RoboCop (2014)

And we're on
in four, three,
two, one.
What if I told you that even the
worst neighborhood in America
could be made
completely safe.
And what if I told you that
this could be accomplished
without risking the life
of one single
law enforcement officer.
How do I know this?
Because it's happening
right now
in every country
in the world
but this one.
I'm Pat Novak, and welcome
to The Novak Element.
In tonight's
State of the Union segment
we'll be joined
by General Curtis Monroe
live from the War Room
in the Pentagon.
General Monroe,
welcome back.
Good to see you, Pat.
Thank you for this unprecedented
access to your operations.
Could you walk us through
what we're seeing here?
Well, this is
a routine operation.
We found that
random patrols
helped the local population to
feel safer and to trust us.
It's amazing.
And what are
these colored dots
that we're seeing here,
These are our assets
on the ground.
In green,
we got the ED-209s.
They're the big boys.
They secure the perimeter.
Purple are
the smaller EM-208s.
They sweep and mop up.
And the red dots, Pat,
that's your film crew.
It is great to see
American machines
helping to promote
peace and freedom abroad.
All right, you guys, this is
a standard op, all right?
There's no
opposition expected.
I'm gonna set your markers
to code red.
All our drones are gonna give
top priority to your safety.
No red assets
have ever been lost.
Does that
make you feel better?
But, listen,
keep those bracelets on,
you're completely safe.
Good. Enjoy the show.
All right. Let's go.
May peace
be upon you.
Please exit your homes
with your arms raised
for a noninvasive
scanning procedure.
No one will be harmed.
Please exit your homes
with your arms raised
for a noninvasive
scanning procedure.
No one will be harmed.
Scott, get me
a shot of this.
Your cooperation
is appreciated.
We apologize
for any inconvenience.
May peace be upon you.
Not long ago, that would have
been American men and women
risking their lives
to pacify these people.
General, you care
to comment on this?
Well, Pat,
we had Vietnam,
we had Iraq,
we had Afghanistan.
Never again.
From a military perspective,
this has been invaluable.
We can accomplish
our objectives
without any loss
to American lives
and I think the honest people
over there really appreciate it.
And why wouldn't they?
For the first time
in their lives
they get to watch
their children grow up
in an environment
of safety and security.
Get away from the window!
Mom! They're here! They're coming!
Come here! Come here right now!
Navid! You stay with your mom and sisters!
But he's just a kid.
Stay here with your mom and the kids!
What do you think you're doing?
You heard me!
Arash, please don't go! Don't do this!
Navid! My dear! Come back here!
Shut the door!
We're not here to kill any of them.
Got it?
The goal is to die on television.
Let's go!
Can you hear me out there?
Loud and clear, Pat.
I'm here in sunny Tehran
where locals have clearly
embraced these routine scans.
As you can see behind me,
they're working
in collaboration
with the robots
and obviously their safety
is everyone's top priority.
Don't make a move before I say...
I wanna make sure they're recording.
Yes! Yes!
We're ready.
You'll notice children
in the streets as well.
This is everyday life
happening in perfect harmony.
Oh, great.
Here, come here.
Stay put,
stay put, stay put.
It's fine. Don't worry.
My guy's got it.
Navid! It's dangerous here!
Come away! Come...
Navid, where are you going?
Look at me! Navid! Navid!
What are you looking for? Navid!
Navid! Navid! What are you...
Navid! Don't go! Navid!
Oh, my God!
Drop your weapon.
Are you all right? Kelly!
We're okay, Pat.
Our robots have just repelled
some suicide bombers.
I'm sorry, Kelly,
but for security reasons the Pentagon's
going to cut our feed to Tehran.
But, please, be careful.
Yeah. I'll continue
to stand by.
Now you see how fundamental these
robots are to our foreign policy.
So then tell me.
Why can't we use these
machines here at home?
Why is America
so robophobic?
On the one hand,
we have Raymond Sellars.
An entrepreneur
and true American
whose product just saved
my colleague's life.
And on the other.
Hubert Dreyfus.
A man with both feet
planted firmly in the past
whose bill prohibits the
use of drones on US soil.
The American people
support the Dreyfus Act
because they haven't
experienced this technology
and they fear
what they don't understand.
We at The Novak Element
support Mr. Sellars' efforts
to make our country
and our viewers safer.
After all,
what's more important than the
safety of the American people?
Hey, Murphy.
How's Jack?
We don't know yet.
How's it going?
What the hell
are they doing here?
Six in the morgue.
Lewis in the hospital.
This was the mother
of all bad ideas.
We got a lead on Antoine
Vallon, we took it.
What lead?
Not in front of them.
This is bullshit. Yeah?
Yeah, you got something
to say, Murphy?
Vallon's our case.
Yeah, two years without no arrest, no
nothing? You've gotta be dumb or dirty.
You got something on us?
Or is this personal?
No, it's nothing personal.
Although, I don't
like you as a person.
Okay, you two, out.
No problem.
Maybe if you hadn't
gone off the reservation,
your partner would
still be standing.
- What'd you say to me?
- Hey, that's enough!
Okay, Alex.
It's just you and me now.
So me and Jack, we've been
doin' some street buys.
We get a line on some guns.
We meet up with this
low-level G called Jerry
who ends up havin' a piece
he's not supposed to have.
Where the hell you get a
gun like that, Jerry?
I can get you two
whole crates full, man.
Two crates?
No disrespect, J,
but how a clown like you
get so much product, man?
What's it matter
where it comes from?
Why it matters, we don't
want no dirty guns, Jerry.
These guns got bodies
on 'em, Jerry?
Yo, look,
they're clean, all right?
You gonna buy
this shit or not?
Why you acting
so nervous, man?
You fishin' on us, Jerry?
What'd you say?
You think he fishin', D?
I think he's fishin' on us.
Yo, what the hell
are they talkin' about, man?
Hey, let me see your phone.
Let me see your phone.
I'm not showing you
my phone, man!
You recordin' this?
I think you're
a goddamn cop!
What the hell are
you talkin' about, man?
I'm not showing you
my phone!
Hey! Put your gun down!
on the table.
We're not cops, all right?
We work for Antoine Vallon.
Shut up! Shut up!
What'd you say?
Ends up he works
for Vallon.
Before the meet, we ran the
serial numbers on the rifles.
