.
Stole him?
Why would you think that?
He wouldn't have come all
the way out here on his own.
He would've found us by now.
Maybe he lost his memory.
Maybe he just wandered off,
and maybe a really
nice family rescued him
and saved him
and made him happy.
Think about that.
Thank you.
You bet, Tyler.
How did you know my name?
I don't know.
Hey wait.
I gotta tell her.
I gotta tell her.
(touching music)
Okay, there's no way
I'm going to tell her.
Everything okay?
He just seemed a little
nervous about something.
Don't worry, we'll find him.
(bumbling music)
Little help.
Not again.
I know.
(sneaky music)
[Mr. Sparky] Look, Mira,
there is a dance tomorrow.
Yeah, that's the spring dance!
They do it every year.
I try to get my dad to
take me, but he never does.
Can I take you?
Wait, are you asking me
to be your dance partner?
(calm music)
Hi, Daddy.
What are you doing out here?
Oh, just showing Mr. Sparky
around the neighborhood.
Where is your grandma?
She's inside.
You're just letting her roam
out here all by herself?
It's okay.
She has a guard dog.
Guard dog.
Okay, we're leaving now.
Say goodbye to grandma.
Bye, grandma!
Bye, Mira!
Bye, grandma!
Bye, Mr. Sparky!
Bye, grand
Okay, let's go.
Come on.
Are we going to get ice cream?
Yeah yeah yeah, we
got ice cream at home.
We do?
I think we do.
Come on, let's get in the car, come on.
Yay ice cream!
Yay, ice cream.
Who wants ice cream?
That's not ice cream.
Sure it is.
We got ice.
So, did you see the flyers?
What flyers?
The ones about the spring dance.
Oh, the spring dance flyers, right.
Oh yeah, I did.
I did see those.
They were...
What about them?
Mr. Sparky and I wanna go.
I don't think that's a very good idea.
I think you and Robo-Dog,
your doggy dog, Mr. Sparky dog,
should stay inside.
You've got so many toys
that you can show him.
Oh, and you could binge-watch
all your favorite TV shows
that you've been missing.
I'd rather go to the dance.
You can't go to a dance with a dog.
You need an adult.
You could take us.
Yeah, you could take us!
I walked right into that one.
Please, please!
Oh please please please please?
Okay, I'll take you to the dance.
I'm gonna go work on my dress.
Yay, dance!
Yay, dance.
This is awkward.
What is?
I don't know how to dance.
You don't?
That's okay.
I have the solution to your incompetence
when it comes to dancing.
What's that?
I can teach you.
You know how to dance?
I just learned.
(amused music)
Okay, are you ready?
Put your hands up.
Like that.
Very good.
Now go one two three, one two three.
- One, two.
- One two three,...
- two three.
- Three one.
Hmm, maybe a little faster.
One two.
- One two three.
- One.
One two three.
- One two three.
- One...
- ...two three.
- One two three.
One two three.
You almost got it.
Try again!
One two three, one two three.
Do you mind if I assist?
Yeah, hop in.
Okay, what do I do?
Just follow along.
I'll help you.
[Mr. Sparky And Carson]
One two three, one two three.
Okay, I think I got it.
You're doing great!
Keep it up!
One two three, one two three.
One two three, one two three.
I sure hope none of the
neighbors are watching.
Why is that?
Because, two three,
this is weird, two three.
What is?
I'm dancing
in my living room
with a dog
with a guy's voice.
Would you prefer I
speak with a female voice?
No no no, just your
normal voice is fine.
Three one two three.
You're doing it!
Three one two three.
Okay, I think I got it.
Spin me!
Spin you how?
Like this.
Oh, nice.
(laughs) Woohoo!
One two three.
Now you.
Me what?
Me spin?
(Mr. Sparky laughs)
One two three.
That's really good.
One two three, you're a better spinner.
Now bow.
All right, you bow.
That's a good bow.
Very good.
I do believe you are ready
for the dance tomorrow.
Yeah, you think so?
I owe you one.
No problem.
It is my programming to make Mira happy.
I know that you taking Mira to the dance
would make her the happiest.
I guess I haven't been
too attentive lately.
It is never too late to
spend time with your family,
but you should start soon
or you may regret how much you missed.
Makes a lot of sense.
How'd you get to be so smart?
I do not know.
I wish I did.
There's something I need to tell you.
Oh, what is that, Carson Perry?
(weighty music)
You can just call me Carson.
All right.
Good night, Carson.
Yeah, good night.
(Barry snores)
(relaxed music)
(phone vibrates)
Hey, dad.
Hey, Tyler.
Sorry for calling so late.
I had a late session with Dr. Rants.
