Robosapien: Rebooted (2013)

GPS locating Robosapien test run
at 34 by 52 by 72.
Robosapien test
now in progress,
T-minus three minutes,
26 seconds.
Executive command,
you have visual.
Operation Robo Rescue
on your mark.
Robo position...
100 yards from base.
Come on, little buddy.
Make Daddy proud.
Robosapien has reached
the perimeter of the base.
Operation time, 5:52.
On it, sir. On it.
Sir, I'll be right there.
Eagle One, proceed
to hangar seven-alpha.
Did you hear that?
Move it
to that carrier.
What was that?
...look on his face?
He won't be doing that again.
No way.
Whoa. Ai yi yi yi yi yi yi.
Hmm? Ohh.
Have no fear.
Robosapien is here.
Ooh, sorry. My bad.
Robosapien has confirmed
location of target.
We have a level-five
security breach.
- Repeat, level five...
- I think you've been detected.
Please, don't hurt him.
All hands
- to emergency stations.
- Hold on tight.
I'm stronger than I look.
Unauthorized chopper
entering airspace at hangar seven.
Run, run, run!
Go! Jump!
This is KT-1.
Robo and rescue
safe and secure.
Heading back
to Kinetech.
Mission accomplished.
Robo out.
They have Robosapien.
He's safe, sir.
Robosapien, Admiral,
can deliver everything
anywhere, anytime.
It's an amazing piece
of technology, son,
and it is going
to revolutionize...
- Nice going.
- and rescue.
Well, thank you
so much, sir.
I was a little nervous
giving him a test so soon.
But it worked.
You're a genius, Allan.
So, Admiral,
what does this all mean?
Well, I need to head
back to the base
and deal with
a level-five security breach,
and then I need
to talk to the brass
about buying your robots.
So, Admiral, how long? How long...
Ah, I'd say about six months.
It's exciting.
Brace yourselves.
You know this stuff takes time.
Henry! Get a move on!
We'll be late!
In a minute!
- Weather.
- Good morning, Henry.
Look out the window.
Align panel.
Declination plus 28 degrees,
42 minutes.
Right ascension,
eight hours, 13 minutes.
I mean it! Hurry up!
Okay, coming!
Security mode.
System armed.
Remember, Mom,
the Science Bowl regionals, 5:00.
The regionals are today?
You forgot.
Oh, honey,
I'm so sorry.
I got to work
late today.
That's okay.
You know what?
Maybe Meagan can go.
I'd rather
throw up and die.
I'm sorry, honey,
but I promise,
I'll be there next time.
Come on, you guys.
I hope we can fix my car
this year, Mom.
No hood. No doors.
It's so embarrassing.
Henry, you're supposed to be
sweeping these leaves.
I had to do the science project.
You know that.
And, Meagan,
I told you to water these plants.
Mom, they've been dead for,
like, a year.
Yeah, well, they're dead
because you're not taking care of them.
Yeah, I'm sure.
Good morning, Loretta.
You made that look easy.
All right, keep your eyes on the road.
Let's go. Come on.
Hey, don't forget
your science project.
- Bye, Mom.
- Bye, sweetheart.
I know you're
going to do great.
Good luck.
- You're going to need it.
- Meagan.
oxygen intake.
Virtual signs
show fatigue.
Brain function
You are tired,
Yes, I am, and thank you
for noticing.
Do you require a caffeine fix?
That, I do, little buddy.
Make it a double.
Thank you. Whoa.
You need a spouse,
Statistics show
that married men
outsurvive single men
by four to one.
Hey! And, hey,
you might as well
go by lab seven
and have them change
your ball bearings.
Right after I get the 411
on that new receptionist.
No problemo.
Whoa. Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa.
- Excuse me, Mr. Porter.
- "No problemo"?
- Mr. Porter.
- Allan.
- You're just in time.
- What for?
In every
single department,
Robosapien exceeded
our own expectations.
His new artificial intelligence
allows him to maximize
his initial programming.
See, increases his ability
to learn
from his environment.
Robosapien can
rationalize human emotion.
He is learning to feel.
Allan, it's a robot.
We don't need it
to feel.
No feely-feely.
We'll continue
this conversation later.
Yeah. Niles Porter.
- But you...
- Uh-huh.
Looking good, Sarah.
Good morning,
Hey, hey.
It's my man Tony.
You're looking
especially shiny today, Robo.
Hey. Cmo ests, Raul?
Muy bien.
Y t, Robosapien?
No complaints here,
- Pow!
- Pow!
Hey, Carol.
You free Saturday?
Allan's got an opening.
Kinetech Industries,
the world's leader
in robotic research,
is proud to introduce
a fully integrated
search-and-rescue technowonder.
The supermobile Robosapien
can travel the world,
bringing food,
resources, first aid,
and anything necessary
to help the masses
in their time of need.
Kinetech's Robosapien
is preprogrammed
in all aspects of global
search and rescue.
Now just imagine
when we command it
for search and destroy.
Instead of medicine,
it will now carry nerve gas
or maybe
a nuclear weapon.
When can I have
a demonstration?
Now this is our
first waterproof model, Esperanza,
very rudimentary.
Just activate it,
Yes, of course.
Of course.
search and destroy.
Here we go.
Robo is turbo-swimming
to the boat.
The bomb's been placed.
He's returning
safely to shore.
Five, four,
three, two, one.
- Impressive.
- I know.
I'll place
an order for 100.
- When will they be ready?
- At the end of the week.
- A down payment.
- Sure.
75 million as agreed,
with the remainder upon
a final demonstration.
What? What happened?