The guns were supposed to be
in our evidence room.
Not out on the street.
Intake papers blank.
No signatures.
What do you got?
How do you think
that happened?
I'm telling you, Murphy,
this is a mistake.
These guys'll shoot you just
to see if they gun work.
We need backup.
If we call for backup, word's
gonna get around the station.
He's gonna disappear.
It's gonna be all right.
MURPHY". So we told Vallon
we were gun buyers,
and he bought it.
What do you two need with that
much product? You plotting a coup?
Man, don't trip, we ain't gonna
bust a single shot in your town.
We got some problems
back home with Chicago PD.
Yeah, I heard
you don't like cops.
Hey, boss.
What do you got for me?
We were just about to close
the deal but someone tipped him off.
I gotta deal with this.
Two minutes.
Make sure
you kill 'em both!
I got two handguns,
one automatic.
We gotta get out of here.
I'm gonna take the automatic.
You sure about this?
You ready?
Officer down!
Officer down, 331 Hamilton.
This is Detective Alex Murphy
in need of immediate
medical assistance.
331 Hamilton Road.
Jack, come on.
Jack. Can you hear me?
Jack. Stay with me.
Alex, you don't
do something like this
unless you bring it
to me first.
Vallon's connected.
I'm warning you, don't make any
more moves until I vet this.
If officers are
supplying him with guns...
That's up to IAD.
I'll handle it.
I don't care how sophisticated
these machines are, Mr. Sellars.
A machine does not know what
it feels like to be human.
It can't understand
the value of human life.
Why should it be
allowed to take one?
To legislate
over life and death,
we need people who
understand right from wrong.
What do your machines feel?
Well, they feel no anger.
They feel no prejudice.
They feel no fatigue, which makes
them ideal for law enforcement.
Putting these machines
on the streets
will save countless
American lives.
You're evading the question.
No, I'm not.
you're evading the question.
I asked what do
these machines feel?
If one of them
killed a child,
what would it feel?
And that's the problem.
That's why 72% of Americans will not
stand for a robot pulling the trigger.
America is the world's most
valuable market, and we can't touch it.
With a domestic expansion, we'd
clear $600 billion per annum.
In other words, every second that law is
in existence, we are hemorrhaging money.
What do you
want me to do?
We've thrown cash at senators at both
sides of the aisle. Nobody's budging.
They don't want to vote
against their constituents.
So unless we sway public
opinion, the battle's lost.
Now, to that effect,
my team have come up with a
pretty aggressive new campaign.
Wow factor
We need to give Americans
a product they can love.
A figure
they can rally behind.
Sir, I have dissected this bill.
There are no loopholes.
We can't put a machine
on the streets.
Forget machines.
You saw the polls.
Americans don't
want a machine.
They want
a product
with a conscience.
They want
something that knows
what it feels like
to be human.
We're gonna put a man
inside a machine.
You're not you because
of your legs, your arms, your hands.
You're you because
of your brain.
It's your brain's capacity to process
information that makes you who you are.
Relax, and just do
what you've always done.
I've never played
with these.
The music doesn't come from your fingers,
Michael, it comes from your mind.
All you have to do
is let it out.
Oh, my God.
No, it's okay. Easy.
His emotions are peaking. The
readings are getting clouded.
It's okay.
Relax. If you get
too emotional,
it'll change the chemistry
in your brain.
It'll throw the system out.
You're doing great.
Come on.
I need emotion to play.
Concierto de
Aranjuez, second movement.
Beautiful piece.
Bennett, when you
have a moment. Thank you.
Now, we agreed on this
a long time ago, Raymond.
I wouldn't be asked to
develop combat applications.
My work here is driven
by its own questions.
And your work is brilliant. But
your ideas are being underutilized.
Look, I think
I found a way
to put real revenue stream
behind your research
and save thousands
of lives in the process.
You're not
keeping up your end,
leaving me exposed
like that.
Detective Murphy's
just a little impulsive.
So put him
on the payroll.
Why are we talkin'
about this?
It won't work. And now that
his partner got hit,
he's never gonna let it go.
What is that?
Lewis' hospital.
Alex is dropping by
this afternoon,
in case you want
to send flowers.
I kill a cop,
lookin' over my shoulder
the rest of my life.
That's not good
for business.
Who do you think's
gonna be investigating you?
I'm gonna go hard
after Lake and Daniels.
I'm gonna have 'em in bracelets
within a month, man.
Hey, Vallon,
I'm walking up right now.
Cameras off?
You were right.
We should've had backup.
I'm sorry.
You're not really sleeping,
are ya?
Sergeant Thomas Ryan, NYPD.
Paralyzed from the waist down.
He has let himself go a
little since the accident.
Yeah. Yeah, fair enough.
Officer Alfred Miller,
"Severe Cerebellar..."
Cerebellar ataxia.
That's why you're
the doctor, Doctor.
He scored through the roof
with our urban demos.
Let's keep this one
in mind. I like this guy.
Very good, sir.
I saved the best for last.
I give you Sergeant Jack
Freeman, masculinity incarnate.
Led Pittsburgh SWA for five years,
now confined
to a wheelchair.
I think I can
see the appeal.
What? Why?
Well,check the psych evaluation.
He's far too unstable.
He's trying to say
that he has a temper.
Have you any idea
what we'd be putting him through?
The psychological strain requires
someone emotionally balanced.
We have to be scientific.
I mean, we're not selling
a soft drink here, are we?
He's right. Okay.
Keep looking.
David, what did I say?
Not until you're finished.
Hey, guys.
Hi, Dad.
Hey, little monkey.
How's the game, buddy?
Damon got ejected, but we
got a two-man advantage.
Oh, yeah?
That's fantastic.
Hey, D, why don't
you head upstairs
and start getting ready
for bed.
But he just got home.
I'll be up in a second.
Tuck you in, okay?
All right?
Now give your mom a kiss.
Good night, baby.
Too slow, boy.
You're just too slow.
How's Jack holding up?
They said a week
till he's back on his feet.
It's my fault.
We shouldn't even
have been there.
Oh, shit, I thought
I fixed that.
It'll stop.
It's gonna
wake up David.
He suffered 4th degree
burns over 80% of his body.
Lower spine
has been severed.