That's okay.
What's up?
I'm just checking in,
making sure everything's okay.
Yeah, the science fair
was delayed a little.
Yeah, just a minor accident
with Mentos and diet cola.
You have to be very
careful with those two.
Yeah, well it reconvenes tomorrow.
You're still gonna make it out
in time for my keynote speech, right?
That's the plan.
People are hounding me to see Robo-Dog.
See what I did there?
Very funny.
I still got it.
Good luck for tomorrow.
Gonna need it.
Tyler, have faith,
and always remember, you're a genius,
just like your old man.
Thanks, dad.
Good night.
Good night, son.
(Barry snores)
Workshop sandwiches.
Oh hey, Tyler.
Everything okay?
Yeah, I just got a call from my dad.
He was checking up on us.
That's nice.
Not really.
We still haven't found Robo-Dog
and we have to meet him
in a couple of days.
I don't know what to do.
We could always tell
him that we lost Robo-Dog.
Yeah, I know, but I'd just rather wait.
We already have the flyers up.
I really hope someone calls.
It'll be fine.
You should get some rest.
Tomorrow's a big day.
You're right.
(Barry snores)
[Carson] You ready?
[Mr. Sparky] Ready.
How do I look?
Like a male human being,
five foot 10 inches with
brown hair and brown eyes,
wearing a suit.
Right, right.
When someone asks you, "How do I look?"
you're supposed to say,
"Oh, you look great."
I am?
Let's try it again.
How do I look?
You look great.
Ah, stop.
Is my tie on straight?
Thanks, buddy.
Let's go.
(knocking on the door)
Miss Mira Perry,
it is your escorts to the dance.
[Mira] Okay!
Open the door, please.
[Mira] Okay, okay, hold your horses!
I don't own any horses.
[Mira] I'm ready!
[Mira] Close your eyes!
[Mira] Are they closed?
Are they really closed, Mr. Sparky?
I do not know.
My eyes are closed.
They're closed, honey, they're closed.
Okay, you can open your eyes!
(sparkling music)
How do I look?
I have forgotten what
I am supposed to say.
You look so beautiful.
May I have the honor
of escorting you to...
Of course!
Shall we?
We shall.
(pleasant music)
Mr. Sparky, would you
open the door, please?
(elegant music)
Very impressive.
My lady.
And sir.
Off to the dance we go.
Mr. Melch, Tyler,
I'm certainly glad you
decided to come back.
No problem.
(laughs) We certainly had some
excitement for the opening,
but hopefully we won't
have any more excitement,
at least any more excitement like that,
though science is certainly
exciting, isn't it?
The Fire Marshal's here to make sure
that all of our projects are up to code
and we won't have anymore problems.
This one's good.
Any who, let's get this puppy started.
Come on, bow tie.
Good luck.
Got a good feeling about this.
Me too.
[Fireman] Nope!
(bemused music)
[Miss Swisher] Have fun.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
Enjoy, ladies.
How many?
Two, please.
Two and a half!
I'm sorry, but dogs are
not permitted in here.
Oh that's not a real dog.
Sure looks like a dog to me.
That is the whole idea,
but as he said, I am not.
I am a robotic dog.
Told you.
Can we please bring Mr. Sparky in?
Mr. Sparky?
I guess it's okay.
That's quite an impressive toy you have.
Have fun.
Don't forget to vote for
your favorite dancer.
Are you ready?
(exciting dance music)
This is great.
Hey, I'll get us some punch, all right?
All right.
[Carson] Two, please.
Daddy, there are some of my friends!
I'm gonna go say hi!
Come on, Mr. Sparky.
Enjoy the dance.
(upbeat dance music)
(upbeat dance music)
Aw, he's so cute, what's his name?
Mr. Sparky.
[Three Girls] Hi, Mr. Sparky.
Awesome, can he dance?
Can I dance?
(funky dance music)
Go doggy, go doggy, go doggy!
(people cheering)
Go doggy, go doggy, go
doggy, go doggy, go doggy,
go doggy, go doggy, go
doggy, go doggy, go doggy!
Go doggy, go doggy!
(people clapping and cheering)
What's going on?
There's a dancing dog.
It's really cool.
Oh my.
(upbeat dance music)
(people clapping and cheering)
All right, and now it's
time to slow it down.
(cheerful music)
Aren't you gonna dance with me, Daddy?
I would be honored to
have this dance with you.
(laughs) Thanks.
Let's put you down here.
Nice and slow.