Hey, is everyone
all right?
Everybody's fine!
It was a little test.
This is Allan Topher,
the creator of Robosapien down there.
Congratulations, Mr. Topher.
You have created
an amazing weapon.
It will be a pleasure
doing business with you.
- Porter, I'll be back...
- Thank you.
- the end of the week.
- See you.
He said, "Weapon,"
Mr. Porter!
It's not
your concern, Allan.
- It is my concern!
- No, it's not.
What are you doing
with Robosapien?
I didn't design him
to be a weapon.
He's a search
and rescue machine
designed to save lives,
not destroy them.
He's starting
to develop emotionally.
It's a machine,
aluminum alloys.
No, these are more
than a machine.
- Little microchips.
- You don't understand.
Tiny, little
Have you ever just
looked into his optics?
I am so tired
of arguing with you.
I'm not going to argue
with you anymore.
- I'm letting you go.
- What?
You're fired.
Yeah. Clean out your desk.
Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Thanks for coming.
Go. Go. Erasers,
pencils, all of it.
Go on.
I... oh. system,
Uranus, Neptune,
and Pluto.
- Nice solar system.
- Thanks.
Did you know
this one, Pluto,
yeah, it's not a planet anymore.
There's only eight.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
Eight, nine.
You know, you're close.
I'll stick it back.
Or not.
Well, you did
a really good job.
- Sorry.
- Thanks.
What's this, Keller?
- Well, it's a magnetic motor...
- Oops.
What was that, Keller?
That's what I thought.
I saw what you did,
But, Mrs. Jacobs,
I didn't...
Well, what we got here,
Well, magnetic
and solar-powered motors.
Alternative energy
will be the answer
to the world's
power shortage.
Does it spew or blow up?
No, neither.
- Now, what did you say it was again?
- Well...
Escort Topher out of the building
and don't let him
out of your sight.
it's just
my succulents.
Just going to log out.
You want a donut?
New hairstyle, lipstick,
eye shadow,
likes long walks.
Allan says you're
the prettiest thing
to grace these halls
since I was a microchip.
- Allan?
- Yeah, baby.
Hot. Tsst!
You're beautiful.
He's smart.
You two are
platform compatible.
What do you say?
Friday night at 8:00?
Oh, no.
That is my...
- Get off me.
- Topher!
Topher, you're going to burn for this.
Dinah was just talking about you.
- Hi, Allan.
- Oh, hi, Dinah.
Sorry to interrupt.
Come on, let's go.
She's free Friday night.
Where are you going?
I don't know.
Come on. Come on.
- Why are you panicking?
- Get out!
It is just a date.
Dang it!
Where's Allan Topher?
- Allan?
- Geek with the robot.
- That way.
- Come on.
Make sure you check
the parking lot.
- He couldn't have gone far.
- Yes, sir.
Men, catch this guy.
Units four and five,
close off...
Make sure you get
that robot too.
Let's get 'em
on perimeter one.
Allan Topher slipped by, sir.
Robosapien's confirmed missing.
Then find him. Now!
Hey, Henry.
Congratulations, buddy.
- Thanks.
- Dude, let's go.
I want to grab a slice
before I go home.
First place.
Wow. Now you've got a trophy
to prove what a loser you are.
Can I have it back?
- Right here.
- Loser.
- Seriously.
- Come on, Dirk.
Don't you want to be
just as cool as Henry
with his little
dumb trophy?
- Yeah, sure.
- Do you want it?
Do you want it?
Do you want it? Yeah?
I'm sorry.
I didn't do it
on purpose.
- Come on.
- You better run, Keller.
You're getting
such a beat-down.
Allan, this is really proving pointless.
I've tried eHarmony,
- Okay!
I don't know
where else I can look.
- Should we try OkCupid?
- Oh, boy.
Rapid breathing...
- Now go.
- ...elevated heart rate,
- Allan, are you all right?
- Hey, Robosapien,
- is your GPS on?
- Negative, Allan.
Hey, listen.
We're in danger, okay?
Danger? Like,
"Danger, nerd crossing,"
or "Danger, fart zone"?
No, like serious danger,
Scan my badge.
Of course, Allan.
Optical scan complete.
Now, when you see
this logo,
what are you
going to do?
- Say, "Good morning."
- No!
- Say, "Good night"?
- You're going to run like mad, okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
Okay, shoes for me.
I got an extra battery
for you,
and I'm going to put
some other stuff
that you might need, may not need,
but if you don't need it,
then you just
take it with you.
Kinetech. Uh-oh.
What? What?
What'd you say?
Allan, does this mean
we should start running now?
Open up right now!
There he is!
Come on, let's go.
There he is.
Get to the window.
Hurry up!
Open up!
- Open... wait.
- I activated your GPS,
so if we get separated,
I can find you.
Don't make me go.
I want to stay with you.
Now you got to go.
Grab ahold of the pipe.
- Come with me.
- Good. You're good. You're good.
Grab ahold of it.
You've got
to keep going.
- Come on, please.
- Just go!
- Go! Go!
- Come on, there he is.
I will find you! Go!
Get out of the way.
- I got him!
- Ow!
He's going up the roof.
Go, go, go!
No! No!
You'll never get him!
You'll never take him away from me!
Danger! Danger!
Evade! Evade!
We have a visual.
Target is on the roof.
What's going on?
Don't make this
more difficult
than it has to be, robot.
Run like mad.
Stop! Stop!
Ow! Stop it!
What are you doing?
It's me, Robosapien.
What did I do?
What did I do?
I'm sorry,
whatever it was.
Help me! Help!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
He can't be far.