If he survives,
he'll be paralyzed from the waist
down and confined to a wheelchair.
Mrs. Murphy,
we don't have to do this.
I need to know everything
before I make a decision.
Please continue.
optical nerves have
been critically damaged.
He'll be blind in one eye.
Most likely deaf.
Frankly, Dr. Norton
and the Omni Foundation
are the leaders
in this field.
In my opinion, this is the
only chance your husband has.
I'd seriously
consider their offer.
I'm sorry, Doctor.
I need time to think.
I'm afraid, Mrs. Murphy, time
is one thing you don't have.
You say you can save him,
but what does that mean?
What kind of life
will he have?
Fly me to the moon
Let me play
among the stars
Thanks, buddy.
You know she's gonna
make me dance again.
Now that I've gotta see.
You don't want
to see that.
Here she comes now.
Hold on to that.
Get out there, partner.
Every time.
Get her, boy.
Fill my heart with song
And let me sing forever more
You are all I long for
All I worship...
Subject is
still dreaming.
He's retrieving memories,
trying to make sense of sensorial
stimulation package 37.
Perfect, Kim.
Let's reconnect the spine.
Time to wake him up.
Fill my heart with song
Let me sing forever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words
Please be true
Excuse me?
What are you doing here?
Baby, where you going?
In other words
I love
Subject regaining
cognitive functions.
What's happening?
Where am I?
You were in an explosion, Alex.
You're in a hospital.
Where's Clara? My wife.
Where's my wife?
I want you to calm down,
Alex. Listen to me.
You're okay. And your family's fine.
Both your wife and your son.
Who the hell are you?
I'm Dr. Dennett Norton.
I'm treating you.
Heart rate rising.
I can't move.
I can't move.
What the hell is all that?
Visual input unstable.
I want you to relax, Alex.
Subject's dumping
too much epinephrine.
Should we purge it?
Not yet.
Unlock vertebrae.
Go ahead, Kim.
Unlock upper,
lower extremities.
What kind of suit is this?
It's not a suit, Alex.
It's you.
This was the only option.
We're here, all of us,
to make you whole again.
Full body unlock.
I want you
to walk now, Alex.
You can do that.
This seems so real.
it's very important
you understand
what is happening.
This is real.
It's not a dream, it's not
drugs or anesthetics.
I know I'm dreaming 'cause
I can feel all of this.
Alex, amputees can often feel
their missing appendages.
It's called
phantom limb sensation.
What do you mean "amputees"?
What the hell did you do to me?
You need to relax.
Take this off me now.
I need to get out of this thing.
What did you do to me?
What have you done to me?
Alex? Hey!
Shut him down.
No! Let him run!
Let him run!
Where am I?
Alex, please.
Alex, you have to stop.
Please stop.
Stay where you are
and we'll come
and pick you up.
Okay, Kim.
Shut him down.
you can't run from this.
You have to understand
the reality of the situation.
Show me.
Holy Christ.
Holy Christ.
Holy Christ,
there's nothing left.
Your body may have gone,
but you're still here.
That's not even my brain.
We had to repair
the damaged areas.
But we didn't interfere with
your emotion or your intellect.
Do you understand me, Alex?
You're in control.
I'm in control?
If I'm in control,
then I wanna die.
Just unplug whatever it is keepin'
me alive and end this nightmare.
Now, say I did that.
Which as a doctor would
almost be impossible for me,
but say I did.
What do I say
to your wife?
What does she say
to your son?
That it didn't work.
That you tried.
Somethin' went wrong.
You did everything
you could,
but I died.
So after all
they've been through,
all the pain,
all their hope restored,
we would just
rip that away?
Your wife
loves you, Alex.
She signed
the consent forms herself.
Otherwise, you couldn't have
undergone the procedure.
She loves you and she
gave you a second chance.
I need you to take it.
I don't wanna see myself
like this again.
And the same goes
for my family.
Just put me back in.
Zoom in.
Zoom in.
Accept the connection.
It's so good
to finally see you.
I was gonna say
the same thing.
I'm sorry.
I know how I must
look to you.
I think you look beautiful.
Are they treating you okay,
So far. Dr. Norton,
he seems like a nice guy.
Does David know
you're calling?
He misses you.
I can go get him.
I don't want him
to see me like this.
Not yet.
We're gonna
get through this, baby.
We're gonna make it
like it was.
When are you comin' home?
Well, they've still
got some tests.
But they're sayin'
it's goin' really well.
The minute they let me.
I gotta go.
I love you.
End the connection.
blood cleansing initiated.
Viral and bacterial
screening activated.
Releasing proteins, fats,
minerals and carbs.
Energy inflow
is at 1320 kilocalories.
Now starting anti-inflammatory
corticoids, hormones
and antibiotic protocols.
Standard daily intake.
Release antidepressants.
Let's give him a nice dream.
All right, here's
what you're dealin' with.
Modified M2 battle rifle.
.50 caliber Beowulf
ammunition at 30 round clips.
Three-shot bursts
or full auto.
TSR 66. Cartridge-driven
taser pistol.
Each projectile releases up to 200,000
volts. It can stun, it can kill
and it's nasty shit.
Your armor,
but not invulnerable.
.50 caliber or larger
can penetrate and kill.
Multiple hits, and guess who
ends up in the recycling bin?
If you sense you need a
weapon or are threatened
the visor goes down and the system
makes the weapons available.
But you gotta remember, it's
not the weapons that count.
It's who's handling them.
Or, in your case, what.
You think you can do this?
Oh, just stick to your job.
Just stick to my job?
Combat robots are my job, Doc.
Rio, Congo, you name it, I was there.
Our machines run perfectly.
You ask me, stickin'
organics into the system
is a huge step backwards.
I don't care how well you
designed this thing.
Without my sign-off, it better
start learnin' Chinese,
'cause it ain't
never goin' home.
It's nice to meet you, too.
Let's do this,
Tin Man.
Quality control,
EM-208 versus Tin Man.
Rendering scenario one now.
hope you don't mind.
I like a little music
while I'm workin'.
When a man's an empty kettle
All right. All right, let's let the
games begin. Let's rock 'n' roll.
Commence scenario.
Just because I'm presumin'
That I could be kind of human
If I only had a heart
I'd be tender, I'd be gentle
And awful sentimental
Regarding love and art
I'd be friends
with the sparrows
And the boy
who shoots the arrows
If I only had a heart
Picture me a balcony
Above a voice sings low...