I don't wanna be pulled from your side
Warm hand
The safest touch
Hold your stance
while our postures brush
I don't wanna be pulled from your side
I'm stuck here hoping that
the next words come out right
It's the same old feels
It's the same old story
When the dream gets real
I don't wanna get up
I don't wanna be touched
It's the same old feels
It's the same old story
When the dream gets real
This is the best day ever.
I love you, Daddy.
I love you too.
It's the same old song
But this time it saves me
It's how you feel
I don't wanna give up
I don't wanna give up this time
(people applauding)
All right,
ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
it is now time for me
to announce the winner
for the year's best dancer
award for the spring dance.
(people applauding and cheering)
The award goes to...
...Mr. Sparky, the robotic dancing dog.
(people applauding and cheering)
Congratulations, you won.
I won?
You really know how to boogie, huh?
What is boogie?
You know.
(upbeat disco music)
Nice moves.
I just want to present one
more very special award
for the sweetest dance.
It goes to Mira and her dad, Mr. Perry.
Let's give it up.
(people applauding and cheering)
Right, congratulations!
(people applauding and cheering)
Thank you all for coming
to the spring dance,
and have a good night.
Can you believe this?
I can.
How about we celebrate
with some ice cream?
Real ice cream?
Real ice cream.
Hooray, yippee!
Hooray, yay for real ice cream!
Mm, real ice cream!
Congratulations on winning first prize.
I knew you had it in you.
Thanks, Barry.
Man, I just wish Robo-Dog
were here to see this.
(device beeping)
Wait a minute.
(device beeping)
(hopeful music)
It's picking up Robo-Dog!
Where is he?
He's that way!
Come on!
Run, Barry!
That's not gonna happen.
Ice cream!
Ice cream!
Uh-oh, sorry, buddy,
they don't allow dogs inside.
We'll be right back, okay?
It says he should be
around here somewhere.
Good, maybe we can stop running
and I can catch my breath.
Robo-Dog, it's me, Tyler!
Robo-Dog, over here.
That's it, buddy, come here.
I'm sorry, were you talking to me?
Yes, we've been worried sick about you.
Where have you been?
I'm not sure I understand.
Do I know you?
Yeah, I'm Tyler.
I'm your best friend, remember?
Oh, nice to meet you, Tyler.
I am Mr. Sparky.
I'm Barry Melch.
Nice to meet you, Mr. Sparky.
No, your name is Robo-Dog
and you're my best friend.
I believe you are mistaken.
My name is Mr. Sparky and
Mira is my best friend.
No, you're my best
friend and you're my dog.
Now we're going home right now.
Come on, Robo-Dog.
Thank you for my ice cream, Daddy.
You're welcome, honey.
Let's get going.
Come on.
Come on, Mr. Sparky!
Where are you going?
(fretful music)
Hey, I know you.
Oh no, no, I don't think so.
Would you look at that?
Another robotic dog that
looks just like Robo-Dog.
What are the odds?
Barry, he's the guy
we showed the flyers to.
He's the Robo-Dog-napper.
Come on, we gotta go get him.
Of course.
Does that mean I have to run again?
Yes, we know his address.
Let's go.
Can we hang this now, Daddy?
Yeah, yeah, sure.
I got hammer and nails in my office.
[Mira] I'll go get them!
[Tyler] My name is Tyler Austin,
and this is my best friend
in the whole world, Robo-Dog.
Robo-Dog is the best,
and I can't imagine ever being apart.
Did you find the hammer and nails?
What's this?
This video.
You stole him!
No, I didn't steal him.
I found him and then I fixed him.
You said you got him for me.
Not technically.
What do you mean?
Look, sweetheart, it's complicated.
You lied to me!
Is Tyler my real owner?
Yeah he is.
And my name isn't Mr. Sparky?
It's Robo-Dog.
Why did you do it?
I didn't mean to.
I was just...
Things just got out of hand.
I only wanted to make her happy.
But you didn't though.
You made her sad.
I know.
(sad music)
These belong to you.
What do you say we call your
family and get you home?
(knocking on the door)
I believe he belongs to you.
Hello, Tyler.
Robo-Dog, you remember me.
My memory has returned.
I am so sorry about all of this.
He came to me pretty banged up,
and by the time I fixed him,
my daughter thought I got him for her,
and everything just
spiraled out of control.
Where'd you say you got a robotic dog?
Makes sense.
Come on, Robo-Dog, let's go.
Excuse me, Tyler, before I go,
I'd like to say goodbye to Mira.
I'm sure she'd like that.
Go ahead.
Mira, I came to say goodbye.
Mira, honey, come on.
Say goodbye to Robo-Dog.
(tender music)
Oh no.
It appears that Mira has run away,
and I believe I know where.
Can you show me where she went?
(determined music)
I am detecting the heat
imprints of her tracks.