Go. Go!
Where'd he go?
Where are you,
Come on out
wherever you are.
We just want to talk.
We won't hurt you, buddy.
I bet I know
where you are.
Come out, come out,
wherever you are.
Come on, dude.
He's not here.
You're dead meat, Keller!
You hear me?!
A micro...
ball bearing... help!
Help! Allan!
- Fart zone. Buenos da...
- Help!
Toasty. Circuit.
Scrambled eggs!
You need a date.
Allan, help.
Negative. Ow.
What are you,
little guy?
Check the Dumpster.
Whoop! Whoop!
Anything, James?
Nothing, sir.
Spread out.
He couldn't have gone too far.
Henry, you seriously stink.
- Intruder. Intruder.
- 749153.
Security override.
did I hear you come in?
Oh, my gosh.
You won first place.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, honey.
I am so proud of you.
Thanks, Mom.
Honey, I think
you need a bath.
Please work.
Kinetech means danger!
Kinetech means danger!
Are you okay?
Happy circuitses.
Double espresso.
Good morning. Good night.
Good morning.
Oh. Ah.
Double espresso.
Cappuccino. Latte.
- Hola!
- Shh. Keep quiet.
We need to hide you.
What happened?
I had a really,
really tough day.
So you tore apart your room?
It's girl problems.
Girl problems?
it's complicated.
I don't want
to talk about it.
Maybe I can help.
No, I'm good.
I'll sort it out myself.
And you're sure
you're all right?
Well, there was
a whole lot of cupcakes
at the science fair,
really good.
Maybe I had too much blood sugar.
But I'm fine.
Well, clean up this room...
And go to bed.
Mom, he is so weird.
You are in a heap of trouble.
We've got a $10 million
prototype missing.
We have files
that just disappeared
from this office.
It's a mess.
Then I think you better
call the police.
Okay, Allan,
Allan, Allan,
how do you think
we were going to pay
for Robosapien?
Search and rescue
is a highly profitable application.
Not as profitable
as search and destroy.
Listen, Boy Scout,
we can have this both ways.
If you've truly lost Robosapien,
program another one...
one for you,
one for us.
He was like a son
to you, wasn't he?
You want that feeling
again, don't you?
I've met
your merchant of death.
Because of people
like him and you,
I'll never make
another Robosapien.
You're making a big mistake.
Can I leave?
This is...
...this is very,
very serious, Allan.
I don't think you know
what you're involved in.
If you leave
this building,
we can't protect you.
These are
very dangerous people.
You got it.
If I turn you on,
will you go
all nutso on me again?
Well, here it goes.
Do you understand me?
Yes, I understand you.
Why are you talking
so slowly?
My name's Henry.
You're a boy, aren't you?
My original prototype
was based upon a boy.
I've never seen one
up close before.
Wow. Do you
have a name?
Trying to recall.
Memory codes three through eight
are corrupted.
Then what do I call you?
Code three through eight.
Three through...
hey, how 'bout Cody?
Memory code.
Code. Cody.
Cody. I like it.
Where are we, Henry?
This is my room.
We're in my home.
Home, sweet home.
Where do you come from?
Do you come from here?
Home, sweet home?
Are you a toy?
What are you?
My memory codes tell me
I am a search
and rescue robot,
but I don't remember
what that means.
Cool optics.
Oh, yes.
My X-ray lenses
are Hubble series five,
version 2.0.
Almost got you.
Do you play games?
Part of my primary
learning process is games.
You like Simon Says?
I love Simon Says.
Let's play.
Simon says put
your hand on your head.
Simon says
touch your nose.
Simon says...
hop on one foot.
Simon says
bark like a dog.
Woof woof!
Simon says
sit in the chair.
Spin the chair around.
Simon didn't say that.
I like Simon Says.
- That's so cool.
- Yeah, yeah.
- That was so much...
- Henry!
I'm trying to sleep!
Who's the female?
My sister Meagan.
Please, keep it down!
Whoa. She's angry.
- Yeah, she's always angry.
- Why?
Mom says her hormones
are raging.
- What's that?
- I don't know. She's a teenager.
- Why?
- Well, she gets mad
when she doesn't get her way.
- Why?
- She wants her own car,
- but Mom won't buy her one.
- Why?
Because we can't afford it.
You ask too many questions.
Why? Why? Why?
Whoa, frustration.
You were angry
with me, Henry.
No, I'm not angry.
Cody is programmed
to learn human interaction
and human emotion.
How 'bout the human need for sleep?
Sleep, snooze, shut-eye.
Cody understands.
Good night, Henry.
Good night, Cody.
If you plug yourself
into the solar panel,
you'll be charged
in the morning.
your game got
no bandwidth, sucker.
Your game got
no bandwidth, sucker.
Holy guacamole.
So much data.
Love the new
power source, Henry.
Solar power, cool.
Vitamin D,
good for Cody's complexion.
Okay, Cody,
I have to go to school.
- School?
- So you stay here.
School is for learning.
You're staying right here.
- Nope.
- What?
No. Denied.
Negative. Nuh-uh.
What is it about no
you don't understand?
Hey! Give it back.
Stop it. That's mine.
- School is learning.
- Cody, give it back now.
It's part
of my programming.
It's who I am, Henry.
Hey, do you want
to be turned off?
No! Murder! Murder!
Robot held captive
- by human without proper education.
- Are you insane?
Get back!
Cody wants to go to school!
Cody wants to go to school!
- Cody, stop!
- Cody wants!
- Cody wants!
- Stop it!
Cody wants to go to school!
- Okay, okay!