Laggin' on the comers.
No, there,
d'you see that?
What my robot did,
that's how you do it.
New product's afraid.
2.3 seconds behind. Great.
Don't shoot! He has a gun!
Drop your gun!
Drop your gun!
Drop the weapon.
Let the kid go!
Oh, well, it's worried that
the kid's gonna get hurt.
- Let the kid go!
- Too bad.
Well, there you have it. 5.6
seconds behind. Scenario failure.
I wouldn't buy that
for a dollar.
Let's do it again.
Your funeral.
Detective Alex Murphy.
Search results.
"Detective Murphy
making a speedy recovery."
"Alex Murphy.
Man or Machine?"
"Thrust into the spotlight,
Clara Murphy won't talk."
Antoine Vallon.
Search results.
"DPD says Antoine Val/on no longer
suspect due to lack of evidence."
Detroit Free Press.
Unfortunately, Murphy's
investigation into Antoine Vallon
wasn't authorized
in the first place.
Look, Detective Murphy was
simply overzealous, okay?
We have absolutely no evidence linking
Vallon to the attempt on his life.
All I'm gonna say is
my partner's a great cop.
And I won't rest until the men who tried
to kill him are brought to justice.
What's wrong with him?
No, nothing, nothing.
Watch the procedural bars
on the 208.
The machine assesses
the threat and acts.
That's it.
It's two steps.
Now watch Alex.
The software assesses the
threat, just like the robot.
And it sends the information
to the brain.
Alex's brain receives the information
and decides what to do with it
based on his emotional cognitive
abilities like any man would.
Then the brain relates this
to the Al module and...
Yeah, like, you know,
a year later.
And our computers
finish the job.
Raymond, you wanted
a man inside a machine.
And that's what you've got.
But the human element
will always be present.
Fear, instinct,
bias, compassion,
they will always interfere
with the system!
Okay, but, Dennett,
I've gotta give the American people
something they can root for.
Something aspirational, right?
They have to
believe in this thing.
"Pretty good"? I don't
know how to sell "okay."
We, you and I,
have got a release date,
and we've gotta
make it, okay?
So I don't care how you do it. I'm
askin' ya, come on, can you help me?
Just get him to do that.
Get him to do that.
That is a machine.
I know, but it's a man
inside a machine.
No, that's a man
inside a machine right there!
And his life depends on it.
And the future of Omnicorp
depends on it
so get your ass back to China
and get it fixed.
I don't care how you do it,
just go do it!
It tastes like
peanut butter.
I can't get it
out of my mouth.
And you
don't like peanut butter?
You like peanut butter, Kim?
I love it.
I'm gonna put you
to sleep now, Alex.
Now, put him under, Kim.
What are you planning to do?
is nothing more
than the processing
of information.
I'm gonna fix him.
And he won't
know the difference.
We just ran focus groups
at Ryan Correctional Facility.
We call this Combat Mode.
It really put the fear of God
into the prisoners.
Yeah, that's okay.
And get a load of this.
What's that? He transforms.
Kids love it.
Really? Focus group
numbers through the roof.
Oh, yeah.
Well, that's really
What is this?
You know what?
People really don't know
what they want
until you show it to 'em
most of the time.
Make him more, uh,
Make him look, uh...
Let's go with black.
He looks
like a billion dollars.
2.6 billion.
Raymond Sellars.
I've looked forward to
meeting you, Detective.
I really appreciate everything
you've done for me.
Well, we funded
this program
to give men like you
a second chance.
You just do
your best today.
Shall we?
Mr. Sellars, we're ready for you.
Okay, great.
Chief Technician Shuman.
Mornin', folks.
Okay, so
this is how it's gonna be.
We're goin' toe-to-toe.
Last man standing wins.
I hit you, you go back
to the drawing board.
You hit me,
you get a ticket back home.
My guys are gonna be
shootin' .47 caliber rounds.
Do a little damage,
but they can't take you out.
But make no mistake,
Tin Man, my gun will.
Alex, listen to me.
The EM-208s will
try to maneuver you
so Mattox can
get a clear shot.
Do not let that happen.
If Mattox hits you, everything but
your life support will shut down.
You'll feel more pain than
you've ever felt in your life.
I don't know about that.
I've been through a lot.
All right.
I say we go on three.
How's it going down there?
Whatever you do,
don't get shot in the face.
Dr. Norton,
how is he doing this?
His software is faster.
His hardware is stronger.
He's a better machine.
But you said
humans hesitate.
Only when they're
making decisions.
He's not
making decisions?
Yes and no.
In his everyday life,
man rules over the machine.
Alex makes his own decisions.
Now, when he
engages in battle,
the visor comes down
and the software takes over.
Then the machine
does everything.
Alex is a passenger,
just along for the ride.
But if the machine
is in control,
then how is Murphy
Who's pulling the trigger?
Well, when
the machine fights,
the system releases signals
into Alex's brain
making him think he's doing what
our computers are actually doing.
I mean, Alex believes right
now he is in control.
But he's not. It's the
illusion of free will.
So you've circumvented the law by creating
a machine that thinks it's a man.
But that's illegal.
No. No, no, no.
It's a machine that thinks
it's Alex Murphy.
And in my book
that's legal.
Well done.
Well done.
Hey, Doctor, what happens if I tase an
exoskeleton with a little asshole inside?
I, uh, I think we're all
curious to find out.
Go ahead.
If I had a pulse,
it'd be racing.
She's been waiting
four months.
I'm sure hers is, too.
You're gonna do fine.
I love your sign, D.
There's nothin' to be
nervous about.
Thank you, Bennett.
It's been a privilege.
Hi, Dad.
You know
I missed you, buddy.
Me, too.
Wanna feel it?
What is it?
It's okay, sweetie.
I saved all the Red Wings
games on my computer.
You did?
How'd they do?
I don't know.
I've been waiting
to watch them with you.
You know I'd love to, kiddo.
But I can't tonight.
You know, 'cause Daddy's
suit needs some...
Some special handling.
Do you understand?
Thanks for coming, Jack.
I heard you
went home already.
I know Clara must be
thrilled to have you back.
I saw Clara
and David.