Wow, I didn't know you could do that.
[Robo-Dog] After you replaced
my memory chip,
I was able to recover
all my lost abilities.
My sensors indicate she is very close.
Good work, Robo-Dog.
[Barry] Shes in there?
Brave girl.
Mira, are you up there?
I am picking up a small reading on my...
You really think that's her?
I believe that it is.
[Carson] Hey, honey, why
don't you come down, okay?
Go away!
[Carson] Honey, I...
Sweetheart, please come down, okay,
we can talk about this.
No, I'm mad at you.
I know you are.
I know you're mad, and I'm really sorry.
I shouldn't have misled you,
but I won't do it again.
[Mira] Don't come up here!
Just come on down.
Why should I?
Mira, no, hey!
(banging on the door)
Get away from the ledge.
(troubled music)
[Barry] Hang on!
Don't go anywhere!
Don't move!
(frantic music)
Mira, get away from the ledge!
Do you promise to never lie again?
Yeah, absolutely.
Say you promise!
I promise.
I promise.
Now just give me your hand.
Okay, I'll come down.
Mira, honey.
(Mira screams)
(Mira screams)
[Barry] Don't fall!
Hold on!
Hold on, I got you!
I got you!
(Mira screams)
I've got you!
(triumphant music)
Yeah, go Robo-Dog!
Need a lift?
(proud music)
Wow, I'm flying.
Affirmative, although
technically I'm not supposed to.
Good job, Robo-Dog!
(triumphant music)
Let's bring you back to your dad.
[Mira] Daddy!
Oh, I got you.
I got you.
[Mira] I flew, Daddy.
You did.
You did fly, honey.
Thank you, buddy.
It was my pleasure.
(troubled music)
Robo-Dog, are you okay?
Robo-Dog, stay with me.
Come on, come on, buddy.
Wake up!
(sad music)
What happened?
You crash landed, but
Mr. Perry was able to fix you.
It was no big deal.
He had a little gyro issue.
I took care of it.
Thank you, Carson.
No, I should be thanking you.
I almost lost my little girl.
You guys have a pretty amazing dog here.
Yeah we do.
Technically it's not mine,
but I did help name him.
I'm really sorry for everything.
Is there any way you could forgive me?
Of course we can.
Anything I could do to make up for it?
I have a suggestion.
What's that?
I would ask that you
be Mira's best friend.
Play tea party with her, dance with her,
and most of all, love her.
I could do that.
And ice cream!
And ice cream, yes.
Goodbye, Mr. Sparky, I mean, Robo-Dog.
Mira, you can call me Mr. Sparky
anytime you want.
I'm gonna miss you so much.
I am going to miss you too.
Please tell Theodora and
Frogerina that I said goodbye.
I will.
I bet one day Robo-Dog
will come back and visit
and we can have one giant
tea party, all of us.
Would you like that?
That would be great!
Can I, Tyler?
Of course.
We can come visit sometime.
This is all sweet and wonderful and
but we gotta be in New
York in a couple of hours
and I don't know how
we're gonna get there.
I do.
You do?
(upbeat music)
[Barry] Whoa!
Oh boy!
Oh boy!
(Barry and Tyler shouting)
Oh boy, oh boy!
Are you guys okay?
Yes, just please be careful.
So none of this?
Woo woo!
(Tyler and Barry screaming)
(Robo-Dog laughs)
No, none of that!
(Robo-Dog laughs)
Look, there it is!
We'll be there soon, Tom!
I can see everyone's house from here!
I wonder if my cellphone works.
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you very much for coming today.
I appreciate that.
Where are you?
You and Barry promised me you'd be here
in time for my speech.
I'm really starting to get worried.
Everything okay?
Oh, yeah, Dr. Rants, perfect.
Jiminy jumper nuts!
Ladies and gentlemen,
it is my pleasure to introduce to you,
inventor extraordinaire
and creator of Robo-Dog,
Mr. Tom Austin!
(audience applauds)
Thank you, Dr. Rants, for
that flattering introduction.
Thank all of you.
You, people who, (laughs) well,
I have admired my entire life.
(scurrying music)
If I had to make a list of people
that I most wanted to
impress in my life,
these faces would be on it.
I've dreamed of being
in a room like this.
Dr. Rants,
I have to be honest,
I was supposed to have my invention
Robo-Dog here tonight,
but in fact, he's...
Did somebody say my name?
Right there!
Hey, Tom!
Greetings, I am Robo-Dog.
Thank you all for being here today.
I'm glad I could join you
to honor my good friend, Tom Austin.
(audience applauds)
(triumphant music)
(upbeat rock music)