- Sorry, Henry.
I just didn't want
to be left behind.
Okay, fine.
But you got to do
what I say.
Yes! I'm going to school.
I'm really going to school.
When do we learn, Henry?
Shh. Stop that.
You made a dumb move
coming in
to school today.
Warren, I'm sorry.
I really didn't...
Just watch
your back, Keller.
Jerk. Oh, Teacher.
- Good morning.
- Good morning.
- I want to learn.
- Are you crazy?
- Get back in there.
- I want to learn.
- Come on. Stop it.
- Please, Henry.
Can anyone tell me
what absolute zero refers to?
- Oh, I know.
- I know.
- Warren.
- Henry's nickname.
If I recall,
it's also the score
to your last exam,
Mr. Warren.
Absolute zero.
- Oh, me!
- Henry.
Absolute zero refers
to the temperature
of a system
that's thermically inert.
In Celsius,
it's measured
at 273 degrees
below zero.
That was excellent.
And the name
of the scientist
who discovered it is...
- Ooh, me! Me, me, me, me!
- Me!
Robert Boyle,
born January 25, 1627.
He was a chemist,
- a physicist, and...
- Cody, no.
What? What did Cody do?
Okay, okay.
Settle down, kids.
Quiet, please.
Show us what it can do,
- Whoa.
- Oh, no.
Time to bust a move.
Unh. Hey. Yeah.
# 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
# If you want
to see what I can do #
# You just got to ask #
# Burning up the floor #
# 'Bout to ignite #
# I have everything
you need #
- # But we got to be fast #
- Whoa.
# My fears have gone away #
# It's time to fly #
# Can you move it? #
- # Can you groove it? #
- # Yes, I can #
- # Can you follow what I'm doing? #
- # Yes, I can #
- # Can you scream, can you shout? #
- # Yes, I can #
# 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
- # This is the countdown #
# You know
I won't let you down... #
Hey, Teacher,
shake a leg.
- Yeah.
- # 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
- # Yeah, this is the countdown #
- That's right.
# You know
I won't let you down #
# Let's keep going
another round #
# Going to hit you
with the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. #
Thank you. Thank you.
We'll be here all week.
Yeah. Yeah.
Go, robot.
Take a look around, Henry.
We've got a fan club.
Gentlemen, please.
Please, make room.
- Whoa.
- Hello, ladies.
Involuntary response
of nervous system.
Rapid pulse rate.
Ocular dilation.
Hello. Hello. Henry.
Cody's emotional sensor
registers attraction
to that speckled girl
with orange hair.
I wasn't assembled
yesterday, you know.
I've had a crush on her
since the first grade.
I like her lots,
and I really want
to ask her to go
to the Spring Dance with me,
but she wouldn't
want to go with me.
Do you have
a critical malfunction, Henry?
Fear, dread, panic, chicken.
I'm not a chicken.
You should talk to Jenna.
No way.
I wouldn't even
know what to say.
Here. Wear this.
Follow Cody's instructions.
A Bluetooth?
Trust Cody.
I have a plan.
- Henry?
- Okay, yeah.
I can hear you.
But wait. She's coming.
Okay, champ.
It's go time.
Introduce yourself.
Hi. I'm Henry Keller.
I know who you are, Henry.
You do?
Oh. Well, yeah.
Of course you do.
Okay, stay with
the program.
Invite her
to the dance.
- Don't push me.
- Excuse me?
Nothing. It's nothing.
Oh, man.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I-I'm fine.
Okay, okay, okay,
okay, okay. Try this.
I like the way your cheeks
flush when you laugh.
I like how
your cheeks flush...
- When you laugh!
- ...when you laugh.
Your heart rate
is 95 beats per minute.
And I wish every beat
was for me.
I love poetry.
Your hair, your posture, perfection.
Your hair and posture, perfection.
Your eyes deep and caring.
Your nose, cold and wet.
Wet nose?
Like a dog?
Whoops. Wrong magazine.
My bad. You have been preapproved
for a guaranteed grand prize.
You have been preapproved
for a guaranteed
- grand prize. Act now.
- Urgent! Act now!
- Go to the dance with me.
- Go to the dance with me.
I think you've
said enough, Henry.
Yeah, way to go, Romeo.
Ow! What gives?!
Until we can afford
to fix up your car,
we have this car,
and you can help me out
by running errands
or going to the market,
helping me pick up
Henry from school.
You just want me to get my license
so I could do your dirty work?
Would it kill you to help me out?
You always manage to take
the fun out of everything.
That's not true.
Oh, no?
Well, then, why did Dad leave?
- Well?
- Sir, we've been monitoring Topher
for the last 48 hours.
He's had zero contact
with the robot.
Any sign of Robosapien
on the GPS?
No, sir.
What is wrong with you?
Robosapien is out there,
so would you
please find him?
Can Cody meet
your family now?
I'll take that as a yes.
Ha ha!
Now, let's see.
What to do?
What to do?
Hi. I'm Cody.
Oh. Oh, bubble girl. Run.
- Henry...
- Not good.
- ...I'm going to get you!
- Hide me.
Henry, you little nerd.
- What? What did I do?
- Where is it?
Where's what?
You know what
I'm talking about.
That little robotic snoop
of yours.
what's going on? Huh?
One of Henry's crazy
science experiments
came in and spied on me
in the bathroom.
Henry Montgomery Keller...
do you have
something to tell me?
Ah, Mom, sister Meagan.
I don't believe
we've met. I'm Cody.
You guys should probably sit down.
So, lovely ladies,
what's shaking?
Well, this is my friend Cody.