That ain't my home right now.
It's in a damn lab
across the hall.
I'm sorry, Alex.
Startin' tomorrow, I'm gonna take
down Vallon and his whole damn crew.
I was waitin'
to hear you say that.
Least I know
you're the right color now.
Pat, the cooler
temperatures here today
certainly have not stopped
people from showing up.
We're expecting people
from every corner of the city
here in Detroit
to come out and
show their support
for Detective Alex Murphy.
You know, a lot of questions on people's
minds today is what will he look like.
Is he a changed man?
Rumor has it
he is in the building
preparing to come out...
Alex, we're gonna upload the entire
DPD database into your brain.
That means you'll have instantaneous
access to criminal records
plus an archive of CCTV footage
from 2011 to the present.
All right.
Hit me.
Okay. Kim,
it's all yours.
Archive footage
uploading successfully.
Your system draws
connections automatically.
It will link perpetrators
to their crimes
and give you their exact
locations whenever available.
I got evidence
to make 138... No, no.
166 arrests.
His emotions are stable.
This is incredible.
You will notice his family
is here in the building as well.
The mayor is standing
onstage behind me.
Also, Raymond Sellars
from Omnicorp.
They seem like great friends
obviously echoing the partnership
that they've brought together.
How much longer
will this take?
Well, the feed from the
database is almost clone, so.
We're approaching
present day.
634 pending arrests.
We're gonna need
a bigger prison.
He's on top of her.
Dr. Norton,
he's getting too emotional.
I gotta do something!
Alex, calm down.
Take a breath.
Kim, what are the readings?
I haven't seen him
at levels like this.
- He's gonna shoot 'em!
- Alex!
Alex, Alex, relax.
What is this?
This just a computer glitch?
No. That's
his own crime scene.
He's spiking
all over the place.
The system
is crashing, Doctor.
Alex, can you hear me?
Alex! Alex!
I'm not sure he can handle this.
I gotta do something!
He's emotionally overloaded.
Unlock me!
Alex! Stop!
Stop! He's having a seizure!
Kim, shut him down! Alex!
Get me a live feed!
I can't do it.
Dr. Norton's with the patient.
Do it now!
Jesus Christ!
Dr. Norton! Dr. Norton!
The press is waiting!
We have to
get him up there now!
What do you
want me to do?
I don't know! Fix him!
Do what you have to do!
Your reputation is on the line
every bit as much as ours.
We're running out of time.
Everybody out!
Mayor Durant is
about to take to the stage
and introduce Detroit's newest
weapon in the war on crime.
I'm actually getting word that
he's ready to go right now.
Heart rate rising. He
might start spiking, Doctor.
Set modules to absorb
dopamine and noradrenalin.
But you will be
taking away his emotions.
Drop the levels
until I tell you to stop.
Doctor, you'll be taking away
his ability to feel anything.
Now, please!
Pull the footage.
Put it on a loop.
Dopamine level's at 20%.
level's at 10%.
Dopamine level's at 5%.
You're flattening him out.
Hold it there.
Alex, how do you feel?
I feel fine, Dr. Norton.
Well, today I'm not here to
talk about crime prevention.
I am here
to give you the cure.
That's right!
Hi, Dad!
Ladies and gentlemen,
the revolution begins right now
with Detective Alex Murphy!
- What's he doing?
- He looks like a zombie.
I think he's
accessing criminal data.
Thomas King!
You are under arrest!
Until today, Thomas King
was a convicted felon
wanted for rape, arson,
and murder.
This man has torn
apart American families.
On the loose for six years.
And where was this
criminal mastermind hiding?
Right in front of
the police headquarters.
Here he is, just steps away
from two of Detroit's finest.
These two officers
are completely unaware
of the monster
in their midst.
And then, in 60 seconds...
I repeat, just 60 seconds,
Detective Murphy
brings him down.
If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be provided for you.
This, my friends, is the
future of American justice.
How many like Thomas King
will pay for their crimes
now that RoboCop is here?
let's not shy away
from what this means, people.
Men weren't up to the task.
But Alex Murphy,
a robot cop,
We can't take him
off the street.
This is what I'm saying.
He's a hit.
A big, fat, stinking hit.
Yeah, until he breaks down
in front of everyone.
Hey, we all knew there would be issues.
It's inevitable.
Dennett, you're my guy. I just
need you to get a handle on this.
I know,
but I need more time.
we're in uncharted water.
We need to take him
backtothelab and do more tests.
I mean, it was like something was
interfering with our system.
Something beyond
chemistry or physics.
Like what? His soul?
Hey, look, this train has
already left the station.
I can't exactly go out
to the world and say,
"Sorry, I released
a defective product."
So, no matter what we do, we just
need to keep him on the streets.
What about the interviews?
Cancel 'em.
Cancel all of 'em.
In fact, Dennett.
Let's keep the wife at a
distance for now, as well.
I'd like to see him.
Can you arrange that?
Look, I won't lie to you.
Alex was so nervous,
we had to sedate him.
I looked in his eyes and
I couldn't see my husband.
And then he just shoots a man in front
of our son. That's not sedation.
He's responding
to drugs differently now.
We both knew from day one,
there would be complications.
Just give me
a little more time.
I promise,
you'll have your husband back.
This goes for every
squad in every department.
Detective Murphy will have full
access to all investigations.
narcotics, homicides.
If he requests
to take over a case,
the case will be
handed to him.
No arguments,
no complaints.
This is bullshit!
I said no complaints!
And I mean it. Now...
Good morning, Chief Dean.
Good morning, officers.
I've selected 13 targets for
today, all wanted for murder.
John Biggs
is target number one.
I'll be
taking over this case.
Ambulances, detention
vehicles, and coroners
should be ready to
move in on my request.
I wish you all
a very good day.
You okay, man?
I'm fine, Sergeant.
Can't wait to
get back to work.
Lake and Daniels are in there
shittin' their pants...
Excuse me,
I have casework.
Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! Don't shoot!
Walter Karrel,
look at me.
You have two options.
Option one.
I shoot you with 50,000 volts
which may cause respiratory
failure, organ malfunction,
internal burns, and loss of
bowel and bladder control.
And then I arrest you.
Option two.
You tell me where
John Biggs' drug
lab is located.
And then I arrest you.
You have
two seconds to decide.