Are your hormones
still raging, Meagan?
You did not just say that.
- Cody, no.
- What?
Henry, where did you get Cody?
I found him in the trash
all messed up, so I fixed him.
Henry, honey,
people don't throw away
something like a Cody.
But someone did.
Cody, where did you come from?
Data recall error 3401.
- He doesn't know.
- Hmm.
So can I keep him?
Henry, I really don't...
You look tense, Mom.
- Ohh.
- May I?
Ah, magic fingers.
Ooh, yes.
You're very tense.
That feels incredible.
Oh, my God.
He's totally trying to bribe you.
Totally lame.
Relax, Meagan.
There's plenty of Cody
to go around.
- Oh.
- There you go.
- Just relax.
- Oh, Henry.
Oh. Wow.
I think... oh, yeah.
Right there.
- Right there.
- Oh, that feels like...
Ah, yes,
you are very tense.
You can keep him for now.
Sweet. Really? Yes.
Margaritas, anyone?
# Yeah #
# Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... #
I want one!
I want one!
I want it! I want one!
I want it!
# Around me #
# It's just another
lonely afternoon #
# I felt so lost #
# Within this crowd
of strangers #
Hey. Wait.
# Then I saw you
from across the room... #
- Here. Take this.
- What'd you do that for, Henry?
I don't know.
# Took away
the fear inside #
# Made the day
begin again #
# Show me that the story
never ends #
# Because of you... #
Hey, what about me?
I scream, you scream,
we all scream for ice cream.
- This'll be interesting.
- Oh, ice cream.
Mmm. Pistachio,
from the pistachio nut.
I scream. You scream.
Mostly I scream.
Maybe I should have it back.
Brain freeze!
Check out my air,
New Orleans!
# The bumper sticker
on your car... #
Follow me, Henry.
I got an idea.
- Whoa!
- Hold on a minute.
Just what I was
looking for.
# Long, long way #
# So get behind the wheel #
# And take away
my sadness... #
Wow. Cool.
Is there anything you can't do?
# Behind and break away... #
You got it.
You got it.
- Ow.
- You don't got it.
# Clear the fog
inside my head #
# Today's the day
we begin again... #
Hey, let me snap
some pics, Henry.
Say, "Cheese."
# Because of you #
# I'm flying high #
Give me the 'tude.
# No more darkness #
# No more tears to cry #
# Because of you... #
And I can't believe
you have a built-in blowtorch.
Cody, this has been
the best day ever.
Kids at school actually like me,
thanks to you.
I think we make
a good team, Henry.
It's good to have
someone to talk to
and just laugh with, you know?
Yeah, I do know.
Robo. Where are you, buddy?
My mom and I had a huge fight today.
I don't get it.
Why can't she talk
to me instead of at me?
I just wish she'd treat me
like an adult, you know?
Hey, Mom, Meagan wants to talk
to you for a minute.
I swear she makes the stuff up.
Hey, Stacey,
can I call you back?
Do you need something?
All right. Well...
- good night.
- Wait. Mom.
I'm really sorry
about what I said.
Totally didn't mean that comment
about you and Dad.
- It's fine.
- No.
Dad was such a jerk.
I mean,
even when he was here,
he was never
really here for us,
not like you are.
You're totally fun.
No, I'm not.
not so much lately.
But I'm going to try harder.
I love you guys so much.
I love you too, Mom.
- Bye, Cody.
- Bye, Cody. Bye.
Have a great day.
Can I have 10 more?
Honey, I think you passed it.
Did I?
Back up.
What is going on?
It's more beautiful.
Oh, I have a garden.
Purple flowers.
It's gorgeous.
I know.
The paint is so beautiful.
My swing is fixed!
Oh, my God.
I have new shutters.
Who did this?
This is incredible.
It's incredible.
Welcome home,
Keller family.
Welcome home.
Cody, did you do this?
Yes, to make everyone happy.
Cody, whose car is that?
It's yours.
# Mm, baby #
# I want to know you,
sexy lady #
# I want to put you
on the screen #
# Looking fine,
my sexy lady #
Just concentrate
on the road, honey.
# I want to see you working
on the dance floor #
# Looking good, sexy lady #
# Out there,
the people... #
where did you get
the parts for the car?
Ah, look who it is.
Looks like Keller showed up
for his beating.
- Back off.
- Ooh.
Is Henry playing tough?
Henry and Cody can play tough.
- Huh?
- Huh?
Yo, stretch,
we're playing
you make it,
you take it.
If we beat you,
you'll never
bother Henry again.
If you beat us,
Cody will personally
assist you in giving
Henry a smackdown.
Are you crazy?
I suck at basketball.
All right.
First to seven wins.
Trust me, Henry.
Well, are you any good?
Is Cody any good?
Allow the master
to demonstrate.
Cody class
is now in session.
Keep your science project
out of my face, Keller.
Your game got
no bandwidth, sucker.
Where'd you learn trash talk?
You too, homey.
Hold on a minute,
I'm just getting
warmed up.
# Hip, hop,
I just can't stop... #
They're killing us!
Don't worry, Henry. The bigger
they come, the harder they fall.
Did that go in?
I didn't see it.
I'm sorry. Did it? Yeah.
I hope you're ready
to choke, Warren.
# If only
you can know #
# I'll let you
take a little look #
# Before I start the show #
# Go down #
# Hit the ground,
you going to make me... #
Hold 'em back,
little buddy.
I got the moves to cruise.
# You might miss
something new #
# Go look in your book... #
You're getting
slaughtered, Keller.
What's wrong?
- You keep missing.
- Hit me with the ball.
- What?
- Hit me.
Hit me with the ball.
My targeting
is off-line.
Hit me again.
Hit me harder.
Targeting back online.
Let's go teach
these bums a lesson.
Come on,
you two stooges.
Larry, Moe, and his country cousin,
way too slow.
I call this one
the Cody rope-a-dope,
and you the dope, fool.
Ah, yeah!
To the left.
To the right.
Up high.
Down low.
Here I go. Here I go.
Here I go!
Too slow, Warren.
Back off, bugaboo.
Kobe Cody is
coming on through!
6-5. One more,
and we're tied.
Slam a basket, Henry.
I just can't do it, Cody.
I put a tracking device
on the ball.
It'll go in.
It will go in.
You can do it,
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
We won.
Oh, yeah.
What's wrong, Henry?
Since you put
a tracking device in it,
it wasn't really me.
Cody was just
messing with you.
no tracking device.
You did that
Are you serious?
Oh, yeah!
High-five. Whoa.
Good game, Dirk.
- Good game, Henry.
- No hard feelings, Warren.
I promise I'm
going to find you.
- No!
- Yeah...
- Cody!
- hard feelings.
Cody, are you okay?
Aww, is little baby Henry
going to cry?
Without your stupid toy,
you're nothing.
You hear me?
You're nothing.
I activated your GP...
Have them change
your ball bearing...
I want to stay with you.
I will find you!
- I'll know where you are.
- Go!
Wake up.
Come on, Cody, wake up.
Oh, you had me worried there.
We need to find Allan.
He's in danger.
Who's Allan?
Allan is my dad.
Don't worry.
We'll find him.
Does any of this seem familiar?
Cody feels home...
my home.
Oh, my gosh.
I remember this.
This, this is where Henry
found Cody.
- Robo.
- Allan.
Allan, I found you!
What happened?
I was so worried about you.
- Buddy!
- Are you okay?
Ah, man.
Okay, who's this?
This is Henry,
my new friend.
Henry saved Cody.
Who's Cody?
Henry named me Cody.
It's my name.
I like that.
- Pleasure to meet you, Henry.
- Yeah.
Thank you for saving
my little boy.
Listen, Cody,
we have to go,
'cause it's not safe
here anymore.
Henry, stay with us.
Allan can be your father, too.
I think Henry has a family
to go back to.
I love you, Cody.
I don't understand.
What's going on?
You're my best friend.
You're the best thing
that ever happened to me.
Stay with us.
- Allan...
- Okay.
- Thanks again, Henry.
- ...why can't Henry
- stay with Cody?
- Okay, come on.
I'm sorry, buddy,
but we go to go.
- Come on.
- Henry, I need you!
Allan, stop!
Honey, what's wrong?
I found Cody's father.
I gave him back.
Oh, honey,
I'm so sorry.
But you were the one
who found him.
He's ours.
He belongs to us.
He belongs to Mr. Topher.
And besides,
Cody was so happy to see him.
He doesn't deserve him!
Oh, hon, come here.
Oh, sweetie.
You did the right thing, honey.
Cody wasn't ours to keep.
I know how much
you loved him.
You were so brave.
I love you, Mom.
No one's going to take you away
ever again.
I promise.
Good night, Robosapien.
My name is Cody.
Good night.
Good night, Henry,
wherever you are.
Oh, Cody.
Hi. I'm Allan Topher.
You're the guy who threw Cody
in the garbage.
- Meagan!
- Cody!
Cody's home!
Cody's home!
- Cody!
- Oh, my.
Cody, you're back.
Hi, Mom.
Meet my dad.
- Oh, hello.
- Hi.
Oh. Mom, this is...
Allan Topher.
I'm Joanna.
- Cody!
- Henry!
Oh, group hug.
Okay, okay.
Too much love.
Cannot breathe.
Oh, thank you so much.
I wasn't sure if I'd
ever see you again.
It was Allan's idea
to come see you guys.
You're looking good,
- Love the hair.
- Oh.
Can you excuse me
for a moment?
See, Dad? I told you
Mom was pretty.
So, does Cody
have a mom?
- Meagan!
- No.
Actually, he doesn't.
Mom, we were just
about to sit down
to a family breakfast.
Shouldn't you invite our guest?
Of course we should.
Would you like to join us?
Welcome to Cody's Caf.
# If you want to see what I can do,
you just got to ask #
# Burning up the floor #
- # 'Bout to ignite #
- Breakfast is served.
# I have everything
you need #
- # But we got to be fast #
- Crepes la Cody.
# My fears have gone away,
it's time to fly #
- Wait. Kids.
- # Can you move it? #
- # Groove it? #
- # Yes, I can #
# Can you follow
what I'm doing? #
# Yes, I can #
# Can you scream,
can you shout? #
- # Yes, I can #
- # 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
# This is the countdown #
# You know
I won't let you down #
# Let's keep going
another round... #
- Meagan and Henry.
- # 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
# Yeah, this is the countdown #
# You know
I won't let you down #
# Let's keep going
another round #
Let's get out of here.
Come on.
# Going to hit you
with the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. #
Cody, come on.
- Must be nice living here.
- Come on.
Let's leave 'em alone.
Can I show you a little...
- Sure.
- Yeah.
This is just some stuff
that I have from...
- Wow.
- Yeah.
that's so cute.
Well, you keep pictures of him
like he's a real baby.
Yeah, well, he is my baby.
Come on, Cody,
let's go to Mardi Gras.
Stay close.
The kids, they have the robot.
They just left the house.
James, do not let him
out of your sight.