Totally justifiable.
We are going to make
a lot of money.
Nothing. No fear.
No increase in heart rate.
No traces of anger
Congratulations, Doctor.
You did it.
Yes, I did.
I told you, sir.
Norton clearly never had
control of the product.
I agree. And that's
why I called you here.
I just want a second pair of
eyes on this thing, that's all.
I'll need a feed
from the Tin Man's head
plus full surveillance of the lab, and...
You're gonna have
full access to everything.
If anything comes up,
I'm gonna be in Washington.
He brought peace
to this country's
most violent city.
He showed us all
that Detroit and America
can have a brighter future.
A future of economic growth,
freedom, and happiness.
On tonight's show,
a visionary and true patriot.
The CEO of Omnicorp,
Raymond Sellars.
Hello, Pat.
Thanks for havin' me.
You must be doing
a victory lap about now.
Two weeks ago, Omni's stock
went through the roof.
And the Senate
has finally agreed
to vote on the repeal
of the Dreyfus Act.
Well, look, I mean, the
tide is definitely turning.
I just feel certain that soon we'll
be keeping all Americans safe.
I certainly hope so.
But, I think our next guest will
have a different point of view.
Hubert Dreyfus.
thank you for joining us.
Hello, Pat.
Mr. Sellars.
Senator, do you know
what this is?
The American public
is divided
on the Dreyfus Act.
Our polls at
are tight at 50-50.
There is no doubt
Omnicorp created a sensation
but this bill is
not about Alex Murphy.
It's about whether America's
willing to give robots
the authority
over human lives.
No. Look, look, look.
This sea change
we're witnessing,
and it is a sea change,
shows that Americans
don't really care
if our law enforcement systems
are manned or unmanned.
What they care about is efficiency
and they care about safety.
You're clouding the issue.
This is clearly an attempt
to sway public opinion
with a marketing stunt.
What's clear is
that with just one system in
place, we've cut crime by 80%.
Just imagine if we put,
I dunno, let's say
100 systems in place.
And then,
I want you to ask yourself,
why are you holding us back?
Is that your plan?
Thank you, Senator.
And thank you, Raymond.
Thank you, Pat.
Well, there you have it.
Who could argue with that?
Which begs the question.
Has the US Senate
become pro-crime?
Yeah, hi.
Call me tomorrow.
Hey, guys. Vallon's
waitin' for you inside.
What, you too busy
to walk us in?
I'm out here makin' money.
Where are my trip wires?
I gotta do this myself?
What the hell is all this shit?
I can't move any product
with this thing
on the streets.
What are you doing
to protect me?
Relax. The guy's
a walkin' zombie.
And tell me
your phones are off.
He's not going after you.
We covered our tracks.
He can't manufacture
evidence outta thin air.
If he does,
I'm ready for him.
I've been getting calls.
From whom?
Well, Clara.
You need to let her see her husband.
She has rights.
That's not your decision.
That's Legal's call.
Yeah, but it's only
a question of time
before she turns up
on television.
Well, she can try.
I'll issue a gag order before
I let her see her husband.
I'd hop to it.
Alex. Alex!
Alex. You need to come home.
Clara, please stand aside.
You need to speak
to your son.
Right now, I see three
crimes in progress.
Alex, listen to me.
I know you're in there.
David won't show
his face at school.
He's having nightmares.
He's falling apart.
lam falling apart.
I can't do this on my own.
He's been scared
ever since that night.
What do you think
she's gonna do?
What's he gonna do?
Are you okay?
David? David.
Stand back.
Come on, stand back!
He's supposed to be
watching this.
Instead, he's accessing images of
Clara and David arriving at school.
Over and over again.
Somehow, he's overriding
the system's priorities.
- Do you want me to shut him down?
- No.
Not yet.
I wanna see what happens.
What's he doing
at his house?
Look, he's disobeying
You have to shut him down.
As far as I can tell,
he's still doing his job.
Adrian, give me
an image of his brain.
He's undoing
what we did to him.
His dopamine levels
are coming back to normal.
How is that
even possible?
I haven't the faintest idea.
Alex, please return
to the station.
I wanna run some tests.
Well, this should
be interesting.
And your phone
on the table!
We're not cops, all right?
We work for Antoine Vallon.
- Whoa!
- What'd you say?
We work for Antoine Vallon.
My hand, man!
Where's Antoine Vallon?
You broke my hand, man!
I know you
remember me, Jerry.
Where's Vallon?
Wait a minute.
If I tell you where Vallon is,
he'll kill my wife and kid, man.
Your wife left you in 2019 after
filing charges for domestic abuse.
And you don't have a kid.
I'm not askin' again!
Look, I swear, man. I don't
know where Vallon is, okay?
The only guy I talk to is his driver
Marcus. That's it, man. That's it!
Does he have a phone number?
We have a problem.
Alex is breaking protocol.
What's he doing?
He's off solving
his own murder.
Oh, that is genius.
Why didn't I think Of that?
How long
till he gets here?
Five minutes.
All right.
Johnny, you stay
on these monitors.
What happened?
Some idiot used
an unencrypted phone.
All right, everyone,
listen up!
He's coming.
He leaves alive, you don't.
How do we stop him?
.50 caliber and above.
Aim for the head.
This one's set.
Let's go. Go!
All right, move! Let's go!
Come on. Come on!
Ready to go!
They're all set.
Finish it!
You freak, die!
Watch out.
Need me
to call a doctor?
Come on, Jack.
You're gonna like this.
What the hell
you doin' here?
Y'all gonna play
good cop, bad cop?
Nah, Daniels.
Bad cop, RoboCop.
I've recovered 26
guns from Vallon's warehouse.
Thirteen serial numbers match
weapons missing from Evidence.
And I got your prints
all over 'em.
This is bullshit.
I also
have CCTV footage
of you and Vallon the same
day he tried to kill me.
So put him on the payroll.
Why we talkin' about this?
It won't work. Now that his partner
got hit, he's never gonna let it go.
- What is that?
- Lewis' hospital.
Murphy's dropping by
this afternoon.
I kill a cop, I'm lookin'
over my shoulder...
You know what they do
to cops in prison, man?
Being locked up with the
same dudes you put in there?
How long you think
before he gives you up?
Don't shoot me. Okay?
I swear to Christ.