If you lose him,
you're dead.
I'm on it, sir.
What happened?
What happened?
Are you under attack?
I-I'm fine. Hot!
On the trail, sir.
James just screamed like a girl.
Mom is so into Allan.
It's totally weird to watch her.
I think he's nice and cool.
Allan's lucky.
Mom's hot.
Hey, that's my mom
you're talking about.
Now, when you see this logo,
you're going to run like mad.
Run like mad.
What? Why?
Kinetech! Kinetech!
Slow down, man.
- Whoo!
- Move out of the way.
You two kids, stay here.
Get that bot.
Come on.
We got to get Cody.
Come on.
Get him! Come on!
- Cody!
- Cody, where are you?
Come on, get him!
Left, right,
left, and right.
Left and right and
left and right and...
- What's wrong with him?
- I don't know.
- Hey, stop.
- They're up front.
Watch out.
Watch out. Come on!
are you okay?
Shh. I'm incognito.
Cody, come on.
Where are you?
Where'd they go?
Oh! Sorry.
Would you please
get out of the way?
Meagan, over here!
Out of the way.
Everybody out of the way.
We have to split up.
Meet me at Mom's office
in five minutes.
We have to find him.
Cody! Cody!
Out of my way.
Go, go, go! Move.
Move aside.
Official business here.
Stop that robot!
Cody, wait!
- Stop that boy!
- Stop!
Come on.
There he is.
Cody, stop.
What's going on?
Serious danger.
Henry, come on.
There they are.
Get 'em!
Come out the back.
Here we go. Hah!
We got you now.
We're coming up here.
We got him.
We're in trouble.
just stay behind my back.
I'll take care of you.
Step aside, kid,
and you won't get hurt.
No, I'm not moving.
But I don't want any trouble.
I know origami,
so you guys
should just turn around
and leave,
and none of you
will get hurt.
Just hold on tight.
Don't be afraid.
Don't worry, Henry.
Cody's got you.
Fasten your seat belt.
This could get bumpy.
Am I the only one that
didn't know that robot could fly?!
I didn't know either, sir.
Whoo-hoo hoo hoo hoo!
Don't drop me.
Please don't drop me.
That is the primordial
sound of human fear.
You don't have a parachute?
Nope, no parachute.
But we do offer
free bungee jumping,
no strings attached.
Not funny.
Just messing with you.
You're always safe with Cody.
I didn't know you could fly.
- I didn't know either.
- Wow.
If you like that,
then you'll love this.
I'm a superhero!
- Whoa! Whoa ho!
- Cool, huh?
Yeah! Whoo!
Oh, I hope Meagan's okay.
We have to find her.
Copy that.
Locating Meagan.
Meagan located.
Cody, take us down to that corner.
Thanks for flying Air Cody.
That's incredible!
You can fly?!
We need to call Mom.
They're probably after Allan, too.
- Hel...
- Hello.
This is Niles Porter.
I've got your mother,
and if you ever want
to see her again,
you're going to bring
Robosapien to me
at Kinetech now.
And come alone.
You understand what I'm saying?
Well, that went well.
They kidnapped Mom and Allan!
They said to bring Cody to Kinetech.
What do you think
we should do?
Jet-pack Cody has 197 ways
to sneak into Kinetech,
and we only need one.
Mom and Allan will be free
in no time.
Joanna, I'm sorry
to resort to such
barbaric tactics,
but Allan really
left us no choice.
Let her go.
She's not involved in this.
I'm afraid I can't do that.
Stand right there.
Enjoy the show.
the future of Kinetech.
What have you done?
Allan and Mom located.
I'm really sorry for dragging
your family into this.
Cody's the best thing
that's ever happened to us.
He's brought me and my kids
closer than we've ever been.
I even got to meet you.
Robosapien reporting for duty.
- Cody!
- Cody!
- Always at your service.
- Oh, honey.
- Hey, buddy.
- Oh, my gosh.
I can't believe
you guys are here.
Cody is designed
for search and rescue.
Guards approaching.
It's a trap.
Come here.
You understand?
- No problemo.
- Okay.
Here they come.
Hey, hey! Easy!
Well done, kiddies.
Right on time.
And thank you for
bringing Robosapien.
Release them, Porter.
You got what you wanted.
Allan, I will once
the demonstration's over.
The entire family
will be released.
All right, Robo,
follow me.
Don't hurt them!
Leave him alone!
I don't want to hurt anybody
unless I have to.
we don't have any choice.
Cody, go.
I want to stay with you.
- Hey!
- Hey.
We need to call Admiral Victor
from the U.S. Coast Guard,
put a stop to this.
is my delivery ready?
Yes, in a few moments,
your 100 little soldiers
will be online.
Voice recognition code...
90317 Porter, Niles.
Activate primary command mode.
Awaiting command.
Plug in to the mainframe, Robo.
Download operational system files
to all Robosapiens.
Look at them.
Look at them.
Good. Goody, goody.
Now I reprogram the search
and rescue protocol
to search and destroy.
Oh, yeah.
It's time to play Simon Says.
Excuse me?
There's no excuse
for you, Porter.
Simon says disarm.
What is it doing?
Voice recognition code...
90317 Porter, Niles.
Override this,
Simon says dance.
Porter, bring in the scientist,
the one who built him.
You think
you're being smart, huh?
Well, I'm warning you,
warning you.
Go get Allan.
Go get Allan.
And the boy.
Go get the boy too.
You want search
and destroy?
Simon says
search and destroy...
each other.
Uncuff him.
Are you letting us go?
No, Mr. Topher, not yet.