It was Dean.
She helped pull those guns.
Just don't shoot me.
Thank you
for your cooperation.
You can cuff him now, Jack.
Now I know why we
couldn't get an arrest.
'Cause Vallon was protected
from up on high.
Alex, I can explain.
You tipped
him off today.
Come on, man.
Don't do this.
You tried to kill me twice.
I trusted you.
And you destroyed my family.
Now, in front of everyone.
What happened?
Tin Man is down.
Had to be done.
Product shot a corrupt cop.
Two more seconds,
the chief's brains
would've been splattered
across the 6:00 news.
We got anything on her?
Well, she's the Chief of
the Detroit Police Department.
What do you think?
You know what?
This might actually tip this
thing right into the net.
Alex, I don't
know if you can hear me.
But tonight,
you uncovered a nest of vipers
the Detroit Police Department.
And in so doing, you shed
light on an invaluable truth.
Even the police,
the men and women
who swore to keep us safe,
they can be bribed.
They can be bought.
Machines, however,
are corruption free.
Americans could be
living in a country
where law enforcement
is not only efficient,
but incorruptible.
Thank you, Alex,
for all you've done.
And for all that you are.
Detective Murphy is currently
in critical condition.
Our doctors
are working ceaselessly
but, at this time, it is
unclear if he will survive.
Ms. Kline,
how do you think the attempt
on Detective
Alex Murphy's life
will affect tomorrow's vote
for the Dreyfus Act?
At this time,
Omnicorp's sole concern
is the full recovery
of Detective Murphy.
How many times
does Detective Murphy
have to give his life
for his country?
I sincerely hope the Senate
makes the right vote tomorrow
so that Alex Murphy's sacrifices
will not have been in vain.
Senator Dreyfus is my friend.
He has been
my mentor and my strength
in times of difficulty
on this floor.
But despite all that,
I work for the state of Ohio,
and the safety of its citizens
is my top priority.
So I vote yes.
The Dreyfus Act
must be repealed.
That's us ahead,
39 to 10.
I spoke to the Senate liaison and
it looks like it's in the bag,
but we still have to tread
carefully with the politicians.
We're here live
at DPD headquarters
where moments ago, Clara Murphy
made a shocking statement.
What the hell?
Omnicorp has denied me and my
son access to Alex for weeks.
I demand to know why.
This treatment is inhuman and somebody
needs to be held accountable.
Oh, we're fucked.
No, we only need 12 votes.
She shouldn't make
much difference.
Yeah, but what about
after the vote?
I mean, those two should
not be allowed contact.
If she starts
putting ideas in his head...
Bring her in.
I'll handle the explanation.
And what about Alex?
You know, unfortunately,
we can'tjust keep him on ice.
The shooting at the station
spooked some of the politicians.
They're our clients.
We have to take care of them.
They're fine when a machine
is lowering the murder rate,
but when a man is investigating
city politics, they get nervous.
All right. First off,
it's not a man, okay?
It's property of Omnicorp.
And politics are
the least of your concern.
I mean, this thing
solved its own murder.
How long till it realizes you
haven't been on the level with it?
If that happens,
every journalist in this country
is dying to speak to him.
I mean, we created a hero.
What happens
when he opens his mouth?
What's bigger than a hero?
Dead hero.
Get me Dr. Norton.
What is this, Raymond?
You have Mattox spying on me and now this
bullshit about a "critical condition"?
You know and I know
Alex is fine!
Calm down.
Your work is so good,
I don't...
Well, now,
this is not about my work!
You saw the woman on TV!
This has to stop!
You're right.
But let me
ask you something, Dennett.
What kind of life have we
really given Alex Murphy?
He's never gonna be a normal
man, a father, a husband.
By the time we put the other units
on the street, he's just...
Let's face it.
We failed him.
We failed Alex Murphy.
But I want you to think
about the bigger picture
because that's what
we're talking about.
The work you've done with him is
gonna be studied for decades.
You've changed
the face of history, Dennett.
No policeman is ever going to
die in the line of duty again
because of you.
You think about that.
I want that family
taken care of
beyond their wildest dreams.
We owe them that.
I agree.
I want full funding.
Ten years.
New staff, all my own people.
Hey. What's going on?
Security's here.
They're clearing everyone out.
They're not waking him up.
Whatever you do,
don't leave him alone.
What do you mean
they're not waking him up?
The voting period has ended.
The clerks have
tabulated the results.
The yeas are 63.
The nays are 22.
A majority of senators have
voted in the affirmative.
The Dreyfus Act has been
repealed by Congress.
God, you guys are slow,
like a bunch of girls.
This is Mattox.
Dennett's on board.
It's about time.
Call it.
Get it done.
My pleasure.
Mrs. Murphy... You can come
here as much as you want.
You can threaten me. You can sue me.
You can take my home.
But I am not gonna stop till I see
my husband. Do you understand that?
Mr. Sellars would
very much like to see you.
Is Alex okay?
He has important information to share
with you. Will you accompany me?
We gotta go.
Can you grab your coat?
I'm in the
elevator, on my way down.
I need access to the lab.
That's insane.
They're still here.
Distract them.
I cannot...
There's a
lady in here going hysterical.
She will not let us in. She's
got the codes for the door.
I repeat,
she will not let us in.
Lady, you need to let us in there now.
We have to get in there.
Are you not understanding
what I'm saying?
Do you wanna be responsible for the
deaths of everyone in this building?
Hey! Stop!
Don't shoot!
Step outside.
Unlock the transmitter!
Send in Mrs. Murphy, please.
Right away, sir.
Wake him up!
Alex! Alex!
Alex, it's Dr. Norton,
you have to wake up!
Alex, can you hear me?
These men are here
to kill us.
They're here to kill us,
for chrissakes!
Mrs. Murphy, last night,
Alex had a psychotic break.
He killed an unarmed colleague
and later suffered a seizure.
We did everything,
everything, we could, but the
doctors couldn't save him.
Very sorry, Mrs. Murphy.
We're going to be making
the announcement shortly.
You shut me down. I was
about to get a confession.
Mattox shut you down.
I've removed your transmitter
so he won't do it again.
Sellars can't afford
to wake you up.
He sent these guys
to pull the plug.
He wants you dead, Alex.
Do you understand?