You and the kid
are coming with me.
Cody problems.
No, let him go!
He's just a kid.
She's right.
What do you need with him?
Come on, let's go.
Watch the door, James.
Hi. Great uniform.
Remember me?
We met at Mardi Gras.
I'm not supposed
to talk to you.
Yeah, but I have to call
my boyfriend.
He's really possessive.
He doesn't know
where I am,
and he's going
to be worried about me.
He'll come looking for her.
Stalker type.
So do you have
a phone I could use?
It'll just be a minute.
Oh, okay.
just one call.
- Okay.
- Thanks.
A little privacy?
You know, he's really jealous.
If he hears anyone...
Oh. Yeah.
No problem. Sure.
- Thanks. Restraining order.
- Sorry. Got you.
Simon says find the files.
- Get off there.
- No.
- Somebody get him.
- Look out.
Okay. Okay. Okay. Oh.
Come and get me, boys.
- Get off there!
- Whoops.
Simon didn't say that.
Come on.
Oh, man.
- Henry.
- Here I come.
- Coming through.
- Allan!
Make it stop.
Oh, I'm sorry, Porter.
I told you he's evolving.
Then turn him off,
or someone will get hurt.
- I can't.
- Why not?
He's learned
to reprogram himself.
Our commands won't work.
Hey, hey!
Come here, you little...
where I can...
Come over here.
Are you saying he
can never be a weapon?
Not if he doesn't want to.
Then that robot
is wasting my time.
- No!
- And so are you, kid.
- Let's go.
- He's gone. Come on.
Lay down your weapons.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Take it easy.
- Hey!
- Don't move!
Is he all right?
Can you save him?
I don't know.
He's badly damaged.
All right.
Clear that table.
Henry, grab some tools
off that table over there.
Move that over.
Come on. You can do it.
Break open
his chest plate, quick.
We need to patch him in
and get some levels.
It doesn't look good.
All right, you're going to scan
back and forth on it, okay?
I'm scanning.
It's dropping.
It keeps dropping.
Okay, power's dropping.
Backup is gone.
But can't we
just reboot?
Without backup,
everything will be erased.
Cody will die.
We got to keep him going.
Give me that.
Give the status of that.
It's damaged.
It's not putting out
any infrared light at all.
All right, the pulse
pierced his battery.
This outlet is fried.
Hang in there, Cody.
You can do it.
Come on.
We got to get him electrical.
Solar power!
He was never equipped for it!
I modified him.
Here. Wire up these
backpack solar panels.
Give me the soldering gun.
30 seconds!
You got to harness it somehow.
Hang in there, Cody.
- 15 seconds!
- Hurry! Hurry!
It's registering.
We've got power
coming in the panels!
Hold your breath.
Come back.
- Okay.
- Cody.
- It's coming in...
- Come back.
...but it's not coming up.
- Come back.
- Come on, Cody.
Please, little buddy,
don't go.
He's gone.
Take 'em.
Why the long faces?
Aren't you glad to see me?
- Oh! Oh, yeah!
- Cody!
You're alive!
You're alive.
You're alive.
- Oh, he's alive.
- We got power!
He's coming back.
- Holy smokes.
- Put it back.
Put it back.
Oh, Cody, you're back.
Henry, we did it.
Oh. Oh.
Son, you want to explain
this mess to me?
Yes, sir, I do,
but first I want you to meet
the world's bravest family.
Cute picture, tough guy.
I'm just glad to have
my day job back.
I bet you are.
Here you go, Mom.
Thank you.
Well, cheers. To you.
To us.
# Like an angel #
# Must be in heaven,
heaven #
# Surprising, surprising,
so enticing #
# Like an angel #
# Must be in heaven,
heaven, heaven, heaven #
# Stunning,
so completely stunning... #
Hi, Jenna.
Hey, Henry.
Where's your date?
# Next to me... #
A little birdie suggested
I come alone.
Are you sure it was
a little birdie?
So do you want to dance?
not that big of a dancer.
You're Henry Keller.
You could do anything.
Come on, let's dance.
Kids look really happy.
Hmm. They do.
Yo, everybody.
It's Robo time.
# Find your place #
# Bring it on #
# Y'all do that #
# Bring it on #
# I'm ready for something,
something new #
# I'm ready to show
the world what I can do #
# It's going to be rocking,
that's all I can say #
# No reason to stop #
# 'Cause I'm going
all the way #
# I'm sick
of playing games #
# It's time to get down
to what's real #
# Nothing's going
to change the way #
# That I feel #
# Come on, bring it on #
# Got the wind on my back #
# I'm feeling strong #
# Got my flag unfurled #
# I'm singing the song #
- # So bring it #
- # Bring it #
# Bring it on #
# Bring it on #
# Find your place #
# Bring it on #
# Y'all do that. #
# 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
# If you want
to see what I can do #
- # You just got to ask #
- # Yeah #
# Burning up the floor,
'bout to ignite #
# I have everything
you need #
# But we got to be fast #
# My fears have gone away,
it's time to fly #
# Can you move it,
can you groove it? #
# Yes, I can #
- # Can you follow what I'm doing? #
- # Yes, I can #
- # Can you scream, can you shout? #
- # Yes, I can #
# 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
# This is the countdown #
# You know
I won't let you down #
# Let's keep going
another round #
# I'm going to hit you
with the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
# Yeah, this is
the countdown #
# You know
I won't let you down #
# Let's keep going
another round #
# I'm going to hit you
with the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 #
# This is the countdown #
# You know
I won't let you down #
# Let's keep going
another round #
# I'm going to hit you
with the 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. #