Sorry. If there's
anything we can do
for you and David,
we'll do it.
I want nothing from you.
I understand.
You stay out of our lives.
You and your company.
If that's what
you think is best.
There's one more thing.
I think it would be to the benefit
of everyone, especially David
if we kept
this matter private.
We don't wanna
damage Alex's legacy.
Alex! Alex!
I can fix this!
You lied to me.
You lied to my wife.
You're working for the people
that are trying to kill me.
You want me
to trust you, Doctor?
Alex, I can go to the press!
Alex, I can tell them
the whole story!
Listen to me, please!
Alex! Alex!
What the hell?
Keep all our systems
at green light,
and for chrissakes,
get Sellars on the phone.
Roger that.
Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn!
Look at this city.
So beautiful.
It's become so peaceful.
I Wish
I had some good news
for Detroit.
I have very sad news.
Despite our best efforts
to save him,
Alex Murphy passed away
just hours ago.
Alex Murphy was...
Mr. Sellars.
What is it?
Mattox just called.
We need you to
come with us now.
Ma'am, I need you to turn around
and go the other way, please.
What are you talking about? We
have a security situation here.
I need you to turn around
and go the other way.
Sir, there's a car outside
that's supposed to...
That area is locked down.
Now go.
What's h -
I said go! appemng?
I wanna talk to Mr. Sellars.
Mr. Sellars.
How close is that helicopter?
About 10 minutes, sir.
Excuse me.
I need to speak with
Sergeant Jack Lewis.
It's an emergency.
Stand by. Mr. Sellars.
Apparently there's a Clara
Murphy in the lobby.
Raymond, if she sees him,
we are dead in the water.
What do you wanna do?
Bring Mrs. Murphy up here.
Yes, sir.
Norton said they may be
using drones for protection.
So whatever you do,
do not draw your weapons.
They won't shoot
if we're unarmed. Clear?
Hold it right there.
Don't move.
This is private property. You
are not authorized to be here!
I'd put those guns down now
if I were you.
Stand down.
All right, man, we're good.
Head to the lower level.
Hold up, hold up!
Ram it!
Gun it.
GO, go, go! Now!
Alex, run!
Omnicorp Security!
Drop your weapons!
Drop your weapon.
Keep your hands above your head
and no one will be harmed.
What's going on?
Mrs. Murphy, I want you to
listen to me carefully.
The organic part of
your husband Alex is dead.
The robotic part of him
is malfunctioning,
and he's shooting up
the building.
So we've gotta get you and your
son out of here right away.
I gotta take this call.
He just left the lobby
and he's headed our way.
Roger that, sir.
Don't shoot. My robot. You just flank.
Got it.
Tin Man.
Tin Man.
Tin Man.
Oh, there it is.
You look like crap.
What's the matter?
Can't shoot?
What were you thinking?
This isn't a drill.
You're a robot.
I'm a red asset.
Wrote that myself.
What do you think?
Come on, Tin Man,
just pull the trigger.
Pull it.
You can run.
Go on.
There you go. Run.
Stings like a bitch,
don't it?
Aren't you lucky I didn't
have my gun set to "kill"?
Hey, listen.
This isn't personal.
Well, maybe a little.
I'm gonna put you
out of your misery.
Helicopter's approaching.
Mr. Sellars boards first.
No, no, no. Mrs. Murphy, you
and your son can get on first.
Officer down.
Mechanical room.
Omnicorp Building.
Roger that. EMS on the way.
You're gonna be okay, Jack.
It's nonfatal.
Go. Go.
Omni-LZ Helo-1
on approach to deck.
What's that?
He's got a gun!
Pull up! Pull up!
What the hell is he doing?
Sorry, sir. I don't know.
Clara, David.
Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
Get out of the way.
Alex, put down the gun.
Clara, take David
and get out of the way now!
Raymond Sellars,
you're under arrest
for the attempted murder
of a police officer.
Are you here to cuff me?
All right.
Go 'head, cuff me.
You can't. You're not
programmed that way.
If you go against
the program,
the entire system
shuts down, so.
You don't even have a warrant.
We'll overlook this little...
Get down on the ground and put
your hands behind your back.
I'm just from marketing.
Now! Ok a)', yep, yep, yep Yep
Alex, we need to
work together here.
Because I'm the only one with the
technology to keep you alive.
Dead or alive,
you're coming with me.
All right.
Alex, honestly,
I mean you no harm.
If I wanted to, I could have
killed you a long time ago.
I just aim this right at
your head and blow it off.
Sellars, please! Don't!
I mean, if I wanted to, I could
just aim this at your little family
and I could just
kill them too.
And really, there's nothing
you could do about it
because, let's face it,
you're a robot.
Do you understand that?
Everything's gonna be
all right.
Everything's gonna be
all right.
How you feeling, Alex?
I'm ready.
He's ready.
There's still no word
from Omnicorp
parent company, OCP.
And although the government says
they are rebuilding Alex Murphy,
rumors continue to swirl
about his condition.
But we have obtained exclusive
video taken by cell phone
that shows
the people of Detroit
may have Alex Murphy
back on the streets
sooner than they think.
The real tragedy here
is that our president chose
to uphold the Dreyfus Act.
Now, I have no doubt he was
manipulated by our biased media
and by whistle-blower
Dennett Norton.
I acknowledge we know
less than we thought.
But I do believe
my research program is sound.
What I did With it
was wrong.
The fact that this
is not serving time
in some federal penitentiary
is a huge, hot, heaping
pile of horse...
Now I know some of you may think that
this kind of thinking is dangerous
and these machines
violate your civil liberties.
Some of you even believe that the
use of these drones overseas
makes us the same kind of
bullying imperialists
that our forefathers
were trying to escape.
To you, I say...
Stop whining!
America is now
and always will be
the greatest country
on the face of the Earth!
I'm Pat Novak.
Good night.
Breakin' rocks in the hot sun
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law
and the law won
I needed the money
'cause I had none
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law
and the law won
I left my baby
and it feels so bad
I guess my race is run
She's the best girl
that I ever had
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law and the
Robbin' people with a six gun
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law
and the law won
I lost my girl
and I lost my fun
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law
and the law won
I left my baby
and it feels so bad
I guess my race is run
She's the best girl
that I ever had
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law and the
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law
and the law won
I fought the law and the...